Residential Architect How to Create a Floor Plan | Thomas Soltren | Skillshare

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Residential Architect How to Create a Floor Plan

teacher avatar Thomas Soltren, SketchUp Architect Creator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Promo vid


    • 2.

      Getting started


    • 3.

      Setting up your drawing


    • 4.

      Workspace Style


    • 5.

      Drawing walls


    • 6.

      Door and Window Openings


    • 7.

      Creating Window Blocks


    • 8.

      Creating Door Blocks


    • 9.

      Inserting Fixtures


    • 10.

      Dimensioning Exterior


    • 11.

      Dimensioning Interior


    • 12.

      Room Labels


    • 13.

      Interior Annotation


    • 14.

      Door and Window Labels


    • 15.

      Plot Styles


    • 16.

      Promo vid


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About This Class

In this course you will learn how to create a floor plan from zero.  We will go over creating a 2 bedroom 1 bath home.  We will create walls windows doors dimensions and add text.  When complete we will also go over how to plot our drawing to scale.  If you have been wanting to learn how to draw a floor plan in Autocad this course is for you. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Thomas Soltren

SketchUp Architect Creator


I have been working in the Architectural Field for over 20 years. I have designed Dog houses to multi-million dollar homes and commercial buildings. In the last few years I have focused almost entirely on 3D modeling of Architecture. I believe 3D modeling is the best way to show clients your projects. I love to continue learning and sharing the methods and tips that I have learned throughout my career. In the beginning and end it's all about creating architecture that effectively displays your design ideas and meets or exceeds the criteria of your client.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Promo vid: hi and welcome to the residential architect course how to create before plan. In this course, we will create a floor plan from zero. We will be creating a two bedroom, one bath home with a kitchen living and dining area. So if you have been wanting to learn how to draw four plan but just don't know where to start, this course is for you. I'm Thomas Soul Train and I have been going floor plans for over 20 years now, and I have learned a lot of tips and tricks along the way when using all caps. So if you want to learn how to draw for and while in this course today and let's get started. 2. Getting started: hello and welcome to the residential architect course on how to create a floor plan. In this course, I'm going to show you how to create a floor plan using auto cad light 2019 and before we get started, If you go, if you don't have all our cad, you can go to auto desk dot com. And if you go to all products and here, you'll see all the products that auto desk offers. And the ones we primarily want to use for this course is auto cad or auto cat light. If you click on auto cattle light, you see right here you can download a free trial or, if you want to purchase it, you can do that as well. But for now, if you're just getting into AutoCAD and want to see if it works for you, I recommend downloading the free trial. And again you can do the light version Or, if you want to do the full version, both war pretty much the same for this course. Okay, so let's go ahead and open up. Polecat, huh? 3. Setting up your drawing: So now what I'm going to do is go ahead and start a new drawing. And here's just opens up to a just a default template for a border for ah, 24 by 36 page. So we are in the auto cad paper space, and I'm just gonna move over to model space. And before I start drawing, I'm going to create a layer for my walls. I'm gonna click over here, and I'm just going Teoh, click this icon right here for to create a new layer and let's go ahead and name that walls and we're going to click Let me click off it and I'm gonna double click to make that layer current and let's change the color of this layer and I'm going to go with green in our index colors and click OK, okay. And one more thing I'm going Teoh, just do I'm gonna verify is the units that that I will be drawing in this plan. So I'm going to go Teoh my format tab over here and click on units. And here I see I'm in architectural units with the precision of 1 1/16 of an inch and my angles are set to decimals and my search skills set two inches. And you changed it if I wanted to there. But I'm just gonna go ahead and leave it as it is, and I'm gonna go ahead and click. OK, Okay. So now I'm ready to start drawing. 4. Workspace Style: Okay, So one more thing before we get started is that if you look at my or a cad, you will notice that it's not set to the default that all the cattle light 2019 comes with . And that is because I have it set to the AutoCAD classic mode. Now for classic mode, there's a couple ways you can reset your auto cad, if you would like to. I just I've started using Auto cad many years ago, and I really just got used to have this classic motive set up. And if that's something that interests you, there's some good videos on YouTube about how to reset your auto cad to that classic mode. I'm not gonna go through it if you're interested in that. You can look up this video here, um, on YouTube about that, but you should be able to follow along whether you have it set to this, you or not. 5. Drawing walls: Okay, so let's start drawing our walls. I'm gonna do is type pl for Pauline. Select anywhere on the screen and going Teoh, go 50 feet and go down 24 feet. Come back 50 feet and type c for clothes. Now I'm going to offset four inches and we're gonna offset inside. And then I'm going to offset again at five inches for our brick ledge. So there we have our five inch offset there. And now I'm going to explode the interior line that I did here so I can use that to offset my interior walls. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to start off setting my walls and type 14 feet. Answer and upset. Four inches apps. Try that again. 