Procreate Dreams Essentials for Beginners: Create, Animate, Share! | Derrick Mitchell | Skillshare

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Procreate Dreams Essentials for Beginners: Create, Animate, Share!

teacher avatar Derrick Mitchell, Designer | Teacher | Artist | Innovator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Getting Started and How to Make a New File


    • 4.

      Flipbook Frame by Frame Animation


    • 5.

      Working with Keyframes


    • 6.

      Drawing Simple Eyes


    • 7.

      The Perform Animation Feature


    • 8.

      Adding Audio and Other Media


    • 9.



    • 10.

      Create an Animated Gif and Project Upload


    • 11.

      Next Steps


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About This Class

Class Description:

Welcome to "Procreate Dreams Essentials for Beginners: Create, Animate, Share!" This course is your beginner-friendly gateway to mastering the exciting world of animation using Procreate Dreams. Whether you're a digital art novice, a hobbyist, or a graphic designer, this course will guide you through the fun and creative process of animation.

This course is not just a set of tutorials; it's a streamlined path to quick results in animation with Procreate Dreams. Covering both basic and a few advanced techniques, the course is structured to provide immediate fun and satisfaction in animation creation, setting the stage for your ongoing journey in digital art.

Class Objective:
The primary goal is to familiarize you with the basics of Procreate Dreams while guiding you to create a simple yet captivating animation. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to share your creation on social media and impress your friends and followers! Who knows... maybe this will turn into a new career for you! 

Target Audience:
This course is ideal for beginners in animation, digital artists, hobbyists, graphic designers, and those with prior Procreate experience (although zero prior experience is needed to enjoy and learn from this class). If you're curious about animating in Procreate Dreams, you're in the right place!

Course Structure:
The course is structured into 10 easy-to-follow videos:

  1. Introduction
  2. Making a New File
  3. Flipbook Frame by Frame Animation
  4. Working with Keyframes
  5. Drawing Simple Eyes
  6. The “Perform” Animation Feature
  7. Adding Audio and Other Media
  8. Project Reminder
  9. Exporting Your Movie
  10. Next Steps

Key Features and Tools:
Dive into Procreate Dreams' user-friendly interface, exploring the Stage, Backstage, and Timeline. You'll learn about keyframes, "performing," and the tools in Draw and Paint mode. The course covers adding and manipulating audio, text, video, illustrations, and images in your animations. Plus, discover how to export your projects in various formats for sharing with the class and on social media.

You will need an iPad with Procreate Dreams installed (Procreate Dreams costs: $19.99). Please refer to the Procreate Dreams documentation for compatible iPad models. Depending on the version of your iPad, different features may or may not be available.

Instructor Bio:
Hello! I'm Derrick. With over 20 years of experience in the creative arts and marketing industry, I've collaborated with brands like MTV, Nintendo, The Discovery Channel, Winchester, Adobe, and Netflix. As the co-founder of a graphic design and marketing agency, I've honed diverse design and marketing skills. I'm passionate about teaching and helping students develop strong skillsets for success in the creative arts industry. Join me on this journey to unleash your creativity in animation!

Meet Your Teacher

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Derrick Mitchell

Designer | Teacher | Artist | Innovator


Hello! My name is Derrick, and I'm so stoked to be teaching here on Skillshare!

Are you interested in making a living in the creative arts industry as a graphic designer, freelancer, videographer, photographer, or web developer?

If yes, then be sure to join me in these courses here on Skillshare as I show you what it's like to be a graphic designer and make a living doing something that you love!

I will help you master the skills you need to become successful. I'll show all of my processes so you can accelerate your success, while also learning from my mistakes so you don't have to repeat them yourself and fall into the same traps that I did.

