1. Introduction: My name's Steve Cassandra's and I'm Eric Martinson. Welcome to Restaurant Kitchen basis. Together, we have over 80 years experience in the restaurant industry, and we're so happy to bring that experience to you over the length of the course. We'll be focusing on the hard basis that every restaurant professional needs to understand . To be a master in the kitchen, we'll be showing you our best techniques, some of our favorite dishes over the years, all while demonstrating skills and behaviours that every restaurant professional will need to be successful. So be sure to take your time practice. We look forward to see your success. It's all about confidence, and you can do this.
2. Bleach Bucket: in this course, I'm gonna teach you how to do. Ah, bleach bucket. Bleach buckets are really important in restaurant business, and they're really important at home. Very simple. You just use about a gallon of Ah, nice, warm water. Not too hot, but not too cold. Just warm. And then you're gonna add the best indicator we've been using for a long, long time is about just about a cap full of bleach. Just felt like that. That's all you need in there. Now they have tepes test strips that you should probably use to. But for the most part, this is all you really need. And then just put your rag in there, mix it up, and now this will sanitize any work surface. I want to bring it out real good. You can smell the bleach. You can sanitize your counters. It's about everything your knives, anything that needs to be sanitized this that you should always have those integrated home because you can use them for, you know, a couple hours while you're working, cleaning and you don't have to go through Ah, spray cleaners and things like that. A good bleach bucket is really, really important in the restaurant business.
3. Pantrick: in this lesson, we're gonna learn the pan trick. So what you do is you just take your small saute pan your egg pan, go ahead and put in about 1/4 cup of salt is you just kind of roll it when you're sauteing , You do it a little bit tighter. That's the whole thing. Keep your wrist loose. Your arm doesn't move a lot. But when you do it eggs, you're gonna bring him down, you're gonna kind of bring them back. And then when you do that, you want to be able to do it left handed, practice right handed, left handed. And if you take that bigger pan a little bit more salt, you'll be going like this and it's the same motion hands a little heavier. So it's gonna tip down at inertia is gonna keep it going backwards. But you want to catch it. You just don't want it to drop down like that. You're gonna break eggs and you're gonna get things all over the place used to that soft motion. And that, my friends, is the pantry
4. Eggs Over Easy: in this course, we're gonna cook two eggs over easy. And I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to crack eggs with one hand. First on this talk a second about heat. It is a professional gas stove, and it really cranks out to beat you use. What we're gonna do is we're gonna We don't need that much heat. So rest start about medium high heat right here, and that's it. You can adjust it with your home electric home, Stovall. So you just want on that stove, I would started high and then just reduce it down as soon as you start getting eggs in the pan. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and turn our heat on. Go ahead and give it a quarter second spray. They're gonna show you how to hold it. You're gonna hold a basically like this. You're gonna hit the edge. You're gonna kind of split it open gently. Yeah, kind of cricket and break just like that when you're cracking the egg, you want to go through it. You don't want to go all the way through that. You want to just go halfway through. You're gonna use your fingers and kind of pull it apart. A lot of times. Eggs ill, they just a break. So if you break it, go ahead and start over. There's nothing worse than having to eggs split, and they look like they're cooked differently. You want it all in the same. Notice how the egg white starts cooking around the edges. Lawyers cook around the edges first. You don't want to touch the pan. Wanna let it just get hot? It'll start getting their starts cooking around the edges. You don't really want to move it until the whites are pretty much starting to cook around the edges so you can kind of see it there and you'll be able to tell if it sticks or not. That's why you have a spatula in hand once they get to a certain point. As you can see, the whites are coming around. You can roll your pan if if if the eggs are off center, you want to try and get him, you're gonna eventually get him up this way. So that's basically a rolling right now. See how they're moving back and forth. That's good, starting to firm up So that's about perfect timing right here. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna give it a flip. And this is where the pan trick comes in. You're gonna roll it, flop it over, Rose, that little tuck idea that comes with experience. But there's a little back tuck and you'll see it after a while. You want to let him set for probably about a good 67 count? Notice they're not sticking. If there. If you do this and it's sticking, then it's good for backup, and there you go.
