Rise to Your Artistic Potential: Boost Confidence and Conquer Negative Beliefs | Jeanetta Gonzales | Skillshare

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Rise to Your Artistic Potential: Boost Confidence and Conquer Negative Beliefs

teacher avatar Jeanetta Gonzales, Artist, Designer and Artist Mentor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.



    • 4.

      Need to Be Liked


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Side Effects: Lack of Motivation


    • 7.

      In Summary


    • 8.

      Class Project


    • 9.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Are you tired of feeling held back by self-doubt and insecurities in your artistic journey?

Do you find yourself grappling with fears that hinder your ability to fully express your creativity and pursue your dreams? If so, you're not alone. 

Many artists face similar challenges, but the good news is that there are actionable steps you can take to overcome these obstacles and thrive. I have personally coached many artists through these challenges.

In this class:

• We'll delve deep into the root causes of your fears and insecurities

• Receive practical tools and proven techniques to reclaim your confidence and clarity.

By mastering your mindset and developing positive habits, you'll unlock the courage and motivation needed to pursue your creative passions and goals. 

Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, this class is designed to empower you to break free from limitations and unleash your full creative potential. Join me on this transformative journey and embark on a path towards greater self-assurance, fulfillment, and success in your artistic endeavors.


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5. Watch my class "Develop Your Signature Art Style". I clearly break down what makes a signature style and show you a great technique to help you develop, describe and track your style over time!

Meet Your Teacher

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Jeanetta Gonzales

Artist, Designer and Artist Mentor


Nice to meet you!
I am an illustrator and surface designer currently living in Los Angeles. I have over 22 years of experience working as a design professional and am here to share my knowledge and lessons with you. I went to art school at UCLA and then was a graphic designer for many years working in corporate and boutique firms. I even was a Barbie packaging designer! I ventured out on my own several years ago and now make art for products and publications found in major retail stores. I paint and work digitally and have a serious love of flowers and plants that can be found in my work.

For over 7 years I have worked one-on-one with commercial artists coaching them on their career and artwork. I really enjoy helping to faciliate their growth and guiding them in the... See full profile

