Productivity Habits ยท 11 Ways To Grow Smarter Every Day | Thomasina Shealey, MBA | Skillshare

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Productivity Habits ยท 11 Ways To Grow Smarter Every Day

teacher avatar Thomasina Shealey, MBA, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Mentor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction ยท 11 Ways To Grow Smarter Every Day


    • 2.

      Let's Start With Books & Reading


    • 3.

      Surrounding Yourself With The Right People


    • 4.

      Going Deep In A Specific Category or Genre


    • 5.

      Seek A Diversification of Resources


    • 6.

      Ask The Right Questions


    • 7.

      The Route To Seeking Clarification


    • 8.

      Pushing Your Boundaries


    • 9.

      Visiting Art Galleries & Museums


    • 10.

      Proctoring A Univeristy Or College Course


    • 11.

      Author Readings & Book Signings


    • 12.

      Poetry As A Source of Inspiration & Intellect


    • 13.

      Summary ยท Be Open To Change


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I am absolutely certain, you will learn new perspectives that will immediately set you on a different path.

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"The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Thomasina Shealey, MBA

Consultant, Entrepreneur, Mentor


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1. Introduction ยท 11 Ways To Grow Smarter Every Day: Hi. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. My name is Thomas Sina's Sheeley, and I am your skill share instructor for this course, 11 ways to grow smarter every day, or at least every week. I decided to put this course to the other because, you know, I'm constantly hear people talk about, you know, Oh, you know, he's really smart or she's really smart or you'll meet people say, Oh, what's any intelligent? Whether the intelligence Well, you know, there's a difference between spark and being intelligent. I'm gonna go with the scientists on this one. You know, intelligence is kind of one of those things you're performing with intelligence. I mean, it is scientifically proved when that baby pops out, they are fixed and locked with the level of intelligence they're going to have. Smart is something you can improve on. You can learn. You can grow intelligence. Mm. I mean, how many of us have seen that little two year old walking around like their ah Ph. D professor, like, where did that come from? Last genetic. That's what intelligence is. So one of the nice things about rowing and wanting to be a little bit better a little bit spotter is that can be learned. And I've been doing it all my life because I mean, can reasonably intelligent person. I think I am. And I was able to manage to get through my university in economics and managed to get through my MBA in finance. But that didn't mean I was overly intelligent. That just mean that I ran and I ran and I studied and I studied and memorized, memorized, and I just developed a love of learning. That's what being smart is about. Being smart is growing your brain in other areas, learning a new language, reading different publications, expanding on something that you already know, just going deeper with that. So this course is about, you know, for those of you who are interested in just, you know, being a more interesting person to talk to, you know, sounding a it more deep about what you're talking about. Well, people view you as smarter normally. Yeah, when you are able to hold a conversation on a specific subject with a little bit of depth to it, people perceive you a smarter. Sometimes they make the mistake of perceiving a person as intelligent you know, again not making that distinction. But, hey, we'll take that, you know? So this course again is about, you know, just creating those habits daily and weekly that's gonna grow that side of your brain is gonna wanna learn that's gonna want, expand and grow that level of smartness into your daily conversation daily perspective. And they're very simple behaviors. There's some things that you're probably already doing. So let's get started. Let's talk about this a little bit more. Okay, so I'll see you in the glass. And thanks so much for joining me And please, by all Ming with me have a chance You can glance my bio see a little bit about me I'm 63 you know, semi retired. So now I can do all the things I love, which is teaching and mentoring And, you know, just learning and growing and traveling and all those things that do make you a little bit spotter. You know, you've heard the same. When you travel, you grow. It doesn't mean it has to be international travel. It could be domestic travel could be local, you know, just taking it all in. So this course is definitely designed for that individual who is just ready. Teoh talk a little differently and see things a little differently in process things a little differently. And no, we'll never be that three year old who knows how to say the doubtful bit backwards. I'm not even interested in being that I'm just interested in being that person that when someone masons say, Ah, that was a delightful conversation. That's the kind of person I am hoping you want to be, and that's why you're here in this glass. So let's go on to the next lecture and I'll see you there. Thanks again for joining me. 2. Let's Start With Books & Reading: Welcome back. This is Thomasina. Then welcome to the class. 