Rolled Ovals Earrings | Joanne Tinley | Skillshare

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings


    • 2.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - materials


    • 3.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - equipment


    • 4.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - soldering equipment


    • 5.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - soldering 1


    • 6.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - rolling the ovals


    • 7.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - filing


    • 8.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - shaping the ovals


    • 9.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - preparing for soldering


    • 10.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - soldering 2


    • 11.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - finishing the stud earrings


    • 12.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - making the headpins


    • 13.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - finishing the drop earrings


    • 14.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - bonus: alternative methods


    • 15.

      Rolled Ovals Earrings - final thoughts


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About This Class

The Rolled Ovals Earrings class teaches you how to turn simple small round jump rings into beautiful puffed bead shapes - with two ideas for earrings! I will be using two different sizes of jump rings in the class, and you'll be able to see the differing effects you can get from using different wire gauges and inside diameters.

This is one of a series of video classes, each one showing you how to quickly and easily make a lovely pair of earrings - sometimes two pairs - as part of my #52earrings challenge. I have challenged myself to design and film tutorials for 52 pairs of earrings in 2017, and I'd love you to join me. In each video I will show you the materials you will need, explain the tools and equipment and go through all the steps needed to create your own lovely pair of earrings. Along the way I will share with you the same hints and tips that I teach in my jewelry making classes and private tuition so that you become more confident with your techniques and design skills with each class that you watch.

This class is an intermediate class as previous experience of soldering is useful.

The equipment needed for the project is explained in the videos and also listed on a downloadable document that covers most of the tools that I will use in future earrings video classes as well so you can plan ahead! All the equipment listed can be used for a variety of other jewellery making projects.

Earrings #51 and #52 in the #52earrings challenge.

Meet Your Teacher

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Joanne Tinley

Jewellery Designer, Tutor and Writer


I have been making jewellery for as long as I can remember, and have been passing these wonderful (and addctive!) skills on through my classes for nearly 20 years. I am self-taught and like many people I started with wire and beads. Learning how to solder, however, opened up a whole new world of jewellery making! There is something so magical about watching solder flow through a seam, joining two pieces of metal together smoothly.

My studio is in Southampton, on the South Coast of the UK. I design and make jewellery for galleries across the UK, teach regular and popular jewellery design workshops, and also offer private tuition. My jewellery design projects have been published in both UK and US magazines and books.

