1. Introduction to Portraiture for Beginners: Hello, everybody. My name is Antonio DI B, and I have been an artist for about 11 years as off 2020 I have created the scores in order to make you understand the basics off, drawing a portrait, the face of a person. I do have the certainty that at the end of the scores, you are going to draw boardrooms with these. We're not enjoying the head of a person can be a difficult subject. That is why what we will do in this course is take this difficult subject and divide it into elements. Elements such as the nose, the mouth, the eyes, the ear and so on. All you need to do is make yourself comfortable. Grab a piece of paper, a pencil of your choice and let's jump into it. As always. If you have any questions during the lessons, please make sure to ask in the discussions below. Thank you so much for joining me in the scores, and I will see you in the next video
2. 01: The Loomis Method | Portraiture for Beginners: hello and welcome to the course. In this first lesson, you will be learning about the Loomis method. It is one of the easiest ways to draw the shape of the head and the placement off average features. This method has firstly being thought by William Andrew Loomis in his book entitled Figure Drawing for All It's Worth. Under Lewis was an American illustrator, author and art instructor texted him. Many artists can now draw the heads with, and I'm sure that you will be flying. Its simple a swell, That being said, let's start drawing ahead shape. Using the Loomis method, let's stroll circle. Make sure the shape is all right. It doesn't have to be perfect. This circle will represent the cranium. This circle represents the cranium, but how do we find out where all the other features are? That's follow Mrs Method and draw another circle inside a circle withdrawn? No, probably wondering what's going on. Well, the circle inside the circle Hope drawn represents the site off our hit the side blame. If you were to look in the mirror right now, you'd see that your head shape isn't completely round. The sides are flattened since the circle situated in the middle, It means we're going to draw ahead as seen from a side profile. The distance between the circle and style. The cranium circle should be looking a little bit like this. Now we need to figure out where to place the facial features in order to complete our head . That's simple. Let's say the person we are drawing is looking forward. I'm going to draw a straight horizontal line right through the middle off the interior circle and connected to the edge off the other one. This line represents the eyebrows. Now, if we also stole a line from the top off the inner circle and connected to the edge of the other one, you will find the hairline. Now that we have established distance between hairline and the eyebrows, everything is going to be much easier. If you were to measure the face of an average person you've seen in the distance between the hairline and the eyebrows or the eyebrows and the nose or the nose and the chin is equal. Starting from this concept, we can go ahead and find a position off the nose. You can either measure the distance between the hairline and I row line. Oh, just cross the line from under the inner circle representing the nose. You could either measure the distance between the hairline, and I goes to find a position on the news. Or you could draw a line starting from under the inner circle like this. Now that we've established that, let's go ahead and find the chin as well. Measure the distance between the eyebrows and hours and drag it down. Find the Children not, say the chairman this summer around here, now that we found a chin line, it's Tommy can you did? Oh, sir, I need to draw the jawline, too, in order to find whether Joel starts a vertical line through the middle of the inner circle . That's great. Also, if you want to find the line the cheekbone, you can go ahead and broke a line from the tick off the chin to the middle of the inner circle. Well, let's see what happens to the head to the same head. If the person was looking down the position off, the circles will stay the same. But since the person will be looking down the angle of the horizontal line will change now that our second head is drawn. If the person is looking downwards, the lines representing each feature, such as the eyebrows or knows, are angled downwards as well. The way to make that happen is to take the straight horizontal line withdrawn in the first in a circle and angle it accordingly. In this one, the rest of the process doesn't change. Now that our Loomis that is complete, we could go ahead and grow another one. This time from front of you will start by drawing the cranium like before. Then add the inner circles in the left and right side. - The circles became ovals. Now, due to the change of perspective, we are going to remove the bumpy sides away. Once that is done, let's go ahead and draw the hairline. And either line this would be the headline. And in the middle, I thought, the bulls are going to get eyebrow line, keep measuring distances between them using the same concept. It is important to remember that this rule does not always stay the same. There are situations where the head is positioned differently and the features will be distorted. Let's see what happens when the futures positions get distorted. Start by drawing the cranium circle and job the ages by drawing the side blades for nobles . Okay, let's say the person we draw, always looking down, throw the eyebrow line by Yngling, the horizontal lines inside the site planes. If you were to take a picture of you looking down, you will see that the closest and largest element in your face is the forehead. Your cheekbones are more pronounced in your lips. Engine will shrink as well. That being said that the stones between the features as no longer equal the forehead being the largest will measure more as the distance between the other features will decrease. Since the person is looking down, the hairline wouldn't be situated up here anymore. It will be found somewhere around here. It depends on how large the person's forehead ends. Another position would be drawing the head from a dynamic angle, just like before. Start by drawing the cream says the head is angled. The side plane will get wider, almost like a circle. We proceed by drawing the horizontal line found in the middle off the side, please running. The I broke is the chef from your own, The wrists off the features should be easy to find now that you have learned how to draw the shape overhead. Using the Loomis method, I'm happily inviting you to check the next video. But you're going to learn how to add the features. Please do breakfast this process for a while until you get comfortable with the subject. Thank you so much and I'll see in an egg video.