11 ways to grow smarter each day. Okay, I've got my paper. I've got my pain. So I'm gonna maintenance. I want to make sure I don't miss anything. Let's get started. The number one way. You're already now. And maybe you were not that kid who liked Ah, read a book. Ohh. Or a month. We're six books a year. But you know, there's a reason that we go through reading the books that we do from the time we enter kindergarten. Really? Pre k All the way to be finished high school. There's a reason we have summer reading Lis. That's not just because the information and you're gonna have a test under you got to write a paper. It's because during that process, believe it or not, you're actually expanding your brain with knowledge of whatever that teacher is trying to present to you. So reading is definitely number one. Yes, it's just just wow statistic for you. This So they say that most people read an average rate of 250 words per minute. At that rate, it would take you about six minutes to read a basic article. Ah, would speed reading. You can kind of do. Now. Just remember, it's beat reading. Sometimes that retention is just not there. So the number one thing I want you to think about is whether it's going to a bookstore when purchasing a book weekly lawfully or whether it's going to a library. If you love that environment, or if your budget's a little tight, you must take to reading like a duck in war. If you want to get to the point where you're growing a little bit smarter each and every day, pick a subject you love. Let me tell you a story. Many, many years ago, before the Internet, I told you in the first glass our introduction. I'm 63. So this was a way before we had Social media and the news online, and I can open up my I followed and get the mash up for the day. You know, I had 22 magazines, descriptions 20 and they were of all different categories. I love business and finance. That's what I love. So I had magazines, prescriptions to Forbes Magazine's and Fortune magazine and The Wall Street Journal newspaper and international business daily. You know, I like following stocks and like following bonds. That's what I did. Then I had my lifestyle magazines, you know? Ah, Cosmopolitan. You know, my fashion magazines, Vogue and Elle, which is a French magazine. And then I have my magazines for interior design. I loved Home Interiors. Miranda. You know, things like that. I wasn't into sports, but I loved horse racing, So I'll be honest with you. I did by E question magazines and follow, you know, the journey of jockeys. I know it sounds bizarre, but that was an interest of I jockeys and horses. And I love watching the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes in the Kentucky Derby in the Triple. You know, those are all interests of luck, and then I love travel as a matter bank. I forgot to tell you in the first introduction where I am right now, I'm sitting in my studio, recording this class, creating this class for skill share in the south of France. I love to travel, and I used to read all those French magazines for the time I was 16 17 18 into my 2030 40 fifties and 28 plus years later, I am now semi retired in the south of France. That's where I live some of time of the year of the time in New York, where my son is, or Los Angeles with my dollars. Well, I'm saying is you grow, grow, grow when you travel. When you read When you, you you. Whether it's a book, whether it's a magazine, whether it's a journal, whether it's a newspaper, Do you have that in your briefcase or purse or backpack every day? Are you pulling that out while you're waiting in line for the D. M V while you're sitting in the bank waiting to open up another account, Whether you're on a train or playing or a bus, are you reading at every opportunity you have? Are you reading for a few minutes at night before you go to bed? You know, and not just novels and stories. Yeah, we grow a different way. We read that, but I'm told my information for conversation. What do your interest? What do you hobbies, you know, find something you love and then read as much as you possibly can about it. Your brain is going to grow, and I love to do the cross. What I call it across the hybrid of reading. Yes, I read my news online. I get the mash up on my Apple news on Apple Computer here and then I love get in the actual physical prep, which is going by the wayside of the dinosaur because we're so much into getting our news from the Internet and from television still, Um, but there is nothing like the written word, the brain is it sitting there listening to the news. It's not processing it the same way because, first of all, it's very quick and it's just going through. But when you open up a journal or you opened up a magazine, can you make a cup of coffee or a cup of tea? And you read that and you digested and you stop for a minute and you daydream about it and you think about it and you reference it. That's a different level of growth. You're gonna internalize a line or word. You're gonna want to know more about that particular sentence of that particular subject, whatever it is they're talking about. That's the number one way to becoming smarter. Each and every day you have got to be. You have got to commit. Commit to reading. And if you can't take it for the long haul, start with the magazine, which at some point graduate to the book to the literature and find your way into a bookstore or