Orchid Earrings | Joanne Tinley | Skillshare

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Orchid Earrings


    • 2.

      Orchid Earrings - materials


    • 3.

      Orchid Earrings - equipment


    • 4.

      Orchid Earrings - soldering equipment


    • 5.

      Orchid Earrings - coiling the wire


    • 6.

      Orchid Earrings - cutting the jump rings


    • 7.

      Orchid Earrings - preparing for soldering


    • 8.

      Orchid Earrings - soldering the jumprings


    • 9.

      Orchid Earrings - soldering troubleshooting


    • 10.

      Orchid Earrings - hammering


    • 11.

      Orchid Earrings - shaping the flowers


    • 12.

      Orchid Earrings - melting the silver balls


    • 13.

      Orchid Earrings - soldering the silver balls


    • 14.

      Orchid Earrings - reshaping the flowers


    • 15.

      Orchid Earrings - soldering stud fittings


    • 16.

      Orchid Earrings - preparing the earwires


    • 17.

      Orchid Earrings - soldering the earwires


    • 18.

      Orchid Earrings - finishing the earwires


    • 19.

      Orchid Earrings - final thoughts


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About This Class

Welcome to the Orchid Earrings class! This class will teach you how to make two variations on a theme - lovely silver flowers that remind me of orchids in two sizes, one as a beautiful pair of drop earrings and the second as a dainty pair of studs. The class will also teach you how to make your own jump rings, melt scrap silver into little balls and will help you to improve your soldering skills.

This is one of a series of video classes, each one showing you how to quickly and easily make a lovely pair of earrings - sometimes two pairs - as part of my #52earrings challenge. I have challenged myself to design and film tutorials for 52 pairs of earrings in 2017, and I'd love you to join me.

In each video I will show you the materials you will need, explain the tools and equipment and go through all the steps needed to create your own lovely pair of earrings. Along the way I will share with you the same hints and tips that I teach in my jewelry making classes and private tuition so that you become more confident with your techniques and design skills with each class that you watch.

This class is for intermediate jewellery makers as some previous experience of soldering is useful.

The equipment needed for the project is explained in the videos and also listed on a downloadable document that covers most of the tools that I will use in future earrings video classes as well so you can plan ahead! All the equipment listed can be used for a variety of other jewellery making projects.

Earrings #17 and #18 in the #52earrings challenge


Meet Your Teacher

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Joanne Tinley

Jewellery Designer, Tutor and Writer


I have been making jewellery for as long as I can remember, and have been passing these wonderful (and addctive!) skills on through my classes for nearly 20 years. I am self-taught and like many people I started with wire and beads. Learning how to solder, however, opened up a whole new world of jewellery making! There is something so magical about watching solder flow through a seam, joining two pieces of metal together smoothly.

My studio is in Southampton, on the South Coast of the UK. I design and make jewellery for galleries across the UK, teach regular and popular jewellery design workshops, and also offer private tuition. My jewellery design projects have been published in both UK and US magazines and books.