3. 02: Feature Positioning | Portraiture for Beginners: hello and welcome to the second lesson off this course. In the first lesson, we learned to told ahead the same from the front ankles using the Loomis method. In this second listen, we will learn how to add features to that structure. We will start by drawing ahead and then start to add details. The face is divided by four regions. The hairline, the iPod line, the nose line and the July. Let's start with the head of Seen from the front. We first told the circle do represents the cranium. After we drew the circle, they have to draw the ovals besides a k a. The side planes to make it easier and shoulder overs are equal dress straight lines within the circle to form a square like so now we can easily draw the ellipses. Let's go ahead and draw the lines, representing each region, the hairline, the are pro life, the nose life and the job. Now that we have the structure of the hand we have to do with the teachers, let's start with the eyebrows. Usually the outer points off the eyebrow touch the edge of the side brains. Now that we have the eyebrows that stole the nose as well. I usually start by drawing a straight, but took a line down the center of the hit to mark the middle of the nose and lips. Next, I make use of small circle to represent the deep off the nose as follows. I was a little bit longer. This will be the bridge of the nose. Once this is done, we at the ministry ALS and the shape of the nose. We'll be strong, please. So we will be addressing each feature in later videos. I promise our next feature and what I find most expressive the eyes. You want to make sure the eyes are positioned correctly, draw straight horizontal line to mark the center of the eyes. From here, we can decide their shape and scale in order to live the corner off eyes accurately. Roll article line from the ends off the most rules upwards. Lecture. We're start drawing the upper island and then the room Notice that the upper eyelid is stickered in the lower island. So now that we have drawn the shape of the eyes, let's move on to the lips. The first step ongoing the lips is to establish word. A copper line off the mouth otherwise known as the Cupids Bowl, is fun. In order to do so, draw two lines from the center off the nose down his father's. Now that we have drawn the two lines, let's define the shape of your lips. The first step is to connect these two lines like So this is the Cupid's bow was shape, right? Yeah, now that we have drawn the two lines, let's define the shape over lips. The next step in finding the corner of the mouth is to draw the two vertical lines down from the middle of the eyes like shit. From here, you cannot the two corners with a straight horizontal line. Next we grow up, and then her face looks almost simply, but we still have to be just to draw the years and the head. Let's start with that years in order to find a position for your horizontal lines, like so 19 at the same level as the tip of the nose and the second at the same level as the outer ends off the eyebrows. Thanks. We go the shape of the year. Dad, we add some details. No, the final feature. The hay. We have the hairline drone, which represents what hair starts, but it doesn't end. Hair usually has volume, and it's such the hair will not stop at the top of the cream. Notice how withdrawn the hair own top off the school line, which is this one than a marking run. Also one small detail. You guys wanted to find out where the cheekbone goes. You go ahead and draw a line from him to the middle, off the side, playing like so do the same thing. The other side touches corners of the mouth and goes right to move the cycling. This is where no cheekbones. This is the line of, but that done, we have finished ahead the scene from the front. Now let's store more hits from different angles to see what happens to the features. Then Mr Loomis, head as seen from the side fun futures to stay before by dividing the four regions. Once again, the end of the problem reaches the side claim line as follows. We exaggerated this line of it. That's the problem we're going. Once the nose position is found, a door line from under the eyebrow line. Children knows line as follows. Close circle to shape the tips of the nose for the curves to define a nuestros. Did you notice corridors of you? Look itself. It all depends on the person we are going with the help of the nostrils overtook a line going up too far in the corner of the eye. Since the person is route from side just like the nose, the eyes will be shaped differently. Next, horizontal lines like the middle of the eye, then connect the islands by drawing a triangle or by growing a greater than symbol as follows. Don't forget about the thickness of the upper lip moving on to the mouth, where the upper lip is represented by a curve. Like so, the lower lip has a wrong fuller shape, and his rawness follows. Of course, these future can differ from what we are