1. MS Project course introduction: Welcome to the introduction
to this course. So as a bit of a background, I have 20 years experience
as a project manager. You have around ten
years experience as a project manager coach. And I have all the current project management
certifications. So this course
will enable you to create and manage a schedule using MS Project, like the pros. I've worked with a row
of project managers as a program manager
or as a coach, or even as a project
manager myself. And in this course I've only included the functions
that we use. Because if you have a
very complex resolve, the software trickery
is bells and whistles. It will make it very hard
for you to maintain. It will take you a lot of
time for you to maintain, but also for others. As a project manager, you
do don't work in silos, you work with others, you
need to work with your team. You work with the business, and you work with peers. I mean, if you have to
do a project and over because you go on holidays or because you leave the project, then in my view, it should almost be able
to be shared by email. So there are three
parts of this course. Introduction will give you a high-level review
of MS project. More like an introduction
if you like, for those of you who
have never even seen it. And also an overview of all
the key functionalities. So part one will
provide you with a six step process to
create a schedule. And so that's a schedule
using best practices. Each step comes with practice activity
with its answer as a video and the video format. And also has a cheat
sheet, a one pager, if you like, to assist you and to really tell you
what you need to do. So in part two, we'll
introduce you to some more advanced
component of MS Project. Some of those are
actually used quite often and I will stress those and some are used less often
that I just wanted to put them out there
for your consideration. It works a little bit
different in part two, there's only one party's
activity that is on the more complex project. And that will include most of the components that we
have learned in part two. And I have also a quick
conclusion where I will stress that, yes, there are some other
functionalities in MS Project and why it's often not a good
idea to use them. So this course is for
beginners who want a practical approach to
learning MS project. But as it's focusing on
what is really used, that will really enable you to manage a
schedule like a pro. Well, thank you for
taking the time to watch this short video. If you want to know more, feel free to have a look at some of the previous
for this course.
2. 010 Quick MS Project introduction 1/2: This part here is for those
who've never seen MS Project. I'll go through the software, I just enter a few tasks. I'll show you how it works, how the screen divided
and all of this. If you've already done
project management for a little while and you
know this basic stuff, maybe you don't have to do it,
but maybe it doesn't hurt. If I can get maybe a few
minutes of your time, very quick overview for what we do and then we'll go into a more detailed view of
all the functionality.
3. 010 Quick MS project Introduction 2/2: Just to give you an idea here, there's three main parts. This is the tab. Participants are
two way to call it. There is a timeline part, and then there is a
bottom of the screen. The bottom of the screen is
split into two components. One component is like a
worksheet like Excel, if you like, where you
can actually input data. The second part
of this screen is more visualization
part is where you will actually
visualize D outcome of your scheduling work. You don't need to take notes. Now, I just wanted to
input a very quick project here just to show you
what it looks like. Some of you might never have
seen Microsoft projects, so I think that could be useful. And then I will go through
the top of the screen twists, blend two of the key components. Before we get started in
the six-step process. Let's say you want to
go on holidays and you need to get the approval for your manager and after you
need to do the bookings. So just for the preparation
of the holidays, let's say you need to get
approval from manager first. You estimate is
going to take you around five days to do this. You just input the task and the duration. No
need to take note. And as I was saying, I will go through those
tips a little bit later. Then you need to decide
on a destination. Maybe do some investigation. Could take you a bit
longer than ten days. Those has working
days, by the way. Then finally, you
do the bookings, bookings activity, and
then you have five days. Microsoft Project is a
product that calculates milestones of a project based on the task that
you would input, task duration and
task dependencies. On the left-hand side here
I would input the tasks. Here that would
represent the tasks. More visual way.
This is a calendar. So you have the
date here on top. So that shows you on the, on the calendar here,
where are my tasks? Then here you
wouldn't put a task, ma'am, you wouldn't
put the duration. This is calculated
automatically. So today we are
the 23rd of July. So I have these here calculated automatically and you
have the predecessors. So this is where you
would put your links. You would lean your task because obviously you cannot do
the free at the same time. There is some type of
dependency between the tasks. Then you can put
the resource name. No need to see how
I'm doing this, just to show you how it works. And let's say John
will do this tomorrow, we will do this and
then John will do this. You've noticed I've, what I've done here is I've just linked the task and I'll just allocated resource for
each one of those. By linking those tasks, I have changed the way
the screen looks like. This is against charts. So this is way, this is the way the Gantt
chart would look like. It's a visualization
of this task has been visualized here
with an end date here. These task here, screw is visualized here with an end date here and then sample that one. You would have the
style debt here, 20 photo to lie. You would have the end
date calculated by Microsoft Project
the 19th of August. That's the purpose of
Microsoft Project. In a nutshell, if you like, you can put tasks, you can put durations. You input dependencies
if you want to. You can also input resources. It's often useful
for large projects. And then you can visualize this. They are, you'll see that
there's different ways that we can visualize these
assuming anyways, and so, so many components here, it's showing the resource, but you can show so
many other components. And he obviously you can have more complex dependencies and, and more complex
formatting as well. We look at all these,
but what you've seen here is you
have to start it, you have an end of the study. It is visualized here. The hand that is
visualized here. If I wanted to change
the amount of day, let's say I only need
three days here. You just says three days here. And then it calculates
automatically everything else. So that's brings my Duan of my project back to
ten for focused. That's it for an overview. In the next video,
we will show you the top of the screen
that I've left alone.
4. 020 Step 0 Introduction: Step 0. So why do I have
step 0 instead of 0? It's just for me
a broad overview of the functionality
of the software. Obviously not all functionality. But that shows you all the tabs and what the software looks like and sneak preview of what
you could do moving forward. I know that some of you don't really want to go through this and want to go straight
into the six steps. So this lecture is optional. What you could do actually
is if you prefer to go into the practical
stuff right away, you could maybe go for the six steps and after come
back to this lecture here, and I will have an overview. But I know that some
of you want to have also the bird's-eye view before going into
the hands-on stuff. So this lecture is for you, and let's get
started with step 0.
5. 020 Step 0 Functions part 1 Tasks Resource Report and Project: We are back to our previous
demonstration project. Now let's go quickly fruit the top of the screen so there's
toggled the screen. Looks very Microsoft
like, doesn't it? So there is file here. Typical Microsoft. You can obviously close. You can export your
Microsoft Project into PDF that I'll show you a
better way to do it using the print function here. And you have all your, the typical Microsoft
and more recent project as being shown
here. No surprises there. Now there are two key
ones that I want to spend a little bit more time
than the others is a task and format. So let's go through
all of them anyway. So the first one is a task. The task component focuses more on this part
here of the screen. You can change your views
is plenty of views. What we select is usually we keep on the gunshot
which is the guarantees. This is usually the
default view that we can have all these formatting so you can format your,
your tasks here. Um, if you want to change
the code off of the sale, the sale, if you want to link the tasks and we
go through this as well. That's to Microsoft
Project for me needs to be in
automotive manual. Scheduled is when
you weren't going to put the data yourself. But in auto mode is it'll
default that we'll be using. Then all the risks we can safely ignore for
the time being, maybe with the exception
of information. So if you select a task and
you click on information, so that will give you all
more detail on the task. But you have the
same outcome if you just double-click on
a task like this, the booklet and you have all
these and we will review some of those as we
go through the steps. That's for the task component. Now resource rarely used. If you go for assigned resource, for instance, you'll see
that the tourists are put together before I showing here. So that's one way to
allocate resource. If you want, you can put all
the resource here and after, instead of just
putting them here, you can just select them
using the drop-down menu. But as you've seen, I can just input the resource
directly in here. I can put Robert here instead. Now, robber is automatic t
part of the assign resources. And we see the
three of them here. That's for the resources
assigned results, actually only one
that you would use. I've used the the
resourcing in it past. I don't recommend it. My theories, officer, I'd
like to see what I'm doing and this load of automation with this that sometimes
can be a bit confusing. The report. That's another one that has never seen in news. So you can create all
types of reports if you, if you want to play around
with that, you can. There's one called Project. Will see that the project is
not something I recommend. If you focus just on a key
ones, the project information. That's something
where you can put some key data about the
project you can select. We'll see what the
current era is, but where you can select
the study as opposed to it. Good. It's a good practice
to input a started here, so it will shift all the tasks after the style debt if it is
started is in the future. Um, but that's not
absolutely critical. The reason we will see
this thing is in part two. We will see the, so that's
an important one as well as when you want to put this off
for everyone more or less. The rest you can safely ignore. So project information and tend to working time at
other two key ones here.
6. 020 Step 0 Functions Part 2 View and Help: View. So that's another one
where you can see all the views that we've
seen during the tasks. So I'll be going back to the task just to show
you when you clicked on task here you can see all the different types of
view that you can have. And it's more or less the
same information here. As you can see, you can the
tasks that you are here, you can select
some of the tasks. You can highlight
some other task can filter by some criteria. Could be incomplete tasks will be milestone summary tasks. That's something
that can be used on very large schedules. I would say. Most schedules are really don't see
the advantage of this. One that is useful on this
is the entire project. I like this one. You
just click on this. What it does is it says
smallest shows you or your gunshot using
all the length of the right side of the panel. So if I go back to where it was before, just in
case you missed it. If you look at this
part here and type project that's spread
it across metric. There is another one of note
here, just another one. It's just what I mentioned here. I'm not sure if you had it if using my Microsoft Project here, but sometimes this
comes as a default, so it's another view and we will have a look at it is
something I quite liked. Another way to present the task. But I think at the moment we are just going through
the, the beginning. So what we do is
we just ignore it. If you go under the few, if you split you and
you just can antique this and I will
remove it altogether. Now, we can focus on really what is required for us to get started
with this course. Help is a typical help stuff.
7. 020 Step 0 Functions Part 3 Format: Format is another one. Format, format, a lot of things, so yours might not look exactly quite recent version of Microsoft Project or yours. I don't know if this is
part of your vision or not, but all disease has
been around for ages. So you should have this. What you can do with
these is you can format the text with
this part here. And you can format the
bars with his fat here. I'll show you, let's say
you go onto textiles here and you can
select the text. They're in a minute. You
can select the text. Here. Let's based on the type of texts and based on
where the text is located. For instance, here
I have the bars and add some ticks on the
right-hand side of the bow. We will see that we can put
some other text on the left, on the top inside. You can go crazy if you'd like. But for the moment we only
have the resource that is on the growing on the
right-hand side of the bar. So if I want to just
change the way this looks, I clicked the buttocks, right. And I can, just to
make it very clear, what I'll do is I'll
change the color, red. Magic. You can select
specific areas of your screen and then
change the text format. Textile. With this, there is
another full format here. So Microsoft is not very
generous in what you can do here was the way that
the links are being done. So as you can see here, link from this starts to these
task is showing like this, but you can be a bit fancy and just put it
like this instead. That goes like that. If
I go back to my layout, what I can do is a little
party back to the wheat, whereas I can have higher bars. Just put it to 24. That, that shows you the boss and that increases these
components as well. So that was textile and now
we've just seen layout. This. You can ignore this plenty of cholangiogram
that you can add, plenty of codons here, but
you can add them this way so that doesn't scare you off. But you use lock
1% of all adults, or maybe, maybe a
bit more than that. But you can do a lot for me
to format the bar themselves. So there's two is
two ways to do it. If you do emboss style, then you would format
all types of bars. You can select. For instance, this is, this is for the moment we
only have task, but when we have summary task, we can select all the
different summary task. We consider it to
all the milestone. But for the momentum,
just take this task. And if you look at the button
that tells you whether to bar color was looked like and what type of
texts you can have. So we will see that in litter on there just
to show you quickly. If I want to change
all the tasks metric. There's also another way if
I double-click on the task. If a political for those
simple clip first, a simple click on
this task and go to Format bar, this
download Boston. Again, format, just do bar. That means I don't want
to format all the bars, I will just want to format
that specific ones. It gives me something
quite similar. Here I can change the color. I mean, you can change all the
things that you would see. You can change the pattern. You can say chance to shape, that shows you what
it will look like. You can take the change to
the beginning and the end. But let's keep it simple
for the time being. I don't want to overload you with information
that is stage.
