1. Introduction: Hey, guys, my name is Jack. And today I'm gonna be taking you through the course on how to scale your business with Facebook ads. Now, this course is really for those people who want to use Facebook to scale that company, especially e commerce companies. You're a marketer. If you're found up, definitely tune into this course because we're going to do a ton of stuff now. My background is in paid advertising. I've spent over $150 million on Facebook and Instagram. So a bunch of things that I want to share with you what you shouldn't shouldn't do. Now, a few other things we're gonna go over in this course is one. Why use Facebook House? It's so much better than everything else. What you should be doing to how to create really good ad. So the great creative, the right copy all that fun stuff. Three. How to really create the perfect at account structure. So how you using? Couple of fun bullet funnel. How you creating long turned marketing campaigns before your Facebook strategy, but also going to show you how to target, find audiences and organize all that sort of stuff. So this course is really for those people who want to scale that company using Facebook ads . And I'm looking at the long term picture. So jump in, follow along with this course, it's gonna be great. We're gonna have a bunch of to do this homework. There's gonna be a lot of feedback and sharing. So you know, we'll be reviewing each other's work, that sort of thing, gonna take you through the whole process, setting it up, giving you examples, checklists. I'm gonna take you into all my accounts so you can even take a look at all of that accounts and numbers, the exact ads and landing pages on using so follow along this course and let's jump into it .
2. Why You Should Use Facebook Ads to Scale: Hey, guys. So welcome to the course on scaling your business with Facebook ads. Yes, I am just gonna take you through a few things. First off, I'm gonna explain to you why I should listen to what this court has to tell you why you should follow some of these tactics. I spent a lot of time in this industry. So the last seven or eight years I've been running paid ads on Facebook and instagram spent over $150 million also across multiple ranges of clients. Whether it's e commerce be to be a SAS all those guys. Now, these range from $100 a day, all the way up to $100,000 a day. I really have specialized in scaling accounts. So using top in the bottom of the final strategies to create long lasting marketing campaigns, I used to scare your company. Now, a few things we're gonna go over in this course we're going to start off by doing the general intro on Facebook. At account, You know what to look at? I had to set up your account. What different types of campaigns you have, Then we'll go into how to create really good ads creating video ads, creating Click adds Carousel, all those different ad formats you could be using and how to use those and where to use them. And then we'll go into optimizing your campaigns and finding audiences and interest the target. So we'll go through all of that in this course. It's gonna be really in debt so that you can really take something away from this and use it to improve your Facebook ad buying.
3. Intro to Facebook Ad Accounts: a. So in this section I'm going to show you the basics off the Facebook ad account. So if you've never been into a Facebook account, I'm going to show you a few things you want to look out for. When you first create an account with Facebook, you're gonna obviously have a blank account. But this one has some ads in here. So the main things to note on this first tab you have campaigns. So this is where you control you know, whether you're targeting prospecting or re marketing traffic again, prospecting top the funnel re marketing bottom of the final thing Add set is where you're going to control the targeting of your campaigns and the ad levels. We're gonna control your ads. So what type of ad you're running the copy, the creative, that sort of thing. Now a few things to note when you're looking at your account is to set up your custom columns. So I like to set up a conversion colon and leads column. So conversions is for bottom of the funnel, so that's looking at rows and leads is looking at top of funnel, so that's looking at getting awareness leads engagement and obviously people were aware about brand. So you can see in the account the process of the journey of the customer. You can see this is where they see and engage and find an ad so you can see the top of the funnel is, you know, much higher conversion rate, much higher. Click through rates and lower cost per click. It's much cheaper traffic compared to the re marketing campaigns on. Then you'll see that once they get to the website, the amount of people that go to the car. So you want to make sure that people will have them into the cop once you get them back to the website and then you're obviously gonna wanna look at people who are going and purchasing. So that is people who are purchasing and you're gonna look at things like Rose and the purchase amount. So the other thing that you also will probably want to look at is when you are filtering your campaigns, you can select just to look up. One. This will make it a lot easier to then focus. You won't have to do with all the rest of them and the other thing is, when you're sitting up, your columns we have to do is choose them from this set. So a few tips here is one used. The link clicks for the cost per click and for the click the rates. You really want to be monetizing on optimizing towards the link. Click. Not necessarily just the whole click. All clicks will involve things like when people click on an ad or click play button, that sort of thing. We really want people clicking through our website. You wanna make sure you've got their purchase, your at the card in there. Another few things I like to look at is the frequency in the relevancy school relevancy score is gonna play a much bigger part in the top of the funnel campaigns, which we're going to later. So that's a brief overview of your account. And then once you're in your account, a few other things you'll want to look at is the pixel. So when you're setting up your pixel looking at your events, you go through here on. The other main thing is your audiences, when you're creating audiences, you're gonna want to go to this section here and that's going to allow you to create audiences. But that's the main things you want to pay attention to in the account, especially filtering your date range as well. So let us know if you got any questions about any of this and we can go through it in debt .
4. The Profitable FB Ad Account Setup: All right, So now I'm gonna take you through how you need to think about setting up your account. So first off, people aren't gonna buy from you as soon as you put an ad in front of you. The main thing is there's a process that people follow when they discover, learn and then purchase your product. So we want to actually recreate that flow within a Facebook ad account. So we do this by breaking up our account into sections. So the sections hot, warm and cold traffic now heart traffic is bottom of the funnel. This is where all the conversions happen and where people are most likely to convert because they've learned the most about your product and they're ready to buy. That convinced the top of the funnel traffic, which are the warm and the cold audiences. This is when you're introducing your brand or product or service to the people via a top of the final add. So these giveaways, contests, quizzes, surveys, viral videos, that sort of stuff. These are things that are gonna grab attention and get people engaging. Because the reason you want to do this and separate these two is because Facebook loves post that you create their engaging. They love ads that is getting really high click rates, achieving the goal that you're setting on. They give you a much higher relevancy school, which results in having a much lower CPM, which is cost per 1000 impressions so you can scale your account toe much higher heights with this cheaper traffic. And then, once someone moves from that cheaper top of the final traffic into the remarking, that's where you make all of your profit because you're obviously optimizing from now instead of just getting their attention and getting them engaging. The idea now is to get them to convert so you can see here people go from unaware in the cold traffic all the way up to most aware, ready to purchase in the hot traffic, which is the re marketing now, a few reasons why you want to do this. You know, talk with a final traffic is super important at scaling because you want to get your brand and your products in front of as many people as possible for as cheap as possible. And then from there, you then move into the bottom of the funnel to convert them. So this is as we've discussed. This is the re marketing from website engagement. So people who visit or clear core add stuff to cut any action that happens on your website . You're retargeting that I'm gonna show you how to set that up soon. And also any sort of actions that you can remark it on social platforms, Facebook engagements or anybody who's watching your video is clicking your videos, commenting all that sort of stuff you want to read, remark it to those people and then also email remarking so quickly jump into an ad account here where you can see this so you can see here that we have Thesixties is set up so that the bottom of the funnel is theory marketing. And you could see the roses really high on. These were like 477 and 15 that the row as on that, remarking on the top of the funnel, which is the contest giveaway that we're using, hasn't much lower rose. But when you look at the cost and volume of this, we're getting, you know, way more so paying 30 cents a click instead of a dollar. We're getting a 3% click to rate, as opposed to a 1% click through rate. And this top of the funnel. It doesn't have his higher frequency school, so we're showing it in new people, and we're bringing new people into the re marketing final. So this top of the final campaign feeds the bottom of the funnel. Now, when you look at the ad types, this and type is a top of the funnel. You can see it's a giveaway winning a pair of jeans and you can see that the bottom of the funnel traffic is more conversion based. So it's like, Hey, don't miss out on this deal. Here's the deal Link on. He is like some sweeten up for free shipping on orders over $250 so you can see how it works, having top and the bottom of the funnel because people gonna engage with that, give away to win something free, get engaged, learn about the brand, and then you want to oversee, remark it them once they've learned about the brand of what you're selling. So I'll see you in the next section
5. How to Create Converting Ads: Okay, so now I'm gonna show you how to create converting. And so this is really important, because, remember, this is one of the corners of the triangle really high performing adds. So the main things going to add one copy writing to creative. So a few tips for training really good, Compelling adds It's the one called out. The person who you're trying to target that problem, that pain points. Why would they be interested in learning about your solution? Make sure that you are using emerges to break up the text. Make sure your sentences and paragraphs and not too long because it does become much harder to read on mobile phone. So really section out. You can see in this example how have used emerges to really break down the text in this ad and gives him really defined a definitive benefits to someone to buy our product. So this would be a re marketing ad. So this is a bottom of the final warm traffic on. This is really trying to convert someone. So we've already got them engaged in enticed by a video, and then now this is a remarking at that they're seeing that's gonna push them to purchase from us. The other thing is you want to make sure that they are really trying to create value in the ad, and then also you can use things like scarcity. So scarcity being like, you know, x amount of days to claim this or there's only 100 in stock or in the 100 codes using scarcity works really, really well and getting people to take action and convert the next section is the ad creative so that creative is the video of the image. Now there's a bunch of benefits for using Facebook instagram because they have so many options Now you definitely want to be using video. You want to try and use at least a square size square work on Instagram and Facebook, which is a 1 to 1 ratio. And then, if you're really wanting to crush it, you can use four by five portrait ratios. So this one here is a portrait size one, and the reason you want to do that is because it takes up the entire screen when someone's on their mobile phones. So you get the entire screen to show your video and you don't pay any extra money to Facebook for that placement, even though it's twice the size, essentially it off a square or a landscape sizing one. Now you really have the 1st 2 to 4 seconds to capture someone's attention and convince them where they have to keep watching the video. The other thing is, a lot of people don't have ordered play on anymore, so make sure that you're holding images really, really encouraging, enticing for someone to click. Now the other thing you want to do is you want to make versions of your video, so you wanna have a 15 2nd a 32nd on a 62nd now Incident won't even let you run anything over 60 seconds, but definitely focus on the 15 in the 32nd 1 Those two of the best ones toe have again. You need to make sure they're capturing their attention in that first you know, three seconds. The other thing is you want to include call to actions you can see in this example. We're using a collection ad so that video will play here and then under here they'll have options to opt in on this one here you can see with the portrait mode, you can see it takes up a huge amount of space and also calls out the pain points. And in this video it shows people how they can save money with this product. Now that we know how to create a really good video creative at Creative at copy got the ad account, Let's move on to the next section.
