Sculpture : Making Realistic Roses from Polymer Clay | Stephanie Kilgast | Skillshare

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Sculpture : Making Realistic Roses from Polymer Clay

teacher avatar Stephanie Kilgast, Contemporary artist.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Rose Stem


    • 4.

      Rose Petals


    • 5.

      Rose Leaves


    • 6.

      Finishing Touches


    • 7.

      Final Words


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About This Class

Sculpture : Making Realistic Roses from Polymer Clay


In this class, I am going to show you a simple technique to create interesting textures in flower sculptures.
I will show you step by step how to create a rose, but the technique can be used for other flowers.

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While this class doesn't need any prior knowledge, I would recommend watching these two basics class first:
- Polymer clay Basics:
- Art and Colors, How to Pick and Compose:


Making the stem
Making the Petals
Making the Leaves
Finishing Touches



Meet Your Teacher

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Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary artist.


Inspired by natural forms, Stéphanie Kilgast’s artwork is an ode to nature and its current biodiversity. Plants, mushrooms, insects and other animals encounter in a vibrant swirl of colors under her brush or sculpting tools.

Since 2017, in her series “Discarded Objects”, she grows colorful organic sculptures on human-made objects, celebrating the beauty of nature in a dialogue with humanity, questioning the lost balance between human activities and nature.
Her work has a cheerful post apocalyptic feel to it, a reassuring reminder that nature has the capacity to grow back, if we only let it.

She built her reputation and her sculpting skills around hyperrealistic miniature food sculptures. Her wo... See full profile

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1. Introduction: Hello, I am Stephanie. And in today's video, I'm going to show you how to sculpt roses. You don't need any prior no alleged to do this class and is going to be a full class that is going to explain everything from the start to the finish. You're going to be able to replicate very realistic problems us that you can easily transform into sculptures or home decor or even Julie. It's going to be a fun of it and very satisfying class once you finish it. The only difficulty, but this is true for most of my classes is that you need a little bit off patients. If you on you to polymer clay, I invite you to check out my class Parliament clay basics. If you love colors, butts don't really know how to stop. I also invite you to check out my class art and colors. This is a very fun class. There is absolutely fit for beginners, but it's going to be interesting enough for more advanced cultures as well, really, all that you are going to take this class, but most importantly, that you're going to enjoy it 2. Materials: for the materials we're going to need some polymer clay, some liquid polymer clay. Ah, pastime maker. Some stainless steel, a wire n gooch, 18 or 20 cutting pliers, some basic sculpting tools. A two part silicone moulds, pretty baby powder and brush dry pastels I used shrink it and synergy, acrylic paints and optionally von ish. 3. Rose Stem: we are starting with the stem. First, we are cutting out some wire. I like to use 18 or 20 goats off stainless steel for this rose. I am cutting three pieces. Twist the three wire together. Two pieces will be closer together at the top and another will be slightly underneath, then wrapped in masking tape, making sure you cover all wire and then you overlap the masking tape onto each wire. - Now we are going to wrap the stem into green clay. Roll the clay three pasta maker outside six from 1 to 10 then wrap it around. Make sure your green makes is half translucent by either using a brand that is already half translucent. Like CERN, it are mixing in some translucence clay. For this example, I am wrapping very little of the stem. How much you want to wrap is going to depend on your own project. If you want the rose to end up in a vase, I'd recommend using and wrapping in clay. Longer stem smooths the clay down and then bake 4. Rose Petals: for the rules petals. We are starting to create a texture for mold. Take a piece off scrap clay and flatten it out. Using a needle tool starts to draw lines in something that looks like a tree shape. Don't draw the lines too deep and let the lines flow and look a bit organic. - Once you are happy, bake after baking and cooling off, we are going to make the mold. For that. I am using a two part silicone mold from the brand. Geo simply makes the two parts and push the petit on top of the textured clay. Return onto the tile and top with your fingers on top, making sure the moult takes all details. The mold usually sets in 10 to 20 minutes, moving on to the petals. Lightly dust your mold with some baby powder or talk. Using a mixture off white and translucent clay, roll out the clay through a pasta maker at size five or six for Monte Tim. Cut out leaf shape. Place on top off your mold and push the clay around with a metallic embossing tool. Push down with your clay. The texture remove to build up the roads. dip this them in some liquid polymer clay and then wrap some clay around, creating a small co nick. Shape each petal one by one, wrapping around the rose. But while the roses growing, make sure you are making larger petals. Simply keep adding on until you have a full rose for the tiny leafs. Just underneath the rose, cut out five small, long triangles. Texture them like the petals in place underneath the rules for the Rose bud. Repeat the same process, but stop adding petals a lot sooner. 5. Rose Leaves: Let's continue with the Leafs. Making the leaves is very similar to creating the petals. Take some struck clay and roll it out. Draw the lines of the leaves using a needle tool, it will look like a tall tree with all its branches. Make sure the size fits your rose. Don't raw your lines too deep and make sure the main lines are deeper than the small branches. Big. I just want to I just want to see Oh after baking and cooling off. Similar to the petals. Create a mold using the same green as the stem. Roll out the clay at around five or six. Cut out leaf shaped like a lemon. Make sure the size is a bit smaller than your mold. Flatten the edges down all around with your finger. Slightly dust with baby powder, the mold and textured clay Place you leave on top and push down the clay with a metallic tulle. Then push down with your textured clay. Remove and place onto your tile. Using a scalpel, create tiny spikes all around. The leafs brushed some liquid clay on your roads branch and place surely that go. Repeat everything to create another leaf and then bake the rules 6. Finishing Touches: Now let's color the ruse for this. I am using a clean and dry brush and dry pastels from the brand's shrinker, and similarly, I am using different rose shades, Salman Common and also a bit off okra. I have scratched off the surfaces off each dry pastel in small beating boxes and simply dip my brush into various colors, mixing them together. You can, of course, play around with colors here. If you want darker or more vibrant colors, you might want to try out the color mixes on paper first. If you are unsure of the colors you have, I am using this technique to color the petals to ensure that they stay very slightly translucent. You cannot color them with acrylic paint as it would be too opaque. However, you could use colored clay upfront and just add more details with the dry pastels. The dry pastels will also go into all the lines, giving the rose a very natural look and shading. - I made 22 roads this A. So I'm shaving at least 2nd 1 as well. - Also give the stem itself some okra and brown shading. I understand you might add some acrylic panes to protect the dry pastel, you might add a layer off much varnish. Just be very careful to add a very small layer as not just me and the pastel over this culture. 7. Final Words: Thank you so much for watching this class. I really hope that you had fun with it and that you learned a ton. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I would also have to see what you come up with this class. So don't hesitate to share your project with the class. You can create and share the project by clicking on the tabs just below the video on the your projects. If you didn't want to show what you learned in this glass on social media, don't forget to tag me. I always go by the moniker at particular. And if you have more time, I invited to check out my other classes. I have a few different ones about flowers, metals and minerals, corals and mushrooms. Thank you for your time. And we'll see you in my next video by