PowerPoint Basics for Beginners - Learn the Software and Animate Presentations | Andrew Pach ⭐ | Skillshare

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PowerPoint Basics for Beginners - Learn the Software and Animate Presentations

teacher avatar Andrew Pach ⭐, PowerPoint, Animation & Video Expert

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1.1 Introduction


    • 2.

      Start a project!


    • 3.

      1.2 Course goals and who is it for


    • 4.

      2.1 What is Microsoft PowerPoint


    • 5.

      2.2 Why should you learn PowerPoint


    • 6.

      2.3 Important - difference between versions


    • 7.

      3.1 Interface


    • 8.

      3.2 Adding Slides


    • 9.

      3.3 Adding Shapes


    • 10.

      3.4 Changing shape options


    • 11.

      3.5 Adding Text


    • 12.

      3.6 Thin line between a text box and shape


    • 13.

      Leave a Review, Please


    • 14.

      3.7 Picture and drawing specific options


    • 15.

      3.8 Saving files and exporting videos


    • 16.

      3.9 Approaching slide design Part 1


    • 17.

      3.10 Approaching slide design Part 2


    • 18.

      4.1 Animations


    • 19.

      4.2 Transitions


    • 20.

      4.3 Types of Animation


    • 21.

      4.4 Animation Pane and start options


    • 22.

      4.5 Animation Timing


    • 23.

      4.6 Complex Animations


    • 24.

      4.7 Advanced animation features


    • 25.

      4.8 Create your first professional animation


    • 26.

      6.1 Did we really do this! Thank you!


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About This Class

This course is intended for beginner and inexperienced designers, who aspire to learn Microsoft PowerPoint for professional or private use. No matter if you want to add a new skill to your portfolio, create videos, impress at work or start beeing an online entrepreneur. If you have very little experience with the software or are a total beginner and this will be the first time you open the software - this is the right course for you!

It's your best shot at getting on the right track to becomming a pro in the quickest possible way. I am releasing this content totally FREE of charge because it is also intended to be a prequel to any of my existing and future premium courses. So I am both helping people and making sure that I have a point I can direct people to if they never used PowerPoint :)


The course has 2 main goals here which I explain right at the beginning and am completely open about:

  1. I want you to get familiar with PowerPoint and teach you a little bit about the program itself and its animation features.

  2. I want to make sure that in case you are interested in my premium courses but are not sure about my teaching style, the pace of my lectures and if you will be prepared enough to enroll them you will be 100% equipped to do so after taking this course.

Sometimes people did ask me to make a very basic introduction to PowerPoint - and I believe such a little Crash Course is the perfect way to be released as free content since you can ensure that you will have the neccesary "prequel" knowledge to understand any other, more advanced course.

All of my courses are fairly beginner friendly but in case you would struggle I encourage you to take this course first to see how it is. If you already know everything that is taought here - you are overqualified and ready to go :)


What this course IS, and what this course ISN'T. Please read to not be dissapointed!

  • It is a very basic and brief introduction into the software and it's animation features

  • It is very beginner friednly

  • It is aimed for people with little or no prior tech experience or knowledge of PowerPoint

  • It isn't an advanced powerpoint course

  • It isn't a complex, insightful explanation of all powerpoint features

  • It isn't suitable for advanced powerpoint users - if you understand the basics you do not need to take this course

I think I am very clear with my message about the intentions of the course, what is beeing taought here and who is it for. Some of the features you will learn here are bext viewed by reading through the lecture curriculu,.


Some features I want to explain here:

  • What is PowerPoint, what is it used for and the difference between its versions

  • Explaining the interface, how to add slides, save presentations and export them to video

  • Adding & editing shapes, text, pictures and designing an entire slide

  • Using both transitions and animations including all their types and changed timings

  • Creating an entire animation sequence for a slide

  • and of course some more features along the way :)

I highly encourage you to take this course and have some fun inside PowerPoint with me, see you inside! Enroll now!


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Meet Your Teacher

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Andrew Pach ⭐

PowerPoint, Animation & Video Expert


Hi! My name is Andrew Pach and if you want to learn PowerPoint you are definately in the right spot! To my friends I'm known as 'Nigel'! I am an After Effects / PowerPoint / video / graphic design junkie eager to teach people how to utilize their yet uncovered raw design talent! I run a YouTube channel called "andrew pach" which I do with absolute joy and passion. Here on Skillshare, I would like to share interesting, project-based classes that will make your design workflow a greater experience. If you look below you can select any of my PowerPoint classes to learn from them! 

