1. Intro Photo To Ancient Grungy Art in Photoshop F: Hi, I'm hardcore than normal. And I have a question for you. Do you love photographing,
doing note? Do you want to
convert your image into stunning piece of artwork? And you ought to have denied. Please. Welcome to this course. In this course I'll be
showing you how you can change your ordinary
MAC. Indoor tanning. Be odd look, using Adobe portal itself in just a few.
What's the Riemann? How you can kind of
watch what amazes into the pencil sketch. Then you will learn how you
can add extra DO RE, MI. Then you will learn
how to color tone your images that I'll show
you how you can collaborate. You're amazing in Adobe
four of our souls. Then I'll show you how you
can add depth to your image. Finally, I will show
you how you can create this project as a mock-up so that you can watch any amazed
into this effect, this, and then odds with just a few simple steps
without going to the hats. And so creating all
and every layers. Thanks again and again. This skills which are
going to learn in this owl's eyes not on the head. Or creating the
stunning artwork by doubt or any kind of
post-processing and cortisol. So if this sounds
interesting to you, then go ahead and join
this with this course. We are getting the extra circle. That means during
or after the goals. You get stumped.
Anybody, you can ask any question from me. And I get indeed to
answer your questions, they nudge it to the
goals or the topic. So go ahead and join those
goals and Audience Insights.
2. 1 how to make Pencil sketch effect in adobe photoshop F: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we
will be converting our MAs into the pencil sketch. So let's get started. First of all, let's take a new blank canvas
or a new document, go to the File, select new, or you can simply press
Control or Command. And if you're on Mac, you can rename your
document whatever you want. So let me rename it as art. And we'll take the width of 2 thousand and height of 2000. I'm going to make square. You can take it
anything you want. And resolution. Let it be 72, because
72 is good for the web. But if you plan to print this, then you must have 240 or 38. Okay? So once you are done, press Okay, background
doesn't matter at the moment. And let's save it. Okay? And bring in our image. You can take any maze
for this purpose. But at the moment, I'm taking the summation, okay? And let me bring in our hair. And once it is over here, let me right-click
and select it, convert to smart object. And now if I press
Control T or Command T, I can resize it. This gives access to our
Transform Tool, press Control G. And by pressing Shift and
Option or shift or Alt, if you're on Mac, resize it and place it inside and make it
centered. Okay. Once you are happy with the
position of this pictures, you can save. All right. Don't forget to save
your work time by time, by pressing Control
S or Command S, make it a habit
that you save it. Okay? So this is the background, so we'll call it. And now let's create
a duplicate copy of it by pressing
Control G or Command G. If you're on Mac. Now in order to make a pencil
sketch, what we need to do. First of all, we need to change
the layer blending modes. We can change the
layer blending mode by coming to this drop-down menu. And from here, we can
select Color Dodge. And once it is done now we
need to invert this amazing. So in order to
invert this image, what we need to do, you need to just
go to the Image, select adjustments,
and select inward. As you can see. We can also use the
shortcut command, that is the Control or
Command I if you are on Mac. So select it and it is going to make MAs invisible or invert. It basically inwards this color. If you could see over here, shadows have been made
into the highlights and highlights have been
made into the shadows. So it is somewhat
are negative effect. And you may or may not
able to see this amazing, depending on your
remains as three, it works based on the pixels or the colors available
on your image. All right, now, as you
can see at the moment, we are not able to see anything. So in order to fix it, we need to go to the filter and select blurred and
choose Gaussian Blur. And from here, we need to
choose the radius we are, we can clearly see the outlines and we see
it as a pencil sketch. But make sure that you
don't go way too much. Otherwise, it's going to
look like normal image. But our purpose or in this tutorial is to make
it as Until sketch. Okay, so choose
the radius wisely. And it depends and differs
on the pictures to picture. And for my case, it is 8.6. That's working fine
and let me press. Okay. So now our pencil
sketch is ready, but as you can see, this pencil sketch is someone's looking like
color pencil sketch, but we want to make it black
and white pencil sketch. So in order to do that, Let's create a new hue,
saturation adjustment, like it, and read
the saturation down, way down that as e minus 100. So it is going to turn it into a black and
white pencil sketch. So now our pencil
sketch is ready. So thank you so much. See you in the next lecture.
