1. About this Class: A whopping 96% of people who visit your website are not ready to buy anything during their first visit. If you want them to come back a second time, you need to capture their name and email address. But there's your challenge. Most website visitors don't want to give you their name and e-mail address. Website visitors, or the online equivalent of retail shoppers who are approached by a salesperson. Offline, the salesperson asks, may I help you? And how do you reply? No, thanks. Just looking online, those infuriating pop-up ads ask you for your name and e-mail address. And what do you do? You say? I don't think so. And you click away. This is where lead magnets come in. A lead magnet is something of value that you offer your website visitors in exchange for their contact details. They get the lead magnets and you get the lead, but only if your landing page is effective. Welcome to my course, how to write a landing page for a lead magnet. I'm your instructor, Alan sharp. I've been writing direct response copy since 1989. I've written in all of the channels offline online, outdoor, mobile, radio, television, video, and social. This course teaches you how to use direct response copywriting tactics to write landing pages for lead magnets. Landing pages are different from other types of web pages. And landing pages for lead magnets are different from other types of landing pages. At the end of this course, you'll know how to write a landing page that persuades visitors to give you their name and email address. In other words, you'll know how to write direct response copy that generates online sales, leads. This course is divided into ten essential lessons. During Lesson 1, you learn the four things that you must get right to create an effective landing page for a lead magnet. Lesson 2 is all about your target audience. I tell you the questions you need to ask about your potential customers and where to find the answers to those questions. In lesson three, we examined how to package your lead magnet. You can have the best lead magnet in the world, but if you don't present it properly, it won't convert many visitors into leads. Lesson 4 is all about context. Before you write a word of copy, you need to understand where your visitor has come from, what they are going to see on your landing page and where they are headed. Next in the sales funnel after they leave your landing page. In lesson 5, I teach you how to grab interests with headlines and subheads. Headlines and subheads that compel your landing page visitors to give you their names and e-mail addresses in exchange for your lead magnet. Lesson 6 is about how to describe your lead magnet. Too many landing pages make one fatal mistake. They don't describe exactly what the lead magnet is. I teach you what you need to know to turn generalities into specifics. In lesson 7, we discuss features, benefits, and value propositions. Every lead magnet is a value proposition. You're offering something of value to your lead in exchange for something of value to you. We look at the key things that make your value propositions effective. In lesson 8, we look at the two great motivators of consumer behavior, pain, pleasure. Consumers avoid pain and they seek pleasure. I teach you how to harness these two great motivators in your direct response copy so that your landing page turns visitors into leads. In less than nine, you learned how to push buttons, a call to action buttons, that is, the words you put on your call to action button are vital. I show you five ways to compel your visitors to push your buttons. Less than 10 is the final lesson. That's not really about copywriting as much as it is about revising and editing and proofreading your copy. I show you the four steps you must take to improve your landing page copy before you publish and go live. Every one of these lessons is filled with practical step-by-step advice. I give you the tools, tips, and tricks that I've learned over the decades. As a direct response copywriter. I use dozens of examples from the real-world of landing pages for lead magnets. I describe what works, what doesn't, and why. I designed this course for copywriters who need to write landing page copy that converts visitors into leads. In other words, copywriters who need to use direct response techniques to generate online leads.
2. Four ingredients of a successful landing page: How would you like to attract thousands of new visitors to your website every month? What you can, with a lead magnet. Someone who gives you their name and email address when they visit your website is called a lead or a sales lead. A lead magnet is simply an incentive that you give website visitors so that they give you their name and e-mail address on your website. It could be a free e-book, access to a hidden article, printable worksheets, even an entry in a prize draw. The lead magnet is the thing that attracts leads and persuades them to give you name and e-mail address. To offer a lead magnet, you need a landing page. Here's what I mean. Check out this lead magnet from coast schedule. Here they offer access to exclusive content in exchange for your contact details. People who come to this website will be enticed or attracted to the lead magnet. They enter their name and email address into a form and they receive the lead magnet and return. Once you type in your name and e-mail address, you enter the sales funnel. A sales funnel, a series of steps or stages that a lead takes from initial contact with accompany all the way through to their purchase. The lead magnet falls under the hot leads portion of the sales funnel. It's right at the very top of the sales funnel. Landing pages for lead magnets are different from other kinds of landing pages. When you write a landing page for a paid product, for example, most of the time you have lots of real estate to work with. Checkout. This landing page, it's from Mark, an It's a self-help course called Getting back to Happy. The landing page has 5.5, 1000 words. That's a lead magnet landing page is much shorter. You have to pack a lot of information into just a few words. So you have to be ruthless with your editing. Every single word needs to count on a landing page for a lead magnet checkout. This learning page to see what I mean, it has a grand total of 16 words. Forget about constant frugality might free insiders kit will show you how to earn more money. That's 16 words. You'll probably have more than 16 words to write, but you get the idea. Less is more this kind of landing page. You want your visitors to eagerly give you their e-mail, addresses and names, and you need to have a plan to make that happen. Let's talk about the four ingredients of a successful landing page for a lead magnet. First of all, you must hook your reader. You do this with your headline. As soon as your prospects read a headline that doesn't grab their attention, they click the back button on their computers, right? So your headline needs to be compelling. Here's Neil Patel's headline on one of his many landing pages. Quote, learn the simple tactic I used to rank number 1 for online marketing, unquote. Now that's a lot better than grow your traffic with SEO or something boring like that. Then your reader's eye is going to fall from the headline to the subhead. Your subhead needs to give more information that excites your reader or creates another strong feeling in them that hooks them and makes them want to keep reading and click that button and need to be hanging off your every word right now. This is a sign-up box from Louise Hay. It's not really working for me. The fonts that she uses make it unclear which is the headline, which is the subhead. That's one of the main problems with this landing page. Here's what she says, hello dear friend, then this is a special place to share. These are all in the same font. And so it's unclear if this is the part of the heading, part of the subhead. What is for another thing, I'm not sure that this landing page makes grammatical sense at all. Louise's journey, affirmations and to encourage joy in your life doesn't, doesn't really make grammatical sense and it doesn't create a very strong desire in the visitor. It's all about Louise. It's not enough about the website visitor or the prospect. After your subhead, your reader comes to your body copy, this needs to excite as well. Every word needs to make the reader desperate to keep going on to find out what this lead magnet is all about. I like this body copy from Lisa sandwich. Here's our headline, be you, sell more. Love your life. That's inspiring. It's a little bit vague. I think you'll agree that Gabi though, tells you exactly what you're getting plus the benefits. Here's what she says. Imagine selling your product or service it without filling pushy or salesy. Download your irresistible offer blueprint. Now, she also touches on your pain points of feeling pushy or salesy when you're selling something. So this landing page. Works. Tip number 2 is to narrow your focus. Part of your narrow focus is created by nourishing down the lead magnet itself. You need a lead magnet that's specific, offered to a specific set of people. A lead magnet like wise, 27 affirmations to bring back the spark in your marriage is much more compelling than a free book of 27 affirmations. This is because that headline is aimed at a specific audience, in this case, dissatisfied wives. And it offers something specific affirmations to make their marriage exciting. Again. Let's check out a couple more examples. I don't think this is doing I Elana justice. It's just too vague. Don't give up five minutes before the miracle. Let's start your journey together. That's, that's about all the info we're getting here on this landing page. This is just not compelling