PHOTOSHOP FOR SURFACE PATTERN DESIGN - Create Full and Half Drop Repeats for a Mini Collection | Kelly Kratzing | Skillshare

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PHOTOSHOP FOR SURFACE PATTERN DESIGN - Create Full and Half Drop Repeats for a Mini Collection

teacher avatar Kelly Kratzing, Surface Pattern Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1. Introduction


    • 2.

      2. Full Drop Repeat


    • 3.

      3. Half Drop Repeat - Part 1


    • 4.

      4. Half Drop Repeat - Part 2


    • 5.

      5. Extracting the Half Drop Repeat Tile


    • 6.

      6. Full Drop and Half Drop Repeat Comparison


    • 7.

      7. Creating a Mini Collection


    • 8.

      8. Final Words


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About This Class

This is the second class in my series, Photoshop for Surface Pattern Design. In this class I show you how I create both full drop and half drop repeats in Adobe Photoshop. Both methods produce seamless repeats for creating patterns for textiles, stationery, home decor and more, but each has its own advantage depending on the pattern application. I will then show you how I create a mini collection that incorporates both a seamless full drop and half drop repeat pattern to go with a placement print of your choice ready to submit to an art director or to create your own products.  

At the end of the class, you will be able to: 

  • Create a full drop repeat tile in Adobe Photoshop
  • Create a half drop repeat in Adobe Photoshop and extract the repeat tile 
  • Save your pattern as both a flattened and editable file
  • Save your pattern in your Photoshop pattern library for quick use
  • Create a mini collection consisting of a placement print, main pattern (half drop repeat tile) and coordinate pattern (full drop repeat tile)
  • Use the following tools: pattern overlay, transform, copy, offset, rectangular marquee, crop
  • Create and order layers
  • Learn useful keyboard shortcuts for common tasks when making patterns

Equipment required:

  • You will need access to Photoshop in order to complete this class. Prior experience with Photoshop is not essential but recommended. I use Photoshop CC in my tutorials however earlier versions of Photoshop will be fine to use.
  • Your own artwork/motifs for the class

This class is for students who have a basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop. My first class, Photoshop for Surface Pattern Design - Scanning, Cleaning, Colouring and Extracting Motifs, explains how to get your illustrations into Photoshop and ready to make a repeat pattern. If you are a beginner, I strongly recommend you complete this class first to get familiar with Photoshop and have motifs ready to go to make your amazing patterns! You can check it out here:

For your class project, you will use your own artwork (placement print, half drop repeat pattern and full drop repeat pattern) to create a mini collection to pitch to an art director using the techniques that I have shown you. You can use any theme or style.

If you post your work on social media, please use the hashtag #kellykratzingskillshare so I can like, share and comment on your work. Looking forward to seeing your work!

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Meet Your Teacher

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Kelly Kratzing

Surface Pattern Designer


Hello, I'm Kelly. I am a surface pattern designer and illustrator based in Melbourne, Australia. I have  been lucky to work with clients designing wallpaper, packaging, stationery and bedding.

I have a background in biology which is reflected in my strong use of nature-inspired motifs, particularly anything distinctly Australian. In terms of materials, I love to use fine ink pens, prismacolour pencils, and watercolours to create intricate, elegant, modern, hand-drawn designs. 

