1. Introduction: After baking 200
gingerbreads this week, I just thought, why
not make digital ones? In this class, we
are going to create cute gingerbread
illustrations together. It is a really a fun project
to get into the festive mood to make some personalized gifts, like stickers or greeting cards, or just greet your
friends and family digitally with a
beautiful artwork. Hi, my name is Alexandra,
aka the Artmother. I'm an artist, illustrator,
and online educator. I have just invented
most amazing brush set for painting gingerbread
digitally in Procreate. As I'm a forever curious
and experimental artist, I used real gingerbread
ingredients like ****** to
create the brushes that you will get
with this class. I will even teach you how to create three
different brushes from it so that you can customize them and make your illustrations
really yours. In this class, you
will not just learn how to create super cute
gingerbread illustrations, but you will also scale up in your Procreate brush creation. The class is perfect
for beginners, as you don't need to
create your own brushes, you can just use mine. The class project
is also versatile. You can either just make one single cute
gingerbread illustration or more gingerbreads, or follow me to a full gingerbread
landscape illustration. You will only need your
iPad and Procreate on it, with a little working knowledge and a bit of a motivation. By the end of this class, you will be packed with
some fresh new skills, have an adorable illustration, and I hope that
you will take away my spiced-up festive
mood with you as well. Are you ready to bake some
digital gingerbread with me? If yes, let's get started.
2. About The Class: Welcome to the class. I'm so happy to have you here. In this video, I'm
going to talk to you about the class structure, their resources, and
the class project. First and foremost, the
class will look like this. We will take a look on the
brushes that I have created. I will show you how they work and what are they good for. We will also take a look around in the Procreate brush studio and talk about the
most basic settings, that a brush needs. Then we will create three different brushes
together, a stamp brush, a texture brush, and I will show you
my recent discovery, how to create the icing brush
that is already shaded. After you have the brushes, we will move to
the most fun part. We're going to paint together
some cool gingerbreads. Lastly, I will show
you how to create a landscape composition
from gingerbreads. Sounds super cool. Now, if you are a beginner, or you don't have mood
to create the brushes, just watch the videos because I'm convinced that
if you watch them and see how easy it
is and how fun it is, you will slowly get
addicted to making Procreate brushes just like me. In the resources, you can find my brush set. I'm also providing
a colored palette and an image of a texture that you can use
in brush creation. You are totally free to
use your own colors, I just found a really good
combination of colors that makes this dough realistic, but feel free to experiment
out your colors on your own. The class project
is also versatile, as I already told you. You can create just
a single gingerbread or a whole pack of them. You are free to build
a full illustration around these little gingerbreads or just follow me to creating a full gingerbread
landscape composition. What's the next step? Download the resources and
then let's get started.
3. About Procreate Brushes : Let's just get started. If you have downloaded
the brushes. Now, let's create a
square-sized canvas. We're going to
need a square size for planning the
brushes and also it is good because we can immediately use a square-sized
canvas on Instagram. Here is the gingerbread that we can do with these brushes. Isn't it beautiful? Can you see that? There's so much
detail and I promised that this just takes
one minute to create. If you open up the brush sad, you can see 12 brushes here. There are three
different categories. Here are five brushes
that we need to create a base off the
illustration so the dough itself. If you have been
with me for a while, you know that we have several functions
brushes need to have, and we have all of that here. We have the gingerbread shaper
for creating the shape. We have the icing actually
for decorating for details. There's a floor texture that creates this little
flower all over the shape and it is great
for detail as well. But it adds extra texture and we have a
gingerbread texture that again has detail and texture and we can also
use it for shading, but we have a gingerbread
****** shader. I literally created
these brushes from real ingredients of gingerbread, the floor texture is
created from floor. The icing is a special
design for me, I will show you in a
video how to create that. There is a gingerbread shaper, which literally has the shape
of a gingerbread as base, something like this. Super cool and we
have 10 shapes. These are stamp brushes. I will show you how to
create stamp brushes. I will just show you. It will help you to create, it is like a cutout form to create a gingerbreads