5. Eggs Over Medium: this horse. We're gonna cook two eggs over medium spring. Canola oil procedure is basically the same as cooking two eggs over easy. You're just gonna add probably about another four or five Count to it. Um, over medium. Should be able to cut into it, Have a little bit of run, but not very running. Wafer awaits. Most you're sticking is gonna happen after you flip it. If you flip it too hard, eggs, we're gonna break and then it's gonna dio. Then you have to start over again. I want you plan to be able to move around a little bit. So now that are whites air getting cooked here. We don't want a brown. We want to give it a little flip. Maybe like 12345 5000 678 3009. You can always check too soon as they start to tighten up a little bit. There you go. Nice little medium eggs
6. Eggs Over Hard/ Poached: So this lesson is about over hard eggs and poached. We're gonna start with our post eggs. I want to be very gentle. Crack drop in water has a little bit of vinegar in it. And that kind of helps coagulate the eggs keep it together, dropping down very gently, and we're gonna poach shows to a perfect medium. And as you see there kind of floating. When you use the vinegar, it kind of keeps them together. If you don't use that the all flat Now they're just going to kind of do their little thing right there. Let's take about probably three minutes or so to come up with a perfect medium coach. We're gonna do over hard sprayer, Will. We're here, Procomm. You want to break your eggs? What I try to do is break the yellow yolk, try to make it a little bit consistent there so that they're about the same. Basically, you want the bottom, the whites cooked all the way through. You want the yolk all the way cooked through. So what we do is we leave this a little bit longer. Then the other eggs. We'll just let that set for a second. Okay, Now we're gonna go ahead and flip. We're just gonna let that go. I want to make sure that the yolk is cooked. We will make sure the whites are cooked. So these air, that's what I would consider all the way through. All right, now we're gonna check on our poached eggs here. You want to be very careful when you go off the bottom because they tend to stick. See how those whites or not, they're still wiggly right there. That's not quite done yet. If you notice here, you got a little bit of a break, but it coagulated so we're still got a lot of people that have post shakes. They want a perfect medium. That's a perfect egg right there. Those are nice. The reason you want those is that you can see that your yolks air still a little bit firm that the whites are cooked. That's a perfect medium. Oh. Oh,
7. Scrambled Eggs: in this course, we'll be cooking scramble days. We're heading out our eggs into that scrambled eggs air you always want to stir. You don't want to hit too hot because the brown if you want to cut swirling in a swirling motion, you go back and forth. Some people want him soft. If somebody wanted soft eggs, that would be right about right about here. If somebody wanted soft eggs, you still there's a little bit of moisture, but we're gonna take these down about what everybody else wants him a little bit of flip there. I just want to keep all your stuff off of the edges here, except Brown's. Have a nice saying. What a nice and fluffy and always remember one thing. I would stop him right here with just a little bit of wetness, because eggs will keep cooking as they go to the table.
8. Florentine Omelette: So in this course, I'm gonna show you how to make a Florentine omelet. Right? So, first, we're gonna go ahead and start with a little bit. Oil. Go ahead and add a little bit of dice. Bacon. Probably about two ounces diced bacon. It's fine. You could do this without bacon to There's no reason. But Bacon makes everything using brother my floor up on a little bit. But that's part of the excitement of cooking. When you're working with gas, gas is pretty easy to control. Even lower it. You don't need it. A full blast on everything. You just needed a good temperature. You see, I turned it down and it's still cooking justice fast at home, on your gas or mean on your electric range. You might have to adjust the temperature a little higher. A little boat lower, but look exactly the same things here that we're doing here. Your home still. Yeah, we a little bit of brown in there. That's looking good. Now we're gonna go ahead and add about an ounce of onion season broadcasting. I got a little bit. We're gonna add about an ounce of mushrooms. Go ahead now, about three ounces of spinach, so that's good. We're gonna let that set for a second. What we're gonna do is we're gonna add a dollop of sour cream. It's like that. He's gonna let that set for a second. Now, we're gonna do our eggshell whisker eggs I had got in there like So Now the thing with egg shells is you have to work it, but you don't want to stir it too much. You don't want to scramble the A. So really, what you're doing is just letting a good starting to let it get. Could you see how it's kind of building along the edges there? Do you want to kind of roll it a little bit up? You know, it's kind of moving like that makes this right here. So you just kind of pushing the omelet forward on the pan. And once it starts to cook, you're gonna bring it down like that and you're gonna cook that part really trying not to brown the shell, if you can. Let's move that up like so you just kind of pushing it forward. Some people lift, they do, but I like a little bit more meat in the middle that holds Yama won't wont break on U. S. So now we're getting kind of close to where you want to flip it. Make sure you drip it. There's not much in there. Now. We're gonna go ahead and flip it, okay? Or a turner heat off. We're gonna take our Florentine. It's filling. We're just gonna kind of lay it right in there. And now I'm teach you how to roll in. Do you take your plate, Take the omelet. Turn it this way. You tip your played down, roll your omelet and it's just gonna kind of tuck right like that.