or specific enough. Which is a shame. Maybe I Yan Yan law that's been maybe she can't change millions of people's lives. But he poor magnet means that her wisdom won't go as far as she hopes to. This e-book offer from social triggers is much better. Quote, want to learn how to get 5000 subscribers for free. Derek will teach you simple tactics to attract lifelong customers through real-world examples on cool. This lead magnet offers a measurable result of 5000 subscribers to a specific audience. Those who want subscribers but don't have the money to pay to get. It also explains how this information is going to be delivered, uh, like this. If you have a specific lead magnet that addresses a clear target audience and offers a clear specific benefit. Great. You can carry that focus through your copy. If not, you're going to need to ask yourself or ask your client if you're writing for them, who they are offering the league magnitude, and for what purpose. That way, even if the lead magnet isn't niche down enough, you can niche it down through your copy on the landing page to make it more effective. Remember, you can't be everything to everybody or your copy will simply be watered down. The real appeal is in specific tools for specific people. Tip number 3, talk the language of your target audience. What are their interests? What the benefits are they looking for? What negative outcomes are they trying to avoid? In essence, what do they want to tap into their language, speak in their terms, right? In language that they're familiar with. If you're selling spiritual services to business professionals, for example. And you use terms like expanding consciousness or chakra balancing. That audience is going to switch off pretty quickly. But if you use terms like personal development and increasing productivity, you're going to get on a lot better because you're speaking their language. It's all about presenting the lead magnet in a way that the target audience can understand and get excited about. You want to sound like you're a friend chatting over a coffee. You don't want to sound like you're someone for out of their social circle or out of their professional circle trying to sell them something. Your client or your team should know what makes your audience tick and let you in on that information. If not, you can do your own research on how your prospects talk. Lastly, you'll need to make the offer absolutely irresistible. Yes, that sounds hard, but it's certainly not impossible. You want to create a sense of, I have to have this right now In your reader. This sounds difficult, but you can do it in a few ways. Highlight benefits. For one thing, remind your reader of pain that they'd rather avoid. Add a call to action. Talk about time in various ways to prompt the reader to act. Now, add social proof or testimonials if they're short and sweet. Check out this testimonial from Neil Patel on Brian deans lead magnet sign-up box quote, when it comes to link building, Brian Dean is the best in the business, unquote. That one tiny line probably makes a massive difference to conversion rates. Neil Patel set. If you want to make an effective landing page for a lead magnet, you have to hook your reader and keep them hooked. You have to keep a narrow focus. You have to talk the language of your reader and you have to make your offer sizzle. Above all, your page has to be irresistible. You have to make your reader fall in love with your offer.
3. Start with your potential customer: Research shows that communicators who understand their audience are more successful in their communication goals, then communicators who do not. If you're writing a landing page for a lead magnet or any landing page for that matter. You'll want to delve into your potential customers lives and their psyches to find out who they are and why they buy. With this information. You'll tailor your landing page copy to make it directly relevant to your audience. In part one of this lesson, we're going to go through what you need to find out about your audience. Then in part two of this lesson, we'll go through how you can find out that information. What do you need to find out? I'm gonna give you a quick checklist of all the things you need to find out about your potential customer, about your leads. You can refer back to this checklist anytime you're writing copy to ensure you have all the information you need in order to tailor your copy to your audience. Number one is, what results are they looking for? This answer will be related to the lead magnet and the paid products that you're offering later on. Examples of things that people want are they want to lose weight and they want to master SEO techniques. Here's another example. If you were presented with this lead magnet by a client, an eBook on how to increase your e-books ranking on Amazon, you can easily see that the result that the audience wants is to sell more e-books. Number two, how can this improved their lives? This expands on what results they're looking for with benefits. For example, losing weight might make you more attractive, make you feel more confident, and make you healthier and live longer. Mastering search engine optimization techniques could give you the benefits of ranking highly and Google, which could mean more popularity online, more traffic to your website, and ultimately more money through ads or products or services that you. So try to think in terms of whole life benefits as well. Look at this intro box from kindle burner. Hey guys, I'm Dave. And when I'm not sipping tea with princesses or chasing the boogie man out of closets. I'm a Kindle printer, digital marketing nut. It's my career, my hobby and passion. Also, he's got a picture here of himself with a baby strapped to him. Both the picture and the text make one benefit clear. He's able to spend a lot of time with his family. So selling more e-books could have a benefit of spending more time with family. Mastering search engine optimization techniques could also have that benefit. Tried to think of benefits across all areas of your audiences lives. Question number three that you want to answer is, what are their pain points? What outcomes are my potential customers trying to avoid? An audience for weight loss would obviously be trying to avoid weight gain or staying overweight. Question number four, how would that ruin their lives? This is a cheerful question to have to ask. Think about the fears and pains that your customers have. How would those impact their life negatively? How will they affect them emotionally, mentally, financially, in terms of their career, their health, their relationships? Think of everything that could possibly go wrong. Question number 5. What excites them and appeals to them beyond the scope of what you're offering your client, your potential customer, what excites them and makes them tick? What appeals to them? What did they spend their time doing? Just because they love to do it? What gets them starting conversations? On social media? Question number six, what phrases and language do they use? In your writing? You want to sound like a friend when you're writing a landing page, this means you need to find out the words and phrases that your leads and potential customers use and incorporate them into your copy. Question number 7, what kind of tone will they trust? Depending on the product or service that you're offering and to whom you're offering it to. The tone of your writing will change. You have to find out if your audience needs your tone to be formal or casual or cool. Now it's time for part two, how you get this information. It's time to get digging and delving and investigating. Method number one is to use existing demographics. Whether you work on a team or for a client, you should be given some kind of audience demographics that will answer many of the questions. In part 2, you'll be given that information. If you're not given anything, you need to ask those questions. Find out what the client or other members of the team already know about your audience. Method number 2, peek at your competitors. Those who are already successful in your niche or in your industry must be doing something right when it comes to communicating with their audience, which is also your audience. Take a look through their work, their websites or brochures, their collateral, and answer the checklist of questions in there copy. Method three, read comments. This is one of the best ways to find out the language of your audience, blogs and forums. Whether they, whether they're yours or whether they belong to your competitors or industry publications that are a goldmine of phrases and key terminology. Method number 4, check your blogs, engagements, statistics. If the brand that you're writing a landing page for has a blog, find out its engagements statistics. Which posts are the most popular types of posts? Gained, the most clicks and likes and shares and comments. Method number 5, social listening. Check out some of your audience on social media, whether that's Twitter, Instagram, facebook, or something else. What is your audience sharing? What conversations are they having? How are they engaging? Methods? Six, survey results. Sometimes companies run surveys to find out more about their audience, their audience's preferences, and their buying habits. If the brand that you're writing for runs, any surveys asked to see them. You can learn a great deal about your audience from survey answers. By the time you've gone through this process, finding answers to the seven questions using the six methods of uncovering that information, you'll know your audience much better. That means you're ready to create compelling copy that makes your audience desperate to hit the Download button and get your lead magnet.
