(NEW!) A Beginner’s guide to Google Analytics 4 (GA 4 2024) | Shailendra | Skillshare

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(NEW!) A Beginner’s guide to Google Analytics 4 (GA 4 2024)

teacher avatar Shailendra

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Video Introduction to Google Analytics 4 Course (GA 4)


    • 2.

      Quick 30 seconds GA4 setup for course


    • 3.

      Video 1 GA4 Overall UI Walkthrough


    • 4.

      User Lifecycle in GA4 (Video 2)


    • 5.

      Video 3 Events and Custom events


    • 6.

      Video 4 Conversion Tracking in Google Analytics 4


    • 7.

      Video 5 GA4 Custom Insights via Explore Tab


    • 8.

      Video 6 Debug View


    • 9.

      Video 7 User Segmentation


    • 10.

      Video 8 Ecommerce events


    • 11.

      Advanced Course Information


    • 12.

      A Request and Thank You


    • 13.

      Where did the Configure Tab go - GA4 update!


    • 14.

      Reports Tab Customization - GA4


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About This Class

This course teaches all the key concepts needed to be very effective in GA4. After this course, you will be able to understand all important concepts in GA4, use it for a e-commerce / Shopify or any website, and configure Google Analytics 4 for your needs.

Google Analytics 4 or GA4 is a new version of analytics offered. The key features it covers are Events, Custom events, Explore or Analysis Hub, Conversion tracking, Debug view and many more.

This video is ideal for someone wanting to learn GA4 and gain a high amount of expertise.

 This tutorial covers the following topics in GA 4

  1. Overall introduction to Google Analytics 4
  2. Events and event parameters
  3. Custom events
  4. Debug view
  5. Conversion tracking
  6. User segmentation
  7. E-commerce conversion tracking (Ecommerce GA4)

If you want to discuss any topics covered in the google analytics 4 training, please post in the comments. I am very responsive and would be great to discuss. GA4 is being constantly updated, so feel free to ask about any topics! 

After completing the beginner's course, students are recommended to visit the advanced course at the following link on Skillshare: Advanced Google Analytics 4 : Covering all key advanced features

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With multiple years experience running analytics for ecommerce websites, I currently focus on Google Analytics 4. 