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. 1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. Welcome to class. This is ISS, the second class in a series of classes I'm doing for photo shop for surface patent design . And this one involves learning about full drop and half drop repeat tiles. My previous class is all about scanning, extracting, cleaning and enhancing Marty's so that you can then make the pattern tile. So if you are a bit unsure about how to do that or just want a bit of a refreshing photo, stop basics and please go to that class first before during this class. Anyway, I hope you will learn a lot from this class. Full and half drop repeats can be used in different ways, and it just gives you a great range of tools to use to make your parents thank you again. 2. 2. Full Drop Repeat: I wanted to show you how to do a full drop repeat tile, so I usually use full drop repeat tiles for my simple coordinates. In this case, this one's a little more detail, but I'll just show you because it's just an easy way to first start off doing repeat tiles in photo shop. So I've got my motifs here and I've got my background and all my motives are just under this folder here. So essentially you could just have a pattern like this. So let's say we want to see what the pattern looks like, just as it is. So you would go up to eight. It defined pattern and I have just called it beat around the financial press. OK, then what you want to do? I like Teoh. Open up a new document. Let's say we just do on a four document create to unlock the background layer and come over down to the bottom of the function button and deep passion. Overly. Okay, so this is another pattern of mine, but so we come in and we find the pattern we just picked press a K and then come down to the scale and bring it down a bit, just so you can see what it looks like. Has a patent. Okay, So as you can see, there are really clearly defined gaps between where each of the tiles kind of repeat together. And we don't really want this unless you're trying to do a really simple kind of coordinate to go with something. But generally you want to not see where one tile starts and the other finishes. Okay, so we're gonna go back to l repeat tile. And what we want to do is overlap across some of the edges. Because all of this space appear around the side groups is where you're seeing that gap. Okay, So what we want to do is, let's say we want this'll. It'll guy Teoh overlap in the corner. So a general rule is whatever is on the top also needs to be on the bottom. Whatever is on the right also needs to be on the left and vice versa. So we're gonna do is we're gonna grab this little guy. See? Cannot come over here, try and find where he is. It could be one of these beetles, but what I like to do is right. Click if you're on a Mac and you can select which one you are, So now show you over here that it's highlighted. But it's been selected. So now we can move this guy. So I'm gonna just put him up here. Okay, So what we want to do now is because he overlaps this top ege. He also needs to overlap the bottom itch. In order to do that, we want to copy him. So I'm gonna come over to this side over here. I've got him highlighted. Just double check. It's the right one. And by holding down the old key, I've just made a copy. Now, you can rename this if you want to. At the moment, I'm just gonna leave it as is so essentially. Now, if I turn myself, you still see him because he is directly on top of my medium across C. So now we've got a copy. But what we want to do is get him down here. So we, uh, going to do command t If you're on a Mac, I think it's control t on windows and that will come up with your transform button. The other option to do that is image. Sorry. It it and transform. We'll give you this little square, but the shortcut is command T. Okay, so we want to move him down the exact length off that tile. So I've got the tiles here. I've got a 10 inch by 10 inch tile, so we're gonna come up to the top here without X and my coordinates. Press this little triangle to set it to zero, and we want to move this guy down the 10 inches. Now, this is a 300 d p I resolution. If you need to know what your resolution is. Image image size. Okay. Resolution is down here. 300 pixels per inch give you the dimension C 3000 fixes by 3000 pixels. So for every inch, there are 300 pixels. And because we got 10 inches, that's how we get to our 3000 pixels down and will be the same across so 10 inches or 3000 pixels across because it's a 10 inch by 10 inch square. Okay, so let's go back to a little guy. We want to move him so fundamentally, we want to move him down the full length in pixels, which was 3000 pixels. So why He's all vertical access up and down, and X is a horizontal access access. So we want to move this guy down now. Vertical access, which is the why? So we're going to move him down 3000 pixels and press return or enter. And now you can see if this was to repeat and this tile was to come down here, his head would fit on top of here. Okay, so let's try that again with another image. So let's say we want, um this guy over here. We want him toe overlap a little bit, trying to get rid of the big gap over here. So I've selected both a daisy in this now by holding on the shift key, let's just move them across a little like this. Okay, so that's say it's about that. So now we want to make the copy over on the right hand side because this crosses the left hand side line, and what we do is we hold on all key, drag it up, and now we've got a copy. So command T or controlled T to transform and we come out to our boxes. And now, instead of moving on the vertical access or the Y axis, we're now going to move on the horizontal or the X axis. And so we're going to move across 3000 pixels. Hate return or enter. Now, you can see this bit would match up with this bit if you were to move the tile over across . Hey, so now we're just getting a little bit