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. 1.1 Introduction: Oh, you're here. How beautiful. Welcome. My name is Andrew Park. I'm a course instructor, online publisher. I create videos. I create also graphical products for my clients. I run a YouTube channel and I created this course to teach you the basics about Power Point . If you are not sure if this software is for you or if it isn't, I'll try to answer. Why should you learn it? What are the advantages off learning it? What are the possible disadvantages? I wish to teach you a few basics about the software and a few basics about animations. So please continue to the next lecture where I explain a little bit more about this. And I You agreed you and explain you what is the entire course structure? I hope you will have plenty of fun. This course is completely free. I'm doing this on Lee. So you will get reassured if you want to continue learning Power 0.0 R. If this suffer is too difficult for you, so does not worry. It's really a simple program. Everything here is well laid out and we will have plenty of fun during this. So head on to the next lecture where I'll explain a little bit about this 2. Start a project!: Hi, it would be amazing. And you can help me on Skillshare by starting a product for this class. Nice. At first, it doesn't have to be the ready product is go to the Project and Resources tab. Hit on Create Project. And right, You're welcome message. Later on when you create slides from the lectures, you can share a screenshot of that slide. You can do this by going to File Save As Selecting Browse. And you can select to save as a JPEG there. By saving JPEG, you can select all slides are just this one. Then you can come back to the project, select Image and to just add a slide that you created. I will be really happy to see it and it will also be very helpful. Please start the product right now. It will take only a few clicks and helps me a lot here on Skillshare. 3. 1.2 Course goals and who is it for: hello. And they hardly welcome to this Power Point basics course where I want to teach you a few basics about the software itself and a few basics about animation in Power Point. Why do I did discourse? And who is this course? Four. I did discourse to give you a brief introduction in the Power Point. This is suitable especially for people who maybe never touched power point or never redid some design presentation or animating in any kind of software. And this is also for people who would be interested in my normal courses. But they are kind of shy if they will be able to do it most off my premium whole courses, our beginner friendly. But I completely understand that there are some people who never really did this, never will text heavy and never used office stuff for Power Point or other programs. And they need to brief introduction, and I wouldn't want to put this in. The normal course is, I wanted to do something completely for free for everyone that anyone can jump in. Anyone can take this course. It will take about 1.5 hours so you can be done with it within really a few days, you can portion the knowledge because we will have two main core big sections. The first section will be the introduction into the program. I'll tell you how to navigate around. I will tell you how to save presentations. I will tell you how toe add slight here into power point. I'll tell you how the interface looks like how to at shapes how to it at text, how to group those objects, how to manipulate objects changed their color and all that good stuff. Later on, in the second section, I would like to briefly touch on animations, the animation, pain and on transitions because animations and transitions are a big part off. Why do we want to learn this software? Because if you can that you can not only create presentation and present content, you can also create YouTube videos. You can help yourself by really adding this assets to like your skill portfolio and here, for example, we will create this example slight. Then we will animate this example Slight. This is just an example animation, but you will be able to not only do this, you will be able to understand what is going on in the screen. What are these boxes with? Are these colors? What are these little stars? And what is the zero? What's happening on the screen? How did we add it? Where did we find it? And so we're together. Resource is where to brainstorm like other designs out of that and all that good stuff. This is supposed to be a brief Hartley. Welcome and introduction. So I will not extend this lecture. Sorry that some of the lectures are a bit longer. But I wanted to go here slow patient that everyone can understand what I say, What I mean and what I want to convey in the package off information I have for you. In the next section, I will talk about the different versions of Power Point. Why you should learn power point and And what is this software used for? It's an absolutely great an amazing tool to have in your portfolio and skill set. I hope that you will have plenty of fun in this beginner scores which will enter and open up the world of power point to you 4. 2.1 What is Microsoft PowerPoint: I want to say that I will not apologize for being too simple here. I have a kind of a game plan for this for this course. And one of the first lesson is what actually is Microsoft PowerPoint. And you may think that everyone knows what power point is. Well, you need to know, do it. At which point PowerPoint is in compassion with other Softwares other programs in order to fully understand it. Microsoft Power Point is one of the Microsoft Office suit programs. The office suit is a serious of programs by Microsoft company, and some of those programs include Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and Outlook and others like One Note. And obviously probably you did already see Microsoft Word, which is the tool for writing Microsoft Excel, which is more more off a cell based program where you can input mathematical functions and calculations. Power Point takes a difference. Been a different approach here. Microsoft Power Point is the most graphical off them. Microsoft Power Point is this, after that generally uses a graphical approach to presenting content with help off text boxes with help off images to to convey, explain and make it easier to explain a topic when presenting to an audience. This is, of course, not the only use you can use power point for, because it's relatively a simple graphical tool to make presentations or to create videos or just to do some graphic design in it. And you don't have the design freedom like you have in the photo shop. Programs from Adobe are far more difficult to learn, while Microsoft Power Point, in my opinion, is very straight forward because everything will do here is on those very simple panels. Now, do not worry if those panels look a little different on your version, because I'll talk about versions very soon here in the first section because I believe this is very important, and I even called it important. We will talk about difference between versions. The current, The current version off Microsoft Power Point is correlated with the office 3 65 suit. The Office 3 65 is a subscription based model off the office suit because beforehand a few years ago, 2010 13 16 we could buy. This is a one time purchase, but Office 3 65 is a subscription based model where you always get the newest version. Okay, This is enough when it comes to the few words what Microsoft Power Point is and what it is for And now, depending if you already saw Microsoft Power point or if this is your first glance at what you really see and what you will be working with here. So this is how the program looks. You have different taps here, and you have slides on the left side, which basically you designed. This is your working area. Would real later work on? We'll have plenty of fun doing. So let me conclude this introduction every lesson about what power point is. As you can see, Power Point is a relatively simple graphical design presentation video creation program which we will have plenty of fun in. 5. 2.2 Why should you learn PowerPoint: Hey, why do I believe you should learn PowerPoint? And I I'm telling you this very sincerely. I know plenty off other Softwares right now in terms off, designing, video editing, creating content, graphical content. But I still believe that if you are new to the design world or you just would like to become an online and entrepreneur, maybe become better at presenting yourself. Getting in front of viewers. Power Point can combine a little off all those skills. Why is that so? Power point is very intuitive when it comes to its design approach. For example, if I have programs like Photoshopped, it's far more difficult to understand what exactly every function is for Where are the strokes? Here we have adjustment layers. In photo shop, you add an adjustment layer. It becomes like that. But you can also clip this adjustment layer to this certain rectangle and this becomes difficult. Then you can double click on the effect and we can change its brightness and contrast. Those might all be a little bit difficult to learn. In PowerPoint approach to graphic design, I would create a new slide and don't mind, don't mind what I do right now you will learn all of this indecision in this course. Here we add those rectangles. It's pretty simple. What happens here, You have some colors. You have to have some text elements. You have the selection pain, and it's so simple to add effects here, for example, you have shaped effects when you are on the drawing toe, which you just draw. I click on the shape effect. I killed Khan Shadow, and I have a few basic shadows already. Others bite Microsoft apartment, so I just click on the shadow. If I want to go more advanced off course, I would click, I would go into the shadow. And here on the very bottom side, I can change the actual specific shadow options with at the very beginning. You don't need to check those options because you have a few off those pre defined elements . And this is what I believe makes power point really powerful, very great, that ease of use the ease off. Exporting the presentation of Saving and Power Point opens very quick as a program. It doesn't take a lot off your PC. It's quick toe open, quick to save quick the load and This is also a nice side benefit. Another thing is that just I would like you to compare my story as I was starting to become an online and entrepreneur if I can call it like that because I see myself more like an online instructor, a teacher. But I do also have to be a one man army. I have a YouTube channel. I have courses I want to produce content. I also produce some freelance designs for my clients and, for example, I am running this YouTube channel. And if I click on my videos, if I go a few years back, all those come males, what you see here, all those were designed by me. Nothing was outsourced. I was doing everything alone and I was I didn't need to learn everything step by step, how to do this by the basics from from beginning. And you can probably imagine that at the very beginning off my journey, I did start with using simply power Point to design my tumbles. I was designing my tumblers right within Power Point. I was done recording tutorials about how to do certain things in power point and slowly, even though I now use different programs. I always go back to Power Point because certain things and certain elements are still not only fun to make and power point, but also the ease of use makes this program still viable for me as one off my tools in my like design in my portfolio off skills that I potentially have. So I will leave if you would like to become, no matter what. Is your career pregnant? If you are doing this for your for your job, just to get better at creating presentations, perhaps this is your task in your in your company or if on a side note, you're starting to think, well, I need to get a little bit off creative skills, design skills, maybe perhaps presentation skills and what I'm doing right now with you. I'm presenting the content that you see on my screen, so it's also important to just get in, start trying to use the software it makes you are comfortable with using it. It makes you potentially comfortable with other things you'll do. So I would not like to extend this lecture anymore. I just want you to believe personally the power point is a very great asset in your in your portfolio, off skills and that this course will help you to understand the basics. So let us see each other in the next lesson where we will compare diversions. 