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1. Video Introduction to Google Analytics 4 Course (GA 4): Hello everybody. So this is a beginner's guide to GFR, meant for beginners and intermediate users of Google Analytics part. And by the end of this course, you will have mastered all the essential features in Google Analytics. Start moving your skill level towards expertise. By way of introduction, I have managed multiple e-commerce websites in the past, including Fortune 500 companies. And through this course, I will use my personal experience to teach you all the important features in Google and export and also what insights we can get from that. With that, I will cover the table of contents. In this course, we'll first get an overall understanding of GFR by looking at different components in the UI introduction. Then we'll see how we can really understand all the different steps in the user's lifecycle, such as acquisition, engagement, monetization, retention, and so on. After that, we'll look at events and parameters which are at the heart of who earned exponent. Archiving done this, we look at conversion tracking, which basically tells what is working for your website or e-commerce site and what is not. Then we'll also look at the debug view, which in my opinion is one of my favorite features in GFR. And finally, we'll look at user segmentation, which is how to divide your users into different segments and devise a marketing strategy for each segment, which is really lead to superior marketing execution. And finally, we'll take an in-depth view into e-commerce conversion tracking, which I will show what is the state of the art if you want to track an e-commerce website using Google Analytics for. 2. Quick 30 seconds GA4 setup for course: So in the next 30 seconds, we'll do a quick data setup. So everybody has access to same data. If we search for Google merchandise store analytics data, then you'll see this link demo account. So this is basically access to the Google merchandise store live data. So we can really see how real e-commerce website behaves. That is, live and functioning with real users. So if we scroll down, we'll see Google Analytics for property, Google merchandise store. And as soon as we click on it, will get access to all the data in the demo account that we'll use throughout the course. 3. Video 1 GA4 Overall UI Walkthrough: So starting with the first one of all, your introduction. If you look at J4, there are four reports here, phi reports here, whom reports? Explore advertising and configure. And now we'll go on to see what each of these means and also the admin. So now let's switch over to J4. So this is how the UI looks like. The Home tab really gives an overview of what's happening on the website. For example, total users. So in the past seven days, as you can see, the timeframe is seven, which can change from here. You can see how many users came to the website, how many new users are there, and so on. As you can see, it's completely card-based, which is a slight variation from Universal Analytics, which is the prior version of GFR. Then you can also see what's happening in the last 30 minutes. This is helpful if you have very skilled website and you want to track it in a mode, finer granularity. And then another feature I really like is the insights. Insights is where Google uses its own machine-learning algorithms to parse the data on your website and really drive good insights for you. For instance, like if you want to see conversion by source and medium, then you can see that say for Google CPC that you have got around 10 thousand conversions. While from baidu, which is a Chinese website and organic is somebody searching in Baidu, you have around 2898 convergence. So that's inside that who is basically an overview of the entire website. Reports gets more interesting. So just opening the report section where you can track the user life cycle. So acquisition is how your upside acquires users. Engagement is how they engage with the website. Motivation is how your website monetize it or earns money from users. And retention is how the website is doing in terms of retaining users. The next video, we'll cover all these four sections in detail. Now, demographics is pretty useful that if you want to see from which countries are users are coming from, like say from the US, you have 30 thousand users and from China, 8.9. Also, which city they coming from, what languages they speak, and so on. Then you can use the demographic section. An important tip here is that we can use a timeline. As you can see over here. If you want to see a larger time duration, then you can use this upper left hand, right hand tap to change the time duration. And similarly, demographic details shows more details about the user. So for instance, in the US, the new useful at 31 thousand. And you can also see things like engagement rate, engagement session and so on. One handy feature to highlight here is search. So say if you want to just look at Japan, then you can search Japan here and hit Enter. It will automatically filter that for you. Similarly, tech is like if you want to see which browser or which different technology that the user is accessing your platform width, then you can use. This is interesting that say, in this case you're seeing that most of your users are using Chrome and Safari. So you might want to focus your development and testing around these two browsers rather than spread wide. But that's the report section. I said we'll go over acquisition, engagement, motivation, and attention in the next video in detail. Explore in something very key to J4. And this is where we can build new reports. So say What are we just discussed in reports is not sufficient. Then we can build new report from her. And again, we'll have a separate video to cover this. But for example, if I want to see the total users who have come to this website and which pages are they visited? Then I can use the software if I search for, say, page location. Yeah. Dimensions are and just to clarify, her, dimensions are more like attributes of the users and they usually end up as rows. You can bring it as a row and metrics and numerical values, and they usually end up as columns. So I'll put it here. So once we do this, then the report will generate. And you can see like say for dislocation Google merchandise store, we have around 90 thousand users. But for basket, we have around 8 thousand users. So we can see that out of around 19 thousand users who come to the website. Eight thousand end up adding something or go into the bucket dot HTML. These kind of reports we can generate via this and we'll see it in detail in the subsequent videos. Advertising is more if we're running paid ads and so on. And so for instance, if you look at the advertising screen over here, we can see again the conversion data. So direct is when somebody directly typing your website's address in the bar. So for example, google.com. And then that's a direct hit. And organic search is when somebody searches for that. You are on the Google search bar, and then Google show that result and so on. So this is more relevant if there's an active ad campaign that you're running. And similarly for conversion parts. This is also very relevant if you have an active campaign running. So like all the touch points may touch point and latest points. And you can see more details on this part. And this will be covered more in an advanced course that I'm making. But for now, we will. This is a high-level view of the advising section. Configure is another very important part because