3. 2 How to add texture to the image in adobe photoshop F: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, we'll be adding the texture
to this image. So let's bring in our texture. And now let's change the layer blending
mode to color dose. Or you can try different one, which one works best for you? I think Linear Burn is
working fine at the moment. You can try different one. You can toggle through your different layer modes by pressing down arrow
on your keyboard. And that would show you one. And if you press up arrow key, it is going to take
it to the upside. So you can choose
the better one, whichever user you like. I think for me, Linear Burn is working fine. So now let's create, let's call it adds texture. And let's create a
new mask over it. So let's create a mask. And mask is created overhead. Now come over here and
choose a brush tool, or you can simply press
V on your keyboard. And from this drop-down menu, select this soft edge brush. Make sure the color is
white if it is not, press D for default colors, and then you can press
X to flip it over. Okay, now I'll foreground
color is black, okay? And take the opacity
of 10 percent flow is 100% and start painting over
her face or some areas. Maybe you don't
want it to be that darker or you don't
want it to be visible. And if you think that you
have ordinate and you can always do it by pressing X. Now your foreground
color is white and then you can paint it back. And just randomly do it. Remove it from somewhere, and keep it on somewhere. All right. And as you can see, there is a problem our head. So what we'll do, we'll take the stamp tool and will increase the
size of the brush. So on. Our S hat will take the sample
from here and fainting. And it will remove this ugly
dot or spot from her face or had the one from the other
pixels, other areas. Okay? And once you are
happy with the result, you can see by turning
it on and off. Now, our image has
become less Zell grungy, or it has some texture. Okay, So thank you so much. See you in the next lecture.
4. 3 How to fill colours to the image in adobe photoshop F: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we'll be adding some colors
to this image. So let's get started. In order to create the
colors on this image, what we need to
do, we need to go to the adjustments
panel over here. So if we click this circle icon, black and white circle icon, it is going to open up
all these options for us. And from here we need to
select, select Solid Color. And it will give
us the option to select the color which we want. Okay, For in this case. Let's for a moment, take this one and press Okay, and change S layer
blending mode to overlay. Or try a different one, whichever you like, okay? If you want some darker result, then you can choose for
vivid Light or linear light. But if you want the
lighter result, then you can go for
soft light also. And you can toggle through
different layer blend modes. And you can come up with
whichever you like. Okay, I think this one is
also looking good pen light. But I'm not going
to go for that. I think we would like is what I prefer the most at
for this picture. And if you want, you can lower down its opacity from here. Okay, From this lighter. So I think this one is good. All right. So thank you so much. See you in the next lecture.
5. 4 how to colour grade images in adobe Photoshop F: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we'll
be color grading this image or this artwork. So in order to easily
collaborate this artwork or any picture is by using
the color balance tool, which is over here. It is like a weighing
scale, like icon. And just select it. And it will want to create this color balance
layer over here. And now we have from this
dropdown menu three options. We can target the shadows
mid tone or highlights. First, cohort the shadows. And we have these three sliders, these three colors sliders. So wherever will
take the sliders, it will introduce
that color to us. So for a moment, let me show you if I take
this sliders to are the sign. It is going to add
these cyan to R. But it is not showing
us the cyan because it is going to affect the
way this colorful or this solid color adjustment
is on our document. Okay. So it is going to add the cyan and if you take
it towards the red, it is going to introduce the that to our image
in the shadows. Okay, so let's take
it towards this way. Add some cyan and there
is no hard and fast rule. You can go for any color,
whichever you like. It all, depends on your liking, all your creativity,
or your imagination, which you want to convey. All right, So after
completing each shadows, let's go for the mid-tone. And similarly with the midtone. And so you can do the
same thing, right? So let me go for minus 20
cyan towards the cyan. And let's add a little
bit of magenta, okay? And that way it looks like
very old and grungy painting. That's the look
which I like most. Alright. And all right,
yellow little bit, add a little bit of blue, sorry. And that's stuck at the
highlight this time. And let's try a different one. I think I'm liking
the cyan too much. So I'm adding cyan a little bit. And I think a lot does the
median and take 12 hours, the yellow introduce
little bit of yellow. And that's it. And if you want to
change it at anytime, you just go to its
properties and you can always change it anytime. All right, so this is how the color balance
tool works and it is a great tool to color grade your remains is very
fast and very easily. All right, So thank you so much. See you in the next lecture.
