Neuroscience-Based Goal Setting: 4 Steps to Achieving Your Goals Without Willpower | Jill McAbe | Skillshare

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Neuroscience-Based Goal Setting: 4 Steps to Achieving Your Goals Without Willpower

teacher avatar Jill McAbe, Business & Marketing Strategist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The 4-Step MOMA Method


    • 3.

      Your Subconscious And Your Success


    • 4.

      Dueling Goals


    • 5.

      Two Languages!


    • 6.

      Problems with Traditional Goals Part 1


    • 7.

      Problems with Traditional Goals Part 2


    • 8.

      Problems with Traditional Goals Part 3


    • 9.

      Choosing a Winning Goal


    • 10.



    • 11.



    • 12.



    • 13.

      Challenges & Overcomes


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About This Class

Are you tired of setting goals and failing to achieve them? Do you struggle with motivation and willpower? If so, this Neuroscience-Based Goal Setting course is for you.

In this class, I will teach you a 4-step method based on the latest research in neuroscience that enables you to set and achieve your goals without relying on willpower alone.

By understanding how the brain works and using proven techniques, you'll be able to overcome common pitfalls and challenges and make real progress towards your goals - without needing willpower!

Here's what you can expect to learn in this course:

  • The science behind goal setting and how the brain plays a role in our ability to achieve our goals.
  • The 4-step neuroscience-based method for setting and achieving your goals (MOMA Goals)
  • How to identify and overcome any unconscious beliefs or habits that may be holding you back from success.
  • Techniques for boosting motivation and focus to help you stay on track towards your goals.

Whether you're looking to improve your career, relationships, health, or personal growth, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to turn your goals into reality.

So join me and start achieving your goals today!

Meet Your Teacher

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Jill McAbe

Business & Marketing Strategist


Hi, I am Jill McAbe, a Marketing and Business Strategist, Course Creator, Author, and Podcaster dedicated to helping entrepreneurs create purposeful prosperity without burnout.

My work, designed for purpose-driven professionals and entrepreneurs, blends evidence-based practices from neuroscience, entrepreneurship, and leadership with self-discovery and subconscious reprogramming. The result? Accelerated business growth paired with enhanced joy and fulfillment.

With a Masters in Leadership, certifications in Communication, Change, and Team Coaching, over 10,000 hours of experience as a business and marketing strategist, I've guided dozens of emerging and experienced entrepreneurs to new professional and financial heights.


