1. Introduction: Hello, hi everyone. My name is femoris and I'm
the creator of this course, welcome discourse
which is called PCI DSS foundations to mastery. Now the PCI DSS, it's one of the hottest topics around and it has
been for the past, I think 15 years or so. And it will remain
to be hot honestly, as long as payment
transactions keep happening. So if you're interested
in learning about the PCI DSS standard
from scratch, this course is
definitely for you if you're already
an expert, I mean, you have a few as experience
in implementing PCI DSS, then it is still
for this course, I would still recommend it as it will be a great recap for you to just go over some
of the core concepts and get some practical advice. And also, I will be
covering the new updates to the standard which is
in PCI DSS version 4. And honestly, no matter how
much technology progresses, cardholder data is still one
of the most important types of data around and it will
always need to be protected. So whether you're
a small startup, whether you're a Fortune 500, honestly, the standard is
usually applicable to you. This course. I have specifically
designed it to help people gain mastery over
the PCI DSS standard from scratch, okay? You don't need to
be an expert in credit card transactions or the payment industry
or even an IT expert. Okay. It's based on my own like a nine or ten
years experience and implementing PCI DSS. I've implemented it
in multiple standards across multiple geographies. I know the standard
inside out the course. It will make you understand and master the PCI, DSS standard. And it gives you all
the knowledge that you need to implement it in
any environment honestly. And I try to make sure to
give you practical advice. I don't want to bore you and make it like a death
by PowerPoint. But I'm just reading a
slide and you're just like, I'm going to try and
give you a, make this as practical as possible. What are the key things
you need to know? What are the some of the
mistakes which people make so awesome, Let's get started. Just a brief background
about me guys don't know who is
teaching you this course. My name is Dan Voltage Law. Okay. I've been in various
leadership positions for the past 20 years, mostly in the Middle East. Okay. So I will total around 20
years and technology risk. I was responsible for overseeing PCI DSS implementation in their own three or four
locations for over nine years. So I have a very diverse
experience and PCI, DSS. Okay. So currently I'm
based out of London. I'm an author. I have, I'm also like to blog and I'm also a teacher and instructor,
which you can see here. I'm also cybersecurity
career coach. I usually try to help people
if they want to succeed. And really what he called, Go ahead in there and will improve upon their
cybersecurity careers. I have a YouTube
channel called the Cloud is cloud security guy, which you can take a look at. And I usually talk about stuff pertaining
to cloud security, artificial intelligence, and
gender cybersecurity advice. So apart from cybersecurity, my journey has been
ups and downs. I won multiple awards
in the industry, and I've established myself in the Middle East
for many years. I've written a book also about artificial intelligence
governance in cybersecurity. And I have two more
books plan this year. I felt this was a topic that has not
getting enough coverage. So I thought I'll
do my bit to create as much awareness as possible for my buck to the industry. I was awarded like a
UK global talent visa. And I also help people who are applying for UK
technician endorsement. I tried to help them out in their applications
as much as I can. So this is just a
recap on who I am. What I do is to understand
who's teaching in this course. While and PCI, DSS guys. So what's the reason? Why should you, if you're
attending this course, obviously, you must
have a reason. It might be part of your job. Or maybe your company
has decided to implement it as a regulatory requirements
when you don't have a choice, All you might get fined if
you don't implement it all. Or maybe a company
is just saying it's a good standard to implement,
it's good practice. So let's go ahead and
implemented one of the, some of the reasons, okay. My pod guys, VR, what he called the Moving to
a cashless society, right? The card-based transactions are becoming more and more common. It might be point-of-sale
terminals, CashRegister, smartphones, everything is being powered by cashless
transactions. And protecting those transactions
is very important guys. If you want to feel,
if you feel that, if the customers feel they
cannot protect their data, then they will
transact with you, which will destroy
your business. I mean, if you're a merchant
or service provider, right? And people don't want to
have transactions with you, this has become a big problem. So this is where PCI DSS
comes in and it enforces like a common standard across the world for the protection
of cardholder data. This standard, it will
remain applicable as long as what do you call people
doing transactions, Okay? And it will be very important
for the foreseeable future. It's a great thing to have on your CV is a great
experience to have. Also, depending on the industry,
might not have a choice. You have to be compliant if you are storing, transmitting, or like processing cardholder
data, which we'll see. But they are, like I said,
they are always good reasons for knowing how to implement
a PCI DSS standard, which is one of the reasons
I made this course. So what will this course cover? And I hope you understand now why you should
note PCI, DSS, okay? What about this course? Or
what is it going to teach you? It is going to teach
you, first of all, PCI DSS from scratch. I'm not going to read the standard from page one
until the end. Okay. Nobody wants that. I honestly, if you want me
to read bullet by bullet, this is not the course for you. I'm going to make you understand the intent of the,
all the requirements. What are the practical
steps in doing that? You do not need to
memorize the standard. Lot of people started
making that mistake. Okay. What I'm going to do is
I'm going to explain how the standard works and what are the best ways to go
about implementing. I am going to deep dive
into this 12 requirements, the standards, and we will
go over each in detail. Okay? I'm gonna give you
practical advice, okay? Actually advice based on real-world implementations
which I've done. And lastly, the standard
is being revised, okay? The latest updates for PCI, DSS for points, what are the key changes you
should be aware of? What are the things you
should be ready for, whatever you think you
should start doing now. Because the two thousand and twenty four twenty
five is very close. It looks far away but
is going to come. And you might need to
do certain things, so I want to make sure that
you are ready for this. Okay. Who is this course for? Whether you're a
new employee with limited present knowledge or maybe experienced
system administrator. This course is
going to help you, your organization to become compliant with PCI,
DSS or comments. I've made this, I've designed this course like a
reference guide, address the most
challenging aspects of PCI, DSS compliance. So depending on your
background, job role, the organization
leaves some sections may be more relevant
than others, okay. So you can be an IT
auditor who's going to audit their environment
against PCI DSS. You can be like, I don't
know, a QSEN ISAF, people who are preparing
for the exams for PCI, DSS, you might be
preparing for this. And this example gives you
some great inputs on that. There's some good
test questions, practical advices,
they are okay. You might be a
risk professional. And who wants to
understand the standard, how it, what are the risks? What are the things which
we have to implement, okay? Or you might be a
business professional. Your business might be
underscore for PCI, DSS, and you want to understand
how to implement it. So these are all
the things which were the people who or whom the standard
might be applicable to. As a class project guides information which you don't apply, you're going
to forget it. Okay? That has been my
experience throughout my life. If you don't implement what you're learning, you're
going to forget it. So by the end of this course, I want you to fill out in a city or we're gonna go
into detail about SAQ is for a physical or
an e-commerce merchant. So just think about a
hypothetical merchant. They are accepting
card-based transactions. Are they doing e-commerce? And I want you to fill out and SEQ for that doesn't
really help you to lock it down and really make you understand how to the
PCI DSS standard works. So I hope I made you excited for this course and what are the things I'm going
to be teaching you? And how are you going to be
learning about the PCI DSS. Let's get started, guys. Thank you so much for
taking this course. And I will see you
in the next section.
2. Overview of PCI DSS: Okay guys, Welcome, Welcome to the first
module of this course, which is PCI, DSS, and overview of the standard. But first of all, I
want to teach you what PCI DSS is likely or
don't want to jump into implementing the PCI DSS standards
and requirements, right? You don't understand
what we hear ideas, this is how it works. What's the point of
this standard, right? We've already have
so many standards. By one more. Let's learn about PCI DSS. From the ground-up, I would
recommend taking this model even if you have experience of implementing PCI DSS before, because you'll get
a good overview and a history of the standard. And I'm going to teach you how the standard is
structured and some of the common mistakes I've
seen people make in around like ten years of
implementing PCI DSS, okay? Okay. First of all, the PCI DSS standard, okay. It was established in 2006 or eight by the major
card brands, Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, Discovery, JCB, all of them.
Why did they do it? Simply put, historically,
what used to happen with all of
these color schemes? They had their own standards, they had their own
programs, so compliance. So let's say you are
a merchant, right? We want to employ you want
to accept Visa cards, okay? Visa had their own
standard you have to comply with before
you could do it, then Mastercard it there only if you want to
accept MasterCard. And simply with Amazon, again with American Express,
I'm making a gesture be. So you can understand, this became a big issue for merchants and service providers. The amount of time and money implemented
different standards. Okay? So what happened was all
of the standards that came together and they're going to establish a common standard. And this standard is
going to be applicable for people who are involved
in the payment industry. It eliminated the
need for complying with each one separately
promise, okay? So this is how, if you are like
storing, processing, transmitting this data, you are required to implement
the standard to protect it. Based on thousands
and thousands of investigations of merchants
who had been breached. What was confirmed,
what that if they had implemented
distended properly. Okay. What do you call they have
implemented centered properly. It would greatly
reduce the risk of them getting attacked
or like compromised. Ok, so the standard
is very useful. Does it make you a 100% secure? No, absolutely not. But it is a very good
starting step. Okay? So who is it applicable to? Basically remember this storing, processing or transmitting
any business that stores, processes or transmits
payment card data, you are required to
implement the standard to prevent cardholder
data, okay? You can be a merchant, it
can be a service provider, you can be a bank, you can be a call center. We can be a technology company. Doesn't matter if you're
doing these three things. Either of the three things
we will come into scope. How much you have to implement, that is where the
difference happens. But rest assured you will
come into the scope. Okay. So why? You might ask why, okay. I'm already secure. I have implemented controls
and all that, etc. Why do I need to
do the standard? Okay. What's the need
for the standard? Simply put, like based on the old thing that criminals go where
the money is okay? The same. In a digital age, merchants have become much
in service providers, there becomes a new target
for fraudulent activity. Okay? So you might, it might be your cash register, it might be your
primary point of sale. It might be a shopping cart, it might be a Wi-Fi network. It might be the PCs or the
workstations that you have. Okay? It's become a serious
problem because attackers know that even one of these things
I can compromise. I might get access to this data. I might be able to
commit fraud with this. That's why it's so critical to understand these
vulnerabilities. They can happen anywhere in the card processing ecosystem. Like I said, it might
happen in mobile devices, point-of-sales, wireless hotspots where
shopping applications, it might be transmitted
and it might go, it might not be in dry Miami, it might be in a
service provider. It might be in your
Cloud environment. Okay, So that's why the PCI DSS comes in and really helps you
to secure this environment, really makes you understand
what I have to do. What don't I have to do? One other due diligence
activities I have to implement. Okay? So definitely there
is absolutely 0 when he called disadvantage in
implementing this standard. Okay. That's why any technology,
any company who was, who is processing and involvement
payment transactions, I always recommend to
implement a PCI DSS standard. Okay. So the timeline from the standard has come a
long, long way, honestly. And why it has been revised so much because
it is a living document. It has evolved to keep
up with the state of e-commerce and most
sophisticated cyber threats. And honestly how technologies
evolve in 1015 years ago, the Cloud wasn't that important. Smartphone transactions
weren't happening that much they were happening
but not that much. Okay. Attacks for different who
didn't have like containers in Cloud and Sowell as all of
these things have come up, that's why the standard
keeps changing. We don't need to like it. You don't need to
memorize the history and this is just
for your reference. But just know that it has gone through
various iterations to keep up-to-date
with technologies. In 2022, the version
4 was released. Okay? And just to make you understand, in 2022, it has come up, right. And it has expanded upon MFA, multi-factor authentication or their roles and
responsibilities. And a lot of new
requirements have come up till March to 2024. By that time, the
PCA, the old version, which is 3.20.1, it'll be retired and it will be
completely replaced by 4. So you do have a
little bit of time. And by March 2025, the new requirements will
officially become effective. Some optional comments, okay. These are based
on projections by the PCA Security
Standards Council, the body who maintains
the standard. They may be subject to
change, but the timeline. So that's why I keep
recommending that guys. If you are in scope for PCI, then start looking at the
4 requirements today. Don't put it off. Okay, so this was a basic
overview of the standard. In the next module,
I'm going to go over the vesicular architecture, how the standard is structured, how it works, and
how it's structured. So thank you guys, and I will
see you in the next module.
