1. Intro: welcome my awesome friend to New Way Academy. I hope you all are great in this video. I'm going to introduce you. Just get a system on. I will give you a short of you offer do in this course. So let's start first. We are going to know the difference between DCs on Bill C. What is gotta and what is itching. My, what is a scatter? Our picture? What are the feature of scholar? And we are going to give you an overview on the projects we are going to do in this course so well, it's a start. First of all, the difference between really see NBC ISS Billy C is programmable logic controller is only one controller can control multiple application at once. This yes, is distributed control system. Here's a multiple controller. It's a controller control individual system and the old controllers are connected to get through a specific protocol. And we and the C s has its own monitor. BDC doesn't have monitor, so we are using scab. But what is discovered scare best and four. Supervise your control and back accusation to understand what is it together we need to us ourselves. Three questions. 1st 1 What is Discover what are functional, scatter and what are the application of Scott. As we already said, Scupper. We stand for it's supervisor control and that accuse Ishan. I mean, give us supervisory control and ability for that accusation. The Functions Offs Qatar such as that accusation and representation network Better and control the application office. Kaga Manufacturing Industries More system, water waste treatment and distribution plant. What is the HMR Cimatu stand for Human machine interface? So we can say its an interface between machine and the human. We can describe it in my or human machine interface as but that's just mean like this. This such a stream can control the entire system by only touch bottom their conviction of scab. We can say if we have different sevens, she says they can control Bali, BBC or are to you the motorman at night And all those controller can be connected together through why lam Oh, any protocol and they are connected to scare the master server and all are connected together. Two different computers. Yes, let's say this computer is used to control this application and this one for this application. When this one, Let's say for this one on this for this. The future of scatter, which we are going to discuss in this course the American representation trends that the base conductivity scrapes along security and also report economic representation. There are many simple, such as palm involved motors, slider and many samples. And scatter can be represented, since trends can be represented as X Y plot off over that longer that school activity because that scared doesn't have its own database. So we are using really, such as visual, basic, SQL or Better based Off Excel, or even that the days off the Microsoft strict strength can be discussed is a companion nation off logic operator, which are writing in a statement such as, If asleep mean when the statement and four statement visible toe alarms is a field alarms are generated for warning or to keep process between a certain limit. Let's see, we have a room. The temperature of this room must be between 10 degree and certain degree. So is that temperature get below 10 degree. We need to give a lar for their control engineer to use a hater or turn off the cooler four exiting preacher goes up above the certain degree we need to get alarm for that engineer to turn off the heater or they're not on the cooler. The most important sink off scada is security. Security can be represented is and a lab vacations has to be secured today and also rise user by different security living. Let's say we have 1000 user owns a company. Not old user has the same level of security. The boss has old level of security. But Zoo Technica has on Lee lower level of security and so on. In this course, we are going to design two different ways of security. So get ready. The last thing his report. We are going to give a report off their function off scatter as am We have many projects in our course small projects like this one, or is this one And we had a large complete project which we are going to control this system by using the easiest 7 300 and we are going to control There is this being the seat by using approve them designed by scab, and we are going to give a different level off security if you dress. Look on and went. We will head home scream This hour stream has from thus monitors clean a lot of ST Robert Stream. And if you want to look out free press, understand we go to wanted process, threw it back and goto stream. You can find out the alarms off old and go back voice truths. The report. You can find out the number of total process number off operation off each component. You can save it as a revolt over or even print on, and it's and you can exit the project from right teeth. So get your coffee and let's a start.
2. SCADA1: welcome, Mike. Awesome. Frank. I hope you all are great. Ince's video I'm going to talk to you about the NT soft software version 7.1. We are going to use this program to build our skater design, and we are going to connect this design to t a portal. So let's start first, I need you to be relaxing. So go get your coffee or tea. Whatever drink you like. Second sink, I need you to apply with each. Step two gives the highest benefit so you can pose video and a boy each step with me first . I need to any stole the nd soft software. I'm going to Google and search about Andy Soft version 7.1 and Click Search. I'm going to choose this one. Download India's Soft where we stood, you version 7.1 on down Dude, Now we are in that India's software stood you like pre download library. I'm going to search for 7.1. I'm going to download this one and start download after the unloading. Andi stores the Indy Soft software version 7.1. You can find it right here. Turbines that this software Colette Pride hams and run as administrator. And, yes, here we go. The Indy soft software consists of different tears. Thirst step is cold. Home tab is used for clipboard group, which is God or Comey, or find or paste any text and lewd Loken management for run or stop or the bug ings approved him or even shows a current status for all runtime tasks. The mood management toe connect to different host me and Different Skater to run or stop for download or death despite meaning the bugging ones that other host on the other many things sentiment IB is four view. You can't show the difference windows from right here out between this poor that the basis boy is used to never gave any tags, you want to navigate its status poor at the bottom, Zoom pokes to zoom in, and the Project Explorer to serve them is in their tape, which is consist off different group This R Z mean section in our course First Blumen group is used for inserting new tech or new class or procedure five seven. There is graphics group to insert a new scream or insert screen group. Certain there is that worksheet manager is for all our or trained or receives or embers or steps or mess, function, worksheet or schedule or database or D B C served. The group is communication group. This group is for communication between the skater and the other skater or between the skater. And there he'll see you can duels dysfunction from the Project Explorer step, which is consist off global and graphic on tasks and communication global you can find here the project takes colossus if you need to insert a new class. Sure, the bees system kegs security and procedure and the events longer and consolation. Second day is four graphics. If you want to insert new stream from right here in deserved or from insert, choose scream or, if you are going to insert this cream group, forcing tow line or bridge, example or graphics trap, or even symbols or layout the certain tasks for alarms for trend receives or rivers. The same things I teach you came collect alarm, a right click right here and say in served There are is the same thing. So let's sing is communication Deb, you can find here's the communication between Tbilisi and that our scattered design or you can do from right here. So let's start. I'm going toe need five and choose you. Let's start. Our project is going to project. Yeah, I'm going to target all platforms and you choose product time when those local interface for their BC or Compute I'm going to use empty project or empty application. Here we go, you can find right here. The project is project one dot app, which is used. I'm going to insert new scream from right here or from right here. I will describe this cream as home screen and this cream will contain this. Say bottom this bottom. I'm going to call it Start stop, but then and all squinty mean a simple off lump or pilot lump. You can choose the pilot lum from graphics and symbols or from graphics and symbols, and we are going to shoes, system symbols, Andi pile of flights. Let's say we are going to use this one on Goto. Our screening on both right here to make this bottom controls this light. We will need a connection between this bottom and this light. So this connection is cold takes. Now we want to insert in new takes two connected between this bottom and this light, you can go toe global on a project. Eggs that cheap for you and Ted. The type of tech you need to insert. Let's say exist. IQ is s. This type is bullion. Put in means zero or one and tiger means that natural number real mean real number or string mean more. Let's ago with bullion. Now that s off. Dia Polian is going to control. Is this light? First, we are going to connect this bottom tools that take yes, boy, double click on this bottom and choose command. You can write a common boy built in language or visual basic language All of this cream or close the screen or sect egg or reset tag or even talk intact. I'm going to use Tokyo Tech too. I'm going to choose the tag we or uni created is for this bottom and shoes take for this one, which is yes. Now we are ready Connected system lahm from object prepares and this better from object prepares boys the same tech. Which is this. And then they are going to run. When I press this bottom this like it's turning it on. And if I press this bottom again, this light is going to be target mean if it's on is going to be stopped. And if it's off, is going to be all as you can see a righty. If you want to close this windows, press all a four Now I need to save this scream. I'm going to save it. Save to screen to Yes. If you want to change this name, they say home and save. No, not with me. If I press run again, this cream is not going to be orbit. Tell me, Wat, I'm going to tell you why. Because because the Indy soft is actually dumb. I need from you to tell him what is the meaning screen you need toe open first. So you go for graphics and scream and choose the home scream you are using and sit as start up Now this is skin is going to be start first When you said Ron eso yet say Iran As you see screen home is up. Start, stop as and I hope you sees an ex lecture because in the next lecture are going to connect this project or small project to being the sea project. So see you in the next block
3. SCADA2: Hi, everyone. Welcome back. I hope you all are greats. Is this video? I'm gonna talk to you how to connect between the nd soft software version 7.1 anti I e a portal face. I'm gonna t need toe open T I a porter. Version 7 15 It takes sometimes. Here we go and we are going to create a new project. We're going to cause this project. Scatter one and create it. Takes a long time. Tobin, Here we go. And configuration device, add new device. Andi, I'm going to use Semetic s 7 300 because it has simulation. I'm going to choose CPU 3 13 combat to DB Andi, I'm going to use this version. Okay? All of them. No, it's elven. The interface is going to be MP or interface and really need to write a block. So we are going toe project or programme flock and go toe O p. One or is the main Opie on Onda? We are going toe right. A small project which is going toe first before doing anything you need to understand any bottom or start in a scanner is going to be marker ends there being this improved. So we are going to use EMS. You do? Is you as a marker four start stop button. And this bottom is going to then alum which is que 00 this say Q 00 or the olive Excuse you with zeal. If the M zero zeal is on u 00 will be on FM 00 is off. U 00 will be off Now we are going to scare her and communication and four drives and ed or remove drives. And now we are going to choose MP I right to you Siemens nb oy opens this drive I'm going to choose two takes As you see right here in this screen we have This is thought Stop. We need to connect this bottom to this marker and connect this long Do this output So we are going to choose to different X first take for this marker and second tape for this for this out. So we are going toe global first That let's say s one is going to be before is a marker. Okay. And is to is going to be for his alarm. Boras out Okay right here. And there's going to be connected. Toe Swan. And this one is connected to Yes, to Okay, right here. Now we need to connect this one to the marker and is to two is out First you need to understand the I B or the station off Zabielski. You can find it from right here from purse a purpose Goto with this device configuration? Yes, right here. Right here. The address is two. So we are going to put the address. Is two right here on right here. It's one is connected to is there Martha? So murders can be written. Boy, this kind and double don't be marker points. Zero point is you zao it can Puritan a dominant Don't be surprise zeal, does you? This is out. Okay. As you can see, this marker is right connected to this one. And this albus directly connected to is to and save. No, we are going to download the program and opens the simulation with second. We need to put right here and opens the simulation. And okay, with a second is downloading downloading. Don't lutely. I'm going to select MP. Oy, start searching. No, we find this FBI, we are going to download the program. No, The program is going to be downloaded, as you see right here. Um load. Okay, guys, No, we are going. Crown Andi, we're going toe our indie soft and we're going Teoh is the view from Start maximize toe Precise borders You can see poses the simulation and the hour scared at the same time. And go And we are going toe problem this relation right here. And I was scared right here on press start. As you see right here when I press a start. Is this more Kristen? It on since this out standing on his ends, Islam is staring on. Look at that again. Persistent. Stop, sister. Stop! And this Stop again. Start this for today. Thank you for Washington. And I need you to seize the next lecture where we are going to introduce you to the feature off the scale. See you in syndicates. The block