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1. Introduction: If you are creative and have a strong desire to do something, being create something, but are held back by negative thoughts, fears, procrastination, perfectionism, self doubt, and so much more. Well, this class is for you. Just imagine being able to pursue that. One thing that you've always wanted to do, and you can make it happen. You push through the fear, the self doubt, and start to see real progress. The work is much more enjoyable than you ever thought and you just truly love the process. Well, I want you to know that this vision is entirely possible. If you're willing to take a deep look at your behaviors, habits, thoughts and reactions, address any doubts and self sabotage that might be holding you back, and then take action from a more confident and positive place. My name is Genetic Gonzalez and I'm an illustrator designer and artist coach. I've been working in the creative industries for over 20 years and in the last several years, I've been coaching numerous aspiring and professional artists from across the globe. During this time, I have noticed that creative face very similar common challenges and obstacles. And to help them overcome these issues, I have developed various tools and tips over time which have proved very beneficial to me and help me build my confidence in my work and in my business. And through my coaching. I passed them along to my clients and here I'll be passing them along to you. Confidence can be cultivated. You can level up your confidence like you can in a video game, unlock the power of progress through action, repetition, and awareness. They can help you clear the way and help you achieve major milestones in your business and professional life. Now, don't let doubt hold you back from reaching your full potential. And we'll be talking a lot more about this in the class. If you are feeling a calling to do something, something that is weighing on your heart to just really start, but you just can't seem to get yourself to do it or pursue it, or even take that first step. It is usually the thing that you need to do the most. If you notice when you hold onto something, the longer you hold onto something, the heavier it gets, right. The solution for that is to release it and to let it go. Here. The solution is to take those first steps and to pursue it. In this class, I want to help you overcome any ruts, creative blocks, mental negativity and procrastination you might be experiencing so you can tap into your confident, creative self. I will discuss how to build your confidence as an artist and entrepreneur to help you move toward your goals. I will discuss four common causes of a lack of confidence for creatives and an added side effect. Each cause is so common, each cause is so common that I guarantee you will see yourself in one of these, I will walk you through important questions you can ask yourself to help you identify what may be dimming your light. These questions are a deep dive into your truth and can bring you some light bulb moments that will help you break through. Share valuable tips on what I'm calling confidence boosters. These are tips that are practical tools and actions to do to help you boost your confidence. You can use them to help you feel more positive and see the possibilities for yourself. If you do the deep dive and uncover what common causes are holding you back, work through the prompts that I give you and face the truth. I promise you will have more clarity and confidence moving forward when you pursue your dreams. You can use these tools whenever you are feeling a lack of confidence, self doubt, and you can revisit them as needed. All right, let's get started. 2. Comparison: Comparison kills creativity. There is room for you. Nobody could do it with your voice, with your experience, with your insight. Karen Waldrid. I have a question. Say yes, if you've heard yourself saying when you've seen another artist work, man, they're so good. I can never be as good as them. Did you say yes? Say yes, if you've heard yourself saying, I could never fill in the blank because there are so many others out there that are doing it way better than I could. Did you say yes? I said, Yes, that one. I'm guilty. When I started my career in art licensing and surface design, I had no idea what I was doing. I really didn't. And I didn't know if my artwork was even licensable or if it would resonate with clients, and if it was commercial enough. I didn't know if my collections were strong enough for the buyers and the manufacturers. I had no clue. I exhibited at the first trade show that I did, and this was back in 2013. And I saw so much good art, so much and the artists were so polished. Their booths were cohesive, and they just really knew how to present themselves. You could really see who the Atars were and how they stood out. And that was really intimidating. Really was. The trade shows can be a big old mine game. The buyers are walking by and they smile at you and they look at your work, and then they just keep walking right by. And then they go to the booth next to you, and then they're there for a long time, and you know that they're really interested in someone else's work, but not yours. Um, So, what am I doing wrong, you know? You're like, left feeling really insecure about your work, and feeling like they're so much better than me, and I am not getting enough interest in my work. And that's at least how I felt. I felt defeated before I even got started before I even started this new career, right? And I didn't get a lot of deals from that show, but I did learn a time. I learned a ton, and I realized they still had a lot of work to do. These artists that were there and were doing well had figured out their strengths and had really played to them and they knew who they were and what they could do for the market. I knew from seeing how they presented themselves that I needed more polish on my end and in my presentation and a more cohesive style. I decided to make some changes, and I began with studying what made them stand out and what I liked about their work and how they branded themselves and presented themselves. I started to apply this learning to my own work, and also in my presentation of my brand. Okay. And I didn't accomplish all the things I wanted to improve overnight, but I did stop beating myself up for not being as strong as the other artists that I saw, and I used it as a learning experience. What you admire in others is just a reflection of where you want to be. And I want to say that differently. The quality you admire in others are qualities that you would like to possess. So these are qualities that you can easily see in others, but you can't necessarily see for yourself. So what you just need is some polishing. You need to polish those up and cover them. So because they're already there in you. They really are. But I want to help you realize that you can use envy to your advantage by turning this negative energy around and using it as a tool. The comparison game can be used to learn what you can do to better yourself. Your envy is indicating that you want this for yourself and that your emotions are helpful indicator in this regard. So take this moment of envy as an opportunity to learn and improve your game. We're going to do an exercise. Look at the art and artists who make