6. Setting Up the Bottom of the Funnel: Okay, so now we're gonna go into setting up the bottom of the funnel so we're gonna show you how to create these re marketing audiences. This is the best place to start if you're starting out on a smaller budget because these are the people who are most likely to convert. And you need to have this in place before you scale. Okay, so we're gonna go over, you know how the conversions work, the audiences you need to create and the structure of the campaigns you're gonna have in one of our accounts. So let's jump over to this account quickly. So again, make sure you set up your custom conversion. Collins makes it much easier to look at the accounts. What I'd like to do is I like to set these up into dynamic product ads, website campaigns and then engagement campaigns. Now, the reason you need to split these up is one the re marketing DP A adds dynamic product ads . They are actually based off a different campaign type, which is catalogue on through going to that in a bit, but make sure that you've got your pixel installed on your site. If you've got Shaq defied you just put in your pixel I d into the setting section. If you've got WordPress or we comus. What you want to do is you want to install a plug in that, for example, at expressing makes It's a really good one. When you do a similar thing, you just add your pixel i d. And that is going to allow you create all the audiences. So I'll show you under this campaign, which is a conversion optimized campaign. So we're conversion, optimizing this campaign to the purchase pixel. Now what we do is I highly encourage you to set up 202 30 day re marketing first. So anybody who visits your site in the last 30 days, anybody who had something to York that card in the last 30 days that do not purchase. Now you can see this has a lot you don't need necessarily need to have male and female. That's just for this product, but definitely have 0 to 30 day on the abandoned car, 32 30 and the same thing with your dynamic product ads, you have 0 to 30 days and then 32 1991 180. The reason you break these up is because you have different types of ads in each section. So the warmest audience out of the re marketing is gonna be the 1st 30 days. You really want to try and convert those people there. The next 30 to 60 days is like a lot lower, what smaller audience and less engaged. So you need to increase the incentive. Maybe you want to change up the ads and stop those people from getting sick of seeing stuff from your brand on the last section for re marketing is setting up your engagement. So this is people who engage with your Facebook page or instagram page, any of that sort of thing. And you can also do videos watched on. So there's a bunch of different things you could do on the engagement level. Now we're gonna show you how to create these audiences. So once you're under the audience section that we have to do is find audiences under here and you'll be able to go in and create audiences. Now, what you want to do is you want to create them based off website traffic. Remember, that's using the pixel so you can then go in and choose whether you want to create an audience based off people who did specific things so purchased, initiated check out added to cut. And you can choose the size of the audience by how many days have passed since they did the action. So you want to do that and then for setting up the engagements, you want to go into your custom audiences again, go to engagements and you have a bunch to choose from here. But let's start off with the Facebook engagements, and you can break it down a lot by these sort of things here. So visited your page, engaged with your page, sent you a message, and you get again. Choose the length of time since that event happened. So the important parts are. You want to set up your ad account so that you have the re marketing for website visitors, engagements, dynamic product ads, and eventually you can add in e mails. And then you want to make sure that you obviously have. All of your audience is set up correctly in the accounts, so I'll just give you a quick look. A dynamic product ads so you can see here we have all placements were using collection ads on We're using different sizes, different sized audiences. And you can see that we have collection ads in here or we have carousel ads. So it's important to then have a few different options in here and constantly be testing to find which adds a working the best. Once you go through this ad account, make sure you check all of this out and we'll see you in the next section.
7. Setting Up the Top of the Funnel : Okay, Now I've set up the re marketing. We've got some really good ads running, and now we're ready to scale. Now, scaling is sending up the top of the funnels of your account. So this is the really engaging ads. Whether it's a contest giveaway quiz, Cem, a viral video, whatever it's gonna be, it needs to be something that's gonna create a lot of video views, shares, engagements, likes website traffic. So, yeah, I'm gonna take you into one of the accounts, and we're gonna take a look at how to actually set this up on what it looks like. So here, you can see, is we've set up a contest in this example. You know, these are all around. Re marketing on top of the funnel, which is gonna be the contest is running here now with create were targeting those interests and look alike audiences, which we talked about before, which was a top of the final prospecting campaigns. You really want to be using those to scale this because you can see we're getting, you know, for 4% click through rates. The average in this account is like 1%. The average across Facebook and Instagram is close to 1%. Click through rates down to 21 cents or cost per clicks around 21 cents. Other thing that you're gonna want to notice is thesis E P M. Which cost per 1000 impressions is really loads $8. These account usually averages around 20. And a lot of the relevancy scores are gonna be above eight. Because again, we're getting a lot of engagement. We're getting a lot of awareness and reach on these campaigns. The ad looks like this. So we're giving away a free pair of shoes every month and they need Teoh enter here. They watch the product video. They like sharing comment, all that sort of stuff. So we're using this video across a lot of these different ads you saw in the account before . And this is just one of them. And so we're re marketing everybody who's watching this video. We re marketing everybody who clicks through because they click through this landing page where they signed up to their contest to win their free shoes. Once they enter, we then collect that lead. So now we have that email address. We can also remark it to that lead, and what we do also have in here is a bonus action here in the contest to get people to go back and again, like sharing comment for some bonus points. So this funnel here off, creating the contest on which is getting like shed and commented a lot, giving a super cheap traffic and results. So again you're seeing much cheaper results here and getting a brand in front of people. And then after that, you obviously able to re market to them based on if they watched the video, if they engaged with the post, if they got to the website or contest landing page and then again once they've converted to a lead, So that's the structure that you want to follow and setting up your top of the funnel.