8. 020 Step 0 Functions Part 4 Summary: Files, very Microsoft like task. This is where action
happens when you can link your tasks and you can
envision and the likes. Resource you can ignore report, you can ignore project is
just a couple of key things. When you can put the start
date of the project here. And you can assign
the calendars view. You can also ignore
for the time being. Then there is format. That format. It's just because I like to
play around with the format of the ways you can do most of the work
just with a task here. That's for a wrap-up
of the screen. We've seen the top, we've seen the
timeline that we have subsequently removed within
a two parts of the screen, we've provided a
short example here of linking tasks and how it should look like, and
a bit of formatting. Now, I think we're ready
to get straight into it and to go with the first
tip of creating a schedule.
9. 030 Step 1 introduction: So now we are starting our six steps to build a schedule. So remember you have the PDFs at all times. And in this instance I think I have a PDF for most every, every step. So you can double check and confirm visually what, what you are learning. Also after each one of these steps, there is an assignment practice activity, and obviously it's up to you, but I know if you have access to MS. Project, even if you don't, I suggest you do those assignments that there'll be very useful for you. So the first step we are studying now is setting up the workspace. It doesn't take long. But if you just do this free for things that will save you time. So as you move forward, you'll do them automatically, bang, bang, bang, and then you can go directly to the step two. But let's review how this is done briefly.
10. 030 Step 1 Setting up : Step one, set up
your working space. First thing we do is
when we have this, we look if the formats are okay. So they are, You go
to File options. When you start in your project, you should know if it's gonna be a long project or if you're
gonna be a short project. And you go into the schedule
here and you have a squeezed at these durations
is entered in days. Years we took here,
we went to work on two to three month
project is fine. If you weren't to work
on the two-week project, you might want to
put ours instead. The duration, the
length of the task. We leave, we leave that day. So for me it Wednesday,
so I just leave it the first thing. Second thing is automation. Why would you default to manually putting it but
auto, we have auto there. Then we ensure that we are
the key columns visible. For some reason, you
might not see them, but I've highlighted
five groups, which is a task itself, which is a duration, the start and end date, predecessors, and
a resource name. So those are the basic task. So if you don't see then
is some, something wrong. But what you can do is
you can add it here. So let's say you don't, you
didn't have the resource. You go down to resource
and you add it. I don't need it. I can remove this column. Height colon is like
Microsoft Excel. So I have my six because
this is contexts to. Finally, as we've seen before, if you have the timeline here. But let's just try not to have too much clutter on the screen. So we're going to do View tab. We take off the timeline. And voila, I have
my workspace ready. Step one is done already.
We are cruising. Let's go.
11. 200 assignment solution for step 1: Solution for step
one assignment. First we check if the
formalities, okay? We can see directly
here we just input any dates it well,
it gives you days. That's okay. Or if not okay. So let me remove that task. I go to File Options scheduled, and I have to move this here. Good. Dan, automation on. I go here directly. Yes, I wanted automate
it. Thank you very much. Dan. Key columns visible. We have task, duration,
start, finish. Pretty scissor. Resource name. If not, just a matter of
clicking here and finding it. Let's say you don't
have the resource name. Just go there. You find it here. You had it. Remove
it, right-click. Hide. Final step. If you have
a timeline, remove it. Timeline this year is
going to bow the rows. We haven't seen that yet. What do we do is we go in view, we take off the timeline. Well done. Step one of the
assignment is completed.
12. 050 Step 2 Introduction: Welcome back to the course. So obviously this is just following a methodology. If you have your own methodology, feel free to follow it and just focus on the MS Project component. But just to let you know, a fan at more efficient, to first list all the tasks, tried to have some key milestones that are important for your, for your team and also for management and also for yourself to keep track on and also to group the task. As we'll see, it's much easier to read a schedule that has group tasks. And also we'll see the importance of that when we have a look at dependencies. But let's get started with step two.
13. 050 Step 2 part 1 tasks: Welcome back. Let's get started with step two. We have our workspace setup now we can go straight into it. The way it works is if you see this left hand side
component here as a spreadsheet table with headers there where you
will be inputting the data. These will automatically so you cannot input
anything on here. It's just showing you the Gantt Chart,
the schedule today. Let's take an example
the way it works here. We just input the
task name here. So we either I5 columns that we've five or six columns if you count starting
finishes as two, where you can start
in putting your data. If we take, let's
say an IT project, where we need to
gather requirements. By default. The application takes one day with
a question mark. Question mark means that
needs to be confirmed, but I don't need five days. One day, sorry. I need five days. It puts the day-to-day automatically based
on today's date. We don't worry
about predecessors, so that's for the dependencies
that we'll see later on. And then we assign a resource. So there's two ways to do this. As mentioned. One way is just to input it directly into
the swamp, just new project. I'm just going to put
business analyst here. The other way is we can
go into the resource, we can assign resource. So I've already created
several resources there. But also we can input if it's a result that is not
in easily least, we can input the
resource directly in it. So for instance, if the
task, what do we do? We write design document. Same thing here. I will be putting ten days. Here. I will put possess nowadays, but this time I will just
select it from the list. This list row what you have in your SON resource
component here, and also what you have
previously inputs. So there's two ways
to do this, right? Design document. After just put development. Let's put five days. It's put developer,
that's a new resource. Then what do we do with
test desk for five days? And we put a tester here. I will be inputting a test
that directly in here. Now, in our resource list
is getting a bit bigger. There is a test that as well. So you can obviously put
resource name as opposed to, if you know already that say
you can put your own here. Now what I have is I have drawn
included as well in here. I have John and I have
tester here just in case it's a tester that I
don't know the name yet. What do we do after the
testing we just implement? And I will just say this is only one day for implementation. And who would be doing that? Well, let's say the developer
will be doing this. Then we get sign-off,
get sign off, and say it takes one day and it say project
manager, we do that. We have put all our tasks here. I'm just going to widen this
a little bit so it's all the same, the same size. So we have all our task here. Microsoft project by default has put the resource on the
right-hand side here. The length of the task is
being represented here. So you have the date here, which is the first day
to 20 thirties here. This is the data you have here. The longest task is this
one, finish the Wednesday. Thief of August. What I have input
here now is being represented on this side.
14. 050 Step 2 part 2 milestones: It is a milestone, is a point in time where we
task is completed. If I just go back on the top
and I say project start. That would be a nice
tone that the way to recreate a milestone is simply by putting 0 as duration. And we put here project closes. And Sam put 0 days. And that shows at
the milestone here, what I like to do is I'd like to have a milestone that
says project start. And I will hard-code here the
start date of the project. The other way that we've seen was to go into the Protect here and
project information. And you put here start date. You can put a start
date in the future. The weather does, it is moved everything
to the style did. What I don't like about this is it's not very
obvious when you read a schedule because you need to go there
and you say, oh, yes. Okay, that was the
start of the project. What I'd like to do is to repeat the date here and Abby
doesn't milestone. So anyone we'll read the schedule will know the
Project star that is here. In order to do that, we need to introduce a notion
of forced date. So far all the debts had
been put automatically. But what you can do is
you can force a dead. It's not recommended. But it is actually a good, a good, a good thing to do
for just some key dates. For instance, milestones.
15. 050 Step 2 part 3 Task summaries: Let's try and group. Some of these tasks
are where do we have? So we have the project starts. We had the gathering
over the requirement. What I could do is I could have project execution
group here. I create. For the moment, I
don't put anything, they just put project
execution here. Because I've noticed that
all these tasks here could be part of the project
implementation if you're familiar with
project management. And those are tasks that fall under the
project execution. If you are not familiar with this part of project management, then just sees this as a
way to group some tasks. What I do is I select
all these tasks here. I go back into my task tab. You see these two arrows here. So this is for the indentation, this is n, then the task. So what I wanted to do
is I went and enter, there will be clicking now. All these tasks are
moved to the right. And now you can see early low, a little half square here, which shows that
those are sub-tasks, that it becomes a task summary. What you can do is you
can hide or lease. And this is just a summary
and all these tasks calendar this if we had a look
at the right-hand side, what do we see is
this looks different, that is above that
looks different so that just the default that MS Project has for
what he's attacks and Mary, just hitting me that
all these tasks here for under this
grouping here, we've created some task
duration was created milestone, and now we know how
to group tasks. If we wanted to remove
it, you just do this. What we've noticed is when we've created this task summary, the duration of the task
summary is equal to the, to the full length that we
will take us to do all this. We have a rapid for
step two already. We've created tasks. Now in step three, we will be linking them and I will make it a little
bit more sense.
16. 210 assignment solution for step 2 part 1: Step two of the assignments in putting the tasks without
the links or will be cheating or will be
copying the tasks directly from the assignment. So we'll do a paste
special here. And I just wanted to take Stata. This is not very pretty because it's still
showing the duration, but that will do. We just input the duration
initially five days, ten days, ten days, ten days? Yes, you can automate that, of course, two days, 0.5 days. And here one day we've done, we've listed the tasks. We've listed the
duration nowadays, only one thing to do. So what did we have
on the resource? Looking at the assignment sheet, supervisor will get
approval from the owners. So it'll resource name will have I will input
here directly supervisor. And the supervisor will
get final sign-off. Supervisor will be doing
this one as well. What else? Handyman one will buy the
wood and nails and look. That's for man one. Then I should be able
to find him or her. What he will do, it will
build the fence as well. We can also drag it,
drag it this way. You put it on a corner like
for Excel if you want to. But what has really connect
the gate to the fancy? We'll be doing this as well. And we are left
with handyman two, we'll build the gate. Here. I have to write eight
and demand two. That's it. There's also denote here seeing the client name is drawn to. We have a task for John. John stars gets too
provide the approval. But the supervisors task is to get the approval
from the homeowner. For the moment. We do not need to have a journal on these because their task is allocated to the supervisor. That's it All. We have
everything as you can see here, there's no links because that's the purpose
of the next step.
17. 210 assignment solution for step 2 part 2 Grouping of tasks: The last thing we
can do is to group some task and see if there's some tasks that we
could group together. So that will make scheduling
easier and also they will make our project a
bit easier to read. Let's have a look if we
can group some stuff here. So there's clearly
two groups here. So there's, there's a purchasing
and there's a building. So that's something that
we could probably groups. So let's try and do this. We just put press, Insert. We can put call that purchases. We select the free tasks. We indent them to the right. And now we have a group
called purchases. We insert a task between
the two there we just press Insert and we can see the beard. Now as I've, as I've instead
of teachers under this one each had a similar variable
is one that what we wanted to do is to
learn to bring it back. Because this is not a subtask. We select those two here and
we take them to the right. Something else we can do is
just do them one by one. So take one week, the right, Take the other one
will be to the right. Connect, get too fancy
assisted part of the build. We've created our two groups in a way that makes it
a bit clearer to read. And it will make the links
easier when we get to these. So let's get to the links.
18. 060 Step 3 Introduction: Welcome back to the course. So for step three, just a matter of linking tasks, the guideline is we are trying to not have too many links, too many dependencies that would make your schedule very difficult to read and very difficult to maintain. So if you could try to minimize the amount of links. And also in this course, in part one, we've only showing you the finish to start. It's more or less a sequential way to have tasks if possible. So only use these types of links, believe me, but sometime we do have to use other type. So this is why in part two, I'm listing all your other tabs, a finish to finish, start to start, and rights.
