1. Introduction: hi and welcome to another one off my skill share classes. Today I'm going to show you another one of my procreate hex, even though it's not going to be all the time you procreate. I want to show you how I turn pro, create designs into vectors, and I do the whole process on my iPad. I used this process a lot because often when I travel I only bring one of my pets. And then I often run out of space and out off layers and procreate when I designed in became Mrs So often I destroyed and procreate on a smaller canvas size than I've act. Arise it and then I make it larger, or also use it for locals and other design files that need to be in the victor. Form it Today, I'm going to show you my process off how I turn pro create designs with several colors into Victor's, but you can do the same process for single color designs as well, and the whole class takes you less than 15 minutes to complete, so it's actually a really easy and pretty straightforward way to make the rice procreate designs. I'm going to show you two different ways to back to rise your design. The 1st 1 will be using a dedicated program like that they'll be capture or any other program from the APP store. That that's the same. The second way will be to use an online conversion tool. So the programs I'm going to use our first obviously procreate. Then I'm gonna show you those two ways of how you can do it in different programs. And then, lastly, we're gonna put the design back together in the vector program and on my iPod. I happen to have affinity designer, but you can use any other program with same functionality as well. So enough talking, Let's get it done.
2. Prepare the Procreate file: here, you can see the design that I am going to use a drink completely and procreate. As you can see, it already looks like a nice victor design because it has lots off large areas in solid colors. This design actually has five different colors. If you are no saying, Wait Maggie Icon six colors there, then you actually counting correctly. But this is a T shirt design, and it will be printed on a black T shirt. That's why all black parts are actually transparent, which you can see when I turn on and off the background color layer to victor rise to design. We need to set up disclosure file accordingly. If you take a look, you will see that I already separated the design on different layers, and I tried to have only one color on each layer. As you can see, this car, which uses only white, is on one layer the green ring and the outline is in a different one. The red off the beanie is a separate one. The beard is a separate one, and the details off the beanie are on another one. No, I'm just going to go ahead and draw a little cross in the ring at the bottom. This is not necessarily needed, but I always put it there just in case that I need to align my designs later on, because, as you're going to see, we're going to export each layer separately. So, no, let's prepare all the layers. Two victories, the design. We will need each off this layers in pure black, because if we automatically want to transfer this design into a vector, each layer needs to be a black and white design. The black parts are going to be victor rised. The white parts are going to be erased, so let's go ahead and prepared it. So let's like the layer that we want to change. Then go over on the left to the adjustments menu and click on hue, saturation and brightness. And then we're going to reduce the brightness to none. And as you can see, our cross with the circle that was white before is now pure black, and now we repeat the same for all the other layers. Always go to adjustments and reduce the brightness to none to turn each color into pure black. Don't worry if the design starts to look a little bit strange. The colors will come back once we're done. Victor rising. Once I'm done, I'm just going to add a white background color so it's easier to see. But this step is more or less optional because we're going to export as a chip. Beck and the CEA pick will automatically feel all transparent parts with white anyways. So now, as you can see, each layer has the design element and it's all in Plec. Now it's time to export. I'm gonna make each layer invisible except the one that I want to export. Plus, I'm going to make sure that the little crosses there to export. I go to actions and export as a J pick, and I'm just going to save it to my images. Now we're going to turn on the next layer, make the one we had before Invisible and Export again is a J pic and the same steps we're going to repeat for the three other layers. So now that we're done exporting each layer separately, the next step is to vector rise them
3. Vectorize: the first way to victory eyes. It is toe import the images into a program like Adobe capture. I'm just gonna add all my designs and make sure to choose on the right side shapes, then just confirm and press safe in the upper right corner and safe again. And now it shows up in my library, and I'm just going to do the same with the other four images. So just gonna edit, make sure shapes is selected and save it. And this we're going to repeat for the other three layers as well. Directly from the library, I can click on the three thoughts, go export s and choose SVG than in the more section I can go copy to designer and to design will be copied in tow. Affinity, designer. And as you can see, it turned into a vector and it looks very good. The second way I'm going to show you is to use an online converter. The one I'm going to use is just online converting dot com slash victor rise. No, I'm going to do is import my Fife images click done, and it will automatically upload and convert them. And now they're already ready to download. When I download them, they go directly into the download section off my I bet you can find them in the files up, but you can also go into affinity designer Click on the plus on the upper right corner and go import from Cloud. And there it just need to find my new designs. And as you can see, they also turned into a nice increase. Victor looks good, I would say. So now it's time to put the design back together.
4. Final touches: Now it's time for the last step. We're gonna put all the layers back together into one image. It's going to be a little bit like a puzzle, but it's not that bad. You will see it's not. It's just open one off the designs. And as you can see, it's a very nice victor two. At the other parts of design, go back to the main menu and go to the plus and then open the next piece off the puzzle. Then click on the right thoughts in the upper right corner and go to copy. Then go back to the design that we already opened on the three dots again and click based. And as you will see, it will place it perfectly on top off the other design. So now let's go ahead and open up the other parts and again copy and paste them into our current drawing. There's only one thing you should be a little bit careful about when copying and pasting, so whenever you copy, it will create a new group with lots off different layers and lots of elements. So when you copy make sure that they are creating a new group and that they don't mix into each other. And as you can see, it slowly starts to look like her procreate drawing again. So the only thing we have missing now is that last layer with the details off the menu. So we're just gonna edit, We import it, we copy it and we paste it into the new design. So now all our layers are beck. But as you can see, it doesn't look like her original design yet. So that's the next step. We're going to bring back the colors. We had his next step. I'm gonna import a screenshot off the design in procreate. I do that so I can just drag and drop the colors onto the new design. So I'm going to do is pick the layer and then with the eyedropper tool, I'm just gonna choose the color that the original design head and it will color that layer accordingly and see there on the site is what I meant before that it will import lots of different elements as a group. So you have to be a little bit careful that you always choose to correct one, and I'm just going to re color the rest of the design. And as you can see, it already looks a lot like what we had before. The only thing missing now it's not really a color for me. It's just the background. And since I'm going to print on a black T shirt, this would be my final design. So, as you can see, the whole thing is nicely vector rised, and everything is aligned just perfectly. But to make it easier to see right now, I'm just gonna put a temporary black background. So now if you would want to make any adjustments to your designs like change some curves or change colors or at some more details, now is the perfect time to do so. Now is a very last step. I'm just gonna go ahead and start removing this little cross and circle area that we have in the bottom. In this case. Well, luckily, did not use it for alignment, but I always think it's a good thing to have, just in case you needed one day. So this is it. Our procreate design is perfectly like the rice. I hope you found this tutorial helpful, and if you have any questions. Please feel free to ask at any time. And if you want to share your results, I would be happy to see them in the project section. So thanks again for watching my video. And I hope I see you in the next class Have a great day fight.