more overlap, and we filling in some of these white space gaps so that we don't see the same kind of the way the tile starts and ends when we do our big A repeat pattern. Okay, so another thing we can do is let's say we want to move this little beetle. We're gonna put him in the corner. So again, I just right clicked. Select a paedo. Okay, so let's move him over. So in this corner, he is not only touching the top, he's also touching the left. So that means we need a copy of him to go all the way down the bottom here, as well as on the right hand side. So what we're going to do is what I'll be delayer here. We're going to hold on, okay? And drag it up. So when a copy and we're gonna press command or control t for a transform, come up here and let's do the right hand side copy first. So this is the horizontal repeat, and we're gonna put in 3000 pixels. Oops. That is the vertical Repeat, not the horizontal peat. Repeat. And about 3000 pixels. Hey, return. Okay, so we can either use the one we currently on, just the one done here. What? We can come back up to a little guy up here. Select Beetle. We got a copy him again by holding on the old key command T your control T am I gonna go 3000 pixels horizontally through the X axis and return. Okay, so now you can see that he repeats from here to here and from this side to this sign, what else would like to do? So I think what else would be great is let's say this little raspberry looking flint. So we'll select this one. I've called it strawberry, but whatever it is so right. Click, click strawberry. Hey, command or control T and we're going to move it down to maybe there. Okay, So I'm gonna make sure I could. Astral berry and snail copied so out. Holding on the okay to make a copy. Command T. But this time, instead of going from the top to the bottom, we're going from the bottom to the top. So we're going to do minus 3000 pixels up laps in the Y axis. There you go. You can see where that goes. I'm just gonna move through moving theme motifs. A little quicken now. - Okay , So I'm happy with that pattern. So now we're going to define the pattern. Okay? It it to find pattern again. Okay. Coming to our the tests Page double click Patton. Overly slicked. It's like the loss pattern. It's OK. So what I'm gonna do next to show you the same pattern, but in 1/2 drop? Repeat where you'll see how it's better, because it's harder to see way one tile starts and the other one ends 3. 3. Half Drop Repeat - Part 1: its videos. We looked at doing a full drop, repeat and what that turns out like, but I wanted to show you 1/2 drop. Repeat that I learned from Mel Armstrong, who is also another skill set skill share teacher who does a really great job if you want to check out her classes as well. So with 1/2 drop repeat. I like to use this better because it hides with the repeat is a bit more so what we can do . This is what my full drop repeat title look like. And just to remind you again, this is what the pattern look like. And, as you can see, it's kind of obvious where the repeat child's kind of me top. I mean, you can still use it this way if you like. It's not too bad, but it's just 1/2 drop gives you a better look. So let's go back to our tile. And what we're gonna do is I've got all my insects and files group together, and I'm gonna turn those into a smart object. So I right click convert to smart object. Okay, so now it is a smart object has got this little symbol done here. Then I want to create a new layer by coming down here, A little page icon created new layup. And this is gonna be a rectangle that we're going to base our cough drop, repeat around. So come over to our rectangle tool and off the top. We've got a width and a height, and we want to do that half off. What? The total pixels are for the square. Repeat, Tell that we have. So in this case, it is a 10 inch by 10 inch square. So we want a five inch by five inch rectangle. Or we could do half of the pixels, which is 1500 by 1500 75 inch by five inch. Okay, Chris. OK. Do you want to come over here? Little dialog box opens up for the shape tour. We don't want any any strikes. We just make that zero and then for the color, let's just leave it out, black. But then we're going to come over here and change capacity down quite a big. So we wanted to be on a just see it, but not too much of a distracts us from all the motifs we're gonna put in it. Okay, so just just moved that for a minute. Come back to you. Select tool. And then we're gonna do command T or control t to move it. I'm gonna bring it into the middle and you've got your smart guides. Here's to the pink line in the middle. And then we want to find the other one. You should hopefully pop up. Oh, not and then we want to turn this around so that it's a diamond at 45 degrees just like that. Hey, just make sure we've got that in the middle date we go so you can see the two smart pink lines to help you get it exactly in the middle. Hit. Enter. Yes. We want to go back to a smart object it up here and now we want to transform that. So it's a little hard to see the lines out here so we can minimize or zoom in, Zoom out, I should say, but during command minus and we want to hold the shift and all key to basically bring all of these in and fitted into the into the rectangle. Okay, so that's fairly good. Thank you. So to get back to where it was, command zero. Okay, so what we're trying to do is get most of these motifs within the rectangle. So let's say we'll get rid of that one. So we need to double quick on the smart object and opens up in your pain. I'm just gonna put in a back around Cali. He just so it's a bit easier for us to see the motives. Okay, so we want to get rid of this one, so right click on that one. Opens it out when you can just switch it off and we'll do the same with the snail. Such it off, and then we want to save thes command. Eso control this to save it just takes a few minutes. Okay, So before I forget, I want to make sure I switch off this background layout. Otherwise, it will show up on our main page up here where we rpc out showing up here. So I just want to make sure we turn that off and then command or control ISS to save again . Come back to 1/2 shop and we just keep looking around For what is around the edges, so we want to get rid of that one. And then we might want to move this one up a little, and then we want to move this one across, get rid of this one, move this across a movie. So we just kind of go backwards and forwards to a happy with it. 4. 