and there are some snowflakes to
decorate the whole image. Now, we are going to
plan three brushes. We're going to start
with a stamp brushes because that is the easiest, so we're going to
create a stamp brush. You can customize the shapes
of your gingerbreads and not just use those that
I have offered here, so you can create your
own shapes for that. Then we are going to create
a gingerbread texture brush, and use a real
spice to create it. It is going to be either a texture brush
or a shader brush. It depends really on the shape that we're
going to create. That is the second one and the third one is going
to be the icing. This is my recent discovery that we can do this
with Procreate brushes. If you can see, when
I'm placing the icing, it is already shaded. Can you see that with a brush? Isn't that amazing? You can use mine or just come with me and
create your own. Let me tell you a little bit about how Procreate
brushes work, just go to the Brush
Library and up here, hit the the "Plus" sign. Now you are in the Brush Studio. The Brush Studio here
has several settings. Stroke pad Stabilization, Taper Shape, grain rendering, what makes, color dynamics, dynamics, Apple pencil
properties, materials. About this brush,
this Brush Studio changes a lot when
Procreate updates. I really don't want to focus on too much detail on settings, but I would love
to teach you more the concept behind
creating these brushes so that you can manage creating your own brushes with the
main settings that are here. The most important
thing is the shape, you can change the shape source, it is the base. I will edit it and import a photo that I already
have, for example. Let's say here is the shape, let's say this mitten. I now have this mitten
as a shape source. This is going to be as if it was a stamp and when you
are drawing the lines, you are dragging this stamp all along this line and this creates
your lines in Procreate. I will just hit "Done"
and as you can see, I will just increase the
size of this preview. Now, I'm dragging this shape of the mitten to create a line. This is an interesting
line here, but we can make full brush from this mitten if you go to the Stroke Path, that is very important after
we have the base shape. The spacing setting, if you set the spacing
to the lowest, there is minimum amount of distance between the
shapes next to each other. I have one mitten and the
next one is very close to it. When I increase spacing, I can just have individual
mittens next to each other. This is the most
basic concept that you need to understand
about Procreate brushes. Now there are many more
settings that we will need and we will talk about
them in the next videos. I will cancel this brush
and if you are ready, let's just move on
to the next video and create your
first stamp brush. See you there.
4. Your First Stamp Brush: In this video, we are going to
create a stamp brush. You understand what
this stamp is, the base shape that we're
going to work with. We're going to
create this brush, so choose a shape
that is not here. Now we have a tree, a house, a gingerbread man, a star, and a moon shape. I'll think about another shape and I will go for the bell. I will turn off this gingerbread here and we need the
square-sized canvas. Why do we need the
square-sized canvas? Because the base of the Procreate
brushes is square size. Now you might have
noticed that it is not a black stamp on
a white background, but the other way round. You have a black background
and a white shape. Let's go and find a shape. You can draw
bell-shape yourself. But if you wish, you can go
to Canvas at drawing guide, and edit drawing guide. Then when you hit symmetry here, you can have a
symmetry tool here. If you draw on one
side of the canvas, you will get the exact same
thing on the other one. I will choose black. Actually from this brush studio, I can choose the gingerbread
shaper and make it smaller. I will create a new layer and click on it and hit "Drawing Assist" so that there
is this symmetry tool. Can you see that? I can start the bell-shape. It doesn't look good. Like this. We erase this part. It's really a hand-drawn shape. It is very easy and
it is symmetrical. Some of these shapes
are not symmetrical, so for example, the moon isn't. I tried to make these shapes
really around it and without very edgy parts because these gingerbreads
when they are baked, they are not that edgy and they might lose this sharpness
of these edges, so I tried to make
them more authentic. What I'm going to
do is to go through these shapes and just make
them a little bit round. Like for example, here. Let's do a recap on what you need to do to have a shape like
this on your canvas. At first, choose a shape, whatever shape you wish, that could make a gingerbread. Find references on Google, just check out
what the shape is. If you have like,
real reference, you can take a look at it. They are differently shaped. Trees, for example, there are only triangular shapes, etc. So just think about it. Go to Procreate at
the symmetry tool and just draw it and make sure that you don't
