1. Welcome to Class: Well, hello ladies
and gentlemen, and welcome to Excel money. Let me take a quick moment
to introduce myself to you. My name is William
is if I go by count, I have an MBA from
the United States, have lived and worked
in the USA and Asia, and have been a university
instructor since 2007 for the second ranked
University in South Korea. And this is one of
many crucial lessons I have compiled for you to help you become more successful in happier in life today
in Excel money, we're gonna go over
a personal budget. Now. We'll go over specifically
includes three major sections. Number one, what is a budget? Just in case you
didn't already know? Secondly, why is budgeting so important to get a handle
on your personal finances? And number three,
how are you going to be able to make your own
personal budget using Excel? So let's jump into it. So what is a budget? Well, budgeting is the process of creating a plan
to spend your money. This spending plan is
called the budget. Creating this
spending plan allows you to determine
in advance whether you have enough money
to do the things you need to do or the things
you'd like to do. Budgeting is simply balancing your expenses with your income. Now, if they don't balance and you spend
more than you make, you'll have a problem. Many people don't realize that
they spend more than they earn and slowly sink deeper
into debt every year. If you don't have
enough money to do everything you
would like to do, then you can use this planning
process to prioritize your spending and
focus your money on the things that are
most important to you. So why is it so important? Well, since budgeting
allows you to create a spending
plan for your money, it ensures that you
will always have enough money to do
the things you want, to get, the things you need. And following a budget, we're spending plan will
also keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt if you're
currently in debt. So how do you make your
own personal budget today? Well, let's go
ahead and get into Excel and go through
the process together. So get ready to open up your
Excel spreadsheet and follow along as we progress throughout making
your personal budget.
2. Let's Get Your Income Set Up: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, So let's start off by opening
up our Excel spreadsheet. And before we do any
work, Let's save it. So let's go File. Save As, give it a name. Let's say personal budget will save it to the desktop
to make things simple. Let's go ahead and
expand and get started. So here we have our
Excel spreadsheet. We have all of these
boxes in here or cells, and let's make it look
a little bit better. Let's make the background
look a little simpler. So let's go here to
the top left corner. Let's click here and let's
give it a background color. Here's our color box here. White is nice and neat. So click white or
any other color. And there you go. Look,
things look much better. Now we want to start off
with giving it a name. So maybe let's go down to A2 right here and
give it a name. What would be more fitting
than personal monthly budget? Fantastic. Maybe make it a
little bit larger. Let's go to 24. Looks good. Let's go 12 and get started with our income versus
expenses input. So remember, your income, Let's go catch block here. Income minus your expenses is the money that you have leftover or the money that you've lost. So let's start out with putting in the income that
you're making, your sources of income. Then we'll come over here. We're going to have
two more columns. One is your budget. This is what you
expect to make as far as your income goes for
any particular month. Then we'll put in your actual this is what you actually made for
any particular month. And then we want to
know the difference. Now, this is nice to
know for your income, but it's especially nice to know for your
expense categories. But nonetheless, let's enter it. So we have these 1234 columns. Pretty simple, and
that's basically what we're going to do for
this entire spreadsheet. So to make this a little easier, Let's make this a
little prettier. That's highlight these
four areas here. Let's give them a color. I like the color green because income is money
that you're making. Maybe give the font a white color because
it shows up easier, bolded, and let's make it 16. How about that? From here, let's expand a little bit up to the end here so we can have plenty of space
to write our line items. And let's double-click see
how this c0 is cut off. Let's double-click
here to do and it'll automatically
adjust the width. So here we have our income
budget, actual indifference. Now let's go ahead and put
in some line items here. What are your sources of income? Well, most of us
maybe have a job. So job, let's say one to be
your wages and your tips. Maybe you have
another job, job to, perhaps most of us
have one job or two. This is our greatest
source of income, but we do have room for other line items just in case we have other
sources of income. So what are some other options? How about interest income? If you're making interests off any particular investments? How about dividends? If you're making
dividends off of stocks and gifts received, did you get any monetary gifts
from relatives or friends? Then perhaps refunds
and reimbursements. If you have received any. Maybe maybe you're
going to transfer some money at sometimes from your savings to
your bank account, your checking account,
or your income account. And let's leave a little bit
of room for other just in case who knows what can happen. So we have our line items here. Now, we want to put in the numbers that we're