you heard we can configure events. And events are really the heart of GFR. So these are all the events that are configured in GFR. There are two kinds of events, one or default events and enhanced us. So that's one section. And the second is custom events. And in this green we see both. And again in a subsequent video, I will show what are the default announced events and what are the customers. For example, scroll is an event that is a default event that is offered by GAL4 by default or every website. While something like review, order, a custom event that the owner of the website has to configure these conversions. Or again, like if there is any activity that is very important for your flight to track, then you can mark them as a conversion. And all events can potentially be marked as conversions. So for example, if I go here and if you want to market as conversion, then we can just slide this. So in this demo account, I have more of a read only access, so therefore I can slide it. But if you are the owner of the website and this option will be available. And audiences is more around segmentation. That if you want to segment, say, users from the US, two users from Europe, this is where you can create two audiences, one for the US and one for Europe. And similar to custom events, we can define custom dimensions and metrics, which are parameters inside an event. Again, these things again, we'll talk in depth in a subsequent video. And finally, debug view. This is where we can see if our events configurations are working with unexpected or not. And this will also be covered in a subsequent video on finally admin section. This is where we can assign things like linking or Google ads in Search Console, the A4, and also seeing our property settings and so on. So it's linked to the merchandise store and so on. So to summarize, there are a few tabs. One is like the home and overview of the entire site reports to see the user life cycle, explore to make any custom reports, advertising more for paid ads and so on, on figure to configure conversions and custom events and then admin. So that's a high-level overview. And the subsequent videos we'll go into depth in some of the topics I referred to and go from there. So stay tuned for the other video. 4. User Lifecycle in GA4 (Video 2): Okay, so now having seen the overall structure of J4, we now dive deep into the report section, which really helps us understand the user life cycle. So over there, we'll see how the website acquires users, how it engages with users, how do they upset and more tires and how it retains. So that's the entire life cycle. Starting with the acquisition report will go to the overview. Over here, we can see that a bird's eye view of how we are getting our users. So we can see in the last, like in this timeframe, which is about a month, we had 71 thousand users who came to the website. Out of them were new users. So around 9 thousand, we're returning users. Then if it's a highly skilled website, we are also interested to see how many users came last 30 minutes. So like in last 30 miles from the US, does have B7 users from China, seven users and so on. But this one is interesting is that from all the different channels we have, from barely getting the user. So direct is paid search. Organic is when somebody searches for your website or keyword link to your website on the Google search bar. And your website shows up. Display is when there's a display ad and somebody clicks on it. Page searches, Google paid search ads. Referrals is when there's a link on a website like say, Facebook about your website and somebody clicks on that. And this acquisition overview gives a view of how many users your website has say in this timeframe, what channels are they coming from? And this is the account by session like and you can also see that in this case, like they have session by channels even broken down further. So for example, if I'm this specific channel, you had around 5.5 thousand sessions performed. Acquisition overview. We can really get an overview of how, how many users we are getting, how many of them are new, and what channels we're getting them from. Now, diving a bit deeper into the user acquisition report. So over here you see a more granular breakdown, like say for direct, which is if somebody enters your website's address directly on the browser. So instance, for example, I enter google.com. Then from here you can see things like how many engaged sessions are there? How many? We talk about this concept of engaged sessions, but okay, so we can just do it here that the number of sessions that had more than ten seconds. So that's an engaged session. I had a conversion event, and we'll talk about conversion events in subsequent slides are at two or more page views. Again, this we'll talk about in the video, talking about events in detail. And engagement rate is how many of them were actually engaged. So now we know the definition of engaged and we know that total sessions, so the ratio of the total sessions to engage sessions is the engagement rate. And average engagement time is how much time the user spent on the website when the user came from this channel. And the insight that we can get from here is that we can see if the quantity of users we're getting from a channel is also quality drafted by comparing the new users to the average time, average engagement time. Because sometimes what happens is that for certain channels, like say, just for example, I save for your website, paid video is 10 thousand users with engagement time is only 30 seconds. But that tells you that even though paid videos is getting you a lot of traffic, It's not really quality traffic. So that's where you can really get an insight into what traffic is, all traffic for your website using this user acquisition report. This also is just a breakdown from different channels they've talked about and how many users were getting from each end. Traffic acquisition. It's a further double-click on user acquisition. So again, it shows that for each channel, how many sessions are there, how many AND gates are there? And how many even comes with that. So this we'll see in more detail when we talk about events. But for example, if I take one event called legs, if I do a first visit, which is from all these channels, how many of them were first with it's by users. So for say for that exercise you can see 6 thousand posts with its game-like. So 6 thousand users made the first visit to your website using direct such as opposed to say, Returning users. And again, you can also see convergence, which is very important. And we'll talk about this in the subsequent videos. But what conversion means is that any event like for example, a purchase of an item for e-commerce website or adding something to cart that you consider important. How many of them happened using these channels? So in this case, you can see by direct search around 50 thousand convergence, which means *****, which is a very important source of quality traffic. So again, this tide. With the engagement time they've talked about, is a very good indicator of the quality of traffic. So we can see it also leads to higher revenue because probably for Google merchandise store, a purchase is the conversion and therefore higher the number of purchases is the higher the number of revenue and so on. So that is the acquisition report, how we are getting users. Engagement is how the users are interacting with the website once they have come on the website. So you can see the average engagement time. So on average, a user spends two minutes, 14 seconds