6. 2.3 Important - difference between versions: let me take a sip of tea because I really like this topic and different versions of Microsoft Power Point. Now I did this year on the screen and you may think, My gosh, how do I remember all those versions? Older differences? Well, it's not like that if you are on the current versions, and if you are starting on those versions, those previous ones are irrelevant to you. I just would like to highlight that until Office 2003. We didn't have this ribbon system, which is like that. Previously, we had the options right here, and we didn't have this nice distinction between categories since Office 2007 Dispersion for Windows This system has been introduced, and now we are designing and preparing everything by selecting the appropriate function here on the top side in the ribbon, selecting it and then working with it office. Approximately, The Microsoft did a new version off the office suit about each three years, a new version disappearing, and right now, the 2019 version as well will be they newcomer in a few months. What I'm really angry and mad about is that for Mac versions, the Mac versions wasn't exactly the same as the office versions. And this is a completely bet. Bet play by Microsoft because I believe the Mac version and the Windows version should be identical. From what I hear the newest version Mack 2016 version. And if there will be a 2019 version, they are trying to merge the versions together and make them very smeller. Why am I telling you this? Because plenty of you possibly will use a Mac computer to work with Power Point. This is absolutely no problem. You will be able to do 90% of the things which I teach here, but I cannot. I cannot vouch that everything will be exactly the same. The Mac version is a little different in its layout, and it is lacking a few functions. For example, the 2016 version is already much better, but the Mac 2011 version I didn't have the selection pain, and you may think, What do I need to selection pain for? Well, you can work without. It's no problem, just a selection pain. I'll show it to you. I'll take select selection pain. It's a little pain here. And this pain shows me all the objects which are on this screen. For example, if I click on this, I know that this is rectangle tree. I can even go into here and I can rename it. This is very useful because sometimes you cover wanting with another thing than have trouble selecting it. As you can see here, it's It's difficult to select the one in the back, so I just click here, Boom, it selected. I can even use my arrow keys now to reposition it, or I can simply de select it. There was an article, um, someone from bright carbon and I thank them for for writing this because I cannot test. I don't use a Mac version. I cannot tell you exactly what were the differences are. But many of my students are reporting more, dismissed what is missing? And we are communicating back and forth and from what we gathered, as you can see that, like most function, the most important function is dismissing. Is the selection pain the quick access toolbar like there is no animation timeline. This might seem like you're 11 to you now, but I just wanted to highlight that there are differences between versions. The general rule of time will be the newer the better. I am currently working at a beta version off 2019 but the official released version at this point, and it's the end off 2018 is the 2016 version. So if you're using a Mac 2016 version, our office, I mean windows to those six inversion. This is really this is really good, but soon, in like half a year or a few months, office to those 19 will be released, and I'm not entirely sure if it will be also available as a one time purchase because I'm under subscription model. I am purchasing the office 3 65 subscription, and it gives me always the newest iteration off the program. Also, people who did buy the one time by office 2016 version didn't get all the newest updates, which the office 3 65 subscription model gets. So it's always been official to use this version, but it's really not as crucial. I'm of course not selling here. Nobody is paying me to to promote this. I just personally like the software and wanted to explain you. The difference is, let's finally proceed toe What the problem actually, Ace and let's start to work because I believe I was blabbing on in this section too long. Perhaps, is the key. Maybe I made it too strong and how I can't get the content. Probably together. Let's each other in the next lecture and we'll start the serious work now. So get concentrated because this is enough off introduction, let's dive deeper into power point. 7. 3.1 Interface: okay, a promise The electorate will be no quicker. I have to finish this tea and after that everything will go really smooth. As I said, I assume that people who are in this course are very basic users off power point or never even touched the program. So everything will explain here will be very simple in this lecture. I would like to talk about interface. It's basically a very straightforward If you open power point to a new file, let me maybe do this by going to file blank presentation. A new partner in the window is opened and as you can see in the interface right now, this is entirely in my face. This is very big what I like to do. I like to go to the right corner or we have some basic functions, like previewing our presentation or making the entire window zoomed out. You can also do this by clicking your left control or command key and scrolling down oil in your mouth. This is very convenient. As you can see, we have some guides in the rulers here. Those kites and rulers can be switched off by going to view. We have here, Ruler grid lines. You can see the great appears and guides. So you don't even have to be a perfect designer because you always can open grid lines and make everything really perfect. Okay, I will de select that. I'll go back to my home tap. And here is where I would like to explain you the interface on the left side, you have your slight area where you add new slights and new section. If you would like to give the sections names, for example, second section and here, all the new slight would be in the second section. You can simply click and drag slight if you want to move them between sections or you want to move just between them because you might explain a concept here. You want to explain something different here and then you think, Well, it would be better if I would explain this first. So you just take it and you drag it up. The main part of the screen is your working area where you add text, you edit boxes. You had pictures you at charts you at tables. You edit everything inside here and the thing you edited with it's on the entire ribbon. They're ribbon. This will be your task for this lesson. To open up a power point and click on each section off the ribbon. You might think that not all of those are available to you because you might not have the developer or the recording. Please do not worry about that, or the Eddins because Adan's are from third party programmes or separate the edit. Their tools absolutely do not worry about that because we can go toe later on. This is more advanced. That's what you shouldn't be worried about this, but you can go to file. You can goto options, and here you might customize the ribbon by adding new functions and selecting which taps should be available. If you plan to eventually add something by going to the Intertype, you can click on the insert step. You can, for example, at any given shape, clicking on the shape, clicking here and dragging. And if you are selecting the street, you can see a new option appears drawing tools. This is an option which appears specifically to the item. You have selected more about that later. Right now, your job is to get a little bit familiar with the interface. Please try during this process to add anything to your screen, either just adding text like here, selecting the text and maybe just exploring what could potentially be done with this text. 8. 3.2 Adding Slides: all right. You might be a tiny bit familiar with the interface, but you are still like, I don't really know what I'm doing. What is this software about? Absolutely. Do not worry about this. The entire power off this software, which I would like to show you, is by combining several slight toe make a continues continues video continues animation, something that really flows one after another. And this is why adding sleight is so helpful. If, for example, slights become too big for you here you can simply resize this box by making it a tiny bit smaller. I usually work at very small slides because I like to have my editing area as big as possible. Also, I tend toe at items beyond the slight area. If I want to select them and put them into the screen, this will be in the next lecture. But here I would still like to show you how to add slides to your presentation. You can add and remove slight very intuitively, as I showed you in the in the interface lecture and in the previous one you can right click and select new slide. This is how new slights are added, and if you plan to do very similar slides which will be beautiful like this one, I can click on it here. Press control or command to see and just control on comment. The vv vv vv This will simply paste the new slight the same way you can click on one slide . You can press shift. You can press on several off them, and you just hit delete to remove them because sometimes you the changes and you remove slight. As I said previously, you can take slights and you can change their position. You can move them between sections, and you can really freely added this when you are a doing something in PowerPoint. So for this lecture, I would like you to add three slides to reposition slight and then to delete to off those slight. Because I would like you to get very fluent and very familiar with editing the amount of slides and getting really confident with editing and changing your presentation on the flight. Well, I'm telling presentation, but it isn't mandatory, always a presentation. Sometimes it will be towards a video or another explanation. But the general rule of Trump is we are creating presentation. Some people also say that you are creating a power point, which is the equivalent of a presentation. But I do not like to call a presentation a power point with It seems that in the United States and in most parts of the world, at Power Point is equivalent to representation or representation file for me personally. But I don't advocate this for me personally. Power point is, the softer and presentation is the end result, which we are doing. But if you would like to say so, you can also say that you are making a power point. So do not get confused. If you hear this on the Web, you might run across this. But that's kind of off topic right now. As I said, try to add and edit the number off slights. 9. 