4. Package your lead magnet properly: You can have the best lead magnet in the world, but if it's not presented to your audience properly, it won't sell, it won't be downloaded, it won't have the impact you want. It won't get enough downloads, which will stunt the growth of your email list. And you won't be able to reach as many people with the helpful advice or tips that lead magnets often contain. For example, look at this lead magnet presentation from the breakthrough psychology program. The offer is a free Kindle e-book. The writer begins with hi folks, my name is Erich Lindemann and I operate this website which receives over 80 thousand visitors per year, unquote. This is too focused on the site itself, not on the benefits it can offer readers or the pain points that, that it can help visitors solve. He then goes on to invite guest writers to submit articles which should be in a different part of the website, not in the lead magnet offer. Then he says, meanwhile, I also want to offer you a free book via Amazon Kindle, which has over 10 thousand readers, sign up via e-mail and I will send you a copy. It's good to know that this book has 10 thousand readers as it shows social proof of its success, but we don't even know the title of the book. We have no idea if this e-book is even of interest to us or how it will help us. It would be better if this person had focused more on the benefits and pain points that the e-book can help through its features. This lead magnet could be wonderful and help so many people. But the truth is, because of the way it's presented, not as many people will download it as this writer, this person would ideally want. In this lesson, I'm going to show you how to package a lead magnet to make it look more attractive to your leads. This is a simple two-step process That's easy to follow. Step one is to familiarize yourself with the lead magnet in as much detail as you can. Now you can do this in one of two ways. You can either read or look through the lead magnet yourself, or you can get an overview of the lead magnet from the person who created them. You want to make sure that your economical with your time here. If the lead magnet is a 500 page book or a seven part video series, then going through it all is probably not going to be the best use of your time. However, you could read the contents page to get the information you need or read the preface, or read the video titles and the summary. As you're going through the lead magnet, make notes about the different parts. The different components. Step two in the process is to link up the features of the lead magnet with the audience's desires and pain points. Before you start writing a landing page for a lead magnet, you should know the desires and the pain of the audience that you're writing. For example, if you have a lead magnet on tips and tricks for expert contouring, the desires will be to look professionally made up and to enhance beauty. Pain points might be doing bad contour and which ends up giving you tied marks and making you look like a tiger. You would then link up these desires and pain points with features in your lead magnet, for example, includes tips and tricks on the best lighting to make sure you don't go outside looking like a tiger. You may not end up including all the features. Copy, but it is great practice to have a list to work from. Here's a great example of highlighting pain points in your copy. Tired of updating your projects in spreadsheets, stop wasting time by tracking everything in spreadsheets. Now, these people tap into to business pain points, being tired and wasting time. Avoiding these two pain points prompts that'll lead to type in their email address and click learn how. Now they've avoided including the features of the lead magnet here. Instead, using pain points to generate curiosity. When the prospect enters their e-mail address and their name, they're going to receive an e-mail that lets them know more about the features of this lead magnet. And let's work through an example of linking pain points and benefits to features. This is a book called, I don't want to be an empath anymore by aura north. Let's pretend that this is the lead magnet we've been given to work with as copywriters. The book is a 108 pages long, so it will not be practical to read it all. Let's take a look at the contents and see what desires and pain points we can pick out and match those with features of the e-book. Chapter One is called the story of the overwhelms empath. Right away, we have a pain point being overwhelmed. Then under Chapter 2 we read, it's your turn for transformation. That's another benefit. In this section or a shows a selection of tools such as rituals and connecting with nature for m paths to use to make life easier. There's plenty more in this book. But using the examples that we've covered so far, we could come up with a link between the features and benefits and pain points. We could say. This book includes a box of tools for overwhelmed m paths to kickstart their transformation. Let me sum up. To ensure that you're presenting your lead magnet properly. In your copy, you'll have to be prepared. And you prepare by familiarizing yourself with the lead magnet and linking up features of the lead magnet with the desires and pain points of your audience. That way you can present your lead magnet in the best possible light. And people will download it.
