1. Welcome to the Class: So we will have this
endless list of tasks and projects and
things to think about. And it can get pretty overwhelming to be
honest for a long time, I felt like my life
was a complete mess. But then a few years ago, I discovered a
completely free and totally game-changing
app called notion. Hey friends, How's
it going if we haven't met yet that
my name is Ali, I'm a Dr. turned entrepreneur,
YouTuber and podcaster. And I've been using Notion
for over three years, so my personal life
and now we also use it to run our
team of 15 people. We've got a 5 million dollar
business built basically entirely on top of notion as
a massive productivity nerd. Over the years, I've tried out dozens and dozens of
productivity apps. But the one I keep
coming back to and the one that I still
think is the best way to organize your personal and your professional
life is notion. And it's also free, as you
might have heard by now, a notion all in one app
that's sort of like a cross between your own
personal website and a spreadsheet
and a Google Doc. And you can use it to organize basically anything in your life. The only problem is
that notion does have a little bit of
a learning curve, especially when you look
at other YouTubers and greatest fancy elaborate setups. And it can seem
really complicated and overwhelming to
get started with. That's why in this
class, I'm going to teach you everything
you need to know to maximize your productivity by using Notion most effectively. And we're going to
split the class up into three sections. In the beginner section, we're going to talk about the
fundamental building blocks of notion and how you can use the idea of blocks and pages to organize basically
anything in your life. Then in the intermediate
section of the course, we're gonna go over the idea of databases and talk
about how you can build a database
and how you can do roll-ups and relations
and all that fun stuff. Then in the advanced
section of the course, we're going to talk about a few extra sprinkles of salt that you can add to your notion workspace to make it look really good. Things like embedding
and things like building websites and
things like widgets. But to be honest, a
lot of the power of notion is in its simplicity and its flexibility so
that you can create whatever system works
best for your own brand. So those are the three main
sections of the class. But then in the second
half of the class, we're going to show you a bunch
of different ways that me and my team and other creators
and other entrepreneurs, the ways that we leverage notion to organize our personal
and our work lives. Whether you're a beginner or
intermediate or power user, hopefully that will give you
some extra inspiration of cool stuff that you could potentially do with
your Notion setup. But the thing to keep in mind is that it's all ultimately to serve your own meaningful
productivity to help you do more of the
things that matter to you without having to
waste time thinking about all of the other stuff that you have to do and all the organizational fat that's
always in your mind. This isn't just a
theoretical class. Throughout the class,
we're gonna be building our own life operating
system from the ground up. And I'll be showing
you the features of notion as we build
this thing together. So you can follow
along if you feel like you can just sit back and
relax and enjoy the show. And hopefully I will
try and teach you every single thing I
know about using Notion, having used it every day
for the last three years, if any of that
sounds interesting, I'd love for you to
take the class and I'll see you potentially
on the other side.
2. Class Project: Alright, welcome to the class. Thank you so much for joining this quick little video is to tell you about the
class project. So throughout this class, we are going to be building a life operating
system dashboard, sort of like a
personal homepage. And in the class
project section, I would love for you to share what yours looks like
once you built it, it could be fancy, it could be simple, it
doesn't really matter. But the nice thing about
these projects is that a, you can see what other
people are doing, what other students in
the class are doing and be just kinda nice because you're
actually working on a project as you're
taking this class, rather than just passively
absorbing the information. So please, I'd love for you to share a link to
your notion page, or even just an image screenshot of what it looks
like so we can all learn and inspire and get
inspiration from each other. Anyway, let's get
straight into the class.
3. 1.1 Getting Set Up with Notion: Alright, welcome to the
first section of the course. This is the beginner section. If you already
have Notion setup, if you already know
what you're doing, feel free to skip along to
future videos in the course. But right now we're going
to talk about how to get set up with Notion. And broadly, there are
two ways to access notion on your computer
or your Mac or whatever, and then two ways to access
it on your mobile device. I'm going to talk about
the computer one first. The easiest one is by in fact actually just using
notion in the web browser. And ocean is a web-based app, which means you can just
use it on Chrome or Safari or Netscape Navigator or
whatever browser you want. But you can also download
the native app for Windows and for Mac and
probably for Linux as well. So let's see what
that looks like. Opening up a cheeky
incognito window. One workspace, every team
get notion for free. So you just click Get notion
for free, nice and easy. It's going to ask
you to sign up. I use my Google
account for notion. You are welcome to continue
with whatever you'd like. If you're signing
up for the email, I'm gonna send you a code. So I'm going to check my
email and get the code. And now we have an
account on Notion. So if we zoom in first, tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Ali. I'm going
to set my password. What kind of work do you do?
Let's say, I don't know. The marketing. What is your role, solopreneur
or a freelancer? Why not? What do you plan to
do? A notion document editing and sharing, wiki, product management company, personal note-taking
and other fantastic. Join your teammates on Notion. I'm not going to bother doing
teammates, you type stuff, but I'm going to click create
a new workspace for myself. So when you're using
Notion for personal use, it's completely free when
you're using it with a team. We use it with a team.
We've got a team of 20 plus people who
all use Notion. We use the enterprise version, but you can use the completely
free personal plan. Take me to Notion
what's going to happen. Boom. Now we have this
Getting Started page. You can see in the
top corner we've got all these notion and it's gonna give you all
of these different templates to get started with. Now, I'm going to hit the
Clear templates button because I want us to start
from a blank page because I want to show you that kind of simplified version
of how to go about using Notion as we're just
gonna ignore the templates, but feel free to
keep the templates around and you can explore them. It's kinda fun to
explore the templates. And it's also fun to look on
the Internet and see what templates other people have created and you
can download them. But one cautionary
tale is that if you try using too many templates without understanding the
basics of motion first, you're likely to get overwhelmed and you're
going to think, oh, it's too complicated, I
can't be bothered with this. So generally, I would recommend starting
from a blank page. I'm going to hit
clear templates. It's all gone. And now we just have this
Getting Started page. Now you'll notice in the
bottom corner it says try notion for Mac and you
can hit download app. So I'm going to hit that
because I'm on a Mac, I've got the option
of an Intel processor or an Apple M1 processor. This happens to be an M1 MacBook Pro connects
to my display, so I will click Apple M1. If you knew you haven't
Intel-based Mac, you can find out by hitting the Apple icon and
then about this Mac, and it will tell you, so
this says Apple M1 Pro, but if you have an Intel
Mac, it will say it until something or other and you can download the Intel version. You will not have
this problem if you have Windows or if
you have any of the other bits of software that notion can potentially run on. So far, we've shown
it on Chrome, but I've already got
the app and so I would just log into my
account on the app. Then once you have the app, you can use the app as well. And now I've got exactly
the same thing on the map. So you can use
Chrome if you want. You can use the app if you want. I tend to use the app for most things because
it's pretty solid. And you can also download the
app for your mobile device, for Android, for and for iOS. So that'll be linked on the
notion website as well. So all these different ways of getting set up with Notion, Let's now move on to the next
lesson where we talk about the anatomy of notion and understanding exactly
what's going on. So thank you for
watching and I'll see you in the next lesson.
4. 1.2 The Anatomy of Notion: Alright, so at this
point we've got the app and I'm going to take
you through just understanding the bare
bones of what's going on. So the first thing
to talk about is the idea of workspaces. So when we signed
up for an account, we created a workspace that is in the top
corner over here, you can see Olly's
notion tests that are is the e-mail
that I've gone with. And I have a ton of other
workspaces as well. A workspace is basically
a big broad account. So e.g. we've got our actual workspace
for everyone in the team, which looks
super-complicated. You don't need to
worry about that. A lot of my friends also have workspace is my
brother's startup. Bunch of other startups
have workspaces. Essentially, you don't
need to think too hard about workspaces when
you're starting off, you're gonna start with one
account and one workspace. But if you want, you
can separate out into a business thing
and a personal thing. I tend to keep all things
in one because, why not? But I know people
who've separated workspaces just to
keep things simple. This course, this course is all about keeping things simple. We're just gonna go with
a single workspace. Workspaces are backed up and
stored on the Cloud so you don't need to do
any Command S or Control S or any
saving or anything. It is all on the Cloud. It's all secure. There's all this fat around security and stuff with Notion. But basically everything
is secure on the Cloud, as you would expect in 2022, 23, depending on when
you're watching this, it's sort of like
Google Docs and then it saves
automatically and you don't need to worry
about it, right? So we've talked about
workspace, Let's now talk about the sidebar. The sidebar you will notice
is this thing on the side. And you can open it
and you can close it with these buttons
at the top over there. And there is a keyboard
shortcut of command and slash, which opens and
closes the sidebar, as well as generally
somewhat useful to become, becomes somewhat accustomed to some of the keyboard shortcuts. And I'm gonna be
sharing the most important ones with
you as we go along. So you can just get a bit
faster it using notion. Just as a general tip
for productivity, we're all about becoming
more productive. Anytime you can
do something with the keyboard shortcut
rather than the mouse, you should try and learn the keyboard shortcut
for the thing. Because being fluid with using keyboard shortcuts will
just massively level up your speed of doing
stuff on any kind of computer sidebar in and out. One of the things we can
do, we've got QuickFind. Quickfind is probably my
most used keyboard shortcut, or you can hit on it and you can search anything in your Notion, you can search the
titles of pages, you can search the
contents of pages. This is not particularly
useful right now, or we don't have a single page. But Command P, weirdly is
not to print the thing. It's to access this
quick, quick find bar. Thinking about me, I
use this all the time. I use it like 100 and
hundreds of times a day whenever I want to
find something notion, I don't bother clicking through the sidebar and
finding the thing. I just quick find
it with Command P, It's super efficient. Next we have all updates. You can broadly ignore this. This is kind of more
for team-based stuff. If you want to see what pages your team members at editing and what's happening on. I basically never used
the updates thing. Settings and members
is interesting. This is where you've got all
of these billing settings, all this kinda stuff. You can add in more members. You can try other team versions if you want to pay for it. We use the enterprise
version because we have all of our
team members on it, but you can manage all that
stuff from this account, from this page over here, e.g. you can change the icon
of your workspace, upload an image,
or pick an emoji. So I'm going to use this one. Why not? You can also have a
different domain. We'll talk about this
later, but essentially, if you want to share a page, it will give you whatever
dot notion dot site. But like I've, I've got Testing
Law dot notion, dot site. So that works nicely. And then you've got
a few other settings which are all save, save, save changes based around like upgrading and billing and security and identity
and provisioning, you can basically ignore
all of these things. They have become more
relevant when you have one of the more
advanced plants notion. But again, you
don't need it as a totally free for personal use. Then underneath that we've
got a list of all of our top-level pages
where if I want, I can add a page and another one and another one and another one. And you'll see them appearing
here in the sidebar. And if I wanted
to, within a page, I can have a sub page. And then you can have
sub-pages within sub pages. And you can basically
make whatever sort of table of
contents you want, where your sidebar is
sort of like the main, main home-based, as it were. Underneath this,
we've got templates more on templates
in a little bit, but you can basically
browse an entire list of all possible Notion templates that official notion
team have made. I've even got some templates
in this that I've made. And the notion team were like, Hey, we like your template, can we include it? Notion, that's pretty cool, but more on templates
later on in the class. We've got the import
feature where you can import stuff from
a different app. Generally I would say avoid
this because generally, when you're starting
off with notion, it is probably
easier to start with a blank slate so
that you can get to know the software
a little bit better. And then we have the trash where any kind of deleted
pages can be found. And that's basically it. That's kind of what's
going on at the side. And then at the top left, top right hand corner
of every page, we've got the share
button where you can share things with bovine,
an e-mail address, or you can publish
it to the web, which creates a URL that
you can share with anyone. You've got this comments
feature, which is kinda nice. This helps you collaborate on things with yourself or
with your team members. You've got again, this
idea of view all updates, which is for a specific page, you can see exactly
what the change log of updates to the pages. Again, more relevant
when you have a team, not overly when
you're an individual, you can star pages if you want, in which case they get added to your favorites and they get pinned to the top of your sidebar, which
is quite convenient. And then you have this dot
dot dot thing where you've got loads of other
settings which we're going to come across at various points in the class
as they become relevant 0. And finally, one thing
I forgot to mention in the bottom-right
corner there is this little question mark button. And the cool thing about
the question mark button is that you can get the
help and support guide. You can get like
send us a message, send feedback if you
wanna send feedback on motion notion for
whatever reason. But the keyboard shortcuts one is in particular
interesting. And usually that opens up a little website
that you can have a look at and it can teach you all the different
keyboard shortcuts. The notion, you don't need to worry about
this at the start, but it's something you might
want to look at over time. So that brings us to
the end of this lesson. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you
in the next one.
5. 1.3 The Basics: Pages & Blocks: Alright, welcome back. In this lesson we're
gonna be talking about the fundamental building
blocks of notion. And so all we really
need to do to be honest, the thing we need
to do to understand the vast majority of how
most people, including me, use Notion, is understand
the concept of pages and understand
the concept of blocks. And we're gonna
talk about both of those things in this
particular lesson. There is also other
fancy features of notion involving
databases and we're going to talk
more about those in a future lesson in the
intermediate part of the course. But for now, let's just
focus on pages and blocks because
that's where you get the most bang for your buck. So what our pages
and what our blocks? Well, basically on Notion pages are what you would expect. They are a page. So this Getting
Started thing that I see over here is a page. I can hit Add a page. This is a new pitch. Great. And then I can type stuff on
it. I can add another page. This is another one. And then I can type
some stuff here. And it's kind of what you'd
expect in like a word processing app or if you had a website like different pages, shouldn't be too hard to get
our heads around that one. The slightly more tricky
things to get our head around. The notion is that
within a page, everything is a block. So pages are made up of blocks, multiple blocks equals a page. So e.g. this KG, baba, baba, baba, blah, that
I put over here is a block. And you'll notice when I click this little six dots
thing to the side of it, highlights the block. Okay, this is a block
and it says Copy link to this block is like this
is how Notion operates. And you can move blocks around. So I can just drag
and drop blocks. And like there's no tomorrow. It's, it's kinda fun. Now I want to show
you the thing that we're actually going
to be building. And this is what
I call a life OS, a life operating system. This is one of the ones
that I've just sort of mocked up for this
particular course. And we're gonna be building
something like this. But don't worry if it
looks overwhelming, we're going to be building
it up from the ground up. And I'm going to show you
all the different features that go into building
one of these things. And we will level it up
as we go along throughout the course so that
you can build one of these life OS dashboards
for yourself. But everything has a block here. This dashboard thing is a block and you'll notice it's
sort of in the sidebar. I can move it around.
I can stick it up there. Now it moves. I can undo that with command Z. I can move it over there
if I really wanted to, I can move this morning
pages thing over here. It's like the nice thing about blogs that you can
move things around. You'll notice I can put
it all the way over there and then just
create a new column. And now I can put this
within the new column. I could put that
within the new column. We'll talk about more about
like structuring and stuff. But basically the idea, I'm going to undo
all these things. The idea is that every single
thing in Notion is a block, text is a block, a
calendar is a block, an icon is part of a block. A database is also a block.
Everything is blocked. And if we understand
this idea and we understand that these
are building blocks that we can move around
that really helps us unlock the power of notion because
it helps us realize a block. This is sick. So let's do the page thing a little bit
more seriously now. And I'm going to call this life 0 S. This is my life
operating system. This is where I'm going
to build my dashboard. Now, when you click this
option to create a new page, you're gonna get a bunch
of different options, empty with icon,
empty templates, import, and then all of these different
database features. We're going to ignore the
database features for now because a page can
also be a database, but we'll talk more about that in the intermediate section. For now. Empty with icon
basically creates a blank page and creates icon at the top,
which is kind of nice. That's one of the cute
things about Notion. You can click on the icon, you can change it to
different, whatever. It can be my life at
where's etcetera, etcetera. That's kinda cool. Alternatively, if you created a page and you just hit empty, now you can call it, I
don't know, life OS empty. And you can do whatever
you want in the page. It's just like a word document,
but whenever you want, you can always go here
and you can hit Add icon. As a matter, of
course, I make it a point to add icons to
everything because it just makes using notion
a little bit more of a delight when I see icons,
you can change them. The other cool thing you can add covers, you can add comments. We'll talk more about
those in a little bit. So now that you know what pages and blocks are in
the next lesson, we're gonna be building up
this life OS dashboard. And I'm gonna be
showing you all the different tricks
that you can use to create pages with these
blocks within them. So thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next lesson.