9. Hash Browns: we're gonna do some shredded fresh house Brown's nice amount of oil on there. Then we're gonna go ahead, layer down like this. The keys. You wanted to look good. So we're gonna kind of swear him up. Just take a second to get him up there Now, the thicker than you do longer they take, obviously, the thinner, just a little bit Oil just across the top two. We're gonna hit it with a little bit of our seasoning. Salt always broadcast season. Let those took a little bit. Use frozen potatoes. But getting a fresh one is really good. If you have left over big potatoes, they make really good hash browns. Great. Your own. If you want, you just have to make sure that you squeeze a lot of the water out of it. But they have really nice fresh product that you can get at the store room really works nice to. So when the girls really hot things cook fast, but it takes a little while, but you can kind of see you get browning on it. We always want to just kind of lifted a little bit. Just see if it's moving. We're still not there yet. So these usually take about Oh, probably about five minutes. Uh, aside, actually, five minutes on one side in about three minutes on the other. If that, it just depends. I like him a little bit thicker like that. But, you know, if you did about that much, spread that out would be really fast, but it just looks a little nicer. The personal preference. Every restaurant does it different depending on how hot your grill is. You get up underneath it. I see nice and golden brown, but we want a little bit more. You can't really burn him a lesson. The grill is really super hot. When you first come in on line and your stove is hot, you throw him down and they might burn. But you can see now you can see along the edges here. He's looking nice. Just get up underneath there a little bit almost there. Just before he flipped him. Give it just a little oil. I think we'll go with these flips. Flip towards you, look over the side. You got to give it a nice flip. Sit for a little bit seasoning salt broadcasting always. We'll just let those set for a little bit. Now you see how the these are a little bit thicker. So those potatoes gonna be nice and hot Center. You want a crispier, you just have to flat him out. Use a little bit less making bigger however you want. But these air generally if you go toe high end places they like to do in this way a little bit. Victor McKinsey's letting brown. You can let that you could have let that set for another two or three minutes and you wouldn't hurt it. The idea is to show you how the Browning process works. The technique of putting oil on having enough oil in the beginning, oiling them as they go when you first put him down seasoning. One fun thing to do with hash browns is melts of American cheese on it. Make a brown mushroom gravy and put it over. It's great, kind of a fun, and he's a little bit longer. These are looking really good. They're gonna be plenty hot center, nice and crispy. A lot of people like him crispy. A lot of people don't. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and play. This we're gonna do is we're gonna move it all the way over here. That way you got something to get up on her need. Grab it, lay it down just like that. Then we're gonna go ahead and garnish with parsley, and there you go.
