Polymer & Resin Jewelry Making with MON MAKES | Skill Collective | Skillshare

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Polymer & Resin Jewelry Making with MON MAKES

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Piece 1 - Setting Up


    • 3.

      Piece 1 - Rolling, Cutting, Baking


    • 4.

      Piece 1 - Finishing Off


    • 5.

      Polymer Clay - Other Tips & Tricks


    • 6.

      Piece 2 - Setting Up


    • 7.

      Piece 2 - Mixing & Placing


    • 8.

      Piece 2 - Finishing Off


    • 9.

      Resin Other Tips & Tricks


    • 10.

      Piece 3 - Setting Up


    • 11.

      Piece 3 - Bezel & Mixing


    • 12.

      Piece 3 - Finishing Off


    • 13.



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About This Class

Hello and welcome to my course on jewellery making! My name is Monique Smith and I am a creative from Cape Town, South Africa. 

I’ve been making polymer clay & resin jewellery for a while now under the name Mon Makes. My online business and store was created during lock down, and I have not looked back since. www.monmakes.co.za

I started out focusing on polymer clay and loved the creative freedom that it offers. When it comes to polymer clay - the sky's the limit! You can do anything from dainty studs to bold, bright and big pieces! 

Thereafter, I set my sight on making jewelry using pressed flowers in resin - sometimes making use of polymer clay too in these pieces.

During this course I will guide you step by step to make your very own jewellery pieces:

PIECE 1 - First up will be making polymer clay earrings. 

PIECE 2 - Then we will be making a pressed flower & resin pendant making use of a mold.

PIECE 3 - And lastly we will be making a resin & pressed flower earring set, making use of a handmade, polymer clay bezel.    


The best way to learn a new skill is by doing it! So, I often throw myself in the deep end and make something unexpected. And sometimes it was a flop! But, I’ve learnt that that is okay too. A mistake made, is a lesson learnt. 

Jewelry making and design is an ongoing learning process, especially if you are working with materials that can easily go wrong! So grab a notebook or gather your materials and get ready to create something beautiful with me today.