Visit my Etsy shop, Jewellers Bench Shop, for jewellery ma... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Orchid Earrings: Hello, My name's John Tinley. I'm a jewelry designer and shooter from the South Coast. The UK on welcomes the orchid hearings in this class. I'm going to teach you everything that you need to turn simple lengths off. No 0.8 millimeter 28 wire and some scraps of silver. Intra beautiful hearing design that you can use not only for love power job hearings, but a really dainty and pretty start hearing this as well. One of the techniques somebody's she issue is how to make your own jump prints on these air something that are so useful in so many different jewelry projects a way of linking one part of your jewelry design to the next on. They can be quite expensive to buy, so even just learning how to make your own job brings is going to be useful skill. This class is passed. The 52 airings changed. I set myself do design and film tutorial for 52 different pairs of earrings throughout. That's 17. If you'd like to find out a bit more about it, season behind scenes photos and have a look for the hashtag 52 hearings on Facebook. So if you're ready to get started, let's have a look at the equipment and materials that you're going to need to make the hearings. 2. Orchid Earrings - materials: As you can see, you don't need very much in the way of materials to make these earrings. I'm going to be making the jump rings onto the ear wires out off no 0.8 millimeter or 20 gauge sterling silver wire. I've got some scrap sheet silver that you can see every cut a couple of hearts out on. I'm going to use and small pieces from that to melt some metal silver balls to go in the center of the flowers. And I've got a pair off start fittings Onda pair of butterflies to finish off the stud earrings. 3. Orchid Earrings - equipment: I'm going to go for the handles that you will need to make both of the parents of earrings . The first things I'm going to do is to form two different sizes of jump rings, and those are going to be the petals on both of the pairs of earrings. I'm going to wrap no 0.8 millimeter wire around to different sites. Mandel's five millimeter Mandel on Day three Millimeter Mandel that you can see they fit into a coil wind, er or holder I've got here. That camp sounds the desk, and once everything's in place. I turned the handle on National allows me to very, very easily rap Why into a coil. However, you don't need something like that. I have it because I make a lot of jump rings that saved me a lot of time. You can use something like a nitty needle or even around pencil to wrap the wire around it . Just say it's a little bit longer on door, so you need to make sure that you can hold the end of the wire firmly against what of your using with your finger and some to start rapping. What is the coils of being formed. I'm going to wrap them in masking tape, and I'll explain to you why when we get to that stage on, then I'm going to cut down one side of each coil using your list. So I usually I'm going to support my work on the jeweler's bench peg on Duthie apron underneath. That is to catch the little bits of scrap and us that we're for because everything going this crackpot to be recycled. I've got various suppliers here. Got couple of sets off flat nose pliers, a pair off, nine on your players on also a pair of wire cutters. I'm going to use those four first jobs to do with forming the ear wires, for example, also going to use a step to Mandrell to form the ear wise. But again, anything round like ah Sharpie or a knitting needle will do the job just as well. The Sharpie and the ruler are there because I'm going to use those to help me measure out the ear wise for the larger pair of earrings. Onda more seventies a Sharpie to put a mark on the back of the large pair of earrings to help me put to the ear wire in the right place. The needle file is to help me finish off the end of the ear y to make it nice and smooth. I'm going to be using a plan ish ing hammer to hammer both the petals on the earrings on Duthie ear wires on what I'm doing that I'm going to support the metal on the steel block with a leather cushion underneath to help keep the noise down. I'm going to give the earrings a site cupped shape that's going to help to bring them to life a little bit. I think it's always nice to give things a bit of shape problems even completely flat. Unless design calls for that, I'm going to use the dome ING book on. Duthie wouldn't punches for that. This is a soldering project, so let's now go through the soldering equipment 4. Orchid Earrings - soldering equipment: I think this is the soldier equipment, as I use for all of my smaller projects, such as earrings and sore pendants, Everything sitting on a couple of slate tiles, a heatproof surface to help protect my desk on my work sits on a couple of soldering bricks , soldering blocks while some heating it up. One of these soldering bricks is made of a softer material than the others. Because it's softer, it's picked up some dips and some cracks in it. It's being used over the years, and these could be very useful for supporting work that isn't completely flat. The charcoal block is there because I melt small piece of scrap on top of that on. Do they form nice of my balls as I am used to decorate my projects when I need to pick up my work or to support it whilst I'm soldering? I used reverse action tweezers that you can see here and have also got a pair on a stand through 1/3 hand, and it's there when I need 12 on extra hands to help me out. The blue handled stick is a soldier pick on and that I used to push soldier, move it about to make sure it it's exactly what I wanted to be. Soldier usually comes in strips or sticks. Andi, I've got three different melting temperatures here that I using combination for different projects. The soldier gets cut into small pieces or Palin's you ting. The red handles snips as I keep those little pieces in the labeled boxes that you can see do. Make sure that you label your boxes because once a soldier is cut up, you won't be hard to tell which is which. Melting temperature. My curl over the ends off the sticks of solder so that I can tell which melting temperature they are, the more cold over they are, they're higher. The mountain temperature, bright yellow liquid is a flux. Solder won't actually flow out through the joining unless you use a flux with it. Andi, the paintbrushes. What I used to apply the flux to the joints in my work. Small projects like hearings only need a small blowtorch, and I've got two different makes of those here. Both of them are easy to refill with the gas that comes in aerosol cans. Since the same type of gas, butane gas that you use to reform cigarette lighter. At the back of the picture, you can see a so cooker that Scots a very mild acid solution. Good safety pickle in it. When you heat silver up, the surface becomes not darker and dirtier looking that some of the capo in the study silver reacting with the heat and auction flame to forward cause copper oxides on the safety pickle cleans it a couple oxides up before you put your work in the safety pickle, it needs to be cooled down or quenched in a pot of water. Andi, you need to put your work in and out of the safety pickle with brass or plastic tweezers. Not the stainless steel ones that I showed you before and thus, but definitely not least our home safety glasses. You've only got one pair of eyes. Look after them carefully. 