going to budget here, the actual numbers
for the month here. And the difference. Pretty simple stuff,
simple calculation. So let's go ahead and
put in some ideas. Let's say we're going
to budget $3 thousand. Now notice that this $3
thousand is just a number. We want all of these to
register as dollars, let's say as currency. So let's go ahead and
highlight these three columns. Right-click, go down
to format cells. Let's put in accounting. Here you can choose your symbol. For example, the dollar sign and the number of
decimal places. And we'll, we'll,
we'll keep with two. Click. Okay. And wallah, you've got $3 thousand. Even. Now, if you make an
actual amount of 2800, what would be the difference? Well, let's make this
as simple calculation. This is where we're gonna
put in our formulas for your income. What we're going to do here is the difference
between these two. We're going to do a
little reverse logic. We're going to go here. We're going to hit
the equal sign. There we go to actual
click in that box, then click the minus sign, then go to your budget
and click Enter. Here we see a $200 difference. This is a negative difference. You actually made $200 or
less than your budget. Good luck next time. Let's do the same thing here. We're going to scroll down. So make sure all of these numbers have
the same calculation. We're going to click in
this box under differences. And this little square
at the bottom right, we're going to click
it and hold it and scroll down all the way. So we're in line with
what's over here. And this will automatically incorporate whatever your
budget is to your actual. Now to make this look
a little better, okay, So what we'll do is
we'll highlight here. We want to make sure all
of this looks decent. So for data entry, we want to make it
clear to where we want to input that particular data. So let's go ahead and
give this a nice border. Will go down to all borders. And while I'll look, this is where we'll put
in our information. Now in this area of differences, let's go ahead and
give it a gray box. So it's easy, it's easier to differentiate between
these two sections here. Let's give it maybe
a light gray, and that looks pretty good. Next we need a total, right? So let's put in this
bottom box right here. Total income, give
it a cap locks. Now we're gonna do
data entry here, data entry here, and
then the difference. So let's go ahead and we
can click on this and scroll all the way down here. Let's give this area a
gray box altogether. And your total will be
all of this together, and all of this together. So your total budget
is going to equal. Autosome. Highlight
all this here, and then click Enter. Go Some everything together. Let's do the same to the next, to next column, the next column. Now, I made a little
mistake here. Let's clear that out. So we want the same thing
from here to here to here. So just highlight this,
click on that box. Again, we're going to click the little green square
at the bottom right. Hold it down and pull it across. There you go. All these numbers
come into play. Now, let's differentiate
this entire income box from everything else
that we're doing. And let's just
highlight here and give this own little border. So let's choose maybe a
bottom double border here. Wherever you want is fine. I'm going with the
bottom double border and wallah, There we go. This looks pretty
good, don't you think? So? We're well on our way
to creating a budget. This section here is starting off your budget and putting
in your income area. Now, you might want to
take a quick break, get a drink of water,
cup of coffee, do whatever you have to do. And then let's go back
and get into putting into our expense categories.
Okay. Talk to you soon.
3. Let's Get Your Expenses Entered: Okay. Now that we've done
the Personal monthly budget, the section of income, Let's go ahead and jump into this section for your expenses. Great, so let's go back
to our Excel spreadsheet. And here we are with
our income area here. You want to go one
to skip a space. And let's go ahead and
put in our expenses. Let's start with some of the major expenses,
home expenses. So let's catalog and go. Home. Expenses. Right here. Scroll over
and again, budget, actual indifference,
legit, actual difference. This time instead of green, Let's choose another
color because it's an entirely different category. How about, let's
go with something like go with a little
bit of orange. Why it again? Hold up here. It was sized 16, so let's do the same. Size. 16. Okay. We're on our way. So what would be some line
items for home expenses? First, maybe mortgage or rent, then maybe home insurance. If you have that. Electricity, gas and oil. Have your water
bill, which could include sewer, sewer and trash. Maybe home phone. If you guys
still have a home phone, everyone has smartphones
these days, right? Cable, Internet, maybe furnishings
and appliances, lawn and garden, maintenance, supplies, improvements. And as usual, let's leave a section for other
just in case. So we have these
line items here. We want to put into
our budget amount. Same thing as usual. Let's go down and
give it a border. And over here we want to do the same thing as
we did up here. So just about the same. Let's go ahead and
make it a little difference, a little different. And our equal sign. Let's go over here to budget, then the minus sign and
the actual and then enter. So when we put in, maybe we
expect our monthly mortgage. Let's say I'm just randomly choosing
something, Let's go $500. And for whatever reason, I'm sure this
wouldn't be the case. But just for an example, let's say it turns out to
