1. PhotoDirector Course Promo: Have you ever wanted to edit photos the way that you imagine them the way you see them in magazine books? Online photo galleries Welcome to the Photo Director course. The Complete Guide to an Amazing Tool for Windows and PC users to edit and make their photos. Beautiful. My name is Phil Avenue, professional photographer, video creator and online instructor, and I'm happy to have you here. Photo director is one of my favorite editing applications for a couple of reasons. It's so powerful you can do so much with it. But it's also so easy to use, and that's what this class is going to teach you an easy way to use it, but do powerful things with it. This class will take you from complete beginner to advanced user of photo director. We'll start out with importing and organizing heart photos well, then learn how to adjust our photos with cropping exposure. Contrast white balance tone HDR effects been yet, and more will then take it a step further and learn how to make teeth whiter, eyes brighter, hips thinner and swap faces to get the photo where everyone has a perfect smile. Well, then, learn how to share your photos as high quality files for printing directly to sites like Facebook or Flicker. And even as a video slideshow, we've designed this course for anyone that wants to edit their photos to make them more beautiful. Using a Windows or PC computer, feel free to check out the course description below. You can see the full outline of all of the lessons in this court. Then click that and roll, but it can't wait to see you inside to teach you how to make your photos more beautiful with photo director.
2. Overview, Importing, and Organizing: everyone. And welcome to this series of videos on how to edit photos with cyber links. Photo director It's an amazing program for Windows users, so we're going to die right in and kind of cover everything that you would need to know to get started editing some advanced techniques as well. And so in this first video, we're going to learn how to open up our director or photo director. Excuse me, We're going to learn about the layout of the program and then how to import photos. So if you go ahead and open up photo director, I'm using photo directors. Seven. They do do a lot of updates, but they all their programs air semi similar. They have some sample photos that come with it. And so when you open up photo director for the first time, you'll notice a big window right here, which is your preview editing monitor. This is where you can see your photos that you're using and edit them, actually, and we'll dive into some of these other labels and things in a little bit down below. At the very bottom, you have your tray of photos. Once we import photos, you'll be able to scroll through your imported photos thes air, the ones that came as sample images With photo director up at the top, you have your file menu. So these air things like where you can get to import your photos, save your project export photos. You can do a lot of things that are actually down here in the program through the file menu up here, and we're gonna be really learning how to do it down here in the main program below this, you have your different rooms. You have your library, your adjustment room, you're editing room. You have a layers room, a slide show room and a print room. Each of these have different functions. The library is basically where you import and organize your photos. Adjustment is where you will be making adjustments to your photos, so increasing the contrast, fixing exposure, basically making your photo look the way you want. The edit room is where you start manipulating your photos, adding a fax. There's awesome tools like face skin, body shaper tools, different blurs and grains, background removals you can create. Panorama is in this this room, and then the layers slideshow print those air some rooms that are a little bit more advanced. Slide show. You can create your own actual video slideshow with your photos, and we might dived into that a little bit later. So first, over here on the left, in the library room, we have our project tap in our metadata tab. The metadata tab is when you select a photo it will have all sorts of metadata includes the dimensions, the shutter of the photo, the aperture. And this is all good information. If you want to go back and see what your photos settings where in the Project tab, though, this is where we're going to be, importing our photos and organizing them. So to really learn how this works, let's go ahead and start importing our photos. There's a big import, but in here on the bottom left. So we're just going to go ahead and click that you have a few different options. You have photos folder from camera or from the cloud you select photos. If you have specific photos, you want to import you. Select folder If you want to import an entire folder of photos from camera. If you have a camera plugged in or a memory card plugged in. And you want to import from the camera and then from the cloud? If you have a CYBERLINK account, you can actually bring in photos from online. If they're hosted somewhere else, I'm gonna go ahead and select photos. For now, I have a folder of photos that I want to practice with for this little tutorial photos for PT class. So when you open up your documents, you will want to select the photos you want to bring in. So I'm gonna actually bring in all of these photos, so I select all of them and click open. This brings up a new little window that has a few different options. So you can scroll through all of the photos right here and see what the photos are that you're going to be importing. You can actually make them bigger or smaller with this little slider down here, over here on the left, you can uncheck all of them or check all of them. You can de select individual ones or select individual ones. If you wanna just import specific photos up here in the top, you can choose to keep these voters in the current location, and that means you're going to be actually editing the photos that are on that desk top folder as a photo editor. I think it's nice to keep the original photos the way they are and to make an extra copy somewhere else. So I'm going to choose to put it in it, the new destination so you can choose whatever folder you want. You can create a creative folder if you need to. You can choose to put it in. You can organize them in a single folder or by captured eight. If you organize it by captured eight, then they will be put into individual folders, depending on when they were shot. I think putting in single folder is better unless you're importing photos from a trip or something, where you want to be able to see what date there from over on the right side. There are some import settings, so if you want to apply presets, you can. We will be looking at these presets in a little bit. But ah, you can like If you want to make everything black and white or something like that, you can do that after you're happy with your selections, you go ahead and click import. It will import your photos and you have these different collections of the top, and you will see that the latest import shows the photos that we just imported. You also have these folders down below, and these air the folders that you've imported. So we have the pictures folder. This is the one that I just brought in. And these sample images these are the ones that photo director came with. The first thing to do to organize your photos is to create an album. This will help you refer back to these photos in a future date. For example, if you're shooting a wedding or multi, if you're a wedding photographer, any shoot multiple weddings, it might be a good idea to create an album for every individual wedding that you shoot so you can organize your projects. So what I'm gonna do is say, create album. You can create an empty album, or you can create an album with selected photos to create an album with selected photos. What we