3.3 Adding Shapes: you notice that I have strict electoral names, like adding slides, interface. And yet I I get into other topics because there is so many interesting things to tell you here when it comes to the basics of power point. But let's take a step back right now. In this lecture, you will learn that absolutely most important feature of Power Point, which will be adding text boxes and shape elements. I would like to quickly go back to my slideshow, my design. I would like to click on the first light, and I would look like to go back to a very simple, normal design because I live in. I didn't like the previous one. Okay, I have a new slide, and very often I do take both off those basic boxes which are here, and I simply delete them because I do prefer toe work on my own terms. On the clean slide, I would like you to do the same on this light, click, drag release and press delete on your keyboard. Right now, you should have an empty slight, and I would like you to go to the insert box. I mean to the insert tab we are on the Intertype somewhere here somewhere very close. You'll both have shapes and textbooks. Let's focus on the shape on this lecture. I'll add the shape. I will take the first rectangle shape, what you hear from the rectangles and you may see there are plenty off rapes here. What is the different between floater shapes and basic shapes? For the most part, you want to use the basic shapes because they give you a little bit more freedom. When it comes to their editing, the floater trips. Even though they look the same, they are less creditable. If you will be interested, I can explain that later. But for this lecture, I would like you to add a rectangle So you want to take a rectangle, or at least something that is close to erect angle. Do you want to click on it? And you can see the cursor has become a plus sign. Now, this plus sign information us that once we click right now will start to draw the shape. We will be drawing the shape as biggest we want. But we do not have to mind the size, because if we do select it And if we click on it back again, we can always resize it like this. And even if the specific object has this yellow button here, this yellow yellow circle, we can change. It's like properties. I would call them properties because not each shape has those properties. For example, this was around rectangle, and it has this yellow button. But if I would go to insert again shapes and I would make a simple rectangle here. As you can see, this rectangle tries to be a perfect square and doesn't have the yellow button here. So this is the difference between different kinds of shapes. Okay, For this lecture, I would like you to go to insert click on Shapes and Ed and the specific shape, maybe the round of director. One thing to remember here and I wouldn't call this basic. This might be advanced, but I do not need you to replicate this. I would like that. You remember about this As you enter the shapes and click on the new shape, you start to drawing it here. During that, if you press your shift key, it will become a perfect square. And if you hold the shift key and press your control key. It will become a perfect square going out from the middle. So as you can see, there are quite some some interesting functions here hidden with for the sake off this normal lecture, I would like you to click on shapes at the shape and just added like that into the screen and we will move forward from this in the next lecture once you have a few shapes added. 10. 3.4 Changing shape options: so we know a little bit about the interface we know a little bit about adding shapes. But what when it comes to changing its color its size, it's some features effect. Let me show you. So you gonna click at any given moment On any given shape, Power Point intuitively opens the drawing tools specific to this shape and in my other more regular and advanced courses well, really dive deep into this end and create all kinds of shapes. But for the sake of this, this basic introduction, every tutorial, this one, the one class I want to show you the different features which is shaped has as you click on the shape. Basically, you have those options. The same options can be achieved by right clicking on this object and selecting former shape. But in my opinion, those options here inside the form and shape are a bit more advanced because it's like more difficult to navigate Here. We have to fill and the line, and you have the same Phil in line here. What's the difference? For example, if I select Phil, you can also have no fill. You see Onley align its remaining because by default. PowerPoint gives every object a normal blue line, which I hate, by the way, but the blue line has to be there. Then I'll select line. I can change the weight to six points and that's it. This is the biggest line I can get. So those options here are really basic. But if you right click and select form and shape and opened the line options here, as you can see, they're far more advanced by more advanced. I want to say this is just more functions off the same function, because here we have only dashes and wait in the maximum weight is six point. But if we go into the advanced options, we can make the wit as big as we want. We can change the kept type and the joint, for example around it. So we have those little round here. I press control Z instead off a corny rectangle back again, clicking on it. We are still on the lines. We can change the dash time. It's not about that. I'll show you each function right now by selecting it. I just would like you to click on any given object, go to its drawing tools and change the shape filled any given color. Change the shape old line to any given color. Try to make the outline, for example bigger So you can see it like this. Maybe change the properties off this object. And it would be really cool and really advanced from you if you would add an example shape effect to this shape. I know this is plenty off elements to remember and do about the shape, but it's important that you start toe at least get familiar with the possibilities which PowerPoint has its noting to heart. And why do I not use these? The problem with these are that these are pre defined and yes, they might be really good to to use. If you want to make a really quick presentation that here and in this class, I want you to understand the foundational options which will help you to achieve those elements. If you would click on this element, you wouldn't even know how this element, how old of options were applied to this box. So what is your task here? Obtain shape, Phil. Changed shape, old line, click on effect. And maybe at a simple shadow, any off the shadows. You like your who? This will be your task for this lesson. Good luck 11. 3.5 Adding Text: this is turning into a real beauty, isn't it? Now, the second most important feature really like the bread and butter off power point is the textbooks. Let me go to insert, and I will simply insert the textbooks. I'll click on it. And as you can see, I can draw a textbooks, and it will be perfectly to this size and the text. I will try to perfectly stay into it. Oh, a little black. Or you can insert textbooks and you can simply click and start writing in the textbooks will be as big as your writing is now. There's no difference because you can always take the textbooks and you can make it smaller to your liking when it comes to text what you need to consider. And this will be in the next lecture, because I believe this deserves a separate explanation. This is a shaped box, and basically this is also a shaped box only with text within it, because in this, let me show you the drawing tools again. The drawing tools because we selected this box and, as you can see with still have shaped Phil shape old line like a big old line and the yellow old line. Also, we have the effect, but we also have the text options. Here. Let me make the text, Phil. Of course White. So it's visible. Let me make it a bit bigger and you see the first problem. A text Books tries to remain within its text size, so depending on how much texture is it re sizes? This problem does not occur when it comes to a shape because shape can be as big as possible. So but staying in focus staying toe what this lecture is intended to be. This lecture is intended to show you how to add text. And as you can see, I did use the drawing tools to edit like the text options. But you can always go one step back to home. And here you have the native like text options. And here you can do everything you want with the text. You can bold it. You can change the font to, for example, something like agency. If you have this installed on your PC, of course, you might have a different phones. That's off course. Ah computer specific. Then you can justify it to the middle you can press control and you're right bracket key to make the text quickly, bigger if you want to quickly adjust what's happening here. You can resize this textbooks, and you can, of course, colorized. Eight. You can change the color of the actual text, and as you can see, some functions repeat itself because here we can change the color or we can go to the drawing tools, and here we have the same functions. This is fine because some functions are simply macro functions that are placed in different places in Power Point. But they might be the same functions just for the convenience off things. They may be duplicated in some places, so your work from this lecture will be goto insert click on text box and adding a textbooks . Then I would like you to click on this text box or a fixed click on a part off this this text and change the color off the text, he said. Will you a task for this lecture and in the next lecture, which will be also very important? I keep saying this lecture after electoral because what I'm telling you here is really important. And if you would like to get good after power point in the future, you need to start distinguishing those small, different systems small details, and I promise you you will become really great at the software in no time. That's the beauty. That power point is so intuitive and so quick to learn that you will make tremendous progress in re a few hours. All right, now it's your turn at a tax box. Try to change the car and try to get a little bit familiar with the options that you have here on the home tab. In the beginning, click around with these. Change the phone, change the size and you'll be good to go. 12. 3.6 Thin line between a text box and shape: Okay. Now welcome. A such a beautiful lecture. Pay close attention. Do not touch anything. Just watch this lecture until the end. I want to show you the difference between the lead. I want to show you the difference between a text box and the shape of box. I have my shortcut set toe old one to create a textbooks and old, too to create a shape. Okay. I have a shape I can when having a shape like this. I can start typing and text appears. So why the heck am I doing separate checks, shaped boxes, set birth shapes? And why the heck am I doing text boxes separately? Because the limitations off one and another. Look at that. If I have this shape and I would like the text to be on the left side off this shape, I cannot click on this shape. I cannot move the text and place it here. I can only recites the shape and for example, I can go to home and I can justify to the left or like this or to the right. And this is all the options I have. Then when I work with text, yes, I have more freedom with text because I can move the text where I want. But if I used this text as a shape books like going to drawing tools, heading the Fillon outline as I showed you before, I can't make it bigger even if I change the text to make it visible, I cannot make this shape bigger. And I wanted this trip to be bigger. So usually when you work in Power Point and what I like I always do is to combine both shapes and text. Normally, I use shapes to be shapes without text. I used text to be Toby Onley. Plain text shape filled. No Phil shape coldly know old line text. Phil, go back to Black and I put the text on to this. No, it's not visible. This is because the high hierarchy I added the text first in the shape second, So I need to right click on the shape and just send it to back to put it behind the text. And as you can see right now, I have a perfect shape. I can resize the shape as I want, and I can click on the text and I can yet that's the problem. I can reposition the text where I want. The difficulty here is that sometimes sometimes it's difficult to click on the text books. For example, I'd like to pick up click on the text books perfectly. I know that it's here. I managed to do this, but sometimes if you have many off those boxes and many textbooks is, it's difficult. What you can do here is you can click drag, select boat and press control of G or just right click Select Boat again. You see, even I have difficulties right now. You need to perfectly click here group, and now you can group them together. Now you may wonder, how do you select the text within the group? Now you click once to select the group and you pick a second time to select an object within this group. So by clicking a second time, I can try to click on the text perfectly. It worked. It worked. Then I pressed control A and I make the text white because I can verily see the text. I can do this on drawing tools, white text. I'll make it a bit bigger as you