19. 060 Step 3 Linking tasks: Let's get started
with step three. Step three we link tasks. Now we have task standalone. There's no dependencies between them and we know the dependency, but we haven't really put it
formally enter this project. There's two main ways
that you can link a task. The most common way is you
would select two tasks. So when they are contiguous, what you can do is just so
eloquent task and drag down. You just select these
two tasks, for instance. And I drag down so
they both are selected and I will click on
this symbol here, link the selected tasks. And that added me a link here. The other way to do it is tasks has more or
less a number here. This number here on the left. This project style is task number four,
gather requirements. Task number five, particular
concern is summary. Task number six, what I
could do is I could go directly here and I
would click on this. And it gives me all the,
all the, all the task. And I could say, yeah,
it's gather requirements. I wanted to get to task for it. And it has it as well. You could have also inputs. Let me do this. It could have also input the
number just directly here. Like all Microsoft product. If you want to select two tasks, you can also use
the Control key. So I can click on this one, I click on the other
one was control key on. I could also select several months and
just link them all. But I won't do that this time. We have this one link. So now what we need to do is to link the project
execution can only start once the
requirements have initial OB leaking these two tasks. So I'll do the drag
and adding them. And after, if I forget about
this task, I go acidic. The sign-off needs
to be linked to this project close need
to beating to this. What we have here
on the right-hand side, we have already. This makes it a little
bit more sense. Good practice is to try and only tasks that
are at the same level. So in other words,
what you don't want to do is for
instance, link, gather requirements with right design document
because this is under this is good practice, is not always feasible. And as you can see, sometimes it to be limiting. But good practices, something always good
to bear in mind. And obviously there's,
there's a real-life that's sometime comes in a way
that in my notes as well, if you want to have a
look at the resources. What do we have done
is we have linked all the task at this level here now the tasks that
had been indented, I haven't linked them
yet, but I can link them. So they are all, we are not doing a jar,
we're doing waterfall. So they all, what I
can do sequential. What I can do is I can
select the four of them. Click here, and they are being linked and they put
the number automatically. Something that is good
to know is if you go under the View tab and you have these entire project
here, you click here. And what it does is it puts the gunshot or visible older
Oregon char task or visible. What have we done? We've linked everything. So this one is linked to
this using the symbol. The business analyst
gathering requirement is linked to these tasks here. All these tasks under the
task and Maria been linked. So you'll notice that the project execution
summary task as extended, it used
to be ten days. Now it's 21 days because all the task of being
sequentially so it takes longer. Then we have good sign off and we have the project
closes day as a milestone. Let's pretty much
eat. So that's how we link tasks that we already
have done a project Morales. If you've done this, let's take the next step.
20. 250 assignment solution for step 3 Linking tasks: Do the step three
assignment solution. We have more information
on the dependencies so the owner can be contacted
two days from today. What you could do
is you could've had a task that is two
days long way. And you have the
duration for two days. And then you have a milestone
and you say owner is back these milestones or 0 days, and you link those two. And here you go. What you could have done
also is just owner his back without that
task here and just hard-code the date in two days. But I think that's that's okay because this is today's
stage for two days. I think I prefer this way, which you can do is add
the resource name, John. And here he is. Nowhere can start until
the approval is provided. Of course, what we do is we link the owner is backwards
getting the approval. Once the winner is bad, five days for the approval, n will link the purchases. Wheeze approval. Obviously, we cannot
start the build until the purchase or complete. We try, as we said, we try and link only the
summary tasks to start with. A high-level, you have the
approval, purchases build, and after you have the
sign-off, after the build, you have the sign-off
selected to link them. You go to your view
entire project. You have a sanity check
here. How does it look? It looks okay. What I would add though is a
project clause here. Project clauses as
a zero-day task, which is a milestone. And I will link the two. They would look
nice and neat and you would have a
completion date. Now we've done the summary task. Now let's have a look at
the individual task under. Here we have by wooed
nails and look, but the instruction
send me that they can be performed concurrently, so I just leave them this way. What we have is if there
can be done concurrently, that there's an assumption that you shouldn't take
longer than ten days. I mean, you would
think that he or she would buy all the things
at the same time. So this is where you have
these red people by the way, that they think that
these resources is being given too much work. So we just ignore these bird for the BOD of a
couple of things here. The first good can be completed in Tampa
needs to be connected to the fence only after
the fanciest completed. The connection can only be done when the
faintest completed. So what I do is I'll
link those two tasks. That's the same for the gate. The gate and the kinetic get to the fence, link them as well. So I've linked this task and that task to the
completion here. And the reason is that to
complete that task you need, you have two dependencies here. These two tests need to
be completed initially showing here we start
at ten and then even. And we knew about that. So we know that the
when the build is completed and you
get final sign-off. Here we go. We have everything here in order and we do a sanity check.
It all looks good. Tuck, tuck, tuck. And that means that the step three
is now completed.
21. 070 Step 4 Introduction: Welcome back to the course. So in step four we add constraints. What are constraints? My definition of constraints is an issue that we know we're going to have for the project. And there's nothing we can do about it. It's more or less something we have to live with for the duration of the project. So a constraint doesn't always impact the scheduled. But I think it's important to have this step to see if we can really put this constraint in the schedule to make everybody aware, yes, we are doing this, but we have this constraint. For instance, you could have a resource and available for the next few weeks, for instance, or until a certain point in time. That's something you can put in your schedule. So you could have a resource that is allocated 100%, but you know that he's not always working on these. So it would be better to put that constraint and only put up, say, 75% of the time. But there are other constraints obviously that you cannot just pull on the schedule. So this one obviously, you can put them aside. So until now, what we have done is we have a very theoretical schedule. Everything works to perfection and in a constraint it's our opportunity to really put some real life factors into it. Like for instance, you could have also scenario could have also is, you know, Today's for an approval to go from execution to implementation of a project, for instance. But this is where you put that, that, that's not really the case in real life. It takes two weeks usually to get someone could tell you yes, for my experience to take two weeks here to get approval. So you wouldn't even need to put this in a, in a scheduled as a constraint and you would add two weeks between the, between the two tasks. So do your best when you are the project, tried to identify all the constraints and if they translate to the schedule, put them here. So this will make everybody aware that yes, we know we have scheduled and it's something we have to live with. But you have been warned more or less. Let's get this done.
22. 070 Step 4 Constraints: Welcome to step four. Let us sit constraints. Set constraint is
an optional part. I've included in the resources my other course that I have on async project management of included the steps to
put a schedule together. And towards the end, I have a step which
is set constraints. What you do is you, you've done your schedule
in an ideal world, this is what your
schedule would look like. But at the end you
have to think, do I have any constraints? In part to review some
bit more complex way to add a constraint with
different types of linking that we can have and
changing the time of the Christmas shutdown
period or the right slit. Let assume that here I
have only one constraint. The test data here is
not available until, let's say the 15th of September. You look at your schedule, you see the tester here turn. It has to start the
11th of September. So that's a constraint. What I'll do is I will
insert a task here, dusk here, because that's
the way I like to do it. I would put it puts
John back from leave. And I will put here He's back. 1540 September. We
had complained here. It asked me to keep the constraints that task
we can start tell you, yes, this is what I wanted
to do as we've seen before. I've hard-coded date. So it's saying here, yes, this is hardcoded, this is the date that
you have to HER2. But at the moment
it doesn't really make sense because it's, let's put it to 0 as a milestone because it's standard on dead. But what I want to do is to link John's work to
that, to the daily. I will be linking them. Now. There is a delay. Now we have the looper here. And then we have a
bit of a gap where nothing happens because we
are waiting for the tester. Then when Johnny's back, then he can do the testing. Now what you can see is the jaws task has
two predecessors. It has the predecessor of obviously it needs to have the development
completed before, before we can start his work. And also it needs to
be back from leave. That's that's the way I prefer
to do it because when you read this, it's clear. What I could've done also just directly put here
into the test task. Bang, change this. The dead here, but here, I
prefer it at it very clear. That's it. So in part two, we can review different
constraints that we can face. But just a quick note
here. On the task. If you double-click on a task, you see some information here. It's more or less all
that haven't put it, put it in a different way. So that's the name of the task. The rest of the predecessors
are showing here. The resources names are
here, if any advanced. So that's the starting value of that's because I've
hard-coded the date. So that's some notes that
you can put not on the task. And that's customFilter if you
want to be crazy about it. When I have put a little
note which is not on a task, that's just one way to, to, to educate area of the ways you select the task
and good information, as I was mentioning
in the overview. Let's go to the
next step which is actually updating the schedule.
23. 260 assignment solution for step 4 constraints: Continuous tip for the
first one is a sign-off is required to start the work
that's already taken care of. So we can say, well, we
have this constraint with that already managed
by our scheduled, by our project here. If we don't have
the sign-off here, then we will not continue. Handyman two can only start
six days after handyman one. So they are all those
ways to do this, but I'm just going to show you a very simple and visual way using only what we have learned. When demand two is here. Let's just highlight the
elemental so it will be clear. What do we do is we
create new tasks, is not available, not available. And then to back, that's a mudstone,
not available for six days and then a milestone. Okay, so what do we
do is we've seen that those tasks
are not dependent. So it's already under the Build. We have a task and you
meant to load available for sees days within that
to the milestone. Meant to his bag
and then willing the anti-matter into task. The way to just highlight all that a little bit
more visible, those, those data a bit different color because it's
something that has just been impacted
we have been doing. So that's where
you gonna go away. The way it shows here is
Andy mentor who is a way. There's a link to
a milestone here. And then T2 can start the work. Just to show you a
very simple constraint that we could have in a project. That finishes step four. And next we'll
update the project. In this assignment.
24. 080 Step 5 intro: Welcome back to the course. Now, let's imagine we've been running this project for a few weeks and we need to update it. And let's have a look at how this can be done in MS Project.
25. 080 Step 5 Updating the Schedule: Welcome back to the course, step five, updating the project. For the moment we've just
input a task, we blink them. It all works perfectly. But let's say that the
project is now in execution. We just would like to provide an update or where we had with
the project and see if we are on track or not. If you don't have them. Could you add two columns? The first one is core,
percentage complete. You go into these colon there, you press on this and you
just add the colon this way. And the other one is
called remaining duration. Remaining duration. Here gather requirements. It's if the duration
was five days, percent is completely
0 per cent, therefore the remaining
duration is five dates. Me change the format of these so we can
see it all on here. Pleasing date of the project
is 23rd of September here. Bear that in mind. The project, let's say the
project start is completed. So I'll just put 100% here. It gives me a big tick of
approval here says yes, this is completed
together requirements at the business analyst
tell me it's 100% completed yet, no problem. And here, business
or estates me, it's only 50 per cent. So what it does is it gives you a big tick over the one that's
entered percent completed, the ones that are only
partially completed. We'll just keep you this line just halfway through or to delete all of
completion of the task. Here's 100% of this
aligned inside. It shows you the progress. So it shows you it's all done. This is showing you only 50%. Normally, as you would know, we cannot do it now
because we are, we have put some deaths in the future for, for
training purpose. But usually you would have vertical line here showing on the day of today, today's date. Let's imagine we are
the 24th of August. The software would
have a line here. And I will tell you, based on this, this is where
you should have been with. This is where these lines should have been
on today's date. So you should have completed
up until that point, but now he's beyond that point. So that means we would be
early in that scenario. What it does, it updates automatically the
remaining duration. That's why I wanted to show
you this colon as well. When you put 100 here, remaining duration is 0. So that's the first way
to update a project. But what you've noticed is, let's say if I go back
here and I see this is only 0% and this is 20%. It still shows you the
23rd of September here. Even though you could
argue I'm very late, there's only having hardly
started the 25th of September. So what you can do
instead is instead of updating the
percentage completed, you update the
remaining duration. Disease, it would, it would
impact that data here because everything at the beginning
of this project has been calculated and we'd put
it back to 0 if you like. So you can see everything has been calculated based on the starting date of
the 14th of August. If I say well, instead of
gathering requirements, had noticed that it
would take longer, so I put ten days here. What it does is
changed your UN did. It seems good. It seems accurate. But when your project
manager working on the project and what
you don't want to do is to have the end date of
the project changing on a daily basis based on based on your date of the
guise of the team. This is why I don't recommend changing the S1 on
the on a daily basis, go with a percentage because he would keep the state
constant here. If you were in a situation where really a task becomes late, you will need sorry to
raise a change request. You would need to say, my
project is going to be late. But don't do that
on a daily basis. So what I will do is I would just leave this one as it is. And I will I will just
update the component here back to normal and just update the
percentage complete. And when I really see there
is something going wrong, then I will update the
remaining duration. That's how we did projects. And now we have done that. There's only one
thing to do is just to publish your project, to show it, to present
it at the next step. It's quite important in a way that's going to be your PR you, if you've done all
of these works, then you need to present it
in a very professional way. So let's have a look at this.
