Paper to Pattern: How to Turn Line Drawings into a Seamless Repeat | Charnelle Barlow | Skillshare

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Paper to Pattern: How to Turn Line Drawings into a Seamless Repeat

teacher avatar Charnelle Barlow, Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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      02 SUPPLIES and ICONS


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About This Class

In this class you will learn how to use Photoshop as a tool to create a seamless pattern from your very own black and white line drawings. By the end of this tutorial you will have a good understanding of how to separate your lines from the background, digitally color them, and how to split the final piece to create the finished repeat. I'd love to see your progress, so please upload your process and finished pattern in the projects section.

Meet Your Teacher

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Charnelle Barlow

Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer


My name is Charnelle Pinkney Barlow and I am the lovely face behind Call Me Chartreuse. Originally from Poughkeepsie, Ny, I am an illustrator and surface designer that loves drawing as much as I love tea...and that's a whole lot of love!

The images I create are made to delight your inner child. These hand drawn whimsical patterns and illustrations are inspired by everyday objects, animals, and food.

I leave it to my artwork to tell my stories and make others smile. Whatever I'm drawing is usually a dead giveaway as to what I'm currently obsessed with (did someone say donuts??).

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1. 01 INTRODUCTION: everyone. My name is Sharon L. And I'm an illustrator and service in this class. I'll be teaching you how to turn your individual line drawings into a seamless repeat. With the help of photo shop, you'll learn how to separate your lines from the background. How to color those lines now to create a pattern with the use of a few simple to class is perfect for beginners because the steps are simple, repeatable and come to use on a variety of projects. All you need to spend paper way to scan your work and it will be food shop. So grab your tools and let's get started. 2. 02 SUPPLIES and ICONS: there are many different supplies you can use for this project. I'll show you a few that I use regularly. Thanks. Um, brush pens provide you with a lot of different textures, while pens and markers of various sizes help you achieve interest through line way, use whatever tools you have on hand. But I do suggest that you stick with black and white media, since we will be scanning these in and gray scale and adding color digitally now onto drawing your icons. The theme for your assignment is food. What you can take as figuratively or as literally as you choose. Since it's a broad category, there's a lot that can be done with. Observation is a key aspect of drawing, so before you start, gather reference and refer to it as you work. An icon is an individual piece, so there's no need to draw background or attach it to any other objects. If you're hesitant about doing your work on expensive drawing paper, grab a stack of computer paper and go to town. It's cheap, easy to find, and it's the perfect size for scanning. One thing I love about 10 drawing pieces for a pattern is the personality that the line provides. So enjoy the wonky nous of your drawings. If you make a mistake, don't worry about it. A lot of mistakes are easily correctable and photoshopped on sweet separate our lines. By the end of your drawing session, you should have a couple of pages of individual line drawings. Nine times out of 10. You won't use thumb all. So you want a variety to pull from. The more the merrier, so don't be afraid of over doing it. 3. 03 SEPARATING YOUR LINES: before we begin working in photo shop, let's quickly go over the specifications for scanning your work scan in each page at 300 d . P. I in gray scale, and you can save it as either a tiff or a J peg. I tend to save as a tiff because it doesn't compress the file like a J. Peg does. Next, bring your images into Photoshopped. Once your images are open, go ahead and rotate the image if necessary, to get it right side up. Just go to image image rotation and then adjust your image as necessary. For me, it was 90 degrees clockwise. Next, we're gonna go in and adjust the levels of damage. Go to image adjustments and then levels or apple el for short, click on the white eye dropper and click on the white background. This will make the whites brighter and get rid of any smudgy grayness. So just scroll through and make sure you don't see any grey haziness. So I click on a few different areas just to make sure I get all of the unnecessary gray out . Then click on the black eye dropper and click on the darkest black in your image and that will dark in all of your lines hit. Okay, when you're done adjusting and now we'll move on to channels, Click the channels panel right next to your layers on and then you're gonna command click on the Great Channel That's going to select the background. But what we want is for the lines to be selected. So go to select inverse selection and that will invert it. So will select your lines next room and go back to the layers Panel three, A new liar. Make sure your fill is on black and then we're gonna go to edit Phil, make sure you're Phyllis on foreground color. Select. Okay. And that is going to fill in the selective lines on. Go ahead. Do selected the select where you could do Apple Di for short. And there you have it. Your lines are completely separated from the background. So now what I like to do is I'll go in and add a white Phil layer just to make sure that there aren't any smudges that need to be Aries. Once you're done separating your lines, go to file, save as and save your image as a Photoshopped file. Let's do it one more time just to make sure you guys didn't miss anything. Rotator image as necessary to go to image rotation If we need to change your file from RGB two gray skill, just go to image mode and select grayscale scarred color information. And then we move on toe levels again. Again, you're gonna select the white eye dropper and click on the white background. This is going to get rid of any haziness that occurred during the scanning process. Think click on the black eye dropper and click on your black is black and that will dark in your lines after you hit. OK, go to the channels panel and command Click on the gray Channel Preview. This is gonna select the background. So just go to select inverse selection and then you're gonna go back to your layers at a new layer, Go to edit Bill, you're gonna fill the selection with the foreground color, then just pressed Apple D or Command D to de select the selection. And if you want, you can go ahead and delete the background layer. Then we're just gonna go to file safe as and save it as, ah Photoshopped file. And there you go. The lines are now separated from the background. Go ahead and do this process for each scanned image. Next up, we will be arranging our pattern square. 