3. Standard structure : Okay guys, so welcome
to this module which is about the PCI DSS structure, how the standard works. So simply put, it's very simple. It has six schools
and 12 requirements. People usually to focus more on the 12 or comments
from one to k, we have to implement it to
become PCI DSS compliant. You might be in scope for
some I notice for fathers. But this is basically
how the standard has been structured
is pretty simple. It's not that complicated. So the goals, these are
common step requirements, honestly, some of these you
might look at and say, Hey, okay, all a lot of these
things I'm already doing. But that's the whole point. Because what might seem common
sense to you might not be common sense to
other environments like other merchant
service providers, they might say, Okay,
I don't need to implement a firewall, I
don't need to do this. That's my mandate states. So what are the six
basic categories? It is usually about
maintaining and building a secure network to
firewalls or other devices. You should be
protecting cardholder data wherever it is stored. You should have a vulnerability management program to make sure that your systems
remain secure. Okay. Any issues come up,
you're aware of it? We should have strong
access control measures may be physical or logical. You should be regularly
monitoring your network, okay? Don't assume your
network is secure. Something might have happened. Of course, from the due
diligence perspective, you should have a high
level of governance through policies to charters, making sure that
training is, are there people are aware
of their requirements. Okay. So these are the goals. The goals and what are the requirements will go over each of these
in detail, guys. But just to give you a
high level requirement for maintaining a firewall, you should have standardization. You should be protecting
cardholder data is with securing it
over the network, protecting it from Albert,
updating your systems. These are the first six. The next six, we're
restricting access, be it logically or physically, having unique credentials, okay. No sharing of passwords, please. Having physical security,
logging and monitoring what's happening doing VN, VN PT, okay. And document and assessing your risks which are happening. So these were the 12
or comments guys. These might seem like too much. Okay, 12 hour who is
going to memorize this? So this brings me to my, some of the common
mistakes which people make when they're
implementing the requirements. And I want to make
sure that you don't make the same ticket for me. Then this quite a
lot of times some of the common mistakes is they
try to memorize the standard. Okay. Please do not need to memorize the standard and the
trunk requirements. Nobody does that. You don't have to do this. You can just understand the intent of feature
Comment, okay? And then gone by when
you can implement it, as long as you
understand what they're basically comment is intending, you can have a lot of
back-and-forth with the PCI auditor and
you can satisfy, look, I am implementing the standard, maybe XYZ is not implemented, but you have done other stuff. We look into this in details. So that brings me
to my next point, which is another mistake
which people make is not engaging with
the QSR earlier. You should, if you have a
PCI auditor who's available, engaged with them
right from the start. Tell them, I'm not doing
this so that they are aware. Perhaps if you're
making any mistakes, you can catch it right
from the start. Okay. The audit don't treat treat this like
you're trying to hide stuff from the auditor
engaged with them right away. So I hope you understood how
the standard is structured. What are the key goals, are the key requirements and whatever mistakes
you should avoid. So in the next module, we're gonna be starting
the process, okay? The PCI, DSS also as a process, it's not that you can
just go ahead and start implementing the 12
requirements anyway. There's a standard
process we have to follow and we'll
deep dive into that. If you understand that the
PCI DSS process will become, I can promise you it
will become easier. So okay guys, let's jump
into the next module. Thank you.
4. PCI DSS process ( Foundation ): Hi everyone, Welcome to
this module which is about PCI DSS,
understanding the process. So one thing I want to mention is a lot of
people make the mistake. A lot of companies
make the mistake that they've decided to
implement PCI DSS, what they do is they jump, they download the
standard and they just go ahead and start
implementing it, right? They say, Okay, I have to enable multi-factor authentication. I have to harden my server, I have to patch XYZ, etc. That is not the way you
want to start PCI DSS. That is setting
yourself up. If you want to be PCI DSS compliant, there is a structured
process to follow. You can't just
start implementing the requirements straight away. It won't work. You will waste a
lot of time and be Willis the Lewis, a
lot of money also. So let's see what is the
best way to go about implementing PCI,
DSS, and environment? There are two phases. One is foundational, one is
the implementation phase. If you do the hard work in
the foundational phase phase, the implementation phase will
become much, much easier. The implementation phase,
but usually takes longer, but it is much more easier because we have a
firm direction. Okay, so what are the steps? The key steps you need to do to successfully implement PCI
DSS within your environment. Okay, let's start.
In this module, I'm going to go over
the foundational ones. First step, most important, and sometimes it
gets missed out. Gathering, manage,
management support. You need management support for your PCI DSS to be successful. Pci DSS, please note
this very carefully. It is not an IT project. It, it deals with
people, processes, operational
technologies that must be tested and protected. It is not, it is a project, but it is not an IT project. A lot of companies,
what they do is they empower the IT teams to go
ahead and implement it. You can do it, but
what is gonna happen? It's gonna be either fail or
it'll be a onetime activity. You'll be compliant
for the first year, second year, IT will get
busy with other things. Did forget all about it. So you've wasted
your time and money. You need to change
the culture first, we need a management
level sponsor, preferably the CEO or the CEO or somebody
might have the syllable. You need that guy to send a clear message
across organization. Pci, DSS is a priority
and we're going to be implementing it and please
nominate XYZ formula units. They will approve the budget because it is going to cost you, you need
to implement stuff. Don't assume it's
gonna be all free, but really management support
ensures that your staff, everybody understands
the importance of this. And you will make your life
considerably easier later on. For larger organizations, if you want to have a continued
PCI, DSS compliance, it needs a very strong
culture of collaboration, communication, and commitment
from executive leadership. Please do not stick this step. Nominate an executive
sponsor who will be approving the
budget and who will, to whom you will be sending
your project updates. Hey guys, this is the
status of the PCI DSS. So make it a project, but don't make an IT project. You can run it from
your risk department, whatever department you have. But don't make it an
IT project and make sure you have management
support, okay? Okay. Second step. What is the second step
into foundational phase? It is understanding
your responsibilities, but what are you? Are you a merchant,
your service provider, IU or bank. Okay. Because you have
different processes, technologies, things
which are in scope, okay? You will be interested, I'm sure you will know you
are in PCI, DSS cope or not. But you need to find out what sort of business are you doing. Is that e-commerce is a point-of-sale, is
that outsourcing? So usually I recommend
reaching out to your career. It might be a bank, it might
be a card scheme like Visa, MasterCard and ask them, I am doing XYZ, what what do I have to do to
become PCI DSS compliant? Why do I say this? Because the PCA Council,
they said down there, they've set down the PCR
Standards Council white, but each payment brand new Visa, MasterCard, they have their own. These are validating it. So you should contact the payment brands or the
acquiring bank. Okay. That will give you a clear what he called a tone for
what? You have to do. A full audit, you have to
fill out a questionnaire, do have to submit a Esri scans, these things you can find out from their websites or you
can contact them themselves. I would recommend doing both just to make sure
there is no ambiguity. And later on, you're not
surprised by some use like a comet which suddenly comes up and you're not aware. Okay. So that is number two. What is the number third
party? Third part. So you've contacted the
payment bank or the acquirer. Now you find out what is
your compliance obligation. Is it a self-assessment
questionnaire or as a full audit? Sorry. Cq. The first one, SAQ is like a validation to
Lisa questionnaire. What you do is you
fill it out yourself. You don't have to have anybody else do it. You
can do it yourself. Okay. If you're not required
to do a full audit, you can just fill out an SAQ. It's a series of yes or no questions for each
PCI, DSS or comments, you just fill it out 111, we sign it, and then you
submit it as a data. That is one of the easier ways
of passing on a PC audit. Okay. So it's exactly what
it sounds like. It is a self-assessment
questionnaire. You can fill it out yourself
and it'll basically say, this is my current
compliance posture. Nobody is going to verify it. That your work and you
have to be truthful, please don't take
this the long way. You have to be truthful,
but nobody's going to verify it's really you can
have your audit team check-in. That is the first part. Or you might be subject
to a full audit, which is that the payment
Granville asked for important compliance and also an attestation of compliance, which is an EOC that is
basically a full audit. You will need to reach
out to your Q essay. You'll need to engage
with the company, which is like all UK, USA
will discuss that later. They call a qualified
security assessor. Okay. Basically, they had
a PCI DSS audit. They will do a full audit. They will come assess your
environment and say, Okay, this is satisfactory and
give you a report that full auto civil get submitted to your payment
band to your bank. Okay. But this one
is more difficult, but I usually recommend doing the full audit just to make sure it is always best to have a third party come
in and check it. Okay? So these are the two
compliance obligations you might have. Okay. So now we've understood that, okay, I have to do PCA
compliant. And now what do I do? A very, very key step that
is, please do not skip. This is setting down the scope. Many organizations
have any starch. They asked this
question, okay, where do I implement PCA ideas is, if I have like 12 branches
across, I don't know, 50 countries and 5
thousand staff do have to prevent PC IDSs and
every one of them? No. So like I said, your scope is basically wherever
it is storing, processing, transmitting the
cardholder data environment. That is very hard to
implement PCI, DSS. Many organizations that
do have problems figuring out which systems are NPC idea of scope
and which are not. Okay. For that, I would recommend
dataset document. I'll try to touch it if I
can, is called the PCI, DSS scoping and Netflix
segmentation supplement. Okay. I think came out in May 2017. It really gives you it gives you guidance to identify what
systems need to be in scope, what systems are not in scope, and how you can actually reduce your scope through segmentation. Very important guys, you need to understand your
business environment, especially how the systems are interacting with
cardholder data. Via cardholder data is being stored and we'll get into this. But you need to really sit
down with your business. Don't just sit with the
IT guys sit down with your business because the
whole flow of cardholder data, you need to implement your
controls on top of that. And those are the people, processes and
technology on which the 12th PCI requirements
will get implemented. Okay, so what, what
advice at the scoping is a very important topics are going to take
my time on this. So what comes into PCS scope? You need to first list, list, and confirm all the
connected systems which are like processing, storing, or transmitted
cardholder data. Okay. There are some guidance which the council
gift simply put, any system that stores processes transmitted cardholder
data or sensitive data, or any system which is on
the same network has them. That's pretty simple. I think that's pretty
logical, right? And what does okay,
Apart from that, any systems which
are providing them, which are connected to them,
or providing them security. Okay. So what can that be? Okay, a system might be
directly connected to your caudal and ramified through internal
network connectivity. Or it might be
indirectly connected, maybe like a jump
server connection. Or it might impact your, the security of your
cardinal environment. Maybe it's a web
server, a DNS server, or maybe it's a server which
is providing security, like network traffic
filtering epoxy. Maybe it's distributing
patches, single sign-on, or maybe it's a
firewall which is segmenting off your card online environment
from the other ones. Okay. Your firewalls are
configured to block traffic light that
will come into scope. Or it is supporting
PCI, DSS or comments, maybe time server,
your SIM solution. Okay? So this look at this diagram. It will help you
to find out, okay? And of course, you can
understand this looks like okay, managed kind of thing, a
lot of system, the scope. How do you shorten the
scope of PCI DSS, okay, there are things you can
do to actually reduce the scope of PCI DSS
within your environment. And the most important
thing is segmentation. Without segmentation, your network becomes
like a flat network. What does that mean? It means everything is
on the same network. Okay. Your caudal environment,
your security systems, your lawn card, older systems
which have nothing to do. But you're cardholder data. All of them are
the same network. And what happens is if one of
the system is compromised, maybe your laptop gets compromised to connection
to the Internet. Now the attacker can
simply jumped from that server to your
caudal environment. Without, because
of this flattened, everything will be in scope. That's why you need to
segment of your network. And it prevents out
of scope system. So you're going to segment off your non cardholder
related environment from your cardholder
environment, okay? And what it does is it prevents those systems from
talking to each other. And even if that non-causal
environment is compromised, because it's not going
to be as secure, it won't impact your card
holder environment, okay? Even if an attacker
gets in that document, not have access to the
cardholder environment. Okay? So that's why it makes it difficult for the attacker to migrate from the
point of entry. Maybe it was like a laptop or workstation to other systems. Okay. So usually what people do, they use firewalls
for segmentation or you can create zones
within your fibers. And let's take a look
at how that happens. So just a simple
integral in blue. This is like what a typical flight network will
look like, guys. So this looks very institute. You have your network, right? The servers, your
midas, heterolytic, your desktops, your
point-of-sale machines. All of them have connected to a firewall on the same firewall, and they connected
to the Internet. So you can see just said this is like a nightmare
waiting to happen. One of them gets like a
beach by an attacker. He can access pretty much
everything you can jump from there to the
cardholder environment. This is not the way to do it. So what do we have to do, guys? We create something called
a segmented network. So what we do is we create a segment within the green
zones, within the firewall. And we break it down into
smaller networks like Cardano network like an on-call don't network like
a business network. And you put firewalls or
other devices between them. So that restricts
their connectivity. This is how a segment
and it will look like. So even if one environment
is compromised, you cannot jump to your
other environment, okay? Because you have other controls, segmentation can be tricky, especially if you don't have a technical background, okay? So I would always recommend having your network
team double-check it. They just have your risk
guy is the security guys. Check it, double-check
all your segmentation. And you can, we're going
to look into that. How do we check whether the segmentation is properly done? But I hope you understood
guys, why it's so important. And now you can see
how it is going to shrink the scope of your
PCI DSS network, right? You will have in scope
and out of scope. And just to be very clear guys, some funny talking
about out of scope. So we're talking about systems. They are not in
scope for PCI DSS, So you don't need to
implement PCI DSS there. But then they won't have access to the
caudal environment. But if they do, then you have to
implement PCA, okay? You have to have controls
like I mentioned, segmentation and other stuff to stop them from
getting getting access. So within the PCA console, they've given some guidance. They say these other things so it cannot process
cardholder data. It can't be on the same network, it cannot connect
you and you just don't like it pretty
much anything. If it does it to be
considered out of scope, it needs to satisfy all this gray area
and you need to have controls in place to provide the auditor
assurance that like, you can't just change
this tomorrow, right? You can't just bring this
metric on the same network. You need to have other
controls like firewalls, physical access controls,
multi-factor authentication, restricting admin access, or actively monitoring
this metric to make sure there is no
network connectivity. Okay? And usually guys, one thing I recommend, and
it's not popular. Why it's not required to
implement PCI, DSS, an otoscope. But I always do recommend you can consistently implementing
shade won't get audited, but it's just security best
practice because the PCI, DSS is such a good
control standard, you should implement it on
out of scope networks also. Okay? So this is what it looks
like, a typical network. Okay, That's what I was talking
about when I mentioned. So you can see here guys, you have like a Caligula
environment at the top right, you have a point
of sale machine, your coordinate systems. It is connected to something
shared services like Arctic territory,
batching, logging. There's a jump server and you have an outer scope network, so there is no connectivity
between the CDE, the corporate line, okay. There is a connectivity between the shared
services and that. But you understand there
is no direct connectivity. If there was any
direct connectivity, then definitely it
will become in scope. So this is, use this as a high-level guidance for how you want to segment
off your network. Okay, So this is what I was
talking about, segmentation. It's like an art. Honestly speaking, it changes depending on the
size of the network, depending on how much
control do you have, how many technical
solutions you have, how good your network team is? And I would just recommend you reach out to
your auditor before, show them the network
diagram before and after how you're going to segment
off, get their guidance. Don't assume they're
not there to help you. They're not there
to failure audit. They're there as partners. We'll help you out. So do reach out to them. It will save you a lot
of problem later on. I hope this was useful
to you guys and this was completes our
foundational phase. So let's move on to the
implementation phase now. Thank you.