4. Alarm: Welcome back, my awesome friend to Skander course Today we are going to start with the basic feature of Scatter. Today we are going to start with a law in the next lecture. We are going to go toe animation and trend and it's the last lecture in cessation. They are going to go toe it's scripts. So let's just start first. And you software We stood you 7.1 run as administrator and yes, okay, fight New project Name B one brought the type when this local interface. And okay, empty project with the skin resolution off Serve tea C six times seven 168. And OK, we want to insert new scream from here in desert or from here. Insert a scream. Okay. To understand Zala, we need to understand Why do we need I am simple set. If we have a temperature says in the room and it sends that this room TEM pressure is very high. So we need alarm for the control engineers in the control room to understand that the temperature in this room is very hot. So suppose that we have a miniature since we are going to represent in this section The term pressure sensor as a slider. This letter can be brought from symbols from right here or from right here, system symbols. And we're going to XLE. Either We're going to go with this one, and we're need toe add alarm Window, This is alarm window and you're going to skillet the calm. So you need to add the action time and action required and big name and the message. And the user was a computer Who makes this error. Okay. And first, we are going to choose alarm online. And later we're going with a lot of history. This all, Armando, we need it to trick attacked cold temperatures so we can take cold temperature. This steak is anti. This tech is connected to the temperature sensor in the jealousy, but because we doesn't connecting temperature sensor right now, So we're going to use this lighter as a representative value for sitting preacher. So we are going to connect this to set in pressure. Now we need to monitor. Is this alarm? Is this temperature? Poise, alarm wind. Okay, we're going quiz tusks on going toe alarm tape and insert a lot. Now we have a lot of mind. Oh, this alarm window is going to trick temperature. Let's see, is the temperature the times is this alarm window Hi and equal Or Hoy Lou Lo and equal. Nearly equal. Yes. Um, Los 10 person, minus 10%. Let's say greater equal into degree and lowers then an equal to any degree. The message we need to appear. It's a lot window in pressure is high for this one time pressure is no okay saved to this and yes, safe. No, this alarm window is connected to Is this Allah this state? So let's run and see what happening first because the temperature is you is giving to us that temperature is low. The auction is this alarm is to me acknowledged. So the user must acknowledge that he sees this message. So when he clicked on it mean he acknowledged that the temperature is low, so he's going to open. It's a huge and increase in breach more zan 20 green. But what is goingto happen is there. User doesn't acknowledge this message and system picture goes up again. You can find right here. Zip this measure This message is going in this culture mean this error or this alarm is haven't at 1 a.m. and the clear by itself. So it's need from the user to acknowledge it by double click on it. No, If I am, Bishop goes high. Given us on alarm, that temperature is very high is the same. They use the need to acknowledge the alarm. And this changed him. Bishop buys a cooler. He rose 80 degree. As you can remember, that we have choose in alarm type. I'm only What does it mean? What is the difference between alarm align and alarm history? The difference is easy. Xylem online mean you are showing in this window there lost the alarm. This say that first are long. This all our have changed it and goes to this alarm. If we went toe Zach one hour there is no sings home. As you see. Delay. This alarm is at the wind now. Is that the mysteries? Oy. What? We need to make this window get more alarms. So we are going to choose alarm history? No, those All the alarm on the system. This one, this is one is this one and this is all miserable. Okay, Now we need to get a access fire or that abyss. Fine. If a Elam's So what do you need to? Couldn't yet is a did a piece fire, is it? Have alarms, right? Click and new and Microsoft access. Call it. And, um and we're going to get its location. This is its location. Okay? And going to project and alarm and go toe option going toe alarm history and the events going toe database. We are trying to save on databases he needed to stops on and option going with at the base . Alarmed at the base. Use the default project that there is No. We need our data peas and going connection strength. We're going to choose Microsoft Access database and we are going to both their that the source Contrave we call it. Mm. Backslash and, um and this commission there is no fight. Why? Mm, - he courses work the place and going to change too. It's him. Fine. Oh, yes, Yes. Hmm. Must be deck slash Right here. And this five has every France Microsoft access. So we need to foot dot access that the pace on and this commission statistics successful and ok, and OK, Okay. Yes. Okay. I don't see. Let's see. Great. It's weight. First alarm 2nd 1 3rd 1 and force on. Says if we go to to our data pins and go toe alarm history, you can find we have five alarms. First alarm right here too. And second alone and served alarm. The message is and take value right here. Okay, guys, this for today is the next lecture we are going to waste is the enemies. So remember, always to seize the next lecture because you aren't lazy. See you in the next lecture.
5. Script: hi. Everyone will come back to scare the course. I hope you all are great. Let's start with the script in the software is told, you run as a demonstrator and yes, find you. Project five When Justin, Open interface and okay, years and into application. And okay, we need to insert a new screen first. We won't divide this a scream into three screens. Let's see. We have above right here a heather scream. Have a low off our company on navigation stream rights here and work space right here. So when you need is divided this tree and tow strippers So we are going toe in there. Three screens for a stream on one more. This screen is going to be the header. So we are going to change this skill. It's going to be a top it's with Is the same off my scream and the high it's going to be, Let's see 100. They say the color off it is going toe be change it And Su, this screen is goingto be Heather. Okay, this screen is going to be the navigation I'm going toe attribute on change. The winds is going. Toby, this is going to be navigation. This say the words is going to be 100 and it's going to start after 100 from the top off the header on the height off it is going to be This is the height of the screen minus 100 off the top. Here we go. Okay. This is the hither is a navigation steam. And this screen is the home screen is going to be This came attribute The woods is going to be minus 100 the Wizards, the screen and the height of the screen minus 100. And from top 104 the navigation and 104 from the left. This is the navigation. This is full is Ah header And OK, I'm going to change the color off the navigation. Big Toby, do the clue and we are going to save this screen on. We're going to save history as King one going to call it screening. Okay, here we go. No, I need when I press Ron also street open at the same time. So I go Toe skin group and then the screen group. I will call it Start up and OK, we need all those scream to sit as start. So now if I press is wrong, all three scream will open at the same time. Pressed on as you see, all three screens opens at the center, and the screen is the weather into three parts. Let's say we need the navigation to switch between two screens. Let's say we have another screen. The same is clean one. Same skill to right here on six. Right here on 100 right here. And 100 right here on. Say, Okay, this is screen. We are going to change the bay. Let's see, we have, uh, a tangle right here in this creek. We're going to call this cream. It's cream toe and see. We need to in the vacation scream. 1st 1 is going to go over a screen one and 2nd 1 is four screen toe. So terrific. And we are going to call it cream one and say common And all this cream and his team, this four string one and this four spindle and is going toe came to hi almost cream and it's going toe. Streeto, here we go on and control this. If I pressed on as you understand the header and navigation as came One must be open If I press pinto Scream two is over for breast screen. One screen one is all. Let us change the color off stream. Wanna scream toe to understanding? This is this one. It's going to be gray and leaving Streeto as a white state Run. As you see, this is screen one. And this is scream, too. Police remembers this trick because we are going to use it in the final Crushed Let's go toe are today target. Let's go to extreme one in our target today. We need to understand stripped how to write script script is written in visual. Busy language is used to make animation is being done but dramatically without Amy manual British. So let's see, we have a thank sample. Think. Let's go with this tank. This thing is going to be filled with a pump and is going to be felt with a bomb with SEZs . Bomb. This has changed escape off this balm. You want to change his game using blanket size and changes the skin off? This bomb from right here on this bomb is going to fill this tank and this bomb is going toe and his think this Thank is going to be felt. Boys, this bump and chill out. But is this book so let's say we have Okay, Cold liver live is going to be increased. Who is this bomb? Mr Nuttall, And is going to be decreased when this pump is going to be turned off. So we need ah, bottom for a start. Fill in and fill out this for one. Okay. And this four come to Here we go. This one is going to be since a take cold one. This steak is going to be poignant, Andi. Okay? And we're going toe to comments. And this is going to sit attack called Bump, too. Yes, it's going to be pulling and OK, if I pressed cystic, this bump should be turned it on. So I'm going toe sweat it by B one and this one with their gold. Peter. Okay, if I go down and I press B one, as you see and I press beetle as you see eternal So I need some point only talking. No, Said Derek Dougan. Let's say because I don't need start stop bottom need only turned butter for Christie. If I press this one Okay. Now I want to control the level of the think According toe bump one thumped. I'm going to controls 11. Is this thing with take living cold liver And OK, now I won't tour, Right? Could say if pomp one is on zero thank is going to increase it Bumped to is off The thing is going to be decreased. So I'm going to tasks Going to stripped and zip script on. Here we go. I will say if b one do you think is the right thing in visual? Basic boy, Another sign then the name off the take is equal one Zim The level is going to be increased . Levin. It's going to equal living plus one bills. If this one is you, Zin the level is going to be it used And this Okay, here you go. It be one his own it be to his own. Sorry, this one is beetle. Okay. We need to add one more condition if, uh, as the same time and we live in is less than 100. Because I don't want to add more on the level. If it's see graters and 100 the same. If it's less, you're a prison Z. Here we go. You want this good? Great at all times. So you are going to both at execution one and see if Mrs Troy go to run and go to screen one. It's connected to level and go to run. This bumps are on first. I'm going to turn pump to nothing was going on. Let's go to script. Find out what's going on. No, it isn't conclusive. Is that the two is on. I mean, one ends. A little is greater than zero is in sub attractants 11 not done it on. Um, here we go. Go to run. Uh, level. Let's say that this script is a startup script. It worked. At first, we are going to say this 11 zero. We need to receive 11 because it we're going to use the bottom. This party is going to reset its 11 give it a command and makes a living equal to zero. If what it is you before, President, the level now is a quote easier. If I press bump on, as you see there of it is going X and stop if I press bump toe as you see is the living is going down. Um, Mr if I press bump on the level is going up. If a breast pump one on bump to at the same time is see right here the post condition will break at the same time. So we need to make sure there is a condition Bum one and bumper to Kanto. Great at the same time. So no, If Trump won is on and the ending let Tom too. Is you equal to zero? No. If the bump one is pressed on, we're going to make sure they're pumped to its Turn it off. And if the bump too, it's turning on. First bump form should be turn it off and contraception. Um one. So I turned bomb plot and turn bump toe can be off except for breast blonde born come to must be stopped. Breast pump to someone must be stopped. Those bumps can break at the same time. Okay. Okay, guys, let's go toe another an emission. This see? We're going toe the scream toe scream toe. Let's say we have back on there. This conveyer here has number fields on it. We're going to use this squeal from previous lecture Goto, resize and excell and make sure its 100 on Okay, again resize big. Sell 100 Andi. Okay. And select on control. See on go back to you. Allegation you want removes. Thank you. Down the Clinton it transparent car and trigger and the big don't have disabused. Okay, we need number off this one right here and on the right here. On. Done other right here on the other one. Right on. The one other great here on. Let's remove one Miss se trim off this one on. Thanks. This one right here. Okay, guys, also, this we'll need to take the same Rotich Goto graphics on. We need to give it British before coming. What? The vulture moving. Get them first and give them petitions and quit. Mr. Was this on? We're going to give it Cammy rotation command. Okay. It's going from certain 60 2 36 0 the minimum zeros. A maximum is 100. He's going to rotate as a reference sent. Now it's going to rotate with take cold root, eat or let's say position this dig is India on now we can take it from right here. Right here. Right here. Right here. Why? Comey? And by control and the drink. Now, all of this, William has the same common. Okay, we need a tank. This say this think is going to be filled with this. Think. Okay, guys, Is this thing want resize it double thick. He was the link in size. And though we need to about 12 right here both assembles on Go to falls and this falls the same use link on Okay, - Okay . Okay. No, we need slider toe. Change the position off this. Think. Or is this books? So we need to give it animation position. It goes horizontally with the cold bush. It's good bag. No, no position they called position. Okay. Is going to be moved horizontally with range. Then stop. We need slider controls, opposition from right here, slighter. And we are going to take this lighter on Go to scream and we need once. Like the move. You know why with this? This one is going toe controlled. Supposition if I press on as you can see, the fish is moving at the same time. Symbols. If the books adds the bottom off. This thing at 20 line is this vault should turn it on and this thing should be sitting out . So we need right here. Small animation. Hence forth the water or is liquid Is this Think sent back. Andi Okay. This color is going to be to okay. No, we need this involved standing on who in the position is to any night first, This is connected to another take for level. Maxim is 100 million is is the start up is 100. Okay, this is going to control. It's 11 and this one is going tohave a visibility animation Cohen his opposition is to any