26. 280 assignment solution for step 5 Update the Schedule: Assignment step five,
It's update the project. First thing to do, we know that two of the project
we have two ways, percentage completion
or duration. It looks like at the moment
they only completed tasks or 50% completion given
the percentage. So we can just add
the column percentage complete if you don't
already have it. Several weeks after two weeks, the approval has been given. What does that mean? That
means is d1 away is completed, the owner is back is completed, and the approval is completed. Those three tasks are completed. Materials purchased, good
work, 101%, 101%, 100%. You can swim you this. By the way, the message that
you see when it has me, there's a faster way to
do it to against it. I can select them all
and do them all at once, but I adjust for these training. I just wanted to do them
one by one so it's clearer. Defense is 50% completed. The fence is this task here, which is market at 50 per cent. Good work. That's a very quick overview of a dating task based
on your assignment. What you've noticed is the build that has been
recalculated at 32%. That means that these two build overall these 42% completed. When you report
back to management, instead of giving
the completion of all these human
want to say, well, purchase is finished and the build is thirty-two
percent completed, then that's enough. Information from them.
27. 090 Step 6 Introduction: Welcome back to the final step, step six as two components. The first one is to format the schedule and the second one is just to print it. I mean, we don't print more these days. It's more to export it to a PDF that we'll be using. Bear in mind that not a lot of users would have MS project in your company. So you will need to most of the time putting in PDF format to send it across the formatting as we've seen in, in the beginning of this, of this course, I, we're seeing that a scheduled for me needs to be easy to share and easy to maintain. So this is why I like to spend maybe a little bit more time at the beginning when I create my schedule to make it clear and easy to understand. So when I update it, it's faster. When someone wants an update. I can show her very quickly where it is and when I send it across people and understanding faster. It's also good for your time management or the words people come, come back to you and ask you questions all the time. But if you're not into this, there's no right or wrong. Just, you can skip all the formatting path and just look at a pdf and you're down more or less. Okay, so let's do this. And after we move on to part two.
28. 090 Step 6 Part 1 Format tasks: Welcome back to the
course, step six. Let's try and make
it look pretty. I mean, it's, it's
very personal. Some of us like colors, some more slide to present things a certain
way until my more concerned about the end result, the delivery date, I'll just
gonna give some suggestions. So we've already talked about
grouping task logically, which is a good starting point. Removing unnecessary
columns that you have to think about your
endogenous all the time is, is my audience interested in knowing that John
is doing these tasks? If it's for management,
probably not, they're probably
not interested in. But if it's for a team
lead meetings they did, they would want to know
who's doing the task. So that depends on the audience. Avoid technical jargon here. I mean, try and have the task
that had a simpler name. If it's for your
management team. Something that everyone
can understand. What you can do is now
we've talked about, if we talk about marketing
is you can insert blanks. So you just, you just position yourself on the sale and you just press Insert,
knot, insert task. If you went to insert a task, you right-click on
here and insert task. The hugest, you just
press insert on its own. Obviously, this is a
very short example, but for bigger projects that
might make it more visible. The chlorine is something
very, very personal, but what I like to do is, and this is an opportunity
for us to review. The format. Component is what
we can do is we can format some groups of tasks with the same color friend
tell us something I like to do that it's
not often seen or done, but I like to do it myself. Will enter your us to
the formatting here. So what I would
do, for instance, is I'll go there and I
put all these tasks. The president task here. That's a typical
coloring stuff is suppose here I would put a
darker color for this one. Let's see. Dark, this one. Instance, one. And all the task under the same, the same color, that pillar. This way. And then doors
back to these, for instance. I like to do this
because for me, when you're looking at a
schedule that is 34 pages long. And several times a day, I can go straight
to where I want and I've heard good
feedback as well. So that's a type of
things you can do. So that was using the task
shading and coloring here. Now if we go back
to the format here, you can format the textiles. Textiles, the way it
works is when the gears, depending on which
item that you have. So it could be a critical task, non-critical task milestone. You can have milestone
on a specific color. For instance, you can have
the milestone put in red. What he does, He's just
highlights all the milestones. It's a formatting that is
specific for a group of task. But obviously you
can sing it out and do your own formatting
as we've just seen. The interesting thing is also, you can format the
bath takes on the bar. Say for instance, here on the right-hand side we
have the resource name. So if we go back to the
dark text on the right, which is the resource name, let's say you don't want
to have it in board, you just wanted to
have it in there? And I put it all
in his military. That's for the
textile. So you can, you can play around with this.
29. 100 Step 6 Part 2 Format bars: Something else that we can do is format bar on the
right-hand side here. There's two ways to do it. So you can either
double-click on the buy till. So that will change
the bar only dad bar. Or you can just select the line and put format bar that we
also only format by itself. But you can also do
a format bass tiles. So that would format
or the bars with exception obviously over the one that you've already formatted, and that will be overwritten. But if we go to the bass
styles for my bar styled, it gives you the tasks. For instance, here gives you
the milestones, the summary, and you can format in
each one individually. The task for instance, let's say I don't want to
see these, these blue here. I went instead to
see it in Scholar. I want also. That was
for the coloring. You can trace the
beginning of the bar, the end of the bar. You can change the
text to at the moment we have the resource name
on the right-hand side. I don't really like it. What I wanted to see is
just the finish time. So you just select your, you can select your field. Finish. On the left. I wanted to name all the task. If you're not sure but
which feel limited, go through them, the
query rural them. There's a lot of information. I think the name is
quite an intuitive. When I press Okay,
now what he does, He's done change the
color of the bars. If put named task on
the left-hand side. So if you don't
like this format, if it's too bored and
you can go back to the textile this
time and change it. That's something
you can do as well. So there's a lot of
formatting that is available for you
to have a look at. What I found is
sometimes when you make this Gantt chart
readable enough, you do not even
need this part for literally go to a
steering committee or meeting with management. And they don't want to
see all these as long as there's the date
and the key tasks and that's all they
interested in. This way, I think
that looks good. You don't even need to
show them the spot here. That's what we'll
see now actually, how do we present this? How do we export that?
30. 100 Step 6 Part 3 Export Schedule: The half my schedule here. I can go into file and I
can export it to a PDF because we think the thing
is with MS Project is not a lot of people have it
in, you're in a company. If you send an MS
project like this, you're going to have
plenty of MS back, say sorry, I can't
read your stuff. You would export
it in a PDF here, but a perimeter is
easy to sunlit. You format merge sort. The luck of the
draw if you write, what I prefer to do
is to do a print. You print it as PDF. So you have choice here and you just print a
PDF because they'll let you at least that shows you what your what your printout
would look like. Print and they'll give you some option presented
projects you have, the date, shows you
how many pages you want to print, the orientation. This there's nothing
really useful in here. You go to Page Setup Oliver. What you can do is you can say, I want it on the unwind pitch. For a small project. That's something
that can be given. You can do the stuff, obviously. You can change it in portrait, you can change the margins, the headers, the
footer, the footer. We'll give you all
of these by default. But one of the first thing I do when I print these are
just remove it all the time. Because who you wanted
to know so much detail? I mean, we all know what this word means
on religion here. He's got a thing on his own
and you say the agent on non, he removes it. Be mindful of what he's showing here so you can play
around with the formatting and you just remove some
colognes or the Reich's. That's something that I'm It's tray on narrow
and you'll try things, try and stretch and
add a little bit. So play around with these and
go into the print and see what it looks like and I
think you're good to go. So we'll see in your assignment, we'll see some other ways. Obviously, it's, we're seeing it's something very
personal to you. You happy with the
default. You don't need to do anything really. If you're happy with
all the formatting, then don't change anything. But I'll show you a couple of examples in your assignment.
31. 290 assignment solution for step 6 Format and Print or save: Welcome to the last step
of our assignments, step six of our
assignment of part one, we have a few things to do. We have to change the
format and print a PDF. So the first thing that the assignment is
asking me is change all the tasks and task summaries to finish date on the right instead
of the resources. This is a task, this is a task summary. And we need to change what's
on the right-hand side. As it's for all. We go to Format. We go to bar style
format and Boston, which means you do
it for all the bath. We search for task initially. So the first one is task. And on we go to the text. On the right-hand side. Yes, indeed, we have
a resource names. Instead, they want
the finish date, so we just press Finish. I should change it
for all the tasks. Now all the tasks
of the finish date. They also asking that
for task summary format, bar style, which
is summary here. Same thing, text on
the right finish bank. So now we see also
on task summaries, we have a date that's
for the first bullet, 0.2 bullet point sure. Resource name on the
left of our tasks. We have to go back there. Format, bar styles. We go back to the tasks. We go on the text. And on the left, we wanted to resource
name. The resource name. If you want to remember
the name of the column, just go on top here. Yes, that should be called
resource name. Name. Now we have all these. I'm not saying this is the
best way to put the things, but at least we have some late. What I will do instead
is I would put maybe the task names. So that's something else
that you could do instead, but that was the assignment. Are we stick to this? So we've done the first two
bullet points. Next bullet point change
or milestone tasks, left-hand side to read. So that's a nice side here. So we know formatting
balance anymore, we just formatting
these components here. What do we can do is we
go on textiles here. I tend to change. We put milestone
tasks, then rate. Then we press Okay. Then all the tasks that are milestones have been
put to read here. They say to form, format some tasks
to your liking. What we could do, let me know that's,
that's sufficient, but just a reminder, I
suppose you can go here, you can change it to
the way you want it. You go, you can put in here, what you can do is you can
use the format printer, printer, sorry, format here, you do the same here. We have the project closes here. So that's something
also we might want to put it this way, so we will use the same here
AND gate approval here. All right. So I think that just put it in board
to be consistent. Want to have a
project start here, for instance,
external debt here, 0 and then you put descend, you select this line
Format Painter, and you go back here. And then it should be okay. Next, we print that to PDFs. We go, These were silly. You avoid explored because you have less control on the format. So if we go to print instead, this doesn't look too bad. So we have the project start, we have the project close. We have everything showing. We have all the dates.
That looks pretty good. I'm still not a big fan
of these, but you know, maybe I could leave it this standard for,
for the exercise. Look feet to one-page legend that this appears that
even pyrene a go. So what we have here now is something reading
to move to a PDF. So if we say print PDF, that would ask you where
do you want to log it? And that will be probably
the name as well. And then we're good to go. So that was the last step of the assignment for the part one. Now we're moving into
the advanced part.
32. 299 Part 2 Introduction: So let's have a look at part two now. So I'll be lying if I told you that I never used any of the functionalities of part to some of them are quite useful. Just to name a few. I think that the timeline, as you know, highlight formatting. So that's something I will be using and the resourcing as well. It's rare that you have a project with task only when there's only one person allocated to each task. And obviously the calendar, there are some holidays for the company Y that you will need to use. So part two works a little bit differently about to introduce the functionality first, all sequentially in a row. And then at the end we have this final assignment where I'll give you a schedule that is a little bit more complex, which is an IT software development project, simplified. But where you can apply some of the components are that you've learned. So let's get started with part two.
