People, Process, and Product: The Fundamentals of Talent Acquisition | Mary Faulkner | Skillshare

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People, Process, and Product: The Fundamentals of Talent Acquisition

teacher avatar Mary Faulkner, Talent & Business Leader | Writer | Speaker

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome and Overview


    • 2.

      The State of Talent


    • 3.

      People I: Why it's so hard to fill open positions?


    • 4.

      People II: Building a foolproof job posting


    • 5.

      People III - What makes people tick?


    • 6.

      People IV: What makes a great recruiter?


    • 7.

      Process I: Pipeline & the Candidate Experience


    • 8.

      Process II: What Candidates really want


    • 9.

      Process III: The recruiting process


    • 10.

      Product I: Introduction to Employer Brand


    • 11.

      Product II: Why your brand matters to candidates


    • 12.

      Product III: Basic steps to build your brand


    • 13.

      Wrap Up


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About This Class

Everyone has heard of the "3 Ps of Business" - People, Process, Product. This model applies to Talent Acquisition as well.  In this session, we will examine the current state of Talent Acquisition today - trends, challenges, and opportunities - by framing the topic around the 3 Ps:

  • People: refers to both the talent companies pursue as well as the recruiters who pursue them. We'll look at candidate expectations and market realities. We'll also discuss the characteristics of a successful recruiter.
  • Process: this is the heart of the pursuit for talent - the Candidate Experience. We'll focus on how candidate expectations are shaping the way companies should be approaching the attraction and selection process.
  • Product: if you're in talent acquisition, you're selling a product - the job/work, the company, the total rewards package, in short, the value proposition. We'll look at how to package and sell your "product" to attract the candidates you want for your organization.


  • Describe current key trends in talent that impact your company's ability to attract and retain the right people for you
  • Identify who you are looking for - who are the right candidates for you?
  • Identify the characteristics of a successful talent advisor/recruiter
  • Use current trends to create a candidate experience that will differentiate you from your competitors.
  • Build an employer brand and value proposition that not only attracts the right candidates for your organization but helps re-recruit your exiting employees every day.

A quick note: This class is designed primarily for the in-house recruiter. That does not mean agency or contracting recruiters won't be able to find some key takeaways, but the content is directed more towards those who work within an organization.

Meet Your Teacher

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Mary Faulkner

Talent & Business Leader | Writer | Speaker


Mary is a talent strategist and business leader with almost 15 years' experience in helping organizations achieve their goals. After working on the Operations side of start-ups and small companies, Mary landed in HR by way of learning and development, with extensive experience in leadership and organizational development, coaching, key talent planning, talent acquisition, performance management, business partnering, HRIS, process and policy creation, and instructional design.

