Persona Crafting for User Experience (UX) Design : A Comprehensive Guide | Faisal Memon | Skillshare

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Persona Crafting for User Experience (UX) Design : A Comprehensive Guide

teacher avatar Faisal Memon, Product | Engineer | Entrepreneur

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Introduction


    • 2.

      How is this course designed?


    • 3.

      What are User Personas


    • 4.

      Understanding User Research for Persona Creation


    • 5.

      Analyzing and Understanding Data


    • 6.

      Crafting Your User Personas


    • 7.

      Exercise: Let’s Create a Persona for our own Product


    • 8.

      Applying User Personas in the Design Process


    • 9.

      Course Wrap-up


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About This Class

In the world of user experience design, understanding your users is key to creating products that resonate and satisfy them. This comprehensive course, "Persona Crafting for UX: A Comprehensive Guide," provides a deep dive into the creation, and application of user personas in the UX design process.

Through this course, you will learn the definition of a persona, the importance and benefits of using personas in UX design. We will walk you through user research methods and how to gather data to craft comprehensive user personas.

This course will guide you on how to structure your personas, what to include, and how to visualize them.

By incorporating personas into design thinking and ideation, you will be able to use them effectively for design decision-making and to create user scenarios and user journeys. Finally, we will review the common mistakes to avoid and best practices for maintaining and updating your personas.

This course is the perfect opportunity to master the skill of persona crafting and apply it effectively to your UX design projects.

Meet Your Teacher

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Faisal Memon

Product | Engineer | Entrepreneur


Hey - this is Faisal and thanks for being here.

I have over 12 years of experience working as a Product Manager Founder/CEO Engineer in Mobile and App development industry. I have been building global products being used by millions of users across the globe since the beginning of my career.

Currently I am heading Product at one of the fast-paced startup in India and enjoying every moment of it. Prior to his, I built out couple of startups which had over half a million users across the globe, raised funding from Google other investors and was part of Google Launchpad Accelerator. I have experience of building products from scratch and scaling to global users.

I am here on Skillshare to share my knowledge with seekers and help them grow personally and professional... See full profile

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Design UI/UX Design UX Writing
Level: Beginner