would do is select the photos we want to add to the album so I'll just select all of these except for one to show you how to do that. So I'm going to say select, create album with, Like, photos. I'll call this PT Class Now that is a new album here on the left side. If we want to add photos at a later date to these albums, we can select folder photos from wherever and drag them into that album. So now all of the photos are in this PT Class folder. If you want to separate these, say, you know I have photos from an engagement shoot. I have photos from Switzerland. I have photos from a trip to San Diego. These are all photos that you can separate into albums if you want, and all of these photos are in a in the resource is section of this class. If you're watching this on you to me, so you can go ahead and download these as practice photos and you can edit along with them with me. The next way to organise NYSE is by tags, so tags are a cool way to organize photos by theme. You can really use it however you want, but the way I would use it is by creating tags like something like Nature photos, Okay, or wedding photos and you do it by saying Create tag will say wedding. Also I create and it pops up down here than all create another one. I'll say family, And then I'll say vacations and you could create however many want. And then to add your photos to these tat or toe tag these photos with those tags, you basically just select them and drag them into these tags. So let me just go ahead and do that for a few of them. So I'm gonna take this. I'm gonna put this in family. I'm going to put these last ones in my wedding tagged, but I'm also going to put the tag them as family protect. This one is vacation, and so now if I want to find all my photos that are from my vacations, I can just select this tag. I can also select wedding or family and now all the photos. Even though this one is from the wedding, I can see it because it's family photos. There's another way to really interestingly tag your photos, and that's by tagging the faces of your photos. So I'm gonna go back to my PT class album. I'm going to go ahead and select all my photos, and then I'm going to click this little face tag button right here. Is this little human with the plus sign photo director is going to then go ahead and analyze all of my photos. They're going to try to find all the faces in the photos, and then they will similar to how Facebook does it. A lot of programs can recognize faces now, and they will group them together. So now you see all the photos and all the people from the photos that that photo director recognized. So here it was, did a pretty good job finding my face. So what I'm gonna do is say select. Now, call this Phil. And here I'll call. This is about then I will call this lorry. My mom. So these aren't the same people, so I'm going to de select this one. This one's going to be an e. Okay. And then with this one selected now, I'm going to call this woman. I don't know who this is. This is a stock photo from picks obey dot com So you can decide if you want to select all the people here or not to tag. OK, so now let's see if we scroll down. Let's try to find another photo of me or here's one of Isabel. So here's one of Isabel. We've already created the Isabel tag. So now we can just click this button for Isabelle. Here I am. So I'm just going to say Phil right there and we can go through all of our photos and tag our photos. Let's click done. And now if we go under our faces tab, we have all these people that we've created. So if I want to see all the photos of me, here they are and it includes the ones that from multiple albums from multiple tags, everything it's all the photos of me. And so this is a great way to look back and say, Hey, I want to find all the pictures of Mom, Dad, brother, sister, whoever all at one time. Now what happens if your photo wasn't tagged properly? So this one, for example, wasn't tagged properly, and this one is actually rotated, So I'm going to rotate it to look left by right clicking and choosing rotate left. That might have been why it is recognized my face. But I can manually tag my face is by clicking this and to interface tag editor. And if you don't see that, you're gonna want to click this little drop down menu button over here and make sure that the face tag tools is selected. So go ahead and click that button. It's going to open up the face tag option should. Anyways. Then what we're going to do is click this ad face tag. We're going to move this on top of our different faces. I'm going to add two of them, actually. So one for me, one for Isabel and with the one over my face, I'm going to click this unnamed text and I'm going to select Phil over here for Is bomb going to select the unnamed and select Isabel? If it was a new person, you could type in your new name. And now, if I click my face tags, this photo is included with all of the tag photos of myself. So this is another good way to organize your photos. OK, So now let's talk about flagging, unflagging and rating and labeling our photos, because if you're like me, you go out on a photo shoot and you shoot a ton of photos, and then you get back to your editing room and you have to sift through them and figure out which ones you actually want to edit. Which ones aren't great photos that you just want to delete, or at least not at it? So there's a few ways to do this. There's flags. So there's this filter flag right here, where with all these photos, you can attach a flag or a de selected a rejected flag. And so what I would do is I would go through. Let's just actually go through our sample images for this example. I would go through and flag all the photos that I like that I think I want to add it later on. So I just go through. I select all the ones that flag. Then maybe I d select some that I don't want a flag or that I don't want to add it. These ones right here I could probably select multiple in D. C. These like them reject them and flags to these last two. And so now if I go to this filter option right here, I king select this filter with the flags and I can choose what I want to see. So I just want to see the flag filter photos or the rejected filters or the photos that have no flag. So these ones ended up not having a flag. So now if I say flagged, I see all the ones I flag, and these were the ones that I can then move on and start editing, or I'm going to turn off that filter. There's another way to label and select your photos, and that's what these color labels and this is up to you. Maybe you want to choose a way to label your photos saying Red are good, blue, are bad, green are maybes, and then so you can go through your photos, select the ones that are good, choose them, set them as read the bad ones we're going to set as blue. And of course, these are all really good photos, the greens, maybe etcetera. And then when you want to filter through them, you can see all the really great photos that you love. The red red labelled photos. You can see the ones that are maybe by selecting green or the ones that you reject it. And if you reject them at first, when you say, Oh, wait a second, I want to actually add it Those later you could just change the label. The last way to rate your photos for your sort of figuring out which photos you want toe at it is through the star rating scale. And this is typical of most photo editors. You have a 1 to 5 scale, and so what I typically do is I give each of my photos of rating based off of how good I think of a photo. It is. Five is like the best photo that I've taken four is a pretty good photo. Three is okay, two is a maybe, and one is like a not really great photo that I'm not excited about. And this just is good to look back on, because when you're editing your photos, you will see this rating scale, and you can remember which photos are your favorites. And this will help when you want to go out and share your photos, post them. Print them later on agin Condell. There's lots of different ways to organize your photos after you've imported them into photo director, You have your albums tags, face tags of all your ratings labels and flagging that you have. There's really a great way for anybody to be able to organize their photos. Okay, so I'm gonna wrap up this video. I hope you've enjoyed it. And you are well on your way to using photo director in the next video. We're going to be looking at the adjustment top and we'll start editing our photos. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you there.