14 feet. Now you're all set for inches and was offset. This 15 feet eight inches again offset Four inches. And this one, we're going to you offset. Uh, SE four feet and it's got four inches. Okay, now let's draw a line. I'm sorry. That's offset again. Over here on this side. I'm gonna offset this 12 feet offset again. Four inches. And I'm gonna use the trim command now. When you start trimming that. So these are going to be our two bedrooms. And I'm a slightly just that in a minute. Just trying to get started here. And let's offset this wall four inches, actually. For do that, let's extend this war here. And I just did it again E x for X, then selected this wall. Right click. And I'm going to you Select those two to extend it over there, and we're going to offset for a hallway three feet six inches over here. And it's the opposite. Four inches. And now trim some of this out, okay? And it's clean it up a little bit more, okay? And I made a justice a little bit more on the future, But let's keep moving forward, and I'm going to go ahead, offset This three feet six over here. Oh, sorry about that. Uh, actually, let's see, What I want to do is I'm trying to critic closet here, so we're gonna go six feet off this wall. Let's go offset four inches. And actually, I don't want this to be this watch. Let's go. Three feet six here. I'm gonna go in and get rid of these offset four inches offset five feet Because this is going to be a bath area. Hamlets offset four inches again. Okay, so now I'm going to trim this out there, have its trim that, and we'll trim. This is well, and it's going and clean this up and actually going to use the Philip Command, so fill it. Uh, and radius will keep what type are for radius will keep it at zero. And what do advantages Select BC lines he answered. Answer that command again. And there we go now, but every race extend. Okay, So what I want to do here is I'm going to create a doorway for my bathroom here. So what I want to do is, once he drawled line offset four inches and my doors for standard purposes, I'm just gonna do all my doors at two feet eight and gonna upset that. And I wanted to do and offset four inches again. I'm going to go ahead and move these two walls to that point there and go ahead and create some trim that use the trim command there. And, um, let's extend this to the other side as well. E x and This would be the door for my room over here. It's gonna clean those up. Could raise that me and draw that line back. There we go. Okay. The line here. And this is going to be the area for my kitchen. So I'm gonna offset two feet, which is the standard death for cabinets. I'm gonna extend my wall out to that point, and I want to go out and make this line up with that, so I'm gonna You stretch command. I'm gonna select these walls, and there we go. Let's erase that. Okay, so this is going to start developing into our kitchen. This will be our bath. This will be our closet for this bedroom. And here we have a closet for this bedroom, and I'm also going to create a closet for the hall, which is go offset three feet that will come back in two feet and you offset four inches and it's going to encroach a little bit into the closet. But that's okay. It's a pretty big closet anyway, So this would be a closet. This is a closet for the hallway. And we have, uh, the doorway for a bedroom and This is also going to be a door. And what I'm gonna do to you, Senator, that door is a strong line. Here I am going, Teoh, draw a line there and we're gonna offset one feet four on in each, each direction. So that will equal two feet eight. Who's Yeah, I want to extend. See if I could do that. There we go. OK, trim and histories that. Okay. All right. So let's continue. Want Teoh, Lay out our kitchen so here are going to do a refrigerator oven and the sink, so it's kind of be a U shaped kitchen. So for a refrigerator, we want minimum of 36 inches, which is three feet, but we want to give it a little bit more space than that just toe have. So it's not completely tight at three feet. So I'm gonna go three feet two inches for mine refrigerator space and go ahead and trim that out. And then this will begin my cabinets here. I've been often two feet for my cabinets on this wall and I'm gonna offset two feet. Give myself 30 inches for my range. Awful off that two feet again and This will be where our kitchen begins to come around this way. Gonna offset three feet. Yeah. Let's go to do a little trimming. Okay, then offset. Three feet for our sink and two feet for a dishwasher. I'm gonna go to feet this way. Yeah, we'll go ahead and close that up. So trim again. Okay. Lets trim some of this as well. So for for cabinets you want to dio three inch increments is the standard. So usually they start about 12 or 9 to 12 inches, and then you could usually increase your increments by three from there. So what I have here is I mean, I'm gonna have a 30 inch range here. 36 inch sink, dishwasher, refrigerator so that those are basically the main components of a kitchen, and then we will have on extended bar area over here, and, um, I probably will add another. Um, Let's see you going to add another two feet to this kitchen here, Let's extend this he x extend right quick. And get that around there. Okay. All right. So, basically, just laying out the basic, uh, lay out of this, help this home, and we will have overhang here for this, uh, this island, her peninsula. And this will be our dining area, our family room. And then here I'm gonna put a utility room. So next thing I want to do is let's go ahead and cut out the rest of our doors. So right here, I'm going. Teoh, I think there and let's make, uh, are doors four foot wide so offset to feed each way trim and leave that and let's see what's at a door for our closet here. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna center it. I could have just here, and I'm going to go the smaller door size for our causes and would do one feet two inches each way, so that would give us a two foot four door a little bit smaller than the entry to our rooms . Just because it's closet just doesn't need to be that large. And let's go ahead and trim wall here and go ahead and offset two feet for a closet. Here. Give this one a little bit of a bigger door. Since it's a figure closet and that's trim. It's going to select everything here, and we'll just trim our walls all around. Okay, so that's pretty much the walls of our house. So now the next thing we will do is add some windows. 