drawing, depending on the subject. Next, we draw the curve on the bottom left to define chin so we can go ahead and move those old lines withdrawn in the beginning to make all character clearer. What the Malcolm Let's move on to the year which this time, it seemed fully from this, viewed making a little interesting to talk. Let's find his position just like before, with two wars on the lines running from the tip of the nose and the end of the eyebrows Tuesday in the house. Yeah, and you to find the shape of the year with simple structure lines. And then we added details. I know that we have ruined year that's finished ahead with some hair, just like the first example. The hair has volume and will raise for the creamy when we drove. Usually goes around like this going to with that, the second head is done. But let's take a quick look at the other angle. Supported my being. Just see how the facial features can change because he will happens when we go ahead. Looking down, it isn't much different from growing from fund. The eyebrows will stay the same. The eyes will be looking down, making the upper eyelid more visible. The nostril rings will be enabled, not allowing us to see under the nose, and I know step will be situated lower. Also, the distance between the upper lip and nose will be shorter, while the ears will be drawn. Hyo side planes, the lower person is looking. The hair will also be drawn lower than the hairline, since we are seeing more of it when the person is looking down, let's also draw ahead what a person is looking off. The eyebrows are a bit late round the eye people you can up making the lower island more visible than the upper one. The nose bridge will be more exposed, while the no step. We'll have a triangular shaped where the nostrils are visible and those wings are far lower . The upper lip was trying to be more visible than the lower one. While the distance between the nose and the upper lip will also be a lot smaller. This son that ears will be situated lower. Since the person is looking up, the hair will be drawn above the hairline. Now that we've that called the positioning over the features, this lesson has come to an end. Please make sure to practice what we've learned in this lesson. It could only need to great results. Thank you so much for watching, and I'll be seeing you in the next lessons where we will be learning how to pull the features individually. The first feature will be learning to draw with beady eyes. Have a good one.
4. 03: The Eye | Portraiture for Beginners: you know, and welcome to the third lesson where we will learn how to do one of the most expressive features. The eyes drawing the eyes can be a little difficult, but if you pay attention to the details, such as the way eyes get covered by needs, their thickness, their corners or even their color, he will succeed that I is represented by a spear. We never get to see that sphere because it is covered by two islands. These islands usually follow the shape of the eye and heaven thickness. The upper island is usually thicker and the lower one, so let's go ahead and draw those shapes. Once we've completed drawing the shape, let's get to drawing the iris and people as well. The iris is the colored five of the eye, while the pupil is the black circle find right in the middle of the iris. The people can be drawn bigger or smaller, depending on how much light enters the eye. If the light is strong, the people are small. If the light is number of people is going to be bigger, just a tip. If the irises are a lighter color, such as blue or green. Make use off on HB pencil If you are working with darker colors for the iris, make use of a B plus pencil. Now that we've drawn in the shape off the I, let's get to drawing the hairs well. Eyelashes and eyebrows avoid drawing very long, thin and space eyelashes. They should be drawn as they're rooting from the thickness off the islands. Wells Upper and Lower Island. Also the eyelashes should Bence, especially the person withdrawing her since calf. If we're drawing a female I The eyebrow is usually higher and thinner, but if we draw male, the eyebrow is going through thicker and closer to the I. That's pretty much the biggest difference There is. Between male and female eyes I'm going to do now is shades this I to show you how it would look like after the construction. Also, if you are struggling with shading, I recommend you check my beginner's course from lines artwork, where I'm giving you more in their tutorial on shading, and this is the I know that we have got the hang of it. Let's start more eyes is in two different perspectives. Drawing eyes can easily be one of the most pleasant subjects to pull. Once you understand their lines and shapes, please practice trolling the subject. Moon wanted to become more comfortable. Thank you for joining me This video and other cool what you see in the next lesson where we will learn how to go the next feature knows have a good one.
