1. Intro: Hi, I'm Mohammad Azad, illustrator and graphic designer based in New Delhi, India. I create illustrations for different brands today in this class. I'll take you through steps of, how to create illustrations like this. I'll show you, how you can use Procreate's one of the easy to use feature, called Clip Mask. We'll talk about how to play with light and shade in order to create depth in the illustration. So in this class I'll be teaching how to create exact same illustration on Procreate.
2. Project: Hi, everyone. I'm Mama. Does our illustrator and graphic designer from India For this project, I would like you to pick up any subject that can be served as an area for your illustration . You can think off to different visuals and connect them as you like, just like this illustration here I have used face as my basic ship and the forest as a second visual inside, for example. Just like I have taken in side face and then drawn some leaves to give it a night forest kind off feel you can also create your primary shaped like a jar floor waas or a window as well, just throwing out some top of the mine ideas. And then you can think off some other visual that you want to draw inside these ships. For instance, if you have drawn a jar as a baby shape, you can draw inside a landscape to give it a surreal look, maybe an ocean with fissures and go relief inside it. These are just a few ideas to start with. You can think off more ideas for your project. Don't forget to be created on the next video. I show you how you can create it and make sure you enroll in this class. See you in the next video
3. Color palette: welcome back. Before we jump start into creation, we need a colour palette to work with. You can think of a color palette consisting of its light and dark tones. That might be slightly easier for you to go along with the process. Or you can select spontaneously, feel free to do whatever suits you. Let's start our illustration.
4. Drawing Basic shape: welcome back that's long appropriate on pitching a screen size and default in compression off the procreate. To draw my circle with black color does make it slightly big. I'll drop three equal spaces here, just kind of drawn my side trees, and I started going forward here, Mom hopes. So you do there, there's the nose. And for the third space, I'll divide it into half because I want my face ship to look slightly smaller than the circle it has. Oh, yeah, once we have it, let's turn down the opacity. Take another layer or it will drop off final shape. Here it ourselves. There's a guideline to draw clear ship. So there's the nose. I'm reducing the chin size, an increasing the head. Let's fill the black. I really find ish the ship slightly to make it a little bit smoother. I'll add or subtract over forehead. I learned some more area by drawing over it with the same in crystal that comes by default and procreate, and I do this nose slightly straight but then called was I want my the shape to be fluid, not edgy at all, and I'm keeping the chin area slightly small, so I'll introduce it. It is with the same ink rush. I will be moved. Extra good things that have appearing. Ali. Raise them toe. And let's try to keep this shape smooth. Small. And I think we have our shape. Red. See, uh, see you in the next video.
5. Drawing using clip mask: Let's start with the clip mosque that's keepers shape in the center. I'll, um, removing the previous rough guideline there. I'll pick a green color. I learned one more layer before the drawer and use option clip Mosque, adding some leaves in here. Amusing Gil Green kind of tone. I'm adding a few more. I'm using pressure sensitivity to kind off. Give them the pointy look that they have one more on the make sure you keep their shapes. Mood enough. A merging. If you more lines here. Once you have it, it is in the very sharp and just toe. Keep some space so they don't, you know, kind of bump into each other. These leaves, I'm reducing their sharp, pointy areas. I'm amazing them. Now I'll add one more layer. Are you tap into that? Oh, hello panel. I have a dark green already ready in my color palette. I'll make it a clip. Mosque. I'll reorder it. Onda. Let's draw a few more leaves behind it, Some from the forehead. A few more. Oops. It'll take certain amount of practice to draw the shape that you desire. So take your time. Livid. The pressure sensitivity a little and then fill them up. So I I'll make it slightly darker. I have selected from hue and saturation. I'll add one more ship right over our dark face ship. This is our third earlier. I'm using turquoise blue, doctor slash Blue to kind off give deft from color itself without adding any shared to this point. And I think we're good. So see in the next video.
6. Removing clip mask: Welcome back in this video, I show you how we will going to make our these three clip mask shape as a regular shape. I'll select one of the layer, the bottom layer, our basic shape. I'll automatically select that and then I'll go to our first layer, which is the lightest green layer. And then I drag three fingers downwards. It'll give me options to cut & paste, so I'll select that. So we have our layer on a separate layer and the other areas which we don't require. We will delete those. So we have a layer and it's not clip masked anymore. You can see the second layer is in clip mask will do the same process. This layer is not a clip mask, our first layer. So we can move on to the 2nd one. I'll use the base shape, automatically select again and then go to my second layer Cut and paste It automatically takes my selected area on a New Layer. You can see the other areas are inside. So I'll delete those. which was earlier in the clip mask. I'll draw the same process. I'll do the same process for the third layer, which is blue. You go to This is our third layer which you can see, it has extra areas which we don't want. Once we take out from clip mask so, I'll use my basic shape, I'll automatically select those, and I'll select my third layer the blue layer and drag these three finger down. Cut & paste and we have selected area, on another layer. I'll remove the existing clip mask, and we're done. Now we have three different shapes to work with, once we add light on shade.