6. 1.4 Building Our LifeOS: Alright, so this is
where the fun starts. This is where we're
going to build up our life operating system. And as we're doing it,
I'm going to show you all the different blocks and all the different
features with the notion. And hopefully this lesson
will give you an idea of what you can do and
what you can create a notion so that you
don't necessarily need to copy what my template looks
like or someone else's. But you can decide, oh, I know, I want to build my
own system like this. And this is really the
true joy of notion. It allows you to almost
like Lego Minecraft, depending on how
old you are, build your own system using whatever
kind of blocks you want. And it's super fun. So let's get started. The first thing we wanna do is this is gonna be a funky page. So we're going to add a cover. I'm going to hit
Add cover covers. Not block is just like a
feature within a page. You'll notice it gives
me this painting. It's probably famous as you
probably know what it is. But I'm going to
hit Change cover. And now I can choose from all these different
colors that they've got. Oh, this one's kinda cute. I like this one. If I want to, I can
upload my own image. If I want to, I can link to an image or I can use Unsplash. And it's basically like
an image search engine. So I can search for
something cool. Oh, I can search for gradient. And that looks cute. Oh, this is nice. I
like colorful stuff. Yeah, this feels, this feels
like me kind of color. Now if I want to, I can
reposition this and I can drag this up and down so you
can see what it looks like. And I quote, I quite like
it over here. That's nice. So now I've got the cover image for my life operating system. I'm going to change the icon to maybe some kind of home icon. And now this feels nice and homely and I've got my life OS. So what do I want in my
life operating system? Well, this is where the world is your ester and you can
do whatever you want. But the way I'm going
to build this out, it's as if every
single morning I want to open up this page and
I want to figure out like, what are the things I want to be seeing when I open up
the page in the morning. I'm also going to zoom into
this significantly more on using Command and
plus I, what I'm doing. There we go. And I'm going to hide the
sidebar using command slash so that we can
just see it all. And it's not sidebars,
not getting in the way. Not the best way to explore all the different
things that notion has to offer is by hitting the forward slash key and then basic blocks and inline blocks and databases and stuff like
there's loads of stuff. This is where you can see all the different
features that notion has. And you can toggle
through the side, this list of blocks
through scrolling your mouse or through just like using the
keyboard or whatever. And you'll notice that Pavlik loads of different
options and load the different things very easy to get overwhelmed
with their staff, so many different embeds, but we'll talk more
about this stuff later. We're just going to
get started with the absolute basic text texted the thing that you don't need to really do a
slash comment for it. Because again, in Notion, everything has a blog and
you can just click on something and you can
just start typing away. Now I'm actually going
to start my life operating system
off with a quote. This is one of my
favorite quotes from the Brandon Sanderson books,
The Stormlight Archive. This quote, life before death, strength before weakness,
journey before destination. That's just simple text. So now this is all a block. And if I click this
thing, you can see again, this is how a block works. If I'd said life
before death and to strengthen for weakness,
antigenic for destination. These are now three
different blocks with three different bits of text
in those blocks, undo, undo. But if I'd done a
Shift and Enter, and then Shift and Enter again. Now this is all still
the same block, and you can always see where the blocks by using
this leg dot-dot-dot, dot-dot-dot feature to
highlight the thing. There's sort of like if
you're trying to send a message in like WhatsApp or something on your desktop
and use Shift and Enter. It will give you a line break without sending any message. So that's something
to keep in mind. The other really
cool thing about blocks is that, and again, this is where nursing
can seem complicated, but it's very simple
when you understand it. A block can be transformed magically into
another type of block. So right now, this
is a textblock, a basic text block. But if I click on this
little dot, dot, dot, dot next to it, then it opened up the menu. And you'll notice
it says turn into, so I can turn a block into
another kind of block, text heading one
heading to heading three page to do this
bullet list number, let's toggle this quote, quote, call-out, etcetera,
etcetera, etcetera. And I'm going to turn
this into a quote, because this is a quote. And therefore I want to look at, to turn into a quick format. So I've clicked that and now this has transformed
into a quote. And it's great
because I started off with the text. I can
just type the text. I can always just change
it into a quote later. I don't need to
decide what sort of block I want this to
be right at the start. Alright, cool. So I've
got my quote blog, start off with tech, turn
into a credit. That's nice. What do I want next? Well, I'm gonna hit Slash and be
like, You know what? Don't want a page, don't
want it to do list. Yeah. Oh, I want a heading, a big section heading. This seems like it could be fun. And the heading I'm going
to say is e.g. dashboard. Because I want us to be
a dashboard for my life. I hit Enter and now this
is a heading block. Again, we can notice
because that blue is highlighted. This
is the heading block. I've got my heading one. Now, if I wanted to, I could turn this into a heading two, which is smaller than
anyone like that. Or I could turn into
a heading three, which is smaller than a
heading two, like that. Undo, undo. If I even wanted to, I could do it with
keyboard shortcuts, exactly the same keyboard
shortcut that you can use in Microsoft
Word or Google Docs, which is Command Option 123. Command Option one heading
one command option two heading to command
option three heading three, getting a bit
complicated, but again, keyboard shortcuts to boost
productivity if we want to. Now, when it comes to my
dashboard, the way I thought, I'd like to think of my
life is that there's really five key pillars that I
want to optimize for. And those are health, wealth, love, happiness, and impact. I'm thinking I
actually want to have a separate page for
each one of those, so that within each
of those pages, I can have my own little
Health dashboard or relationships dashboard
or work dashboard or whatever that
might look like. So now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create pages here, which gives me then the option
to click into those pages, which we're going to talk
more about in a little bit. So I'm gonna go slash
and I'm going to create a basic block
which has a new page. That is interesting. This is where you can embed
a page within a page, within a page within a page
like Notion can become an endless list of nested
pages, which is kinda fun. And that tends to be how
I mostly use Notion. So let's make a page over here. And that page, Let's
call it health. Yeah, nice and easy,
empty with icon. Let's make the icon
something to do with health, green salad bowl. And you'll notice
in the top corner, it's now says lifo
S slash health. It gives you the breadcrumbs. So you can see that health
is a sub page within lifo S. And if I click on life
advice, I got back here and now I can
click on health. And I can click back
on life OS like health back and laugh
or OS, I click health. I could click the back arrow, which will take me
back to life OS. I could click the forward arrow. This basically operates
like a web browser. It's fairly intuitive if you've operated a web
browser and if you're on, if you're watching this class, you have definitely
operator web browser. But a keyboard
shortcut that's really useful at this point is Command and square bracket left, or Command and square
bracket rights. And with these
keyboard shortcuts, you can cycle between
pages forward and back. And it's just, again, the shortcut works
in web browsers to, we should never be ideally clicking the back arrow
on a web browser. We can just use Command
and left square bracket. And now it's just like
a super efficient way to navigate the stuff
that we're trying to do. So I've made my health page. I can put whatever I
want on this page. I can track my macros, I can track my DEXA scans. I can live with everyone, but let's not
over-complicate things. I'm also going to create
a page now for wealth, which has the work stuff. Now, previously I
created a page by hitting Slash and
by clicking page. But instead what I
can do is I can hit Slash and I can type in page, or even just typing slash
p and it will or PA, and it will select the page. You'll notice that
through the key, but I can type in slash. And then whatever you
type after the slash, it's going to search
through the possible list of blocks that you can
add to your thing. And it'll make that work. So if I want to make
a slash heading, I could do slash heading
and it will give me heading one if I'm disliked
Page Act is my page. And this tends to be
how I make pages. I don't bother with the clicking stuff
because it's a bit as well as a lot of effort. I
would just make the page. So I'm going to make
any page and call it wealth empty with icon money. Right? Now I'm gonna go back. Good, new page and that page, I'm going to call it
love. Empty with icon. Let's give it a heart. Go back with Command
square bracket. I'm going to make
any page, happiness. And let's put a
smiling face back. And I'm going to say
splash page, impact, where I don't know hospitals, hospitals have impact, y-naught. And then I'm gonna go back. So you see, you've
seen very quickly I've created these five different
pages within my dashboard, health, wealth, love,
happiness, and impact. And now I can click onto those pages and do
whatever I want with them whenever I feel
like, but you know what? Let's make this look a
little bit prettier. Now one of the cool
things about Notion is that anything can
look very pretty. There's a few different
ways of doing it. If you want to select the block, you could click this
thing over here. Or alternatively you can click this three dot, dot,
dot thing over here. We named delete and more. It basically opens
exactly the same menu, but just in different
parts of the screen. I tend to use this one. What I can do is I can change
the color of this block, so I can change the color of the text default gray,
brown, and tetra. And I can also change
the background color. So just to be a
little bit funky, let me give each of
these different elements of life a different color. So let's go for green, y-naught, that's gone green. Well, actually, I
probably should've green. Let's do well for green. Let's do well for
enlighten me, yellow, Who cares, love,
it's gotta be pink. Thank you. Happiness. Let's make
that blue and impact. Let's make wasn't ICA. Let's make purple. So now I've got a
prettier looking thing. And you can basically, again, the cool thing about Notion is that it makes it look pretty and you can just tweak it to your whatever
aesthetic you want. So now I've got this
dashboard of health, wealth, love,
happiness, and impact. Now let's create a new heading. I'm going to create a heading. I think it's gonna
be heading one style and I'm going to
call it reminders. I'm gonna be like,
okay, what are things I want to remember? Now, an easy way of
doing this would just be to type whatever I want. So I'm thinking, Oh, I need to remember
to call my grandma. And each day I can just look at my reminders
thing and I can just delete stuff that I
don't need to do anymore. That's one way of doing it. Another cool thing
that you can do notion is you can literally
add a reminder. I don't use this
feature very often, but it's just kinda
nice to know. Slash, remind. And you can add
an inline date or reminder instead of date
or reminder and text. So I'm going to hit
that mentioned a date. So let's say remind me tomorrow
at 09:00 A.M. call money. Call my grandma. Now tomorrow at 09:00 A.M.
this is going to give me a notification in Notion
and this is going to go red. And it's going to say, Oh, you should probably do this thing. This is quite handy,
is a great way of essentially using Notion as a pseudo to-do list
with deadlines and stuff so that you know exactly
what you want to be doing. So that's a reminder
of made for myself. That's where I might keep on top of all the various
deadlines I have. So let's add another one.
And that'd be like today. I remind me to conversation
with Peter, e.g. and now notion is
going to remind me of that. It's kinda cool. Let's move on. Let's now have another heading and I'm going to say my things to do. Okay? So I want to
have things to do and I want to use
this as a to-do list. Now, generally when it
comes to a to do list, my personal way that
I like to do it is every day I set a
daily highlight. This is the most
important thing I want to work on because I've got a
heading, one of things to do. I might make a heading two. So I'm gonna go slash H2 and it's going to say heading
to medium section heading. My most important tasks. And let's say today my most important task is
filming this course. So I can add a new block and I can add a
to-do list block. So I'm going to type in to do. And you can see it's over here, basic block track tasks
with the to do list. And you'll notice it's created
this checkbox film notion. That's my most important
task for the day. And once I've done it,
I can tick it off. And that's kinda nice. And then over time
I can always just delete it and replace
it with another one. But this is how you use how you create a to-do list in Notion. But let's say I've
got other things I want to do the way
I like to think of those as I've got
my most important tasks, my daily highlight. Then I have my might do
list this stuff I might do today if I get around to
it. So let's make another H2. H2 might do it. Let's do it. Now. What are the things
I might do today? Return of trousers, spoke. Reply, Ruby's email,
buy flowers for mother, and upload a YouTube video
about how much money I make. That might be my might do list. And then as I'm going
through my day, I can just take these off as
I feel like now this point, this stuff like this top off, the page is
looking pretty good. It's looking,
looking kinda cute, but the bottom half of the
page is looking a bit bare. And this is where we can
add emojis to things. So you can add emojis
like one notion, like you can in any other
text editing software. And I like to add
emojis to headings and sometimes even
to text itself. So let's add an
emoji to reminders. I'm going to use the emoji
keyboard shortcut on MacOS, which is Control
Command, Spacebar. And I'm going to
search for o'clock. Good. That's now my reminders,
emoji, things to do. Okay. You know what, Let's actually
rename that to today. I think I like that,
That makes sense. And I'm going to add an emoji of a calendar that feels good. My most important task, let's add a rocket
because I like the rocket emoji and
I might do list. Is there a list emoji? Is there a, you know
what, let's use this one. Actually, no. Let's use the target emoji. So automatically this is
now looking way nicer. And again, it speaks
to the idea that like, I want this page to be
something I genuinely lookout everyday and find useful and the
prettier it looks, and the more it matches my
own personal aesthetic, the more likely I am
to actually use it. But okay, at this point
we've got this page and we have to do a
lot of scrolling. It's like a little bit annoying. This is where we
can take advantage of a zooming in and out. So I could go Command
minus, minus, minus and zoom all the way
out, which is kinda nice. And Command Plus to zoom
all the way back in. But I might also want to use
the fact that notion can, can separate stuff into columns. So how does this work? Basically, it does
take a little bit of getting used to,
but essentially, you know how these
blocks right now are taking up the whole page. The whole page as constrained
by the sidebar of notion. What we can do is
let's say I wanted to have my today's stuff. I'm going to select all of this. So I've selected all these
blocks, as you can see. And I'm going to select one of these little dot-dot-dot things. I'm going to drag it. Now. I could drag it up
there if I wanted to. But that doesn't solve my problem of the
scrolling problem. I want to try get
instead to the side. And you'll see this
little blue dot comes up, BlueLine comes up. That blue line means that it's going to create a new column. So what does that look like? Boo, Okay, well, we've now column inside
this sort of stuff. And now if I select these, you'll notice that this is
what the block looks like now. And again, you can
always select a thing to see where the blocks
are to give the, to give you that
visual representation. So this block has
appeared over here. This dashboard block is
now within a column, but now my health, wealth, love, happiness, and
impact are a bit annoying. So I'm going to drag those
underneath the dashboard. And you can see how big
the block is gonna be by this blue line that
goes underneath the thing. If I put it up there, it's gonna be within the column. If I put it up there. It's going to take
up the whole page. So you can like move
around and you can see, you can add things underneath. I could even add it
as a third column, either over here or over
here if I wanted to. So here's what that
would look like. But that's a bit much, I
don't really wanna do that. I'm going to undo. Instead I'm going to drag
this and shove it underneath the dashboard and look
at what happens now. Boom, That looks nice,
that looks pretty sick. You know what? Let's add an
emoji to dashboard as well. Let's add brain. This is starting to
look pretty good. In fact, you know what might
be a bit emoji overkill. Let's add dashboard
is due today. Now underneath dashboard
just for aesthetics, I'm going to add another
block which is a divider. Visually divide blocks. That's kinda nice. So now I've got this
little looks somewhat subtle line
underneath dashboard. And I'm going to copy that line into underneath the
today heading as well. And the way I'm gonna
do that is I'm going to use Alt and drag. And like in other
software like this, alt and drag lets
you duplicate stuff. So Alt and drag, and I've duplicated the line
underneath today. Alternatively, I
could right-click it and hit Duplicate or use Command D. And then it
will duplicate it underneath. And then I can drag
that thing across, really, whatever you wanna do. But I've decided
actually that doesn't look great, so I'm just
gonna delete those. But at least you've now seen how to define a feature can do. And you know what, screw it. I'm gonna go back to
my brain dashboard and I'm going to go
back to my calendar. Today, reminds us why is let's put those underneath
the dashboard block as well, just because
I feel like it. And now we have what looks like a pretty solid first draft
of a life operating system. Okay, Final thing
to show, again, notionally super powerful, you can explore these slash commands for yourself
and see what happens. But I want to embed a YouTube
video because I want to have like a motivation that I
always see on my dashboard. So I'm gonna go slash embed, and it's gonna give
me this embed option. So I'm going to hit
bed and then it says paste in any kind of link. So what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna go on the I am going to see
I don't know if Zac Efron motivation or
something like that. Zac Efron beast mode
workout motivation HD. Does that go from
Jim motivation 2021? And let's look at this.
Yeah. Okay, Cool. That's good, good motivation
for me to get to the gym. I'm going to copy the URL here using the share
feature on YouTube. Or I could just copy
it from the URL. And I'm going to paste it
into Notion embed link. And let's see what happens here. And now it has embedded
the video for me. This is currently
within this block, but if I wanted to, I
could put it underneath. And now I've got
this entire kind of Edwin it sort of motivation. Let's make sure this block, this block is currently
within the column. But that feels a bit like weird because if the blocks
within the column, then the next one, that method, I'm going to move that there. So now this is a
whole page block. Let's add a little
bicep over here. This is a bit overkill. You don't have to do
this with your page, but I'm just showing you what the embed
feature looks like. So now I've got, if
I zoom out a bit, my life operating system, I've got my dashboard, I've got my most important task and each day I can just delete
this and type in the next one. Each day. I can just
tick things off my to do list or my to-do list.
I can get rid of them. I can add new ones
in. It's super-easy. And this is the page
that we'll be returning to almost as my homebase. And this is the page that
we're gonna be kinda flushing out as we go
more through the course. Final thing to mention
is the idea of bullet points and
numbered lists. So if I go into one of my, let's say I go into health and I delete this and
I'm going to say, let's do heading to
my 2022 health goals. Now, if I wanted to, I
can make a numbered list, 16 pack abs by the
end of the year. Again, just like any word
processing software, it will automatically create
the number list for me. I don't know, 78 KG body weight and enjoying every
step of the journey. That's my numbered list. I can equally do the
same for bullet points. So if I wanted to, I could
just select all these. Click this button, turn into bulleted list, which
will be handy. And now it's bullet points
rather than numbers. I could if I want to also
turn them into toggle list, I really like toggle list. I use toggle list so much a notion because
now I've created these as little
toggles and this is sick because now
underneath this, I can type in whatever I want and it can be hidden
away 76 KG body weight. If e.g. I wanted to I
could I don't know, track what my way it's
looking like over time. And then I can always
hide it using the toggle, enjoying every step
of the journey. I don't know. I could add a
motivational quote, journey before destination
or something like that. And again, I can hide
it with the toggle. This is the great
power of Notion. Anything can basically
turn into anything else. You've got texts, you've got headings, you've
got bulleted list, you've got numbers list,
you've got to do list, you've got toggled, you've got almost anything under the sun. And you can use these simple
building blocks as if they're Lego to build
whatever system you want. And that's like super fun. So that was a quick run through the life
operating system. Hopefully you've seen
some of the power of notion in these basic
building blocks. Thank you so much
for watching and I'll see you in the next lesson.
7. 1.5 Using Links & Backlinks: Alright, this is a quick one I'm just gonna share with
you in this video and this lesson how to use links
and backlinks with a notion. So this is kinda useful
depending on your use cases. Obviously, like,
like little things. So let's say I want to go
into, I don't know, impact. And let's say I make
a new page called alleles rules, these
rules for life. And let's say I wanted to
sort of make a list of my general life principles
that I didn't want it to reference at other places in my, in my Notion, right now, it feels a bit artificial
because we've got three pages, but like very relevant to if we look at this
where we have like 5,000 different pages and like tons of different
team members and all this kinda
stuff going on, on my actual workspace. But let's just keep
it simple for now. Let's go back to a
life operating system. And because I can't be
bothered to come up with, I've just found a Google image for told Rules for Life
by Jordan Peterson. Fix your posture, good points. And I've just copied
and pasted the image here just for the bands, purely to illustrate
the page situation. So I've created that page,
Ali's Rules for Life. And now let's say I want to link to it from something else. So let's say within health, I want to say, remember
your rules for life. Now, I want to
link to that page, but it's like the pages are sub page of impact
rather than health. So how do I link to that page? The secret here is the
bracket bracket command. So I'm gonna go square
bracket, square bracket. Then that is going to
let me add a link to a page or create a new page or add a new
page somewhere else. But like I know
the page is called rules or the bigger
alleys, Rules for Life. And I can just type
in whatever I want. And it will do this sort
of fuzzy search thing to figure out what do I mean? I can hit Enter. And now I've created a
shortcut to that page. So the Rules for Life page
is still with an impact, as you can see at the
top of a heritable then lifo S impact on
Israels for life. But if I go back using
the keyboard shortcut, probably I've now included the
link here and you can use, you can see the
little arrow icon on the icon that shows that this is not a page within
the sub page, is a page that's
linked elsewhere, but it's not just pages that
you can link to inauthentic. And again, this is
where it could get complicated, but it's
actually kind of simple. Every single block
also has a link. Let's take this quote,
life before death, strength or weakness,
journey before destination. This block. As we
see it's a block because everything that
notion is block has a link and I can click Copy link to block. Let's
see what that does. Great. It's copied
to my clipboard. So now let's say
within happiness, if I want to paste that in,
I'm going to Command V. And now you'll see
what the link is. It looks notion dot,
so such testing law slash like just ridiculous
bunch of numbers. But what I can do is I could either paste
it just as a URL, which isn't a
particularly useful. But I can paste in sync or
I can mention the block. So what happens when I
click Paste in sync? Boom, look at that. It's literally copied
and pasted that block. And that means that if
I edit the original, then this one will also change. So this might be
if I decide within lifo S, Let's add attribution. And now I go into happiness, will see that this
has changed as well. And the fact that it's got
this little red outline on it, that's when you know
that that's a thing that you have imbedded
from somewhere else. So if you change the
original source, you can change this as well. And this is called
a sink to block. And this is if you have quotes or life lessons or
anything like that, you can use it. The way we use it is if we're creating an
outline for a course, will have a sync to block basically throughout all
the different sections. So that if we want to change, radically changed the
structure of the course, we just have to change
it once and that change affect multiple times. Alternatively, if you wanted to create a dashboard
for your health, you could create a sync to block that was what is
my current weight. And then all you'd have
to do is change it once and on every page where you want to have your
current weight, whatever that might be, it will just update automatically. Couple more things to
mention on the links front just in case it's
helpful for you. So let's look at impact. Let's look at rules for life. You'll notice it
says one backlink. So the fact I've
linked to the page will flag up on the
page itself to be like, Hey, Hey, here are all the various pages that
have linked to this page, which is useful if you're e.g. taking book notes
and putting them from one place to
another, they can. You'll find a use case for
this feature, but crucially, don't try and find a use case because you
know the feature exists. Recognize that the feature
exists and you can use it if that's actually
required for your ends. You don't need to use all
the features of Notion. I use like five per cent of the features of notion
and they've got so many, but I don't need to use
the vast majority of them. The final thing to remember is that when it comes to links, you can always share a page. Now one way of sharing
a page is by adding someone's email
address and they'll get an email with the page. But the easier way to share a page is to click Share to web. And now that creates a URL testing load dot notion not Sites slash eligible for
life, et cetera, et cetera. I can hit Allow Editing.
I don't wanna do that. Allow comments, allow
duplicate as templates. This allows other
people to duplicate the page into their
own Notion workspace. Yeah, why not? And search engine
indexing is a power, a power user feature
if you want to upgrade your if you want
to upgrade the plan. But let's I don't want
it. Let's say I hit Copy. Now I'm going to open up
an incognito window in Chrome and I'm going to show
you what this looks like. If I paste the URL
and hit Enter. Now, incredibly, I've created a webpage and I've got my rules for life, and
I've got my image. And I'm basically just
created a webpage. And you'll notice in Chrome, all I can see as
Ali's rule for life. I can't see that it's embedded
with an impact on I can't see life OS because I
haven't shared those pages. All I can see as this one, and this is fantastic
for sharing. This is a feature we
use all the time. If I want to walk
together a quick outline of a course or a video to send
it to someone in the team. I'll just send them a link. Um, I know a bunch of
YouTubers who have sponsorship pages where
they're just make a notion page that says here
are my sponsorship rates. They make it look pretty.
