1. The Art of Paper Folding: Crane: Hi I'm feeling. And in today's class, I'm going to show you how to fold a cream September way. I could tell by you had been with a good girl like me in a while. Yeah, you will impress Good. Let me take a paper you like. It should be a square. I took this one today and I And then we start with folding. We start with folding of bird base to start to build base. You fold it over like this and then watch me quarters. Mitch, turn it on. Do it again. Again. What? You have corners over there. Open it and you can pull it over in this direction. Then which discord her. And now you can also see down here if it matches with the creases you made earlier. So this one and this one your new crease met each other. Can you open it? And then we do it once more from this direction again. What? You just corner which decreases soon made before the match with your new one and then full it nicely. Then you open it. I want this court outside. So a term paper? No, You go like this. So one off the vertical creases. You fold in words and then to the other side. You do the same. Also falling in the work tables like this. Now you've got it square and from underneath should look like this way from the bird base. You're going to fold the corners inward and make sure the open barred off your bird bases towards your own belly. I didn't fold it like this on the Paris you can see in the middle. Put a corner. Also. You can help with your finger here to make it a better crease in there and then just like death and turn it around again with the open part towards your belly. Then full did quarter. In a word, it does help it down here with your finger a little like this. Do you go full ID 90 Duty lost quarter. And then you've got a figure like this. Then make a crease here. And also the other side. I want to show you so like this. Turn it around. I like this. Then open it like this. You concede one more time when I'm doing, you decide and enter it. Then you fool. This flips you fallen open, then you take the paper. Sold is like this and I guess it and make sure decreases her old Well, indeed. Here they have got a figure like this. Then you lay it with the this side facing outward You're gonna full the corners inward to dis line sit like this. And then this one Look again helping down here with your finger or your new to make the cruise. Very nice. Turn it around and we're gonna do it once more. Corner inward. Can I help it here and then here. The scoring. You can match it with the creases you made on the older side. See if they are more or less the same. I don't hear. Help it again. With your finger like this. You've got this figure with a word and then the lost sips. You take one off the legs and full it like this outward. There's a little paper here to get us, so make sure you make it nice. And for older side executive to same full. His outward mike is ready for then Fulton bag. Turn it 1/4 you can open in here. And that is why do we need these creases because now you can flip this one over and inside and then again, make it creates here nicer for then turn it off. You can open it again and do the same. So you fold this one up like this. You can then make the creases down here because otherwise we'll be a little flippy help with your finger. If you have a difficulties fooling it need like this and then see, there it is. And then the lost bit of it. The till straight in the head you make like this. Pull it. So you've got it straight. And then somewhere on this length, wherever you like, full of dough and then make the crease here begin. You can shape the had a little towards what you like and then pull it open. You've got this beautiful origami bird. So this is how you can fold origami bird. And I would like to challenge you to make when yourself So find some nice paper you would like to use. I used this paper and then police upload a photo off your own project. You can make this more personal if you write a message in the paper you used and then folded. And if you give it to someone, you can say there's a special message for you inside. I hope you enjoy this video and learn a lot from it, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.