Secret To Playing In Every Key! | Ceylon Wise | Skillshare

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Secret To Playing In Every Key!

teacher avatar Ceylon Wise, Let's Make Some Music Together!

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Learning The Technique


    • 3.

      Adding Chords


    • 4.

      Putting It Into Action


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About This Class

You want to play in all 12 keys and I have the secret to help you do just that!  It takes practice, but learning how to play piano using this technique will help you become confident and capable to play in all 12 keys.

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Ceylon Wise

Let's Make Some Music Together!


I'm just Ceylon :-)

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1. Introduction: Hello, friends and welcome to class today. I am very excited about our topic today because today we are going to talk about the secret to playing in every key. Now, one of the things that tends to happen when people first learned to play the piano is that they get comfortable in one key. Nine times out of 10 people learn in the key of C, and that's convenient because, see, Major is all white keys, So it's easy to remember which notes are in the major scale. However, we can begin to get a crunch in just playing in that key. And if there's any reason where you have to play in a different key, sometimes we might be fluent in the key of C. But when we get to another key with some sharps and flats, it takes us forever to learn how to play a song. Or we may even get so frustrated that we just go back to our comfort zone, which is the key of C now that works Sometimes. For example, if you're playing on a keyboard in your at innovate, you can always personal transposed, but but really, we're not in this just to learn how to play one key. But we're in this to learn how to play the piano fluently in all 12 keys. And today we're going to talk about the secret to learning how to play in all 12 keys. Now, what is the secret you may ask. Well, you have to keep on watching to find out. I'm going to show you next. 2. Learning The Technique: all right, we're back at the piano. That secret to playing in every key is scale degrees. Now what is the scale degree? I'm glad that you left. Let's look at a major scale. Let's start with C because it's convenient and familiar to many of the key of C has seen e f g A. B, and then it continues. I want to see now. What's confusing is you can learn all the chords in the key of C. You can learn a C major chord. You can learn an F major chord, a G major chord zone. And so for all of these cords and you get used to say at this point in the song, it's a C chord at this point is an f chord. But what happens when you change keys? Now you're in the key of evil, so you have no idea where to go, because your knowledge of how to play a particular song is based on the letter of the note . Now, when we're talking about scale degrees, we assign each interval of the scale a number, so we're in the key of C. This'll see is no longer a C in your mind. It is the first scale degree. It's scaled. Agree Number one this'll de is no longer a day in your mind. It is scaled. Agree number two So on and so forth. This is 34 fun 67 and then one. Okay, so let's try it again. Scale degree. 12367 Now, let's try in a different key. Let's go to Let's go to e flat. Okay. All right. So this is no longer an e flat When you're in the key of B flat, this note is not e flat. It is one 12345671765432 So the first step to learning how to play in every key is going through the scales and reassigning in your mind the note letter name with a scale degree. And that way, no matter what key you're in, you're not thinking about the name of the note. But this 3. Adding Chords: the next step of learning how to play in every key is learning the chords that are assigned to each scale degree. Let's go back to the caves whenever you're and a major key, and you're talking about scale degrees one before in The five are always major. For example, in the key of C one C major chord, it's a one 41234 eyes. A major chord as well. It happens to be an F major chord, but it doesn't matter because it's a four in the key of C. We don't care about the letter name. You go to the 512345 That's major as well. So four are always major Now. Two eyes is minor. Want to go to court? That's mine. Three is also minor and 6123456 is minor as well. So seven is the only one that's different. That's diminished, but we don't have to worry about that right now. Okay, we know one for info are major in 23 and six are minor, and that's just building a core in that scale. So let's remain in the key of C and we're going to play a one chord, a two chord, a three corner, 4567 and all the way back up to one. So this one, Let's go to two next three next 67 Let's go back down 176 for three. So the next step is going to a few different keys you may not be familiar with and learning not just the individual scale degrees one by one, but the cords that accompany them. So if we're going to the key of B flat for this is one, 23 45671 eso As you begin to do this with all the way, way up and up and up, you'll start thinking about every chord, not as a letter name but as a scale degree number. And this is where it gets interesting. Let's say our song is in the key of C, Okay, it's a C chord. It's an F chord. It's a G chord, and then a C chord way have seen 34 F 23 g 2346 But what happens if somebody decides they want to sing that song in a different key? okay. I want to sing it in. Deflect Now were in trouble because all we know is C, F and G. But instead of thinking C f and G learn the song as one four. So that way, when you go to a different key key of B flat, we already know. 123 waken Play one and go toe 41234 I think 512345 in that one. Once you start fourth just, C, F and G. It's now 14 4. Putting It Into Action: So let's put this information to the test. We're going to play in saying a pretty well known public domain song. Take me out to the ballgame so you should see that scale degrees on your screen as I'm playing. And you can also download the attachment, which has the lyrics and the scale degrees beneath it So you can play along. We're gonna start in the key of C Meo Jacks. I dont wait. Let's take it to a different key. How about be Flynn Ready? Try different. Now let's try in the key of D, so we owe good job now. The point is, when you are learning to play a song, the way that you learn the song will determine how you can play it. If you learn the song by letter names, you can Onley play it in one key. But if you learn it by scale degrees, for example, in the key of you can play in Aniki. So I hope this information helps you out. Your project for today is to record yourself playing Take me out to the ballgame and hopefully you all have some good success with it. Please let me know what other topics you'd like me to cover in these classes. And I'd love to hear back from you. Please review the class. Give me some feedback and let me know what you'd like to learn next. Thank you for your time and play ball.