Prototype Smarter: Creating a Sketch Symbol Library | Tina Musich | Skillshare

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Prototype Smarter: Creating a Sketch Symbol Library

teacher avatar Tina Musich, Lead Product Designer @ PowerSchool

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Meet and Greet


    • 2.

      What are symbols?


    • 3.

      Making a Symbol


    • 4.

      Adding and Editing Symbols


    • 5.

      Resizing Symbols


    • 6.

      Creating Complex Symbols


    • 7.

      Naming and Organization


    • 8.

      Using Your Library


    • 9.

      Using Symbols Across Form Factors


    • 10.

      Project Time!


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About This Class

Many designers have picked up Sketch in the last few years as the tool of choice for designing websites and apps. In this class you will learn how to take your sketch prototyping to the next level. I'll take you through how to create a library full of reusable symbols that can be used across projects and team members. As more and more organizations move towards using design systems, sketch symbol libraries are an easy way to align coded components with prototyping components.

Whether you are a team of 1 or a team of many, symbol libraries will make your design workflow a whole lot more efficient.

In this class you will learn how to:

  • Create a symbol library from a style guide or mockup
  • Build symbols that can be resized and customized in controlled ways
  • Organize your symbols so they are easy to access
  • Maintain consistency across your projects
  • Set yourself up for faster, more efficient experimentation and prototyping

Music composed by Holden Holden
Stock Images by Pexels
Icons by Material Design

Meet Your Teacher

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Tina Musich

Lead Product Designer @ PowerSchool


Hey there, I'm Tina! I am a UX designer by day and an embroiderer and weaver by night. I've been a designer/researcher at companies like IBM, athenahealth, and finally Schoology for 6 years flexing my brain to tackle big, tricky problems. 

I've had the pleasure of being able to wear all of the hats so far in my career. Researcher, visual designer, interaction designer, information architect, and strategist. Although I am always still learning, I have a lot to share about what I've picked up along the way by way of soft and hard skills. 

I hope the classes I teach help other UXers to become more efficient and effective in whatever roles they play! Our jobs are not easy, but man are they fun! :)

