Paper Craft 101 - Make a 3D Paper Flower / Bloom | Ashley Chiang | Skillshare

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Paper Craft 101 - Make a 3D Paper Flower / Bloom

teacher avatar Ashley Chiang, Artist/Color Enthusiast. Paper is my Purpose.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Paper Party!


    • 2.

      Choosing Paper and Tools


    • 3.

      Using the Shapes PDF


    • 4.

      Creating the First Shape - Angled Triangle


    • 5.

      Second Shape - Double Mountain


    • 6.

      Laying the Third Shape - Large Half Droplet


    • 7.

      Finishing with the Final Shape - Thin Half Droplet


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About This Class

In this class, we'll create a 3-dimensional paper bloom using simple cuts of card stock paper glued on end to form a blossoming flower. Once you've finished this class you'll be able to re-create this flower over and over, and try your own endless variations with different cuts or shapes.

You can create the basic shapes we'll be using three ways : By printing the class PDF and tracing the figures onto your paper (if using a thinner paper), you can also cut the shapes out from the template and use them as a stencil to cut around or you can draw your own similar shapes to duplicate as seen in the second video.

When you've finished one project you can print the template as many times as you'd like and use it as a base for bigger, bolder paper crafts too.This class is a fun introduction into paper craft and you won't need anything but paper, scissors, glue and tweezers are helpful!

Meet Your Teacher

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Ashley Chiang

Artist/Color Enthusiast. Paper is my Purpose.



*one-hand finger-waves*

I'm Ashley,

D.C. area paper graphics artist still completely astonished that people buy these paper thingies I make. Pink is my fave although I'm becoming partial to this cosmic combination of purple and Caribbean blue I've been working with lately.

You can find more of my work at or witness the colorful tornado that is the behind-the-scenes of PaperLiberated on Instagram.