night it quotes 29 We need now to turn deal. This one is all Komen's. We're going to give it Mr Goto comment It doesn't need this comment and goto color and we are going toe If we change this 11th as you see right here though there is not falling out. Sit at 29. Okay, this is for the level the level is going out because it stripped one. We already it in should be sitting out. No problem. Let's say change this one by living too. I don't live at all. Same anterior. And this one for level two. This one is going to be controlled, boy. Also by level toe. So we are going to give it paragraph. Live it to virtually that when ever to is going on. Now, if I went to 29 and change the level going right here, you see? But I need this level is going to be easy. You see, I need this to be a diverse. So let's do this. That's a This changed the color or not. Look, number. Okay, Now let's change this one too. Okay? I'm going to do it by is a good Okay? I'm called it never. Three level on No. Seven to never see. We know that the level three must be live in one minus one hunt level two in minus one. City is equal toe 100 minus. Live in. Do and sees. No. Oh, I am grand shoes. This one the little from that's 100 men is you Mix is 100 on minimum. Is you okay? And let's go. If I press this as you see right here. Okay? This world is connected to level three. Not live. It's toe on And this gun if you live in three and from script level three is equal toe 100 minus devil toe. The start up off level three is equal toe 100 and save on Safe on go a cane run, missy! When I increased level toe the levels three is decreasing and live it to his Increased Okay , this co two right instant go tests and in the new script, the execution of it. It's going to be one I'm going to say if I press start Thank you. Use this problem as a starter. It's going to sit, Let's say is going toe took a attack existing. Let's say this thing is going to be start Quincas thought the cystic is Julia not enter, so I'll go to change it. Start is type Polian and go toe strip too. It is. This thought is on is equal to one. I need you store. It was thought is equal to one. I need you and it is it position. Listen, 29 is in. Add on position one else. If is this position is equal to 29. Zim is there level. It's going to be increased. We're using living too. I was going to be increased until what? Until I deliver toe, Let's say go to 50% else. Yes, it is. The liver to it's 50% is equal to 50% and is a position this See? It's it the end of their the end of conveyor. Mean right here. 36 less 0 36 Zim. But, uh, position and zero again as you again for another box and make liver toe is equal to zero and And if and OK, let's go to run. If I press stock did you see right here do you think is filling up? Sorry, full goto this script again. So lost condition is the living is equal to 50 and the opposition color Listen 30 and greeters in readers in or equal and position greeters An equal 29. Therefore, kudos if the liver is there were 50% on deposition. No, no and I want ed on supposition one sort of Is this strong? Okay, right here. Now the positions edit and then it goes to 36. If it's 36 equal, if the position is equal to 36 Now it's a position. They 4 to 0 and level is equal to zero. You move this one and you also can remove this one I don't need now as the first. Is it less 29? Take the box and go toe under the tank. Listen, if it's 29 increased leads the level. If the level goes to 50% increase the position. Tell you go to 36 or the end of convert. If you went to the end off the convert, Yes, it the entire process. No, let's see. It's feeling you and going toe the end of convert and another books is coming out fitting in. If you breast stop at any point, the entire process is stop. But I need you to note something If I press stop right here. As you see, this is already turned on. So I want to give this visibility with the start again. So I'm going to say and start is equal to one and say control s on and stuff for breast Start. You see breasts start again. Okay. Risa, start. This is starts trouble. Okay, guys says for the day. Thank you for watching. See you in the next election.
6. Trends: Hi. Guys will come back too scared. Of course. In this block, we are going to start with Trent. So let's start run administrator and use. It takes some time. Here we go first, Neil Project full local when this local interface. And okay, empty obligation. We are going to it. Or insert new scream. Okay, we are going with a tent friend. If you want to drew graphical value, why time you are using trend command from that objects? If you want to hide any off Zeus bars, I really need to double flick and choose the think you need to hide. Let's say the toolbar. Okay, that'll artist spear installations right off to the spear and And that the source, Let's say okay, this for we are going to draw that big. Ah, the level, let's say, is a level of to think we have liver sensor. This level is integral. We also need to draws the temperature off the tank. This time, pressure is also in here. Let's say we're going to use to sliders one for the temperature and answer one or is the level control Greg? This one is four temperature and this one for the liver, this temperature and this one for the level. Okay, We want to dro Let's say first sitting creature on sister rent How did we do this? We are going to tusks and is the trend and the tech name we want to dro Let's say we need to grow Never First we need to the road temperature cystic we want Sit on Take change first Leave it alone on control Save little Think points We need to boards Take right here. We need the boats attacked in pressure right here We are going to grow Boy color This say's color is going to be friend Because I love red on Dhere ego and wrong as you see right here . Now we need to droves and as a tag cold level And this take is going to be drone boy, Let's say you okay, here we go. The level is going to change it by this light. Let's see right here as you see the trend, Griff is divided into axes. I need pulls level and temperature is the same Access all I need All therefore and go double click and go access and the change from multiple section to is the same section and go toe rum. As you see right here, you can see most live in and temperature are on the same escape. But if we want increase more values between zero and 100 I only need to goto isis and go to ferment on a number off labels. Let's same line, and the division is going to be nice. Andi Goto? Yeah, as you see right here. Nine division in division zero, toe 100. Okay, if you want to increase zero Number of division and the x axis double click and go to access. And in x axis, you goto the first scale ferment and let's say mine on, okay. And the number of division is also much okay. And as you see times changing Okay. Okay, guys, that's for today. Seal in the next lock where we are going. Toe goto skits. CEO is an ex pluck. - Hmm .
7. Animation: Hi, everyone. Welcome back toe scared. Of course, Today we're going to start with the animation and threats. So let's start first, right click and run as administrator, and he's first five You. That project would be three when this local interface and OK into application. And OK, here we go First we need to it a new scream. Let's start if we if you go toe graphics and animation. This this are the old animations is the scale hyperlink, paragraph visible and position resize and tradition, Miss say we have everything we need the street tangle to have old Zoe's an emission. So what you need is the selectors district. Anger, aim, say, have a link Con Bir grass, visibility and position, color and precise. First, let's say we need a bottom four visibility, and it was a bottom for a color off district angle, and we need slow either for sliders. First light of for the position and 2nd 1 four re Sizer Henson one for position for So these those right here on Let's start with good double click Connect. You can change between the animation you already selected from right here. Let's say we need to change the feather off district Anger boy attacked. Let's say take cold color. We need to create that. Take this. Take Spoolie. Um, if this take is you, the car will be Let's say blue And if it's one, the color of this rectangle will be agree We will control this Take boys this bottom So let's call it color and give it a command that is going to control the take whom so and ok and go to run If I press teller, it's the color for rectangle Is it changed? Okay, let's go with another animation this say visibility First we're going to double click on the rectangle and switch toe visibility and position We're going to create a mother take for visibility This say cystic is the oil This thing is goingto be Holien And okay, I choose this tech So is this Take is true district angle is going to be visible And if it's false, this rectangle is going to be invisible. We're need to control the oil. Throw this bottom We're going to call it visibility and give it command Took him big and choose the addict. No, If I go to run If I had a press visibility. As you see Cedric thing is go from visible to invest visible, invisible. And from here you can change the color as you let's switch to. Was it one other one? Double click on and choose position. We have to weigh for position. First way is her Centam moving and second way is vertical movie. If you need to change the position off this rectangle or is Empoli this sea, it is going to change with presente. Take Let's call it H. This steak is Antigo is going to change from 0 to 100. This killer position is going from 0 to 100 and we are going to use this letter to control the tank. It's and go to run as you see this for visibility and this for color. You can't change the resentful position, but is this slide if you can't change? If you want to increase this killed skilled position, what do you need to go? Double click and Coto is a bit and pollution and the increases value. Let's see 10 times is there very orange can 100 and go toe run and we try to change this as you see the skill position or is the skin value is increased Now we need Teoh. Change the vertical position by the will collect and go toe visibility imposition. And we're going to create a new tech for vertical. This state is going to be integral and we're going to choose this tag. This same We are going toe skill position is going to be 10 times there. Value range off the V. This one is going to be for the take D. Okay, now we go to run. As you see. Is this for visibility? And this force? The color this came changed the resentful position. And this for the vertical position. As you see, you can change the position off. Is there Rick Kendall at any point and change its visibility and its color at any time? Okay, let's go toe another animation. Let's go toe paragraph this. It's going to be talk in two ways at exhibition list. See, this steak is called El is going to be anti your and we're going to choose l and we are going toe use this slider for this tech and this Troy Ron and see what's happening. Mr Goto our first position. If I change the this level as you see the color over there rectangle is this change, boys? 11. This mean you can use this tag as a level for a thing. As you see right here, let's say we have tank. If we need to fill it to 50% of think you can change this living. So this you can say, is ever graph animation. It can be used for the think living. If you If you use Zarian tip up and first you can use her cental. And let's see what's happening is going to be horizontal. As for pest right here. Okay, you can it change it the orientation from center and keep the direction horizontal. As for living or dove, as you can see here it could be elevator door right here is open right here is closed. Save it is down is going up or when and closed. Let's go toe another animation, which is precise. You can resize exist rectangle by height or pilots or by force at the same time. Let's say we are going toe the size it by Okay, cool. W one or is it hot? We are going to create another take cold that John and my wits. Bye. Ted called w two. It's going to be interviewed and OK, we're going to use this slider for the yuan. So we need another slider for w two. Okay, This one is for W two, okay? And run. You can change right here and right if and go to visibility. As you see right here, right here. You can change the height and from here you can change sweets. This one is full, The position or is a vertical position. And this one for the horizontal position. And this one for paragraph. If you want us to use the same slider to a change, the height and so it's at the same time you can do it. This Say we're going to use this slider and remove this glider to change the heightens of waves off district angles the same time. So we are going to use W 14 height and with the same time on Goto rock is it? Can't see right here. You can change the wits and the height, boys. The same slept okay. We already have discovered all this animations except the Khyber Length and British. It's a girl to hyperlink hyperlink If you needs this rectangle to open another fire, let's say this five So workplace fire I'm going to I think this bus and goto the hyperlink an emission and go We need to open five. This file has you are e course work place. Now, if we went to Ron, if I press double click or one click on this trick tingle yeah, it can open the workplace. See right again A low tech close double click close and that effect we can use since sing to open a website. So let's go toe hyperlink and go toe It's t b t h t b s. Let's say we are going to open w w dot Google. Damn, why district angle and go toe. Okay, there is no password. You and right here. And you see someone that I get Okay now we understood the visibility command tell her command and progress the car is used to change is the color off the they dangle bar graph is used to change the lens off this color. Visibility is used to change the visibility off the rectangle. This one for position or is in position. And this one for vertical position and this one for e sizing. Okay, now we need to go with the lost animation, which is tradition I have downloaded is that we we need to change. It's pixel, as you see right here. So we are going with the size and pixel. We are going toe 100. Okay, Andi going to They exist. We, um Kobe and go back toe off blips our place meaning to remove the back count off this wheel if you collect double click on the swim and go toe transparent color and go toe tracker and said Okay with Syria tales, that account is removed. Let's say we are going to use this lighter. W on to change, is there, Rotich? So we're going to get is this Emmis coma rotation on the other flick and reconnected with a cold rotate. This steak is anterior and is going to start from minus 30 60 going toe. 36 0 The range is between minimal zero and maximum. 100. This one is going to use it for but it on. Let's go to run. You can use this one for rotation, but we need this cycle to rotate at center. How do is do is that boy Doubletree Canete and choose the reference its center and go to run as you see right here. You can retain this well buys this light. Okay, guys, that's for today. See you in the next block. And remember, you should see the next block. You might ask me why I couldn't tell you because you aren't lazy. See you in the next look.