Visit my Etsy shop, Jewellers Bench Shop, for jewellery ma... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Rolled Ovals Earrings: Hello, My name's joint Tinley. I'm a jewelry designer and shooter from the South Coast UK. Welcome to the rolled over. This class is actually a two for one because I'm going to show you how to use the same basic techniques to make both a pair of drop earrings. Onda pair. I think he stud earrings, both paisa. Billy starts out with pairs. Sore jump Prince. I'm going to show you how to shape those simple rounds into for Lata stretched out ovals. We're then going to shape the overall so it could be sold it back to back to form a more three D effect on in the case. Off the drop Ewing's I'm also going to show you how to make a much larger, unusual ball on the end of a head pain and beat onto the head. Prentice, going to dangle form of those ovals, got two different looks for the same technique. This is an intermediate class because soldering techniques that we're going to use need a bill for delicate touch. You need to already be aware off the color changes that silver goes through as it's approaching the right temperature soldering, you need to be able to watch what is happening with your world could be able to remove. The flame assumes that so you need to be out to have a little bit of experience. Were soldering before you tackle. But this project is a great way of using up leftover jump rings from making chains or other projects, so it's a good way of making those shapes You taking the time to make. Don't vote waste. This class is passed 52 areas challenged. I set myself for 2017 designer filled toils for 52 different paths of hearings, however, the capital instagram Facebook for 52 airings, hash tag to see behind the scenes photos and some hints and tips about what's coming next. For now, though, that's have a look at the equipment materials going to need to make the hearings 2. Rolled Ovals Earrings - materials: thesis materials that we're going to need to make both start under the drop earrings in this class. I've got two pairs of jump rings, feet, perv earrings. The study rings have the smaller but heavier gauge jump rings that you can see here on Duthie. Drop hearings are going to be using that. You probably guessed the science larger but slightly lighter gauge jump prints, so the small jump rings are made from 1.2 millimeters a wire that is 16 gauge wire. Andre was inside diameter off 3.75 millimeters. The large jump rings are made from one millimeter. That's 18 gauge wire on having inside diameter five millimeters. What I said, we're going to see the different looks that we can get from just changing the wire on the sides of John Prine's ever so slightly to finish off the stud earrings. I've got to study ring fittings to post Andi. I've also got to saying still butterflies to go over the ends of them, told me in place in your ears to finish off the drop earrings. I've got two lovely, faceted Rondell smoky court speeds. They look quite dark here, but they're going to catch the light beautifully as hearings a warn. I'm going to be using no 20.8 millimeter wire to make both the ear wise and also the hedge pins, the front See hedge prints, and we'll show you how to make that the smoky quartz beads are going to be fitted onto. 3. Rolled Ovals Earrings - equipment: this'd equipment that we're going to need to make the pairs of earrings for this video class. The main piece of equipment says I'm going to be using is actually too big to go in this table. It's my rolling mill him. It is on going to be using that to reshape the jump rings that were going to be starting with to elongate them into ovals on to flatter them out. It's going to make a real real difference to their shape, so Rolling Mill really is important for this class. But if you don't have access to one, don't worry. There are some ways that I will discuss with you at the end of the class that you could adapt this tutorial and use Hammond's instead. Once I've used the rolling mill, I'm then going to use the domain block on still punch to shape the jump rings shipshape. See now oval jump rings on and put them into a curve. They will then need a little bit of filing, perhaps to need to, not soldier join and also some filing to prepare them for soldering them together in pairs . I'll use the old hammer that you can see here for hitting the dumbing punch on the domain block will rest on another cushion while some working to support everything and also to keep the noise down a bit. I've got two pairs of flat nose pliers here that I'm going to use to close up the jump rings tightly. Before I sold it, I'm closed. I'm also going to use the red handled pair for finishing off the ear wires. I'm going to use around those pliers on the wire cutters to help with both the ear wise on Duin, the head pins on the drop earrings. I'll use the ruler on and the Sharpie to Markoff's amount of wireless. I'm going to need to make the head pins. I'm going to form the air wires around the stepped Mandrell. Although the power was a Sharpie would do just as well. You don't need a specialist. Mandel. You could use something else. I'm going to give the ear wise every bit of strength by hammering the front of them. The work will be resting on the steel block longer. Use the plan Ischinger Hammer to hammer those air wise. This is a soldier in class, so that's also have a look at the soldering equipment that we're going to need to make the earrings way 4. Rolled Ovals Earrings - soldering equipment: I think this is the soldier equipment that I use for all of my smaller projects, such as earrings and sore pendants, Everything sitting on a couple of slate tiles, a heatproof surface to help protect my desk on my work sits on a couple of soldering bricks , soldering blocks, while some heating it up. One of these soldering bricks is made of a softer material than the others. Because it's softer, it's picked up some dips and some cracks in it. It's being used over the years, and these could be very useful for supporting work that isn't completely flat. The charcoal block is there because I melt small piece of scrap on top of that on. Do they form nice of my balls as I am used to decorate my projects when I need to pick up my work or to support it whilst I'm soldering? I used reverse action tweezers that you can see here and have also got a pair on a stand through 1/3 hand, and it's there when I need 12 on extra hands to help me out. The blue handled stick is a soldier pick on and that I used to push soldier, move it about to make sure it it's exactly what I wanted to be. Soldier usually comes in strips or sticks. Andi, I've got three different melting temperatures here that I using combination for different projects. The soldier gets cut into small pieces or Palin's you ting. The red handles snips as I keep those little pieces in the labeled boxes that you can see do. Make sure that you label your boxes because once a soldier is cut up, you won't be hard to tell which is which. Melting temperature. My curl over the ends off the sticks of solder so that I can tell which melting temperature they are, the more cold over they are, they're higher. The mounting temperature, bright yellow liquid is a flux. Solder won't actually flow out through the joining unless you use a flux with it. Andi the paintbrushes. What? I used to apply the flux to the joints in my work, so he was also available in a paste form, its ground up soldier that's already mixed with a flux, so you don't need a separate flux. In fact, if you were toe adds the yellow Fluxus, I've shown you it would stop this soldier pace from working properly. It's most commonly available in syringes with small tips that she can see here. You can