1. Introduction to Photoshop to save your life course: Hi there, my name is Dan Scott, and I'm an Adobe Certified Instructor for Photoshop. This course is going to save your photoshop life. It's all about working with bigger projects at bigger companies, where you need consistent brand marketing across lots of different touch points. There's brand guidelines that you need to follow. But most importantly, you need to work fast and efficiently with a big team. That's what this course is all about. Alright, so what are we going to do in this course? We are going to do what I've done a thousand times as a freelancer. Within lots of larger places where either agencies or internal design departments for like multinationals loads or departments. You need to not only create something that is beautiful, but often, it's more important that it adheres to brand guidelines and make sure that it can be done quickly and can be updated for the next version very quickly. So it's all about reusability, consistency, following brand guidelines, and working very efficiently. So if you're okay at photoshop already, this course is going to take you to the next level. If you've got some basic photoshop skills, but you have to work on projects that have loads of different touch points. There's digital, There's print, there's video. Take this course and I'm going to show you how to get loads of work done with your tiny little budget and the few hours that you've been given to do it. Let's get started.
2. Before you get started with the Photoshop to save your life course: Welcome to the course. The first thing we need to do is you need to download the exercise files, you can play along with the rest of the course. There will be a link on the screen here somewhere and download those put them on your desktop and we'll get started. The other thing you can do is download. I've got printed notes that you can use throughout this course. Take your own notes if you're old school, want to write stuff down on paper. I'll jump into the screen now and show you where you download those. To download the workbook, it's free. Go to bring your Click on this resources tab along the top navigation then you'll find it in here under this recent posts or under this photoshop tab. Give it a click and then click here it says download High Res PDF and that'll get you the PDF you can download. It's free print it off. It's for the people who love to make notes us their going through. Two more things we'll do before we get started, just so that we're all following along.The same is we need to change our units of measurement. We're going to use pixels in this class. So to change that, we're going to go to, I'm on a Mac here. We go to Photoshop CC, preferences, come down two units and rulers. Click on that. If you're on a PC, go to edit and come all the way down the bottom here and you will see your preferences. Once you find that, find that units and rulers. Once you've done that, just come to here, it says rulers change it to pixels. You can change it back afterwards, but let's just make sure we're all looking at the same thing. Once you've done that click okay. The other thing you're going to do is just to make sure our workspace looks the same. If we go to window, go to workspace and just make sure it's set to essentials. If it's not got add a little techniques to it, click it again, and the other thing we're going to do is reset the essentials just so that it all looks the same. We roll all the panels out mixed up easy stuff. Let's get now started with all the fun stuff.
3. Adding more sky background using content aware in Photoshop: Hi there. In this video we're going to look at how to deal with all these really random ratios that we're dealing with in the modern world. It's like photo, size and this ratio to a great Wilma only dealing with print. But now we've got crazy social media sizes where they're long and thin or tall and skinny if you've had to work and banner ads before, that's even worse skyscrapers and leader boards. Let's look at ways of generating background from this here to look, just made it wider. What we need is some more sky jackpot, more sky, so we put loads or ticks and graphics and call to actions. But the client comes back and says, "Got to remove the girl. She's gone." But the useful fun stuff in this video using the various content we have features in Photoshop. All right, lets jump in. Lets go hands duty. All right, first thing it's going to file, it's going to open and I've downloaded my exercise files to my desktop. Okay and in this exercise files folder, we're going to open up the file cord, land and sea, click "Open." We want to extend this to the right, without distorting the old-school way, just using free transform is just going to stretch the woman out here and we don't want that to be stretched. Okay, so I'm going to hit "Escape." The fancy version is under Edit. We're going to go to content aware scale and we're going to drag this handle here, the right-hand side in the middle. Now the only thing to note here is if you're using the latest version 2019 or above, you need to hold shift way drag this side. If you're using 2018 or below, you don't have to hold "Shift" and drag it out and look the magic happen. You can see that the land and sea are just getting bigger, the clouds are getting more, but the woman staying perfectly still. When you're ready, hit into on your keyboard or tune, fancy [inaudible] loads more space so we can add or copy images, content aware scale is magic. All right, the next bit of Photoshop magic we going to do is, I want to generate some more sky rather than just stretching it, okay? I want to actually just invent some more and some more land that goes to the edge of this page. Content aware scales not going to work for us. I'm going to show you another content aware as scale trick. Over here. Go to your crop tool. It's the fifth tool down, what we want to do the magic happens when we turn this one on content aware. Now if we drag this up, doesn't really matter how high you do it, I'm going to get mine to exactly 1700 pixels for no good reason. Can't do it. Okay, but get it close to that. If you're using different measurements and it says inches or millimeters, just get a vaguely the same as mine and nothing's going to happen until we hit the "Enter key" on my keyboard or the return key on the keyboard, kickback, fill happens, ready, city, I'm excited. [inaudible] [inaudible] I didn't just stretch at all. These guys are in the same position, but look at that that's my favorite bit. More mountain just magically appeared. The clouds are pretty good there's a tiny bit of repeat in them, but nothing that I would be worried about. Now we've got loads more space for, bit of content even if it's just like a background for our website which has got loads more empty space to put things. All right. The content into where magic, isn't over just yet. Like how are you going to get any better? I'll show you how, grabbed the rectangle marquee tool, scroll until down, draw a nice liberal rectangle around this lady. The clients come back and said, "Actually, we don't want this woman here. We want it to be a bit more abstract." Just want the nature don't make the selection too tight and go to "Edit" and go to "Fill." It should default to content aware, click "Okay." Get ready to be amazed, so good. Lets go to select and it's going to deselect and goodbye lady. You do the same thing. Now if you had some clouds that like it's going to be different for everybody every time they run this. You might have some clouds that you want to remove. You did the same thing. You don't like you, edit, fill, okay. Magic, deselect, go on. All right, so that's just some Photoshop magic to get as [inaudible] and excited about the risks of the course. Remember any of those content aware tricks are really useful for those really weird formats that were all face with now. Social media, they like to stretch things around. If you're ever doing any banner advertising, that's the whisk skyscrapers, leader boards or just, weird ratios really tall and skinny, Photoshop and content aware we're editing to the rescue. All right, let's jump into the next video.
4. Using Photoshop CC Libraries for consistency on large projects: Hi there. This video is all about CC Libraries, or at least the beginnings of them. We're going to take the image that we made, we're going to add it to our new library. You can see it there. But we're also going to show you how to use libraries to add things like logos at evicted character styles, brand correct colors. We're going to flip between Photoshop and Illustrator. It's going to be awesome. Let's get started. Alright, so we're working with the file that we started in the last video. We're going to make sure we can see a library's panel. If you can, go to Window, come down here to Libraries and if there's no tick, just click on Libraries and it will appear. Mine is already here. By default, you are given one library to start with. It's called My Library. We're going to create a new one for all the work that we're going to be doing. We're going to click on the word My Library, drop this down, and down the bottom here, there's one called Create New Library. Now we're going to give it the name of the client that we're working with. The client is a business that I run, called InstructorHQ, I'm a co-founder at least, let's click Create. That's going to be all the assets that we're going to use for this client. We can dump lots of cool stuff into here. You'll see in my Libraries I've got lots of other ones here for other projects, and other clients that I do work for, loads of them. But we've got this one here and there's nothing in this library yet. The first thing we're going to do is go to the Move tool, which is the first tool in your toolbar. Click, hold and drag, holding the mouse down, and just letting it go in here. Magically, it's brought in my image. It's even taken the name from the layer here, called Hawaii. Now let's look at the pecks for using Libraries. We're in Photoshop now I'm going to switch out to Illustrator. I've got it open here. Open up Illustrator, if you don't have Illustrator, just watch my one. Within Illustrator here, We're going to go to File, going to go to open, and we're going to find on my Desktop, my Exercise Files, and then here there's one called Let's click Open. Alright, what might happen in your version is probably, definitely going to happen in your version, it's not happened in mine is it's going to say, "Hey, I'm missing a font. " You're going to get a window that says, "Would you like to sync these fonts with Typekit?" You say, "Yes please. Sync away." But for that to happen you need an active Creative Cloud license, but it all should be pretty easy. But mine's already done. First thing to do is just to zoom out, it's quite zoomed in here, so we're going to go to View and we're going to go to Fit Artboard in Window. We can see the whole artboard plus this little poster that are mocked up here. Before we move on, let's