8. How to Find Converting Audiences: all right, now that you have the ads created, you know, the structure of your account set up to re marketing now you really just got scaling. But which audiences are you gonna target? So I'm gonna show you how to create the audiences to target and scale your at account. So essentially, the way it works is you have interests and you have look alikes. Remember these other two prospecting audiences that we're gonna be using? So the look alike campaigns work this way. So say you haven't audience. You say you have your purchase audience and you want to create a lookalike audience of this . You say, Hey, Facebook, go out and find 1% of America that looks most like this group of people. So that would be your US 1% look alike. Now, if you want to use that an interest to scale, you'll talk to the funnel because remember, everything comes in through the top for much cheaper, and then you scale by converting those people through re marketing. And that's what makes sure that you're constantly growing your ad and you making sure that you're obviously balancing your r y and OAS. So that you're spending enough on the top to fuel the bottom and you're converting enough on the bottom to fuel the top. Now I'm gonna show you how to find these audiences. So the main thing is audience insights. So this is a really good tool where you can go in and you can find interests or look at other pages and what people are following who also followed that page. So this is the best place to go and find interest hugging. I highly suggest that you check out all of these little features in here. All the different demographics break down all the different interests breakdowns. You could really learn a lot. So check out your competitors pages if you have ransom already interest campaigns go and look at the interests that are similar to that in this audience insights tool, and you're gonna get a lot of information from there on what interested target? In terms of look alikes, you really want to create high intent look alike, so create audiences based off people who purchased multiple times people who spent the most time on your website, people who viewed three of your most important pages, you can create a lookalike off anything you have from your pixel data or uploaded data. So make sure that you're creating really high intent audiences and then creating lookalikes in this because that's really gonna make a huge difference when you go to scale the top of your campaign. The top final campaigns If you are attracting people who is similar to your purchases, and that's gonna actually be much easy to convert later on, the other things you can do is you can do customer surveys. You can build personas, you can look at competing brands, complementary brands and all that sort of stuff. So let's jump through to the next section and get take it from there.
9. Optimizing Top of the Funnel Campaigns: Okay, so now that we have your audiences, I'm gonna show you how to optimize the top of the final campaign. So this is really important, because remember, what we're trying to do here is we're trying to get highly engaged cheap traffic to the website or to engage with us. So it's a few things we're gonna be looking at. The leads cost barely. Remember what? Using a contest, a lady's When someone signs up, we get that email address to want to be looking at the quality of the traffic and the click throughs. So I'm going to show you this in our at account and take you through how we would optimize this. So you want to go into your conversion campaign for lead? Remember, we're optimizing to the lead here because that's a sign up in the contest. And ideally, what we want to do is going to get people to the Web site. I want to get that email address. You can do engagement campaigns, but I highly suggest that you use conversion campaigns. You do get much better results with these. Now you can see here we have a few different audiences set up here and again. Remember, we set up a lead columns saved here and a conversions Calm. So now we're looking at the league calms because we're looking at the top of the final campaign here. So you can see the best way to optimize is to look at your average and let everything under your average run and pause anything that's over your average. Over time, it's gonna keep improving mawr and more and more as you do more and more tests so he could see a local accordance is doing well sneaking collections and van fans, plus other brands. How they suggest that you also break out your ad sets interest. This makes it much easier to optimize. And the other trick to doing this is also optimizing on your ad level. Now the important thing to remember here is that we're actually using one ad across all of these interests so you can see here when we go in, we set up the ad. We're using this existing post, and what we're doing is we're using the post I d here to then pull in this exact post so that that post is used across all of our top of the final prospecting. So this allows us to pull all of our social engagements, all of our video views and all that sort of stuff so that we can easily re market based off one posters opposed to thousands. That's really important when you're doing that and again, same thing you do here. You look at your average on the account, and you allow everything on your average to run. You pause anything that's over your average and you want to look at a few different metrics . So first off, you want to look at your click through rate. So you want to make sure that you've got really high 60 rates on top of the final campaigns . Really low cost per click. Because, remember, we re marketing to these people and we're getting them to reengage later date because this is the first touch point. This is a soon as I getting introduced. The brand remember it takes 4 to 8 touchpoints to convert someone. So is the first touch point we need to follow up. Remark it to them via Facebook ads. Instagram ads the party placements, which is like also within the ad set options down in Facebook also with e mails. So this is really important and I'm gonna quickly show you some of the settings that we use in here. So as you optimize your ad sets, you can choose a bunch of things you can see here. We're optimizing to that lead event. We are excluding all of our re marketing, so we don't want anybody who knows about our brand to see our top of the funnel prospecting campaigns we're targeting are ideal age range. So we've done a breakdown on the account and found that 18 to 35 year olds are the best converters. We are also doing all placements, so you can see as time goes on. As we spend more, we can start excluding the placements that do not convert for us. Eso make sure that you're checking that out over time using that breakdown feature, remember, you can break down a lot of different things here, and you can look at all of these different things such as age, gender, region and placement. Those the main ones you want to optimize too. But remember, you're always looking at the highest opportunity here, which is the lead So you want to optimize to that first, and then you want to optimize based on your click through rates and your cost per clicks. So hopefully that will show you how to optimize your top of the final campaigns. Let's jump into the next section.
10. Optimizing Bottom of the Funnel Campaigns: All right, Now we know how to optimize the top of the funnel. It's really important to also optimize the bottom of the funnel. Now, a few things gonna change here instead of optimizing to the lead, we're gonna be optimizing toe other metrics such as the purchase that add to cart. Initiate, check out that sort of thing. We're gonna constantly be looking to improve these one by one. Now, the difference is that you're going to obviously be still running a lot of different audiences based on types of re marketing. But you're not gonna be testing as many audiences because the audiences are really gonna change that much. And they are dynamic. So, you know, 0 to 30 days people who visited your site, he's gonna constantly changing. So it's really important to optimize more so on the ad level for re marketing. Now, a few things to note is, you know, definitely be using a lot of video. Remember, there's 15 30 62nd links. You can do longer video free marketing because again, this isn't the first touch point. So they're already aware of who you are, what you do, what you sell. That sort of stuff so you can do longer text and longer video in re marketing. Now, what is gonna jump into one of the accounts? I'm gonna take you through the optimization. So we're gonna go into the re marketing the website, re marketing, and you're gonna see a lot of these audiences in here again. You know, a few easy things to do on the ad set level is optimizing by placements off the miser by age, gender, that sort of thing. Because you really can't change the actual people in this audience. You know, it's not the same as interesting. Lookalike audiences were gonna keep testing a bunch of different cold audience targets. Now you can obviously optimize your age is your agenda. You probably want to also optimize your placement because you can exclude placements that are not performing very well. I always exclude these categories as well, because these categories show up when you are targeting the native banner placements. So these partnerships at Facebook or Facebook has, and they show in your APs, other websites, instant articles, all that stuff. So I usually exclude those, and I keep it on the one day click. I always keep everything on a one day click because we want people to take action quickly. If they're not taking action quickly, it probably means I'm not that interested. So as soon as someone sees a re marketing and we want them to click through as soon as someone sees one of our top of the funnel ad we want them to click through. So I usually use the one day clip, which seems to work a lot better than the seven day Now. Once you go into an ad accounts, you really want to be optimizing on the ad level. So you want to be constantly testing a bunch of ads to seeing how they're working. Remember to use that dark post a strategy that I was talking about. So in here you're really gonna want to use the existing post and then use the post idea to pull that in. So things that we do on the re marketing campaign is we have things like customer reviews, customer testimonials where we've been featured benefits and features of the product or product demos, product examples, that sort of thing. And when we are optimizing these, we wanna have a look at the main thing, which is the Rose. So we want to be running a LeVar ads that have a really high row as. And then we want to get rid of all the stuff that doesn't so here, like, this ad is actually on the bridge of getting cut off because you can see here averages, too. And this is a 1.8. So we should probably turn this one off and let the media spend go to these two ads here, which were 2.9 and a 3.4 eso. You want to make sure that we're optimizing based on our role as, and we're getting rid of the stuff that's below on average and letting everything above on average run. The other thing is, if you don't have any conversions yet, you can obviously look at add to CART conversions so you can see that you know, if something's working really well, add to cart the chances of it working really well on the purchase or a bit higher. So again, using your averages, pause everything over and let everything under run as set again. Same with the click through rates and the cost per clicks. Remember, you're really making sure that day after day you're improving your ad account. So these are a few things you can do to really improve and optimize. You re marketing campaigns. Remember, the most of it is done on the ad level compared to the ad set level with remarking with top of the funnel, a lot of it is done on the ad set level. Yeah, let's jump into the next section.