also buy it in tubs and pots, just like with the traditional sticks or strips of soldier, so that paste is available in three different melting temperatures. Easy, medium and hard. I've just got easy and medium here. The easy is the one that's 268 degrees sent rate for amounting temperature. The medium is 730 degree centigrade. As you can tell, the easy solder paste is a favorite newer in the medium soldier paste. When you have a new syringe, it's best to pull back on the plunger after you finished using it. Otherwise, the soldier pace going to continue to snake out of the tip a little bit, and you don't want to waste it because this is actually the most expensive way of buying soldier. I like to use the solder paste on projects like chains on door, so hollow beads sometimes might use it on sucking rings if I'm in a bit of a hurry because one of the advantages sort of place is that the soldier usually stays exactly where you want it to be. Unlike the sort of Italians that can jump off as you start to heat the metal up, small projects like hearings only need a small blowtorch, and I've got two different makes of those here. Both of them are easy to refill with the gas that comes in aerosol cans since the same type of gas butane gas that you use to refill cigarette lighter at the back of a picture, you can see a slow cooker that Scots a very mild acid solution go to safety pickle in it. When you heat silver up, the surface becomes not darker and dirtier looking that some of the capo in the study silver reacting with the heat and auction flames before cause copper oxides on the safety pickle cleans that copper oxides up. Before you put your work in the safety pickle, it needs to be cooled down or quenched in a pot of water. Andi, you need to put your work in and out of the safety people with brass or plastic tweezers, not the stainless steel ones that I showed you before and last, but definitely not least are her safety glasses. You've only got one pair of eyes. Look after them 5. Rolled Ovals Earrings - soldering 1: Theo. First job I need to do is to sort of jump rings close because I'm going to shape some Andi , stretch them out by sent in through the rolling mill. If I do that when they are still open before their soldier closed, then they're just going to get very, very misshapen. But if I show you what kind of shape we are aiming for words, a much bigger jump ring that has been through the Rolling Meltzer got the satyrs an example to to show you what we're aiming for. Bigger example. Seacon Simple. Clearly, this started out as a one millimetre Rommel meter wire. So that's again 18 gauge wire. I think it was about either a nine or 10 run me to inside diamond jumping. It's been sent through the Rolling Mills and stretched out. No fight. Didn't sold the jump rings closed first. I wouldn't end up with that lovely shape. She got a few of these because some eventually to make a brace, attach them. Um, but if if I didn't certain place first, I wouldn't get that lovely uniform shape. I'd end up with something. I found my shaper, so I'm going to sell these clothes first. Only should force do that. Used to make sure that the ends are meeting nicely with the way that I form my jump brings If I create a coil, much seen some of the other classes and then cut down one side the coil. So the jump rings where they meet, not she meeting us a step. So we're going to do is close such this down of a pair of applies neither hand with the supplies, but no. Three and nine oclock just twisting slightly and pushing the end since the joints of the top on the pliers are three a nine o'clock. So every done that with the others that's around the board. Okay, just can t twist the clothes and pushing with when we go now, I also has out of the way. I've also put some flux. As for peace off medium solder on each of those six jump things might not be able to sit for that. I'm going to move through the camera in a closer in a moment. So where did the same here for those two top of flux. See, soldier isn't gonna do anything anything useful if the flux isn't there. Doesn't want to come for the brush. Typical. Let me go. The joints on the jump brings By the way, I always put them up at the top because when they were faltering, other soldering break with fire brick, then not That's so particularly easy to see. You're getting a bit of soldier after the works. Better not necessary to cease. If I get out, get into the habit rather of putting them in. It is in fact, the same place each time I would know exactly where they are without having to go squint for them. So all of these no, have a proper flux of a piece of solder. Next you need to do is actually melt that soldiers closer. Join. I'm gonna move the camera in a little bit closer. Say, get a better view of that. So here we are, in a spit closer on. I hope you can now see that there is a piece of soldier on each of those Jump brings us as face small. What we're working with, which is why I was working with this small blowtorch. So I'm going to do is just heat up at the bottom of each jump ringing terms hit upon one elastic starts to get that reddish change. Then I'm going to go put the top and got the soldier to melt and flow out. Remember, you've got to get this the whole silver to the like temperature before you get the soldier to amount and flow out. If I heat down here away from where the soldier is, the soldiers, less long jump off of Palin's, are apt to do at times. So he topped at the bottom here and then across the top on each one. Best one. - Go now the peace are sold on that one has come off of the site, you to sitting on the brick just so lightly away from the jumping. So what I did was just use this soldier pick just to push it up. So if he was touching the soldier again, pushing, jumping up and then as a sort amounted, it has sucked into the silver. So the next thing is that these need to go into the quench particle down the pickle pot to clean up our once they had a rinse out that they re nice and dry are start shaking them by sending them through the rolling well 6. Rolled Ovals Earrings - rolling the ovals: E h jump rings are now nicely soldered closed. Nice. Nice touch joints at their job. By the way, when you get yours, asked the pickle. If you find that toe one or two of them haven't sold, you'd probably do check thumb, then just put him back on the soldering break a little bit more flaccid. A bit more solder on. Go to the process again. Now I've coming really close to the rolling Male because he's also small. So what, You can see the Rolling mill is so part of the two like shiny rollers that I've got here, and what I'm going to do is just work on one size jumping into time. So I'm gonna work on the biggest ones because to be slightly easier to see, um, I'm just gonna work one time and show you how to very, very easily change their shape. He's in the rolling mill, so it's just get some bigger ones. Put the the smaller ones don't separately spare with me when I do that. Now, the reason why I'm going to work on a love for these four, uh, bigger inside diameter, but ah, smaller gauge wire jump Prince first is such. I want them to be the same. So whatever I do one I'm going to do to the other. So I don't want to keep walking forward. Back and forth between the two different gauges of jumping went to work on one set time I'm going to do is passed one jump into time through the rollers on I'm going to tighten up The role is a little bit each pass through. So on the Songer send all four jumping through on the same setting. Tighten it up a little bit. Send them through ago on accepting. Now there will be a new initial bit of just double checking that I've got the right setting on the jump ring, so I'll use the 1st 1 It might