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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello, my name is Monique Smith and I am a creative from Cape Town, South Africa. I've dabbled in many creative fields. But my one true love came to me recently in the form of jewelry. I've been making polyene clay and raising jewelry for a while now under the name model makes art. My online business was created there in lockdown, and I have not looked back since. The best way to learn a new skill is by doing it. So I often throw myself into the deep end and make something unexpected. And sometimes it was a flop, but I've learned that that is okay to a mistake made is a lesson learned. I started out focusing on polymer clay and love the creative freedom that it offers. When it comes to finding me clear, the sky is the limit. You can do anything from dainty stab, too bold, bright and big pieces. They after I set my sights on making jewelry using pressed flowers in reason, sometimes making use of polymer clay to, in these pieces. During this course, I will guide you step-by-step to make your very own jewelry pieces using the following pieces as inspiration. First off, we will be making polymer clay earrings. Then we will be making this press flower and raising tendon, making use of mold. And lastly, we will be making this phrasing and press flower earring state. Making, use of a handmade polymer clay basal. Jewelry making is an ongoing learning process, especially if you're working with materials that can easily go wrong. So grab a notebook and gather your materials and get ready to create something beautiful with me today. 2. Piece 1 - Setting Up: So the first piece, we will be making a marbled polymer clay earrings said that will look like this by the end of video for using polymer clay is a quick and relatively easy way of making something striking. Back, I said before, polymer clay allows you to go wild if you want to mix colors, make different flat shapes, and see how they all fit together. You can also make separate 3D shapes like these polymers, strings or snakes forming a rainbow. With polymer clay jury, you don't need many expensive tools. There are ways and means to work around certain steps. During the making of this state, I will be making use of a smooth surface like a ceramic tile or gloss. Three different colors of polymeric lay. A pasta maker, or alternatively an acrylic roller, do not use a wooden roller as the polymer clay will stick to it. Clay cutters, these are optional. You can also use a craft knife. I prefer to make use of clay cutters as it gives me a smoother finish. Clay shaping tools that are used before baking the polymer clay. Alternatively, you can use sanding paper to smooth the edges after baking clay blades to remove the clay from the surface. And oven and baking tray. A handrail with a two millimeter drove bet. Before I got myself a jewel, I made use of my clay shaping tools to make holes before baking the pieces. Setup pliers, set of jump rings, and earing posts. Now roll up your sleeves and late start with your first piece. 3. Piece 1 - Rolling, Cutting, Baking: The first step will be to condition the clay by needing it with your hands until it is a bit softer and more workable. Be careful not to trap any bubbles inside the clay as this will create an uneven surface off to baking. To mix the k row, each color into shape. You will then start mixing the clay a little bit, but don't over makes the clay as we want a marble effect. Mixing it too much, we'll let the colors blend. Next, he will be rolling the clay to make it flat. And even I make use of the Past Omeka as it is quick and effective. First, set it to the thickness you want and roll it through from the top. Place it back on to your smooth surface. Alternatively, you can make use of an acrylic roller and a set of cards. Determine the thickness of your clay with an amount of cards. Make two stacks with the same amount of cards placed on opposite ends with the claim the middle, and rolling with acrylic rollers until it is evenly sneaked out. Then we will use our shape cutters and cut out the desired shapes for the base instead of this piece. If you do not have shaped cutters, use a craft knife or anything that has a thin edge. If each of your cutter is too thick, you will most likely not have smooth edges. Remove it from your smooth surface using clay blades. Now we will focus on the studs role, the key again, but this time, much thinner, cuts out to send circles in the same shape you used for the stats. Now place your stat cut out back onto this new surface. Place your earing posts on the back of the stuff, cut out and use the authentic way to cover it. Press down and shape the studs to make the two separate clay pieces become one. I sometimes make use of reason to attach the earing posts to the back of the studs. This has also proven to be effective. Now bring all the cutout back onto your smooth surface and start shaping them. You are more than welcome to skip this step. Should you want a rough finish? Personally, I prefer to shape them using my shaping tools and my fingers. Remember, if you are not making use of withdrawal to make your whole of the begging the pieces. Now would be a good time to make use of a toothpick or the shaping tools to make your holes where you will attach the jump rings. Next we will be baking the pieces. So you can go ahead and transfer them to your baking tray. Make sure to read the instructions on your polymer clay packaging to determine the temperature of your oven and how long you need to bake it for. The clay I'm using today requires a 120 degrees Celsius or 248 degrees Fahrenheit, and I need to bake them for 30 minute. Patience is a virtue. Trust me. Before we jump to the next part of the process, make sure that your polynomial pieces or cool down completely. 