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1. Introduction: You're probably here because you have something important that you want to get done and you've heard that people who set goals achieve more. Maybe you're here because perhaps you've set goals in the past for things and you haven't achieved them and you've wondered, is that your technique? My name is Jill McABE. I am the founder of an agency called Boom-U. We help freelancers, artists, coaches, set up really valuable teaching, coaching businesses and grow their audiences. I'm also the best-selling author of a book called, It's Go Time. In It's Go Time I teach you step-by-step system for how you can go from feeling stuck to unstoppable in business enlightened. Prior to all of that, I am actually someone who struggled a lot with my goals. I'd set all sorts of goals for my life and yet I wouldn't achieve, honestly most of them. Until during my master's in leadership, I decided to study the neuroscience underpinnings of why goals work or don't work. From there, I realized there was something fundamentally wrong with how I think as a society, we're setting goals. In this class, you're going to learn the neuroscience underpinnings of goals. Specifically, you're going to learn the relationship between your subconscious mind and your conscious mind, and how they work together to get you through life. How they don't always agree on your goals and what you can do to change that. I'm also going to be illustrating why there are some real problems with traditional goal-setting methods and why when we use them, we can seriously limit our success. Then I'm going to be teaching you about something called hot goals. Hot goals are goals that are in your subconscious and they're the ones you actually will go after but to set them is not so straightforward. I'm going to be teaching you something I developed called the MOMA goal setting method. MOMA stands for motivating, outcomes, that are measurable with appointments for review. In the act of setting a MOMA goal, will help you set a hot goal in your subconscious, This class is for everyone. Goal setting is at the very core of all of the success we get in our life. The better we are at setting goals, the better we'll be at everything. You can be an entrepreneur with a team and you want them to work more effectively. Start everything, choosing the goal setting tool that you use in this class and your team will achieve more. You might be a freelancer working on a project and thinking okay, how do I just really show up and wow my clients? Use this goal setting method and you're going to win. You could be a student wanting to get an A plus. This method will help you. You can be looking to increase your fitness. This method will help you. You could be an employee or a leader in an organization and wanting to show off and get promoted first using the MOMA method, we'll get you there. No matter who you are, this method is going to change your life, jump into this class and learn that getting goals has a lot to do with how you're setting your goals. 2. The 4-Step MOMA Method: So how did I discover the need for better goal-setting and that part of why we might not be actually achieving our goals has to do with the method that we're using for setting our goals. My professional story of how I started learning about high performance in general started when I opened a restaurant in Toronto, Canada called Jov Bistro with my twin brother. I opened that in my late 20s and we got basically really lucky. We ended up becoming internationally regarded and our business was great. But, even though volume is great in a business doesn't mean you don't want to continuously improve. Of course you always do no matter how good things are, that can always be better. I started with the halfway point of owning it. We had it for seven years but the halfway I started taking all sorts of courses to see how could we be better at building our teams, communications, systems and operations, and it was, that's when I really first learned about like just the whole concept of goals because no matter what I was learning, no matter how diverse the topic, everything started with a goal. Fast forward to me selling the restaurant because I discover after taking all these courses, oh my God, I love this high performance thing. I love making individuals and teams be their best. Since then, I've worked with clients in 25 industries over 22 countries, and a career of knowledge tells me, the best project start with goals and I'm going to add plans, and that the people who are fast and set the most goals definitely are the highest achievers. So this is the part in the story where I actually hit a pretty low point, I get hit by a car, the driver was talking on his cell and driving on a semi highway in Toronto. This accident led to spine and neck and head injuries that were quite severe, that required 18 months of rehabilitation. That was crazy expensive and I ended up losing everything I had earned in my career so far to medical debt and not working for 18 months. They needed to rebuild absolutely everything about my life after that because, it wasn't just the money and the career. The car accident really triggered in me this knowledge that I had to live my purpose, that life was really precious and I had to do something like not just that I kind of like, but that I like was passionate about. So I did the only thing I knew, I started setting goals for everything but I'm going to tell you the truth here obviously. In my case, it didn't work. Not all the goals worked professionally. I was able to start rebuilding that pretty well but there is like I wanted to fix all my relationships and my family things and just everything about my life, and fitness and not everything was working and I was like, why? I thought it was just me. Then I took this amazing course as part of my continuing education. I got this education and change from this VitalSmarts Organization in Utah. They teach from a behavioral science, learns about how to change things incredible. I became a certified trainer for them, and while I did, they identified the problem with traditional goals for the first time I started to