have pointy edges, or too pointy edges
in your shape. Now when you have it, click the layer of your
shape, select, choose white. Hit again, and hit "Fill Layer." Now go to background color
and set it to black. Now go to the range
button, share, save as a PNG, and save image. Export successful. Now let's go to
the Brush Studio. Come here, hit the "Plus" button and the first thing
is always to set the shape, because that is the
base for brush. Hit the shape, add
it and import. Import a photo, and import
this shape, and hit "Done." Now you have the bells. I will just increase
the preview size so that you can see it better. I'm dragging now this
little shape here. Now let's go to the Stroke
Path and increase the spacing. Like this. Maybe less. I will clear the drawing pad. Really nice. I go to Apple Pencil, it is usually set that when
you increase the pressure, you set the opacity as well. If you don't push hard enough, the shape will be a
little bit transparent. So just hit that back so that your shape is always fully opac. That is important. So hit "Done." Now I have a bell brush. Why do I have two? I have this symmetry tool, so I need to turn
it off the canvas. Turn on the drawing guide, and I'm going to just
create a new layer. I now have the bells. It is not that big enough. I will go back to the brush
and go to properties. Here you can set the maximum
size and make that big. You can max it or
just 500 percent. Let's see how big it is. That is big. Now you can create
as big as possible. You can set the maximum
size of your brush as well or you can create giant shapes as you
have already seen. I will just delete it like this. If you don't want to see
these bells like dust, but as these really
cute small shapes, go into your brush properties, and here you have the
setting of the preview. Make that smaller. Now hit "Done." As you can see, you will see these shapes small. This setting only
affects how you see this shape up here in this row. Now you can give it a
name above this brush. Let's name it Bell shape. You can add your logo here. You can add your name
and you can sign it. Done. Create new reset point, so it saves your brush settings. Now you have a beautiful
bell-shaped brush. It was amazing. In the next video, we are going to create a gingerbread texture brush. See you there.
5. Create The Gingerbread Texture Brush: If you're ready, let's just continue and create a gingerbread
texture brush. Now, what are texture brushes? Texture brushes are usually
not for shapes like this, but contains more little shapes. For this, we will need
an image of ******. First thing I'm going
to do is to bring here some ****** and a white paper. I will just put this aside and take this
piece of paper and take gingerbread ****** and just create these blobs of shapes. There will be more
little shapes here. What I'm going to
do now is to grab my iPad and take a photo of it. Now I have a photo of it. This was your job, so
I will just place it aside and let's go
back to Procreate. Now I will just Add
and Insert a Photo, and insert this
photo of the shape. I will make it a
little bit bigger. Now our job is, again, to create this base
shape for the brush. How do we do that? We will need this to have a black background and
white little shapes. That is not that easy, but I will show you
the exact process. Go to Adjustments, and I will at first just
go to the Hue, Saturation, Brightness and just
put saturation down. Then again, Adjustments, and I will go to the Gradient
Map and hit this gradient. It already, as you can
see, exchanged that. Maybe you will have different
settings popping out. Make sure that you have this
white box at that side, and the black box at this side. Hit "Done". Now hit again the "Adjustments"
and go to Curves. Now set this little slide here until you have
it fully black. Now you have this interesting
inverted shape texture that you can use as the
base of your brush. Now, choose black, it is black, and you can paint over with maybe the
Gingerbread Shaper, these shapes that are outside a little bit from this square, because they might get your base shape a
little bit annoying. If you want this base shape
to concentrate only here, you can just paint over these
little shapes around it. But I want this to be
really a textured brush, so I will keep them there. This is the first time you can
realize that you can paint into the shapes that you are creating as a base
for the brush. They don't have to be solid. This thing as well. This allows so many things
in creating brushes. I will hit the wrench button, Share and save again as a PNG. Now again, come here
and create a new brush. Go to Shape, Edit, Import, Import a photo, import it and Hit "Done". I will again increase
the Preview Size. Great. Now we can go to the Stroke Path and change the
different settings, so you can have a
brush like this. It looks actually pretty great. But I will increase the spacing
a little bit so that it has a little bit of
transparency and this texture around the edges. Then you can set the jitter. What Jitter does
is that when you are drawing a line