5. Answer three questions before you start writing: Before you can write a landing page to promote a lead magnet, you must understand your context. There are three key pieces of information that you need to find out to make sure you write the most effective landing page possible. Question number 1 that you want to ask is what are the elements on the lending page? Every landing page is different. They're usually a mix of videos, pictures, testimonials, headlines, subheads, and texts. Find out what's planned for the landing page that you are writing for. Will you just be writing a headline subhead and some short copy? Or will it be longer? With a couple of testimonials? Will you need to write a script for a video that's appearing on the landing page. Even if you don't need to write more than the standard copy, finding out what other elements are going to be on the page helps you craft copy that goes with the flow of the lending page and moves the reader along. Let's look at to landing pages for lead magnets. As you will see, they have different layouts. Check out this landing page for a lead magnet. It includes a video, a headline, make a difference, and an income doing what you love. It includes a subhead and copy that explains the content. In contrast, this landing page is much simpler. It has a simple headline, double your traffic. It has no subhead, and it has a single line of copy. To explain the content of the lead magnet, you need to find out how much content you need to write for the different elements of the lead magnet. Question number 2 that you need to ask is, where has the reader come from? How did they land on this landing page where they directed from an ad on Facebook? Did they come here from Twitter? Were they reading the blog? When the lead magnet offer popped up? Did they click on an ad in a sidebar of the blog? That they click a link in a promotional e-mail. That they click a link in an article from another website that offered to help them with this information on this webpage. Whichever of these is the case, it's important that you know, all sources of traffic to the lead magnet and the landing page. This is so that you can ensure continuity with your copy. The experience from one-click to another to be smooth and predictable. For example, check out this Facebook ad from Mind Valley. This Facebook ad is promoting a lead magnet of a free online masterclass. You'll notice there's a good deal of copy here in the ad. If you were writing a landing page for this lead magnet, you would read the lead magnet carefully, picking out pain points, desires, and phrases, features and benefits. Now look at the lending page. If you click on the Facebook ad, this is where you end up. This landing page offers great continuity. From the add to the landing page. For example, look at the line right at the top before the main headline. Jeffrey Allen takes you on a journey to discover your non-physical self. If you were writing this landing page without having studied the Facebook ad, you'd assume that you'd have to explain who Jeffrey Allen is. He's an energy expert. But because this has already been explained in the Facebook ad that you've just clicked on and just read. Adding this to the landing page would only decrease interest. You'd be telling the reader something they already know. That's just one example. You should try for continuity from the original source to the landing page as much as possible. Now you know how the landing page is going to be organized and you know where your potential leads have come from and how to cater to that. Now, we come to the final question. The question number three, what is the next product in the sales funnel? A lead magnet is more often than not putting the lead into a sales funnel or a sales pipeline that leads them to a paid product. What is the paid product? Is it a low value trip wire leading to a higher value product? Is it a book costing $10? Is an online course costing $500. Is it Consulting costing $10 thousand? Understanding the sales funnel or sales pipeline helps you create copy that leads the prospect along the right path toward the final sale. That doesn't mean you'll directly mentioned that final product in your landing page copy. It just means that you'll ensure that the copy you write creates the right atmosphere for that final product, that it leads them along the path toward that purchase. Let's look at an example. This is the landing page for a webinar lead magnet on creating a amazing online As you scroll down, you see all the features and benefits of this lead magnet. They're all explained one after the other. David Simon Garland explains how he'll show webinar participants a proven seven step process to create, promote, and profit from their online courses, along with a whole host of other tips and tricks. This landing page copy presents the lead magnet in the perfect light, because through the sales funnel, it leads onto this. A paid course costing $997 on exactly the same subjects checkout, just how similar the headlines are for the lead magnet and for the paid product. This is the headline for the lead magnet. Seven steps to creating, promoting, and profiting from online courses. This is the headline for the paid product, a proven step-by-step system to create, promote, and profit from your own online course. They're almost identical, as you can see. This illustrates just how important it is for you to know about your sales funnel when writing the landing page for your lead magnet, the benefits, the pain points, and the phrases that you use to promote the lead magnet should be the same ones that you use to sell the final product wherever possible. This primes your lead to progress more quickly through the sales funnel. So now we've covered are three questions. Let me just sum up what we've learned so far. The three questions that you need to ask yourself before writing a landing page for a lead magnet or simply this. What are the elements on the lending page? Where has my prospect just come from? And what is the next product in the sales funnel? Once you've answered these questions, you are well on your way to writing a landing page that pulls in Leeds and gets them excited about the brand, about the product, the service that you're selling, and makes them want to download your lead magnet.
6. Write powerful headlines and subheads: If you want to write an effective landing page, you need to write an amazing headline. You need to craft a headline. And the subhead that makes leads desperate to read on and learn more. This is your first chance to capture your reader's attention. If your headline or your subhead fall flat, your conversion rate will be really, really poor. This is your first impression, so make it a good 1. First, keep your headline succinct. We've all seen those long, long headlines on landing pages. And sometimes they work, but they're generally too much, too soon for a landing page that's offering a lead magnet. Just pretend that you've just met the reader, the website visitor for the first time. You don't want to scare them off with a long, long headline. If a new visitor has to start off with heavy reading, they'll just click the Back button and go somewhere else. So in your headline, make it easy for them. Keep your headline short. Also, the best headlines are specific. That means they're communicating clearly what's on offer in terms of gaining benefits or avoiding pain. Good headlines, spell out exactly what the reader wants and assures the reader that the lead magnet is going to deliver that. But how do you do this? How do you write a good headline? Here are some formulas you can use to craft headlines that catch interests and make leads desperate to respond to your call to action. So here's formula number one. Get the unusual adjective, benefit power of your service or products purpose without pain points. For example, let's say you're selling an info product that teaches people how to network effectively. Here's how you might craft a headline. Imagine getting the life transforming power of learning to network with rich and powerful people without feeling desperate, awkward, or salesy. Effective, right? Look at this example. The astonishing power of eye tracking technology without the high costs. So let's break this down. The unusual adjective here is astonishing. The service is eye tracking technology and the pain point is high costs. Here's formula number two, adjective. What you offer that will give you crazy results. Check out this example from Neil Patel. Learn the simple tactic I used to rank number 1 for online marketing. The adjective here is simple. The offer is tactic, and the crazy results are ranking number one. For online marketing. This is an excellent headline following formula number two. Now, formula number three, The only what you offer made to give you crazy unusual results. Here's an example. The only cold email templates made exclusively to lend multi-millionaire life coaching clients. Now, what about subheads? The use of subheads can differ between landing pages. But I found a good rule of thumb is this, the subhead should explain how you're delivering what you've promised in your headline. It should still be presented in benefit driven language. So what do I mean by that? Well, let's work it through with a couple of examples. For some contexts. Here's the landing page for send doubles, lead magnet, a free 30 day trial. The headline isn't descriptive, but certainly grabs attention. Instead, they've used the subhead to flesh out the benefits and detail are easy to use dashboard for social media, posting, scheduling, analyzing, and reporting. This part of the subhead explains what is included in the lead magnets. Achieve your social media goals more easily, but send them. This part of the subhead shows the leads, the benefit that they're going to gain achieving their social media goals more easily. This is a great subhead. Let's take a look at one more example. Before we wrap up. Quite topically. This lead magnet is a swipe file of headline formulas. The headline doesn't make that clear, but the subhead certainly does copy and paste the 72 proven headline formulas to get more clicks from Facebook, twitter, and your own blog. Stating that there are 72 proven headline formulas shows what the lead magnet includes. Getting more clicks is a benefit, of course, and so is copy and paste. That's showing that it will reduce your workload. This is a great subhead that rescues the lead magnet from the vague headline. Remember these guidelines and next time you sit down to write a headline or a subhead for lending page, you're lending page will grab attention more quickly and you'll generate more leads.