8. Report: welcome my awesome friend. I hope you old are great today. I'm going to talk to you about receives and rivers. So let's start. Let's open and yourself to a studio right leg, one as administrator. And yes, here we go 1st 5 New Rosie nine when this local interface and nine is already exist. So let's go toe Stan and OK and the implication. Yes, here we go. This insert and use cream okay. To understand the definition off the river and receives, let's give an example. The Bulls. We have a different number of prudence. Protect one, Brother two and Products Street. Each product has its own specific color, and it's on to pressure, and it's on pressure. Each product has ALS. This from verse. I want to give the ability to is a user to give those properties or reloaded again and giving the ability to give a report off each other. This is thought existing. Them Some bulls. We have a program in the screen. You will find the product name and you will have the temperature and fresh. Also, we'll add. You may wonder why I'm ending hashes, because if I won't replace each of vicious boy I take knicks aligns them formats a line. Okay, we will link all those hashes two at a cold, prudent name and we give accessibility to the user To Botha This is take off, tied a string and is in book is in you The same 14 picture will replace the hashes boy Take cold temp Czyz stick It's antigrowth we will gives accessibility to Is a user to enter the same for pressure They are E s this'll big of type integer We get Sextus Mitt because a user and together and will be strict and give it enabled. Here we go. We will have yeah taken for flute and the other for a lute. The first four lieut means safe, lewd or safe Let's say see if and does everyone for real oot or Retief, they say retrieve that off this problem Let's go dust and go toe receipts And in there they're seep Fire will be off The name will hex the name off the brother's name Let's say throw the name Okay, it will contain use those three different daggers the rt and attempt this They're cold. Oh yes, and 10 future and also will contain Zucker. Okay, You don't see this. Received a boy named Fly Em and now we will give a common for each party to retrieve this. Received this comment will be ball. It's a build in language we won't receive to save the name off. Receipt is m okay on this for retreat. Re soup will have the function loot him on. Let's try first, we had a prudent one. The brothers, for one, have temperature to any degree and pressure 25 degree on color red First we want to save this product. Let's say road to has to preacher off certain degree and 35 four pressure and its color is orange. See now so lost product. The products free wouldn't have a temperature or 40 degree and the pressure or 45 as a color. It's clue on. See now if you want retreat their product. One. You can do it, boy says Brothers. One has it in bridge to in degree and fresh between five and Fred. Throw that too. Certain degree temperatures, 35 pressure and orange. Also, you can retrieve the brutal three 40 degree temperature for five pressure and the blue color If you have a problem with tightening the product name, you can use compa books or review Bolt. Let's destroy comparables. How to use whether it be Edit four is the product name. We'll have that. The source sitting. We said we have story product. Protect one brooded to and pro. That's three. Uh, Okay. Okay. Uh, safe. Say it. Um, you can choose any product from writing and brother, too. The next three. You can achieve it. Where? The form to any degree. Temperature. 25. Pressure entry for that too. Retrieve. Safety degree. Can preacher certified pressure and orange rather than three. 40. Greeting picture 45 to pressure and blue as they come. Okay, guys, this for receipts. Let's to go toe. Suppose we have three problems. One full save a river. And 2nd 4 pray into the river. And so lost. One two opens it. That will be safe. And this for rent. And this one for Oh, been. Here we go. We'll add a Robert or tusks and Roberto Anti insurgent rivers is out. Five name when it gets a sensibility to the user to give a name. So we're going to use the thickest and river name. That's disability. Do is a user. So we are heading hashes. This cash is is linking to attack Cold report? Yeah, rivers can be used. Uh, let's say R e p are we seriously? This take is a string. Okay, gives expect Use a user so we will enable him but enable this fly will have And the name cold or e t but t x team we will, right? Right. You. What's the rape of should contain? Let's say a chilled quantity said it Fine user passport? No, the bus for users it was a computer. The I B address off the computer replaces a user boy computer name And we'll have, uh, temperature and pressure and color. Those will be at the head of through. We will lead shaded underscore There is very burke and the river to world contains a temperature and pressure color. Then breacher and color also the pressure. Here we go. The temperature will equal the take Each big should be edit between bracket suspect TMB and this for color. Here you go, Andi pressure for press the day and time and computer name and I be we're going to use said , Take off the sister system checks system takes on you. Also 1st 1 gold time. 2nd 1 is called it date. Tweens, This traffic it and time Jesus Bracket. Computer name. You can find them. Okay, No problem. Goto help! We were throat. Get computers by B Oh, see if we will find all get function later. I be function right here. It's written right. Is this and go Toe River three bracket at I mean okay. And four computer name function you can find right here. Okay, get computer name and let's commit. Go back on board between this packet. Here we go. Um, see, this report will have the name. Let's say Mm on. Okay. This one is going to for safe Will give a comment off. Safe in belt and language. Let's go to help find the function. No problem. Right? Report They were Assumption, if you want to see a dicus or s. But if from my seat on different from right here, let's say for ethics no will be. Is that this? That we don't? And the name off, is it? Robert? The are eating and here we go and the same for print it's the brand. How many time you need to print it? Let's say leave it. Once time the report name is and, um, Zopa will be by hyperlink. So we are going to add hyper length photographic onda hyperlink. The hyperlink function will be bracket Get Yeah, pause And I was a perfect the driver's name, which we call it our baby. It will be the text. Yeah, X'd um, right. That's product one. Let's say we are going to save the product. One. This product unless we will save it. Boys in him be or it's your way. Two is there, Rosie. It's a document in yourself to the studio Project 10. As you see right here, he or this is Eric. As you can see, the date and the time has competed. A name and a computer i p. As temperature as the color and the pressure in sister suppose really warm to make another Robert, Let's say for product to and say Retrieve this for the to and see Go back. We are too well the do 30 degrees and pressure and the orange part and certainly five pressure if you want to print. But I'm not connected. It's a printer right now from right here. If you want to open this fine, you can open from right here. Okay. Okay, guys, that's for today. Thank you for watching. See you in the final push.
9. Security part 1: welcome my awesome friend. I hope you all are great today. I'm going to talk to you a boat. Secure it. So let's start first. That's all been Andy Soft with the studio. I play on as administrator. And yes, here we go. First flight new. Close it six when this low, open interface and ok into process. Okay, first, let's start. A small project deserved a new scream. This project will contain three podiums. Um, will contain how long we will use Islam. Um, will have a motor. Let's use this motor. Here we go. Um okay, let's use this one. And we also will have. Why? Because export. Um right here and Logan photo. Right. Okay. This bottom is going to control his alarm. So we are going to give it a comma to take a look at a cold long Carry it. You take called the lamp is Polian. And OK, this thing is connected toe this fight of light and this bottom is going to control the motor. Okay, We will give it a common to tackle a tag cold. Moulter. Terry it and you take cold motor. It's fully in. And okay, this thing is connected to the motor. Here we go. And we will call this problem. Switch is going to took it. Attacked. Cold switch. Carry it and you take cool. Switch this. Take Spoolie in okay. And the team is this. Thank is going to with liver. This level is what? Into the on. Okay. No, we're going to it. And you stripped for the thing deserved script is is the leg splices in 100 Zim makes a level. It was too. Their level Plus yeah, pills makes a living. It was 20 then. Yes, The execution off this script will be the switch as the switch is true. Does this mean this script is going to be executed? Saves this Kept this trip is sheet number one. Okay, this run first safe this scream, it will quote it's seen one. And right First this buttons going toe target, they take long, which is well, switch the this pile of life. This switch for resist bottom is going to switch. Is this motor? And the switch is going toe fills the tank and you can exit this project. Boys, this bottle. Okay, Now we need to make a different security for this project. This say we wouldn't have three different user thirds User is going to be Cold Mex and the second will be John and Assert will be Alan Mess will be and engineer John will be cement als Where is this project? On? The island will be a guest on Lee Guest the bus or two fours Engineer Next will be 123 as a mental illness, I said, Let's do it for Jean Will be 234 and Alan will have a password. 567 No, you understand? We need toe egg. Three groups First group for engineers Sand grew for Mantel's certain grew four guests. Isha Group will have a different number off users. So let's to start, Go to global and security, go to sitting and make us enable security system and make just notice *** *** first. Here you go. We will add a different type of groups. Let's say we have the first group is guest well before says what is the difference between security levels If you went toe hell and go toe help go to content on projects, security about security access level you can find right here the security level is going to be different from each group. Off users. The engineer will have the old accessibility. So from one or 0 255 and the maintenance is on Lee going from 100 to 1 50 and the greater is going from 25 to 125 and the guest groups going toe take the lows range from 0 to 50. So we're going toe. Get their group. First group in Our project is going toe be the guest will have the security accessibility from 0 to 50. Let's say zero 20 for development will have ability to development. It's only four runtime is going toe head from 0 to 50. So so the guest is going from Is you 2 50? We'll have no engineered access and can it starts a project, but it can't close the project or database spy or task to scratch or anything else. Okay, says a guest group. It's at a new group. This group is will be the maintain us. I am in cancer is going toe, have zoo to 100 development and is going toe hair project setting on network it came. Starts a project, Have the accessibility from 0 to 100. It can't close the project with that business boy or test catch can enable remote Andi. Okay. Certain group is going to be the engineer group. We said it has the sensibility from 0 to 100. The mentors from Sue 100 and the last one will be the engineer Well at new group for engineers. This group will have full accessibility to this project. And here, let's go To add new users as a guest, we'll have I use their name cold Palin guests. It's called Ellen. His possible is 567 567 567 on. Okay. And we will have okay And we will have a new users. New is going to leave main towns. His user name is John John. His password will be 234 and OK here. The last one will be an engineer group. It's cool. Max and health a password. 123 is going to be The engineer has possibly want to ST I want to see and OK, here we go. We'll give Zak and in accessibility pulls a lump only so we will give it a configuration and security is the range between 202 50. Let's say to any Okay, here we go. And the motor whether gives a suspension for their maintenance on Lee. So we'll give accessibility greeters in 50 but below 100. So they say it's going to be 60 as a switch will give accessibility. Hires them 100 This say I went to five and OK, that's wrong. As you see, the guest has only accessibility for so long and can't exit this project. Assisi, if we went by John, his password, as we remember, is 234 and ok will now have accessibility for long on motor. And we have no access building for this switch. And we can't exit this product. The last one is Max. His password is 123 Now we have experience for all switches or or bottoms as you see him. And we also can exit this project. Okay, guys, that's for today. I hope you seize the next venue because you aren't lazy. Good bye.