33. 300 Advanced Dependencies: Welcome to the first
demonstration of the advanced, quote unquote component
of Microsoft Project. So for in part one, we've seen the linking of tasks. The default linking of task
is from start to finish. Now we will be learning other types when we
link these two tasks. Here we go, Here we go there. When we linked these two tasks. By default. The second tasks starts when
the first one finished. So that's why we call
it start to finish. And there is no
just bear that in mind that here That's
just showing a five. Another way to have
a look at this is you double-click on the task. You go into the predecessor
and what it gives you is the task ID here that
is linked to this task, to task one and finish to start. Now there are several other
ways that we can link tasks. Free to be exact. Let's look at them one by one. The first one is
finish to finish. In order to demo that, I just
going to change my example, I'm going to remove
the predecessor. Let's go back to tasks here. We have two task one or
five days when three days, five days, three days. Standard link go here,
one after the other. We've seen this one. The
second one is from finish to finish. How do we do that? We have two ways. We're going to double-click
on here and here we put okay, I want to link to the task five. Task five. And when we click on these, we can have a look
at other types. So either the oral, these two we select finish
to finish, press. Okay. Now we just wanted to have the two tasks to finish
at the same time. Therefore, this one
will know start, we'll wait for two days. And after we'll start
and finish to finish. There is another way
that I mentioned, so let's remove that back
to where it was before. Is you just directly, if you know the acronym five FF five is if you just
put five, it's normal one. And if you want to have
finish-to-finish bank, let's have a look
at another way. We, the other way to link
it is from start to start. We want to make sure that those two task start at the same time. I think this is quite
convenient when you have concurrent task, that's a one probably
I would use the most and list all those tasks under the task summary and it goes out automatically
as we've seen. But still you have
three or four tasks. You want them all to
start at the same time. For instance, you could
have here development. Here we have
development support. You would want those two tasks
to start at the same time. You don't want to, the
development has started and after the support to start three
days after all the rocks. Usually you would have the
same duration as well. Same here you can go here
and put five essays. If you like. Let's have a
look at the last way to link. In order to review the
last dependency type, I'm just going to give
a different type of example because I think it's required for
this type of linking. Let's say you have a date
that you cannot change. For instance, let's
say you have a product demonstration for five days and you will set up the meeting
with a client and an x. That's really set in stone. It cannot change. But you have some
dependency to these task. For instance, you have to make sure that URL
components are ready, but you're not really sure
how long it would take. So we have here, for instance, we have five days. So the way you would
link those two tasks is you would put the task here. You could take the task
from here as well. You would select here
that start to finish. This is the task that
cannot change in here. So therefore here there
is a dependency that needs these needs
to be finished. Absolutely needs to be finished
before these tests start. What do we, it works you to
work backwards in a way. So let's say you've realized that to review all
these components, you don't need five, but
you need ten days now. You put ten days now, what do you do this it
didn't move this one, but this one all
the way back here. In other words, when you have a, you would use it when
you have something, data cannot change or
a demonstration with a client or anything
and we cannot change. So you have all these also
on your PDF resources, give you a brief
summary of all this.
34. 300 Advanced Lags: Next component we can have
a look at and it's still more or less related with
dependencies is log. So we can wait for a few
days for the task to start. The way it works
is putting back to the example before we
have two tasks here. Start to finish, or this one will start only when
this one is finished. But let's say you
want to wear it when you want to wait
for the desk to set her. Once this task is completed, you want to wait a few days
for the other one to start. What you do is you
double-click on this. And here there is a colon that you might have
noticed before. So you can select either use this or just put
the number directly. But here we put two days. You want to start Task six after task five when
it's completed. But you want to wait today's
and when you press okay. It shows you the two days day. So it doesn't start right
away with for two days. Now it works also
with a negative. If you put minus free days, for instance, starts three days before the, before the end.
35. 320 Advanced Resource Allocation: Let's review how to change their resource
allocation to a task. So I would say
within the Advanced, that's something that you
would probably use the most. It's very rare that you have only aerosol fully dedicated and only one resource
working on a task. So it's something that
who's probably be useful. If we take this example when
building a fence again, sorry guys, but we
buy the material. We build a fence and
then we build a gate. What I've done here of I have
those three tasks linked. Just finish to start normal. As before, the
handyman one buying the material and meeting the
fence and the handyman too, a building to gate. Let's say we wanted
to change that and we have a colon here. Well, sorry guys. And demand one is only
available 50% of the time. The way to do this is we
double-click on a task. Again. This also the task
information as we've seen, but double-click itself,
it's faster probably. We go the stem on
the resource part. We have any man one
assignment or no, We don't care. You need 100%. Say, Well, he's only
working 50 per cent from, from these dead, from the 444. Good to say. What do we do? We just simply put
50% here. Press Okay. It's going to send me
his usual reminder here. The duration as doubled because he only
works 50 per cent. The effort was four days. If he works on your
50% of the time, then a duration extends. You can also type
it directly in here that he says is strange symbols and anoxia might take you longer so that the easiest way is to double-click on these units. Let's say you say back
to 70% peak, okay? And adjust the duration
automatically. Let's say handyman to, we stuck to do these tasks here, can come early and help
to buy the material. We have handyman
one working this. We double-click on this. We have a look at
resource handyman to hear and demand two we
added here as well. So we have two resources
are 100% and what it does is increase the amount
of work, reduce the duration. We reduce the duration. We could have done the total
told you all the way or just increase the
amount of work. But in fact, this is
not what we wanted. We put two guys on these, so one can go in by
one type of material, you're, the guy can
buy something else. And therefore the overall
duration will be faster. When we look here we have the two results are showing here. As always, we can know
just simply click here and just had
another resource on it. When playing,
playing around with resources like these
and percentage, you have to be very careful to serve your schedule beforehand. Because I can very
easily miss mess up your your end dates and rocks and you can
get a little bit lost. As I was saying, I
don't like to have my milestones in my project that's changing
on a daily basis. It's very difficult to manage. I'd rather have a
good look every week. All the experts, you
don't went to your end. It's to change every
time you go and update. So be very mindful with this. And this is where in
a way it's good to have generic role instead of names sometimes where
you can leave them for the photo life of the project. That's it for the resourcing and changing some components.
36. 330 Advanced Calendars: Another function that
is quite good with MS Project is you
can put time off. You can put them off
for the resources are for everyone working
on the project. And this is typical for the Christmas spirit or
depending on where you work, it usually they usually we call for the two
weeks, so forth. There's Gordon mentioned
down to their likes. What you do is you go
into your project tab, you go into Tange working time. And then you can see you
can already some calendars. It could be 24 hours a night shift or even calendar
to resources. But what you usually do is to use the standard one and
you make the change in there. You can also create
your new Canada. If you're keen. Then you specify which these are off here as an exception. So what I would do is
I would go in here. I will call it, for instance, decrease Mish shut down. I would say this would
be the Christmas, the week before Christmas
or the week of Christmas. We would start at 21st and
it will finish the 27th. Then I would press Okay, and I would put that time off. But as an example here, Let's put the federal
August as well because this is where I am here. So let's see how it
impacts my schedule. Would go here. I would say the biggest
greatest ease off. Let's say two, it takes it
automatically appraise, okay. And bank. What he's done is it has
added one gray area here. The Monday is put it as off. Then he has moved
everything by one day. So now the definition
is relevant for Bogost. I think that this
is pretty good. And this is actually
quite often used with moderation and you didn't
want to start doing that every time someone
goes on holidays, you instead you would put
the holiday of the guy here. So it's very visible
for everyone. But for Christmas or sometimes depending
on where you were, I think this is quite useful.
37. 340 Advanced Timelines: Let's have a look at timelines.
I really like timeless. I think it's a good
way to present the heavy project into
something a little bit simpler. So I really like this one and I've noticed
it's not often use. And fortunately for
this project here, this is still a relatively
small projects, so we might not be very obvious, but we'll have a look as part of the exercise of
the assignment for part two, bigger project. And we see how useful it can be. Just a matter to, I think a finite useful to
present maybe to management, to present a steering
committees and the likes. That makes you look more
professional instead of just dumping these to
everyone and you have to work out what it is. You go into view what we
removed at the beginning. I know now I'm asking
you to put it back. You got a few we had a timeline. I think the best
way to demonstrate its to properly show an example. So let's say we can
drag things so we take a task the easiest way. There's other ways by
their users where you take the task and
you drag it here. You see the plus
minutes, good to go. What else get approval? Let's say I'll drag
this quite fern. You put it there. Put it there. So
what it does is, is more or less shows the key tasks here in
a different topic, more in a timeline view, when a, when a group hotels
is completely put a tick here. So that looks good. Teak here and this one is
obviously not complete it. So he just showing the point
where it stopped here, it gives you the high-level milestones because
I've put them, you can put milestones as well. You can be more
granular if you like. You can, for instance,
drug this one here. So you just put it under. This one might be more explicit. And then you put the gate here. Here's the gate and the light. You can play around with these, you can change obviously
the way you click on that, you click on the timeline
and you click on the Format. And then you can have, for instance, you can change
some components here. For instance, you can
put three lines instead. That allows you to
have more line here. You can put a bar level, which is putting your labor
for each one of the timeline, because you can have
several timelines as well on very large project, I found it very
useful when you have two large phase and they will
build up a little bit too. You would have two timelines. You can obviously change
the color, heal things. You can, for instance, put this one in, in
that color here. What else can you do? You can change the date format. If you want to go crazy. Let's bend to your
things you can do. And then when you print, when you select
it, you select it. And after you press
on print and he just show you the timeline and
you can only bring that. Obviously, you need to do
some work to make it look prettier than this butter. As opposed to when you
click here, you go File. You go print. And then I will show you the trustees will
print you this. You can choose which component
you print more or less. And that's it for
the timeline view.
38. 360 Advanced Resource Levelling: Let's review quickly
the resource leveling. So resource liberty, it's Microsoft Project
functionality that prevents one resource
to be over allocated. When Resource be over-allocated if being used at more than 100%. For instance, if we
take an example here that we had these
three tasks here, by wooed, by narrowed, by log. We had these red man hears english research
over allocated. But we ignore that
because we thought, well, the result is going to buy the free
at the same time. So ten days to do all
these is more than enough. But imagine a scenario where the handyman comes
back to us and say no, no, I need ten days for each. There are different stores,
they are waiting time, so I need ten days duration
for for each one of those. Therefore, I cannot be
our overall located. What you do is you either put the manual sequencing to avoid the red and you go to
task and you link them. Therefore, the one after
the other, after the other. If only if the result is and exactly do it in any sequence, it doesn't matter
because you have 30 days now to do this. But that's something
we've already done. But instead you can let MS. Predicted to eat
automatically for you. So you go here and
you can either live or the resource
itself for your project. Let's say we want a
literal your project. We don't want any
red person today. Or you press here. Note that there is no
Actually dependencies here, but what Microsoft
Project has done is ensure that this resource
is not overallocated. So when that resource
was overall located, MS Project moved one of the Rousseau's tasks
to the right to ensure that there is no
more than 100, 100%. Microsoft Project didn't do, I didn't do the link. So there's no link there. Didn't link those task, but it just put
them one after the other to prevent the
over application here. Another example, I don't
know if you recall. There was handyman one building the fence and there was handyman to building the gate. Let's say we have a
colon and the men to smooth down, not
available anymore. So we thought, well,
we are going to give it all to handyman one. Handyman who are now we
have the red men are back. Andy man when he supposed
to build a fence and at the same time the gate. So fair enough. What you can do, you can manually
sequence the task or you can leave it to
MS. Project and say, I want to leave a lead
or again, then bingo. So what MS Project does is select this task
at the bottom, moves eat to remove the over allocation here and
there's no more red man, and then move the task. It's not a bad system. I mean, once again, the challenge is it's
not really visual. You cannot really see is someone could look at it and say,
well, what happened there? Till you hand over
the project to someone who has looked
at what happened there. I just don't understand
what always because we didn't resource leveling and
is moved mostly everything. So that's a first challenge is decentralized show on here
and definitely not on here. The second tenant
is when you have a scheduler that is across
four or five pages, sometimes you have the need to over-allocate, quote,
unquote resource. You know that this
resource needs to do a little bit of work here, a little bit of work there. And you want to keep it
this way without changing the schedule because
you know that the resource has a
capacity, they can do it, but you just needed
to help to have, to have these to make sure that they remember
to do the task. If you start resource
leveling these, for instance, that would
mess up your schedule. That would move everything to the right when it
doesn't really need to be to be used with caution. I would say always Becker before you play with
resource leveling as well.