4. Piece 1 - Finishing Off: Now that top polymer clay pieces are made, we can start to assemble them using my journal and two millimeter drop it are carefully draw holes where I want to attach the jump brains. If you've already created the whole prior to making, this will not apply to you. If he didn't finish the pieces of before baking them. You can now use sandpaper or a nail file with the grid between 402 thousand, starting with the lowest grid, and working your way to the highest. Sandpaper is also great to use when you want to get rid of unwanted fingerprints. Now would also be a good time to attach the earing posts with written if you didn't make it with the clay. Please take a look at video seven or the reason mixing tips. The last step is to assemble the pieces using my pliers and the jump rings. This can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will go quite quick. Make sure to open the jump. Bring with your one hand coming towards you and the other one going away from you to keep the shape. Also remember to make sure that the jump renewal using will be big enough to attach birth pieces easily, allowing them to move freely. And then you have it, your very own polymer clay earrings safe. Then be afraid to experiment with polymer clay. Once you have the basics down, you'll be able to make your own beautiful creations to sell, to gift, or to weigh yourself. In the next video, I will be sharing some additional tips, tricks, and techniques to take your polynomial making skill to the next level. 5. Polymer Clay - Other Tips & Tricks: Apart from the mobile technique, I also make use of the following. Flaking. Pre-baked, a very thin piece of polymer clay, cut it into tiny flakes and mix into your polymer clay before baking it to give it an additional texture. 3d texture. You can also make use of a texture sheet to create 3D textures and shapes onto your polymer clay before you bake, it, makes sure that you rolled a polymer clay slightly thicker for this technique to work perfectly. In Danes. I'm also a fan of using an Indian tool to manually create endings. This is a great way to create striking it subtle pieces. You can also use stamps to create these indents in your clay layers. Another technique I often use is to roll out certain pieces that I layer on top of each other to create a landscape. Make sure that the base or backdrop of your pieces thick enough to handle the layers on top. Metallic feel. One of my favorite techniques is to make use of an effect pigment powder on the Titanic. I shudder that I apply on top of the clay applied before baking your pieces to make sure it sits into the clay. Remember to seal it with fear varnish after you beg the polynomial pieces. These are just a handful of techniques to use when making polynucleotide Jewry. Let your imagination run wild. 6. Piece 2 - Setting Up: For the second piece, we will be making a raisin and press flower paint and with a color backdrop. We will use a mold to set their reason in. Now, Britain is a bit trickier and more time-consuming than making pieces with polymer clay. You will need a lot of patients during this process while working fast before the reason starts setting. Making use of moles is an easier alternative than using bezels. You also have a lot more options on shapes and sizes. If you're using moles to let your written state or cure. Here is what you will need. Epoxy resin that you can buy at an OT or hardware shop. Brazen pigment for the color background. Alternatively, you can make use of acrylic paint to that this needs additional time to dry. You will also need press flowers. I have some tips and tricks on this in video nine, a plastic mixing cup. It is best to use plastic as reason won't stick to it. A wooden or plastic stirrer toothpicks, a silicone mold. If you're new to using molds, start off with an easy shape. The more intricate the shape, the more time and skill needed. Also the molds I use or really make provision for the jump bring holes. But if your molds are different, you will need a jewel to create the holes. At the end of the process. I make use of a heat gun as it is the most effective and affordable. But you can use a lighter or a mini flame torch. By using this, you will be able to get rid of a bubbles trapped inside. The reason another more expensive way of getting rid of bubbles is by using compression. Then you will meet John brains or a pendant bail to attach the pendant to a chain. For this demonstration, I will be using a payment bail. Now that you have all your materials, Let's start creating. 7. Piece 2 - Mixing & Placing: First, check if your desired flower fits the mold that you are using. The important thing about working with risen is to make sure that you planned everything before you start mixing. The reason once you mix the raising, you will need to work quickly before it starts setting. After about 2213 minutes. The reason will start to form a gel and will be difficult to use. So let's mix the reason. Make sure you mix the right quantity for what you will need as to not waste any reason. Once it sets, you will not be able to use it. The proxy reason I'm using as a one-by-one mixing ratio, double-check the label of the reason that you are using to see if they are any specific mixing and curing directions you have to follow. I usually start with chlorine resin into the mixing cup, followed by the same quantity of hardener. Use USTR and slowly mix for two minutes. It needs to be mixed thoroughly, otherwise your reason will not say it and you peace will flop. Mix it slowly to prevent and avoid a bubbles forming in your reason. Make sure that you scrape the excess mics off the sides of your stirrer to keep the one-by-one ratio Perfect. Pour the reasoning makes in the mold, but do not fully to the top. Only for lead to about three-quarters of the mold. As you will need some extra space to add color later. Use your heat gun or lighter and flash over the reason for a bubbles to release. I found that a heat gun is quite effective because it spreads heat more evenly than a lighter. Just don't bring the heat gun too close to the reason as it will blast the reason out of the mold. Now place your praise flower carefully into the resin. Place it with the front of the flower facing down. Use a toothpick too slowly, deeper into the resin mole. Do not rush this process as you need to avoid a bubbles from forming inside the resin. Once you're done positioning the flower, you are more than welcome to use a heat gun again, if a bubbles formed. Now you should leave your reason mold for about 10 to 12 hours for it to sit. Make sure to place it somewhere where it wouldn't gathered dust or any particles. One of the most important factors to make sure that your epoxy resin cures properly is temperature, the ideal temperature for your reason and your workspace is slightly higher than room temperature. The environment is too cold. You'll raise and will not say it. Once. The reason is Saint, mix another smaller batch afraid then you will need enough to for the last quarter view mode. Once you have mixed the reason and hardener, add your reason pigment to change the clear reason to your desired color. Slightly pull the colored rays and into the mold and remove the evils with the heat gun. Now let it sit again for about 10 to 12 hours. And once it is cured, you can remove it from its mold and prepare for the next step. 8. Piece 2 - Finishing Off: Another great thing about using moles is that you're raising can have a high gloss finish if you remove the bubbles, the mold safety some time on sanding and publishing. The reason. So the only thing left to do for this piece is to attach it to the bail or jump brain. If you mold did not make provision for holes, now would be the time to carefully drill a hole right through. The reason. 