library. Or, if you're fortunate up. Oh my goodness, If you were blessed enough to live in a university or college town and they have a library on their campus that's open to the public Boil, boil boy. Now you've got access toe books the general public does not have access to in other areas. Utilize those university libraries. You nerad utilize those law school libraries, find something interesting you want to read, and you want to read it every day. You know you're not a child, you know. And then I want to tell you all you need to read five pages a day. 10 pigs today or you need to be 5000 words a day. No, When you find something you enjoy reading, you won't be able to put it down. Your brain won't be able to let it go. So number one read, read and read some more. It's going to make you smarter and smarter each and every day. And you know the beauty of being smarter. The best part. You get to share the other people. So whether you're a mom or dad or uncle or aunt or grandmother or grandfather or a sister or brother, the information you rig, you now get to share it with other people, and that's smart, see in the next class. 3. Surrounding Yourself With The Right People: well, welcome back its Thomasina and I'm ready. So becoming a little bit smarter every day. It involves, ah, you know, engaging our brain, engaging that imagination, engaging that information, putting our brain together with things that we enjoy and want to grow deeper with, You know, getting smarter about that. People don't walk around saying, Oh, I want to be smarter But there are behaviors that they have that indicate they do when you see Like I said in the previous lecture, a person sitting there reading a book on the Metro on their way to work or standing in line somewhere, waiting quietly, patiently, fully engaged in that book, I think. What do you think about them? Do you just kind of under your breath say, Oh, look at that nerd, Do you say that? And who do we call nerds? Yeah, smart people, you know, That's just a not so nice word to say, Let's brace my guy. That's pretty smart woman, you know. So those are behaviors. Some are learned, acquired summer in eight. It's already in there. But the main thing is, you want to start engaging your brain in that type of activity, okay, another way. How can we grow a little bit smarter every single day? Well, I like this one. How about surrounding ourselves? It's matter, people. That's a tough one, because we all have friends way have friends who are Einstein, and we have friends who are guv Offs. That's life, you know, saying with our family, they say You can't be your family, but you can pick your friends, this guy, too. Pick a few friends that you perceive to be no smart. But maybe, here's that word intelligent. You know, maybe it's one of your classmates at school. High School, Middle School, University. Maybe it's a coworker. Maybe it's somebody you want to play tennis with. They go off with. We're just hang out at a cafe and talk to, you know, CEOs. They always say they make sure they surround themselves. People ask them, What's your number? One reason that you think that you're successful, they always say the same thing. I surround myself with people who are smarter or more intelligent than I have, because that's the way you do it. That's the way your grocery. If you're the smartest person in the room yet never gonna grow. If you're the most intelligent person in the room, you got no room there. Nigra. So you want to surround yourself with people who you proceed to be, or at least if you can verify it. That's great, but it's your perception of smartness that your perception of intelligence you want to surround yourself with those kinds of friends, not just people who are doing a lot of the things you love. You eat that, too, maybe that to survive. That's compatibility. But you also want to surround yourself with friends who help you grow. They give you new ideas. They give you inspiration. They give you a reason to think about things a different way. They give you a reason. Think outside the box. They give you all these great reasons to get your brain working and moving. You know, when you surround yourself with the right people, they don't let you just falled out mentally or physically. Yeah, how so? That's our number two. Number one was The books can't get away from it. It's just part of our lives, and it's always at the beginning of time, bend the way to grow and learn and become smarter in a variety of things, whether it's handling finances in your life, you read more. You grow smarter. You learn about what you need to do, whether it's relationships, you read more. You talk to people. You proceed to be smarter than you or more intelligent you so that you learn more. And every time you do that, you were going to take yourself to the next level. Still, for number two, that's what I want you to think about. May August of all those friends you got and who do you proceed to be one of the smartest people you know? There are people in my life. I can say it is off the top of my head. Oh, she's one of the smartest people I know because every time I'm around this person, I learned something new every time. And it's not that she's being arrogant and is not that she spewing stuff to impress. It's just in every day conversation. She'll say something, and I think what I know that my mother has a saying that she says all the time. It's just his boy. Oh boy, Oh boy. Every single day it seems like I'm learning something new. What? I don't know. I think they could create a whole new world ass pretty dramatic. I mean, that's a lot of information to create a whole new world, but that's just her way. At 88 years old, I was saying, There's so much information out here that you know, I need to be reading Maurin learning more and having better conversations and being a more interesting person to talk to. And she's 88. So yes, number one, the rating number to surround yourself with, you know, smarter people. Okay, Okay. Seeing an X class. 