Paint 5 Ambient Atmospheric Landscapes In Watercolor | Sukrutha Jagirdhar | Skillshare

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Paint 5 Ambient Atmospheric Landscapes In Watercolor

teacher avatar Sukrutha Jagirdhar, Watercolor Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Art supplies


    • 3.

      Techniques & Tips - Blending


    • 4.

      Techniques & Tips - Trees & Types


    • 5.

      Techniques & Tips - Masking tape


    • 6.

      Project - 1 - One Evening


    • 7.

      Project - 2 - Purple Sky


    • 8.

      Project - 3 - Morning Walk


    • 9.

      Project - 4 - Beautiful Dawn


    • 10.

      Project - 5 - Darkest Night


    • 11.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Hello Guys

i am back with another class..

This time we are gonna paint five completely moody,ambient and atmospheric landscapes..

There are total of  in this landscape..these are beginner friendly..i made sure to add lots of details to make the whole concepts in techniques easy to understand..

First technique is blending, second being how to paint different types of trees using different brush strokes..and third is how to use masking tape for better effects to paint a landscape..

And then we will get started on painting five projects using the techniques above..

These five projects are completely different from one another but at the core though, depends on three techniques discussed above.. 

I hope you guys find the techniques discussed useful and have fun painting the projects i've picked out..

Have an amazing time with art

Love, Sukrutha

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Sukrutha Jagirdhar

Watercolor Artist


Welcome to this cozy and creative winter watercolor class! I'm so excited to have you here as we paint a peaceful winter landscape together.

This class is designed to be a relaxing and therapeutic escape--perfect for unwinding and enjoying some "me time" over the weekend. Whether you're new to watercolors or a seasoned artist, I hope you find joy and inspiration in every brushstroke.

Link to the Class - Let's get started and make something beautiful!