3. Basic Adjustments 1: Hey, everyone, welcome to the second part in the photo director Siri's. Today we're going to be editing our photos or actually making adjustments. I call it editing, but photo director likes to call it adjustment. So what we're going to do is take some of our photos and edit them. So let's take this leaf photo. If you've downloaded them from the previous lesson you condone, download them in the resource is over the extras and then head over to this adjustment. TOB. There's lots of things that were going to be able to do. But basically what we want to do with our photos is make sure that it's exposed correctly. The white Palance is great, the saturation is good, and then the overall contrast looks good according to what we want. Of course, we can come up with a style, or we can just make it sort of a natural photo. So going from top to bottom, we're going to start with cropping. So cropping is this button right here in the top left, and it's a good way to recompose an image if we want to make it using the rule of thirds, let's select another photo that might do a little bit better for cropping. So let's like this. Oranges photo with crop feature open I can click and drag the edge of the box so that it crops it to this new box. Now you can change the aspect of the box that you're using. Right now, I'm using the original aspect ratio but say I want something that's really fit wide and thin. I can use something like 16 by nine, which is a standard TV screen. So if you're editing a photo that's gonna end up as your computer screen backdrop or on your TV screen, you might want to use 16 by nine. Or you can enter a custom ratio. If you want to do something square or completely wide or anything like that, I'm going to stick with the original aspect. You can also unlock and lock the original aspect. If you want to create something completely custom that way again, I'm gonna go back to the original. I'm going to crop in just a little bit so that this orange is directly on the thirds line. You see the this grid with this crop feature, which allows you to use the rule of thirds to put any subject right on the rule of thirds. And I'm going Teoh press return on my keyboard, which completes that crop. So that's how you use the crop tool. I'm going to skip over the rest these tools up here for now, and I'm going to move on to these other tools down below. White balance is basically fixing the colors of your shot. Sometimes when you shoot a picture, things look a little bit too warm, a little too cool, maybe a little green, a little magenta. And that's what these are here for. There's a couple ways to adjust the white balance. One is manually just by shifting the sliders from left to right for the temperature, which goes from cool to warm, or the tent, which goes from a green more green to magenta. You can always undo this your edits by just clicking this back arrow at the top of the section of the editor you're using. So for us, we're using the white Balance section. Another way to fix white balance is by using this automatic white balance picker. For this, you'll need something that's white in your image. So for this last one, I don't really have anything that's white. So I'm gonna move to this photo of the lady right here. I'm going to take this color picker. Then I'm going to hover over what is white in the image, and then I'm going to collect their. So what that did. It made this color white and meat, everything else adjusted so that the colors are more natural. So that's a quick way to fix the white balance. If you have something white in your image, all right, let's move on to the tone. The tone is where you're going to change the exposure, contrast and the saturation of your image. This image is a raw image, and right now it looks very overexposed. But because I shot it in raw, I can drop the exposure quite a bit and have it look good. So with his exposure slider, I could just drop it down. And what's happening with this exposure slider is that is dropping the exposure of everything in the photo. The whole photo. Every part of it is becoming darker or brighter, and so that's good. If you're take, Ive shot a photo that's all over exposed to drop the whole thing. The contrast slider is going toe. Add contrast or decrease. Contrast. What does that mean? Contrast is basically, how dark your darks are or how bright your brights are. With more contrast, your darks or darker and your brights are brighter with less contrast. Everything seems a little faded because the darks are actually lighter and the lights are a little bit darker. And this is more of a stylistic thing. A lot of times, when you're shooting raw photos, they're a little bit less contrast ID. So you do want to boost the contrast just a little bit the's Next. Sliders allow you to control a different portion of your image. You can see here, up here at the top, left the hissed a gram of your photo. This is basically a visual representation of how bright or how dark and bright your image is over. On the left, you have your darks on the right. You have your brights, and you can see if I increase the exposure. Everything moves over to the right because there's way more brights than darks. You don't want a lot of things touching the edges of these of the this history, Graham. But you do want things just at the very edge of it. Right now, I don't have things at the very edge. So what I'm going to do is use these sliders to get portions of these to the very edge. So I'm going to take this darkest slider and slide it just to the left until the hissed a gram is touching the left side of the graph. Something like that. Negative 12 or so. That's what that is doing. Is making the blacks of this image actually black, that I'm going to take the brightest, increase them just a bit so that the whites, the brightest parts of my image, are actually bright, actually white you want you typically want his to Graham that goes from the bottom to the top, unless you don't have anything that is black or dark in your image. And then, if I want toe, adjust these middle ones like the bright, you can see that it's just adjusting the bright parts of my image. Now there's not very many bright parts that you can see on the leaf a little bit, and sometimes you want to drop the brightness so that you can get a little bit more detail in your images that are over exposed the darks. Maybe you want to bring up the darks a little bit to bring up a little bit of information that's in that dark and in the mid tones. There's a lot of mid tones in this photo, and so this you can kind of adjust to your liking. But again, it adjust your history, Graham, and you want to make sure that it goes from left to right, so this is a little bit dark on my mind. So again, it's kind of a personal feel. You're coming up with an edit that you like these air ologists suggestions. There's no real rules. And so you want to make sure that you get something you like, And I thought this photo is a little bit overexposed and that's OK because I'm shooting right into the sun down below. Under tinge, we have clarity, vibrance and saturation. Clarity will basically make the edges of objects in your photo more defined, and what happens is it gives a little bit of an HDR effect, which is exactly kind of that it makes everything more define. It gives the high dynamic range. If I drop clarity, you will see that everything becomes a little bit more glowy. It's