5. Orchid Earrings - coiling the wire: I put the five millimeter mandrell in the holder, so I'm going to wrap up a coil for the five millimeter jump brings. Now this Mandel has got a slot in the end here so I can put the end of the wire justice side slopped, hold it firm on, then just start to so slowly wrap. So why? By turning the handle now, I'm making sure that I'm holding the wire quite close to the the coil here. So I've got control over the wire. I'm pulling on it a little bit to make sure sits talked. That's the best way of getting a nice, neat to coil. I want to make sure that each subsequently is a lying neatly next to the previous one, because that's going to make a lot easier to cut. I've gotta wrap a coil that's going to give me more jump rings than I actually need for the project, because I get through a lot of jump brings. He's always get used, and also it's nice to have a couple of spares just in case something goes wrong when I'm soldering. That's going to be enough, Though its view if you've watched the chain bracelet video class. You'll know that I cut. I coiled up a much longer coil. I don't want to go. The long is that because it makes it more difficult to cut the small, the coil, the shorter. You have to call it a top to be able to cut using the method I use because I check the blade over while I'm cutting it. I'll show you what I mean in the next video. But that means that with a small coil, there's not enough room to tip the blade over very far. I explain a bit more about what I need in the next video, so that is as much as I need for five millimeter. I'm going to take this out now. Popping three millimeter. Make sure that it's sitting nice. Essentially, Yeah, that's good. Now this one is that we can see at the end here. But I've had this set of Mendel's so long that unfortunately, one side of the slot has broken off, so I can't use that to secure the wires. What I'm going to do instead, I just get a bit longer. Is this Pop it in here in the chuck you spend it backwards, stops and it get that just away. Then get back with a little bit. There we go to secure it. So you've you've got a knitting needle that you're using, for example, using something like this to form the jump rings. You don't have to worry about not having a slot at the end here. He can secure it down this send in the chuck. So again, and to wind this up, still the same idea that don't take it too fast because to try to make a nice, neat coil and little bit of pressure on the wire here to keep the wine ice and George again , that's more than I need. But I don't want to make the coils too long because it makes it more difficult to cut when you sleep it off. Just there. Put us out and then we've got to nice, neat coils ready to be cut 6. Orchid Earrings - cutting the jump rings: I'm not gonna show you how I cut coils into separate jump rings. The trick is to cut just down one side of the coil. I've got coil wrapped up in masking tape here. Haven't done so yet to this one. Explain why Use masking tape shortly, but the trick is whips to cut just down one side of the coil to get the coil into separate jump rings and to do so without damaging a rest. The coil Andi, ideally by, um, at the same time having enough was acquired. Hold on juice. It doesn't get too friendly, and that's where the marking tape comes in. What I do is wrap masking tape around the coil and then stretch that coil onto my blade. Sit threaded onto the blades. Just there. I'm gonna do the blade up, fixed in place. Like I said, it's a blade fixed in place, a nice and maybe a little bit more torture. Actually, one of things you can do to make sure that your blade is nice and taut is to give it a bit of a a twang and make sure that you get a nice sharp or not a dull noise when you do that, However, if you've got something like a cord of wire around the blade, it's quite difficult to do that because the coil didn't annuities. But that has a lot better. There's a lot less give in that place there, so that's ready to go. So by putting the blade inside the coil, I'm allowing myself to cut from the inside out, which means my blade isn't going to sleep and cut the other side. If I was cutting from the outside in, then what I could do by accident is if the blade slipped after I cut down this side, they would go forward and damaged the other side. The call it well, cutting from the inside out prevents that on dropping the coil emotion type means that you have got better chance off more, the coil staying together so that you can hold onto it a little bit better. So I'm going to now set that up. I'm going to move the camera so that you can get a closer look of me actually cutting that coil. So what grade Inside the coil. Still, Andi, I'm supporting most of the coil on the wood on the bench Pake, but still allowing the blade to go up and down the slopes of customs. Well, Andi, hopefully you can see. Remember, this is the five millimeter coil. So there was a bit of why that went in slop to the end of the Mandal. I've got that at the top. I'm going to start off cutting by having a blade inside. That little corner that was formed on that helps prevent the blade from slipping as you start cutting now, I did. So it's not going to explain to you why I hadn't made the coils to tour so that I'm just cutting through one or two coils. So I wanted to have the links the raps at a time. I'm chipping the blade forward inside the coil. Now the coils only got a five center Sorry, five millimeter inside diameters. We know. So there's not a great deal of room to tip over that blade. If I made the coil too tall that I'd hardly have room to tip it over a tool, and then I'd be trying to cut through quite a few links at the same time. On that would probably make a job where would make the job a lot more difficult. So I've kept coil quite small chicken blade over. Remember justice with sawing anything else. You don't want to put pressure on the blade. Just let it do the job for you. I'm making certain to hold my fingers out of the way of the blade. No, if I move my fingers as the way and son the blade slightly, you can see it's about 1/3 of the way down the coil. So far, you could see the angle, but I tipped it over inside to the inside the coil they carry on doing that. Get that's all the way through it. You can see cut