on their plate, which is very good. And you can also see that by engagement time, engaged sessions, users who talked about water engaged session means that is more than ten seconds or more than two pages and so on. This again gives a 30-minute view of the website. Now, moving on to discard, which is fairly interesting is the number of event counts, number of event names, and how many columns stuccoed in GAL4, as we'll see in a subsequent video, events are really at the heart of GFR. So for example, it could take an example of the page or even over here we can see that the event, which is every time a user with it, a page on your website, which is basically a different URL. Page, event is fired. So in the last 30 days, around 470 thousand page views pages were open on the website. So this shows you exactly which pages were. So page title is basically like if you see this browser. So if I go here, that's the pitch deck for the home screen, was open 35 thousand times. Similarly, the Google online store was open 24 thousand times. And same for the shopping cart. So the insight here is that you can tell which is the page that is very popular on your website that people visit more often. And you can focus your optimization efforts on that. Again. So the user activity over time is like in the last 30 days, how many users are there? And the last seven days, how many you go there and, and so on. So if you can see over here, if we take three days starting ending or 17 August walking backwards, then they were around 82 thousand users. And user stickiness is like say for DAU, MAU, for data example, DAU daily active users, MAU monthly active users. You can get that ratio to see that in the last, in this timeframe, the ratio of daily active users and monthly active users, well around 4.2%. Moving on to the events section, this is a very important screen for GFR because events are really the heart and soul of GFR. So there are two big buckets of events in GFR. One is like the default or enhanced events that come by default. And other customers that the economy's a fleet owner defines on a bespoke basis. You heard if you see like if he again, an example of the page view. So you can see in this timeframe there are around 462 thousand page views, as we saw earlier, by 70 thousand users. So an average user is viewing six pages. So that's the inside here. And over here. If there is an important event for you, like say adding to cart, then you can define that as an event in J4. And then you can use this screen to see how many users are actually adding items to cart among all the users who are visiting the website. And as I mentioned, some events are enhanced with some events a customer. So just, again, we'd have a video later on to do explain this in detail. But just for a brief summary her like something like first visit, session, start, scroll, page view are all default events while things like view promotion, view item list are reversed at Google has defined themselves to allow more garner tracking of things Google considers important for their website. The moving onto conversions. This is again like a conversion, isn't even that is considered very useful and we'll talk about this in detail in a subsequent video. But this scheme basically shows that what conversions have happened. And similarly in the page and screens, it's broken down by pages. The homepage, it has around 40 thousand users visiting and you can also see how many conversions happens. If I take a specific example like say purchase. Then you can see that as a, as expected purchase does not happen all the screen. It only happened on the screen that has that check-out feature. So it's going to expect like checkout confirmation page is where the purchase happens. Acquisition, how we acquire users engagement, how do users engage with her? Upside? Motivation is how our website earns money. I'll do a brief overview here because I want to focus more on other parts. So for example, if you see total revenue, total revenue of your website, including purchases, an ad revenue, which is just broken out here. And our revenues basically, if you're upside, integrates with the motivation platform like in mobile, where for every impression of the ad, you are getting some money. And this also includes subscription revenue, as you can see her, which is if your app is integrated with the Play Store or the Apple App Store, then that revenues is included in total revenue. And you can also see the total purchases or an out of them, almost all of them are first-time purchasers and average revenue per user. So I'll keep it brief for motivation and focus more on retention. Retention is very important because it tells you how satisfied are the TEA website to say in this timeframe? July 29th of August 25th, 62 thousand new users, returning users. So that is the return ratio for Google merchandise store. This is an interesting grab the user cohort. So how to read this is that say for 14 August, which is a Sunday on day one, Hello, 0.8% users returned to D1 means that if voting Augustine's day one, then D is 0 is hurting August. So out of all the users who came on Thursday, August, coupon eight per cent return to the website on 14th August. And by day seven, none of them returned. So that's how we read the graph here. And the inside here is how many users come back to the slide the next day and then after seven days. And similarly, these graphs, the way to read this is that last follow today's ending August 25th. So if you say this is August 25th, and if you walk back for two days and we come to this date, then if there were a 100% users on this date, how their attention, how many are there? How many of them came back the left side as we progress to the five-day mark. This is to examine data. So that's how we read this bottom section. I'm talking about demographics and tech in the previous videos. I will not cover that for this section. 5. Video 3 Events and Custom events: Okay, so now we'll talk about events which are really at the core of GFR. And we'll talk about two kinds of events. One is default slash enhancements, and second is customers. So before we talk about this, we'll build an intuitive understanding of what an event is. Any user interaction. For example, if we use a little bit, is tracked as an event, that is what an event is any user interaction is. In GFR is tracked as an event, and even parameters or characteristics that tell you more about that event. So for example, if I visit a page like merchandise total google.com, so that's the page view. That's an event. And things like page location, which is the URL and paste title, which is the title of the page, are attributes of that event. So those are parameters. So for example, if you look at this tab, analytics is the page title, what an artist or google.com or the is the page location. So basically example the page views to track when I use a user web page. Click is another event. It's a very interesting events. So when somebody clicks on a link on your website to leave the website that is tracked as a click event. And we'll talk about click as well, and then customer wins. So let's quickly take a look at where they actually occurred. So if you go to Admin data streams, since we are tracking the web, we heard we can see the enhanced events. So they view every time somebody views of the page title the page view scroll is for the schooling went outbound. Click is when somebody clicks on a link on a website to leave the website that is black, that is tracked as outbound. And site search is very interesting. When somebody searches for a term