be a little more expensive. Like a 110. You've gone over by $10. These brackets here
will show that for you. So let's highlight
here as usual. This where the area that
we put in the equation, click on that little green
box at the bottom right. Oops, Hold it ends. It's
hard for me to do this. Okay, hold it ends, scroll down so we propagate
our equations here. Now we want the same background
as we did at the top. Let's go ahead and make it
here light gray as last time. Okay, it looks good. And C, we have the
total down here. Let's do the same thing. Let's go total home expenses. Then we want to summation. Make sure you're
all of these here, and then enter to the same
thing here for summation. Autosum. Highlight everything
in this box and hit Enter. Then we can do the
same thing here, autosome and then scroll
all the way down and enter. Finally, we want to give
it a border and shading. So let's go here. Let's give it a bottom border. Borders are right here. In her bottom double
border right here. Along with some
shading. Again, boom. And law, the quiz you got
your home expenses category. Alright? What other expense
categories do we have? Now? What you can do to
make this simpler is simply highlight
all of this copy. Now when we highlighted,
notice how many cells we have. One more time. One more time. And now look in the top left. It says 15 by four. Let's do the same thing again. Let's go right here. 15 months for tourists
has now 15 by four. It's the same amount, Control V. The same thing. Now, let's just change the categories instead
of home expenses. Let's do transportation. Budget, actual difference. Now, we want to change
these items here. Let's highlight everything. Right-click and go
to clear contents. Now from here, what are some line items for
transportation? How about vehicle payments
and auto insurance? Fuel. And aside from your car, maybe a public transportation
like taxi and terrain. How about repairs? Repairs for your car,
not the bus, right. Maybe your registration license. And as usual, let's give in an other category for
who knows what else. Now, look at all
this space here, 123456, however many, we
don't want these anymore. Instead, let's highlight
them on the very left. Right-click and
just click Delete. Fantastic. Now,
these are different. Let's take these out of
need them right now. We want to change this from home expenses to transportation. And there you go. Maybe your vehicle payment, let's say is 300 a month. And for whatever reason, it came out to be a little less. Let's say, this is unlikely, but let's just say
for argument's sake, to 90, you have ten
leftover of your budget, which is a good thing, right? And it propagates
down to the bottom. Now, what I want you to
do with these categories, home expenses,
transportation, and so on. Now that we have two
categories here, we still have other
categories of expenses. Now this will depend
on your personal life. But what would be some other
expenses we can put in? Well, those could
be health, gifts, subscriptions, daily
living, entertainment, savings obligations
and miscellaneous. What you can do for your others is let's say highlight again. Let's do nine by four. Right-click and copy
to nine by four again. Highlight nine by four. Right-click and paste. We have the same thing
as we did earlier. Let's put in a
category for health. Let's take all of these
out. Clear contents. Let's rename this health and remove these two
items. There you go. What would be some
line items for health? Well, let's say
health insurance. And maybe doctor
visits and medication. Let's see life insurance
or other insurance. Maybe health clubs like the gym. Let's do other and we
have one extra leftover. You can leave that maybe
for something else, or you can right-click
and delete. And there we go Again. We have these amounts. Now, once you have all of your expenses done, for example, home expenses with a total here, transportation
with a total here, health and the total
here, and others. We can make a total area. Let's do total expenses. Budget, actual difference. Let's give this a
slightly different color just to make it stand out
because it's the total. Let's go here and
let's give it a read. Really stands out right. Turn the font white
and make it bold in. As usual, it's make it 16. Now, what would the total V? Well, we're going to
put expenses here. Let's just to again,
expenses, okay. And the budget, let's
make these have a border. Let's give this a color. Gray again. Let's make these amounts are going to equal the summation
or the ones up here. So your total budgeted expenses. Here's the equation we want
to do is pretty simple. You ready? Hit the equal sign? Go up here. And it's going to
be the total here. Plus the total here. Plus the total here. And then enter, see how it
added up our totals here. Total of 500, total of 300, but we don't have
anything here yet. So 800. The same thing
here equals this, plus this, plus this and enter. Interesting how these
work out to be the same. And then equals this plus this, plus this, and it comes
out to be washed. You budgeted. Perfectly. Great. So now we have an idea of how to put in our
expense categories, the different categories
of expenses like home, transportation, health,
and additional ones. And with all those categories, you can put a total at the end, which comes out to
be the summation of all those categories,
budget, actual indifference. Now what we have left to do is find out what is the difference, What's the summary between
the income and the expenses? And we're going to do
that in just a moment. Get ready for section
number three.