11. Conclusion: All right. Congratulations, guys, And makes the end of the course. It's been amazing with Let a lot. Hopefully, you've really understood the concept of scaling through Facebook ads, creating that top and bottom of the final, creating really good ads, creating really engaging ads that then go on convert. So I've got a little to do list for you here. So first off, start using those dark posts. Make sure that you're using one ad across multiple assets, especially in the top of the funnel campaigns. You can also use this in the bottom of the funnel re marketing campaigns as well. But make sure you're doing it cause you need to pull all of that social validation to increase your credibility and you'll scroll stops or school stuff is when someone stopped schooling and takes notice of your ad to start using the breakdown optimization. This is super important because you need to be showing your adds to the people who are engaging and converting the most three. Stop using the boost button that is not gonna help you in scale in your ad account, used the ads manager because you have way more control of your targeting over your ad types . You definitely way better off using and manager as opposed to the boost posts. Four. Star optimizing on the ad level first, so create different ads, different images, different video, different messaging, different offer different pitch, hook and then go and optimize on the outset level. Remember that on level optimization is much more important on the re marketing level and the ads set re marketing is much more important on the top of the final prospecting campaigns. Remember to keep those very separate only people who know about your branch of being re marketing. Only people who don't know about the brand should be in prospecting. The other thing is, talk to your customers. If you're struggling for ad ideas and you're struggling for interests or targets that sort of thing, ask your customers. They're gonna tell you what they like, what they dislike. That's gonna help you make better ads. So create ads that solve problems that your customers are telling you they have again use video. 15 30 62nd videos. Make sure you have talking your customers to create those as six. Make sure you're using different messaging at different times, so remember, it's 4 to 8 touchpoints for someone to be comfortable to convert and buy from you that first touch point. You want to be getting super cheap with those contests. Giveaways are borrowed videos, surveys, quizzes, anything you can get to engage people really cheaply at a large scale. Use that at the top of the funnel. Remember testing different interests as that sort of thing and then re market to those people who are engaging because they're the types of people who have been going to convert . So they're slowly moving down this funnel and getting really cheap volume and brand awareness and people actually seeing and learning about your brand. And then you're just converting and remarking to those people who are most interested, that is how you scale your account. So, guys, thank you so much for joining the course. Let me know if you got any questions. This is super collaborative. Post your ads, poster campaigns, postal problems and issues, and we can definitely all help solve them. I could give you feedback, so just add them in the course
12. Bonus 01 - IOS Updates & Tracking: Hi everybody. Thank you so much for joining
us for today's growth lab. Today's class isn't advanced Facebook marketing masterclass
where we're going to be optimizing your data to
scale your business. We're joined today by Jack and Kate from top growth marketing. There'll be walking us
through how to understand the importance of tracking proper data through
Facebook ads. So you can further help to optimize and
scale your business. I think there have been
some changes with that. We're excited to learn
about those changes. I know nothing about them. Facebook always be
changed and stuff. Some quick clean up before
I pass things over. This session will be
recorded and you'll receive a follow-up e-mail with
all applicable resources around this time tomorrow, so no worries about
taking too many notes. Everything will be
emailed to you. There is a live poll on the right side of your
screen right now. So please, please let us know
where you'll be tuning in from or where you are tuning
in from. We love to see it. All that being said, Jack
and Kate, take it away. Well, thanks, Megan,
really appreciate it. And yeah, so he made a few slight adjustments
to talk more so about the Apple iOS changes and how that's affecting
brands that are using Facebook and Instagram and all the different
social apps too, Wanted to all scale
their businesses. And so this session, you're going to learn a bunch about what sort of
data you should be looking at the changes that happened with
the Apple update, what to expect with
those changes, and then how to
fix all the issues that those Apple iOS update. All of the issues
that has created. So I know there's a lot of worried brand owners and advertisers out there who
don't know a 100%, no, kind of like the full impact
of the Apple iOS changes, but they are seeing decreases in their ad accounts and drops in revenue and that sort of stuff, which can
be really scary. Today. We're here to talk you down off
that ledge and just put share all the
information that we've been sharing with a bunch of clients that we work with, and a bunch of people that we communicate within the industry
as to how everybody is handling the Apple iOS changes and how they're
going to be handling their digital marketing
moving forward and continuing to grow
using paid advertising. So I think this is, this is one of I know what to be up to like four
or five sessions now. But yeah, we really loved
sharing all of the info about all the things that
we learn on a day-to-day, running all of our
ads on Facebook, Google, all these platforms. And this was a big
spanner in the works. So a little background. Started at Agency
talk with marketing. You're running ads
for ten plus years. And we have an
amazing, awesome team. And KTM as one of our project managers who
has been leading the charge with making sure that
all of our brands are compliant with the
new Apple iOS updates. So he's an expert on this
and you'll be in the chat. And then we also have Jenn, who's also more of
the creative side. But she'll be there
to answer what are your general Shopify questions
and marketing questions. So today we'll have a bunch of information for
you guys and then we'll do a Q&A because I know
there's a lot of questions going through people's
heads with this update. And then maybe at the very end, we can open it up
to you if there's anything else you
guys want to cover. Because I know we did change
this topic a little bit to make it more focused on
the Apple iOS updates. And if I don't look
directly at you eye-to-eye, it's because I'm looking
at multiple screens here, so I'm not trying to
be rude. Starting out. What happened? Why did
happen to make this change? What are the impacts on your ad account,
on your business? All that fun stuff, the steps and examples on how to fix all this stuff and
make sure that you can continually run ads and
profitably scale your business. So as a bunch of stuff, we're going to kava here and it's all going to
make sense at the end. So don't feel worried that you're missing
something or if you like, there's any stupid questions. All questions are valid, so drop those into the
chat and ask away. So starting out, what
was Apple, Apple update? If anybody hasn't
explained it to you, it is essentially
Apple saying, hey, any apps that are
in our app store now have to get permission
to take our users data. So now anytime you go into an app and it's going to show
you the screen that says, should you allow, that, should do want to allow
this app to track you. And that essentially
means that if they say yes, that data can, the third-party data
can be passed back to the app, which is Facebook. If they say no, that will
not get passed back. So we're gonna dive into what first-party data means and
what third-party data means. Because it's going to be really, really important in moving forward with your brand
and understanding the importance of the two and the impact of
third-party data. Shrinking in the amount
of use cases that you can use it for. Going over this. Now, some of this has a
little bit more technical that the update was
released early May. So this is maybe why you started seeing a drop in
your Facebook ads, especially in terms of rows. It's also a reason why you
might have seen a drop in your marketing efficiency. So that is, your
remarketing audiences were probably a
little bit smaller and not converting as well. The algorithms and
Facebook and Instagram, we're not doing as good a job because they have less data. And also, the biggest one is that it was limited amount
of data getting passed back in terms of tracking
people when they completed specific
actions on your website. So for example, a purchase. Okay, so what is Apple's app Tracking
Transparency framework? This is essentially apple
putting in place a bunch of policies to protect the
privacy of all of its uses. Now, usually they roll
out these updates. And for this update, brands usually had two dash three months to prep for this. So there's a bunch of things that you need to do in Shopify. And you need to do on your ad account which we're
going to go over, which will help minimize the impact that this
has on your brand. And it will help you fill in some of the gaps
and I'll explain exactly why should do
them and how to do them. The other thing that
you should know is idf j means the ID
for advertisers. So this is something that
iPhone or Apple created. And it is a randomized key that gives everybody
identification. Before the update, about
70% of iPhone users, we're allowing apps like
Facebook to use this in marketing and tracking
and all that fun stuff. They're expecting when
iOS 15 rolls out, this two drop to
roughly ten per cent. So you are going
to be losing a lot of data from a lot of customers. And I'm sure all of
you know, iPhone, an Apple product users usually have a much higher
conversion rate. They usually have a
high disposable income, and they are usually one of the top people that
you want to target. So this is going to be tough
for e-commerce brands, but don't worry, there's a bunch of stuff that we're
gonna go over. It's going to show you how
to best prepare for this. Now, the adoption rate of
14.5 was relatively slow. It usually takes two
to three months for Apple users to fully update
to the latest version. Now, all the people who
have updated so far, only five per cent of people
have opted into tracking. So it's totally normal to see a big drop in your advertising, ROAS and all of those statistics