And then they can just send that link to brands without revealing the rest of the contents of
the notion workspace, super handy, super, super
useful feature to know about. So that brings us to the end of this discussion about links. Thank you very much for
watching and I'll see you in the next
lesson where we flesh out life or west with some more funky features that you
might want to know about it. Thanks for watching
and see you there.
8. 1.6 Styling Your Page: Alright, final lesson in
the beginners section before we go into the
intermediate fun stuff with databases and things. And in this lesson,
we're going to talk about styling our page. So there's a few things
that we've not yet talked about in
terms of styling. And I want to give
you a little quick rundown through what those are. So the first one is when
you click this dot, dot, dot button in the corner, you've got a bunch
of different options for what your page
could look like. The default is a sans serif workhorse
in terms of the font. But serif, good for publishing. What happens when I click that? Boom, suddenly this whole page is turned into a serif font. I don't like it personally. I never ever, ever used this, but it's an option. And you've got mono, good for drafting and notes. Here's what that
looks like. Again, I think it looks a bit
trash. It's not my vibe. Some people like it. The people that are more
like program or a game or brewery who have very light
black and white aesthetics. But I'm a colorful guy. I prefer this sort of model when it comes
to the default thing. You can also use small text. And this is what happens. The
text becomes a lot smaller. Heading size
significantly decreases, but mostly it's the texts
that becomes slightly smaller or you can
go full width. Now this is useful if
you use a big monitor, because full width means that, well, you can now use the
full width of the page. It does sometimes
become a bit weird. One pages are full
width because like, if you look at the
Zac Efron videos is absolutely freaking huge
on my screen right now. It looks a bit weird
if someone were to come into the studio
and see this, they think What the
**** is going on? Is this what you do for a
job? And I'd be like, yes. But I tend to prefer pages
that are not full width, but you do have that option. A lot of people I know
who have life OS, dashboard and homepages
use the forward so that they've got
more screen real estate for stuff going on. The other thing when it comes to styling is that, of course, because this is basically a word processor on top of being all of the
funky things in ocean. You can also style
stuff in line. So let's see life before death,
journey for destination. Let's say I want a bold that if I just highlight
it as normal text, you'll see this comes up
quote, link, comment. The quote thing is like
helps me turn the block into something else so I could
turn it into a call-out. I do quite like call
it, I call it a nice because they
look kinda cute. But let's stick with
a quote for now. I could add a link. So e.g. if I wanted to
add a link to my website, then now I've created a link, a hyperlink, pretty
standard stuff undo that, I could add a comment. We're going to talk about
the comment feature further down the line.
It's kinda useful. Clap for collaboration. They being fully honest, not as good as Google Docs. So right now, I mean, for my book projects where
we're collaborating with multiple editors and stuff,
we're using Google Docs. I'd love to be able
to use Notion, but it's just not
quite there yet. But commenting is
great for basic stuff. And then of course,
bold, italic, underline strikethrough
markets code. You can make it look kinda
Cody, which is kinda cool. You can turn it into an equation or you can change the text, you can change the
background just of that bit. I've made just that bit
of green background. And this is what
that looks like. Doesn't look great,
but you can highlight things like this if
you really want to. And then when you highlight anything at all within a block, you can use the
dot-dot-dot to select the whole block and then do
stuff with the whole block. Quote size has got a large. Why not? Kinda looks nice. And actually let's get rid
of the Brennan Center sic, life before death, strength or weakness, journey
before destination. And that was a few other
things when it comes to styling pages that we've
not yet talked about. So hope you enjoyed that lesson. Thank you very
much for watching. Let's move on to
the next section of the course now when we talk about the intermediate features, but before we do that, I
just want to say honestly, 98% of my use cases for notion, especially as an individual, as a team, we use
databases a lot, but as an individual, we've
covered 98% of the use cases. If you want, you can just stop watching this
class right now. I think one of the issues with the notion that
people have is that they tend to over-complicate the **** out of it.
There's no need for that. What I think mostly
my personal use cases for Notion or at pages and texts and bullet
points and to do this and toggles,
that's about it. I don't really do much
else with Notion. Want to use it for personal use, when to use it for the team. Now we have databases and
commenting and inline all the other fancy
integrations like crap. But a lot of it you don't
need to do as an individual. So if you've gotten
value out of this course so far, I love it. If you can leave a
little review here on Skillshare or
wherever you happen to be watching this, I love it. If you can post your
class project where you show us what your own
life OS dashboard is. But don't think that you have to use all the features or understand all the features. The great thing about
Notion is you can learn as you go
along and as you, as you think that I
would love it if I had a calendar widget
integrated onto my page. You can Google notion
calendar widget and then you can go, oh, someone's created that. Here's how I do it. Rather than trying to learn all the things first and
then implement it anyway. That aside, the rest
of the course is gonna be about all these
other fancy features. And we're going to talk
next about how to use databases and the other intermediate
functions of notions. So thank you so much for
watching this section, and I'll see you
in the next one.
9. 2.1 The Power of Databases: Alright, we are into the intermediate
section of the course. So essentially notion is about pages and blocks
at a basic level, but at a more intermediate
and advanced level, it is also about databases. So instead of just telling
you about databases, I'm going to show
you and we're going to build something together. And as we're going along, we're going to
explain what the deal is with these databases. So let's go into
the love column. And essentially what
I'm gonna do is create a personal CRM, CRM, customer relationship
management software. It's like a thing
that businesses use. Basically, I'm
trunk, I'm going to create a glorified address book. That's probably a
more reasonable way of thinking about it, a glorified address book. So how do I do that? Well, within my love thing, I'm going to maybe
add a heading, my glorified address book. Now, this is where
it starts to get interesting because where
the little slash command, we can add a database. So you're underneath here,
you'll see there's this, there's all the basic blocks, there's all the inline blocks, and now there are
database blocks, table board, gallery list, calendar, timeline
database, Inline Database, full-page linked
view of database. Sounds complicated initially, but actually it's very simple once you get
your head around it. And that's what we're
gonna try and do here. What are we gonna do? We're gonna start off
with a table view. Honestly, I think
TableView is probably the easiest place to start to understand how
a database works. Because which has different
crucially to a table. So this is a simple
table, right? This is not a database. This is just like a block that has a table in it and I
can write whatever I want here by Amendment. There's nothing, there's
nothing fancy about this. It's just, it's
just a basic table. So this is not the sort
of table we're creating. What we're creating is a
database with a table view. Before we do that,
just a quick thing. So in line versus full-page, now a database, full page, add a new database
as a sub page. So what this looks like is
I've got this database, let's say I don't
know my new database. And it starts off with a
table and it's quite nice, but it adds it in as a sub page. So now I've got this
whole page going on, like this is actually
quite useful. Alternatively, if we add
the database inline, now it's sort of the database. It is not at its
own separate page. It is just over here,
my Inline database. Now, there's not
a huge amount of difference between
these two things. Because if e.g. we hit them more thing and hit
View database, this is also a page. It just so happens
that it's embedded within this page rather
than as a sub page. So it doesn't really matter
which one you choose, but it's more about kind of
how you want it to look. In my case, I want to
create an inland database. I'm gonna go slash inline
in database in line. And I'm going to call it my glorified address book database. You can call it
whatever you want. It doesn't really matter. Now you'll see
that it's created, it's created for me a table
where I've got name and tags. Those are the default columns. And this is essentially how you might imagine a spreadsheet. Think of databases or
spreadsheets and think of pages as Word documents within Notion. So I'm creating an address book. So let's say name,
Gordon Green form. And basically as
you've seen, I've populated this database
with a bunch of names. This is what I might have in
my address book database. Now this is disliked. It sort of just
like a spreadsheet. You can kind of do stuff
with these columns. So now we've got tags. Tags. It's interesting
at tags as a property, we can always rename, we
can rename these things. So if I, if I click
on name, e.g. I can rename it to name
of person if I wanted to, but I think just named
makes lot of sense. Name is a property within
this database table. Basically every
column has property. Name is a property, and
if I hit Edit property, I can edit the type of it. So this needs to
be a title because every single field
within your database, every single database
needs to have a title property of some sort. Now let's look at the
property of tags. And I can hit Edit property
where I can rename it. This is a multi-select. So essentially what this
means is I can have multiple tags within
this property. So e.g. I. Might say Gordon Green horn
is friend and also team. Now I've created two tags, friend and team, because
it's multi-select, gordon can be in
both categories. Let's say Tintin Smith is
friend and team as well. Let's say some Kramer is friend. But in turn, because time
is one of our interns, let's say Angus is best friends. E.g. that could be a category. I guess. It's kind of a and let's say he's part
of the team as well. Hermione Granger, let's
say she is a life partner, which could be another tag. And you'll see that as I add these new tags into
this property, I've now got the
option to select from one or multiple and I
can get rid of them. So this is kinda cool. Let's say Thomas Frank has internet print because we've
never met in real life. And let's say he's
a YouTuber as well. On data jade is, let's say friend and internet
friend and YouTuber. If Cornwell, sheen,
group friend, friend. Now family it actually because she is married
to my brother. Now you can imagine
that depending on what you want your database for, you might have different use of the multi-select thing, e.g. let's say you wanted
to make a database with all the books
that you've ever read. And he wanted to
categorize them by genre. A book like Twilight might
have the genre of romance, but also fantasy and
also really good book. So those could be
three different tags or whatever
you wanna call it, within a genre that you have
for that particular book. Alright, so at this
point we've got our name, we've got our tags. It's all fairly simple so far. Now the crucial insight about Notion and about
databases is that every entry within a
database is also a page. Every single thing in the
database is also a page. So if I click on Gordon
Green Amman and I hit open, it opens as a page. And now this is a page, but it's a page that's
within the database. If I wanted to, I could
create a new page here called Gordon Green want,
if I want to do it right. So now I've created
a page within love. Sounds kind of weird, but
I've created a page here, It's a sub page within love. I've kind of done the same
thing here is just a sub page within the database of my
glorified address book. So let's delete this now because Gordon Green on and everything else in this database as a page, it means that I can
treat it as a page. I can type in whatever I want. I can include a photo of Gordon. I can type in details,
I can type in notes from the last
time that we met. This is actually honestly
how I how I would use a personal CRM is just glorified address book in real life, I actually do it in Apple notes because I just think
it's slightly easier. But when I actually
know I mentioned it, i'm, I'm actually
going to double with migrating into Notion. Initially this was just meant to be a little bit of an illustration of
the database feature. But as I'm, as I'm
explaining it, I'm thinking this actually could be could be quite useful. So e.g. earlier today, Gordon, I had breakfast, so I
could write breakfast. Granger, and CO. What day is it? 27th of July, 2020
to me, I'm Gordon. And I could write notes. I could just take a few notes about the thing that
we talked about. And that means that next time
Gordon and I are hanging out and I'm going to remind myself of what did we
talk about last time. I can just go into the
Gordon Green on page, I can just find it using notion. So actually e.g. if I go in
life OS and I'm like, Oh, I've just had to have
a meeting with Gordon but or a breakfast and lunch
forgotten or whatever. But I need to find this page to see what
my notes or I can go Command P and I can
just type in Gordon. And it's going to recognize
because it's a page, it's going to show up within
my QuickFind feature. So I can just go straight
to Gordon and immediately bring up the notes from the last time I had
a meeting with him. So at this time, if e.g. I'd written, Gordon
has a new baby, 11 months old birthdays
and 15th of August. Next time I see
Gordon, it'd be like, happy birthday for your kid. And he's gonna be like, My God, you remember the
birthday of my child? And I'm like, oh, it's
because I looked at my notes just before
attending this thing. I'm not going to tell him
that because he's gonna, he's gonna feel that warm
glow that I actually cared about him enough to
remember that detail. In reality, I've done here, this is how companies use CRMs to keep track of
their customers and stuff. And I think there are
gains to be had in our personal lives from applying systems from
the world of business, like a CRM, something like that. It's basically a
glorified address book. No one actually remembers the
birthdays of their friends. They just have it on Facebook or an address book or a
calendar or whatever. Basically that anyway, the
point was because this is a page I can do whatever
I want within the page. Next, I'm I'm having a
meeting I can type and stuff. It doesn't need to be
particularly fancy. It's just a page. It's my entire page
with Gordon Green one. So let's go back
to the database. And again, you've noticed
that this is now full screen because the database
is also a page, but it just so happens to
be embedded within here. So if I go here and view
database, then it goes, it goes back to the full
screen. So that's a page. Let's now add a few
more properties to the database and we can see all the different
options are, if I hit the little
plus over here, it says property edit property, let's say a date of birth
or let's say dataframe. And I can say Type is
unsurprisingly date. Good. Date format for
date, datetime 12-hour. Okay, Cool. So let's say Gordon's birthday
is the 20th, 24th of July. Let's say, I don't know. 1999. Cool. I've got his
date of birth. Let's put some random dates. And for these guys, alright, I've just populated this with
some random dates of birth. Now, if someone's birthday is coming up, I've got that list. Basically it's like
a spreadsheet. Imagine this like a spreadsheet. What are the columns you
would add to a spreadsheet? Therefore, what
are the properties you would add to the database? I'm also going to add a
property called last meeting. Let's call it last
Hangout. When was the last time I spoke
to this person? When was the last time
I met with this person? I'm also going to
change the type of that property to date
because, why not? So golden, let's say
I'm at today Tintin, let's say I'm at, I don't
know, three months ago. I can just populate
this with random stuff. But you can see that you
can always change this and do stuff with it over time. Cool. Now I've got
my last Hangout. Now if I want to, I can
sort this database. By the last time I hung
out with a person, I can hit this sort ascending or descending,
which will sort it out. Again, exactly like
a spreadsheet works. Database is basically
spreadsheets. We can think of it
in those terms, but this is broadly, a very broad brush strokes starting point for
what our database looks like. Now in
future lessons. Here, we're going to
look at a bunch of other fancier features like database views and link databases and
templates and stuff. But hopefully this
gives you an idea of basically a database is a spreadsheet and
every entry within the database is its own page. So you can do all of
the notion things with a page like we discussed in the previous section
of the course. So thank you for watching and I'll see
you in the next lesson.
10. 2.2 Understanding Database Views: Alright, welcome back. I got so excited
about databases. Actually spill some coffee down my top, so I hope
you don't mind. But we're going to
continue this lesson. We're going to talk
about database views. So you will see
over here we have table and then we have a little intriguing little
button called add view. What does that mean? Let's hit Add view. Well, what's going on? It's created a new table. No, it hasn't
created a new table. It's created a database. The database was already there. It's created a new
view for the database. So just another way to
view the same data. You'll notice over
here I can give it a new name and I can
select from table board, timeline, calendar
list, and the gallery. So let's close that. Let's say birthday calendar because I wanna make
a calendar view. Well, ****, it's just
changed to a calendar. What's going on there? Well, it turns out
what's actually going on is that there is a way to view the database
in the format of a calendar. And it says show calendar
by date of birth, and it's looking for the date properties
within the database. I could also show
it as last Hangout. But actually you know what, the show is lost
hang-up that I feel like that makes more
sense because a lot of people's date of birth
looking 20 years, 30 years in the past. I'm going to show
calendar by last hangout. Let's rename this rename
last Hangout calendar. Now I can see the table
of my database in my address book and I can see
the last Hangout calendar. Isn't that cool? It's all exactly the same data. This Gordon Green horn. The last Hangout we can
see from this was today, that'll July the 27th
of July 27th, 2022. And in last time our calendar, Gordon's name is under here. And if we click on this oh, it's the same page because every entry within a
database is a page. It just so happens to be
sorted by the calendar view. And now if I go back, we should see 1010
Smith last hangout on the 12th of April 2022. And unsurprisingly, that
matches exactly what it is in the property that we had
in our table views or just a different way of seeing the same data in a way that might help you or
might hinder you, pick whatever views
make more sense. What are the other
kind of views? Well, the board
view is quite nice. This puts things in a
format of a Kanban board. And essentially what
it does is that it groups things by a particular either select
or multi-select property. So we can see here, grouped by tags is currently
what it's doing. Which is why it's
showing best friend, family friend in turn, internet friend and
that kind of stuff. This is pretty cool. You'll
notice Gordon is replicated here within friend and also here within team as a
bunch of other people. Because this was a multi-select. If it was a single select them, we wouldn't have duplication
across the board. But this might be a
way of being like, if I'm thinking, I wonder
who my friends are, I can put the board view on and I can just go
through and be like, oh, these are all the
people who are my friends. That's one way of doing it. We're going to show
you tons more details about exactly how we use Notion in the bonus use cases
section within this course. But broadly, this
is a board view. Videos that need writing,
videos that need filming, videos that need editing at
it needs approval and so on. And the idea behind
a kanban board is that you can then move something from one
area to another. And that's kinda cool. But by virtue of
the fact that it moves through the Kanban board within the same database as the status of
the video changes, it means that different people
in the team can be like, hey, the writers look at the writer column, I look
at the filling column. I've videographer looks
at the filming column, the editor looks at
the editing column, or even if you're
just using it as an individual rather
than with a team, you have an idea
of how many ideas do I have in my
production pipeline? One of the videos
that need writing. What are the videos
and you filming? What are the current
videos I need editing. You can do this thing
in different ways. Anyway, let's go back to
our actual database here. So we've got the board view. In fact, I'm just
going to open this up full screen because why not? This is the board view. Let's look at what
other views we've got. So if I click Add
view, we've got list. List is just simple.
It's a list. I almost never use the list thing because
there's just a bit too basic. And I find that
table always does the same job as a list just
with more information. But you can hit Properties
and you can show it. You can decide which properties you
actually want to show. So right now, this
is showing e.g. the name and the tags. But let's say I just wanted to show name and date of birth. I can go dot, dot, dot. I can go Properties. I can hide the tags and I
can show the date of birth. And now it shows the name and
it shows the date of birth. The slightly annoying
thing about this, which is why I generally
prefer inline databases, is because the full
database is a bit too long, like I have to look at and I've looked all the
way across the screen. It's kind of annoying, which is why I like to
have them in line. Like this seems much
more reasonable because now it's squished the database
view in a little bit. But for the sake
of illustration, we're going to go full screen. So we've got table,
we've got calendar, we've got bored, we've got list. We also have Gallery, which is kind of cute. So in Gordon's case,
you can see that it's showing a preview of what
the contents of the thing. But if I had an
image, let's say, so let's find an image
of Hermione Granger. I'm just going to
paste it into here. Now we've got a picture of Hermione and I can
like write whatever, whatever, whatever,
whatever, whatever I want because it's a page. Now this image is gonna be, oh hello, I can
hit repositioned. Now, this safe position. This is now what
this looks like. Really like real-life
example again, just to give you a
little preview, here is how we use this internally. We use it kinda two things. Number one is whereas our Meet the Team page,
Meet the Team. Here we go. Gallery view. This shows various people
in our team and it shows the photos of them
and it's just kinda nice. That's the sort of
thing that a gallery, gallery is useful for. We can use a board to
show them by department. We can show a table
to show them by like other details and stuff.
That's one way of doing it. The other way of doing it is I actually have a video mood
board that I have a notion. And this is a gallery view
because this shows like just, it's where I put inspiration
for videos and stuff. And if I want to
create an animated GIF of something that I liked
in someone else's video. I'll just chuck it into here. And you can see that in
this database gallery view. And then finally we
have timeline view. Now again, timeline view be a bit contrived when it
comes to this example. So I'm just going to show
you what it looks like where in our actual workspace. We use timeline view
for this very course. So this is our notion skilled coach show Skillshare course. And this is our
developmental timeline where essentially
it's a Gantt chart. If you might be familiar with Gantt charts and
product management, it tells you the
date and you can select where you're hoping to do stuff Within project management is useful
for those sort of things. If you know that you might
need to use a Gantt chart, you can use a timeline
view and you can experiment with it to
see what the vibe is. So that was a little
quick tour of the different views of
the database and Notion. You can try them
out for yourself. Another message I want to keep coming back to
you in this course is that it's way better to
just keep things simple. Keep things as
simple as possible. Complexity is the
enemy of productivity, and complexity is the enemy
of creativity as well. The simpler your system, the more you can use
it as a tool rather than as like a master
if that makes sense. If you are looking
for loads more inspirational exactly
how to use databases. That's all gonna be in the bonus interview section where we have interviews with
people on our team and me, and we'll show you our
systems and other, other creator friends who use Notion and interesting ways. Admittedly, those organisms
super, super complicated. So the main point is like keep things simple
to start with, but hopefully those
will give you some inspiration for what you
can do with your own setup. So, thank you very much
for watching and I will see you hopefully
in the next lesson.