10. Security part2: welcome my awesome friend. I hope you all are great today. I'm going to talk about security Part two so needs to stop. Well, then. And the soft where we stood. You right collect as administrator and peace in this plot we are going to discover. And you way off security. Let's stop fight New project eight. We just look at interface and OK into application. Okay, we didn't have Is this project to skates? The first cream will be the lock screen and is the second screen is going to be. It's a home scream. There's a house cream as it is the lost Can you? We have three problems. One old lump and other cool matter. Okay, on the lost one called switch in this scream, we have buying the flight. This one, um, mortar on. We also have a think it's this one on. We also have a switch called big. Let's switch. Let's give a common for each bottom says Putin is going toe token at that cold. Love is this. I think it is only a Here we go and mortal swishes Going to target at a cold molted is this thing. It's also William And it's this which is going to target at a cold switch. And is this tag is also putting? No, we have three ticks. One thing slump. Take four. It's a fatal. Some has a multistate. So there's the motor. Um, this thing will have a script. This is scripts safe. This thank is connected to they called level. This stick is integral. This thing Oh, is this thick is listening. 100 is in this take will equal toe this. They lost one else way. Well, forces stick to be easier and And if the execution fourth district will be says switch on and see saves The scream is maybe scream and we are going. Teoh, make this king. Have six spots right here on Don't want right here. Well, calls this cream. Look. Scream. Here we go. Cystic spots will be for the user name and cystic spokes will be for the password. Okay, this tickles box will have a take cold user. This steak is a strength and we also will have a bus to take. Also will be staying. Okay, the first use user take right here and it's the bus will take right here. Here will have two victims. First bottom. Well, he's a look on and we will have system bottom. We will use this boat is a support. Um right here. Okay. This problem will have a common. This common is going to be reckon in visual. Basic C According to this secret, if the user is equal to Max and suppose for is a quick toe 123 We will open this clean, the same for shown. And it's the same for out if that that cold user is equal to nice And it's the same time that they called passwords is equal to 123 is them knows if we will have this conditions three times. And if this condition for John and First would have shown is 234 And this one for Alan on the post World of Penny is 567 Here we go. We will need any condition. Toe opens a scream. So open command in visual Basic for the screen is written like this The name scream everything right here. That s c R. Except the right here we will add. I thinks they use it. Name four password are friend. This safest is going toe have animation called visibility. And this thickest also will have a color rent. If security it's a security is equal, does you? And let's say it well to set. So this sticky tape is intuitive. The tech security in equal to seven is this condition and with equal toe. Yeah. Is this condition? Let's say equality toe in this condition and the three and this punish. Okay, here we go. So this on this this building Hey, issues Tobin delicate skin again. Here you go. And settle. This thing has a common start up, so I don't now if I heads their own user name and their own password, they use the name or is it possible this wrong? If I put let's see Max and the bus with 123 and personal, I want to the ministry It's in. Vic this. Say Joan, John have to a street for I sink to ST Paul envelope and the most one is other. There is a 567 No one. This say I bought Alan. And what around? Password and press Logan The user name or password are on. It is I will add some prepares in this your best. I will use it as a password. Now, if I write anything right here, it will appear as boat. Okay, I want to head some feature right here. I will goto visual Basic scrapped. This problem is usedto open Scream since pre is a lot scream the SC heart and also is going toe And to Is this textbooks and this thickest books Here we go. We are going to make user thick is equal No se And also a Sertic is equal toe must on see No if I press from Let's see him. 567 and look on I press back as you see a Sistol box and distal books are empty. No, They said an accessibility for this common. I'm going to it for this moment and this one going toe. Have a comment off visibility, uh, visibility you'll edit for security tech. This will appear on Lee if the security equal to work five Oh will bear for that rentals only. The mantle's sorted. The man cells is John has a security number two. So right here is to force A security number is equal to thing 21 It is a kiss off their necks. This also will appear is the case of them ex Only this but half animation Visibility will appear in the case off Max. Only on this motor will appear It's a case off. Next old. Okay, missile. Let's go. Uh, yes, I go as Max. The bustle of some X is 123 and no gun. As you see, the max has excess verity toe all switches. It's ago for Rome. John has possible to see four and love them. Has the assets for lump and motor on Lee. And let's go toe for Alan 567 has expel ity Onley Foursome is this seat again? Mex has the possible 123 had Logan has a 70 to cook Bold switches If I pressed, the wrong is earning or around classwork The user name or password are wrong. Appear I can exit from writing. Okay, guys, that's for today. Thank you for watching. I hope. See you in the next value and goodbye
11. Project PLC code: I everyone will come back. The previous lecture many people must be. It's a when the project food It's very hard for them. So I decided today that changed the code in a symbolical. So it's a store first. I'm going to divide this system, include subsist and I'm going toe right Good for each subsist. Let's say Curtis it subsistence This elevator which take books from this Thank what and brings this box and bring those books right to you. Their second subsistence will be this innovative Which exam? It from what, on level or high level? So that's a start. First, we are going to configuration device and the new device and we are going to truth. It's 7 300 s simulation 3 13 So would you be so we are going to truth this one. This one and Christine Temple sgst out. So let's go inside. It takes a longer time. So we are waiting, Waiting, waiting. Okay, here we go. First, we're going to put the additional temple to start from zero and dish out. Start from zero and we are going to well to program plus and add new book need. We are going to be on now we have open O P. One and you're going toe and really see Thanks. The sensors at the Albert first. Let's see, We have thought in what I spoke. Emblem. We sit in, but and we are going to user guide the I tsp sea You are going to Oh, for sure. Bitters. Let's see the start. This is our brushing input 00 is the case innovator exit cursor at once limits which and we're refer it admits limit switch, bad limits which start and a stop and re sit in. But in 1 24 input one 0.5. Input 1.6. So this one his boy one on 1.5 on oil 1.6 and we have their other actually to you see, right here. Actually, you know is the lifter or the books. So we're going to see you. You his lifter Books, use your point weapon. You're going one is the cursor or a person. Use your point too. This older older. First we are going to do the first. Good for this. Actually, this actually was it subsist first I need if I miss a start, huh? I'm going to make if one or marker old. Whatever this bunker in 00 this market is going to be Letcher. That's and with the stop when I press a set bottom not stop What? So did this or percent. When I first start, I'll wait for one second. So you are going to use a timer on? Yeah, he said, Fine. Is, uh, once this this time going to sit things you want when in Syria one 01 going to nobody It's a little And the letter will be stopped when it reached this scent. And so it's C So when I reach since it's you, it's se And through the deal answers, you know, I'm going to sit. Listen, Marker, it's a you point this mark, I would be sitting. I mean, So we are going for you with this bunker. You point resumed. Thank you can before the left. So we are going to use you, Went one in Syria is insisting go in view point to where it stops the lifter and and operate the curse and the Kherson will be stopped or in the sense of one, they take stickers. So boy, I you know 0.1, they take their cursor. I'm going to He said the cursor by another market Old in you, Wayne ST. This marker will need to be lectured and should read off. Start. Is you going so again? In his? You went one. What do you is for? Dexter? Zero point c. Is your trying to lift her and nobody? The cursor boat we're boy ends your Point Street. Okay? When's the pope's each sense of? I'm going to read the letter again. So and since And your point, they're going to use marker. You went or for let. Okay. We need that for in or and showed people. A boy should follow you Point No. This used against the left will be stopped full of the sensitive in with the plane using a marker. This one and we are We need rich or in Cuba. You went white. When will in do point or this one? It would be used for in you want five? Look left and earths are free. Okay. No. We will need to stop the cursor. The first will be stopped. You point fun and mark or you 0.6. We will need match with this one. Do what? Six. You went. But no. If impudent points, I mean the cursor will stop because with Islam first on and if I reach Okay, answer early. One second. It's a second this before. No, I don't. Don't be. This sequence wouldn't be the city when it this older in the I mean giving troops. Let's say the cursor is the holder. Then we are going through. Is it this one? And they said this one. This one? No is you went through. Use your point. You know receded three Duke Street. You hurt, sir. World fears It is. What? Duplin? I would read the hope Slipped again will be resisted. Do you this one? No, it's fun. That's what We are going to break this right off. Put a stop position or don't move. No, We find this in relation. I don't know. Well, our ideas go. And this first this I think that spokes by here. No, this older open they was Dickie. It's second go back second substation that if they knew Oh yeah. Over Unusual. Give it up one. My purse is thought, but what wouldn't have it? I stopped use your going to do? It should be stopped. And either one could we stop? So we are going to you something old Bulls thinks line should be understanding as fools, right? The art of views. A market this mark. Would it be any of you? 0.7 this with one food this one one point. This market will be old. You're seven. Go back. One old parker with each out. That's or but no, it like this Smoke in those marker will be zero. And use your point. I pressed start game. It was marked. Wouldn't be so. I mean, use your 12 will be able to It's goto the second part of this Russia. That second substance, first of all by principle in I don't think, refuse. Parker, you're going to it. There is no so ever one point. You We're going to you with 1.6. Would you part in one thing? You this marker six many Or they live it. That's one position. Yeah, in 1.0 would be used to bring this debate down. So it says in with six, it's full. Then, if they don't here . No, it's a sense six. They say he did at the lower position. I mean, we will need to stop. They leave it. Don't. And the Lord should be this. Look, I want it cool in one 0.1. Which one stopped the elevator? Intend. The lower off their point. 