that are getting shown in your
Facebook ad account. So don't panic because the conversions are
still happening. They're just not getting
trapped as well. So you'll notice one of the
most important thing to do is look at your total revenue and look at your total ad spend, and then work out your
marketing efficiency. So this is essentially
how many doors and less spending on marketing. How much revenue am
I making in total? And so you'll be able to, the best-case is to track
that month over month. And you'll be able to see
that the prior month, your total ROI for your brand should be
pretty consistent and maybe your Add Row as
return on ad spend is maybe just dropping
when Mae came through. So don't panic too
much just because your Facebook ROAS is dropping, doesn't necessarily mean that all your revenue is dropping. Okay. Just a quick little
chart that will show you the adoption rate. I think I updated this today. So you can see here in May
when the update rolled out. And you can see as of now
that's 65% of people will have opted into 14.5 or above. And that is when that privacy Notification got
added to iPhones. And Jack, just a
quick thing here. A lot of people are saying that they don't
use Apple, right? But this is something
that has affected the entire Facebook platform. So a lot of Facebook
users use Apple products. And so rather than segmenting
out those different users, facebook just decided
that this was gonna be a big sweeping change
if they're gonna make. So maybe you're not targeting
Apple specifically, but this still will
affect your business. Yeah, a 100%. And just don't think of Apple
just as iPhone. Apple is Safari, which
is old desktops. It is all iPhones. And it's any social app, essentially that comes
through the App Store. Apple has its, its control over a lot of different aspects
of the business. Now, when you go into
your Google Analytics, you can also take a look to
see based off your browser, the difference between
Chrome or Safari. And then you can also
go and look at device. So it can show you the breakdown
of Android versus Apple. So take a look at
those stats and see how much percentage
of your traffic and conversions or revenue are coming from Apple
products because yeah, as Kate said, even if you're
not targeting those people. It will have an
effect if there's any touch point within
a mobile phone app. Okay. So this is a historic
view of what the change and transition
looked from 413 to 14. You can see that it
took a few months. So I think the real update, the real drop will come
when iOS 15 rolls out. So we still have a little bit
of time for you to get all set up with all of these tactics that we're
going to share with you. It's really important to get
started on them as soon as possible so that you
can be ready for when. As people, more and more people
adopt the iOS 14.5 plus. And also as more people opt in, sorry, update, lot more people will be opting out of tracking. Okay, so what does this
mean for your brand, your Shopify store,
the advertiser. So essentially it
means that there's less daughter available. This means your remarketing
audiences of smaller. So if someone visits
your website, Facebook can't tell
what Instagram can't tell if that
person actually visit your website anymore because the apps will not be passing
back that information. Or for example, maybe the Safari browser will not be passing back
then inflammation. Your remarketing audiences
will shrink a little bit and we're gonna go over
ways to minimize this. Um, you're going to have less conversion
tracking transparency. So this just means that when someone does go and
make a purchase, there is less information getting passed back to Facebook, so it's harder for
them to say, okay, this ad cause someone to purchase or this campaign
cause someone to purchase. Again, I'm going to show you how to minimize that as well. The optimization is a big one. So as you know, Facebook and Instagram
run off a lot of algorithms and optimization
that's done on the backend. With less information, that algorithm has had a
little bit of a hot time over the last month or so in terms of using that data to better
target customers with your ads. So this is another
reason why a lot of the Facebook
advertising budgets or campaigns have
been a little less effective over the
last few weeks. The other thing is that
removing a lot of data. Now, let me know if
this is too technical. If this is not technical enough, I want to get a read
on where everybody is at in terms of how deep they want me to go into all of this data stuff
because it is very, it's very important to learn. And I can give you
a very high level so you can get the
basic gist of it all. Because even you talk
to some of the most, you talked a huge store owners or big analytical people and they'll still be
confused about what first-party data means
versus third-party data. So to break this down, simply, first-party data is
information that you collect on your website and
you keep on your website. This is like an e-mail list. Second party data is when
you're essentially buying an e-mail list or getting
an email list from someone who's already
collected those emails. So this is like getting a maybe you do kind
of like a webinar, a joint webinar or something. And you get the
list of attendees and you upload that
into Facebook. That would be second party data. Third-party data is when
you're using a pixel, because that pixel
can be placed in many places and
the data collected from that pixel goes back
to a central location. So you can see this
in the diagrams. These are multiple
web properties. So this could be a website, it can be an app, it
could be whatever. You're essentially collecting
that third-party data and sending it back. A lot of the browsers, a lot of the tech companies
are trying to restrict the amount of third-party
data that people can collect. It's too easy. So yeah, my advice to
everybody on here is to start really focusing
on collecting e-mails, collecting phone numbers, and building up the mouth
first-party data you have. Now is a lot more advanced stuff that we can go into around this, but I'll keep it kind
of high-level Kd. Is there anything in the chat on whether this is to advance
or not advanced enough? The only comment I've
seen so far is that they're understanding everything
and the more the better. Perfect. Okay. This is a quick outline as
well to help you understand the difference between
first-party cookies and third-party cookies. So if first-party cookies, they are essentially helping you be ordered logged in there, helping you navigate and use websites better or helping
you use apps better because they're
remembering who you are so they can actually deliver a better experience for you when you're
using your app. Third-party cookies
are usually not trying to deliver a
better experience than trying to take your data. So this is one of
the main reasons why the browsers and people like alcohol or trying to
restrict the amount of third-party data that
gets transferred. Usually back to appetizers. And remember, all of
these slides will be in the email recap. So you can come back
and read through these. Pixels are one aspect, but cookies are also
stored in browsers. So just so that you're aware, cookies have already
been banned, or third-party cookies have
already been stopped or prevented on Safari and Firefox. And then Google is
also planning to remove third-party
cookies later this year. So understanding the
difference between first-party and third-party
is very, very important. Now, I know that was
all super scary. Everybody is like, ****,
this is ridiculous. How can I do this to us? Don't worry, we were
thinking this as well. So we came up with a bunch of ways to help fix this problem. First thing you're
going to want to do is verify your domain in Facebook. Now, you might have
seen this a little bit, but this is a really
important thing to do because once you
verify your domain, you can do a bunch
of other things. Now, this is one going to
help secure your brand because Facebook wants
you to verify your domain and prove that you are the
owner of this website. And that's one aspect to it. The two, verifying your domain will allow you to
tell Facebook, Hey, these are my most important
events because Apple is only letting you track a maximum of eight events that talked
about releasing more. But at the moment, it's
just eight events. So it's really, really important to go into
your business manager, come down to your brand safety, go to domains, and that's going to ask you to
verify your domain. Now, one thing you can
do is you can actually just paste our code into
your website header. Or you can use C name or a
bunch of different strategies. I'll see if I can actually
just go in and give you a quick look at how to do this. We're going off script here, so this could go
extremely wrong. But yeah, so when
you come into here, you're going to want to go
to your business manager. Know, two-factor
authentication. Sorry guys, let me just get this for me. This is how bad
security's gotten. Not even typing
it. Okay? Now you try and hack me right now. Okay, So here we go. Fantastic. I can read and I was able to
put it in my code. Alright, so diving into
your business manager, that is just What you're gonna wanna do
is you're gonna wanna go in there and you're
gonna wanna go to break down a brand safety. So under brand safety, you're going to have the
ability to click on domains. And then you're going to want
to choose your own domain. So this is really
important because you want to verify your own domain here. And so if your
domain isn't here, you can simply add it. And you can add You've got to actually put, putting your own domain,
but you just come in here, you add your own domain
and it will give you the instructions to go
and place that tag. Now, once you have done that
and that is all verified, it takes a few seconds you
go to your events manager. And now your events manager
is really important because this is where you choose those events that we've talked about. So this is the purchase Add
to Cart initiate checkout. If we go back here, these are the ones that we suggest
putting in there. So purchase, if you want to
collect a value as well, takes up four spots. Payment info, initiate
checkout cart, and be content. We suggest adding those ones. Now when we come
back here, you go to aggregate event management and you can configure
your events here. And so this is going to be
where you can come in here. And we'll use ours. We haven't even verified our
domain on our website. Guy's lucky, we
don't run any ads. Okay, and here you will want to go and verify your domain
if you haven't already. But let's go to another one that I know has
verified domains. And then once you have
verified the domains, you can manage your