7. Be specific: If you go online and do a search and examined the landing pages that offer a lead magnet in exchange for your name and e-mail address, you'll discover that many of those landing pages make one fatal mistake. They don't describe exactly what the lead magnet is. You want your lead magnet landing page to be specific. And that includes an explanation of exactly what you're offering. You can be specific in the headline, the subhead, the body copy. All three. Check out this example from digital current. The headline explains what the lead magnet is. Download a free membership roadmap. But the copywriter who wrote this landing page knew that this headline wasn't specific enough to hook most people. After all, what on earth is a membership roadmap anyway. So the copywriter follows the headline with a subhead, a complete step-by-step guide to creating, launching, and growing a successful membership website. By the time you've read the headline and the subhead, you're clear about exactly what you're getting in the lead magnet. Here's another example. The headline clearly explains what the lead will receive when they enter their details. An e-book about building customer loyalty in an industry where travelers have a million options. So this is good. That's a good headline. But I think the subhead leaves a lot to be desired. Thank you for your interests. Please fill out the form to download your free copy. This subhead should be describing the lead magnet focusing on benefits and it's not. For example, the copywriter should have said a step-by-step guide on how to bring customers back again and again, or seven things your business should be doing to build long-term relationships with your customers. Although they explain clearly what they are offering. An e-book on building loyalty, they don't give you a peek into their method. Whether that steps to follow things to implement in the business or tips and tricks to follow. This makes their offer less specific, less desirable. Here's another example. This is a great landing page in many ways because the headline, the subhead, and the text above the sign-up box all offer benefits. Gain control over your agency, appeals to prospects desire to be in control. When more contracts get your team and clients on the same page and find out how you can create a better business. These are all great benefits as well. But when it comes to detail on exactly what plan scope is this landing page, fall short. Checkout, a demo project, or just create your first project or estimate are not really compelling enough. You still don't know what plan scope actually does, what it is. We know how it benefits us, but what are the features? They could have easily added a series of bullets to explain their benefits. For example, increase your closing rate with new clients and save time wasted on creating estimates by using our innovative collaborative estimates tool. That's one example. Another example, create invoices and bills on your terms. Daily, weekly, monthly, annually, forget email, phone, Skype, and more. Communicate with your clients and team in one place. Listing these features would show leads exactly what they are getting. This would make signing up feel like less of a gamble with their time. Here's the landing page for Code Academy. The headline. Learn how to code interactively for free is obviously compelling for people who want to learn how to code and not spend any money. But they could have gone a step further with something like over 100 videos to choose from, to teach you all aspects of coding step by step. Showing leads exactly what they get if they type in their e-mail address and name, tips, some visitors from unsure to being eager to sign up. So we've looked at a few examples of how you must be specific, not only about the benefits that a lead magnet offers, but also how those benefits are delivered. Now, some landing pages have the opposite problem. They explain exactly how the benefits are delivered, which is great. As we've learned. What's not so great is that they don't phrase this in benefit driven language. Look at this landing page from auto grow. Right away. The headline tells us what the lead magnet is, a six-figure client lead gen funnel. And the subhead explains the format, a four part video training series. But there's something not quite right about this landing page. For one thing, six-figure client lead gen funnel. That's quite a mouthful. You have to read it or hear it a couple of times to get your head around exactly what that is. It's not written in a benefit driven language, is if it were, it would read something like this. One to find and convert six-figure clients. Then the subhead could be. In this free four-part video training, you'll learn how to create a sales funnel that snags six-figure clients. This puts the benefits back at the forefront, finding and converting clients and snagging sales leads. This makes the lead magnet offer much more attractive. Let's look at one more example. Before we wrap up. This is a great example from the Mary maker sisters. Join the free smoothie bowl challenge today. Five days of smoothie bowl recipes and feel good affirmations to make every morning, Mary, get ready to transform your Becky and your mind. They cover both bases here. First, they mentioned explicitly what the lead magnet includes. In this case, five days of smoothie bowl recipes and feel good affirmations. Second, they clearly state the benefits. Make every morning Mary, and transform your breakfast and your mind. There are clear on the benefits that they're delivering and how they are going to deliver them. Whether you're offering a free e-book, a free trial, or smoothie recipes, make your lead magnet exciting. You'll be glad you did.