6. Door and Window Openings: Okay, so now we're going to add so door and window openings to our plan here. So what I'm going to start doing is just offsetting some lines for our doors. And I'm just going to select right here in the middle. This will be for our front door, and we're gonna offset one feet six inches for a 36 inch door. And go and delete that. Let's go ahead and trim, and I'm gonna go ahead, offset. Three feet six inches on the side can offset three feet for a window. I am going to trim this and you know I'm gonna draw a line again. So I could just mere from the center here in AM I for mirror, Grab these two just mere from that center point and just click No for, uh, created copy our julie original. I mean, then we'll delete that. So now we have These are all 36 inches when I have a door, two windows here, and this at a window off this war here. And let's make it. Let's go off three feet from that wall, and then it will be another 36 inch window. Let's extend it there and we'll do it and trim. Trim it out. And now it's at some to the back of our house. So what I'm gonna do here is gonna add a door and a window. So let's go ahead and offset. Let's do six inches off the wall. Can will go three feet for our door. Don't extend that, and we'll trim great the all these lines. And, um, you know what? Let's just keep it at those three foot increments and these, and I don't want it to be too close to the edge here, so let's see. 23 Okay, that's that's okay. We'll leave, and I'm gonna go ahead and make this symmetrical here, so I'm gonna do is going to go in and pick that center point again. And let's go ahead and mirror this window there and let's go ahead and trim that out. And there he goes. And now we have, uh, a room here with our windows. Get a windows there and this will be a bath. So we don't need any windows here. We only don't need anything. Here is well for our utility room. And that looks good. So now what I need to do now that I have all my openings set. Actually, one more. Let's add one more on this wall for our, uh, dining area. So I'm going to go in this century. It actually before do that, I'm offset A, um, offset 12 inches for my bar top overhang. And then I'm going to center a window in that space. I'm gonna draw a line, come out here and we're gonna do a double window Here. Go three feet on both sides and it's delete that he's trim. And there we dio. So now I have all my openings for my windows clean. That So I have all my openings for my windows and all my openings for my doors, except for one right here. Let's go. I'm just gonna make this a small door, just a two foot door. I'm going to go 12 engines on each side. Let's delete that. And this. Trim that out. Okay, so now we have all our openings for our doors and windows. So now let's go ahead and start filling these in with actual window and door symbols, and that's 7. Creating Window Blocks: Okay, So to draw our windows, what I'm going to do is create a window block. So to do that, I'm going to go ahead and draw my first window and going to go ahead and type l for line. And I'm just gonna draw this window. I'm going to I'm going to align it with my my wall, not the break. And then what I'm going to do with the brake is I'm going to offset an inch and come out of inch just for like, a window sill and straw line here. Go out of inch and we'll come back here and it's going to use the Philip Command to clean that up. And I'm gonna draw line here, and this will be our actual window. And it's offset an inch off. Seven is there, And let's do some trimming. And excuse me, I'm going. Teoh, change this to White. So this will actually be our glass. So and I mean, make that there. I'm going to get rid of that little extra line. There is overlapping. Don't really need that. And with match, use the match. I'm sorry, m a for match Property's gonna click here. Click there and imagines it with that blue color. Okay, so now I've created a window that I can use in all my areas here. So I'm gonna do to create a block. Isn't going Teoh? Um type right block W w uh, walk B l O c k Answer. And it's going to ask me to select the object that I want to create a block from. And we just left all the usable lines here for my window, and they're gonna hit right click. And I do want to pick a base point. So I'm gonna go ahead and click that for my base point, and then it's gonna ask me for a destination, and I'm going Teoh just going to leave that and that default full that I have there and click. OK, okay. So it did not create this one into a block. But if I go to insert now, I should have that block in there and I don't remember what I called it. Let's go back to block like objects and OK, I just called it a new block. Unfortunately, actually gave that a better name, but let's go. If I go to insert block and it should be in here. And no, I probably you'll find it. So let's go here Two blocks and it should be called New Block. There it is open and you get you just like, whatever folder you want and just going click. OK? And there's my block and I do click there, and it's asking I could go ahead and adjust in rotation of it. I'm going to leave that hit answer to enter that command again. It okay? And I just go around to wherever I had a 36 inch window and pop those in and I didn't really see that, right? Just go in. There are for rotate. It's like the end point. There we go. Copy that, Hamlets. Copy this over here, G o. And so this one is a double window. So I'm gonna do is I'm going to borrow this, and we're gonna just modified a little bit for this one, and we're gonna do is going to explode this block. Okay, now going, Teoh, Stretch it like that endpoint Teoh here and then this is gonna be a double windows. I'm going to draw a line here and offset an inch each side. Just 11. Know that these are This is a mold together window. And one thing to keep in mind is that you don't really need Teoh. Draw the window. Exactly the ways put together. Basically you're drawing a symbol. There is a window symbol. So as long as you're just when we go to dimension it, we're gonna dimension to the center of it. And that should be sufficient for one of the houses being built. They could find a center and whatever rough opening of the particular brand that they're buying of windows. If you have the center, you should be fine when you go to stop that. So Okay, so there we have it. We've popped in all of our windows. Now let's move on, Teoh doing the doors. 