39. 400 Assignment for part 2 Introduction : Welcome to the assignment part of part two. So the project that I have here is a bit more lines, a bit, a little bit more complicated. It, IT, software development simplified. Obviously. It software, the Workman can become quite complex and sometime it's a jar, but this is just waterfall. Just wanted to give you an example where you could put to practice some of the components you've learned in pow2. So don't get intimidated if you've never done IT software development or the likes. It's not really important. As long as you follow the assignment instructions. For each one, it doesn't really matter what the project is about at the end of the day. So I have an MS Project for you available to use. This is although this is the latest version, let me know if you have problems with compatibilities, but in theory you shouldn't. I have also a PDF version of the project. So if you don't have access to MS project yet, you can still practice in evolutionary it. Okay, let's get started.
40. 400 Assignment Solution part 2 a: Get started with part two
assignments solution. The first bullet point we had is add a business scenario is allocated to 20% during the development or
supported developer. The developer has any questions. This is the development phase. Would need to do is to
add a task which would be devoted developer,
Let's say support. There will be for the duration of this task which is 80 days. We put the business analyst, business analyst cooled, just do this symbol here
directly without just going to double-click to put
a 20% manually. You go. He's asked me
to use your equation. Where do you want me to do that? What we want to do is to
keep the duration the same. Keep the duration the same. Because obviously the
business and that he's being in there doesn't
make the task. And the longer you just
being there like a team lead as a support
for all these tasks. First bullet point down, gonna unchanged
load testing tool. These are the symptoms that
service cybersecurity. What they want us
to do is you have these two tasks finishing
at the same time. We just go to the second task, which is the load testing, and we just do it. I'm just gonna do it
directly the stamp. I'm just gonna put 30 ff, which is finish to finish. When we zoom in, when we zoom, we see those two tasks now
finish at the same time. The low tester can
start a bit later, but the additional be
finishing at the same time, so there's a bit of
overlap, therefore, the two tasks, second
bullet point is done. Third bullet point delay the task implementation in
production by two days, two to four sign-off. Implementation in production
is showing here. Task 34. What he wants me
to do is to delay, will delay the
implementation here. I would add lag in predecessor. I would add like how
many days, two days. Now it's showing here. This is, this would
be done after all that task summaries done. And it will have
today's in the end. I just took, instead
of taking that task, I just took the
summary task here. Next bullet point, changes scheduled to reflect the Nobody's working on
the 4th of July. So that will depend on
your dates on yours, but I will be putting the data
online. So where do we go? We go to Project, we go to change working time. And the forefoot writer
has gone for me, so I just have to go
to the next year, July the 4th of July. So the forward lie was a Sunday, but if it's too fuzzy
and a 21 inches, we just went five to be
off the observed days. So Fourth of July. We go here and he's
giving me the thief of July so that they will be off
and that will be reflected, is pushed everything
to the right. Another one doesn't
change the location to always located at the post-implementation
review to only 20 per cent. Look. Post-implementation
review. It's after the implementation, it see it's five days duration. There is a conflict here because the business
analyst is, for instance, and I think the
developers world, so they are working on these
full-time for five days, which is obviously a mistake, so that needed to be changed. So they might have
to ident a couple of meetings and post-implementation
review meetings. And the ISO, 20% is more
than enough on five days, so it's a full day dedicated, so it should be fine. So we go to the resource
in what we do is we just put 20% to every body year,
20% for everybody. But we need to keep
the duration to five days. So we go here. Iteration now, we want to keep the duration the same back here. Okay? We still have a
conflict because one of those is the developer here is 100% for the task that is being run in parallel and 20 per cent here, I think that's an x to the next bullet point
here that we'll fix this with attending the warranty
period duration of ten days, or the warranty
period is the period during which the BBC, the system we have some
resources are located after implementation to if
there are some issues that we can be quick off
the market, fixed them. Peace necessary at least for the warranty period, 20 per cent. So it's not even there. So I'm just going to add it like this initially
business analyst done. We don't want to
change the duration. Keep this in duration.
So the PAC ten days. But we wanted both of
them to be at 20%. We don't want them to
just sit at a desk all day waiting for for
a problem to occur. So we just put 20, 20% percent. It will be done this way. Then single-story chance to duration NOT and we're gonna
keep the duration the same.
41. 400 Assignment Solution part 2 b: Now for the last task of this assignment,
adding a timeline. We go under the View tab, we click on Timeline. Yes, I wanted a timeline. There's several ways to
hard task grew timeline. You can either drag the task or right-click and say Add to
timeline at the bottom. I just want to have some
task here that are not too long, not too short. So whenever bit
shorter for instance. So I want to start off project. I wanted to do milestone here. Start off project. I wanted to, so
planning is five days, so they might show
a B, two spots. So I don't think people
would be interested. Instead, I will be
doing the design. I will be showing the design, will be showing the
software development. I will be showing the
training and testing that's 40 days, that's
quite sufficient. And then implementation,
implementation, it looks like it's going to be, today's gonna be a
bit too short too. It's not really
timeline wealthy. So I'm just going to show
this extend his live here. Now software development
that looks a bit too long. Can I add some subtasks so people were at least know what is going on
during that period. So we're just going to add
configuration, for instance. What else do we have after this decoding, the unit testing? Those two here and then
the rework to timeline. Okay, so now we
can see the start of the project.
People are my steel. Ask me what's happening
during that gap and see this planning
on planning it, just going to put
a plan in here. Let's say it. So that gives us a high-level
breakdown of the task. As you can see, you
can stagger them. So other task he under subtask under our mission
is now complete.
42. 410 Recent MS Project versions : I'm now sitting in
front of a version of Microsoft Project which is
2021, relatively recent. I just went to to highlight
some changes have been made to this version as opposed
to the previous version. So now Microsoft Project
is like Microsoft Word. You could have used
Microsoft Word 1015 years ago and
you use it now, you don't see the difference. And that's, the idea
is that they don't want companies to have to retrain their staff every
time there's a new version. So everything that you
know is valid for the, for the new versions
of Microsoft Project. So having said that, there
is some very subtle changes and improvements
that have been made and no breakthroughs know
groundbreaking changes. But I thought it might be
worth mentioning to you, so I will just outline
free challenges. The first challenge is, as you've seen in a course, they are timelines,
which this is something I really liked
that you can put on top. The challenge that has
been made is that you can actually see the progress
now on the timelines. So if you go to one of the
tasks and you put a progress, you put a progress here. And now you can see a
deeper blue for these. So that's one of the challenges
that they have made. That might have been in the
previous two anti 19 version, but I believe this is
something relatively recent. Now the second change I want to mention is also the
researcher leaves. We've seen several
ways to link tasks. My preferred way to link
task is when you select with control to tasks and
then you go directly on the icon and you select this. These two rings together, they're showing the link. But another way that I mentioned
also is that you click on the task and you go into
the predecessor field. And when you click on it, you see the other
number of the tasked. Now the change, we started 21, I believe maybe 2019 is that you can now
see the task name, not only the task number, but you can also
see the task name. So you can more or less pickup any task that you won't know. Please bear in mind what
I've said that we don't want to link task from one
group to another group. So that makes the interests
a bit more limiting, um, but you can still see it. So I thought I'd mentioned that. So not only the task number, but also the task name. Now the third challenge is that they've added a new field here, which is called
the task summary. Let's find it. You go down. There's few fields. Task summary name. What that does is that
more or less tell you under which
group this task is. So there's a bit of repetition, you could say, well, but already see it here. So why I did here? I think the way the
reason that they do this is let's say if you want to copy and paste and
you put that in, in an Excel for instance, then you would have a
mark here, you would, then you would know from
which group it belongs. The second reason I would see, Let's say that you would have a very large amount of tasks
belonging to one group. And therefore, that saves you having to go back
up and you can see the task scenario name here. So let's hit them in
for a pure scale, your point of view, this is the chance
that have been made as they are new versions and prove a little bit on the resourcing, improve a little bit
on the reporting. It's very subtle.
43. 420 WBS For MS Project: Welcome back. So I had a question
regarding WBS. Someone asked me
another project. What is the point
of this WBS thing? I think that if you don't
know what a WBS is, you don't have to
worry about this. But if you know what the WBS is or if you're interested
in finding out. Stick with me. I have also added my video from my other
project management course. Why are explained in more
detail what a WBS is? It's more or less a year
archae that we have. So refer to that video if you want to understand
what it is. Now, before I go into WBS, I need to talk to you about
the numbering of tasks, like on this example here, I just have the task name, but what I can do is I can go under the
former gunshot and I can put an outline number here that gives you the
outline from the start. Year are key to
the fishery archi want to free after it's all the 3.14, 0.24, 0.14, 0.11. And you get the idea. What you can do as well is you
remove this outline number from here so that these
appeared is only the text. And you can add it as a
colon, outline number. And there's plenty
a leather number and the likes. So here it is. So you can just do
this and you can move the colon if
you want over there. But this is a send numbering. So this is more or
less most of the time, I believe this is used as a WBS SAR key to define and
all the tasks of a project. But if you want to be more
precise or if you work in companies that have a specific
way to name the Iraqi, then you can go here
under the Project tab, you go to WBS, you
click defined code. Here, you input a bit
of a prefix here. So I have put one here. Let's say you want
to put a specific, put a, b, c for instance, ABC. Let's say this is a project ABC. So what you see is, I want the first level, the highest level to
be perfect with ABC. That would be my project
number, the highest level. And then you choose
my level one, I want it to be numbers, uppercase, lowercase,
or characters. So I'm just going to put, let's say uppercase letters. Now, I actually changed my mind. I'm just gonna put numbers
so we don't get confused. So that gives you an idea
of what it would look like. And the third level I wanted
to be back to uppercase. Alright, so I'm just
going to click, Okay, now I'm going to go here and I'm going to
bring back the WBS. So this is now the Yorkie. As I, as I have defined. I said I want a, B,
C as a top-level. After I wanna go into numbers, after it and I want to go
back into liters and after, it looks like it takes numbers
by default for the rest. So specific used,
as I mentioned, my videos, mostly used
by business analysts. I think there's a
project manager. I don't think it's relevant, but I think it's good
that they wanted to put that here just in
case you need it. But, um, regardless, I find that sometimes using the
outline number, I find that quite useful when you are discussing
your project, we staff and instead of seeing all these tasks here, task, you can say for two to four, for instance, you can
see 413 and an x. So it's easier to, to talk a bit about that task. Okay, so that was a quick, a quick video on WBS as a good question that may
more of those short videos.
44. 49 WBS: Before we move on to the
next part of planning, I just wanted to briefly
mention a tool as we are in requirements that business
analyst use sometimes too. Visualize the
requirements that are required by the business
on the project. So it's called a WBS or the
work breakdown structure. And it's just a fancy way to decompose deliverables
into smaller chunks. So it can be used, it's used
mostly by business analysts, but it can also be used
by project manager. So for instance here actually
I have the example of a project that I have
decomposed using the WBS chart. So the way it works is
it goes from the more complex to the more
detailed component, and it works with
sub-categories. So if you have, for instance, I have the higher component, which is my project
is to go on holidays. I decompose this project into
the key activities that I feel are required to
deliver this project. And then under
each key activity, I have smaller activity
and the reach. So if I just take one
example, decide destination. So my project would
be similarly days. And my sub project, if you like, my sub component would be
decided on destination. Endo, decide on destination. I would have brainstorm
ideas. Check the way. The next sub-component is, how am I going to
decide on E ternary? Another look at the timing. I'll have a look at the
stokes I wanted to have and ascites that
I want to visit. So in other words,
it's when you go from top to bottom you get
more and more granular. I need to good way not
to forget anything. It's called WBS work
breakdown structure. Just wanted to mention
it just in case you hear about it
and you can see yep. I've heard of that.