11. 2.3 Using Linked Views of Databases: All right, Welcome back. We're going to talk about
linked databases here. So within our love
thing, you Bobby, we have our Inline Database, my glorified address book. In fact, we can
delete the heading because it's already in there. Then as we showed, we can
view the database and we can see that this is all a
database which has a page. And as we said, every entry
in a database is also a page. Now, we've got this
stuff over here, bored less gallery or
this kind of fun stuff. But what if we want to reference a database from somewhere
else in our workspace? Now again, this is a
somewhat contrived example, but I'm just going to show you that illustration purposes. Then in the bonus
section of the course, I'll give you a little
sneak peek of what it looks like in our
system and then we'll run through it in the
bonus materials so that you can actually look at real life use cases rather
than these contrived examples. But of course,
contrived examples are useful for
illustration purposes. Let me get rid of this
motivation thing. This is all spheres starts
to feel a bit weird. Delete whatever. Okay, So how might I want
to use a linked database? Let's say I want to make a heading called
upcoming birthdays. Great, and let's see,
where is this block? This block is over there.
Let's add it down here. Good. Oh, actually, no, You know
what, Let's put it over here. So it's within this column. Let's say upcoming birthday is. Now, if I want to add in this separate view of my
database, I linked database, I can go slash and I
can search for link, linked view of a database, add an existing
database to this page. So I'm going to hit that. And now it's going to
say Select Data Source. So this is where I
select my database. My database is this one, my glorified address
book database. And I can copy an existing view. So I can show an existing view, which is fairly
self-explanatory because we've already created table and calendar and board and
listening gallery. Or I can create a
new empty view. So that's what I'm doing. I'm
going to go new empty view. I'm going to say I want
this to be a table. And I'm going to
say upcoming days. It's gonna be the
title for the view. I don't wanna show
the database title. So you'll see that
underneath this hides and shows the database title
isn't only to see the title. And let's hit Done. Now, what I want to show
is I want to show the name of the person and just
their date of birth. That's the only
thing I want to see. So I'm going to hit Properties and I'm going to hide the tags, and I'm going to hide
the last last Hangout. So all I see is the name
and their date of birth. And that feels pretty good. And so now if I
scroll to the side, I've created this in a way in line frame within
my life arresting, which shows me my
upcoming birthdays. And if I wanted to, I could sort them because
of good date of birth. It's a bit more
difficult to sort. But if I wanted to actually, I could rename this
edit property. I could say birthday. Actually. Now at the moment
this is still a bit, Let's put fake data birth. But if Cornwell and these guys
and these guys, whatever. Now at this point, this
is not like overly useful because it's
not currently sorted. The issue with
sorting by date is that if I sorted
ascending or descending, it's going to take the
year into account. So we're going to make
this a little bit fancier with a formula
for the down the line. But the point of this lesson, it was just to illustrate that
if you want, you can have, you can have a link to view of a database from anywhere
within your workspace. So I'm going to
show you a preview of what this looks
like for us in real life with the notion stuff that we've
been doing for years. And we have this whole
content production engine, which is like super fancy. We've got, we've got a video on our bonus section where we
show you exactly how it works. But essentially this entire
content production engine is a single database and
then tons and tons and tons of linked
views of the database. So if e.g. I. Have my own page where I've got all of these various linked
views of the database. Gordon, our videographer,
has its own page where we've got all these different linked views
of the database. Christian or editor
has a link for you. Jamie are huge producer
has a link to view. The typewriter is
for our writers. It's like we're essentially creating these different pages, which for depending on the person and what their needs are, we've created
different linked views of exactly the same database. Everyone's working from
the same database, of course, a single data source, but they're creating views or optimizing views to
suit their own workflows. This is super complicated, loads more details on
exactly a walk-through and exactly how this works
in the bonus section. But if we bring things back
down to our basic CRM, hopefully we've seen that using linked views
of a database, we can add in something like upcoming
birthday, something like this. Again, somewhat
contrived example because you might
not want to do this, but hopefully it gives you an illustration of the feature, which is what we're trying to do in this half of the course. And then the second
half of the course, we're going to show you all the different use cases
that people do in real life. So, thank you so
much for watching, and I'll see you in
the next lesson.
12. 2.4 Understanding Relations & Rollups: Alright, so, so far
we've been through the basic features of databases. We've talked about
views, we've talked about linked views
of a database. In this lesson,
we're going to talk about something a
little bit more complex which has
relations and roll-ups. Now, I was caveat that we
don't use this very much. There are a handful of use cases that I know
some people use it. It's not a thing that
I use personally, but I'm going to
illustrate it with a somewhat contrived
examples so you can see what the
power of notion is. So you can decide for
your own use cases, whether you want to
use this feature or whether you can completely
ignore it broadly like I do. So how did relations
and roll-ups work? Well to do that, we are
going to actually create a proper projects and tasks database for
managing and productivity. And I'll show you
how these Mike, what might work within that. So I'm going to create
a brand new database, but I'm going to make
it as a sub page. So let's call this our projects. Let's just call
it Project, where we can add an icon
and I don't know. I don't want to, they'll
present. This is all of our projects. So let's say I have a project
of become a gym shock. So I've populated this
database which is just roundtable with a few
different potential projects. Because as we've talked
about, every entry within a database is a page, become a Gymshark
athlete is also a page. Which means if I wanted
to have a task list, I could do it like this. I could say, I don't
know if body fat 16%. I could write bodyfat 16%. Post more Instagram's
whoops, nope, kidding. Banter. I could say buy more Gymshark
gear, get more hands. I could do the to-do list within the project page itself, but we're not gonna do that. We're gonna do it a little
bit more sophisticated Li, which may well be
over-engineering. You don't necessarily
have to do this, but it just shows you the power of relations and roll-ups. So I'm going to, I've got my product database. I'm now going to create a new
database, again, full-page. And I'm going to call it tasks. Okay? Maybe you can see
where this is going, where I contribute half.
Let's do it like this. So one of the tasks within
one of my projects might be, I don't know if I
can get a DEXA scan or for my book project and
might be finished draft of chapter nine or from my
organizing surfing trip to Morocco is looked at in Morocco. So I've got three
different tasks, but they're associated with
three different projects. In fact, let's just
add a few more. Cool. So I've populated with this with a few
more tasks and in my head I know what projects
these are associated with. But the point of relations is
that we can link the tasks database to the
project's database. So let's see how this works. Firstly, I'm going to delete the tax property. I'm just
going to click on it. And I'm gonna hit Delete
property because we don't need it right now and yes,
I can delete it. And I'm going to add a property. But crucially, the type
is going to be relation. Scary. Let's try that. And this lets me link to databases together.
This is very exciting. Now these tasks have nothing
to do with my address book, but they do have everything
to do with projects. So I'm going to link it to
the project's database. I'm also going to hit Show
on projects which mean that within each project that will also show the
tasks that are linked to it. So I'm going to
hit Add relation. And now you'll see that
there's this new property which has this
little arrow icon, which means relation, and
it's linked to projects. Now essentially what
I can do is that for every entry in the database, I could link it to one or
more potential project. So get a DEXA scan is part of the become
a Gymshark athlete. So you'll see that it's
essentially going, going through the database
and it's saying, Hey, which one of these
projects I entries in the project's database would
you like to link this to, would you like to relate it
to become a Gymshark athlete? Great. First draw from chapter nine
is about the book project. So if camps in Morocco
is surfing holiday, find suitable dates in surfing holiday organized
flights is surfing holiday high personal trainer
is Gymshark athlete by more gym clothing
as Gymshark athlete by trainers is Gymshark athlete. So you can see that
each every task is associated with one or
potentially more projects. And each project may have multiple tasks
associated with it. So let's look now
that we've done that, what does our project's
database look like? Whoa, look at that. Let's leave the tags
things I don't really care about it. Delete property. But now you can see that
for each of our projects, we've got multiple tasks. And if I open this up as a page, we can see that we've got our
tasks database link to it. And then because the tasks
database is a database, every entry within the tasks
database is also a page. And so I can click hire a personal trainer. This
is the page for that. And I can put in and I can put in any details
of the task itself. I could go back to
the project and then I can write some notes
on the project itself. And it just speaks to
the idea that again, every entry within a database, There's a page, but
you can connect these different databases
together if you need to. Now, real-life
examples, we're going to show you a
handful of these in the bonus section
where different people will talk about how they
use this in different ways. Like I said, I almost
never use relation like relational
databases in this way. One case where I used to use them was where we had a
database for sponsorships. Another database for content. And we'd be able to link some sponsors with
certain videos. And that was quite useful, but we have since stopped using that particular method because there's other ways of doing
the same thing in Notion, right, so that was a quick
overview of relations. Let's quickly talk
about roll-ups. Now, roll-ups get unlocked
when you have relations. So what is a roll-up? Let's try it. So
we're going to create a new property and the type
is going to be roll up. Now, roll-up requires
them to be a relation. So I'm going to select
the tasks relation. And the point of a
roll-up is that it calculates something
about the relationship. So potentially if I click
on the calculate thing, it could count all. So it might just count the number of things
that there are. If I do this, you'll see it's counting how many tasks
there are for each one. So I could edit the name
of the property and say number of tasks. And now I have the list of tasks which is linked to
with the tasks database. And I've used a
rollup to calculate how many tasks there are. Another way of doing it
might be as follows. Let's go back to
our tasks database. And let's add a property just for the sake
of argument to say, how long will this
take approximately? Let's make this a number. How long will this take? Hours. Cool. So now I can estimate how long each of these
different tasks will take. So let's say you get a
DEXA scan will take 4 h finished this
drought will take 15, that will take one
that'll take 0.5. I'll take one, that'll take two, they'll take 0.3 and
that'll take 0.5. So I've said how long each of these things will take
in terms of hours. Not useful, potentially useful if I'm
making a task database. But let's look at projects now. Now nothing is showing up
right now because that property is within
the tasks database. But if I create another roll-up, at this point, we can select
the relation of tasks. I can take the property of
how long this will take. Now I've got the option
of showing the original, so it just copies
and pastes that basically it shows me what the property basically says
for each of these entries. But I could say some
because these are numbers. So using some, what this is doing is essentially summing up the individual number
of hours taken for each of the
tasks into a rollup, which gives me an
idea of how long the overall project will take. So if I rename this, I can say total hours
projects will take. Now if I wanted to, I
could actually sort this, Let's say sort descending. So now it's taking me, you'll see over here
we've got the sort. And now it's sorting
my project by basically how long each
of them are gonna take. I could sorted
ascending in terms of how each of them are gonna be based on this
roll-up property. Again, this is more of
an advanced feature. Most people who I know use
Notion on a daily basis will never need to use the relations or the
role of properties. But now that you
know they exist, you might find that you have a compelling use case for them. But again, the thing I caution
against is that you don't want to find a problem
to suit the solution. You want to find a
solution to the problem. Don't invent a problem just because you know that
this thing exists. This is a classic trap in any one who discovered software for the first
time I was like, Oh my God, I've got
to figure out a way of like, this is
somewhat contrived. I will probably never need to use it in this
kind of system. But hey, at least, you
know, it's there with the warning label
that it might just be over-engineering for
whatever you need anyway. Thank you so much
for watching and I'll see you in the next lesson.
13. 2.5 Saving Time with Templates: All right, Welcome back. In this lesson we are
talking all about templates and the
power of templates. And this is another
fantastic feature in the notion that I use on a
multiple times a day basis. How do templates work? Well, there are a few different ways we're
going to start with, but basically what we're
going to go over all of them. The first one is, let's think about how templates
work within databases, because I find that
that tends to be the most, most common use case. So let's go back to our
glorified address book database. Now. Like we said, each of these entries
in the database is a page. So let's open. I don't know, Tintin Smith, e.g. you'll see when I open the page, this page or any page, it will say press Enter to
continue with an empty page, which I could do or
create a template. Now I'm going to hit create a template and we're going
to see what happens. Create a template.
Then it says here, you're editing a template in my glorified address book database. And let's call this
person template. Now here is where I can basically create a
template of kind of options for what I would want prepopulated for each of the entries in my
database potentially. So here's what this
might look like. Let's say, I would say, I don't know, last Hangout. And then I can say
notes from hangout. I could say gift
ideas for birthday. On something like that. I might say details about family life and
spouse and kids, etc. So if I've decided
that for a lot of my different entries
in the database, I would like to have this
information pre-populated. Cool. I've created a
template. I'm gonna go back. Now you'll notice it says press, press Enter to
continue with empty page or pick a template. And you can keyboard up and down to select
or you can click on it. And I'm going to hit
Person Template. Now here's what's gonna happen. Boom. There we go. Has basically copied and
pasted of the template into my thing so that
I can say, cool. Now, I can basically treat
this like a page, a template. It's basically a
glorified copy paste job. But it's kinda helpful
for saving time if you know you want to repeat something across multiple pages or across multiple
entries in a database. Again, somewhat
contrived example. I'll show you a little
preview of what this looks like in real life. So let's say I have
an idea for a video. I'd say I chuck it into
this little database. And this is a new video idea. I'm going to open up with a page because everything has a page. You'll see we've got
podcast template, video template, and
short template. So let's look at video template
and look at what happens. This is very elaborate
and very somewhat, somewhat advanced, but we'll see what that looks like
in the bonus section. Now we've got a video shot list Potentially which we can use. We've got a whole
writing section where we have titles and thumbnails
and market research, concepts and
descriptions and hugs and content and best
practices and all of this just gets automatically
copied and pasted into a new video template. Which means that it encourages me or whoever else
is helping with the video to think about
these things as we go along. And we have different
templates or podcasts or shorts and for Instagram content
in social media content and all
these other things. And that is one way
of using templates. Like a nice way in real life. If I want to edit a template, what I can do is I
can do this thing. It says press Enter to continue
or pick a new template. And there's three dots. And I can hit edit this template so I can edit or duplicate. And if I hit Edit, then
it says you're editing, editing a template in my
glorified address book database. And so maybe if I decided, oh, actually I don't
like, like Hangout. I don't like gift ideas, but maybe I want to
replace the last Hangout with what is their occupation. I can do that and
then I can just hit back and that will
save automatically. So now when I insert that
template in any field, it will be replaced. And this is how we do
our video templates. Like it has changed a lot over the last two
and a bit years, three years old, most
of using Notion, I think it's been
three years actually. It's changed a lot over
the last three years, but each time we just
update the template, which means for videos
moving forward, it means the templates updated, but it doesn't change
anything going back. There's nothing fancy
about this. It's literally just a copy paste job. Now, there is another way
of using templates and that's like template blocks. I don't really use this, but
I do know a few people who do so I'm going to show
you what this looks like. Let's make a new page
for morning pages. Okay. Cool. Now morning pages, It's just a thing from Julia Cameron's
book, The Artist's Way. Basically the idea is that
every morning you write three pages of handwritten
by hand journaling. But he might wanna
do it digitally. You might want to do it
on something like Notion. So one way of doing a
morning pages template might be basically what I would
want is I'd be like, Okay, I'm going to create
a toggle for today's date, which is 27 July 2022. And I know that every morning, I want to say three things. I'm grateful for. One, cool. And that can be a,
whatever coffee, the sun and the sky. And I want to say, what's
my daily affirmation? And I might write that there. And then maybe free
form journaling. Cool. So if I want to do
this within a toggle, then maybe tomorrow
I can duplicate this with Command D. I can make a 20th July, and
that could work. And then 29th. Then I can keep duplicating this whenever I need to do stuff with
my morning pages. But I don't think I could
do is I could create a template block. Now
here's how that would work. I could go slash templates, and this basically allows you to duplicate blocks with a click. So how does this work? I'll
create a template button. What should this
button be called? A new entry. Okay, and then here are the blocks that I
would want to duplicate. So let's copy and
paste them from here. Three things I'm grateful for. I'm going to do that. One. I can say what's my
daily affirmation? I can say free from journaling. Maybe you know what,
I'll give this an H2, I'll give this an H2
heading to give the stage to give this a little
emoji because why not? Daily affirmation? Let's give it a rocket
and free form journaling. Let's use the writing emoji. Now I've created this template. Now I'm going to hit Close
and we'll see what happens. Now when I add a new entry. It will automatically
copy paste those things. And I can add another one,
and I can add another one, and I can add another one. As I do this, I realized that actually that's not
particularly useful. What I need to do is edit this. I can use the gear icon there. And I actually want to put
all this into a toggle. So I'm going to add
a toggle and I'm going to say today's date. And then I'm going
to drag and drop all these things
into the toggle. Cool. So now when I create
a new entry here, it adds a toggle and another one and another one and another
one and another one. And if I open up the Toggle, now I've got my template and I can type in whatever I want. And this would be another
way of saving time. Again, essentially a
glorified copy paste job, but we don't necessarily have
to do it within a database. We can also do it
within normal pages. The final thing to mention
when it comes to templates is that you can hit this
template button and you can find low the templates on the notion website created
by people around the world, including me, created by
the notion team themselves. And it just kinda nice to look through and be
like, Oh, I wonder, it's just a good way of getting inspiration for what other
people are potentially doing. Let's go personal goals. You know what? I like
the idea of having a goal thing to do, doing Don, Oh, this is nice. I like what they've
done here and I can hit use this template. And that's going to duplicate the template into my workspace. Now as you've seen
on my sidebar, I've got getting
started, I've got lifo S and I've got goals. I can just use this.
And it's worth spending a little bit of
time understanding how the template actually works. But I can see what's going on. It's a Kanban brute
group to do doing done. I can sort it by due date. That's kinda useful. And I could add more things
to this notion course. In fact, I'm doing
that right now. Let's see what the
properties are. Tags, interesting, work and fun because work is
fun and do, let's say Q3. Now I've seen how that template works and I can modify
the template if I want. Because really the key thing
to remember with notion is that templates are
nothing special there, literally just a copy paste job. So all we've done
here by clicking use this template is
to copy and paste the contents of that template into a page on our
notion workspace. And therefore we
can do whatever we wanted this, we can change it. We can add a cover, you
can add a description, and you can add comments, you
can do whatever you like. And generally, something like
this is a very easy way to learn how to use Notion and to get some inspiration for how
other people use Notion. And if you browse on YouTube,
if you look at my channel, if you look at our
friends at channels, people will often just share that template because
it's so easy to do. Let's say I make
this life a lesson. I want to share it with
someone. I can just hit share. And I can share to web. And now anyone can
grab this link. And I can say allow duplicate as a template if there's sensitive information in there that I don't want to share, I can just copy, paste the page, get rid of all the
sensitive stuff, and basically then share
that page as a template. And this is how I share all
of my templates are notion, especially if they
have personal stuff, I'll just duplicate it, removed the personal details,
and then share the page. So that brings us to the end of discussion
about templates. We are now going to move on to the next section of the course, which is the Advanced section, where we talk about
the stuff that you'll probably never need to use, but maybe it's still
kinda helpful to have. And it's kinda nice
and adds a few more supercharged or
features into Notion. So, thank you so
much for watching the intermediate
section of the course, and I will see you
in the next one.