you feel that you aren't good enough. Really look at their work. What is it that you see that makes you feel this way? Break it down. Is it the color palettes, their art style, the execution, all of it. But get into the details of it and want you to really notice what it is specifically. These again, are the qualities that you would like to possess. I guarantee there is something that you admire because it's something you want to achieve for yourself. You are seeing something reflected back to you that you desire, you admire, and have in you. So when we're envious of others, they have something that we want. They have something that we admire. So what is it that they are doing specifically that you wish that you could do. So really take some time and think about these things, write them down, break them down, and you will find that it will really inform you on where you need to go and improve your own work. Now, specifically, what can you find in their work? Presentation, branding, personality? It could be even just the way that they use their color palettes throughout their artwork. I mean, it could be anything. Well, it takes some time to dig into that because these are qualities that you are attracted to, and these are things that you could also do and bring to the table in your own way, in your own authentic way, right? And in your art and the way that you make it. So don't copy, of course. I'm not saying that. I'm saying, but be but evaluate what it is that you can do and learn from them. And maybe they're really good at telling stories with their work. Maybe their posts are just really compelling, or maybe they're really good at certain techniques that you'd like to master, or maybe they're really good at pulling color ballots together in a fun way. So whatever that is, take the time to dig into that and see how you can apply these things to your work. Here's the booster. This extra tip will help you get out of the comparison game and focus on your own work, making necessary improvements that help you boost your confidence going forward. Now, I want to identify the commonalities or the similarities in the things that you are finding across all the different art and artists that you are reviewing in this exercise. Now, they should be more than once. You should be looking at lots of different art and different artists and really pinpoint those similarities and analyze the art. So what is it that you see that is the common qualities and the things that you're attracted to? Is it the use of bright colors? Maybe it's the textures in their work, all the things that I've mentioned above before, but there may just be now in this cross section of art and artists of some very obvious commonalities and similarities that you need to focus on. So write out all the commonalities, these similarities that you're seeing across the board and notice if you're even doing them. And if you're already doing them, that's great because you know you're already on the right track, and now you just got to level them up, right? So, you know, maybe you need to have a more cohesive color palette throughout your work. Maybe you're seeing that the colors need to be brighter or that you want to add more textures. Whatever these cues that you're picking up these patterns that you're finding and commonalities across the board, I want you to now take those and apply those as action steps for your work. So now you can put these in your presentations and your pitches. You can use them in your portfolio pieces. You can use them in your post, however you need to do it, and whatever you're seeing from all the learning and the newfound knowledge that you have, now you can apply that to your work. Okay. 3. Perfectionism: Marie Forleo, perfectionism at its core isn't about high standards. It's about fear, fear of failure, fear of looking stupid, fear of making a mistake, fear of being judged, criticized, and ridiculed. It's the fear that one simple fact might be true. You're just not good enough. From her book, Everything is Figure Outablekay. I have so much to say on this topic and I have taught it to my coaching clients and learned so much from just observing artists and how they are always feeling that they need to be perfect. And it is super common. Do you consider yourself a perfectionist or do you have perfectionist tendencies? I'm raising my hand on that one. Perfectionism is definitely something I suffer from. It is a symptom of an unresolved issue that you are having around unworthiness. Believe it or not, it's based on fear. Say it again? It is based on fear. Are you not feeling worthy? Are you not good enough? Are you procrastinating, or are you scared of something? These are questions to ask yourself because it all ties in together. Here are some instances where you can be caught in perfectionism and how to overcome them. When you catch yourself stuck on perfect, ask why. Dig really deep. Is there something causing this? Ask what are your feeling exactly? Am I not feeling good enough? Am I feeling scared of the outcome? Are my expectations too high and I don't think it's possible to meet them? Am I scared of failure, scared of success? Am I not worthy? Maybe I don't trust my capabilities. There's a reason. So write out your fears, you're concerned and dig deeper. Okay. Be really honest about what's holding you back. If you realize it's the fear of failure, then that's great. Then from here you can begin to see that it's something that is really out of your control and you're just afraid of it getting started and putting 1 ft in front of the other can get you making progress right. Once you start enjoying the work and doing the work, then the fear can start to subside. The next exercise you can do is to find a good stopping place. With practice, you can catch yourself when you're in perfectionism mode and then you know it's a good time to wrap up your work. This is where you can find yourself working, reworking something way too much, and you are second guessing yourself and you're really not making any decisions, right? This is a good time to decide when to call it quits and to move on to something else. Getting to the place where it's good enough, so you can just call it good enough is where you really want to be with practice. Over time, you will know what that stopping point is before you overwork something and start to just self defeat. The next thing to know here is some things don't need to be perfect. Maybe the client, or your potential client just needs to see your initial work. Some sketches, maybe a smaller collection. They don't need to see everything done to perfection. And then from here you can have a discussion and move forward, pull back, and just realize that things don't always have to be done to perfection and to completion. Especially if you're in the initial stages of work. And also maybe it's not as bad as you thought. Maybe your work really isn't that bad. Most people do tend to think that their work isn't right or isn't good enough and they keep overworking it. And overworking it and then they really hate it because they've worked on it way too much. Right. It might not even be that bad, it really might not be that bad. So really this is a time of restraint and time for you to really pull back and look at your work and be able to evaluate it critically. And see, okay, well maybe it isn't that bad. And these are