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1. Meet and Greet: [Music] Design is moving quickly. We work on Agile teams and iterate rapidly based on feedback from users and stakeholders. Unfortunately, we spend much more time making changes to mock-ups than we do thinking about the big problems that users face. My name is Tina Musich and I'm a UX designer. I've been using Sketch nearly every day for the past few years. I've really gotten to know the ins and outs. Just last year, I sought to convert our teams UX pattern library into reusable elements in sketch with great success. I want to share what I've learned with you in this class. Through these lessons, you will learn to prototype and iterate faster by using a symbol library in Sketch. Whether you're using a design system or creating patterns as you go, similar libraries help streamline your process as well as keep consistency across your projects. You can make an element like a button once and use it forever and ever in Sketch. If you're working on a team having a symbol library is crucial to keeping your mock-ups in sync. Let's get started. 2. What are symbols?: So first off, let's talk little bit about what symbols are. A symbol on sketch is a single source of truth, it's an element that exists in one spot and it's maintained in that spot but can be used in multiple other art boards or projects and this is how they work. So you have your symbol and that is the single source of truth but you can also use that symbol in different places and when you do that, those are called instances of the symbol. When you update a symbol, the change rules out to all the instances where you used that symbol and to change the symbol again, it updates in all the instances again. So now you understand what symbols do, but why should you use them? The first one is that it maintains consistency across your project. Let's say you're working on your project and you have two art boards that are pretty similar and you want to make a change. So normally what you do is you may add some extra links to your top navigation. You might change the color. Maybe you're making some elements bigger then you have to take those changes and either paste them or redo them in all the other boards. So yes, that's doable, but it takes time and it's just annoying to have to keep doing. If you have a symbol library, you can do something like this. I want to add a couple of links to my navigation and updates in all of my art boards. Now I want to change the color and continues to update them art boards. Lastly, I want to change the size of that element and the chain rules out to all the art boards. I can't tell you how many times I want to move something over, maybe even just a few pixels. I want to swap things out and by building in symbols to my work, I can make those changes go across all of my art close really easily without using symbols and sketch, I will be doing a lot of copying, pasting, creating new art boards and generally just bustling around with a lot of elements over and over and over again. When I'm working on projects, I'm always experimenting and changing things around and using the symbols allows me to do that really quickly and without that pain of copying and pasting 1000 times. Another reason to use symbols and sketch is to maintain consistency across your whole team's projects. So we talked about just keeping all of your art boards in your project in sync. But you might be working on a team and there could be some symbols that you share as a team, maybe the top navigation on your application is always the same or you have a style guide with buttons and colors and form fields and all of those elements that you all share as a team with a symbol library, if someone on your team is, let's say adding some thing to the top navigation will propagate across all the files using that symbol library. If you decide to change the color, both Neha and Kevin's files will update and have the correct top navigation. If your project team or design team has the problem where all of your mock-ups are looking slightly different and it's maybe causing confusion with your engineering teams or causing confusion and within your own team, using your symbol library can help make sure that everyone on the team is pulling from the same elements and therefore create a more consistent design across your entire company. The last item is that it helps you to prototype faster and more efficiently. I don't know about you, but I'm always getting feedback from different people on the design team and the product team and stakeholders. Sometimes I'll hear something from our engineering team about what's more difficult to build and I need to make adjustments or what doesn't fit with the data that we're using and before I started using symbols, I would have to constantly keep changing multiple elements on every page every time I got feedback. I also was creating a lot of elements over and over and over again. There wasn't really a good place to keep them and I was pulling from old files and all these things contribute to slowing down your prototyping. Making harder for you to create wireframes and mock-ups and get them into the hands of users so you can do your testing. So if you have a symbol library, you have all these elements that you can just pull in as needed. They'll be really easy to resize, to edit if you want to make changes and it helps to accelerate the whole process of designing, iterating and so on and so on. 3. Making a Symbol: Let's get into the nitty-gritty symbol library collection. If you have style guide at different components like buttons and form fields, then you're already a step ahead and creating a library, is going to be much easier. As for me, I'm often creating symbols as I need them. I'll work on a mockup, also adding symbols, I'll edit those symbols already on my mockups. First thing I want to do is add some colors as symbols. This is super easy and we're going to learn the basics. I already have this color palette here. In order to make a symbol, all you have to do is select whatever you want to be in that symbol. So this one