remember you can make it bigger bag going to home and just taking this increase font size. This is a really also handy function, and I will try to select the text perfectly. It worked. Now I d select everything, and I have a very beautiful group with a shape and a text. So I always prefer to have separate tax boxes and separate shaver boxes. So they are two objects. I combined them together, and I have total full control over what's happening with the size of the shape and with position off the text. This is very important to train, so I would like you right now. To add a shape the box at textbooks, place them over each other, control G or just right, click and group them together. This is all you have to do for this lecture. I would like you to get familiar with those options, and I want you mastered this it like it's very important, and this is also where the where the selection pain comes into play home select selection pain because if you have difficulties selecting something, I wanted to record a separate lecture about selection pain. But it's so convenient I would like to show this to you right now. The selection pain helps us to select elements even within group. Sometimes you have 10 elements within one group, and it's really convenient to have the selection pain nearby. On a side note, you can also select the second pain in a positive light, for example, on the bottom first screen to make it smaller. But when you have more elements, it's like it's better to have it on the right side as I had it here. Okay, this is it for this lecture at the shape box at a textbooks, and we will proceed further down from there once you have mastered this. 13. Leave a Review, Please: Hey, it would be extremely helpful for this class if you go to the Review tab and click on leave a review and write something there. If you don't see this button yet, you need to watch a few more lectures and it will become available. Sculpture now requires that classes have recent reviews on them. So it would help me greatly. You just click here, you tell if you'd like to class or not, and you write a simpler view and click Submit. I would be very obliged if you can do this right now. Thank you so much and see you soon. 14. 3.7 Picture and drawing specific options: I would like to briefly touch on pictures. I did download a picture from picks obeyed outcome, and I can simply import any given picture by selecting it and dropping into Power Point and , for example, resize it to the entire screen. Now you may think that this might get in the way because it's standing above the slide. This is where the picture tools come in. Yes, I was saying before. Depending on what you click, some specific options can be applied like drawing tools. Former shapes do. These shape pictures do have its own options. I can click on this picture, and I have a picture tools. So I click on the former to reveal the picture tools, and I would like you to do the same. You have some removed background options where we could try to remove the background around this owl. We have caller correction options. Those are not used very often. But what's used really often is the crop function. And I would like you to master specifically the crop function in this course. In my advanced courses, I do explain everything about pictures, and I'm not saying this just to promote my so you have to write, run and by my courses. I just tell you if you will be interested in it. And you would like to learn how to professionally remove the background or at overlays on the pictures, or really work with every defector is how to use picture layout, which, by the way, is not available in one off the Mac versions. But that's on a side note. The most important thing here is to learn the cropping options by the fold. You can click on the crop option, and you can crop the photograph from its topside, for example. I know this light ends here, so I'll just crop it. Boom. What's beautiful here is the picture still isn't destroyed. It's just masked to disposition. You can still take the picture. You can, for example, resize it. For example. We would like only the eye off the ball to be the main focus. Do you remember Control Scroll back like I would like the I to have on the right side like this. Okay, the pictures still covers the entire slide, and I was like crop, a really beautiful scene which you created with just one picture and we could, for example, at here some text or try to some elements like shape elements. And we have a beautiful design. What if you want to move to picture? Well, it would be best if you would go to crop and move the picture like this. So trying. You see, the computer is now working slower because he has to recite the picture and to crop it. We can always again make it smaller. Make it like this insect. Okay, Apart from that, if you open here on the bottom, the cropping options you can crop to shape and crop toe aspect ratio, which is really wonderful. Why is that? Because sometimes you would like to have strict sizes on your slide and power Point does that for you. Boom. And with one click, I have this size of a picture. So I would put the picture on the left side and I have no the entire right position open for text or anything. I would like to add to this light. We can click on the picture for Mitt. You can go to crop again and you can crop it back. One more thing to remember is cropping to shapes. Let's crop it to an oval. It's now a bit awkward. So how to make this a perfect, perfect circle? As you couldn't remember in the crop options, we have the aspect ratio to select a square onto one and a perfect circle square appears. I can resize this terrible, but you need to remember, in order to make it perfectly equal, you need to press your shift. Do you remember Shift was making it perfectly from the point of clicked. And if I, additionally to my shift press control, I can make it bigger outwards off the middle. Middle anchor point. Okay, Perfect. We have the ice entered center, the picture crop it, and there you have it different ways off editing photos. You might not know to remember now everything with it. But what we did is we did work only with the crop options, and you won't be able to work with the crop options unless you're tested yourself. Please go down. Any picture from the Web I, for example, can recommend websites like unspool ash dot com or picks obey dot com or library stock dot com. Those are websites which allow you to download free photographs with the Creative Commons zero license, which allows you to use the pictures any way you want in your presentation, even without giving back links. So there you have it. Please open. Please import a picture and please try to work with a picture in the cropping options and this will conclude the most essential and important functions you need to learn in order to start working somewhat well in power point. Those are the basic functions which I would like you to master. 15. 3.8 Saving files and exporting videos: Okay, let's assume that this ugly thing which we see in front of us, would be our presentation owned. We would like to save it. Actually, we are not just saving that we may export it to other formats because sometimes you would like to have a power point x file, which is the extension for all the versions above 2007 because area he had the PPT for months. But after 2007 Since they used some new formatting, we have no PPT X. You go like in any other program toe file any either click safe to save this file or you click safe s safe, as is very important because weaken brows, click on browse. And as I have it here, I can save as type what's great here. We can not only save a presentation, but we can also save PdF files. We can save J pecs. If we, for example, it would like to show screen shots off the presentation to someone. Let me show you how I'll just select Jay Peak, which is a normal image. Former better safe hell, just select if I want to save all slides or just this one. This is so ugly. Let's say just this one. And in my folder. As you can see, the presentation would save s a normal image like this. Can you read in what's also cool? This you can go to file and either using, safe as or export. You can create a MP four video. Let me hit the export button and on the export button you have create a video, and you can remember about this function because it's really important. If you intend to have a video playing, you're a select. Create a video. You construct the quality. You can use timings, but this is a bit more advanced. So I will not talk about timings here, and you can, if there are no timing's just a basic normal presentation like we have here. We can select that second spent on each slide would be five seconds. This is very low, but adequate. Create a video. It asks me where to save it. We have to. Farmers here, available as a remember on Mac. We have also the quick time version. You just click safe and the video here on the bottom, it renders rendering means turning what you see taking all the frames and putting it on a video file. This is a very quick explanation off rendering, so rendering takes a little longer, but it still isn't as bad. And I was have a video where each slight would be visible for five seconds. As you can see, it has rendered. I will just double click. And this way I created my very first totally, absolutely ugly video. But just imagine having good slides, good animations and everything. And this would be a ready video to upload on any social media or on YouTube, and it could be normally professionally used. So this is how you safe a file and export a video on Power Point. 16. 3.9 Approaching slide design Part 1: Okay. Finally, the fun begins. I would like to teach you how to approach slight design here in powerful. I would like you to start by selecting a picture. You can, for example, do this on picks obeyed outcome. Because we have free photographs here. And I saw this leads this autumn. The photograph and I feel drawn to it. I have to use it. So Okay, I have this this beautiful image and what's great on this website that you can download it for free by heaven in my native language here because it automatically translated. But what's cool? The image can be automatically resized. So we we are close to a foolish the resolution. I'll download this. I'll acknowledge that I am no robot and I'll just download safe boot. Okay. How would I want to approach this? I want to delete everything. And I would like to use the image I had. Okay, put it as a background. And you could imagine that I should also select right click former background and just used a picture for the back note. It isn't. It isn't exactly the best way because, yes, we cannot click on it, but we can't move it. So if this will be a picture, I couldn't move it. And I like to have my creative freedom. And I want to move the picture manually. OK? Please take a picture and the Petrou select and drag it to the entire screen. As you remember from the previous lessons, I want to crop it and I would like to crop it to the end of my slight. Okay, like this crop and this would be a perfect start to our presentation. Now, I would like to teach you how to create overlays for this overlay. I'll need a Grady int, and that's why I wanted to show you this great website. And by the way, I am also not promoting This website is just so great that it's simply very nice to use, especially for people who never designed who never were really designers and not know a lot of Brady ins from the top off their head. So you can go to a website like this. You can click on show all the radiant and you have well, not money but a bunch off absolutely beautiful grading and what will work here? Maybe this really any style you would like to apply to this picture will work. Velvet son looks interesting with what I want here. Maybe this some hold is alive. Seems really nice to me. I I'm kind of into those reds today, okay? And we have those two colors. One way of bringing this Grady into into power point expressing just print screen on your keyboard, pressing in department control v. And you have a screen off your entire desktop. I'll usually just go to picture tools crop. I make the smaller. And here I'm showing another trick, because this is how you maybe Let's elect So it's the red and the pink from left to right. Okay, Crop. And this would be kind