8. Be unique: Imagine you're selling a bed to someone that you know. What are you going to tell them about the bed, the precise measurements of the frame down to the last inch, the stitching pattern on the mattress. In which factory the bed was made, manufactured. Where in the world, chances are your friend isn't interested in that level of detail. What they want to know is what it's like to sleep on the bed. They want to know about the experience they get when they buy the bed from you, take it home and actually go to sleep. The only reason that they would care about those other features is if those features enhance their experience in some way. If the bed was hand carved in Milan, for example, that would add value. The same is true when you're presenting a lead magnet. It's no good telling potential leads that you're free. E-book is 30 pages long. Unless you sell the benefit of 30 pages, you can read it in half an hour. Instead of presenting just a feature, you need to turn that feature into a benefit. In this lesson, we're going to look at benefits and value propositions. I'm going to show you how to weave them into your copy on your landing page so that you can make your lead magnet irresistible to your potential customers. First, let's look at value propositions. A value proposition communicates how your product is valuable to customers. In this case, it's how your lead magnet is valuable to your leads. This diagram shows you value propositions in an intersection between three things. You're offering, the marketplace offerings and what the customer needs. Where these three meet in the middle. That's where you find your value proposition. Let's work it through with an example so that you get a better understanding of what I mean. This is a landing page for bid sketch. It's software that's used to design proposals to win clients. The headline reads, create professional client proposals into minutes. The subhead is a client testimonial from Dana read, a creative director, cut down my proposal time from three hours to 45 minutes, plus, it looks super professional. It's clear that bid sketches value proposition is made up of two benefits. How quickly you can make proposals, and how professional your proposals will look. Since potential customers want their proposals completed quickly. And to a professional standard, this meets the criteria for what the customer needs. The program clearly offers these two benefits, quick completion and professionalism. So this meets the criteria for the value proposition model. This program is one of many bid proposal pieces of software. This shows that there is demand for this kind of product that customers actually wanted, needed, want to buy it. This covers the marketplace offering section. Because we know customers are buying this type of software. We can be sure that the customer needs overlap with the marketplace offering. And this brings us to completion of the diagram with our final tick in the value proposition box. To sum up our value proposition, we know that the market offerings of other proposal making software packages are attractive to customers. We know that customers value professional-looking proposals that are quick to create. This particular product. Offers these. So this is our value proposition. You must include your value proposition when you're writing your landing page. For a lead magnet. Answer these three questions to come up with your value proposition. Are there similarly, Magnus out there that prove customer demand. What customer needs are met by competitors, and which are not. How can your lead magnet meet these needs? As you're writing your landing page, think about questions 2 and 3. In particular. This is where you hone in on which benefits, to emphasize. You can present two types of benefits. Benefits that are inherent in the type of lead magnet that you're providing. And secondly, you can discuss or mentioned benefits that are unique to your lead magnet. Let's look at a couple of examples. This is a lead magnet on a landing page from Noah Kagan of okay. Get access to 85 percent of my hot, hottest business hacks. You'll learn exactly how I started to multi-million dollar businesses, grew a 700 thousand plus email list and where to find the best tacos in the world. Well, let's, let's break this down according to the two types of benefits. This is a lead magnet that offers business advice in terms of benefits that are inherent. This type of lead magnet, he's offering benefits of how to gain a tszuj email list and business hacks to grow multi-million dollar businesses. So those are common, so far, so good. But what makes this lead magnet special, unique is how the benefits are unique to his offering end to him as a business person. He's already been there and done it himself. So he's offering his personal experience that's unique to his lead magnet. 85 percent of Noah Kagan's own hottest business hacks, You're, you're not going to get that anywhere else. He also injects a bit of his personality by saying he'll show you where to get the best tacos in the world. That's kinda funny. It's unique, makes, makes you smile. By adding all this personal detail and experienced in to his offer, he shows you how his lead magnet is unique and he makes it desirable in the process. Let's check out another example. Before we wrap up. Here's a landing page for a lead magnet from Social Media Examiner. They're offering a social media marketing industry report. Now there's a mouthful for you. They say, wondering how your peers are using social media. In our ninth annual social media study, 49 pages, 77 shirts, a 5700 plus marketers. You'll discover which social networks marketers most plan on using more hint. It's not what you think. How much time they spend on social media and much more. What kind of benefits are they offering? Well, they offer insight into how other marketers are using social media and what they anticipate the next trends will be in social media marketing. There are many other social media reports out there online that offering something similar, that offer the same benefits. So what makes this report, what makes this lead magnets unique or different? They've conducted their own in-depth study on nearly 6000 marketers. That's one thing that's unique to this lead magnet. They tell you that the report features 49 pages and 77 charts. So that means it's a comprehensive report. It's not thin on content. They make it clear that they've taken this seriously as a major project. They've not just thrown together a bunch of blog posts into a report. This sets them apart as well. By tapping into an audience who wants detailed, accurate, and up-to-date information about social media marketing. And by presenting their lead magnet to meet that need, they present their value proposition. Well. By following these steps as well, you'll present your lead magnet in a way that makes your potential customers want to ask for it. And when your potential customers ask for what you're offering, you know, you're on the right track.
9. Give them pain: Have you heard of the two P's of consumer behavior, pleasure, pain, or more specifically, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. In marketing, we use the two P's of consumer behavior to drive desire for whenever we're selling. In this lesson, we looked at how to use pleasure seeking and pain avoidance to encourage visitors. To your landing page to ask for your lead magnet. I'll show you a three-step process for uncovering the pain and pleasure points In your lead magnet. Step 1, discover the problem. Your lead magnet salts. Every lead magnets should solve a problem. For example, a lead magnet on how to build an email subscriber list solves the problem of having no subscribers and not knowing how to get them. Or a lead magnet on positive affirmations to use it work solves the problem of being insecure and unconfident at work. What kind of problem do you think this lead magnet from Marie for Leo salts? It might not seem obvious at first. But as we read through the landing page, we get a clear idea. How did get anything you want? Well, just about anything. Download this free audio training to learn three simple strategies that'll give you clarity and confidence to build your dreams on your terms. I'd say the key words here are clarity and confidence. I think the problem for potential customers here is that they have dreams. They know what they want, but they lack the clarity and confidence to achieve those dreams. That's the problem that this lead magnet salts. Now I want to step two, ask yourself this question. If this consumer problem is left to fester without a solution, what pain will result? Marketers think about this pain and they write it out in separate points. These are called pain points. Let's think about one of the examples that I just used. If the potential customer doesn't opt in to get the lead magnet, to learn how to get new email subscribers, what's going to happen to that person and their business? What pain does that cause them? Well, they they're going to spend a lot of time on methods that aren't effective. They're carefully crafted newsletter articles are going to go unread because the business person has no email subscribers. They're going to waste a whole lot of time and they're going to have nothing to show for it. Their dream Internet business is never going to take off. It's going to flop and they're going to go bankrupt. Trying its considerable painting, it sounds pretty painful, right? Let's look at another landing page for a lead magnet. Let's see if we can come up with some pain points to make it more effective. The ultimate wedding checklist, know what to do and when to plan a wedding. That's totally you. The consumer problem here is that the bride or groom needs to plan their wedding from start to finish, but they don't know how to do that since they've never done it. They're getting married for the first time. If they choose not to download this lead magnet, what problems or pain points will they run into? Well, they could fail at organizing their wedding. This would cause an embarrassment, may be cost them a lot of money. It won't be a great start to a married life, either, will it? Or maybe they'll scrape through with the organizing, but it will be really stressful and take up a lot of their time leaving them frazzled on the big day, or maybe they'll be forced to hire wedding planner, which is expensive. There are a lots of pain points here. Look at this lead magnet from health coach JJ virgin. This really packs a punch with pain points. Are you ready to discover the hidden sugars that are making you sick, tired, and fat. Wow. Jj isn't messing around. The pain points here are strong. If I ignore this lead magnet, I'll remain sick, tired, I'm fat. I think I'll click the Find out Now button. Now on to step number 3. Ask yourself this question. If the lead does decide to download the lead magnet, what could be the best possible scenario for them, but pleasures are they going to gain by using it and by solving their problem? As a first example, let's think about the lead with no subscriber list. If they download a lead magnet on how to get subscribers, they get the benefit of knowing how to get more subscribers and eventually getting them. But what will this mean for their life? How will this make them feel? Let's think about some pleasure points. I would say for one thing, their online business will be much easier to get off the ground. They'll have a viable email list to sell to. They'll feel confident in their online business, not like they're struggling and getting nowhere. Imagine them making money from their sites, earning a full-time living, quitting their job, how will that benefit them? They can spend more time with their family and friends. They can get out of bed when they want. They can live life on their own terms. They can feel free, not shackled to a desk. I could go on and on and on, but I'm sure you get the idea. Pleasure points are all the positive outcomes and feelings that someone gets as a result of buying a product, or in this case, downloading a lead magnet. Let's look at a final example from Lady Boss, a weight-loss website for women. Claim your free cravings crusher, cheat sheet. Our cravings holding you back from losing weight in a healthy way. Do you struggle with saying no? Even when you know you should. If someone decides to download this, what do you think the pleasure points are? If they use it properly? I'd say feeling the confidence they can turn down unhealthy foods wherever they are. Even at restaurants and parties, they'll feel more confident about their ability to lose weight. And when they've lost weight, they'll feel fantastic and look awesome and they won't have to worry about falling prey. Cravings. Again, they can go out anywhere, looking fabulous and feeling confident, they will maintain their weight. That's a whole lot of pleasure for one little lead magnet, don't you think? Now you know how to discover your potential customers pain points and pleasure points had a weave these into your copy to make your lead magnet more enticing.