good questions to ask yourself. Is this good enough? Is this a good stopping place? Is this a good place for me to call it quits? Or is it a good place for me to show it to the client? My work in progress and move forward because, you know, done is better than perfect. And perfect is really just delaying the process. I want to talk about starting. Just start. Sometimes we can't even get started on a project or our work because we are scared. We talk ourselves out of starting for so many reasons and we even find ourselves over thinking or even over researching, or over consuming too much before we can even start. Perfectionism and procrastination go hand in hand. And I will say that again, perfectionism and procrastination go hand in hand to me, I think they're very much related. When you find yourself over thinking something, what's happening is you are trying to control the outcome by trying to control the outcome. And over thinking over thinking, you're causing a traffic jam in your head and then that makes you stuck and you can't move forward from there. This is a place of perfectionism, and your perfectionism is just delaying the process. You want it to be perfect before you even begin. You want to find all this information, consume all this stuff, learn all this stuff, so it'll be right moving forward. That's also a form of procrastination. You're not moving forward, you're just delaying the process. Do you find yourself doing unrelated things like cleaning when you're supposed to be working? Or maybe you're researching your project way too much and you're not even really start working on the project yet. So consider that you aren't even starting because you want it to be perfect. You want the timing to be perfect. You want the inspiration to be perfect. Then it's overwhelmingly perfect. The moment is right, everything's right. And now you can start, well, as we know, that never happens and that doesn't really exist. So instead of doing the work, you're doing the dishes and you're stalling, right? So what I want you to do here is you really have to get to a stopping point. And this is what I was saying before. You can learn to learn your habits and learn to see when it is that you're overworking something and that you know what? I don't really need to be doing the dishes right now because I know I'm supposed to be doing X, Y, and Z. You really need to notice when you are procrastinating and when you are stuck on perfectionism as well. When you can't move forward because you're waiting for that perfect timing or moment. The way to overcome this is to recognize that, but to also do what? Scared. Yeah. It all of this is based on fear. It really is. If you aren't feeling comfortable moving forward for whatever reason, dig in deep, figure out what that is and why you're not moving forward. And also just screw that because it really doesn't matter at this point. You really just have to be like whatever I need to start and I need to get working. And the way to do that is to push through that fear and to really just do it anyway. Taking action and working out the details as you go will ensure that you are making progress. So don't feel like you have to research at all and figure out all the problems or potential problems ahead of time because you're never going to be able to figure all that out. You're just not. You need to just start and work it out as you go. And I guarantee you will start to move along a lot faster than when you're all stuck here in your traffic jam and you're not able to really even just push forward from there. Here's your booster, give yourself permission to fall down. I really want you to understand how important it is that nothing is going to work in perfect timing. Nothing is perfect, and that you are going to make mistakes. You are, especially if it's something you're doing for the first time or you're learning or you're just really embarking on a new journey. There are going to be a lot of moments where you are stuck where you're learning new things and it's taking longer than you thought. Maybe you're not quite sure what you're doing and you need to find a solution. There's going to be all sorts of obstacles along the way. Give yourself permission to come in contact with those obstacles, to take them head on to make mistakes. As you're going through the process, all of these things are going to happen. So you might as well just let them happen, right? So the journey isn't smooth and we all make mistakes as we learn, right? So no one knows what they're doing, especially the first time, they really don't. And how many times have you thought to yourself, oh, you were so prepared for something and just to find out that you really weren't as prepared as you hoped. Because there's all these unforeseen things that are happening that you honestly didn't even think about. So let yourself off the hook and do it scared and do it from an unsure, insecure place, it's totally fine. And I actually think you're going to learn so much more along the way and you're going to move along faster along the way. And you actually might find that it's fun. It might be a lot more fun than you thought. It might feel weird to you. It might feel weird to you if you're somebody who is insanely prepared. Right? And this can be very hard, but I promise that you will learn so much more. And once you make those mistakes, you're definitely not going to do them again. Right. And you also know what to prepare for for the next time. So go ahead and allow yourself to fall down. Believe in yourself and your abilities and trust the process and start letting go more and more. 4. Need to Be Liked: You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story. And hustle for your worthiness, Renee Brown. So as artists, we want our work to be admired and we want to sell our work, right? We want to be liked and we want to be appreciated, that's for sure. But there are some instances where artists can feel insecure about themselves and their work, and they really need the validation of others to really feel worthy and capable. And this is of concern because I really have seen this with some of my coaching clients and I want to give them a big hug right through the computer, because I know they need to feel seen and heard. Being an artist is a very vulnerable place to be. And this can bring up all sorts of insecurities. And I want you to know that it's okay to allow them to come out, those insecurities to come out, It's okay to not resist them from here. We can work on them and we can begin to heal. Our lack of confidence can come from a place of insecurity. I want you to ask yourself these questions. Are you a people pleaser? Do you find you are catering to others needs in your work or life? Are you looking for them to notice? Do you feel a strong need to have validation on your work from others? Do you hold off on showing your work because of fear of what others may say or think? Do you feel insecure about being on camera because people may not like you for some reason or you think you will say something stupid or embarrass yourself. Having a bit of this in these feelings can be very common. Believe me, being on camera is not easy. But if you find yourself really holding yourself back because of what others might think or say or do, then you might want to take a moment to give yourself some tender love and care. Here's some questions