I have spent my entire career in the creative arts and marketing sector. I had the opportunity to work with br... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: In this skill share course, I'm excited to introduce you to Procreate Dreams, a brand new animation app by the makers of Procreate. It's a really powerful tool for an ipad, Sorry, you have to have an ipad to do it, but it's a lot of fun. If you have an ipad and want to follow along, we're going to create a very, very simple animation. Just something fun to get your feet wet and to learn about the program. And then something that you can easily share with the class as well as post your social media and show off your brand new animation skills. My name is Derek Mitchell. I'm a creative director and I've been fortunate enough to work with a lot of amazing brands like Netflix, Nintendo, MTV, the discovery channel, currently Winchester. And typically I'm working as a graphic designer and a web developer. But I've always loved animation and I've always loved drawing. So when the new Procreate Dreams app came out, I immediately fell in love. And I wanted to share with you some simple tips and tricks to get you up and running as well. So maybe you are not an animator and you have some drawings lying around or some sketches. Or maybe you're just artistic and want to learn more about animation. You don't have to have any art skills or drawing skills to take this. My drawing skills and this are going to be very, very basic. The most you have to do is draw a circle. So from those skills, we're going to learn how to animate these pieces and create something fun that you can share with us in the class as well as post on social media. So if you're interested in diving in and you want to get started today, let's go ahead and jump in. I can't wait to see you in the class. 2. Welcome: All right, in this quick course, we're going to learn how to use Procreate Dreams for the first time. To get you up and running with the essentials and everything you need to make something simple, like this little critter on my screen. You can make something like this or any kind of social media graphic or whatever you want to do with this once we're all done. But if you want to follow along, be sure to download the assets provided in this course and let's go ahead and dive in. 3. Getting Started and How to Make a New File: All right, to get started with this class, you're going to have to download Procreate Dreams on your ipad. So go ahead and navigate to the App Store, find Procreate Dreams, and then go ahead and buy that app. Luckily, it's a one time purchase, so if you're familiar with Procreate the original drawing app, it's a one time purchase, there's no subscription. And once you own it, you'll get access to all of the updates in the future. And Procreate Dreams is the same way. So go ahead and get that app installed on your ipad. And then let's go ahead and dive in. When you first open the app, you're going to notice we have the theater. And the theater is where all of your project files, which we call movies live. And you'll see these three demo files which are a lot of fun to open and play with. And all you have to do is tap on it. And you'll see right away we have our stage on top where our animations live. And our timeline down below where we can grab this playhead and we can scrub through the animations and check them all out. And if you want to navigate back to the theater, all you have to do is tap this little tiny mosaic looking button and it takes you right back to the theater. Now if you break anything and you accidentally make any mistakes, all you have to do, if you want, you can select these three original demo files and you can even delete them. We'll hit delete. I'll tap on Procreate Dreams. Here on the top corner we see this info window here. And there's a couple of things I want, I wanted to point out, if you want a more in depth review of the entire app and everything it has, you can follow these Getting Started and Help center guides. But also we can click reset examples, and those demo files will come right back. If you want to jump ahead, you can dive right in play with these animations and learn a little bit more about the app. The other thing I want to point out as we get into this course, sometimes I get pretty excited and maybe I talk too fast, so you can always rewind and replay any of the videos. You can also select the playback speed down below and play this back at half speed. Or perhaps you already have some animation experience and you want to jump ahead or watch faster. You can also speed this up as well. Just a quick reminder as you dive into this, if you get lost, it's a video so you can replay it and watch it as much as you need. All right, so we're back in the theater. And to get our project started, what we're going to do is start by adding a new project. When you tap on that, you'll notice that we've got these little sliders on the side. And all I have to do is slide through some of the default template sizes and you can change your settings at any time along the way, or create a custom file if you want. You can also tap right here where it says four K to change your file or the quality of your playback. So whether it's 720 P, HD, two K, or four K, you have all those options right here. You can quickly just tap on that to change whatever you want it to be. I like to start with the highest quality possible, because I can always compress it down from there. But if I start at a small size, it's difficult to scale it up. The next thing I want to point out at the top right of this little box, we have these three dots. And I can control the frames per second, and I can control the duration. Depending on what kind of an animation you're going to make. Your frames per second can become really important if you're going to animate a frame by frame animation, which is how I made my little signature animation that I'll show here on the screen. Every single frame has to be drawn in 1 second. I would have to draw 24 frames to get that animation. If I change it down to 12 frames, I don't have to draw 12 animations per second. So if you have a really long video, that can become really laborsome. Now if we use key framing, and that's where you set one point of your animation and then say, okay, over 2 seconds, here's the next point. And I want you to animate in between all of those automatically. Then you maybe want to higher frame rate, like 24 frames or 30 frames per second to get a really nice, smooth animation. So that's where I control those settings. And then of course, the duration can also be changed later. But if you're doing something for social media, maybe you only want it to be 30 seconds long or 60 seconds long. All I have to do is tap on that and then use the number pad here. And then tap off to the side to change what that duration is going to be. I'm going to go ahead and leave that back at 30 though. Then the next two things I want to point out, we have draw and empty. No, not that it doesn't really matter, but it doesn't really matter too much. If I click empty, you're going to get an empty project ready to go. We see our stage up top. That's where you're going to be able to draw and see all of your animations. And then our timeline down below which currently doesn't have anything in it. I'm going to go ahead and go back and I'll make another new project. This time I'm going to create one that says draw just so you can see the difference. And you'll notice this time it takes us right into our drawing mode. Which I can see that we're in the draw and paint, because on the top corner it says draw and paint. And then down here we have a little squiggly icon. If I turn that on and off, that toggles us between the regular stage mode and then back into Draw and paint, where we can draw and paint on the stage. It also added this track that goes all the way out to 30 seconds long. I'm going to go ahead and go back to our theater one more time. And this one more thing I want to point out, as you get into using Procreate Dreams, by default it's going to save your projects here on your ipad, which is great. You'll have your files with you everywhere you go. But if anything happens to this specific ipad, my kids use this ipad a lot. So if they break it or something happens to the ipad, there's a possibility that I would lose these files. Whereas if I say things to the icloud drive, these files will be synced with Cloud. By saving my files and the Cloud, it's one more way to make sure that I have a backup of my work. In case anything happens. I'm going to go ahead and delete these files that we made real quick. I'm just going to hit Select and tap on both of them. And then hit Delete. Yep. Okay, so let's do this for real. This time I'm going to hit the plus button. Let's go find our size that we want. I'm going to do something for social media. I'll leave it at four K and I'm going to go right into draw mode. In the next video, we're going to get familiar with the stage and how to draw and procreate Dreams. 