9. Resin Other Tips & Tricks: Checking if the reason is cured. The mistake I made the first time I used the reason was touching my mole before it saved. If the reason has not saved when you touch it, it will create unwanted in dense or fingerprints. The best thing to do is to drop a small amount of resin or new mold makes to your piece or on a separate piece of plastic. This allows you to check if the region has fully cured before touching your piece. Mold. Make sure that you clean your moles of two using them. Cleaning with acetone or alcohol. Also double-check your molds before using them. If there is any dust or other particles in New Mode, they will become part of your piece. Placing flowers. The process of placing flowers to paint on the type of flower you want to praise. Some flowers have more moisture than others and they will need more time to dry. I make use of a flower place I made myself, and place the flowers between parchment paper. You can also use heavy books and precision in between the pages. Use parchment paper as well. The big rule with using press flowers in reason is to make sure that they are completely dry before using them as they will react unpredictably with the reason. In some cases, flowers that are not dry completely may become moldy inside your pieces. Also note that flowers might discover off to a period of time depending on the types of flowers you use. Other ideas to use in reason. Apart from praise flowers, I often use golden glitter leaves and holographic foil paper. I've even used lace from a wedding dress and make, keeps sake earrings and pendants by placing it in reason. 10. Piece 3 - Setting Up: For the third and final piece, we will be making raids in and press flower earrings by using polymer clay vessels. Making your own bezels to save the reason in, we'll give you unlimited options when it comes to the shape and the size of your pieces. I prefer making my own vessels from polymeric, as it gives a bespoke anesthetic. But you can buy different bezels in different shapes, sizes, and materials. Here is what you will need to create this reason and polytomy paid basal hearing safe. For the polymer clay basal will be making use a smooth surface like a ceramic tile of laws, polymer clay, a pasta maker, or alternatively an acrylic roller. Clay cutters. These are optional. You can also use a craft knife. Place shaping tools that are used before baking with polymer clay. Alternatively, you can use sanding paper to smooth the edges off to baking clay blades to remove the clay from the surface. And oven and baking tray, a set of pliers, a Hangzhou with a one millimeter job it. And for the resin and press flower pot, you will need epoxy resin. A silicone baking mat. This is optional, but it helps to make things a little less messy. Pressed flowers. A plastic mixing cup, a wooden or plastic stirrer, toothpicks, heat gun, Shang, and durable blue clear tape, hearing hooks. And finally, Joe rewired to attach the reason piece to an earring hook. That is it. Let's make the last piece. 11. Piece 3 - Bezel & Mixing : First you'll need to make your polymer clay basal. Follow the steps in video three to condition your polymer clay. Then you roll the clay out using your pesto maker or a critic roller to get an even thickness. You use your clay blades to cut thin even strips into the polynomial clay and remove them from the smooth surface. The next step will be to make the shape you want your basal to be. I normally make use of my cutters to form my basal. I shape it around the cutter and cut off the excess clay. Blend the two pieces together with your shaping tools. Sometimes I even make use of my fingers to blend and shaped thing beautifully. Remove the polymer clay from the cutter, place in a baking tray, begging for the required time and temperature. Once you have a cool down basal, you can start preparing it to be filled with resin by choosing the flower you want to use in your piece. Use the small amount of clear tape and stick that basal onto the tape. Make sure the basal sticks to the tape and that it forms a seal. If there are any gaps, the reasonable most probably start leaking out. And this will cause a lot of headaches later in the process. Mix your resin as shown in video seven, and start filling up your basal halfway. Use your heat gun to get rid of bubbles. Once you are happy, place your flower facing up inside the basal. Now full the race of the basal with reason until it creates a dome shape on top of the basal. You are more than welcome to take your heat gun again, if there are any extra bubbles, AICPA will stain to get stuck in-between flower petals and the edges of the basal. So make sure you get rid of those. You can even use a toothpick to release some of them. Now you can leave the piece for about 10 to 12 hours for the reason to cure. 12. Piece 3 - Finishing Off: Once the resin is cured, you can remove the bezel from the clear tape. If there is any residue lift from the tape, you can clean it using acetone. Now we can start assembling. Use your one millimeter, drop it to draw a small hole into the top of the Faisal. Around three to four millimeters usually does the trick. Here's your pliers to make a loop with your Jew rewire. This you will use to attach your jewelry piece, but you'll earring hooks. Alternatively, you can purchase these already made at a craft store. Applying small amount of glue to the whole and insert the jewelry via. Once it is dry, you can attach your earring hooks and whatnot. You'll say it is done. 13. Outro: And that brings me to the end of my course on jewelry making. Thank you for spending some time with me. I hope that you not only learned a few things, but had fun in the process. Please reach out and say hello, I would love to see the pieces you've created during this course. Please be so kind to rate and review as it helps us to create more content for you in the future. Thank you for watching and keep on creating.