Personal Branding: Your Copywriting Secret Sauce | Bonnie Summerfeldt | Skillshare

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Personal Branding: Your Copywriting Secret Sauce

teacher avatar Bonnie Summerfeldt, Not the same old BS branding + websites

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Personal Branding Lowdown


    • 3.

      Your Secret Sauce


    • 4.

      Your McDreamy


    • 5.

      Write Like a Human


    • 6.

      Your Project


    • 7.



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About This Class

Let’s mix in YOU with what you do so you can write copy that’ll attract more of your dream clients. The ones you love working with, that love working with you, and that pay you the big bucks! Your McDreamy.

Droning on in dull, corporate speak is putting your readers to sleep. Being yourself makes you real and relatable. When you write to us on a more emotional level we’re HOOKED. We’re staying on your website, reading your posts, and building that know/like/trust factor. 

Not the same old BS copy. It’s your secret sauce.

People like to buy from people – people that are like us. 

So why are we writing like robots?

Throughout this course, you'll figure out what your personal brand stands for, who your dream client is, and how your copy can better connect with them. You’ll be able to write great copy for your website, social media, blog, newsletters and more.

This is perfect for small business owners and professionals like consultants and advisors. You already put so much of yourself into your product and services, so why not add it into your copy as well?

Let’s get started!

Meet Your Teacher

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Bonnie Summerfeldt

Not the same old BS branding + websites


Hey, I’m Bonnie – a brand and web designer. I help successful professionals with internet allergies look fabulous online. We mix who they are with what they do to build more credibility and confidence and bring in more leads.

I art directing national print magazines for many years and LOVED it. But, sadly, times changed so I jumped over to the digital world. I've had to learn a ton about online business and website design but I've found working with content in print transfers really well into websites. Making it engaging, digestible, and beautiful.