5. 04: The Nose | Portraiture for Beginners: Hello and welcome to the Ford Listen where we practice drawing one of the most interesting features the knows. Many people consider the nose being one of the hardest features to draw, mostly because we don't exactly have enough lines or shapes to work with. When we look at the nose, it is very important to take your time and studied knows you plan to draw. Considering you have a reference to work with during the nose can be easy, but what really makes it stand out? Men is a tonal value the way we shade it. That's why you don't have to get too concerned with structural wise. You know, there are thousands of shapes of noses that would be able to do in this lesson, but let's see what we can do if you want to try the nose I seen from the front. You can simplify the process by going in within triangles, circles for my throwing the basic lines. So let's start by trying it within triangles. It is quite important you draw knows, framed in geometric shapes. First, this way, your subject will look about cleaner and symmetrical. This triangle represents the center of the news. Okay, the door. Cem, Let's go ahead and continue drawing the bridge of the nose. The upper triangle I've drawn here represents the bridge of the notes and the route off the eyebrows moving on to the last shape, the one that whole present tip off the nose, along with industrials and lotions. After drawing the triangle course there go like so to represent the tip of the nose. And it's around this now in order to go the nostrils. Torture curved lines like so for representing nostrils make use of the circle you've drawn . Also, let's go ahead and roll the wings off the nose. Also by drawing to curb lines like withdrawn. The nostrils are no shape is mostly done. Let's go ahead and connect the bridge of the nose and the foursome. And also let's give the nose a shape. This is how we connect the door. Cem to the bridge of the nose. Much better off course. I would look even better when we add shape to it, but right now let's move on and draw the nose by using circles. Start by drawing a circle to represent the tip of the nose after during the tip of the now school head and draw too much circles. This time, Smaller likes up. These two small circles represent the wings off the nose and nostrils. Let's go ahead and to find that shape more. It's a simple way to draw the nose, but once you shaded, it will look a lot better. The last method your daughter knows is to draw the four lines that represent the wings off the nose and nostrils. These two lines would represent the nostrils, while these two who present the wings off the nose. I know it doesn't look like much, and you will need to use your imagination more when it comes to the rest of it. But once again, the shady will transforming into a beautifully drone knows if the shading has been done correctly. Impatiently off course we can go. The same nose is seen from different angles as well, But let's share the frontal. You want to see what it would look like. I'm gonna start by removing some off. The lines that aren't there are invisible. I'm just going to stick with the once that's really really matter. That's a the light is hitting from somewhere adoptable have exaggerated with the lines here . That's why I'm going to be raised, um, and redraw them light there. - Now that we've given the nose value has promised, that's we want to drawing from a different perspective, Store knows. Seen from a side profile in this case, there are also different place to door knows one way would be to draw the nose with the help of triangles. Let's see how that works. The position of the triangle has also changed, along with irritation of the head that's mobile on and go the bottom trying off. After we've thrown the bottom triangle, we could go ahead and all the circle that represents the tip of the nose. Notice that I drew it the big outside of the triangle. Let's move on to the wing off the nose and nostrils were mostly them. Install the source in line that defines our knows. This well is rolling the bridge openers. But that done, That's Ramon indoor the same nose by using circles, mostly ISS cough and an overall that goes a little bit like so let's go ahead and find the shapes. 11. This is a nervous drone with the help of circles that's were born in toward the same knows only by using three lines. They all look different, but once we shade it, you know what's going to look a lot better. I'm going to draw the nose. Seem from two more angles. Let's see what happens when the person is looking up. If you study a note seen from that angle, well, not just that. The most accurate shape you could included in would be a trying. The tip of the nose will also be represented by a circle drawn like. So let's go ahead and see what the nurse trails will be situated. Notice how they're shaped. Looks like two beings or two pairs smaller at the top of the larger at the bottom, moving on to the wings of the nose. Now we noticed that the wings off the nose are situated at lot lower. It is important to remember that the higher person is looking. The lower the wings off the nose will be. Also. If a person is looking down, the wings off the nose will be situated higher. Returning to the drawing. Let's complete the shape the nose seen through this position now that we've drawn the nose from this position to, let's go ahead and draw the nose of a person who's looking down just like before. If you're studying the nose from this angle, you will notice that it could be very well included within a triangle as well. Only this time the deep will be rotated upside down like so. Let's start a tip off the nose, just like before represented by a circle. Now that we've got the position off, Templeton owes, let's move on and drawing the wings, says the person was looking down. The nostrils won't be visible at all. All those wings will be drawn higher. But that dumb this listen has come to an end. Be sure to practice throwing these noses and double with different shapes and sizes to give more comfortable drawing. If you have any questions, be sure to ask in the discussions below. Thank you for joining me, and I will see you in the next lesson where we will be throwing the mouth