events here and you can see them all placed in here. So that is step number one for verifying your domain doctrine. Take long, take
you five-minutes. And it's going to be really good because you're gonna
be able to tell Facebook, Hey, you want to
optimize your ads. And it's going to also
allow you to a bunch of other stuff later
down the line. So the next step, so this is going to involve
Shopify a little bit. Now trouble if I did a great job at making this a lot
easier for merchants. But the main thing to
understand is a conversion API is something that
Facebook made to try and piece together a bunch of
different information. So if you don't know
what an API is, it's essentially two softwares talking to each other
through the interwebs. And they're saying,
Hey, do this, the other one saying do that, and one saying, I
can do this and you can't do this and
that sort of thing. It's how software and different platforms
talk to each other. Now, facebook rolled
out a conversion API. Now what this allows you to do, it allows you to collect
all the information on your website and send
that back to Facebook. And then Facebook
and try and match up the names and e-mails, unique identifiers, and all the different
things that they can collect from your Shopify store. They try and match that back to the users and the ads
that they saw or clicked. And that way you
can fill in some of the missing conversions
that you might be missing. If you were to not have
this conversion API setup. So very easy. When you're in Shopify store, go and navigate to your sales
channels and your Facebook. Now, I highly suggest using adding your
Facebook channel anyway, because it allows you to easily integrate your Shopify
store with Facebook. You can add your product feeds and all that
sort of stuff. It makes it very easy
to set up stores and those sorts of things
in your pixel placements. A ton of benefits for adding. Facebook is your sales channels, so make sure you do
that for Facebook. I also suggest doing it
for Google and Snapchat. This is the easiest way to integrate with those platforms. So once you set that up, you can actually go back to your, you can actually go back to
your Facebook Events Manager. And you can then go and set
up your conversion API. Now, this is just a bunch of things that
you're going to do. We have an in-depth guide because it does take
a little bit of time that channel K
can drop in the chat, that there's an
in-depth guide of what you need to do
exactly in order to connect your store
and then set up your conversion API. I
think I've actually got it. Whoops. I think I've actually
got it here, but it's worth the five-minute
read to go through this. And there's a bunch of steps
here, but you can follow. I'm not gonna do
this on the core because it might waste
a bunch of your time. But go through and read that and that will tell you
exactly how to do it. Now, let's get onto another
really important thing. Third-party data is going away. So you do need to adapt,
adjust, and adapt. It's a terrible thought
to just say, Hey, I'm going to just
sit here and wait for this to fix itself. You've definitely want
to be proactive in the way that you do
your marketing to try and counteract some of the issues that this
update is caused. Once you set up your domain, you set up your conversion API, then you can start looking
at a few other things. So what I suggest first is really understanding
your numbers. So this is important
because you want to understand how much
my spending on ads, how much traffic am I getting? What is that traffic good? Is it converting, meaning what's my website conversion rate
or what's my time on site? What's my bounce
rate? Then looking at what's my total revenue? And that way, you're able to
figure out with calculators, which we're going to
provide with you. You can figure out kind of what your unit economics
are going to be, what your ROI is going to be, and you just need to do
it a little bit more manually as opposed to just showing up in
your ad account. So I highly suggest that you go through and use some
of these calculators. I'll give you an example
of it in 1 second. But go and set up these
calculators so that you can understand your metrics and understand your
numbers and be like, Okay, now I need to get
my click down to this, or I need to get my cost
of traffic down to this, my website conversion
rate up to this, to be profitable and will tell you all that
information, It's calculator. Before I jump over there, I'm going to go over
a few more things. When you are
optimizing your ads, make sure that you are looking
at on platform metrics. So this is our people
clicking on my ads. What's my cost per click
was my click-through rate. What's my share ratio? Are people sharing
their content? What's my engagement rates? Are people engaging
with the content? You really want to look at all of this information
because it can help you identify good
ads versus bad ads. Because you're not going to have a 100 per cent of the data available in terms of the conversion purchase
on your website to say, Hey, this is a good ad. So used to be able
to just optimize and look at the ROAS and
be like this adds good, good, bad, bad, bad, bad. Now, there's going to be
more of a gray area on the bad ads because maybe not all the conversions
are getting passed back. So you want to start looking
at the benchmarks of those click-through rates,
engagement rates. And you can also look
at a bunch of ways that you can set up percentages and conversion rates within
Facebook now and you can set up specific equations, which I'm going to show
you in a minute too. The other thing is, which I talked to a lot of store
owners and they don't understand is
understanding first touch and last touch attribution. Now, pretty much
everything defaults to. Defaults to last touch, meaning the last platform
or the last place that that person came
from before they purchased gets attributed
the conversion. Now, you want to also take into account what the
first touch point was. How did that person
discover your brand? That is the best way to think of first touch and last
touch attribution models. And it's really important
to start looking at this. Because now that the attribution
window on facebook has gone from 28-day click on one day view down to seven-day
click on one day view. You're going to be
losing a lot of that information of when that person first connects or
first discovers your brand. Okay. Now let's keep
going. Any questions in there at all
before I keep going. I know it looks like we
got them all handled. Nice, Sounds good. Fantastic. So let's go and jump
into the calculator. Now that's the row has
article a jack chat. There's a question that
just came up about placing the verification
metatag and Shopify. I can hop in if
you just put it in the header of your
theme dot liquid file, between the opening and
closing head tag where you would put a pixel or like
Google Analytics code. There should be some other
Meta tags are as well and just pop it in there
and you should be able to verify your
domain that way. Let me just quickly get the calculators
and I'm gonna show you a bunch of those.
Hold on a sec. This might take too long. I'm not gonna do that. My
computer is not fast enough, but I will update this link
so you guys can all get the calculators and it's super
easy and self-explanatory. You just fill in the
white, white sections. And then you
essentially will get a understanding of what all
of your ROAS rate should be, what all your conversion rate
should be to be profitable. It's very straightforward. I've shared them
in previous ones. So there's some updated ones that we released
after I was 14.5. So those will be very useful
and I'll update that. Everybody has the latest one. Now, just to give
you a quick idea of the things that we look at when we are
optimizing our ads. These are all the
columns that we set up. Now, it's really important because a lot of these
are on platform. A lot of them are off platform. So for example, post saves
and post shares are on platform indicators
that someone's really interested in
your product or brand. Now, this is going
to get more and more important in identifying people who are interested
in your content, interest in your brand, before they even make it
to your website. So start adding those
things into your columns. Looking at the averages
and seeing if your, if your ads are performing
above or below average. Because if they're
performing above average, you might want to allocate
more ad spend to that. If they're performing
below average, you might want to pause those
or get rid of those ads. Start looking at your post, saves your post shares, your share ratios, post engagement or that
sort of fun stuff. And then these custom metrics, which I'll talking about. You can then go and set
those up super easily and create custom metrics. The ones that I like to
do is the conversion rate from someone seeing
the ad to purchasing, someone seeing the ad and
getting to the landing page. Someone's seeing a landing
page and getting to cut and then someone going
from card to purchase. Make sure you are using
the unique version. So there's all link clicks. And as the unique
link clicks on a link clicks means that every
single click on that, you're going to
count one of those. So one person could
have like 20 clicks. Whereas if you look at
the unique link click, that means one person can click and you're just counting
that person wants. Now remember when you're
making these custom metrics, you want to use unique because otherwise if you use total, it's going to skew your results. Because you know, no matter how many times
someone clicks, that person's only
going to buy from you. That's not the only one
purchase or one order. So make sure you're using
your unique link clicks. Now, I did mention how
important first-party data was. Now collecting that there's a bunch of different
ways you can do that. So first off, you want
to definitely focus on building an email
list, your SMS list. And some brands also collected
browser notifications. That's super annoying little
thing that pops up and says, Do you want to get notifications
from this website? Some brands are
works really well with other brands,
I'll say much. But yeah, really
focused on building your own first-party data. Now, I really suggest
having an even split of 30% of revenue coming from
organic slash direct, 30% coming from ads, and 30% coming from
your e-mail or SMS. And then 10% is floating. That's a good ratio
for those types of channels that you can get acquisition
and revenue from. All of the most successful
brands that we work with. That's kind of like the
split that they have. If anything, it's the
highest split towards email. Because those people have
a lot of repeat purchases. It's much cheaper to actually reach out to
those people again. And it's a really cost-effective