when you are painting, and you are dragging these
shapes around that line, jitter means that you will place this shape
around the line, not linearly, but like this. You can set this randomness or this shape placement as well. You have jitter here. You can make it
like this as well. I will make it at
around 10 percent, and I can go to Shape, again. Scatter means that this shape is not placed always like this, but it turns around to
different directions, and it can be also
randomized as well. You can set the rotation
to follow stroke, so it will follow the
stroke, this rotation. There's Count, Count Jitter, Randomized, etc. We are not going
to go into that. They are a bit more
complex settings, but we already have
a pretty cool brush. I'm going to turn these off, create a new layer to show you. I will increase size, and it looks pretty amazing. Now, what we need to set
with this texture brushes is pressure sensitivity
because when we are shading with them or
adding textures with them, we need this pressure
sensitivity. I will go to Apple Pencil, and we already have
the opacity set to maximum and I will
also add size. When I don't press that much, it's a little line, and when I press
harder, it is bigger. I will go to Properties and set the Maximum size
again to bigger. What else do we need? I don't think we need too much. Let us see. If I create a shape, I will set the background
color to white for now. I will create a
shape, for example, with the Gingerbread
Shaper brush. I will alpha lock it. I will grab my new texture brush and choose a darker color. Oops. Cool. Can you see that? I will lower the opacity, and I can already have shader. Now this is a shader. Now we can add gingerbread
texture to it as well. This will be fun. We can as well choose the texture blazed over
this shape of the line. If I go to Grain, I can change Grain Source. Now I have photographed real gingerbread texture
and I can import it here. Edit, Import, Import a photo. You can take a photo yourself. I will just include this
in the resources as well. This is gingerbread. I will Hit "Done", and I will have this
gingerbread texture. You can set this texture as
well to do different things. For example, it can
be texturized fully, so it will have a constant
texture behind the shape. Or it can be a moving texture, so it moves along
with your brush. It will be just
enough for now for you to have a brush like this with a little
gingerbread texture. I can make it bigger. Go to Properties, Brush behavior, Maximum size. I may need to set it to even bigger and the preview
will be smaller. I don't know why I
have these settings. Make sure that Preview to
have at least at 50 percent. Maximum size set at bigger. I can just add
gingerbread texture here, and I can use this brush
as a shader as well. Win-win. I will increase the
Preview Size a little bit. Perfect. I can name it again. Done. Well up. In the next video, I will show you how I've
done the icing brush and to make you a
little bit more experimental with
your brush shapes. See you there.
6. Creating The Icing Brush: [MUSIC] Let's just create
the icing brush. I will just turn this off and bring back the
black background color, and turn this off as well. For the base of the icing brush, we will need a white
sphere shaded black. What I'm going to do is to go to the Selection tool,
hit "Ellipse", hold down my finger or tap my finger, and I will
create a circle. Now I will choose white
and just do a new layer. [LAUGHTER] I will just drop the color and I will
have a circle here. Now, I will [inaudible] along this circle and go back to black and choose
the shader brush. You know what? I'm going to use my gingerbread texture
brush for this now. I'm going to shade
it as a sphere. I will create shading like
this in the mid tone. I will increase the opacity
to make a darker part for it. I will keep white on the edges
with a little bit smaller as the light reflection, but to keep the base shape, but with the shading itself. This is a shaded sphere and not the best work
I have ever done. Maybe I will make it
a little bit better. It will just work fine. This is the shape
I'm going to save. Save as a PNG, Save Image. I will create a new brush. Again, start with the
Shape, Edit, Import, Import Photo, and I
have it here, done. Can you see that? I will just increase the size. It is already shaded. I go to the Stroke Path and edit the spacing to a
little bit less, at least 10 percent. You need no jitter. You can stabilize it. Let's talk about stabilization. Without stabilization,
the lines you create follow totally
the movements that you create with your hand. But if you increase, for
example, StreamLine, it will clear up the little movements
because you are not creating straight lines, but you have literally
a little bit, a little movements
in your hands. If you want more straight lines, you can increase the StreamLine. It can be pressure
sensitive as well. You can stabilize, for example, can you see? If you put the
stabilization full, it will make these
very weird lines, so we don't want that. I will add that at least 10
percent of stabilization. Beautiful.
