1. Introduction: see. And I'm from Victoria, British Columbia, and I am a graphic designer and surface part of designer makes me your artist. And I teach here on skills here This is my third class and my last class waas a collage in gold And it was so popular that I decided to expand a little bit on the subject. So in this class, you gonna learn about hooked to create awesome textures and patterns to make stunning collage papers. We're gonna work with printing and stamping and rolling. So we'll use a phone played for the printing and that will use sticky foam to create your own stamps and then would be using a paint roller, and then we're gonna mix it all together. So this class, Aziz usual. It's about experimenting and having fun and trying stuff and mixed up together and not really worrying about how it's gonna look because you're going to cut it up and then gonna use it in your collage. And sometimes I might look really good, But when once you used this a little bit in your collage is gonna look great. And if you really still don't like it that just roll over. Just roll paint board. That's what I do. I have rolled over entire paintings like that, and it's very therapeutic, actually. So in your class project, we're gonna print a little envelope and we're gonna do a little collage exercise on a postcard, and you'll be able to put that in and put in the mouth and send it to a friend or send it to me. You know what? You could send it to me, so join me to print them.
2. Material List : So let's go over supplies you will need for this class you need but some pain. But you can use a lot of different types of paints. It can use the fluid acrylics. You can use luck printing ink, actually water soluble. Or you can use, uh, everybody acrylic, any brand or you can even use house paint. That works to, um so there's a wide range of qualities and stuff out there. But since we're just doing collage paper and texture, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You don't either, Breyer. This one is a two inch white. I kind of like the smaller one because you have a little more control, but you can use a three inch your wider one if you want. Uses less pain, too. This is a paint roller, just a handle, and this one is four inch, which is about 10 centimeters. You'll need some toilet paper rolls. You'll need a bunch of them because we're gonna want to be able to switch him back and forth and do a whole bunch of them contact paper the same one that we used in, uh, the watercolor field trip class. So if you need a refresher, it's on. There's a lot of instruction on how to use it there, but I'll show you again how to use it in class here. So this is, um, non slip rug pad who talked to say, And there's different from size of this. I have, like all these different kinds, So this is also really great for texture, scratch form board, and I actually ordered that online. But I kind of like it, and you can use this board or you can use the stuff you bought. You get in a supermarket, so that's actually works really well to create texture, the leads of cardboard and also some sticky phone. And you can buy a whole pack of that at think. WalMart has it, and a big stash off 30 sheets there that's pretty inexpensive and some cardboard to stick it on. And the other thing that's good to have this courage, gated paper and great for texture. If you don't have any, can use your hardboard and just kind of peel the top layer like that, can you? This a glue stick? Pencil in a pen and you will also need a skewer like a wooden skewer. This one is short, but you can get this matter how long it is. It's just the point that we're after to carve. This is a paper palette to roll. Your paint is just, um, kind of a waxy paper there. But you can use that or if you don't have any, can use freezer paper. It's really great for a lot of different things, apparently cost on the back. It tells you all these things, it can do it it and it's functional and fun. So can read that. But yes, I use it to create my own paper. Pat and I use, like, untold piece of cardboard and paper clips and I'll show you I'm doing a video, a little video, how I do that. Go really glue. I love this wood glue. It works for paper. It really I use it for everything. Um, cord, um, any kind of chord. You'll need a bunch of elastics just different size. And, uh, and with a few pages of this car stuck these envelopes any kind of have lopes really do color are white or I'm just gonna print on. So so you will need, uh all kinds of things you can use magazine pages, these our catalogue pages. Uh, this is, um, security envelopes, Kraft paper book pages, maps, sheet music filters. Filters are awesome. I actually, you get him like this and actually Iran them. Yes, I do. I iron my filters, but it's so much easier to work with when you iron them. And also, once you found them, it just becomes like rice. Paper feels like rice paper. So it's really great. I really loved them and their super cheap to buy and use him with abandon. So or anything else you can think of that you can want to print on, Just just hold for it masking tape. Any color is just to make a little handle on the back of your stamps. And I do like to clean my braver with Murphy's oil. It works really well, and you can leave it in there overnight, and I don't really clean my my my roller every time. So I just kind of let it let it sit there and them and not put it in water all night that I don't really have to to do anything to what it comes right off in the morning. Yeah, I think you'll need Is there a rolling pin? I mean, you don't have to have one. Very three. Helpful to roll to roll over your prints. A whole list in your project section so you can download, and everything should be on there. If you have any question, just send an email or put something in the discussion. Um, and, uh, I'll see if I can help you. All right, let's get started.