to ask yourself to help uncover where your insecurities might be coming from. Why do you not feel confident? Or what is it that is making you feel small? How is it affecting your progress? Emotional and mental state is something holding you back from turning it around. Be honest and identify the issues you're having. What is a small step I can take to start to feel better and name whatever it is that you not feeling confident about. What is it I can do to be kinder to myself? How can I start implementing that daily? Right? I can choose to see things differently and take action in a new way. Brainstorm some things that you can think to turn your negativity into joyful positivity and bountiful possibilities. It can be not comparing yourself to others anymore. Finding the strengths in your work and building on them. Identify what it is that you love about yourself. What is it you do that you do well? What can you share with the world that you do best? You are loved and you deserve all you desire. Remember, you are worthy. You are enough. You are capable, you are complete, and have what you need to succeed. Allow yourself to be you. Give yourself permission. Embrace who you are and what you do best. Share your quirks, your interests, your personality, be you, and let this person out more and more each day. Be brave, No time to play small, when you have work to do and goals to hit. Set yourself free of others judgment. You are letting others define you, define you. Let others know who you are. Boldly, show up online. Post your work. Share your stories, interests, and connect with others. People love to know more about you and your work. They really do. Don't be shy. To be a successful creative. You will need to post your work online. Others need to see what you do. I know this can be scary, but it is really necessary and it is a part of running an online business or being a creative that sells their work or licenses their work. So you really do have to do that and you do have to show up. Take small steps that you need to take to just initiate that and start that, and then you'll find that it will get easier over time. Speak positively about yourself daily. Okay, daily. This is a daily practice. You have to catch the words, phrases, and all the negativity you might be saying on a daily basis. And I know we all do, we all speak to ourselves and negatively. This is something that you really should really be monitoring and catching. Because the words that you're saying are actually reflecting back to you. And it's showing up in the actions you take. The behaviors, your habits and in your work, and how you feel about your work. Catch yourself when you're saying things that are negative to yourself and reframe them, okay? So here's an example. Instead of saying I cannot be an artist, say I am an artist, or I am willing to believe that I can become a successful artist. And you could already feel the energy change when you say that, right? So here is your booster. Your booster will be journaling. And journaling is really effective in helping get your thoughts and ideas out of your head. And it can help you work out your problems too. And you can be candid, honest, and say things to yourself in your journal that you probably wouldn't say to others. It's really a great place to pour your heart out. Say your secrets, your deepest thoughts and your insights, your angers, and even your frustrations. It is helpful for venting and even praying. You can get clearer and even feel lighter after journaling. It's a place to build your confidence and gain courage. So get a journal if you don't already have one. And I want you to start working on journaling if you can do it daily. And I want you to create a journaling practice. And I think this is really important for artists because we have so much going on in our heads. Ideas, thoughts, negative, positive things all the above. And it's really a great place to kind of get it out on paper and work it out, okay? And when it's all jumbled up in your head, those traffic jams are going to start, the negativity is going to start. You're going to start not taking action on things and you're going to feel defeated before you even begin. So this is a wonderful way of working out all those feelings, emotions and anything that's holding you back. Maybe you start your day with journaling or end your day word journaling. Find a way maybe that you can incorporate it in your day to day. Use it as a tool to help you get unstuck and unjam your brain with thoughts, worries, and all the above, all the things that you really just need to work out mentally. These are things that you can do in your journal and complain. Write about your worries. Talk honestly. Get all thoughts out on paper and out of your head. Work out problems and find a solution. Gratitude, note the things that are going right in your life. The things that you love and that make you happy and have gratitude for them. Record your wins, little and big ones. This will help you see the positive things around you and focus on them daily instead of the bad things which can bring you down. Go deep into why you do what you do and probe for answers. Write affirmations and positive statements to yourself. Record what you've accomplished and what went great that day. Write your dreams and visions for yourself and others. Write about your goals and work out the details. 5. Impatience: Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit moler. So now we're going to talk about impatience. And this is a very important topic and it's going to be a lot of tough talk here, okay? So I do want you to be prepared for that because I am going to ask you some pretty tough questions and some really real questions. It's definitely something that affects a lot of creatives. So I want you to get out of your own way. And don't rush the process. These are two huge things I think the artists tend to do the most. And also we need to accept the limitations and give ourselves a break. Now. Again, easier said than dumb things, right? And we'll talk more about this. I want you to ask yourself, why are you feeling impatient or are you feeling impatient? If you know you're impatient, absolutely. But if you're not sure, are you feeling impatient? Because that could be a huge indicator of your lack of confidence and why you aren't moving forward. Because things aren't happening right now. I get it. We all want things to move forward. We all want things to progress quickly. And we want to be there now, right? But there is a journey we have to go on and time has to unravel. And we have to go on down this road. And if we're not doing it properly and skipping steps, it's not going to come out the way that we hoped. So impatience is something that we really need to identify and we really need to sit with if it is happening. So ask yourself, are you feeling impatient about something? And if you are, do you think that things are taking too long to progress? Do you feel that you don't have control over how things are progressing? That's another thing too. Are you a little bit of a control freak? And please be honest with yourself about this. Because a lot of us are. I know I am. And if that's the case, then you might be trying to control the outcome and move things along and rush things along. But to be honest, they need to go at their own pace. And especially if you are pursuing