So, now I help other pros take their businesses online – and do it without feeling like ripping their hair out. Hassle-free and no BS. From strategy to copywriting, portraits, photo rese... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: I I'm bony Summer file. I help savvy professionals look fabulous and feel confident online with personal branding and squarespace websites. I'm going to help you inject more of you into what you do so you can write copy that will attract your green clients. The ones you love working with, the ones that love working with you and the ones that keep the big bucks. Don't worry. You don't have to know how to do this. You don't have to be a writer. Anyone can do this because you're just being yourself. I worked with a lot of solo business owners who have Internet allergies. They have a hard time putting the missiles as there. When we were working on their website, look, give me formal corporate sounding tax to put in their beautiful website. It's super dry, makes the reader's eyes lead droning on and on, and that corporate speak is putting your readers to sleep. Being yourself makes you real and relatable when you write to us on a more emotional level , we're staying on your website. We're reading your posts and we begin to like, trust you, not the same old Bs coffee writing. It's your secret sauce. You know about 90% of buying decisions are made by a gut feeling. Yes, it's subconscious and mostly emotional. Crazy rate. You can research all the facts you want, but it's the feeling you get from that person. Actually, drive your decision. People like to buy from people, not companies, way to buy from people that are like us. So why writing like robots? Let's add more of you into what you dio in this chorus. You'll figure out what your personal brand stands for hu, your ideal client is, and how your copy can better connect with, um, you'll be able to write Great copy that connects where your website, social media, glove newsletters and more. So let's get started. 2. The Personal Branding Lowdown: So let's just start with getting a handle on what personal branding is. You're probably thinking I'm not a Kardashian. I have a business. So why do I need a personal brand? Well, surprise. You already have a personal brand. It's your reputation. Personal brands aren't just for celebrities because of social media. We've all become brands more than ever before. It's everything we put online. It's our friends and colleagues. See, feel and talk about us and our business when we're not there. It's not just your logo or a cool website. It's the experience. You offer your expertise and opinions you share. But it's your hidden talents, your values and your personality that give your brand rial depth. The best brands top into your emotions. So close your eyes and think about it. What comes to mind when you hear the name Oprah? Mohammed Ali, Seth Godin, Lady Gaga? Their personalities are their brands. They embrace who they are and use it to set themselves apart and build huge followings like gaga as monsters. They stern emotion when you think of them. It's not about being fake. It's about being authentic. Never underestimate the value of how being yourself can build your brand in your business. It's the power of being different is often called the Personality Difference Curator. It's simply about being yourself, being brave enough to show up and put yourself out there and doing it consistently until you're known for it sticking in people's heads like a bad 80 song. This is a huge opportunity for small businesses, professional services like sultans, therapists and advisers. By injecting your personality into your business, you can set yourself apart from your boring competition because there's only one you, you know, robot. As a business owner, you're probably a huge part of your business. Your personality probably comes through when you're working with clients, so should also come through in your copy. Think of it as a tool to build more trust in credibility. It shows that there's heart behind your business. People don't want to hear you explain how great you are. Let them experience it, be yourself and let them see for themselves. We know when we're being sold to we're no dummies. Slick videos and taglines don't cut it like they used to. People buy from people. People like them people. They admire ones who stand for a good cause, brands that put their people first by being authentic, transparent and consistent. We could make amazing connections, build loyal followers and generate more leads. Business out there Internet is crazy, baby. We all have digital a d d. We can't mimic what everyone else is doing in our industry. We'll blend in with the other riffraff. We need to find our secret sauce. 3. Your Secret Sauce: Let's pull out some of the ingredients that make you you. What makes you awesome? We all think we're kind of boring, but I assure you you are not. We all have something to offer, and we can all relate to each other in some way or another. Let's go through some questions to help you start thinking about how you want to be seen. Download and print the secret sauce worksheet or grab some papers that you could scribble down ideas You don't think about using the computer. You'll be too tempted to edit, and then you'll lose your flow. Let's start with values. Your inner values could be much more powerful than the outer traits. What do your core values? What steers you could be your family. Financial success. Wellness, travel, Maybe giving back balance world dominance your dog. Embrace your past. Choose a few big life events or experiences that have had an impact on who you become and what you value. This could be your education, jobs, relationships, starting your business, being a mentor. Illness, marriage, childbirth, death, real travel, adult ing. Do you have any good stories and dotes or lessons learned that you could share. What do your best traits choose a natural talent for strength? What do you get the most compliments on? This is a good one to ask a couple of friends or colleagues. Text them and ask them which of your many, many great traits is their favorite examples. Could be generosity, openness, your sense of humor. You're fabulous style, your creative ideas, your optimum energy