7. Light & Shadow: Hi. So let's start adding light and shadows in our these three ships that we have created. As you can see right now, these are not clip must anymore. We have taken those out and club them as we want it. So let's start with the first layer. I had one more layer on the top off earlier. What are I'm doing is I'm hiding those other two layers, making them invisible by selecting from the layer panels Visibility option and I would make it this new layer as a clip mosque. I'll pick the green tone. I'll pick the lighter version off it. Onda. I'm picking a spray paint brush, some adding some light bones here as you can see where I'm going, the leaves are getting lighter, so I'm drying on the upper ships off and it is from the same brush. So I dont clue the texture when I'm controlling the light area where I want my light to fall, increasing the brush I than drawing it again. Under leafs, you can see the clear detention how light is on the edges off. These leads allowed one more layer. Make it a clip mask and G order it toe on pick my existing methadone. I'll make it slightly dark. And then I would start drawing from shadows water more towards the edges off the face because I want to give it kind off like these leaves are included in this ship. You can see the texture is coming quite nicely here, and I'll do the same process for the second we've allowed in layers. Make it a clip mask and then I'll speak. The first colors make it slightly darker, amounting shadows, Forcing this. I'm moving ahead slightly faster than you do so you can see, although things have been done now I'll pick the light tone on me, the layer again, a clip mosque, and then I draw some light on the leaves. The second layer that we have, I'll quickly draw the light on, other layer says. Well, I'm keeping the light direction from center. Actually, as you can see, the more believes that are closer to the center on more like Courson. So let's move with the third live at a new layer, make it a clip mosque. You can pick the layer colors and then make it slightly brighter like tone and start painting the light or the leads toward the centers. Weaken. Use slight pressure toe. Have it, too, you know, bright and enough. And now I'll add one more cone. Make it slightly dark. I'll pick my by default tone first, which was the earlier tone. And now I will make a slightly darker and I'll go with that tone to add shadows beneath the leaves. As you can see here, just to give it a slight separation from one another, it will get you to death and agencies slightly towards the nose. It's giving us nice contrast and good amount of debt in the artwork. Yes, yeah, good. See you in the next few do.
8. Fireflies: Hello. So let's move on to creating our fireflies. I'll use a layer, a new layer on the downside of it almost on the third layer, which was blue one. And I'll pick deep yellow for the same. I'm using the same brush to have that kind of grainy yellow effect. Why I kept the layer behind, so we can have this depth even further. So it looks like these fireflies are behind these leaves. I'm making a dense from the center, the lights. Now I'll add one more layer. I'll pick the light yello, which is almost cream-ish yellow towards scream colour* side. And then I'll draw some shapes with a solid ink brush. Something like this, maybe slightly circular. These three, and now I'll these from one end. So it will be like merged in the background from one side. So I'll reduce my brush size a little, and I will do the same process for all these three. I'm removing erasing from the back side, one end . I'm keeping the other. Now I'll add highlights of the fireflies. I'm using white for the same, and I just draw some lines over here to give it a highlight. Just like a fireball kind of a thing. On the 3rd one and the... you can play with transparency in all, slightly doing the same with the 4th one and yet we're done with our fireflies. So let's move with our next video and do our final touch ups.
9. Details and final touch: Hello, sir. Let's add our final details on complete this artwork. I'll select my first layer, which was green. Not the shadows, but that's all. Lee Layer. I'm using a razor to carve out these ships to give it a more natural look off a leaf. I learned some more circles and shapes to give it organic feel on a tiny bit. Here, one more nets go through it quickly. I'm doing the same process for other leaves, but for the longer lives, I'm not cutting them out, but adding a blue color glue tone by adding one more layer as clip mosque. So I'll pick it up and put it on my lightest layer so we can see the colors. So our first layer is complete. I'll move onto the 2nd 1 Same process using it. Is there two car on the ships, all right, and I blew with the clip mosque to draw or longer leaves. And let's move on to the earlier another nuclear clip. Mars. Can I just draw some lines allowed those. Since they have other duties, let's move toe are highlights. Before we do that, I will change my white color background if I tap onto my background layer. The color section comes up and I lose 10% off 20% maybe 10% black, which have already in my color palette. I'll goto the top off my green layer first layer. I'll make the clip mask and I'll pick a white color who had my highlights. I'm starting with the leaf longer. Leave. I'm adding highlights that ever it's closer toe the fireplace because I'm using fireflies of the light source to add the highlights more on this one. And yeah, some more right on the edges. You can play with capacity and, um, adding one more live and uh, background on the top off my blue live Luli flair, and I'm adding certain highlights here as well. Make sure it's a clip mosque reminding fume or Jones on the corner. And wherever I feel, the light will fall, adding, I'm doing the same process for the middle layer as well, adding a clip muscular and learning more highlights. But this time the highlights are from green color. These are not right for the middle layer. Middle leaves just weird. A little bit more saturation and contrast on using Veridian green somewhere Yeah, So that's more oneto the bag down. I'll add a new layer on the top off my shape layer, and then I will make it a clip mask as well. I'm adding few more leads right here in the background off all these three layers off needs . I'm making a dark blue. I don't know if you can see it from this distance, but it's pretty dark on and just toe. Add one more layer or level off debt. And you see this these stones where the light is not treating, but still these are there. I'm changing the background color, having one more layer ordered, and he ordered it. And I'll draw some white strokes on near my faced near one more layer above the background , actually from using a rough brush, which gives me kind off growth. Pictured feel to it just quickly doing toe Accenture the look on the top in the bottom and I'll is it with the green brush. I'll make it slightly big, kindof margin the background. And with that, we complete this solicitations. But leaving us highlights on the outside offer and that fit folks hope you enjoyed the process. I hope you have learned something from this illustration. How to use clip mark in light and shoot. I can't wait to see what you create by.
10. Finalising : Hello, everyone. So , this is what we have created Using the clip must technique and some basic light and shadows technique that we have used, using this technique, you conclude something similar or completely different piece. I hope this video was easy enough to follow through, and learn. If you face any difficulty and just let me know right here in the skill share discussion section, I'll definitely try to reply to your queries with as much clarity as I can. I'll be applauding more classes on procreate illustration and let me know if you face any challenges in order to create your illustration. I would love to teach you how you can solve it. Hope you have learned something on this class. So see you in the next class. Bye.