in the search bar on your website that is tracked. Other sites that, we'll take a look at the search ones, especially now because it's very interesting even to look at if you go back to reports and if you go to events, then we can look for the search one. So we have not shown, we can just search like this useful results. And we heard, we can see exactly what people are searching for on your website. For example, hardcore search term. It says that people search for the term backpack. And this will search for to 89 times by 158 users to overheard or even count is higher than the user count because potentially a user can search for an event more than once. Then similarly, individuals have been searching for goody bag and so on. Page location tells exactly which you aren't people search for. So for example, if you look at this one, we see shorter google dot dot Google merchandise store.com. And then towards the end of this URL we see keyword is equal to backpack. This report can tell us exactly what people are searching for in our website. So that is the default events. Now, while Google offers a number of default event that we saw in the admin. Just to complete the story, I'll bring it up once again. These ones, we might still want to create our own custom events that basically don't are not offered. And G4 makes it very simple to do that. So again, if you go to Configure over here, we can create our own event, which is a custom event, and then we can define parameters for that end customer definition. So in the Google merchandise store, an address property, since we only have read-only access, we can create only some kinds of events. So so see, we heard there is no creative and option because we only have read-only access. So I will bring a different Jeep whole property where actually have full access just to show how this works. So this is another property that I manage over her when I do create event, there's a button called Create here because I actually own this J4 property and say, I want to track the thank-you page events. Thank You page. But thank you for your purchase page that I get to a given event name equals page view. So whenever a page view happens and the page title contains Thank you. This is when anybody whether it's a thank you page, which is when they have completed a purchase on my website. If I want to track that, then I can use this tank you purchase event and parameters can associate. It just means copy all the attributes from the source event, which in this case is page view. So like page location, page title, it will also be offered. And then I can do Create. Once I do, create starts appearing as a custom event that I have defined, which is important to my website. And that is what is called a customer event. Now, before it starts appearing here, it can take up to 24 hours for that event to start showing her. That is the data processing time. So going back to our slides, so enhancements are those that are offered by default by df for as long as we turn on the property. And customer event like a thank-you page is what we defined. These really laid the foundation for defining conversions that we'll talk about in the next video. So that is the NC. One benefit to highlight is that it can be defined with no encoding effort as well. And if, and if you do want to, if you do have the engineering bandwidth, then we can also define something like a custom dimension. And then we can ask our engineering team to pass that value. So see Google defined all these custom dimensions. And we can do a similar thing. And then we can ask the engineering team to pass like safe or the thank-you custom events. We define a custom dimension called user country. And then I can ask him to pass that. And then that will be captured as an event parameter. And we'll talk about why custom events can be useful in the next week. 6. Video 4 Conversion Tracking in Google Analytics 4: Okay, Now that we've talked about events and customer events in the previous video, now talk about conversions. Conversions are extremely important to see what is working on your website. So any important activity that is important for the website, for example, for an e-commerce website, we can see purchase, add to cart, checkout and so on. Conversions are used to track those kinds of events that are extremely important to the owner. Another example is that say for a lead generation website, where the website collects contact names, the conversion is when somebody fills those details and how much that. So those things are tracked as convergence. And the benefit of that is twofold. First, you can tell what is working for your website. Is it paid search? Is it organic search, and so on. And second, once your DFL property is linked to Google ads, then Google can optimize for those keywords that lead to convergence. And then we can leverage all the machinery and tools that Google has to offer to help us algorithms optimized for convenience. So now we'll just jump in and see in live what they look like. Keeping in mind that events can be configured as conversion. So they are essentially the same concept. So if I go to Configure and I go to conversions. So firstly, go to events. So all any event here can be marked as convergence. So in this case, since I don't have, since they don't have edit access to this property. Therefore, I'm not able to scroll this, but if you do have access to this property, then you'll be able to scroll this in market doesn't even even custom event that we talked about. If we, once we define it, we can mark it as a conversion. Conversion. Here we can see certain events that are marked as convergence. So for example, begin checkout. This is a custom event that we saw in the previous video that was defined. And then after 24 hours, it starts appearing here as a potential conversion event. If we scroll this forward, then it starts being tracked as a conversion event. So it's a similar idea for purchase. And then if you go to Reports and we see events, were there, we can start seeing our conversion events. For example, if I search for purchase, we here I can look at the conversion events. So since I've marked this as a conversion event and get very useful data around the soap. For example, out of the 18 thousand events, I know that most of them are from the US. And similarly, you can see from virtual pages, dissipate reference means that say, a particular event happened, then which page referred to these events? So for example, take our success. So the checkout success page led to this event happening. And so that is where the confusion comes in. And this will show a property where we can actually modify it. So if I go to configure here, show events we heard is an example of safe. I want to mark page view as a conversion event that I can just scroll this forward and it becomes as a conversion event. And similarly over here, since the market as a conversion event starts appearing here. And also to show how to mount a custom event as a conversion event. Say I define a custom event here, which we talked about in the last video call, thank you. Purchase. So this will take around 24 hours to start appearing as a option here to market as a promotion event. So in case you don't want to wait, you can just go to conversions. You can mark as new conversion event. And you can enter the same name as we entered in the event and do save. So that'll also market as a conversion event, and so on. And then we can decide that if you want it as a conversion event or no by toggling this and so on. So again, if you go to Reports and we go to conversions, then we