In addition to her work within companies, Mary authors a leadership development blog called Surviving Leadership to continue the dialogue around the challenges of leadership - both being a leader AND being led.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Welcome and Overview: Hello and welcome to the three p's of talent acquisition. I'm your instructor, Mary Faulkner. That is me. So let me give you a little bit of a my background. I've been in HR for most of my career, and I've worked in just about every aspect of it. Currently, I leave the recruiting team at a public sector water utility in Colorado, so I'm in Denver and it's a beautiful place to be. I've seen the hiring process from start to finish in a number of different industries, and I understand the challenges we face as recruiters. A quick word. I approach this session very much of an in House recruiter perspective. Not that what I have to say wouldn't be important for agency recruiters, but it's really targeted at the folks who are responsible for recruiting within an organization. So if you're going to use an agency, keep in mind that you need to think about these things before you bring one on board. Here's a quick rundown of the learning objectives for this session. There's a lot of them, so go ahead and read through those. But things that we really want to focus on are things like the current trends and talent that will impact your company identifying who you're looking for. So who are the right candidates for you? Identifying the characteristics of a successful talent adviser or recruiter? Sometimes who was looking is Justus important as who? You're looking for going to identify some current trends and how you can use those to create a candidate experience that will differentiate you from your competitors. And you'll learn about building an employer brand in value proposition that not only attracts the right candidates for your organization, but also helps re recruit your existing employees every day. I think sometimes we lose sight of the fact that we spend so much time recruiting new people that we have to keep recruiting our own employees every day. So quick overview of how this class is set up. It's presented in navigable chunks, so it's easier for you to get to the content that really matters for you. First, we're going to start with state of talent, these air, the trends and tendencies that we're facing and recruiting today. The next section is the people section, and that's really presented in four parts, and we examine who we might be looking to recruit as well as the people who are doing the searching. The second chunk is process, and again, this is given in three chunks and is looking at sourcing pipelines, the candidate experience and your actual hiring process that you have at your organization . The last section is product again in three parts. Do you know what people are looking for in an opportunity? And do you know what you're selling? So we really focus in on how you might stack up in presenting organization as an exciting option for job seekers? We'll be sure to summarize everything at the end. So you have a quick overview of what we talked about. And also after each core topic, I'm gonna share you for some very specific actions that you can take back and implement within your organization, depending on where you are in your recruiting process. And don't forget, there is a project associated with this course that encompasses everything that you've learned. So you want to make sure that you go and look at that in the course software. Are you ready? Let's go ahead and get started 2. The State of Talent: Our first section is state of talent. What the heck's going on out there? So we're all familiar with the concept of the war for talent. It's been tough out there to find some really good people, and we know that that's the case because Dad is backing that up. Globally, employers are reporting the highest talent shortage since 2007. The top employers continue to fight for the top talent. And because the job market has been pretty good for specific skill sets, companies are constantly worried about losing their people. To other organizations, Poaching talent has become a national pastime, and it's not hard to see why. Unemployment is at an eight year low. Nationwide, it's currently at 4.5% and I think the latest numbers just came out and might even be down to 4.4%. And so you can understand sort of what we're facing here in Colorado, we are at a 2.6% which is the absolute lowest it's ever been since they started recording it in 1976. Now keep these numbers with a grain of salt, understand that unemployment is Onley. People who are continuing to actively look for a job. So folks who have dropped out of the job search do not show up in these. But regardless of that, that is a very, very low number. So on top of that, what we're seeing then is that there is an 8% longer time to fill and a 7% higher cost. So, no, not only is it hard to find the people that were looking for, it's taking longer to get them in, and it's more expensive for us. So that's really hitting our bottom line. When we look at what might be driving some of this, you can see that the number of active job seekers has really increased, and yet we see fewer unemployed people for each job opening that is out there. In 2009 there were 6.2 people per job opening, so there were more people that you could choose from well, in 2015 that dropped a 1.7. So even though there are people that you might know who are really looking for a job and struggling, the people who have the skill sets of businesses want, they are just not out there. On top of that, we see that 39% of people say it's harder to find a job, which is interesting to me, because you would think that with all of us looking so hard for great talent, we would make it easier for people's come and work for us. And yet they're saying it's harder. The good news is that 19% say, Well, no, it's actually easier to find a job. So I guess it kind of depends on where you are in your job search and what your skill sets are. Another piece that we're seeing in trends that really impacts our ability to get the right people in is that 50% of employed jobseekers, those people that we think, Oh, they could really start with us. They're seeing their current position as a placeholder. They have no intend to stay with their. It's just paying the bills until they find that dream job that they really want. Another thing that is really impacting us is that rise of the quote gig economy it's typically looked at as a side hustle. You might have seen it advertised as such, but people have decided that if they can't find their dream job, they're just going to go get and make their own job for themselves. 1/5 of all job seekers have held a gig type job at some point, and for 56% of them, that is their main source of income. So if you're not presenting a really great opportunity for somebody, they're just going to say, I've got my own gig that I'm going to go do So what's the number? One reason people change jobs? Well, the job Seeker Nations survey put out by job fight job fight every year continues to tell us that it's career opportunity, so a person will leave that they don't feel like they're getting a career opportunity and they will go somewhere else if they think they have a better opportunity. In fact, 74% of employees who are currently working are open to a new job. This despite the fact that many are very satisfied in their current one. So even if you've got good employees who are happy, they're willing to jump ship if there's a better opportunity out there so we might look at all these trends, I think Oh, my goodness. The end is near. What are we gonna dio? Don't worry. We have a chance out there and it comes to us from Marcus Lemonis. Now, I love the Prophet. So this is why I really watched the show and think through. You know, when he goes into these different businesses, he approaches it with that whole process of the three p's people process and product. And you learn so much about the business and what they can do to really fix what they're doing. So I thought, You know what? This would be perfect for HR. We deal with people, we deal with process, we deal with product. So this is what we're really going to be focusing on to the rest of this class. So based on this first section, here are some possible actions that you could take back to your workplace and do some immediate implementation. Look at the unemployment rate in your area. It's very easy to find online. What are the hardest jobs for you to fill in your organization? What are the company's and industry's out there who are your biggest competition for key talent? And what are some other external factors that might impact either positively or negatively your recruiting efforts? 