jump to our Layers panel along the top. I just want to make sure we're working on the Background Layer. You know it's selected by when it goes blue. Just click the word Background, and go back to our Libraries panel. The cool thing is Libraries appear in all of the Adobe applications. It doesn't matter if it's Illustrator, or After Effects, or XD, they're all in there. All we needed to do is switch to it. There it is there. There's my lovely Hawaii. To add it to this document, I click hold and just drag it out. I'm going to click once, anywhere and then resize it by dragging any of these corners. The difference in Illustrator though, is you have to hold Shift down to lock the height and width. The complete opposite of the new Photoshop, anyway. I'm holding Shift dragging it out, I'm just making sure it covers the background. I'm not that worried, I'm going to line it up like this. Make sure I cover the whole white background, and when you're ready, go to Properties, just click on the Properties tab, and then go to Arrange, and go to Send to Back, then go to Select, Deselect, and be amazed by the interconnectivity of CC Libraries. Now you might have used CC Libraries already and you might be a little underwhelmed by that. But the further we get through this course, the more exciting Libraries become. Yes, they do get exciting. In my mind, they do anyway. Dragging it over, that's what I want to do and I'm going to Deselect again. One of the cool things we can do here is often, as a designer, I'm working a bit in Illustrator, a bit in Design, a bit in Photoshop, bit of the Video products you're everywhere, so I end up with assets all over the place. I should have a central place for them all, and that's where the Libraries come in to play. I'm still in Illustrator here, and what I can do is, I can say, "Actually this logo here, that I'm using in this poster, I actually want to add it to the library." It's the same as Photoshop. I've got my first tool here, the Selection Tool. I'm clicking, holding and dragging it until it just appears in my Libraries. There is the long version here, I drag this one up. There is the Logo-Stack version. If I had other icons or graphics, I can drag it in there. I can keep using it on different projects. Next thing we want to do is, I've got some brand colors that have been mapped out in this poster. It is that green there, and that blue are actually the corporate colors that we're using. I can add those to the Library as well. First we'll click on the green text, start here using that same tool, and what you can do is you're going to use this little plus button, a little hiding button down here, really useful. Make sure you're in your Libraries. Click on the little plus, and you can see here, I want the Graphic, you might want the graphic, I just want the fill color of that Graphic. and there it is, the green. You can see there it's brought in my InstructorHQ, light green. I'll do the same thing for this blue box here. If I zoom in on it, so Command plus or Control plus on a PC, make sure you don't click on the text. Click on the actual blue box here and the same thing, I'm going to go here, my fill color, I'm going to add it. There might be spot colors, might be brand color swatches that you've got. We've done this in Illustrator, you can do this in any of the programs, say you've got an InDesign document with all the right logos and the right colors all mixed in, just do the exact same thing there. Last thing we're going to do is this font here, we've spend a bit of time, well, I did, making sure it was against the right brand specs. It's the right font, it's the right size, it's the right color. I want to save you some time and I want to turn it into a character style. You can do it by selecting the text, just with my black arrow down here, little plus button. You've got different options when you've got text selected, you can see here, I'm going to turn everything off except character style click add, And now I've got a lovely character style that I can use. I'm going to double-click the word new character style and call it a smile, like IHQ, just abbreviation I use, Body text. Awesome. You can see easily how we can likes that adding colors and fonts and images to either internal projects or various clients. If you're working in a studio, you might have lots of different clients. Instead of having that annoying network drive that has all the stuff a bit mixed up and had to find, you can use a CC library. Better and I'll show you how to share libraries with other colleagues with amendment, got some stuff in here. It's time to move on to the next video where we start looking at uploads.
5. Updating Library graphics across multiple documents in Photoshop: Welcome to the video. This one is going to introduce Art boards, and how to update across them all. Watch this graphics being used that we made earlier. Look, we update one, they all update at once, super handy. Before we get started, let me just quickly introduce what art boards are. All they are is a Photoshop document. Let's have a look. It is a Photoshop document that has more than one page. Those pages within here do not have to be the same size. I do them a lot for Banner ads, Square one, Leader-board, Skyscraper. Often there is another 30 different sizes in here, and it just means they are all separate when I export them. But because they hold such a visually similar style, when I update one, it is so hard to go and try and update 30 different Photo-shopped documents. It is nice to just have them all in one place. In this exercise we are using multiple different shaped art boards but you might just be using the art boards for maybe just version A and B of a design think size, just slightly different graphics. I use a lot for social media posts. Where Instagram needs a size, but Facebook needs a slight different size, and then Dribble needs another one, and Twitter wants a different one. Often that can be very similar in terms of sizes, but I just name them Facebook, Instagram and that is using the same graphics, but following different dimensions and potentially different call directions. All right, let us jump in and make this all happen now. To get started, let go to ''File", let's go to "Open". Let's open up "Banner ads" from your exercise files. Now remember I am back in Photoshop now. Open up Banner Ads.pst and here is the static Banner Ads that I've mocked up. I have done a bit of mocking up to get started. All on separate art boards, remember, just like multiple pages, if you have not used art boards much before, do not worry, we will get used to them as we go along. What I want you to do is, we are going to start with this one called Square. You do not have to select it. What you do have to do is, over here in your libraries, make sure you can see Instructor HQ, there is a Hawaii. Click, "Hold" and drag it. Just let it go somewhere over here. Now what I want do is grab the center of it, and I'm going to move it so it's in the top left, and I need to stretch it out so it's covering all of the white area here. Now, remember in Photo shop, you do not hold down the Shift key anymore, at least, man. It's a hard shortcut to get out of your system. I'm going to position it like that. Hit "Enter" on my keyboard, and I want to send it to the back. The long way is go to layer, go down to arrange, send it to back. I use these shortcuts. Shift Command and then first square bracket next to your P key, on your keyboard. It's very similar on a PC, it's Shift and control and that same square brackets. We are going to "Send back" there and do the same thing for the Leader board. Drag it out. Rather than duplicating it, just keep dragging it out from the libraries. Just humor me for the moment. This one's got to scale up quite a bit. Don't hold "Shift". I'm going to get it roughly in the middle there. Hit "Return" and use that shortcut command shift, square bracket, or control shift, square bracket. If you have to reposition it afterwards, I've got mine a bit low. You're going to have to go into this Leader board and find out Hawaii layer. So Leader board, just twill this down, and there's the Hawaii 1. Then you can just move it around and that's my skyscraper. There we go. That's going to get a little bit bigger. Return, move it around, send to the back. I'm happy with it. Why have we done this? Use the CC libraries. You might be avoiding the libraries. I want to show you how first good reason why they are awesome. Because what has happened is, all of these guys are actually smart objects and there are all linked to this one. If I update the library option, all of these are going to update, but it gets even fancier. Let's have a look. Let's double-click this guy. I want to edit this image now. We don't want do it on this page because if I do it on the leader board, that's fine, it will adjust just this unique one, but not the other guys. If I edit this in my library, they all update. Double-click it. Just double-click in the option. Now, what you'll notice here is it's opened up this Hawaii.psd. It's not the same as that original one that we made. I think it was called land and sea arena in this one, but they are not connected. You use this first one, you drag it into here, but then it's a lone ranger. It's all by itself, and when you double-click it, it opens in its own little tab here, called Hawaii.psd. Make sure you're on that one. But I'd like to do is, in this Banner Ads, it's bit light in the background. We want dark so this white takes us little easy. I'm going to zoom in. Why are we so far away then? Just those white text is a little bit readable against these clouds. So Hawaii.psd. All I'm going to do is, I'm going go to adjustments and this is the trick that I use to darken it without making it black and white. Adjustments panel, let's click on this one called "Levels", the second icon in at the top, and you've got two little white sliders here. Grab this bottom one and just drag it to the left. I'm going to put mine down to about 140. You can be anywhere. Just a nice way of yanking, keeps a nice saturation in there, but yanks down the light colors, next thing to do. "File", "Save". Let's go to "File close". It's gone. Magic. Look at them, they are all updated. Cool. Ready for the finale? We jumped to our illustrator file. It updated too. Are you feeling productive? I'm feeling productive, and it doesn't have to stop with just this. We're going across illustrator in the Photoshop. This might be dived into In-Design and After-fix and Premiere. All different files, all using that same image. It's going to get better later on when we start sharing these libraries with colleagues in the same company or across countries, then we will make updates on one, they update on all of them. It's awesome. That's a quick introduction to art boards, and we've got one graphic linked to libraries across all of them, across a couple of documents and we can easily update them just by double-clicking it in the library. They all connect up magically. Let's jump into the next video.