3. Printing: Okay, let's print stamp and roll. But first we're going, Teoh, make our little paper palette. I just use an old sketch pad or anything that you have a piece of cardboard would work to. Anything you have around the house, - I have my paper palace, and we gonna use that for everything that we do. Um, and the technique is very simple. If you've never used a ruler a Breyer, before you just spread some paint and kind of like that about the width of your roller, which is, you know, depending on what role you have, and then you just roll it. But you have to hear that sound. That's kind of sticky little sticky sounds. And that should tell you that it's ready to roll. Ready to roll. You go. That works. Let's try it just for just for fun. We'll just try it, see if it works. Yes, it works. Let's start to print. So the phone plate is super easy to use, and basically, you just I want to cut that in half because I want to make to this, and you just kind of draw what you want. Used like a pin ball point point pen or and then you just do your design So this really matter? Um, you can just whatever you want to do And, um, at some details like that. And you have to press hard because you want to make sure there's a nice indentation here, but, um, it's very easy to use. So you're done. This isn't so I gonna show you. And I created a couple of these plates that I have already used, but that's what I did. I just did. And all over circle Pattern here, and I did just just lines. And I'm gonna also show you how to do, uh, kind of, ah board. That's just to use for background. Okay, for this, I'm gonna just make a texture on this that I can use to print. So I'm just gonna be kind of sloppy on this, because every do you want to take that kind of it noise? All I want is like, use that as a background. All right, so that's gonna be another one of my plate. Um, let's see. No fancy is this. I'm gonna dio just a plain great that I can use to over print on stuff So this is the actual stuff that you get at the supermarket that you would throw away. But now you're using it for art. Not wonderful. Who? Yeah, you go. One less thing in the landfill. Okay, so let's start printing our also did a few of these that I kind of made a little bit, you know, like a really more figurative design. You can also do that and use that, but, um, so there's a lot of options you can do with it. So for this particular exercise, we're going Teoh think I'm going to print my background first, and then I print my plate on top of it. So I'm gonna try that I like to use, uh, the heavy body acrylic for printing on phone. Pathetic. It kind of helps sticking to the plate and you get aboard a little more coverage. More encouraged. What? Too many things on my desk. OK, my desk is a miss. Always see, I should be careful here because I'm gonna put my paper on top of that, and it's just gonna be messy. All right, so let's use this paper on. I am going to okay. I use a rolling pin. I think it works for you. Well, to press my for right? So this is just like I said. It's like noise. It's just my background, but it's not playing background. I'd like to have a little texture on, and I'm gonna use this to reprint on top. You can use this block printing ink just because I haven't and we're gonna try different thing and you'll see how it behaves. It's a little stickier, a little stickier. You can hear it, but it does. A dear to the late. Really nice. Me. So yeah. All right, try this. Right on top of this. Doesn't matter. You don't need to be right. Exactly. On top of it, it doesn't actually matter because we're just creating texture to use for collage paper for one of the good. I see
4. Stamping: Now let's make some stamps. So let's use this phone, the sticky foam and a piece of cardboard and create a really simple shape. And basically, if you use a very simple shape and repeat them, it's gonna look really good. So you don't have to go crazy And like, I could leave it like that as a very simple shape, or I could cut it in half, glue it together like this. That would be another interesting shape, actually do that. I think I will do that. But I want to show you different ways that you can start from a really basic shape and make it more interesting. I'm gonna cut how to leave and thing, and then I'm gonna got it like that. And then I glue it together. Kind of like this. I can cut that. Also my dad. So that's also kind of interesting. So I did one of this leaf here, So you're stand would be ready to go now. But you, when you you print like that, sometimes it helps to have a little hand along the back. So I use this tape. Any tape will do, but and then you fold it just kind of fold it like this and then and then stick it on that . That gives you a little a little handle that's easy to use for stamping. And another way that you can do stamps is just take a piece of cardboard and these air just rubber bands. So they gave give you like a nice lying texture that takes you about two minutes. To do that, you can also use corrugated cardboard Tiu tiu to print you can use here. I made a circle and also made it took the shape from from in the inside of the circle and and create another shape inside Seiken. Maybe print that and print this another color and create a pattern with that. This I use just a thin piece of cardboard. I think from a recycled food container, you know, always recycle everything I have. And the other thing I use is again These will diesel foam Trey, they're great for everything. And I put a little handle on the back and it works well for that. And I want to show you work and what he can do. What a shaped like this you could do. You can just overlap it, create another shape out of it that oh