is rectangle copy 13. I didn't rename it. You don't have to rename it right now either because we can name it when we make the symbol. All you could do with this symbol is just click on what you want to be in the symbol. In this case just one element. Then I want to right click and open this menu and I'm going to go down to create symbol. For now I'm going to call this black. I can name my symbol whatever I want here. [inaudible] into naming a little bit later and then I'll help organize your library, but for now let's keep it simple and we'll just call it black. Then there's this button, send symbol to symbols page. I'm going to keep this checked. This is going to create a page for us that holds all of our symbols. All I'm going to do is click "Okay." Now a few things changed. Let's check it out. On the left side, you can see enormous rectangle copy 13 says black, and that was the name that we chose for our symbol. You know this is symbol because it has this icon with the two arrows. That's the icon for symbols. What else has changed. On the right side we can see this symbol area. I can close it if I want. This is where you can swap out symbols. If I open this, it shows me all the symbols I have in my symbol library. We just made our first one, so we only have one symbol and that's the black color. I can do a couple of things here, but I'll get to it a little bit later. Lastly, we have the symbols page and that's where all our symbols lives. If we click on that, you can see this page and we have basically an artboard and everything that's on the artboard is just this black color. We have black but we want to add the other colors. I'm going to go back to my page 1. Unless you're adding the rest of these colors, right-click create symbol. We'll call this gray 4 and then go here, and I'll call this gray 3. Let's check out what the simple page looks like. I have all my colors, all stacked up here and they are named. Then we will see them on the left. All the artboards with the rectangles. If I go to my page, I can see all these are symbols because they have the double arrows. In the next lesson, we're going to use these colored symbols to make our design more flexible. 4. Adding and Editing Symbols: We have these symbols that live on our symbols page. But when we use them in another page, they're called Instances. See you can have multiple instances of one symbol, and that's the idea. There's a source of truth that lives on the symbol page. You can change things on a symbol page and updates everywhere that there is an instance of that symbol in your document. Even as we get deeper into symbol libraries, it can cascade across multiple documents. Let's go over to our document. You can see that I have this darker gray header that I want to use one of my great colors symbols instead. I'm going to delete this header, and I want to go up to the top left and go down to symbols. I can see all these symbols in my document here they are black, dirt peach. I wanted gray too, so I'm going to put in this square. You can see within my homepage page, I have my gray two symbol. I'm going to take that, and I'm just going to drag it to the size that I want. Then I'm going to send it to the back so it's underneath. What I can do now is couple of things. Now that it's a simple, for one, I could edit this symbol and I could change this color. I can double-click into any symbol and takes me right to the symbols page and to that symbol. I can go in, click on the rectangle, go over here to fills, and I can change it to bright blue. Then I can return to the instance. Now, my header is blue, but I'm going to undo that because I like [inaudible] color. Here we go, undo, send it back. Another thing that I could do is pull from all the colors that we just created over here as symbols. I can click on it and I can go over to the symbol area. Click on the "dropdown," and I can choose from any color I want to have a peach header, dark peach header. This gives me the flexibility to mess around and see how things work out in a very lightweight way. I have a few icons here. I have this user icon that's drop-down arrow star that I want to turn into symbols so I can use them across my project. The first thing we're going to do is click on my icon, this star icon. I'm going to right click and create symbol. Let call it static. But I don't want this icon to be black, I actually wanted to maybe different colors in different places. I'm going to go into this symbol, double-click in. I'm going to do something called symbol Inception, where I take one symbol and I put it into another symbol. Sounds confusing, but it's super powerful and I'm going to walk you through it. What I want is for this symbol to be certain color. I'm going to go up here, little my symbols. I want it to be dark peach. Spiegel square, piece it down. Actually, I'm just make the size smaller, so that doesn't get in the way. Doesn't have to be perfect. Now what I'm going to do is move this folder. I want everything to be out of the folders. I'm going to ungroup it select both this star shape and this color. I'm going to right-click, and I'm going to go to mask. Now what I have is my dark peach color with a star mask over it. You might be saying, "Tina, why didn't you just change the color of the star? You could have just clicked in to the vector star, change the color noted in really easy." I definitely do that sometimes, there're some symbols that I don't think I'm going to change their color that often. I can just come in here and change it for everywhere I want it to be. But I'll show you why I did this. I'm going to return to the instance, and now I have my peachy star. Now, I can go up here and I can add more stars in my document, see star icon. Or I can hold Shift, drag, make a few more stars. These are all connected to that original star icon. You can see here is a star icon. The book was good but not great and only really got four stars. If you look over here, to overrides. This is where you can edit an instance of a symbol in very particular ways, depending on how you built it. For text, you can override and put different text in there. For this icon, I can override this color and add a different color. It's the same symbol, same star icon. For this instance, it's a light peach if I wanted to, I could add more stars. They can be any color that we added. This way when you're making your mock-ups, you can swap out colors of things. It really gives you a lot more flexibility. It's really easy to try different things, and that's a huge part of prototyping. You want to be able to react to stakeholder feedback, we have to use your feedback, change things up on the fly. If you have a really robust symbol library that we're going to build, you can make those changes really easily. 