of a great way to have this Grady int inside your presentation. Okay? What do I mean, with an overly I would like you to go to insert, go to shapes and select a big rectangle. Make the rectangle as your entire slight boom like this not worry that it covers up the entire thing. Okay, Now, I would start to edit it. First I go to shape outline, I select. No. Then I right click on it. and I select former shape. As you can see, I have it already opened and on the firm in shape. You want to go to Grady. It's This is the great and I used before, but usually let me reset this. Let me show you an example. Grading from Power Point. As you can see, you have those colors and no, if I click here, I can add new colors in the very click on them and make my mouth's outside of the screen. It will delete the calls. Okay, so you want to select the first color. You all want to open the bucket and you want to select the eyedropper and note on Power 0.2010. The eyedropper still wasn't around. It's the same for a power point for Mac 2011. I believe that a power point for Marc 2016 and powerful in 2013 already had eyedropper. So if you have an a newer version, you'll off course have eyedropper. I'll click and out select my first caller. When I select the 2nd 1 I again eyedropper click and I select the second call. So I have this great you have many ways off editing this grainy in and I would like you to click on all of them, click on linear. Well, maybe this great and has a very similar color. So it isn't perfectly visible. And then you have the direction off this great for the sake off training, you could say a really different color. So you really seen of what's happening? And actually this blue looks also beautiful and I'm really amazed how what nice results we can get. I want ingredient to go from top to bottom. For that I want a linear ingredient and I want to change direction from top to bottom. It's either this or this that may make blue on the top. Okay, Perfect. Now I click on the blue collar once they have these. And as you can see here on the right side, we have transparency. And this is one of my favorite functions in PowerPoint. So I will raise the transparency and my picture is slowly revealing. Okay, The blue is a bit transparent. Now I select is this reddish orangish pinkish, and I also make it a bit transparent. That's so beautiful. And do we want to blue here, Maybe make this more transparent. I'm not entirely sure about the blue, so I'll click on the blue. I either select my recent colors. I just used the eyedropper and go back to this orange. Yeah, this orange looks better here, so I'll make it a bit transparent. Depending on the amount I need. I'll make about 60% but on one side, I wanted it not to be so much covered up. Okay. Like this and know what's the difference? This is the overlay I prepared. This is a very beautiful overlay, and this is a great beginning to my slight design. Okay, at this point, I would like to end. We did learn a ton, and if you will be not able to create this, do not worry. I just wanted to show you some concepts off using radiance, using pictures and making like coloristic overlays and all that combined later on makes a great slightest. In the next lecture, I would like to quickly finish this This design and we will be done with the first part. I hope it's okay. And let's each other in the next lesson. 17. 3.10 Approaching slide design Part 2: okay. Do not drag this out. We'll just make a very simple, like title here. And maybe I'll take the overlay control C control V, make it smaller and maybe turn it around. If you hold your shift key, you can turn it around like this. OK? And we would have another very beautiful overlay. What I would do, I would lower the transparency because I would like to bring the cars like, more forward. And this would be a very beautiful box for our title. I wouldn't do anything like specific else here. I would just go toe insert textbooks. Well, maybe make make the textbooks here all the magic. This would be my example a thought process here. And right now it's completely ugly. So what do you want to do with this text? Maybe center the text? Maybe under? That's not maybe make it bigger. Let me extend this box, help places in the middle and definitely you would like to have a white collar or Yeah, I think we have ah, need a white because I would like this to be better visible. Now I just open my phones and I'll select a bigger and bolder phoned and it's up to you which one you would like to use. In my case. This will be our display, but I believe this is a front I downloaded and installed. So let's maybe go for something simple. Ariel Black Ariel. Blackest, Really in Great. Okay, Berlin Sands. Perfect. So we have this title with this beautiful box and with this overlay, and this could be your very first example. Slight decide and just on a side note later on, if you design something, let's me Let's say that I have a new slide. I'll delete everything you can copy certain elements, control C Control V in a matter off one mouse click. Let's just imagine that this would be my slide boom and the right side would be a title. I can make the title in in a matter of seconds, no matter where I need this Grady int. If I need to create it on this side boom smaller, bigger, then you can select the text, and this would be a perfect start for your slight design. Let's just control C control Vida's and just imagine. And now here a picture and like in a matter off a few seconds, I'm creating a completely new slide boom. Let's try to make it fit here. Former crop and you don't have to replicate this. I just want to show you a thought process off, creating another slide which will be consistent with the previous design with it here. And that's the beauty of apartment. I cannot control C and Control V. And now, for example, I would have another slide with the picture here on the left, left, bottom side again. I go to Petratos. I would hit crop. I would crop this out and this is how I would move forward. Let's say that I am creating a video and I will have some text here. Some text here. Of course, the proportions are completely out of signal. This is too small. But I wanted to show you how in a matter off, like one minute, I can create additional slides based upon the same ideas on the same coloristic. Okay, enough of my talk. I would like you to open up a power point and try to create at least something similar. And in my opinion, what we did here is pretty advanced. But I wanted to give you the chance toe work on something like that. If you don't want to make radiance, just make one color. So it feel normal boxes like this. This will also look beautiful, if not even better. So absolutely. Do not mind if you are struggling with something. I wanted to give you a like, more difficult task in order toe, not limit yourself. Okay, Try to create something like this yourself and we see each other in the next section where we will talk about animation. 18. 4.1 Animations: all right, we have arrived in the animation section, which I personally like the most. And overall animations are my little pony. Do you even say this in English? Because in Poland, if there's something a disciplined you like and you feel like confident and strong about, you can say that it's your horse, it's your horsey. I'm not sure that this a thing in English, but it doesn't matter. I like to show you how animation's working power horns, and perhaps those lights will be a little helpful with that, because we will have something to animate. Animations in Power Point can be found off course, obviously, on the animation Spain. I would say that animations and transitions are a little connected because a transition is the way that one slight face to another slide. So with some creative usage, for example, when we have one slight here and there's a line and then the line would continue on this slight, we could creatively use the push animation. And as you can see this push animation, this push transition, I would like create a animation effect between those two slides. But I'll go about everything step by step. The main focus of this section will be on animation in order toe animate. Anything in Power Point you need toe select at first. That's obvious, because sometimes people wonder why can, like, select those functions? Why cannot I do here like anything? Once I click on any object and really, I mean any object you see, those are highlighted, and I would like you to do the same, open a power point, click on anything and just play around for a few seconds. You can click on any type of animation, and you can just preview how that would look like. And later on, I'll, of course, show you some more advanced used because, like now we are only playing Andi clicking on a few and you can even use those polls, animations, color polls. You could open up this step and see what happens here. We will talk about types of animation. Off course. You have position animations. You have not normal fate and also trigger animations, which can trigger while you click on something. In the next lecture. I would like to talk about the transitions because I believe we should start with transitions and then explain everything about animations. Okay, see on the next lecture, click around for a few seconds here, and we may continue 19. 4.2 Transitions: okay. I feel like I have been introducing you already. A tiny little bit to transitions. Please move to the transitions tap. And normally, if you are completely lazy, you select all of the slides by selecting the last one pressing shift the 1st 1 and you select one transition for all of them. For example, a faith transition. You cannot see what happens, and I'll show you a preview each time. Let me quickly go to slight show set up slideshow. And since I have a big monster, I want toe browsing window. And here on the bottom side, I can start my slideshow, as you can see as they press my buttons. This is a normal fate. Transition between slides. I'm going to transition now. You have different kinds of transitions, and this more of transition is only available for office 3 65 subscribers and those who purchase office 3 65 from what I know. Okay, the more of transition is a very interesting transition because it takes information from this light and it tries to transform it into the next slight. But that's very advanced. Normally use those simple transitions the fate, although it might be the most simple one. It's the most beautiful one, but I would also want to dare you to create a few slight like I have a here, and you can see this little star. This little star informs you that there is a transition on this slide, and I would like you to select the first light. Select. Want to select the next light? Select another one. Select the next light. Select another one. I've selected the split transition for this one. If there is the possibility on the right side, you have affect options and you can select the direction off the split. Not all transitions do have those effect options, and this is similar in animations. Not each animation has those options, but certain animations do. Let's, for example, sell it, reveal okay in the reveal, we also have a few options through true black. From right, you can see this is how the reveal would work, maybe random bars. Brenda members can use it vertical or horizontal. So as you can see, some of them are not like very advanced. But they at least have like two options off appearing. And but in my opinion, those random bars. Well, they look kind of old school, and I don't really use that. I like to use those those other ones creatively. And I really like to split, for example. And those are the basics when it comes to transitioning between two slides, I would like to show you one last thing. Look at this light on the next light. I have fate. So if I press shift a five to start my presentation in a press, right, I have a very quick fate. If you would like this to take longer on the right side, you have timing, and this is very important. You could add a sound, but this is kind of cheesy. At least in my case, I could extend the duration off the transition on the next flight to two seconds or even three seconds. No, I didn't go back. And look how slowly this fate would know. Take It would take three seconds, a very slow and study fate, and you need to remember about each transition. If you would like it to be longer, just go to the next slide and raised adoration. Another thing which is connected to the timing of the presentation is Do you want a slight to proceed on mouth Click Or do you want the slight to proceed after three seconds? In this case, after three seconds would pass. It would continue to the next light. Let me show you. Shift a five one to three and it will proceed. It took like five seconds because we had the three second faith before it. So you need to have the timing somewhat in your head. Usually it's not as important because usually if you are presenting you will select on mouse click. And unless you don't click your mouse, it will not proceed. But if you plan to create a video and now you might remember file export, create a video. Do you remember? Use recorded times Generations don't use recorded timings generations if you select, use recorded timings generations. If there are any like we have here now, this doesn't matter. Second spent on each slide isn't relevant at all at this point because power point would treat This is the priority. How much seconds we do have here And how much seconds do we have at this point? So, as you can see, there is a lot which comes into transitions. I hope you were not doing anything. You were just listening to me because this is a lot to cover. A lot of information. What I want from you is to open a power point, have several slight click on transitions and eventually raised a duration off off the transitions. Then simply go to the first light orders. Press F five on your presentation and preview what happens? You can experiment with it a little bit, but the general rule is you are transitioning between the slights. Those are not animations. Those are transitions. 