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1. Introduction: Hello, guys. I'm back with a new Klatt thing. This time we're going to paint five moody atmospheric landscapes, and with these landscapes, we'll also talk about many techniques, like blending. Have two colors on my personal favorite video on how to paint different types of trees on brushstrokes needed to paint those trees on all those importante tents. So without further ado, let's get started. 2. Art supplies : 3. Techniques & Tips - Blending: we'll discuss the blending techniques I have used for all the landscape, starting from the first to the last. I'm not covering the sun area, our moon area with masking tape, because it just will distract us from learning the techniques off blending. So I'll start with the 1st 1 here. I have used yellow, orange and pines create Andi. Let's stop read the paper with clean water in water. Column will start from light color to the dark, so I'm using yellow first and then I will blend it with the orange. Later we lose the finds. Great. Now I'm lending their yellow with a little bit off orange use 100% cotton people. Half the blending can be achieved with the use off the right paper here. Now I'll take pines great, and I will cover the pines create on the top as well as bottom off the paper. As you can see, it looks like brown, but it doesn't because when finds Craig, it's mixed up with the yellow and orange. Make sure it turns to brown color, but that's okay. Now I'll take the clean brush and I'll blend all these three colors together off like I said, If we have 100% cotton paper, it stays wet for a long time so that you'll have more time to blend the colors. Now the foreground that is thes mountains. How we paint them will be discussed in the video for dark, or I'll stop right here, and we'll move on to the next technique off blending. So the next landscape is purple Sky here have used only one color but different values. Light purple to paint the sky under dark purple to paint the clouds. Here, let's see how we can paint this the first step, as always, with the paper with clean water. I'm using Number four More Brescia on. I'm taking light purple, that is, I'm mixing it with a little bit off white pain that is already present on my palette. This is a normal white water color paint. It's not gosh covered in Thai paper with the light purple. Now, while the paper is still wet, I'm taking dark purple, and I'm also using number to pressure. That is, it has a small point. Come back to the number for my brush so I'll use number two brush and I'll take the dark purple and I'll start adding clothes at the random. These clouds don't necessarily have to be specific, are detailed. Just a few brushstrokes here and there. I think I'll stop right here. Make sure your paper is 100% Corton, so it stays with for a long time so you can add the clouds and I'll keep this for drying and we're done and we'll start with our next landscape. This is my personal favorite, and if you see the colors are arranged in a uniform manner that is light to dark yellow, orange, pinkish color, indigo and pines create, and we'll see how to paint this. Now start by reading the paper with clean water. I'm using number for more brush. Start painting their law from the top off the paper and then add some orange and blend alone orange together. Just likely. Now I'm mixing red with the purple to get their pinkish, uh, cholera and now take indigo underst painted below. That pinkish color on last finds great. No, it light brushstrokes. Move your brush from one end off your paper to the next and blend all the colors together and that's it. And of course, It does look easy, but you'll need a bit of practice to achieve the complete blending, and we'll start with our next landscape. We need only Tokelo, CIA, orange and green. Start preventing the paper with clean water. I'm using them before more brush. Here. I'll start by adding green at the top off the paper when I think I'll stop right here at green only one by foot off the paper and start with orange. No blend the two colors together, and we have done blending these two colors together. I wanted to talk about a few things. Before you start your projects, you need to have good soft brush as well. The brush is as important as the paper paper should be. 100 person Cotton. 300 GSM minimum onda. A few breast strokes can give you a flawless blending. If your brushes to dry are two reasons, it's quite difficult for you to blend the colors, so make sure you invest in a good brush on 100% cotton paper. So the last landscape the darkest night is not about blending tuberculosis just one color, so I included it here in the last of the video So take finds Great unpainted on a paper. This is one of the easiest washes to achieve in the water column because we're using or live on Kalayaan. And make sure you practice enough before you start with your projects and thank you for watching. We'll wanted an extra dio. 4. Techniques & Tips - Trees & Types: There are quite the different types of trees I painted in this class, so I thought I'd make a small tutorial on how to paint them secret. Here is different. Trees can be painted by different breast strokes on sometimes different brushes as well. The trees off the first of four landscape I painted with this brush that is number one synthetic brush. It has a quite pointed helps to paint that in lines over the trees so you can use any brush , which is number one and has a quite nice stiff on the last landscape. That these darkest hour has a bit off a large pints. So I used number to brush here. The branches and the leaves will be larger here because I used the larger brush. So we'll see how we painted all this. So I'm using the back off the same paper that I used for blending techniques. So the brushes synthetic brush number one, which I have already mentioned on Alpha start with this one. The trees in the first landscape. I'll take finds. Great. Actually, I'm using pines great for all the trees in this video and make sure you have a good point on your brush. It should be sharp, So the first thing dry a straight line very lightly. Don't press your brush to the paper and job a few dried up lee use or branches in a zigzag mana. That's it. And that's it. This is how I have painted the trees in the first landscape. Paint under the tree here and I let you guys observed. Remember straight line on zig zag manner. Leaves or branches. I guess we're done well. Morninto the next. A type of tree. The second landscape. I have used completely different trees than the 1st 1 so take the same brush that is number one synthetic brush with the quiet good point and then draw a line straight line. Do not put too much pressure on your hand under drug Elise here I am not trying the leaves in his exact but just a descent to each other again. Don't put too much pressure on your hand if you put so much