5. Resizing Symbols: Welcome to this lesson about resizing symbols. We went and we made a few symbols. We have our colors here, all our symbols and then we have an icon. If we go back to our maker, it was really easy for us to tick a gray color symbol, stretch it out, and make it into our header. Once you start getting into more complex symbols like text on a button, for example, or a form field, something that's combining multiple elements, you really want to learn how to do resizing and make sure you get it right. The value that comes from being able to resize symbols is that you can create consistency across your team. You can make sure that all of your buttons are the same height, you can make sure they're all the same width. You can make sure all your icons stay in the right aspect ratio. These are things that will just make it easier for your whole team to stay aligned. Let's try out resizing with this button we have here. We have this Add Update button and from now, I'm going take out the icon to make things a little easier for us. Let's start with a centered button. I have my text and I have my shape. To make this symbol, I'm going to select both of these. I'm going to right-click, create a symbol. Let's call it button. Let's see what happens now that's a symbol when we try and resize. Some weird things happen. We can make this button really big. We can make it reverse. We can do a bunch of things. For some elements, a behavior like this is great. But for this button, we want to make sure that it's always the same height and that content stays in the right spot. I'm going to double-click in so I can edit this symbol. It's back to the size that it was because when we created this symbol, we specified that it would be this height and this width. First off, I'm going to add in an instance of this symbol. Just so we can watch what happens as we change things. I want to go up to the document and find my button. I'm just going to put it right below so you can watch what happens. Let me just quickly label this so we don't get confused. Make sure you knows this is the symbol. The first thing we want to do is make sure that for this button, I always want it to be the same height. I don't want it to be 50 pixels in some places or 30 pixels in other places. I want this 41. Let's make it 40 just to make things a little bit easier. I just shrunk the art board a little bit to make it fit. Now we have a 40 pixel height button. What I want to do is I want to go over to the side. It says resizing. I have a few different options here. We have pin to edge, we have fixed size and Sketch has this really cool way to see what's going to happen when you expand or shrink your symbol, depending on what you select. The things that you can select here, you can select this top, this left, bottom, and the right and pin to edge, or you can select all, if you click in the middle, deselect, you click in the middle up as well. You can also fix the size vertically or fix the size horizontally, or fix the size of both depending on where you click. If you click in the middle, it'll fix the size in all directions. If I make an element and I always want it to stay the same height, expand this button so we can see how things change. For my button, I want the width to be flexible. I want to be able to be a wide button if there's a lot of texts, I want it to be shorter for less texts. I always want the height to be 40 pixels. I'm going to go over here to Fix Size, and I'm going to fix the content vertically. Now you can see on our instance of the button, that even though I had dragged this to be taller, the button is still only 40 pixels tall, but we can also see that as you expand this button, it's centered in this box, which would make it difficult to align. You can see that the red guides are focusing on the rectangle area and not on this rounded rectangle, the peachy button. That's not what I want either. We have the height, but I also want this button to hold the top left edge so it's easier to align. That's where the other resizing option, Pin to Edge, comes in handy. We have top, bottom, left, and right. That is basically allowing you to select an element within your symbol and you can have that element hug a different edge. You can have it out with just the right, you can have it hug the bottom right. You can have it hug the top right end bottom for all the edges. Let's play around and see what those different effects are. If I held the top, I can see that down here, my rectangle jumped to the top of the box. If I hug the bottom, it jumps to the bottom of the box. Right now, because our rectangle is not a fixed width, it's expanding to the full size of the container, so it doesn't really make a difference if we hug the left or right side. When I make elements, I use a lot of top-left or top-right alignment for things. If I take this rectangle I'm going to have it to the top left and now as I start resizing this button, you can see that the shape of the button is staying the same height and in the right spot. But our text is still doing something funny. I want this text to be centered so I'm going to click on the text and I'm going to go over to alignment and make sure that it's centered within the text box. I want this text to stay with the button, but stay in the center of the button, I'm going to pin this text to the top. Now when I pin it at the top, I can expand my button or even shrink my button, and my text is staying where I wanted