way to generate sales. So your CPA or
return on ad spend, ROI, return on investment is gonna be a lot better
than if you were to run ads. Because once you get that
person's first-party data, it's a lot easier to
get in touch with them. Again, this is third-party data, is much harder to get re-engaged with because you don't have
any of their information. The other things that
I'm really suggesting brands do is start surveying or your customers
and start using coupon codes. For, let's say, Facebook
or Google or YouTube. Really try and get
multiple data points on where people are coming from, how they're finding you, what they like about your brand, what they don't like
about your brand. How long did they
contemplate the purchase? All of these ways, you
can actually collect more information and really understand your customer better, is going to help you do
a lot better marketing. And it's going to make
you less reliant on just looking at your Facebook
ad account rollouts. Because that's not gonna be
as accurate as it used to be. Facebook is using a bunch of AI and all these
other things to try and estimate what
the conversions would be based off the
data that they do have. So that's gonna be helpful. But again, it's never
gonna be a 100% accurate. Okay, the other thing is you can start gaining
your content. So some brands, if you go to some other
subscription boxes, I think it's like febrile attics and those sorts of people, they will literally get their entire website
so that you have to pretty much
enter your name and email to even get
into the website. You don't have to
be that strict. You could start just
gating specific content. You could start
offering coupon codes. You could give out a free
promotional products in exchange for first-party
information, name, phone number, etc. Think about how you
can start collecting that data by gating
certain things, whether it's contents, products, whatever, your entire
site if you really want. But yeah, think
about how you can, what value you have your
currently giving away for free, which you could possibly get and collect an email or
a phone number on. So for example, if
you're a cooking store, you might give away
recipes or you might give away cooking tips,
that sort of thing. Make that stuff available only if they enter their
email or phone number. And then you can obviously
put those people into e-mail marketing drips and grow your first-party database. The other thing is really
invested in SEO and organic, organic
marketing strategies. A lot of stores will, it's hard. So I stores will avoid it. But it's definitely
something that you want to start
earlier than later. So it's really important
to start thinking about SEO now there's a
few different things you want to think about. On-site SEO is essentially
just optimizing your pages. So what is the title? What is the content
on your page? It doesn't make sense. Does it describe the
product properly? It's a good idea to just read up a little bit on SEO and understand the bare
minimum basics. Okay, a few other ways that
we're counteracting this. First off, we're
diversifying traffic. So we're using
different ad channels. We're looking at e-mail
and SMS a lot more. We're looking at building
those email lists. Also looking at using
dedicated landing pages. Have a landing page that's
just for your Facebook ads, will have a landing page that's
just for your Google ads. And then you can tell
all of the traffic coming to that page is
from your ad account. And then you can then
figure out, okay, I spent this much on my ads and this landing page generated
this much revenue. So that's another easy
way to look at your ROI. As I just mentioned, invested
in SEO and collecting leads and collecting
your first-party data. The other thing that was
really interesting is the use of Instant Experiences. Now, Instant Experiences is essentially when someone
clicks on your ad, they go to a landing
page within Facebook. Now, this is really handy
because they stay on the platform which is collecting first-party
data, not third-party. And they say on the platform and engage and interact
more so that you have more information about how far down the funnel that person got. Instant experiences is
something that you should try. Especially if you
just want to use your Instant
Experiences, a catalog. And then they just click
off to the purchase, purchase page in your
store at the very end. The other thing is Shopify, Instagram are gonna
be rolling out a new version of stores. Now, this has good and bad. It's good because the
entire checkout experience is going to happen on
Facebook and Instagram. So they're not even gonna have
to worry about the issues with Apple updates and privacy concerns,
that sort of thing. Because it will all
be first-party data. It's all collect on their
own website or an app. They can use it how they
want. And the downside to the new Facebook
and Instagram apps is that they are
looking to charge. I think it's gonna be
free at the start, but they will be looking
to charge a pound of 5% commission on all
of your revenue. So there's pros and cons with
using the platform stores. The other really good
pro in this is that they are integrating the
stores with influences. So the influences can
now drive traffic and sales to your Facebook
and Instagram stores. So it will be a
massive change and a big shift in how
you want to approach your marketing and
where you're going to collect that purchase checkout. Whether it's gonna be on
Facebook or Instagram platform, whether it's gonna
be on your Shopify. There's a bunch of ways that I think it's going
to work together. I think Shopify will
probably connect that with Facebook and it will still be
processed through Shopify. You know, that you will
want to think about how all of that is going to play into your
future marketing strategies. Any updates on questions or anything K that I need to
go through before I dumped, jumping into some of
these basic formulas and benchmarks that I
suggest stores should have. No, We're looking good so far. I think one thing
to mention is that the Facebook shops currently do offer like dioxide
check-out on Facebook, but they also have
native integration with Shopify checkout. So you go through the store and then it just
takes you to shop, fight for justice payment. Fantastic. Thanks for that. Great update. And Now these are a few of the benchmarks I really
like to see stores hip. So that they can really be
successful with scaling with paid advertising or even
just scaling in general. So after seeing so
many different stores, so many different brands, you kinda get a sense of what the golden kinda benchmarks are. Starting out Qian, you really want to understand what
13. Bonus 02 - How to use eCom Audit Calculator: Okay, today, I'm
going to take you through this audit calculator. We created this calculator because we really
wanted to understand how a business was doing or an e commerce store
is doing as a whole, not just what a Rs number
is or one off number. This is a full check to see
how your company is doing. And it's going to look into
revenue and then profit, and then how effective the different strategies
you're doing are, what sort of milestones
or metrics you need to be hitting as a benchmark
to be more profitable. Areas improvement.
Do you need to increase your lifetime value? You need to increase your
average order value? What is your profit
per customer? What's your cost per
new customer verus your total cost per customer? There's all of these
different metrics that you can use to
understand like, Hey, how is my business doing? Am I doing the right things? Where are areas of opportunity? Where are areas that I'm doing well that I
should double down on? So, ideally you want to
do this every three, six or 12 months, and the goal here is to get some benchmarks and then compare your periods. So for example, we do this a lot on a quarterly basis, every
quarter, we'll do it, and then we'll see
how we compare quarter over a quarter to see if we're making improvements
in the areas that we're identifying,
need improving. So what is essentially going to happen is
you're going to fill out all of this information
and it's going to spit out a huge page
of results for you. So, first up, I'm going to show you where to get
this information from. It's super easy, super basic. It's mostly all information that you're going to get
from your shopper fi store, or your Facebook ad
account, generally, your ad accounts
if you're running more than just Facebook ads, or you can get it from
Google Analytics. If you're a little bit more
advanced and you're using like triple Whale
or a north beam, you can also get the
data from there. A bunch of different
places, I'll show you the basic ones first. Starting out, we're going to
want to get order accounts, customer accounts, and
then we're going to break down where our orders
are coming from. The best way to
do this is to get your orders and customers
from your Shole file store. So you can head over to
your Shofle file store, and you can take a look
at let's take a look at customers over
time and you can see how many customers
you have here. All of these are
pretty much going to be on your analytics
and reports. You're going to look at
customers over time. And then you're going
to look at orders and all that fun stuff. So on the home page, you're going to be able
to get online sessions, you're going to get
your total revenue, conversion rates, total
orders is just here, and you're going to take all that information
and put it in here. So orders, customers,
and then for this section here for where
customers are coming from. Now this is going to
be rough and there's some notes here on where
you can get this from. But ideally you want to get this from your Google Analytics. You can also head over to
your shopper fi store, and you can take a look at your marketing and automation
here on marketing, and then down here, You can see this one here,
via your channel report. You can also get them from here, and it will show you orders from all the
different platforms. So you can get your numbers
from here and you can enter those so that you
get a total amount. Now, here is going to
be the unattributed. Generally, we bulk where our orders are coming
from into ads, e mail and SMS, organic,
direct, and unattributed. So organic means they
organically found you through Google Search or Bing search
or GG, whatever it is. Then direct is people who type in your domain pretty much, and go straight to your store. And then unattributed as
people that we don't know. Now, ideally, you want
to have you unattributed as low as possible so that you can actually understand where all your orders
are coming from. This calculator is going to help you remove attribution and literally just get down
to the nuts and bolts of how you are performing.