pressure, branch of the tree will come out like this and this is not what we want. So, less pressure on a straight line practice a few times by not putting the pressure on your hand, and it will be good enough to start on your project. So the trees in the tower landscape are as same as the 1st 1 so I will not be teaching that now. Use the same techniques on the same brush. So now will discuss the trees in the fourth landscape, taking number one synthetic brush on by musing pines gray. So these are what I like to call it a Stine pines dry a straight in line and just draw the horizontal small lines in a zig zag manner. Do not try to use or anything, and that's it. I will drop on more and let you guys absorb, and then we'll mourn for the next type of fines. Last comes the hardest. You need a lot of practice to achieve this kind of pines, and for this I'm using a larger brush that is number two. Another paint two types of pines here. One is in the lighter share data is in the darker and for the darker shade of pines gray, take more pigment, unless water and for the lighter shared, take more water. Unless pigment like I'm showing here in this video, Like I said, I'll paint two types of trees, one in Dakhla and one in lighter. First, I'll paint with the light off. First step, draw the line straight line movie. A brush in zigzag manner. Since the brushes larger, the strokes will be larger. I'm painting. Lose in this shape. Make sure you practice enough before your attempt on the landscape. Now I'm painting another tree here. I used more pigment unless water, so the so that you used to go in color and I let you guys observed this one and that's it. I hope you guys find this video helpful, so we'll more into the next one. 5. Techniques & Tips - Masking tape: so I would be using masking dead to cover up the sun or moon area in all of my, uh, projects here. So I thought I'd show you guys on how to cut the masking tape in our own ship. If you already know that, and if you're already practiced it, please escape this video. So take about turned after three centimeters off the masking tape. It's very sticky, so you need a bit of practice. I'm taking a pair of scissors and cut it in the round shape, and that's it. It doesn't have to be completely around. It's okay if you have somewhere uneven adjust. Alternatively, you can use masking fluid to cover up the sun or moon area. But today I did not use that. I used masking tape instead. 6. Project - 1 - One Evening : let us start with our first landscape. The first step would be cutting the masking tape in a round shape like we had talked in techniques video. This should be easy. Practice once or twice and you're good to go. It's okay if you don't cut in exact round shape. This is good enough. I'll stick it right here. Onda. I will move on to the next step Pains. We need a yellow, orange, red and pines gray. I already have someone. My palate unjust. Use them with the paper with clean water. I'm using number four more bruscia. Now I'm taking your law on painting it over the area near the sun. No, take orange. I'm mixing it with a little bit off your law on Blended with a law on the paper. This is a classic blending technique we have talked about in techniques video. You need a bit of practice on a good paper toe. Achieve this flawless blending. I'm taking finds gray now on blending it with their lower and shades on the paper. This is giving a kind of brownish color. Continue dragging the pines create below Dale Orange area. Now I'll take finds. Gray again on add another layer on the top. Please note. My papa is now damp and it's easy for me toe Adlai years. If you're not using Corton paper, you can't add layers easily so my people beat articular in one. Go will paint a mountains now, and I'm mixing your low with Brian's Great just a little bit to make it lighter. Just drag the color down to the paper and we'll keep it for drying. After it's completely dried. I'm taking by and scare directly without adding a law on. I'm painting the next to layer off the mountain. I'll keep this for drying now, after it's completely dried. I'm taking a number one synthetic brush. I'm taking finds great and I'll start adding the trees. We have discussed about this trees in our techniques and tips video. So I'm keeping this trees to a minimal number. I don't want to overcrowd the trees here. Add one right over here. - A couple of them were here. - I'll add one right here on. It will be the last one. I will not remove the masking tape. Andi, There we go. We have the sun. Make sure your paper is completely dry before you rip up the tape. Let's do some splattering or here with Brian's gray. And I'll use this technique in almost all of the videos, and I will add a few books here and there. - Wear done. Let's more onto the next landscape. 7. Project - 2 - Purple Sky : we'll start with our next landscape, that is, But the first step would be cutting the masking tape in a round shape. All right, we'll stick to the right side this time. Amusing to close that is purple and pines gray. But I'm mixing purple with a bit off white here to get that lavender sort of color. I'm taking purple and I'm also adding a little bit off wide. Not gosh are acrylic. It's just normal white water cola mixed white with purple until you get this shared on. This is the original purple. Now start the landscape by wetting the paper with clean water. And I'm using number four more bruscia. Take the purple color, which is already mixed with a bit off white on ad to the paper. Cover the in di paper. With this color, now is the interesting part. Take number two brush Andi at a few clouds here and there with the purple color without mixing it with the white color. I'm adding these clouds while the paper is still there. - I'm adding these clouds at random. You cannot, uh, these clouds wherever you want. I think I'll stop right here and keep this for drying only after the paper is completely tried. Take pines gray and start adding the ground area. Cover the entire ground with the pines gray. Now I'll start adding the trees. These are not actually trees, but dried branches. So I'm taking a number one synthetic brush for this as usual, Um, adding these dried branches in random. Their trick while painting atmospheric landscape is to not overcrowd but not overdo with anything. Keep it simple and clean with a. The bright colors are dull colas. Now I'll use the splattering. Take me when I'm using pines Great here. I will also splatter some stars using white Gosh. You can use Whitewater color as well after you're done splattering, removed a white masking tape. If your paper is wet, wait for some time till it dries. When we are done with the purple sky landscape, let's move onto the next one 8. Project - 3 - Morning Walk : well, no one without next landscape that his morning walk Well, I'm using yellow, red, orange, purple fines grace. Well, actually, I used a