8. Creating Door Blocks: Okay. Now, to add our doors, I'm gonna use a similar function. We're gonna create a block and withdraw line at three feet, and I'm going Teoh 1.5 inches and it's go back three feet, ask up close, and then I'm gonna draw a circle and connected to that point. They're actually mean backed up me reset circle, and I wanted to connect there. So now let's do some trim, some trimming here and there we go. So there we have our door, and I'm going to change the color of this. Um, don't want to be the same as the windows. I'm gonna use the magenta color and let's go ahead and create a block. So let's go to w block again, handless like they're objects and right click. And this time let's give it appropriate name and was call it door, Okay. And again didn't create that one into block. But that's OK. And I'm gonna show you a trick that you can use the same block for other doors. Something to hit, insert, uh, block and good to browse. And I think we just call the door right there it goes. Andi, actually, I did not pick a base point. So let's try that again. Um was creative block again with the base point, So really w block pick the base point there, Riggio. And let's see if it'll let me save over that same one. Yes, We want to replace it. Okay. And let's go to insert block door and yeah, we want to redefine it. And there we go. OK, so now this door is it's going to be a 36 inch door, which I only have two 36 inch doors up, so I lost my door. Okay, there it is. Okay. And there we go. So that fits perfectly there, because it's a 36 inch door. But, um, for these, I'm going to have to just so we're gonna do that type scale and sir, having a select it, select that point there are for reference length click from here to here, and then I'm going to drag it down to there. I'm gonna go ahead and near this door since it's swinging one of the swing inside the room and let's go ahead and mirror door I for mere will hit near that there. And that's going to mirror over here as well. And this copy door for closet here. And I wanted to swing open the other way. Um, yeah, I want it that way and click there and again, it's the wrong size. So I'm gonna do this scale and hit reference that point, do there and just scale it down to that that area. Okay, so let's keep on now. I'm gonna do the same thing here, going a mere these doors and let's Skillet. It's like both like the point there are for reference. Click once. Think again, drag our mouths go. And this smear it. But I for mere let those two wanted this suing out right there. Okay. And let's grab this door for our closet here, and we're going to click that having opening out. And we have one more set of doors over here, and it's actually double door. So this copy this one and we go right there is a mirror. And there we dio so there we've added our doors in this house 9. Inserting Fixtures: Okay, so now let's go ahead and add some fixtures to our four plan. So first thing I'm gonna do is add some shelving to our cause. It's gonna offset one foot and just have that self just wrapping around there and we'll offset afoot here. But here and a foot there and even for our for our laundry room are going off set for itself above there and for a closet. And let's add some overhead walk cabinets to our kitchen and we'll do that. And that's good. Must be some trimming. Good trim that and we'll trim are stubborn. Walk happens there, and we want to change the color of my war cabinets. Make it white. And actually, for all my pictures, I'm going to go with a white color was going match properties, and I'm gonna offset two inches. So for my shelves in the closet, I want to have a shelf and a rod so typically you can show a dash line underneath. You're or offset offset two inches and we'll show a dash line and that will signify our rod and we're good and have that here and change the color and the line type So 1st 1 to change the color to Magenta. And here I want to change to a dash line. But you don't see the dashed line here. Something to click other and we go to load. And we're gonna go Teoh actually load a few different line types here. Or you could select of all if you want to just hold down, shift and select everything, but I'm not gonna select all them I'm going to select Let's do some center lines and some asked, not yet Here there dashed and are hidden lines. So we're gonna go and load those into our drawing, just you know. Okay, now I'm going. It's like these again. And now they appear here and let's say dash to and the reason why I look so small because my line type scale lt s it's a short cut. It set toe one. So I'm gonna change that to let's do 48. Uh, a little too much. Let's get a line type scale. 12. Alex. Better. Um, that shouldn't go. Was trying 48. Yeah, I meant to 24. Lt's LTs 24. Okay, let's try that for now. Going to match that it's matched more properties here. Okay. And this one, I'm not going. Teoh show a rod underneath because this one will just say is just shelving just shelving. This is just a shelf here, and this is overhead walk habits. And also another thing when a change is more cabinet above the fridge for the refrigerator . I wanted to be lined up with the refrigerator. Okay, let's go ahead and we'll set that. And for my dishwasher, I'm going to go ahead on, uh, let's go, Teoh white layer and we just exit out. And that's kind of Ah, universal symbol for an appliance. So that's gonna show that there's a dishwasher, some kind of applies underneath there, and we would get rid of some of these extra lines I don't really need. And okay, so Okay, one more thing before we get into importing pictures and offset two feet for my vanity cabinet for my bathroom and offset three feet for a tub or a shower and then offset three feet for the space for water closet Or totally. And let's go to change these Teoh white and there we go. So this will be our vanity, our toilet area and are, uh, tub shower. Okay, so we want to assert some some blocks, right? So we can go Teoh a couple different places. The fights, a very good blocks and one I'm going to mention here is cad Dash blocs dot net. So they have, ah, lot of blocks that you could download for free that you can use in order, cat. So I'm just selected a couple here. Here we have some water closet Bloxham sinks just a pretty good variety, and you can create some of these on your own. Or you could just download them and import them into your drawings. All you have to do is just click download and you'll be able Teoh, open these up. And there we have some rain. So it's a very good blocks from catwalks dot net. There's a