4. Going Deep In A Specific Category or Genre: Hello, It's Thomasina. And welcome back. I'm gonna start this class with this sentence. Words both spoken and written are the building blocks of our social existence. So you say we need both the spoken word, the written word. The spoken word is processed one way the written word is processed another way. But both unnecessary for us to grow in our quest to become smarter, a little bit smarter Each and every day, we must focus on the written and the spoken word. Now, what's number three? Number three. I feel very passionate about because, you know, I don't want to just be a jack of all trades. I don't want to broad brush a subject. I don't want to read something just on the surface. And I know enough to carry a conversation just enough. But if the conversation goes deep, I gotta bail because I don't know what they're talking about. So I like to go deep on a very succinct amount of information and categories of my knowledge of growing a little bit smarter. You know, when I'm reading, I have a tendency to love certain genre. If I'm going to relax and re, uh I love romance novels. Is that gonna make me a smarter person? I don't think so. It is not gonna help me relax, Ugo. Is I gonna make me more romantic? Maybe, but that's a genre I love when I want to grow. In my information, you could see in my bio mom an economics major. So I read the rags. I read that Wall Street Journal every day, and I read that, you know, investor's business daily every day. Now, is that gonna make me smarter? You better believe it. If I'm going somewhere, I'm in a social city sitting or or I'm at a networking function and investing comes up. It's on because I'm gone deep. And when I'm finished with that crowd, they're gonna be like, uh, she's pretty smart about that subject. Yeah, I think I am on that subject. So when you want to be smarter and learn a little bit every day, I recommend you go deep on a few categories that are important to you. Don't go deep on everything you can if you want. You have the time. Maybe you retired. You have time to read six books a week on a variety of subjects. Well, that's pretty nice. That's a luxury. But if you're still working or if you're you're married or single and you have Children, you don't have the luxury of sitting around reading a book every night, maybe for an hour, maybe 1/2 hour. You should read every night for at least an hour. You should. It helps you relax and your mind expands. But if you don't, those categories that maybe you are already pretty converse with and then grow there and then once you've gone deep, they're picking another category that you converse with and then go deep because the deep of the layers you go, you learn more, because now you're hitting on that hard rock down there that you might not have been aware off. You've learned the core of what it is, you know. For example, say for us is your interest is in aeronautics. You like airplanes and hydraulic lifts and all the stuff that different interests. Well, you know, you may know a lot about one or two core things, or you may know 20 things about one or two core things where you may know 1000 things about one or two core things that will depend on how deep you want. A deep with your information and your knowledge. The digger you did deeper you go. The more you dig the digger, you go. The deeper you go, the more you dig more of the brain expands this smart, and you become on that subject. Okay, See you next class. 5. Seek A Diversification of Resources: Oh, it's Thomasina. Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are in the world and welcome back. So here's something for you to think about. Knowledge. It's cumulative. So is growing smarter every little bit, every new layer you put on top of which you already know. It is a cumulative effect towards your level of smartness on a particular time. Knowledge is human, a tive growing smarter. Every day is cumulative, so you want to seek at all times to diversify in the information that you're consuming. And that's what I want to talk about today. A diversification in what you read in what you view on the Internet, in which view on the telephone, television, on the people you're around. That's a diversification of resource is when you have a diversification of resource is you start to build those building blocks and layer and layer and layer and layer and layer on a particular subject topic or interests. You really do need to focus on just a handful of subjects that are near and dear to you, because that's going to create more of a retention rate for you. That's good to expand yourself into something new like me I'm all into. The language is right now. I've been practicing my French. I'm not three years in total immersion. You know how I want to learn another language, just the basics. So I'm thinking