3. People I: Why it's so hard to fill open positions?: Let's go ahead and get started with part one of people. Why is it so hard to fill our open positions? Well, part of the reason might be because we keep looking for that purple unicorn. It used to be a purple squirrel, but we've gotten a lot harder. We are looking for people with insanely specific skill sets, Ah, certain amount of experience and a desire to be in the industry. So it's getting harder and harder to find that perfect candidate globally. What you're looking at here is the hardest positions to fill the top 10 hardest ones. This comes from manpower talent shortage survey. They put this out every year and as you can see globally, we are facing a pretty big crisis with skilled trades being our hardest one to fill. But really, when you look at all of it, you see quite a variety of jobs out there, and when you look at this list, you might think some of these look pretty familiar. I can tell you locally, one of the things that we're facing in our city is a need for bus drivers, which you would think, Gosh, it seems I could be really easy to find, but there's a real shortage for it, and you're starting to see cash bonuses out there. So when you look at this list, really think do my jobs? The ones that I heard for the most appear on this list, and chances are they really do. This is globally, though, so keep that in mind. Let's compare it for what we're seeing here in the Americas. So the list on the left is the one that you've already seen. It was that fancy graphic on the last slide. Their list on the right, though, is what the America is both North and South Sea differently. These are their top 10 and as you can see, skilled trades is still at the top, so that's still a number one. So if you've got kids, you might tell them to start. Get into that skilled trades. But look at where I T personnel fell to. So globally, it's number two hardest to fill locally, it's number 10. You can also see a much different order of needs when you look locally, so things like technicians are harder in the Americas versus globally. Drivers drops locally, although as I said. We have some issues production machine operators harder to fill in the Americas. So really understand. Look locally to understand where the hardest roles to fill in your market. That way you're prepared to address your needs appropriately. Researchers at Princeton based Educational Testing Service or E T. S for short, expected it to be different when they administered a test called the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. So basically what this group did was to say, What are the skills that people coming into the workforce both need and have so that we can understand What is that skills gap so that we can say we're gonna be OK because the pipeline has the skills that we need. It was designed to measure the job skills of adults aged 16 to 65 23 countries. And when the results were analysed by age group in nationality, E. T s got quite a shock. It turns out that millennials who we always thought were, you know, they're going to be our savior's because they're gonna come in with all these great skills . They are actually falling short when it comes to the skills employers want most. These things are like literacy, including the ability to follow simple instructions. And for those of you who have difficulty application processes, you might have noticed this things like practical math and hold onto your hat ah, category called problem solving in a technology rich environment. That skill set, which is what we're really looking for in businesses today, is something that people coming out of college or folks who would be considered a millennial are lacking in the skills gap. So we're looking for skills that simply aren't there in our talent pool. There's also the rise of artificial intelligence and robotics, and this is a real concern for a lot of folks who are out there. You might have heard it. You might have have employees themselves being concerned about what that really means for them. But the reality is that robotics aren't going to destroy jobs. It's just going to change them. So that means that skill sets are really going to be changing for us. So the evidence is just showing us. As Daniel Lacalle from The Economist says, that of technology really destroyed jobs, there would be no work today for anyone. It used to be that we worked on typewriters. Now we work in computers, just as we had to learn a new skill set to learn to how to work on those computers. People are going to have to learn a new skill set to be able to work in factories, to be able to work in manufacturing areas. So the jobs are just going to be different. People will still need jobs. People will still have jobs, but the skills get set will be different. So when we look at the people who are out there, we have to be aware that they might not have those skills and maybe they need to be trained . So be aware of what's going on in your industry on what skill sets are going to be needed for the future. 4. People II: Building a foolproof job posting: Now we're on part two of people. Do we really know what we're looking for? Hiring managers struggle to figure out what they really want at this point. They have so many options and so many jobs in so many skill sets, they just don't know what to tell you that they need. Figuring out who they need really starts with the job itself. I'm going to go over a very simple process that you can sit down with your hiring managers and walk through what it is that they're looking for so that you have that nailed down before you even start your job search. That is the key to finding the right person for the role. Hopefully, some of you out there have heard of Simon Cynic and have either read the book or seen his Ted talk called. It starts with why this is the Golden Circle on the idea that anything that you do needs to start with a really strong why and then you walk out through the rest of the circle. This concept works beautifully for sitting down with your hiring managers and understanding the job. The process that I'm going to go through with you now is not my process. I want to honor Heather Kinsey, who I saw present this at a presentation, and it made sense to me and it's so simple, and I shared it with my team, and it really helps us sit down with their hiring managers and walk through the job. The first thing that you need to do is really ask your hiring managers. Why does this job exist? What tragedy would occur if this job did not exist? We start with this question because the tendency of some hiring managers is to say, Well, I've always had this job. I just need the same job again. This has to happen every job opening as an opportunity opportunity for you to rethink the way that work gets down within your organization. So really sit down with their higher management. Say, why are we doing this? If this job did not exist in its current form, would anything happen? Once they have answered that question for you? You can then move on to the next section, which is how this is where you're really talking about. How will the job be done? How will the person be doing their job. What is the context of their job within an entire workflow or a customer life cycle or whatever it might be? What's the environment they're going to be working in? Um, will they be working outside? Will they be working in an office? Will they be working on the shop floor understanding that will help you really craft a great job description? You need to understand what tools that person is going to be using to do this job, because sometimes hiring managers just take it for granted that you understand what the tools are or that the people coming into the job understands that the tools are so you can say, Are they gonna be using a hammer? Do they have to own their own hammer? What are some of the software tools that they're going to be needing? Do they need to understand a Mac or a PC environment? Whatever it might be, really talk to them about that, also, who are the stakeholders that this person will be working with? That can really help you hone in on what kind of candidate profile you should be looking at , because if you have a role that it's really going to be interacting with the board or with executives. It might be slightly different than if it was somebody who would be interacting only with your customers or only with internal customers. So really, get into that. How is the job done? Onley. Then do you move on to What is the job called? What should it be called? What makes sense for a candidate to understand what it should be called and then ask them What is the daily day to day work that they'll be doing? This gives you all the context that you need as a recruiter to be able to craft a perfect job posting so that you can attract the right person to the role. Keep in mind with what the job is called. I don't know about you, but I work for a public sector agency, which means that we have some pretty government T sounding job titles. Whatever that job title might be internally to you and whatever you might need to use for the system, that's great. But make sure whatever you post online has the right keywords for people searching for it and is understandable. I remember one of my first jobs in the HR world. I was a documentation and training specialist to Whoa, did that sound sexy? So you have to be really careful about how you present the job, So make sure that the job title really reflects the data leave work that the person will be doing. 5. People III - What makes people tick?: Now we're on part three of people. What makes people tick? What is it that might attract them to your organization? I want to talk a little bit about the importance of diversity, whether it's in your business population or in your process itself. Diversity is really important for innovation, for businesses to be on the forefront of their industry. And it's just good for business to have that that diversity in thought in backgrounds and age and race, whatever it might be, Making sure you're not just one big brain of the same person over and over again really helps your business grow. The CEO of Proctor and Gamble says a diverse organization will out, think and out perform a homogeneous organization every single time, and we see that play out. It's a real problem in Silicon Valley right now when they're struggling to figure out how do we get a good, diverse group of people in and they're claiming its pipeline and maybe that might be part of it. But it could just be a systematic um, issue that we have and how we're attracting people to those professions. So we really need to be aware of this as professionals in the talent area of how we can continue to build diversity. What you see here on the screen also are some really strong statistics from Women and Technology Group, and it's the impact of diversity in the tech business performance. So you can see 85% of large global enterprise believe that diversity is crucial to fostering innovation in the workplace. It helps you avoid some of that group. Think so. If you keep hearing people say we need culture fit, really know what culture fit means because if it just means we all think the same way you're gonna lose out on the innovation. 