1. Part 5 Introduction: Welcome to the course, Master Adobe Camera for professional raw
image retouching. This is part of the course. In this part, we will explore various editing controlled
within Adobe Camera Raw. First of all, we'll explore
the camera calibration panel. Second, ethics or
the effects panel. Third, the presets panel. And finally, number four,
the snapshots panel. First of all, you
will learn what is camera calibration
and how to use it. You will also get
to know whether the camera calibration is Walter the time and effort it takes. Then we will explore the
effects or the effects panel, which contains where it
is editing controlled for Dehaze grains and
vignette options. Then we will explore the presets
and the snapshots panel, which are very useful
for one-click image retouching workflow to save
you are done of times. Sound interesting. Join this course. I will see you
inside the course.
2. 1-Camera Calibration Part 1-Master Adobe Camera Raw : Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, we'll
be taking a look at the camera calibration
panel in Adobe Camera Raw. First of all, as you can see, one option we have
is off the process. So at the moment, 2012 is my default process. And if I click this
drop-down menu, it is showing me the
front option, 20102003. My camera is using the
current process online. So it is basically the
processing which your camera uses to produce the colors
and the tones in the image. So at the moment, my camera
is the modern camera. So it is using the
current process. But if you are using the older
camera than it might have been 2010 or 2033 for you. Alright, what it is
and how it works. Let me zoom in to show you. If I choose 2010, you'll see it has less
contrast a little bit. I don't know whether you
are able to see it or not, but it has slightest of control. This is 2010, this is 2012, and this is 2003. It has even less contrast. All right? This is how contrast and colors are produced
based on this process. Alright? So in most cases I would recommend that you choose
the current process. And that way you will have
more natural colors, Alright? Unless you want these effects, some faded looks than you can on for these processes as well. So I'll go for the current
2012 and let me zoom in. And from here we have
the camera profiles. If you are shooting
with the Nikon camera, then you might be having these different options which are available
within your camera. Like these are short
shooting modes. Camera, Landscape,
camera, neutral, portraits, portraits,
shooting mode, standard mode and
the vivid model. Or we can even choose
those as well. Like move it, it
has more contrast. Standard, it is very flat. Portrait. It is even more flat. Camera neutral and
camera landscape. It has more contrast
and more saturation. As you can see. This how Adobe
Standard and Gamma oil NCAA more saturation
and more contrast. So you can opt for
these as well. But I would go for
the Adobe Standard. We have certain other
options over here. So first weekend
edges see shadows. So if I click and drag it to us, The site, it is going to
introduce the purple color. And if I drag it to us, see this green side, it is going to
introduce the tent off. Green. Double-click it and
leave it to the default. And then we have
some red primary, red primary, green primary,
and blue-gray family. So this is basically
made of three colors, red, green, and blue, which is called the RGB image. We can even adjust to
the hues and saturation, or four, each tree
of the colors. With the red, I can change it to pink and towards
the orange, alright? If I want and saturation, I can increase the saturation or lower the saturation
of the red color. With the green primary. You can edit just as well. It's hue. If I take it to us,
the yellow side, you can see the grass and this
is a statue of the Buddha. You can add the
saturation or lower down the saturation of
the green colors as well. Similarly, we have the
option of the blue. I can adjust the blue
sliders to give it a hue of purple
or blue or Skype. And we can adjust the
saturation as well. Alright? And if you just double-click it, it is going to go for
its default position. Alright? You can do that as well. If you want to. There is one more use of the
camera calibration option. Let me show you. Let me first cancel it.
3. 2- Camera Calibration Part 2-Master Adobe Camera Raw: This is basically color
card and this color card, how it is used. So you take a picture of the scholar card in the
lighting environment. And then you can
bring in over here. And now you can open it in
Adobe Camera Raw and overhead. Then it would be opened, come to the camera calibration. And from here, you can choose
again, different options. All right? But how this basically
works and how it is helpful if you come over here
on the color sampler tool, which we have discussed in earlier chapters or earlier
lectures of this course. We have not, I have not
told you much about this. If I click it over here and we can sample
different colors, different colors like this one, this one, white,
yellow, any color. We can take the sample of that. So basically we can choose
most of the nine colors. You can choose which
colors your amaze have. Okay? So most of the time, like depending on
the clothing, skin, and environment or
the background, you can choose different options and different colors
based on your images. And thereafter, what you can do, you can come over here and then you can click and you
can save this setting. That way. You can save that setting and the
venue or press Save. So it is going to show you
this saved setting options. So you can choose
all these settings, or We're like white balance or basics, or parametric curves. We have all these
different options. You can choose them
and you can save that. Okay? So what it
is going to done, you can rename it like anything. Color, profile, shrew one. What it is going to do that whenever you are going to open an image and you want to apply that setting or that
camera calibration. You can easily do that
by going over here and select load profile,
node setting. Or it would be
available over here for you after we have
saved that preset. Now that would be
available for us to apply on any amazed by clicking on this menu option and going overhead
applied please it, and this would be
available over here. So with this one single
click weekend camera calibrate all our entire
shoot or entirely amazes, which was short within the
same lighting conditions. So we can choose color
profile shoot one. That is going to
adjust that for us. Alright? So this is how, this is how we can use the camera calibration option within the Adobe Camera Raw. But my take on the camera
calibration option is that I would recommend that you simply choose the
process current. And that's fine. Most of the time, it works perfectly fine. And you don't have to go
into all these options. Or do you can do you can
adjust the temperature in the Basic panel to get
the desired result. And the result is not worth the time and effort it takes to go into
all these settings. And it does not make that
much of a difference as well. So you can choose the
proper white balance with the help of this. Alright, so thank you so much. See you in the next lecture. In the next lecture
we'll be taking a look at the presets panel.