a career in art or learning new techniques and new skills, you need the time to be able to do that. Now here's some other things to consider. You actually know deep down what it is that you could be doing. Are you distracting yourself from doing those things and doing the real work? That's a big question because you may not even realize you're doing it, but there is some real work that has to happen here. And are you distracting yourself from that? Because maybe deep down you don't want to do it or you want to skip steps. So these are things to think about too. And this could also be a form of procrastination and what you are focusing on actually are the wrong things, okay? You could be making excuses or even sabotaging things because you need to get out of doing them, you don't want to do them. And there's a lot of things that we don't want to do. There's a lot of things we don't want to learn. There's a lot of things we don't want to just just do in general when it comes to our work or even our business, but we got to do them. Ask yourself that you are you making excuses so you can get out of doing it, saying things aren't progressing and giving up is actually an excuse. You're not doing the work, saying this isn't working out for whatever reason, that's an excuse. So it's easy to decide that something isn't happening fast enough when it probably hasn't even been given the proper amount of time to even happen for itself. And another one is what are you avoiding? Maybe you're avoiding something. Why are you avoiding something? What is it that you're avoiding? And what is it that you know deep down, okay? Because you might really, if you really dig deep, you know that you're avoiding doing the work, okay? And I want you to also ask yourself, how bad do you want this? Like, how bad do you want this? Because if it's really not that serious and you realize that, then maybe, you know, you really don't want to do all the work involved to get to where you want to go. And this is a really honest conversation you need to have with yourself, okay? So, for instance, maybe you need to be putting in more time, more hours, and more practice into your work. Maybe there's just this work and things that you just aren't doing and you need to be doing. Maybe you could be working on your website or on your online store, and maybe it's not progressing as fast as you'd like it, or you're not getting the outcomes that you want and you just feel like giving up. I want you to ask yourself, why are you scared? What are you scared of? Is that what it is? Maybe it isn't that you're scared of what is the worst that can happen? Take the time to work on these things and take the time that's needed to work on these things. What's the worst that can happen? Impatience can cause you to stop in your tracks and never go back. This is a big one. This is a time I think it's really important to journal, this is a time to slow down the pace and really take that step back and investigate what's going on. Now, don't plow forward and skip steps. This is really not the time to do that, patience, when you're speeding things up, I want you to do the opposite and start to slow things down. It might not feel good at first, it's going to be uncomfortable, but it's actually the remedy for this. And when you actually do, you're going to experience all the triumphs and all the wonderful experiences you're going to be learning and growing along the way. And that's really what this is all about. Just remember, you can't get there overnight and there are no shortcuts. And most successful people put in the time they put in the work and they do everything there is to do, and they go on that journey no matter how long it takes them to get to the other side. And that's what you need to remember. It might just not be the fast track that you'd like. It might not be the quick outcomes that you'd like to see. But it is what it is, and that's how we all have to go through this. There really are no shortcuts. So another thing that could be causing impatience is actually rejection or fear of failure. And this is potential or actual failure. So it makes us want things to happen right now, and we feel if it doesn't happen right now, it's never going to happen, right? So this is a really dramatic place and it's very emotional and it really is something that needs to be addressed. So I want you to take a step back and really dig deep into your feelings of impatience. If you've been rejected and you felt rejected for any reason, it does, it does hurt, it's uncomfortable. And I want you to feel those feelings and I want you to go through that. But I also don't want you to use that as a springboard to project you into skipping steps and moving so far forward that you don't even know what you're doing anymore and then it just causes confusion and chaos. So let's not do that and recognize if that's happening to you, because that's not where you should be on the journey. Okay, I really want you to check in with yourself when you are here, feel those feelings, but know that you know what. You can overcome them. You can put your foot in front of the other and just keep moving and try again. And it actually is a good place to be. Because now you know you've learned from this and okay, I'm going to take a different route and I'm going to do things differently next time. But don't rush the process. I want you to catch your negative thoughts. This is a time when you may be really feeling a lot of negativity. And this is a time to really stop those habits, I would say, of negativity. Of falling into those traps of negativity and really starting to turn that around. So you can now move forward with confidence, catch yourself when you're doubting yourself, that self doubt can really hold us back, right? So this is also part of the negative thoughts and all the things that are holding us back, right? So we need to really take note of that. And it really is about recognizing within yourself when these are happening. And to catch ourselves when we're doing these. Because if we are feeling a certain way, then we can stop, slow down and you're like, okay, why is this happening? Why am I doing X, Y, and Z? I don't like my behavior right now. I don't like how I'm reacting to things right now. I'm feeling impatient, I'm feeling insecure, I'm feeling a lack of confidence. All of the things now we need to check in with ourselves. And this is a good time to journal, this is a good time to work things out. Use those tools, but also just turn it around and do the opposite, okay? Feel the feelings, get them out. But at some point, you do have to move forward and that's what I want you to do. I want you to reframe those thoughts with positive ones. Think positively about the things. And I know, I know it's so easy to say, but seriously, it's a good practice and a habit to build. So if you are catching yourself saying a whole bunch of negative things, thinking a whole bunch of negative things, and dragging yourself down, okay, you got to get to the point where you just are ready to change that, get it out. But then we're going to move on and work our way through those negative feelings into where we're making progress again and we are starting to feel more confident. I want you to think positively about these things re frame as we did in the last exercise. Take those negative statements and make them positive