5. PCI DSS process ( Implementation ): Hi guys, Welcome to this module, which is the second part
of the PCI DSS process. Now we finished the
foundational part right there. I'm going to talk about
the implementation part, which is very important. Now. You've done
the foundational, you've laid down all the basics. Now, the fun starts, which is actually implementing PCI DSS within your environment. Okay? So one of the major
stuff you will do if you haven't done this already would be to engage UK, USA. Basically, the qualified
security assessor. It's a designation which the PCA council gifts
to certain people, then definitely they are
qualified to perform now PCI suspense and consulting
services and audits. To become a PCR,
you need to meet certain like education
recombinants you to pass a certification and take appropriate training
from the PCA council. And then you're gonna
be employed by a particular like I've
security and auditing firm. And usually they have to be
certified this annually. They invited the hierarchy USA. It is an independent third party by organizations who want to
compete here, DSS compliant. Okay. And they want to make sure they will come and
they will do the audit. They will advise you on how
to become PCI DSS compliant. What during the pre-sale audit, the QSIF will determine whether your organization
has satisfactorily met the PCF further comments, The Directory, or maybe
you haven't mattered, but you put another controls,
are compensating controls. If this is enough, then he's going
to fill out a ROC and report on compliance, which is like a thick report, and an AUC which is an
attestation of compliance. You and him a boat,
I can assign that. Then you're going to send it
to your payment scheme or your bank for verification. Basically, the three SQS as your friend is not
there to make you fail. You're already Zai to help you. If he gives you a lot of
observations, believe me, it is in your own benefit to make sure that
those are rectified. Okay. A lot of people
that just want to pass a PC audit and
get done with it. Okay. They feel they've
done their job No. Engage with them. Make sure you understand what the requirements
are, why he's doing it. Treated like a partner. Okay.
Treat him like a partner so that you're able to fully meet the requirement
of the PCI DSS. Okay, so now you can
get to the Kiva, say all the foundational work we have done now
you can have the scope. You segmented off the network. Now you can start working on implementing the PCI
DSS requirements. We're going to go into these in detail in the next section. So I'm not going to waste
too much time on this. Basically, they are both
operational and technical. Always the focus is on
protecting cardholder data. We have six categories and 12 or comments and I'm going
to go into detail on this. But the PCL or the
QS say usually comes in and he does a filamentary
like a gap audit. Okay. And he gives you your findings. So this is what it looks like. I'm first-time, I
can assure you. First time and you
do a gap audit, you're going to have like a like you're gonna be very depressed
when you see the findings. They're gonna be lots
and lots of findings is going to come in
because no matter how much foundation
that you've done, all these things you
did not know about. You're going to find cardholder
data clear in the most like unthought of the places
that happens to everyone. This is based on
my own experience of doing PCR for
the past ten years. Okay. But there'll be lots
and lots of gaps. Don't worry, it's a
journey, not a destination. So you will make an
action plan with a long list of items and
start working on this. Okay? Implement a quick wins. There'll be things you
can implement right away. Start for working on those
and get regular updates, the QSEN, and then
focus on the long ones. This is where I told you, remember where you are and
what is the desired state. A lot of companies, they have
the keywords to do this. You can do this yourself
also, by the way, just to let you know or you can have a completely
independent company, like a separate
company from the USA. Some big companies, I know they have done it like this, okay. Also. So it's completely
up to you how you do it. Okay? But like I said, focus on the quick screens and then you're going to
have those findings. It's going to take some time. This is where the
management support, which I talked about
is going to NP-hard. Because if the CEO, the CEO is they're
helping you out, believe me, things
are gonna get moving. Otherwise, other departments
have other priorities. They have other things
on their plate day not their job is
not doing PCI DSS. You will get a lot of
support if you engage with the management support early on. Let's assume you've done it. You fix all the gaps. Now what So now comes
the final part, which is the final audit. Before the final,
you can test the QC. Okay. Fix everything,
come in and let's do the final audit
before that happens, gather on your documentation
and your security policies, your change control accords, network diagram scan reports, documentation,
training on and on. Okay. Makes sure all the stakeholders
and align and ready. Don't assume they will just
drop everything and come to your meetings because usually the QSEN needs to have
like scheduled meetings, book everybody's in calendar, put and make sure that they understand the
importance of this schedule, those reporting it makes your senior management
is involved also, and the key people from IT, security applications,
human resources, legal, all of those
guys are there. Habits like sort of a
team you can you can make a task force for PCA and you can have that loan lobby
companies sometimes do that. Guys, please make sure put aside enough time to
remediate findings. If your PCI compliance
deadline is 15th of May, don't call the auditor
and 14th of May, please don't assume they
want to find things. You might find something
completely unexpected. Have a buffer of two weeks, one month probably depends on your environment to make sure that just in case there's some completely
unexpected findings, you have enough time
to remediate them. Now. Congratulations. You've
possibly say audit. The auditor is going
to fill out the report on compliance ROC or that decision compliance
or you might not need this with my digits filling out a self-assessment
questionnaire. And you did not need
the QSR at all. The reports are the official
mechanism by which you, as a merchant or a service
provider or a bank, you report your
PCI compliance to your financial institution like a payment branded
Visa, MasterCard. And sometimes you
might need to submit SEQ report on compliance. Sometimes you might even
need to submit a Stan. Okay. It it really depends. Like I said, it depends
on how it's done. Sometimes you might also need to quarterly submit network
scanning histories. Can we'll discuss deciliter. It really depends on the payment when it's difficult
to just give you one one-size-fits-all
for each environment. Okay? Okay. And now you pass the PCR
that you've submitted it. What now? Very important guys, please, you need to implement PCA as a BAU process to ensure that security controls continued
to be properly implemented, you need to fix it into
your BAU processes as part of your
overall strategy, like put it inside the
other departments, operational manuals, their
technical man who said that? No, they know this is
something you have to do. Put it in your own calendar, the standards you have to do, the reviews, they
have to do the ad. This is a way to monitor
the effectiveness of your controls and it's
going to maintain. So even if you're there,
you're not there, somebody else comes in,
maybe you're on leave. Everybody knows what
they have to be doing. Okay? So you can monitor your security controls to make sure and you can make sure
that if something is failing, maybe a scan is passing one-quarter is not passing
the other quarter. If you have some
sort of a calendar, this is a great
mechanism to know how consistently are PCI DSS is going if you're passing
scans every quarter, disk controllers mature now. So please make sure you
implemented as part of a BAU. Don't forget about it and
then lecture wake up, suddenly have to
do this business. So this is how basically you implement PCI
DSS in your environment, guys, like I said,
it's a living process. It keeps changing,
keeps evolving. The first year
will be difficult. The second day you will
see yourself improving. Third year you might face
some huge challenges. Keep on improving the scope. Keep only, I think
with the auditor change your auditors regularly. Don't rely on the
same auditor for the next ten years. That's
not a good practice. Keep on adding new things to your environment and you will definitely see your environment maturing, it will
become more easier. And you'll actually
start to enjoy the whole process of
becoming PCA compliant. Okay guys, so this is
completes the BCR process one. Now let's onto deep diving into the standard and
the requirements which I've talked about earlier. I'll see you in the
next module. Thank you.
6. Requirement 1: Hi everyone. Welcome to this module
in which we're gonna do a deep dive into the
PCI requirements. Previously we were talking
about the process, about the standard itself. Now they're going
to be deep diving into each of the trials
requirements, okay? As I mentioned, I'm
not going to go over each line of
each requirement. Nobody wants to eat to do that. That you can do yourself
honestly speaking, the main thing is you should
understand the intent behind each requirement
and try to meet that. Pca is a technical standard. Agreed. But it gives you a
lot of room to maneuver. So let's start with the
first comment and let's see. And remember, you can always
reach out to your cell. So if you're confused
about any requirement, treat him like a
security partner. Okay, so let's start with
the first requirement which is installing and
maintaining a firewall. Just to recap, if you
remember a fibers purpose, the primary purpose
of a firewall. Why do you put a firewall here? Is to filter potentially
harmful traffic, is the first line of defense. And simply installing
a fiber network doesn't make it secure, right? So if your fiber is not
configured and maintained properly and efficacy not
secure in the default state. In summary, what I'm saying is a properly
configured firewall is going to be the first
line of defense is going to block unwanted
network access. You're going to want to
put it between your net, your systems and
the Internet also within your cardholder network and your other networks also. Okay, so you're going to
need multiple fibers. Usually that's how they do. And the firewall is usually when you do your segmentation, you're going to create
your zones also. So that's i so when
the auditor comes in, he's going to check if he finds out that you haven't reviewed your firewall for
the past two years, that's gonna be a problem. If he sees that your firewall is still using the
default passwords, like a full access
open to the Internet. Nothing at all of those things are going to cause
problems for you. Just to recap, we
talked about before, remember how the
segmentation works, right? So your rules and new environment is going
to change over time. It's not going to be static. So you're going to make
sure the segmentation is there and is reviewed
every six months. Minimum. At least every six months you
have to review your fiber, lose maintained it
as a documentation, have a report there which proves that you actually
reviewed the firewall. Whose guys remember that? Otherwise, the auditor
will have no way of knowing whether
you're doing it or not. And what are the key actions. So, like I mentioned before, a common mistake, a very, very common mistake that
people make is assuming that firewall is like a pump
plug and play technology. After you install it, additional effort is
almost always required to restrict access and protect your cardholder
data environment. See the end goal of
firewall is to filter potentially harmful
internet traffic and other untrusted networks. So like if you were
working in, in e-commerce, the firewall would
be there between your Internet and you're
coddled environment, right? So you need to, this is
where the scoping and all that hard work we did
before That's going to come in. So you're going to make sure that all those
things are there. You're going to
have a denial rule. You're going to have pipe
packet filtering unit. Anytime you open a port, they need to reprocess the
IK unit opening upward. Was this checked by the
teams, wasn't verified. If just one person is doing
it, Nobody's looking at it. Okay. Remember you need to
put it protected. Any inbound and outbound traffic from the caudal environment. You need to have standards for your firewalls, what is allowed, what is not allowed, and you need to have some sort
of a review happening. Obviously, nobody is going to be reviewing your firewall
or stealing nobody. Honestly, it's not
even possible. But usually what
people do is they make sure that everything
is innocuous and francium. And they are alerts configured. And like, what do you call
somebody who's monitoring it. Okay. If you generate a report, I think it generally comes
like a three hundred, five hundred rules will come
up in a small environment. So that's not even
remotely practical, but the auditor is going to
check the IU making sure your firewall is
not just something you just put it in once
and forget all about it. They are like reviews happening,
standards are happening. It's being reviewed,
it's being monitored, and it's properly placed. So it's going to look at
where the fingerprints, the fiber network diagram also. So keep these things in mind and the fiber kilometer is
pretty straightforward, I think honestly within your
body calls security moment. It's funny. It's one of those things
that should be there anyway. But the difference
between PCA is how much effort they put
so much focus and ports, the regular reviews and your
due diligence happening. Running security rule is
all that is needed to compromise your
firewall environment. So all that I have that
concept of trust but verify because the
firewall makes sure that they're
set up any reason happening and it's a perpetuity,
the traffic is blocked. Okay. Make sure you
have personally fibers also on your laptops and your PCAs, your
mobile platforms. Okay. So it's not just
a corporate firewall, make sure the
firewall security is consistently applied
across your network. So that's pretty much it. It's a straightforward or
comment an ID and you can look at the standard to see what
are the details like denial. And one of the things
that should be happening, just make sure those
rules are there. And you're reviewing
and monitoring your firewall activity.