4. Flipbook Frame by Frame Animation: Okay. I've got my new file open and ready to go. So let's go ahead and just dive right in. This is the best part. I love just being able to jump into a new project and quickly create something. So what we're going to do, I made the file that had the drawing already in drawing mode. So we've got drawn paint up here at the top. We have this little icon showing me I'm in drawn paint. We have our timeline down below. And what I'm going to do is go ahead and tap on the brush. Pick some a brush. I'm going to go ahead and click on Textures. And then scroll down. You can see it'll probably show up like this for you. I'm going to scroll all the way down. Click on Grunchn. I'm going to change my color right here, maybe to that purple that I like right there. And then over here on the left hand side, we have our brush size. And then we have our brush opacity as I click and drag on this. If I hold down and move my finger over to the left a little bit as I scrub up and down, it goes by much smaller increments. If you want to be really precise with your brush size that you choose, I'm going to go ahead and let's just draw on this canvas real quick just to fill it up. You'll notice that my new project is 30 frames long and you might not see everything. If you quickly do a quick pinch in motion on your timeline, you can see that from beginning to end, nothing is changing. On my animation, It goes all the way up to 30 seconds and nothing changes. Okay, the next thing I'm going to do real quick is change the background of my canvas. You'll see I've got some white spots poking through. I'm going to tap right here on the time code. I'm going to change my background color and I'm just going to change it to something a little bit darker than that as well. I'll tap back on the time code. All right, now we're in good shape. Now what I want to do is animate my name into this and do it frame by frame. So maybe pick your last name, or maybe a word that means something to you that's inspirational or maybe a quote, whatever you want to do. And then what we're going to do is go ahead and click the plus sign. And we're going to add a new track. And that's going to throw a new track right above our background layer. All right, now let's go ahead and select a different color. In this case, I'm just going to go all the way to white. Maybe you want to pick a tone or a color that's close. And to do that, just push and hold with your finger on the stage area, Drag it over to whichever color you want it to pick, and then let go, and you'll notice it changes our color up on the top right, I can tap on that, and then I could just drag this to be a subtly lighter color. I'll close that now with my brush tool, you can see that it's a similar color. If I want to add something that's visually pleasing and in the same color family, if I make a mistake, I can just tap with two fingers to undo, or three fingers to redo. Or if I tap and hold, it'll undo all the way to the beginning of my document until I let go. It'll go all the way back or three fingers tap and hold to bring everything back. That way you don't have to worry about ever making a mistake. And if you close your document and reopen it, it'll even remember what you did with those history states, so you never have to worry about messing anything up. All right. I'm going to go ahead and write my name here on this layer, so you'll notice all of that went away. Just a reminder, when I open this app over here on the side, we have these different modes that we'll go over more in the future videos. But we want to jump back into this paint and draw mode. And now I've got my tools that come back for that next. I want more space to draw with. So what I'm going to do is grab this little handle in between the stage and the timeline and I'm going to drag it down. Now, sometimes it doesn't work for the first time, for me, that time it, sometimes I have to use the apple pencil to really grab that. But now I have my flip book. And that gives me access to multiple frames. And it gives me more room to draw. So we're going to get into that here in just a second. But what I'm going to do is change my color to white. Go grab a different brush. I'm going to come up here to drawing, or maybe sketching. Let's go to sketching. I'm going to grab the six pencil over on the side. I'm going to change my size. Let's just see how that looks. Yeah, that's about perfect. That's about what I want two finger tap to undo that. Then for the sake of the video, I'm going to keep my ipad here, but as an artist, my tendency is to want to turn it sideways. I'm going to go ahead and do that anyway. It's fine, you guys can see. All right, so now what we're going to do is I'm just going to scribble my name on here, My last name, Okay. Then what we can do, if I go back and click, Done up here on the top, you can see it's tough to see. What I can do is with two fingers I can pinch in to zoom in. With three fingers, I can click and I say click out of habit. It's a tap though we're on an ipad anyway. Scrub this out to really zoom in. And then two fingers to drag this back. Three fingers to zoom in more. And you can see I have one frame of animation here. If I tap on it with my playhead, you can see I have all these frames. And if I look at the time code here, I'm on the 19th frame, before anything happens, then it pops away and then goes away. I hit play on this, it's just going to blip. The other thing you'll notice as I hit play, it's going to play through whatever I can see on the timeline and loop it. If I want to see more of my animation or less of my animation, I can just scrub with three fingers to zoom in or out to see what's happening there. So let's make this more interesting. I'm going to hit Pause. I'm going to click on this frame double click, just to make it easier to see. And then over here I keep saying Click. Forgive me, it's tap. We're on an ipad. It's alright. We'll get there. So right now I'm going to click, oh my gosh. I'm going to tap on the paint and draw mode. Okay? So I can see all of my tools again. We're going to grab his little handle and come back down to the flip book mode. And now the next thing we want to do is click on the time code on the bottom left. And we want to turn on what's called onion skinning. And what that's going to let us do, let us see a transparent representation of the frames before and after. As I make more frames on this, you'll see what was on the previous frame. If I turn that off, we have no clue what came before or where it landed on the stage. Let's turn that back on now. With my brush, pencil selected, I'll just write my name again. But this time I won't go all the way to the end. We'll come over here, we'll add a new frame by just tapping on the next one. Do it again, Stop just a little bit short. Do it again, Stop a little bit shorter than the one before. It's getting hard for me to tell exactly where I stopped before. If I needed to tap back here on the time code and I can click Edit Onion Skin, or tap how many times can I say click on this video? I don't know. Is there a counter around here somewhere? All right, let's go ahead and change the color of our backwards onion skin, which shows four frames before. But I can make it show more or less just to see and not be as confused with where the previous ones were. I can change the ones going forward too. If I come back here in my flip book, I can see that my forward frames are orange and my previous frames are blue or whatever. That color is not quite blue, light blue anyway. But I can control what those settings are by tapping on these tabs and then making those changes here. I can also control the opacity of those onion skin layers to get it to be exactly what your preferences. All right, let's continue on here. So I stopped just short after the H. Let's do this again. Do this again, and this is what we would call a frame by frame animation. I don't know why I never cross my T's first, but that's all right, we're going to do it this way. Maybe do a little bit of a scribble here just to get it started. All right, let's see how it looks. A couple ways to get back. I can grab his little handle on the flip book and pull it down to basically smash it down to the bottom. And it'll go back to the regular mode. Or if I hover over this, I also have a little x here that I can click on or on the top right I can click Done. All three of these are different ways to work. I'm just going to smash this down, and now we're back to our draw and paint mode. Let me straighten out my ipad again. Now I can bring my Playhead back to here and hit Play. And you'll notice it only what's in view on the timeline. So if I pinch this out a little bit, we can see the whole animation. Now this animates off, but I want to animate on. If I was in a video editor like Premier Pro or Davinci resolve or final cut, I could reverse the clip at the time of this recording. I don't see a way to do that, so we're going to have to manually move these clips to the other direction. I could also have animated this differently and started with the M and gone all the way out. But I wanted to see where the end of my animation was going to be, which is why I started with it like the full name first. Okay, so I made a mistake while I was recording this. But I'm glad I did, because it's a really great teaching moment for both of us here. When I do it this way as we've been animating through, I'm adding frames to the end, but I'm drawing less and less. What's going to happen when we play this video back? Let me just go ahead and hit Done to go back to our regular mode here. As I play what's happening, you'll notice it animates backwards. And animates off. But I want to look like it's coming into the frame. So all we need to do to change how this is going to work for us, I'm going to go ahead and just make a new track real quick and basically get to do this again. Right? I'm going to click back on the draw and paint mode and I'm going to go ahead and pull my flip book down. Move over, I'll draw my name out. But this time instead of here's the most critical part and here's where I goof this up. If I add my frame next to it and I do slightly less, this frame that I added is