can see all these. So for this, there is no data, but if you go back to the Google merchandise store or there we can see all the events that have been marked as conversion and the details about it. And then we link this property to our Google ads. Then Google Ads has algorithms that can basically maximize a particular kind of conversion. For example, it can run those ads where the purchase conversion event is maximized as opposed to say, first present. And that is what Convergence very important for us is to track events that are extremely important for your applied to generate revenue. And second is also for Google ad. So another example is where good engagement overview or if you go to engagement, if I go to user acquisition, that over here also there's a separate column for convergence. So if I want to see out of all these channels, channel is leading to maximum purchases, then I can filter it by a purchase conversion event. And I can see that the director, when people directly type the Google merchandise store URL on the browser leads to maximum conversion events. And that is pretty insightful because then you can also see that for organic search is also a huge driver of promotion events and paid search slightly less. So these will obviously can verify your website, but these are very insightful things to know about what is working and what is not working for your particular website. 7. Video 5 GA4 Custom Insights via Explore Tab: Okay. So haven't seen events and customer events and understood convergence and the oral structural GFR. Now we dive deep into the Explorer menu tab of J4, and that is this tab. So if you go to explore, and this is extremely useful because if you want to generate any customer insight about our website or platform or any custom report, that is where we will go. And after thinking about this, I realized that the best way to do this is via conference for reports hands-on. So we'll do it live together and the whole report will see them. One is total users. The second is the source and medium for user acquisition. That is, how are we getting our user traffic? Which is a very interesting report, is album pages. That is, when a user leaves the Google merchandise store, what link is he clicking on to leave the webpage and forth is landing pages. That is, when somebody comes to the Google merchandise store, what is the first page he or she is landing on? The other four reports we'll see. And this is to dive deep into the Explore tab where we can generate Customer Insights. So starting with that, we'll go to J4 and we'll go to Explore tab. We'll click on the Create button. Over here. We'll start with the total users for this timeframe, let's say July 28 to August 26th. So about a month. The metric we go with is active users. Either we can search it here like this, or if you do want to search it, then you can also just look at the different segments. Go with users and go with active users and then do impotent. Two dimensions are, as we've discussed earlier, they're more like certain parameters about an event, but they tend to be usually non-numeric. And metrics are usually end up as columns in these reports and they tend to have numerical values. Now, since we want to see the users over a timeframe in the dimension will pick month. And a neat trick here is we can just search her as I showed earlier. We can search month and we can do important. So now we'll add month as rows and we'll add the metrics, the active users as values. And so this is the month number and this is the active users. So if you expand this a bit to get more data, we can go to main. And this is the report, so it's sorted by the number of active users. So c, So since May is five, like May, June, July, August, and it happens to be sorted in the right order as well. For these kind of analysis, we can also change the chart type. So if you want to see a line chart which is more applicable to this kind of analysis for users. We can do that. That's users. Go into the second report that talked about source and medium for acquisition. This is a very important report because it shows exactly how the fight is getting graphic. Over here. I will remove one dimension and instead I will add source. In G4, I've seen that source and medium together sometimes does not work because it's still very much in beta. And it will probably be implemented by July 23 when the full migration happen. So therefore, I'll add source and medium separately. Added source, and now I'll add medium over here. Remove the rows and put source and medium here. This is the, once the report loads will see that this kind of report is, it's hard to see how the box like using the Repos section, but we can generate it with relative ease using the Explore tab, and that is the power of this. So if you look at the Google organic search is giving us around 90 thousand users in this timeframe, while CPC is giving us around, which is cost-per-click, is giving us around 40 thousand users and we can generate that. And Baidu organic search is giving us around 10 thousand. If you want to share this report with any of our teammates, we can just click on Share and then we can share the link with them and then they can access this report as well. So data, the source and medium. Now looking at landing pages on outboard platelets post that is, which links to users. Click on so that they, when they leave the website. So this goes back to the click event that we talked about in the event's video and its parameter on the link. Url. And over here, you will classify that as a row and active users as a value. While the event generates, we can quickly look at the click event to click event DS4 to refresh our memories. So over here we can see what we're looking at is the link URL, which is, which is if a user clicks on this link, then this is the link URL that you used to leave the website. Going back to our GFR, will ignore JavaScript dot white for now, this is if the user clicks on a button that our JavaScript code and does not really lead to an external link. And we'll focus on other ones. So for example, if you look at Google's support at Robertson marketing, so that makes sense. So when somebody clicks on a link to get support that has been tracked here and so on. So the insight from this report is that we can see which are links a user clicks on to leave the website. And is that what we're expecting a lot, like say, this one goes slash price portal and so on. So that is the third report, the moon landing pages, which is a very interesting to analyze. We use a technique called part exploration, which it will also see it already fills in some important information that we will need and then we'll see it. So session started when somebody comes to the website and we can make it page title and screen. So it's taking some time to load. And then we can see that when people visit the domain, the first start from the home screen. This is the page title that we've configured. So again, like for this browser analytics is the page title. And then Google online store, the page title with a barrel. And therefore, we can see in a very pictorial format where our traffic is starting their journey for on our website. And similarly, if you go to the Explore tab, we can see what other reports have been configured by the team. And like say, somebody is configured a similar path exploration analysis to see how users are going from. In this case, they've used event names. And we can share this across with the team so that this is visible to everybody. So that is the Explore tab. And again, the benefit is generating