go through really, really, um, quite loosely without making much of a difference. In which case I won't bother to send the other three young poring through it, match that settings again. It won't make a difference. Um, I make different star pink their, uh, their appearance. So I just once I found the right setting are then sent into the next three through tight in . There was little bit sensor again tight, a little bit more or less. I seven. So again, until I get the look that I'm after now these Ah, as we said before, a little bit small. So trained Teoh, 30 Jumping there, trying to actually hold them in place without my think of getting in the way is nigh on impossible source. I'm going to do. He's, uh, use a pair or reverse action. Straight nose trees is from the sovereign kitsch. I'm going to use thes as an extra extension on my fingers. Now a couple things. I'm going to hold the traces across the join off the jumping. The reason I'm going to do that is that I want to send them away through with the joining what will become one narrow end or the other. Because where I've put that soldier, there's a bit of extra material that isn't anywhere else around that jump rink. Um, that is going to ever, ever so slightly affect the shape of the jumping. If it was a much bigger and heavier gauge, why jumping then? The difference that sold would make would be negligible. But because thes are re small jump rings, it's gonna be that a bit more obvious. So because of that, we make sure it's in the same place on each one. So it's it then that's just becomes part of the design. So by having the tweeters across on sending them through, like so I'll make sure that is humanly possible, it is nice even now. One thing I will point out is that at no point my tweezers actually coming in contact with the steal. But I have pushed them in, um, the jump ring as it starts to come and content because I have tighten these up a little bit . Um, it as she stops, anything bring you further. As soon as the jump ring is even slightly gripped by the rollers, I'm going to take the tweeters away. So at no point with the steal here, come in contact with that. I'm confident doing this because I've done this a lot. If you are worried at all about the steel coming in contact here, your work you might so it poor if I forget to let go to jump three they use plus six weeks is and said one thing I like about these overseas because of the reverse section. I'm not having to do anything extra to hold the jump. Read that there. Hold close. So you just just sees a little bit. I certainly send 1st 1 through. Quite grips. Need to open up a little bit more. It wouldn't grip. The rollers were turning, but they wouldn't grab hold of the jump ring, which means that they were too tight, so striking, gripped its have taken away. The applies with tweezers. Father. It's something that through now the other side to catch the jump ring on and you can see it there just making nice difference by show you an original on the one that's just being to jump ring next to each other. First thing, you can see a very different way in which they catch the light. The one got the jump ring is now flat and smooth, and he's catching a light really, quite differently. Where is this one? It's still rounded, so the light is bouncing off it in every direction doesn't look so shiny. Andi, that started to get a little bit even gated, so I'm going to do the same to the other Three can hold it in trees is number three. Not the most interesting thing to watch, I'll grant you, but who's helps? A lovely. Okay, so there was 123 four jump rings in the first passed through. What I'm going to do is ever so slightly tighten these rollers up, send it through again, making sure as before I sent through in the same direction. So they become more elongated. If I would just send them, serve in different directions, then they're going to be different alignments. They don't quite hit higgledy piggledy shape looks if you're sitting down, if I show you those groups I want to get Sit still, sir. First charge. You see a little difference. That site. I am taking this some quite slowly because I don't want to make the jump prince to thing. - So that's how they said jumping zlook now, um, So I'm going to send the smaller ones through a company. What kind? That on, uh then show you the difference for women. You watch me sending those four for through. You see the technique now on the show you the end results 7. Rolled Ovals Earrings - filing: What was the jump rings of being shaped? Now, Andi, we've got the four, um, jump rings here, so I'm going to be using for the stud earrings. So these one started out at 1.2 millimeter wire and 3.75 millimeter inside diameter. Onda here, we've got the job brings that started off a little bit wider diameter, but within a gauge wire on It's really interesting to note, really. I think it's really interesting tonight that there's actually no much difference in their links. Thes the ones that we saw, the ones the stud earrings are now about 11 millimeters, these ones about 12 millimeters. So no, a massive amount of difference, even though I actually made sure that I finished sending them through on the same setting on the rolling mill. So they've actually got the same sickness. Haven't measured. The thickness yard is national in a moment that you know, but because these ones amongst my gosh, the 1.2 millimeter wire had more metal, there was more metal to move and spread up. It's right out. So these have ended up being really not that much smaller than these ones on they're not that much difference in wits, either. In front make really nice pair of earrings with one of the thicker ones above one of the ones that all kinds of different things that you can do with these jump rings. Um, so these of coach much the same. Thanks much. Same wits. But what a smaller doughnut hold in the middle, if you like. Now I mentioned the soldier joined before on the soldier. Join on these, even though there was a type infection material out soldier join. It's no made, and you're suitable difference to the shape of these jump wings. However, these ones, If I try bring this one's a bit closer. My have to move those ones out of the waste that cameras not structure. There we go. You see a little bit more the special misshapen this just down here. So I didn't put the off. She didn't put the jumping through with the social right in the middle. You ever hear a little bit, but fun with that about you can actually see. It's not a smooth curve inside, and there's a time direction material at so the outside. So please needle files to sort that out. I'm just going to sweep across member files. A work in one direction sweep across there. Not so bad. That's got rid of that extra on the outside security? Not much. Was any a few strokes? Fine. I'm going to use a oval. What? Around it? Over to do in the and mingle. So she has to get rid of that excess and shape back. Okay. Doesn't take very much to all, do you mean? But you might need to do that with your was just try him up a little bit. So no, that would be neat and up. Next thing I want to do is to shape from slightly 8. Rolled Ovals Earrings - shaping the ovals: just in case you haven't guessed already. The next job is to use the domain block punches to put a curve, a beautiful curve, going boats across the wits and across the links off these even Gator jump rings that don't start with these two here. I'm not going to be putting a great deal of a curve into them, but he's not actually needed. That's quite a gentle curve, but because, as you're seeing from the photos start of each section of the video, because we're going to be putting a jump brings back to back the curve. Any shop ring is actually doubled