4. Put Together Your Summary: Okay, so now you have your income areas and
your expense areas. All we need to do
now pretty much is look at the difference between those two major
sections and see, are you within budget? Are you spending too much money? Or are you maybe
perhaps saving money? So in order to do that, once you have, let's say, all of your expense items, any ones that are extra in it in excess of home expenses,
transportation, and health, anything
else that you've added and you've made
your total down here. Let's go ahead and
put in a summary. It's going to look
basically the same. So let's skip down maybe
12 lines as usual. Let's put in with all
caps budget summary. Let's scroll over and give
it the same as usual, your budget an
actual difference. Now, instead of one of these nice colors like
green, orange, and red, Let's give it a good old
fashion, a lot color. And as usual it's
make it white text. Old. Size 16 antibiotic. Now there are only
a couple of items in here that you actually need. Under budget summary, Let's go total income and
then total expenses. And really the difference
between those two is going to be your net. Now, under here, we're
going to put in, as usual, your budget actual and give
it a border, same as usual. Let's make it simple. It might do a little change in a second. The difference, the same. Now here, the difference, the calculation
we're gonna make a little different is the one that the type of calculation
we did with your income. So we're gonna go equals the
actual minus the Budget. Enter. Just so we'll do all
of these the same way, just so you can recreate it. Equals the actual minus a budget equals the
actual minus the budget. Let's do 1 second. Let's do one more time. Equals actual minus
budget. Okay? Now let's give it the gray area as we've done in the past. A little bit of gray. So what do we put in here? Well, the budget,
your total income, is going to equal what you
have up here at the top. Total income, real simple, right? Let's go back here. Your total expenses for your budget is going
to equal right here. Now, the actual do the
same thing is going to equal your actual total income. Back up here at the top. Enter. Your actual total
expenses are going to equal your actual total
expenses here and has thick. Now, here's what we need
to make a little change. What's the difference here? Well, the difference between total income and total expense, we're going to say equals simply total income minus total. Same here. Equals total income minus
total expense. Enter. Fantastic, and this
all works out. Let's do a little bit more. I guess, designed to make
it a little clearer. Let's highlight here and give it its own unique
little bottom border. So I'll go back up the top, come down and give any
bottom double border too. And we could, if you want, highlight this as
well and give it that background, that
gray background. And why not even make it large so you can
sort of stands out. Let's go. Instead of 12, let's
make it a nice 18. Wow, it really pops
out there for you. Fantastic. So that's all you
really need to do in order to set
your budget area, your budget summary right here, these these 123123
categories here. So go ahead and give that a try. And then after you've
set all this up, let's come back and go ahead and test everything out. Okay? Alright. Talk to you very soon.
5. Finalize and Test Your Budget: And the income and expense areas just cleared out like
you have it here. And let's put in some numbers together and makes sure
that they all add up, which means that you've put in the correct formulas
in the correct areas. So we want to double-check. So let's just put in
some arbitrary numbers, just follow along with me. Although it might not be your numbers, we're
just checking. So job one, let's
put in 5 thousand, actual 5 thousand
at the very bottom. Let's put in a number to 500 into each of these
500 into the budget. Let's say the actual is 300. You made a little bit less
than you were expecting, about $200 less your expenses. Let's say your mortgage
rent is 1 thousand. I'm gonna do the
same in both areas. However, it will be a little different down at
the very bottom, whatever you have at the
bottom in this category, let's put in 500, but it turns out to be 300. Now, notice the difference here. Five hundred, three hundred. We have brackets here of
two hundred five hundred, three hundred, no brackets. Here. You're doing worse
than you were expecting. So we have your under $200 than you were actually expecting to make compared to your budget. Here it's the opposite. Here, this is your
expense category. So you're budgeting 500, you only spend 300, so
that's pretty good. You're saving 200. So this is a negative number,
is a positive number. So the same down here. Let's say vehicles to 500 again, just to check 500. And let's do 100. Then 50. Now you're
spending less. So you're actually
saving 50 here. You don't have brackets. Let's double-check
this one as well. Let's just do one hundred. One hundred. It looks good. It's two. Let's try 100 again. 150 Here. Great, you're saving money. It's not in brackets. Now, I think I made a little bit of mistake down here
in the budget summary. What I want you to do here
is let's clear this out. Instead, I want you
to come in here and let's do the
equation one more time. It's still works out in the end, but it's going to make a
little bit more sense to do equals budget minus
actual enters. So here you are
expecting to spend 2300, but you actually
spent 2 thousand. So you saved 300 Cray. Your income, you're expecting
to make 5.5 thousand, but you actually made a
little less than that. So you didn't do as well. That's why it's in
the brackets here. And you should get
these numbers here. So overall, your net, which means your income
minus your expenses, you are expecting to net 3,200, not a real number. These are just to go through
our testing phase here. Actually. Overall are your
actual net you made. Your profit was $100 extra. So this is a positive number, is not in brackets. So what about you put
in some numbers just to check and make sure
that they make sense. And then if they do fantastic, you have yourself a
working budget and you can start entering these
numbers on a monthly basis. And if you do, you're going to find out where you're spending too much money and what
expenses you have control over. And the next thing you know, you're going to have extra
money to put either into savings or to paying
off debt or investment. And what a monkey off your
back that's gonna be, you're gonna be walking down the street with a bigger
smile on your face, feeling much better that
you took the time to make a budget and
control your finances. Congratulations, okay, that's about it for making
your own personal budget. And if you get the chance, share with someone else, helps someone else make
their own personal budget, you'll be so much happier that he did so and so will they. Okay, I hope you
found some value in this particular lesson and check out any other
lessons I might have on Excel, the money. Bye-bye, Take care.