Customer Insights or any specific insights that are not offered via reports. This is meant to be a very powerful feature in GFR. 8. Video 6 Debug View: Okay, so now we'll see one of my favorite features in GFR, which is the liberal view. And the debug view enables us to see in real-time what events are being triggered and also the parameters for those events. So we can really see how the website is set up as it's working as expected or not. And to enable debug view, we first need a Chrome extension. So I'll just show what is the fastest way to enable debug view. And then we can work together to a live example of how we can track events and why is that useful? So starting with to enable debug view, we can go to Chrome extension, like we need this Chrome extension, Chrome extension for debug view. And we can click on that. And then we can enable it. Once we have installed the Chrome extension, it starts appearing here like an envelope. And then we can easily toggle it on or we can toggle it off. And once you've installed it, it will start appearing in these extension points. And I would recommend that you pin it like say for the Chrome extension, I have pulled this Google Analytics Debugger explanation. I have pinned it. So it always appears on my Extensions. Once it is done, then we can go to any website like say for example, the Google merchandise store, if you continue with that example. So I just find the right URL for that. If you use the Google merchandise store with the Chrome extension on, then it will automatically start sending debug information to Google Analytics. So if you see, I have the I have the GAL4 open for the Google merchandise store. If I go to configure, and then I go to the debug view. Over here, I can start seeing events and so on for the merchandise store. So let me briefly explain how this screen works. So this is the second stream. So it tracks all events for the last 30 seconds. And this is the minute stream. And it tracks all events for the last 30 minutes. So over here, the top events shows the top events of the last 30 minutes, like for example, the page view. If you click on it, we can see the event attributes. For example, the page location where somebody clicked on that, the page title, and also things like session ID and so on. At the bottom we have user properties, which is information about the user, like country, device, language, and so on. And especially with with the merchandise store, I'll just refresh the page once. Especially with the merchandise store, we can see all the devices that are there using this drop-down. Now, since it's a demo account, we can see multiple devices. So if you have a website that has multiple people debugging at the same time, it requires some effort to find your device, because currently there is no straightforward way of doing that. But if you have your own website, for example, this is another property I manage. In this case, I can easily see that this is my device. And I can then trigger events and exactly see in real-time what is happening. To show that what I'll do is I will start triggering some events on the website. I managed to show it here. So the first one, I will just click on a random page on that website. And now we expect to see a pageview event here. It usually takes like a second or so for the event to show up in this part. So now we can see that here's the page view event that I just triggered. And if I click on it, I can see information like what was the page title, also, what are the page? Url, and so on. And I can see user properties as well if they had been set. So in this specific example, there are no user property set. But if they are being said, then I can capture things like the country language and so on. So as I keep on triggering events on the left side, they will start appearing here. Even session start, which is what I initially went to. The upside is shown here. So over here we can see things like on which page did the session start? What is the URL of the page, and so on. So if you have a website where you're trying to trigger either the default enhanced events or the customer events. Then after the setup has been done, you can use the debug Device View to see if it's working or not. So for the last 30 seconds, we can rely on the second stream. So for this we can rely on the second stream to see what events were triggered. And if you want to see the events triggered last 30 minutes, then we can use the mainstream to really see if the website is set up as expected. 9. Video 7 User Segmentation: Okay, so now we'll talk about user segmentation, which is a very important concept in marketing overall and in GFR. So this essentially means that if, for example our website at a 100 users, then different user groups or different characteristics. And just analyzing all the 100 users as if they have the same characteristics is usually not the best approach. J4 offers this functionality that we can divide our users based on certain characteristics. And in this video, we'll take a hands-on approach to see, like say we look at users in the US and China Sea, for example, what marketing strategy is working in these different countries? And this is important because see the company's goal is to expand or increase market share in the US, then what marketing channels should they be investing in as compared to say in China? This insight would not be available if you don't segment the user and we just view them as one single blob of 100 users. So with that, we'll go over the GAL4 and see how we can best do that. So I just remove this for now. If you go to acquisitions overview. Okay. So at this point what we're seeing is that say, we are seeing okay for all users. This is how the marketing channels work like that. It is getting us 26 thousand users and so on. But see we want to pass information for different countries like we just discussed. So we can go to Add comparison, and we can add a comparison for all countries. So again, over here, we can use any of the event parameters I've talked about. But for this specific example, we can also use gender. What are the specific example? We will use country to country, and we choose United States. Then it automatically updates all the information for the US. Like say, over here we are seeing that the total users is to nine for seven. And out of that from the US, it's 1899. And if you go to Engagement overview, this is maintained as we parsed the different reports. You can see that the engagement time of the US is two minutes, 30 seconds, but of all users is one minute, 57 seconds. So this is already telling us that the quality of the users in the US, in terms of engagement time, if that is the yardstick, is much higher than the all the users. The continuing with this example, if we add China to our comparison, to say I do, again, I do a dimension, I select the country as China. And two, okay? Then to apply. Over here again, now we can see how the uterus are distributed across China and the US. So all users is higher. But from the US, from the US or the 971 in this example, and 80 from China. But where it gets interesting is if we go to Engagement overview over here, we can see that you just want to us are spending around one to two seconds on average. All users are spending one minute, 26 seconds while you some china, or only spending nine seconds. If engagement time with a yardstick to measure catholic quality, which it's a very good signal, then we can see that the users in the US are of much higher quality than all users than in China. Then continuing with this example, if you look at the marketing channels and again we go to acquisition overview. Then we can see that c, c for all users, this is the marketing channel breakdown for users in the US. Diet is doing extremely well. Then organic search, then display and then paid search. In China, we see something interesting that while direct and organic are doing as well as the US but referrals, which is if, say, there is a link of this website on Facebook, and people follow that link to come to the Google merchandise store is also doing pretty well. So a marketing channel that is a bit lower in rank in the US is doing much better in China. Telling us that if we were to expand in the US, we should probably look at these marketing channels which are proven to be more effective. And in China, we should also pay attention to referrals, which is bringing us around 3% of our traffic. To this, we wanted to cover the segmentation approach that if we analyze users based on different characteristics, we can have a much more fine-grained view on post user quality and what marketing strategy we should use for them. If you want to expand on a particular segment of users. 