Mandarin, maybe a little Russian just because I like the sound of it. They sound so. Boston. They're speaking Russian, You know that's growing. That's cumulative. I can take on just one sentence a day of Russian or Mandarin. But if I do it every single day, that's seven days of a sentence. It's cumulative. I'm going to grow. And if I find myself in a Russian restaurant or Mandarin restaurant and I can lay out one of those sentences, well, I be perceived as she's very intelligent or smart. That's the perception. Now some of you taking this course may say, You know me. I don't really care about what people think about me. Well, there's an attitude, you know. So if that's the gays, then maybe it's not necessary that you grow in that area. But I think if you are even remotely in any type of career or profession, or if you're trying to just grow in your life or influence your Children with your information and your your knowledge and your smartness inability to be an interesting person to talk to. Then, yes, you should have a very high interest in growing a little bit smarter each day with your diversification of print, Elektronik media, all the information that you could gather on the subject. You hold interest near and dear to you and surrounding yourself with the people you perceive to be smarter. You don't realize the influence you have on the other people around you. And if you've got little ones, look out. You are employments. You are an influence. You are influenced. Everything they do you are influencing you every single day. If they see you with a book, they're gonna take a book. If you tell them they must read a book when they wake up in the morning. First thing Saturday morning I did that with my to And to this day they have a book at the side of their bed. They wake up in the morning, they read a little bit. They move all on. That doesn't make my kids perfect, but it makes them creatures of habit and creatures of growing smarter and smarter, you know, Like I said before one of our electricity, all of us are not blessed with the genetic code to be born. Intelligent people. That's just a whole of a category. But we can all be a little smarter. So this lecture I want you to take away from this one the diversification of the things that you read. The people that you're around, the information that you absorbed, the time that you spend with it and realize that knowledge is cumulative. Growing smarter, a little bit each and everything is cumulative as well. Can I leave you with that? 6. Ask The Right Questions: welcome back. Its Thomasina Oh my goodness. Can you tell How did this today with the air conditioning on, it's incredibly warm. This is July in the south of France and wow, this heat is incredible. But back to the elector. OK, today we're talking about ask questions, ask questions. 11 ways to becoming smarter each and every day. You gotta ask those questions again. I always like to reference young Children. Do you remember being little always asking When are we gonna get there? Were living in that there were going to get out there and you're seeking information or asking why? Why? Why you're seeking information? You're asking what? What? What you're seeking information we used to ask Ho 00 you're seeking information. Why don't we stop doing that? You know, Did you stop doing that? Because when you ask questions instantly, you have gained another layer of diversification of knowledge. Don't stop asking questions now we're older. We can't go around saying when When? When way actually have to sound like an adult and, you know, bracket that question the right way. But we want to know who what, when, Where, Why, you remember an elementary school, High School, Middle school. Oh, well, when? Where? Why those air? The foundations of getting the information you need. Those were the foundations providing those stories. You have to write in your English classes. Those are the foundations. But you getting that information on that history Lesson Who, what, When, Where? Why? It's the same now, growing a little bit smarter. Each and every day is all about the who. What, When, Where? Why on a topic that you're interested in on a topic that moves you that drives you, you know, when people ask you a question about what you do for your work, your registered nurse who, what, When, Where, Why? You know all the elements associated with that? What do you do every day? Who do you interface with? Day? What department are you with? Who, what, when, where, Why I ask the questions. Ask the questions. Go for the diversification in the information, Go for the knowledge. That's what this class today is about you going back to when you were a little one and asking who, what, when, where, why you didn't even know you were asking it. You sound like a Philadelphia lawyer when you were three years old asking who, What, when, where, Why Those are the questions and the depth that you will need to grow a little bit smarter each and every day you layer in that reading surrounding yourself with the right people, getting that cumulative knowledge and asking who, what, when, where, why you're on your way saying that I class. 