4. 3- Dehaze Option In Adobe Camera Raw-Master Adobe Camera Raw : Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, we are
going to learn all about the efforts or the effects
panel in Adobe Camera Raw. Meanwhile, I have updated my
camera raw filter to 9.7. As you can see over here, it was Camera Raw eight. But you don't have to worry. Not much has been changed
into this interface. Only the color has
become darker. And one more option of D Hayes
has been added over here. Dehaze is basically
helpful when you have some kind of a haze or
the fog into your image. Most of the time
it is available in the landscape images
where you are not able to see something. Because if you have taken
that short in the morning or add up play or at a time where there was a
fork president. So with the help
of this D Hayes, You can remove or in
Greece that his amount, as you can see,
this is the slider. If I drag it towards
the plus size, you can see it has
removed that haze. Alright? Even if there
was a light and it is considering that light
as a haze and it has, you can see I made this
sky very sharp on, and this one also. Alright, but this does not look good because I've
gone to the extreme. That is plus a 100
in this amazed. Thankfully, we don't
have any haze. But it Camera Raw considers
this light as the haze. And that's why I
tried to fix that. As you can see, if I want, I can make the subtle change. Alright? And if I take it
to us, this site, it is going to
introduce the face. So this is what I was talking about when I said that
there was a haze. Most of the time in
landscape images where there are mountains and sometimes in the
early in the city, if you are taking that short in the winter or the foggy morning, then you'll get this haze. With the help of thirds. You can increase or reduce that haze depending on
your desired result. What it basically does, it basically introduced to
the contrast to the image. And by doing that,
it removes that. And if I drag it
to the left side, it is going to take away
the contrast from the image and that would make this
full or has more intense. So this is how
this slider works. This is a new introduction
which has been added to the latest
camera roll 9.7, and the same has also been
added to the Lightroom. Okay. Thank you so much. See you in the next lecture. In the next lecture
we'll be taking a look at the grains panel.
5. 4- Adding Grains in Adobe Camera Raw-Master Adobe Camera Raw: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture
we'll be learning about the grains options within the ethics panel or defects funnel of
adobe Camera row. As you can see over here, we have the options
of who greens. Let me show you what
does green sliders does. Let me zoom into 100%. And as you can
see, the movement, we have little grains and this image is all
very good quality. But sometimes we want to
emulate the film look. And in that film
look or film era, there was lots of gray and
available in the image. So with the help
of this weekend, add those green to our amazes. So let me show you. If I increase this. You can see it has started increasing the green or
the noise in our MAs. And if I go to the extreme, you can see 100%. You can see amaze has
lots of grain and noise. Alright, man data
is not recommended, but if you want to achieve that, look, you can do that. But it is always
recommended that you make it so that it looks unnatural
and wonderful. Okay. This is only the small
amount adding to it, and you can choose
the size as well. Let me show you, let
me just increase it. And with the help of this size, you can increase the
size of these grains. And if I go away
extreme to 100%, it has made them very large. And if I go to 0%, as you can see, these grains have become very small, alright? Always keep it
something around here. And next option
is off roughness. And if I increase this
slider towards the right, you can see it had
made it more rough and on the left side it
has made it more smoother. So keep it to the default
position that is 50. And make the size a
little bit smaller. And green to something
around five to ten, or depending on the image or desired result you want to have. But for this image, I think is working
perfectly fine. So this is how we
can add the green and emulate the film
look to our amazing. So thank you so much. See you in the next lecture. In the next lecture we'll
be taking a look at the post growth
vignetting panel.