7. Requirement 2: Hi everyone, Welcome
to this requirement. In this requirement we're going to do over the second one, which is configuration
standards and about basically hardening
and standardizing, standardizing your
cardholder environment. If I was to tell you like
one word to describe this, or two words actually to
describe this requirement. It could be default settings. Traditionally, any or device, your router or your firewall, your server, it comes with certain default insecure
settings, right? So PCM mandates that we
have to make sure they are. They don't remain on
their default settings and they are secured whatever you're putting in your
Caldwell environment. It has been secured
from its default. Setting. The easiest way for a hacker to access
your internal network. Certified dry default passwords or exploits based on
default settings, software settings in your
Payment Card Infrastructure. You wouldn't believe that. I've seen many times merchants, they don't change
default passwords for the point of sale machines
or the cash registers. It's like you have a store and you've left it
unlocked at night. Okay? So the vast majority of times it's default passwords and
settings for network devices. They are widely known
on the Internet. This information provided with some very freely
available tools. They can give attackers unauthorized access very
easily into your environment. You can secure it as
much as you want. You can put as many
followers as you want. But if you do, I haven't put
in the move those default settings than you
left the window open. You've locked the door, but
you've left the window open. So what are the key points? How do you make sure that
default passwords in different settings are
hardened upon installation? Are you using those
default password, 123 MVC, you know, the
standard passwords. Is there a process present the auditor is going
to look at is there anything present with
which you can harden your standard IO
falling some standard. Okay. Do you know that all the systems that do have like an inventory, like some automated way of finding out how many
Southerners are there. What if you have like, you're supposed to
have 50 servers, but we have actually
a 100 servers and those 50 remaining, they are actually not secure. How would you know
about that? Okay. On standards present value falling any industry standards. So these are the things
you need to keep in mind. What are the key
actions to take? Consistency is the
main thing here. If you take away anything from this standard, it
is consistency. So once you hadn't a
server and you make, you have to make easy
supposing you've created a harding
standard, right? You say I'm going to
follow the CIS benchmark. Okay? You have to apply
to all environments and the customer
consistent manner. So once you've configured the system and you've made
sure everything is there. You have other
work to do, right? You have to make sure this
inventory is current. It's actually mapping
to the environment. A lot of time people use some
sort of automated system. Nobody is gonna do it manually. Okay? So that way if there
is some system, system in the caudal environment which is not approved for use. It can be discovered, Wait. I usually use some sort of a system management software to assist in getting
this inventory. They can report on
the hardware which is being used or the
software which is there. And as new devices
are being bought online than they can
enforce standards, okay. Admin will get an alert if your system isn't compliant
with your internal standard. Usually a lot of times I've
seen company using tools. Okay. So you need to have a
secure way to managing the environment and
inventory of everything, all the hardware and software and documented
configuration standards. You don't need to make
them from scratch, use something like the
CIS benchmark, okay? And you have to have
some secure way of accessing your systems. Makes sure that everything
default is removed. How do you do that? There are
many tools available, okay. Usually, it looks like this. Okay. So you you bring up a server or a firewall or an appliance in
any city or state, your team is gonna
do some hardening. They're going to
do some scanning. They're going to
look at the report. It's going to tell them, Okay. It's not hardened up as
per the CIS benchmark. This password is there,
these things are there. All these things are password
settings are not there. You know, the basic
part password settings complexity
and all those things. Those are not there that the administrator's going to do the work and they're
going to harden it. How do you enforce
that consistently? Usually, people use something
like a golden image or they have some sort of a
script, toggles everything. And on top of that
they have a scan which is happening consistently. That scan is happening
and checking for any non-compliance. So you should have those
tools in your environment. The auditor is going to take
a look at that and make sure to find out if there are any deviations
from your standards, okay, you should have a
process to address that. So make sure those things
are, they're just said, just remember no
default settings or hardening and
standardization and a monitoring process to
be there to make sure that everything is standardized in your cardholder environment. Okay, I obviously this
is pretty simple. I'm sure you might be thinking
this is already there. Well, if it's already there,
then formalize it and look at the
requirements if there's anything that you're
not meaningfully. Okay. Thanks guys. I'll see you in the next video.
8. Requirement 3: Hi everyone, Welcome
to this module. Now, this is quite possibly the most
important requirement for PCI DSS are a lot of times when people
talk about PCI DSS, they're talking about this
particular requirement only because it basically
captures what PCI DSS as n. It's one of those unique
things which PCI DSS has. Okay. And I'm talking about the protection
of cardholder data. I don't remember what
I told you earlier about not memorizing
any requirements. It doesn't apply to this one. You should definitely know
this requirement inside out because this is where the auditor is going
to focus the most. Okay. This is where if you goof up and you don't
follow it properly, you could potentially
failed audit. So this is very, very important. So when we talk about
cardholder data, basically we are talking about any information printed process, transmitted, or stored
on a payment card, okay? If you are like
accepting payment cards and you're expected
to protect that data, whether it's printed
or stored on a database or internal public
network, or maybe a cloud. So the essential parties
know where you're storing that data and what you
don't need to not store it. And have some way of finding out where you're
storing that data. You don't want the
auditor finding it. You want to find it
out yourself, okay? So those are the things. So PCI, DSS is very, very clear about what you
can and cannot store. And you should know what you're storing, where
you're storing, how you're storing it to make sure you are falling
PCI DSS standards. So just to take a look, when you talk about carnival, the elements, what
are we talking about? There is something called
the account number, the cardholder number, basically the pan which we will call it, That's a 16 digit number. We have things like
the cardholder name, the expiration date,
the service code. On the back you have
to track to data, the magnetic stripe data, and you have the CVD code you can use for
e-commerce transactions. Basically, when you're
storing this data, it has to be protected. Then you store it was
showing this data. It has to be protected when
you are printing the Delta, it has to be protected. The problem usually comes
as people, unknowingly, they end up distorting and
not protecting this data, which is where the vast
majority of problems comes in. So what does PECSA and see
like what should be stored? Okay? First of all, so it divides the data into
two elements, okay? You're talking about
cardholder data and sensitive
authentication data. Okay. So your pan, you're cardholder name exploration service code, that is cardholder data. You can store it, but
you have to protect it. And the other one which is sensitive authentication
data like the data, the CVD code, the pin
and the pin block, the pin, the pin you
put in when you're doing a transaction that is sensitive authentication data
or SAD, do not store it. If you're not, you
do not have to store it after the transaction
is authorized. Okay. Then the vast majority of times, those big compromises
which happened, malicious people, they can, they find out this data being stored and they use
it to reproduce your card and conduct a
fraudulent transactions. The CPP code is you notice that three digit code
that you use for e-commerce transactions card
not present transactions. So the pin block is of course the pin
which you are using. It, it becomes a pin block. It gets encrypted. But even if, even
if it's encrypted, you cannot store it, guys, to just remember this, I think things you can
store if it productions. So I think things you
cannot store, okay? And this is the
main thing you have to keep in mind if
you are storing the Guardiola name and what do you call if
you're storing the pan, you have to encrypt it. Or possibly if you're showing it, you have to do other things. So I'm gonna, what I'm gonna do is because they have many, many ways of doing it. What do you call protecting it. Then you're storing
it when you're showing it, when
you're printing it. I want to go one by one. What are the steps
which PCA tells you? So firstly is masking or
what is masking videos usually when you're
displaying it on screens or receipts
of printouts. It's not to be confused with the other requirements
like storing, okay? So when you're showing
on the screen, when you are vertical and that person does not have
a requirement to see it. Okay? So what you can do is
you can mask the pan, basically you can XXX way
the card numbers are. Apart from that, you
get the maximum. You can show us the first
six and the last four. Everything else you
can simply mask out. So you can see this
is the storage tank. When it's being
shared on the screen you can completely mascot, okay, we're not talking about
how the data is stored. We're talking about
when it's being shown. Okay. When people Missy's computer screens and when there is
no business need to view the entire pan sometimes like your call center agents
or some other people, they might have a neat
to see the full pan, okay, you need to document that. But nine times out of things
you don't have a need. Okay? So it basically conceding
certain digits during display, even a holiday, regardless of how the pan is being stored,
you can mask the taste. Okay, So the first
step is masking. Find out where you're
going need to mask it. And actually, masking should be the default only with somebody who has a
business requirement. If your system has the
ability to mask it, I just turn it on across the board after you
check with the business. Okay. So this was the first
one which is masking. The second inverse
is truncation. You can also truncate the
data when you're storing it. Truncation is
similar to masking, but there you don't
XXX our data, we simply discard those digits. So you can see here, this
is a full pan number. And when you are storing
it in a database, you could use simply
discard it, okay? So basically it makes
the card unreadable. Removing a segment of that data. And it usually is used, I've seen it being used
in databases and files. So even if an attacker is able
to get access to this day, they can't do anything because those digits have been removed. Sometimes companies can
use this as a method also. This is more on the storage, okay? Okay, What else is there? You can do one way hashing. Then you're storing data. What is the one-way hash? It's like a
cryptographic process. It takes your data and it converts it into a
different type of string. So every time you
do it on a pan, it's going to show
a different result. Why do you call it
a one-way hash? Because it's still reversible. So you can't get that
vertical from the hash. You can't get the card
number back. Okay? So a lot of time people use it to check if data has
been modified or not, but you can also use it
for storing it, okay? So it basically, you are creating an irreversible
one-way hash of your data. It's up to you if
you want to use this process. I've
seen it being used. Just remember you cannot
go back from that hash. You can't use it for
future transactions, okay? Because that data is being
irreversibly changed. Like sometimes we need candy
you don't have to store, like you do is no
need for masking. It isn't only for truncation and you
don't need this data, you can store it as a hash. That's one way as possible. So we've talked about truncation
guys just to go back. So this was Caucasian. When you're storing it, this is hashing. Now you
know the difference. One thing very, very
important guys. You cannot store truncated
and hashed versions of the same payment card. Virginia caudal
environment. Okay? Because what happens is
these can be correlated. What do I mean by that? If attacker has access, what do you call to
the truncated and that band and the hashed
versions of record number, they can actually get back the original plan based
on these two data. So when you're storing it
in databases and flat files like spreadsheets or maybe
like backup audit logs, you might have to protect it and do not store them together. Okay. He was one of the two, but
do not store them together. A lot of people's I've
seen sometimes they forget about this
requirement and it's truncation and
hashing is being done at the same time.
Please do not do this. Okay, what else is there? Tokenization. Tokenization is a
very simple process. What happens is
sometimes you've seen that when you hash
it, you truncate it. The 16 digit format
changes, right? It's no longer as
16 digit number. Tokenization is a process that replaces the original
card number. Another 16 digit number. That too it's called a token. The token may look like a
legitimate cardholder number, but it's not, it has no
value to an attacker. Ok? So usually what happens
is this is reversible, so you can do tokenize that you have something
called a token volt. So with the form that
token, you can back, get back the original
card number, okay, you can get it back. So tokenization,
usually I've seen it, It's being used when people just want to
store card holder, cardholder data for
future transactions. But they want to make
sure it's secure and they don't want that
format to be changed. So I mean, you can there are
multiple ways of doing it. You can do it from the pan. You can generate it randomly. You can have a token, a token vault being created, which is the tokenizing
and D tokenizing data. There are multiple
ways of doing it. Just understand the token
it preserve storage, format the 16 digit pan, and you can reverse it so it can tokenize and D tokenize it. Sometimes your databases,
they can store large amounts of data
which would come out if you're hashing it and
they need a 16 digit number. So tokenization helps you out. Tokenization also sometimes I'll even taking it out of scope. But there's a lot of work
to be done around that. So this is the basic difference between tokenization
and other functions. Lastly is encryption, which
is the most common thing. Encryption is a bit
similar to tokenization in that Japan is being replaced by other data
that has no value. But encryption is somewhat different because first of all, it doesn't preserve
the original format. And it uses a key manager like a wall with a
cryptographic key. And it uses like a key
manager because your kid, it uses a key and an algorithm
to generate a huge number, which you cannot get back the original card
number from that data. Okay? So typically the
data size increases like it doesn't preserve
the original format. So it's really up to you
what you want to use. Some people prefer tokenization because they want to restore that format in the 16 digit of some people
prefer encryption. Usually depends on your
business requirements. Just know one thing. I talked about a key like you need a key to encrypt that data. So that key, you have to encrypt that key
also with another key, and you have to store
that separately. It's like you can refer
to the requirement. Just know when you encrypt
data, a cardholder data, you have to encrypt
it with a key and you have to
protect that key also, you have to encrypt
that key again. So just remember that when you're talking
about encryption, I know it's a
lottery ticket guys. Just go through this,
revise it and slowly, slowly you start
to understand it. You don't have to
implement all of these things are number that you can just make do with encryption or hashing or tokenization. Just know these different
departments. Okay? Then you talk about,
like I remember, I talked about finding our data. So you need to review your
data sources to make sure that the NADH storing
cardholder data unencrypted. You don't have any sensitive
authentication data. Look at your transaction logs, the transaction
data, your trace. Try as you know,
sometimes people turn on tracing for
troubleshooting. A lot of times that starts storing unencrypted data, okay. Look at your database schemas. Schemas might show
you if there's any card number there. Okay. Look at your backups, any existing memory
crash dump files. Okay. Your DLP, lots and
lots of things are, they're just starting
from the left. You can look at your
payment terminals, whether you're mastering
or truncating all the data you are storing any sensitive
authentication data. You're not storing any
data undetermined. Look at your screens
and reports. Okay. Is there anybody who has a requirement to view
data, cardholder data, if not, just muslin
truncated on the reports, can use this extremity,
this desolate data. What if you can stick it out? Okay. What if somebody
has remote access, they can stick out this data. Do we have any DLP controls? What about databases
and storage? Okay. So when you're
storing that data, do we have a proton
encryption there? Is there any sensitive
authentication data? Usually people, what they do is they have some sort
of a tool that scans the databases and
it gets them report. You cannot do it manually. There will be
millions of records, you cannot do it manually. And lastly, file share. A lot of times file
shares or a blind spot. People don't know that employees are putting
cardholder data in Excel sheets or what he called flat files and
they don't know it and suddenly doing the
audit, it comes up. So make sure you're
scanning those also, and made sure that it
cannot be exfiltrated out. These other things,
guys, I've spent more time on this because this is very, very
important to know. So key actions. Find out first video
cardholder data is don't just use the
technical method, talk to the people also, draw cardholder data diagram. Sit with your business and
find out what the flow of data is from the point
that data is captured, the cardholder to till such time it's
authorized and stored. Okay. So you'll find it in databases, file shares, even e-mails, you'll find it a cloud
outsource providers. And lastly, I want
to talk about, okay, what if you can't implement
PCA control soviet? I want to keep this in mind. We're going to talk
about something called compensating controls later on. So that is something you
have to keep in mind. What if you can't encrypted because it's a legacy
application, right? So what are you
going to do that? So this is something I
want you to keep in mind. Okay. What does so you need to have
a data retention policy. Maybe you don't need to stop cardholder data
after 30 days, okay. Just delete it then there's
no need to keep it. You should have a
data flow diagram. The auditor is going to
ask, how do you find out, first of all, where
your data is stored? Do we have some sort
of a tool which is regularly scanning your
servers, databases, laptops, and most
important guys, please do not store sensitive
authentication data. After your card
authorization is done. Remove your truck
to data or MOOC. We don't stop in blocks masking out pines on
customer receives. And if you are storing it,
the cardholder information, then please mascot or truncated or security
to encryption. Make sure that it's
the databases or their storage is accessed by
as few people as possible. Okay. So this was the
requirement, guys. I hope it wasn't too much. Just take your time, go to the standard. The main thing is find out where your cardholder data is
and protected accordingly. Then don't store data
unless you do not need it. So just go through this
model one more time. It will revise. So you
have a better idea of it and make notes and then try to implement it
within their environment. I can guarantee you. If you are in the card business, you will find cardholder data where you did not
expect to find it. That's a common thing. Don't don't get scared by it. Just make sure you
have a process to remediate it going forward. Okay, guys, I'll see you
in the next section now. Hopefully, you got a better idea now and I'll see you
in the next module.