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1. Course Introduction: Welcome to this course where I'll teach you how you can make use of personas into your design process. My name is faisal, and I'll be your instructor for this course. I'm an entrepreneur with passion for teaching online. This course is designed to help you create your own Personas, think about them, and also how you can use this personas to refine and use them in your design process. Personas are one of the essential tools when it comes to design. So if you are designing a product for your users, it's really important that you understand your users really, really well. And personas act as a beacon that helped you guide your user decisions that you're taking and it helps you deliver are User Centric product. In the end, with this course, we will delve into the things like, what are personas? What are the things that you need to do before you create your personas? So we'll talk about user research and how you can get data about your users before you create personas. Then we will delve into the aspects of creating a persona. What does a personal look like? How can you create your own personas? And what are the things that you need to consider? Then we will talk about ways in which you can use personas into your design process to help learn effectively. We will even take an example of a hypothetical startup. And we will learn how we can create personas for the startup. And once we have created the persona, how can we apply that Persona into our design process? This course is designed for users at all levels, whether you are an entrepreneur student or a working professionals. This course will give you all the knowledge that you need, which will help you create effective personas to understand your users needs. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started and I'll see you inside the course. 2. How is this course designed?: In this particular class, I wanted to give you a short introduction of how this course is designed. In the beginning, we understand what are User Personas and what are the things that you need to do before you create user personas? So there will be things like user research. You need to go out and talk to your users. So how can you do all of that? That is something we will have an overview on. Then we will actually talk about how you can create your own Personas. And we will even to an take an example of a startup or a product that already exists. And we will learn how we can create personas for that startup. Then, after we have learned how we can create Personas, we will go ahead and see how we can apply these personas to design process. So if you're designing to solve a particular problem within your app, what are the things that you need to keep in mind? And how can personas help you get there? So all these things we will explore with the help of this example start. This is an overview of this course and let's get started. 3. What are User Personas: So let us now start talking about what are User Personas? User personas are nothing but the fictional representations of your user base. So if you are building a product or if you're working at your job, It's going to have a user base. And user personas just represent that user base. No Persona also have the detailed descriptions of this user base who represent major user groups, vector mistakes, behaviors, and cold Personas, important. So personas are important because they help you understand your users. They help you humanize your design process. And personas are critical in UX design because they help you understand what your users need. What are their behaviors? What are their frustrations or pain points? What are their goals? So essentially, the helped you be in the shoes of your users and think from their perspective. They enable designers to empathize for that users. And this helps in more user-centric design. Let us take a look at some of the benefits of having personas and user decides. The number one benefit is NPP. Like I said, personas help designers empathize with the users. So you, as a designer, can keep yourself in the shoes of the user. And this enables you to design for user needs. Because you are now thinking from the user's perspective. Focus. User personas help you ever designer to guide decision-making. My focusing on user needs, and it helps to avoid personal bias if there is any communication. Personas provide a shared understanding of the User Group for the entirety within a particular company. And this helps improve communication and collaboration. Because everyone is now thinking from that one user perspective, success measurement. So since you now have a clear definition of user, this makes it easier for you to measure what success looks like. That's about user personas to summit up. User personas are nothing but fictional representations of your user base that enable you to think from user perspective. And this helps a lot in design making process 4. Understanding User Research for Persona Creation: Thinking about User Research for Persona Creation. So in UX design, user research is one of the fundamental things to understand your users. And user research is a process which involves different methods, like interviews, surveys, observations to understand your users better. It is with the help of user research. You understand your users and this helps you to create your personas effectively. And these personas then Reflect your user base and who is using your product. So this makes User Research fundamental to understanding User Behavior, needs and motivation. Let us start talking about the different user research methods. The number one method would be interviews, one-to-one interviews, wherein you call the customer and talk to them. This gives you some insights into User motivation, behaviors, attitudes, and so on. It helps for in-depth discussion and it enables you to explore different topics that may not surface in other research methods. Because here you are meeting face-to-face or over video call to the user. So essentially you are interviewing them. Service. So service can be used to collect responses from a large set of audience. And this can help you gather both qualitative and quantitative data. This data can often be used to validate some hypotheses that you have created or generated from interviews. For example, if you have identified a problem when talking to a user, in a user interview, you might want to check if majority of similar people are having this kind of a problem. And that is where you do surveys to ask them questions. Or if you figured out that a user uses a particular tool to perform particular