14. 3.1 Having Fun with Formulas: We are now into the advanced
section of the course. And in this case, I'm
just going to show you some other tricks and tips and tools and stuff you can use to supercharge your
notion workflows. A lot of this stuff is
completely unnecessary, but it's useful to
know that it exists so that if you decide you
need it for whatever reason, when the warning label that over-engineering,
it's probably bad. You can at least have a basic tutorial and what
this kind of stuff is. In this lesson, we're going
to talk all about formulas. Formulas are actually somewhat
useful within databases. I'm gonna show you exactly
how they work and then we'll explore how to, how to go about creating them. So we're going to basically
decide we want to calculate someone's age
for whatever reason. I've got the date of birth. So I don't want to
manually have to calculate their age and I wanted
to update each year. Obviously, I'm going to
create a new property. I'm going to call it age. But instead of it being
a text or a number, I'm going to make it a formula because what
we're gonna do, it's just like a spreadsheet. We're going to
calculate their age based on the date of birth. So how would we do that? We're going to hit Edit and now we're going to
write a formula. Again. You'll probably never
need to do this, but you know it exists
in case you want to. You can see here that
we've got a ton of different things that we
can do with a formula. I think the thing I
want is date between, so the first property
and this is gonna be now because that
is today's date. The second property
is gonna be prop, date of birth, which has the property we've already
gotten in the database. And the third argument
is going to be years. We have now basically
calculated their age. So in theory, Gordon Green horns birthday
is July 24th in 1999, and therefore he's 23
years old based on that. But if we changed it to
July 31st, he should be 22. Perfect. It works. So that is one
example of a formula. Formulas on Notion can get
ridiculously complicated just like spreadsheet formulas can get ridiculously
complicated. So you can always Google it, load the people on the
Internet have created these little snippets of formulas and stuff
if you want to, when it comes to
calculating obvious things, or if you're a massive nerd, you can just dive into it and figure out these
formulas for yourself. Realistically, most people
are unlikely to need to use the formula feature
unless you want to do something
specifically fancy. So that's just a quick
introduction to formulas. Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in
the next lesson.
15. 3.2 Working in Teams: Welcome back. In this
lesson, we're gonna be talking about the power of working in teams is
going to be a quick one. I'm just gonna give you a
blitz of what this is like, because most people only really need to use Notion
for personal use. But if you want, you can start using pages with other people. Now, there's kind of
two ways to do this. The first one is free and
the second one is paid for. So let's start with
a free method. Let's say I wanted to work on a page with
a friend of mine, let's say Tintin who's
sitting over there, e.g. I. Could make any page. This is a joint project
or a group project. And I could do stuff. And let's say I want to collaborate on this
page with someone else. Now, it easiest and the freest
way to do that is hitting the share button and then adding that person's
e-mail address. So I've got tend
to Natalie He's already got an
account, a notion which is why it's given the
name and his face. So I can say can edit. Cool. And I can't default access because
that's the personal pro pay plan, but that's fine. Tintin can edit this and
I'm going to hit invite. Then I can share the workspace, or I can only share this page. Now, crucially, I do not want to share the
workspace because if I do notional going to charge
me for that privilege, I just want to share this page. These people will only
have access to this page. They will not be
added to your bill. That is exactly what we want. So I'm gonna hit Send Invite. Now I can edit this. And I tend to, it's gonna go into Notion page
and he's going to try and edit this page and
we're going to see what this looks like. There we go. He's in there. He's in there and he's
making some changes and he's doing some stuff.
You haven't got time. Hi there. I'm editing. I see. No hands. I'm not doing anything. Tintin is the one editing this page from all
the way over there. And crucially I haven't had to pay for his access to Notion. So this is probably
the best way to use teams for a lot of students. If you're working
on a group project, you want a friend
to edit something. When I use when I'm
organizing holidays, I will share the holiday
page with people so that I don't have to add
them to my whole workspace. Whereas if you want to add people to your whole workspace, that tends to be if you're a business and you have
like, I don't know, however many people in your
business and you want all of them to have access to
your entire workspace. That is, when you can use
the notion Teams feature, we call the enterprise plan. We got it for free because
we like Notion and they like us and we have made
videos for them in the past. But normally I think
it's something like $10 per user per month. The prices go up significantly as you have more and more
people on your team. But this is like a very good way to use the Teams feature
completely for free. I'm not gonna go into the
paid feature too much. If you do need notion for
Teams, you can check it out. If you just hit your
settings, the member's page, you can upgrade
your bidding plan, you can add members, etc, etc. And you can even try notion for Teams completely
free for a month. So you can give it a go and
you can see if you like it. And if you do it, you can
continue using it if you want. But you'll notice over
here that guests Tintin, an urban added because
there's access level is to one page. So I can always see who has got access to all the
different pages on my Notion. And that is the
freeway to use Teams. So thank you very
much for watching and I'll see you in
the next lesson.
16. 3.3 Level Up with Widgets: Alright, welcome back.
We are now talking about various interesting ways
to level up on ocean. Again, this is
bells and whistles that you probably
will never need, but it's kinda nice to have. So the first thing we're
going to talk about is a funky little website
called option, It's free, it's great.
It's good vibes. And essentially it's Notion friendly, embeddable
widget apps. What does that mean? Well, let's find out. Let's say I want to have
a flip clock. Cool. I like the idea of having
a flip clock as part of my Notion page. I'm
going to hit Flip clock. And it's going to say try
it in your page demo. Paste the URL into your
notions, embed block, quick tutorial Paste, Notion, click Embed, done,
you're ready to go. Cool. Flip clogged up TK. I'm going to copy that URL. I'm gonna, I'm gonna go
into Notion into life OS. And let's say, I don't know, underneath the dashboard, I want to have the
time right now. So I'm going to paste that link. I'm going to hit Create embed. Boom. I have a flip clock. It's currently 146.
That's pretty cool. Let's see what other random
apps we can play with it. It's kinda cool, fun, a fun thing to browse. Moon phase comments,
Pinterest charts, time, I will kinda
wonder whether they've got to whether
one, Let's search. Weather widget. Yes, perfect. Visit the website and
get your HTML code, generate the embeddable
URL. Alright, let's do it. So Visit website and now this option
thing has generated an embed. I'm going
to copy that. I'm going to go into
my thing. And let's say I wanted my
weather to appear, zoom out a bit just
underneath my dashboard. Let's hit paste create, embed. Let's see what happens. Boom. We've got the
weather incredible. But I don't like the
fact that it's in there. I want to put it there. I'm going to put it
just underneath that. And now I have got the weather
in my Notion dashboard. So that was one way of
embedding widgets using option, which is completely free. Let's now use another website
which is indefinable, which is also pretty solid. And this is also free. And it's a nice way of getting, getting interesting
widgets for your notion. So I'm just gonna sign up
with Google. Thank you. Your email has been
verified. Don't care. Add a new widget. Let's create a
widget for quotes. Why not of the day? Continue. This is kinda fun. It's kinda fun to
play with the sort of stuff generating new widget. And let's just use this. And I can select different. Let's do the good quote. Why not set background color? I can make it white. And let's copy this embed URL. It's Copy to Clipboard. And
now let's put it under today. I'm just going to paste it. I'm going to hit Create embed. And hopefully we should now
see a quote of the day. There we go. So this is just
kinda cool option in defied. There's a bunch of other
websites that have sprung up recently that let you create these embeddable notion widgets. It, it's kinda nice to have, you might like to create these. I'm just going to delete them because I don't
personally like them. You might like to
create these for your life operating system or for whatever Notion
pages you want. But again, just
keep in mind, this is all kinda fun to play with. You almost never
need these things. You can embed a Google
Calendar as well if you want. So you can see where your
calendar looks like. And it's not kinda
up to you to play around and figure
out how you want to extend your life
operating system based on widgets and
other funky stuff. So that's it for widgets in the course resources
area down below, we'll put a few more links to things that you
can check out. Thank you so much
for watching and I'll see you in the next lesson.
17. 3.4 Create a Website with Super: Alright, welcome back. The other really cool advanced thing that you can
do a notion is you can actually create an
entire website using Notion. And that is by virtue of a super cool platform called
super create websites, where the notion create website
and less than a minute, that's easy to manage and looks great with instant page loads, SEO optimized optimization
and to no code. All your contents days and
notions that you can focus on creating more super,
super handles the rest. So let's try this out and
we can see what happens. And I'll show you a couple
of examples of friends and team members who've
made websites with this, get started for free and
create a test account. We're going to create
a new site on Super, Let's say elisa test websites. And I can copy and
paste it free site actually, notion page URL. So here's how this works. Basically, I'm going
to create a new page and say, please test websites. And let's give it an icon. Let's give it a cover image. And let's copy and paste
some content onto here. This is my test website changed cover to something
more legit done. So now what I'm gonna
do is I'm going to hit share and I'm going to copy the link to this page and I'm going to copy
and paste it into super. And we'll see what super does Copy Paste
Notion URL create. This page cannot be found unless I have to
share it publicly. I click Share to the web
now and now refreshed. And now if we go
on this refresh, it says all these tests
website made with super, I've literally
created a website, Ellie's tests website,
that's super dot site, purely based on a notion page. And now if I change
this page, version 2.0, and let's say I change
this to red or whatever that color is now forgotten
super and hit refresh. We'll see at least test website has been updated to version 2.0. I can refresh here and
it's been updated. Now, there's a few
different examples of this. George and Willem from our team have some pretty
cool notion sites. This is one that
George put together. He's one of our freelance
writers league. Willem has another one. Basically use the same theme. Writer, create a storyteller and writer creator collaborator. You can check them out
if you need examples of, if you need to hire a freelancer
for writing and stuff. But I think super is really nice because it
just shows you how you can use Notion to
do something like creating a website and
how you don't have to use like Squarespace and Wix and these
other different things because you can just
make a page Notion and literally converted
into a website. So that was how you
can potentially also use Notion to
create a website. And we'll put a little
discount link to supra down in the
Course Resources area if you want
to check it out. Thank you for watching. I'll see you in the next lesson.
18. 3.5 Conclusion: Alright, welcome back and
well done You have reached the end of the official
component of this class. We have gone through beginner, intermediate, and advanced. We talked about
how notion is that ultimately composed of pages and pages just made up of building blocks,
almost like Lego. We talked about formatting,
we talked about styling. Then in the
intermediate section we talked about databases
and how you can potentially link
them together with formulas and relations and roll-ups and all that fun stuff. Then in the advanced section, we went over a little
bit of extending notions capabilities using
widgets and using embeds, and even potentially creating
a website with Notion. But the thing I want all
of us to keep in mind and the thing I like to always, whenever anyone on
our YouTuber Academy or anything is
asking about notion. The thing to keep in mind
is that most people can get a lot of value out of notion by just using the bare basics. Now in the bonus materials
you're going to see my own run-through of my
own notion system. And it's fairly
basic that I don't use many fancy
features of motion. You're also going
to see a bunch of other creators and
friends who do use fancy features of notion
and things work for them. But the point I would
make overall is as you're building your own ocean
system, make it your own. But start really simple. Don't feel like you have to use all these different
features just because all of these
different features exist. And really remember
that notion is ultimately a tool which
are designed to serve you and your
productivity to help you get more of the things
done that matter to you. And you are not the
slave to the master of notion where you have to use all the different features
that they've got. They always keep on
adding more features. They're going to continue to add even more as you
see in this class. But hopefully by keeping
in mind the basics that everything is blocked and
blocked makeup a page. And the basics of databases
that a database is basically a spreadsheet and every entry in a database is a page in itself. Hopefully just with
that basic foundation, you'll be able to go
forth and conquer and make pretty
looking Notion pages, which are more importantly
useful for you and your life, and your work and
productivity, and your health, and your happiness
and your impact and all of that fun stuff. Thank you very much for
watching the class. If you liked this class and
do please leave a review that would be lovely
wherever you happen to be watching this,
that'll be awesome. And please do submit
your class project as well that will be sick. It would be great to see a
screenshot and a link to what your own life operating
system dashboard looks like. And potentially, if some of them look
particularly proceed, we might even feature it in
future lessons in this class. So that's it for me. We're now going to move on to the bonus section of the course, the fun stuff where
we're going to go over mine and various team members and various
creator friends and entrepreneur friends is
use cases of notion. So once you've learned the basics in this first
half of the class, you can get some
inspiration of how other people use Notion
in the second half. So thank you very much
for watching and I'll see you in the bonus
materials of the course.
19. 4.1 Bonus Materials: Alright, it, You've
reached the end of the main component of the class. Now we're gonna go into
the bonus section. Now this is going
to be super fun. We've collated a bunch of interviews and screenshare
and set of tutorials from me, from our team for a bunch of our other creator and
entrepreneur friends. So you can hopefully see
how me and us lot and how other people use
Notion to give you inspiration for your own setup. One warning before
we get started. Some people's notions setups can look at are very elaborate. Even if you look at ours, it can sometimes seem
ridiculously overwhelming. But the point to make
is that a lot of these have been built up
slowly over time. There's this concept in systems thinking called Boyle's Law, which is that a complex
system that works always evolves from a
simple system that works. And often just like
copying and pasting someone's template into
your, into your thing. I'm trying to make this system work is very unlikely
to work for you. So I want to think of
these bonus bits as like tutorials for
how to set up Notion. I would think of them
more as inspiration. Maybe follow along
with some of them, maybe see how they're doing and what I'm hoping that
we'll do a spark some ideas in your own
mind for how you could potentially build
up your own notion. And I'd love for
you to share it in the class project section, or drop me a DM on Instagram
or send me an email. I just love checking
out people's notions, setups because it also gives me a ton of inspiration for my own. Anyway, I hope you enjoy
this bonus material section.
20. 4.2 My Resonance Calendar: Alright, in this bonus video is actually what kind of cheating. And just including
my YouTube video that I made a couple
of years ago, which is all about the
Resonance Calendar. I don't quite use this
exact system anymore. I've adapted it since then, and you'll see more of
that in my actual tour, how I actually use it. But I think it's good
because it will give you an idea of the different
ways that you can use things like the notion
of web clipper and the way that you can
integrate notion with other apps to create something
like a Resonance Calendar. I've actually heard from a
bunch of people who still use the Resonance
Calendar system. It might, it might work
for you, it might not. Either way, the whole point
of these videos is to give you some inspiration
for all the things that you can do with
Notion so that you can tweak your own setup. Anyway, let's roll
that video now. Hey friends, welcome
back to the channel. If you're new here,
my name is Ali, I'm a Dr. working in Cambridge. And in this video, I'm
gonna show you how I use the app notion to be more reflective about the
stuff that I read, watch, and listen to. Now, before discovering
this method, I used to spend absolutely
ages listening to podcasts, reading books or watching
videos about business, entrepreneurship, productivity, self-improvement,
all that stuff. And it was that classic
trap of consuming too much stuff but not really acting or reflecting
on any of it. But all of that changed
when I discovered this amazing method
that I like to call my Resonance Calendar. Let's dive in and I'll show you exactly what that looks like. So this is what my
Resonance Calendar looks like at the moment. And the idea is that
anytime I read, watch, or listen to anything
that resonates with me, that's kinda my bar, anything
that resonates with me, I will drop it
into the Resonance Calendar and I'll take
some notes on it. So e.g. if we look
at this episode of The Phantom street podcast
called it the great game. This was June 03, 2019 at 11:00 P.M. clearly, I was listening to
it quite late and I've got these various nodes. So at timestamp 23
or five I wrote, happiness isn't
found by seeking it, It's found by being
engaged in the world. That's me writing
down the stuff that the guest on the podcast
was saying because I that particular
thing resonated with me equally at timestamp 27. How can I add fun and delight to the person in front of me? That was the stuff that
we're talking about. And at the time I thought all this is some
pretty legit stuff. Why don't I make
a few notes on it and shove it into my
Resonance Calendar. And as we can see
here, I've tagged it with podcasts because there's a podcast episode
and life because I think this is pretty
legit life advice. I'll talk more about the tags in just a moment and let's
take another example. This is an article
that I read in March about the para method for organizing digital
information by my productivity guru
to Tiago Forte. And what happens when you share
an article into notion is that it just gives you
the whole article. It'll automatically copies and pastes the entire
article into Notion. So you can always come
back to it without having to go back
to the website. Here, I've added some
notes on it about the various ways in which I'm gonna be applying
this to my own life. So previously, what would
have otherwise just been, I read an article and think, oh, that's kinda cool and never
do anything about it. Now at least I'm writing
down my thoughts and ideas and writing down what I plan
to do with the information. So that was a quick
overview of what this Resonance Calendar
actually it looks like. I'll expand more on
that in just a sec. But first, let's
talk about how we actually get stuff into
the Resonance Calendar. Firstly, we can
use the notion Web Clipper add-on thing for Chrome. So let's say if I go on
my own website and I find an article
that resonates with me using notions of residence calendar with when
did I went on to write this? I wrote this in March 2019. So if you sign up to my e-mail newsletter
which I send weekly, then you can keep up-to-date
with this sort of stuff. And you can find out
about these use cases six months before I actually
make a video about them. Anyway. Let's say I discovered this article on keystone habits
that I wrote in February, again, as part of the
email newsletter. And I was talking
about something that James Clear wrote
in Atomic Habits. But whatever, I can put that straight into Notion using
the notion of Web Clipper. So I click this
little icon here, I can add some notes to it. I've made my few notes
and then I hit Enter. And that goes immediately
into my Resonance Calendar. And so if I open that notion, we see immediately
keystone habits. And here are my notes about it that are
formatted weirdly. So here are some notes about the article, what I'm
planning to do with it. So it's copied and pasted the
entire article into Notion, and it's written my notes above it so that when
I'm returning to it, I can see exactly what I wrote. So that's what I
use if I'm reading stuff on Chrome and I want
to get it into Notion. More often than not,
I tend to be reading, are consuming stuff on my
iPhone or my on my iPad. So let's have a look here.
Let's say I'm on Castro, which is my podcast
app of choice. And I'm listening to the
alternative CV podcast, which is run by
one of my friends. And just coincidentally, let's take this
episode, episode one, which is how to overcome fear, put yourself out there
and get started, which is a two-part
interview with me. Or I talk about all this stuff. Let's say I was
listening to that. Again, I'll put a link in
the video description. If you want to check it out, I can hit this little
Share button. And then the share
dialogue opens up and I could message it to people
Don't mess of stuff to, or I can share it
directly into Notion. It gets added to my
Resonance Calendar. And if I want to, I
can change this to all the various databases that
I've got with the notion. But because Resonance Calendar is the one that I always
just add things too. That's the first
one that comes up. I can write the
title so I can say Ali interview on a CV, podcast. Whatever it does
matter if this typos. And I can write a few
notes about this. And then what I want,
I can hit Save. And that's gone. And if we look
immediately on Notion, which is linked across all
my devices, here we go. I'll his interview
on the ACV podcast. Let's fix the typo. Let's hit Enter, just
fix the formatting. And yeah, here we go. Here are some notes I wrote about this incredible interview. And here are the show notes which automatically
get populated here, which is just really
handy because now when I returned to this, I can immediately see
all the references and all the links
from this podcast. And normally want to
take notes on podcasts. I like to refer
to the timestamps so that let's say
in six months time, I'm making a YouTube video
and referencing this podcast. I know exactly where the
timestamp peers and I can get a clip from the podcast and shove it into
my YouTube video. That was method number
two for getting stuff into the
Resonance Calendar. And then the third, and I think most interesting way
that I get stuff into the Resonance Calendar is actually by using
my Apple Watch. Now often when I'm
listening to podcasts, I'm listening to
them at double speed and I'm listening
to them in the car, which means like, yeah, I could stop by the
side of the road and write down notes on my phone
if I really wanted to, and I do sometimes do that. But recently I've discovered this app and drafts
for the Apple watch. Here we go. This is my Apple Watch.