10. Joe Scramble: So in this course, we're going to do an egg scramble called Joe's Special. Give it a good spread oil, about two ounces of diced onion, a little pinch of garlic, which I like adding in right here with vegetables. And then we're gonna season our onions. And when you're seasoning, you never want a season straight up and down. You always want a broadcast. Broadcasting means you just go across. That way, everything gets season together. Give that a quick little so neither that's where your pantry comes in. Next, we're gonna go ahead and add in about six ounces of ground beef. What you want to do is you want to break up your beef in the smaller pieces, people moving. We're gonna have a little pinch of oregano. Go ahead two ounces of fresh mushrooms. Now we're gonna go ahead and add about three ounces spinach fresh spinach without a leg seasoning. We're gonna go ahead and crack in three eggs. I wanted to hear break up your egg yolks real quick, and then on this dish here, you don't want toe. Scramble it full that work around the edges. It's kind of like a a G omelet. Kind of. Ah, scramble. Here this is Go to San Francisco. You order Joe's special. This is what ISS just want to make sure that there's not too much wet in there. But you don't want to overcook it either. I would say that's just about right. We'll do is we'll turn it down had played this.
11. Frittata: we will be making a for Tada Kelly. Anomalous. You can see the ingredients right here on a plate with very little oil. The first item is going Go in is going to be bacon raw. I thought a strip on behalf of bacon light stuff. This is a one pan dish will be mostly done on the stove will finish it in the oven. And, um, very, very good item. Very simple. You can see the ingredients. Have sliced mushrooms, peeled, sliced turkey, diced onions this a frozen chopped spinach to like because of the way it it blends in with the dish. Better than fresh skinny sleaze that sliced tomato. And then our asiago cheese would start preference. It's got a very distinct flavor different than farmers on a little softer. It melts what we're better. So we like using it. I just want to get our bacon crisp. It won't take long. You need to get it, Chris now, because when we add everything else, bacon will pretty much stopped crisping. You see, we have a lot of Greece and flavor. A lot of bacon flavor in this post. No, he started crispy around the edges. All right Start adding our vegetables lead on top. Bacon will continue to cook. They're going to seasoning soul in this back to vegetables. Walk a little bit of our Greek oregano. We're just going to get them started before that. Bacon grease. Very helpful. Coats a vegetable for cooking. Right after those go in, we're going to take our frozen chopped spinach, which is thought very well drained. Got need to make sure you get all the water out of this white little chaos and difficulties in your entree. Too much water season sold on that. Keep in mind again. Not too much. They have assault bacon, Greek oregano. We're going to petered enough where the spinach will start breaking up and spread right through the entire disc. We're then going to add free eggs. Whipped. This is part of the guests. Were you? You want to stay pretty much right where you are, Dishes going to brown in the oven when we finish it, but we don't want to get too overcooked or to brown Here. We just wanted to be able to hold hold a shape. Nice round disk shaped. So tell Ian Omelets. Report a tomato slice right on top. Cammarata, Asiago Cheese over the top of the gift. And we take it from here to a 350 degree of
12. Hollandaise Sauce: we're gonna make hollandaise for are world famous Eggs Benedict. And what we do is we start with a sauce pan with a little bit of water going. You want to get it to a boil and then but not a real full bowl kind of a rolling boil. We're gonna use our eggs in here on the idea with hollandaise. He's Teoh warm the egg yolks before you add the butter. So we're gonna do is we're just gonna kind of beat him up a little bit. And I was lifted off here to get a little steam out. They don't cook that fast, give a little bit of a whip and you don't want You don't want the eggs to curdle, but they have to be warm. So what I usually do coming in here and you kind of see if there smoking or steaming a little bit, you can also just kind of give a little touch on there. So we're doing good on here now. So what we're gonna do is let that cool suck. We're gonna go ahead and add unsalted whole butter a little bit of the time you want to kind of just bring us up. I just want to mix the center. You got to keep working. This can never leave this from this point on. Just stay on this. Otherwise it'll burn. Get all around the edges, strip it in there and you want to add sport. Butter won't always keep butter going in there. Lift it up. Mixing it, having your brother keep working out. You kind of tell how it's going if it starts getting too cooked. Looking good. Here, keep it on there. Make sure the pan gets hot after a while. We're gonna get this in