6. 5-Adding Vignette Effect In Adobe Camera Raw -Master Adobe Camera Raw: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we'll
be taking a look at the Postgres financing
options in Adobe Camera Raw. And we are at the moment
using the camera row 957. But you don't have to
worry if you are having the older version of
the Adobe Camera Raw because it's almost the same. We have the option of
post crop vignetting. And first over here, we have some styles and at
the moment it is grayed out. We'll come to that later on. Alright, I'll show you later on. So first of all, we have
the option of amount. From here, we have
these sliders towards see black and towards the white. So we can adjust
these sliders to add a vignette to our image. Let me put in the view. And if I drag these
sliders to us, the white side, it is
going to introduce the white vignette or
bothered to our image. This is basically useful, very useful for the wedding
photographs because this effect is being used
in photographs of weddings. All right, so if you
want to achieve that, you can choose that as well. End moment, we have done this to take a look
at the styles. Now we have these
styles available. We can drop down
this menu and now we have highlight priority option and color priority options
and paint overlay stuff. These are different
styles of which has been pre-built evidence the post
growth we knitting option. And if I drag it to us, the left side or the
dewars, the black side. Now, we have some
other options like Highlight Priority
and color priority. Those are basically the same. But it to pull, it would make the changes according to the colors
we have selected ahead and add the moment we have opted for the black color. It is going to give
us the same results. If you don't want to adjusted according
to your own liking. But if you want to go for
the styles or the presets, then you can choose
these sliders. As you can see, this one is very intense and this one is medium. And this one is very subtle. Or you can choose
whatever you like, or you can use the sliders to adjust or
get the desired result. Thereafter. Let me first show you over here. And second option is midpoint. So you can adjust the midpoint, as you can notice over here, this wide midpoint
has been shrinking. Moment I drag this slider
is towards the left side. And if I drag it
to the right side, this midpoint is increasing. You can make the midpoint
bigger or smaller depending on your desired result or what you want to achieve. And next is the roundness. So with the help of this, you can adjust the
downness as you can see if I drag it
to us right side, it has made it Verdi, don't. And if I take it
towards the left side, you can see it has
made it square. If I take it in the middle, you can see now it
has some old shape. All right, so you can adjust the midpoint as well and
then you can see downness. Alright? It is somewhat similar. You can adjust the
downness, alright? And if I drag it
to us this side, you can see the loudness
as becomes squared. And over here it is overall and all hear it totally round. Alright? So leave it default to
0% to add the position. Next option is our feeder. And if you drag it
to the left side, you can see now we don't
have any feathers, so feathering is 0 if either
is basically how this as is most of the
rest of the image. If you want to make
it so clear, alright? You can opt for 0 feeder. And if you want to register it, you can drag the slider
to the right side, okay? And this way we
have 100% feeder. You can choose that as well. But let it be 50 for
the better results. Unless you want
something different, then you can edit your stat. Alright, so again,
you can choose the nephron presets if you want, and you can get the
result you want. Alright. Thank you so much. See you in the next lecture. In the next lecture, we'll be taking a look at the camera calibration
panel in Adobe Camera Roll.
7. 6-Presets And Snapshot Panel In Adobe Camera Raw-Master Adobe Camera Raw: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we're taking
a look at the presets panel. What are the presets and
how we can use them. So as you can see at the
moment in this image, we have made some changes. And now we want to save that presets or
the same settings. And we want to apply
that same setting to the different images of the
same short or the same short. So what we can do, we can come over here
and select save setting. And it is going to ask
us whether we want to save all these settings like we did in the camera calibration. We can choose all
these and press Save. Or you can choose the Apply
Auto Tone adjustment. If you want to. Then
you can save it. You can rename it to
whatever you want, like XYZ. Now this would be available
over here or as XY jet. And now let me just press
Alt and moment I press Alt, this option of Cancel
turns into reset. So if I click it, it's going to reset
everything for us. Similarly for all the panels. All right, so it has
a reset everything. And now if I go to the preset
panel and click this XYZ, see just one single click. We have made the same
adjustment to this image and now let me open another
image of the same. So if I just double-click
it and open it, first of all, I need to
cancel it and open this one. And now under the presets, I can click XY g. And it is going to apply
the same settings. Since this has a
exposure differences. So I can adjust that exposure. And let me show you
with another image of the same lighting
like this one. And I open it and come over to the presets
panel and select XY. And you can see it has applied the same setting to
this amazing as well. So using this weekend
save a lot of our post-processing time and it gives us the same look as well. If you want to keep
the consistent look to all of your images, you can do that with
the help of this one. And let me open this one
image. Another remains. And first of all, let me cancel it and
open this one again. Go to the preset and
select XY g. And boom, the same settings and the same local with just
one single click. You can use these presets panel.
8. 7-Presets And Snapshot Panel In Adobe Camera Raw Part-2-Master Adobe Camera Raw: And second is of the snapshot. What it basically does, you can take a picture of
your current editing state. Like at the moment, this setting has been applied. So if I click this
icon or new layer, like icon, I can say final edit. And it is going to
available over here for us. Next, let me make something
this something very dramatic and create a new preset or the snapshot and we color blue, or maybe something like that. Now, if I click on
the final edit, it is going to give
me that result. And if I click on the blue hour, it is going to give me that. I can take the different
snapshots while editing. And I can finally, when I'm done with everything, I can choose which
one looks good, all right, and then I
can choose that look. This is how these
snapshots walk or you, if you want, you can
delete it as well. Click here and select
this Delete button, and it is going to
delete that for us. So thank you so much.