understand them what you're going to learn this training, and they have this solution called S-W-T or sweet goals, which actually worked, and I started using them with my clients. I was like my God is so good. But what I noticed was, I was never able to successfully teach my clients how to use this by themselves. So that's when I created the MOMA goal-setting method version one. I wanted a tool that clients could use on their own. I really did achieve unexpected success, like I used it for about a year and people started coming to meetings, and some of the meetings, I do always advocate that you have a plan, but some of the meetings people actually started achieving their goals without plans, which blew me away because sometimes they'd be setting goals for things they tried to do forever and just setting the goal properly lead to the results starting to happen. I love continuing education is maybe the story is starting to make clear. So I go off and I do a Master's in leadership. Here I studied the neuroscience underpinnings of why certain things and goals worked so well. It was through this experience I want to share a bit of what I learned through this experience in this training, and it helped me update the MOMA method to make it what it is today. Which is truly kind of like why? It is truly an incredible method of goal-setting that helps you speak to your subconscious. You're going to learn why you want to do that, and that helps you be so much more successful. The agenda is we're going to talk about the neuroscience of success. Your subconscious and success, how are these things linked? The problems with traditional goal methods, this is really going to help you frame what you're learning when you learn the MOMA method to learn why, maybe some of the things maybe you've had the same thing I did where you've had goals and they haven't happened, and then how you can start setting subconscious goals with the MOMA method. 3. Your Subconscious And Your Success : What I learned during my master's in leadership about the neuroscience is basically, your subconscious and your success. Your subconscious has absolutely everything to do with your success. That's all linked to something called your attention system. It's about how your conscious and subconscious interact with each other and the world. It has everything to do with what you do and don't do, what you notice and don't notice and what you gain and don't gain or succeed out or don't succeed out in your life. To illustrate to you how it works, I want you in activity. What I'd like to get you to do right now is close your eyes. Once your eyes are closed, I hope they're closed now, what I'd like you to do, is I'd like you to, in your mind's eye, try to picture all of the blue that's in the room with you where you are. With your eyes closed, is it blue on the screen or outside a window you might be sitting next to or on a bookshelf. If you're sitting somewhere that you are often, you should be able to identify the blue beside or behind you. I'll give you a moment. When you've inventory to all the blue, I'll get you to open your eyes. With your eyes open, I want you to look around now and I want you to see how you did. Did you catch all the blue? I do this activity a lot live and I'll tell you I have never had anyone catch all the blue. If you did, you're the unicorn. For the rest of you, yeah, there's probably something you missed. Why is that? Well, a neuroscientist that was helping me learn about this through my leadership master's explained it to me like this, he said, listen, "Joe, the environment has too much information for our brains to cognitively captured all." That information in the environment is called photons. He said, "Joe, there trillions of photons, and because we can't physiologically consume it, parts of our brain, the subconscious brain, work like a filter, and what they do is they just filter out the parts of the environment that they think are relevant. What we consciously notice is actually a limited amount of what's truly actually around us." If you didn't see all of the blue, it's because your subconscious didn't think that blue is relevant. Now, I hope you're thinking what do you mean the subconscious filters are world? What do you mean I'm not consciously in control of that? I mean if you are, that's exactly how I responded. I was like, oh my god, how do I tell myself what's going on? Well, we're going to get to that with a moment method, of course. I really want you to understand this, I'm going to just take another moment to describe this in a slightly different way. First of all, what I'm talking about the subconscious and being generic from a technical point of view, a lot of this is happening where you see that red dot in the amygdala. I like to think of the amygdala as the world's best personal assistant. Because another thing that I learned while I was learning all of this, that it's not just what you see, that the subconscious is filtering out of our world, it's everything you say, everything you do, is actually triggered by a subconscious part of the brain. Milliseconds to 23 seconds prior to your conscious part of your brain, the part using now, realizing you're going to say something, do something, or even see something in the environment, your subconscious has determined that based on what you might add. What is my subconscious using as the decision-making criteria for what it's going to show my conscious? That's an amazing question that I do hope you've asked because just like a great assistant is only as good as the instructions we give it. Your subconscious is making all these decisions based on something called hot goals. Hot goals is really what moma goals is all about. It's about creating hot goals. Hot goals sound like exciting goals, but scientifically they're actually just goals in this amygdala, in this part of your subconscious that's making all these choices about what you see, do and say. Now, to tell you a little bit more about how these hot goals get made, this filter is goals to keep you safe. Basically, it's automatic part of your brain that it wants to keep you safe. Fortunately, anything that might pose a risk to you is a