6. 05: The Mouth | Portraiture for Beginners: Hello and thank you for joining me in this. Listen, in this video, we will be learning how to draw the mouth. Joining other lips can be a fun subject to droll. I know it was for me when I was trying to draw the rolling Stones Look over just like the eyes and nose. The mouth comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The lips could be thick or thin. The Cupid's bow could be wide or narrow. The mouth itself could be larger or smaller, so let's stop during the mouth as seen from the front so we can identify some of its elements. For starters, let's draw a straight horizontal line. This line represents them with off the map. Next Woodrow vertical line in the middle of the horizontal line to mark the center of the mouth. Note the taller the vertical Wyness, the thicker our lips are going to be now, in order to draw the upper lip, draw semi circle representing the to Pittsburgh. From here, gently connect the arches to the corners of the mouth. Once the upper lip has been drawn, it is time for Austin told the lower lip is work simply connect the corners off the mark are drawing a simple curved line as follows. This will also be deeply curved or suddenly arched, depending on the month. Now some sharing to show you how the lives are defined by light and shadow. - The lips have seen from home this simple, but let's see how to draw the lips from different angles. First, let's draw set off lips strong from the side. Profile the lips of similar to choose standardized. See your shapes connected to each other. Let's show that by drawing two circles representing the upper and the lower lip like self notice, all the horizontal line separating the lips is no longer straight. It is curved dollar words. Off course at depends on the subject. If the subject was smiling right now, the line would be curved up boards guided by the corners of the month now to have the final lodges shaping the lips. Next, we're going to draw the lives from a dynamic angle. So perspective comes into place. All amount, as seen from a semi profile, has the father health appearing similar than the closer help. Let's start drawing first, let's stroller line separating the lips diagonally like. So no, we drew the vertical line a little off center. As we are looking at the lives from one angle, you'll draw the line closer to the side of the lives that as far as the way like So now we know what that you could go is we need to draw the semi circle and arches with perspective in mind. The farthest health is drawn smaller, like self, and the closer help of the give its ball is drawn larger. With that in mind, I apply the same rules of perspective with the lower lip larger, closer and smaller. Farther as follows. Right, and there we have the lips. If you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the discussions below. Thank you for joining in this lesson. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next one. What we will be learning how to draw the ear
7. 06: The Ear | Portraiture for Beginners: hello and welcome to a new lesson. Morbid will learn how to draw the ear. I know it can look a little complex, but I will show you one of the easiest ways to draw it. Hoping of this technique will help you in your future drugs. This being said, let's jump into the first position off the year we're going to draw is going to be seen from the side profile. How usually started drawing it is by sketching the lines, forming the external rock shape of the year, the first position off the year we are going to talk. It's going to be seeing homicide profile. How usually start off growing? It is by sketching the lines, forming the external rough shape off the year. Something like this. Obviously, if I'm not happy with that, I can always go ahead and change the lines and see what needs to be done. Once we played down the overall shape, let's go ahead and will the counter lines that are forming all these bumpy details and establish which part of the year is deepest. Let's start with the external line, the fighting, the shape of the year, then we'll move on to draw the shapes representing all the bombs, and it's inside a year. - The upper external lines, which is drew, represents the helix, while the lower one represents the ear lobe. Let's go ahead and draw the inner shapes. Let's begin with the anti helix. The anti helix is the bumpy upper part of the ear that is shaped like the letter. Why? Let's stroll it now that we've drawn the anti helix. That's more morninto aside shape that connects to the UAE letter. This shape represents the deepest part of the ear where that your whole is found. Let's go ahead and connect the site shape we've drawn to the helix. The external line. We're going right here, I think so. We're going to identify the Travis, which is this piece of cartilage right here. Our year seems to be complete. I'm going to continue drawing by shading it, and after that we will be going the hear from two more angles. Let's move on to the next angle where the year is seen from Mount View. We will start patrolling the rough lines representing the shape of the year. Notice how the shape looks narrow where this time since the subject is viewed from the front, Let's go ahead and find your shape are drawing the helix and the area. Once we've finished drawing the external lines, let's move on to the anti helix, the Y letter brokers lines sticking out off the helix a bit like self from this position, the anti helix is more pronounced, never finished during the year. From this angle results. That brings us to the last angle that year seemed from behind. This is the easiest thing gold, since we can