6. 5 How to add depth to the images in adobe Photoshop F: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we'll be adding some extra depth and
detail to this image. So in order to do that, what we need to do, we need to just create
a new blank layer. Alright? And then we need to go
to the Edit and select, Fill, and choose the 50
percent gray and press, Okay? And it is going to create
a gray layer for us. Let me go back and
show you once more. If I go to the Edit
and select Fill, and from this drop-down menu, we need to choose the 50
percent gray for you. It might be for our
foreground color or the color or pattern
or history, et cetera. So we are going to go
for the 50 percent gray. All right, So now as you
can see, our amazes hidden. And in order to fix it, Let's change this layer
blend mode to overlay. All right? And now go to the
filter, select, choose Noise and
select Add Noise. All right, and let me
Jomon and show you. By doing this, it has added lots of noise all
grains to RNAs. From here we need
to choose uniform and check this monochromatic. And that way it is
going to create black and white noises or the black and white
brains to remains. So once you are done and you can choose the amount,
whichever you like, if you want to go away too much, you can do that, but I would
suggest not to do that. Let's keep it around. There's one 22. Alright, press. Okay. And you can see by
turning it on and off, it has made it more grungy. And now it looks like, more like old
painting or the art. Alright. So this is a great technique. And now let's create a
stamp copy of all these. So you can do that by
pressing Control or Shift. Command T, hold Shift
if you're on Mac and then go to the
filter and select, sharpen, and choose
the unsharp mask. And let's increase its amount
to whichever you like. Or I think for this
image, it is 69. That's how it's working. Alright? So once I'll do this
and let me press, Okay. And as you can see, by turning it on and off, it has sharpener
it a little bit. All right. So thank you so much. See you in the next lecture.
7. 6 How to create old grungy fine art effect mockup in adobe photoshop F: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture I'll
be showing you how you can convert any image into this effect to very easily with just a few simple steps without going through the hazards of creating all these
effects again and again. So let's get started. You can see this
is starting image. Let me show you. Let's was the starting image. And as you can see, we have made it as
a smart object. All right, what we need to do to change this image with
the different image, we just need to
double-click it and it is going to open in a new
document over here. Now, we need to bring in our
new image on this layer. So this is the image. Let me select the Move tool
and click and drag it. Will this document. And let me be polish on it. And once I'm done, I need to press control S or Command S. And once
the saving is done, if I go back to our main layer
or the main PSD document, Our here you can see still it
is showing us the old one, and that is because of this stamp layer which
we have created. So if I turn it off, you can see the result. It has made our new image
with this effect, okay? And if you want, you
can further modified by lowering down the
opacity of the texture. It's extra, okay, changing
the color balance, et cetera. So that becomes very
easy and very fast. You can do anything with this. And let me show you, change this with new image. Let me just double-click and it will open in a new document. And then let me take another
remains like this one. I'll let this kind, all right. Let me take this one. Drag it over here and D
size it. Will fix it. Press enter to accept the adjustment and press
Control S or Command S. Save it. And one saving is done. You can see updating
Smart Object. And you can see it has updated
it on into our main ANOVA. So now with this technique, it's very easy to
transform any email to the thus grungy abstract art. All right, So thank you so much. If you like this class, please do leave a review and if you have any
question in mind, you can leave that in the
comment section below, and I'll be happy to
answer your questions. So thank you so much.