4. 04 HOW TO SELECT ICONS: Now it's time to separate individual drawings from the group. Use the lasso tool to loosely trace around each image. This will select it without pulling nearby pixels, which could cause issues later on. Once selected, go to edit, copy and then edit paste in order to pace the image on a new layer. Or you can hit command C and Command V as a shortcut. Name your layers as you go to make them easier to identify later on. Repeat these steps as necessary until all the icons you may want to use are on their own separate layers. 5. 05 ARRANGING YOUR ICONS: now for the fun part. Arranging your pattern square. First things first. Open a new document that six inches wide by six inches high. The resolution can be set to 300 the color mode can be RBB. At this point, you should have one blank document open as well as the documents with your individual icons . To make it easier to pull from your drawings, drag the tab of the blank document to the right of the workspace until the edges highlighted in blue. This will create a split screen to pull images into your new document. Select the layer of the image you want to grab and drag it onto. The new doctor used the eraser tool to get rid of any unwanted lines. Use your intuition as you play with scale, orientation and layout. Do you want your pattern to be densely packed or do you want to leave breathing? Be careful of leaving inconsistent gaps throughout your piece. As you begin working, think of it as a puzzle. Hopefully, you like puzzles. Think about how the images interact with each other as you place one image. The image next to it might have to change when arranging the new pattern, I'm constantly pulling pieces onto my workspace to see what fits together. There's a whole lot of pulling, moving and the leading that goes on the beginning. So take your time, finding what works and feel free to take a dance break if you're feeling stuff. One rule for this stuff is to keep your images away from the edges. You want all year icons arranged in the middle of the square. When you're happy with what you have on the page, select the layers with all your lines and merge them into one layer. Remember to save as you go. I like to save each step as a separate files. That way, it's easier to correct something if I need to go back to a past step. 6. 06 SPLIT AND FILL THE PATTERN SQUARE: Now it's time to break up your square and fill in the middle. To do this first, you need to take note of your image size. Go to image image size and write down the width and height of your image on a spare piece of paper and slept okay on that same piece of paper. Divide each number by two and write that number down next to it. Next, go to filter other and select the offset filter in the box that shows up. Set the undefined areas to wrap around and in the horizontal and vertical boxes. Type in the second set of numbers that we previously wrote down on the spear piece of paper . For example, my image is 1800 by 1800 pencil, which is 900 pixels when it's divided by two. So in the horizontal box, I type in 900 pixels and in the vertical box, I type in 900 pixels hit, OK, and now you should see that there is quite a large hole in the middle of your square. This is a good thing. The offset filters. What's your image? So all of your edges match up, which leaves the middle left to fill in full more icons onto the page to fill in the remaining areas of the square. Once I get an arrangement I'm happy with, I like to test the pattern to see if there any corrections that I want to make before moving on to the next step. To do this, select all your layers. Go to edit, click on define pattern. A box will pop up, prompting you to name your pattern. So name your pattern and select Okay, then go to Layer New Phil layer and select pattern. Select okay again and a new layer with a pattern Phil will be created. Double click the layers preview window, and that will bring up the pattern filled details. Go ahead and set the scale to 50%. This will allow you to see your new pattern in all its glory. If there's something you want to change, go ahead and do that now. If not, then save your image and it's on to the next step 7. 07 COLORING YOUR PATTERN: color sets the mood of your pattern. Here, you'll see that I've opened a new document and created a few small color palettes that I may want to pull from. If you're unsure about what colors you want to use, decide what mood you're going for and collect color inspiration from photos online or in magazines. On Layers panel locked the transparent pixels of the layer of your choosing the color your lines. Select the eyedropper and choose a color. Fill with the foreground color, or use the paintbrush to paint over the lines. Adding a background color is just as easy. Delete the white background layer so that only airline layers remain. Then create a new Phil layer and drag that layer all the way to the bottom of your layers panel. - Create a new layer underneath your lines and use the paint brush tool toe. Add even more color. - An optional step is to merge all of your line layers into one layer. That allows you to add color to your lines in one fell swoop. Lock the transparent pixels of that painted layer in order to change the color just as easily. One thing to keep in mind is that all of your edges matchup, which means that parts of the images along the edge will show up on another side. So be sure to add the same color treatment to that icon. When you're satisfied with your color, test it out, select all the layers, then select all and define your pattern to test the color version. I like to open up a new document and add a pattern. Phil Layer E. At this point, you can go back to your color file and play around with the color some more. If not, then congratulations on your new pattern. 8. 08 HOW TO SAVE WITHIN PHOTOSHOP: last but not least, is saving your pattern and photo shopped for future use. Double click the pattern. Phil preview To bring up the fill details here, you'll see that you can select the pattern you want the lake to be filled with to save the patterns you just created. Select settings and scroll down to save patterns. Give them a name and hit. Save toe, load them for future use. Go back to settings under the pattern filled details and select load patterns. Now you should see a file for the patterns who just create. Thank you so much for joining me in this class. Be sure to post your progress and finish pattern in the projects area.