4. Half Drop Repeat - Part 2: we've got our motus within the diamond so we can fiddle with it a little bit later to make smaller changes if we like after we've done the repeat. So what we want to do now is make a copy off our smart object. So again, hold on the old key and drag up, and we want to offset this. So what we want to do is come up to filter. Now, I've already got a pre set up here, but if you haven't used it before, you could feel till other offs it. Okay, so you need to set these 20 for a minute. So I like to do the very cool Repeat first. So what you do is just move this little toggle down here and you just move it down to roughly way. You'd like the tile to overlap. I just remember you can move these motifs a little bit later, and I'll show you how to do that. So it's usually around 1800 to 2000 pixels if you've got a 10 inch by 10 inch square. So let's say we'll just leave it about their, um and it is always best to have an even number as well. So I'm just gonna make that 18 40 pixels, okay? And then write that number down as your vertical repeat press. OK, Come over here and just change the name. So you know which one they see it. So this will be middle bottom. Okay, Go back to your original one. Do the same thing. You want to copy it by holding the old he down filter offset. Okay. And it's remembered what we did the last time. So this time, if we want to just go above We just changed the vertical to minus 1 40 pixels, and it populates up here. Okay, So them again, just change that name. So you know which tile it is. This isn't important, but it does. It just helps you find where find the Tao easily. So in six and flowers middle top. Okay, back to the original one again. And do not make another copy. Filter offset. Okay, so this time, what we want to do is work out where we want to go horizontally. But we want it to drop halfway down vertically at the same time. So what we do is we get half of 18 40 which is 9 20 Okay. And so you can see it's kind of between the style and the style rather than directly Ah, whole tile above. And then he just want to move the horizontal togo over until you happy where it seats. So let's say a bit too far. Let's go with that one. So 11 66. So you want to write that number down as well? Mm. Press. Ok. Okay. So then just rename that to top, right? Well, whatever helps you remember what it is. OK, so we're going to repeat that again. All the okey feel to offset. And now we just want to change horizontal too. Negative. And populate that left side over there. Press. Okay, so now you re name that too. Look, top left. Okay. Repeat again. Built, offset and changed the vertical to positive. Now you put that bottom left one, but, um, lift. And then all the okey again filter offset and change the horizontal to positive as well. Okay. So that bottom right. And then we have just these little sections in here We don't want to forget. And basically, what we want to do is get that horizontal number that you recorded. In my case, it was 1166 pixels. We want to double that. And that will fill in these little gaps here. So again, we're just gonna hold Okay. Town to copy at Tile Filter, offset. And then we're just gonna put in 2332 which is double my horizontal number. And that just feels in this little gap over here and say, what is going to call that? Uh, let's call it right. And then we're just going to the left side as well Feel to offset. Just change the horizontal to negative. And as you can see, it feels in this camp. President K. Okay, so then this just gets a little bit missy on the right hand side here. So I just like to group them all together into a photo and just call it smart objects. Okay? So we can turn off the rectangle just for the moment. All right, So now you can see generally what it looks like, and you can see there is some areas that we want to fix. Like, this little bug over here is, I guess, getting mixed up you can't seem very well, super. Wanna move him? This little guy here is maybe you want to move him over a little bit again. It's a personal preference. But you also notice that, say, this little guy here, he's on top off the flowers here. But on this side over here, he is underneath. And that's just a lay order things. So what I want to do is make sure that they're all consistent. So if he's either always under the flowers or he's always on top, so we just come back over to our smart chicks. It's just a matter off moving the layers around, so it's consistent. So I think I want to put him on top. So if I just select him there, that's the bottom, right? It's checking. Okay, so then we want to just make sure that this guy up here, his his top writers, make sure he's top right. So I'm gonna make sure that this layer, the insects and flowers top right. He's actually above in sex and flowers middle top here, So if you watch what I do, I'm gonna just drag this up above to you get a little blue line, and now he's on top. Okay, we do the same thing over here, so the flour is in six and flowers top lift. But the little bug look, we can get him is the insects and flowers, all that. He's like the center tile. So you want to make sure that the Sindhu tile is above the insects and flowers tile on the top left of center one here and then our tough left is up here. So again, we're just gonna drag it up and job, and now you can see it's above. But that has now changed this little guy back again. So we just want to keep moving