6. Consistent brand colors across departments & projects in Photoshop: Hi there. This video is all about consistent brand colors across large projects, across large agencies, maybe large apartments, across the world, we all need to use the same brand colors or we get in lots of trouble from our studio manager. If you are a studio manager, you want to make sure that everyone's doing it right. You can use this technique too, plus we'll look at some real fun layer filtering to make using multiple upwards a little bit easier. You excited? I'm excited. Let's get started. To get started, we're working on our banner ads that we were in the last video. I'm going to introduce a really handy filtering technique you can use to work on lots of arts boards at once, because that's one of the dramas about boards. These blaming use here can get really bloated, especially if you've got 30 different sizes or 10 or even a couple. This filling up here is largely ignored by the world. I love it. Under layers panel, next to the word kind, you can filter by different options. You can say I want to see all the text by clicking the T, handy. Turn it off. In our case, what we're going to do is color all of these rectangles and these are called shape layers. It's the fourth icon alone. Click on shape layer. You can see it's cut it down to all of the shape plays in across all three of these boards and getting rid of all the divisions, getting over all the ticks and all the images, anything we don't need. What I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this first one called button. Just click on the word of it over here, not the thumbnail and all I need to do is, I'm not sure which one I've got selected here, but watch all three pink buttons become this instruct HQ light green, ready steady. It's probably got one, there it is. Cool. Now I know that brand is correct because I mapped it out in Illustrator, I put in the right RGB or CMYK colors, and now it is mapped here in Photoshop. I'm going to click on these other button here. There it is, green button, green. Filtering is super-helpful. We're going to use it throughout this course, mainly to make art boards a lot more usable across larger projects. Now, next thing I want to do is these circles here, need color change and they're called the gray circle and there's one, two, three of them. What I'm going to do is click this first one, hold down the command key on my Mac or control key on the PC, just click on this gray area here, gray circle, gray circle. I've got all three of them selected and just do it once by clicking on the the iHQ blue, handy huh, to reveal my sneaky little washed-out icon thing in the background there. We're not going to change the white circles. It is a fine looking white. But what we are going to do is we're going to turn this filtering off because if we try and carry on now you like I want to click on the text layer and it goes, hey, you can't do it because there's no layer selected. It freaks out because, well, you only want to see these. I'm not going to allow you to miss with a type, so it just turn it off by clicking that off. You can turn it off globally like that. I find it's easy just to turn the icon on and turn the same icon back off again. Up to you. Brand colors consistent across lots of different projects. If I'm in after-fix doing, I don't know, an Instagram, Social Media, video, promo story thing, I can use this library and make sure the colors are all the same. Again, when I share this library with my colleagues, which we'll do later on in the exporting stage, everyone's got the right color. Nobody's guessing. As a brand manager or a brand ambassador or a studio manager, whoever you are and you're rigid about the colors because man you get in trouble if they're not right. Libraries are super handy. Let's get into the next video.
7. Tips & Tricks to take the pain out of working with Photoshop Artboards: Hey there, this video is all about artboard mastery. If you've ever had loads of problems with artboards just looking messy and are hard to work with, imagine if there was a way to order collapse them, or be able to just see one at a time. Maybe this one or maybe that one. Had to duplicate these logos across all in the exact same position. Will also fix the auto nesting problems that you probably have run into so at the end of this video, you're cool, calm, collected, and you're a master of the artboards. Let's jump in now and expand on all those tips. Trick number 1 is, I need to create another artboard. We've done a square, we got a leader board version, a skyscraper one. We want a rectangle version. It's like the square, but it's just a little bit wider, like a rectangle. What we first need to do is grab the Artboard tool, just hiding under the Move tool. To find it, click Hold down the Move tool and grab the Artboard tool. Click on the word Square and a bunch of little pluses all up here. What I'd like to do is I want to duplicate it probably underneath, because there's room. You can do it from either side. Now, if I just click on this plus, I get a version of it. If I undo that. But what I'd like to do, it's going to use pretty much all the exact same graphics. I just need to shuffle it around a bit for the different ratio. What I'm going to do is click on the name again, and instead of just clicking plus, you hold down the magic Option key on the Mac, or O key on a PC and click it. Just like makes a version of it, but brings in all the junk with it. If you've ever tried to create a new one and then drag it all across and that ends up all over the place, you're very welcome. What I'm going to do is I'm going to click the name of it. Just align it down here for no reason. Just line it up. We're going to name it. You see over here, it's called Square copy. I'm going to double-click the word Square copy. I'm going to call it Rectangle. Now, I've got my naming quite simple just for the tutorial. Often, I'll call this one IHQ spring promotion, 2019, 600 pixels by 500 pixels. It'll have a really nerdy name along there. But I've kept it simple in this case, just so that it's easier for us to work along together. Now that's one of the tips for creating one. Now, I need to extend it out. If I have Rectangle selected, I can go over here and say, "Actually, I know it needs to be a width of 600." That works. Problem is, is that you can see my width design is right-aligned, for your design that might work perfect. I'm going to undo. What I'd like to do is come out this way. You can do it by just using the Artboard tool, click Hold and drag this fellow out. Just drag it to the left, not holding anything down, I'm getting it to 600 pixels. I have to be exact in this case, because the banner ad needs it to be. Here we go. But if you're finding that exact drag pretty hard, you can zoom-in. Command Plus on a Mac, Control Plus on a PC, and you just get a lot more control when you're this close in. It's not as hard to drag it out. When you're finished, I'm there, but I need to move this image across. That's all I'm going to do. I'm going to go back to my Move tool, and I click on this, Hawaii guy, and just move him across, and there you go. It's not particularly fancy, but that's the rectangle version. If you've ever done ads where there are all these multiple sizes that adjust slightly, you might shuffle that across a little bit, but they can be like 10 pixels or two pixel difference between what one newspaper needs and another newspaper needs, or what one website needs and other ones. You know with these versions that are just slightly different. There's a couple of tricks. Another good trick is the Layers panel here. I've already got four of them here, and it's still messy. It's a little bit hard to work with. What I'm going to do is, it's not really a trick, I'm just going to double-click the word Color, just to close that down. I'm going to grab the bar in between here so that I can see a bit more of it, and it's still not as helpful. I need to see all of this. It's messy. How do I tidy it up? See these little arrows here, you can collapse them individually. But cool little shortcut trick is on a Mac, hold down the Command key, on a PC, it's the Control key. Hold it down and give it a click. Freedom. It's like vacuuming the house, everything's nice. Everything's easier to work with. Maybe more like wiping all the spit off my laptop screen. Anybody done that, the dust? I'll call it dust, but I'm sure I have it spit. Anyway, tidying it up, bit of workspace, better creativity. Next trick for mental well-being while using artboards is, what if we could actually just see one of these at a time? The one we're working on. We're back to our lovely filtering that nobody uses. Under Layers, go to Kind, which we're on by default, go down to this one that says Artboard and check out the magic. I click on the word Square, it only shows me the things on the square panel. Look how clean that layers is. They're not deleted or all gone. Just means whichever one we're working on by clicking the name over here. Look at it. Just how nice. I've opened them all up just so we can, because they're tidy now they can be opened. Another thing you can do is you can switch to your Move tool, and you don't have to click on the Artboard name, you just click on stuff in that artboard. I'm going to click on the word Freedom and I'm in the Leader Board, but see the skyscraper one when I click on freedom. I'm in the Skyscraper, just like a contextually sensitive Layers panel. I love it. The only thing to do though, you just got to remember once you've got it on, you can turn it off. This is the global switch, or you can just go back to Kind, and it just disables it. I'm disabling it now because I want to show you some more artboard tricks. The next one is to get around the problem of auto nesting. Auto nesting is handy and problematic at the same time. You might have done this where you've got this graphic here, and you're trying to just move it up. I'm going to exaggerate it here. I'm just going to move it up a little and then it ends up like over here on this one you are like, "What happened to it? How did it get over there?" Happened to anybody? Could just be me. Instead of this, it's called auto nesting, where you get close to it, it just jumps into the next one or ends up out in the artboard and lost in the world. Undo. What you can to is, I'm on my Rectangle panel. There is there. This Hawaii guy, with it selected, click on the word Hawaii, there's this option. Loads of good stuff in here in the Layers panel. This fourth icon along prevent auto nesting, just turn it on. Nothing really happens except gets a little lock icon with a dot in the middle. It's not actually locked, look, because I'll move it around, but I want orderliness. Look if I drag it up here, it won't. Because sometimes you just want the bottom of it and you are like, "I just want in there." I'm not sure why, but it ends up auto nesting to the closest one. That's just a really handy one. If you don't want any of them to auto nest, you can just grab the wholes as Rectangle. Going to grab the whole load of these guys. Just click the top one, hold Shift, click the last one, and then just say, "I want you all auto nesting, please." Just means another can move out. One last amazing trick for making artrboards, do what you want. I'm going to click on the Square guy here. I'm going to zoom-in a little bit, because I'm going to add a logo. Here, logo, I'm going to drag it out. I'm going to resize it. Remember, don't hold Shift. Have a little lifetime. Let me get it down to about the size. Hit Enter on my keyboard. The trouble is I want it in the same position on all artboards. I could try and copy and paste it and line it up on all of them, but there's a neat little trick you can do. You just do it over here in your Layers panel. Right-click where it says Logo-Long to anywhere in here. Right-click it, say Duplicate. The cool thing about doing duplication, is you can say, "I'd like it to go within the same document." Do the Leader Board because I can see him. Click Okay and it duplicates it in the same heightened width from that top corner onto that one as well. I'm going to zoom-out a bit. I want them on all of them. It doesn't matter which one I right-click, is always the Logo-Long. Duplicates, and this guy's going to go to the rectangle, and then this guy is going to go to the skyscraper. I got them all. Same position on all of them. Now we've done it with the logo. It could be just this image. You know how we dragged it in and then resized it, you could just duplicate it across all three of them. Now, I said that was the last one. There's like an addendum to this awesome shortcut for duplicating across them because right-clicking, duplicate, I don't know. I don't like going through them. I like shortcuts, loads of them. I'm going to undo, which you probably notice is a little different in this new version as well. You just hit Command Z and it just keeps going back instead of that toggle function that used to have. Anyway, I'm getting off track. What I want to do is duplicate it across these, but with that super-duper shortcut. Instead of right-clicking, what you can do is, you people probably know if you grab this and drag it into this new page icon down the bottom here of your Layers panel, it creates a duplicate, but just randomly. It's not what I want in this case. The exact same thing though if I drag it onto that icon, but if I hold down that magic modify key, the Option key on the Mac or the O key on a PC. Exact same thing dragged in, holding the key down, you get duplicate layer. You're like, "Not that much a visual cut." It's tiny bit, but I like it. I'm going to get a rectangle, holding down the Option key, I'm going to try and press you with how quick I am ready, go. Yeah. Betterish. If you remember which one you're doing, skyscraper. I am fast enough. Those are all my tricks for using artboards and just making sure that when you're working on a big document and there's lots of different artboards, you can work with a little bit of finesse. Put a clarity in your layers. My dad's wise words of you do your best work where you're the most comfortable, and I find with a messy Layers panel, not comfortable, not my best work. Just quickly recap, hold Command key or Control key down, click on these little chevrons, tidy it all up, or jump to Artboards, and then just click on any one you want and it will switch between them. If you don't want things auto nesting, select it, click on this little icon and it will jump from one artboard to the other. If you need, say this logo on all of them in the exact same place, you can use your spiffy new shortcut by holding down the Option key on a Mac and the O key and drag it into the New Layer icon and decide what artboard they can go on. All right, that's us, artboard nerdiness over. Let's get into the next video. Well, before you do, I was messing around there. I'm going to go back to Kind and just have no filtering selected and maybe just tidy these up for the next video so they're all doing the same thing. All right, next video time.