flow, your organization. You're never paying full price for anything where your six pack what the superpower you'd like to be known for and what do you kind of stuck at? We can't be all things to all people, so why not own it? Of course, I'm not talking about bad at your job stuff. I'm talking snooze button addiction. Internet allergies. Not getting enough sleep. Hate networking, Exercising. Maybe you're a terrible cook. Sometimes it's the things we struggle with that are the most enduring to others. They love to feel that they're not alone. I don't feel like sharing them will be your kryptonite. It just makes you seem human. Being perfect is a connection killer. What's one quirk that's totally important, such as never seeing the game of Thrones you hate coffee. You were superhero T shirts. Too bad. And what about your voice? Think about how you come across when you interact with friends, colleagues and clients. Are you formal, chatty, detached, warm walkie. You're chill, energised giving, or what role do you play? Are you like everyone's BFF mentor? A parental unit? Uh, cheerleader or maybe an entertainer? What words do you use a lot? What are some of your favorite sayings? Do you cuss a lot? Do you tell dad jokes? It's generally best to write like you talk. Let's talk outward facing elements. What first impression do you give off from the car? You drive to your home to core favorite food, clothes and colors. What's your style or what do you wish your style is? Are you all minivans, yoga pants and ponytails, or you the power suit heels and green shakes type. Personally, I'm all gene sandals and musty buns. However you let's practice putting yourself out there. This is a great warm up exercise. Make your own style statement that sums up your personal style or lack of style. You could work those dad jeans, crocks and hoodies, too. I'd love to hear what yours is drop your style statement in this section below. This would also make a great social media post, I think. And lastly, passion sharing what excites you is an easy way to connect. What keeps you fueled? This could be your life worker Side hustle. I was gonna make you a T shirt and you could put on your top four things. What would they be? Do you have any quirks or weird hobbies? Things you can't live without Could be your dog. Your wife? Uh, yoga. Ah, Success. Wine. Coffee tacos Could be winning or shoes. Netflix binges, Naps or patio Lynches. That's me on the right. So you know what? Minor summer carbs? Dancing and Darius. So what are your four things? Choose four things that light you up. You could even make thes your business brand words and put them on a notebook for clients. Share them in the community section below, or have fun with it and draw them on the T shirt images in the workbook and upload a picture into the section below. We'd love to see them 4. Your McDreamy: Now you got a better idea of what your personal brand is. You've clarified what's important to you and what makes you unique. So let's figure out what will resonate with your audience. To do this, we need to know who you're talking Teoh, because this isn't actually all about you. It's about who you want to attract. So who do you most want to attract? Don't make this mistake of trying to talk to everybody because, like Marie for Leo says, If you're talking to everybody, you're talking to nobody. This is the key to marketing and copyrighting. Being generic is just going to make you blend into the Internet noise. Your special sauce will be so diluted it's not advertising to anyone. We need to be so specific so that your pictures, your person in your head feeling like you know them will make it easier to just be yourself . It's much easier to talk to one person and talking to a full room or a full stadium. But the really key here is to attract the claims you want and want you and repel the riff raff that aren't a good fit. Yes, give others permission to not like you because they aren't your McDreamy. Hey, you're not a good fit. So you don't want to waste your time wooing them, only to have them be total duds. So how do you close your dream client? Well, the more I know about my McDreamy, the more I feel like I can share with, um I feel like I'm talking to someone I already know, so I could be more genuine and more out to give the juicy details that they want here. When I went from trying to sound professional to actually putting myself out there and getting really specific on who I was talking to, so many people said how it was like I was speaking right to them. It connects so much better. This is the power of having an ideal client avatar your person, your ideal customers make you feel less like pushing the snooze button seven million times in the morning because they're the type of people you love working last that need what you offer and you're making a good profit off what they're buying when you really get them. It makes copy writing so much easier. It's like you're reading their minds. You don't make your writing faster and more effective. So think of great clients you've already had in client you want will combine the best qualities of your favorites. Killing You were sheet with ideas for your MC dreamy first start by listing any commonalities your favorite clients have. What are the common denominators between them? Some things to think about our What's the common problem or desire? Do they come to you for what keeps them up at night? What's causing them to look for a solution in the first place? Are they in a specific industry or have a similar job title? Are they typically male or female? And what age bracket? How did they find you with a local with a city or country? Are they affluent or thrifty? Do they haven't over *** scene leg, similar background or values or goals? So now imagine what their lifestyle is like. Feel what it's like toe walk in their shoes for a day. Good seeing life through your customers. Eyes is gold. You're better able to empathize with um and build more trust. So what's your favorite food TV show? Vee? Stores or hobbies? Are they a world traveler, yoga, obsessed off booty, Netflix binger, sportsman, gamer or maybe a but clever. Do they have kids were for babies, dog or a cat person, books or movies in log or digital? What's their style? Or what could they care less about and what's on their T shirt? What are therefore things Now that you have your person, give them a name so you can imagine talking to them. When you write your copy, picture them as a celebrity. You admire your favorite historical figure or an old friend, whatever works for you. Now let's get writing. 