tasks, you might want to understand if similar users in similar domain are using a similar tool. This is where surveys can be helpful. So you can go and talk to everyone, but you have spoken to a few. Now we want to validate that hypothesis across a last set of audience. And that is where service comes into picture. Observations. Observation involves watching your users interact with your product or service in a natural environment. And this method is great to understand the contexts of use, to identify the pinpoint and to discover any unmet needs that your users might have. So sure you give you a product to the user and you just observe them as to how they're using and what are they liking, what they are not. User testing. This method allows you to understand the usability of your product. If you have a product out there, you might want to see if it's easy to use. So you might observe the users while they're using the product. And this method helps to understand the pain points that users are facing with your product. Now whenever you are conducting user research, asking the right questions is really, really important. Because asking the right question is all about getting the right answers. There are few things that you are supposed to keep in mind when you're talking to your users. The number one thing would be ask open-ended questions, okay? Now, open-ended questions allow your users to express their thoughts freely and they can provide more details. So an example question could be, how do you feel when you use a product? Question is really open-ended and user can go talking in any direction. Another thing would be avoid leading questions. Now what does this mean? So lytic questions are questions that prompt or encourage the desired answer, or they assume something about the question. So for instance, don't you think the product is the best on the market? Now, this is a leading question. Here. You are already mentioning or assuming that your product is the best in the market. So even if the user does not think so, he might answer in a particular way, then he's supposed to avoid leading questions because this might not help you get the right data from the user. Ask why. So asking why helps you understand the reasons behind a particular user behavior and user choices. Asking why always is really important when it comes to user research. And lastly, just remember that the goal of the user research is to understand user needs, behaviors. And this can help you create effective personas. Alright, so that's about this class. I shall see you all soon. Thank you. 5. Analyzing and Understanding Data: Now you have conducted user research and you have some data around your users. What would be the next step? The next step would be to analyze and understand the data that you have gathered from your users. Now the purpose of this exercise is to make sense of data, identify the patterns in your data, and get the trends. Or you can even group similar users together to understand them. This process allows you to create a comprehensive user personas that will reflect your actual user base. So let us start talking about the steps involved here in analyzing and Understanding Data in detail. So there are some steps in mole over here. So whatever data that you have gathered, It's really important that you forced organize them. Now you could categorize the data based on different criterias like demographics, user behaviors, motivations, goals, and so on. You might want to see or understand how a user with a particular behavior behaves. You might want to understand how are User residing in a particular location is performing a particular task today. Using data visualization tools or even simple methods like sticky notes can be effective for this purpose. Now once you organize the data, it enables you to analyze the data. By looking for insights and connections. You might yourself notice a specific patterns within a specific behavior. Or common pain points are shared motivations among the users. And this step can be iterative. And you might land up something that will help you with your product journey. The next step would be to identifying patterns and themes. So the purpose of this exercise is to find the commonalities in the data. And this might include similar user behaviors, shared goals, or common pain points. Now, if you are identifying some patterns, this can help you guide the creation of your user personas. In addition to patterns, you can work on teams as well. Now, teams are nothing but inside that apply to large segment of users. For example, if you notice that a user expresses frustration with a specific feature, that can be a team creating user groups based on your findings. So based on the patterns, themes that you have identified, you can start grouping similar users together. And these groups will ultimately form the basis of your personas. So user groups represent some distinct segments of user base. And each group has a common characteristic, behavior, need, or goal that will differentiate them from each other. For instance, you might have one user group who uses a product for professional purposes. Whereas you might have undergrowth, who uses it for personal purpose. So these are two different groups. And Remember, the goal of this exercise is to help you create user personas effectively. This can help you in design decisions. So this is how you can analyze and think about understanding the data that you have gathered from Research 6. Crafting Your User Personas: Welcome to this class. So in this lecture we are going to talk about how can you start creating your user persona. For the same, I have a persona template that I have created. First, we're going to begin talking about how you can structure your personas. So to begin with, you need a basic structure and some specific fields that will help you understand your users depending on your business. So to begin with, you need a basic structure of your personas, which will include some specific fields that will help you and your business understand your user base. I have added some fields that typically a persona would have to begin with. I have the demographic information. Here. You can see within demographic information, I have the name, age, occupation, and the location. Now name is not here, a person's name. So name essentially is a fictional name that you're giving to that particular persona. Or those group of users. Age will indicate the age group or age range in which a persona falls into. Occupation will represent or outline what they do for a living and location. We'll talk about where they are residing currently. Now, this may not be the exact