8. Consistent font size color & leading using library character styles in Photoshop: All right, this video is all about consistent fonts and font sizes leading all of that good stuff that we need to follow with our large job that has a really strict brand guideline. We want consistency and plus we want it easy to apply like this. Imagine if we get to select them all and update them all in one big go. It's that easy, let's get into it now and work out how it's done. Alright, so first thing we're going to do is, with a move tool, you probably already have [inaudible] select on but just make sure it isn't, just click on the "Freedom Starts Here" layer and its in on our square upward. All we have to do is click on this. Ready? We'll zoom in, that's a little bit more effect. Shocking already, go [inaudible]. Let's pull that style that we made from Illustrator and it's consistent, it's exactly the same in the Illustrator as it is here in Photoshop. But we want to do it to all the bit some tick, so we're going to use our handy layer filters. Under layers where it says "Kind," we're going to turn on the T, then I can just select them all. Click the first one, hold "Shift," click the last one and just go all of them and then zoom out. Look at that. They're all the right font, I should do in there while you're watching. Look. [inaudible]. Hey, great, because we've got brand guidelines that say it has to be this font and this size, okay? You hover above them, they give you the basics, so it says it is "Museo Sans Rounded, 300" [inaudible]. It's 12 point, there's "Leading" in there. Oh, it's useful. Now the one little tidbit for this is that you can't update this character style in your libraries. Just a bit weird. Feel like it's a feature that will get updated eventually if you do know a way. If there is a way and I just don't know it yet, but I've looked high and low, let me know in the comments. When I first found that about that, I was like, "Man, that makes it useless," but actually it's perfectly fine. I'll show you the way that I use it and how you probably see it as well, like it's actually not a big disadvantage. Let's say you're working on this and actually it's not the right size. I need to make it smaller. I am going to make it, I'm just going to make it a little bit bigger just for no good reason, just so we can see it. It's 14 point, I'm going to make it really big so that it makes it clear when we do update it. Yeah, like there's no way of going in here and right-click and say redefined style or anything else you're used to with these character styles. But what you can do is, you can go in here and actually just say, actually grab it with the "Move" tool. Got my layer selected. I'm going to say, I'm going to add that character styles, so turning these off, okay? This is going to be my new one. It's called "Museo Sans," it's the new one. All I need to do is grab them all and say you all "Museo Sans," and you can see they will update. It's not as handy as maybe updating now back into Illustrator because it's not going to automatically do it. But I can open up Illustrator and just use that character style. Yes, it would be better to be able to update the one that's linked in the library like we did this Hawaii image, but the workaround is perfectly fine and definitely still saves time. I am going to "Undo" it all and you get back to its normal state and I'm going to grab this guy and I'm going to beat him. See you later, alligator. The other thing to note with Photoshop is that in Illustrator and InDesign, you can add paragraph styles that work in libraries and they work across Illustrator and InDesign. But the moment, if I put a paragraph style, if you know what one of those are, if I add it to the CC libraries from say, InDesign, and I put it into the library and I open up in Photoshop it'll be grayed out in here. It'll see it and it'll say this is a paragraph style, but Photoshop for whatever reasons says, "I can't use it," so you have to use character styles when you want fonts to kind of go across all of the applications. I mentioned paragraph styles is a little bit, I mentioned it's not the way Photoshop kind of uses this type and they kind of high cool paragraph style. But character style's perfect and that's it, short one. Get into the next video, you're going to love it, select "Subject."
9. Masking a person in one easy step with Photoshop Select Subject: Hello, creative person. This video is all about Select Subject. Basically, what it does is ready, city. Just magically cuts people out. If you're like me and you have to do a bit of this masking, it doesn't have to be people, it can be objects, but it's a one-click. It does 95 percent of the work and it's pretty easy to touch above towards as well for the bits that don't quite work like see example there and the bead, will fix it up easy peas-y, it's jumping, get started and change your life forever. If you do a lot of masking. All right, first up, let's go to file. Let's go to open. So run Photoshop, file open, find your exercise files. In here we're going to open up hipster one, click open. Now this is a new feature, got sneaked into a media release for Photoshop and nobody knew it was in there. You've all probably missed it, but it could be the best tool in Photoshop, especially if you're a person that needs the click up things doesn't have to be a person, but a person is probably one of the hottest. All we need to do is go to select. Let's go to subject should be code super awesome subject thing. But let it do its work and hopefully we'll have a selection right when we are in the inside. It's not perfect, but it's pretty amazing. Now to make the mask, or we need to do is down the bottom of our Layers panel here, hit this one here, it says Add layer mask, or add a mask. It's this little feared icon in square with a circle in it. Now it's an, a pretty good job around the place, but we'll leave this one as is, we'll get into a bit more detail with the next option. Let's go File Save. Leave it as the defaults. Click Save, Click okay. And then let's got a file close. Just to keep things tidy. Let's go and open our second and vision. So go to file open and hipster 2.jpg. This handsome man here, we're going to do the exact same thing. So go to select super, amazing subject thing. And we get a selection. Awesome, missed a few little bits, but we're going to flesh that out in the next couple of videos, where we look at smart objects. But for the moment, what we're going to do is to click on this one here, add a mask, magic. If a channel mask from way back, that sometimes you still need a channel mask, but the man, this gives you really close to a really good selection. It's always like 90 percent there, even like 95 percent. I'm making it up percentages here, but you get what I mean, nice, quick, easy. We've done it for a person. It could be just say if you're product photographer, it would be amazing whose products are? I don't have here often. I don't move. So if you're doing stock kind of e-commerce photography, man, it's super handy if you can get the background with any sort of contrast or auto focus, bum mask done. Let's jump into the next video. We're going to continue on with this little bit to fix the here, but we need to really introduce a topic called Smart Objects. So let's do it in the next video, I will see you there.