it to go, and I have my button exactly how I wanted. When you're editing a symbol, keep in mind that every element within your symbol can have its own resizing settings. You also have settings for the symbol as a whole. If I click on the up-board and just I'm selecting the button. Now I can change whether I want to adjust the content on resize, which comes in handy, and then I can also enable or disable override. We saw the override a little bit with our star symbol, where in an instance of the star we could change the color. For this button, the only override we have right now is being able to change this text. You can see it says, "Add update text value", having this clicked will let us change the button text anywhere in our project. I will show you what this looks like. If I go over here to the instance of the symbol, I haven't override it, that lets me change the text in the button. I can make it say "Okay" or "Save". If I don't want it to have any text, and this comes in handy a lot for making a symbol where sometimes there's content and sometimes there isn't, you can add a space. That will just make sure that the text is blank. I have this button, but let's go back to the mark up. Originally I wanted to have a plus icon on my symbol. When I go and copy this icon that I wanted, I'm going to double-click into this symbol. I want to have the ability to have a button that is just text, but I also want to have this plus button. I'm going to duplicate this button, I can go over here and I can say "Duplicate". You can also click on the symbol, self duplicate it, there we go. I have a button here and I have button copy, then I call this button plus, paste in the icon. I want the icon to stay on the left-hand side of the button, and I want this button to hang on the left side. I'm going to, pin to the left edge. I'm also going to add in, the instance of the button just so you can watch what happens. I have this plus icon putting the left side, let's see what happens when I expand the button. I have the position right, but what's happening is as I expand the button, the icon is getting distorted. What I want to do is I want to come in here to this icon and I'm going to fix the size because no matter how I resize it, I don't want this icon to get any taller, wider, trick shot in anyway. So I'm just going to click the center, that's going to fix the size. You can see in our instance that the icon snaps back to the right size. But when you look at the text, the text is separated from the button in a weird way and also bleeds into it. Instead of the text being centered, I want the text to be left aligned. We're going to line it there, and I'm also going to pin the text to the left side. In this way, the space between this icon and this text is always the same, no matter how I expand the button. Let me just re-adjust this a little bit. We want to make this a little smaller, and I want the all board to be the same size. You might run into this sometimes, I have this check box checked that says "Adjust content on resize", and that's why when I'm changing the board size, it's not actually shrinking our board to coincide with the end of this pink button. It's just stretching it out. What you need to do is uncheck that. Now it will allow you to shrink the all board so it hugs the edge of the button. Let's see what happens now to the button when it says adjust content on resize and that's object, it still works. I spend a good amount of time testing out my symbols to make sure the resizing is working correctly. You may not get on the first try, that's okay. I'm going to go in here and change this text, since this is the add button. I'll just make this, say "Save". If we go back to our file, let me get rid of this plus sign, we have our regular button that the first one that we made that change to say "Save". But now I want to use the plus button. What I had to do is, go over here to my symbol dropdown and I'm going to change it to button plus. What happened here? The symbol area for the button that we swapped out is expanded to this height. When I made this symbol, I had this icon hug the left side, but it didn't hug the top-left. So it's staying in proportion to the left side of the button, but not in proportion to the top. I'm going to go back in and fix that. I'll double-click in, and I'm going to select this icon and I'm going to pin it to the top as well. Let's go back and see if it fixed it. Sometimes if you replace one symbol for another, maybe it's a bigger symbol replaced with smaller symbol or smaller symbol replaced with the bigger symbol, things might look a little funky. Just go in and right-click on the symbol and go down to set to original size, and then I'll shrink it right up to the size of the symbol. I'm also going to pull this in a little bit. So we have our Add Update button, and it's a symbol. We're getting really close to having this macro goal simplified. 6. Creating Complex Symbols: All right, so now we're going to work on a more complex symbol. I have over here this new recommendations column. This rectangle, I want it to be for showing book covers, there's text for the title, the author. I have a divider line here. Then I have who recommended it to me. Here's place for a picture of someone and then friend name and another divider. When you're making symbols, it's up to you to decide how many items you want to make into symbols. We can break it down all the way to the point where every piece of text to this symbol and work your way up to make your symbols really broad too. I'm usually somewhere in between and as you go through, you'll learn what items are more helpful symbols and others. We'll make a few symbols from this, I'm going to make this divider line to a symbol, going to increase symbol here. I want to use this divider lines symbol also for this divider line. I'll delete this one and then drag this down. Now that's good enough. I'm going to take all of these elements now. Select them all and make it into one complex symbol. I'll right-click, "Create Symbol" to be. Now I have my symbol. I can drag multiple, I'll turn my page. They're very