location. If exact location is something that does not matter to your business. But if it matters to your business, you can add like location over here. Location can also be really generic, like a rural area or a tier one city, or a metro city or something like that. So this is in general information or some demographic information about your user and does not need to be exact. It can be generalized. Like you can have a general name to this persona, or you can have an age range for this persona. Then you have background. Now, background can help you understand some characteristics about your persona. And this can help you understand your users even better. Then you have goals. So goals define what this persona or what this kind of person would want to achieve. There are some goals or motivations that this particular user have. You should list them down over here. Then you have frustrations. Frustrations are nothing but the challenges, obstacles, or any kind of pain points that this particular user or person is facing, then you have behaviors. Now behaviors would tell you how this person behaves in different kinds of situations. And this will help you understand them. Now here you can mention tools and technologies that your users are using. And this can help you take decisions when you're designing your product. So in all this particular template that I have enables you to lose down everything about your users. Now one thing that I would like to highlight over here that this is not a final template, like it's something that I typically use. But if your business or product has some specific needs that you might want to keep track off. You can modify this particular template and add some more information as to what you might want to include depending on your users. So this is not the end or this is not something that cannot be customized. This is just a starting point that you can use to get your personas created. Now, one thing I would like to highlight over here that you can add a photo over here. Okay? So a photo will help you visualize this persona as well. So you can have a fixed telephoto added over here, which you can then relate to. And you can share this across within your company. So this will enable everybody to relate to that particular picture. This is something optional that you could do. Okay? You can even add a short bio over here. So you can add a field called biography. And you can keep track of biography for each persona that you create. These are some additional fields that I'm talking about which you can add provided your business needs to track that photo is not for business photo is just for yourself and the team. It helps you relate to the Personas in a better way. That is option. This is something that you can do on your own. But Bio can help you keep track of more information about a users if you wish to track them. So this is about Personas and how you can create them 7. Exercise: Let’s Create a Persona for our own Product: So let us do an exercise and understand how you can create the personas for our own Product. Sure, we are going to assume that we've worked for a hypothetical startup. And our startup is called Easy Ease. Now, easy ease is a nice kit delivery service that aims to make home cooking easier for busy people. Now, this service provides a box of ingredients and recipes, and these are delivered to customers at their doorstep. Now, this box and we used by users to prepare meals for themselves. So easy eats is our startup today, and we're going to work to create personas. So let us assume a scenario. Imagine that easy eats is looking to improve on user experience. And it wants to understand the users better. Now, they want to do this because they want to ensure that their website and our apps are intuitive. So they have different meal plans that catered to various users that have different dietary preferences and a lifestyle needs. So we have meal plans within application. Now our application can be used as a web app or a mobile application. Now what we add easy ease out thinking is, can we make order and delivery seamless and as easy as possible for our users. So this is a scenario that we have wherein we wish to make ordering and delivery seamless. Who are users? Now, the next step would be to do user research and analysis once we have identified what we need to solve for the users. So we need to understand our users and think of how we can make product better for them. Now, the goal over here is to understand your users. So we're going to conduct user interviews and surveys, okay, so let's say we talk to a few users, like ten users, and we conduct surveys across the rest of them. And we got some data. Now with the help of data, we are analyzing some patterns. We figured out some patterns. Now based on these patterns, we have created some User Groups. Now after creating user groups, we now need to move on to create personas. So we now have some the dot on the users. We have identified some patterns. We have some User Groups. Now what would Personas look like for this kind of a product? So here I have switched on to document over here, and I have couple of personas that I have created. So this is the first persona that we are talking about. So let us go through this persona. You have demographic information first, and here you can have the name of this particular persona. So you can see the name that I have specified is busy be. Okay. This is a very hypothetical name that I have given to my users. And what is the age group? So here the age group is early '30s. What does this demographic to occupation is? Project manager in a fast-paced tech for and where do they live? They live in city center. So this is a demographic information which gives me some overview about my persona. Here I have some background information. So Brenda is single. She does not have any children. Her job is demanding. And this takes up a lot of our time. Now this gives me an insight as to this particular user does not have much over time, but she relies heavily on technology to manage various aspects of life. Okay? So this user is tech friendly and she also relies on technology for meal preparation. Now, she could rely on YouTube or she could use some sources on her phone or laptop or Internet to help her with meal preparation. Now Brenda enjoys eating healthy, so this is a taste of the user, but she has to compromise many a times because of the lack of the time. Since she does not have much of her time, she has to sometimes compromise on eating and the average. Now what is the goal of this particular user? So this user has some goals. Number one goal is to find a food delivery service that can cater