1.1. You re one. You? No. A trip to stump light sensor, then Senate. Serkin. I mean one issue 1.11 plane in one flint from one point there. This you the marker. It's smart. People in one food this Parker stopping, uh, dork over. And every and 11 Now we are going up. Instance stupid. So 2.7 wouldn't sit. What? I see this market could have stopped up and and actually Kirsi on or you on. Based on what? There must be what's right here. You so cool. A deep on with in one point. Sleep with Every time I go on way, it's a once no in one thing for in 14 Actually. Use your point on towards the hole. Oh, yeah. Of using player. It's on in one 2.2. Yes. In you're going to There is no pulse. Wait one for a second. and a little towards the home. Use your what the oh, and the whole time in 1 24 be used for turns off older one and in one. So who is the holder? No, this 11 Fine instead of the whole me in one food. We are where it says or he's for the marker in 16 Who will need for this part? Could be used for actually, which is old They're making good but falls. Use your use. Your 0.4 went You do point play since it's baking off of the month you re set. Yeah, treat street The youth Google Street will be now and we are going to me for some time. 17 No, it's it's insulin. Three. It said it takes a little assist. Three. They may at opposition into when you before 17 Is the lost A big fight? One when zero will be used to turn off that will speaking or you you're going for No , we once. Then Budo one second That sparkle one. No doubt you may. No. Yeah. 3.1 Que. We're each sense. Yeah. So it's it in one boy for you. 41. You don't sense of it. They said so. We are going to you. Would it be when one they don't? I hope. And thank you. Yeah. Johnson. See, under many second, they're tweet or is the whole breed making will be again? So we will repeat the off course. This one You, you or Steve on? Yeah, I see one. You on be under it. You the markka, Stevie. It turns the holder on old on. Yes, Officers that it's a previous mark. End point and a timer. This that's what Thank you. Include you and it. 0.2. There is no boxes. I'm on. We are. Oh, who is it? The whole remember? Or but we are right. The whole would be on. Okay, No for you. Double. It's the sense zero point six. And in 16 it use your street here. - That view busy? No. And you like food? That you Or would it be? Yeah, awful. Where would need told this month on future Booth. Did you? It's since and you know why? For on they're in the one. No, it's for it's a myth. It says three. It's it. And you went streets on you 0.6, The previous seven will be used to reset. Welcome. Pick up boots. Is your point seven? No, we will be area of the plan to wait a second de in 3.0 with No, they get down, get stop the loss That sense of Mayan in one people again. You are going to be about this. Live it up and e fun. Well, uh, your streets. We will wait. Speak in a second ST form. He turned on the whole Yes, the old what did on the whole were used Second city. Do you think this No. See, we turned off the home. So in si three plants, it's It's this whole off sitting the whole book See? Going off in with and use your you give both dependent on in full off You need que do you think for one and the previous to be or you're going to sleep? You'd Pierpoint Street Parker city, which was Oh, you do sweet. They're going to speak with you. You're oh, when and three sweet people said you No, that's full in 3.6 off the grid for turning it off. You will be. And there on the second. Do you claim full on? Wait, Circum. That's C seven, this ST 0.7. If it's you know, don't will be off heads. A little position. I mean the sand. So six it it is it. And you 0.6, will you? There's a marker Who in si 0.3. You know well in three and re beads this function again so and And for you with you Don't it's We have seven X traitor. We already used use employing you. Use your point want and we're ready. Team the holder. Oh, you you're going to So we will use user when she accused for It's a start. You beautiful. This this one for you You point why it's you What is the North you? It's I don't I don't. We are with you Use Your six will be sitting They don't don't boy in one in one and then 11 So in one in one in one in one again Live it down Oh, marker in 2.1. So so one, one and one again I would have thought again I don't worst Yeah, well in steeple view and it's people hand and Steve blink. Okay, again, - don't on industry 0.7. And will this Stop boy Stripling seven and in city but seven and City seven? No, I don't. It's the motor off bitterness on off one plan more or up, determining one in one thing and turn it off on in one, 21 Want to and one Okay, you have that. Let's go toe. Use your points to them. Use your 17 local for more quint one and M one in 11 in one one . One thing. Let's see you see. Then it's on C, uh blends it one c and in one one feet in one see and game and in doing and it's It's your boat. Sleep and people N C Point. It's 0.4 four. These women were in 1.6 in tow. Point yeah, more Oh, 1.6. It went fine. - Or and in scruples, three point no. Most saying, winning the pools. It's itchy and holds almost. Oh, so is trying to do so. So this one's going down. There's little 0.7 so reasonable yesterday on the M 11 minutes one 11 12 Tuesday, John again. So so no. - Still biggest. But the first boat Oh, gives you should be stopped. So, though Oh, in one in one, right here. This is no normally opened, so Oh , no, The makings 20. There is a problem. So first this place climb your street. - It's a clean. Or at least actually, there's That s stupid In Studio One, we're this. It is No stump, uh, telling you who's store eggs in it? It did teach since seven. This one stop. No. Yeah. Going. I spoke Don't. So this one So? So there is so sing. Use a timer this used but the thing That is not so. Oh, what you you or more? Yes. The fall into place and see 0.1. You if and one one importantly one. Some of the instrument open. And this one What? No. Now, including one. No, this one Warm wolves Don't know John any, Um, that if it examined I don't like coming. No, they're taking cool. Don't stop that. We are going to say so this week or this. Second speaking. Yeah, we want it says I am. So you're going down? Yeah. There is a poem like you officers here that man was that up? Hello there. You? Yeah, The well, Like you. This marker off exist is leaving. So you need to form arkels before the next leader. So you Oh, the name is leaving me six. Germany knows the England then system in one. Do you want 11? One? That's four in 12 and four of you were set Old month. - He's 1.7 go years people when they set markers for you for in for plan first spoke and don't know what the problem do it who run? Yeah, this one is going down. Don't it? Is Yeah, making would Oh, older. Yes. Speaking the first book nine. The second coming polls . You see right here the man successive then was that eventually little boxes right here. 17 The promises of this They're making group closing. This man has moved speaking cool over percent or the second the books right here. Going to tweeted which is a big group closing, hoping this 2nd 00 2nd folks, right. What? We grow over there wants us right here. Holding fibrous is still at any point system. It's a slope and start again. Assistant store it is this way is, is is on this port. Why persist? A point? There's a stock in and that's it. Thank you for being Asian Off course. Now you are evil is lying Project in foster system or abuse Or soon it's abuse. You knew affection is like See you in the annals, of course, and thank you.
12. scada project1: welcome my awesome friend. Too scared, of course. I hope you all are great today. I'm going discuss to you the final project As from Section two, we already built a complete Billy C Could foran application off I t spls e m h e j Today we are going to connect there be illicit could with a skate a month. So this built or skin new lost brochure We are going today to use windows embedded life on Okay, here we go in publication and OK, we will divides them. Many scream into tomb May imports So we are going to ed to stream one scream for the header will have Ah, height 100 the weights off my screen. It will start from the top and from zero in the left This screen. Let's give it background. Let's say what on? Okay, so this gold head Well, Kim, let's go. Who is there wondering? Screen the monitor screen. It's bolos the header so it will start from the top by 100 and zero from the left. It will help background the background color will be se three on. Okay, the background color This screen will be called the ministry or someone. Every scheme on we are going to add One more stream will be that looks cream similar to demonstrate screens the size this cream has a background. Let's say why. OK, on. See this cold? Look, it's clean on. Okay, No, let's start. First of all, 17 Scream will contain Contin pilot light for each actuator and wondering pile flight for each sensor. So let's say the sensor with heads of vital flights a friend. It's changed. Slice. Use this link in size and here we go. We need 10 sensors living system from 0 to 10 living sensor. So you or five on then? Um, a lot. It's so lines them format a line to top on distribute. There is simply, uh, looking No, it's a biggest for each sensor sensor. One sensor is you, um all lines them for man. The line seems to the top on distributes. And for example, here we go this cold sensor to And so it's this sensor to this is since long on. This says three on this sense of food on this sense or five on this 16 Um, is this seven on this warm will be eight on this would be nine on this will be the lost one . Okay, this for all sensors. Okay, let's, uh, view yet right here. We have also from 07 actuator eight actuator. They're fine with blue for actuator. Yes, resize Ah, you size it. And this covet to and three on pour of five and sex on says states mine. And then I'm going. Sorry, it schools eight. So the most them onda lines. Those is a top, um distributes him horizontally on its it. And biggest this for actuator one. Was this window on a call? If you want me too. For three for five and six seven inmates. Select off them and align them to stop. Ah, just to you. Just actuators zero on this one is one on this actuator too. On this three on this one is four. And this 15 on the last 16 Um, and the lost 16 um seven. That's a whole Andi. Okay, we have a start. Bottom that stop bottom. Andres said Fulton. It said of them was put on. One will be stored and the other will be stopped on the last one will be reset. That's what is normal clothes. The store button is connected to take cold stores. It's gonna figure it, um, use It's connected. Store. Thanks, bullion. Let's right here. Is stored. Okay. Took him. That's stopped Connected to take old stock. Could you use a static type? Is Polian on? Okay, configure it on. Stop on. Stop. Ah, on. Okay, this normally close the lost one is connected to reset, and we go this bullion okay? And configure it. Three set on. We sit on. Okay, Now we have three push put. Um, on all inputs. Small TERT boy. Since while flights, um, all actuator this monitor boy, but its flights, it's called the screen. Small drug scream. The graphics, uh, biggest money to process. Increase of forms on. We need a bottom for back to go back. Okay, this it's going this port Armstrong toe open and new scream. Let's say in the home screen, it's at a new scream. Cold dome stream has a height. Sex? Um, 100. Um, okay. This screen, let's say, has they around like this on? Okay, this will be the home stream it will contain. Apart from the oven, Zaman three screen and the lock screen toe. Go back to look a screen and we'll have about, um, to go toe alarm stream and put him to go to the river screen and this cream are going to add some screenshots for this project. Andi this four stream on goto paint, I'm sure be and it's crop it on this good and control. See photo control the this go to you on it. This for I wanted to scream has common toe open monitoring screen within screen on effort This a good form? I don't like the shape this say, sweetie. So on this four alarm scream on this one before Raber screen on this one or looking out local out, we need to add new screams one for alone and one forever and certain. Justine 668 on 100 firms a top. This will be the alarm screen as about ground off all our Let's a little, but I would call it alarms clean. Okay, this alarm. And so we are going to it. Six on 100 forms of thought this for rebel screen on day. Okay, this is the river screen will be white. The problem on. See, that's a call. It report. It contains a number off process with the machine, and it will give us that report of it. You can add right here. Logo. The name. Let's say we are going to add the name off the user user Name, ashes. You can also add a picture for each user if you're warm at the dates rashes on also the suds that time also hashes. Uh, here we go. Okay. This used to off screen alarms cream okay. On this forever scream. Um, the lost one going to be or look gal stream or extreme Well done looks cream nous at a day . We're going to use the system. Check this time. - Okay . Missile right here to find it. System degs on view is school date. Okay, that this forces date? Sorry. Just for who's hold? Date on. This will be for time. Okay. At that time? No, you can drive plans playing. Um city. Okay, is I was going to be and was, And you take cold user name on It will be strange. Can't be used. It's a user end user on lee. Okay. Okay. Their use. Welcome in alarms. Dream also, um, and Libertine. Okay. Okay, that's for today. And it's an extra. You were going to connect those by flights toe our cyst. See you in the next.