5. Rolling: All right, let's get rolling. Let's do some, uh, let's use some toilet paper rolls and put some textures on them and three some really fun rollers so you could do a bunch of different things. It's really it's really white, the range that you can use these rock. It's called nonstick rug pads that you can gonna glue around. You're rollers like that, or you can use. They have different different sizes of that create different textures. You can use rubber bands that you can put around and a whole bunch of them and create a roller like you show you. Exhibit A. You could do something like that you can use with EU wide rubber bands and do something like that. You can use any kind of texture, and this was kind of, Ah, wallpaper that have texture on. It looks a little messy when you print with it, but you know you can try it for texture, and you can, of course, make your own with it. Foam and sticky foam and just kind of cuts any shape that you want out of there and stick it on the roller and just create, just create your own step. So after a while, when you use it a lot in my kind of lift a little bit, but you just push it back and it works. I've been using these for a while, and they worked pretty well, so all right, so the sky's the limit here. You can just anything you find around the house. Oh, I made this one here, um, use corrugated cardboard, and I glued it. And I use gorilla glue for this. I used gorilla glue for everything because seems to work pretty well. Probably. Why would work better for this if I use Exacto Blade? But since I don't want you feel like doing that, I'm just gonna just gonna wing it. You go, texture. It doesn't have to be perfect. Something has to be perfect. All right, so let's so after you've done, just get creative and just stick anything on there, and that's try to print on different papers. So if you want to put you put in your roller here and it feels a little loose, what you can do is just get a rubber band kind of wrap it around here. That and then I should give it a little traction like that again doesn't have to be even if it's kind of rough when you roll, it doesn't matter. We're just creating textures. I want to use a variety of papers here to print on music, paper and maps, Kraft paper and I also love to print on. So let's start with some really like Let's just just basic basic color. Basic black. Roll it, roll it, roll it. Ah, see Eustis here. I'm going to try role in this, see how cool it is. But if you want, you can just do a little bit of a over plan, and then you have pictures already on there. So that's kind of cool. Has tried a coffee filters. And I'm gonna change my role here for a different one. And this is a different, uh, roll of toilet paper, and it's a little tighter, so I'm gonna actually take this off so that it fits properly. I had a little more paint rule. Awesome. Look. Okay, so I could leave it like that, which is really cool in itself. Or I could do a little plaid with it. And again, you can use just black. You can use to colors you can over print do a lot of different things. This one. I'm gonna go and do a little plus look at that. So get try it on different kinds of paper. There are different kinds of color.
6. Class Project: Envelopes: So for your class project, we're gonna use all the different techniques that you've learned in this video. And we're gonna do printing, stamping and rowing on this envelope that you'll be able to fill with goodies and send to a friend. So we're gonna use Ah, Breyer. And we're gonna use our little roller paint ruler on used this one with the rubber bands and you're gonna use any kind of paint you want. I'm using a variety of different paints. This is regular acrylic and tubes. I'm gonna use some other liquid fluid critics from golden. We're going to roll the back of your actually, that's the front right in front of your envelope. And we're gonna use this'll roller. But first I want to I want to block the area for the address here, so I'm going to use a contact paper. So I'm gonna block an area here from my address, and it's gonna be Oh, I don't know, something like this doesn't need to be really big, but and does need to be super fancy. I just want to have room to write stuff on. So we're gonna do that and stick it on here and we're gonna do the same thing with the back . So I have one that already prepared so that you don't have to watch me do all that and so we can start rolling. Let's get Roman. I'm gonna start with these two colors, golden colors, Teal Impression blue, and we're going to start with the lighter color. I'm just going to use a little bit here. First I roll my paint, so I have a really nice smooth area here. Okay? On always. We know you're your roller. This is the rare. Okay, this is a roller. This is the Breyer. So I'm gonna get some paint on this, and I'm gonna start rolling. You know that. I love it. Oops, little missy. That's okay. Missy is good. That's texture. All right. So I'm going to use a little more paint because I want to do, um, crisscross area. Then I'm gonna go like this, and what's really cool is like, I really like to use colored paper as my background here because then when I'm done, I have all this cool stuff that I can use in my collage. I can never throw anything away Disease. Guess it's to be a problem after a while, but Okay, so this is This should dry pretty quickly. I can I'm gonna add another color. I'm gonna add oppression Blue on top of this. I don't really need Teoh. Clean my roller, My Breyer. But I will just a little bit. And I'm just gonna add this color right next to it, right here. That roll it on the same thing. Okay. And