to hurt time-sensitive schedule. So she has timescales sensitive schedule and she needs a food delivery service that can help her. She also needs to maintain her aspect of healthy diet despite of busy lifestyle. And she also wants to find time to improve her own cooking skills. These are some of the goals that this user has in mind. Now what could be some of the frustration points? So this user struggles Quick, healthy meals that can be delivered to her. She doesn't have time for planning and preparation. And she often find ordering process of who build the apps time-consuming. So these are some of the frustration or pinpoints, I should say, of this particular user. Now, having goals and frustrations, or pinpoints can act as a direction. So what does this user want to do? And what does this user does not like? Or is having a pinpoint in? With the help of this, you can take your product and design decisions as to what to include and what you can exclude. Two, satisfy this particular user base. Then you have some behaviors over here. So Brenda is digital, like digital native. She's comfortable with apps and online services. She often it's on the go and do to help busy schedule. She needs to have these planned and delivered promptly. So this tells you, okay, she might consider using your application because she's always on-the-go. An app would work really well for her. And meal planning is something that will be great if you could consider for your product. So this is what it's telling you. Tools now render users variety of tools like she has a variety of food ordering apps, relies on a smartphone completely, like to manage many aspects of a life. And she is used to using digital payment options on quick checkout. Okay. So all this information gives you some good insight into this particular persona. Now let us take a look at one more persona that a half, which is of Henry. So I've named this persona as health-conscious Hendrick, and he's in his late 20s. So this is a different kind of user base. And this particular user works as personal trainer. And he lives in suburban. Okay, So this is the demographic information. Now let's talk about some background. So Henry is single and he spends a lot of time on fitness. So he is, he loves goodness. This is what this tells you. He values balanced diet and tries to prepare meals at home. So this gives you some background into his diet preferences. And he has a busy schedule, okay? And this leaves him for very little time. Now this is similar to Persona Y. So what this tells us is our user base has very little time. If you can make something, but then your app that saves time for this particular user, they are going to love it. Now what are the goals? Goal is to have a high protein and low carb diet. Could discover new healthy recipes and to find a food delivery service that can cater to his custom dietary needs. So this is currently the goal. And frustrations. Points are like he struggles to find time for meal planning. And meal planning was time-consuming for this particular personal as well, Brenda. And he has difficulty in finding delivery options. And he needs more variety in his needs. These are frustration points, are pain points, I should say. Then you have behaviors. This user searches for new workout plan and diet plans online. He's tech savvy and he prefers to plan and schedule his knees in advance. Alright. Now this is also similar to the first group. So these two groups are having, are these two personas are having similar behaviors vary in their tech savvy. So which means they won't have any problem using our app and prefer to plan their meals in advance. So there's something that we can think of. Then you have a list of tools. So these are different tools that this persona Henry uses. This gives us a good overview and understanding of our persona. So these are two sample personas for our hypothetical startup, easy. Alright, so I hope you all have some clarity as to how you can go to creating the Personas and how you can add different kinds of information. You can add more information depending on your startup or your product. You can add a picture or you can add some more points that are specific to your business. So that's about how you can create your own personas 8. Applying User Personas in the Design Process: Let us start talking about how can you apply user personas to your design process. So the number one step is you can incorporate the personas that you have created into design thinking. Now what is design thinking? Design thinking is a process wherein you would want to empathize with your users, define the needs, ideate on solutions, prototyping, testing, and so on. So essentially, if you are willing to keep yourself in the shoes of the users, personas can become a backbone for this particular process. This can help you understand user pain points, needs, and wants. So if you're ideating on a product, you can use personas to generate a broad range of ideas. And you can imagine how your personas will interact or use with their product. And whether this particular product or idea could help them address their needs or pain points. So this is one application of personas. Then you can even incorporate the personas into design decision-making. Now, what does design decision-making mean? So if you are creating designs, personas can help you guide or justify some design decisions. So each feature or a design choice should be mapped back to the needs and goals of one or more personas. If you're making a design decision that does not serve any of your personas, you should reevaluate and you should think as to why you're making that particular choice. Remember, personas are a tool that can help you be focused on your users while you are designing, creating users scenarios with the Personas. User scenarios are nothing but stories as to how Your Persona would use your product in a particular situation to achieve a particular goal. And this can help you consider users perspective and explore some more context in which your product would be used. So you can make use of personas for this purpose. Personas can also be used to create user journeys. Now what I user journeys. Now user journeys are step-by-step narrate is that we'll describe how a persona might interact with your product over a period of time across different channels. And this gives you an unfortunate D to understand as to how you can improve your user experience to ensure that user needs are met. So incorporating personas in these ways can help you ensure that you keep your focus on users and don't divert from them. And by focusing on your users, you can create a product that is user