hot goal, which is why you're going to see things, say things, do things to protect yourself from harm pretty automatically. Hot goals can also be things that are related to success. The subconscious is very happy to help you succeed. Maybe it's getting an education at school or on SkillShare, or maybe it's things like fitness goals or making money goals. But here is the thing, unlike things that might threaten you, hot goals that are positively motivated, something that will make you more successful are not automatically hot. As we dive into this training, we're going to look at how to create hot goals for the things you really want. 4. Dueling Goals : Now it's like one thing to find out that our subconscious region of our brain is deciding milliseconds to 23 seconds prior to us seeing things, saying things, doing things based on these things called hot goals. But what makes this go even one step further is that conscious goals and subconscious goals can be actually different. Actually in contrast to another. It's not automatic because you want something in your conscious that you're necessarily that it's going to be a hot goal. I wanted to just reinforce this concept so that you really understood that these can be different goals and one way of noticing it, I want you to think back to that blue that you probably like most people missed some of the blue that was somewhere. I want you to think about it like this. Have you ever done something like maybe bought a new car or a pair of shoes or got a dog or something. Something changed about you and then all of a sudden you started noticing that thing everywhere. Well, that really illustrates to you, or it should, about how this attention mechanism works. It's like, oh, all of a sudden I have this thing and now I see it everywhere. It's not like all of a sudden everybody else has it too. It's all of a sudden you're able to notice that in your environment. Think about how this is going to affect your success. If you're not noticing things in your environment, then you're risking the possibility that something could help you be successful towards this conscious goal that you have and you literally don't see it like you didn't see the blue. We really need these goals to be hot in our subconscious if we're going to be more successful. I have an example of a time where I had definitely competing goals. Now, I have always wanted to go to Ireland or at least consciously I have. You see I come from a very mixed heritage I have over eight different ethnic backgrounds and Irish I have a whole quarter Irish, which is for me a lot. I thought, "Oh, I should go to Ireland. I've always wanted to go to Ireland, but I've never been to Ireland." What's going on there? Well, when I started learning about this, I started realizing, if this was a hot goal, I would have gone to Ireland for sure. So I started saying, "So what am I telling myself here? What are my subconscious goals?" I realized, first of all time. I'm always like, "Oh, I don't have time. I have to work, I have to do this, I have to do that." But it's like, well, hang on. The truth is that's not really true because I take good long holidays every winter. I live in Toronto, Canada, which is pretty snowy in the winter, which I don't like and one of my hot goals is actually to be hot in the winter. I go and I live places where I can be warm that is so important to me. In fact, I go for several months at a time. So of course I have this conscious goal of going to Ireland. I could always go in the summer. But you see when I really look at my subconscious goals, I enjoy being in Toronto in the summer. I sail a lot here. It's a wonderful hobby and I think, well, I don't want to go away while I actually enjoy being in the city. Well, excuses the truth is, these are my hot goals and going to Ireland as of yet is not. When you want to figure out what's hot and what's not in your life. It's really simple, actually. You're just going to take a look at your life and I want you to think about what is working really well in my life? Because what you feel really good about right now is hot. Then just think about what is not working the way I want it to. What don't I feel is working well, what do I want to be better? I'll tell you right now if you're not happy with some elements of your life, I promise you those are not hot goals, at least not yet. That is why you are learning the MoMA subconscious goal-setting method to create hot goals, to get what you want. 5. Two Languages!: Perhaps you were wondering as you came into this lesson, "How on earth could my conscious and subconscious goals be different?" That's why I have my mind blown emoji there. Because that's how I felt when I learned this. But then, when I learned that the conscious and subconscious parts of our brain actually have different languages, started to make sense that there was these different goals in the conscious and subconscious. It's like going for a holiday somewhere where you don't speak the language. You're not going to have as good an experience as if you learn a few words. While all boy, is that true with success, there's these two languages. The conscious actually speaks words. It speaks the words that we're using now to talk, it's the most evolved part of the brain, the active part. You've got concepts they're philosophical ideas, pretty much everything you're using to learn here. It's also how we first articulate goals and things that we want for ourselves using words, using concepts, using ideas. But the subconscious doesn't pick up on this because the subconscious doesn't have spoken language. It uses emotion and imagery in visuals. Essentially, the subconscious, is the part of your brain that's dealing with your senses. So you can imagine that if you're trying to speak these two different languages, not going to translate, we can use all the conceptual words we want with the ideas and whatever. But if we are not translating this into emotion, imagery and senses, the subconscious just doesn't know what we want. So this is where the MOMA goal-setting method that I developed comes in. It's actually helping you create motivating outcomes that are measurable with appointments. Now I'm going to take you through each step. The thing about this method, and I'll tell you now, and I'll tell you again probably later, it's not about writing these down because that would be staying in the realm of the conscious. It's about going through the process that I'm going to share with you. That's really going to help you, evoke the language of your subconscious and create these hot goals as we go along. But first, we're going to look at some of the challenges of not the way that we're normally taught to set goals. Because now that you know this much, you're going to start to see why, the way many of us have been taught to set goals are holding us back in some areas of our lives. 