only see that he likes the ear lobe and the contract. The contract is the part that connects the ear to the head. So let's start doing that year by doing to that moves. Like so. These lines represent the Contra, the depth off the year when we see it from a side view and the thickness of the year. When we see it from behind, let's gonna go through. The agonal is by a curved line as follows. The upper part of the year is the helix. While the bottom part represents the ear lobe, we're almost done. It's at the last detail, which is the stickers off the helix and your lobe. Seen from this angle, this is the thickness off the helix. And this represents the air lob seen from this angle. Thank you, Alex. That your love and contract, it is important to keep in mind that no feature is looking like another on this will be close. Each person is unique. Therefore, in order to show that uniqueness, we have to study their features closely. Before we start drawing, please make sure to practice growing years in order to get more comfortable with the subject. Thank you so much for watching L Syrian the next lesson where we will be learning how to draw the head. Have a good one. It's
8. 07: The Hair | Portraiture for Beginners: hello and welcome to a new lesson where we are going to learn how to draw the hay. Drawing hair is very intimidating for beginners when they look at all the highlights, trends and details that make up the unique aesthetic shape that is the head. I know what was intimidating for me when it comes to going. Hey, it is best to focus on this shading and highlights. Analyze these two drawings. Most beginners tend to draw hair similar to the one on the left, but if we look at the drawing on the right, we can identify the clear differences first. We know here can be shiny before we need to note the direction of the life. If the light is coming from the left, the hair were present. Highlights on the left side and the inverse for the right. In our case, the light source is situated in the upper right side of the image. This is one of the differences faulted. Another would be the shape begins. The hair style is the same shape in both examples, but the one difference is made by the hair sections, the way the strands of hair are separated. That's The second difference noticed the 3rd 1 would be the overall shading how we can define the values, that texture. That, being said, let's jump into it and see how we can prove out controlling by using the steps. Firstly, we have to study a subject and start growing the shape off the hair. Now that we have drawn the shape of the head, we can live phone in, divided the shape into sections. No, this person that I'm drawing on was having thanks. So I'm just gonna separate, starting to a shape like like this now that we have established that because start with shading, let's study the subject to see where the light hits the hay and draw the highlights accordingly. It looks like the person that I'm growing. It's sitting in front of light, but there's also another light coming from her right side. I'm going to show you how to draw highlights separately. Before we continue, I'm going to draw a rectangle. I want to start by drawing quick lines like show notice how my allies are dark at the bottom and light at the end. In order to obtain that effect, put more pressure on your pencil as you start, then slowly remove the pressure like so now that the first hall has done, let's move on to the next tell where we'll do the same thing, but this time emerging from the opposite direction. Like stuff. I recommend you exercise this step a couple of times to get comfortable with it. Now let's move on to the actual hair started growing and begin drawing the highlighted areas first. - Now that we've established the highlights, let's go ahead and shape the rest of the hairs well, even. But not to put too much pressure on your pencils, always scratching the paper. - Once we're done shading, we can go ahead and study the subject closely one more time to see if there are any more details to add your drawing details like darker areas or stray strands of hair, and our first hairstyle is complete. Let's pay phone and draw subject with wavy Hey, just like before we studied the subject and draw the shape of the head. After we draw the shape, we move on to the sections. Be confident with your lines to not avoid interrupted lines. Boss end up pretty badly. No, let's move on and start drawing the highlights first. Then we continue shading the rest of the hair to complete your hair stuff, in this case, the lightest coming so far. Humbler talk, right? Uh, Oprah. Finishing details by studying the subject closely and add them to your drawing, if you consider is necessary. This is the wavy hair example. Let's go on and draw a subject with curly hair. It's not simple like before, drawing in the shape of the head first. I know just type of Hey can look difficult to roll what you see. You find it so much easier to draw ones you practice a few times, sure, its go ahead and grow in the shape. I know that we have the shape drawn. Let's go ahead and draw the sections off. Hey, once finished the hair sections. We can go ahead and shape the whole shape. Now that we have shaded the hair shape, let's establish the lighted area. Then, with the help of on a razor, we will bring out the shine off the curls. This is mostly the area where the curls received most of the light. So what I'm going to do now in order to obtain that curly shape of the hand is play with shapes like so draw this kind of things things that look like springs. If you may, it will take a while to create. But you will see the results are worth that. Uh huh. - And these other types of Hey, thank you for joining me in this video. And I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next one. We're going to start our first practical. Make sure to practice what you've learned to get more comfortable drawing the head. Have a great one.