10. Updating smart objects across multiple artboards in Photoshop: Hi there. In this video, we're going to do two things. We're going to learn what a Smart Object is, how to use it, so it updates across lots of different Artboards but also how to fix up a selection from this slick subject, so before, after, look at that, no orange hue on the outside anymore, see orange hue gone and because we're using a smart object, look it updates across all these Artboard. You can see this lovely hue poking through, there's no orange hue to him. He doesn't have an orange armpit. All very good things to have. Let's work out how to do it now in Photoshop. First up, make sure you've still got your hipster two open, he's got a Mask random here, we're going to learn how to create this module object, we're going to apply it to our Banner Ads here and then we're going to go and update it. Get rid of the orange in the beard and the armpit there. Now, smart objects are quite similar to CC libraries. Basically, when we dragged in our white image became a smart object. The good thing about libraries though, is that it has the extra benefit of being able to be used an unlinked across different bits of software and across different companies and you know that CC libraries can be shared all over the place. A smart object is very similar, except it's just within the one Photoshop document. Still really useful and really useful for people who can't make a libraries work. If you're a retoucher or a designer and you are working in an agency or a large company and they have told you you can't use libraries because of some security problem, smart objects is your next best thing. Let's make one and update it, so let's to do it, where it says layer zero, right-click it and say Convert to Smart Object. Nothing really happens except it collapses both the thumbnail we had with the mask and plus, you can see this little icon here, that icon there indicates I am smart objects. We're going to rename it by double-clicking the word "Layer zero," let's just call them Hipster, into any keyboard. Now what I'd like to do is move them across to Banner Ads. There's a couple of ways of doing it. We'll do it the, everybody can do it way, it's right-click "Hipster" and go to duplicate, you could use that fancy shortcut familiar, either way, get into this duplicate layer window and what document. Earlier on, we did which Artboard but actually because we've got 1, 2, 3 documents still open, I want to put it into Banner Ads please and I'll stick it in that square one to get started. You can just duplicate it across into Banner Ads into this gray guy. He's not quite in the right place, so am just going to move him across and this is going to happen. This is going to appear all the time when you're messing around with the layer filters, because remember earlier in the tutorial, we had this turned on, where I only wanted to see T, so I'm going to turn that off, I click "Okay" and I turn the T off. Now you can see it all or you can click that button, it just turns all of them off at once. Now I can click them, drag them, am just going to get them roughly where I want them. Now I'm going to duplicate across all three, exactly like we did with the background here. You can flick along 30-seconds while I do it, if you're new, you can follow me. I'm going to duplicate them, the long way remember is right-click Duplicate. I'm going to say to the Artboard, Skyscraper. Now let's do the Leader Board, that is there, I'm going to transform them by going to "Edit", "Free transform". I'm going to use my shortcut though, "Command T" don't hold "Shift Down," can't break that habit and I put them there, retain, lose out even shorter, shortcut. I'm going to click "HOLD, drag it down here, holding down which key? Remember it's the Option key on the Mac, Okay on the PC we get to the same thing, it's up to you and the other rectangle one and drag them down here again and I'll put one on the Skyscraper. That guy is okay, this guy here is not okay. Where will we stick him, will stick him down, where is he, here is my Skyscraper. I'm going to drag him, so he's below everything but a front of Hawaii, he's tucked in there. Look how aspirational that man is, and hipster he is. If you've ever met Taylor Coleman, who's the co-founder of instructorHQ. That man looks exactly like this guy same glasses and all, I reckon, it's not him. But anyway, what we're going to do now is we've created a smart object, we've used it a few places I'm going to show you how to update it. It's very similar to the process we did with the libraries, but I'm also going to show you how to get the most of that select subject. To edit a smart object, you need to find one version of him, there is there any of them, the square one, the rectangle one, it doesn't matter. You need to double-click not the name, but this little icon here, little thumbnail, double-click it. What's going to happen is, you see we've gone from Banner Ads. We've skipped past Hipster too that guy's useless now. We used them to create this smart object, but I'm going to Close it down I'm going to Save it, I'm going to use all the defaults, click "Okay" and get rid of him because he's not connected to this fellow, Layer zero bad name for it, but that is what our Smart Object is, and what we can do is we can tidy up that bit. What we're going to do is we're going to click on the Mask and we're going to use this thing here called Select and Mask, it's really handy for fixing up your selections, doesn't matter how you got it. We used Select Subject, but you could use any of the selection options that you normally use and then jump into Select and Mask. Click on the Mask, you know it's selected because it's got white lines around the outside. go to Select and Mask, I'm going to zoom in Command Plus on my Mac Control Plus on my PC and to make it a little bit more obvious where it goes to View this drop-down to On Black and make sure this little slide he is at a 100 percent because it makes it really clear right and you can see not so good at selection is good if it was against white, but also good against black. Now, to fix up the here, what we're going to do this is that is Hair Tool, looks like a hair as well. Could redefine Edgy Brush, select it. In terms of a size, pick something around 15 or 16, let's have the Hardness down to zero. Now, I'm using a for this example, you have to change the size to match yours because what I wanted to be out of paint in the bead here and if it's not, make sure it set two plus and then just click Hold and drag across the hair look at it and that is legend,its little bit orangey, but it goes in and has another look at the hair and tries to fix it up, it's brilliant. For logic areas like this, you can use this first option here, it's like the Quick Selection Tool, actually it's called the Quick Selection Tool and what I want to do is I want to click on this once, but not doing that, I want to make sure it's all minus and then click it once and just magic out those bits, there is a little bit there. It's good but the edges needs a little bit of a touch up. You could do one of two things, now in this case and what you could do is see it says Shift Edge. If you can't see any of these, you might have to cool them down, they might be like this. You can just Shift the Edge in a bit so negative, just tucking it in there I'll look at that so out in. You just took it a little tiny bit. Now it might be enough, but you can still see the orangish wrapped around the outside of him here, that's not going to work in this case. I'll show you the vision that doesn't work fist, but it is quite handy that when need, you can just tuck it in a little bit. This one, here is amazing, it's under output settings, there's one called Decontaminate Colors, ready, city, does magics away. How good is Photoshop, love it. We're going to click "Okay." We're going to go to File Save. We're going to go File Close because we've done, and hopefully it's going to update across all of these guys. Look the beards nice little scraggly at the top, but I think it's a scraggly beard. You can see the nice orange hue going around the outside and it's done at fool them all. Very similar to using library graphics, except that we don't have to use the libraries now and it's just this one particular document that has this in and we got to take that selection that we did with Select Subject to the next level. I promised not to say next level again you need like a list of acceptable adjectives to use when describing tools. Awesome, I think of blowing the bank on every second tool is awesome because I'm from New Zealand and everything is awesome there. Enough of that, let's go and look at the next video. It's Adobe Stock and if you're thinking I don't use stock library jump in, check this out because it is pretty amazing what you can do. I'll see you over there.
11. Increase workplace productivity using Adobe Stock tricks in Photoshop: Hi everyone. This video is all about stock imagery. You're thinking, "He's not going to talk about stock images for five minutes, is he?" I totally am, but it's totally worth it. Some exciting things to do like when a client comes back and said, "this guy's not the right hipster, we need somebody else." Imagine if Adobe Stock can go and find visually similar ones. Look at it. It's clever. Because we've connected all art with our CC library, if I go and find a visually similar image to this one and I hit "Save". Back here in our banner ads, and look, they all update with a new image. Same old hipster. Let's go remedy that now in this video. Time for stock library goodness. Now if you're using another stock library, who knows stock library? They're just pre-shot images that we get to use in our designs and we buy them in license and commercially. If you're using Shutterstock or iStock, those are great and they have great resources. But Adobe have their own one called Adobe Stock. Now, the cost is in addition to your Creative Cloud license. I use it. I think I pay $30 a month. I use Euros, but the exchange rate is not that far off. The Euros would be about the same. I pay $30 a month and I get 10 free images. The cool thing about them is that I've got about 40 in there at the moment because I haven't used it for the last couple of months, they stack up up into a certain limit. I'm not trying to sell you stock library stuff here, but if you are using it and you just had a different network, I'm going to show you how Adobe connects it with Photoshop and streamlines things. So one of my favorite features is that, let's say the clients come back and said, "This image in the background that we spent all our time working on, we don't like it. We don't like the hipster." What we can do is, over here, this is our Hawaii graphic. We need to find another one from the stock library site that's similar. Imagine if you could right-click it and go "Find Similar". Okay, do it, click it, kick back, and it opens up this new window for Adobe Stock. You can close it by hitting this little cross when you're finished. I always get these guys