79% of companies believe diversity initiatives have had a positive effect on company culture. There is a sort of feel good aspect to having diversity be a focus in your organization. Be aware, though, that in 2016 Harvard Business Review did published a study that showed that some diversity initiatives are actually having the opposite effect of what was intended. So it's hurting minorities and those that they're trying to get more into the business, and it's also having a negative impact on those who are not a minority. So be aware of whatever diversity initiative that you're doing it. You're doing it in the right way. Another statistic that I think really speaks to the importance of diversity and one that you can go back to your business partners to 83% of executives agree that a diverse workforce improves their company's ability to capture and retain a diverse client base. A diverse company will attract diverse clients, so it really helps you diversify and get out there in the business. So it hits your bottom line so you can use thes statistics to really build the case to say we need more diversity not only in our applicant pools, but in the way that we interview and hire our people. Something that's been out there a lot that you've probably heard about is the importance of generational management, how millennials we're going to save the universe and there's Gen y coming up and then Gen Z and baby boomers air out there. It's just so out there, and I am here to tell you I'm kind of over it, So let me get on my soap box a little bit here and just talk about how this can really negatively impact the way that you attract and retain talent. I get frustrated with it because there's always been generations in the workplace. The reality is we actually used to have more generations in the workplace because we allowed Children to work. So if you really think about that, they were the true quote millennials. But it's always been out there, but we've just been really obsessed by it because we have more data and we've really been recording it. And so we like to segment things into boxes that makes sense for you. It seems that people would share common characteristics because of their age, and that might be true. The way that you grow up in the environment, you grow up in does impact how you look at the world. But it's not always about age. Sometimes it's about life stage. Sometimes it's about career stage. For example, I am in my early forties. I am married, but I have no kids, so I probably have more in common with a single 25 year old that with no kids than a person my age who has three kids so you can't really lump us in the same basket. You also have to be aware that if you target your marketing for jobs and job postings in a certain way, that on Lee is to attract millennials or Onley to attract college graduates, you run the risk of alienating every other age group out there, so be aware of what's going on in your marketing. And, yes, there are differences between the generations. But don't make the mistake of lumping them too much together and putting too much of a broad brushstroke over how you try to attract and retain them. This data shows you that there isn't really that much difference between what people are looking for and that willingness to jump ships don't make assumptions just based on age. You have to really think about the individual needs of every person who's out there. When you're thinking about how you attract people. It's really about these three areas, and I'm when I give a shout out to Tim Sackett, who owns a talent agency, and he gave me this model as something to think about. If you have. If you really struggle with dying people to fit in your organization, you have to find people who are a good culture fit, meaning they'll like the work. They have the same values that you might have. Or they'll be able to, um, work within your environment. You have to pay, have find people, have the right skill fit for the job itself. And also we're willing to take the salary that you can pay them. This is a very small group of people. Keep that in mind. You might have culture fit. You might have skill fit, but they might not be willing to take the salary that you pay. We all have compensation philosophies. We all know that we're going to be either in this percent, Tyler, that percentile. So salary fit is really important to think about and how you message what that might look like. One company that actually gets this that three areas is dish network. I just want it out there. I worked for Dish Network for about 6.5 years, and I really saw how they understood those three areas of culture fit skills, it skill, fit and money fit really impacted the way that they recruit. This is from their current website. This was the case when I was there. It's been the case since the company was founded, and it will continue to be the case. They state their core values, its pride adventure winning. We called it the paw. They still call it the paw, and when you read it, it really tells you about who the company is, so they want you to say, Read these things. Do you agree with this? Do you want to win? Do you have the drive, the work ethic, the discipline? Are you in it for the adventure? Because that is a fast changing industry. Things they're going all the time. And do you have pride in what you do? They're telling you who they are so that you can make the decision as yourself as to whether or not you want to work there. Even more. Court to the job search, though a dish network is what we called the three things what they look for. So when dishing out Dish Network was founded, there weren't a lot of people with satellite TV industry experience because it didn't really exist as an industry. So, the founder said, we need energy, intelligence and a need for achievement. If people have those three things, we can teach them anything. So it was a combination of the PA and the three things would tell you These are the type of people we want working for us. And if we get that, we will be successful. So as you think through who you're looking for, what that candidate profile is your thinking about what they might want from you, but also what you want from them. So have a really clear picture of that, and you're in better shape to find the right people. 6. People IV: What makes a great recruiter?: Now we're on part four of people, and really, we're gonna look at what makes a great recruiter. We talked a lot about what we're looking for in a candidate. Now. We have to really think about who's that person who's going out to look for those candidates for you. And you want to make sure that you have the right person because, as we know, it can be pretty demanding. We've all dealt with this hiring manager. They want 150 candidates. They want you to screen them all real quick and about a day they take forever to get back to you. But then they want to get back to them really fast. So it takes a lot to be a good recruiter and to be able to manage this type of hiring manager. In the olden days, back when HR was really looked at it, very administrative function, the typical recruiter was this. This was the model. They were an order taker. They were a process minder. They were really about making sure the paper got from one person to another. Appropriately, the hiring manager was very much in charge of the process. They would send the request, who would basically fill the order for the hiring manager. They greet the candidate and walk them from interview to interview. Make sure the paperwork is done properly. They're basically the smiling person that candidate interacted with but really didn't have any say in the process. They were very much administrative. Typically, the recruiter didn't offer any suggestions or expert opinions because the hiring manager made every single decision. Things have changed, though. If we want to make sure that we're finding the right people and really bringing the right people to the organization, that means we have to rethink who we are as recruiters today, being a recruiter is the best weapon in the war for talent. Recruiters must know the business inside and out and help hiring managers find the best candidate for the job. Who will also flourish on the hiring managers team. The recruiter has to be a sourcing expert who works with hiring managers to identify the best talent pools for the job and then comb through those potential candidates for the right person. So where do you look for those right people? For the organization? Do you know if there's anybody even available in your location. We have a job at our organization that requires a certain certification, and the higher manager kept saying, Well, you don't have enough candidates. And so finally I went online to the organization that offers a certification and said, Listen, there are only 3000 people across the entire United States who have this certification, let alone in Colorado. Let's rethink about what that job might look like. So, really, having that understanding of how to source talent is very important for recruiters. Recruiters air also a sounding board to the business, helping hiring managers make really tough decisions talking, hiring managers out of hiring the wrong person and maybe weighing the pros and cons of a potential higher recorders air both a detective and a therapist. They have to read between the lines of what a candidate is thinking, deduce their level of interest, convinced them to take a leap of faith to join your organization, or maybe take talk candidates off the ledge when they get the jitters. But we're also a therapist to our hiring managers as well. When you think about it, hiring managers are dealing with a lot of different pressures they have pressure from above to get the job filled. They have pressure from their customers to make sure the work gets done. So really, having that ability to talk people down and deal with their frustration is really key to being a successful recruiter. Recruiters also should be a social media group out there who confined anyone, connect anywhere and optimize those search engines like a pro. If you are a recruiter and you do not have a Twitter account, you are not active on linked end. You are not aware of