kind of blooming. And that's kind of nice for this photo again, this is sort of a stylistic preference. So I'm just gonna drop down just a little bit saturation. I'm going to skip Vibrance. For now. Saturation will boost the colors for everything in your photos. So if you wanna goto black and white image, you drop the saturation down to native 100. If you want to go crazy and bring up the colors for all of the colors in your image, Congar Oh up. You can also select numbers and input numbers just by clicking on this number on the right side and in putting the number that you want. Now I'm gonna move over to an image of a person to show you what vibrance does versus saturation. You see here on this image of the the lady, if I increased, saturation is going to increase the saturation everything. And when you're increasing the saturation of people, their skin becomes a little bit orange and red and that's not really nice to look at. It becomes a little bit unnatural. So instead, what we're going to use his vibrance vibrance is a smart way to increase saturation. It basically increases the saturation of blues and greens, but not necessarily the yellows and the reds that are in skin tones. And so, if you have a photo of a person, use vibrance to increase the saturation, it tends to be a little bit nicer, so those are the basic edits that were going to be doing with our photos. In photo director, you have your white balance, your crop and your tone options. These are really the ones that you need to know to make any photo look really natural or have a style of your own. So we're going to move on in the next video and look at some of these other effects later on. But for now, that's pretty much all you need to know. The last one I will mention really quickly is this curve. The curve is another way to edit the brightness and the exposure of your photo and the contrast on the right. You have your brights on the left you have your darks and you couldn't click this line and move up or down to adjust that part of the image. You might hear the term s curve a lot with photographers, and that's when you create an s shaped curve. You can see him starting to create some sort of s shaped curve, and that adds contrast to our photos. So I ask it shaped curve will add contrast. You can also adjust this curve with the sliders below. And this is kind of your last option to increase contrast to your photo if you're not using this contrast slider up above. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video.
4. Basic Adjustments 2: Hey, everyone, in this video, we're going to be looking at some of the more advanced editing tools under the adjustment tab. So take this picture of the orange and we haven't done any real edits with exposure. The white balance. We did crop this photo, but let's scroll down to the HDR effect. The HDR effect, also known as the high dynamic range effect, is really an effect that you do when you take multiple photos with multiple exposures and you layer them on top of each other so that you have lots of information in the darks, the mid tones and the brights. And now when you add this glow effect under the HDR filter right here, you kind of get that look that you would get if you were actually manually adding doing the HDR effect with multiple photos. So this is kind of a style IQ ballistic approach. You can change the radius and the balance balance and these edge of facts down here to affect the different edges and details in your photo, you can see if I increase the edge effect down here. All the edges of even these dimples in the orange get defined, and it becomes more contrast. E. But this is a very stylistic thing, and I wouldn't recommend going too crazy with it. It's not one of my favorite tools, but for those of you who want to use especially, I see a lot of real estate photos, um, Online of real estate. It does make your photos look a little bit cool, and it makes them pop. Let's move down toe level. This is a quick way to add contrast to your photos or to make them more flat. So you have your standard. You have your medium contrast, strong contrast in your flat image. So this is just a quick way to do kind of what we were doing before with our exposure and our levels. But if you want to just quickly add some contrast, you can use this level option. Blow our curve. We have H SL, color and color. What this is for is editing individual colors. What we have is our hue, saturation and the lightness tabs right here, and this is for individual colors, and this is a good example, because what we can do is take the orange slider and drag it to the right or left. And what this does is it makes all of the orange in this photo a different hue. If we want to make the green a different hue, we can do that, or the yellow, which is probably more what the's leaves have. And so that's what the few does. The saturation does the same thing. If we want to drop the saturation for all the orange we can do that. The lightness we could make the colors brighter or darker for the that specific color. Another way to add it. This is by clicking this little adjust picker right here, and then once we select that, we can move over to our photo and actually click and drag up or down. And so this way, if we want to increase the color of our oranges, we can. And then if we want to decrease the color of our other colors. So this green was decreased, that I was get a little bit that orange and that those leaves drop it down a little bit. This is a quick way to basically decrease the saturation of specific colors in your image, very specifically by picking it right here with the color tab. It's basically the same thing. You're just doing it in a different manner. You can select orange and you have your hue, saturation, lightness, sliders all right here rather than with H s. L. You have your saturation up a top and then all your colors below split. Tony is pretty interesting. This allows you to change the hue and saturation of the highlights and the shadows separately. So say we want to increase the highlight saturation. We can do that, but we want to change the hue of the shadows. We can do that as well and change the saturation there. And so it's kind of a cool effect that you can use to create some very interesting photos under detail. This is probably more important effect. This is the sharpness and the noise reduction feature. If we zoom in here just by clicking on our image of the orange, you can start to see that there's a lot of noise going on. Noise. Are these little granule or little dots you see in this image? And that's what happens when you're shooting a dark image when your camera's sensor is basically digitally enhancing your photos that that you can see what's going on. And it happens when you use a high I s O. We typically want to reduce some of that noise. So what we can do is under noise reduction, weaken. Just drag this looming and slider up. And as I do that, it's hard for you to see. But some of this noise starts to go away. I go back to the start and crank it all the way up. You can see that it goes away. It does get a little bit more blurry, and that's the balance that you have to deal with. The more a noise reduction, it gets a little bit softer, a little blurrier. The more sharpness, the more noise you're going to get. So if you do have an image of something like this, where or how about this photo of the trees where it's maybe not exactly in focus? Adding sharpness is a good idea. Landscapes are great photos to add sharpness, but when you have a darker image or image with shadows, so here's another one of the bamboo forest. So let me just zoom in right there. You can see lots of little noise. You might want to use the noise reduction a little bit. The detail texture. All these things adjust how much the noise reduction works. If you want to get really detailed on the edges of things, you can reduce that noise or the texture. If you want to make sure that if you still have some