website right up here and let's go back to You are drawing. And I've already downloaded some of these, so I'm gonna go here and let's look it first would look at our water closets and it's going to select one. Just nothing to fancies over a small house. Um, so let's just do, um yeah, this Maybe this might work, actually do something a little nicer. What's going and will select goodness like this one here. Okay, So I just at a copy for that, I am gonna go back to my drawing and paste it in. And there, you see, the scale is pretty office. I'm gonna hit scale. And I believe for these cad .net ones. If I scaled down 2.5 I think that puts it right about the correct size. And it's moving over to here, and I'm gonna ready Drop that there. And before I do that, I'm gonna offset three feet here and we'll be there, and that's you see, we're centering our tub there, so I'm gonna ggo one feet six, and it's often this an inch off the wall. I believe that. Okay, I'm gonna pick a center point here for my sink, and let's go ahead and choose a sink. And I believe it's right here. And actually, this is for kitchen sink. So let's get to vanity sinks, and I will select um, this one right here. It's good. Edit. Copy. Hands go here and it paste. And go ahead. Roads Eat that. Actually, I'm sorry scale and we'll go 0.5 That's going to move this over, and we're going to rotate it. And it's going just pretty about center of that vanity, okay? And if you see, the color is different. If I go in and open the block and selected all, um, it should be going to the white color. It's prognosis on that zero layer. Let me close. Save changes Can see that is basically going by the layer. So well, I see. Try to open it again. Let's try that again. Uh, have exploded and there is going by layer. We wanted to just be white, something click save. And there should be white no matter what layers on. Okay, good. All right. So now I need a tub for my area here, and I'm just going to create my own here, and I'm gonna do a pee line. I'm gonna draw a line around here and it closed. And let's go to offset about three inches. And, uh, I'm going use the Philip Command and watching. It's about three inches. Well, I don't see g o just kind of give it a bit around the edges there. Uh, nothing really fancy just doing nudging their toe picture here. And I want to signify where the faucet is going to be something good and just draw. Um, just a little triangle here to signify this is where the shower it should be. And that's going to drop that there. Riggio. That's going to change a layer color again. You're just drawing symbols, not trying to draw exact product. That's going to be there. It's okay if you find an exact product and you have a cat file of it, you can throw it in, Um, but it's it's not totally necessary. Unless it's just not a standard size and you show a little drain, there's Well, Okay, good. So now let's insert some of our kitchen pictures, which is gonna be a fridge aerator arranged in a sink. So let's go. Teoh are ranges here, and we're going to just select something pretty generic. Um, we'll just go with that. Actually, go with this one here at it, copy, and it's good to paste it into our drawing and then scale it down 0.5 and it's ah, a little bit too small. So I'm going to go and exploded and going to stretch it to oops, exploded on time. There you go, and we're going to stretch it to where we need to be. All right, so that would be our range. And then let's find a refrigerator. And I believe here we have under appliances and this this one right here, I think, is good. So it was going to select that and let's go to our plan and paste it in, um, scale it down 0.5 rotated and again, it's ah, pretty big. So this one's probably a lot larger than I thought it was, but, uh, it's care one more time. It's reference about their and their Riggio out of work for this. And let's see, so we have that now need our sink. So I'm going to go to draw a line here. So I have a center point for my sink, and that's given. Teoh sings here, actually, kitchen sinks that was just picked. This one right here should be good. It at a copy. Four plan and it paste. I would say scaling Dam 0.5 and let's move it, Teoh there, and it's just push it out. Little edge. Get rid of those lines. And there we go. So now we have our refrigerator, our range sink. We have our bathroom fixtures. Eso we need a washer and dryer, which I'm just gonna grab one that I have from another drawing that I did right here. Just some very basic symbols just for some standard size washers, dryers and and it paste. And it's going to rotate it. And we're just going Teoh center it draw a line there to grab the center of both of those. Yeah, just come back to that wall there. And one thing I'm gonna do here is this wall is a forage wall. But when we have so much planning on wall, we wanted to be a little bit thicker, so I'm gonna stretch that two inches. So now it's a two by six wall, and there we have our washing dryer. We have the shelf above it, Tom, and actually gonna draw the shelf dash just to show that it's above. And that's good, too. He didn't live. There you go. And I think we're good. So we have all our fixtures in now and we have our, um, doors and windows and everything. So one more thing gonna show here showed his dash hidden so that you know that this is a strong line here. So what I'm doing here is showing that this is what these air war cabinets above these air base cabinets. And this is showing that you have a base cabinet, a dishwasher base cabinet, and this is overhang. So way will label this one get to the the the dimension ing and text portion of this course . But so far, it looks good. So let's move on the next part. 10. Dimensioning Exterior: Okay, so the next thing we want to do is add dimensions to this drawing. So I'm gonna do is go to layers, click here to give into that layers. I'm going to create a new layer, and we're gonna call this dimensions and I'm going to change the color. We'll just go with this nine. Just click, OK? And the sticks out of that. And now we want to set our dimension styles. I'm gonna type d dims for our dimension style manager and see, I have one that's already created here. But just to show you what I did, I'm gonna go click modify. And here you can see I have, Ah, the dimension line color sets a nine the colors at nine. Just the offset from the origin. So if you want to just kind of