generic right now though. It'll say "Book Title," "Author" and I don't have any pictures. But there's a plugin called Craft, made by Envision, and it's really handy. I have this plugin installed and it gives me these options on the right. One that's really neat for using the symbols is data. With another data tab, you'll see all these different types of data, some of these I added, but these are the generic ones. First I want to do the book covers. I went in and I made a folder, just pulling pictures from the Internet of a bunch of book covers and I pulled it into Craft. I went into my photo section and I added a folder and I called it Book Covers. All I could do is select my instances of the symbol and go over here to book covers. Now, it's asked me which layout within that symbol do I want to populate. I didn't do a job of naming my symbols, I'm messy in that way. But if you were to name them would be much easier. Because it's a picture, it's only showing me what content could be filled by a photo. I have a rectangle, and oval, and two lines. The two lines are those divider lines we created. The oval is this circle and extra friend name, and the rectangle is the area I intended for book covers. I'm going to select "Rectangle Copy 6," I am going to hit, "Okay." It pulled in three book covers at random from my list. Step may mockup can look a little bit more real. Now, I can go into my symbol and look at my overrides. The image was already overridden using Craft. But I can override the book title to match the image now. You can see that this content updated. I'm just going to go through and finish up the rest of these. I don't love the hierarchy between the title and the author. I'm going to go into my symbol, I am not used to that, edit that a little bit. I'll make this medium, not that enough, make it heavy. I'm going to make the author text. This may be cover, let's see what it looks like. Much better, the title stands out a lot more. I'll even make the author a little smaller. All right. We also have a folder friend pictures, and I can add in here. I'll select the symbols again. [inaudible]. Go in here. I'll add this folder. This time I want to replace the oval. These pictures don't stand out enough. I'll go here and add a little border. List the friend names. The names are a little far from the images, so I can just go back into my symbol, can merge that over. Hopefully, it's coming across how easy it is to make changes when you're using symbols. Something that we can do because of the way that I built this symbol is, I can't turn off any of these divider lines. If I don't want the last image to have a line underneath it. This is really useful for tables, accordions, lots of repeating rows, I can click into this instance and I can go over to divider line. I believe it's the copy. Actually, you can see that it highlights blue when I hover over it, and I want to select, "None." Just for that instance, there's no bottom line. That's because I built these lines as symbols and included them in the symbol so I can override it. With that, we're one step closer to an awesome symbol library. 7. Naming and Organization: I went ahead and added a few more symbols and we can look at them here. But it's gotten a little bit unorganized, don't you think? The velar elements all mixed up and there's a lot of them. I'll show you how to organize these better. What you want to do is go to our symbol page and the way that sketch nests symbols is using a slash in the title. You name the group that you want. For this first column, I'll make a group of colors. Color slash and then you name the color or icon slash and name the icon. Then I go to black and I name it, color slash black and go to our gray and name it, colors slash gray-4. I'm just renaming the [inaudible]. You can click on [inaudible] in the left, or you can right-click, "Rename", and now let's look at what happens. There are the documents and we see, now we have a color group, it's black and gray. I can do the same with icons. I can call this icon slash star. Here's our search icon, call it icon slash search. Now when I go up here, you can see I have these icons. This one I had already named and I can also do this. I want to make a group of inputs performs and things like that. Input slash search and in the checkbox is part of our inputs, so I'll do input slash checkbox slash unchecked. That's the state of the check box. I'll name this one, input slash checkbox slash checked. What this is saying is, I want group of symbols that are all the inputs, then I want to group of just the check boxes, and then this calling to the specific state check there, unchecked. You go over here, go to my symbols, go to input, and I have my search, and I also have check box, and I can choose checked or unchecked. Naming your symbols is handy for organization, but it also helps to sort all your prototyping. Let's take two symbols. We have our checkbox, unchecked, and I'm also going to pull in our radio button and select it. From working on a work flow, and I want to show a checkbox, unchecked and then checked. I can go here, click on the "Checkbox", go over to my symbol and the right side, and I can choose and just change it to checked. But if I don't name my symbols and organize them in a easy to access way, when I go over here to change my radio button to say that it was selected, I just scroll through all the symbols to select the selected radio button. Naming is helpful for organization, for you and your team to understand how to find what you're looking for, but it's also helpful for prototyping and making sure that you can move really quickly when you're iterating. Now I want to go through and rename all these symbols. I'm back after renaming all my symbols and you can see that they're all nicely organized into groups. But on my symbol page, nothing's really grouped together the way that it could be to make it easier. I've used this really cool plugin called symbol organizer. All you need to do is configure the symbol organizer. There are different options of how you can group your symbols. You can display titles over the symbols, you