slacker any of those other Internet social media type things. You better get on it, even if it's just to be connected with people. You don't have to be super active on Twitter, but you need to have that presence because that's the expectation now. So make sure people understand that good recruiters are also risk managers. They can let somebody knows, like listen, if you have it, make this higher. Be aware you could be at risk from a conflict of interest standpoint, or this person has bounced around an awful lot, and when I talked when I looked into their background, we might have some situations. So you're a risk manager and really, you're a talent strategist. The best recruiters are partners with their hiring managers Hire. The biggest compliment a recruiter can get is when a hiring manager proactively comes to them before they've even put in the request and say, Hey, I want to bounce something off You doesn't make sense for me to go in this direction. So once you've got all these things, you are an amazing recruiter. So if you are looking at your team now on thinking, uh, we're missing a few of these areas, that's OK. Now you know what it is that you need to do to help develop your people and be the exact recruiter that you need them to be. Because remember, in the war for talent, recruiters are the rial M V P. So as promised after each course section, we're going to give you some possible actions. So here's the actions for people. Some things that you can do is conduct the why. How, what process With key roles in your organization share with your recruiting team? Make sure they understand it. It's a great tool, and it's only three questions. Analyze the diversity within your organization and compare it to the community it serves and the talent pools within that community. You can get that information from the E. O. C. Website, the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Any of that is available for you. You want to separate it by department and job level and decide. Do you have any concerns? Think about who is your ideal fit and why I think about that dish network example. Who knows exactly what they're looking for and why they're looking for it. You need to be able to answer those questions, too, and finally review the skill set of your recruiters. Do they reflect the ideas skills that you think the rule role needs and, if not built, the training and development plan for them? 7. Process I: Pipeline & the Candidate Experience: Next up is part one of process where it all begins. When you went to build a process for your job recruiting efforts, it's important to think about how your candidates will be looking for the job. That means understanding your pipeline and also what they want out of the experience. So first up really understand where do your quality hires come from? The Recruiter Nations survey from job bite shows that this is the pecking order of where our quality hires are really coming from. And, as you can see, referrals continue to be number one. They're still top. Ah, lot of reasons for that. People know what the job entails and might recommend it to their friends. They understand what cultures like they recommended to friends. Sometimes we just trust our employees to tell us who are a good person. So that continues to be number one again. Keep in mind that too much of the same thing might not be good. So think through your referral. But referrals continue to be a really important pipeline for you social networks, and in turn, hires are a close second. There they're tied. But when you really look through all of it. Look at where mobile career site comes from. It's last. So if you've got a lot of pressure, Teoh get that mobile career side up, it's important to have it. But know that referrals, social networks, interns, direct applications all of those things are ahead of it in the game. So you want to have a good mobile career site. But look at where your other quality hires come from. So now you know where to get the candidates where your key talent pipeline might be coming from. You just might not know how to keep those candidates, and what I'm really talking about is the candidate experience. So Mystery applicant in 2012 did something like a mystery shopper experience. They asked Ah, lot of people to go out and just apply for different jobs with different organizations in different industries just to get a ah feel for what's it like to be a candidate today? And as you can see, the results were not stellar. Overall Onley 5% of those mystery applicants rated the experience is excellent. 26% said it was good, so that's good. But look at OK poor and very poor. We are killing our applicants with our process. They are hating it. They are having a horrible time. And the harder that we make it for them to apply with us, the less likely it is that they're going to try to apply again. The reality is, is that a bad candidate experience is impacting us in the wallet. According to CareerBuilder, 42% of candidates who have a terrible experience with a company will never seek employment with that company again. So if you blow it on the first interaction with that candidate, you cannot try to win them back. So maybe they weren't the right fit at that point. But they're never going to be an option for you again. Not only that, but 22% of those people will then tell others you don't want to work there. So not only do they not want to work for you, they're going to tell other people You absolutely don't want to ever apply there again. And 9% will tell others not to buy products or services from that organization. So that's really, really bad when you think about the that quick Canada interaction that you think doesn't matter, it's going to hit. It hits your bottom line, and it's your ability to maintain that talent pipeline. We want to make sure that we're doing the right things for employees because it's hitting our ability to be successful. The sad thing is that, according to a study by CareerBuilder on Lee, or 82% of employers think there is little to no negative impact on the company when a candidate has a bad experience during the hiring process. The reality is that the majority of candidates do not take poor treatment lying down 58% or less likely to buy from a company to which they've applied. If they don't get a response to their application, 69% or less likely to have if they have a bad experience in the interview. And if the same is true, 65% they don't hear back from an interview. So not hearing back will impact their willingness to apply and buy from you. Conversely, a good, candid experience can have the reverse effect. 69% of candidates are more likely to buy from a company of to which they have applied if they're treated with respect throughout the application process, and the 67% are likely to do the same if they receive consistent updates. So the simplest things of just talking to a candidate and treating them with respect has an excellent impact on your company's bottom line. So for those 82% of employers out there who think the candidate experience is not important , you take this data back to them and say, Uh yeah, it is. 8. Process II: What Candidates really want: now run part two of process, and we're going to take a closer look at the candidate experience. Over the past five years, the interview process alone has lengthened by over 25% and 52% of candidates think the entire process has gotten a lot more difficult. So what does all this mean? It means that candidates care about how they're treated and because so many organizations are struggling to provide an excellent candidate experience. It's an opportunity for us to stand out as an employer of choice because of how we choose to source, interview and select employees. So how is it that we are going to make sure that we create a candidate experience that is going to help us stand out in the workplace? One thing that we can look to is to say, What is it that they're applicants are really looking for? According to CareerBuilder, these air, some key findings and what it is that we need to improve in the candidate experience to really stand out the biggest frustrations from applicants point of view are unclear application instructions. This is the primary cause of a bad candidate experience. This was cited by 93% of job seekers. They just don't know what you want us to do. Do you want us to give you your resume to any to the resume in the cover letter separately ? Um, the next piece that comes by of as a big frustration for job seekers and this is 90% of them say this is that the application is too long. This I will agree with having been a nap, lichen and my passes. I'm sure you have been. We know that it's so frustrating to upload your resume and then spend 30 minutes trying to fill out a step by step process in one of those really picky applicant tracking systems. If your application takes more than five minutes to fill out, you will have a huge drop rate. You can find a lot of different statistics out there that the shorter that the experience is in, the easier that you do it, the more likely they're going to find they're going to finish the process from start to finish. More than 1/3 of job seekers say that they really want more communication during the hiring process and that they want the hiring timeline to be better. So the hiring timelines taking too long and they want that good communication. So when you think about it, if you're communicating the with a candidate throughout the entire process, the timeline might not Seamus Long because they're getting that information. But really, they want to understand Where did they stand? Over 1/4 of recruiters say that having an applicant tracking system makes this whole thing easier for them. They contract what's going on. They can really time the handoffs between each part of the process. So these four areas unclear. Instructions application too long. Hiring timelines too long and poor communication might be better done if you have that data from your African tracking system. So what candidates really want, though? What is it that they're looking for in a ah, career cider? A