Restaurant Kitchen Basics: Cooking with Eggs Mini Course | Steve Katsandres | Skillshare

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Restaurant Kitchen Basics: Cooking with Eggs Mini Course

teacher avatar Steve Katsandres, Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Pan Trick


    • 3.

      Eggs Over Easy


    • 4.

      Eggs Over Medium


    • 5.

      Eggs Over Hard & Poached


    • 6.

      Scrambled Eggs


    • 7.

      Joe's Special


    • 8.

      Florentine Omelet


    • 9.



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About This Class

This a power course for anyone who is interested in learning how to cook with eggs. You can take the skills learned in this course into a kitchen anywhere in the world. These are the same skills we have taught for over 42 years in the restaurant business.

In this course you will learn the art of cooking eggs of any style with confidence. You will also learn how to prepare and present two different specialty dishes: The Joe's Scramble and the Florentine Omelet. Also learn pan mechanics to flip eggs, one handed egg cracking and proper seasoning technique. These are all based on professional restaurant skills! You will also receive cooking class recipes and information on proper hygiene through hand washing and bleach bucket preparation. Imperative tools in a professional restaurant or kitchen!

Have fun learning and keep practicing!

Meet Your Teacher

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Steve Katsandres



Steve Katsandres has over 42 years of experience in the food industry at all levels and all departments. He is a successful restaurateur designing concepts in the US and Asia. He has a passion for training individuals in the art of cooking at all levels and techniques. He especially enjoys teaching and training those new to cooking. Steve has a Warrior attitude and a leadership approach. He prides himself on developing and motivating Champions that exceed expectations. Customer service is his highest priority and he wants to raise the standards of the food and service industry one Champion at a time. A Restaurant Entrepreneur, Author and founder of Quick Service Entrepreneur.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, My name's Steve Cassandra's and welcome to restaurant kitchen Basics. Congratulations and thank you for downloading are complementary egg technique and cooking course. In these courses, we will be teaching the essential restaurant kitchen basics exactly how my business partner Eric Martinson and I have been doing it for over 42 years. This is your first step in learning the best restaurant techniques with absolute confidence , from flipping eggs like a restaurant chef to cracking them one handed cooking and rolling a perfect all Michelle making the perfect egg scramble and how to season properly. Our courses will grow your confidence to become a champion. Wherever your cooking takes, you download and follow the guides, review the videos and, most importantly, practice and you will master everything in this program. Be sure to stay tuned for our next training horses. Coming soon. We look forward to your success 2. Pan Trick: in this lesson, we're gonna learn the pantry is what you do is you just take your small, sought a pair in your egg pan, but hadn't put in about 1/4 cup of salt is you just kind of roll it when you're sauteing, You do it a little bit tighter. That's the whole thing. Keep your wrist loose. Your arm doesn't move a lot. But when you doing eggs, you're gonna bring him down, you're going to kind of bring them back. And then when you do that, you want to be able to do it left handed, practice right handed, left handed. And if you take that bigger pan a little bit more salt, you'll be going like this and it's the same motion and a little heavier. So it's gonna tip down at inertia is gonna keep it going backwards. But you want to catch it. You just wanted to drop down like that. You're gonna break eggs and you're gonna get things all over the place used to that soft motion. And that, my friends, is a pantry. Look 3. Eggs Over Easy: in this course, we're gonna cook two eggs over easy. And I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to crack eggs with one hand. First on this talk a second about heat. It is a professional gas stove, and it really cranks out to beat you use. What we're gonna do is we're gonna We don't need that much heat. So rest start about medium high heat right here, and that's it. You can adjust it with your home electric home, Stovall. So you just want on that stove, I would started high and then just reduce it down as soon as you start getting eggs in the pan. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and turn our heat on. Go ahead and give it a quarter second spray. They're gonna show you how to hold it. You're gonna hold a basically like this. You're gonna hit the edge. You're gonna kind of split it open gently. Yeah, kind of cricket and break just like that when you're cracking the egg, you want to go through it. You don't want to go all the way through that. You want to just go halfway through. You're gonna use your fingers and kind of pull it apart. A lot of times. Eggs ill, they just a break. So if you break it, go ahead and start over. There's nothing worse than having to eggs split, and they look like they're cooked differently. You want it all in the same. Notice how the egg white starts cooking around the edges. Lawyers cook around the edges first. You don't want to touch the pan. Wanna let it just get hot? It'll start getting their starts cooking around the edges. You don't really want to move it until the whites are pretty much starting to cook around the edges so you can kind of see it there and you'll be able to tell if it sticks or not. That's why you have a spatula in hand once they get to a certain point. As you can see, the whites are coming around. You can roll your pan if if if the eggs are off center, you want to try and get him, you're gonna eventually get him up this way. So that's basically a rolling right now. See how they're moving back and forth. That's good, starting to firm up So that's about perfect timing right here. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna give it a flip. And this is where the pan trick comes in. You're gonna roll it, flop it over, Rose, that little tuck idea that comes with experience. But there's a little back tuck and you'll see it after a while. You want to let him set for probably about a good 67 count? Notice they're not sticking. If there. If you do this and it's sticking, then it's good for backup, and there you go. 4. Eggs Over Medium: this horse. We're gonna cook two eggs over medium spring. Canola oil procedure is basically the same as cooking two eggs over easy. You're just gonna add probably about another four or five Count to it. Um, over medium. Should be able to cut into it, Have a little bit of run, but not very running. Wafer awaits. Most you're sticking is gonna happen after you flip it. If you flip it too hard, eggs, we're gonna break and then it's gonna dio. Then you have to start over again. I want you plan to be able to move around a little bit. So now that are whites air getting cooked here. We don't want a brown. We want to give it a little flip. Maybe like 12345 5000 678 3009. You can always check too soon as they start to tighten up a little bit. There you go. Nice little medium eggs 5. Eggs Over Hard & Poached: So this lesson is about over hard eggs and poached. We're gonna start with our post eggs. I want to be very gentle. Crack drop in water has a little bit of vinegar in it. And that kind of helps coagulate the eggs keep it together, dropping down very gently, and we're gonna poach shows to a perfect medium. And as you see there kind of floating. When you use the vinegar, it kind of keeps them together. If you don't use that the all flat Now they're just going to kind of do their little thing right there. Let's take about probably three minutes or so to come up with a perfect medium coach. We're gonna do over hard sprayer, Will. We're here, Procomm. You want to break your eggs? What I try to do is break the yellow yolk, try to make it a little bit consistent there so that they're about the same. Basically, you want the bottom, the whites cooked all the way through. You want the yolk all the way cooked through. So what we do is we leave this a little bit longer. Then the other eggs. We'll just let that set for a second. Okay, Now we're gonna go ahead and flip. We're just gonna let that go. I want to make sure that the yolk is cooked. We will make sure the whites are cooked. So these air, that's what I would consider all the way through. All right, now we're gonna check on our poached eggs here. You want to be very careful when you go off the bottom because they tend to stick. See how those whites or not, they're still wiggly right there. That's not quite done yet. If you notice here, you got a little bit of a break, but it coagulated so we're still got a lot of people that have post shakes. They want a perfect medium. That's a perfect egg right there. Those are nice. The reason you want those is that you can see that your yolks air still a little bit firm that the whites are cooked. That's a perfect medium. Oh. Oh, 6. Scrambled Eggs: in this course, we'll be cooking scramble days. We're heading out our eggs into that scrambled eggs air you always want to stir. You don't want to hit too hot because the brown if you want to cut swirling in a swirling motion, you go back and forth. Some people want him soft. If somebody wanted soft eggs, that would be right about right about here. If somebody wanted soft eggs, you still there's a little bit of moisture, but we're gonna take these down about what everybody else wants him a little bit of flip there. I just want to keep all your stuff off of the edges here, except Brown's. Have a nice saying. What a nice and fluffy and always remember one thing. I would stop him right here with just a little bit of wetness, because eggs will keep cooking as they go to the table. 7. Joe's Special: So in this course, we're gonna do an egg scramble called Joe's Special. Give it a good spread oil, about two ounces of diced onion, a little pinch of garlic, which I like adding in right here with vegetables. And then we're gonna season our onions. And when you're seasoning, you never want a season straight up and down. You always want a broadcast. Broadcasting means you just go across. That way, everything gets season together. Give that a quick little So what either. That's where your pantry comes in. Next, we're gonna go ahead and add in about six ounces of ground beef. What you want to do is you want to break up your beef in the smaller pieces people moving. We're gonna have a little pinch of oregano. Go ahead and add two ounces of fresh mushrooms. Now we're gonna go ahead and add about three ounces spinach. Fresh spinach. Give out a late seasoning. We're gonna go ahead and crack in three eggs. I wanted to hear break up your egg yolks real quick, and then on this dish here, you don't want toe scramble it gonna fool that. I'm gonna work around the edges. It's kind of like a eggy omelet. Kind of. Ah, scramble Here. This is a San Francisco you order Joe's special. This is where it is. Just want to make sure that there's not too much wet in there, But you don't want to overcook it either. I would say that's just about right. Soldiers will turn it down, have played this. 8. Florentine Omelet: So in this course, I'm gonna show you how to make a Florentine omelet. Right? So, first, we're gonna go ahead and start with a little bit. Oil had it out. A little bit of diced bacon, probably about two ounces speaking. It's fine. You could do this without bacon to There's no reason. But Bacon makes everything using brother my floor up on a little bit. But that's part of the excitement of cooking. When you're working with gas, gas is pretty easy to control. Even lower it. You don't need it. A full blast on everything. You just needed a good temperature. You see, I turned it down and it's still cooking justice fast at home, on your gas or mean on your electric range. You might have to adjust the temperature a little higher. A little boat lower, but look exactly the same things here that we're doing here. Your home still. Yeah, we a little bit of brown in there. That's looking good. Now we're gonna go ahead and add about an ounce of onion season broadcasting. I got a little bit. We're gonna add about an ounce of mushrooms. Go ahead now, about three ounces of spinach, So that's good. We're gonna let that set for a second. What we're gonna do is we're gonna add a dollop of sour cream. It's like that. He's gonna let that set for a second. Now, we're gonna do our eggshell whisker eggs I had got in there like So Now the thing with egg shells, you have to work it. But you don't want to stir it too much. You don't want to scramble the A. So really, what you're doing is just letting a good starting to let it get. Could you see how it's kind of building along the edges there? Do you want to kind of roll it a little bit up? You know, it's kind of moving like that makes this right here. So you just kind of pushing the omelet forward on the pan. And once it starts to cook, you're gonna bring it down like that and you're gonna cook that part really trying not to brown the shell if you can. So let's move that up like so you just kind of pushing it forward. Some people lift, they do, but I like a little bit more meat in the middle that holds Yama won't wont break on U. S. So now we're getting kind of close to where you want to flip it, make sure you drip it. There's not much in there. Now. We're gonna go ahead and flip it right? We're gonna take our Florentine. It's filling. We're just gonna kind of lay it right in there. We're gonna put it in, aligning it with the handle. Take the omelet, Turn it this way. Tip your plate down, rule your omelet and it's just gonna kind of tuck right like that, - Yeah . 9. Outro: thank you again for downloading this course. We hope that you learned valuable techniques and had fun doing it at the same time. Be sure to watch for all our new courses coming out soon. And remember, wherever your cooking takes you, it's all about confidence, and you can do this.