I know what it is.
45. Gantt Chart with Excel - Step by Step process: Now let's get right into it as they'd like to
see on YouTube. So to start with, I'm just
going to create two tabs. I'm going to rename
this one schedule. That will be creating
another town that I will be calling settings. So it looks proficient
audited a bit. And in a setting. So we'll be using
this one to do to put somebody ideations and also to have some sales
named named sale. So I'm just going
to have a couple of them settled on
this, on this tab. I don't want to name
too many cells, otherwise you might
get confusing. I think it's better
if we refer to the cell numbers themselves
as, as much as we can. In this tab here, the
Schedule tab there will be, the task will be listed here. But I just wanted to put the preferences here
a little bit below. You could always move
them to a different tab. But I think it's very useful
to start with this where you can change preferences
and see them on, on the Gantt chart itself
as you input them. So here we will have some
preference settings and I will put the value of the
preference and administer them. So it will be clear
when we progress. Now for the tasks themselves, I'm going to cheat a little bit. I'm just going to
copy the square. Don't have to type. Explain at the same time. Okay? So this is the
headings of the tasks. So I've been starting to
the line number four here. So this is the task
name will be here. I can give it a
little bit more room. The name of the
resource will be here. So here what I've
done here is I'm just those who are if
you're interested, if you don't know this, I'm just inputting a value
here and duration, and I just select the 2Ls. And I'm going to Format
and I Format alignment. I've put central
Across Selection. So instead of merging
cells which can, which can become a
little bit messy here, put the duration here in days, and that will be
the total number of days to start with
at the beginning of the project when we do
the initial assessment. And this column here will
be when we want to update, when we want to shake how many days they have
left to complete that task. From my experience, when you go to someone and you ask them, Okay, what's your percentage
completion and our task? They usually look you
blankly and they don't know, but if you ask them how
many days left there is, then they can tell you, oh, yes, I have two days left, but they're never going to
tell you I have 65% completed. So this is why I prefer
to have the number of days to complete
the task he has now. So all those with
this yellowish color, those are hard-coded, so will
not be calculated fields. And the one in white like
this will be calculated. So this would be the mode
of work down the days down. This will be the
percentage completed I was just mentioning before, but there will be calculated
and on track this will be automated that
will tell you if we are on track or not. Dependencies who have made
the same censoring here. And there is a dependency time that we'll talk about
and the manual late. Just, it might be better
as we get into these if I just go and input
some values here. For instance, I have the start
of project could be the, so I will be put
everything on size nine. Putting your old sheet
on size nine and the resource could be John. And the duration, total
duration could be, let's say we've allocated
ten days to complete. Let's say, as I mentioned, to start the you to start
with, we will have zero here. But just for the example
to compete, you have to. So that means that you have
done, that's very simple. So you do ten minus two. So that means that if there's
only two days to complete, do we assume that there has
been eight days of work done and the percentage
completed, also very simple. This amount of work done
divided by the total. So that's 80 per cent done. I'm just going to
center all those. A bit simpler. So on track
would be calculated later. So there will be using some of these fields or we'll get to it the dependency types. It's a dependency
with the Task Above. So this is where we'll
be going into settings. So they have three
types of Dependencies. Manual. So that means you just input the start it manually. There is after is we have a dependency with
the previous task. That means it will
start only when the previous task
has been completed and send same as
the previous task or both Task would be
starting at the same time. So what we want
to do if we don't want to have a validation. Here. We go to data. We go to validation. Data validation, which is agreeing to my other
windows will bring it back And what we want to put here is a least validation settings, a little list, and we
select on the source. That is, if you don't
know how this works and you just select
these three fields. Now we can choose manual after. Awesome. So as the first task I'm going to put manual
which makes sense. And this is where you
put your your debt, maybe 1st of December 22. And all those fields
here are calculated. Now before we go into this
calculated fields that are really the engine of
these schedule here, we need to have a
couple more settings. We actually, we have tried
to hide our first settings. So the first one,
it's today's date. So N value of this
would be today. That's a field that will use
to validate some things. And so this can be hard-coded. You'll understand why is that. This is the data that we use
to baseline our project. But if you want
to have a look at these Project going back in time, you could
see it, change it. But to start with, we'll just put today's date, which, which makes
sense. I suppose. The second field
that we need is, do we work on weekends? I think this is important because you have
this Gantt chart, then you can use it for personal
stuff or for work stuff. So it's a very useful. So here we don't really need to, but you could have another
validation here that you could say, yes, no validation. Bit neater, I suppose. So this worry, if you try
easy to use your keyboard, you can just use your mouse. And then you do what we've
done before you evaluate it. He least you go in here and you just
say those two and down. And then you put work on
weekends to start with. Yes. So this is used for her to calculate completion. I've just done some
formatting here, so it looks a little bit better. I'm talking about
the description. What do we can do is what I wanted to do is to have
a name of those cells. So these are, we're just
going to call it today. And this we're just going
to call it weekend work. So I'll just put this to
sell them outside here so I can remember more easily. But the way we named the cell, there is two ways that
you can name a cell. The first way is just to go just on the cell
and here you give it a name by just putting just
here in this field here. And you can go here and you
can call it, we can work. Now, those cells are be named, go into formula
here, Name Manager. And this is where you see all your names and you
can confirm yes, disease, this is what I've written
and he sees there you can name your field here, but this is not an accept
training I suppose. So here this is a way
I've configured it. If the dependency type is after, we add one day to the style
date of the previous task. If it's Sam, we just
use the standard of the previous task or they
are both food have the same, the same style that, and then otherwise we just
go back to manual. So this is how you would
fill in these fields here. Obviously a really
beautiful lighting. So this is not on
date formatting is, I'd like to put it and more and more global generic format because he obviously
amino Australia here. So that would look a bit strange
maybe for the Americans. So the way I like to format it is I'm just going to
do a custom one and I'm just going to put
the day like this, the month ending here like this. So this way, it's universal.
It's for everyone. Just going to put a
little dash in between, true, if that's required. So this way we have our debt
here as we have the manual, manual dead set here. So it makes sense that the
star that is like this, the next field is
the finish date. So the way I typed
it is this way. So first we check if
we work on weekends. If we don't work on
weekends and we have to use these these workday which
allows you to add days, but without taking into
account the Saturdays and Sundays after we subscribed one. So it takes you to exactly the same same Davis and punish day. If we are not on the
on the weekend work if we don't work on weekends, they're just a matter
of adding the days and subtracting one as well and done until so don't until
this is a formula for don't until what I wanted to do, I want it to calculate in theory how much progress has been made and where we
should be in a date. So instead, it's exactly
the same formula as this one with the
difference is that we use the work completed. So that will take us
exactly interior up until the point where
the task has been done. And then we'll be able to
show on the Gantt chart Where we add what has been done in what has not been done. So it's, it's the same. The difference is that
we are using instead the work that has been done as opposed to the initial one. So this is, is that
I just wanted to do a little bit formatting, wanted to form,
Format all these. And I love to give myself a
generative model of rows. But as optional, you can take some rows here and
you just group them. Outlined group. So this where you
can remove them so it doesn't look too cluttered. So you can play with these also as far as formatting is concerned
so that it clear. So don't type things
in the wrong. I'd like to put a little bit lighter shade of the same color here,
lightest shade here. So I knew that this is where
I need to input any others. All the others are
being calculated. So we've explained all the
fields up until this one. Now we just need to do a
little bit of formatting. So I said this one
will come back to it. So on track, this is more or
less using the dawn until, and the problem starts when we have only done until
the day before today. So in other words, that
means that we are late. So here this is the formula. The formula is not working at the moment because we need to define two very
important fields. So this is this part
of the name cell, if you like, that. I had before, I didn't
want to have to tap this strand
symbol all the time. So what I'm doing here, I'm just showing you have names, one cell tick and
one self cross. So this, this, if you like, we call it tick, tick. This one here, we call it cross. And we need to make sure
that the font is Wingdings. Two different here is windy. This is just to show
how it would look like. So instead of typing this
trench characters here, I will just put tick and cross. And I just need to
make sure that these, all these columns here, we just go back to
the food colon. Sure that all this
colon here are put into the Wingdings font. Okay? So this seems to be
working in the moment. So this is the way it works. If we have finished, we have laid when we Wendy's done until it is
smaller than today. And also, I'm just checking that the task is not completed. So if the days to
complete the zero here, then obviously we
are also on track, but we cannot say that we are late if the task is
completed obviously. So it could be a Tesla has
completed in the past, but as it's finished, it's okay. Now, before we move
on to the child Part, just wanted to do a bit of
formatting that before I do just want you to
other here quickly the project completion date. The project completion date is not the date of the last task, but it's the dead when the latest of all the
tasks is completed. So therefore here,
I'm just gonna put a max of all the finish date. And that should give me the
hundred of the project. That's it. So this is
the 10th of December, which is the date of the latest. So a little bit of formatting. So I'm just going
to clean that up, put everything in
the same board here. I would like to have these turn green if there is a big tick. So what I do is I create a new rule and go use a
formula to determine. And I will put the
first field here. We said the daughters to
make sure it drugs among older roads when
is equal to tick. That's the advantage
of having themselves. And I will just give
you these green here. And then that works or just go back to Conditional Formatting. I duplicate that
rule and I will put, instead of putting
tika will put cross. And that will give
me some red eye. So I don't like this red. I just wanted to softer red. So I'll put this one instead. Okay, There's another
formatting that I like to do is I want to remind us that
when there is manual here, we need to put a date. Otherwise, it doesn't
work obviously because we say we
want to manually. So I'm just selecting these conditional formatting new rule and just see when the, when the cell value
of the field nearby of this one without the
total is equal to manual. Then I want to have the color that I
used to make sure that something is input today. I don't want to put
any big warning I just wanted to
put this this way. So if we have a date
here that is manual, we want to make sure that
we have something here. So after those, so
that goes blank. But if it's manual, then
we need something here. Okay. So let's just first of October to have
consistent with late. The last piece of
formatting that I was showing before was on the, on the introduction is to. For this field, you can go to Conditional Formatting and you
can just apply some icons. So the one that I've selected, all of these, this one here. But obviously if
you prefer some, you can just add a, the star it just to give you a high-level overview
of where we add. So this is done. These can be formatted with the blue, the
complimentary color. Alright. Now before we go into Gantt
Chart the chest and went in and make sure that we have
all our preferences ready. So I've pre and
put some of those then and just need to name them. So show schedule from
this will allow you to have a different view
of the Gantt chart if you want to let to you six months in the project or whatever you do and you don't wait to see all what
happened in the past and you can just show when the Schedule
we start on the screen. So this is where you
wouldn't put your date here. Anyway, name, we're going to
name this cell show from. So it'd be doing here, show from its number of days that will be
showing on one cell. So if you have one, you could have one day, five days, and 30
days for monthly, and you can even put
365 days if you like. But this will be these Purcell just putting
the name here, the show grid. So this is because as he tasted so much on showing
the grid or another. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna
give myself the option to add or remove show grid and then show two
today on tasks, do I want to have really the today's date
highlighted on the task? It could look a bit messy
or you might like it, so we have the option
to turn it on and off. There is some text here that
I've added for reminders. They'd bit of explanation. But this is it. So
now we are ready to start inputting the dates. The date here will be show from which is a few that we
have defined earlier on. So we don't have metro
Format here doesn't matter. There should be the date there. So here I've put a reference there that we'll use to compare. Then here we have the previews, date plus the amount
of data that we have these days that we have
decided days per cell here. So I'm just going to put
here these peer cell. Okay, Can we go do that quite. We copy and paste all these
and put tilde. Let's see. The BOB and I should give us
one year on weekly basis, on a weekly basis anyway, we can always adjust
that later on and we will this we need
to put the year, but we only we don't want to
put to you at every cell, so we need to make sure that
we only put do you want. So the way we can do this is we are actually checking what is the year of the field before the year of the
fetal before here, which is our
reference, the field not the same as this year. You these then show the date. Then we copy this field again. Otherwise, we just put nothing. And I'll explain why. Let's just copy that
all the way across. Now it's not showing because
there's only one year. So what would the reason why
I've just leave these easy? Because I wanted to
use the Format team instead to make it simpler. And I'm going to format this
just to show the year 2022. Now that seems to
be working that the next thing is the month. So I'm doing more or
less the same thing. But using mom this time, the date, otherwise,
just put nothing. Once again, I
wouldn't be copying that all the way across. So we should only show total. And the format of
this is just put Mmm, just to make sure
we only see the month. Okay, So we making progress. Now the two of the features
we need to put this one the day of the week
and to the date itself. Just copying this date. Just copying the date, the date from above. It's just going to, I'm just going to
play with formatting. So here as a Format, I will be putting food day, so which would give
me the formulae, the and then for this one, I'm just going to do the same, but I'm just going
to Format with only 12 days relativity,
so that's it. So this one, I'm just going
to copy all the way across. This is it? So we have,
this doesn't look good, but hopefully that will improve. This field is a little bit big. We can start making things
look a little bit better. So what we'd be just taking
all these centralized, making sure it's or font nine. Okay. Now, I just wanted to test if we go back here and you see
instead of Wendy, let's say we want
every seven days, see if things have changed. Is once it endears years. We have we have the mom, so everything is okay. Now let's just do a
bit of formatting on the dates. To start with. Say we want to have the month of one color and alternating Mm. So we're just going
to put these, for instance, these type
of color here, this one. And what I want to do is I want to change when
there's a change of moms. So how do I do this?