13. SCADA project2: welcome my awesome friend to the final project. I hope you all are great. It is the last video. We already this line. Six screens once came for alarm and one in the header and the other the home screen and Salak scream and under scream. And there today you are going to start with the monitoring scream and connect each one to the court. It's a big deal, See? So it softens. It could ideas Teoh Quarter Onda military and integrated automation standing for their Ortio. Well, little open an existing fired. So with a project, you, uh, pretty you is a fine. I already added in Section two is your remember? I save it in forces on. Is this fine? Just pulling on, don't you? Okay. It's a really existing in tow. A project full. So it really is resting in a project. Cold Project food. So the portal on this one four. It's over there on go to prison for you. I'm going to prove them close. Is this the project? As you see, we already has the president. This is Troy Toe run. It first opens assistant, um, from it's removes the slightest first option. Ah, So what is off and look system fertilizer. Um nation And we are going with Wait, so don't look Curse. It's true. Take some time. This program Don't forget to Don't know both tires. Ah, and let's go to run and opens ideas on pres you can see from coming to I don't coming online one of the boats And if you want to, it's really finds Played. Um, those books is going off. Please. This person is going toe open. Yes, it's going to close. There is both Second is coming. Here we go. Say that This coming You go. - Okay , guys lets you connect is the first the bottles is that cool? As you remember from the first radio in the schedule, Each bottom and scared is marker in the BBC koot So we are going to it. Three markers. We're going to use marker for stores and the other one for stuck on the other one is research. This markers will be connected toe this get let's put it and good each market in peril. There is no start. Start quite one on there isn't We'll be right here is to bomb and box Butler this for supposed. That's pose right Here is a stop. Played one and right here is stored point alone. Do you remember? We have one more right here. The ward Right here. Yeah, people Next is right here. Andi, stop right here. Reset. Sorry. Right here. Went one and we go. And this it for the cool. Nothing else. Now we are going to connect. Is the idealist this marker and this marker and this marker Play the communication sheet at Underworld Drive. We are using MP or communication and OK, opens the MP oy sheet. Dr. Sheet, We are using the marker stored and the marker. Stop on the marker. Sit. The communication, as you remember, is on I e to okay. Is the markers for the story. Let's go back in the sea. 4.6 and 4.7 on five point for mine. Sex four way six, 4.7. Um, fires point all on. Okay. Okay. Both this screen on screen screen this warm, uh, this school one. If I It's over. I ds software forest started under sit. He said stop. Here's a definition first restored. It's a photo I like to find what were some problem as born lion, right? You Yeah, we will need to. Don't look one more times. I don't think this little simulation first. Yes. You know those No, Andi is to throw open is a solution again on its vilification on. Remember, Don't, dude, Which one is that on glute. Did he go and go to run? - There you go. Right now. Go toe. Um will be okay. Yes. Don't allude it right. Is there a little early? Okay, don't forget that. I don't know the timers on and Okay, Run! Uh, okay, Mr. Now it's so why Scana um that's just gather right here on the ideas, right? First crystal understood to refresh room and breast. Start as you see. So it started working. Let's find out if a stop it's worth also from Scapa. So is lording the first start again from scared stop store from No, we need to connect between scatter on his A b and C for the actual Ince's. We, uh, tense Levin sensors. So we need living eggs for each sensor. This the this'll will be corpus. You is this That will be 1,000,000,000. Um, this will be take It's one. It will be a 1,000,000,000. Okay. And this will be for take s surgery to it Will people you Ah, it's this well, the day it's three will be putting and this would be big is for and it will be a 1,000,000 And this fourth day IHS flying U. S five and it will be a 1,000,000,000 No William B. Williams pulled back and global on she view life with the bullion onda six will be and that with a seven on it will people yin three more it would be a is eight s bullion Um it's mine you mine on and it will be and that's for yes Then on its told people this all sensors Okay, now we're go to that end Skate refugees that also sensors is zero it's one is to Is three is for It's fine. It's this It's seven IHS eight it's nine on the last one. Is this then the idea to do to to To to You can try it on the when the emperor So we're going from right to read it on Leigh read on Lee treat on Lee read on Lee ST on Lee on a read on Lee need on Lee. Um, read on Lee. Okay, that's will be you. That don't be you zero for the first answer, Sqb and come through Z and drove the Yeah, under a being to three, four and five and thanks on the last one in this pit seven. Now we are going with 1.0 one point. Yeah, And the last one is 1.2 and that's it. That's old Sensors now save on Mexico to run down this up. As you see, Sensor City is opening and sit three right here says her thin since the mine since sex three again to now we are monitoring the sensors. If you want to find Where are zero sensors? President, since All right. Here. Censor mine. Uh, sister eight and absence was so as you see let's go. I've and Stephen and quiet within seven. Surreal is getting stale Another Let's go to the monitor Sexual eater would have And thanks for ancient waiter. It's a first tech will be easy You It will be also Polian okay you want? And this on board toe screen on what says it was you on sensors. Let's go is you will be relocated with a one. It one is putting a to you going to be fully in. Okay, First in history, it's going to get bullion and OK, that's will be a four on will be fully it for with tow project. Thanks on that is for you. Hey, four billion. Okay, a fine. It's going to be put. Ian, that's for a four story. Uh, this one will be a fun on. This one will be a six. Create this he six 1,000,000,000. I think it supposed to be seven. Okay. Hey, center. But its bullion All right, team as Putin now both of communication sheet the rise and be I the right sheet we have is you e one a to is three so three a full. If I've hey sinks a city and that's it says station or Zipes is to for old. Okay? And I d will be a but dont e do you points you as you remember from cessation three. That would be a a the dot Okay, 0.0. I want to see control thing. Quantrill, the to control I see three counter me or it's closer. End of a thought Could be uniformed. Fine. Me six on control V or a the dot be. You know, 0.7 came bit Stand for one pirate so that I was convicted. No save on its gloat on who is that's clear on Do something interesting. Street is not invented. This love is not connected. It's go back and reconnected. One is extreme is three you see right here connected That is three on gay seated Uh, it's on and I don't want for I need to disease in London for sugar. Most essential zero and three. Now the whole well, a little bit four. And you then six. One. Now we are I don't think this answers, Andi. Also the actual is the screen. And this isn't Thank you for watching. Don't forget sees. Don't forget to see the next video because you are lazy. See you
14. SCADA project3: welcome my awesome friend. Today I'm going to start with Security is the last project. So it's the stars. It's a good toe security or look screen. It is the screen. Well, we will have use their name. Um, password. This day we will designed a system for five different peoples name. Use their name. The last word there's one is on second is John sued Is Alice Peter? So why e ah? Adding there's a name for Colin E l on to a five using the for Rome J H by five. And for others 85 nine 58 And for Peter Beat 951 And the last one will be our in has a user name lying it. The bus work for Alan will be 123 and War John B five for all this was the first word would be three nines. Peter would be three ones on the last one is Aaron will be Trippett late on. This is thought me, me who did this box? Other textbooks? We're password. Okay. We will need different problems. What time for local on and just Botham will have on standard. She and we also are going? Heroes exit bottom all time exit. Uh oh. Here we go. You and we will need It's ah, right here. If you want to add a new video, you can go too. Graphic on Have to be controlled and go toe When was maybe a player overvalue electrolytic as you will on its OK, He owned the I don't have the right. Now if you want to add value from right here. Okay. This and this will have a steak called user name or healer. I already in it on this. They're old user. Your called password Bus work. It will be strength on. Okay, this will be password. Uh, okay. It's a start. Akande in visual basic if user name, see what to on and is that passport is equal to? It was then Ah, it's And and, uh, on its called exists five times. Who? Three four on one. 1st 1 is Alan. I did 25. 25 on the password is one to ST using me for second. You see it quiet. And, um, the bus word is tripping. Fife, The search one is honest. A 958958 Hey, my 58 on and it's bust, sort of a lion Force One hiss beat lying flat if long, But I mean my life one. And the password is it has been one on the last one is the line that online age on the bus were triple eight. Terrible line A H on the possible Triple eight is there each if shouldn't fall A boy pensive the 1st 1 second, sir. On So plus one way willing these things. And, uh, else no Oneto three five diapers. We'll need a message appeared when the mother, the password or using native spot Wrong. So the message say, by sort or user name or KRONK. Its color will be great and has a common office guilty. Common visibility. When a marker cold security is equal toe one, security is integral. Another security will equal to two in the case. File in on three. In the case of John on four in the keys off. This one on the five is there. I'm the last one will be six on this would be one. All of those password and user name are wrong. Then the bus or user name are wrong. Should appear in all cases I want to open oh, cases so you can put it right here. Open scream, cold home look, sc or okay, on. And so for this long on and wounds they're still scream on the header Appear at first So we are going toe a group in group The header with the look scream will be the start screen, so Oh, okay, from let's say Adi toe to any pie on launch three, um, 25 on one to see. As you see, it's a scream open settled out Should open because they don't see on. It's a good it was a header is the weather will contain a cook Graphic symbols at the time I'm going to use Let's say this one for its a header. It's right here on. We're going to it. Mm, nothing else. We will. Is this no controversy? Uh, let's go for yourself. Uh, man, what's by 100? Um, hi. There's a heart. It is you. But then it's your move. The background trackers Well done. It's I use this and we will all over, um or low. That's all right. But for man, it will be one 100. We'll get right to you. Uh, like this. That's ahead. No. And wounds and a purity teach first. So it saves the message. Will that here? Han? The name was a person. Whatever it it will be linking to attack, you take old name. This created it will be strength can go on. Okay, let's photo looks creepy. Is that they? Cold name? Well, equal to 1st 1 is all in. Um, 3rd 1 John. What? You, sir, One is Arlys horse won his Peter ons lost one is adding on. That's it. It's safe. Screen on the screen and clothes and glitterati. Is this your here, Heather? Ah, it's simple as Alan, Hard Island and user Name and date on time. We can go to some monster stream or go back. This bottle is not working. So that's good when it's or on this bottom. Uh huh. Over scream this stream, he should open his home screen. Here we go. Is so, um, this is trying. Now, um, it's a little by one. Let's say John G. H 55 J. H. 55 and on the bus first is triple five. Ah, hi, John. Time on the and to use your name and you can go to them interesting. And also go back. Okay, look out, I want when I pressed the goat user Name and password severe So it's a go to home on press the coat instead off using his Cree language. It's good to miss your basic and use Golden. We're going toe open the lock, not scr on. At the same time, we are going to vote. Use it Tag to me. Listen. And also bus would think Toby last and so and run. Now if I go on John and try to look out, does he see? Let's go. But it wasn't one. It's Detroit aren trip in line H travel in line A H and Trouble eight for the last word on yoga. Hi, Ari. Set time date and user name is tripping like a h. You can go to monitor screen or you can go bad. And you also can look out this if I put it on user name or password, I say trouble. And 582 So this cream. So there is the wrong writing. Yeah. Go to look stream. Yeah, that us already have those three included. So you can. Only what? So this on the screen, right here, Right here. List that in each f it will be more secure. Andi, that's it. Let's stepping down on drums. It's about around password, You know, on Lola. Did you see It's Troy. I didn't, uh, driven mine h on triple eight. Okay, look, no doubt this destroy another wrong passport, bastard or user name Ira and eggs. And that's it. If you want their accessibility for each person you can, let's say, let's go toe home screen. Let's say others can do everything Sean can go monitoring on a large screen. No, can't. Who rebelled. So, ladies, get a comment off visibility. It will be on in the security equal to to and or security equals toe. Sorry. I mean, it will be open for Alan and John on Lee massing no one else. Let's it, Troy, Let's So you certainly him. Island at 25. Uh, 25 on 123 Uh huh. Whole bottle a beauty. Let's it, Troy Erin, trip in line inch on Tripoli. Ah, monitoring screen and 11 scream on lee on a visit. We had to make a complete security system. Is the next feed you. We are going to his lines, airport and all our This is an experience. We are going to design a large discreet So see you in the next video. Goodbye.