into the wood. That doesn't matter. That's what the word is. Therefore, Andi, you can see cut line all the way through. I under the masking tape. You see, That's if every jump rings the little bitch that was sticking into the middle of the coil, the bit of wire that had gone into the Manjural the slot at the top, the mantle of first place as he dropped into the apron underneath the bench pagans I was storing. That's what the aprons there to catch those bits of scrap like that and bits of dust. And there's also another bit here that is an incomplete coil, very incomplete link. So I will probably use that Teoh ball up a little silver ball. Now. When I was wrapping up the coil, I said that it was important to try and get his neat a coil as possible. Andi, I've done that. Matches that on both. The coils can see that the three millimeter, while is is nice and neat, as well as no gaps in the coil. That's what we want it nice and tight. If there were gaps in the coil, then it would make it more difficult to cut because the blade would cut through the coil, get to a gap and almost have to find its way again. So is much better to have a nice, neat coil with no gaps. And then you finish cutting through one link. You start to cut through the next, and it just continues on its way down becomes a nice and neat and easy to cut. So I'm going to cut the three millimeter one Now move these out the way. Okay, I'm going to trim off this topic here. Remember, with the three millimeter coil I am I had to put while at the other end so that it was sinking into the chuck to secure it in place that until bit. But we in the way now, but again that could be used to mount irritable. So that's a piece of masking tape. Wrap it around that's ready now to threaten onto the blade again. Do the blade. It doesn't matter this time which way I put the coil up because there isn't a little piece of why there that I'm going to used to hold the blade in place for the top coil. I could do being a little bit tighter. That's better. Same again. It's a bit more freely told on to know because it's smaller. What's you can see one coil, the top one that I've cut suit come loose and there's thick oil that's lifted up a little bit, but I still got enough to hold on to. I can feel the coil getting quite warmers. I'm cutting through this. If it does get to all of you to hold on to do stop that, it could gallery before you carry on. Very good. So I can't smaller coil. So I'm so, uh, smaller jump rings. You can see the difference between the two. Some great Be using smaller ones to make stud earrings on the larger ones to make the drops , as well as putting the orbits of scraps that you can see here either into the scrap pot or using to melt into the balls. Master going to put the Martine tape into the scrap parts. I don't know whether you can see, but it's actually got a little bit of silver dust on it on day, it all adds up so that we're going to scrap pot as well. 7. Orchid Earrings - preparing for soldering: Ivory set up three the sets of John Prince a soldier together into their groups on I just need to show you how to close up the jump rings Aunt, how I've arranged the sets together So it's going to be nice, Strong sold to join So amusing Two pairs off flat, no supplies to close the jump rings They're a little bit too small, Too close which is my fingers on and join My gap is, uh, but the top here so I could have a pair of pliers either side three fuckin nine oclock Andi if that one slightly she could get a better view. I'm going to twist them slightly. Andi, push in which a little bit until the almost snap together on that last type it a gap that was left from the sore plate. It's closed up. Do the same to this one whether we get there nicely closed. So the next thing to do is to actually put them together. Now, if you take a closer look at this set of larger jump rings of I MMI jump rings that I've already set up, you should hopefully be able to see that I've put the joining in each ring up against an area of the other jump ring. In other words, I've arranged it in such a way that when I solder the rings together, I'm going to be able to solder each individual ring closed as well. It cuts down the amount of soldering that I've got to do, because otherwise I'd have to close each individual ring on, then sold them together, but still means I'm going to be left with a nice strong shape. So I'm going to arrange this set here in the same way it's worth taking your time doing this. The joint of that one is there. 8. Orchid Earrings - soldering the jumprings: that's everything set up. I know need to solder the sets of three jump rings together, but I'm going to use hard soldier to do that because I got two more soldering joints after do afterwards. I need a solder the balls in the middle of each set of jump rings, and then I need to solder either the ear wires in the case of these large ones with such fittings, in the case of small ones on the back now, because I've taken the time to position these in exactly how I want them to, I want to really minimize the chance of them moving about as I put the soldier on. So what I'm going to do is just put the flux on first to be quite generous with the flux. Yes, it's a smaller ones done so anything I speak drops of flux there. I'm going to heat up the flux without the soldier being there at this moment. The reason for that is that the flux will then become slightly sticky and active. Little temporary blue is the best way of describing it, so then I should be able to put the soldering exactly what I wanted to be without the soldiers with outside without the jump rings Moving about. It isn't a completely foolproof message, but it does really reduce the chance of them moving about so cheap. Check the heat them up being us. I don't remember. I said I'm using hard solder, so well, thank me. Three pieces of heart soldier for e hearing. I'm picking up the soldier out of the box with a damn paintbrush with the same paintbrush I used to put the flock, Son. No, indeed. Moving, tying Bet, Uh, so you might actually hear the paintbrush settle a little bit. It's actually the hot metal. So But you can see and trying to put the soldier across where each jumping meets of the next one, which is, of course, across the join in the rings as well. But put him in the same place Onda again. It's worth taking a time during this. No need to rush. It's better to take your time and do it right First time. Send Teoh to time to move about a bit too much. The 1st 1 done those pyre, Mother Looks not days. Maybe a little bit. Okay, but he might look quite quite big. Pieces of solder. Um, but I rolled the end of my sticker soldier through the rolling milk, too. Senior church a little bit. So have moved too much. That's better. So although the pieces of quite wives, they are very, very sin. This is probably they hearings project with the one of the rings projects