6. Problems with Traditional Goals Part 1: Now that you're starting to pick up this neuroscience of success, this understanding that it's actually what is in your subconscious brain as hawk goals that's determining what you notice in your environment, what you say and what you do. Now you can really start understanding why traditional goals are failing us. To start, let's just look at the definition of a goal. We've got here from Merriam-Webster, the terminal point of a race or the end toward which effort is directed. Let's focus our attention right now on this concept of terminal point or end toward. Because this is exactly what is wrong with traditional goal setting. We actually commonly get the terminal point, the end point, the wrong outcome. We don't get the outcome right. It's a big, big miss in a lot of goals. I'm going to give you an example of this so you can really see what I'm talking about. I'm going to give you a goal that went I do live seminars, I get this goal all the time. Let's face it, I had this goal. It's a pretty common goal. The goal is, I want to go to the gym three times a week. I say, "Hey, what's a goal?" People go, "Oh, I know I've got one, I want to go to the gym three times a week." I always love it when someone gives me this one, because even though that give me any goal, this is such an easy one. It's so obvious that it's not the right goal. You might even be looking at this and going, "What joke, man, that's a great come on. That's a great goal." Well, let's take a minute and think about those because the concept here is to get to the terminal or endpoint the true outcome. Now, when I get this, I asked someone, " What's the reason you want this? What's the outcome you want because of this?" When I ask this question a few times, what ends up usually being sad at some point is something like, "I want to feel fit and healthy." Makes sense when you look at it. That's like, "Yeah, I want to feel fit and healthy." That's something that I can get into. That's an endpoint that sounds right to me. When you look at this more closely, something like I want to go to the gym three times a week is a plan. It's a plan is something we think we need to do because we want something else, the true endpoint. This is really the true outcome. I want to feel fit and healthy. It's super important to get this true outcome if we have much hope at all of setting this as a goal in our subconscious. Here is why. When we get the endpoint right, we can trigger more positive emotion that can become hot. Let's take this concept of going to the gym. Now, most people, you might be a super-duper gym buff, in which case, this is not going to make sense to you. But most people that I've worked with, when I say, "When you start thinking about going to the gym three times a week, does that fill you with excitement?" Few people say yes. Remember the two languages. We've got the conscious language and the subconscious language, the conscious language is words and ideas such as I want to go to the gym three times a week. But if we want our subconscious to make this a hot goal, so it will choose what we see, say, and do, and according to what we want. We have to speak its language. We have to visualize and we have to fill it with positive emotion. We have to let the subconscious know this is great for us. Unless you can close your eyes and get your subconscious to be really excited and happy about this, you're unlikely to make a hawk goal. Let's take the true outcome that most people have, which has I want to feel fit and healthy. Now let's close your eyes. Now let's imagine like, "Oh, I'm fit, I'm healthy, I'm energetic, I look amazing, I love the way my clothes fit." All of those things that you might be able to picture and all those emotions you might be able to connect with, are going to really help your subconscious goal. I get it, I know what you want. A really important part of getting your end point right, and this is just one part of it is actually that its, job number one in getting your subconscious to clue in that this is a hawk goal. But there's actually more risks with this one, which I'll cover in the next video. 7. Problems with Traditional Goals Part 2: So let's just say there was this tiny chance you could create a hawk goal in your amygdala with the wrong outcome. Let's just say there's a way you could fire up the goals, whatever your goal is, without getting the true outcome. The wrong outcome or the wrong end-point actually hurts us in more ways than just making it unlikely we're going to speak to our subconscious. Lets go back to our example because what's happening here is, the wrong outcome is actually limiting your options for how you're going to achieve a goal. Let's take the goal, I want to go to the gym three times a week. Now, you've probably heard the expression, and I hope you have. A goal without a plan is just a wish, which is true. Once you create a goal, the very next thing you want to do is start asking yourself how you're going to achieve that goal. But the thing is, when we have the wrong endpoint or the wrong outcomes, we're really limiting our amygdala to these ideas of going to the gym. That is, I'm just being generous here, saying that you could even get this idea in your amygdala. It's like a horse with blinders on. It's just not going to see as many options that are going to help you succeed. Remember back in the earlier training, I spoke to you about there's trillions of photons in our environment. You didn't see all