10. Craft a compelling call to action: Every landing page you write is designed to get visitors to do something. On many landing pages, the business offers the visitor something in return for taking that action. They offer a free e-book or a free trial or something else had value in exchange for the visitor giving the business their name and e-mail address. The goal of the landing page is to persuade the visitor to hand over their name and e-mail address. The lead magnet is the incentive to make that happen. And the call to action button is the part of the lending page that asks for the order. Here's an example of what I mean. International open Academy has a holiday giveaway as their lead magnet. Submit to spin is their call to action button text. It may seem that call to action buttons are simple affair. There's not much to them, but they're actually a little bit more complicated than that. The color, the text, and the placement of the buttons can have a significant impact on conversion. That is, the percentage of visitors who give their contact details and click the button. Now because I'm not a graphic designer, I don't design webpages for a living. I won't be talking about the color and placement of this button. But I'll run through some tips on the words that you should use in your call to action buttons. Tip number 1, use action words. Some call to action buttons come with boring words like submits or Enter on them, or click here. These aren't all that enticing, are they? Instead, you should focus on action words that make the lead feel that they are taking the next step towards solving their problem. For example, getting started or get started, get your free book. Now. Try it now is another good example. Check out the call to action button here. Download. Now, that's a lot better than simply saying submit or enter. It's more direct. And it shows that the visitor gets something. After clicking the button, what do they get? They get a download. Here are some other action words that you can use on your call to action buttons or in your copy start. That's a good word to use because it makes the least feel that they're taking instant action. Stop as in stop doing something. That is a pain point. For example, stop feeling insecure or stopped losing. Le'ts build another great action word. So is grow. These words give the atmosphere of the lead, achieving their goals and moving forward towards success. Join. This makes the lead feel they are taking action to become part of something, to take them to their next steps. Learn is a good word. If you're selling a large or complex product, the lead magnet may be an introduction to learn, is unthreatening because it means the lead isn't taking action just yet. They're not having to buy something, they're just getting the information. They need to decide if they want to take an extent. Discover. It's another good word. If you have secrets or hints or tips or strategies or insider knowledge, than the word discover can be pretty tantalizing for leed. Find out also works well, like in this example from directive group, which is an Internet marketing firm. Call in the expert digital marketers. If you want to step up your game and dominate your space, do you want to become front-page news? Find out how I like this and I like the elephant. Now for tip number two, consider including pain points in your call to action button. This technique is most commonly used in the text before the call to action button, but it can also be used in the call to action button as well. Think about the pain points that the lead magnet is helping to lead to avoid. How can you incorporate them in your call to action button that people are going to click? Well, for one thing you can use the word stop. As I mentioned in tip number one, stop getting ripped off. That would be a good button for a price comparison site. Stop being confused would be a good call to action button for a step-by-step guide on how to do something or how to understand something. You can also use words like worried, concerned, or troubled, or sick of, such as, I'm sick of insomnia. I could be the texts for a button for a lead magnet on how to get better sleep. Now for tip number three, make your call to action. Personal. There are two ways that you can be personal when you're asking somebody on a landing page to do something. One is to use the word you or you're on the call to action button like this. You can see the call to action button here is get your invitation. This, it makes it seem more personal than just get an invitation or get the invitation. The other way to make the call to action more personal is to use terms like me, I, my, and mine. Like this. Here the offer is a free eBook. You'll notice that the call to action button says, get my free download, which makes the whole thing feel more personal. Now for tip number 4, use words that spark desire. What exactly do I mean by that? Well, let's check out some of these words together for a start. What about want? Call to action such as I want my free coffee or I want to get fit. These trigger desire in the lead, making them more likely to click the button. The word need is even stronger, but you should use that sparingly because if the lead doesn't feel like they need what you're offering, you might come on a little bit too strong. I need 50 free website templates might not work as well as I need income ideas now, free is another great word to put on your button. Everyone loves free. Everyone loves getting stuff. For free. Save is also a good word. Saving time, saving money. These are powerful motivators for getting people to do something. Here's a landing page from Salesforce. I like the call to action button, start. My free trial. It uses an action word, start, and it uses a personal word, my, and a word that sparks desire free. This is a winning call to action button. Now for our fifth and last tip, use words that spark urgency. Here are some examples. Now. Get your free copy. Now, Signup, now the word today. Get your free copy today, sign up today. All of these are effective. Another word you can use is limited, but only if there really is a limit to the number of lead magnets or number of free trials. Now you have the tips you need to craft compelling calls to action buttons for your landing pages. Remember, the text on this button is a vital part of your landing page. To few words you use on your button can make all the difference between someone clicking your button and someone clicking away from your page. Get this copyright. And you'll have plenty of people pushing your buttons.