7. The Route To Seeking Clarification: welcome back, its Dharmasena. And uh Yep, I crank that air up a little bit, so a little more comfortable now. Anyway, The last lecture we talked about asking questions. This lecture is kind of like a part two of that one, because the other side is asking questions. Is seeking clarification as you move along, your quest to become just a little bit smarter each and every day. Even when you ask the questions and you receive the response, seek clarification. Don't just take the response at the surface level. If you understand the response and it's a very comprehensive response that's different. Now you conduct that a little bit way and move on. But if you get receive a response even from someone you perceive to be a very smart person , seek clarification because clarification is when they go deeper asking a question that who , what, when, where, Why we talked about you gonna answer that question in Ah, a sentence. Thomasina, where were you born? Go. My response. I was born in upstate New York. That's all you got. You got nothing more. So when you seek clarification all upstate New York, what city now you're asking closed in questions. Niagara Falls, New York. So you get seek clarification with those open ended questions. Thomasina, where were you born? First question upstate New York. Second question Thomasina what city were you born? And did you like living there? Now you've got me thinking Niagara Falls, New York, And, uh, it was interesting being raised in upstate New York, living right on the border of New York State and Canada. When I was 10 years old, I could ride my bike across the bridge and pay five cents. Now here is 2020. And not only do you need a passport, but they're blocking Americans from crossing the bridge. You get what I'm saying, so seek clarification as you continue to read and you grow. And if you're reading a book and there's something in that book that you don't understand say clarification No, I says, you can't stop, Really? You know, go on your computer. Google Google that top it, seek clarification. That's where we could be. The it comes in Wikipedia is wonderful. Seek clarification. Find out what it is you're reading. You might be reading a wonderful book and it's and there is a city in there that you're not aware of or country that stated or a currency that you're not aware of. Put the book down. But the journal down. But the newspaper down put the magazine down and go to that diversification and talked about. You can go from a book to a computer, to mobile phone to face to face with a person. Every time you diversify and change up what you're doing, you're growing and growing and growing. And that's how people wrote smarter every day, not just from reading and inhaling and absorbing, but actually going deep and seeking clarification. That's key. So you want to always ask questions, and you want to seek clarification with what you're reading with. Where were you talking to with the people you're surrounded with in your professional career? I'm sure you seek clarification on a regular basis in your every day work your job. Why not do that? You know that areas of your life you will create this interesting person. Even you will love to be around. That's over. This lecture. Yes, just like the last lecture was on asking questions. This one is about now seeking clarification through someone you perceive to be smarter than you or through your own methods, researching them with another book number. Old school encyclopedia. That's old school. Or now you can go on the computer. Wikipedia. That's new school. Either way, you're going deeper and deeper, and your brain is expanding with the information and knowledge that you're feeding it, thus creating well, a little bit smarter person. See you next class. 8. Pushing Your Boundaries: Oh, welcome back. This is Thomasina, and I'm so happy you're here for this lecture because I was thinking about something I heard back in 1985. And it was one of my professors when I was taking one of my evening courses working on my MBA, And it has stayed with me all this time and he said, When you push the boundaries of your mind, then you push the boundaries of your world simultaneously. I never forget it. Never. And that's what I want to say to you today in this lecture. This is about pushing your boundaries, pushing the boundaries to what you read, pushing the boundaries with you associate with pushing boundaries with what you with the decisions that you make and growing a little bit smarter each and every day. You must push the boundaries with what you are willing to do. You must, because when you push those boundaries in your mind, you pushed those boundaries in your world simultaneously and you will see a difference. You will see a difference in your conversation in your manner and the way people see you, and the way people respond to you, you will see a difference for this class shortened Sweet. That's all I want you to take away from this the same thing my professor said to me in 1985 and it will help you walk that walk a little bit closer each day. It's becoming just a little bit smarter in the things and areas that you love. When you push the boundaries of your mind, you push the boundaries of your world simultaneously seeing the next lecture. 