here. Smoked butter here. That No, we need We'll grab some spoons here. I'll always have spoons so you could test your hollandaise. You gotta keep testing it all the time. Turn this up just a tiny bit. Now we stay on. It. We're gonna do now is we're gonna add juice. Lemon juice, No seeds. Now, at this point, we want to Dio doesn't want to cook this until we get peaks. You can see how you're going back and forth, but they don't really stay. You want to keep that going? You just got to keep working it lifting it off, and at some point time will start to think in a little bit more. I just want to keep going around the edges. He's lifting it up just like this. This technique Eric and I have been doing for pretty much 40 years just takes a little bit of time with more. We're getting close. You cook it too fast, too hot, it'll curdle. And And if you, uh, follow, son, you're seeing a lot of butter pool and have broken, so it's not really a lot you could do with it. Sometimes you can add a tablespoon of water to bring it around, but for the most part, you gotta just kind of stay on it. Now we're starting to get a little bit thicker here, starting come around. Nice. There's just a certain point that you can kind of tell, see how these air coming back and forth. It's kind of keeping the peaks there, but I would just do the drop test. You kind of see it doesn't stop. You're not holding. I wanna hold dimples in there and you're just about right almost there. That close. You see, the peaks are starting to hold up a little bit more now from this point right here, where you drop those dimples down. Soon as they start holding, we're gonna figure probably about another 20 seconds or so. But this is why you can't leave this pan. You have to just stay on it. Almost now you can see the peaks are holding. You can go toe edge, the edge, dimples. And there it's kind of a little bit of an art. Once you learn what you get to this point and kind of play around with it a little bit See how those dimples are kind of like holding sold. I'd say we're good now. We're gonna do salted, and it's usually by taste, so there's not really amount that you can just put it in there. Using unsalted butter is the best way to do it. So what we do is we've already got our lemon in there, and that is going to give a little taste. And it's more salt. This is how you just tell you season just about everything that you ever do just season by testing always need to have those lots of spoons. We have another try. I'm gonna give it just a little touch more lemon. That'll be just about right. Then what? We're gonna dio a little pinch of cayenne? Not much. I just want to kind of barely see it on there. That's perfect amount right there. And it doesn't add hit to It just adds a little bit of richness. Will back flavor. Give it one more try. That's beautiful. That classic holders.
13. Béarnaise Sauce: So now we're gonna make a Bearnaise sauce. What we're gonna do for that is we start out with some red wine vinegar and then we're gonna eat that up, and then we're gonna add some tarragon flake. It's usually about to the one. So if you had one tablespoon of red wine vinegar, you would add about two tablespoons of tarragon. The idea here is to reduce the tarragon. Let it absorb that. It absorbed the red wine vinegar. We're gonna make a little reduction out of it, and then we're gonna add it to our holidays. And then that will be a very nice Bearnaise sauce that we use on a lot of our dishes. Chicken Oscar steak Oscar. It's great on fish. Get up. You don't want to burn it. You want to keep it moving a little bit. You kind of see how it's thickening up with that. Said this for a second there. When you're sauteing and you're reducing stuff, when you roll it on the higher edge, it cooks a lot faster. See how it's already starting. You can see you got a nice, tight little bit of softer, but we're looking for is this right here and what will do? We're gonna go ahead and put that on a plate, and then we're gonna cool it. Now what? We're gonna dio we're just gonna cool this off because you don't want to put it in your hollandaise. When it's that hot. Let's give a little spread. That's good There. I only take a second. While we're doing that, we're gonna go ahead and make our Bernays. We're gonna add a little bit of our hollandaise that we made earlier. Go ahead. We're gonna add a little bit of this at a time. You just basically go a little bit of the time. There's no certain measure but what you want to do because you want to incorporate it. You know you don't want too much of it. You wanted to be full presidents all through the holidays. You can kind of see where there's some later spots in there. You don't want a super dark, but I'm gonna give it just another pinch. I'm out. That's how it should look