11. Take these four steps before you go live: Once you're done with writing your copy for your landing page, it's time to edit it and finish it before you can hand your copy to the designer and have it The live on your website. In this lesson, I'll show you how to do this in four simple steps so you can be proud of your finished product. Let's start with step number one, make it the right length. In the brief for your project, you should have been told how long the landing page for your lead magnet should be. In words, is it short? Just a headline and subhead and the call to action, or is it a lot longer with bullet points and texts as well? Landing pages for lead magnets run all sorts of lengths. Most often they are short, some are between 12 and a 100 words, but sometimes they're longer. It depends on the needs of the website owner, the business, and the format of the landing page, the type of lead magnet and the type of lead as well. The likelihood is that the copy you've written will be too long. Mine usually is. I usually write a little bit too much, especially if you've been running down pain points, pleasure points, features, benefits, you'll likely have too much copy to work with. It might be running over more than a few 100 words. This is fine. In fact, it puts you in a great position because you can pick the strongest parts of your material and craft them into something really persuasive. It's easier to shorten copy then to write copy. So now it's time to cut. Look at all your work and pick out the most powerful benefits and sentences. What grabs you? What hooks your attention? Keep these sentences. What sounds like filler. Cut these sentences out. Step number two. Cut out all repetition. Make sure you have not said the same thing twice in different ways. To find subtle forms of repetition, look at your pain points and benefits. Here's an example. Say you're writing a landing page for a lead magnet on productivity strategies, strategies that help workers avoid wasting time during their workday. If you write a benefit like with these strategies, you'll never waste time again and you have a pain point, like wasting time will get you nowhere. So stop doing it. You've got repetition. You could rephrase both of these into something like feel like you're working hard but getting nowhere. With these strategies, you'll never waste time. Again. This avoids repetition and is more powerful. Once you've cut out all repetition and cut out all the filler, you can move on to step number three, which is organizing your content. Now is the time to take all of the most persuasive sentences and organize them into a format that makes the reader more and more and more excited with each sentence that they read. Every sentence needs to be fascinating. Raising the desire of the lead until they're rushing to type in their name and e-mail address and click the button. So take your time at this stage, play around with sentence structures with sentence order. Experiment with different headlines and subheads and combinations. It takes trial and error to create something special on a landing page. Save all of your drafts as you go along. Once you think you have the finished version, save it, close all your drafts, and come back to them a little while later. A day is great. If you have that amount of time to wait before looking at it again, then have a look at your draft again. Look at your drafts and decide which one stands out the most, which one is the most persuasive? You might want to tweak your copy again until you're sure you've got something that really works for your landing page. Step 4 is to cater for A B testing. A b testing is also known as split testing, where you have two versions of the landing page at different times. This could be the, you could be testing the call to action button, which is different. The headline might be different, the images might be different or the whole landing page might be different. And one is tested for a certain period of time, and then the other is tested for a certain period of time. And then the conversion results of each page are compared to see which landing page was more effective. In generating leads. You can provide two or three or even four landing page options to a client or to your team. To see which one they liked the best and want to test, they might decide to split test two or more of them against each other to see which one performs best. That's it. Take these four steps before you launch your landing page and you'll create a page that boosts your results. People will stay on your page longer and a higher percentage of them will ask for your lead magnet.
12. Six Ways to Use Chatgpt to Write a Landing Page: Let's explore how
to leverage AI, specifically chat GPT to craft compelling copy
for your landing pages. As a copywriter, you
know the importance of engaging and converting
visitors through powerful copy. Today, I'm going to show you
six practical ways to use Chat GPT to enhance your copywriting skills and streamline your
creative process. First, let's talk about
generating ideas. One of the most challenging
parts of writing is writing. Just getting started writing. Chat GPT is your brain
storming partner. Just give it a brief description of your product or service and ask it to generate several
unique value propositions. This helps you quickly
gather a range of ideas that you might not
have thought of on your own. For example, if you're selling an eco
friendly water bottle, just boot up chat GPT and ask it for value propositions
focused on sustainability, health benefits,
and convenience. The AI tool will then generate a variety of angles
that you could use. You then choose the one
you want to use or tweak. Second, use Chat GPT
for headline creation. Your headline is arguably the most critical part
of your landing page. It's the first thing that
most visitors see and read, and it determines whether
they keep on reading. So ask Chat GPT to generate
multiple headlines for you, playing around with
various emotions, strengths, and unique
value propositions. For example, type in
generate five headlines for a time management app that
appeals to busy professionals. See what happens. See what kind of creative output you get. This not only saves you time, but it also introduces you to creative diversity
in your work. Third, use Chat GPT to
optimize your call to action. Remember, the call to
action is your ask. It's what converts a visitor
into a lead or a customer. With Chat GPT, you refine your call to action
to be more effective. Simply tell Chat GPT the goal of your landing page and ask it to suggest several
calls to action. Then test these against
each other to see which one performs best in
terms of click through rates. By the way, Cat GPT also
helps you phrase your call to action in a way that
is compelling and encourages visitors to take
an action by clicking, whether that is subscribing
to a newsletter, signing up for a free trial, or making a purchase. Fourth, tackle frequently asked questions and sales objections. Every landing page benefits from addressing common
customer questions. This not only helps with SEO, but it also reduces
barriers to conversion. With Chat GPT, you can generate a comprehensive FAQ
section effortlessly. Just tell Chat GPT the common
concerns and questions that your customers have
and let it draft clear concise and
informative answers. This enhances your
user's experience, but it also builds
trust as you're addressing potential
uncertainties upfront. Fifth, create
personalized content. Personalization can
significantly increase the effectiveness of
your landing page. Use Chat GPT to tailor content
based on user segments. For instance, describe to chat GPT a segment of
your audience, say, small business owners,
and ask it to adjust the copy to address their
specific needs and pain points. This targeted approach
greatly enhances the relevance and
appeal of your copy. Making visitors
feel that your page speaks directly to
them because it does. Finally, use chat GPT for AB testing of your
versions of your copy. AB testing is vital in
optimizing conversion rates. With Chat GPT, you can generate multiple versions
of your pages copy quickly. Experiment with different tones, different lengths,
different styles, to see what resonates
best with your audience. For instance, ask chat
GPT to create one version of a landing page that's formal and another
that's conversational. Then test these two
versions to see which tone leads to better engagement
and conversion. That's it. Okay. Integrating Chat GPT into your landing page
creation process isn't just about automation, it's about enhancing creativity, efficiency and effectiveness. By leveraging AI
in these six ways, you speed up your copywriting
process and you create more dynamic targeted
and engaging content that resonates with
your audience. Remember, your goal
in using Chat GPT is not to replace yourself
as the copywriter. Your goal is to augment your
capabilities and free up time for more strategic and
creative parts of your job. Experiment with
these techniques, find the combinations that
work best for you and watch as your landing pages improve in both quality and
conversion rates. Okay.