9. Requirement 4: Hi guys, Welcome to this module. This module is relatively short. It's pretty simple,
which is securing data, open and public networks. This is pretty simple. I think. I don't think I need to explain this too much but calculate it. I mean, if you're
sending it over and open and public network, you have two encrypted, right? You don't want people just
looking at this data. This is going to be sending it to a third party processor, maybe backups, maybe
over the Cloud. And most importantly,
cybercriminals can maybe intercept this transmission over
Guardiola data. So it's important to put in controls their
encryption can use it. You can put any encryption using strong cryptographic unit TLS and all these other controls. You might have
point-of-sale terminals, which are sending data
over the internet or wireless or GPRS. You have encryption over that, over your violinists and
other cellular technologies. Okay. And what about messaging? Like email, instant
messaging, SMS, chat. You can send cardholder
data with that also. So you need to put in policies, you need to put in
controls like DLP. So it's very, very important
to have those things. There is some mixture of technical and
operational controls. You might think
It's very simple, but believe me, especially if you're using
point-of-sale terminals, a lot of time what happens
is point-of-sale terminals they using old versions of TLS, TLS 1.1, and we're not using the newer
versions like 1.21.3. You need to make sure that you have a plan to migrate them. Just build off the
dataflow diagrams we talked about earlier
in common three, you will know the
cardo date it is coming from NBC
being sent outside. I want to make sure
it's encrypted. When being sent over
open public networks. You don't want to make sure
that those encryption or they're having in-house policy not to send clear card
numbers over SMS, over chat, over Slack teams. Please do not have that. Okay? You want to check your
point-of-sale terminals to make sure they're
encrypting get appropriately. If you're not maintaining them, you have a vendor reach out to the vendor and make sure those
point-of-sale terminals, they're not susceptible
to any known exploits, like standard vulnerabilities. Usually it's the
vendor who tells you you can do your own testing. Also. A lot of times what
these companies do, they make sure
their point-of-sale terminals are already
certified to PCI DSS. You can check the modal number. You can go to the website and actually putting
the mortar lumbar, putting that version
and see where there is lifestyle certified to is usually called the pink
transaction PDF Standard. And I think there's
one more standard, but you can check it
on their website. It will tell you
right away whether this device is secure or not is certifying data as
per the PCI DSS standard. This is pretty much what it is. You guys make sure
you have an inventory of all your data which
is sending get out. Lot of times it's the
point-of-sale terminals. Make sure you have control over your end-user
messaging like emails, slack time, whatever you using. Those controls have to
be there to prevent cardholder data for being sent out over the open
public network. Okay, that wraps up this
particular section. And we'll lastly, just make
sure you're not using TLS 1, disable all those
insecure protocols. You don't want to be using
those early implementations of SSL and TLS because that's
very easy to compromise. It's not considered
to be secure. So check with your point of
sale when their point of BI vendor and have
some sort of a plan. If you find out that your point of sale
devices are using it, you need to have
a risk mitigation plan and a migration plan by leave it in the next
12 months or 18 months, I'm going to migrate
everything to TLS 1.2 because believe me, the auditor is going
to ask you that. Okay, that wraps it up, guys. I will see you in
the next module. Thank you.
10. Requirement 5: Hi guys, Welcome
to this section. This requirement is, I think
distributed easiest for you, which is talking about
if you don't have this, then there's only
a bigger problem than not being PCI
DSS certified. This requirement
deals with antivirus, anti-malware that needs
to be installed on all the systems commonly
affected by malware. You need to make
sure that you have an antivirus solution
there, which is on there, that everything within
the cardinal environment, you want to make
sure it's there. It's regularly standing,
is regularly up-to-date. And you should have
a process to find out if there is some
new attack happening. How will you find out if
there's a zero-day exploit happening or some malware is there suddenly affecting
all the systems? Do you have some
sort of a way of finding out what's happening, what are the alerts
coming in, okay. So make sure usually a PCSS that implement anti-malware
on systems which are commonly affected. People take it to be in Windows, but you should put
it on Linux also, lot of the Linux server
flavors which are there, they do support anti-malware. Make sure it's there. Don't get lazy on Linux. And made sure that
you have implemented anti-malware across-the-board. You're scanning it. And what happens. A lot of time people like
they put an anti-malware, but if an alert comes,
nobody's looking at it. Okay? So you want to make sure that those alerts are going
somewhere in some ways actually taking an action based on that alert so
that window of compromise, it needs to be very short. Those things make sure that your antibodies is up-to-date
and it's sending alerts. Okay, don't assume
anything here. Like I said, the key points
are deploying antivirus on commonly affected systems and non commonly affected
systems also, please guys, if
you have some sort of like Linux or
some other thing, if there is a possibility to implement anti-malware,
please deploy. Don't get lazy, okay, make
sure it's getting updated if set to scan automatically
and if anything happens, those alerts are
going somewhere. Okay. Your definition
should be current. It should not be able to
your IT administrator but can't just go and
disable antivirus white, make sure there is a
segregation of duties there. And you should make sure
some sort of practices there that when you call them to regularly
assess systems, like maybe you have an
old legacy systems AS 424 tandem HP don't stop all those old systems which a lot of people
don't use anymore. But have some sort of a
regulatory risk assessment being done to find out if there are any industry alerts coming out. Maybe there's some new virus has come out recently
which you don't know, and it's affecting
those systems. So please make sure
those controls are there and that is documented, that they can give that auditor
that assurance like usaid that you have a process is dead and you are going well
above and beyond. Okay? You're looking at
the industry trends and you're putting in controls
that have to be there. So this is a pretty
easy standard to meet. I don't think any
difficulties should be there. Usually people who
run into problems when they're looking at
those legacy systems. But apart from that, I think it should be straightforward
to implement. Thank you guys. I'll see
you in the next module.
11. Requirement 6: Hi everyone, welcome
to this lesson. And in the view VHDL, we're halfway through the
array to cram and six, which is developing and
maintaining secure systems. Okay? And this is one of
those departments which a lot of people hate because
it has to do with patching. Again. I don't think anybody
likes patching, but unfortunately, it is a mandatory part of
any security system. And you need to, you
need to have a system in place as propitiate to
patch vulnerable systems. Why do you do that? It's pretty simple, right?
Security vulnerabilities in systems and applications. They can allow
criminals to bypass controls and access
cardholder data. Most of these
vulnerabilities can be eliminated by installing
security patches. When they provided patches, we went from Microsoft or
your third party vendor. And it's like it plugs into the security hole and
what we call Asper PCIe. All critical systems,
they need to have the recently released software
patches installed within, I think it is as soon as
possible within 30 days. And other ones you can
do it within 90 days, but this is really one of the most difficult things to accomplish. You can
understand why. Because critical servers, servers are very
critical and you can't just have
downtime happening. And at the same time you have attackers who are paid,
possibly exploiting this. And it becomes more
dangerous when it isn't. One interesting thing. So like you need to have a very strong patch management process in place for implementing
critical security patches, guys, it is one of the most difficult and most important
to comments and PCI. Okay? So what do you have to do? Well, you have to make sure
the patch management policies in place and have a process. How do you know that some
critical patches come in? You need to have that also
a change management process has to be there for
any chemical changes. How do you know that
your changes are not introducing any new new
security issues, right. And like I mentioned, have a month, one month, what we call installation there. Sometimes the companies
cannot meet it. You need to have it than other compensating
controls in place. You need to have a system
for patching quickly, deploying patches on
test environment, and then rolling it
out to production. It is very, very difficult
to meet, I know, but it is something from
your security posture. Pci, DSS can actually help
you out here because IT, IT teams can sometimes
become lazy when it comes to implementing patches and PCI DSS will really help you out here. And it will help you to push the technology teams to implement patches as
quickly as possible. This is more from
the OS perspective. It applies to applications. Also, you will have application
level patches coming in. But from the application side, requirements six introduce a certain new
things which I need you to be on the available
about understanding. What are they. So when you develop applications
guys, your developers, they need to have training on application security
vulnerabilities you will be familiar
with, all right? It's likely a common standard
for application security. They should be trained on what
these vulnerabilities are. At the same time, your source
code should be reviewed. Also. You should have some
sort of a thing in place which actually is
reviewing your code, letting you know if there
are new vulnerabilities here and your
development and drama, it cannot have any
live cardholder data. Sometimes people do
that for testing. They put Guardiola
environment in testing or UAT or something
like that, please. You cannot absolutely cannot
have the thing happening. Okay. And then when you move
to production Raman day should be a proper change
management process there. If it's like an internet facing application, you
need to mitigate. How do you mitigate that risk? You can either have
a web application like a pen test happening, okay? Like abstract happening, which if I let you
know if there any vulnerabilities or you can have a web application firewall, you know, I'm sure you
must be aware of that. Ideally, I would recommend both. I don't believe that
one replaces the other. You should have a vav
and you shouldn't have an application security
testing happening dies. So all of them work together. You have to understand,
you're doing code review, your training developers and CCA-secure recording techniques. You're making sure no cartilage, there is datas than
testing or UAT. You making sure the proper
chain management is there. And then you have a web app
scan and apps the coupling. So all of these really helped to mitigate the risk of some
issue happening somebody, you know, how common application level vulnerabilities
are there, right? But all of these, if you
implement them properly, they really go a long, long way in mitigating
application security risks. And they really helped to bring improve your security posture. Okay. Moving on guys. So what are the key
actions which are there? Just to remember,
you should have an application security
policy formulas and distributed to
your developers. You should have a
secure coding training happening and a code review. Something which lets
you know if there's insecure code and it doesn't let it propagate to production. You can use common
commercial tools are there which really
help the developers. You can have like open
source tool also. Thirdly, how do
you know if there is a pan in the
development environment? You need to extend
your scanning there. You need to make sure that
there is no Only mask or like a interrupted or
it has not even encrypted. You only master truncated or like completely numbers there. The development environment. Like I mentioned,
you should have a Web Application Firewall plush and application security
pen testing happening. And of course the
chain management. So remember
applications security will never ever
be perfect, okay? They will never be
a time to say now my application security
has become perfect. I can stop it. No, no. That's why you have to keep
refining this process. It only takes one security
hole for the attacker to come in and to compromise
your environment, right? So patching and
application security, all of them but got together. This is one of the more
difficult to comments, but it has one of the most benefits to your security posture posture if you implemented properly. So I hope you understood now, As all of this works
together, like I said, I'm sure you will find
in secret applications, you will find like
old Windows versions which cannot be patched. So you need to take
it into account. Either remove them
from your current environment or put
in other controls. They always ways of doing it. Many times I've seen
applications which are running on old
legacy applications. You can maybe visualize it, you can containerize it. You can put in some, in
some sort of like a Citrix, something that's encapsulated,
set or removes the day. A lot of ways of
doing it reach out to your USA and I'm sure
he will help you out. But just make sure
that you are aware of these vulnerabilities and they don't catch you on a vase, okay. Okay, guys, I'll move on
to the next recommit. Thank you. And I'll see
you in the next lesson.
12. Requirement 7: Hi guys, Welcome to this lesson. This is one of them
easier to comments, especially after the last one. And this has to do with
restricting access, okay? Basically, if you're following the principle of
least privilege, if you're not following,
you should be following it. But if you add them,
this becomes easy because your cartilage
damage very sensitive. You should have something like a role-based access control, which makes you sure that
only the people who have a legitimate requirement to view cardholder data is
doing it right. You don't want your advanced user accounts which don't have any reason to look at cardholder
data, they're coming in. So PCA, it requires
an up-to-date list, like a role-based
access control matrix. I'm sure you will
have that matrix, right? You should have that. The auditor is going to take it. That list doesn't
have each role. What role does what sort of
things that has access to, what's the current privilege
does it is it really needed? So based on that and you should be regularly certifying
this, right? You should be looking at
does IT have access to, I don't know, like they do programmers have access
to production, right? Do system administrative
access to application database writer,
should they have that right? So these things you need to, you need to document it and
you need to formalize it. On top of that, you need to be having regular
reviews happening. So yeah, this is what we need. What are the key actions are
written policy for all like detailing access controls,
documented access control. You should map it to the
job classification, right? So if there is like an Network
Security Administrator, you should not have access to your production database, right? Why would you need
access to that? Makes all those words
in public should be defined least privilege,
that is the key thing here. And you should have a
detailed written policy only these grows will have
access to cardholder data. Only the database
administrator can have read access to the database
and all these things. This will really, really
help you out and you should have these regularly
on a quarterly basis, on a daily basis, make
sure these are being reviewed and recertified
from all the users. So this is a pretty
simple economy to make. A lot of companies have seen they already have some
sort of thing in place, either manual or automated. So you just need to formalize it for your card
holder environment. This wraps it up for
this requirement. Let's move on to the next one.