for the finished piece, so it doesn't need very much to using this one. Knowing punch fits inside nice sleepers. I wouldn't use the doping punch any bigger than this, because if you don't want it to come in contact with the rim, you don't want the wall of the end to come into contact with the rim off the cup section a tour It was damage it. Something else. I'm actually Dunas. Well, it's that I kneeled the rolled out jump rings before this stage. I haven't filmed it because a lot of classes that I have a kneeled work in on. I will. So I will. Um I prefer to some of those once we've actually finished this video. So when you have it a bit of the class materials, you will see some other videos, even go and have a look out to see how to a Neil if that's not something you already familiar with. But a kneeling is basically softening the metal, making it more suitable to work with because everything that I've don't to these poor jump rings has work hardened. Um, send either through The rolling mill has nice, definitely work hardened them. So before I kneeled them, they're actually quite spring, and they wouldn't have shaped very well in here if I forced them to shape. Then I might have been stuck cracking up. Soldier, your fight off seat don't want to do so. Those already and you push or four pairs in just checking up. She whether there's a a side of the jump rings that it was nicer than the others. There is sometimes doesn't seem to be, but I'll do that with each one. If one side with your plane has picked up a scratch somehow. Then I won't have that facing up so that scratches is between the two layers. You don't see it, so hold the punch Nice, essential. And use an old hammer just to give a nice, sharp blow just like that. And that's you see, puts like curving. So I'm gonna do the same with all of those Just checking with better. A nice aside, I keep on the outside the curve, making sure that they, um green So in the middle at the bottom are not sitting up with one side or another. Onda Also that theme The punch is hold nice vertically as well that were nice. Even show didn't go quite as much Soon four pass off shaped jump rings a very, very different So how they knew So I showed you the start of the class. So those are now ready to be prepared to be soldered together 9. Rolled Ovals Earrings - preparing for soldering: third class. I'm going to show you how I'm going to prepare these. What once were very simple jump rings so that they could be more security soldier together in pairs and and be solving them together. I can show you without my fingers being in the way from the camera. Focusing and flip better is that the way might be of help. Every day they could be soldier together, back to back, so the curbs on the outside to make a bit more of a more obvious three D shape. But I want a soldier joined to be a strong as possible. Andi. If you have watched the floor, don't heart pendant class. You'll have an idea here of what's coming next. What I'm going to do is put a bit of a filed area, a teach chip of the oval to create a society flatter area at each end, sort of wider areas of wider surface er for wider solder joints can be stronger, and also another Yeovil's two sets of it nicer up against each other. Now I come in as close as I can on the camera because okay, I'm just hand the light a little bit better. We might get to see a chip there that the light is catching a bit differently. Just tip. It's no even a millimeter in wits. But I have filed a slight area. They're turned on the side on and the same That's really difficult to pick up my just trust me or let me go. Okay. Is he a little bit there with caution? The right angle. So we're gonna do you show you how I do that? She's very quick and easy and use Yeah, a six inch flat file and again coming very close. Keeping the camera close. You can actually see what I'm doing. Andi, from the best way is to have the oval going across the file. Robin, having it that way tend to get caught for having that way. So it's across the fire and we're going to do you just pull it back towards the handle too far that flat areas where again need about eight times. That's so get equipped for that. It is under my probably that it is, um I'm putting very light pressure on the ovals oven, pulling it back because, see, I don't want to damage to shape that I've just taken the time to put in, so Okay, well, yes. You can see that one catch You like chocolate. You have got the right angle now. No, The first pull backwards is always a little bit trickier. Have ago because Theo game a nice, quiet, crisp edge. But once you got that crisp age catches in the violence, that school, you can see the subsequent Pullbacks. I mean a lot smoother boots. I don't know whether you've noticed whether you've been counting, but I've been doing eight Pullbacks with each one to make sure that so the finally ISS as much as I can get it as even for one of them was possible. So there we go. That's the H jump ranks. So I'm going to do next is to sold them together in pairs. 10. Rolled Ovals Earrings - soldering 2: way soldering station again to soldier jumping together on one pair so I can show you well , clearly what we're we're aiming for. So what? Toothy, stretched short brings and curved in the bean soldered back to back to form. Really lovely. Unsurprisingly, stroll shape. So this is going to form part of the drop hearings. So I got the other pieces over here just out of sight on Don't we'll show you how I'm going to sort them together now. If I actually get started, it's on putting them together Something together. You do need a very light touch with the blowtorch. These are very small, very thin pieces off pieces of silver now, but it's self going to use a car office to work out how sick they are. And they're now 0.5 millimeters thinks they are very small, so be very easy. Unfortunately, Teoh Bill of it too heavy handed with a blowtorch to Meltem. So you do need to make sure that you remove the heat as soon as a soldier has melted and flown out. You do need a careful watch on what's going on on DSO. It's for that reason that I put this class is an intermediate France rather than the beginning cross. Now I'm going to use easy soldier on. Do you use any sort of paste to to solve them together? I don't usually like to mix Pace and Palley in so fast. Usually, if I start with Palin's, I continue with them for the rest of cross. But I actually prefer using Italians of soldier jumping to close because I find that a little bit heavy handed, sometimes with with pace eso I don't want the There was too much excess soldier there because I have to find it off as you saw me doing earlier. But for this stage, pace is a lot easier and I'll show you why. If I can squeeze a little bit, I said, Here we go. Yes, sir, is getting a little bit a little bit short here, which makes it more more difficult to squeeze out. So I'm going to do it's just apply a little bit of pace. You see just silly pace that dark there trying to get it off. It's marriage with my fingers as I do the other end. Yeah, it's a paste. We're going to put that down to use. So the pick to put it into a dip soldering on my older guy crumpled, softer soldering brick because it has for the dips in it so that I can sit that curved, um, like her shaping is it nicely and then take your time during this going to two shapes lined up Hey, happy with that? So the reason why I'm usually solder paste is that the paste helps hold them together a little bit more easily, and now I've got the sword exactly where I want it to be. So I'm going to heat up around the silver. Let the heat to a seeping to it gradually. Plus, I said, assumes the soldier had mounted and flown. I'm gonna take flame away because I don't