9. 08: Practical - Male Portrait | Portraiture for Beginners: hello and welcome to a new video where we will tackle our first practical. The subject of chosen to draw today is a male. If you want to join me into drawing the same subject, grab a piece of paper a pencil and make yourself comfortable. I'm going to be speeding up the video in most parts, as the portrait I drew took about an hour to complete. That being said, Let's jump into it. I'm going to start throwing the circle representing the school than adding the measurements off the features resembling the person in the image. After the lines are in place, I start drawing the eyebrows. Don't worry about making mistakes. You could always erase something you are not happy with. I make a lot of mistakes, too. After drawing the eye pros, I move on to the nose, then measuring my way to the I construction. Yeah, I'm using The same methods have taught you in the previous lessons, but I am also trying to pay more attention to my subject. In order to make Woodrow inaccurate, - it will be hard to tell if you're drawing resembles a person. That's when the shading comes into play. After drawing the features, I go ahead and dark in the darker areas as well. Shading eyebrows. I am removing the construction lines in order to have a clear view of my drawing and continue adding the detail to the eyes. - I'm studying the subject closely and that shadows in the darker area. Off the face. The pencil I am using is a five B. After shading the right side of his face, I'm moving on to the hay. - Okay , I am not refining my drawing, moving closer to the result, - and here we have it. I'll be showing this image at the end of the video. So you good polls and practice it. Please make sure to practice ruling Portrait's beat the person I drew an image or a different person. Make sure to take your time what you're doing and study your subject carefully. It's the little details that make an accurate portrait. Thank you so much for joining me this video and I am looking forward to seeing you in the next one where I'll be drawing the portrait of a female. How great on
10. 09: Practical - Female Portrait | Portraiture for Beginners: Hello and welcome to the second practical video where I will draw off human portrait just like before. I am starting out patrolling, the Loomis said, and measuring the features, according to the subject, notice how the position off this head differs from the one in the first practical. Her head is tilted to her right, and along with that, the features will be drawn at an angle to. Also, the subject is not looking straight at the viewer, but somewhere to her left where the light is coming from. After drawing the lines representing the features, I'm moving on to drawing the shape of the eyebrows. After drawing the eyebrows, I move on to the nurse, which will help me find the position of the eyes. - After drawing, the eyes are moving on to the lips and then the shape of the head. - Yeah , unfortunately, that years are not visible in this image, So I move on to shading the eyebrows and the darker areas found in the face. Don't worry if your subject doesn't turn out as expected this soon. In the process, keep are studying the person you draw. Don't forget this. The tiny details that make a portrait Accurate? No, no. - Take your time with it and I guarantee you'll see better and better results. After adding shadows to the face. I'm also moving to the hay, then coming back to the face and repeating the same process until I consider the portrait is complete. No, - no . And here we have it. The final result. Just like in the previous lesson, I'm showing the image off the subject so you could practice. It is well, if you wish. This is the last instructional video, and I'd be very, very happy to answer any of your questions. I will complete everything that you have learned in the scores in the next video. Thank you for joining me this video as well. And I recommend you keep practicing, going portrait, and you'll see better and better results each and every day have a great one. And happy drawing
11. Conclusion to Portraiture for Beginners: Hello and congratulations on finishing the course. In this course, you have learned the basics of drawing portraiture with the help off the Loomis method. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Keep practicing rowing Portrait's, and I can promise you that the results are only going to get better and better. If you're interested in more art courses, make sure to check out my profile and also follow for future courses. I think is so much for watching. And if you have any questions, please make sure to ask. I wish you all the best and happy drawing.