with the most soldier joins on. Yes, I show you so far. And because there are so many soldier joins, I will not to be a tour surprise if I have to go back and redo at least one or two of thumb to get them done properly. But hopefully we will just be the one or two we will see. So where do each one? In turn, I'm going to heat up around, try minimize thes soldier jumping off and then brush across. Although this is hard soldier with the highest melting temperature, these are relatively small pieces of silver, so I don't want to overheat, thumb and increases child's melting. Oh, happy with that joint and that one not quite sure that that one went. We'll see in a bit. - I don't think that one went. You guys want if he was at one. At least two of those joints went so so far. I don't think that one went tool. There we go. Yeah, I didn't think that frontal. Oh, well, they have to redo that one completely. That once got one joy enough to do on that one too. Got one join left to do as well, so I shall. Putman Pickled cleanup Onda. We do the joints that needs sorting out. Um, so I'll be back once I've cleaned him up. 9. Orchid Earrings - soldering troubleshooting: so I thought one of the sets of jump rings was absolutely fine. Soldiers really nicely. We'll see that. But here, with the joint soldiers nicely on that. This one just like one joined there when during their. Unfortunately, this was a Saturday when they're with you. Remember that moved as I was putting the soldier on. And that's a sets that didn't sort of properly. So setting them all up back up again with more flaccid. But more soldier is what it happens. The soldier had flown, but it hasn't. On 1235 the joints became more than just one or two. This I'd hoped on five joints. The soldier had not flown. Why, I wanted it to. It had flown on one side, the joint, but not the other. It hadn't flown across them. So they go through and do them again. What I'm doing now, because I know this is where it's sick flow. There we go. Just going back and forth to make sure I was going back and forth the flame to make sure issues he heated evenly right with this one, don't go away. Rouse with all three joins, need to be sold it on this one much better, much better. That's I wanted. Still, those are going to be quenched and then cleaned up in the pickle. Andi. Then I'm going to hammer them to give a nice effect on the edges of the petals before I solder the boards in place. 10. Orchid Earrings - hammering: right then. So I've taken the triplets of jump rings out the pickle. Andi, I checked the joints on each of them on dime. Happy with those. So now what I want to do is use the flashing hammer. This is white, but you don't het to just hammer the outside edge of each ring. Lots of flash in it out slightly. Just add a little bit of interest. So I'm going to support the work on steel block wind, do this or that in turns on the other cushion to help keep the noise down. So probably the trickiest thing, and this is trying to keep my fingers out of the way. What you might find helps you is to catch off small Peter masking tape to end it around former loop 26 that onto still block a secure work on top of it. But my preference is just to hold it with my fingers so I could move around more easily. But that might help you to try to save your fingers a little bit so you can hit around the outside. Hey, but I hope we can see in this site close of you. Is this is the one that's being hammered. This hasn't returned the same I up. That makes them a little bit easier to compare, just as there's would be vested interest with having these outside. H is flattened, so thank you for a little bit more finished. Look. So if I now continue on, we'll give you a closer look. Still, I'm hammering, Okay? Says it to larger one stung small ones are definitely going to be more friendly. You might not see this quite so clear my fingers in the way. So, unfortunately, my fingers need to be there to be able to hold it. Even with the tape, he's still doing these. Hold it a little bit. It's one to. So the last things I need to do to prepare these jump rings is to cup or dome Lem slightly migrant. Use the doping block to help me to do that 11. Orchid Earrings - shaping the flowers: I'm going to use my steel dome ing block, Andi. Some wooden punches on gold hammer. I would heavy hammer to hit the punches with two dome or curve or cup. These, uh, sex of jump rings. Um, I I don't want to start off into small a dish. This set of jump rings fits with room to spare in this dish, but there's quite a big gap between the Peter Silver on the bottom of the dish on trying to move the silver that far that quickly would actually put too much pressure on the soldier joins Andi. It would increase the chance of them snapping, which they're strong enough for the work. Um, so that's not exactly week solder joints. But any soldier joint still can be stepped on broken if it's small. If too much pressure is put on it, so much. Guys start off in quite a big dish, so it's a lot of movement around there. Andi A what? A big Tomeing block. So don't punch as well the whole century off the silver. Andi, you can see that stoned. It's a little bit compared to that one. It's quite nice shape. Actually, I want to show me a little bit more so the same to the other one. So they both don't going to move Botham into a slightly smaller swung. So here on the same punch, fits. It's fine, is nowhere near the edges of the dish. That's actually fine. Just if we compare, the two has domed it in with a little bit more Domi, or capping a shape just helps to give a little bit more interests again. Just brings it to life a little bit compared to leaving a flat. So that's a big pack and do the exact same too small a pyre. Um, but I'm going to start off in a small addition starts off inefficient. Just use just finished the other. One thing. Don't use a smaller punch, but the techniques exactly. Same 10 again you can see slightly curved compared to well, that hasn't had any work done to it. A tool. What have you do toe one hair, 1/2 of a pair of earrings due to the other. And just like you, someone, those are going too far. He's you sat one and go down. Besides a punch reason, by the way, the time using wooden punches instead of the steel punches that came with this block is that the steel punch would in combination with the steel block, it would act like a bit too much like a hammer. Andi flattened out the very small piece of silver just a little bit too much on Duh. I thought I thought that it was something for that's a two pairs of earrings, really coming to life now. The next things I need to do is melt the balls of silver to go in the middle on and then, of course, actually solder those boards into the middle of the earrings. 