in the future, in our timeline. But what I really should have done, let me just go ahead and two finger tap to undo this one. We're starting here. I should have gone backwards here. Now I draw and stop it short, then go backwards on the next one. Stop it just short of that, and so on and so forth. Now you'll notice on this frame, my background disappeared. Because here's what's happening. If I smash this flip book down to go back to my regular view here. I started my drawing right here on the time line, basically at the beginning. Okay, so these are important things to pay attention to as we get into this. Just to make sure we're doing this right and giving ourselves room to work. So what I'm going to go ahead and do this new button here, I'm going to show you this is going to be our timeline edit. With the apple pencil, I can circle all of these frames that I want and I can do anything with them. We can group them, we can move them, we can do all kinds of stuff, okay? But in this case, what I want to do is tap and hold, and I'm going to delete everything because I goofed up and I want to do this, right? So I'm going to start over here at the end. Come back to my drawing paint mode, bring this down and now do my work. So I'm going to go ahead and fast forward this part of the video because you already have the process down. But hopefully this saves you a lot of time and headache. Figuring out which way to animate your things. All right, now let's look and see how we did. I'm going to go ahead and close this mode. And I'm going to zoom in just to where this animation starts and stops. So it loops there. Just so we see how it works. Let's push play. There we go. Now it animates in. And you'll notice on mine, these first couple frames are just like little scribbles. And I can zoom in on the stage by zooming in with just the pinch motion. Okay? They're just like random little scribbles until all of a sudden it starts to animate out. You'll notice every letter is different because I chose to make it a little more rustic and not perfect. What that does is it gives the whole animation a little bit of movement, which is exciting, like it jumps around a little bit, has a little bit of a jitter going on. Super cool. I like it. Okay, now let's go ahead in the next video. Once you get your name animated out like you like it, we're going to learn how to group all of this. And then we're going to speed up our animation process using key frames and some other cold tools. 5. Working with Keyframes: All right, I hope you've been following along. If you haven't been following along, take the time to pause this video and create your own little animation with whatever word. Like I said, maybe it's a positive inspiration word that means something to you. Or maybe it's your first or last name. In this case, it's my last name. Just because I like how it looks when I sign it and get to this part of the process so you can follow along and I'm really excited to see what you guys do. So don't forget, this is a project based course. So when this is all said and done, I'm going to teach you how to export this as a movie file as well as an animated gift or jiff, depending on how you want to say it. It's gift, Jeff. I don't know. Anyway, I'm going to show how to export this into a way that you can actually share this with the class. Post it in the class project area because I really want to see what you guys do. Al right now, I got that out of the way. Let's go ahead and continue. And what I'm going to do is sometimes it's, you know, as you're pinching with two fingers to zoom your timeline where you want to be. I've noticed sometimes for me it's easier if I use both hands and I put one finger on this end and one finger on this end, and then I kind of drag it where I want it to go, and then I'll let go another trick. If I take the playhead here and I flick it towards the left, it'll automatically whoop. That's not what I meant to do. Oh, I guess it did. No, it did exactly, but so I forget that this animation is 30 frames long. When you flick that to the left. That shortcut is going to go ahead and move the playhead to the beginning and play through your entire animation, not just a little looped portion. So I'm going to go ahead and pause that and zoom back into where I want it to be. Here. Come on, we'll tap up here in the timeline in the ruler to get my playhead there. Now if I hit play, there we go. Loops back through this animation that we have so far. Okay, next let's pause that, zoom out just a tiny bit. And I'm going to use the timeline edit tool. It's this little double square icon that's right between the record and the paint mode. Now with this, I can edit the actual frames and tracks in my timeline with an apple pencil, it has to be a pencil. You can't use your finger, at least not yet. You can select all of these frames, circle around and select all of them. Or I could just slash through the middle depending on if it's already selected or deselected. If you do it again, it'll add or remove to the selection so it doesn't have to be a perfect circle. You're just trying to draw over the top of the frames. One thing I just noticed, depending on the zoom level that you have on these frames, you might run into a problem where you try and tap and hold on the frame. And it does this, it just flashes at you. If you zoom in a little bit more and you can actually touch inside of the frame there, you'll get this option where we can cut, copy, duplicate, group change, Glen modes. Do a few different things here, delete the content. What we want to do now is group all of these frames that we have selected hit group. Now if I pinch back out, you'll notice that instead of a key frame, we now have a group. And if I wanted to edit this in the flip book mode again, and I go on my paint and draw, and I try to click on this layer and I bring this down. It's not going to work because it doesn't let you do the flip book on the group. Okay, what you need to do at the beginning of this track, there's this tiny little twirl down arrow next to the word group. I'm going to hit that. Now I can see each individual frame and then I can get back into that flip book mode to make future edits. All right, but what we want to do, we want to take this and I want it to animate up and down as a whole as it's writing on. What we're going to do is bring our playhead to the beginning and we're going to tap and hold on that playhead or just tap rather. And now we have different actions. We can add a move key frame, we can add filters, or we can edit this, the move key frames, it gives us the option to move in scale, which literally moves it or makes it larger or smaller, or rotates it. We have warp, which lets you grab different pieces and pull them around. And we have distort, which lets you grab different angles and distort the angle of your artwork. So what we want to do for this guy is tap on move and scale. We're going to move and drag this playhead out. One thing you'll notice in our ruler right above, we have our frames again. Depending on how many frames per second you have, you're going to have different results. If I want this to go over the course of 1 second, I can drag this out to where I see 1 second up here in the ruler. It'll take 1 second to go from where I start to where this keyframe is going to be. I'll tap on that key frame on the playhead. Now you'll see if I pull this away. It added another key frame there. What we're going to do, this is where I want my animation to end up. If I go back to the beginning and just tap on that first frame, I can either key in the different scale, like maybe I want this to be zero, I want the y to be zero. Now what's going to happen? It's going to scale up, but you really don't notice what's going on because there's not much on the stage yet. Instead, what I want to do is I want to move this whole thing down. So it comes up as it plays across. Now to move this down where I want it, I actually can't physically click the shape, because it doesn't really show up yet. If I come back out to this time frame, you'll notice we have the transform handles. And it's pretty easy to grab them and move them wherever I want it to go. But when I come back here to this one, I can't really get it to grab that at all there. I did that time, it wasn't earlier. What I'm going to do, I don't know if you noticed that, but I zoomed in really far in the stage and then I was able to get ahold of that. And I'm just going to drag it down off the canvas. Now, it should animate up, but you'll notice there's not much happening on the name yet. So what I'm going to do is grab these anchor points, or grab these key frames and drag them over. And I'll grab this guy, tap and hold, and then drag it over. So really nothing's happening until there's a little bit more of the animation I wanted to animate to right there when it's just finished animating my name. It's also finished moving up. So I'm going to grab this key frame from here. Move it over to there. Scrub my playhead. Perfect. And that's just about where I want it to be. All right, Next I want to add a little bit of a blur to that as well. I'm going to come back over to this keyframe and I'm going to tap just above it, so I'm back in my track and I see the playhead icon again. And I'll this time I'm going to add a filter. I'm going to add a blur. I have zero actually, we're going to drag this up to about 15:20 percent and it's still blurry all the way through. I wanted to come into focus right about once it stopped moving upwards, right here. I'm going to tap and add a frame there and I'm going to drag my blur back down to zero. Now it's