9. Visiting Art Galleries & Museums: welcome back its Thomasina and on to the next lecture. Okay, we're expanding our mind. These are some very easy ways for you to become just a little bit smarter each day. But, um, you know what? Here's one that I love. Visiting art galleries and museums. Yeah, you may already be a lover of art galleries and museums. And if you're not, boy, are you in for a treat? Because as you go through these art galleries and museums, there's going to be a moment where you see a name of a painter and you have absolutely no idea who this person is, I tell you now. You get to delve into a little deeper subject topics centuries materials that were used to create that painting I love. When my Children were young, I love taking them to museums. I knew nothing about a lot of these painters. We all know the big names Picasso and Divinci, but we don't know. Don't Michelangelo. We don't know some of these. He's very, very talented, You know, early century American, European, Japanese artists, South American, the pottery, the ceramics that created sculptures, the history, you know the mind is just waiting to be filled and expanded. There's a reason that hospitals, when they have Alzheimer patients, there's a reason they have them do work on puzzles and chess games. That's just so that they can push and push and push and expand in their mind. And so they grow. And in that case, they're not doing that so that they grow smarter. They're just doing it so that they can keep the mind active and growing. We're actually taking a very aggressive and proactive role and becoming just a little bit smarter each and every day. By doing new behaviors, they give our mind new boundaries. Our mind is now saying, What's going up? You know, I'm gonna sleep in here and now you're pushing me to learn new things. Well, yeah, you're pushing for expanding and we're growing and your conversation is going to grow in knowledge is gonna grow on a variety of levels of a variety of categories. Like we said before, start with reading with things that you love and then take it from there. Surround yourself with people who you perceive to be smarter than you and take it from there. Art galleries, museums, fantastic places to help you grow, and there have become smarter about a lot of things, and not just about that painting. But now when you're looking at a painting, you're talking the artist. The material use the type of paints. The year was painted, the history, the origin, your mind. It's growing. I know this was a little out of the box. You may not have expected it. Art galleries and museums are equally as important as books, shops and libraries. They help you grow onto the next class. 10. Proctoring A Univeristy Or College Course: Welcome back. It's Thomas Nina, and I got a question for you. How many of you are lucky and fortunate to live in a city or village town that is a university setting? Two year college, four year college? It doesn't matter. They offer continuing education classes they offer full on degrees. Maybe there's a graduate school or law school or medical school. If you are lucky enough to live in a town like this, so are sitting like this or are near one, I'm going to highly recommend that you contact that university and find out. Are you allowed as a member of that community to sit in on some of those classes? Can you pick a glass that you love in an area that you love? Okay, a subject that you love and can you attend as a non student? Some colleges say yes. Some may say no being older. I'm 63. A lot of the university's. If you're over 60 sometimes over 55 sometimes over 60 bunch, they allow you to sit in the class three one day a week, the whole semester, couple hours a week. Talk about learning about growing. They have a professor, a PhD, teaching you information on the subject you already love so that what are you doing? You're digging deeper. You're digging deeper. You're growing in that area, so I'm going to highly recommend you contact Ah College of University near you. This is just exciting, because again, it's another diversity of learning. It's another diversity and the way in which you are now going to bring information into your brain to make sure that each and every day you're becoming a little bit smarter, right? Me and let me know how that turns out. I love to know if you were able to enroll as a non student to sit and proctor. I think that's the word. They use Proctor class. That would be fantastic. So keep me posted. It's a great way to grow. Great way to learn and see in the next class 11. Author Readings & Book Signings: Hey, welcome back its Thomasina and thank you again for joining me today. We're going back to the bookstore, Back to the books up and not for books. We're going for a reading and author reading a book, reading a book signing. Meet the author now You were in a situation with one I love to read, too. It's intellectuals or pseudo intellectuals, and three, you can now have a face to face. Now you've changed instead of you doing it solo reading on your own, going towards your goal to being a little soiree. It's day you're now going to be in a situation and talk with people. Talk with people who obviously love books there. Obviously therefore author of a title that you may have an interesting go to a book reading or book signings if you've never been to one or even if you have been doing and check out the people who were there, listen to the conversations, learn a little bit, make new alliances, and now you can spend more time with people that you perceive to be a little smarter than you. And also they may have the same goal. They're trying to grow trying to get a little bit of smarts going in today, growing growing, spanning that brain, pushing the envelope, trying to find their way to just a whole new world. So this is great, you know, Museums, art Jones, bookshops, book readings, book signings. Doesn't sound very, You know, Parisians in the thirties, you know? But this is what you do when you want to grow a little bit more and be a little bit more than what you currently may feel yourself comfortable with. So enjoy. Get to that book signing. I know you write me with them. You know how it went. I plan on to the next class. 