I will go first, cross again on this one. No, right. That looks awesome. And then when we take this the little center part out for the address, it's going look really cool. Right? So this is the front of my envelope. Dry a little bit, and I'm gonna work on the flap where we have the little heart shape. So to work on the flap, of course. You want to put something here to protect your You want to protect your absolute because you just want to do so. You convince some of your freezer paper if you want already kind of paper. Just anything that that will block this. And this. What I want to do is I want to use a different color. What So I'm just gonna change my safer here. And I'm gonna use this kind of transparent green gold here. I really like it said transparent color. And so what I'm gonna do with this is I'm just gonna roll color, basically, just I just wanted background. I'm gonna roll some color, okay? I'm not gonna worry too much about it. The nice thing about when your role color is like it, it puts already finley it on there, so it usually dries pretty quickly. So what I want to do On top of that, I'm gonna use stamp. So we rolled. Now we're gonna stand, so I'm gonna use our little rubber band stamp. I want to bring back this, uh, sheet here because I want to use that color again. So I'm just going to bring back this color, which is the oppression Blue. Yeah, some color here and use my stamp. Okay, So take my stamp, and I'm just gonna fill it with color, and I'm gonna stamp it to make some lines. Awesome. And then I'm gonna stamp it so I can line up. You see this? This one is here. I'm just going to line it up right here. And I'm gonna do one nice one and doesn't have to be perfect. I think it's better when it's not. Because it's great to have all that texture. All right, so that's one here. All right, so now we have this really cool flap. All right, So what we want to do now is we want to do this. This'll part here, which I don't know what it's calling. Call. It's the body of the envelope. And here you want. It also kind of puts something in there to, um, get paint all over. So you're gonna slip something in here, all right? Just to protect the inside of your envelope, And at this time, we're gonna do some printing. So we're gonna print, um, with our phone plates from here. We're gonna use this plate in this place, and I think I'm gonna use half half of it here, and the other half kind of like that. So, um all right, so I'm going to think my first plates, and for that I'm gonna use I'm going to use that orange, that crazy orange color that's 30 years old. All right, so I'm gonna try it anyway. because I want camera. So there you go. I ate my plate. Okay. We'll see if it works. Look it. So I think my plate on and I'm going to print. I want to print. Like I said, I want to print, like half of it, right half of the envelope. Oh, okay. Do it like this. I think I like to use a roller for this because I think it works really Well, okay, I worked. Look at that. Eso All right? That's with pretty liquids. I think it's gonna take a while to to dry, but we can work on the other side, and so I want to do I want to point this phone plate here like that, but I couldn't want to have a background like a green background. So since I have some other green already, I'm gonna see if I can print, like, a kind of a texture, disregard texture plate that we made. I'm gonna see fuckin print some green first. Okay, So I'm going to print this just to get some texture the start with I'm gonna overlap it a little bit. Okay, That's sort of work, sort of. And then I'm gonna print on top of that. I want to print this texture here. I'm gonna go to go back to this dr very much. So I'm gonna do this paint, which is just the regular acrylic. I don't think my prayer too well, but I don't I don't know. I don't really Here. Doesn't really matter, because I really, like kind of texture that I get from previous colors or I had the accident like that. All right, so this is my other late. I'm not sure if I have enough paint, but we're gonna try. Okay, So it's gonna be my plate. I'm gonna overlap it. Kind of just a little bit like this. I see it. Okay. Thing My roller, It was school, so I kind of worked. So you have a lot of good textures here and go overlap. I kind of need. So take this out. Look at that. That cool. So I'm gonna let this dry a little bit, and then I'm going to pull my little she's here. Oh,
7. Class Project: Postcards: Okay, Now we're gonna do a little collage exercise. We're gonna We have to put something in our absolute. So we're gonna pick, uh, are three favorite papers, and then we're gonna cut three squares out of them. We're gonna measure something that is gonna fit in our envelope. So this one is about five by seven, and we are gonna cut three piece from each, okay, for. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna put them together, and we're gonna cut a shape out of it. Any shape I might do. A leaf. Yeah. You just I, like, discover kind of stylized oakleaf. All right, so I have my three shapes. I'm going to cut it in three pieces. 123 and mix and match. Like these little games we had, we were kids. You can dress the you can. You can dress the characters in different outfits, but now it's just with the Okay, So now we're gonna put him back together like this. This goes here, and this goes here, here, here. So you have three little postcards, you take a glue stick, or you can make some space in between if you want. Like that. And then, if you want Teoh Oops. Then you have a little card to send to somebody. You have three cars. Actually, you put in an envelope and then he sent it to me or somebody else.