to get started with. Give it a second, it gets a bit more sensible about things, and look at all of that. Cool. It's gone through and it didn't just match keywords, it actually looked at the darkness of my image. You can see the land going across it from left to right. You can pick ones from the right to left. It's just pretty clever. Now in this case, it's giving me videos as well. So I'm going to go up to here and where it says Similar Results. See this little twirly down arrow thing? It's a chevron. I'm going to click "Just Photos" and then twirl it back up. I don't need the videos. Great if I was doing a social media video background, because I could find something that was very similar. Look at these guys. So close. I'm going to find one, any old one, which one we're going to use. I'm going to pick this one and hope the client likes it. So the first thing we're going to do is we're going to download it, mark it up, send it to the client. This is what we're imagining anyway, and get sign off before we buy it and license it, because I don't want to waste one of my images. So what we can do is, see this little cloud icon? It's the second one in. Click on this, and it just dumps a preview version. It's got to be watermarked into my InstructorHQ library. Now that we've set this document up super well with using this kind of Hawaii guy, and since we've set up our document really well, we're linking to this library or a smart object, I can double-click it to go inside. Now I'm inside, I can grab this guy. I'm going to drag him out. I can lay him in there. I'm going to stretch it out, move it, don't hold shift, and I get it close to there. I'm going to hit "Enter" on my keyboard and probably I want to go to "Edit", "Transform", and I'm just going to flip it horizontally so it's over here. It's with a watermark on it, but I'm not going to spend my money until the client's approved it because I might have to do four or five of these options. I'm going to put it underneath my Levels there, so it's got that dark color as well. I'm going to hit "File", "Save", "File", "Close". Give it a second. How good are we? How efficient are we? Same thing's going to happen in my Illustrator file. You can see it here. It's updated. Hasn't updated this one, remember? Because we added the dragging out whilst holding Alt or Option. So it's not connected, but you can see how useful this is. Of course, I like a really big campaign where you've had to mock up maybe stationary in InDesign, some social video in After Effects or Premier, but you're all using this lovely library, all connected together. It starting to come together. Loads of efficiency. The good thing about it is if you go back into Photoshop and you start messing with this, say you liquefy it or you use some of these filters and you really get it to the way you want, but there's still a watermark on it because, again, you don't want to waste the money. The nice thing about it is if you right-click not the Hawaii version, not even sure if that's Hawaii anymore, but right-click this one that we downloaded. You can say, "actually, just go and license that image please, " and watch. What we're going to do is you're going to be looking for this stock. You can see the watermark there disappearing. I'm wasting one of my beautiful stocks on you. So only do this when you're ready and the client's gone. Yep. You're ready to go. Now, mine's not working because I'm logged in as my trainer accounts, but let's just pretend. You're going to have to use your imagination with me, because I can't see a way around me making this happening without breaking this course. But normally, I've got my free stock library stuff going. I hit "Cancel" and this just disappears. It goes from being the low quality version to the high quality vision without you having to do anything. So stock library stuff, super helpful for Find Similar, but remember, you got to pay for it. If you're working at a really big place, it's $30 a month, because your 10 is not going to do it. If you start getting up into needing 750 images per month; so this is per month I've might have not mentioned that; So you get 750 per month, it's a $150, nothing for a large company. It means the stock library images become about $0.20 each once you get to that level. I'm not at the level. I just need 10 a month and even then, they back up quite a bit. So I get my 10 for 30. The other thing is, you get 10 free when you start up. Like any good deal, you first hits free. Give it a try. Give it a test for your first 10. See if you can convince the boss to give you some stock library goodness. One last thing before we go, just one other little trick that I use is let's say the clients come back and said, "Actually, this hipster is not the right kind of hipster. There's multifaceted hipster levels. This guy looks like he's a barista hipster." Let's say we're looking for like Silicon Valley hipster. I don't know what these things are, but let's just say we've been asked for another person. I find the masked version not as good, so I'm going to go back to the original that I had. It was called Hipster 2 and all I need to do is drag it into here my CC library, right-click it, find visually similar, kick back, relax, get my weird birds go in. Actually, I don't know why these appear first. I'm going to click on "Photos". Just give me photos, not videos, not anything. How good is that? Not only is it found like the exact match that I got from Adobe stock, but all sorts of other ones that are related and just other guys in orange backgrounds. A guy is doing a similar thing, but non orange background. Look at these hipster guys. I've done nothing. It's just somehow magic. It just goes from finds and then find a couple of concepts. That was what a Silicon Valley hipster looks like. Come on, this guy, maybe? Where's a Silicon Valley hipster? You can skip on to the next video here. No, he's not hipster at all. That's more my Silicon Valley hipster. I'm making it up. That's it. It's over. Find Similar, super handy. Adobe Stock is great. It's even better when you tie it together with smart objects and your CC libraries, so everything updates. Happy Days. Let's get into the next video.
12. Exporting Photoshop PDF & JPEG artboards for clients: Hi there. This video is all about exporting our file. Now, I've broken exporting into three separate videos, mainly because it'll be a little bit long for just one video, plus you can break them into three sections so you can take the details from the one that most applies to you. The first section in this case is going to be when you're exporting for your client. In this case we look at PDFs and JPEGs. It might be client approval or the JPEGs in this case are going to be the finals for our static banner ads. The video after this, we'll look at exporting for your colleagues. Then the last one we'll work with exporting for those of you who are working with web developers or app developers, you designing graphics for them. Let's get started with the client exporting. Getting it out to our clients, we're going to do PDFs first and then we'll do JPEG's. I've got my full art boards. I'm going to go to file, export, and upwards to PDF, super simple. I'm going to click browse and put mine onto the desktop, if I can find it. Give it a name and you can decide on a few things, just put whatever works for you. We're going to do a multi-page document. You could do separate PDFs for each upwards ending up with four files in our case. Encoding, what quality. I'm going to crack my write-up because, I'm not worried about fall size, I want it to look great. I'm going to turn this on just so you can see it. It'll give the art board a name within the PDF. I'm doing this on, I don't turn on very often, but I'll turn it on just for now so you can see, it might work great for what you're doing. It flashes through it a bit, and eventually it'll say this, upwards was successful. Thank you very much. Now, on my desktop is my banner dot PDF. I double-click it to open it. It's going to open up in the wrong screen over here, here you go. The difference between turning that name on, you see it added that because the fonts probably be a little thick. Let's have a look. Here is my rectangle,there's my square, there's my letter board, and there's my skyscraper. If you want to just the edges without this pick random name, turn off that last thing where we added the names for the app ads. Cool. We send it off now, maybe for client approval, maybe not doing banner ads. We're just doing it for like concept. You sending it to your colleague or your boss. You know what to do with PDFs. Let's look at JPEGs now. Back in Photoshop here, there's loads of ways of getting JPEGs out of Photoshop. Now, I'm going to show you what I feel is the best. We're going to go to file and we're going to use export and there's this one called export as. It's got a bad name, but by far, has the most options in it. What's really cool about it is that, unlike save for web, it doesn't separate all the app ads out, this export as does. You can see rectangles, square, leader board and skyscraper. Couple of things that are useful. I can select them all. I've got the first one selected, hold Shift, grab the last ones, they're all selected. Actually, I don't want them all to be PNGs, I want them all to be JPEGs, and I can decide maybe they're going to be 80 percent quality. You hit export and you're going to get four separate JPEGs. But a little bit extra what you can do, is you can say actually my friend, I need a high-res version or say, say a high DPI, or if you're doing app design, maybe it's at 2x, incase you need a double size version. I'm going to have all of them selected, I'm going to hit plus, I'm going to say, I want another version that is, you see I can have a half size, I can say at times double the size, three times the size. I'm going to pick a double and it's going to add the suffix to the end. If you're a bit of a web designer or developer, you're going to understand that and that can be really handy for dealing with high res or written images. Images want two different size versions, it doesn't have to be very fancy for web development, it just means you can have a half size and full size. Click exports. I'm going to put it onto my desktop. I'm going to click open. It's going to zap away a little bit. When it's done, it should be on my desktop. I should have put it into a folder. Mine just got dumped here on the desktop. But you can see I've got leaderboard and I've got a leaderboard, same name, but it's been appended with this extra at 2x to indicate that that is the double high-resolution version. Let's open both of these. You got a view. View, the actual size. Small version, big version, small version, big version, super easy to do. Just hit that little plus while you are exporting. Exporting PDFs and JPEGs all in the same place upwards to PDF, but uses as when you're generating JPEGs, because you feel little extra tricks up your sleeve while you're working. That's it for this video. Let's look at some more exporting in the next video.