just copy these parameters that I have you should come out with the same exact style that I have. And here I'm just using this architectural tick style here. So you can you see, I could change it. I only did that architectural tick, um, for leaders, it showing the clothes arrow. And here's the aero size and let's go to text. So it's just using my standard text now that I have set. And if I wanted to see what that is, I go here and here you see, it sets a standard aerial the height of its six inches. Again, I could modify these if I want. I believe those as they are for now and let's see takes a lineman is, Ah, a lot of with Dimension line so you can see the differences there and a text placement is above the dimension line and the fits here. We haven't overall scale. It's just said to that one, and that's a pretty important to you. If you mess with that's going, Teoh pretty dramatically change the size of everything, so just you could copy that. Leave it there. Here's another important thing to primary units. Make sure you haven't said to architectural. That's what you're working in and the precision. I just have it down to half a niche. I really don't have any need todo more precise than that for what I'm doing at the moment. Now, if I'm doing something more detailed, you know, some cabinet, uh, lay out details. I may have to get a little bit more specific than that. But for what we're doing right now, this is fine. Okay, so these other ones I don't really need to do anything to, So I'm gonna leave that as it ISS, and I'm gonna click, OK? And just make sure that it is set current, and I'm gonna close that. So now I'm gonna go here and go to that dimension layer, and I'm going to start dimension ing. So I'm going to click here to my linear dimensions. And what I want to do first is I want to get some overall dimensions, so just even click there, and I'm just gonna enter to jump right back into those commands and offset there. So for these exterior dimensions, what I really want to get is, uh, the window and door openings is really and any offsets that the plan may have. So for now, this plan is it's just a rectangle, So there's not really any other offsets, so it's pretty easy into dimension. But, um, the main thing I want to do is get the wall offsets and the window and door locations. So I do want the center of that. So I'm gonna have a drawn line here and it's going to draw a line. Okay, so now let's go back to Dimension ing. And I could click on this continued dimension here, and it will just continue off the last dimension. And I click Centrepoint there there, and let's keep going around the house. But endpoints and point and try to keep him fairly evenly spaced out and measured to the center of the window to the edge of the wall. And let's do the same for the back here and again, Um, go to the one, eh? Flair to draw a line here for the edge of the house and we'll go ahead and change the code . So bite for that. Go back to Dimension Layer. I think I do this one on dimensional areas. Let's move that Teoh one f change its white as well. Yeah, and all right, let's go do your dimensions to the continuation There and there we go. So now we've dimensional complete exterior Tomorrow 11. Dimensioning Interior: Okay, so now for the interior, it's a little bit different. So we want to do is getting back into our dimension, uh, tool here. And I'm going to dimension from the exterior to only one side of the wall. And the reason why I want to do it like that is because when ah, builder or framer is laying out the house that they want to do kind of ah, continual dimension string. So that, um they can lay out all the balls or indicate where all the walls are gonna be laid out. So you're not. You're only going to label the dimension on one side so that right now, I'm sure that four inches so the nominal size of wood is 3.5. But when you add sheet rock, it's actually 4.5, but we're only showing four inches. But if they if you only measure one side of it, they can lay them all out, and all your walls will come out correct where they're supposed to be. But if I measure four inches, then it's going to become hard for them to set the wall because the she rock is not on there. So it's either you draw that 3.5 and then you could measure wall a wall or you only dimension to one point or a center point. Which center points just becomes a little bit more problematic, a little bit harder to dimension. But so I just try to stay consistent. Whatever dimension ing style you're using right here, you can see I went from the exterior to one side to the left side, left side, and then all the way to the exterior again. So and here I could do the same thing for this. Go just to hit that wall there and just do it right about there and I don't need to keep going has already got to mention, but I try to keep, uh, just one continuous string of dimensions as much as possible. And let's go ahead and start on this end of the house and I'll measure to where the base cabinets starts. So that's going to be right here. And let's continue to the left side again. Left side that side to exterior. Okay, and we've hit pretty much All of our whores are vertical walls. Now let's do the ones that are running horizontal. So I'm gonna do the same style when they grab one end and we'll go ahead and measure to this bottom side and dimension to the end again, we're just gonna want continually do this stream of dimensions. So many missions you there and to the end, continue the stream here and we're going to end here. I'm gonna go ahead and, uh, I hit this as well, and here we can see, you're kind of getting in the way of each other, so I'm gonna kind of move them on my own Here, scrap those note A little great points. Can I could move those dimensions and let's keep going. So we need to measure this wall. So I'm going to grab, Okay, the exterior. And again, we're hitting the bottom only the bottoms of the walls. Okay. And you can measure the center of this door opening if you want, But a lot of times Builder will know just by looking at it that, you know, you're that Wallace being placed in the centre sometimes is a little bit of overkill to do that. But if you wanna make sure everything is exactly right. You could make dimension those. But, like, let's say in his closet, it's kind of common dollars that that's going to be in the center. This is gonna be in the center. So again, you can't measure