8. Bonus Material: So I created these templates for you, and I'm gonna show you a really easy way to use it. So it's in your class project section, and it's a pdf. You can download it and you print it and get your contact paper and get a piece. I'm gonna show you super easy way to trace it. So you just go over and you line up your middle line here with the middle of the shape, and then you just trace it like that, doing a really good job, but and then fold it on the line. This cut it and you want. So these I created for the front of the envelope because they're bigger. And I, uh, these were for two flat because they're a little smaller. But I have a bunch of different sized envelopes here. I'm going to show you how to do that. So here's an example of something that didn't quite work. I tried to paint this yellow color on this blue envelope, and it didn't really turn out, so I decided to print over it with blue paint and it kind of work. Uh, you still see the yellow behind, but it gives it interesting texture. And now I kind of like it. So don't be afraid to To print over stuff and, um, you know Ah, and and if you really don't like it, just roll over it. You can always a roll over it.
9. Thank You: Thank you so much for taking the class. I hope you had a good time and you experimented. Then you had a lot of fun and you found a lot of new fund textures, and I can't wait to see what you do. So I hope you're gonna upload the your project in a project section below and also your instagram make sure to use hashtag prints that rolls. I can see what you do there, too. And don't forget to follow me on skill shares so that then you'll know when I put out a new class and, uh, remember to keep it simple and experiment and have fun. You soon. Oh.
10. Bonus Video: Valentine's Cards: in this bonus video, I'm going to show you how to create some really fun and easy Valentine's Day cards. So ah, first you need to download my A mask template from the project in Resource section. And then you just print it out on card stock because that's going to be more durable than if you just print it on paper stock. But you can also do it on paper stock, eso then you cut it out and I cut the inside of the heart, and that's your mask. And then you're going to use any of the phone plates that you've been, um, creating during the class and some five by seven card, stock, color or white, whichever one you have on hand. So I'm gonna use, um, some pink. Well, actually, I don't have any pink acrylic, so I'm gonna I'm gonna mix it with white, and I usually just mix it up right on my palate. Um, because I'm to lazy so and then just roll it up on your plate like you usually do, and then put your mask, make sure that you have enough paint and then line it up with, um lined it up with your paper so you have it exactly where you want on your on your paper . And there you go, and then you repeat it with ah, um all your other plates and you make a whole series of them for this one is old small. So you got to make sure that it covers the whole surface of your mass. So sometimes you have to turn it around like this, but a song as you line it up on top of your mask than your should be good. Looks great. So on this next one, I'm gonna try to print on colored paper, so I'm going to use my colors stock to, um to print and you'll see it looks very different, but it's really fun. You can try a lot of different colors. If you have those, you can try Kraft paper. And actually, I like to use my rolling pin to Sometimes it works really well to, um to to, um, put enough pressure on your on your plate to get a really nice print. So and then you keep going until you get a whole series of them and I would just say, Just try to use all your plates and, um, see which one you like best. The everything you can try is you can over print on something that you already had printed . So on this one, I'm going to try to over Pitt with a slightly darker color. And I just have to warn you, it doesn't always work, but and you can kind of end up with some things you don't like, But anyway, it's worth trying. And there you go. It didn't work that well. I don't think that it's that great, but I'm sure I can fix it later and add some detailed and they will look fine. Ah, you can. Also, if you have to smaller plates, you could combine them together and create ah, one plate, and it creates a really fun effect. So even though there's a little gap in between because in press hard enough, um, you'll see what I'm going to do with it later. I'm just gonna add some details and I'm gonna make it work. So now you take your prints and you start adding line, work over it and post a paint pen and any kind of detail that you you know, feel interesting. Also, I have a little ah, round the corner punch that I love using on these cards and you can embellish the corners. And anyway, just go ahead and have fun and experiment and send your cards to all your loved ones. Have fun.