12. Orchid Earrings - melting the silver balls: It's time now for what is probably my favorite part of this project, melting in some little balls of silver on one of the reasons I enjoy this is it's it's really quite magical. So I've cut some pieces off the bitter scrappers I had that I showed you that starts. Has one there, there, there. But there's gonna move that bitch out of the way for the moment. Quite simply, what I'm going to do is keep the flame on each piece in turn until it melts into a little ball and it draws itself up. I don't need to do anything else to it apart for melt it and it will draw itself up into a little ball. I tend to keep the heat on the silver for quite a while until it's almost Texas that the surface of the Silver Board is spinning hopeful bit, because I find that that gets its the best finish on doing the mounting on the charcoal brick you see here because that's absorbs some of the oxygen. So it means that they're not quite as much subsidization being produced a little bit quicker to clean up. So remember the harshest past the flame is just in front of the blue chip. So that's a part I'm going to keep on silver. Say it with me and then very quickly. It's very small. You see, it's pulls up all its own, went down here. He could see it growing brighter and brighter. Red orange just pulled up. Not quite so easy to see now, because so they're not far off the same color. The brick was one there the, uh and they're so I'm going to take those off the briefing, just putting to one side for the moment. Andi, I will clean them up in a while. But which I'm going to do now is cut some more pieces off this bitter scrap. Some slightly bigger pieces. And I had before, although I only need four silver balls. 24 each pair of earrings. I'm actually going to melt quite a few in various different sizes, and I can choose the best ones for the hearings softening bowling up when we go for that rolled into the crackers. Well, thank you. Sick, redder and redder go to a liquid appearance and then, which is a liquid appearance is melting. There's another four. Done. You don't want to pick them up too quickly. For example, I don't want to pick that one up until it's lost its redness. Because, um, you don't want to pick them up when they're still uh, not quite solid. Andi. They could be squashed. If that doesn't happen, that if they do get a bit squash, then you can I usually melt them again. I'm going to use up all of this crap. So it's all end up with full walls are then hopefully be able to get the best match. - Right ? So I got 12 balls mount. It's I'm going to quench them, Andi. I'm going to pop them in the pickle to clean up Andi, then have a good look at them. 13. Orchid Earrings - soldering the silver balls: so the different parts of the flowers are now ready. So what I need to do is to sold them together. So I've got to see 12 balls that we melt it earlier here, put the jump ring flowers out next to them so you can compare this scale. And I'm thinking that those two are pretty good. Match on bond. Yeah. I think they're going to work nicely in the middle of the larger flowers on and let's have a look. Those two quite a nice match. Yes, they worked nicely in the for. The next sandy to do is to transfer the monster soldering brick. Add a soldier onto sold them in place. Everything's on the soldering Brick on actually gave these two little bit more of a clean. They still had a little bit of oxygen ization on them. I didn't want that to inhibits the soldier flowing. So now going to put a flux in the middle of each We go, Andi on the smallest ones. Just going to put one piece of solder on def. You remember we used hard solder for solving soldering rings so I soldering the jump rings together. So I'm now using medium soldier. So So the bulls in place, just one piece of mediums sold off the size I've cut it is going to be enough for the little ones we're going to need to full of algae ones and, as usual, the hardest thing. And this is actually being able to pick the soldier up out of the books with the damn paintbrush. My God! So that's so with trees. Is groups definitely don't want it. So did there put us into the middle? The fact that these are cuts slightly that I don't thumb in the domain block helps the balls to sit more centrally. US does the, um, cap that's in the middle In between the jump rings. I'm happy with the position of those. I've got the soldering pink ready to move them slightly if I need to when they're being sold it. So the heat around the 1st 1 remember? No heating things up too quickly because I don't want to encourage the soldier to jump off because he smokes ization appearing. Andi, I just saw a bright flash of soldier that was a soldier melting. It will be easier for you to see on the big ones speaking scale that one's going as well heat around the edge first. But the ball has got quite a bit of weight there. Here we go now, everything soldier together, but expectedly because this didn't happen in the trial pair that I made. Before I fill in for the class, the's rings flattened out a little bit. So because I always like to include troubleshooting and not like to pretend to you that everything what's perfectly, very first time are much going to show you how to put that right. Because if that happened to me, even though it didn't happen in the first pair that I made of this size were practicing with a video class, it might also happen for you. So I want to show you how to put it right. So I'm going to put those in the quench particle down, and then I'm going to pickle them to clean them up, and then I'm going to show you how you can bend these back again before putting the wires on 14. Orchid Earrings - reshaping the flowers: so I've got a little bit of a problem that I need to troubleshoot Andi rather than restart and pretend it never happened. I thought I'd leave the problem on the film so that I can show you how to pretty right, because it was a problem that I came across when I was making the earrings. Chances are, one or two of you are going to do the same. So if you remember when I was doing sold rings when I soldering the balls in the middle of the flowers, the puzzles relaxed downwards. This would have bean because thebe petals quite large and open on a relatively small amount of silver compared to the large ball in the middle. So as they got maybe a little bit overheated that has relaxed and fell back down again to the level of the brick. So what we're going to do is use they not on your place, Andi and hold the pliers, cross special, like so and just have my finger thumb on top of the rest of flour to support that. Just spend upwards a little bit, and that's purchased in a little bit of a shape. I do the same to the other two petals on this flower. Unlike pair that the one I haven't a true also holding applies across the petrol supporting the rest of Patil My to my thing with them just spending up which a little bit which that 1st 1 I think it's gonna do just a bit more so we should be out to see now this is that one still completely flat. You can see by the shadows falling underneath these petals here about the fact I can use to get woman least the other. That now is curved. What is this one? It's still flat. Okay, so I'm gonna do the same to this one. Now I support the rest of flour my finger. In some, we just bend the past bullet points. But if you don't have access to a dumbing broke, then you could use this message of shaping the pencils instead. But it won't be particularly easy to do on the smallest flower because there aren't. There wasn't as much silver to grip on to what is not easy to grip onto a small piece like that on bend it. So if you don't have a domain block. Can you making the larger pair, then using the nylon. Your plight is an alternative to using donnybrook, so those are now or soldier together on shaped how I want them to be. It's time to soldier the fittings on the back to turn them into earrings. 