can change the spacing, and I'll show you what happens. Let's organize and now, all of my symbols are grouped under these headers, and the headers correspond to these folders that we created. Now when I look on my single page, it's really easy to find what I'm looking for. Add some information of this plugin to the course, and as you create new symbols, all you need to do is go to your simple organizer, run your simple organizer and everything will group up the way that you want it to. 8. Using Your Library: We have a bunch of symbols. We've build our library, we named it, we organized it. Now what? This is the shortest and easiest part of everything we're doing. Let's say you went in and you created your whole symbol library. Maybe it's for just you to use, maybe it's for you and your team, and you want to pull it into something that you're working on, so you can use all the symbols you made. I'm going to create a new sketch file. You can pull this to any existing sketch file as well. Go to "Sketch", "Preferences", and you have all these tabs. We're going to go to "Libraries", and we're going to "Add Library". I'm going to find the file that we created to build that library. We called it Symbol Library. You can see that's our markups and some symbols. Then I open it, and now it's checked. What it means to be checked is that if I go over here to my plus, I have the option to use all these symbols that I created in another document. Here are m colors. Now I can use that one library we created in multiple places. If I ever want to edit something. So if I want to take create two and I want to change it to a different gray. I can double-click and I get this menu, says the symbol belongs to an external library, the external libraries being that file that we created. I can either unlink it from the library, so it's no longer connected in that way or I can open it in that document. If you have access to the document, it'll open it up for you. It brings us right to the symbol. I can go here and I can change the color slightly if I want. I'll make it maybe a darker gray, and it tells me that this document is a library. I can save it. So I just apple S, saved it. If I returned my new document, I have this update in the top right. It says library updates available. I can see there was a change. I had this old color, it was the light gray. Now the new color is the gray and I can choose to update that and make sure that my library is up to date. If I'm in a file and I don't want to use that library, I can go in and I can uncheck it and it won't show up in my left. You can see here though, since I added in these symbols as symbols, they stick in my document even if I unlink that library. But if I pull it back and I link it again, they go right back into the symbol library. 9. Using Symbols Across Form Factors: I talked about how symbols make your prototyping faster. I wanted to just show you how you can take a mock-up that maybe it's desktop and convert into a mobile page. The symbols, it can be a lot easier. I have this profile page that's not really built out. I carried over our header, I might even make this into its own symbol at some point, and I'm going to add some fields. This one I want to call, say name, e-mail. I want to make one that is about you. You can see that I haven't worked on the resizing of these symbols yet. There's a space between name and the left side of the symbol, I just need to go in and I see that the text is centered and not left-aligned over here in the alignment area. I'm going to click that. There we go. I have this about you input but doesn't give us a lot of room to type. I want to make a new symbol that's a larger text area. What I can do is I can take an instance of a symbol and detach it, and then make a new symbol. I want you to right-click on this "About You" I want to go down to "Detach from Symbol." If we look on the left, it's a folder, not a symbol because we don't have the double arrow icon. From here, I'm going to make this, I'm going t ungroup this for a second. I want to make this bigger something like that. I'll group this again, right-click, "Create Symbol" call it input/large-text. I also have this profile picture, edit picture option. Let's take this basic profile page and see what it looks like on mobile. I know there's also a work mobile first, designing first on mobile and then desktop. I'm going to take this title, and I want it to be centered on this page. Next is the profile picture, I sent to that as well. I'll pull in its fields. You can see this field's a little bit too long so that I can scooch it in so that it fits better. Let's see. I can't adjust its size right now, but that might be something I want to do, so I'm going to go in and edit my symbol and I have it at a fixed height. I'm going to uncheck that. Now it should allow me to expand this as much as I want. Something I didn't add to these inputs that I really recommend, let's see, I'm going to edit this and I'm going to add in some text. Field info. I'm going to fix the height, but I want this to be able to be as long as I want to fill up the space. I want to add the top field left. Now I return. I had these editable fields. I can say for name and say, Tina Musich, that's me. E-mail. If I wanted to simulate an empty profile, let's go in here and just add a space to my field text. Add a space here and it'll show blank. I go into this image and I can make this a symbol if I wanted to. We're going to change this to gray. Just like that, I have an example of an unedited profile and an edited profile and I have the desktop version. 10. Project Time!: Now that you have the lowdown and creating assemble library, it's time to put your skills to work. Take a project you're working on, and try converting some of those elements into symbols. Train symbols with symbols to make things even more powerful. Include the file for you to use in case you need something to symbolify. You have any questions? Please post in the community board and I'll help you out. When you're done, don't forget to share your libraries, so be can all check them out. Care to see what you made.