13. Exporting Photoshop files for colleagues: This video is all about exporting and working with colleagues. By colleagues, I mean other designers in your agency or business, might be just somebody else in a different team, or it might be some junior designers that you work with. So I'll show you tips and tricks for working with each of them. The first and most easiest one is to go to "File" and go to this one that says "Package". All that packaging is going to do, is that it's going to save a version of my PSD, and the best thing about it is that it's going to grab everything that is linked to my library. Because remember this, man, maybe not that man, definitely the background image, the Hawaii image, is linked to my library. The problem is, is is I hand over a PSD file, the Photoshop document, and I e-mail it, or send it via Dropbox to a colleague and they open it, it's going to say, "Hey, I'm missing all these links from the CC library." So it's missing all of these and that's a real pain. It might be missing fonts as well, missing the logos because there were linked. But if you package it first, what it's going to do, it's going to save a version of your PSD, a new one, it's also going to yank out any links from your library and put them into a folder then you can zip them all up and send them along. So I'm going to put mine on my desktop. I'm going to click "Choose" and Photoshop is going to yank them all out, grab everything I need, and hopefully on my desktop, you can see there, that's the folder that got created. Choose the filename, remember banner ads, and it's created this thing called banner ads folder. In here is a PSD. It's not the same when yo go open it. It's like a new version of it that's linked to all of these guys. These are the jpegs that I had in here, there's Hawaii PSD, there's the logo along that's used. The only thing that's missing is the fonts. If we were using just a regular font from L-system, it would be in here, but if it's using a Type Kit font, I'm using this one here called Museo. It's not going to yank it out and embed it in here, which is a bit of a pain, I guess. But as long as the other person opening up this PSD has a Creative Cloud license, it's going say, "Hey, we're missing these fonts, would you like to download them?" It's a one-button click, you click "Sync", and it just works. That's the one thing that's missing, is the fonts. But I can go back now. I can say "right-click" on my Mac here. I can say "Compress". On a PC, I think you say "right-click" "send to zip file" and you end up with a zip file. That one there is easily e-mailable. I can stick it up to Dropbox or Box or Amazon Drive or one of the other million file-sharing services. It's an easy way to get it to somebody else at a different company or somebody else maybe in a different location. Packaging is easy. Let's look at a slightly more connected way of doing it. Here you go. Here's a version, but we're not actually working on it together. Let's say I am Dan, I work in Dublin, but I'm working with Taylor in New Zealand who actually I do work with. What I want to do is I want to do something slightly different. What I want to do is I want to share him the library so he can work with all these different images. He's not doing this banner ad, but he's doing other graphics. He does lots about social media graphics. So we want to have a shared library so that he doesn't have to have one separate from mine. When he adds graphics to it, it appears in mine. They're just connected. Now to do it on your library's panel, hit this little burger menu here and hit this one called "Collaborate". What's going to happen is a web browser's going to open. Here we are here. This is my one loaded. It says, "Hey, invite collaborators for this InstructorHQ CC library. I'm the owner." I'm going to say, "Taylor, you can edit it." Editing means, I trust Taylor. He is going to be able to use the library exactly. He's going to be able to add stuff to it, he's going to be able to double-click it, open it, and modify it. There's a level of trust and I trust Taylor, so he's happy. I'm happy for him to add and remove stuff. One of the good and bad things about it though is that say Taylor clicks on this and says, "Delete" because he [inaudible] we don't need it anymore, but my file opens and goes, "Hey, where's logo StEC gone because I've used it?" There's a nice new feature in here under this little burger menu again to say, "I'd like you to view deleted items." It's going to load a web browser and it's going to show you everything that's deleted, and you can just re-enact it. That's not the word I want. Untrash it. I can't think of the word. But it would just appear back in here. So it's pretty full proofish. It's great with people that you trust. What you'll notice is, see this down here, you can see I work with Adobe and Adobe logo. So this is a shared file. It's got lots of stuff I use for lots of the courses that I make and share with a bunch of people. You can see the few other ones in here: Instructor HQ, Microsoft, My Library Sheet, Stock Images Sheet. There's lots of things that I work alongside other people and we collaborate. Say you're the studio manager or you've got some junior designers, or you just got people you trust in Photoshop. You know, they're going to rink it. The exact same windows, you go to the collaborate tab. From here, you can say actually, "Taylor, I don't trust you. You can only view it." What viewing does is it means, I can drag stuff out, but they can't push stuff back in and they can't update stuff from the library. It's really good if you're say, a brand manager or you're the brand guardian within an agency or a company and you don't want anybody to mess with your character styles or change them. It's like, "Here you go." You might have 30 people all working in various marketing and columns departments all using Photoshop to do various stuff. You can say, "You guys can view. I'm in charge of updating stuff or maybe just a couple of people are collaborating." Lots of talking, but those are two really handy ways. Packaging. Remember that's just under "File" and "Package" or you can go up to this burger menu here and say, "I'd like to collaborate." All right. That's it for this video. Let's jump into the next and last exporting video.
14. Exporting your Photoshop file for developers: This export video is for people that end up having to work with developers. It's not a problem. But you might be one step in the design process when it comes to say, a web design or an app development, they mock it up in Photoshop, which is perfectly fine, but you need to get the details over to your developer so they can build a website from it, code it out. We're going to need a few different things, we're going to look at, giving them all the code for the colors, and the fonts, and the images, how to save 4k and high-res and written images, plus things like CSS and SVG. If all that stuff sounds a little bit not your thing, still watch this one, you might find, especially when we get to Adobe generate, that you might be like, I can use that for this other thing that I do with this other agency maybe intranet type thing. Anyway, stick it out, it would be good. First thing you can do is say, I work with my developer Malcolm, he is an amazing developer. He will do anything not to open Photoshop though. I can send them a Photoshop document and I know he's got a license but he just doesn't want to have to learn Photoshop every six months when he uses at once. You probably got frames like this. What he loves is, he loves when I go to libraries and he wants to know the color, I'll send you the JPEGs, the mock ups or the PDFs, whatever he wants but you'd also like to know the colors and fonts that got used. We've got these images can he download them without having to figure out how to use Photoshop? What we can do, is we can get our library looking good and we can go up to here and instead of using Collaborate like we did earlier, we are going to use this this one, share link. In the peck for this one is that Malcolm or anybody else doesn't need a Creative Cloud license. They need Adobe login, which is free to get. You don't have to have a paid license, and what ends up happening is you get to here. It's a web-based interface, and what I can say is, I'm going to make it public and I'm going to share it with just the people who can see it, this link. I'm going to email that to Malcolm, I'm going to add some notes to say here are the graphics dude, fool the X-Y-Z design and we're good. What ends up happening is I'm going to close that down, this is what Malcolm sees. He just gets a link. He logs in with his Adobe ID. He doesn't need a paid version for it, but he can see everything that's in this library. The cool thing about it is that if I add stuff to my library from Photoshop now, it'll just magically appear in here. What's really good for this for say a developer, is they can come in here and say this, iHQ blue. They can drop this down, actually, they can click on it and it gives them more details, and it gives them weird nerdy stuff. So it's going to give them the hexadecimal number or the RGB color. There it is there, so they know that that color, that's the web version of it or the RGB version if they're going to use it, so this doesn't have to be a web developer, this might just be your brand guidelines for your company. Click here to view all the colors and so people can come in here and just actually get the colors. Download the logos, doesn't have to be a web developer. Same here with this text. There's their color for it and it's dumped into it. It's going to actually tell us there's the font family, also the lovely, good, useful stuff for our developer, or let's say we need to give the developer more details, more code, more neediness. Let's say I'm going to search all the type in here, and let's find there's raw X, so I want to give them a lot more detail in terms of these CSS. With this line selected and the layer, there's this option says Copy CSS. And nothing really happens except now if I paste in an e-mail or I just going to text document here, I just going to go to edit, paste. [inaudible]. If you're a web designer like me and you want to use the stuff that's really helpful. You can dump the stuff into Dream weaver to be creating. You see it's created a class and it's given it the font size which I want, the font family which I want, the color, the line weight, all cool stuff, and I probably don't want the position which gives you too much information, probably. I just want a little bit of it. All right, and something else a developer can use is something called an SVG. It's a Scalable Vector Graphics. We've been using JPEGs and PNGs online forever, but it's becoming more and more common to anything that is Vector, if you know what that term is, so it's vector, it can be exported as an SVG and then SVG can be described in code, which is pretty cool, doesn't have to be an image like we understand it as a JPEG. Let's say this big circle here. I want to get it to my developer, I want it to be vectors so it scales up and down. I want it to be the right color, want it to have all the right radiuses, so with this selected here, I can say on that layer, I'd like you to copy the SVG, and just like the CSS, you can just paste it into an e-mail or into document and it gives me all the coordinates, well, the anchor points, the fill color there does the, the RGB, the height and the width to describe that circle as a vector graphic. [inaudible] of logos and any icons that need to scale up and downs, especially for apps or websites that have multiple sized resolutions, SVG is newish, not even new, it's just being accepted a whole lot more through browsers and apps. All right, I said there was three separate paths. We've done clients, we've done colleagues, and now we've done this one with developers. But this developer one has an extra special thing, I'm going to separate it out into its own video. It's called Adobe generate, super-useful, super helpful, and not just relevant for developers, I think we can use it for all things, so I will separate that on the next video. Let's jump into it now and look at Adobe generate.