15. SCADA project4: welcome my awesome friend. I hope you all our gate today we are going toe starts the last section off our course which will be the raber toe and a large scream off the final project. So let's start. First of all, we are going toe opens Alarm Scream Onda we are going to add a lot. That view is going to affect Wendell. Close this one less the size this window Onda will pick a new column. We are going to add the cooling off value right here. Yeah, so right here and moving it up on okay is a lot you will meet Is the number for cooperation with the elevator increased more than 1000. The cursor 500 the lifter increase number of operation increased them 1000 and a late Has number of creation greeters in 800 or the maximum number process is 1500 or greet. So we're going toe ad at first on a lot Screen Onda We are going to click seven desk and we're going to add salons. We will have five takes one for elevator, one for cursor, one for left and one for plate And the one for the process. So we also are going toe opens they take window on. We're going to add the elevator as into Ah Lester as end to go is, uh, cursor as anti here and in the event of lesser cursor and plate and the last one will be the process. All those tags are going to increase every times, Uh, and a little war or the way to work or the cursor operate for the late. Great. So let's distort. We're going to monitor in salon the elevator. Take on. We're going double select um Saley vi tor or left er and e FTE or ah, cursor left her lips, but okay, cursor and late and it's a process post A later on lifter is going to have the number 1000 and 1000 for right here on Dickerson. It's going to be the curse is going to me 500 for the cursor 500 on that late is going to be 800 on, and the process is going to be 1 1500 on. We're going to say the shitless is to on Lister has a lot of high hoi or ready from food. No, no. Is Miss a Go really this one and force this one. The lifter Alarm anchors. Okay, Now you consider it okay. As you see right here. Okay? No. And we are going toe a script to increase each one of Zeus and takes. So we're going to insert and you one one for increasing the elevator. So let's see if the extra weight which one's the actuator going up the street? Going up is X ray 25 You see, you can find it from right here and shooter, a five toe take a five is equal to one. Is them ed on the elevator? One. And if now if a five is once a live, it'll will be counting until forever. But I want things. Take account only one time. So I'm going to use affect. Take, Let's say it's a tick. Tick cold. Thanks. It was a mistake at first, equal to zero. Then police may exist. Eg become one and kills if they're a five actuators. If I've already stopped mean become zero Zim Billy's make my take x become again zoo This if statement we're going to repeat for each take we're going to repeat it five times on de enter ends is to control seeing and go trophy. No, I can't put right here now. First, is this for any of it? Second will be for their left. Let's say, is the lifter what makes the lifter operating? It's a go find the actuator off the lifter is you. So the actuators that is easier in the easier is equal to one and another ex Let's say X one ex Juan and this will be easier. We are going to add on the left I think this will be the lifter Big the same saying for ah , once this and egg after the left turn stickers This war was the cursor or the mix occurs. Operate is E one, as you see right you want Which may stickers are great So 3rd 1 was with the A one. Are you using another effect? Take let's say a to this X to six x tomb and this will be X two and this will be a one. And this will be early. You will reset X one again. This will be the cursor. This will be the cursor on and the other one will be set plate. We're need to count the number plates. You can this ex Twitter plate history. So if a three is equal to one and another effect tick lists a history is equal to zero and x history Is it both ex history as equal to one and Meg's? Uh, please dig increased increase. Um e serie and right here is extreme. Okay, this forcibly So law stick will be the process we will need to find an actuator will operate only once time in the entire process. First, we need at a small plate from Doane here to come up and take a poke six pulses and go down . So the only a process operate for one time Is the elevator going up? So we're going to use the actuator five as account condition off the counter, but a five will be set conditions a counter it will use explore and export would become one and this will be explore and this one will be a five and Asus one will be the processes and this one will be is a process. As you see right here the condition is similar to this one so we can leave it and sets. But to reduce the number statement you can think this one on and put the statement right here instead off using. So if so, the set on DSI. If this he wouldn't need to did he eat at? They're called full again and X one spoolie in and x two is Polian on X History was also Polian, and that's it and see Ah, there's only thing left the message. As we said, the elevator, If it's a great present or equal 1000 the blade is greater than or equal 800. Process on We forget lifter. And what's a final one is cursed curse lifted its 1000 and the cursor is 500. No, let's save control. Save, um save Yes, there it is. Right here. Slice this. It's a message If the message will be, um you ex seemed Xylan off the elevators operation. It will need toe the repealed same message? No, for the left except innovator will be left her on the same message for cursor city live. It will be cursor. Ah, late. Thanks. Be here to be repaired, Andi. Except the elevator will be plate is the lost one. I will say is a machine should to be stopped and go to Mantel's. He stopped, um, goes to a man. Towns me Deena's. Okay, hands it. That's a lot for that alone. You will need also a bottle right here. This 4th 1 is going to reset old Allah, Ole Tex and will say reset. All is going to raise it. Please, to be zero. It's going to reset. Is that? Ah, it's a Ah, cursors will be zero. And there is. It is elevator to Theroux on it is going to reset process 20 Um so lost one will be, um, Lester left. So going to be reset also to zero. Ah, no says cool exist. 20 on contraceptive. And that's it for the alarm window. Big. It's going to open the home and sit for a long moment. Now let's go toe the rivers. Twin dull. Table 20. This pig is going toe. Have a Calmund off Corbyn home window. Um, that's it. We will need, um let's say all text to be monitored in river. So they say we will need a tick ist right here. This thickest will have number off process. Andi is going toe have hashes. This hashes is going to be replaced on the same. We'll be right here on goes out of five. Let's, uh, aligns them on and let's distribute them carefully. Um, it's in Klee's their size. Let's say 20. Okay, this full. That's both of you fit view on a member, right year on this one right here on this one right here. Distribute them again. Or simply vertically. Sorry on we will need a photon to save and bottom toe, friend, and they are equal in size and another one for over this will be saved. The report. This is going to be open the report as the last one is going to be transit route. Okay. Mm. This one's going like that, But right here. Um, awesome. Right here. Okay, on. And this number persists, and this will be the number off operation operation off. Elevator operation off. Litigator on this one is going to be the number off operation off off left. This one would be number of cooperation off cursor on the most is room to be the number operation off plate off plate. Okay. No. Investigates them away. Take its data link the 1st 1 is link it toe process Take persisting on. Second is going to be linked. Toe is, uh, aviator tag on this will be Link it to the left or tag, and this one is going to be Link it to cursor. Think and so Austan is going to be a link it toe on after courses. Plate eight right here. Okay. And that's it. Let's go toe Robert, add and you revert the school to revert and insert I had to talk in will mean they're finding Albert. I'm going to say it will be Ah, we port No, Let's say it. It's coming from they use it. I will say use thickest Name off report will be hashes. All right. Here the hash it will be linking to NuTec cold report. Just stick is a strength three people. Let's say people, this steak is a string on this fine three. Cool. That's yeah, and it will be enabled for the user. The enter, um, the name off the fine is going to be 34 Don't take just on. And at first I will need the date flying user and name At last, I will need on its graphics. Uh, home. I will mean nothing else. Okay, Andi. Under schools. Ah, ends it with me. I will need. Sorry, Britney at first. So said it was near. Would be added right here. The date we are going to use the system take for them. User. Me already created a take for it. And also easily the system. Take force the date and time. Let's goto system tanks on. Father, The day is called date and time. Cold time. So go toe. Breitbart. Um cooled that they date right here is this and they time right here like this and the user were really using user tag. Let's go toe project A That they called users will be like this user for small. You on? We have really assessed a projected for the name we really created Righties, school name. Look him. Pull need right here. A space, a space, A space. Okay. And we will have the reports say is there to them? Number off process is equal to okay number and, um, equal. First scene I went through the control the and control the lifetime. That's for process. That's for elevator operation off the aviators number off free shuns off any. The tour is equal to operations. Popik relation. Ah, left her is the lost one is going to be operation off. Oh, lift on the veto cursor. And the last one creation off. Okay. On a plate. When it was, this would be processes Andi well equipped to. They're called process. True. This on this one was going to be equal toe take cold, Lee the tour, and this one is going to be equal toe. They're called Lester, and this one will be permitted to take quote cursor on. The last one is going to be connected to take gold plate at the end. I will need signature on and off. Seems Orsoni okay, ons it it was going to be controlled, said on Let's say is this is going to be old. Let's go report and let's go to save. And it's at a Coleman, um, is going to be riven, improved in language as you remember. Or if you aren't remember, that's good. Like this, um, Diack, report function. You will find right here. The poor desk. Is there a safe, common and safe. This will be the name off the report. I've called E on and this will be well then and leave open right now. I'm call to print Good, built in language and goto form it. And if you went to help, as you can find right here and on go important right here. And you have a river. The report name will be a and it's going to be printed on Lee one, Mitch and the last bolt is over is going toe have Ah hyperlink. Hyperlink is going to me get and polls on the report name every name I've called equal Don't text on. That's it. Okay. And let's take it. Um now we have designs are learned later on. And if we went as early 25 on the bus would want to street and go to mind through window and go back. This is alarm screams. If they're also arm alarm will appear right here and go back. This is the report window. As you see right here, it's the number of processes zero and a number of operations zero number off left. This year on the cursor is you. If we need toe seems, uh and a report saves the river. Let's say we will call it This river will call it. Ah report one. And this safe it and the stretch open There's wrong was sick. What time? Okay, what's wrong with safe Putin? It's full Two graphics and go toe hit stream and go toe save button Coleman built in language And no, there is no go to rivers on. And yes one can you control key? The river is Ace Contras s. It's a friend. Has a common on open has a okay on now you can save it on threats around again. Went as 25 go to raper. And therefore you want to see if a first right here. So I want to open a can opener from right here. The name frequent as atop the date, the time and user and the name Time off processed enough time off operation. Ever think I can find right here the signature? That's a I can also prevent it from right here. But I'm not connected to Grant right now On that said for the project you also can go Plan was a user. Let's say we are using their user. Peter Peter is beat my 51 be my 51 on the password is travel one, As you'll remember, forms lost its a refuse video. Then that is right here is not opening on lease alarm screens open. If you went to another user, lists a shoe on J. H five n she it's 55 and and the bus with a strip of one. The first rule is triple five on the one. As you see right here, they're able to end the alarm. And don't extreme old are here at once on Is this it? And thank you for watching the schools to the end. And I hope you have enjoyed your journey with us and see you in the next course.