13. Requirement 8: Hi guys, Welcome to
this particular class. And this is one of the, again, rather easily requirement
to meet if you're following good security
hygiene already, which is using
uniqueID potentials. So PCS states that basic good credentials like your parser should we
change every 90 days, which should have
length and complexity. Previously used to
be seven characters now they're finally updated it. But if you're using
something like Active Directory or
a single sign-on, usually they do enforce
strong password policy. You don't want to
have a password which can be easily broken by a hacker to
automated tools, right? Because computing power
keeps increasing every year, computing power is getting
more and more powerful. Brute forcing is becoming
more and more easy. So you need to have
complex passwords, make it very, very difficult for an attacker
to compromise it. Okay? You don't want to have
standard usernames, don't have administrator
or KPIs leading him that I still see those people using
some very basic stuff. So you don't want to have these things like which can be easily broken through social
engineering attack or a brute forcing attack. Okay, This is very basic stuff, but it is so important that PCAs made it a
separator climate. Another very
important topic guys is MFA, multi-factor
authentication. If you don't know
what it is, like, I am sure you must
be aware of it, but in addition to the
user ID and password, you need another factor for, in PCI DSS for remote access
or administrative access. So this can be something you have like a onetime password, like a token or something you are like
a bio-metric, you know, like this can be things
like something you have, can be a smartcard, physical, logical security token, onetime password in
your smartphone, okay. And something you are
would be a bio-metric like fingerprint retinal
scan, pumps print, iris scan, any other
thing which is unique to you from your
biological perspective. So you can use one of these two in addition to
the user ID and password. But remember, they have to be
independent of each other, like if one gets compromised
or there is not affected. So for example, if your
smartphone is compromised rate and an attacker gets access to the onetime
password OTP, he still won't have access to your user ID and
password, right? So they have to be
independent of each other. So remember that in this
particular comment, you should have
administrative access for remote access and multi-factor authentication
for remote access and multi-factor authentication for your administrative access. 1 to note guys, this is going to
become much more tougher NPCI version four. Okay, I'll get into more detail in another
section where we're going to just discuss the PCA
version four requirements, but just keep this in mind. The council is making this a little bit more tougher
now going forward. Okay, So what are the key
actions to take guys? Definitely you should
have a password and MFA standard across the
board consistently enforced. This is the p-value. These are the minimum positive
comments and these are the MFA requirements for demote
or administrative access. Make sure your remote accounts. A lot of times you got
access to vendors, business partners,
consultants, right? And they have to be monitored and disabled when
they're not in use. You should only have them. Then as and when they use. A lot of people put in
third-party applications like VDI or something like that. I mean, it's up to you how your environment is configured, but just have that in place. And that will really, so
basically this is like a simple common
sense requirement. I'm sure a lot of these
things you will already have. If not definitely,
you should be having MFA for your administrative
environment, especially if it's the
cardholder data environment. Definitely have that enforced. Okay guys, So that wraps
up this will comment. Let's move on to the next one.
14. Requirement 9: Hi guys. Welcome to district comment. It says like one area which I always think
of it as a blind spot, which is when it comes to PCI, DSS, which is physical security. A lot of companies, they put in a lot of technical controls, but they forget the
physical side of things like printouts, reports. Lot of companies, you know, they have back-office is whichever repeat billing like they
save the card number. They keep physical
copies of current card. And you won't believe these
are openly available, right? So you need to have things in place to protect things like data theft and sensitive
access to sensitive areas. You should have
physical security policies and procedures. You can only keep
like for example, only keep confidential
information. Workplace secured them
in a locked area. Outsiders can't just walk in. Non-employees have
to wear badges, are not storing
sensitive information. The open V in my, one of my companies
we used to clean the streets after office hours. We used to go and check that everybody has clean
up their desk, right? There's no sensitive
information there. So these are controls
which are common sense, but they unfortunately
that you get missed out for some reason, right? So what are the things
you need to have? It need to have a proper
physical security policy highlighting which
other sensitive areas. One thing I forgot to mention is your network jacks, right? You don't want like
people just plugging in their laptops and connecting
your target environment. The physical media or
backup and other things should be secured and strict
control should be there. What if somebody cannot
compromise the environment? What if is able to access gag, get access to the
backup tape, right. Which has all the
information you need to have like a
put it into security, are clearly marked for that. Documents should have things
like confidential to be shredded and you have to be
able to destroy media, right? Diego said destroy it based
on its classification. A lot of these things, again, they probably are doing, but you might not be extended it to your card
holder environment. Make sure they get extended. You should be coordinating with your physical security
teams to make sure that you have proper
training is happening. Sensitive areas
are cordoned off. Not every employee can just walk into your light sensitive areas. So all these controls Metrodorus unforced to have
proper cctv coverage. It should be a mixture of preventative and
detective controls. Basically the same things you put in your
environment, right? Your technical environment
like segmentation. Segmentation, you
block off that area. Cctv is like an auditory
and white badge and password badge and pins. They are like MFA.
All those things, you just replicate it to
a physical environment. One unique environment, guys, if you have like
point-of-sale terminals, like point-of-sale machines. You should have a complete
inventory of that. You should have an up-to-date
inventory of those. You should know where they are. What's the physical location, serial number, naked model. Why? Because it should
be inspecting it. What if somebody has
tampered with it, but if somebody has
replaced it with another C, then another environment,
usually a lot of companies they maintain like
advantages of it, right? What if somebody has gone
in, tampered with it, injected some device and you
don't know about it, right? You can do it basically,
could do it every day, every month is based on yet like what sort of
level you have, okay. You should have cctv coverage. Those, these are very
subtle devices, okay? Make sure that top it's
completely restricted. And you should be
providing awareness for staff who are interacting with these things on
a day-to-day basis, like a cashier, who is who has that point-of-sale
type of machine, right? You should know if
somebody has replaced it. If there's some device there, you should be able to know
if somebody has like, you should be able to
check the serial number. The basic physics. These are simple
things you can have like a video training. You can visit physically
and teach them and like, but just to make sure that
the risk of substitution, somebody substituting
the device when something or there's
some other device maliciously or like tampering, tampering with that
device, putting some other device on top of it. Those that vest has
to be mitigated. From the perspective of PCI DSS. They are like many,
many common trainings available even from the PCAOB
website, you can find it. It's like a unique
thing from PCI, the other physical controls
you might already be doing. But this is something
unique and you should make sure you have it in
your environment, okay? Okay, that wraps
up this recommit. Let's move on to the next one.
15. Requirement 10: Hi guys, Welcome to this lesson which is now we've
reached almost the end, which is a common ten,
logging and monitoring. Logging and monitoring.
You know, it's one of those things which almost
a lot of companies do. Almost every company does, but very few companies
do it correctly. Because what happens is a lot of times they're just
recording stuff. But nobody is taking any
like intelligent action based on those alerts, right? Sim solutions, you got security information
and event management. You are sending all
the logs there, but you're not really looking at creating actionable alerts. You're not really
refining same things. You need to capture
everything which is where within the cardholder
data environment, PCI actually has like a minimum list of events
which should be captured. Okay? Most systems software
generate logs securing operating
system, browser pause, firewall, all of these things
you should be capturing, okay, So make sure
those things are there. Whether you have a SIM
solution or some other thing, you need to be
capturing everything. And I having actionable
alerts based on that. Okay. So what are the
things we started is going to be checking
is gonna be checking whether you have an
automated audit log tracking for all security events. How are you doing it? Is it like if somebody you're not going to have
somebody looking at it and essentially write
some automated system. Is there you have a process to review logs and
security events daily. Usually it's like
an SIM solution. Maybe you might have a SOC team, or you might have like shifts, or you might have
us take a system administrative gets alerts. It really depends
how you're doing it. You might have, if you're
doing it in the Cloud, you might have automation, but the process
needs to be there. Your audit logs, they
need to be there at least one year and the
last three months. They need to be online logs. You should be you can't have be archiving the last
90 days, okay. You need to have it online. And what are they eventually
to be capturing PCI, DSS is very specific about it. Like admin activity
is failed logins, changes to account
privilege escalations. And you should carry
capturing what they knew who the user was, what
the event was, what the date and time,
whether it was a success, what a failure where it
happened, all those things. You'll easily find it
within the standard. But make sure you're
capturing it. Make sure you have those slots
available and test it out. Don't assume that you will
have these logs okay. A test it out and make sure that you have those
events being captured. A lot of SIM solutions, they already have
predefined templates for PCI DSS through it should
not be that difficult. Just make sure those
are turned on. That this one was
pretty straightforward. Let's move on to the next.
16. Requirement 11: Hi guys. We're at the second
last requirement, which is conducting vulnerability
scans and PET is okay. Why do we do these things, guys? So simply put, these, you need to find out what are the weaknesses within
your environment, right? You don't want to wait until an attacker comes and compromises your
environment, right? Vulnerability scans and PTs
are one of the best ways to find out what type of attacks
you're susceptible to. Va is like a
vulnerability scanner is an automated high-level scan. Okay. You just run a scan.
They usually have it. You have some sort of a software that scans the environment, gives you a report, right? You have to run
this internally and externally on a quarterly basis. And PT I'm sure you already familiar it's
like a detail hands-on. Usually there's a real
person there who tries to detect and exploit
weaknesses in your system. And this, again, this has to be internal and external,
both in your environment. Pcr requires these things to happen at multiple layers, okay? You can just do it in one
layer and call it effective. We'll go into detail
what I'm talking about, what sort of layers I'm
talking about before we go. One thing very important guys, if you have public-facing
Guardiola environment, right? Public IPs. Pcr requires businesses who conduct like external via scan and they call it and ESV scan to find out if they have
any potential flaws. This you cannot do it yourself. You have to be done by
a company called an Approved Scanning Vendor
is called an ASP. Okay? You cannot do it yourself. You have to leach
out to this company. So what happens is
because you will be charged to this company and they will do the scan
on a quarterly basis. You have to remediate any
highest high vulnerability. So you have to keep on
doing it until you pass. And they will give
you a passing scan. And usually that you have to submit to the car
schemes or to the blank. So this is not something you just scan it and
forget about it. You have to do it on a
minimum quarterly basis and you have to pass it. That is one of the
most important thing. It's usually a very good
requirement because public facing is like a
high-risk environment. You need to be able to scan it and know what
the vulnerabilities are. Okay, so just keep this in mind. Your bank or your payment scheme usually will tell
you whether you, we talked about the
obligations earlier on rate. So your bank or your
payment brand will tell you if you are
required to do this or not. But remember, I told you we have to do
it at multiple levels. So this is what I
was talking about. Just take a high-level view. If you're looking
from the internet, you need to have ASP scans
happening and a PD happening. Okay. From the external perspective, within your cardinal
environment, you didn't have
quarterly via scans, annual pay a PT is happening and something called
file integrity monitoring. What is a file
integrity monitoring? If you're not aware, basically, it's a software which
stands for environment for any critical
changes to files, okay. You might have sensitive
files in your environment. You don't expect them to change a file integrity
monitoring software will tell you if this file of change
and will raise an alert. So you need to have that also
within your environment. So supposing you're
coddled application has a sensitive configuration file that is not supposed to change. What if that gets strange? Okay, So that file integrity
monitoring solution will raise an alert
and send it to you that should be there. And apart from that, if you have a wireless happening
wireless environment, you need to release
candidate for wireless cans also to make sure that the new insecure or maybe rogue wireless
access points. Having created, usually we have three tools and
commercial tools. You can scan the whole
environment and we'll find out if there are any
vulnerability or any road violence points there. And we talked about
segmentation. Remember? We said that, okay, for the segmentation
perspective, they should be something
there is dropping. And so that will usually be
a firewall and IDS and IPS. So we do something which is
called a segmentations can, what is the segmentation scan? Segmentations can
somebody actually tries to compromise
the segmentation? So from the cardholder
environment, he tries to jump to the
non-cloud environment or from the non
Guardiola umami taste The jumped to the
cardo, the environment. He checks the adequacy of the segmentation
which has happened, whether it is good or not. So this is why it's
so important guys, as the all of these things
you have to be doing, the different times that
they are somehow I knew somehow half a semi-annual
put it in your calendar. We talked about having
a BAU process, right? This is what I was
talking about. Usually what
companies do and PCL mandates you should
have a methodology for penetration testing. And you put what are external, internal, like what, what's
going to happen annually? What's going to happen
after every change? If segmentation changes, how
are you going to test that? How are you going to do
the application level one? How are you going
to lay a switch? Can all have their documented in a proper formula is document and make it
available to everyone. So this way, you won't get like a cotton surprise
and you miss out on some critical scan that
you're supposed to be doing. This is a high level,
like a bit simplistic, but this tells you
what the standards should be happening
in your environment. So I hope this, this was
like it gives you a clarity. Start with it. Initially becomes very
overwhelming and slowly, slowly becomes like
a BAU for you. Once you put it in
your BAU process, you'll find that it
becomes much more easier. Okay, guys. Okay, that wraps up
the second last one. So we should move
on to the last one.