14. Eggs Benedict: Okay, Now we're gonna show you how to make our world famous eggs Benedict what we dio First, you start with a poaching hot for our eggs. We want to cook those a perfect medium. So you don't want a rolling boil. You want a nice simmer. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start around here. We're just gonna crack our eggs dropping and very gently like that. Now, the water has, uh, people use vinegar. I use lemon juice just because I already made hollandaise, and I've got some extra lemon juice. So I use that You just want enough in there, and it helps keep the eggs together. Now we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead. What are English muffin on there and get it nice and toasted, and we're gonna slow the eggs down a little bit. We don't want a rolling boil. You get a little bit of the egg white on top. You just gotta be careful. Be Go ahead and just take that off. You don't wanna Diego, and we're just gonna let those set for a second. Keep an eye on muffin there. What you do kind of watch for the egg. You don't want to touch it right away. It's gonna take you about generally about four minutes in this kind of water. But you gotta keep an eye on it when there's not a lot of you have a big pot. Just a little bit. You kind of see if you were to kind of catch it underneath a little bit. See, it's still not quite there, but it's getting close. Toasties, We're gonna bring that up here. That now we're gonna add some of our ham. A lot of people like thick slices. I didn't. I tend to like deli ham. I like a nice. Then what we're gonna do. You don't want brown this too much. You just want to kind of I want to kind of get a warm check her eggs, See how it's there were whites. Still not quite there. Almost. We're going to get a little bit more. He kind of adjust it that way. What we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and take our muffin off ham on the nice thing about the deli ham. It makes a nice little pillow to for that kind of keeps it all nice nuts Message in there? No. We're going to check our eggs. Almost almost over medium poached egg. We'll have just enough. Uh, so when you cut down in the middle of it will be firm. If you're not sure, could always touch it comes down. But it's starting to feel really nice now when you cut down into it will have some body to it. Those were looking real nice. Now we'll go ahead. Our egg. We're gonna lay it right in there nice and right in their life. So bring it right on over here and now we're gonna finish our eggs. Benedict, we're gonna layer or holidays on there. You want to be nice you spent Drape it. You want to much, but there's nothing worse than having a eggs Benedict with not enough Poland is on. Let it later that we're gonna put a nice little spray. Lemon goes down like this. One thing that you should always use Have your lemon down here and the reason is because then the guests can pick it up like this and squeeze it if it's laying up. You have these two hands to do that and that is our expenditure
15. Monte Cristo: money. Christa was a sandwich. We serve breakfast or lunch. It's, Ah, very, very simple sandwich, but it has to be done precisely this method. Otherwise, the full effect of sandwich isn't going to be achieved. We start with softened butter. Spread it all three upsides of the bread. Try to keep most of your ingredients away from the crust because we're gonna be cutting that off a little later. Here we put some process Swiss cheese, and we use this process because it melts a lot better than a natural Swiss or harder cheese . And that's real important in the morning Cristo because all the flavors were going to try to encapsulate inside the sandwich where we cook it. And then we had a small portion. About an ounce and 1/2 of sliced deli turkey meat. Return a side of the bread over who butter that inside piece. Can we place the ham about the same amount? About analysis and 1/2 thinly sliced deli ham didn't keep most of away from the sides. Invert the last piece of bread and never on sandwiches. Do you ever want to push down because we want the heights on sandwich always we wanna have drama and heightened. Squish it down too much. We're going to lose that with a sharp serrated knife. We're going to shave crushed off, and the bread we're using today is a thick, sliced white bread. Egg bread could also be used. It gets a little different flavor. Kind of personal taste. Both worked well. It's a difficult bread to flying sometimes, but and this sandwich like this, we would normally wrap this up and we would put it in the refrigerator because he needs to sit about 2 to 3 hours to be able to offer his butter to kind of hard and blue sandwich back together. That's when we made a little while ago. We cut it in half on a diagonal again, trying to keep no pressure going down. You can see basically what we assembled inside cheese and butter. It's all pretty well book together now, so we start cooking it. This is another step that is very important. We need to seal the outside of it before we go any further. Well, flu oil on the grill on similar to making French toast, which we're going to make one soon little different style that will get the money crystal in the egg and the cut side inside the first side to go down again. Very simple sandwich. But if you waver from these procedures, you're