this tile, which is going to be the bottom right tile now above the center tile. Okay, so I think that's pretty good. Okay, So what we want to do now is just fix up these little bits and pieces that aren't quite where we want them to be. Just gonna turn on director rectangle again so we can see where all kind of shape is gonna be on the next. When we kind of how smart objects. So I think I want to move this little guy Maybe you want to move him down here, and then where else do we want to Dio? I think maybe this little guy here, if we just move him in a little bit, I think that'll work nicely. Okay, let me just close X. It's an old one. So I want to go back to our main smart objects and to open up to it it we double click on the little square, and this opens this tub up again for us. So it was this little guy here that we wanted to move in a little bit, so I'm just gonna right click on him to select him. We're just gonna move him in a little, maybe, like there. And then this guy, I'm going to right click on him. And I was gonna move him down. Maybe here and then I might read about a fire little bit up. Okay, so just control command is to save you. See, it's saving down the bottom, and depending on how big your file is, this can take up a fair bit of time. This one isn't to guard, and I have seen some take several minutes and you know, I might want to move this little butterfly to it. Just seems a little bit on here was gonna right click on him. We just moved him up a little bit. And I want him to be on top of this instead of underneath. And so I'm just going to make sure he is above the strawberry like that. Okay, So, again, command or control is to save once it's when we can close this tub and then we can see what we've got. A case that's just off the rectangle again. Okay, so you know, that's not too bad. There's a little bit of level up over here. Um, so maybe we want toe make this little guy maybe just a little bit small. Aw, so he's not over laughing everywhere. So again, we just go back into a smart object on we try and find where he is. Over here. That's right. Click on it. Mandel control T to transform hold the shift key down. And if you want to keep it in the same spot, you also hold down the bulky and it just makes it just bringing it in to make it a bit small. Bring it back in here. Hit until and command or control is to save again. So one set stone, we're just gonna close his tub. Great back. Okay, so I'm fairly happy with that. So in the next video, I'm going to show you how to extract the repeat tile. 5. 5. Extracting the Half Drop Repeat Tile: we want to actually extract the half drop repeat town in order to be on a make patterns from it or provided to a printer for printing. So, as you can see, this isn't actually the half drop repeat tile here. So let's say a little little beetle over here. He's not over here. So what we need to do is extract the tile based on the numbers we use to make the town in the first place. So we have the horizontal number and the vertical number that I got you to write down. So for me, the vertical number was 1840 pixels and the horizontal number was 1166 So we're going to do is times a horizontal number by two and then use the vertical number. So we're gonna come up to our little tool up here, call the rectangular marquee tool. It just opens up a little cross. We're gonna come up here to style as his fixed size. That's what we want. The week is going to be, Ah, horizontal number. The one that I said times by two. So for me it was 2332 pixels and the height is a vertical number, which is 18 for zero pixels. Okay, and then you can just click anywhere on here. You can see you've got this rectangular dotted line, and this should be our half drop. Repeat. So if you just want to double check you look on this side. Got a little bit of the leaf over here, and that little bit of leaf is in here. This bit of leaf is above, and then it's in here, so that repeat looks like it works. Now, you can move this rectangle around to any particular section of this that you like, as long as it doesn't go over the edges. And this will be your repeat tile. So let's just I'm just gonna pick somewhere in the middle camp. And then what we do is we go up to get it defined pattern. Call it what you want. So that's to say Beetle Rama, Okay. And then we're just gonna test it out with a new documents. A file new. I'm just gonna pick an a four document, appear create, unlock the background, come down to a function button, Patton. Overly. Okay. Just like that. And then we haven't. So this is where we need to check if anything looks out of place or there's still something that doesn't look quite right or the repeat is really obvious and you can just fiddle with the scale down here to get a good sense of that. So I think it looks quite good. I can't see anything that I've done wrong. Um and so if you're happy with that and great hits was okay, you come back to our repeat tile. So you've saved the patent in your patent files in photo shop. But now you actually want to save the tile itself so that you're able to either use it on print on demand sites like spoon flour. Or if you've got your own printer, you concerned it to them and tell them it's 1/2 drop Repeat tile. And, um, yeah, then you can you've got a tile to use. So to do that, I usually save this whole file. But then we also want to save the half drop repeat tile. So we go up to our crop tool. So got the rectangular maki selected, hit the crop tool and go to where the rectangular marquis markings are and just press enter . And there you have it. There's your half drop repeat child. So then we just go to file save as okay, I'm saving this up. So I just got beat a rama half drop repeat tile. And I say that is a PST save. And then I also flatten this. So when I actually send it to a printer, we they just need the flattened file, and it makes it a much smaller file as well. But I also you want to keep the file that has all the irritable, smart objects in case you wanna change something later on. So two flats in its we can delete the rectangle by dragging into the trash bin on delete what? I had these extra Moti said in news. And then we just want to come to this little lines up here quick on that this is flattened image and then just file save as I save it is the same thing. I just add an extra little section which says Latin. So I know which one is which, and that is it. And there is your half drop Repeat, child 6. 