want to overheat. You have to start seeing a bit of a reddish change in silver already good. And there was like to patch there. There was a fractious silver there. I saw just inside there as well. So that tool together that's a little crumb from the soldering break you might see sticking up there that will go, seen as I have quench very gently. So when squash it that's that one. So time to do the same with these. Why, by such It's worth taking a time check as well that not leaning over to one side, I have to say they do tend to sit quite nicely together. The shape Andi, the filed areas do help from two to sit quite nicely together. You might have seen on that one. Settle down a little bit as well as it was no longer held apart, but so look spoke too soon. All right, one night I see. Let's give that another go. Might be able to get to melting flow out. If not, we'll have a bit of trouble shooting session next. See what happened. Surely I think that's done it. That's being a bit more tentative about picking it up. This son maybe go so together. Last one unconscious that the soldering brick is getting a little bit hotter now. So get a soda out. So I'm not gonna put and you the jump brings on here until I actually definitely want them to be on there. What just happened? Sitting on their waiting because I don't want them to over to get too hot to handle Okay. I'm hoping that the only woman I'm gonna have is doing that last set that we shall see. We go. Last pair, - Ray . They So Didn't I see together as well? So awful. Perth solders. These three, um, being quenched. I had this plastic sieve sitting in the French part so that could go straight into the pickle. Keeping together, I won't have to go fishing about at the bottom of the so cooker to get those back out again . As soon as they are cleaned up, we'll move on to the next section, making these airy's 11. Rolled Ovals Earrings - finishing the stud earrings: soldiers jump rings have been cleaned up in the pick or or the ox ization that was formed as they were being soldiers being cleaned up. So this is the pair that for the study rinks. So the next job is the soldier. The study fittings ear posts onto the back of them. Obviously, when you look at the parents that they're being sold together, if there's one side that looks a bit better than the other, maybe I know you. One of the soldier joins much become a little bit more visible when you were sold in a path together so that one side that's, ah, a little bit nicer than the other, choose that side to be the front. And so did they start fitting, which I've got here onto the inside. Now, one of the reasons were the other reasons this isn't intermediate class is this. I wanted to use faces and exercise to show you that you can use the same melting temperature of soldier more than once, as long as you are careful with what you're doing and you remove the heat as soon as a soldier has mounted flowing out. So I'm still going to use easy soldier the easy solder paste You get a little bit to get a new groups and you want to be a soon coming to the end. There we go. So meaty Salta. Oh, no, On the tip, they're so you're going to do is hold it in place on the back and again going to have, uh, the shapers just soldiers. I go back of books again. Shapes of soldiers on the older soldering break so I can sit in that same dicks It's not going to rock about. It can be easier and more secure for when I'm silvery So who torch? I'm just going to soldierly and smear everywhere. Here we go. If you see it doesn't take much heat Such he took far longer to get the silver sitting a bit. What security on the brick that it actually did to heat amount, soldier. But that's the first such a hearing. I put that in the pickle, so I put us in the quench pot in the that will save on your show me during the 2nd 1 So again, try and squeeze a little bit more soldier after this one again. Soon as I see the soldier has melted or blown out. I'm gonna take the heat away. I think, Yeah, we have very little heat needed from this. The second city ring. So quite a subtle shape have been walk size action down the bottom there. That's a when you nice, sweet shape. I think it lends itself to a lot of different, um, different projects. So the next thing is that I need to put these in the pickle to clean up. I know they're going to tumble the tumbler to polish on the past of hearings are finished, so I can actually show you Now is how to finish off the drop earrings. 12. Rolled Ovals Earrings - making the headpins: the hedge pins that I'm making for the smoky court speeds to hang on. I have got a much larger board at the bottom. Then I usually make so one of the things that this class is going to show you is how to make those unusually big ones. Now, usually I great the, uh that down there usually I create the ball really into their wives by just holding a piece of wire in front of the blue, tipped the flame and just melt the end A little bit ons. Usually you can get up to maybe three times a diamond to the wire roughly. Maybe it's a bit more. You're lucky before it basically just fought off. So this is, uh oh, surely now is, uh, basically a way of paying sure that ball doesn't fall off. I'm going to keep the silver is so much they can't in contact with charcoal block, so the ball of the washing is going to get bigger and bigger. But the trick is to keep the peace of wire actually attached the ball. It's quite easy for the bottom it of the wire to melt on DFO, for it basically said that the steak a bit of wire to lose contact with the ball at the bottom, so might be worth practicing, making a few and then choosing the best ones now. So I'm not gonna heat up well, if you smokey court speed. But I've got it here because it's going to help me work out the maximum amount of wise I'm going to use up here because I want to leave enough wire on here to be out for being on and to turn on. I loop up of the top so that I loop can be hung on to the components that we've just made. I've cut to eight centimeter length of the North 80.8 millimeter wire because it is going to take up quite a bit of the wire, forming that ball at the bottom because it is a big one. So I'm going to do is just that's up there. That's going to be plenty for me to leave, uh, for the iBooks that's going to use them sharply to put a mark on the UAE. There on dawn, my finger a little bit us. Well, nothing unusual there on the same on the other one. So I know that that is the maximum amount of silver that I wouldn't take up. I won't need will be surprised if I used all that up. Um, but I'm certainly not going to go past that point so I can put that bead safely after the way now so it doesn't get heated, is that wouldn't do it any good tool. I'm also going to hold River section Tweets is across that marcas. Well, just to really make it clear to myself, I'm talking to her past that point. Now, come every quite close. If you see what I'm having tea put things back down here and sometimes wait for coming. Teoh, come back into focus. But I've come right down to corner here. See it a really good view of what's going on. Essentially, I'm just kind of melting wire, but keep the the wire in contact with the ball that's going to form. At first, the ball might look a bit untidy, which it will get smoother and nicer finish if it goes on. It's also going to have faith flat bottom because I'm choosing to use a flat part of the flattish part of the charcoal brick I could twist in. The dip that's formed over time will be signed more rounded. I could actually go even further and use a a drill bit. A large drill bits to bore a hole in here is Well, that's something I might actually show you toe a later stage in the later class. But I might put a ball Jill