It doesn't matter. You might be overreporting
your ad conversions, over reporting your
e mail conversions, or whatever it may be. But the fact here
is we're taking all the orders and all the customers from
the shop of f I store. So even if these
are overlapping, it's not going to
matter because we are going to pull metrics just based off how much revenue and customers you're
actually getting, no matter if some of
these are overreporting. We just use these numbers to get a few key insights as to where your customers
are coming from, and looking at as a percentage. Now from here, we're going to go and get some store metrics. All of this comes from all of this comes from
your shop fi store, super easy gross revenue, is
going to be your highest. Net revenue is kind of
like what you take home. And then your total revenue is a custom kind of metric
that Facebook Shop fi has, where it adds back in,
your tax or your shipping, those sort of additional
costs that people paying. You're going to get your
returning customers. A lot of this stuff
you can get from here. If you click on this page, and then say, for example, you want to take
a look at getting all these sales numbers. You can see here you
get gross sales, net sales, and then total sales. Then we also take your
discount returns and shipping, and we enter those in down here. Now, you're only
going to need to fill out the white cells. These ones are the
only ones are edible. These green cells autopopulate. Already, you can start to see
some metrics coming back, so we can figure out what our net profit is,
what our margins are. And then we're coming down
here what our cogs are. We're doing a COGS
as a percentage of your gross revenue, and
your operating costs. So your operating
costs are you know, things like your wages, your ad cost, and all
that sort of stuff. You COGs is what it
actually costs to create the product and get
it to someone's doorstep. So usually we benchmark these at around 30 or 40% of a business, and then you're
going to kind of get your average OGs per order, and then your average
let's for this sake, let's make one of these
a little bit different. Let's make it 35. Just so that
they're different numbers. Um Okay. And so coming down here, we'll get your discount
and refund information, and then your store sessions. And then as we come down here we're going to get
our total ad metric. Now, this depends on
how many ad platforms you're running ads on, but you're going to get
your total ad spend, your total ad
revenue total value, your average of your cost per click across
all your platforms, click rate, CPM across
all those platforms. Now, ideally, if
you're just running like Facebook only, this
is much easier to get. If you're running multiple, you might just have
to get the averages. And then we also take some information to
get your metamtrics only because we're going
to take a look to see how strong your ads are
and areas of improvement. Once you fill that out,
you can hit show results, and it's going to pop up
all of the results here. So all your ad metrics
and everything here. Some of the important
metrics here are going to be hook rates, hold rates, frequencies,
just to explain this table. This is the metric here. This is the explanation
of what that metric is. This is the calculation that
we do to get that metric. This is some benchmarks. Now, we've done
this health check on hundreds and hundreds
of e commerce stores, and we know all E Comer
stores are different, but we do try and put together some just general benchmarks
which we keep updating. And this is just a good
starting point for you. Once you have done this a few
times for your own brand, you're going to want to try and use your own benchmarking, because obviously, your data, comparing against your
own data is much more accurate than your data
compared to other stores. Can't always compare
yourselves to other stores because all
the products are different, all the stores are
different, but this is a good starting
point to look at. And then your brand results, what your numbers came back at, and then how do
you improve these? So if you find that you're not in the average or
the benchmark area, this is some suggestions on how you can improve
those metrics. So, for example, on here, hook rate is great on these ads. So people are interested in the stop scrolling when
they see this brand ads. Hold rate needs a
bit of improvement. So when we look at
that, we're like, Okay, first 5 seconds
are great in this ad, we really need to
improve the rest of the video so that people stay
engaged and keep watching. Frequency is probably too high. So that probably
means that we're spending too much
money on remarketing, and we need to try
and spend more of our budget on prospecting and
bring down that frequency. Share ratio and save ratios are super important because
that understands how much people
like our content. So we can see here, we definitely
need to improve these. We want to be at 0.3,
and we're at 0.06. So we're definitely below
on these two metrics, so we'd want to try
and figure out, k, what are people in this
Niche saving and sharing? We need to make content
that fits into that. While still being able to have a strong hook rate and being
able to sell the product. Click the rate is within
range, which is great. Cost per click is fantastic. Revenue per ad click is great. We're at $4.50, and ideally we just
want to be over $2.50. Revenue per session
is also quite good. Add conversion
rate is quite low. We definitely need
to improve this. This is a tough
one because you do have a really high average
order value on this product. Naturally, the conversion
rate is going to be lower. Just take that in mind when you're looking
at your own store, what is your average
order value? Then that's probably
going to reflect a little bit more on
your conversion rate. For example, high
average order values, stores usually have much
lower add conversion rates. Or just general website
conversion rates. So you can see that
our ads aren't converting as well
as our website, so we will want to try and improve the conversion
rates on our ads. Take a look here, our CPMs
are pretty good below $10, we're pretty efficient with our ad spend in terms of CPMs. We just want to try and
increase that conversion rate, so we might try and improve the targeting and then match the adds a
little bit better. Here we've got our
customer acquisition cost. We've got cost to acquire someone as a percentage of our average order value, and then also as a percentage
of our lifetime value. So we're spending about 30% of the average order to
acquire that person, leaving a 70% for COGs margin
and all that sort of stuff. Down here, you can also
enter info to get more And select this. If
you do fill this out, we can and give us your
contact information. We can also set up a call
to help you do this. I'm just going to
do test because I'm not going to
really talk to myself. And then this will unlock
all of the features here. And we got down to the
marketing metrics here. So marking efficiency, you
might have heard of some of these metrics over the years
of running your store, but ideally you still want to read the explanations and
understand the calculations, but you can just look
at the benchmarks and the results if
you don't want to get too detailed into it. But these are all different ways of looking at the performance
of your store. So You know,
marketing efficiency, MR is a popular one, so percentage of revenue that you're spending on advertising. 30% would be super aggressive. 20% is about average, under 20% is definitely
below average, but if you can make your store
work and grow under 20%, that's fantastic because you're doing a lot of organic growth. This number will depend on how aggressive you want to
be with your growth. For example, high growth stores that don't want as
much profit or margin, they just want to
acquire market share, will probably have a
higher MR percentage. Companies that are really just looking to maximize profit, might grow at a slower pace, but have a much better
profit margin and a much lower marketing
efficiency ratio. Okay, new customer
marketing efficiency ratio, so you can see how effectively we're
acquiring new customers. And then return on Aden. This is like a overall analysis
of your profitability, and then same with
profit on AdSpend. Just keep a look at
the benchmarks there. These benchmarks are really
focused on high gross stores. Usually they're a little bit earlier on in their life cycle, or they're really trying to
grow and get market share. Ideally, the higher you are, the better these numbers.
Okay. And then order. Remember how I said, we're getting where the orders
are coming in from. That's where this section
comes into play and we look at percentage of
our sessions from Ads. 73% of the store's traffic
is actually from ADSPen, so that's a high percentage. And the percentage of
orders from ADSPen are 47. And then percentage
of orders from e mail is 26, which is great. Organic is a bit
low, it's at 12%. Direct is seven, and
then other is about six. Ideally, you want other
to be maximum 10%. Otherwise, you need to try
and improve your tracking, whether that is
using UTMs better, whether it's
enabling service ide tracking, whatever it may be, but if you have a really
high number in the other, it means that you
probably need to improve your tracking
a little bit. Then we come down here and look at paid versus non
paid order split. It's about 50 50, which is pretty healthy. Over here, we can look at new customer revenue versus
existing customer revenue. Definitely read
through some of these. They're quite important
to understand the difference and why
it's more important to acquire new customers
with ads and then get more of your returning
revenue from e mail and SMS. We can go into another day. Then you've got your
refund efficiencies, discount efficiencies, so you can see, refunds
are quite high here, so that's a bit of a problem
that we want to address. Discount efficiency, not
discounting too much, which is great, and then you've got your cogs
and operating costs. Then this will spit out what your gross profit is and then
what your net profit is. You can also edit these to
try and get some predictions. If you were like, Okay, well, this was my number,
When I entered it, what happens if my CPMs drop or what happens if my
cost per click drops, or what happens if my
conversion rate increases? What happens if I like double the amount of traffic I get? And so you can use this data as a little bit of a
prediction as well, if you want or estimate
for future period. Just make sure you're doing
fair period comparisons. For example, traffic
isn't as expensive in Q one and two versus Q four. So make sure that you're
doing the right comparisons. As I was mentioned before,
really high average order value on the store,
orders over the lifetime. We did a six month
period, so on average, people are purchasing 1.68
times over six month period, pretty healthy LTV
there, which is great. Then you've got some of these
important metrics here. Now one of my favorite
ones and one of the most important ones is a lifetime customer net profit. This company is
making $278 profit per customer they acquire
over six month period. So definitely take note of that because if
you're negative here, you really need to
make some adjustments, or if that number is really low, you're only just
above profitability, then that's something that you're definitely
going to work on. Ideally, the ultimate goal
is to keep increasing this number here.
Super important. Then LTV to CAC,
things like this, you might have heard
before, but this is how quickly you
recoup your money, and then total
profits as a ratio, and then you've got your total
profits for this cohort. Then you've got your immediate versus your expected
delayed revenue. So expected delayed
revenue means like we're predicting these people
will make another purchase. But that's a quick rundown. You can also share this and
grab the link for this, so you can share this
with anybody or say you want to share it with
your marketing team or someone else that
you're working with. You can duplicate
this and share it. But let me know if you've
got any questions. We can always help
you fill these out, and I know it's very detailed, but this is a great way to understand how your business
is doing, set some goals. Choose some of these metrics
and set goals against. Then do this in the next period and see if you're hitting
those goals or not. Follow all of these
suggestions as well if you're trying to
improve some of these. Know how this goes. I would
love to hear from you, get some feedback,
appreciate the time.