texture or not, you can use that. You also have an auto de noise, but in. So let me just undo all of this and click this auto de noise and a little kind of smartly do it for you. Okay, so let's go down from detail and do lens corrections. So if you're shooting with a modern camera, your photos will have metadata with what lenses you actually shot with. So if we see up here, we have our 27 millimeter lend, or it was at 27 millimeters. But if we actually go toe, enable correction down here under lens correction, what's going to happen is it will see that we were shooting with the canon camera and the Canon 24 to 7 the millimeter lens, and you might have noticed when I click that that it became a little less warped. You don't really notice it when you're taking the photo, but your lenses actually curve the edges of your photo quite a bit, and especially if you're using a wide lenses. If you shoot with a fish, I you know that look. It makes everything super wide, and Ben basically bends the image and enabling lens corrections allows it to get to more of a view that is natural. How you would see it with your eyes. Now you don't necessarily have to do this. Sometimes I actually like how my lens looks, and I typically don't enable lens corrections, but that's just an option if you need it. There are also some other tools down here. If you do want to add fisheye distortion to your photo, you can add it with these sliders down here. The last thing is vignette, and we have been yet removal and vignette ing effect. Under the vignette removal. This is going to remove, and even yet that was taken with your camera. So if I slide this up to the right, it's making the outer edge a little bit brighter. Most lenses do have some sort of been yet ing it makes the edges a little bit darker. It depends on your camera with lens, the wide nous of your lens. But a lot do have some vignette ing and a lot of people like vignette ing I like been getting. And that's why we have there's been yet ing effect. If we slide this to the left, we get a vignette, a darker vignette into the right. We have a lighter than yet, and a vignette is good for focusing our attention to the middle of our photos. So let's take this photo of this man right here. Let's odd have been yet. It's very subtle with the shade. We can also decrease the size with the size slider right here. Increase or decrease, and you might not notice it. But the viewers, I will tend to go to the middle. If you do have more of a vignette, you can change the feathering. So here it's completely hard or more feathered. If you like more feathered look, I typically light like the more feather look, or we can change the roundness and I'll decrease the feathers so you can see around from more like square to complete circle. I tend to like more feathering. I like it pretty strong in the middle. And so that's the vignette ing effect and how you quickly add have been yet. So those are some of the other tools in the adjustment tab. In the next video, we're going to be looking at some of these regional adjustment tools. Thanks for watching, and we'll see there.
5. Regional Adjustments: everyone in this photo director tutorial, we're going to be looking at the regional adjustment tools. So first we already saw the crop, so I'm gonna move to the spot removal. This is good for removing blemishes in your photos. So what you do is select this little tab right here, and it brings up this effect. When you go over to your photo, you will now have this little circle and say, We want to get rid of this little red dot on this girl's nose. Let's zoom in first of all and to move your photo after you zoomed into the right spot, just hold down to the space bar and click and drag. You can see when I hold down the space bar, I get the little hand tool and that allows me to just click and move the photo without editing it. Now let's change the size of this hell tool. And so it's about the size of this little red dot, and we'll just click it there. What happens next is it has the second several that appears, and what we do is move this circle to a spot that we want to use sort of as a texture, too put on that originals space. So what we're going to do is find another spot usually close to that spot is good. So right here and then it does its magic and it removes that spot. When you're happy, you click done, and now we can compare. So if we do this, compare before and after button right here. It shows the original versus the edited, and it's completely gone, and you would never have thought anything of it. So that's the hell brush. Let's move on to the adjustment brush. Let's go to an image like this photo of my brother. Let's zoom out to fit So my brother's face is a little bit dark. So say I want to just increase the exposure of justice area of his face where the shadow is . What I can do is take this adjustment brush, so let's take this adjustment brush right here. Make sure that it's quite feathered and can change the strength if you want. But I'm just going to basically start painting over my brother's face and you see this big red sort of color. Don't worry, that's not really painting. Read on my brother's face. It's just showing me where I have painted so far. So I get their gaze easier and everything. So after you have painted your selection, what you can do is you have all your editing options. Ah, lot similar to what we had in our original tab of just editing this photo so I can go down to tone, for example, and I could bring up the exposure. So see, this goes crazy. If I want to go crazy, may I just want to do it a little bit? I can paint a little bit more so it's a little bit more natural of a fade from darkness to light is a little bit tough with this photo, because you do have Hey, you do have part of his face in the shadow, in part not, and you conduce any sort of thing that you want. You can adjust the colors, exposure, brightness, everything. So this is kind of a cool effect to just paint make a little bit better. So let's look at the original. It may be a little bit overexposed to maybe I'll drop it just a bit, but it's better than this on the left where it was too dark. So that's the adjustment brush. That's if you want to adjust something that is, um, just a part of your image. But now is use this adjustment selection. So let's go find something that has a good selection. So let's go to this lady's face again. What we can do is use this and it click and drag. It starts to select a part of the photo, and it sort of does it in a smart way. So, actually, let's just de select everything by in racing. So we're just gonna erase all this will just increase the size that we can quickly erase all of what we've just selected and we'll just select her hat. Let's take the brush again. We're going to select this lady's hat that's on her head. Get the size down just a bit so we can get this whole thing. You can see that it doesn't pretty good job at smartly detecting the edges of what we're trying to get intelligently. I guess that's the term. The next thing that we can do is now addressed. So say we want to change the tent of just this area can change the tent we do. We might want to make sure that the feather is not as much so we can drop down the feather for here. We can also shift in or out every want to. Maybe we want to shift in, but increase the fathering just a little bit like that. So maybe you don't want to do too much. Maybe you just want to drop The exposure increased the brightness exposure. So this is just another way to find a specific area of your photo that you want to add it. But it's done in more of a smart way rather than just the brush. Now let's look at the Grady a mask. And for the great mask, we will pull up this image of Let's go to this image of the brewery. So when you select radiant mask, what you will do is you will go ahead and it's like that. What you will do is click and drag on your image, and again you will see that part of the image becomes this red color, and