20. 4.3 Types of Animation: Hey there, In this lecture, I would like to talk about the types of animations we do have. Let me select a slight with one object. This will be perfect. Or that's maybe duplicate is off the control. C control V Control C Control V. Okay, we have three objects. I'll click on the 1st 1 We'll goto animations. And as you can see as I reveal this, we have several types of animations. We have entrance animations, emphasis animations and exit animations. Later, in the next lecturers, I'll show you how to connect all of them in one object with For the sake of the beginning, I would like to approach each one separately. And you may wonder, why do we have this here? And then here you have more inference effects. Well, it's a way that Microsoft did handle the animations type. They put the most used ones here, and they put all the rest here. But I would prefer if you would open this and you would click on this more, more, more, because here you can preview all off the available animations off course, including the basic ones. Well, they are not basic. They're just most used, but they are cold. Basic. This is the logic. You're OK. What you can do. You can simply click one after another. They check what they do. It's color coded because the green ones are entrance effects. So the element you're animating will enter the scene. How could? Okay, let me set the second object. Has he opened the animations and I'll select Pause. Beautiful. And you can see there's a one There is a to this informs us that this will happen on the first mouse click. This will happen on the second most click and let's go to the 3rd 1 Exit effects. That's maybe select. Fly out. Yes, I did talk on the transitions here. Affect options. You have the same on the animation options, and it's a matter off learning. It's really not much learning because you simply use like you always use the same animations, and you just need to remember that some of them have to affect options and let's maybe fly it out to the top. One more thing I could even copy and paste is one more time, because the last we have motion pat motion paths are very interesting because we can make. For example, we have a plane, and we would like toa animate a plane across the scene. You could say custom path and starting from this object are just making the path like this . Boom. Okay, this will be the plane. I'll double click. This is a very quick, but it doesn't matter. I just wanted to show you que click on the green one and move it up. Yeah, you can see how weird this is because this is the object and this is the animation. If the object would stay here and the innovation would start, it would fly, fly to this place, and then the animation. Let's start. Okay, It's a matter off off working with that you will see very soon. And federation off the animation was too quick. But we'll talk about this later, okay? Now, I've set up four types of animation a valuable and power point, and l click here on the bottom on my slide show. And you can see what happens on my first mouse click or on my first like arrow key on the keyboard. The first was the fate in animation. The second was the emphasis effect and the third is my exit effect. The weird filed. Okay, and now the flying plane. So you can imagine if you would combine some animations, there could be pretty good results. But how to achieve that? I would like you for the sake of this lesson, to create four elements. Really, it doesn't matter which elements. Just greet four elements and try adding each type off animation to the object on the Mac version of PowerPoint. I know it's a little bit of different, and the older version off PowerPoint didn't have the intonation pain, which we'll talk about soon. But if it didn't, if you are working on an old version, just listen to what I say. And perhaps in the future versions Power Point and the Microsoft tries to make the Mac version and the Windows version as similar as possible. From what I know, they are trying to, like, merge the entire engine to be finally one in the same. So we have We can raise some hopes for our future 21. 4.4 Animation Pane and start options: welcome back to her little animation journey. In this lecture, I will talk about the animation, pain and their ways. You can start an animation like we have here in home select selection pain, which shows us all the elements you have on a slide. You can de select them. You can select them by clicking on it. You have something very similar, if not same on the innovations time on the animation step. You have the animation pain, which I very like. And there is something going on here. I told you that we have color coding, which means the green animations, Arctic entrance effect, emphasis on exit effect and also the blue ones which are demotion pats. But they are a bit less used. It depends on the situation. Okay, now, how can an intimation start? And that's very important. You have this little one and the mouse here. This is because we have only click with previous and after previous on now, listen carefully because in my opinion, this is kind of advanced. Let's say that with my first mouse click, I would like the first object to appear and the second animation to start, So I would like the fight in and the emphasis effect I would then select right click Those select with previous This would mean that this animation starts together. Let me show you with my first mouse click, this will appear and this will, like jump up. See, both animations happened on one mouse click another way. We have off starting an animation apart from clicking the mouse and with previous Werder start together is after previous after previous I see one problem with after previous is that we cannot connect them because sometimes I would like to delay an animation just a little bit so they, like, start one after another smoothly. And when you select after previous, it will not start until the previous animation is completed. Let me show you on an example. First, this needs to completely fate in and then this will jump up. See is like with the one would trigger another. This will be the life, the easiest explanation that one animation triggers in the animation. But as you can see, the second animation is on click and on click. So you have three types off those animations and you will not learn it unless you use it. So those four objects which you have, I would like you to make them all happen at once. If you don't know how I could select all three animations. You can do this by clicking the left control key and selecting them. Right? Click on all of them and select with Prius. Right now, we have won the most button click for all those animations. So the way this would play out, I would explain my presentation. I would explain the concept to you, and the end result will be that it worked. I would click my eyebrows to proceed to the next light. Oh, sorry. This is not the slight. I meant This is the slight diamond. And you know what will happen? Because once I click my mouth, this hour will break the hell out off the slight. Look how crazy this will be All four animations. Okay, this is just for the sake off like training animations and knowing what's happening on the screen and that we did this. We have several types of animation and now we already know that you can select on click with previous and after previous 22. 4.5 Animation Timing: Hey, welcome back. And we already know what the animation pain is and that's will all the tricks come in. You see those little bars? They're pretty, fairly small. The thing is, here you can click on each innovation separately and you can both extent duration and you can delay the animation by a little bit. So and this Let's make something here. I would like the second and third animation to be very slow animations. Let me put those together. Those If I would like to make them slow or appear later, I would delay them and I would extend their duration. The same goes for the motion pad. I don't want this to fly so quick to the screen. I would like this to fly to the screen for like 10 seconds. No problem. I could just extend the duration and make it 10 seconds. I can also click here and the delay it manually. Also, I can extend those manually, but this is often very difficult to master because, like you can't have always perfect control over those animations and you cannot anticipate where exactly this will end. You have secure seven seconds and if there are more animations aids A bit difficult, but what I did change. I did change the durations and the delays. I would like you to click on each off those objects and extent their duration later on. Once you learn everything here just by looking at the animation pain, you will know exactly what's happening here. So let's say that I have something like that. And without having the animation pain, I see that everything happens on most click number one. But I do not know how long it will take to play this entire animation. I open a nation pain. I see such big bars. I can immediately say that this takes about seven seconds or 10 seconds. So just looking by that and those two animations are delayed. Or maybe make them even more delight. Just so you see the difference, Okay, right now on the screen, What will happen? I'll this show you in the moment, so the 1st 1 will start to slowly fade out. Those will do nothing until the 4th 5th 2nd and then they will start to do. This will start to fly out, and this will slowly start to emphasise like pounds and during that during this entire animation, this will very slowly float until it reaches the end. Okay, let me click my mouth. You see, we have a completely different result by changing the timing's off animations. And now you can start to imagine what's possible if we apply. For example, several animations to one object. You can create explainer videos you can create like complete YouTube animations. You could create animations for your clients, and this is where the entire fun comes in. Once you know a bit more about animations, your task for this lecture extended aeration off animations make them delayed and just what what happens? 23. 