15. Orchid Earrings - soldering stud fittings: it's time now to soldier such fittings onto the back of the smaller flowers to finish off the first pair of earrings on have had to zoom in quite a bit so that you can see what's going on. So I will be moving things in our shot as we go along. I've got the flowers resting on the softer older soldering what I've got here because it's already got some some dips and cracks it. It's developed over the years, so that allows me to put the flowers upside down with the center of the flower on each in a little dick. So that means that when I'm holding such fitting on the back of one of the year rings, it's going to stay stable. It's not going to look about a make life a little bit more difficult for me to actually solve it into place. I've also got down here on this break, one to small pieces of easy soldier we're using Easy Soldier because we've used hard soldier to soldier the petals together and they're medium soldier to put the ball in the middle to to finish off the flower. So using Easy soldier now, so we don't re melt. The soldier joins in the previous work that we've done. What I'm going to do is melt a piece of solder onto the bottom off a sudden fitting on, then host in place, re melt the soldier again. So it's fixed in place on the back of the hearing. I put it on this type of soldier brought here, but that's the soldier on this for soldering break. Because if I find that if I try and mount it onto this way sinks in to the brake, it's too small That works its way in. So put it down here. So I'm gonna do first of all because they can see things but clearly is move things about a bit. So I got the flux just sensitive, have you here. So just dicked the tweeters and the stuff fitting into the flux on and turn short. Sean, I'm now holding one. The study. The such fitting right up against one of the pieces of Easy soldier spent a heats up Tweets is a little bit because our heat sink there during heat away from the hearing, and then we go is the earring got hot. The soldier got hot as well. It's just melted onto the end there. So the end was that start fitting is now a little bit more rounded. It's got to the silver in place. Let's move this back in two shot. Andi, I'm going to So you are in here now? I'm just going to move the camera in just a fraction while I do that. Hopefully Now you get a bit of a better view of what's going on. So gonna hold to start fitting on the back of the earring here on, Of course, as three jump rings have met, there is naturally a nice little dip in the back of the hearing right at the center. There's no worrying about where the center of the evening actually is on something else to point us. Don't worry about the creamy yellow re. Um, how does that saw the top of the trees is That's just the excess flux, because when I dipped the stud fitting into the flux, it was so small that the tweezers went in as well says bit of excess fucks on tweezers. So I'm gonna hold it in place. It's gonna go quite quickly because It's a small piece of silver on and only easy soldier, so I'm gonna heat up the hearing, transfer the heat over into the tweeters. Well, put a bit heat, and their Andi encouraged that soldier to melt flow. I might have seen a little liquid flush of soldiers. It melted, and that's appointed, which I had turned the flame often. Just hold everything very, very still until the soldier had cooled on, going to solve it again and everything. It's how together. So that's the first little hearing. So for that to one side, put us into quench Parche and move that out your shots so you can see the other side of it we might be able to see on here. It is very small. The other bitter soldier is just in front of tweezers. There they tip the other side, fitting in the flux. Both the stuff Sitting on the end of the piece of soda, I almost lost a piece of solder that this he's up. A melt just melted the piece of soldier onto the end. There moves us back back into shots. You can see it. Got the hearing here, hot start fitting in the middle of that dip that's naturally formed. There we go. That's both of the sudden airing. So did next up. I need to show you how to solder ear wise onto the back of the larger flowers. 16. Orchid Earrings - preparing the earwires: I've cut to 4.5 centimeter links off the no 0.8 millimeter or 20 games Sony Silver Wire are now going to make sure that they already too, sold on to the back of the larger flowers on CE wise. So I'm going to do. Is Hamma with crashing? How? Mostly what? The nice, rounded head here. I'm just gonna hammer one end off each y like like this. So if I pair them now, move them about light consumes. But more clearly this one is catching light a lot more cause it's hammered at the end. What is this? One is still rounded where it's hammered at the end. That's going to mean that it's got a greater surface area and counting contract with the back of the flower. So it's going to be a nice, strong soldier, joining stronger than if it was just still rounded, and also it's going to look a lot nicer as well. So they do seem to this one, but that doesn't take very dark. With so many have a flat blows I learned I'm going to do is just make sure it really does look as nice as possible. it feels like smooth. Just fire that just to round off the H is so okay, so those are now ready. There is now ready to soldier onto the back off the flowers. 