Motion-filtering amount, we don't need that. Hit "Done". I will bring back the white background color and our little gingerbread here. Again, create a new layer. I already have icing. But we have something like this here and we don't want that. This is when we add
taper to our brush. What is taper? It means that it is
smaller when you start a line and
it gets bigger as you increase the
pressure sensitivity. Yes, we will add pressure
sensitivity as well. Go to Taper and set the
beginning of this brush here. Keep the pressure
sensitivity up here. Go to Apple Pencil, and
now hit "Increase Size". Now you can go thinner and thicker by
playing with pressure. Can you see? This brush totally changed here. The brush image. When I'm painting, it is
not going into opacity, but it becomes a
fully finished line. We have icing. How amazing is that? Now, I can go to properties
about this brush. Again, I will write Icing, I'll write New here so
that I know that this is the one I created
during the class. Wow, this looks incredible. What do you say?
Now you know how to create three different
types of brushes. You have created your own. You have all these
brushes that are here. There are just no flakes. I will just add a little bonus information
about it, how to create. It is exactly the same
as the bell shape, but you add jitter and
different spacing. If I go to the bell shape and add jitter and less spacing, I have the same. But we don't want to do that. Go to these both brushes and create a new reset
point so that when you experiment and you find a great setting,
you don't lose it. I hope you'll find it very
interesting or exciting. I think this is just
amazing that we can do this on our iPads. [MUSIC] See you in the next video
where we are going to bake with these
brushes. See you there.
7. Baking Digital Gingerbreads: Are you ready to create some cool Gingerbread
illustrations? There are several
ways we can do them. I will actually keep
this square-sized canvas so that I can return to
these shapes and etc. If you want to
customize your brushes and create more
of these brushes, keep that square size canvas and it will be a great
working file for you. I will create a new
square-sized canvas. Actually now you can
create any size canvas, also screen-sized
canvas if you wish. There are several ways
you can create the shapes for your gingerbreads and we will just go
for the easiest ones. If you go and choose
this color of the dough and choose the shape
you have created, so I will place the bell shape, I will place star shape, gingerbread man, and
let's say a tree. I can just drop the colors
and well I have the shapes. Now, I have included this gingerbread shaper
in to fit in the brushes so that you can
just simply create your own shapes without
these cut outs. If you wish, you can just create and paint an ornament
and stuff like that and it will make your job
pretty easy or easier. Now I'm going to Alpha Lock this layer so do
this with me now. I will choose this darker brown and go with the
gingerbread texture brush or I will use the gingerbread
texture here as well that I have created. Beautiful. Now, what do we need to do is to do a little
bit of shading. You can use this brush
for both shading and the texture as well but I have a different shader here to gingerbread
****** shader. I will choose the darkest brown. What I'm going to
do is to go around these shapes at
the edges because it will make this a
free-dimensional look to them. You can increase
and decrease sizes. I will add a little flower
so I will choose white. I will choose the flower texture and just make it a
little bit bigger and just vape around
these little guys to have a little flower around. I forgot to shade this one. Now I will choose the icing, maybe the one that we
have just created, white and we can
start decorating. [MUSIC] Beautiful right? What else I can do? I can duplicate this layer
and select this lower layer, fill this layer with black. Select, move a little
bit Un-Alpha Lock this layer and go
to Gaussian Blur, and add a little
bit of drop shadow. I find it too dark so I
will go to the opacity and lower its opacity. Place it a little bit more
behind them like this and it looks super cute. Can you see this? It is perfect and it was
done in a few minutes. Wonderful. If you wish, you can just play around and create these gingerbreads and upload those to
the class project. But if you want to go into more complex project
with these gingerbreads, follow me to the next video and let's create a gingerbread
landscape with me. See you there.