job description? Well, luckily, Jobvite tells us this is what they want. They want clear job descriptions shocking, I know, but when they go to your career site, they want to know what the job is gonna be. So if you use that, why how what process? Earlier you'll be able to say this is what you will be doing. They want to know salary ranges, and I can't tell you how important this is. More legislation is coming out that saying that you cannot ask a candidate's salary history and frankly, I think that's the right thing to do. There are times during the during the recession in 7 4008 when companies were lowballing candidates and if they were staying in that organization for more than two years. They're leaving money on the table. So tell people what you are willing to pay. We post our salary ranges on our job descriptions, and it really helps. It keeps people from wondering whether or not they're going to be able. Teoh take the job based on their salary needs. Candidates want to see good benefits description, and this goes beyond. We have medical, dental and 401 K They want to know what kind of opportunities do you have in terms of wellness? Do they? Do you have some sort of agreement with the public transportation? What's parking, like all those little benefits descriptions and being really specific about it could be really good. Post your total rewards philosophy out there so they understand This is the approach that we take were not just about medical and dental were about the whole person, so make sure you're being very specific about that. People also want to see successful candidate profiles. It's kind of like when you're selling a house and Realtors will say, If you concede yourself living in this house than you might buy it, it's the same thing with job, job postings and candidates. If they can see themselves. If they see people like them who have similar backgrounds or just that they can relate to on your website, then it's more likely that they'll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not they want to join your organization. One thing that really works for this is success, that you can dio job preview videos. So go out there, take videos of what it's like. Talk to the people, actually do the job and then post them with the job descriptions so that they understand. This is what the day to day is like. And finally, candidates really want a career path. Example. If I take this job, what career opportunities am I going to have not just vertically but horizontally. So be able to tell that story and you'll be able to attract the right people to your organization. There are a lot of barriers, though, that we are aware of within our little recruiting funnel. And I want to take them from an internal perspective and an external perspective. So this is really from recruiters. Point of view. It's from the Recruiter Nation surveyed by Job Fight in 2015. First, the internal factors. God bless him, but the hiring managers. They are a vital component of the entire hiring process, but they can also be one of your biggest slowdowns. So make sure you have a really strong alignment meeting with your hiring managers before you even start recruiting, so that you can help minimize some of those obstacles along the way. Another roadblock can be salary negotiations, which is why posting that salary range can really be good, because even if you have that conversation early on with a candidate, they're not really going to commit to a number until they see what the offer is. So be prepared. Be able to know what your salary range is. Be able to explain how you set those salary ranges and how you came up with the offer. We have a really great process where I work, where work very closely with our compensation team to be able to say, Here we look at internal equity, we look at market equity, look at the importance of the job and we look at the qualifications of the job, and this is the recommendation that we have. So we have really good data to be able to explain why we came up with that salary. Scheduling interviews continues to be abandoned all of our existence, and it's just the reality of it. So, um, one of the things that you might do, depending on how many people you have involved with your interview process is try to set some placeholder dates early in the process so that you're not scrambling to try to find a good interview panel or even a conference room within two days. You really wanna have that set as early as possible. Plus, it kind of gives a date to your hiring managers as a target so that you can kind of move him along in the process. And another thing that tends to slow down the funnel, Our phone screens. They're an important part of what we dio. But it can also take a lot of time, depending on how many qualified applicants that you have. It just takes time to schedule him. It takes time to conduct them and then takes time to really evaluate them. So even though there are unimportant part of what we dio, it can be a big slowdown in the process. Some external factors that recruiters reporting these might sound familiar to you as well. Finding those skilled and qualified candidates, we talked about the skills gap that's out there. So ah, that will be a challenge for used to make sure you're really targeting the right group. You're facing competition. We talked about that, too. For very specific skill sets. There might only be a very small talent pool, and we all want them. So knowing what is going on in your industry within our businesses, laying off our business is building new location so that competition will go up. You need to be aware of what's going on so that you can help mitigate this problem. Some of you might be facing a lack of budget this could be a salary budget. This could be you don't have a big cost per higher budget. You don't have a budget to fly candidates in, so you're gonna have to be creative about how you create a good candidate experience. Sometimes it is about just a really good phone call. Or maybe you do Skype or um, WebEx or go to meeting video so you can have a video interview before you really fly people in if you don't have a really good budget. But know that if you don't have a good budget, you some of the data that we've shared throughout this course to be able to try to make an argument that you need a little bit more. And finally, for some of you out there, location can be an issue. Um, I'm lucky I'm in Colorado. People love Colorado. It's beautiful here. We have a lot of people who just want to move here so we don't have to work. Always worry about real low budgets. But for some people, it can be real challenge. It could be that you're in the middle of an oil field in North Dakota and there are no services around you, and you're trying to incent people to come work out there. Or maybe you need them to work in the middle of the ocean or work up in Alaska, where there might be away from home for a while. Even then, maybe they're working in the downtown area and there's no parking. So you have to know what your location is and how you're going to present it in a way that's not going to be a big detriment to the application process. So these are just some of the things that you have to think about when you're building a really good hiring process. 9. Process III: The recruiting process: So now we're on part three of process, and it's really about building a better hiring process for your organization As you embark on this up process. For lack of a better word, you want to keep this in mind. Just keep it simple. It doesn't need to be everything to everyone. You want to be really focused. That means really understanding what makes the biggest impact on a candidate's impression of a job and then focusing your process on those areas. So from the job Seeker Nation survey in 2016 thes of the areas that we know that candidates are really focused on in having a good impression of the experience. Interestingly enough, 47% of it is the interview itself. So you want to make sure you have hiring managers who are diverse, who represent your organization well, who have good questions. Who asked legal questions that the process seems fair that they're treated with respect so really focusing in on that interview, 36% said they really are impacted by online research. So be aware of what's out there. What's being said about you. Look on Glassdoor, Look on, lengthen. Look on Twitter and see how what's your reputation as an employer and as an interviewer. 39% of candidates said it's that initial contact that really has the biggest impact on them . So how is it that you respond to your candidates now? Most of us who have an applicant tracking system used some sort of automated email, and that's okay. But make sure it sounds like there's a human being who wrote it s so when they submit their application, what's the response that they get? Does it sound like a human being? Does it sound like they're valued? Or does it sound like thanks for your resume? We'll call you if you're good. What's interesting is 36% of candidates said it's actually conversations with others that makes the biggest impression of the job, so that could be with their friends who have had an experience. Remember, somebody has a bad experience. They're gonna tell their friends it could be their family. So what do you think? If I worked for this organization, it could be with other people that they may or may not know. What the organization linked in is a really great way for people to hunt down those sort of back door references of people who are working at that organization. So you have to really think about all these areas that are making an impact on a candidates a compression of your organization so that you build a process that maximizes a positive impact. So when you think about your hiring process, I really break it down into six distinct areas. The 1st 1 is, How do you receive a request? What is that intake process? If you are a very large organization, there's a good chance that its automated that it's in your applicant tracking system or you have some other workflow built. If you're in a small organization, it