going to blur this over time until it gets here. And maybe even bring this blur key frame over a tiny bit. I've noticed I've had to tap this about three times. The first tap select it. The second tap moves the window away. The third tap and hold lets you drag that frame. All right, that looks better. All right, so let's just hit play and see how it's looking. I like it perfect. Now I want this to stay on screen longer. So this last frame, it gets here, and then it disappears. So what we need to do now is extend these frames. So let's go ahead and zoom in a little bit. I'm going to click on a little twirl down for this group. Let's go find that last frame. If I push and hold on this key frame, I can click Copy up at the top, and then tap right beside it. And hold, and then hit Paste. Now you'll notice we have the key frames down below. Because we have this group expanded. And then that new frame we put is right next to that group in the timeline on the same track. If I close this, you'll notice we have the grouped animation. We can see the key frames below. And then we have this single frame. Now I can take the single frame and drag it out as far as I want this to stay on screen. Oops, two finger tap to undo. There we go. Now if we play this out, you can see it stays on there much longer. Now, the only other problem though, is it goes from being a dynamic animated to a static and still frame. Maybe what we want to do instead, let's undo. Undo that again. We'll zoom in. We'll click on this frame. We'll come back to our draw and paint mode. We'll bring down our flip book. And then we'll continue drawing a few more frames to this to get it wiggle as it's sitting up there. We'll add a new frame here, then we'll draw over the top of this a couple times. It doesn't have to be too many. It just depends on the effect you're going for, because we can always copy or duplicate a few of these to get kind of a jittery effect here. My signature is quickly evolving. All right, wow, that looks like here. Let's just have fun with it. I'm just going to go crazy. We're just going to scribble stuff because we can. Why not? Let's just see what happens. I didn't intend to go this way with it, but while we're here, there we go. We'll smash this back down to the bottom. Maybe not it's not working. Slow down. Okay, well, if you have the same problem I have with your fingers not being able to get it to go right, just click on the X and it goes right back into the regular mode. All right, let's zoom out a little bit, and now let's see how this plays. It's cool, it looks like it's unraveling. I really like how that turned out. I didn't mean for it to work that way, but it looks good. What I was going to do is grab a couple of these frames. Maybe use my timeline edit tool and just select a few of these. Go to copy, bring my play head over here and then paste them. It's not going to work right right now because you're at the end of this animation. Then I could just repeat these frames over and over to make it look like it's dancing around instead. And then animate the whole thing down, but instead I'm going to highlight, let's delete the zoom in a little bit. Here, there we go. Delete content, because I really like how this turned out, where I just unravels. If I wanted to animate this back down, I would select these frames. I'll group them right about here to add another key frame. We'll select move and scale. And then we'll drag this sky down to here. Add another key frame. We'll grab the drawing on the stage and just drag it out. All right, I hope you're having fun following along. Go ahead and play with this and experiment with those keyframes, and in the next video we're going to continue refining our animation. 6. Drawing Simple Eyes: This lesson, we're going to add some eyes to the project. Because it just seems like a lot of fun and something we can do. If I hit play on this demo project that I have, you can see basically all it is is two circles, right? We got the white eyes and then we have the black pupils inside. All the eyes are doing, are stretching tall. And then the pupils inside are just kind of shifting back and forth. And you might notice the music scrubbing underneath it too. So I actually imported a track from Epidemic Sound to animate. And I'll show you that later. But for right now, all we're going to do is get these eyes drawn on the canvas. They're really, really basic, they're just circles. So there's nothing too artistic you have to worry about. If you're not good at drawing, that's okay. We're going to come back here to our theater. Let's go back to the project file we've been working with. Again, just want to point out that in our time line, I've got three T. If your zoom is in a weird spot, just pinch to zoom real quick and it'll bring it back so you can see the whole thing. Again, same thing on your stage two. I don't know if I told you this, but if you've been drawing and it's at a weird angle, all you got to do is pinch it and do it fast and it'll put it back to 100% All right, so now we're going to add another track to draw the eyes onto it. So click on the plus over here and we'll click Track. All right, and we'll just put our playhead somewhere after where our text is animated in. Okay, then what I want to do is go into the draw and paint mode. I'm going to grab his little handle, pull it down to get to the flip book, and now we're ready to draw. I'll change my color to white. I'm going to go down to the inking and then down to the studio pen. You can choose whatever you want. And then I'm just going to draw two circles from my eyes. Now, in procreate the actual drawing app, if I were to hold this still for a while, it would snap to a perfect circle. But in procreate dreams, it doesn't seem to work that way. And I haven't found a way to change that yet. But I would imagine because this is the first version of Procreate Dreams that that functionality will carry over soon. That's one of the benefits of this app is they definitely make a lot of updates frequently. And with that one time purchase, you get access to all of them. It's possible by the time you're watching this, that'll be a feature where if you just click and drag or draw your circle and then hold it before you let go, it might pop to a perfect circle anyway, let's go ahead and grab this color. Now if I tap and hold on its color on the top right, it's going to swap back and forth between the previous colors, which is kind of handy. But what we want to do, we don't want to hold it, we just want to get it to that white and then tap it and drag it right over the eyeballs and let go. And as soon as we do that, it'll do this color drop, which just fills our eyes with white. If I zoom in, you might notice I see the outline here a little bit. If you want to be real picky about it, you could draw over those edges real quick just to make sure you don't have any of that showing up in your illustrations. There we go. All right, Next I want to draw the pupils, but what you might be tempted to do is just change the color and draw right over the top of it with black, which looks good. But then we can't animate this, because it's going to be all smashed on the same layer. Then the next thing you might be thinking, I'm going to use two fingers to undo, tap on that. If I go up here to the layers and I add a new layer, we, then I could in theory, draw these pupils out. But if we come back, if I click done and we come back to our timeline and I zoom in and I'll use three fingers to stretch this time line out. So I can drag this frame to be multiple. I can't drill down into here enough to animate these separately, because I want the eyes to be able to blink without the pupils getting skewed as well. What we need to do is let's get back into our drawing mode. Let's go back to our layer. And I'm just going to swipe left to get my delete option on that layer. We'll close that. What we want to do is actually create a new track for the eyes, for the actual the pupils. We'll click plus add a new track right above it. I'm just going to go ahead and drag this in place now. We'll go back to the timeline edit mode. Oh my bad. There we go. I didn't have any objects in that box, so it didn't want to let me do anything to it. So we're going to go ahead and go back into our drawing mode. We'll zoom in again. Get our flip book open, get our brush, make sure it's set to black. And we're just going to draw two pupils here. They don't have to be perfect. And in fact, if they're a little imperfect, it makes it more cartoonish, which is fun. All right, so we got those set. I'm going to hit Done on the top right up here. And let's change our timeline to match the other time line. Okay, the next thing I want to do is I'm going to go ahead and get to my timeline edit mode, and just highlight these two tracks. Tap and hold, and then hit Group. Now these are one grouped track that I can do multiple things with. I can animate both of them together. But then if I want to, which is what we're going to do next, we can hit this little twirl down. We can animate each one of these pieces individually. So in the next video, I'm going to show you exactly how to do that. 7. The Perform Animation Feature: If you've been following along, which I hope you have been. Hopefully you have some eyeballs to play with right now and we can animate these things. And just another reminder, as we get into some of these little technical pieces of this illustration and the animation, don't forget it's a video. So you can replay this if you need to or speed it up or slow it down. But hopefully you can follow along and let's make this, let's do this right now