10. Video 8 Ecommerce events: Okay, so now we'll talk about E-commerce conversions. And these are now that we've talked about the enhanced default events and customer events. These are also kind of events and they fall more in the bucket of customer wants. And this is a slightly advanced topic, but I'm still mentioning it here for sake of completeness. So what are E-commerce conversion slash events are basically important events in eCommerce such as item views, adding to cart parties and so on, that are required. In most e-commerce sites are not Google has done is that they have defined as events and given recommendations how these events should be defined. And then we can use these definitions to generate e-commerce reports will do two things here. First, we'll see why we should configure e-commerce reports by going to T4 and then seeing that how to configure them, we'll do this. First. Understanding why we want to do this. If you go to motorization and e-commerce purchases for our demo effect that we are using. Then we can see things like okay, so force is say for this event, for everyone, Google t, we are getting 2100 item views and it's driving $500 in revenue. So this kind of detail around which item is driving, how much revenue can be tracked using e-commerce conversions. Also, how many Add to Cart happen? Cartoon view rate e-commerce purchases and so on, can be tracked using e-commerce events. So that is what it gets us that why you want to do this. Now, we can see how we can do this. If we google E-commerce events in the Google search bar, then you'll find this page which is titled, I just showed you, I just clashed the title here, Google Analytics for events. And on sidebar we can see purchases. We heard is well-defined. All that we need to pass. But I'll zoom into a few things. For instance, like the value, the monetary value of the event, especially in case of purchase and also the currency. Then this also requires inputs like what is the idea of that item, and so on. And it's very well-defined and how particular e-commerce events should look like. And then this is an example that has been shown. So for this specific transaction, this is the transaction ID. The purchase amount of that e-commerce item is Twenty-five. The tax is for shipping is five, and the currency is $5. And then we have more information about that Item. Now, I think a natural question is, how do we implement this? So this is a place where the team will be involved, but from a concept standpoint is nothing new. So this falls under the custom events that we talked about. And to implement this, I have also, I'll just show the code required to give a sense of effort. So all we need is something like this that the software engineer has to detect even in the code which can, which is a JavaScript code, where he or she will pass the relevant parameters like the transaction ID, the value that I've talked about, and so on. So this is where the engineering team comes into play. But again, this is nothing new. It's still falls under the customer events that we talked about in the prior video. And similar to the participant, there are some other recommended e-commerce events that Google recommends. For instance, view item list and view item and so on, that can also be configured. So that is a brief overview of the e-commerce conversion events. 11. Advanced Course Information: Hi, also I have some exciting news. I have also launched an advanced course or Google Analytics for. This course is recommended for students who have completed the bigness course. The easiest way to find this course is to go to business course, go to the About section. At the bottom, I have included a link to the advanced Google Analytics course. So to be months to put this course together, this is a very good continuation from the bigness costs. So if I click on the link, you'll be taken directly to the advanced course. Thank you. 12. A Request and Thank You: With that, thank you everybody for taking the time to go to the course with me. I thoroughly enjoyed recording these videos and sharing with the group. And I have a request to make. If you like the course, please leave a positive review and let others know because that will really help them discover the material. And of course, equally importantly, if you have any questions ask in the discussion forum, I'm very responsive and ensure I get to each and every question. Thank you. Thank you very much. 13. Where did the Configure Tab go - GA4 update! : Hello friends. So there's been an update on the A4 that the Configure tab has been removed. And many students have asked me where the conjugate AB moved. So Google has moved the configured tab on the bottom left and the admin section. And you can see the different components like events, conversions, custom definitions, and debug view, e.g. if I click on debug view, it still works in the same manner. But it's been it's been moved here. And same for like to see all your events. We can see it here in a very similar manner. Conversions in this tab. And finally, your custom definitions in this tab and codeine information is simply, there's a limit to the number of custom definitions we can create and that can be viewed here. So I just wanted to provide an update of that because this is a recent upgrade in GFR. Thank you. 14. Reports Tab Customization - GA4: One common question I face is that the report section appears different for many of my students in my classes then what I've been showing in the purses. And the main reason for this is the way to change this is if we go to the report tap and we go to library. Once we go there, then we can easily configure this. Once we load, we see the business objective is published here. And then life cycle if unpublish life cycle, for example, just example here, it's unpublished. And now it starts appearing differently this way. We can basically select which all tabs to appear here. If you see that the report section is different for you as compared to others, then compared to the coast, there's probably because of this section. And the other thing which I have mentioned is that if you see that the events part like the customer events and the configuration events are not showing here, it's because G four has had an update and they are moved to this admin section if you click here. And in the admin section we can see all the different things such as for events it's here, conversion it's here. And the debug has also been moved here. Thank you.