might be. They just walk up to you and say, Hey, Diane, I need a new job. I need a new person to be hired because feel quit. So whatever that processes, make sure you document it and make sure you communicate it and you're getting the information that you need in order to get that information to start the process. Next, you want to find the rial need both the job and the person so you can use that. Why? How what process. Um, who is the right person for the job? What's that gonna look like? So that's that alignment meeting that you're gonna have with the hiring manager. So make sure that's built into your process as well. Then you're gonna source the right candidates. Are you exploring the right candidate pools? Are you really practicing passive recruiting? Are you finding the sweet spot between culture, skill and salary fit? So you want? Make sure you've got that in your process. You want to make it easy to apply. As we know from previous sections. This really impacts whether or not a candidate wants to continue the application process. Consider working for your organization or even being ah customer, so make sure that's as easy as possible. If you haven't applied for a job at your organization in a while, try it. Just see what it is like to be an applicant in your system, because for those of us who are administrators, we might take it for granted. So really test your application process to make sure it's easy you want, and then help your hand. Harry managers select the right candidate. That means that you have a really good strong interview process that you have a diverse interview process that encourages diverse candidates that you are making good choices from a minimum qualification requirement standpoint to, you know, earlier in the alignment meeting, you told me you needed this on your team, and now you're wonder. Select somebody who's directly the opposite. What changed? Really? Sit down with your high managers and help some of them select that right candidate. And then, finally, your work's not done until you actually close that right candidate. Sometimes there's a little bit of negotiation, whether it's salary or opportunity or location or whatever it might be. But you are not done in this process until you've done a good job in closing the right candidate, so you might have additional steps in your process. And I think that's right. You just do what's important for your own business. But as long as you have these six core elements in your process and you've communicated those elements to your hiring managers and your candidates, then you should be okay to have a very good hiring process. It's not enough to have a good process. You have to be able to know that It's a good process through data. So this is an example of a recruiting scorecard or a dashboard? Um, yours might look a little bit different, but all of these elements are things that you might want to think about. Can you truly explain how effective and how efficient you are as a recruiting group? So you want to look at hires in cycle time? I mean, time to fill is just an age old piece in it that really just tells you how efficient you are as an organization. Think about how you're going to define that time to fill. We defined time to fill from the time that the recruiter receives the request, the time that the candidate actually steps in the door. So our time to fill might look a little bit longer than others because for some people, that's when the candidate accepts the the offer. So these are all elements that you need to think through when you're a did identifying your cycle time. But that's not enough. You need to really think about what is your source of higher Um, what is the quality of higher? How long do they stay with the organization do they make it through their probationary period of whatever it might be? What's your diversity throughout the entire funnel? Another thing that you might think about is that net promoter score. We've instituted a hiring manager, satisfaction surveys, applicant satisfaction surveys and candidate satisfaction surveys just to find out how are we doing throughout the process? Are we meeting your needs? Is this something that we need to address so typically what you find your trends and that can be really helpful. But we use all of this data to communicate back to the business. Here's how we're doing. Are you okay with it? Quick note about cycle, time and time to fill. One thing that we do is we measure the time between each step in each hand off. So from when do we get it to when do we contact the hiring manager to win? Does the hiring manager get back to us? When does the posting go up all of those elements so that we can find out where in our process is there a bottleneck and can we address it? So measurement is a key component of having a really good hiring process. So once again. We are at our possible actions, and this is all around process. So some actions Utkan implement back in your office might be reviewing your sourcing pipelines, which is the best. And are you maximizing that usage? How would candidates rate their experience with your process? And how would you know? You might want to implement that candidate satisfaction survey. We use surveymonkey, and a link just goes out to the candidates when we need that when we want their feedback. Um, map, you're hiring Process measure time between each touch point. Are you happy with the results? Partner with your stakeholders to fix any potential issues. And finally, make sure you build that recruiting dashboard thes Airil actions that you can immediately implement back and your workplace. 10. Product I: Introduction to Employer Brand: So, in part one of product in our three peas, I want to just take a quick look at what one employer brand really means. Employer brand is something that you can use to attract people to your organization. According to LinkedIn. Talent Connect, which is a great conference thes air the top 10 employers that candidates want to work for . They're the big hitters, the ones that you would expect. The reality is, if you are not on this list, you could have issues with your employer. Brand is because you're not as well known to your candidates. So when you think about employer brand, there are some ways that you can make yourself distinct and really stand out. So I want to share some examples of some organizations that have done this and a really unique and creative way. The 1st 1 is this. When you read this ad, you're trying to figure out what are they trying to say? But then you realize it's for being a bartender. So if you can decipher the Babel, basically, can you understand what a drunk person talks to you? It shows you that you might work with us, but look at what this ad really tells you. This is an organization that has a sense of humor. This is an organization that recognizes. Yeah, we get it. Asuka NSI at the bottom of of the ad. It says those lacking a great sense of humor need not apply. What a great way of really putting out who you are and who you're looking for in a quick ad . Here's another one. This is Microsoft, and they're looking for software developers. As you can see, it's about problem solvers. So they gave you a problem to solve so you can find the phone number in order to contact somebody for the job again. A great way of marrying who we are, what we want and kind of getting your attention at the same time. Here's another one, I think is really cute. This is from Burger King. They're looking for a marketing manager, but don't mention the M. So what a great way of showing we have this little rivalry with McDonald's on Got your attention to because you like. What is that? I don't understand what is trying to say, and then you might be drawn in to read a little bit more. And I just love this one because I'm a Star Wars nerd and talk about getting your attention . Join us or die. This is a great way of them saying, Here's who we are Got your attention. Now you want to read a little bit more? These are just some examples of how you can very quickly communicate your employer brand with a one pager. So the rest of this section will be talking about how do you really look at why people might want to join your organization and how you build that brand to communicate the right people to be a fit for what you're looking for? 11. Product II: Why your brand matters to candidates: in part two of product. We're gonna look at why people join organizations so that you can really build an employer brand that speaks to what they're looking for and reflects who you are. So as promised, why Why do people join those companies? One thing that's interesting recently we're finding is that size really does matter to a candidate. There's been a trend recently where fewer people are interested in working for larger organizations, and in here it's defined as anything over 5000 employees and more people are being attracted to smaller organizations or or ones that are less than 500. There's a lot of different reasons why this might be the case. I think some of it might be a perception of an ability to really have an impact. We know that people really want to have purpose and want to make sure that their work has a difference and they might feel like in small organisations they can do that. So if you're in a larger organization, you might have to think about how do you communicate that span of control and that ability to contribute to the overall purpose even though you're working in a large global organization. Somebody think about, too, is that employees are looking for more than just perks. They don't need the pool table. They don't need the cool hip set up that you see here from Pied Piper on Silicon Valley. What they're really looking for, our benefits that have meaning. So it's not enough to just throw out a pool table and say, Look, you have a perk. You want to make sure that it's tied into an overall philosophy that makes sense to your key employees. When you're thinking about attracting candidates, it's really important to understand what it is that they're looking for in a new job. And we have two years of