the doors if you want. You don't necessarily have to just common practice. So Okay, so I think we've got all our walls. I'm going Teoh, we have our cabinet. They're going to go ahead and fix this right here and see a layer that I didn't quite get right Here we go and go ahead and dimension the island and good. And it's a three foot island. And to use up all their okay, So I think we've got all our walls. Let me go ahead and move this dimension about there. All right? So now that we've on Teoh adding some tech 12. Room Labels: Okay, So for the text I'm going to use is the function called and text, uh, multi line text. And I'm going to go ahead and just put the area. And here I could change the size of my text and font style or just already have a standard style selected. I could do that. So I'm going to leave it to Ariel. But I'm gonna change the size of my text. So let's try eight and jizzy with that looks like, and that might be fine. So I wanted to do this type living room, and we would go ahead and just I drink that down a little bit, and I think that's a good size. And nothing we could do is like a highlight. This could underline it if I want, and I'm just gonna copy it. And I'm just gonna copies of all the areas I know. I'm gonna put text, and I'll edit it afterwards and keep going. Okay, So this is going to be our dining area. Yeah, I just moved around is gonna be our kitchen. I was going Teoh, you know that. I'll just call this the hallway and we'll say this is a bedroom number one and bend your number two. And we'll just say, this is, uh, called laundry. And it's a little bit too big for this room. So let's go ahead and change the size of the text. If I could move it around slightly, um, go just kind of abbreviated. Uh, and one thing I want to do is I'm going to draw a line in the, uh actually, one thing I messed up. I don't want this to be on Dimension Layers. So let's go back. I am gonna hit new layer and we'll call this text, and I'll change the color to Green, actually make it the white player and going to go in and select all the text. I just did. I'm gonna move those two that new text layer, all right? And that I get that right. It's called. It's just the math and my money to change. Change the size. No kind of fits in there. That's good. Okay. And we'll call this cause it and copied over here. Okay, so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go back to this one, eh? Flair and draw a line here because, um for my laundry room. I don't want the floor to be the same as the living room. So I'm going to add some more text to differentiate. Um, the the flooring over here and also in the bathroom. So in wet areas, you typically want tohave um, tile as opposed Teoh would or carpet. So I'm going Teoh, um add that text in a smaller format underneath our room labels, so let's continue on to adding some or text annotation. 13. Interior Annotation: Okay, So for the additional text annotation, I'm going to use Inditex again and, um, parting. Leave it at six inches and we want to do is typically you want to see a room size and maybe the ceiling height or flooring type. So let's start with the room size for this one, which we're going to say it's 24 7 and I'm going to go ahead and just do a temporary dimension here. I could actually keep it on here. Let's go to Dimension Sherman dimensional layer and draw a line there. Okay, so it's good to the multi ticks or multi line ticks. And I'm going to say this room is 24 feet, seven inches by 13 feet, four inches. And, uh, we'll say it's a ceiling, and that's pretty much what we're going to do throughout this house, and we'll say it would for And I'm gonna go ahead and center those and it's not pretty large sticks. I'm gonna actually change the size. It's got four inches that seems a little bit more appropriate, and let's continue. I'm going to copy this format and we'll go to the dining area, and here we see it 16 by 10 will say so we're gonna go 16 16 1 cards and feet and everything else will keep the same people ceiling, wood flooring and for our laundry, What's going here? And we see it's, Ah, it's about for a by seven to So we'll just type that in here for it's for by seven feet, two inches. Um, ceiling. And we'll just abbreviate good floor and just to say would actually I'm sorry. This is where we're gonna change it up. So we'll say tile. All right, this just keep on and actually gonna grab this. So let's do carpet in the bedroom. So again, I'm going to show that there's a break in the floor system and it's going to copy this over and here we're points. You just dimension the room. So it's 14 by 11 saying 14 feet zero inches by 11 feet, and we're going to say the same Mrs Carpet, and it's copy this over here and to mention this room, just to make sure we got the right dimensions. So it's 12 by 13 8 and if it's zero is that you don't put your inches, just gonna leave that as is. And the carpet, uh, we can't just assume it will flow over to the cause. It there think it's pretty safe to seem that. And let's do our kitchen. We will say the kitchen will measure all the way out to the edge. Here is 11 6 by 12 0 So that's to say, 11 feet six inches by 12 feet. And, um, we'll leave this wood flooring as well for the bathroom. We want tile. So I'm gonna go copy this one over here and five feet by, uh, 12 feet said, leave us. Just do that one more time. Yeah, so it's five by 12 so just say, five feet by 12 feet and it is time. Okay, so now the next thing we want to do is we want to, um we want to add a fume or text annotations in are drawn here. So I'm going to keep using this multi line text, and we're gonna go here, and I'm gonna start labeling some of my appliances here. So let's go to D. W. Will be for a dishwasher. Copy that. Over here. Actually, we'll go to put it in there. This will be for our sink, our range, our refrigerator and a lot of text that we can do. You want to kind of make sure everything is pretty clear when you're creating drawings. Eso the you know, builders not wondering what supposed to go where. So we'll say this is a 12 inch overhang. I'm gonna go ahead and rotate the text and this is a base cabinet. This is our sink. This is a 30 range with vent hood above and the good thing about multi line Texas, you can just see answer, and it'll kind of space it over it. I'm gonna change the size of it. I don't have a lot of space to work with there, So see if we could squeeze