I just go into the conditional formatting here. And I say new rule,
use a formula. I'm going to use odd and even. If the month is all done, I put one color and if not, then I'll leave the
kernel by default. Use the debt is given amount of muon with this color. And then a should
be alternating. Alright, so and I
copy that across. So that's the way
a copy my Format, disengage if you know where all these usually the pen brush, put it all the way across. And so that turns
a colonial month. I'm not fully satisfied with these blue and
other blue here. Just putting another blue bit of a deeper blue so
we can differentiate. And I'm going to put
to the font in white. That's it. Okay. All of these second
printing board. Okay. Okay. Now the day I'm just
gonna give once again, I'm just going to select all and I'm going to give it
a bit of a Formatting. I'm just going to put
this light color here. So I am just going to
Format Dos field here. I want them to look
different on weekend. I'm going to select
those fields. I'm going to go to
conditional formatting, new rule, determining
which cells. And I'm going to
put it this week, they should be a one or seven. And when it's the case, I will put a darker value here. So we have some, okay, I'm doing the
same for the day here. Conditional formatting new
rule based on the value. I'm just going to do this. We deal silane, gonna
give you that color here. What I would take this and I will apply the formatting
to everything. And then we have our weekends
in a different color. So I'm going to start to bring the sales few cells a little bit closer so we have a better a bit of view of
what he start to look like. Okay, so this is starting to look a little bit
better already. Now, what I will do
is I will freeze the screen here so we
can go pretty spin here. So here if I change the days, then it should be changing here. Here. Beautiful. 1014 for a fortnight. Okay, very good. And I need to remove this. Now. We are getting very close. We have our dates setup. Now. There is just the
new two Format, BCE. So it just show the
year of the date. So the Format Sales, custom. Just a year or the date. Go. Don't worry about this. As I said, this is gonna
be gone to Paris soon. So now we are going into the formatting of the
Gantt chart itself. Now let's get started with the formatting of
the Gantt chart. So to start with,
we're going to put some values in our cells. And after we're going to hide those values
and we're going to put color-coded display instead. Now, this is the
formula that I will be using in for every sale
we need to take this. So there's free status that
cell could be in if you like. The first educes. There is there was no
activity during that period. And how do I know there's
been any activity? Well, I will just
check the date itself, this range of date and see if something finished before, then. I know it's out. And if something
started after that, I know it's out. So this is what I have
here in my notes. If they ended of tasks
smaller than that range, or either start is
greater than range, then there was no work
happening in that period. Now, just a note on Excel 365, there are easier way to
do this instead of this nested IF AND IF
and their lives. But I just wanted to make sure that everybody
could do the, this is why I'm using
the old version notation all the way a free 65 myself, but this way I can be sure
that no one is missing out. Now the second thing
that we do is Dawn, how do we take this? And we check if the task has been completed
or left to compete a zero, or if the work done during
a dead beyond the data. And so that means
that if you have done until 27 for instance, so all those dates
should be shown as done. For this is how we do it and not done is all the other dates. So he's not out. It's not done, then
it's not done. That's it. And do a
little bit of formatting. Here you go. So I'm going to drag
that all the way around here because would be hiding
those, those, remember? And then I'm just
going to put it here. So as you can see, it's all out, out non-dot, not done. So there's a lot of lot
of out for the moment. That's because we don't
have that many tasks. But I could add a
few tasks here. From now on, everything
is in Formatting. Now there's gonna be a
few formatting here, so I'm gonna go through
them relatively quickly. The first condition or rule
that we put is we want to show to the discrete colors. So if putting, putting it here, if the flag obviously show
today is yes on tasks. And the show today is always
showing on the headings. And if we are today, obviously, we are going to highlight this on the chart
which will look like this. So let's check if we say
show to the on-task know. So it is no truly
actually that reminds me that we haven't really
put it today here. That's something
that we can do is we can conditional format
this one as well too, to show today,
which are checking if we are today and if
the range includes today. So if that's the case, I'm just gonna give you this
quarter because I wanted to show if we have
a monthly view see, I just wanted to show the
month where two there was something else
that we want to fall Format is the weekend we want to put the
weekend grayed out if we're not
working on weekend. So we'll just do the same. And we put a light gray here. The weekends are
being great at now. Next we are formatting
the sales that, that shows are done. We can give one type of blue, so cell value equal to don. We do this. So we can
see some already. And then we go here
and we do minus rules, and we duplicate this rule. And we just do the
same for not done, and we just choose a color for something that is not done. So not done. And then we choose a color. And we can take these
one time being. And then we apply all this. So obviously, after we just need to put that across everybody, yes, that's starting to show The only thing left
to do as far as formatting is showing
this grid here. So conditional formatting, new rule condition
is show greed. Yes. So if the show grid is yes, then we put some grids. So how do we do this? We go to the border. We put the top the bottom. But I would like to have a
bit of a not a strong gray. Just going to put something
a little bit lighter here. Just a quick note on the grid. We need to make sure that
when we were starting to pilot the conditional
formatting for this one, but we starting to pilot
the conditional formatting, we need to make sure that all
those are really clearly, don't have any grid on it. So for instance, this one, we take it and we
need to go back to Format border and make
sure that we have known. So if you have a challenge
when he's agreed to think this is something
that needs to be done. But now my greets is setup. So if I just press yes, we will show the grid. And if not, then
we don't show it. Now, there is just one
thing to do is we need to, to remove those
out and not done. So how do we do that? So we select everything
this way and then we apply the magical formatting
very obscure that Microsoft is giving us is free time semi-colons
just for each times. It sounds like a strange girls, but then it's done. Okay. We can do the same here, or if we put something on
top, you'll be the same. So I think which we can do
is we can go to textbooks. We could do the same system and, and just hide all these. But also we can do
something on top. Is we can go here. And we can see, for instance, Project Timelines, something
along those lines. And then we put the
background, we put white. You can put can center it. Put it in bold here. So this is a broader view. We have a tall now we have the preferences,
we have the fields. So we need to make sure that
although all those fields, if we use them at some stage, are also part of the, part of the process. They also put them here. We can hide this. Now. We can, what
do we can do is we can also do the same thing. We can group those, we go to data Grouping. Then if we want to remove them, we can remove them so we can focus on that, on our schedule. So that's pretty much it. And then you can play
around with those dates. You have the settings here, you have the flags, you have everything working. You can play with. The Greed is no. Show to the on-task. Yes, that's it.
You show it here. There is per cell. So you have, if you put seven, you
have it a weekly view. And obviously this one, it's not really worthwhile. But if you had a
very long project, 250 days, then I would start to make
a little bit more sense. And if you put 30 days, then that's done by the month. So this is showing everything
practically darn sure. Schedule from once again, you could put to do
first of February, it was 22 and will show you all the moms
where there was no activity, but it's just to show you it
can get started. Work on. We can yes. No. So if you put Gifts, then we don't need
all those gray areas. Work on weekends years, two days that then once again, if you want to have
a historical view, then you can change
the today's date and pretend that you
are another date looking at these Project. That's it. I hope you enjoyed and I hope
you can also reproduce it. Just let me know when
commence if you would like something added
or removed from these
46. Wrap up and conclusion: So that's it, We're
done. You've done the course to now you
might be wondering, am I missing out on something? I'm hearing about
all these courses where there's tons
of functionalities, all these reporting
and financing and the lights being explained.
What I'm gonna do. So let's have a look
at other types of functionality that
MS project can have. And I am suggesting
you do not use unless you are really,
really have to. For instance, the reporting. I mean, when you join a
company who is going to be interested in your MS
project reporting, who going to say, yes, the company has all these
reports already in place. But there is this Pm
here is doing is MS. Project report let's
use his or hers report. Very unlikely. You
would have to fit in. You will have to use
the report they do sometimes when they
use MS Project Server, they will have some
reports that come out of the cell and it will take some information
from your schedule. But this is on a
case-by-case basis. You will not be doing
your own stuff. So in other words, you will
have to learn from scratch using the method
central finance. I think that I've never, I think it's a terrible idea to manage your finance or even
create your finance with MS Project because you
need to have every task on the schedule that is
one billable and two, that would attract some
costs and lets you put zero cos and unlocks and it all becomes too complicated. So another example
of functionality that I'm running away from is, and this is from my
personal experience. Is there is a function that, and I think nowadays
they make it more obvious that is a function of MS Project where you can link server schedules together. So that happens several times. Someone admitting,
especially when it's a new program being put
together as this ID. Well, why don't we group
all skeletal together? And at the beginning I was very enthusiastic
about it, yes, and I was helping in
an annex, but now, when this happens, I'm
just keeping quiet. I don't want to be the new node, the negative one in the room. And I just let it go by itself. Usually after a few weeks, everyone forgets about it. You know, but a
schedule that is very efficiently manage
using the merging of MS Project schedule. Please send me a note. I'd
like to hear about it. But you know, if they
had the functionality, I'm sure it happens, but from
my experience, why do it? When you have several
complex projects merging them together and I just I just pretty thick, It's one very dangerous. And two, I really don't
see the benefits. So that's it. So there's other functionalities
like everything. The purpose of the
schedule was for you to get started right
from the start. Forgetting everything else,
takes the first six steps. And you've noticed, I'm sure
that some of these steps are not even MS project is
saved them or setting up. They are not creating
new schedule itself. There are more, some setups. Just use the basic stuff, make it perfect, reduce the amount of
things to be perfect. As Jack Dorsey says, it's one of my favorite
quotes. You'll see it in. If you take some of my courses, just stick to this. And if you stick to
these six main press, maybe two or three from
the advanced section, nobody would have anything
to say about your schedule.