where we're at in the project. I'm just going to two finger pinch to zoom out so we can kind of see where we're at. We've got a playhead here so I can kind of scrub the animation. It goes away. And then these two eyeballs come on stage. I'm just going to zoom in a little bit so we can start to animate these. The playhead, bring it over here towards the beginning. Now a really cool feature, probably one of the coolest features that separates this from any other animating app is this feature called Perform. The way Perform works is you can highlight something on your stage, hit this little record button, and then you can perform the movements by touching that with your finger and moving it across the stage. We're going to do that right now. I'm going to click on the, just in case you're seeing this. We grouped the eyeballs together, so I'm going to click the little twirl down on the group name. I see the drawing of the pupils, and I see the drawing of the eyeball here. What we're going to do is we're going to click on the drawing layer of the pupils. Move to the beginning. And we want to hit the Perform button, which is right here. It looks like a record button. And now you notice on the top left of my eye pad, it says Ready. And it's ready for me to do whatever I'm going to do to it. It automatically selects whatever track I have selected. And it puts these control handles on it so I can scale these up and down. If I hover over the side, you'll see I get this tiny little, a quarter circle thing. And that lets me turn this in any direction I want. If I hover right over, the whoops, I touch the stage with my palm here. If I hover right over between the two of them in the middle, I need one of those gloves for my hands. I can actually skew it to make it look like they're blinking, but these are just the eyeballs, so all I want them to do is just kind of move around a little bit with my record armed. When this is all done, I'm going to hit the stop button, but it's ready for me to begin. As soon as I start touching this object, I can move it however I want, and you don't have to touch right on the object. You can touch over here on the backstage area as well. We're going to tap this, and I can move my eyes wherever I want. But you'll notice real quick, I'm going to go ahead and hit, stop that. I didn't do very much animation. And you can see how many more frames it made for this from here to here, compared to what the actual eyeball layer was. What we're going to do is drag this out much further. We'll come back to our main, main nested group. We're going to drag this whole thing out so we have plenty of room to work. Tap on these eyeballs, drag them out. We're going to tap on these guys as well and drag them out. But what's cool is you can see if I play this back, you can see that it recorded all of the motion that I gave these. Now the next thing you'll notice is they go past the eyeball, right? It looks like it's going off of things here to accentuate that, I'm going to go back to the beginning hit record and then just show you like they can go way off of the eyeball. They shouldn't be able to do that. Let's go ahead and two finger tap to undo. Let's go back to the beginning here. What I want to do is tap on the pupil layer, tap and hold, and then tap on mask. And we want to do a clipping mask and it's going to clip to the layer below it. Now if I move this layer around or skew it, you'll notice if it goes off of that circle, it cuts it off and it masks it. Let's try this one more time. Let's bring our play head back to the beginning. We'll hit the record Perform button. We'll come over here. And now we'll do some movements. Make it look like it's looking. Maybe it looks real fast. What was that? All right, so we got that ready. If I come back and hit play, you can see it recorded all of those motions, which is really cool. We didn't have to key frame any of that or hand draw each frame. Now what we're going to do is I want to make the eyes blink every now and then let's come back and this time we're going to click on the actual eyeball layer and come back to the beginning. And we're going to do the same thing. We're already armed and ready to go. I forgot to hit the stop button after the last one. You have to be careful. If you forget to hit the stop button and you start moving things around, you might record over the top of something you've already done. But don't forget, you can hit two finger to undo all the way to the beginning of your document. If you just click and hold down, or tap and hold down with two fingers, it'll go all the way to the beginning. And if you hold with three fingers, it'll go all the way to the most current thing that you've done, that actually, like I said earlier in the course, that actually works, even if you've closed the document and opened it back up. All right. So now we're ready to do this next motion. Now, this one. I don't want to move the eyes yet, this way. Okay's. See how that looks a little crazy. That's not what we're trying to do. I just want to make it blink. I'm going to do two fingers to undo bring my play head back to the beginning of this layer or this track. Okay, we're ready to record. The square is still on and I'm going to hover right between the eyes but towards the top of that bounding handle. And in theory, it should let me blink, and I can make my eyes look real big, or I can blink and you'll notice the pupils are kind of going nuts. And the reason why, because I forgot to turn off the Perform button. I forgot to hit Stop. And so when I was doing the other things to the eyeballs, I had moved them on accident, and now they're jittering all over the place. As you're doing this, that's something to be aware of is as you're doing each piece and you're performing for each piece, make sure you hit that stop button so you don't accidentally record over something you've done. Now if I come back to the beginning and I hit play, you can see the eyes blink. They look pretty good. Okay. Now what's cool is these two tracks were inside of a group. I don't have to close the group, but if I close the group, come back to the beginning of this and now I can perform an action to the entire group as a whole. So if I come back here and hit perform, get ready to perform, I can move the whole eyes together. Okay, that's obviously too much. I'd stop. I actually remembered this time, Bring it back, and hit play. And now we have animations nested inside of animations. Which is super cool because now you could probably see how we can build on this and create characters where you have a whole head, Maybe you know eyes, nose, mouth, ears, everything. And you can animate each piece individually, but then move the whole head as a group. So nesting with groups and these performing animations is a really powerful way to create some amazing things. In the next lesson, I'm going to show you how to add audio to your movie. 8. Adding Audio and Other Media: In this lesson we're going to learn how to add audio to our movie. This is a lot of fun and it creates a whole other layer of interest and excitement in your project. So what we're going to do is we're going to use Epidemic Sound which is not free. I think it's about $20 a month for a subscription. And I use this for my Youtube channel and my courses because then I can pick any of these songs without having to worry about getting any copyright strikes on my videos. For the sake of this tutorial, I just wanted to show you a way to get audio from something like this, but you can also use the audio provided for free without having to worry about that. The other thing you could do is you could animate these to popular songs on Tiktok or Instagram reels or Youtube shorts. And then use those library, so basically like animate to that track. And then you could upload the main track from within those social media platforms so that way you don't get copyright strikes. I hope that makes sense. We'll get there in a minute. But I just wanted to kind of tell you, this is why I chose Epidemic Sound is simply for that reason. And I just wanted to show you a couple of the tips and tricks that I've learned to make this work so you don't have to have a subscription to follow along. But this is just something that I use for my workflow that I wanted to share with you as well. All right, but that out of the way, let's go and take a look at this. Epidemic. Sound actually has their own app for iphones and ipads. And I'm sure for Android two. And I'm currently in the Epidemic Sound app on my ipad with this open for my content. These are all dynamically added playlists based on stuff that I've done in the past and preferences that I've selected when I first created my account. And if I scroll down, there's different playlists that they've hand picked for me. I can also search for different things as well. But what I found right away, I have an arts and crafts category and I found this cartoon animation playlist that was really cool. I quickly found this sound that I used for this animation project. I'm going to go ahead and pause that real quick. The way that I got this into the project, I'm just going to blitz through this and just get to the good stuff. The way that I got this out of this and into my movie is simply to come over here and I'll tap on this track as it's playing. Then I've got these three little dots here, I'll tap on those. I created a new playlist called Animation Sounds, and I saved it in there first so I could find it in the future. Then I came back and I clicked on the download button. What that's going to do is open up my file manager or my folder manager on my ipad, and then I can