This is the app or draft, so I can tap on that and then
I can hit the Record button and I can do this
while driving so that it's just two taps. Then while I'm on drafts, I can record anything that I want to say about this podcast. And as you can see, it is
automatically transcribing that into text in quite
a reasonable fashion. If I'm honest. Then I hit done. Then that gets saved
to my drafts inbox. And then I can open
up draft on my Mac. And usually it's things
reasonably. And here we go. We've got the draft
that syncs to Mac. And so if I want to
add something to the root, to the
Resonance Calendar, I just hit the New button
and then I have to do, I do have to manually
input this information. So I would write Ali
Abdullah interview with or something like that. I'd find the URL and
then I will just copy and paste the notes
from draft into notion. And then I would archive the draft using a
keyboard shortcut. And this would be
the way there is a bit of manual labor and I
would like it at some point, I'm sure notion is going to
open up the API and you'll automatically be able to add stuff from draft into Notion. But for now, I think just
copying and pasting it from one window into another as very reasonable way of doing it. And it also means
that I can then quick capture all the ideas
that I have while I'm driving without having to stop the car on the
side of the road, get my phone out and
then get late for work. So that's how I get
stuff into Notion. And now when it's in Notion, I can use various fancy
filtering features of notion to make it more
useful and more organized. And often what I'll
do is because I tag stuff there and then I can
answer questions like, if a friend is asking me, Hey, Allie, what particles
would you recommend? I can be like, funny,
you should ask, why don't I use this
filter out a filter. Let's see, tags
contains, podcast. And now when I
filtered it by that, it's showing me all
of the podcasts that have resonated
with me over the last I don't know if since
when was the first one? Since March 23, 2019 when I first discovered Notion and this president's calendar thing. Or if we clear that filter,
Let's say I'm writing an article or working on a YouTube video
about productivity, I could just type in the word productivity
on the search thing. And it would
automatically find all of my tags that have been
tagged with productivity, but also all of my
resonance calendar items. They just have the word
productivity in them somewhere. And that just makes
it a lot easier for me to create content
about productivity. Because now all of my
stuff about productivity, everything that I've ever read
or listen to or watch that resonated with me
about productivity is now in this resonance Canada. There's another pretty
high-tech feature of notion that I do use
quite often and that's the ability to add related database items to
the Resonance Calendar. So I'll show you what I mean
by that. So at the moment, this whole Resonance Calendar
thing is a database. And because notion is based
on the notion of databases, it means you can
have different views depending on what
you want to see. So this is the list
view where I'm just looking at the title of
the notes and the tags. I could also view it in calendar mode if I really wanted to. That's how I started doing
this initially. So here we go. June 2019 was when
I put a load of stuff into this because
for some reason I'm just consuming
lots of content. And we can see that across
across the calendar. I can see the stuff
that I consumed, which I guess would
be quite a nice way to look at things over time. I've also got my table. And what the table does
is that it lets me add links to ideas
from the calendar. So I've got the second
database called ideas. These are ideas for either blog post or e-mail
newsletters or articles or videos scripts
that I might make at some point further
down the line. And some of these
are my own ideas, but actually the majority
of them are ideas that I've picked up
through reading, listening, and
watching to stuff. And so I'd like to link
to the original source. There's a very easy
way of doing that. So e.g. let's take this one, decision-making
Windows versus doors. This was on the arianna
Simpson episode of the My First Million
podcast by the hustle. And I've got this
property within this database style
called resonance link. And that means I
can link items in my Resonance Calendar
to these ideas items. So if I search for Simpson,
that should come up. Here we go. Are we Arianna
send some Bitcoin believer? I can add this as a resonance link to
this particular idea. And that's useful if I
come across this idea, I can see where the
source of it was. But it's also useful
because if I go back on the Resonance
Calendar and look in the table mode,
now at this point, if I go on a specific item, I can see all of
the related notes, the related ideas
that have been linked to that all in one place.
So this is really good. This means that if I'm writing my weekly e-mail
newsletter in deciding, I usually pick three
or four things that I enjoyed that week that I want
to share with the audience. This is going to be
quite high up on the list because 12345. There are five different ideas that are generated
from this one podcast. And now these ideas can then later be turned into blog
posts and articles and stuff. So again, if we go back
to my ideas database, I just love showing the stuff off because I think
it's really cool. And I go into refinery mode. This is the Kanban
view that notion has. So we've got no status, which is just where
all the ideas go. We've got idea, we've got draft, we've got e-mail,
we've got published. So actually this Windows
versus doors one, it starts off under
no status and then I can drag it
over into idea. When it's something that I'm
actively thinking about. Draft when I'm actually
writing something about it and email when I've thought about turning it into an email newsletter and then published when it becomes
a blog post on my website. So I like to think of
this as the refinery. I call it refinery
because I think I'm cool. As sort of a refinery for ideas, I get the idea of
either self-generated or from other sources
that I consume. And then it goes through different layers
of the refinery, ultimately turning
into a blog post. And I suppose I'll have one
over here called and video. So if I turn a particular
thing into a video, then that's one step further along the pipeline, as it were. The nice thing
about this is that, and I fully recommend
that anyone does this. He creates any kind
of content at all. Because every Sunday
when I sit down to write my weekly
e-mail newsletter, which again, you can subscribe to you with
a link down below. Back in the day, I used to start with a blank slate
and used to think, Oh crap, I need to
write something today. What should I write? And it would take
me an hour or two to think of something
over the top of my head, turn it into a reasonably
coherent few paragraphs and send it out. But now, instead of starting
with a blank slate, I can just think I need to write an email today at
earlier today I thought exactly that and I look
down my list and earlier today I actually wrote this
Windows versus doors one. And then this idea which
I got from the podcast became an issue of my
weekly e-mail newsletter. So that was that whole
process took me about 20 min, whereas before it would have
taken like an hour or two because I'm not
starting from scratch because thankfully I've got my Resonance Calendar
were added notes and stuff to everything that has resonated with me over
the past few months. Yeah, That was quick
run-through of how I use Notion as a
Resonance Calendar. I use Notion for a ton
of other things as well. And I'm gonna be making
videos over time about that. But I think the great thing
about the Resonance Calendar is since I started doing
this in March 2019, it's really encouraged me to
be a lot more reflective. The stuff that I'm
consuming an activity, think about a how
can apply it to my own life and how I can
change my behavior based on it. But B, also, because I'm a
content creator, creator, it lets me think about how
to take those ideas from other sources and apply my own lens and knowing my
own perspective to them, and then release them out into the world as my own
creations and stuff. And obviously I link back
to the original sources and it's quite nice doing
this sort of thing. Because now whenever I write
an article that's based on someone's blog or on someone's podcast or a feature in a video, I can tweak them saying, Hey, I wrote this thing that features your work and is it speaks
in glowing terms about it. You should check it out. And then these people who I admire and want to connect with and stuff see
my tweet and like, oh, this guy is giving
me free publicity. This is awesome. My overall, a lot of good
things that happened in my life just because of
this resonance calendar. So if you want to check out
this Resonance Calendar, I'll put a link to it down
in the video description. And the great thing
about Notion is that you can make any of your pages
public if you want to. You can make your
templates public. So this is now a
public template. You can now click on it in
the video description and then you can duplicate it
into your own Notion account. Which means you can just get this template for free just
to do whatever you like with, and you can modify it
to suit your own goals or whatever you
wanna do with it. And you can just add
stuff to it over time. On the notion of
website, you'll find a ton of other templates. This is really cool
personal Wiki, one that's used by Ben, one of the notion
marketing team. And that's something
that I'm going to be experimenting a
lot with as well. And I really liked his browsing
through the templates and seeing all the various
use cases for notion. But yeah, that was my
Resonance Calendar link in the video description. And yeah, that's pretty
much the end of the video. Thank you very
much for watching. If you liked this video,
you should check out a playlist over there
somewhere of my other notion, related videos and productivity related videos
that you might like as well. So thanks for watching. Have a great day and I'll
see you in the next video. Bye bye.
21. 4.3 My Content Production Engine - Angus: Alright, welcome to
this bonus episode of the course where Angus, who is our General Manager for the entire business and man managers or team
of around 15 people. And this is gonna be
taking you through a nice little fun tour of our
content production engine. The elaborate system that you might have seen
during the course, which is all about
how we personally use Notion to create
videos like this, and courses like this, and
podcasts and shorts and all of the other content that
we as a business produce, which ends up making
us around $5 million every year, which is
absolutely insane. Anyway, I'm not
going to hand over to angus to take you through the system so that
you can hopefully get some inspiration for
your own notions. Have hello and welcome to this bonus section of the
notion Skillshare course. My name's Angus. I
worked for alley. I've been working with him
for nearly three years now. I'm the general manager
of the business. And we thought we'd do in
this bonus segment is just go through how we use
Notion as a business. I'll show you as much as I can. And we're just gonna go
through how we use it, how we use it for the
content Production System. The other aspects of notion which I'll go through
in terms of the departments of the business and how we have succinct it up to things like Slack
and things like that. So I'll just go through
some of that now. Yeah, hopefully
give you an insight into how we use Notion. So we're opening up here
on the team homepage. This is where anyone can come. It's kind of a top of our, of our team, of our
general team space. Because some widgets at the top here, just general o'clock. And then we've got
links to alleys, key social media and YouTube. Podcast links, moving
down. Team calendar. So we have a team
Google Calendar documenting all the main
events for the team. So it's things like sabbaticals, team socials, when alleys
away, as you can see, we're just kinda
key when we need to know when he's gonna
be here so we can record and other things like
that with the team calendar. And then along the
left-hand side here we've got almost everything that you'd need to get to know if you're joining
the company, e.g. there's various
different handbooks and things like that as well as meet the team page where we've got the team members here, a little bit about everyone
and things like that. Then we've also got things like graphic design
requests are working with a graphic designer
at the moment. This particular database is
actually linked up through Zapier to Slack and our
graphic designer is on Slack. And so whenever, whenever
anything gets added into this, e.g. there was an example here. This is filtered for when it actually gets
tagged and taken. So there's no examples
in here because they've all been dealt with. When something is
added into here, it pings or Slack channel, which are graphic designers in. And so he knows that
something has been added to this particular table. I can go and have
a look and then, and then deal with
it as and when. That's the graphic
design request. And we've also got things
like the dangerous GSD list, again, similar kind of thing. Dan is our alleys EA and it's kind of his
getting **** done list. So if anyone needs
anything that needs to get done and just
drop it in there. Same thing again,
it pings down on Slack and then he can
take it from there. Also got team
training resources. So links to courses and things like that that
we have access to that the team can use and
take to upskill them. Obviously, passwords
not gonna go in there. And we have our company
operating manual for all the SOPs of every single
area of the business. I've also got a quick links
to the different departments, which I'll go into
in a minute and then just further information
and resources further down the patient that's like the team homepage
company handbook is the go-to place for everything
really in terms of when you're joining the team and key policies and
things like that. So that's I won't go
into too many of those is for security and
productivity reasons. But yeah, so this
is our team home. Moving down. We've got the studio. This is obviously at least
studio where we're based. And we've set up kind
of key pages in here. We've got the posterior in the library and
equipment cupboard. Forget the names. It was a day when I
wasn't very imaginative. The post room, again is similar. It's linked up via
Zapier to slack. Whenever anyone order
something in this database, the database, the link
goes through dislike. And I then know given that
I'm managing the office, know that someone's ordered
something and know to expect something because
I'm here every day. So this is a useful thing to add on when we're ordering
things like as we see, books and things like that
that have been ordered. We've got the library. As
you can potentially see, we've got thousands of books
in here, hundreds of books. And what we do is we let the
team take them as and when. And so we've got a
massive long list here. And then when someone takes 1 h, they just take it a bit like
any old library operates, I guess, who is taken out by him and when it's going to return it and things like that. Because we want
everyone to be able to use the books that they want. And then the
equipment cupboard is just a massive long list
of all the gear we've got. Won't go into that obviously. And basically to make sure that we're across everything
and everything is on our insurance policies
and things like that. So that is the
studio. Moving down. We've got the, this
is basically divided into the key core
verticals of the business. We've got the Ali Abdel brand. We've got courses, which is the paid element of
our, of our business. And then we've got PT, which
is certainly a course, but because of its
size and scale, we separate it out into
a different department. So I'll just go
through all those now. The other Dell brand,
as you can see, we've got all his relevant
links across the top here. We should be able to click on them and
it will take us to. The aspects here, again, Spotify link specify logo there essentially wrongs and it's
taken us to Apple podcasts. So moving down, the main thing that we operate
everything from is called V content production engine. This essentially is
everything that we produce, a YouTube, social media podcast. Everything finally
filters through this content production engine. This has been very useful
as the teams expanded, getting everyone
on the same page, having decent cameras
in different views for different people, e.g. a. Filming view, database,
editing view, and things like that so
that people can quickly and easily see what
they need to see. Often with databases like this, like the cotton
production engine, it ends up being a database that has 20
different properties, thousand different cards
when it's in its core form. And therefore,
filtering and sorting means that we can actually condense it down to ten or 20 things that
each person needs to see. On this main page, we've got relevant
different dashboards. So there's one for Ali, the typewriter is for the
writers and editors space, one for deep dive itself, and then one for clips. You're editing company that
we work with occasionally for editing things like
the clips for Deep Dive. This is kind of the main
view that I operate from overseeing the YouTube
channel and things like that. This is what I use
day to day to make sure to see like
what's going out, what the progress is on
that particular thing. Do we have a sponsor
for that video? If so, have we got the
relevant documents in place? Does anyone know what
he needs to talk about in that integration
and things like that. So just diving in here, e.g. we've got a journal every
day for three months. Here's what I learned when
you watch this video, all have been
released hopefully on September the 9th and go
back and check if you want. I'm destination main channel
status needs editing and that's actually just been edited so now and
he's just publishing. We have a club series. Ali likes to put everything
in buckets that are clubs. And then we have a
sponsor which is, which is morning group. And then we've got the
editor, which is Christian, and the publishing date here. Further down, we do have the scripts and
things like that. I won't go too much into that, but sometimes we use this
database here we are. We either write down
titles when we're actually filming it to make sure that we had on the same page
or we use this database which we do have a template for. But basically this counts up
the characters in the title. So YouTube title shouldn't be more than 55
characters in order to be seen on the widest
screen possible. So we do use this to check whether the
character length is, goes above that little tip. If you do want to check what a title looks like
in a thumbnail looks like, checkout, thumbs up TV. Then you can enter your
title and your thumbnail. And that will show
you what it looks like on all the
different devices. So if you aren't a YouTube
and watching this, then you use that website. Yeah, that's kinda the the
main publishing calendar that I look on a daily basis. They're filming calendar we
generally feel on Thursdays. And so each card has
a filming deadline. And as you can see here, these are the three
videos from last week, and we're actually filming
on a Friday this week. So here's the fit three to
two videos that we need to fill them in as a podcast
recording as well tomorrow. And likewise, if we move
further down this week, the 19th is our
pockets filming week. So we've got what we got so far. We've got nine books
in there for one week, which is, which is really
good to batch film like that. This is a bit of an
odd one in terms of we are actually filming on
Wednesday next week. So this is the filming thing. And then we've also got
an editing deadline for when the video's
needs to be edited by. Some of these are stacked up. But it's mainly fought for Christians view to
know when things, what things are going
on, when things are happening, when
they're needed by. And that means that
I can just send, upload the footage to
Google Drive, which we do. And then I know that
Christian knows when it's going to
when it's needed and I don't need to message
him every time we upload something saying it's where
I need to edit it by. He just looked at this and
he knows when it's needed. So moving back to the
publishing candor and moving further down, we go to information
and resources. We've got an AB test database, so we use too buddy to test
our thumbnails and titles. A, B, test thumbnails
and titles. It's been very successful
for us over the years. And so we've got a
DSpace for that. We've got a style
guide. I'll leave quite particular about what he, what he likes and
what he doesn't like. So over the last year or so as we've been working
for more writers, this is expanded from initial ten points
and initially wrote two along with pages. Now it's massive. So it's basically alley every time he is looking at scripts and he's like,
Well, I don't like that. Please don't say that. Then this just gets added
to this particular page. It's just useful for
anyone coming in, any freelancers that we worked with to be able to say, okay, this is the kind
of tone that Andy likes to adopting in videos. Same with the rise
of the writing guide on all of these things
are just sort of resources that we sometimes use to help us
produce the videos. As we get further down here, there's a boring stuff. Graveyard is basically
an archive like more, more, more than that. I missed the CPU core
as I was discussing. And if we go back to just
like the table of the height, you can see it's just like absolutely massive famine
and 48 things in here. It would be overwhelming
to try to go through all of these different
properties and all of these different cards. Without some sort of filtering
and sorting, which is why, as I said, these things like
the publishing kinda e.g. has a number of
different filters on it, number of different roles on
it, and things like that. So that's really useful. So that's kind of a very
brief overview of the CPE. If you do have any
questions on it, please do. Drop them in the comments
on the Skillshare page and we'll get back
to you and answer those questions in terms of if you want to
know how things are, certain things that
filtered or sorted it. Filters and sorts can be quite confusing sometimes
if you're new to Notion, get do let us know if you
have any questions on that. Moving on to weaving
back sorry to the brand. I don't think we
need to go through every single one of these, but we have other pages
that are similar in style. Brand guidelines again,
draws upon alleys, rice and guidelines, as well as other things for the
brand more broadly. So again, if we're working with a designer or a freelancer, we can send them
these guidelines and they'll know what to do, what styles only likes
and that kind of thing. Social media that's managed by Becky and that has its
own publishing calendar, which is on a Gantt chart. As you can see, it
probably should be sorted so that we can
see things in order. But this is kind of
everything that's going out. Every single post that we
do has a separate card. Even if it's being repurposed. I think it's easier
that way to keep across what's been
posted, what hasn't. As I said, this is kind
of our our targets for certain things in terms
of post per week. We don't always try to hit
that arbitrary number. It's generally if we have the content that we
think is good enough and relevant and useful and providing value, then
we will put it out. Yes, that's the social
media side of things. And again, we can have request a post here, so e.g. Becky. Is managing the social
media side of things, but there are numerous different
departments feeding into social media and wanting to
post stuff on social media. So e.g. part-time
YouTuber Academy, when we're kind of
going up for a launch. For that, we tend
to put out more YouTube related content
on social media. So Tommy, who's head
of that department, might ask Becky to put out more water to YouTube
related threads are weak. Similarly, courses and
Gareth managers courses, we're launching a
course next week, e.g. it's important for them
to have a space where they can be like, I
want this to go out, I need this to be featured
in some kind of posts on social media so
they can use this to request those, those posts. Again, back to the,
back to the brand. And I can also use this drop-down here to
get to all these pages. I don't tend to use that, but we can obviously use that. Sunday Snippets is
alleys newsletter. If you haven't
subscribed to subscribe, there'll be a link
in the description. This is the newsletter
factory that we use. Again, very similar. This is a simpler
version of a CPU, which basically
just documents when the nucleus is going out. If there's a, again,
if as a sponsor to it, who's bought courses it
in, is it in alleys? Do we have someone helping with the research and the
writing, grilling, often. Mercy and His name
that often helps with the research for that,
for the newsletters. Then we put it out every
Sunday, as I said, with the relevance
sponsor again, making sure that we have
everything in place. You have to write copy in place. It's especially
for the sponsors. So that's not white and
then there's a board view there as well for
the status updates. So if we go back, one annoying thing about
Notion, when you go back, it tends to take
you back to the, even if you are in
a database card. Anyway. Let's go
back through the, that's the idea of Dell brand. And we've got alleys book
which is being worked on, dive too much into that space. Their website, the friend zone is like the discord community. And then product
launch planning, which is top-secret
at the moment. Now we'll move back up to the sidebar and
then courses HQ. So this is all
managed by Gareth. As you can see, we
have the spinner, which is our main courses, and different resources and strategies across the top there. I won't go too much into
that because again, these courses are
in development, so we will keep those
hidden for the time being. And then the parts
of each book, ebony, we have a number of different
hubs across the top here. So the PTI team hub takes you
to their meeting database. We've got the community
which takes us to our circle community, which will just load here. This is where we host all
of PT way. There we go. It's loading slowly. Today. Yes, This takes us
straight to their community when so these are all the winds at
various people in their community have had Lovely. This is now 705 posts lung
looking really healthy. Yeah, that takes
you to then then these other widgets
or Help Scout as our, as our supporting box. Outstanding action points. So every meeting we have action points from
those and those get populated into this particular
database as they go along. And we've got QI team pages
and then reference pages and public pages to know which
bits Can everyone see which, which pages should be shared
more widely to the web? So e.g. it goes to the
resource vote for cohort two. We got to share. And it would have explained
this in the video. You can see that this
is shared to the web. We can see that we haven't allowed commenting or editing
or anything like that. It's just sheds the
web so that people can come into this page. And find all the resources they might need from the course and all the relevant discounts
and things like that that we get from being on the course. So that's the part-time
YouTuber Academy, the reference page
and things like that. And there's various
login details that we need for hosting Zoom events
and things like that. Obviously, I'm not gonna go into that, open that dropdown. Then we've got the
marketing page. So Yaakov is in charge of this. We've got various
different dashboards that draw upon his own
database that he put it, he created number of databases. Basically. There's a question database kind of bees are all the questions that
we're trying to answer. So e.g. what percentage
of people who joined our Crash Course
end up buying the crisp? And of course these are the
kinds of things that we were looking for as a
company to work out. How effective is our
email sequence to actually converting people
into buying the course. Obviously, we want to try
to increase that and make sure that people are going
through the crash course, find it valuable and useful enough to be then potentially convert into,
into buying the course. And these are all things
that we are monitoring and tracking through,
things like UTM links. And this is where yak
of basically lives. He's got so many
experiments on the go at the moment and making
sure that we are really using the data
that we're getting from these different sources. Effectively. I won't get too much
into all of that. This is basically just
more databases and more calendars and things
like that, that just, I guess the point with
all of this video is just to show the various
ways that we, that we use the notion and
the fact that as a company we have probably five to
ten really key databases that are linked across the
various different pages here. The key one obviously being the content production engine. We also have
different departments that use different databases and different ways of
effectively using notion, as well as linking up to slack. Slack is our main form of
communication in the company. We use Zapier to link up Notion with certain
Slack channels. If you haven't done that
already, it's fairly easy to do. Just set up as Zapier
account and you can then connect it to your notion
database or Notion pages. Pages or databases are best for this, they
work effectively. Some of the integrations
can be a bit sort of Genki, but some of them
work really well. As I mentioned earlier, when
the database input one, the lag time between
something being inputted and then the message appearing
on Slack is less than 5 min. It's really, really quick. So that's a really
good automation. If you do want something
useful to take away. If you own a company
or run a company, having that as a, as a, as an integration that you can use to effectively keep track of what's being
added to a page, e.g. we could make that
even more effective by linking up Christian,
who's our editors, Slack channel, like DM with a change of property and the
content production engine. So when I change it from
needs filming, editing, that could, if we
did it properly, link to his own, his own Slack channel and give him a notification for
that neat for then that needs needs editing
and the video is changed datas we
haven't set up yet, but it is, it is possible. So moving down these
shared spaces to these alleys management
space, I won't go into that. That's kind of where I sit
with most of my stuff. And that's where
all the management, finances, business
stuff is kept. And that's where I live most of the time going
through all of that. But yeah, so that's
kind of a very quick run-through of everything
that the company does. I'll go back to
the team homepage. The company does and uses
and how we use Notion. If you have got any
questions, queries, concerns, then please do drop me in the comments section
on Skillshare and we will get back to you if you want to talk
to me about how I use Notion and how I've set up different ways
of using Notion, then please do,
drop me an email. My email will be linked below. I'm happy for happy for you to send an email if you have
any particular questions. So I hope that was useful. Very quick run through
of how we use Notion. Quite a broad overview. Obviously you can appreciate
there other areas of that we can't necessarily
show on camera, but I hope that they'd give you a bit of an overview of how, how in depth we go
with Notion and how efficiently
you can run those. And even with quite a basic
setup and some pages. And also how you
can make it look pretty with widgets and things. Some of these widgets are from, if I posted these are
from a website called into phi, into Quite useful. I'd recommend go and have a look at that and
play around with that. You can make your motion
look quite pretty. That'll be linked
down below as well. Otherwise, hope
you enjoyed that. Any questions, let me know. Yeah, bye.