bit off indigo as well. Now we'll proceed without usual that is covering the sun area with the masking tape, - and I'll place it on my right side. But I tell, and we'll start our landscape by beating the paper with clean water. And I'm using number four more bruscia. Let's start with a local law, which is closely followed by the orange blend. The Stoke colors together like we had talked in techniques and tips video. Now I'm mixing red color with purple until I get the shared off steeping mixed these strugglers until you get the shade right here and applied the shade right below the orange and just blend all three closed yellow orange and this air stepping together. Now add in the go right below the pink color and finally take finds. Great on added till the edge of the paper that his bottom off the paper I'll keep this were drying. Once it's completely dried, we'll start with painting the trees so they will be two layers off the trees. One is in the background. That is, we have to paint it with the light color. I'm taking indigo and one will be in the foreground. Will use pines greater than so. Actually put some water in the indigo to light on it a bit, and I'll start painting the pines. - I'm using number one Synthetic brush here on Idol paint over the few trees in the background to just taken it a bit. They were looking too pale. - I think this is enough for the background. Three spot. Now we'll painter for ground. Now I'll take pines gray and start painting pines in the foreground. As you can see, the four gun points are taller than the background trees. - Again , don't overcrowd the trees. I'm painting only three pines here in the foreground. - This is the girl on the last one. And now, to add more depth to the landscape, I'm adding a few pines at the bottom of the page. That's it. I'm gonna keep this for drying. Once the paper is completely dry, remove the masking tape very carefully. Now I'll take pines gray over the wide brush on a add a few, but and that's it. We're done. Let's move on to the next landscape 9. Project - 4 - Beautiful Dawn: let us start with our new landscape. I'm using orange green on pines create Brian Skerry is already lying on my palette. So I will just take some green on orange onto my palette here and will start now. I'll cut the masking tape in a round shape. If you guys already practiced enough, you can skip this part, - all right. I think this is enough on. I'll stick it arrived. Hell, on my right side. Now I'll read the paper with clean water when I'm using number four month Brescia. Now take green color and apply it on the top off the paper. I will only cover the green color for one by fourth off. The paper now will immediately take the orange and I'll blend it with the green. Now I'm taking a little bit of green, and I will just blend it with orange down below. Take some off the orange and cover the entire part of the paper now. No. Well, the paper is still wet. I'll take green. I will apply cloud. This is the same technically her discussed while painting Purple sky landscape. Once you are satisfied with the clouds, keep this for drying now take pines gray, unpainted, foreground. I'm using number to brush. - Thing is a dry brush on Al. Just take some off the pines gray, and I'll just push the paint up to give an illusion off the trees. - Make sure your brushes not wet for this technique toe work like we have discussed in trees and types. Video. I'm taking number one synthetic brush for painting the trees deserted in type of trees, as I like to call it, and we have discussed how to paint these in trees and types. Video. I'm painting a little more trees in this landscape Stand before l splatter some paint on the paper. I think I'll stop right here and keep this for drying. After your paper is completely dried. Paint a few boats here and there with the same number one synthetic brush. Now remove the masking tape and that's it. I hope you like this landscape 10. Project - 5 - Darkest Night: Let's start with our last landscape that his darkest night. For this, I'm using pines. Great. The tingling spines great can become overly pigmented, so I will add a little bit off white to it. Not too much, but let just a little bit. It's a normal white water color. Now I'll take a pair of scissors and cut the masking tape in a round shape. - Come back to the last landscape. This one is a bit larger, and I'm sticking it on the left side on my left side. Let's start by reading the paper with clean water. I'm using them before more bruscia since Brian's craze. Ah, largely pigmented. I'm adding a little bit off white just a little bit. To make it a grayish color. - Apply the pigment evenly on the paper. I think I'll keep this for drying. Now two layers after trees, one will be in the background, which will be in light of color. So I'm taking pines great, and I will mix it with a bit off white, which is already present on my palette. I'm using number to brush here like we had discussed in trees on types Technique, video way have also discussed on how toe paint these spines large binds with the number to brush. Please practice enough before the attempt on the main landscape. - Now I'll stop painting the trees in the background. These are enough. I will keep this for drying before I attempt a trees on the foreground. Now I'll take original pines create that is without mixing it with the white, and I'll start painting the trees in the foreground. But make sure the background layer is completely dried. Auras. The trees will get really messed up. I'm using number to brush here on the same techniques we have discussed in the trees and types video. - I think we have painted enough trees in the foreground. Now we'll take number ones in the thick brush, and I'll just draw some dried branches here and there to make it like a complete now for the blood moon part. I'm using yellow orange on dread, which are already lying on my palette, so I'll just use them, and I'm using number one natural hair brush here, not synthetic one. Make sure your paper is try and then remove the tape. Since we're painting a black moon and not a son. We're not using direct in law. Instead of mixing yellow with orange and I'll start painting the moon, cover the entire moon with orange and yellow. Make sure sure you're not painting outside the line here. Take a little bit off, right? I'm mixing it here with orange, but you don't have toe and start painting literate only at the top of the moon and slowly blend the color. Make sure you're keeping the orange and yellow at the bottom. How the moon looks when it's tried. I hope you like this landscape and thank you for watching. 11. Final Thoughts: Thank you so much, guys, for watching. I hope you had fun painting all the landscape I have picked out for the projects. If you want to experiment with these techniques, I'm including a few examples. You can try this out as well and see you next time.