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Crafts & DIY Paper Arts

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1. Welcome to the Paper Party!: so paper craft is making a comeback and you need to know how to get started. Whether you've been into paper for a long time like I've been or you're just getting started on the craft front, this project is gonna be super simple. And yet you're gonna have this beautiful paper bloom at the end. It's gonna look like you spent a lot of time on it. I've sold the same paper bloom for $420 in my online shines. And it's something that I've always loved. It's a project that I started when I was first getting into quelling. But I was also working in some paper sculpture, just creating the different shapes to make this paper. Bloom took me a super long time, but with the pdf in this class, you can print it as many times as you like, and you can make this project as often as you want. And I encourage you Teoh, especially to try out different color combinations and perhaps to even create a paper bloom wall. This paper bloom project is a little different than anything else. You're going to see it on Etsy or in line anywhere most paper blooms that you confined on Etsy or buy a kit to make are going to require that you fold and sculpt all the different pedals individually. With this one, there's very minimal sculpting, and it's all gonna come together. Each piece standing on end. All you need for the class is paper card stock if you have it. Otherwise, construction paper or color printer paper will work a pair of scissors, some glue, some sort of cardboard paper board or construction board backing, and you could also use a pair of tweezers. They're not required, but they're super helpful, especially when your fingers can't quite fit into tiny little spaces in between the papers . This project simple enough to make it a family affair. Or you could just grab a bunch of girlfriends and have a craft night. We'll go over your materials in the next video, so go ahead and click and roll and let's get started 2. Choosing Paper and Tools: fantastic. So if you have all your materials ready, just lay them out in front of you. I just wanted to quickly go over the paper that I'll be using on and also some other options if you don't have card stock available. So what I'm going to be using is my £65 card stock paper. You can find it at any local arts and crafts store. You can also order it online if necessary. These are the four colors that I will be using in my paper bloom so real fast. I wanted to just talk about the card stock. Why use it? Why? I like it In all my work, it's pretty much what I use for every project. I like it cause it's nice and thick. It leaves a nice, um, graphic feel to the peace. It doesn't feel flimsy. It doesn't feel, um, you know too delicate. It actually feels nice and sturdy, and also the color depth in card stock is gonna be nice and deep and usually don't have any issues with it fading too quickly. So to other options that might be easier to get your hands on. One is construction paper, and the other is colored printer paper. Both of these are quite a bit thinner than the card stock paper, but they could be something that you have on hand, and you might want to try these first With the construction paper. You lose a little bit of the color depth, but it's still an excellent option. You'll still have a beautiful piece in the end and then with the color printer paper. Same story. It's pretty thin, but it could also lend a bit of transparency to your piece, which could be a cool thing. If you have light coming from different directions, maybe a little bit more shadow play either way, all good options and next, the only tools that you're really going to need. If you want to have them, I always keep them handy. My tweezers. And then, obviously you'll need a pair of scissors to cut out your shape. Um, you could also use an Exacto knife if you're handy with those, but otherwise scissors will work just fine, and I'm sure that everybody has a pair laying around and the last thing you'll need is glue . The glue that I'll be using is this Scotch glue pen. It's acid free photo safe, so it tends to prevent bleeding from the colors from your paper, and it also dries nice and clear. And in the long run, if you're planning on keeping your piece for a really long time, it won't yellow the background or fade your pages. So if you have everything ready to go and again, all you really need our scissors, some sort of glue and your paper I'll see you in the next video. We'll print our pdf and get started making our shapes. 3. Using the Shapes PDF: fantastic. So now that you're ready to go with your materials, I'm gonna show you just really quickly how I intended the pdf to be used. Once you print out your pdf, go ahead and cut out each shape. Once you have each shaped cut out, you can lay it on top of the paper that you'd like to use whatever color you're using, and one option is to trace around it with a pencil or pen doesn't matter, and then use that outline to cut around. Alternatively, if you want, you can just lay it here. Hold the shape in the paper together and cut around it this way. Don't forget, you'll need 12 of each. Shape the alternative. If you don't want to print the pdf, you can use the measurements that I've included on the pdf To draw your own shape, you'll see that each of the sides of the triangle are two and 1/4 inches or 5.1 centimeters , so you can just use your ruler to draw it out on your page and then cut around that way, and you can continue to either measure it out or just use the shape that you first cut out in order to cut the remaining 11 shapes, let me know if you run into any issues, either cutting out your shapes or using the PdF. Otherwise, I'll see you in the next lesson where we get started putting down our center shapes. 4. Creating the First Shape - Angled Triangle: Now that you've got your shapes cut out, we need to measure the center of your board and you're just gonna make a little mark. So I'm just gonna grab my ruler and measure the center of my board here, just to be precise. And what I like to do for a project like this is I'll take anything with sort of around top . I'm gonna use this as my center while I get those first shapes around. So for the first shapes, what I'm going to do is curl a little bit, just using my fingers, sort of as if your curling a ribbon just a flying some tension and allowing the edge to curl a little bit. And I'm also going to sort of flair the top in the opposite direction. Now, with these and we have our 12 total here. Since we haven't even number, we just need to duplicate the shapes and line them up with one another. So one of the halfway point here, one of the halfway point there, so there's really no measuring involved. You don't have to worry about creating any sort of line. Are, um, Mark on your board in order to get them evenly spaced. As long as you can sort of eyeball these in a straight line and the next set in a straight line, you should be pretty even on nobody's naked eyes. Gonna be able to tell otherwise. So looking at this now, I can see that some of the curves are a little deeper than others. So I'm gonna collect all of them. And I'm just gonna try and get their shape to be closer to identical the tops and the round angle at the bottom so it makes them around, make sure. So I loosened the outside curve just a little bit, since we know that we're putting, um, other shapes in between. If it has too much of a curve like this in relation to this one, which is a little bit more loose, you're gonna have a hard time sticking your other, um, paper pedals in here. So you wanna have this first piece of paper going down to have a little bit of a loose curve just to make sure that you have enough space for everything else that's coming up next? So now loosen these and again, put them together just to make sure they're pretty uniform. So once you're happy with shapes you've made, we can go ahead and get them glued down. Just going to make a thin line of glue prime the bottom here and depending on what kind of paper you use, you might have to hold it in place for a minute. So you want to do to on the right and left, making sure that there I'm somewhat in line with one another and then you want to dio to at the top and bottom, and you just again want to make sure they're in line somewhat so that you have an even space