1. Welcome: Welcome to painting and cake class. In this class we will learn how to paint cherry blossom pattern on fondant cakes. You'll be introduced to various types of food colorings and we will learn the basics of painting on cakes with simple actionable steps to paint the cherry blossom. If you're a baker or a cake decorator, or you just want to try painting with different mediums other than paper and watercolor, this class is meant for you. My name is Winny, and I hope to see you in class.
2. Food Colorings: Hi guys. Let's start this class by first looking at the types of food colorings. What you see here are colorings that are generally used by bakers and cake decorators. We can use all of them for painting, except for the edible glitter or also known as the disco dust, it's more likely to be used for declarations. On the top, we can see the edible coloring marker or pen, and it could be used for drawing. We can use the rest of them for painting, even the lust re dust to get the shiny effect. The most popular thinner to be used in painting is probably Vodka. It works well and evaporates pretty quickly as well as everclear. Some people would also use lemon extract and also cocoa butter with color dust. I've tried all of them except the everclear. To be honest, I don't use them anymore once I've noticed that working with water would be just as fine. If you want to lower your cost or you just simply don't have any of the alcohol or cocoa butter at home, water would be just great, if you know the tricks. Each type of the food coloring has its own characteristics. To determine which one to use, it really depends on what kind of result we are aiming for. Based on my personal preference, I will use a combination of paste, gel and liquid, which depends on the color availability and what color mix I want to achieve. The reason is because they're available in more colors in my country compared to the color dust. I usually use them to achieve watercolor effect. Also the color is more concentrated, which is great for painting, so you don't have to use a lot. To paint bold or solid colors, I would definitely go with the color dust. Actually, you can play around with the amount of water, which can make it look watercolory or bold. One thing we have to remember is that fondant isn't paper, and since it is basically sugar though, we can't put too much water or any liquid, like if you're doing watercolor on paper, so always remove excess water from your brush to get the best result. You can absolutely paint on dark or black fondant using a mixture of melted cocoa butter and color dust. Just don't use too much cocoa butter because it will make it look translucent. To make the colors pop even more, paint a layer of white first, then continue with the chosen colors on top of the white layer. Here are some of my previous work that I hand painted. We can do a lot of things with painting on cake, such as making textures look more realistic or even do traditional paintings.
3. Practice Step By Step: Before we paint the cherry blossom, we want to get our colors ready by mixing some colors and experimenting with the consistency of the food colorings and a thinner of your choice. I was using a round brush, number 2, for this project. Now, the colors that I use for this project was a mixture of pink, dusty rose, yellow, and white. Make sure to download a list on the attachment because it has all of the details. The key of painting on cake is to remove the excess water from the brush. If you're painting looks a bit translucent, it means it contains too much water. It's a bit tricky to determine how much water we need to thin the food colorings, and you have to do it yourself to better understand the consistency. But the point is not to put too much water or too little water, because the food coloring gel or paste, without enough water, will dry less quickly. After we have prepared the colors, the basic pink, white and darker pink, let's start the first step. Make a heart shape or a shield shape with pointed tops. Next step, paint a layer of white on top of the first step. Step 3 is to paint the gradation using darker pink and use water to soften the gradation in step 4. The final step would be painting a dot using a more concentrated dark pink. Now let's do all the steps together. We want to paint five petals using the five steps that we have just learned. Practice these steps on a rolled fondant before we paint on the cake.
4. Painting On Cakes: For this project, we will need a cake that is already covered in fondant and left for at least four hours to dry before painting. If you're new to cake decorating, you can learn how to feel and mask a cake in the previous class, modern texturized butter, cream cakes class. You can also learn how to cover a cake with fondant. The lesson is available in the watercolor galaxy cake class. Now if you're ready, let's get started. I always look at my cakes and determine which side is the front side and mark it with a pin or something else. I usually would paint the backside of the cake first, which probably has more imperfections than the front side. It's kind of using the backside as a room for practice. Just in case we make any mistake. Don't worry, because we have the freedom to erase it. I'm going to show you how. Let's say that I've done a terrible mistake here and all I need to do is to dip my brush in clean water and brush it on the mistake, then get a tissue paper to wipe it gently. Be very careful not to press it too hard, otherwise it will leave a dent. Let's start painting on the cake by first marking where we want to paint the cherry blossoms. Since I do it in groups of threes, I marked three dots onto the fondant as the centers. Then I started doing step one. Repeat this step until you have covered the entire cake. You can see here, I had a bad body posture. We can actually put something like a box underneath the cake stand to elevate the cake even more. I was holding the cake stand with my left hand because this thing was a bit shaky. But you can hold your other hand instead to help stabilize the brush, especially if your hand is shaky. Once the first layer has dried, which shouldn't take a long time, we're ready to do the second step, which is painting the white layer. After the second layer has dried, we can now do third and fourth steps, a gradation. Finally, do the last step after previous layer has dried. We're done.
5. Your Project & Thank You: Thank you so much for watching this class till the end. If you have any question, please ask me on the discussion board. For your projects, please make hand-painted cake or cupcakes using the techniques that we have just learned in this class and don't forget to share your creations here on skill share. Thank you and see you later.