statements and start moving forward from there. And then you could start to see that you aren't making excuses anymore, you aren't creating distractions anymore. And then you were just doing the work that you were meant to do. Okay, here is your booster. I want you to keep a wind list. And I love wind lists. Wind lists are just amazing. They help you focus on the positive things that are happening in your life. It could be big or small. It could be something. Just like I got up 20 minutes earlier this morning, or I was able to finish getting through my e mails today. Or it could be something even teeny, teeny tiny, like oh, I had that extra glass of water. You know, can be whatever, whatever. And it could be something really big too. Maybe you got a project or, you know, you accomplish something great at work or at home with your family. So think about, you know, what your winds are every day and then you can get in the habit of writing this wind list in the morning or at the end of the day. I like to do mine at the end of the day and kind of keep track of, you know, all the great things that are going on. Again, in your personal life and your work life. It could be big and small. Write them all down and what happens is you're training your brain to look at the positives all day long and to look for them and to zero it on them and to celebrate them and to feel them in the joyous state that it'll bring you. Right? So it just kind of keeps your vibrations up and keeping you in a happier state. And also tracking the winds and the great things that are happening. Instead of focusing on the negative things that or the things that aren't happening. And that's going to take us in a different direction and we don't want that. So this wind list is just amazing and you can use it when you're feeling down, lacking confidence. You're not feeling very secure. You know all the icky feelings. Pull out that wind list and read through it, and you can start to see all the great things that are going on in your life. And even in the times, especially in the times that you're not feeling that things are going right, I want you to pull out that wind list and find a couple of things that you can write about. I'm sure you could find something within your day or your week that has been going great. So get in the habit of keeping your wind list around, keeping it close at hand so you can grab it when you need it and write in it on a daily basis. 6. Side Effects: Lack of Motivation: Okay, I want to talk about a side effect that I see with a lack of confidence. And this side effect is a loss of motivation and a loss of interest. So we lose our way from time to time, right? And some things we discuss like comparison, fear of failure, impatience can bring us down and make us feel that we aren't good enough and we feel defeated or want to quit. And there's no confidence here. There's a serious lack of confidence when this happens, and we even lose interest, momentum, and motivation. This is where you need to take a break, okay? This is the remedy to this moment. You just do the opposite. Instead of moving forward, I want you to step back, slow down, and take that break. This is when you go into self care mode. Maybe you're burnt out. Maybe you're overdoing it. Maybe you're feeling emotional and super frustrated, angsty, all those things. Maybe you're feeling impatient. Maybe you're feeling a lack of control. Things aren't working out. Whatever it is, all of these things can cause you to feel unmotivated and just you're not feeling it anymore, just you just lost interest, right? So whatever it is, I want you to stop pushing and I want you to give yourself some space and rest. Now, rest is the key here. Rest is the remedy to this, and in this situation, I want you to know that you are okay and that you can get back to a space where there's joy in creating. Again, rest is the key in this situation, and I want you to know that it is okay to take that break and you'll be okay because you will be able to get to the place where you're feeling joy in creating again and remembering the why and why you're creating and doing all the things you want to do. And you'll be in a much better place when you come out of this after your rest period. You'll feel more confident, you'll feel more enthusiastic, and you'll just be ready to go. And I want you to know that you have a bigger purpose, a bigger mission. And you need to explore that need, that, that strong feeling to do something big and it's going to happen and it's inside of you and that you can do it. But just recognize when you need a break, because we all need breaks, we can't plow forward full speed 2047, right? So when you're losing lack of interest or you're feeling unmotivated and a lack of confidence, this could be why? Because you're just tired and you need to rest. Here are some journaling props that you can use to help reconnect you back to your love of creating. How does it make you feel when you create? What do you want others to feel when they see your work? If you weren't making art now, how would you feel? Why do you make art? Or what does creating do for you? And why? What are your inspirations and where does your inspirations come from? What is the gist of your work? Describe what it's all about. Is there anything you're accomplishing with your work? Any specific goals or body of work projects that you want to complete. So a couple of reminders. Okay, so when you feel open to the possibilities, when you're feeling motivated, this is the opposite of what we've been talking about. You are going to be free flowing. Your work is going to be coming out of you easily. You're going to not be overcontrolling things. You're going to let yourself be led, go on that journey and you're not going to put pressure on yourself. That is where you want to be. That is the place where it all feels like you are doing the work you're supposed to be doing. And that is something to really strive for. So if you are feeling unmotivated and you're probably burn out and just don't want you to recognize that. Because you want to be feeling the possibilities and the joy in your work. This may also be a time to recognize that you might need help, okay? And that's totally fine, we all do. And you might not be able to get yourself unstuck or out of the situation. And this is a good time to talk to a coach, or a mentor, or a friend, or family member, or somebody that you really feel that can help you. This person will give you support and help you move forward and even get to the next level. Actually, you may need somebody to assess your work or give you career advice. Or even just give you advice and help you just get to a calmer place within. You may also just need somebody to give you permission to take that break and to get rest. You might just to be able to vent to someone or be able to also talk to somebody who may already know what you're going through that is really supportive. Getting the right help you need will really help get you on track and do wonders for you, your mental health, your motivation, and also your work. This can help propel you even further. In this case, you need a cheerleader. You need somebody who is rooting for you, who sees you as you do not see yourself. It can ignite the confidence in you that has fallen dormant and really get you excited about your work again. When ignited, it's