17. Orchid Earrings - soldering the earwires: Now it's the turn of the larger flowers to have their ear y social on the back. As you can see, I've used this softer soldering brick and was flowers is upside down so that the center of the flat ball center is sitting in tow in the soldering brick so that everything is a lot more secure is not going to talk about my soldier It I've got two small pieces of easy soldier on the brick down here on Did you can see I'm holding while the ear wise in pair of er section tweezers. So I'm going to dip the end of this year. Wire influx, melted pieces, soldier on to the end and then hold it in place while need back of the hearing a remote soldier so that the ear wire onto the hearing become one. You can also hopefully see a dark mark on the back of the flower. I've marked where I want the ear wide to go. I had a look at both flowers and decided, if there the best way up for them to go to get a best much, I've put a mark on the back, so I don't forget which way I want them to go up. So let's get these hearing sorted. So she has dipped the end of the year wire into flux. Flux is just out of view of the camera because I had passed assuming quite away. He's got to see what I'm doing, Hosea and the A wire Hamid end of the war on top, off the soda on Memphis in place, it melts the solder that's instantly under the you are, so that's slightly rounded out. Now what? The piece of soldier on the back there. So I'm going to do just move. This sort of orbits in my hand is in a bit more comfortable position. I'm going to just soldering. So I'm gonna heat up the hearing a little bit. You might have seen a flash of the solder. Is it melted that rights of a flash didn't take very long tour because remember, these are very small pieces, silver relatively that we're talking about, Andi. I can see so so together nicely. So put that in the quench portico down. I guess it was the 2nd 1 and dipped in flux. That would be so really INGE, remember that you have to hold everything still until the solder goes a dark color. It I a dull color. It is. Is that right? Shine to show is one solid again. If you move the more too soon, then it won't stay as one PC have to soldier again. But that's or secure the test of eight on the soldier rectum. Eight. Short source here. So now those have been sold It and quenched are popping them in pickle to clean them up and then show you how to finish the year wise off. 18. Orchid Earrings - finishing the earwires: There's one last job that I need to do to the larger pair of earrings someone's son turning into apparent drop earrings on that is to finish forming the ear wires. So, first of all, just going to pull the wire through the night on your pliers to make sure that that's nice and straight. What did you do that on both earrings on? And then I could hold the earrings up against each other. I'm just a check that they are those wise of the same length on and yeah, doesn't. So we work out like that even when you cut to pieces of wire off that are exactly the same length. By the time you've hammered the ends on actually sold them in place, they can end up some likely different lates for the whole of the first hearings. But that's good on, and I'm now going to do is used the middle section on the set. Mandel to form a you. So I decide I don't want these have to no, my drop. That would do nicely with that in place. Stop bending round the other parts that's formed you shape. It's going to be a nice my stain. Tea length. Andi, that's always the tricky part is getting the second hearing too much shop. So I hold it a little bit further up, and I know what I really need to and start using my foot, my fingers and my thumb start pushing abandon and then double check. It's definitely to know the reason why we started off on the side of caution and make it side to. Long as it's easier to shorten this section. Then it is to pull it back out again in order to lengthen it because by police back out again to try lengthen it. It might not end up completely complete, smooth as it is now, so I'm going to pop it back on a man. Joel. This section is too long. So it's this section of going to push but just pushed down with my thumb pushed around a little bit that would check still too long. But getting better. It is worth doing little bits of time to get it right a tiny bit too long. Still, now that is definitely got a little bit too far. So that said, it's actually easier to shorten it to lengthen it because lengthen it. It's better to actually start again rather than to pull out with the wife. From that the U shape It's better to start again. Straighten it out again. That shows you and it is important to do a little bit of time and check frequently. But it's also good to see that you can put it right. This was still a type it too long. Tiny fraction was that so? I love fish bending this side down, So put it back on the mando and do anything to this side to apart from holds in place. But I'm going to use my finger just to push outside in. Okay, Couple things ex left to do. I'm going to use the, um, straight nose, flat nose pliers just to pull backwards. So just pullback with support. A little kink of your answer just freaked the end out and again, the other side so amusing The whip supplies is a guy to get in the same on both earrings and just put it back, which is likely also going to use a needle file to file the end of that wire to make it comfortable to go here is, use your fingers as much your eyes just a check that that is nice and smooth. It appears that on the last thing I need to do to fresh off the year wise, it's just hammer this front section because at the moment I could quite easily put it out of shape. Hammering that front section strengthens it. I'm using the flashing hammer again. Just hold the hearing off the side so the actual design is protected 2nd 1 too much. And that's just all of those things. The hammering flicking out at the end and firing it just help to strengthen shape the year . While I also give it more professional look. So those Andi little baby versions that stud earrings are now ready to go in the tumble to polish thumb? I would not recommend polishing these with a a polishing mop and rouge because they're so small, you'd be very easy for them to catch on a pleasure and flick out of your hand. That's the best you could do you see hearing, but the worst. You could hurt your fingers so either a polishing cloth or a polisher tumble pressure, and they were showing up nicely 19. Orchid Earrings - final thoughts: That's two more lovely parents of hearings to add to your collection. I hope that classes show you just how versatile simple jump prince will be that they don't just have to be a link between one part of your jewelry design and another, I am going to be showing you some more ways of using them in hearing and pendant designs. I've also shown you in the class how easy it is to scale down a project in this case, from a larger drop pair of earrings into read dainty Paris Start hearings on for design. Still to work very well, Do you remembers? I'm here. If you want any questions about the techniques that we covered in the class, will need a little bit extra help. And remember, too, that there's equipment police feet download Be great if you could show off some photos of what you've made. I always love to see what other people make with my instructions. On also be really good. If you could leave a review about students that France thank you for watching