17. Requirement 12: Hi everyone, welcome
to this lesson. Now, we've reached the last requirement
of parameter Alpha, which is documentation
and risk assessments. So previous one was a very
technical requirements regarding pen testing and b, a and P, D and all those things. Now we're talking
about something which is much more simpler, documentation and
risk assessments. So here guys, we're talking about something that
you have to do like, from the due diligence
perspective, the auditor needs
to know that heavy formalized all your
information security policies, other stuff away of
what they should be doing and they
should not be doing. This helps to
protect you in case something happens,
there's a breach. Then you can prove that you did everything from
your perspective. You need to make sure your
security policies have been approved and body called, communicated, and signed off by all the employees
they've acknowledged at it. Okay. If you are a service provider, you need to have something
called a PCI DSS charter. It says that who is responsible
for PCI DSS and who's going to implement
the program and who is accountable for PCI, DSS. It has to tell you
who is the person responsible and how it will communicate with
executive management, okay. Apart from that, you
also need to have an inventory of any
third-party vendors, outsource people or
third party vendors who have access into your
cardinal environment. Because if they get compromises potentially
this to your environment, you need to have a list of all third party service providers and whether they are
PECS certified or not. Okay. You need to have the list. Most of them has
usually available and you can make this as
part of your calendar, but make sure those dark, dark documentation is overdue. So this is pretty
straightforward to comment is mostly
about documentation. It takes a long time. But if you work with your TSA, a lot of times they are ready-made templates
already available. So you should be able to
save some time with this. Just like I mentioned,
you have to have a written compliance
and security policy. The charter should be here
for your service provider. You need to make sure I
have a quarterly review to make sure that
everybody is following the requirements
everybody has signed off on the security
of illustrating. And lastly, a very
important risk assessment, PCR requires
everybody to perform an annual risk assessment to
identify critical assets. Scratch vulnerability is okay because this will help
you to prioritize risks. And if you take a proactive
approach to this, this really pays off
in the long run. This is something she
says something people think this is like a formality
afternoon every year. But if you do it properly and you give it the
proper time and respect, I can tell you risk
assessments can identify so many issues proactively, much more before then
the auditor finds that I want to flag this before, because risk assessments
are going to become very, very important in the
upcoming revision, which is PCI DSS version for it. If you do, if you have not
focused too much on this, this could become
a problem for you. So definitely start
focusing on this. I'll talk about it more
in the future class, in the next class which I have, which are about PCI DSS 4. But please do not
take risk assessment, likes art form
formality that you have to do and forget about it. Okay? So really focus, there's won't copy paste what you
did last year to the next year and
really focused on it and it will definitely
pay off in the long run. Okay, so that finishes off
your lawsuit coming guys, I hope this was useful to you. Let's go on to a very important topic
which we have to cover, which is compensating controls. That is what happens if you're not able to
meet a requirement. I see you in the next class.
18. Compensating Controls: Hi guys. So very, very short class, but this is very important. So now you've covered all the
trails requirements, right? But what happens if you can't
miss a PCI requirement? Okay? Like, let's
take an example. You have to apply patches
within 30 days, right? Critical patches. What if we can't apply a patch? Or what if you can't implement file integrity monitoring?
What happens then? So there's something called
a compensating controls. This happens when a, when a party cannot meet
a preset apartment, you do illegitimate reason. It's not there being lazy, maybe the system does not
support it or they don't. There are some
constraints there. But what you do is you put
another controls there, okay? Maybe you can't patch it. But you have 24-seven monitoring and you have other
tools which will alert you immediately if somehow somebody tries
to exploit that patch. Okay? So it really depends. Data is really like an art. What do you say? It's like you have to
sit with the QSEN, make him understand
what you've done, how you've mitigated that risk and vary the
effectiveness of this. It changes from environment to environment from
few aesthetic USA. Okay? But remember that you really have to be good in risk assessments to do this. So the compensating
control in short, you have to fill out a sheet
to shore to the auditor. What does it look like? It's like this one. Like I took the example. This is, you have
to finish this out. You have to show what are
the constraints, okay, why you can't meet at a comment
like why can't you patch this quarter or why can't you like implement
file integrity monitoring, then you have to have
the old definition. What are the controls
you've implemented? What are the objective
of this controls? What's the risk that because of the patching not be
there or something, And how has the auditor validated dense
compensating controls? And how are you
going to make sure that nobody tampers
with those controls? So this is something
that we'll review. And you have to really
satisfy him to make sure that this is not just you've just something you've
put in there to escape? No, this is something
you've thought about and you
implemented it properly. So please, compensating controls are
very important topic. They are going to
be not replaced, but they are a new way of doing things
which is coming up, which is called the
customized approach. I'm going to talk about it in the PCI DSS version for module. But just know they're compensating
controls are what you have to do if you're not able to meet a particular requirement. And there are other ways of doing this which are coming up. Okay guys, so this wraps up
the requirements module. I hope you enjoyed it
and I hope you learned a few things and see you in
the next module. Thank you.
19. SAQ and its types: Hi everyone, welcome
to this lesson. Now that are going to be
talking about the types of self-assessment questionnaires
you've completed the PCI, DSS
requirements, right? And just to quickly recap, the SAQ, the self-assessment
questionnaire. It's like a validation tool for merchants and
service providers to report the results of
the PCI DSS assessment. If you are not required to do a full audit and submit a ROC, write a report on compliance. It depending on the way you process transmitted
stored in data, they are different SET was
that he must fill out. Like if you don't have
like an e-commerce store, you might be quite to
fill out something else. Or if you have any constant, It's something as if
you're required to. The way you're processing data, it changes the
type of vesicular. I've seen sometimes people get confused when it
comes to execute. So the types of them because
they're like around it. So I thought it would be good to get like just give
some guidance on what type of SEQ is required
for what type of scenario. So let's take a look at this. Just a quick recap. What is the basic you guys
just to let you know, if you're not required
to do a full audit, you're required to
fill out an SAQ is usually for small merchant
service providers. It's a series of questionnaires. It can be quite long.
It's like the runs up to sometimes 87 pages,
yes or no questions. And like I said, there
are eight times, so basically use and depending on what type of
environment you have, you're going to after
select that one. Don't try to do it yourself
the first time you can check with the USA
or your payment plan. And they asked them what sort of SEQ am I supposed
to fill out. So it should not be difficult provided you do
your homework properly. These are the types of SKUs. I'm not going to read
off a boring table. I know nobody wants
me to do that. But these are the terms
around eight type of audio call acyclic.
So let's take a look. Much the self-assessment
questionnaire. So what does the
PCA guidance says? This is if your company has completely ourselves
the collection and processing of cardholder data to PCI compliant third-party
service provider. If you're not doing anything
regarding cardholder data, you've completely
outsource everything. So usually what happens is, I've seen this in scenarios where there's a
complete e-commerce, much like an e-commerce environment where
you're not doing anything on your website when
the user clicks by these, like they get redirected to somebody else and that is
where the transaction happens. And you just come back and say, Okay, that transaction
has been successful. You don't have to do anything. For these type of scenarios. I've seen a SAQ is most suited as a complete,
complete outsourcing. And it's like you don't store process transmit card related
at any point in time. So this is for the basic QA, is usually the best
fit for that scenario. There's another one
called SQL API. So again, there's an
e-commerce environment and the collection
of processing of cardholder data has
been outsourced okay, to a PCI compliant third party. So it's similar to
the previous one, but in this one,
what is happening? You are controlling the flow of cardholder data to
the service provider. Okay? So usually what
happens customers, they want more customization
on the environment. So they control how
the website is sending cardholder data and
they are what you call. They don't take cardholder data, but they do control the
flow of how the users get redirected to the website
for payment collection. Usually this happens when they
don't like the third party is what you call default pages and they want to have
some customization done. So for these sorts of
scenarios where secure API, that is usually
the correct choice for your compliance
documentation. Okay. Questionnaire B. B. These are those four
that mail-order, telephone order
transactions you'd like bank approve
payment terminals. They're usually
does analog lines, not analog phone lines. So they don't have any electronic processing
and storage of data. Basically, we are talking
about phone lines and they're not connected to even
voice-over IP like analog. You'll see these
merchants which are usually kind of cut
off from the world like far for every
merchants they just feeling for what he called the terminals and the payment terminals
which are connected to the phone lines because
they don't have Internet connectivity and they don't have
anything like that. They're using that for
those sorts of questions. Seq B is the one being used. I haven't used it. I have not seen it
being used that much. That is the scenario where
you will use this one. What is SEQ BIP? So in this one, again, we have the mail-order, telephone order transactions
and payment terminals, but you're also
receiving it in person. And it's connected
to an IP network. So what do you call? It's not, it's not like an analog connection here
you have an IP connection. Suddenly they might have access to the internet or
wireless like that. Usually results in
faster processing times, but then you need to
put in more colors, are more security
controls in place, and you need to segment
of that network, okay? Because in this case the payment data is being
transmitted over the network. So this is where
the BIP comes in. If you can check
it from the name. Ip. In the previous 22 is just
analog phone lines here. It's an IP network. Okay. What does essay Q. C. Okay. Yeah, So in this one, you're receiving
the cardholder data in-person, and again, mail-order transactions
and you're using a point of sales system. What was that in
the previous one. So that was like a payment
terminal of justice. But here you have a
point of sale terminal and that does not show
the full card data. Remember remember
where he talked about, right, storage of card data. So usually here you have
those cash registers and they're connected
to a back of a server. And that server might
be hosted outside. But this is what the scenario. So head, you have like a Point-of-sale
terminal that is not configured to store
the fuel card data. And you have like an accurate
to about a back-end server. Usually, I've seen
those retail merchants using those big cash
registers, right? This is where the SAT
usually applies to C v, t. And for this one, even just from the name itself, you can say this is like a
Verbit's virtual terminal. So in some cases you don't
have a physical terminal. Okay? So here you have a
purpose virtual terminal. And usually there's like
a workstation which is dedicated in a particular
place for processing payments. Sometimes when you allow
your customers could do self-service and
all that, right? This is where this is coming in. Okay, P2. So P2, P0, P2P stands for
point-to-point encryption. So this is a standard which the PCI council has introduced. The, all the, all the
data is encrypted from the point of capturing kill the point sends back
for processing. So if you're a merchant,
you don't have to do it. It's a completely
offshore standard, but it reduces the scope
of Piaget compliance. I've seen a lot of service
code isn't bank offer this as a solution to merchants if they want to reduce
the complexity, we don't want to have the hassle of worrying about
payment and all that. Usually has to have
special terminals dedicated for this. Okay? Then the transaction
gets back to send back to the
service provider for decryption and processing. So here, the main thing is we're using validated point-to-point
encryption terminals. Okay? If you're using that, then
this is a questionnaire. This questionnaire is
much more simpler than the other ones, and
that's the whole point. You want to reduce the
compliance burden. You don't want to
fill out those big, big question is this, and this becomes like
an incentive for merchants to adopt this
type of solutions. Okay? And now we're at the last one, which is the
security much and so anything which does not apply
to the previous criteria. And you don't want
like, you're storing cardholder information
and you don't use like a point-to-point
stratified system. And basically any of the previous criteria does
not apply to you as security. A lot of times I've
seen merchant start with this because
in this scenario, you're just taking
the safest approach and just fill up their
security because they don't want to go to the hassle of
finding out what exactly like what are the fine-tuning
data secure comments, they just fill up their
security and the submitted. So this is applies to merchants and the
service providers, also service provider. I used to be in a service
provider for many, many years. Basically, it's not like
a payment went like Visa, MasterCard, and you're
not like a bank, right? But you are conducting
your processing, storing, transmitting
cardholder data on behalf of a bank offer merchant. So you basically offload
everything, okay? Usually service providers,
they get the full audit done because their environment
is much more critical. You are you don't have data. Entity, you have beta. God knows how many entities are
hundreds of banks, hundreds of thousands
of merchants. So they usually do
the full audit, but you can fill
up their security. You should check with
your permanent run and find out what it thinks
is applicable to you. I would recommend if
you are a service provider to do the full audit, don't rely on a secure key because it's not
independently verified. Tried to do with go over
the full audit always. Especially if you're
a service provider. Okay, guys. So that closes the
body called SEQ part. And I'll see you in
the next module, which is very important, which has to do with the key
changes in their version 4 of the standard.
Thank you guys. I'll see you next lesson.
20. PCI DSS v4 and the key changes: Hi everyone. Okay, So we've reached
the final chapter, which is the final one and which is the most
forward-looking, which is the key changes
in the version 4 zeros. So you might be
aware that version 4 husband released
into the public. This was a result
of various efforts by the PCA council to
update the standard. You don't make it more relevant. You can the reason
I didn't I made this a separate section
is because I want you to keep calm and keep focusing on your compliance efforts with the current version
of the standard. At the same time,
take some time to read and plan for
PCI DSS version 4. Do not try to implement
4 right now you will get older because
it is a major change. It is not something you can just start implementing right away. You need to fully
understand what the changes are and how they will fit into the
larger picture. Okay guys, so just a cable, you don't get all excited and start implementing
right away. So what are we talking about? First of all, why has
the standard change? So if a major revision happened, well, that might be a question. You might say, why
did the PCA console do such a major rewrite
of the PCI DSS. And the PCI DSS is a
fairly mature standards for reasons they want to make sure that it needs a
security standards, the needs of the payments
industry, right? Because technology is evolving. We didn't have cloud before and other things before, right? And they've made it more mature from a
security perspective. Security was not so much
like what we call link here to risk management
and mature processes. Companies now have innovative
technologies which they can meet the intent
of the requirements. You remember what
I told you before? Try to understand the intent. Don't try to just memorize
the standard, okay? Because that will not help you. And it gives you a
lot of flexibility, also support of
additional methodology. So they've made it much more flexible, much more open-ended. You can have lots
of discussions with the QS is just remember, but very, very important. But guys, you need to focus on risk management
as a methodology. Don't just be technical. Understand how it is. How does management works?