aboard there with a rounded hole at the bottom. Uh, hold that has a rounded bottom sit in their Teoh instead. I like the shape this French for way. Ah, trick way. So are pushing down would Okay, you have worked out by the fact that this applies. The treatise came into view that I was pushing the wide down of guiding it down, trying to keep it in contact with that ball, but that some That's really quite nice. It's got a lovely shapes. Your father a little was like an onion shape, flatter bottom, so that's really quite nice. So I'm going to leave that to one side. So it's stealing view, uh, well, setting by my view so that I can see how much y I've got left. Of course, nearly an equal amount of wire chopping bottom of the supplies traces so that I have a guy because I would want to make make sure that these are as even as possible. So let's see, if I repeat that that was actually quite useful. That happened. I I actually lost contact between the wire in Silver Ball, so I had to put the wire back in contact with a multi ball on Duh basic. Melt them back together again. Fuse them together, Um says actually meant that you can see all the The 2nd 1 is a little bit bigger than the first. So what I'm going to do, go back to the 1st 1 at the tweezers row nicely. I'm just going to melt that just a little bit more go. That is, Ah, better much, certainly between two sides. It's so can quench. Those says I can hey, come up and show them to you. We'll easily passed away. So there we go, but dirty looking at the moment. But those are the two two very big bottomed head pains that I'm going to use another way. By the way off, forming these is toe have a pile of scrap silver on the charcoal brick and to melt that and to push the ball. So I pushed the why, Intuit says, two different later, forming these. But when I'm wanting to get to the same size or close the same size as humanly possible, we like to refer to do it this way around because then I engage the amount of wire that's being used to make the bulls. So they said those were going to go in the pickle, Andi. Then once they're cleaned up, they will go in the tumble to polish up. I'm also going to put those in the tumble to polish up that well. So then I will have, or the silver bits that come into contact with flame, all of those we nicely polished up. Once you've come out the tumbler, I'll show you how to make the wise and put everything together 13. Rolled Ovals Earrings - finishing the drop earrings: everything's out the tumbler now. And if you can see it's nice and shiny and polished on dive threaded The smoky quartz speeds onto those are large, unusual bald head pains read like the shape of those. So what I need to do now is to form, and I loop at the top of each of vicious above the bead that is large enough to go around the silver at the bottom off each pair of overalls. That's the form pair out of the way on. I'm going to use around note applies to form the group here. So we're gonna come further down towards the handles around those supplies than I usually would, because I do need to make sure that the hopeless is big enough here. So it takes about half way. Um, I've got, um applies so that the b just say snow clubs back in focus. That would be just snuck up against EU the ball here and gonna do you think with some next up the pliers, they got most control over the wire. And when the wire around that way, as I been appliance round that way, kick gurry chill crosses over itself like so I'm just going to so check size of that. Yeah, except going to go up nicely. So I'm going to do now. It was you see why cutters just a trim off the wire just before it crosses over itself. Cutie, not access off on that. I'm going to put just a chick before I do that. So it's no trick was going to show you, right? Let's turn that background that way. Complies. Right. Check out. Going to show you is that I want both of the loops to be the same size. So I'm going to use my shell p to put a mark, get a Sharpie to work every day, put Mark all the plies where I want to form the second loop. I just don't see it. That so that everything is going to be equally size packet of doing this. What I'm going to do at the moment the the loop groups like a API sticking on one side. I want it sitting up at the top of that stem. So to do that, I'm gonna put the chip of the pliers just down at the bottom of the loop there and twist Buck just pulled the Y back to get it sitting. I could skin generally. Okay, right. Turn of flat. No supplies this time. The hotel across sleep to open loop up quite a bit, because, after all, it's got to go across that still with that. Hook it in place. What's strike and hook it in place, Okay. And then close the loop down. So that is the decorative part. The earrings. Don't for that hearing done, he still same with this. So good to use that mark with a guide of where to hold the wire. They go around that way. Didn't type around that way. I gotta make sure things going up twist the wire around the pliers, so I'm bending the wire unturned. Empires and these crest over frame off sometimes actually getting the cutters in that tight space Quite tricky. Sweats. Nice. Having a nice shop tipped half, of course, is so he does help pull that loop search. It's sitting up on the chop. Open it up nicely put on the oval, closing down slightly. So last thing I need to do is to make a have ear wise. That's going straight into doing next because I have already cut to five centimeter by 5 1/2 centimeter links off no 50.8 millimeter wire for the year wise, it's a little longer I think we're going to need. I can focus. But I said I wanted to run out. I don't want the wise to be too long or at least be quite dainty earrings. Um, but again, that I loop needs to be quite big. Dilute. Something to start the year wise off to go around section there. So So I'm going to do is form a lie loop one end of each piece of wire. So again, I'm going to work At that point where I put the sharp you Mark, I'm going to hold the wire this time so that its fourth is flush with the top of the supplies there. I could bay feel it as I'm grabbing my finger across again. Finger thumb close to where you working? I hold it down here. You have no control over that bit. Why? Second allows a why to be pulled from my fingers some until it forms. When I sleep this time, I'm not going to actually sit the loop. Uh, middle I'm gonna have it sitting. So the loop was going to sit towards the back of the earrings, but I'm going to do the same with this one. We go another leap. Andi Turkey Step Mandel Price decide. Set Mandel now Good to use of Middle stuck on that on. And you're not gonna hold the loop too far down. We'll show you why in a moment just bend. Why around? So I didn't want the look too far. Pain pain too far off the step Mandel the further it is away from whether lips and reformed the longer the ear while going to be and I didn't want They want to be too long, quite quick doing the 1st 1 second one what she wanted to match. So start forming 2nd 1 double check. It's definitely too long. So put it back on the Mandel because it's too long Is this section this section here that I want to bend around more just on that bitch checked again. If you felt fine that you've bent it around too far and you can use have nine on your applies. Just smooth. Check back out again. Well, Mr that makes kids so just going to pull the rest of this? Why here? Around to finish up the shape and no back much. So next thing on each day is to hama the front section of each strengthen them. I'm going to do that now before doing anything else to the ends here because I don't want to twist the air wire out of shape as I'm finishing off the ends here about Hammond Front making that stronger