22. 4.4 Thomas Frank's Notion Setup: In this bonus episode, we are hearing from my good friend
and fellow creators, Thomas Frank, who is one of the most famous productivity
influences in the world. And Thomas is going
to take you through his incredible creative
system again on Notion. Again, just to caveat the ideas here is not that you
necessarily copy and paste them on system
wholesale idea is that you get inspiration
for your own setup. But in Thomas's
case, he actually has this whole like create her compendium pack thing with Notion Templates and systems
and processes and tutorials. You can find a
little dot over on his website and
we'll put a link in the project and
resources section where you can check that
out if you would like. Anyway, I'm not going to
hand over to Thomas Frank. Yeah. We'd love to take a
look at your ultimate brain. Yeah, and I know that this class is for notion beginners
and they've kinda just like learned about all
the building pieces in blocks of notion. So what I think I'm gonna do is start off actually
with our knowledge base. Because we've been using
notion since 2018 as a team. And back then we really did not know everything there
was to know about Notion. And there are also quite a
few fewer features available. So it may be an easier
introduction just to show what we use as a kind
of like Team wiki. Because it's not using tons of databases and crazy
stuff like that. It's just using pages and
some multi column layout. So first thing we
say here is like our knowledge base needs to be implemented with the
just-in-time concept. So when something comes
up in our business and we think that would be
really good to document it. That's when we document it. And yes, we've kinda created these little
subcategories with headings that give us these pages full of processes
that we can follow. So a good one that I can show is our video
workflow tutorial. We've been building
this since 2018. This is our video
workflow tutorial, and it's kind of
just like a sub page with the exact same layout. We have different
subheadings and then sections for things
that we do often. A good example here
of how we create documentation is to turn frame I'll comments into
an ocean Bureau list. I will actually record my screen using a
tool called Loom. Talk through what I'm doing. And that gives anybody who's working on this process literal step-by-step video
instructions are where they're supposed to do and they embed
directly into Notion. And then when we have time, we will also create
written documentation and sometimes a full checklist. So we tried to run the gamut in terms of what anybody on
the team would possibly need. Whether it's just a
super quick checklist or a full breakdown of how
to actually do things. I think this is also
pretty similar. We have our OBS
Output Settings here. We take a lot of screenshots. And this just allows
us to very quickly create documentation
that helps the team, helps establish
processes, checklists, all kinds of stuff like that. I guess we have a channel
specific editing guide that I made a long time
ago for Thomas Frank Explains and to
2020 this is like right when the thing came out. So this is sort of like level one of how you could
use Notion with a team, also with just your own
personal productivity. You don't have to
mess with databases. You can just create pages and create stuff
as the speed of thought. But when you start
wanting to do things like sorting, filtering, tubing, due dates, properties,
That's when using databases really becomes
a very handy thing to do. So I'm gonna switch
over to my video demo workspace and show off a demo version of the second
brain template that I use. I also sell this as a template
that anybody can use, but this essentially runs my own personal
life and integrates notes and tasks and projects to group those
two things together. I'd also use a little bit of Tiago Forte is para,
organizational methodology. I think Tiago, I think Ali, you made a video about that on your main channel awhile
ago, maybe about a year ago. And this just kinda gives me a place for everything
in my life. And I think the easiest
and simplest place to start would be a
quick capture dashboard. So I want to place two automatically and very quickly
record notes and tasks. And this gives me
that I also have a shortcut link on my
phone's home screen. It goes immediately
to this homepage. This will allow me to, if
I switch over to a table, be easier, just
instantly add a task. And it basically
goes into my inbox. I could do the same
thing with notes, so I can add a brand new notes. Take notes as I usually would. And it's going to go
into my inbox that lets me very quickly and very
easily record new things. It gives me one
singular place on all my devices to record
both tasks and notes, which is pretty
nice in the past, they used to have separate
apps for both things. And then I have an
inbox where I can process everything
and give IT projects. I can give it due dates. And that's going to move them
to specific smart lists, just like you would
have in an app, like to-do list or like
TikTok or Apple reminders. If I add it to a project is gonna go to that
project folder. If I give it a due
date, it'll go to a specific due date list. And it's basically
like a task manager. And this is the cool thing
about Notion is like you can replicate existing tools, but Notion gives you
the flexibility to bring those tools together
and combine them, and also to add in your
own customizations. For instance, there's
not a tool that I know of that actually
gives you the ability to create areas
and resources like Tiago teaches in the Building
a Second Brain course. So I can just build my own
areas and resources dashboard. And when I was reading through toggles
material, I was like, I think resources
should go inside of areas which is not
something he teaches, which is not something
he doesn't ever know. But I can just build that
inside of Notion and create an area for something like music and then put resources
inside that area. So in my interpretation, my resources are just
basically buckets for notes that I take
for web captures. About a specific topic, like say, music production. And I've got
everything in there. And then areas can
have actual projects. So this was a song that I was
working on in this project has actual tasks like programming the jumps
or tracking the chords. But I can also bring in notes like ideas for lyrics,
things like that. I can even pull in
and tire resources. And if I switch over
to my poles view, I get all of my
nodes that were in that music production
resource inside the project. This is a big thing
that I always wanted in basically any project management tool it
can never really get. I knew that I'd collected
all this material over years or months about a specific topic that will be relevant to a project
I was working on. And I had to go looking for
it every time I thought, wouldn't it be cool if I could
bring in all that material directly into the
projects management hub. So I have an entire video on my YouTube channel going
over this entire template, which is like 45 min long. So I don't think we have time to go over the entire thing, but hopefully this
gives you a bit of a look into how you can start crafting your own
productivity systems in a bespoke manner
using Notion. Or what else would you find that the baby people often complain about the speed of
quick capture into Notion. And a thing like to do as to where it's like a
millisecond or Apple Notes, which is a millisecond,
It's like compared to Notion with maybe 0.5. The second blank.
What's your take on actually the speed
of quick capture and into Notion compared
to the other things. And what's the, what's
the trade off there. So I do agree. And right now I kinda Hackett, I use this tool called
Zapier or Zapier. I never know how to
pronounce it, but they have a connection with to-do list and they have
a connection with Notion. I've built my own custom
little Zapier script that allows me to dump
things into newest and they just show up instantly in my ultimate brain setup inside a notion that's
my interim setup. In the future, I would like to, I don't know either
convinced notion to create quick capture tools or
maybe create them myself. Do you do the same for notes
or do you just for notes? For notes. I really don't. The only I honestly feel like opening a note in Notion
is totally fast enough, especially when I have like I've got on my phone,
I can't show it, but I have the
quick capture page as a widget on my home screen. So I just tap that, tap new
note and I'm good to go. Personally, if there's
like a few milliseconds, I could shave off of that. I don't think it's a big deal. The one thing I really
do want is the ability to speak my mind if I'm
driving or out on a walk, just like talk and make
an audio recording, have that auto transcribed and have that show up in Notion. I have figured that out, but it's a bit of a Rube
Goldberg you kind of situation. I have to use like three
different apps to make it work, but I have gotten it to work. The cool thing is you can get pretty much anything you want
working inside of Notion. Right now it may not be the
most efficient way to do it, but it does give you
that centralized hub instead of having to use
a lot of different apps. And what I think we're
working towards is a future where the efficiency
is actually there. To go on a little bit
of a tangent here. When I was in high school, I hated Apple products. I don't know why, but
I was just like super into MP3 players that
were not made by Apple. So I literally was on a forum
called anything but iPod. And this was like
2007, maybe 2006. I remember people on
that forum being like, why would you ever want
a phone that plays mp3s? Because yeah, maybe
it does both things like phone calls and MP3s. But a true MP3 player is
always gonna be better. It's always gonna be better
then a combined device. And it's just kinda funny to
look back on that sentiment. Now, having Smartphones,
Android phones, and iPhones, like nobody now uses a
dedicated MP3 player because smartphones have
gotten so good at both things. Nobody would ever
want to carry around a single or two devices. They have a single device. And I kinda see the no code
sphere, not just notion, but the entire no-code
sphere as going in that same direction
like right now, we're in that nascent stage. But in the future we're
going to have those quality of life features and those
customization features. I think web design
software kinda got there already and now no code is the next thing
that's marching there. Nice. Okay, you're already selling me on this thing of
actually using Notion for all of the things
because I still have a combination of notion but also helpful nodes but
also to do with it. And I'm, I always feel a bit like that's like that's
the trade-off, right? Because it's very easy
to dump a task into do is dump a note into Apple notes. And then you're like,
Well, I want to have a team documents. I'm gonna put that on ocean and then you start going like, where is that thing
that I was looking for? And that's kinda what I
wanted to get away from. What does your daily
notes look like? So let's say it's eight a day in your life, it's the morning. And what are you
opening on notion? Take stock of your life and what does that
process look like? I'm opening a page
called my day. And so one thing I like to do is basically like write out what I'm gonna do as if
it were on a whiteboard. So I'll have my calendar right here and it will show me if
I have things that are due. If I've marked
projects as priority, they'll show up here
so I can review them. But I have never, even when I was using
wanderlust back in high school and college, I've never liked to use
the actual task manager. Even if I think maybe Microsoft to do is like
the one exception here because you can mark
things as like part of my day and they won't show
there if they're due today. They only show there if you
specifically mark them. That's what I like. I like. Little ritual of sitting
down and writing out here is what I'm planning
on working on today, regardless of whether
the to-do lists said it was due today or not. Like, I want to make a
specific plan for myself. So this is just like an
area where I can dump that. And I can look at this and
reference it to make that. That's for me personally, not everyone wants
to do it that way, but I just kinda like listing
out what I'm gonna do, listing out what I'm gonna
do in terms of self-care, working out hydration,
nutrition, that kind of thing. And it just gives me like
a single-page for it. Nice. That's pretty nice. Do you journal in
Notion as well? I am very bad at journaling. So I will say that I've built a way to
journal inside of Notion. So if I add a new page into this little Daily Journal area, and if I give it today's date, which I could just do add
today if I wanted to. I have a daily note template. And this is another
really cool thing about Notion is like these blocks can be embedded
in multiple places. So this little, I guess, virtual whiteboard that I've
got them, the My Day page. If I open up my
journal template, I also have it right there. If I was the journaling
type of person, I could run my whole
life for these my whole day from this template and
I could do morning pages, I could do a daily review. I can look at views of my Task Manager and see what's actually been marked as du. And I could even do
like a little bit of simple habit tracking. I'm the kind of person
who aspires to journal. But then every day that comes, I never get to it because
I'm trying to get to the gym and then getting into the projects that
I'm obsessed with. Nice, That's fantastic. Can we go back to the
ultimate brain kind of dashboard homepage you'll thing. So this is sort of like
a Quick Links area, but actually I have a
dashboard dashboard. So I guess this is a
kind of a cool thing to highlight for people who
are getting into Notion. This is designed for
desktop platforms, like if you're on a
big computer monitor. And what that allows
us to do is see things like tasks and notes
on the same view. But if you're on your phone, this wouldn't actually
be very helpful because it will all
get compressed down to one big super long column. So a couple of tricks I use. One thing as I
create this little twig Quick Links toggle, which is just a
toggle block with a table of contents
block inside of it, which will allow you to
zoom immediately to stuff. And then I also like to create dedicated pages for things like modules that
exist on a dashboard. So e.g. the note inbox
has its own page. And this would look
really good on a phone and it would be really easy and wouldn't be
super-duper long. Nice. And let's say
you've got a note. What do you do it what do you then do with
setting up once it's in there? I would give it
an area resource. I believe I have
programming for this one. And that takes it in my inbox. That's it. And then I go into
that resource. There it is. My wife flips. We even created a
nice little view that will organize our web
clips by their URL. Okay, that's pretty cool. Then there was a bit
aren't planning. I wonder if we can
zoom into that. In your homepage. There was a bit plan. Oh yes. So this is like future
planning. With ultimate brain. There's two ways to
organize your tasks. There's goals and then projects. And I guess goals don't
necessarily only taken tasks because goals may have milestones that are not
currently actionable, like hit $50,000 in sales. That's a milestone, but it's not like it doesn't point to
an action you can take. I split goals away from projects which should only
have actionable tasks, but both goals and projects
will have a target deadline. And using a couple of formulas, we can create filtered
views that only show us goals and projects that have a target deadline
within the current quarter. Then we have a couple of
lookahead areas or I guess one look ahead area where
we can see all the goals and projects by their specific
quarter and this year or if they've been set for
a year passed this year, they'll go in the
years ahead area. So it's just kind of
an area that I created for people who
really want to plan out their life and nine day
increments or look into the future and see
what they're planning on doing in the future. And so what does what does your personal planning
process looks like? I'm not thinking I'm curious because I
haven't really stumbled. I haven't really figured out
like a planning methodology that works for me, but yeah. How do you do plans
if till right now? It's a bit more
chaotic than this. Like I have a couple of
projects I'm working on and I've kind of gotten fortunate to be at
the point where I could just like sort of hyperfocus
on those things. And so that's what
I'm doing right now. And I know I need a poor as much effort as I
can into this project. I don't know and I can
get it done because it's simply huge, but I'm
just going to get it done. So I create the project
and ultimate brain, but it's not like I'm coming here all the time
looking at this. I built this for people who
asked for it essentially. That's kinda thing like
when I was creating this, I kinda had to create
it from a product designers mindset as
well as my own mindset. There were things that
I knew I would use. And then there are
like the remixes on those features that other people are going to want, e.g. in the to-do list area, I always just use a
checkbox for toDo or done. But a lot of other people
wanna do like Kanban stages. So I added another property that actually allows them
to do that as well. I think that's one of the nice things about Notion is flexible enough that you can
create your own whatever system from this thing. And generally what
I advise people and what we're saying in
the course is that, hey, if you're going to buy a
template like this one, then I would always recommend
just using it wholesale. But actually more
like understanding what the template does,
why it does what it does, and then figuring out the method that works for
you using the template. Yeah, I think like
templates aside, like basically with anything if you get access to a big tool. And I would say this
for like Asana or ClickUp or Jira, anything. There's a ton of
information out there. There's a ton of ability and
capability, your fingertips, but You're not going to
really learn it unless you need to use it or want to use it for something that
actually matters to you. So don't try to read
the whole manual, don't try to use every
single tool and a template. Just go, I want to do this thing and now what's the
piece of this tool? Lets me do that thing. And through the process
of using it that way, you're going to
start to understand and become an expert
at that piece of it. And then you slowly
branch out over time. I mean, this is me using Notion
for four straight years. It's not just like getting access to the tool of
building this right away. Love it. Okay, so we've taken a look at the ultimate
brain system. I wonder, can we take a
quick look at the creator, the creator notion
system that you've got. And then just sort of
whistle-stop tour so that we can, if people want to find
out more about that, then they can always hit the
language will be down in the projects and resources area or whatever Skillshare
call it these days, where you can find loads more information about
the greatest companion. So yes, it would
be great to just do a quick whistle-stop tour. Yeah, So creators companion
is the system that we built as a team to run our entire content
creation process. So this one was much more like this is exactly
what we are using. Let me just turn
it into a template and then add a few
bells and whistles. It kinda gives you a
dashboard where you can see a page for every
one of your channels. So if I go into, say,
Thomas Frank Explains, I have a page where all my in-progress videos might be and we have a Kanban
view for the stage. So we have planned
research writing. I've been kinda get an overview
of where everything is. And this is a demo
version. I can't show what all the projects I have
in progress and everyone is. And then we have completed
projects where we can see everything that we
have done and published. And this is like
the biggest thing I always wanted because proper project
management software like Asana back in the day was really only focused on
what's going on now. And it didn't really have good guarantees that
it's going to be a good library and archive
for stuff in the future. Well, when you're
a video producer, you have a lot of
archival stuff that you really want to
have access to, like your scripts or
maybe your shot lists. So I'll go to my Thomas Frank page to
show good example of that. We have. I know this one is
a good example of a project that is
pretty fleshed out. We have an entire page for each project that gives
us number one, an area for people
on the team to have comment discussions
about how the video is going. But also, there's
basically a piece of this template for every stage
in the production process. So we have a
researcher notes area where we can do our outline, we can do our research, essentially this brain
dumping stuff that we find in the research process. And we want to keep that. We have an actual
video script which we will either create as a
bolt list or in this case, we created as a full script
that actually read out from my iPad memorized lines and then set
them to the camera. And then we have things
like publishing checklists. So every, every project gets
a copy of this checklist, which we can go
down and actually checkoff to make sure we're
doing everything correctly, like adding tags,
adding n cards, making sure we check
the video for errors. Making sure we send
it to our sponsor if it has sponsored
that kind of thing. And we also have a B-roll area where we can
look at our shot lists. And like I said before, I want to have
access to this stuff even after this
project is published, because maybe a
year down the line, we're doing another
video related to sleep. And we already found a ton of great B-roll that
we could reuse. Or maybe there's
stuff we didn't even use in the first video. We can go here and we
can refer to the ideas, and that gives us a good idea. We're going to find
that footage on our server, which
is really useful. Another cool thing about
Notion, I will expand this B-roll List as a
full-page to show you is you can create databases and then create multiple views that have different sort criteria. So this was, I think my first
aha moment with Notion. Before Notion I had
been writing out B-roll lists in Google
Docs and then I would copy them to do it
and manually drag and drop them to try to get
them in a batched order. Because when you're gathering B-roll for I like
it as a creator, you don't want to go
in chronological order because you may have
some shots over here. You're going to film some shots in the middle
you're gonna do as a whiteboard and then some shots and at the end you're
going to film as well. You'd want it like batch task all the film shots and then take time to go to
all your whiteboard shots. So we have a process where we can create
our B-roll ideas. And they're automatically
timestamped when we put them as comments and framed at IO, which
is a review tool, we can bring that
in here and we have the timestamps and
then we can tag them as what kind of
action do we have to take to get that
piece of B-roll? So film. Archive stuff is stuff we
already made whiteboard stuff. I'm going to have an overhead camera and drawing
on the whiteboard. And we can go over
to this Gather tab, which is simply
sorted by those tags. And that allows me
to go through and batch things efficiently
and the gather process. And then when I hand the project over to Tony for editing, he can just go to the
chronological view and go right on down the timeline based on timestamps to edit in that most
efficient way as well. I guess that's like
a single project. So now show a bit of the overall dashboards
we built in there. So we have those actual
pages for each channel. But if you're running
a big operation, like you are all,
you've got like, I think two or three
different YouTube channels. You might want to see
everything that's going on across all channels. So notions board view
lets you do this. We have it grouped
by project status, but then sub grouped by their relation to our
channel database, which means I can see
all the projects and progress for the Thomas
Frank YouTube channel. All the ones that progress
with Thomas Frank Explains for the blog, for College Info, Geek, etc. And you can collapse
them as needed. There's a new keyboard shortcut for opening and
closing all of these, but I forgot what it
is and I don't want to accidentally shut
my computer down, but you could do it pretty cool. Then we even have a
publishing calendar. So this would have
all of our content when it was intended
to come out if this were not our demo, amazing. This is Typical. Our system is very much heavily inspired
from yours that we, that we use were less
checklists with stuff. But every time
something doesn't work, I always think ****, if only I had a
checklist for this. And then I think, Oh,
but the effort to make a checklist feels like
too much of a heavy lift. I'm not gonna make
it. And then we have mistakes happening and
that's really Atul Gawande. They have that book, The Checklist Manifesto
that basically sticks to the power of systems
and SOPs and checklists. And we use them during
surgery and stuff. I just have a repulsion to using them for
my YouTube channel. And I really should now
that I've seen this. Staff that have checklists, they do for some of their stuff. But yeah, I should I should probably insist
upon it a little bit more, especially when if I
actually as as as, as, as if I spot a problem, then we can just-in-time create a checklist for it because this is now
becoming a problem. It needs to check
list. Whereas I feel like when we try
and be like, Hey, we need to check list if I
everything in the business, it will take a whole year to checklist everything
in the business, which is also I guess it's
not really the point. Yeah. And if you do it that way, you end up like treating your team kinda like they're
kinda gardeners too. I've seen managers
like hand tons and tons of checklists
to teammates be like, alright, you need to
check off every box. And it's like, Well, didn't you hire me to
just be good at this? I think it's worth identifying. Oh, we forgot to do
something in this process. Let's make a checklist. Yeah, I forgot to hit
record on the camera. Let's begin. This
is fantastic stuff. We'll put links to all of these in the project
and resources area. Where's the best place for people if they're watching
this and I like it, They want to learn
more about your use of notions slash you. What's, what's the
best place for them to support them to offer notion. I've got the Thomas Frank
Explains channel on YouTube. My main online hub
is just Thomas J should be pretty easy to find most
things from there. And then if you want
to connect, I'm on Twitter at Tom, Frankly. Amazing. Tom, thank you so much. This has been wonderful
whistle-stop tour through your incredible Notion setup that you guys use to
run the business, run your life, where
are all the things. Thank you so much
for joining us for this bonus segment of
this Skillshare class. Yeah, thanks for giving me the
chance to show it all off.