centric, engaging and effective. Let us now do an example and let us see how we can use the personas that we have created into design, decision and design thinking process. Now let us do some thinking and ideation to solve the problem of Brenda. We have already created a persona that represents Brenda. Over here. We have some information about this particular user. So if you have to take a look at this user, this user does not have much of her time. She enjoys healthy eating. And how cool is to find or service that can help her maintain a healthy diet and also improve on her cooking skills. And now we need to think of ideas as to how you can create a product for this user. So one of the ideas that you can consider is to add an option for quick order. Now, this option can remember Brenda's past orders and preferences. And this can help us save some time or decision-making. You can even offer weekly meal plans for this kind of users. Weekly meal plans is a menu of the week with balanced meals delivered daily at Hope referred time. So using this option, busy users could schedule meals or planned me for the entire week. Then you can have express delivery services. So using this quick or express delivery services, users can save their time. And this can cater to their time-sensitive schedule. You can use also nice to get this three ideas. As you can see, these ideas really fit in to these users and they will definitely resonate with brain. Now, whichever user belongs to this persona will like these ideas. Now personas can also help you with decision during design. Let's see at an example for this. Since we know that Brenda is a busy and on the go-to person, the user interface should be simple. If you're working on a screen or if you're working on homepage, you can think of having a reorder button to speed up her order process. So if she has ordered something previously, you can have an option from where she can reorder. Now given how time-sensitive schedule, you could have P0 and concise descriptions of different food items so that Brenda can save a lot of time and can quickly decide on what she wants. Payment options. You can have different Easy payment options, like Apple Pay or Google P, which Brenda might be already using. And this could help her expedite the checkout process with the help of Personas. We are now using them to guide some design decisions that we might encounter. Option for reorder is really good and it will resonate with this user. Descriptions and payment options will also resonate. And since this user is tech savvy, she will be having some online payment options already set up. Let us see how you can create a user journey with personas. Now, user journey is nothing but a journey that maps out the entire user experience. And it gives you an outline of different steps they take. So let us see the journey of Blender to place an order with our service. Easy eats. Brain now opens the app was she navigates to have favorites. She chooses a mean and checks out using the quick option, and she gets an estimated delivery time. Now, since we are aware of this persona and we know like this persona has less time Once everything quick. So this will be the tentative journey or this particular user. And this helps you create a series of steps in your mind when you're designing for this persona. And lastly, who will arrive after the order is placed. And Brenda, happy with the service. So this really helps to get the user journey, map out the different interactions that user will have without product. So that's about applying personas in design. And with this example of easy ease, we saw how we can Create a Persona. Not only create how we can use this personas in design thinking and decision-making that will help us create realistic user scenarios and journeys 9. Course Wrap-up: All right, so we have reached the end of this course. So I wanted to shed some light on some of the common mistakes that people do when creating Personas. And also some of the best practices that you should follow when you create your own personas. So let us talk about the mistakes first. So the number one mistake that I see people do is they base their personas based on assumption. So this is not the right way to go about creating personas. So always make sure that you're persona is back by some research, data and analysis that has been done and not on the basis of assumptions. Because creating personas on the basis of assumptions can get you wrong with your design decisions. Another problem could be creating too many personas. So it is really important that you keep your personas limited to a certain set of user groups. Now creating too many personas can dilute your focus and can lead you to a design that is not catering to any of the Personas properly. So it's really important that you limit your personas to your core User Groups. Another mistake that people often make is adding too many details. So it's really important that you keep only the important details that you need within your personas to help you guide design decisions. Adding too many details can make things overwhelming and difficult to understand. These were some of the mistakes that people often make with their User Personas. Let us now talk about some of the best practices that you should follow to work with Personas. The number one best practice that I want to highlight is a regular review and update. As you start working on the product, it is really important that you review your personas regularly. And this is important because the market might change, your users motivations might change, and even your product might change. So over a period of time, it's really important that you keep your personas updated once your personas are created and set, it's really important that you test your product with this Personas. And this is really important to understand that you're going in the right direction or whether you need some adjusting. The next practice that I would want to share is share and discuss. So it's really important that you shared the Personas across your company or within your team, so that everyone understands the Personas and can provide relevant inputs. This helps everyone be on the same page. So these are the three best practices that I wanted to share with you. We have reached the end of this course and we have learned a lot about Personas and how you can make use of personas to be your guiding force. I would like to thank you for being an engaged and enthusiastic loner. With this class. You have a project that you will find. And I would request you all to complete that project and share it with everyone with that. Thank you, and I shall see you all soon.