it in and move this text out the way. Um and this is a problem again, with the dimensions dimension. My sometimes is just It's hard. Teoh keep everything aligned. But I do like to do my dimensions first and work my text around as much as possible. So we call this. This is just the base cabinets and above it there will be some upper walk cabinets which you can abbreviate upper or uppers and I'll keep on just adding that six around here, and I'm just copying and dragging and going to rotate this. It's really treated that way. Okay? And this is a 36 inch refrigerator. Okay, so that looks good. And let's keep adding some more labels here will just say this is, uh, Lab Laboratories Inc. We'll just leave with this water closet and we label this tub shower and for a closet. We can't label the number of cells we could say one self slash one rod. And you know, sometimes some houses or some plans will have to shows two rods so I can go ahead and move that over here and we'll say, This is two shells, two rods. It's copy this to our other closet. Copy this over here and here. I'll just say this is just shells. And it may have to move my dimension out the way here, all right? And we'll just call this a linen closet and grab this for this. We'll call this just show myself above there and see if we missed anything. We have all our interior details. Dimensions are labeled and dimensions, so the next thing we'll do is dimension. Our doors 14. Door and Window Labels: Okay. So for our doors and windows, when I'm going to do again is just gonna copy this multi line text and going to I just use a sighs, uh, invitation for our doors. And that just means it's three feet by six feet, eight inches. So I'm going to move this here, and I'm going to change the size of this sort of six inches. That might be too much. Let's go. Five make a little bit, uh, stand out a little bit more. So have another 3068 in a rear over here. And we know that these are 2868 And 60 day is a pretty typical dimension for interior doors . Um, we know this one was it, too? Oh, this was a to four. It's copies here. So for this one, this was, uh, this is a double Doors were going to say it's to dash Teoh 68 So that means there's too. It's a double door to 268 doors there, and, uh, one more over here and let's see what else? I think we got all our interior doors. So now for the windows, a little bit different where I'm gonna do is we're gonna all again We're just going to name the side of the window, which I'm going to say These are 3050 windows and they are at least this one. We're going to say they're single hung windows. Um, and the header heights, We will say it's going to be at six feet eight to match our doors and windows. So that's gonna be the typical window we're gonna use for our for home here and what's going to rotate? This looks little better. And for this one senses a double. All I'm going to do is just say it's too wide. Dash 3050 single hung with the headers at six feet eight. All right, I think that's it for our doors, windows and, uh, labelling. So next time we want Dio is, um Well, one more than labour I'm going to add is just are and our plan indicator here. So I'm just gonna draw the line and a circle, and you may find a place at some good tempest of this. But it's easy to just create on your own as well and use a text. We'll call this our four plan and maybe change the size of it. Let's go to eight inches, and I've also add scale, and we'll won't need this to be so big. So go down five and probably put this out 1/4 in scale. Quarter inch equals a foot. And when I once, I go to the, uh, just the plotting portion of this, uh, less and I'll show you how we set that scale. And I think that's good. So the one thing I'm gonna do to this plan is add some hatching just for some better visual aspects of strong. So that list 15. Plot Styles: and one last thing if you're planned when you go to your plot setting is not looking like mind over here. The reason why is because our pen settings are not the same. So I'm going to go over how Teoh adjust your pen setting. So here I have a custom plot style that I've created so that you create your own plot style . You can click here, or I could click here to edit the one I currently have, so I'll show you some of the adjustments that I've made. So here we have the color one and you see that the line wait I have is 0.4 and the color I'm using is black. So you can see the ones that I've changed this one. I have not changed. It's just that the defaults green again. I've changed it to that 10.4 millimeter line. Wait. And here you see this scion? I've changed at 2.3 blue 0.15 the magenta A little bit of a softer pen at 0.2 And here you see again. So color nine, which is what I use sort of dimensions you can see is that 90.13 and pretty soft light pen and 12 is what I use for the hatching, you see, is that 120.1. And I think that's about it. And, um, we know that for the hatching that I did here, I used the true color. So true color is just going to plot, um, whatever color that you chose. And let's go back to that one more time to plot setting. And one more thing I'm gonna show here says Plot, object line weights. So if I actually drew something with a heavier line weight, it would show it if I had to selected. And if I unclip plot with plot styles is basically is basically going to ignore what I've done here. So let's get a preview. And there we see it's showing all the normal colors of the layers, which that's not what I wanted. So gonna escape and let's go ahead and click plot with plot styles and it's gonna preview. And now we see it's just made everything black and according to the line weight that I assigned to it in the pen setting. So there we have it. I hope you've enjoyed this course on creating floor plans and I will see you next time. Thanks 16. Promo vid: hi and welcome to the residential architect course how to create before plan. In this course, we will create a floor plan from zero. We will be creating a two bedroom, one bath home with a kitchen living and dining area. So if you have been wanting to learn how to draw four plan but just don't know where to start, this course is for you. I'm Thomas Soul Train and I have been going floor plans for over 20 years now, and I have learned a lot of tips and tricks along the way when using all caps. So if you want to learn how to draw for and while in this course today and let's get started.