15. How to use Adobe Generate in Photoshop: Let's learn about Adobe Generate. Just the skinny on it is that it is really useful if like me here, I've got a desktop, tablet and mobile design that I've done for a website, just a simple thing. I ended export all these separate images out, the logo out. I want to try and do it quickly and efficiently. That's why adobe generate can help. What I've done is I've saved this to the desktop. Where is it there. There it is there. It's called roar cycles ui.psd and what I need to do is turn on Adobe generate. It's file generate, image assets, turn it on. Absolutely nothing happens until we start naming our layers. Say this layer here. It's actually a compound clipping mask thing going on. But I want to export it for my website or for my web developer on my social media post, whatever it is. All you need to do is instead of calling it layer one. I'll double-clicked the word layer one. I'm going to call it hero. I'm going to call it dot png. That's the key, adding the dot png at the end. Look what happens magically on my desktop. This folder here has been created, it wasn't there before. All it is, can you see it's the same name as my file except it's got a hyphen assets at the end and inside of here, look at this, is my hero dot png, or smushed down to a usable web format. Where it gets really cool is, let's say for no good reason, I'm going to invert the colors on this hero image. I'm just going to invert to this super quick. I don't have to do anything. Hopefully on my desktop here. Can you see? It's updated. Now, it's an inverted color. If I go back into here and I'm going to undo that, come back. It's back to normal. It's just exporting as I work, super quick, super easy. What's really cool is I can go in here and let's say I want a png, but I also would like to see what it looks like as a hero dot jpeg. I just put a comma in here. The syntax is quite important. It's a little hard to get used to. I'll give you some tips and tricks on this video, but also show you that master list for it all. But hero.png comma, hero.hpeg, hit return. Now I have two versions, there's a jpeg and a png. If I invert it, here you go, we've got a png and a jpeg all inverted. You can start doing cool things like comparing file size and quality of those two. You can see the jpeg is way smaller and just as clear. I'm going to come back in here and I'm going to say actually, I just want the jpeg please. Look, png's gone jpeg's there. We all know when we exporting jpeg's we want to deal with the quality slider that you get when you're exporting. You want a 50 percent jpeg or 70 percent. You could do that here as well just by putting the letter afterwards. The letter at the number. If I put in two, it's going to be a 20 percent jpeg and probably look pretty bad. Let's have a look. So we exported it. It's teeny tiny, it's a little bit pixelated. I'm going to go back into here and say, I don't know, my default for images for websites is 60 percent. Just put in a six at the end of jpeg. There it is. I've got a jpeg, it's 60 percent, it's good enough, the file size is good. You can do all things. I'll go through, maybe one more silly, let's say I'm going to come up here, we're going to have hero one and I'm going to have a comma and then I'm going to have hero two, but this has got to be a jpeg. That is, we're going to experiment with 10 percent, which is just a one. You'll see, I'll get two graphics, one and a really low quality one there. You can have multiple file names as well. Let's say that I like the jpeg that is at 60 percent. But I want to do though is I need to make sure it's a specific size. It needs to be 200 pixels wide by question mark because I'm not too sure how high it is, what the relation, I know exactly it needs to be 200 pixels wide, but I'm not sure how high it is. Because you hit the syntax there, you need to have spaces in between them. The syntax here has to be exactly how I've written it, 200 space x space question mark space hero one. It's a little hard to get used to. Let's have a look. I should have 200 pixel wide jpeg. Now one last thing I'll do is you can actually export groups. I find this as super handy when, says group here, it's actually a combination of a few different things. Is a vector graphic and there's backgrounds, rectangle can actually just name groups. This one here is going to be called my bike one.jpeg. This one's going to be, say, a 40 percent jpeg and hopefully have a look. Magically, got bike one. If you want to get super fancy, I'm going to copy this, tab down. Tab is a nice way of jumping between layers without actually having to double-click it. You see what I'm doing? Look at how fast I'm going. Don't hit return to speed things up a little bit. Four. Yeah, your smoothen. Come on. You guys are watching me. Do that make sense. Hopefully, I should have a bunch of those images all compiled down to 40 percent jpegs. All lovely little names. If I go and make any adjustments to them, they will all magically update. Now there are a few other options. They get a bit nerdy after here. Those are the main ones that I use at least, but there are other things you can do. The best way to find out what other things you can do is if you Google just this adobe generator syntax. This page will be number one. It's from Adobe and it just goes through all the different ways of using it, plus all the really nerdy use cases. You can do cool things like using inches and millimeters. You can decide what folder it goes into. If you want to use a gif for parameters for that gif. Here you can see you can stick it into different asset folders. You might have a high-res going into one and low-res going into another. It gets pretty nerdy. That is going to be it for Adobe generate. Let's get on to the next video.
16. Quick mockups using Adobe Market & smart objects in Photoshop: Hi there. This video is all about finding mockups that are already done for us and they're all split off and we can update the smart objects like this, you ready? Hit it on, save it, close it and it wraps around the book. Works for this foil embossing. There is a cool one for this fine look. It's a white version, a black version, a poster version though they're made for us they are commercially usable and they're really easy to update. Let's jump in now and take a look at how they work. The first thing we need to discuss is what Adobe market is. Now on my Mac, up the top right here, there's this Creative Cloud icon. Now if you're on a PC, it's in the bottom right of your screen. Just find it, click it, and leave an active CC license. You want to click on this one called assets and it's buried under this thing called market, so cool. It's going to take a little while, depending on your internet connection, mines average here so its loaded okay. What it's used for? Now I use them for two things but it's really good for is things like Vector graphics. Let's say that I need to find, I need some social media icons. It's for web design or some sort of poster and I want all social media icons, all vector ready for me. I'm going to put in social, maybe typing icons. But at this market is mainly full of icons. That's probably going to work. You can see there, these are all vector, beautiful, and I can just download them and start using them. Let's look at this one here, and I click on it. This one here is SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics. It's all vector, goodness, I can use it in Photoshop or Illustrator and I just hit download and it will end up in my library. It's really handy for icons. For some reason I'm in here every second day doing this. I need an arrow. It's like the lameness thing to look for and you could draw one so easily in any of the programs. But there's such I like the at arrows, Like a billion different ways of sharing an arrow. Like do you want the thin one of the big slobby one or does it have rounded ones? Oh, maybe it's just that one. I find it's easier just to come in here. Fine one, this thing scrolls forever, for arrows, you just find one you like, there will be vector and you'll be able to use them commercially. Let's say you are beyond looking for arrows. What we came for, is I'm going to cross on it and I want to go from featured to this one, this is for placement. Lets going to bring up the ones we saw in the intro. Somebody's gone through designed Photoshop file, mostly Photoshop attached a smart object that we can easily update with any of these things. That's what I'm going to download. I've got this in your exercise files so you don't have to download it. But if you did one that you'd click on this and say I want it, my instructor HQ library. It will work away for a little bit and eventually appear over here. You just need to double-click it. But just having a look through, it's amazing, how many different mock-ups are in here. I've never found the bottom of this. Just keep on scrolling and just amazing UI stuff from mocking up on apps and iPads and phones and watches, but also just more traditional stuff like this. We've got printed stationary and you just want to quickly whack it up for your CV and make it good. Mocking up a hoodie or a t-shirt. Does anybody else like me, spin ages tend to find that perfect T-shirt and then try and mock it up? All right, let's jump into it now and open up our fist file. First up, go to your exercise files and open up mock-up 1, click "open". Here is here. Now the trick for dealing with any of these placement PST files, looking forward the smart object, because they're smart objects we know can be opened up and we can replace content. In this case, this particular one is being marked red, just to help you indicated here. Remember to open up a smart object, you double-click this little thumbnail here, anywhere where this icon is double-click it. What will end up happening is up the top here where it says shape one. You've got this thing called PSB. This is the file that the designer who mocked this up originally is used. What we do is to eyeball off and drag out, say, from our CC library we're going to use the logo stack. I'm going to now hold "Shift" and drag it out to get it. Nice and big doesn't really matter how big it is, just somewhere to occupy most of that space hit "Return" and hit "Save", hit "Close". That is too cool. Just a plain old vector graphic that we had in our library now has been mocked up beautifully with this as foiled, deep emboss, super believable and really easy to update. I'll show you a couple of other versions that I've downloaded and just mocked up. You can see this vision here, it's another mock-up of say, the UI design that I've done for that company. You can see over here, all we had to do is just place your image here, there not always red, that's just painting from this designer. If I double-click it though, you can see there's the graphic that I've just dumped in there. You can update yours, some of them come with some really cool effects. You can see there's a white version of the phone, and a black version. Just stuff that you're never going to get the time to go and quickly mock up this particular ones from Thank you very much, whoever did this and look another one, mock-up three, just a nice little post a mock-up here. We've used the graphic that we had in, but we didn't illustrate it remember. That perspectives, you can see here just double-click this. All I did was replace it, copied and pasted from Photoshop and updated here. Again, this one here is a couple of cool all options. You can decide whether you want it to have the folds. Well, maybe you want it to have shine, like glass. Maybe back to the folds. There's all sorts of different shadows you can add or remove. They're all separated out. Really good clips goodbye. I love it. Last one, this one here cool little book mock-up. You can see here, this is the design, so this is my front. I'm going to double-click it. All I did was paste it in here. I'm going to invert it again just so you can see if I save it, look at it wrapped around the edges. There's a front and a back. You can see that nicely labeled here back cover, front cover. All sorts of different things there will clipped on their own backgrounds as well. You can tint the background off often their old nicely mask into the shadows off super quick, super-helpful, and undo that, save it, we should update again. Now, I've just downloaded for the ones that I like the look of. You'll find loads more in that Adobe market. That'll be us for using market mixed with smart objects. Let's jump in now to the last video where we wrap up what we've lynched and give you some next steps. I'll see you there.
17. What next Photoshop to save your life course: Hi everyone, welcome to the end.Just a little wrap-up video and conclusion and kind of nick steps for you. Well done for doing it. Completing the whole course. What you can do now is that there is a printed set of notes that you might have not already downloaded.You can check it out at's a free PDF, download it.I spent ages typing that out.At least one of you go and download it.The next steps as well, is if you haven't and you found this course maybe on the edge of your knowledge. You're like, this is tough going. You want to get back to some of the fundamentals, check out my Photoshop Essentials course.It's an eight hour course to get you right into being a really capable user of Photoshop.If you're a bit more in the intermediate kinda world of Photoshop, you've been using it for a while, but there was still some good stuff from this course.Go check out the Photoshop advanced. That will blow your mind and get you super efficient.It's a 13 hour course. A lot more detail.Not, so much more detail.There's just so much in Photoshop, so you might go and check that out.All right. That's me. Check me out on social media, Twitter. I am danlovesadobe and on Instagram I am bringyourownlaptop. All right, that is us. Heidi dagger people. See you in the next course.