that's the part that will be edited. So the great mask is basically a way to edit 1/2 of your photo or a portion of your photo, and the more you drag, the more fade that you'll get. After you click and drag and release, you are able to move this around by rotating Utkan. Click and move like clicking the red dot You can click the edges, bring them in a little bit more if you don't want tohave as much fade. And now this is a good photo to show this is an example because this sky is very over exposed so we can drop the exposure. So we get a little bit more detail in the sky, and then we could drop the temperature so it makes it look like a blue sky. I don't like how the blue is getting over here in the brewery signs. I'm going to just decrease that just a bit, but it's pretty good. Now we have a blue sky for this nice picture of the brewery. Let me go back to this adjustment selection. This is a good example of when the adjustment selection would be good. So let me just pick all this Red right here does a pretty good job at selecting all of the red. Now, if I want to make this more contrast, ID can increase the clarity. Maybe increase the exposure just a bit. And the vibrance. It's kind of cool because then I can make the brewery logo up here a lot more colorful. And just with those two tools, the selection and the Grady it mask, it changes this photo completely. The last thing is this radiant filter, the radio filter, and it basically is doing the same thing, but in a circle. And so let's take this photo of this lady right here, and then we will with this radio Phil, it'll filter will click and drag and then see what happens. We can move this around, and it's selecting everything except for the lady's face. What we can do is click this little invert mass button so that it selects just the inside of this radial filter that we set. And I would use this filter for editing people's faces, typically on some photos you want to make. The face is just a little bit brighter. Maybe add a little bit of sharpness, maybe a little bit of vibrance ous Well, so let's just increased the clarity just a little bit. We can go down, increase the sharpness just a little bit. So now if we look at the original, you know, very subtle, but it just is a good way to easily make her face a little bit brighter. And if we did that on a photo like this, for example, with all of my wedding party right here, everyone's still pretty exposed. But maybe we don't want to just create, you know, a little filter for everyone's face, just by increasing the contrast. Yes, a little bit. Or the clarity, the vibrance you can kind of go through and do what you want. And the sharpness. That's a good way to do it. So that is a bunch of these filters for the regional adjustment tools. We also have the red eye tool. We don't have any red eyes, too, to practice on, but it basically works the same way that all of these other tools work. You just kind of click and drag, move this tool to where the eyeball is, and then that gets rid of the red eye. I'm gonna just reset that. Okay? So hopefully these regional adjustment tools are things that you are excited about. I think this image alone shows you the power of what you can do with these tools. And if you have any questions, let me know. Thanks a lot and we'll see you in another lesson.
6. Beautifying People: Hey, everyone, welcome to a new lesson in this photo director course section. Siri's whatever you want to call it today, we're going to be looking at this edit tab, and I'm going to just go over some of my favorite options that you have the first is this people beautif ire? And I'm saying that in quotes because, ah, I have a little bit of an issue with manipulating people's bodies and faces and things. But a lot of people want to know how to do it, and so I will go ahead and show you how to use some of these tools. So first things first. Let's go back to this picture of the girl. We're going to click face tools and we're going to be able to brighten people's teeth with it. So just an overview of what we will be going over in this lesson. We're going to be making teeth whiter, eyes brighter. We're going to be removing wrinkles, and we're going to be reshaping bodies. So first Brian and teeth, you click this face tools and then you click this tab over on the right side. It's the toothbrush tab. We're gonna zoom in a little bit. So zoom into her mouth right here and with the toothbrush, the correct size. We're just going to paint over her teeth. You want to make sure that you get all our teeth not too much of our lips, because that kind of makes it look a little funny. And you can change the strength if you want and go in ping over again. You can also say fit toe edges, which will try to fit your painting to the edges of her teeth. So now if we do a comparison, you'll notice the brightness of her teeth is much brighter in this right side, especially resume out. We can really see kind of the difference makes a lot brighter. You can also erase this effect by using this brush eraser as well. All right, let's make eyes a little bit brighter. So let's go to this photo of this guy. The other thing with all these edits right here in this edit tab is that if you make an edit and you move on, it will ask you to save your changes to a temporary file because it's basically saving you from, uh, editing this photo and then saying Wait, I don't want that anymore. So it's if you want to say that you want to say yes and save it as a virtual file. Okay, So this guy, this picture is great photo, but his eyes are a little bit dark, so let's go ahead and choose this. I I tool right here is this middle tab. We're going to zoom in on his eyes right about here. And when you click this show, I feature future points. It creates this, these little dots around his eyes and what those do it helps you with these next couple tools, which is the I, and larger and the eye bag remover, the and larger is just in the fact that you might want if you want to make people's eyes bigger. But I like this I about ag remover effect. If you go too far, it looks like you're just painting on like something underneath his eyes. So you want to stay between like 20 and 50. But you also noticed that these points aren't exactly where they should be. So with this guy, I'm just going to move them just a little bit around his eyes so that the eye bag remover really helps. You can already see the difference with the eye bag remover. What that does the next thing we're gonna do is the I. Bollinger. Or maybe what I would call the I white whitener. So what you do with this is just like this little eyeball right here. You select a strength. I think this strength is really strong typically. So I would go down to like, something like between five and 15 and then you paint the whites of a person's eyes and I would say, fit to edges. I'm going to decrease the size of the brush just a little bit, and this just makes people's eyes pop a little bit more. Another thing you can do is drop the strength down to like one or two and p around their pupil. So the colored parts of their eyes and this really helps with people with blue eyes with brown eyes. It does, too, and it just makes their eyes pop a little bit. So let's compare before and after zoom out just a bit. So if I turn off the show future points, you can see that his eyes just pop over here on the right side, a lot more than over here on the left. This last brush is if you have eyebrows or eyelashes that you want a dark in. That's what thoughts for Okay, so let's move on to wrinkle removing. So let's take. I'm not going to say this as a copy yet, so let's take this lady. We're here, and we're going to use this wrinkle removal. So we're going to zoom in here quite a bit, something like 50%. And you might be saying, Fill, this is crazy. How are you going to remove the wrinkles in this lady? Well, we're going to try. So how this wrinkle remover tool works is you have a brush and it changes size just a