click on Save the Files right here. We'll tap on that. Then I put everything on the cloud because it just is already an option to bring this in on procreate dreams. I do use Dropbox for work and I use Creative Cloud for work as well. But for this I'm just going to use the icloud drive and I'll tap on that. I've got a few different folders here, but I created one simply for all the procreate dreams animations that I'm going to make, and I just made a new folder in there. One purple eyes. This was my first test with me playing around with it. In this case, I'm going to make a new folder and we'll call this Procreate Dreams, of course, Example. All right, I'll hit Done. This folder is empty, so it's going to take this sound that I'm currently trying to download. And I'll hit Save up here. And it'll save it to that folder. And that's all I have to do to get into the eye cloud from this side of things. You could do the same process with some of the other audio apps like Motion Array and there's a handful of others. But this is what I use now. I'm just going to spipe up from the bottom, go back to Procreate Dreams and we're going to go ahead and add a new track. I'll click on the Plus. I'll come over here to Files. I'll go find that new folder that I made on my icloud drive, open that folder, go to the project folder, and then tap on the audio track, and then click open. All right, now that audio file has come in, and you'll notice because our original animation is only 30 seconds long, you can see that it only shows the first 30 seconds and then it grays out the rest of the track. So we're not going to be able to use this whole track on this animation. What I can do now is just like any other track, I can move this around and put it exactly where I want it to go. And you have to forgive me the way I'm recording this course, I can't actually hear the audio right now. So I'm going to play this back, but I can't quite tell where things are happening. But let's just go ahead and bring this Playhead back to the beginning and hit play. And hopefully you're hearing this and it's playing out like it's supposed to, and our eyes are completely spazzing out. It's great, we're going to pause that. So what we can do now is just like adding a keyframe to our animations. When I bring my playhead to the audio file, I can tap on that and I have the option to either edit or go to my levels perhaps. I only want audio to here, so I can tap tap on edit and I can split that track. The second half is selected, so I'll long press on that and tap on Delete Content. Now I have just this little bit to work with, but I can also bring this back in by simply tapping and dragging on the end of this handle here. Pretty flexible, it's really easy to work with. The next thing I'm going to do is tap on that clapboard again. Tap on level. Now it added a keyframe, so you can see it added a keyframe where I'm at and one at the beginning of this track when I come back and push on this. I can control how loud the volume is at that point, and if I let go and tap off to the side you can. It's a little bit difficult to see. So let me zoom in here. I can see that the audio is going to start at 100% here on the left, and then it's going to fade down to about 38% Maybe I want to fade it completely out. I could just drag that all the way to the left and now it goes from 100% to zero. Or maybe we want to do the opposite. Maybe we want to make this 100% here, but start off quiet and then fade in. Okay, now if I grab this, drag this back here, it's going to fade in and then become 100% Hopefully, I can't hear it, but I'm sure that was amazing. Okay, so that's how you work with audio in your project. Now the next thing you might have noticed is as I scrub through this, you'll hear it blip and you can hear what's going on. So what I would do now to refine this and make it perfect is put the audio where I want it to be. And then I'd come back to my eye animations. And maybe I would clear out all of these key frames and re, animate it based on what I'm hearing with the music. Honestly, what we maybe should have done is brought in the music first. But in my demo when I did it, this is the way I did it. So this is the way my brain works. But it might be better practice to find that music you're going to animate too, because then you know exactly where to make things happen. Since we did this a little bit backwards, what I would do is come back in here and again, I can't hear the music, but I would hit the Perform button and then reperform each animation to the music as I hear it. Okay, so that's how I achieved this original animation. Now some other things you can do besides just adding one music track is adding sound effects. So let me go back to my first demo, what I made with this. If we go to the beginning, you'll notice you'll hear some scribbles when my name comes up. And you'll hear a little whoosh sound and then you'll hear the track. So let's play this real quick. Okay, so those, if I zoom in on my time line, are actually other audio files. So I've got a spring sound here. I have a, so then I think it's up here, the pencil scribble Sound to do that. It's the same way. I just went back over to Epidemic Sound and I went into the search feature and I just searched for different sound effects. Right now it looks under Music, But I could tap over here on the sound effects tab, and I just typed for a search, and we have a few different wo sounds to go with. Okay, once I found the one that I liked, I just tapped on this below and went to these three little dots, just like I did with the last audio file. I hit Download and then save it to my files. Let's go up, let's go to this new folder and save it. We'll come back over to Procreate Dreams. Come back into this new project that we're doing, add a Track. Before I do that, maybe put my play head where I wanted to go, add a files track. Let's go find those assets again. Bring in those woes, Open it, and I know that was a double wooh. So I know it's not going to be exactly what I want, but I would just do the same thing right now. I brought this into the same track as my audio track, which will overwrite some things. The other thing you want to pay attention to is putting your playhead exactly where you want it or maybe even adding an extra track before you bring in the audio track. All right. So that is how you work with audio and procreate dreams. 9. Export: All right, it's time to finally export our masterpieces and get them ready to post on social media and into the project section of this course real quick. This is the original one that I made. And what we're going to do now, you'll notice it was only about 13 seconds long because that's as much animation as I needed for this. And the original project file was 30 frames. So how do we trim this down? Well, if we go back to the project we've been working on, and I want to export this. You'll notice again, if we look at the ruler across the top, it goes all the way out to 30 frames. To change this, we're going to click on the project title. The name right here, it says Dream One. We're going to go well, up here at the top it says Properties. But we're going to come down to duration over here on the side. And we're just going to change that to whatever duration you want. However far out you made your animation or wherever the music stops, you can just type that in. Tap, tap, tap. There we go. Duration. 12, hit done, and it's going to cut that from the right side, from the end of it. All of your beginning animations will remain intact. And then that'll be the end of it right there. You'll notice we still have some of our timeline that goes all the way off the edge. Okay. I could if I wanted to trim these out to keep it clean, but you don't have to come up here. Okay, You can split these out and delete those pieces of content just to keep your timeline clean. Remember, if I pinch in real quick, it brings my timeline back up to the full size of the width of my ipad. In this case, I'm not sure why I didn't go all the way out. But there we go. Now we're finally ready to export our project. And to do that is pretty straightforward. So we're going to come back over again and tap on the title Dream One, we're going to come down to share. And now we have a few different options. But one thing I want to point out, actually before we share this, I just remember it. If we come back up to properties, don't forget to put your name down in here. Who made this? Whoops, done. Then you can tap on the little icon here and add a photo of yourself as well. Then come down here to share. We'll tap on that. We have a few different options here. We can do a video. We can do the frames as images, which is helpful especially if you have any experience using after effects. And you want to bring in an animation frame by frame and do some things that way. We could do just the current frame, so you could bring your playhead exactly to a specific frame and export a J peg of that. We can also do a procreate dreams file if you wanted to share this with other people. Then we can also do custom settings. If I tap on custom settings, I can change my video format. We can do the video codec, we can re scale, we can do a container from being the MOV to MP four. We can also change our audio quality. Now for the most part, all of this should be exactly how you need it. But one advanced feature that I've found, if you want to export your movie with a transparent background, maybe you're creating like a lower third or something like that. You can come in here to the video codec and we could change it to Prores. Then select one of these for transparent. I