5. Write Like a Human: Let's do this coffee writing thing. Now you're ready with some bits and pieces of you to Sprinkle into your website emails and social media posts, and you made it easier to write by being able to visualize exactly who you're talking. Teoh. So next up are some copy ready tips to help keep away that way too formal tone to make our coffee go from men to something that people actually want to read. Build connection over making sales. This is about attraction. You're wooing your dream clients. This is not a yucky sales pitch. Think of it. Is dating getting to know you stuff, not asking them to marry you. Casual is the new formal. Do not use the third person unless it's for something like PR. Like a speaking engagement that's not gonna be on your own site. Lose the robot talk. Use contractions like don't and I'm so I will becomes ill. You are. Is your try talking out loud when you write, so you'll sound more conversational, less corporate stuffy. Lose the industry jargon. My clients don't want to elevate their brand collateral. They want an update, their dusty old logo. They designed it word when they first got started. Clarity wins over cleverness. A goldfish has a longer attention span. And we do when we're online. Don't try to dazzle s with tricky words for big descriptions. Something like helping women either Most vibrant. What is that? What those women really want is to I feel confident off to leave the house without makeup on. Get specific. You're talking to everybody you're talking to Nobody. Remember your ideal customer in direct. Please speak to them. Otherwise our eyes glaze over and the next thing you know, we clicked on one of the other 17 browser tabs we have opened and we're watching cute animal videos on Facebook. Give it to me straight. Tell me how it's gonna make my life better. Now I know that sometimes it's hard to get started and the fear of putting yourself out there is rial. I get it. I love small groups, but the big social media scene not so much. Here are a few tests. I've found a help. Yes, we're different. But we're also a lot of like so many of the ingredients that make up who you are totally relatable to others. In many ways, were exactly the same. I really think that these days people really appreciate authenticity over polished imperfection. We're not fooled by those fancy ad agencies anymore. Those slick photos. It doesn't have to be perfect. The beauty of digital is that it's all edible. Any time I love that, you can go in and change your social media bio, update a block post or edit your website text in a flash with APS like Squarespace, write a crappy first draft. Accept the fact that your first draft will be total crap. That's just late ISS. So just do it. Your second draft will be so much better. Don is better than perfect people. So right, your first crappy draft, right? You're way more awesome. Second draft, trim out anything that's not absolutely necessary. Read it out loud to make sure it sounds like you check it for errors and remove any cheesy cliches. And boom, you're done Seriously. You need more tips. No way. You're so ready. It's time to get writing. Finish your project 6. Your Project: Let's do this for the last step in your project. It's time to write about yourself, so we're gonna write about your bio. A short tagline may look like talented, motivated financial grew with a great sense of humor and killer kicks or something like always aiming to be the best in public relations while having fun kicking but always pushing the envelope for employees, clients and myself. See how they've added their personality right in there. You could also use Hashtags in an emojis. They're great for outing, personality and saving space for social media. We're making a little longer for when someone asked what you dio. This is incredibly helpful to be able to whip out in your networking, mixing you with what you do and who it's for. And maybe a little of your secret sauce. This example paints a picture. I'm Diane and I'm a photographer. My specialty is day in the Life family photography. I love shooting families who let me come into their house while they're still in their jammies and capture their real life from breakfast to dinner. No step formal photos, and so to wrap up, consider your own traits and your specialty who you're targeting be transparent to build more trust specific to being were targeted and add more detail. So you're more engaging. An example of my bio would be, Hey, I'm Bonnie, a brand and Web designer. I helped successful professionals with Internet allergies look fabulous online. We mix in who they are, with what they do to build more credibility and confidence and bring in more leads. So how about you, were you gonna say, when someone who doesn't know you ask what you dio create a better connection by adding and more of you be sure to drop it in the community section below so we can see it. 7. Success!: So you did it in this course we covered What personal branding ISS and why it's important how to discover what your brand stands for. Out. Add more of you in your coffee. Who? Your ideal client is that you're talking Teoh copyrighting tips and how to get started and get through Writer's block. Now you have some coffee and subjects to pull from. You can add more of you in other places. You can be found create a swipe file. This is a great little thing. Take all these bits and pieces you've written here in great a sweat plant like a little note on your phone. This is where you keep this stuff to grab from. When you start something like a corporate robot, remember? Just be you do what feels right not what everyone else is doing. Just be yourself. Share, Educate connect. I really hope you had fun doing a project so fun quickly connecting with other businesses and seeing what fun things they're doing. So please don't forget to share them in the community section below. I want to see what Europe Teoh Bakay. Thanks for doing the course Bye bye