going to diffuse all those negative beliefs and you're going to be motivated more than ever. Another thing you can do is to create a support group. And these are like minded people in your industry or friends or career buddies that you have that you can meet with on a regular basis to support one another in your work and your career endeavors and goals. Maybe you put together like a monthly business bestie meet up and you meet over zoom and you help one another with your work and your goals. That is going to also propel you a lot further and motivate you even more. Here is your booster for this section. I want you to get in all the fields like feel all the fields right now. And we're going to feel good. We're going to turn this around, all the negative around, and we're going to feel really good. And how we're going to do that is to write a vision statement for ourselves. And this vision statement is going to encompass all the things that you want to bring about in your life that you want to see manifest happen in your business, in your career, in your life, and your personal life. All the amazing, exciting things that you're striving for. And you're going to put that in writing. So I want you to, the best way to approach this is to look at it from how is an ideal day in the life unfold for me? From the moment I wake up to the moment I go back to bed, what does that life look like? Do you work for yourself? Do you have a team that supports you? Do you work from home? What are you doing in your work that excites you? And then even from the minute you wake up, what does your home look like? What does your environment look like? And I really want you to get into the, the vision of this, the visuals of this. And I also want you to get the feels of this. And this is really where it all will start to really kind of el, with inside of you and really motivate you and give you that confidence to create this vision. Okay, so I want you to write a paragraph or two or three even here and expand upon this vision. Really get into the feelings of it, how it makes you feel. And get into the details of what that looks like. What does your life look like? What does your business look like? What are you doing in your day to day? And also what are you doing for fun? Are you traveling? What does your financial situation look like? All the things that you're dreaming about. And write this ideal vision for yourself. And I want you to actually put it somewhere where you can reference it on the regular. I want you to be able to revisit this as much as possible and remember why you're here and what you're doing and the vision that you see for yourself. And keep that close, keep that really close to you. And it's going to keep you motivated. And it's going to keep you moving confidently and boldly so you can manifest all of these amazing things for yourself. This is also going to help you remember why you're creating and why you're here and why you're putting in the work. Even on the days when it's really hard, this vision will be the thing that you are striving for and that you are really excited about. 7. In Summary: In summary, comparison perfectionism and need to be liked. Impatience, individually and combined can cause a lack of confidence, stuckness, insecurities, and self sabotage. Your emotions such as envy can be used as a tool to help you uncover what it is you desire. Perfectionism is based on fear, procrastination, and perfectionism go hand in hand. Are you a perfectionist? Are you a procrastinator? Something to think about. It is important to be honest with yourself. Ask the tough questions. Catch yourself when you are procrastinating, feeling insecure, having a lack of motivation, feeling impatient, and saying negative things to yourself. Identifying your behaviors, emotions, reactions, and habits will help you understand what is holding you back. Get in the habit of knowing yourself better to see things differently and take action in a new way. Give yourself permission to be fully, you fall down, make mistakes, take a break and rest and feel those uncomfortable feelings. We are all in a unique journey and it's important to take the time necessary to achieve your goals. There are no shortcuts, and it's important to honor your health and your path. If you need to slow things down and take a break, remember that your journey is your own and it's important to prioritize your well being along the way. Tools such as journaling, reframing your negative thoughts, and keeping a win list will help you stay more positive, especially when you are feeling doubt and less confident. Make new healthy habits to help you move forward and get unstuck. Find support in others, like a coach, like minded friends, and even business besties to help cheerlead you on and help motivate you in your work. Don't let fear or self doubt hold you back. Please be kind to yourself and get out of your own way and trust the process. Really trust the process. The outcomes will be so much more rewarding than you could have ever imagined and enjoy the work and have fun. Most importantly, this is your dream in the making. 8. Class Project: As your class project. Please complete the worksheets I've created. With all the questions that are mentioned here in the class. Do the deep dive and ask those tough questions. And be honest with yourself. Okay, identify where you are holding yourself back. Create new habits, actions, and reactions to overcome the roadblocks over time with practice and repetition. Taking action when scared, you will become more and more confident with your work and pursuing your dreams. You will be less fearful in the outcome and more excited about the possibilities your future holds. 9. Final Thoughts : Self confidence is a superpower. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts to happen, life hack. I hope this talk helped you to see how you can boost your confidence and get back to a place where you're creating from a place of joy and really excited to pursue your dreams and desires. I believe that doing the work to uncover the truth and really figure out what's holding you back is going to give you so much more clarity and confidence moving forward. And you're going to be more in touch with yourself and be in tune with where you're at, emotionally, physically, mentally, all of the things. So you can check yourself when you aren't feeling so confident and have the tools and the tips that you need to move forward. I wish for you to be braver and more bold and take action on all the things that you want to accomplish in your life. I don't want you to let fear and procrastination and negativity and all those things bring you down. And don't let self doubt and fear get in the way you have too much to do. Thank you so much for taking my class and I hope that you found this really helpful. As always, please leave your classwork in the discussion section below and any comments and questions that you have. Also, I'd love for you to leave a positive review. You can also find me on Instagram at Net Designs, and on my website at Genetic Gonzalez.com Sign up for my newsletter and you can join our monthly zoom calls as well as get a lot of freebies and information on what I have going on next. Don't forget to follow me here on skill share and you can find my other classes, as well as get a coaching session with me one on one through Skillshare.