Painting a Garden Chair : easy and fun Watercolor Project | Irina Trzaskos | Skillshare

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Painting a Garden Chair : easy and fun Watercolor Project

teacher avatar Irina Trzaskos, Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Supplies and Colors


    • 3.

      Drawing a Garden Chair


    • 4.

      Painting a Garden Chair


    • 5.

      Adding Details


    • 6.

      Thank you!


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About This Class

Happy August! I hope you are having a fabulous summer. Today, we will be painting a garden chair, I will show you step by step how to paint it, but feel free to add your personal touches.  This is the 10th class in the series of fun and short summer classes 2018. These classes are meant to keep you inspired while allowing you to spend more time outdoors enjoying the beautiful sunny days. Below are listed the classes we already published in this series, I will be adding a new short class almost every week during the summer. Also, I have a myriad of other watercolor classes, in case you want to dive deeper into the watercolor painting. 

Thank you so much for joining me in my classes. I love seeing your summer artwork.

Happy painting, x Irina.


My other fun and short summer classes:


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Irina Trzaskos

Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi everyone, my name is Irina Trzaskos, I am an watercolor artist and illustrator. I teach a lot of watercolor classes, online and offline. This is another short summer class, and today we'll be painting a garden chair. The next video I'll show you the supplies I'll be using in this class. So let's get started. 2. Supplies and Colors : In this class, we'll be using the following supplies: watercolor paper. I see usually cold press, a 140 pounds; watercolor paint, whatever paint you have will work fine; water; paint palette; paper towel; eraser; a pencil; a round watercolor brush, this is number four; and the small watercolor brush, this is number two. Obviously, I cut the paper to the size I want and let me show you the colors we'll be using today. So for a weaker shade will be using raw sienna. You can also use yellow ocher, which will work fine for this. To add the shadows to raw sienna we'll be adding purple. So purple is our other color we'll be using. Also we'll be using blue, a warmer shade of blue, which can be called Prussian blue in your set. In [inaudible] watercolor it's just called blue. Also we'll be using Carmen red or magenta or a mix of them. Beautiful. Cadmium orange is another color we'll be using today. And the last color we'll be using is yellowish green. And this is it. And we can start drawing our chair. 3. Drawing a Garden Chair: To draw a garden chair, I have a light sketch here, but I'll show you. So we are drawing a curved line like this. It's almost like a j but it's turned like this. Another one smaller right here. A curved line like this here. We have a shape of our chair. Also we'll have a little bit of back curving here. Another arm support here. Here will have a pillow. Also we need some lines for a weaker pattern, and some lines here and u here. I don't have legs. This is all the drawing we need and next we can start painting. Again, your lines have to be way lighter than mine and if yours are as thick as mine, just take your eraser and make them lighter. 4. Painting a Garden Chair: Now when we have our drawing, we can start painting. Let's take some raw sienna. You can use a yellow ocher too, it work great. However, I like raw sienna better for base. What we'll do first, we'll just stop paint the outline, just repeat all the lines we did with a pencil. We want paint red pillow for now. But all the other lines decides pillow and the likes. They can be thicker, they can be lighter. Now when we have main lines, we can start adding some shadow gentle by mixing a little bit of purple to our raw sienna. It has to be a little thicker too. Let's have our shadow on the right side. Just a little bit of shadow, no challenge. Then horizontal line we'll have them on the bottom of the line, and here, this is good. Next with a smaller brush, we'll take some more raw sienna, and you loaded with more water, and we'll start painting the lines. You don't have to be perfectly parallel, but this is much here. Of course it would be nice if they're parallel, but it's okay if they are not. You can see my watercolor is very watery, so it's a CIF rule and gives you this daily light. Beautiful water color fill. This lines don't touch. We have a little bit of space here before the pillow starts, so we add some texture here too. We'll wet the base lines because off the base lines we can see the pillow, so we'll paint a pillow first and these lines, but we paint these lines. It's very watery, but it's exactly what I wanted, so don't worry if the lines are splitting between them, it's beautiful. On the seat. A thick line here too. Good. While it's drying, we can paint the legs of the chair, we'll take more purple, and the little bit of a raw sienna again, and will paint the legs. It's splitting, but it's great. It's a beautiful effect and let's add a darker line here too. Very nice. Here under the pillow we can add a little bit of shadow too. Now let's make some orange with a little bit of blue, and let's add some shadows to our pillow because it's going to be white, or we have some ornament, but let's add some shadow too on the pillow before we add our ornament we need to add a shell. This is enough. Let's dilute a little bit of a bigger brush, so it's not too harsh. We can see here, the pillow ended and we should have some more water. Great. Now let's let it dry, and next we'll be adding some ornaments on the pillow and some foliage around. 5. Adding Details: On first layer, it's almost dry, so now we can add some more shadows. We'll make some thicker, with a little bit of purple and a little bit of shadows so here and the least part. Now let's add some ornaments to our pillow. My favorite part are details so let's add, we already added my shadows because the watercolor is transparent. They will show through our ornaments so we don't need to worry about, white shadows anymore on a pillow like this. You can use any colors you like, I picked orange. I'm really improvising so we will see what happens. Some bright blue, bestial complementaries work well together. You know how much I like blue. Just try not to mix them together because it'll turn into [inaudible] , gray. I'm trying to at least create an abstract pattern, very carefully, leaving white space in between. Let's take some magenta and add some more lines. Whichever ornament you want, you can go with Eastern European monochromatic, maybe. Anything you can think of. My Kayla's slides are dry for now because I'm afraid we'll make certain mental turn to mass. Next let's paint a branch again with some purple in it. Let's paint a quick branch here. Next let's take some yellowish-green and add a little bit of bloated and step it in bright so it's a little bit of orange and some more green. Next, let's now paint some leaves. You can paint and just by pressing the brush on paper or you can actually give them some shape. Like I do, or you can go just like this. I need a little more blue. I want to add some banana leaf here. You watched my tropical leaves so close you probably know how to paint it, without any comment. It's an easy way shaped to paint. One here, why not. I'll just add a little bit of green mixed with blue, to the pillow. While I am trying this add some flowers to our branches too. I want to cluster here and maybe here. Just a cluster of flowers with brushstrokes. I'm not sure if it looks tropical enough, but it does to me. Next, let's add some texture to each of this, a leaf, some lines maybe some more leaves. This does not drink so I'm absorbing the extra water. Wave approach and the paper towel. To this one, let's add a little bit of blue. Well, it's still weird. I will make some more blue and green and I will add some shades to other leaves too. Now when you turn some shadows, chair flowers so we'll mix a little bit of blue and magenta, this is too much. I will add a little bit of shadow to our pink. We change the shape a little and I like it better. Realize what we have to do is to add these details on the chair, which we left because I will have to paint them [inaudible]. A little bit more shadow here, I feel like we need it. Also with magenta. I'd like to add some compounds, right here on the top of the pillow and maybe on the bottom too. Few lines missing here and here. Our quick garden chair is ready. 6. Thank you!: Thank you for watching my class. I hope you can adjust to paint with me. Please share your artwork here or on Instagram and I can't wait to see your beautiful art. I'm looking forward to see you in my other classes. Bye.