information here from 2015 and 2016 off what people are looking for. And as you can see in both years, compensation continues to be the number one reason why somebody might be lured. Taking that job, we know they're looking because of career opportunity, but that closing factor is going to be money and we hear all of the information that says money is not the most important thing. We want them to be engaged. We want them to have purpose and I agree with that. But money is only an issue if you don't give them enough of it. So really be thinking about what's your compensation philosophy? Because that's what they're looking for. Locations up their work. Life balance continues to be important. Those benefits growth opportunities. When you look at it, though, what's interesting to me, just from a new organization that's really kind of mission and purpose driven company mission is not even on the list for 2016. So, um, if you think culture, leadership and company mission are gonna be that number one factor, know that it's important to keeping the people. But at night might not be the reason why people are going to jump ship, and part of it could be they just don't know it. You can say what your culture is, but until you experience it, you're not really sure what it's going to be. So when you're attracting talent, really focus on the top half of this list. But when you're retaining talent, this list will look very different. Another thing to keep in mind is, even though I said generations, you can't point paint with too broad a brush it is good to understand, sort of what people are out there looking for. And data is telling us that different groups and different life stages are looking for different things. So how do you communicate this to people? So 40 to 50 something, sort of that, um, Generation X. They're really looking for good health benefits. You know, they're getting to the point where maybe they are starting Teoh have some health conditions or they really want to think about their future of, um, we're gonna be covered for X, Y and Z. So health benefits can be a core focus of that group for baby boomers and millennials. Interesting enough. They're both very interested in location. It might be because they want to be close to family. It might be because they don't wanna have to get a car and walk every hour and drive and park so that maybe they want toe live close to where they work. So, um, for those groups, locations really important. And for those thirtysomethings, sort of that, um, out of entry level, but into sort of that mid career, they're really looking for career opportunities. So having a good understanding Overall of what people are looking for. You can really help craft a message that's going to attract the widest range of candidates to your organization. 12. Product III: Basic steps to build your brand: in part three of product. We're going to look at how you actually build that employee value proposition. As our friendly kitty points out here, how do you build that value proposition for your potential candidates? The first thing to do is you need to know thy self. Do you know who you are as an organization? Can you actually explain to somebody what you stand for as an organization? What your purpose is, what your culture is like? So really understand that, um, and to be able to express it quickly six. Simply and without having to have a lot of insider knowledge. Next is know thy employees. So do you know who is most successful within your organization? Do you know who it is that's attracted to your organization so that you can build not really a profile of the perfect employee, but understand some of the common characteristics of what it is that you're looking for? So if you have leadership that's really big on that whole hired a culture fit piece, this is the element that you really need to have in mind when you do that, because it's an understanding of not just, um who you are as an organization, but what it's like to work within your organization and those inter relationships and what every person brings to the table. So, for example, if you have a team that thinks a certain way, they might need somebody who's not exactly the same because they need that friction, that healthy debate to be able to have some innovation, so really know who it is that comprises your organization and who will be successful within it. Next is know thy trends. What is going on out there? What are other organizations doing to put their brand out there? What are people looking for? Everything that I have shared with you today has come free of charge. They are all available online. There are number of yearly reports and surveys that are out there. Yes, you might have to give them your email address and deal with the vendor call or two. But the information you're getting in return is really vital. You need to understand where people are going to look for jobs, what other people in your industry are doing to attract people and really keep up on that and decide is that something that we need to do or do we want to stay true to who we are and keep that brand going, So whatever that might be, you want to make an informed decision about the value proposition and brand that you're putting out there for your potential candidates. You also need to know my messaging as a recruiter. You really do need to think like a marketer when you're building an employer brand. I put an example of Southwest Airlines on the slide here because they do a phenomenal job of keeping an aligned message, no matter what part you are on their website, whether you are a customer or whether you are an applicant and whether you are an employee , everything is there. It's very consistent with the messaging, so their brand is very, very strong, and you know exactly what you're getting when you apply to that organization. All right, so possible actions for products. Do you know what your organization's value proposition is? Um, and can you communicate it to other people? You might want to think about conducting some surveys or focus groups with your recent hires. Why did they join your organization and what might cause them to stay and what might cause them to leave. This will give you some really targeted motivational factors that can help you build your value proposition. Really go in and review your career site doesn't reflect your brand who you are as an organization. Does it have personality? Would it attract the people that you're looking for? Do candidates know who you are and what you stand for? So really look at it with a very critical I. In fact, maybe have some of your friends who don't work for you or work with you. Look at it so that they can give you some really clear feedback again. Make sure you create that Twitter account, whether it's yourself, whether it's your organization, you want to make sure that you have some way of being on social media to follow some thought leaders in your industry and in recruiting, and to maybe reach out to potential candidates and finally download and analyze any of those free state of recruiting reports. They're all out there job bite, manpower, CareerBuilder, whatever it might be. Make sure you're on top of it and have access to that data because it can be really important in building that excellent value proposition. 13. Wrap Up: Okay, we've made it to the end. Let's wrap it all up and summarize what we covered in this class under people. We talked about the fact that people are on the move. They're looking for new opportunities. They're looking for new jobs. So we have to be aware of what's going on in the industry and what those trends might be. We know that skill set quality is really scarce. There are new jobs out there. There are new rules out there, and people just aren't really prepared for them. So you have to be really aggressive to be able to get the right people for your positions. And finally, you want to really focus on getting the right ones, both the right candidates and the right recruiters to find those candidates. People are the core of starting your really good recruiting process. We'll be on to process. Make sure the front of the house and the back of the house are aligned. You want to make sure you have a good way to have intake and that you're running people through the process appropriately. Remember to keep it simple. Just have those six elements that we talked about within your process and make it easy for everybody involved so that you can help eliminate some of those roadblocks along the way. And be sure that you are measuring what matters and communicating that measurement to your stakeholders that will help you build your business case. To get more resource is or to be able to make changes to your process that you need and under product. We really talked about that employer brand peace. No, your message. What is it that you want to portray to your applicants and potential applicants and make sure they have a really good candidate experience? You want to make sure you are communicating that message consistently across all platforms , whether it's online on one on one conversations in those interview panels, whatever it might be, you want that product to be 100% solid and consistent and finally sell. Think like a marketer, really sell your brand cell who you are. People have a lot of options out there now for jobs that they might wanna have. You want to stand out by saying, Here's who we are and here's what we can offer you remember people process and product at the end of the day. You bet on people, not strategies. What we're doing in recruiting is making sure we have the right people at the right place at the right time. And this is really core to having a successful business. So thank you so much for joining me for this class. Don't forget, you have, ah, whiter project that you can work on and bring back to your organization to make sure that you apply a lot of the things that you learned or go into the last part of each of the core processes so that you get little quick hits that might help you find some quick success. Thank you so much. And good luck in your recruiting.