If you don't know already. The key timeline, just to me to make sense of this diagram, the standard, the
new one remains option until March 31st, 2024. And then this version three
will go the older version, 3.2.1, it gets retired. After that, your audits
are going to be start happening against PCI
DSS version 4.2 only. Some of the new requirements, they're also not become mandatory
until March 31st, 2025. Until that time it will be
considered best practice. Okay. So many comments have been
added to the standard, their future dated March 2055, like I said, in order to
allow the new processes to be developed before I need to
do comments can be enforced. So that's the reason I focus. I made it a separate standard because I didn't want
to confuse you, right. I'm going to be focused
on the major changes. So you have until 31st, March 2024 to understand and roll out the new
requirements to the standards. And the QS is we're
going to be coming. They can start auditing
against the standard. Okay. Now two years seems like a lot, but they're really not dice. Please don't underestimate
just how quickly time passes by and how quickly
things change. You will get a strong
cup. Other things. I'll teach you how to focus
on whatever things to focus on and what are the things you should
be doing, okay? Okay? So the first thing is that it's not that big of a
chain, but scoping. So previously scoping, if you look at this
kind of scoping was like it was starting
to any initial discussion. It was in the introduction. It wasn't part of the
requirements of the standard, but now the council have moved it into the
requirements standards. Okay? And they've made it a traceable requirement effective
immediately for version 4. So this is not like future
data into other ones. Okay? So you will need to document
your scoping exercise. If you're a merchant,
you have to do it annually and if any changes happen or something like that, if you're a service provider, you will need to do
it every six months. Or a patron is data
structure data. So if you're a merchant,
make sure you're doing your, you should be doing
you're scoping anyways, start documenting your scoping exercise
on an annual basis. It might be a bit of a hassle first time, but then
it becomes easier. If you are a service provider, know that after March 31st, 2025, you need to be doing
this after every six months. But after any major changes, like something changed
in a manner that people's systems processes, you need to take into
that into account. Okay. What else is there a storage of sensitive
authentication data? Well, you shouldn't be storing sensitive
authentication data, but after authorization. So we already discussed this before, right?
Some organizations. So before the transaction
is authorized, they do keep store
the data temporarily. It was recommended that okay. You storing it for a
minute, half an hour, whatever it was recommended, you should try to encrypt
a protected right. It wasn't required. Well, it's no longer it won't be a recommendation after
March 31st, 2025. What has happened is they've
seen a lot of attacks. Attackers can try to compromise it vanished
within memory, this temporary storage,
they try to compromise it. Okay. So even if you're
storing it for five-minutes, then they will know and they
try to get it from memory. So you will even within memory, but then temporary storage, you will need to
encrypt it. Okay. So just keep this in mind. And this wouldn't be a recommendation after
March 31st, 2025. Okay. What else is there
remote access. So if you're using remote access into the cardholder
environment, okay? Then you must prevent the copy and relocation of
cardholder data case. Somebody can copy
paste this data out. This is this has been
mentioned before in the standard recommendation
is going to be a requirement. A lot of companies have
seen what they used to do things to put a
policy around this. But it now it needs to be
enforced by a technology, okay? Usually, it just should
not be too difficult. Usually if you have settings in your remote access software that prevent copy paste or you
have DLP functions, okay? So depending on what
you have and your current process despite be very easy, it might be
a bit difficult. You might need to invest
in a few more technology is all you need to put
some controls around this. So just keep this in mind
for this requirement. Okay, Web Application Firewall. So this is pretty
straightforward guys. Remember, I told
you that you can have Web Application Firewall or application painters.
It was a recommendation. Well, now you need to have it. It's no longer optional. Okay. You need to have a
valve after March 21st, 2025. Honestly, you should have a
rough like I told you before, don't try to make do with
secure coding reviews or upset, you should have a web
application firewall by default. So if you're not doing this, start doing it right now,
start budgeting for it. Skips on payment pages. So this is quite
enough interesting. This used to be like a
supplement from the PTA Council. This must not initially not
part of the PCI standard. If you have e-commerce pages with scripts which are running, you have to now
what do we have to do if your scripts
are being loaded? You need to make
sure that they're authorized and nobody can
tamper with those scripts. And you have an inventory of all the scripts
which are running. Why? Why is this happening? Because phenomena called
skimming payments, skimming, what attackers used
to do it is to compromise these
payment pages and inject their own scripts or tamper with the
existing scripts. Okay, so it's like you're
entering your data, but that data is actually
being entered on attacker's page and the
pH is genuine, right? But they just compared
with the script. So it's not even like
a phishing attack because the URL will
remain the same. That's why now this is
a very good comment personally because
e-commerce has started. It's like almost e-commerce is slowly taking over
the physical world. And you should have
these controls. So definitely take
a look at that. If you have an e-commerce engine which has come spring loaded, start taking a look at
the how you're going to be implementing this. And you can take a look at the e-commerce supplement
from the PCA council. That is also a
very good document that goes into more detail. Okay. What else is the
MFA requirements? So MFA has been
expanded a little bit. So what do you call now if we received was to be
for admin and remote access right now it's
going to be expanded to cover access into the
cardholder environment. Okay. So one more thing. So they've added a detail. It can be a little bit tricky. So what is this that previously
what used to happen? Usually in most MFA solutions you will put in your user
ID and password right? Click Enter, and then
another screen comes up. Then you have to put in
your MFA code right? Now. All of this has to
happen at the same time. So it's not like a
first-time user ID password. And then they enter the other factor right under the token. Now, they have to be happen at the same time
and they can't tell you which way the user ID password
field into token fail. You can't reveal
that information. So most vendors should
be updating it. But something to keep in mind. Other thing was
finally good view. So like I told you before, the PCI DSS password requirements
used to be like seven. Now they finally
upgraded it to 12. They should not be
a bigger issue. But if you have some of your systems which
needs upgrading, maybe you need to change
the password policy or something like that.
Keep that in mind. A minor issue is they changed, they've removed the references
to firewalls and routers. Now they mentioned it in effect, security controls
and anti-malware. They've made it
more in sync with what the industry
terminology is. Most companies now they
don't use a construct of antivirus reuse
something anti-malware. Okay. What else is there? Authenticated
scanning. So internal via scanning it now has
to be authenticated. It now it means
you can just scan your ports and services
and call it a via scan. So if you have like a server
or something like that, usually what you do
is you give it a you will provide the appliance
or user ID and password. It'll log into that machine
and do a complete scan. Okay, get ready for a much larger report if you're
not doing this already, honestly, we should be
doing this already. You should always be doing
authenticated scanning. Okay, but if you're not and
when you turn this on yoga, because now it is going
to be looking at, is going to authenticate and actually do a much deeper scan. A lot of things will
come up, Okay guys, so be ready for the start
doing this right now. Important part of this new
requirement is that the, the credentials you enter, they have to be entered
and stored securely. Okay. So take a look at that. If you have something
like a password vault or maybe you can integrate a lot of
these solutions they do integrate with
Password works, so you don't have to manually enter it and store it anywhere. Okay. Just keep that in mind. Lastly, okay, the most, personally in my opinion, the biggest change has been the introduction of
Customize Controls. So what used to happen? Like I told you before, if previously companies could
not meet the requirements, they could propose something
called a compensating control and use it to get around not
meeting their comment. For example, you can't encrypt cardholder data legacy system located, put another controls. And that is like a
mitigating that risk. A lot of time curious is they do get asked
the question, right. The auditor The companies
have asked me, okay, we have a security but I can't meet the
specific requirement, but I have secure controls. Okay. The response used
to be okay because you can implement a
compensating control, which is a temporary solution until you meet the requirement, until you finally fix this. Okay? So version four
of the standard, they have tried to resolve
this scenario by introducing this concept of
customized approach. So customer companies that
have mature security, okay? And they have other controls, they can meet the
requirement in other ways. So it's not a compensating
control is so much like a much more complex and a much more better way of
meeting the requirement. Okay? So previous things,
the previous way of doing it and it was called
a defined approach. Pci has been implemented is
called a defined approach. Now you're going to
have a separate section called the customized
approach, okay? And basically you're going to be proposing a new control, that means the requirements. So you're not compensating you're not compensating
for a gap. Okay. You're putting in
a new that is meeting the PSA objective and
that is of course, it'll be assessed
by the PCI auditor. This is a great
solution for companies who cannot directly
meet the requirements, but they have mature risk
management practices in place, and they have innovative
technologies. Okay? How would it look like? It's
a little bit like this. So the old one that defined
approach was, well, I have a PCI requirement
and I cannot meet it, so I'm going to put in
a compensating control. I'm compensating for a lack of control and I'm documentary
get short-term. The auditor used
to say, Okay, we accept it now maybe
after one year, five years, we have to
implement some solution. Okay, now, I have a
pizza I cannot meet, I have a customized control, I've made it and it meets the objective
of the requirement. The PCI standard is saying
This XYZ should not happen, cognitive should not get stolen. Okay, I'm meeting
the requirement and I've implemented this. So you can still do
compensating controls, but these new approaches are much more strategic
way of meeting it. So like I said, just
remember you're not compensating like
in a short-term way. Now you're implementing
a long-term approach for properly securing
your PCI requirements. Okay? So this is how the
standard is look like so that they can take
a look at it and style it. You don't have to start
implementing it right away. And it might seem a
bit overwhelming. So I'm gonna give you the
advice for that award. What to do about this,
how to focus on it, okay? And just to be clear guys, this management
and documentation is a big focus on
the new strand. So when you're doing
your activities, you need to do a
targeted risk analysis of why you're doing stuff. You need to make sure
those are signed off. You if you put in
customized controls, they will need to
be signed off by your Chief Risk Officer or CEO. Somebody senior, okay. This is not something
like I mentioned before. Pci DSS is not an IT project. But in the new one they have
much more emphasis on that. That you need to
have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Customized controls
need to be signed off. And targeted risk assessment
needs to be done. Don't think you can just make an Excel sheet with
one column saying, I've done a risk assessment. No, it won't be
accepted like this. How do you do it?
21. How to get ready: If you know Michael Lumia earlier before about gap
assessment, same thing. Okay. What are the
most important things to focus on right now? First of all, read the PCI
DSS version for Standard, get familiar with
the biggest changes that can impact your
compliance process, then start making a
gap assessment okay? To me, implement changes.
Probation for input. You have time, start early and you won't have problems during
your conversation. Okay, don't forget to keep implementing your
current standard, 3.211, but start thinking about how you're going to
be doing risk assessments. More like more formal
risk assessment is documentation
that required, okay? And most organizations
will need to add processes and gain skills
to do this correctly. Find out what sort of
certifications are there. Start concerting with you. And the cube, even though
they can't conduct a 4 assessment right now until they have
been formally trained. But it's going to happen
very, very quickly. Okay. But kind of get us
this will give you advice, but please do not
wait until 2024 to begin switching over
to PCI DSS for fido, spread your efforts over the next couple of years and
you will be just fine, okay? Okay. Just remember these things. Even have an increased
focus on documentation. Targeted risk management started investing in this tree
and there are many, many certifications
for risk management. You can look at those
certifications. I'm not going to nominate
any specific one. You can take a look at that. It would be a great
idea to invest in getting certifications
for and risk management. These are not technical,
but they will teach you the methodologies for
doing proper risk assessments. Okay guys. Okay, so this
wraps up the version 4. I hope you understand now the big changes
which are coming in, how you can go about doing it. It seems like, like I said, two years, it seems far away. It can be very short,
it can be very long. Spread your efforts out and have a proper action plan in place and you should be
just fine with this. Okay, guys, I hope
that was useful. That wraps it up and thank you for attending
this training. Now we're gonna move
on to the conclusion. And in this course, thank you so much for staying
with me during this time.
22. Way forward : Okay guys, congratulations on reaching the end of this course. I hope you found it interesting. It wasn't boring. I tried to make it as practical
as possible and give you as much actionable advice as I possibly could for
the class project. I just want to remind you, remember we talked about Essex. I want you to collect an SAQ, make it as simple as security or anyone's for a physical on e-commerce merchant
that will really teach you about the different
standards, different departments. It'll give you a good idea of what other comments
also, fill it out. Let me know how you
go about it and if you face any challenges since reach out to me and let me know. Okay. What else can you do, guys? You can take a look at
the PCI ISA program, internet security
assessor, that's an internist certification which you can do for your company. It makes you almost
equivalent to what USA, but you are not, you're, you're not like at usaid, you over your own
internal auditor, but it gives you
the full training for how to conduct these audits. If you're interested in this
definitely which it out. Like I said, don't
wait for the audit. Please start implementing
this knowledge right now. And you will definitely this is the best way to retain
that knowledge or say, one actionable tip I
can give you create a PCI document or manual for your company for the e-commerce, how to implement
these requirements daily rate for
your organization. And you will learn
a lot, believe me, you will learn a lot
about your company and how the different
comments are fitting in. And most importantly,
start gapping against the PCI DSS
version 4 is 0 today, don't put it off for next
year or the year after that, otherwise, you will
have serious problems. Start actioning it today. Take the knowledge I've
taught you and present it to your management and these are the things we
have to be doing. Okay, guys, that wraps it up. Thank you very much for
attending this training. Please do leave a review. If you thought this
training was useful, wonderful, please let me know. If you caught this training was like the worst thing
you've ever attended, please let me know so
I won't be offended. And I will use that to improve
on its training or take. If you are interested, you can reach out to
me on my channel, like the cloud security guy and other courses I have here, okay, do connect
with me on LinkedIn. I'm happy to help you out
if you have any problems. Okay, And that reaches the end of this course,
guys, thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed this training as much as I enjoyed making it. Take a look at my other courses
and do reach out to me. I wish you all the best in your PCI DSS journey and
see you in other courses. Thank you very much
and good luck.