12. Poetry As A Source of Inspiration & Intellect: So it's Thomasina and good morning. Good afternoon. Good. Wherever you are in the world Thanks for returning to the lecture. And Ah, this what I'm gonna throw with you today? I know. You mean I like it, but poetry. Maybe you're a poetry lover, but I'm telling you, poetry is one of those classic ways again. I know whether you're doing poetry on your iPad. You're reading it a line. Whether you're using your Amazon, Kendall, whether you're actually walking in the store and buying a poetry book, whether you're in the library, you're sitting there, poetry, exp bands, the my poetry pushes the AMLO poetry makes you delve deeper. Poetry makes you think poetry makes you ask questions and poetry. Just come. It's a total person. That's the way I feel. I know it sounds dramatic, but I'm telling you, find yourself a classic. Pull it. Start with that. A classic poet that you can embrace a lot of the British poets. No. My goodness. American poets. You know, Dan, you are right. But they would write in abstract ways that would make you have to What? When where? Why? You got a question? You gotta Delvin gonna find out what they're trying to say that's going to create a mind set off. Pressing, pressing, pressing the envelope and creating a just a platform in your brain for always wonderful wondering. Always wanting to learn more always when they're wanting to understand what that phrase waas. What did they mean? The then what they mean when they wrote that in 1935 or 19 18 62 or 18 84? I know everybody's not into poetry, but you got to remember a lot of us. Think about. Poetry is just this one type of genre, and there's all kinds of poetry Greek tragedy, poetry, romantic poetry, sad poetry, violent poetry, war, poetry, piece poetry, love, poetry, your racial poetry. It's all kinds of poetry and that poetry again, the beauty of it is sometimes short. It's a quick read a few minutes before you go to bed at night, gives you something to think about, gives you something to delve deeper with. You can do this. I want you to put poetry on your list. I don't think about it. You read poetry every day. The phone it short. It's sweet. You can think about it you can reference it, you can do it. Dig deeper with it. Yes. You're gonna grow a little smarter with it. You're going to hear phrases and words you never encountered. You're gonna feeling motions you never encountered. And that's all part of growing growing smarter each and every day. Just a little bit more smarter about who you are. Smarter about how you think smarter or how are you. See the world. It's what iss see you next class. 13. Summary ยท Be Open To Change: So it's Thomasina and look at that. We're in the summary phase. Thank you again for joining the course. 11. Just great ways to grow a little bit smarter each and every day. I thank you for joining me, and I just want to leave you with this. Be open to change. Be open to a little change. Change of scenery, Change of thought, Change of how you process information. Change of how you ask questions but more importantly, make a great habit and routine of reading more going to more museums. Seeing more things. Promise yourself that you will push pass pretty much everything else you've been doing in terms of not picking up that book once a day, not reading something an hour or so each night. You know, we all have routines and routines or necessary. They give us structure. Barrentine in the morning is having my coffee, you know, with my steamed milk and raw sugar and then doing my meditation and then moving into my day . But when it comes to learning and growing and wanting to increase the level of intellect that you're seeking, a routine is something that needs to be broken because Now you're trying to expand your mind, and you can't have a routine if you don't, you know if you're trying to expand. So once you expand your ability to take in mawr reading and other things, and that's going to just grow you in the direction you want to grow, get you to that intellectual point you want to get to, you know, then you can have some flexibility. Then you can lock into a beautiful routine. And even then, I guess they take the time to change the scenery. Just like I said, Diversify and how you you don't take your information with this stupid computer with this. Do a journal Mothers do a newspaper, whether it's through whatever face to face, do the same, goto a park every now and then and read. Go to a cafe and sit read, you know, take your book, sit in a quiet museum, sit in a cathedral, quiet place to read. But the bottom line is make it part of your day. Grow in that direction. You're looking to grow in and thank you again for joining me. And by the way, if you ever find yourself in this out the France Promise me you will contact me and we can get together And we can chat Face the face A lot of things that we discussed today. So out to see you again to and, um thank you again for taking the class. And my name is Thomas Dina Shealy. And this has been fun, much success.