means I'm farmer, slightly twisted, out of shape. So here we go. Still bloke asking that question. Clashing hammer Just going to hammer that front section there, just like when I was counting the Pullbacks when I was putting those overalls back in the file. I count when I'm hammering as well. So the best had six strokes. Sometimes you six. Sometimes the rate depends what kind of women. But I'm even if I actually know conscious I'm doing it. I'm counting as I hammer this the strokes round, hammering the air wise. So this time I make sure that they are even only two tips and tricks. Teoh, make sure that you're making everything. It was even as possible and be wise next any student is to file the ends of the wire so that they're nice and comfortable. They're not going to scratch as they go for your ears. I was a bit too heavy handed when I did that, I pulled it slightly. I'll show you how to put that right in the moment. Let's get this one right first. So what do I didn't have my fingers tightly enough across, uh, close with working a little bit too far back, which allowed that bitch to flick out. So make sure you don't do it to this world. - Okay ? You feel with your fingers is my She's looking with your eyes. A pink is a going to notice it, very scratchy bits. So it's that Andi have nine on your players here going to help me to so this out. Don't allow me to smooth it out. Twist iwas up same way you would when you open it up with my loop jumping by twisting it that way, I'm not going to get shape. We're gonna get that I that some curve out of shake and then I can use non Jew applies to pull that straight. Twist it back down again. You never know. So last thing to do. Use the flat nosed pliers to put more controlled bend into the end off the even. Just tip it back. Just like so The same to this one I like to use the same pair applies every time I do this job. Sund usis the wits of apply of each time. So it takes a guide to make sure that I'm making them. As I said before, as even as possible, Last job them is to make sure that the dear wives are attached. Security earrings. So come up. Come on. So two weeks back down again to open it up, you can use around those pliers for opening up. I loops Mike thirties flat. No supplies, far slightly to leave a mark on the wire. So it's the fish drop earrings, so I'll show you the two pairs of earrings next to each other seeking Have a look at the difference. Different designs that you can make from the same basic components. Same basic techniques. If you are unfamiliar with how to form, I loops. Then there is a pdf along with the class that will help you do that with some step by step photos on that 14. Rolled Ovals Earrings - bonus: alternative methods: right Then the bit about a bonus sections the video class. I want to show you a couple of ways that you get the same type of equity close as possible to the same type of look with the jump rings with hammers instead of a rolling mill. I've got three different hammers I've got on oval triplet I've got still block on the cushion to rest everything on. I've also got three jump rings. I'm going to show you two different methods. So go end up with one jump ring that you stay looking like that on and one message on each of these two different jump rings. So you got to compare them on, see what what results you conduct with. By the way, these are jump rings made off 1.3 myr me tow wire and they got inside diameter off 40 millimeters. So they're much bigger was working with the earrings, but some I've done that deliberately so you can more easily see what I'm doing. So first thing to do is I'm going tonight one of the jump rings over, so I'm gonna pop. You told me I wouldn't switch Andi, I'm going to use, not old hammer. Hammer it into shape. So it starts to work its way Well down. Yeah, the triplets is I hammer toe self getting like up against that triplet. Okay, so when I said in the jumping through the rolling mill, they became oval and flat. So Well, that's the oval part down. No need to make them flat. Andi going to do that quite simply with the flashing hammer. So this they need to watch fingers. - I have had this for quite a bit because it is 1.3 millimeters wide, so I had a nice things to work with. So you can see I showed you that starts the class jump ring. It was smaller jumping, but it was made for 1.2 million tow wire. But this is a large jumping us I sent through the rolling mill. So set aside, if its shape, because my triplet is not the same shape over that. But that's not bad. So by the time that's Jones, two of them back to back, that would be a nice effect on a way of getting it. If you didn't have a rolling move, The other thing to do a 2nd 1 lifes, two things the other way around. So making oval and then flat We're gonna make it flat and then over. So let's start hungry. Okay, So reasonably, it flatters, change shape. And also so when I start to use this hammer, he has a bit more often impact. So I'm going to do. We're making sure that the but will you can see there, but there's a little bit of a bow tie, but of a bulge, that's where the soldier joiners. So we have that at the bottom again, just as I tried to on the ones thieves cited flee earrings on, uh, I'm going to do is use the fact that the hammer we're going to stretch the metro. Remember that to Meshal moves at right angles ahead of the hammers. You might have heard me say a few times before, so that if it is right angles to, uh around head is in every single direction my tangles to cross being hammer back and forth . So stretch the metal. So I put three back together. Say, that's how that one in a swell. So you separate from the others. I'm just gonna bring the camera in a little bit closer so you can see the results. So then this is the jump ring that was left on touch. I shall put the middle of the other two so it more easily compare that the three of them. Someone was untouched. That's what we started off with. This is the one that that's bean shaped around the triple it and then hammered flat. This one was hammered flat on bond, then shaped by stretching it out with a cross peen hammer. So you can see it's not as oval as this 17 years is over, sir. The one that went to the rolling mill when this started off. A smaller jump pre, Um, but it definitely has stretched out. So if you don't have access to a rolling mill, don't despair. You can still have a go at this, uh, this project you might want to use slightly better jump Prince and I use the earrings in this class because you want something a little bit, because to be able to hold on to when you're hammering, Um, but you can see you can still get fat and oval jump rings by using hammers earned in the face. This one attribute as well 15. Rolled Ovals Earrings - final thoughts: So if you've been following along, hopefully you got one or two new pairs of earrings collection are really pleased with them on the ship is actually reminding me now of coffee beans. So maybe I should have called class the coffee being hearings fast. But either way, I hope you like what you made. Andi. I hope that you want some new techniques along the way as well. It's always nice to find different ways of using tools that you've got. So this case using the rolling mills to to shape the jump rinks. But don't worry if you don't have a rolling mill, remember, there is that last section, the class that shows you a couple different ways off changing the shape off round jump rings into ovals. They can still have a girl. This project, even if you don't have access to a rolling mill, I hope that you've enjoyed the cuts. Andi. Great to see photos of work you've made using the techniques shown here. Be lovely to see you in first in future. But for now, thank you for watching