23. 4.5 August Bradley's Notion Setup: Alright, welcome back
to the bonus section. In this little video we are
hearing from August Bradley. August has one of the most
popular YouTube channels in the world around notion. And he's all about
building a life, operating and like
life principle in life design
systems using notion, his pillars, pipelines
and vaults approach. August also teaches a
course about this and it's more than just
about how to use Notion. In fact, it's not really about
how to use Notion at all. It's more about how to think about intentionally
Designing Your Life, where an app like Notion
can help facilitate that. And I'll put details
of that over in the Projects and Resources
video description area. But now let's hear
from August Bradley and a tour of his notion setup. Hi everyone, I'm August bradley. This will be the overview video on the pillars
pipelines in vaults, life operating system in Notion. Before we dive in, just
wanted to mention, we've just launched our
online membership community with a lot of people very passionate about
knowledge management, performance systems, life operating systems and all these topics
across productivity, mental clarity,
systems thinking. And if you're interested
in those topics, checkout the year zero, collective years zeros about
fresh starts and reboots. It's all at year zero dot io. Now in this series and in this approach to building
a life operating system, we're big on systems thinking. Systems thinking is the ability
to look comprehensively, holistically at how
various systems interact with each
other and interact with the system that
they are a part of the larger systems that
they operate within. And when you'd take this
very holistic view, you can see how
qualities emerge, arise from the interplay across the system that doesn't exist
in individual components. This is what makes a comprehensive
life operating system and notions so powerful. A lot of people
approached notion having little segments of their life, little pieces here and there
in different notion builds, but it's not
comprehensively integrated. And that's where a
lot of the power is. When you haven't
comprehensively integrated. You have this emergence
where new capabilities, new powers, new insights
reveal themselves. Faster ways of
doing things arise, more knowledge is present when you're focused
on a specific task. All of these different pieces compliment each other when
they're interconnected. And that's what this whole
approach and pillars, pipelines in vaults
is all about. There's nothing wrong with
doing a little segment of your life in different parts of Notion or across different apps. But when you take it
to the next level and really integrate everything, that's what a lot of these
superpowers start to arise because of the
interconnectivity. Weigh the different
parts of your life are informing each
other in revealing insights across the system that you wouldn't get if each
piece was fragmented. So first we're going to start
with a new diagram that simplifies the organizational
structure of the pillars, pipelines and vaults system. And then after that, I'll
show you the interfaces that let us control the most important aspects of our lives. And the ultimate
purpose of all of this is to accomplish
three things. Focus, alignment and knowledge resurfacing at the
right time and place. Focus. So that when we sit
down to do the work, we have the ability to focus on what matters and do the task
at hand and get it done. That's easier said than done, but a well-designed system
will help you do that, help you bring the focus to do the things that you tell
yourself you're going to do alignment so that the
things we do day-by-day, hour-by-hour are
directly aligned with our high level aspirations. It's more important to
do the right things inefficiently then to do the
wrong things efficiently. And alignment ensures that
every day, every hour, we're doing the right
things, we're doing, the things that are going
to move our lives forward, that are going to help us
become the people we want to be and help us achieve the
things we want to achieve, whether that's work-related
or family related, or pertains to mental clarity or creativity, creative output. All of these things require that the time we
spend putting effort in is on the things that will move the ball forward that will help us climb the mountain. It's so easy to make our
list of goals or list of aspirations at the beginning of the year or even the
beginning of a month, and then just drift
away from them, loose sight of them
as day-by-day, we're pulled in different
directions and everything becomes reactive with
a system like pillars, pipelines in vaults were able to stay on track with the things that matter because we have
alignment across the system. We have direct connections
between what we do hour-by-hour,
day-by-day, week-by-week, month by month, up to our highest level
aspirations that we have very clearly
defined and articulated. So everything is done with intentionality and in
a very deliberate way. And then finally, to be able to quickly capture ideas
and information in this firehose of media
that we live in to capture the pieces that have
insight and meaning to us. Bring them into a system
that stores them in a very safe and organized
and accessible way than aggregates them into
topic categories where our best thinking, the best wisdom, the best
ideas we've come across, all aggregate, across each topic in what we call the
knowledge vault. And then ultimately,
that information is at our fingertips and arises almost magically in the right time and place because it's built into the system and the system
knows what matters, when it matters, and
where it matters. So the system will have
things bubble up in the right context and the right time and place
when we need them, because they are captured in such a way that they
were slotted into the right tracks to resurface
in the right context. That's all part of the
system we're building here. That's the vault section, the knowledge
management component. The whole pillars
pipelines involve system. So with that, let's dive in. This shows the
relationship between pillars, pipelines and vaults. Let's first look at
pipelines and vaults. Pipelines are the
action in our life, the things that go through a process flow with
various stages of progress and then ultimately completion tasks and
the bottom database, each of these cylinders
is a database, a separate database
in the system. So we have the action
items or tasks database, the project's database, the
goal outcomes database, and the value goals database. Don't worry about
those, just think of them as a goal database. There's a separate video that explains the distinction
between them. So this is progress
in process flow. So this would relate
to assist them such as GTD or
getting things done. This is a different system, but this would cover
the scope of GTD. Vault is about knowledge
management or personal knowledge management or business context, business
knowledge management. This would cover the scope
of something like para or building a second
brain that all fits within the vault
section of the pillars, pipelines and faults system. Each of these is the database, so we have a lot of input
databases like the media vault. We recapture books and articles and videos and podcasts and notes and ideas and
highlights from all these pieces of information
that we saw value in. We wanted to save them
into our system so that, that thinking, those ideas would be accessible to us later. And the system will organize
these in a way that they will resurface at the right
time and place in context. And that is the power of doing this in a comprehensive system. We have a database here
on courses and training. This is where your capture
notes, the notes and ideas. This is where we capture
our own thinking and put it in here so that it can also resurface at the
right time and place. And then the tools and skills vault when we review software, when we review professionals are companies that will
help us in some way. We do it, but a lot of
research and we capture it. And then that research is available in the
knowledgeable as we need it as a whole section of videos on personal knowledge
management and the knowledge vault in
particular that show how this resurfacing
and contexts works. But this is the component of the system where
that happens. So we've got the pipelines for action and getting things done. We've got the vaults for
knowledge management. So what are Pillars? Pillars are not at the same
logical hierarchical level of pipelines and vaults,
There's something different. So while pipelines and vaults are running up vertically here, pillars are horizontal
organizational categories across all of them. So every one of the pipelines
and all the databases and elements within
the pipelines and all the databases and
elements within the vaults. Each will be organized
and sorted by Pillars. Pillars are categorizations. They are breaking your life into segments such that everything you do will fall into
one of these segments. It's not about a high standard, is not about aspirations, it's not about vision. It's just about categorizing the whole spectrum of your life into different
structural categories. Now, these are the big groupings of the categories growth, home life and business. And within these, within growth, we were to have
health and fitness. We would have mental clarity, home life would have family, would have friends, it
would have social life, it would have personal finances. Business is going to have all
the parts of your business. Marketing, sales,
product design, product development,
customer operations. So each of these segments within these groupings
is a pillar. These are the big groupings, but we can see how all the things that fit into
the growth segment, all the things that
fit in the home life, and all the things that
fit into business will then across the
pipelines and vaults, organize and
categorize everything within all of these database
stacks underneath it. They're all organized by these different categories of your life that we call pillars. And then the one element outside of the system
is the cycle reviews. Because these are time-based, so these are not
organized by pillars. These are periodic
review cycles. So we're gonna be doing weekly
reviews, monthly reviews, annual reviews to make sure
things are on track and see where things are getting derailed and pull
them back in line. It's a very important
balancing process to keep the system on track and going in
the right direction so that we don't drift
away from our goals. We don't drift away
from our aspirations as we are apt to do
if we don't have these periodic review cycles
where we check where we are relative to the path we've set
for ourselves and realign. And he drifting
that has happened. And then at the very
bottom, the daily entries are that habits and routines, the things we want to improve in our lives that we're tracking on a daily basis to make
sure we're moving forward. So we have habit trackers
and we have data tracking to keep an eye on
the things we've identified as most important. Not everything, just the
most important things. Because the thing is we track, we have insight into, and we know whether
they're moving forward or not in the very act of observing them
dramatically increases the odds then
progressing forward. So pillars are just organization across all the different
pipelines and fault elements. Pipelines are action-oriented
process flow vaults are knowledge management, structuring it such that it will resurface at the
right time and place. And that is the pillars, pipelines and fault system. That's what it does.
That's how it's organized. So I wanted to share this just
to give you that overview. Now for those new to the system, I just want to show you the
top-level Dashboard so you can get a little bit of a look at the window into the system. So this is the command center. This is the top-level Dashboard
for the entire system. It's the top-level window into how the whole system works. The system is all about
focus and alignment. So in red, the very
first column here. Is focused on alignment. Within that we're the action
zone in alignment zone, the three big mega dashboards in the system or the command center that were in the action zone, which is all about focus, focusing on what we're
doing throughout the day. It's the daily view of what
we're doing hour to hour. And I'll show you
that in a moment. And the alignment zone, the alignment zone is what
ensures that the things we're doing day to day are aligned with our high
level aspirations. Through the project level, the gold level and the
guiding principle levels. So it'll keep our
highest level values and our highest level
aspirations in sync with what we're doing day
to day and hour to hour. And if you can do that, you're going to move
things forward. Your life's can move forward. Your business is going
to move forward. The things you want to
accomplish in life will happen and you will ultimately become the person you want to become. Because you're
steadily, consistently making progress in the direction you have designed for yourself. Then we have three
categories here. These are the three pillar
categories that we saw here. Growth on life, business,
the categorizations. These are the groupings. Within those
groupings, we now see the individual pillars
we see for growth, health and fitness,
mental clarity, learning. We see for home life, family, home and household,
personal admin and finance. We see for business,
team and administration, client operations,
content creation, product development,
these are my pillars. You can define these
however you want. You're basically going to
break your whole life out into anywhere 5-15 categories and everything will
break out and they will be grouped by growth, home life, and business
and laid out here. Every single one of
these is the dashboard. You'll click on those
and you'll have a sub dashboard into that
section of your life. All of the pipeline elements, the action-oriented process
flow, getting things done. Elements of your life
within each of these will be presented in an organized
and clear way that brings a lot of transparency
and what's moving forward and what stuck
and all of the knowledge. The idea is that the wisdom and insight that you've
either captured from other sources or entered
from your own thinking will also resurface across each of these categories
in those dashboards. So each of these
are the dashboard into that slice of your life. And they're organized
by these groupings. And then down here
we have databases. This is the
organizational structure of the notion assets. So pillars will have
the pillar structure, which is what these
entries are up here. Pipelines is again, the databases we saw in
that previous diagram, the tasks which I
call action items, the task database,
projects and goals, then some specialty
pipelines if you happen to do content creation, I've got to content
creation pipeline. If you work with
clients, I've got a client operations pipeline. Those down here as well, the part of the pipelines
section of the system. And then finally the vaults, which is all about
knowledge management. We've got the global vaults and we've got some
specialty vaults. All of these are designed to resurface the right
information at the right time, making it super
valuable because it's at your fingertips in
the right context, we have the ability
to do quick capture for notes and
meeting ideas here. And we can embed widgets, things that are useful,
keyboard shortcuts, whether whatever it
might be useful, just drop it in these embedded
segments if you want. In that is the on-ramp to
everything else in the system. To just quickly show you
two more dashboards to get a sense of how this
actually works day to day. The alignment zone
is how we align our high-level aspirations with our daily actions
and hourly actions. We start with a
guiding principles. We define what is
meaningful to us in life, what we value through
a process here. We then define our pillars, which are the categorizations
we've talked about, Pillar support or
things that help you implement and achieve what
matters within each pillars. To have a section where we
design habits and routines. We have knowledge
vault items from the vaults that are related
specifically to the pillars. Again, this is pillar support, mindset and identity
sculpting work where we shape our mind
and our identity. How we see ourselves into
the person we want to be, into the person
we need to become in order to achieve the
things we want to achieve. And health and fitness,
all of that supports and enables success
across our pillars. Then we set our goals, are high-level
aspirational goals that are measurable,
quantifiable, tangible steps
towards our goals, the outcomes that will get us to our ultimate aspirations
which are valued goals, the goals based on the things
we value most in life. And then we break our
goal outcomes down into individual projects to help
achieve those goals outcomes. Or we define habits and routines that will help us
achieve those goals outcomes. And then finally, the projects
break down into tasks. That is how we
achieve alignment. And through cycle
reviews, annual, monthly, weekly review cycles, we keep everything on track
and if we start drifting away, we realign it. And finally, the
actions don't miss how we run our lives day-to-day. So we have this toggle
here for today, which has basically
a to-do list. Everything is
organized by due date, not the DUE date, but the DO date, the date in which we
intend to do the item. These are all spread out
across the calendar. Each day has a, has its own task list
defined by the DO dates. The task list for
each day let you have a series of short
task list rather than a giant to-do list that is just a burden that
will never get done and just seems hopeless. You have shortlist for each
day that are achievable. They may be reaches, but they're doable and
you have the chance of actually
completing everything you set out to do that day, which is incredibly empowering. The idea of these giant
heavy to-do lists that are endless and
will never get done is just burdensome and it's exhausting and it's impossible
to actually live that way. So we play out the next
week potentially too, with individual to-do list. For each day, things may roll
and adjust as they need to, but it's a rough outline
of the next week or two. And it gives you a
much more manageable, much more transparent view on what you need to
accomplish each day. Down here, we have
client operations, so each client we have
would be laid out here with a card and all the
information for each client. We'd have active projects. So the projects that
we've defined as active for this time period
would be laid out here. And within those projects, we can see all the tasks in order that we
need to achieve. We turn a few of them on
active and the rest are queued up to be
addressed in the future. And then finally,
our goal outcomes. That brings incredible clarity. After my morning startup, I spend my whole day in this one today toggle with that one list. And I just go through
them one at a time. The queued up in order. Immediate, quick scheduled items if there's a specific time, then first, second,
third, fourth priority. Any Aaron's reminders? It's all queued up. I worked through it in order the night before I set
this today priority list. So when I come into the
office the next day, it's queued up for me. There's clarity on
what I need to do and the sequence in
which I need to do it. There's no wondering
what I should do and getting distracted
and drifting off. There's a clear plan of action every day when I come in
because the night before, I have set up the to-do list for the next day. And
that's pretty much it. There's lots of
nuance and lots of empowering features
built within and a lot of connectivity
from one part to another that
automates and brings the right information
into the right place and gives you alerts when
things are going off track. But this brings total
clarity to your day. Keeps you on track with the things that you've
defined are most important to you and gets them done all while capturing
the information that you find most valuable
and bringing it to the surface in the right
place when you need it and keeping it out of
the way when you don't need it so that
you only focus on the things that matter
now and you only have the information that
you need to do. The thing that
you're focused on. Pillars, pipelines
involves organized every aspect of your life. Everything you do fits into it, everything you need to know and every action
that has to take place is all contained neatly within this
overall structure. And it flows in a way
that's intuitive, gives you an incredible
transparency on what's working and what's not so that you can
adjust as needed. Helps you learn faster, helps you move faster, helps you grow faster. It just empowers you in
every aspect of your life. That's why I'm so excited
about it and why I've committed so much time and
energy to laying this all out. If that's of interest, consider joining our online community. It's a membership
community called the collective that's all
available at year zero dot IO. I'm also very active on
Twitter and happy to engage in a broader
range of ideas there. Thanks for watching.
Lots more to come.
24. Exclusive Bonus Resources: Hello again. How's it going? Just to let you know,
we have just added an enormous amount of totally free bonus material
over to my website, which facilitates all of the different Skillshare classes that we have here
on the platform. So if you head over
to Elliot, forward slash
Skillshare resources, that link will
appear here and also down in the project and
resources section or wherever you happen to be seeing this sculpture often changes the structure
of the website. So it'll be linked somewhere on this page and
also right here, so you can go to that URL and that will give
you access to a bunch more bonus information
relating to all of the different
Skillshare classes. For some of those that might be Notion templates
for some of them might be PDFs and worksheets
and bonus material. It's all on the website. It's all completely
free and you can check it out with that link. Anyway. I hope you
enjoyed the class. I'd love it if you can leave
a review if you haven't already and hopefully see you
in the next one. Bye bye.