believe it's 422 HQ, but it could also be the 4444. It's been a minute since I've done that. I'll test that and make sure for sure. But I just wanted to point that out to you for those of you who might be a little more advanced and want to bring this into after effects or do some other cool things like that. All right, I'm going to cancel this because I'm just going to go back here to the regular video share. We'll tap on that and it's going to export our movie. Once our movie is done exporting, we can choose where to save it or we can share it with our friends. I'm just going to click on say, Video, and it's going to save it to my camera. Roll on my ipad. 10. Create an Animated Gif and Project Upload: Okay, now that you've got your video file exported from your animation and procreate dreams, I want to show you how to take that video and upload it to the project section of your skill share course. So what we're going to do is scroll down a little bit. Under this course, you'll see the title. And you'll see right here, this is Projects and Resources. So go ahead and tap on that. We'll scroll a little bit further down, and you should see a gray box over here that says, My project that you can tap on. In this case, this is my personal project, so that's why it looks like this. But yours should be a gray box. And if you scroll down a little bit further, you'll notice class projects. Now obviously this class is brand new. So this gallery is currently empty. But I would love to see your animation in here. So please go ahead and take the time to publish your animation so we can see them. So to do that, we'll go back up here. I'm going to tap on my project. And I've already filled this out, so I see the actual project page itself. But this is where we're headed. I'm going to show you how to get your animation up there and playing automatically. If I click Edit Project right here in the top corner, this is what you're probably seeing when you first push that button, you can change the image. And all I did to get that image up there, I took a picture with my iphone off to the side. But an iphone or at least the way mindset saves it as a doc file and it needs to be a Jpeg or a PNG to be able to upload this. I took a screenshot of that photo and then uploaded the PNG version to get that to show up there. Then we give it a title and then we have a project description. Now you'll notice my image. The video is actually playing in the project description. The reason for this is this is actually an animated gift file that I exported from Adobe Express. I'm going to show you how to do that here in just a second. The reason why we had to do that originally, what I did, I shared my video to Youtube. I put it up and it turns into a short automatically because two things, one, it's a vertical video and two, it's 60 seconds or less. Youtube, by default saves it as a Youtube short. If I tap on this video, I don't know if you'll hear the animation audio or not, but it plays out. I'll go ahead and pause it. I click Share. I'll copy the link. And I'll come back over to the Skillshare page. Down below, right here it says Add more content if you click on video or other. Either one of these gives you an option to paste a link in here. If I paste that link, depending on the browser you're on, it'll let you paste it. But if I click Add, it doesn't do anything. I've tried Safari on a desktop as well as Chrome, and it didn't work. So I reached out to Skillshare and it turns out they don't support Youtube shorts at the moment to be able to show off our work. What we're going to do is paste that link right in the project description so we can see your animations on Youtube. And if you have any audio playing behind it, we'll be able to hear it. Then also, we're going to export and upload an animated gift as well, so we can see this animation without having to load a different page. Okay, to do this part of the project, we're going to need a third party app. I discovered that if we go to the App Store and you search for Adobe Express, it's a free service from Adobe. You do need to make an account, but you don't have to pay anything to use it. I'll go ahead and open up this app. This is how it looks by default. When you first open this up, we're going to use this to generate a gift, an animated gift, from our video file. To do that, it's a little overwhelming at first. We have a lot of options up here. There's a lot going on, but all we're going to do is click this little plus sign at the bottom. Then right here it says Convert to gift. We want to tap on that. Now all I have to do is add that video that we just created. I saved mine to my cloud drive. I find that video, I'll upload it and then I can control where it plays out. If you exported your video with all the extra time line pieces to it, maybe it was a full 30 seconds. But you only animated 15 seconds or so. You can drag this to be exactly where you want it to be, then you can choose your file size. Now I just left mind as medium. I don't know what skill shares, current requirements and limitations are for uploading images. If it's too large, you can come back and change these file settings. I found for mine it's about 13 seconds long and medium worked just fine. Once I've got those settings save and it's going to save it, camera roll automatically. From here, I don't have an option to save it to cloud or camera roll. It just automatically saves it right to my camera roll. All right, now to save our camera roll, we can jump back over to our browser and navigate to our project page on skill share. What we're going to do now, I'm going to pretend like I haven't already done this one, so I'm just going to come at the end of this and hit Return a couple times. And then I'm going to come down below where it says Add more content. And I'm going to click on the Image button this time. This time I can choose from the photo library. I can take a photo, or I can choose a file. Now this take a photo option might come in handy instead of trying to, depending on how you're uploading this. If you're using your iphone to upload this and you can take a picture of your ipad, that would work great. Going to do is go to the photo library and I'm going to upload that gift right now. It's going to be the latest photo I uploaded at the top corner. This looks like it's about 3 megabytes when I did that medium export. I'll click you use up here on the top corner. And it's going to put that file right in there where I had my cursor. And that's all I have to do to add, that's all I have to do. That was a lot of steps. That was a lot more steps than I anticipated. But anyway, at least now you know how to add your animation to the project area. I'm going to go ahead and delete this extra one here. Let's open up my keyboard. Let's show keyboard. And we're just going to delete that guy. Tap back in here, let's hide my keyboard. You can make this a private project if you want. You can also add different skills tags if you want to tag this a certain way, so it gets discovered. Then when you're all done with that, you can hit Publish, right here on the top corner. And then I'll get to see those animations and we'll get to share them with the class. Hopefully in the future, this process gets much simpler. But I wanted to make sure that you guys knew how to use this and be able to use your animations even if it requires a different file type. One thing that I would expect in the near future with procreate the original procreate, you could actually, if you go to appear to the Actions menu and I go to Time Lapse Replay. You can actually replay your artwork and how it was made, which is super cool. And you can even export if we go down here and click on the Share button. And I come down here to Animated Gift or PNG or MP four. This is what I expect Adobe Dreams to probably have in the export in the near future. So until these are native in Adobe Dreams export, you got to use that work around with Adobe Express. All right, I hope that was helpful. Hopefully you were able to keep track of all the little steps that we did. But again, just a reminder, it's a video. So feel free to rewatch this if you need to follow along to get your animation exported. I can't even tell you how excited I am to see your work. So please, if you're up for the challenge, go through all those steps and get that uploaded to the project center. All right, thanks for watching. 11. Next Steps: Thank you so much for joining me on this course. I hope you had a blast and learned a lot of really cool techniques to make some simple animations of your own. And I would love to see what you come up with, even if it's super simple, even if it's dumb, and it's a couple frames. I just want you to go through the process of opening the file, creating something, and then sharing it. Because that'll help inspire you to do more of that. So I'd love to see what you made. Don't forget, make something, export it, share it in the project center below. And then you can even post it on social media and tag me and your posts. I'd love to see what you guys do and what you come up with. If you're feeling stuck or like you want to learn more. I'm creating a new master class for the procreate dreams. It's not quite done yet at the time of this recording, but stay tuned for that, and until then, don't forget in the app. If we come back to the theater, we can click on Procreate Dreams up here at the top. And we have options for getting started, as well as the Help center where you can learn everything, every bell and whistle about the app. Thanks again so much. I hope you have an awesome week and we'll see in the next course.