here to fill in the rest of them. Now that you've got your 1st 4 down here and they're sort of evenly placed, you have these four even quadrants and two are going to go in each equal area here. It's so if you're shapes aren't perfectly the same, um, curve, it's fine. You're going to be able Teoh, clean it up as you go. So checking here that we're gonna easily fit two more perfect. Here you go. And as long as they're just about the same length apart, you should be fine to fit in your remaining shapes. And you just want to make sure that you're pushing them right up against your center there . If you're using something in the middle to make sure that once you pull that centerpiece out, obviously this little marker thing is gonna come out that you have a nice round center. You could see this one and the one next to it. The tops are pretty curved, and they're sort of bumping out the next one. So I'm just gonna straighten this a little bit. All right? Last one. And as you're going through, you consort of spot check. And just make sure that the two that are opposite one another are in somewhat of a straight line that will help keep everything even, Um, and nicely Symmetrical. All right, now that my glues about dry, I'm going to pull this out, grab my tweezers for this. What? My center. They're perfect. 5. Second Shape - Double Mountain : awesome. Now that you've got your center in place, what we're gonna use next are these double mountain shapes. These were gonna put one between each pair of the orange pieces we just put down. So you just want to curb it slightly with your finger and come and you want to make sure it's just about the same curve as the orange piece, so it looks pretty even coming out. And to start, you want to make sure that you have the small mountain in front or closer to the center and the larger mountain in the back or towards the edge of your board. I'm just going around a few and place them down and make sure we've got a good angle going , and these will get pushed up right to that center line. So you wanna be able to see them through your center in line with the rest of your orange triangles, some that glue this one down and just go all the way around. All right, is coming together nicely. So now that we have two of the four shapes down, just I'm going to go through on make sure that everything's pretty evenly spaced perfection is not realistic. But coming up some glue here. Yeah, and you just want to make sure that each line coming out here is pretty evenly spaced. They still have two more shapes to fit in between each red pedal and I'm liking how this looking so far, everything is pretty even. So. Not a whole lot of correction to Dio. Don't forget to take a picture of your progress and drop it in your project below. I'd love to see where you are. Let me know if you have any questions at this point. 6. Laying the Third Shape - Large Half Droplet: all right, moving on to the third shape. So the third shape we're gonna use is the one that looks like half of, ah, water droplets. So I know the last two remaining shapes are pretty similar, but it is the bigger of the two droplets, not the one that's a little bit smaller in size. So not this one, but this one. If you put them together, it's pretty easy to tell. So each one of these, it's gonna go in between an orange and red. But we're Onley putting one of these in between each red pedal and I'll show you what I mean, in just a second case, that's not clear. So each one is going to go this All right, so now that you can sort of see how you want to do it is pick either to put it in between a red and an orange or to put it in between the orange and the red. So pick a sequence and you're gonna put this shape evenly around on Lee one in between each red pedal. So as I lined them up, you'll get a clearer picture of it. It's get a few of them rounded. Just a gentle curve, Nothing too extreme. So you want to put the top of this shape that we're putting in right at the low point between the two mountains of the darker red pedals. So you don't want it hanging out here like this and you don't want it all the way to the centre either. You just want it just about in my design. It's gonna be about a centimeter down, depending on the length of your board. And what size shapes you cut Could be a little different. Yeah, so, again, you just want to place them down and make sure that you're mirroring the curve of the already existing pedals that make sure things are still pretty evenly spaced that there's still some white area in between each pedal. So I like where these are, and I'm gonna go ahead and glue them down. And as I'm going along, you can see the glue. It's a bit shiny here here, especially towards the end of the pieces. But if you're using a glue that's gonna dry clear, you really don't have to worry about it too much. Um, you shouldn't be able to really see it at all once everything iss finished and dry. All right, so now that I've got everything down, this is all three pedals, and we just have one more to go. Just taking a look around, making sure they're still white space in between each paper and making sure nothing's glued together. That should it be and that there's a good amount of space in between each pedal here and that they look pretty even so far. I'm pretty happy with it. I love the colors. If you have any questions at this point, snap a photo of what you've been working on and put it in your project below and let me know. 7. Finishing with the Final Shape - Thin Half Droplet: all right, and with this last shape, we're going to curb it in two directions, similar to the way that we did the first shape in the center. That the triangle. So what's going to be on the bottom is the part that has the rounded edge. So the flat side is actually what's going to be away from your paper. And what will be glued is this edge right before you hit the circle going up. So you're going to make the long side angled exactly the same way as the rest of your pedals. And then the pointed tip that's going to be pointed up away from your paper is going to be curved against the rest of your pedals or in the opposite direction of the rest of your pedals, So show you what I mean. So putting this down here, the thinner side is going to be glued down, pointing towards my center, and it's just about the same angle as my other pedals. And hopefully this is clear that you can see it and the pointed tip is going to be pointed out of my pedals, whereas all the other petal shapes are facing clockwise this one is going to be facing counterclockwise. So and just like before you put that larger teardrop shaped one in between each of the red pedals And again, there's only gonna be one of this burgundy colored shape in between the larger red petals. Here, you're gonna fit them in the open space here. So if you copied my pattern, it would be in between one of the centerpieces and one of the double mountains. So the centerpiece first your center triangle. First, the pedal were putting down than the double mountain. And I'm gonna glue this one down and you're gonna line the tip of this one up. Not with the exact center of your pedals, but with the teardrop shape that you just put down in step three. So again, it shouldn't be reaching the centre. In my design, it's just about one centimeter out from the center, two down, 10 to go. Just making sure as I go along on before my glue gets to dry, that everything is based out and that they're still white space and none of the pedals or touching one another. And for the last time, I'm just gonna look around and make sure that everything is pretty evenly spaced. Some things are a little close, and if you're glue hasn't dried yet, you can just adjust them slightly. I'm sure none of my pedals air touching one another. So from above, that looks pretty, um, symmetrical. And from the side you can see this sort of fire emerging from the middle. In fact, this one almost looks like a fire, thanks to the color. So let me know what you thought of this project. I'd love to know if this is your first paper craft or if you've done something like this in the past. This is in a different direction of the normal work that I do, which is paper quelling. You can check out the other video on my classes to see a tutorial on finger quelling what exactly it involves. But it's similar and that you're shaping the paper just with your fingers who achieve a really deep textured visual display