not going to have really quality product. At the end, it will be okay that it won't be as good because we're going to cook the outsides. That said earlier, seal up the sandwich so about butter and juices from the meat and cheeses all stay inside. So when you pick that sandwich up, cut a piece off. It's going to be very flavorful. Very, very juicy, very messy. But all that is good. That's what we're looking for. We want to get it just nicely. Golden Brown like that and we go again to another cut side. You see, we're sealing the cut sides up. It makes a wonderful presentation. Why now? We didn't want to squish it down. We want that height drama with I want this nice visual. See, we're getting the nice brown with almost sealed up for sandwich. And the reason we put cheese on the outsides was because it melts better if the heat is closer to it. So we put. Can we assemble that would put the brunt bread the butter cheese? Now it's cheeses on the outside of the sandwich going to become very museum. Very flavorful. Gonna get you have to follow that procedure. Otherwise you're finished product. What wants and won't taste what you want. And this is the last side we're doing now. Two sides already hooked up, sealed. Lay it down outside. We're just a few moments away from having our get. It's not a along procedures not complex, very simple, but has to be exact, so weird or indigenous with fruit and sure. But it's, uh, this is a traditional way that Steve and I have done it for some time. I way prefer it this way. It's just a wow factor. What when you serve it to your guests or your friends, a lot of wild that comes in with this. So get some red lead, probably get a lot more color, and we're definitely looking for visuals on this because he went to great efforts to make beautiful visual with the sandwich. Now we're going take the fruit before we put a sandwich on the plate. We're going to set up a little garnish. Here again, you can use whatever fruits are fresh in season way. Happen to be using cantaloupe, grapes, watermelons, strawberries and a few blueberries. And we also have our sure bet any kind you like. This is what the plate looks like. The sandwich comes over from the grill. That's right. Like this. And then we have a little bit of, ah, powdered sugar just on the sandwich and you have no money, crystal.
16. French Toast: rolling, they were making what's called a Pullman style French toast. Coleman stock gets the name from the Pullman car on a train. The old fashioned trains that was a dining car. This was a traditional old French toast recipe again, very simple, not difficult to make. Little patience is required in the cooking, but it's very, very unique. Interesting. We start again with a thick sliced bread. We're gonna leave the crushed on you. Just dip him well and just whipped egg, That's all this is coated well, and we have a bowl of cornflakes over here. Just any kind of cornflakes doesn't really matter what type you like. Kellogg's generic whatever. And you just press the bread down into the corn flakes. You're making a French toast with corn flakes. So I guess you guys are French toast from your cereal. Simultaneously, we have three pieces to an order. This won't take very on very, very quick dish again. A lot of the breakfast items we're gonna be doing our go go very quickly, which is nice, because we're usually very hungry in the morning. So one ovary that you can see there doesn't take a lot of time you even make this coated up . Put some on top, pressing down again. Not real hard. You don't want to flatten the bread out. We still want to look, heightens and drama coated up. Well, there's our three pieces of cornflakes bread, and then we just turn and go to the grill. We bring the corn flake crusted red over to the grill, and this is where the patient's comes in because it takes a little while for the bread and egg cook with cornflakes on there. But the finished product well worth the wait. We want to get him nicely brown, not brown. Working really good. The whole flavor of the corn flakes changes when you start browning them like this. It takes a very kind of almost a nutty OD type flavours. Very different looking friends. Coat could be your signature item. Given another 30 seconds or so. Well, played it up on, um, again. It's a very simple look. You can garnish it with fruit or anything or nothing at all. Usually, people are going to for a lot of syrup or butter or jam or something on it. Word is going to put it right across the center of the plate. This has got, you can see. It's got quite a beautiful visual, much different than most French toast. You go and see nice, simple garni, Sister Nice fresh sprig of parsley gets a beautiful contrast with the plate and the French toast, and most people are going to do this. But this is organic Canadian maple syrup the best. Of course. We're not advertising brand that suggest maple syrup always, and you're just going to put this on top again. You could put powdered sugar on here or jam, and it just shines. It's beautiful dish, very simple but elegant, highly flavor.