8. The Gingerbread Landscape: All right. So I'm
really happy that you decided to come with me to create this more
complex composition from your little shapes. As you can see, I have created a little bit more detailed
little gingerbreads. It took me a little
bit more time. So i f you wish to make more detailed elements you
are going to work with, just take your time. This is going to be a totally simple composition and let me just show
you how I did it. I will go back to
my elements here. This is what I work
with in the class. What I need to do is to merge
the icing to the dough. I will just merge down or
just pinch them together. What I will need to do
is to make sure that all elements are on separate layers so that
I can move them around. I can do that by clicking the selection tool,
freehand selection. Draw around the element
that you wish to use. Free finger slide,
cut and paste. Now you can see that
this house is on a separate layer and I'm going to be able
to move it around. Now, I'm going to
do this with all of these but make
sure that when you are selecting that you are in the original layer so that you have the place to cut out from. Now, I'm going to work with a simple landscape
composition of the thirds. One-third is going
to be the snow and the other two-thirds
will be the background. I will at first make sure to
make the background color a bit darker so that I can see better what
I'm working with. I will create a new
layer below it all. Choose white and choose the icing brush to
paint the snow. I will not actually
make it fully white, but just a little bit
grayish. Very little. I will just fill this
in with the icing. Now, the composition. I will place the moon up
to this right corner. I will choose a house
to be in the middle, so it is in the focus. I will have this second
house in the background. I will make it a bit smaller, place it to the back. I will duplicate this tree. I will place it
here a little bit. I will place this
house a little bit, make it smaller, and
place even further. This other tree, I will
duplicate it again. I will make it smaller. I will again put it
onto the background. This one, I will place on top, select, and place
to the second part. As you can see, this whole composition
is like this. I have a middle element, two small elements behind and two small elements in
front off on the edges. I have a triangle actually here. Now, I have a moon here. Let's play with the star. I will duplicate it, make it smaller, and place
it up here and duplicate it. Again, make it smaller
and maybe place it here. I have now surrounded it all
with this little elements. I can fill this negative
space even with this one. Voila, I have my
composition. What is left? I need to add even more snow, actually everywhere and to decide on the background color. I will go to the background
color and choose a blue. You can choose any
color you wish. It is a nighttime. In this case, it will be a little bit grayish
blue, for me. I will make a little
gradation to the background, so it has variation in color. I will create a new
layer above the snow. Choose a little purplish, light color, lighter, blueish. I will choose the gingerbread spicy shader or
the texture brush. Just from the bottom to up. This layer has to
be below the snow. I will make the brush bigger. I will actually make it
a little bit purplish. Increase the opacity. Looks good to me. But now, I will just
go to Adjustments. Gaussian blur. Gaussian blur this layer so that you have this little gradation. It cannot be seen that much. I will make the
background color but darker then maybe you
will see it better. What I have done here,
I place the main color, another one, blended it to have a little bit
of a gradation. Now I have these wonderful
snowflakes brushes. As you can see, the
Snowflakes 1 is transparent, and the Snowflakes 2 is opaque. I choose the
Snowflakes 1, white. Create a layer below it all over the snow,
doesn't matter. I will just place this little snowflakes
to the background. That to the top of it all, I will create another layer. I will choose the flower texture and just really easily
go through it all. It adds a little snowy
texture to the whole image. Now again, go back
to the Snowflakes 2, which is an opaque brush, and just place the
little snowflakes, here and there to the front. Voila. What is left that I
thought that looks good. I will create another layer
over the snow and now with fully white and icing brush. Let's use this one. I will just paint
this little things to the ground so that these
snow is not that simple, but it has some
variation within. Here are the little houses. You can add whatever you like. You can add characters
into this image. You can use the
luminance brush with a light pen to add
some little stars. This is my favorite brush. [LAUGHTER] You can
add that as well. Voila, this is the
final composition. These two are a little
different because I changed a little bit
the composition, but it is similar to this one. This is a very easy way to do it with the shapes that we
have created previously. I just done the
exact same process. This is a very beginner
friendly thing and you can just spend a little bit
more time on it and have a composition like this. I hope you liked it
and I can't wait to see what you create
as your artwork. See you in the last video
where we are going to wrap it all up. See you there.
9. Final Thoughts: Congratulations. You've finished a
class and I'm really, really proud of you. I am super excited to see what
you create in this class, so don't forget to upload your class project to
the project gallery. I invite you to check out
what others did in the class. I bet it will be
super inspiring. Follow me on social media, on Instagram and Facebook, and also here on Skillshare so that you get notified
about the latest classes, announcements, and challenges. Also, make sure
to leave a review so that I know what you
think about the class and so that other
students can see if this class is a
great fit for them. It was a pleasure
to have you here. I hope that you
had a great time. I wish you happy holidays, or if you are taking this
class in July, happy creating. See you in my other classes.