little bit smaller. And what you do is you brush over the wrinkle and it creates this sort of selection. When you're happy with that selection and you want to just kind of find one wrinkle right there, you're going to click next. And then what you do is you drag this to a spot in her face or in the photo of something that you want to blend with that wrinkle and kind of have it disappear. So you want to find somewhere on her face that doesn't have as many wrinkles. And so for her, I'd say right on this cheek is the best spot. So when I do that, there you go. The wrinkles disappeared and you say apply. So then I would just kind of keep going. Keep painting over these wrinkles. You can be a little bit more generous and liberal with your paints, drugs if you want, and just kind of keep doing it and seeing how it looks. So we're gonna paint right here over those two wrinkles. You can kind of start to see what is happening with these wrinkles. They do start to disappear, and so it's a kind of a cool effect. You know, you want to make sure that is not looking funky. Sometimes it can look a little bit weird if you choose, like a weird part of her face toe to be the spot that it's copying. But even some of these wrinkles over here over her eyebrows you can do, but again, you don't want to cut off her eyebrow. If you can handle that And so if we compare this and you know you can keep going as much as possible. But you can really see that the wrinkles that we're over here, the crow's feet from her eyes are gone, and you would probably never ask if you saw this photo. You would probably never look at it and say, like, that looks kind of funky Now I can see there's a little bit of weirdness going right here with lighting is different in that is a spot that I would need to do a little bit more work on. But it's just a quick way to remove wrinkles from your person. Pretty cool. All right, so let's move on to this photo of this lady right here. So it's gonna process. We're going to use the face tool and the body reshape or tool. So let's just go ahead and zoom to fit, Really? Actually, zoom into her face, being a zoom into like 100%. If we go to this face shaper TOB and we go toe show feature points again, it shows the future points around her face, and you want to make sure these are around her chin and her cheeks. And then if you increase the strength, what happens is it shrinks those in quite a bit. You kind of move these around to effect where it's doing it. And so that's a quick way to bring in someone's chin or cheeks. So we're gonna actually go back where we will save at this time so that we can continue to edit this photo that we started. Now let's zoom out 25%. The next thing we're going to do is this body shaper. So there's a couple ways to actually shape bodies. But I like this 1st 1 which is basically giving you a little nudge tool, I would say, and you can nudge in parts of her body so you can change the size. I think doing a pretty big size is a good idea, because then you can really get, um, you I'll show you. So if I do a big let's just start with the smallest size we're gonna bring in, that looks weird. That looks weird, so I'm gonna undo that. But if we do a big size, that kind of brings in the whole bit of her. So again, a little bit morally opposed to doing stuff like this, because I think people's bodies are beautiful, however they look. But I get a lot of questions asking how to do this. And again, You don't want to go crazy with this stuff cause it's easy to make things look fake, but just a little bit if you want. Now, if we do want, we will. If we want to go in here. Whoops. Zoom in to 100%. Go up to her arm. What changes Size actually increases. Size is a bit, and we can bring in her arm like so. But again, this photo is good because we don't see the background. If we did have a background, we would be actually affecting the background with this tool, and it would look really weird. So this one's a really good example of, um, a photo that we can actually add it and make it look pretty natural. Okay, so let's just zoom out to fit again a little bit. You want to make sure that everything looks a little bit more natural. Come and dress a little bit on something like that again, I don't want to go too crazy with it. All right, So now let's go and look at the before and after. And that's actually a pretty good job. I would say, Okay, so let's look at one last thing, which is the skin tone, and that is going to be a great way to quickly give someone a tan in with photo director. So let's go back. We're going to go to skin tools and we're gonna go to the skin tone tab. What we can do is then select somewhere on the image where there's skin and you can change the tolerance. So I selected that. And then over here on the left side, you see what is being selected. If I increase or decrease, I can more or less choose the exactly where his skin is. If I want to add some parts of the skin that weren't selected, I can use this skin mass recover, and it can kind of just paint over where his skin is, because a lot of the skin over here where his channel was in the shadow didn't get selected . You want to make sure that all of this gets selected, some just paying over this you can kind of see on the left what's happening as I paint over it. Okay, so now if once you are happy with that, we can give him a little tan. We can select a color of foundation down here. You can see what that doesn't. I go from the darkest to the lightest. It gives them quite a bit of a tan. Now it's getting a little bit of the background. So I wanna decrease the tolerance just a bit and we can increase the strength of we want with this lighter down here again. If we go from the lightest to the dark ghost or from none, something like this. It's a quick way to give someone a little bit of a better tan. Then, just by changing the colors and the exposure of someone's face. So that's how you change skin tone a little bit in photo director. Okay, so those are, ah, lot of cool tools that photo director has to offer. There are even some more. You can play around with some of these other ones. If you have any questions, let me know. A lot of them are fairly self explanatory, but I hope you have enjoyed this lesson and you can kind of go go crazy with it and have fun with it. Thanks for watching and will soon another tutorial.
7. Exporting and Saving: Hey, everyone, In this tutorial, we're going to learn how to export on share our photos from photo director. So after you have edit your photos, you want to share them with people. How do we do that? You select your photos down here that you want to export so you can select multiples. So I select these three the orange, the bamboo forests and the brewery tower and this leaf, I'm holding control down and clicking them, so that allows me to select multiple. I go to file, and I can goto export selected photos. Now, this is how to export photos to a file, which you can then go and print. You can post online you can save for in your archive. Basically, in a little bit, we'll learn how to share directly with Facebook or flicker straight from photo director. So in this export window, you have all sorts of options for where you want to save your pictures so we can say, put in a different folder. We can choose the folder that we want toe export them to. So this is our Pictures folder on art documents, and we can put in a sub folder so say Well, do photo director edits. We can then change the format of the name that we want to choose, so you can choose just the file name if you wanted to save as the file name. Or you can do file name with the sequence if you want that, or you can do a custom file name sequence, which is typically what I like to do. So I would call this photo director at it, and then it's going to call each of these photos. Photo director at it one voted director Edit to photo director at it. Three etcetera. If you want to start at a different number, you can start at a different