6. Full Drop and Half Drop Repeat Comparison: you know that we've done the full drop. Repeat tile and the half drop repeatable. How they look a little bit different And why I prefer the half drop repeat tile. So this is 1/2 drop. Repeat all that we did. And now I can just show you what the full drop looks. Times got another layoff. I feel that in my patent overlay, and this is a full drop tile that I had here. Okay, I'm just gonna bring that scale down, so it's comparable. Okay, so this is a full drop tile. As you can see, it's very lean AEA and, you know, you can see there's like, a line here and a line here. Now, this might be something you really want for your parents, and this particularly applies for simple coordinates with geometric patterns. But when you're trying to just do a pattern where it just blends really nicely, this is where the half drop is. Fantastic. So, again, this is a full drop patent, not just to switch that off and then you can see the half drop pattern. You can see there's just not really clear lines of where everything is. Let me just make that a bit smaller, so it's a bit more comparable like that. So you see, there's no riel clear line where you can see where one tile starts and the next ends, so just show you again, full drop half jobs. 7. 7. Creating a Mini Collection : I would set up in many collection to perhaps into an art director. So usually a mini collection would consist off a placement print, which is this beetle here on the right, in a main pattern and a coordinate pattern. And the coordinates always something more simple that takes elements from either the placement or the main pattern. Either way, they're all meant to work well together. So, ideally, you want to be in a send this to an art director, and they could see how they could have multiple uses off your products that all work well together. So, for example, you could have say these, um, Beatle as a lot. And then the coordinating pattern could be for, uh, bedding, for example. So you might have this is the quote or do they cover? And then the coordinate could be the sheets or the pillowcase or a three pillar. And you're so I just want to show you how I sit this out. Basically, I'll start a new document, so file new and I'm gonna pick and a three size just a little bit bigger. And just make sure you about 300 pixels. Parents seem like a create, okay? And what I'd basically do he's open these files or drag and drop these files into my A three documents who select the Beetle and distracted or even and drop it in so much. Just minimize this a little bit so we can see a bit better. All right? Hey. And then creating Delia Delia button down here and we're going to create just a rectangle. So I like to do maybe something like that. Hey, said we want maybe just a white feel, any color and we don't want any strike. Just bring that across. Shouldn't speak a common. We can see a little better for now. Okay? And that's just transform Command. Teoh, Control T bring this in a little bit on his return or enter. And then we want Teoh. Copy that again. So hold Olcay down, drag up. Just drag this down. We're just gonna make it maybe a little bit smaller like that. Okay, so we come back to our original rectangle. This is gonna be around. Main pattern goes to go down to your function button pattern overly. And then it's already picked my main pattern, and then you can just scale that how you want to scale it relative to the placement print, So I'm just gonna leave it like that. Then we're gonna go up to the coordinate pattern. You, Patton, overly and pick your coordinate, so that just looks a little bit big. Something's gonna come down to the scale and bring it down a little whip, okay? And then I just make sure I've got my leg over with my website on it. So that way, if I ever have your at work in a pile of things that maybe they'll look out of it later, you want to make sure they're able to contact you, And I know you did the outwork. Okay, so that was pretty quick and basic, but it's just a nice layout to show not director. You know how multiple uses for your products and your designs. So what I would then do is making uses as a template if you want for other work. So before you send it to an art director, you want to send them a low resolution file, not the full version. So I would just come up and do flat an image, and then I would add my info in as well. So file file in for you. Give a Tato, usually just putting my name here at the copy riots and my website just gives it a little extra security in the now defile export safer web. And at the moment it's in a three. Now, if you want them to be out of printed in a three, then leave it at this size. But if you want it, mawr just for something for them to view. I would change this down to maybe say, 800 click save, and then you can just title it. Really? I'm not saying you say Pete O Rama collection. Maybe just lore is and save, and there you have it. Now you have a collection that you can email Teoh an out Direct A and fingers girls that they select your artwork. 8. 8. Final Words: Hi, everyone. I have you enjoyed the costs and got a lot out of it. Please feel free to contact me. If you have any questions at all, would love to help. And I'm really looking forward to seeing your final collections put together. Good luck with something in tow at tricks to That's something you choose to do otherwise Just enjoy the families of making patterns. Um, all the vast thank you again, my