4.6 Complex Animations: welcome in the next lecture. Well, this isn't a course about animation. It's a basic course, which is intended toe teach you some basics about generations. Let me have you select this this previous light and because I wanted to show you that if I click on the fate, the fate has been added to this picture. Then if you create click on something else like the polls, the polls has been added to this picture, but the fate has been deleted, so the problem here is that you can have one animation at once. If you click here, let me click on the fate again. But there is this crazy function called at animation, and if you select at animation, you can add animations on top off each other to one object Sometimes did. This goes wrong because, like you cannot have in one moment of faith in infant outfit out animation but like that's information specific. Normally you try to select emissions, which work, for example. Let's take this spin, as you can see, is an added innovation, so looking hero, I'll right click select with previous, So they happen simultaneously. And what will happen here? Let's maybe make the fate out. Faith in sorry duration a bit longer. And what will happen here? It will fate for one second and enduring this fate. It will already start to turn until it turns 3 60 degrees. As you can see in on this box, you have like a layered animation. This informs you that they're multiple animations on on this one. Object shift a five to start with this light, what will happen? Once I click my mouth, it will start to fade in and it will turn. See, this is how you approach making complex animations off course. This is just an example, and we would have to come up with some elements to animated like that. But I wanted to show the concept off, adding and stacking multiple admissions to one object. The cool thing is here that you can do as many off them as you like, just with previous and later, you can have multiple animations on one object without limitations. Please test it out yourself. 24. 4.7 Advanced animation features: I'm slowly concluding the animation section because I believe you've learned the basics about animation, and it doesn't matter if you are still not familiar it with all those options you are supposed only toe like learn the essentials that something like this is happening here. And those are the tools that you are working with. The last thing I wanted to show you its advanced. Because some animations, like most off them, you can double click on the animation. You can click on the effect, and you can adjust the effect a little bit here on the zoom animation. Well, you can only object center and slide center select like the vanishing point. But for example, if we have, let's select a flying you see, this is a pretty normal, boring flying. Let me extended a bit, but I can double click on it. I consider it effect, and apart from changing the direction which you already know, I can smooth to start smooth and or make it bounce a little bit. So, depending on a tree on, if you smooth the end, it will start toe quickly, enter the scene and then slowly smooth out. Let me show you, you see it enters, and then it smooths at the end. This is very beautiful. You can also double click effect, and instead of that, it's a bit bad that you cannot like. Change the interpolation off the animation that manly to everything like you can in other animation. Software's what you can keep him, and you can give it both a smooth end and the bounds. But it doesn't matter. Let's show you the bounds. For example, Here I can also use the bounds, and at the end it balances a little night. And this is so much nicer than a normal, stale fly in animation. Boob is very like mechanical. And here, if you change it, it's it's smooth. It's It's like it gets a bit more life. Well, it can be as quick play from see very beautiful. It is so much better when you have an animation like that. All right, this is when it comes to the advanced animations in my other courses and in my full animation courses and kinetic typography course, I'm talking a lot more about what can be done with text. What can be done with the advanced animation options This would be too much information right now for a person who is just starting with power point and exploring the options. But you need to be worried that something like this is possible. And also if you watch other animations and you might imagine, could I do this in Power Point? You will know, start to know a little more that maybe the bounds, maybe the smooth and something like that is possible. And that's great information, in my opinion. That's like I know, several years ago I didn't know that something like that what people said blues, PowerPoint and I started to work with those animations, and they are quite quite powerful when it comes to to their options. Okay, this, like, comes together into a small conclusion off this section, and I will try to create a real nice animation with you later on, and we will see how that goes. OK? Trained as yourself. Double click on any off those animations and just see if there is an effect on. You can, for example, use dimming. But not all of those animations have their custom effect, but some do as you can see. Sometimes we can get a little smooth out of it. Okay, Test it out and we'll see each other in the next lecture. 25. 4.8 Create your first professional animation: Hello and welcome back where I would like to try and create one off your first fully working animations in Power Point. And we could either create a new slight and try to create an animation or just work with the slight We already did. So let's assume that you have a slight like this. You don't need to overlay just We will animate this box here and now if this box, if I would press control or command G, if this would be grouped, this would be one object and one animation could be applied to it. But if it separately like this So the boxes separately and the text is separate, you can animate the Texas one and the boxes as the second item. Okay, so let me try and any mate the middle. Once you want to animate something, you always go to the animation step. And I would like you to do the same. At first, we would like to animate this box and how I approach this. I usually click around with a few animations to get an idea. And most of the times I already have something in mind and the floating doesn't work the wipe wipe could be OK, but I believe that the split with really nice if you would split from the middle or spritz split two top and bottom. All right, so goto animations, click on the box and select Split now select affect options and try horizontal out and vertical out. Which one do you like? Better horizontal out like this and vertical out. I kind of like the vertical out because it can take a bit more time. All right, so now, after I have this first animation this initial animation, I would like to open my animation pain. I'm doing this because I can always preview the animation here. Okay, It's too quick for my taste. I'll raise the duration toe one second. Perfect. I will also set this animation to start with previous. This will automatically make it zero. So when this slight start also, this will start to animate. Let me show you. You can see if the slight fates in it automatically starts to animate. Now we need to do something with the text and I'll show you here a very, very, very cool trick. So let us take the text and let us make the simplest animation you might think. Which is faith. All right, Right now you have to animations. I will select right click on the text animation. And I was like also with previous Now if I played from right now, they enemy together, and there's like no distinction between the two animations. So we need to take a second animation. You need to delay it by quite a bit and maybe raised the duration toe one second. Now let's go back and let's start play from and see what happens. A very nice innovation. But I would like to give this text a last touch. For that. I will double click here on the text animation. I'll go to the effects options and what is beautiful here. If you are animating text boxes and you're using the simplest fight animation, you have the ability to select. The text should be animated all at once, by word or by letter. Let me start by letter and show you how beautiful oven animation it will create. Okay, now let's preview what we have. Oh, sorry. I didn't select by letter. And let me show you how beautiful often animation this will create ill, maybe a lower the percentage off the words to like 6% and boom. It's so beautiful. The innovation gets a little bit extended, but the text flows into the screen from left to right. If you want to be even a bit more fancy, I would even select this overlay, which we have in the background, and maybe give it also something like. If you have no idea, you can add innovation and select more entrance effects, and I would like it to grow from the left corner to the bottom corn. I'm sorry that the animation gets so complex, but it's so much fun once you are in it and you're animating those things you want toe, give it always the little extra touch, and I will just check what I have. Maybe I'll take the strips because I know the flow for the entire suite. Okay, I have two strips for the stripes. I don't know. You know, I think it's trips. Mm. And make it right down. Okay. As you can see, we should always select with previous this time I will give it no delay because I would like it to start the entire slide and have extended the duration. Maybe also toe one second. Okay, so I'll take Is this is first. And I think the overlay should be should be the first animation. And this text, books and text should be like a bit later. So my last adjustment here will be race the duration. I mean, the delay raised to delay. So in the end, I would have true animations the background with an inmate, these books with any night and the text would animate one after another Let me press a five Let me show you the end result And I hope that you will be able to replicate something like that. Do not worry about it when something doesn't work for you because I would like you to get familiar with animations toe open up the animation pain and toe klik around and try to change on a click with previous after previous change, the duration changed his lay. This will learn you the most important things when it comes to animation. A really simple but effective and nice animation animation takes practice and I have more off content, which is going much, much deeper when it comes to animation because this requires time and practice and examples , and this is just one example, and it might be overwhelming at the beginning. But I'm sure you will get along with animation pretty fine. Try it out yourself. Try to make this animation and I can't wait, and I hope that you will have plenty of fun doing so. 26. 6.1 Did we really do this! Thank you!: I cannot believe that we arrived at the end of this course. I want to sincerely thank you for holding out to the end, and I hope that you did learn what our goals were for Discourse, which is learned the basics of Power Point. Understand the program from the software practice perspective a little bit. I understand a little bit about animations, so you'll be now able to take any more advanced course without any hassle. If you will be interested in more of my contact, more off my courses, you can just click on my profile and all of my courses will pop up. You can preview them. You can, for example, safe them for later with help off this free course. I'm guaranteeing you that you will understand any off my other courses. This course was free. And of course I'm not hard promoting them. I just letting you know that I created this course, want to help you? And to that, I'm sure that I have some basic guidance for people. So people who are like, not sure if they will be able to take a normal course They'll be reassured that by taking this class they are completely prepared to possibly learn anything in Power Point. I hope this was fun. This was fun to record for me, actually, because I always like to sit down and work a little bit on animations. Also, the basics about the software will there was so much more that I wanted to show you. The course was structured before I started to record it. So I was on the schedule. I didn't want to overstep in the boundaries. And I hope this somehow worked. And you had plenty of fun by taking this course. Thank you very much. Once again for your attention, it's always a pleasure. My name is Andrew Park. If you would like to search a little bit about me Ah, I'm sure their profiles are completely open and you can see what type of content and produced keep it up and hopefully we see each other. Next time I see a