number. Next, let's look at the file settings. So under format you have J. Peg Tiff and PNG J pegs are great high quality images. They are smaller file size than tiff and PNG. So if you're posting online, this is a great option. If you are printing out your photos, Tiff is a good option. You can print out J Pegs or P and G's, but tiff will give you the biggest, highest quality file and then PNG's air great for posting for using and other projects, whether it's a graphic design project. If you're bringing this into food power director to edit with the movie, sometimes those programs like P and G's better, and it really depends on your end use whether you're printing it, posting online. Some people some places want J peg Some places want P and G's you'll have to see. But typically, J Peg is the smartest and the most well, you well known and used. You can change the file size or the quality size, and you can make it a false, smaller file size by dropping the quality. Or you can keep it at 100 for the best quality, and then you can change the image size. So if you want to keep the original photo resolution, which is how you take it, then you can do that or if you have a specific use for this. If you want to post it online and you need a specific with or height for this project, you can save resized to fit. You have different options for re sizing. You can choose how long you want it to be, how wide you can choose how tall you want it to be or how you how long the short edge of your photo is, or you can choose both the width and the height. I typically just say the long edge, and you choose that because sometimes your photos are vertical. Sometimes they're horizontal. And when you choose this and you say I want the long edge to be 1000 pixels, that will make sure that if it's horizontal, the bottom is 1000 pixels. If it's vertical photo, the vertical side of it is 1000 pixels, and so you set your pixels here. You can also choose inches or centimeters if you need that. But I would just choose pixels for online viewing. I would say 2000 pixels is good now, you know, with screens that are HD four K resolution. Even 2000 is going to be smaller than that for those high definition screens. But 2000 is generally a good size, and then the resolution to 40 is great. That's the standard that photo director uses. You can go down to like 50 to 1 50 still pretty good. You can go upto 300 if you want and that just increases the resolution or the actual quality per pixel below. You have your metadata. So with each of these photos, it has a lot of data. So it has the shutter speed, the camera type, the lands, all that information that we use before whips. I just went ahead and started exporting. I'm gonna cancel that. So it has all that information, and you can include that information in the exported photo if you want, but you don't have to. And then lastly, you have your watermark. So I will go over quickly how to add a watermark to your photos and how to create a watermark. But this is where you choose your watermark. So you say, Add a watermark and you click this little dot, dot dot button and you choose the watermark that you created. And then after you're done, you just click export, and they will save to that location that you chose. So, speaking of watermarks, let's go to our edit tab and let's go down to a watermark creator. There's a couple different options. You can add borders. If you want to add borders, you can add a quick copyright information right here on the right tab, or you can add text. So this text right here is what I've created before. But if you add text, let me just clear this. If you add text for the first time, you will come up with a big tax box right here. And this is where you can change. You're whatever you want. So let's call this Philip Epner photography. Then we could change the size. We can change the font. We could change the opacity. We can add a shadow if we want, and then we can move this. We can click and drag it and put it in the bottom corner. I like keeping my watermarks pretty small, but some people like putting them across the whole image. If you're doing stock photography, you might want to create a watermark that goes across the entire image. Another quick way to do it. I'm going to clear this is just with this little copyright watermark down at the bottom. If you select this check box, you can add this as his copyright symbol. And then you can change the text. So say, I'll call this Philip Epner photography again, and it shows down there, you can change the text color, alignment, font size all that as well. And you can even add the date camera, name, aperture, all this other information if you want. If you're happy with your watermark, I would save it. So you want to say save template? I'll call this Philip Abdennour photography. So now if I go ahead and I say export photos, experts selected photos, I have all my photos options selected already. If I goto watermark, I can choose this Philip Abner Photography. So let me say, OK, I'm going to go at an export. So the 1st 2 were already exported when I accidentally did that. So I'm just gonna say overwrite. Now let me go to my pictures folder Pictures under photo director Edits. Now if I open this up, we have my photo with my watermark on it. Pretty cool, huh? Now you can see if it's a brighter photo. It's kind of hard to see that that symbol right there, so you might need to come up with a watermark for bright and dark photos. Okay, so let's go back to photo director and let's say you want to post these photos directly to flicker or Facebook, where you can do is go to file, share selected photos, and then you can choose Facebook or Flicker. So they both worked the same. I'm gonna go ahead and do it with Flicker. What happens when you do that for the first time is it will ask you to authorize your Flickr account so you're gonna have toe sign in with flicker and authorize that photo director can use it. It's a quick process. You just kind of have to plug in your your name, your user name and password, and then it comes up with his little module, and you can choose what you want to add it to. If you want to add it to us, set an existing set or a new set you can. You can include the tags you can resize. If you wanted to be a specific size for a flicker, you can change the privacy settings, and you can add your watermark or not. Then you click upload, and it's going to okay, we gotta add a set name. Sorry about that. So you will have the Addison name, so we'll call the PD class and then you say, upload. And then up here on the right, you will see this up loading button. It will take a little bit of time to upload, but after it's uploaded, they will appear on your Flickr account. There's also this button right here that you don't see because it's faded out because it's working right now. But it's a quick way to export or share photos, so you don't actually have to go up to the file menu. You can just click this little expert button or this share button you can share on Facebook or flicker that way. So now if I go to my flicker page, you can see that it's already starting to up light upload. I have my leaf photo, these air, some photos that they uploaded before directly from photo director. See if I refresh. Yep. You have all my photos all up there already, and this is just a quick way. Rather than going through the flicker platform, you can just go directly through your photos in photo director, and it's just so easy to do it that way. Okay, so let me get back to photo director. So again, you see this button right here. You can share via Facebook. Email flicker Director zone or to your cyberlink loud if you have that account. Okay. So that's how you export your photos. There's lots of ways to do it. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. And I hope you've enjoyed the series of videos on photo director. If you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise we'll see you in another tutorial by guys.