the blue. Well, basically replace blue with any goal. It's really this concept could be, I want to go to the gym three times a week. Your subconscious has no choice but to limit the environment. If that's the goal you give it's going to limit what it can see, say and do based on that limiting idea. To help illustrate this, I want you to think of your true outcome, your goal as an apple, and your plans as bites out of that apple. Now when we get the outcome wrong, such as, I want to go to the gym three times a week. This is how we limit our options. Because let's just imagine we get started right away, okay, how can I achieve that? We start creating our plan, and we may come up with ideas like, oh, I could buy gym clothes, I could set my alarm earlier, I could get a membership, I could hire a trainer. You see, these are all ideas that are related to going to the gym three times a week. Now, when we get the outcome right, the thing we really want, all of a sudden we expand our options. In the years I've been doing these workshops, I can tell you that few people think going to the gym is the only way to feel fit and healthy. Everyone, like many people will say, surely, that's something you can do as an idea. I mean, you could also go for runs, go for walks, go swimming, you could do a lot of different things. You could work out at home. There's a lot there, but even beyond that, we can eat better. We all know that sleeping more is a part of feeling fit and healthy. Or how about stress management like meditate? Whether, it's sleeping more, reducing stress, maybe it's buddying up with someone and even just going on walks, runs or bike rides, walking more. Maybe we could do push-ups at home. What about smiling more and watching some comedy? These are all things that could contribute to feeling fit and healthy. Something I learned when I was doing behavioral science and change in organizations. This is so powerful and you see it here, that more options can 10x our success. This is scientific, folks. We are 10 times more likely to achieve a goal when we use four or more ways, different ways to achieve that goal. If we want to feel fit and healthy, if that's the true outcome, then limiting ourself to going to the gym is reducing our chances of success by a factor of 10. This is really serious stuff. If we want to be more successful, we've got to get the outcome right. I wish that was all that was wrong with traditional goal-setting, but there is more we'll cover it in the next video. 8. Problems with Traditional Goals Part 3: This next problem with traditional goal-setting and how we're feeling ourselves really when we set goals, has to do with vague measurements. Now, I will admit that goal setting systems that are out there usually do call on us to measure. But I have never been taken through any sequence that teaches me how to measure. I know that with myself and my clients, that answering the question, how will I measure success? Few people naturally takes the time to do that. That's really holding us back. I want to take us through an example goal once again to illustrate why is this something to be cautious about? Why is this something that's holding us back when we don't create clear measurements? Let's take the example of somebody working toward a new job. I have certainly worked with many clients in my workshops who have wanted a new job and they've sat exactly those goals. In fact, this example comes from a specific story that I have, where the person we want a new job and they're like, "Woo-hoo," they got a new job. But that's not actually when I worked with them. I worked with them after this point because it turns out they got a new job and they didn't like their boss very much, and also financially, the job really wasn't meeting their financial needs. They actually came to my workshop to do this whole thing again because they wondered like what happened. The risk is here that when we don't stop and take the extra 10, 15 minutes to figure out what our measurements are going to be, that we seriously risk wasting weeks, months, who knows how long, working towards outcomes, goals that our truthfully less than we really want. Just like not getting our outcome right helps us create limiting plans, so too does not getting our measurements clear. Now, let's go back to this concept of the apple. The apple is the whole goal and those pieces are bites out of the apple to achieve that goal. We're going to come back to this idea of limiting ourselves. The amygdala can't see options. Well, let's take this goal of getting a new job. If I were to brainstorm a goal like that with someone, these are some of the ideas that they might have. LinkedIn I don't know if you know it, it's a profile where professionals can get jobs, but there's lots of profiles around the world that people can use. You might do things like, "Oh, I put my profile on a job site, I prepare for interviews, I'm going to create a resume, I'm going to look for a job board." We might create ideas like these. But when we get that job and we don't like it, and we realize we need a bigger goal, we might come up with a goal like, I'm going to help you create a better one than this. But even at its basic level, I want a job I like with a good boss. Even those small additions start to help us create better plans. So let's look at what happens when we go ahead and brainstorm that. Sure, once again we get all the basic stuff, it doesn't take away from our original ideas. But now we can add, now we have this idea that we have a supportive boss. How could we do that? Well, maybe we need to think about what kind of bosses we like working for. Maybe we need to be prepared to ask our boss a few questions about what they like to work for, or what about the other side? I want to enjoy. I want a boss, I want a job I enjoy, most days, let's be real. It might be something like,I wonder if I could interview current employees who work there, or look this organization up online, or consider what kind of work will actually sustain my interest." When we create clear measurements about what we want, those measurements actually become the basis for creating our plans. When our goals lack measurements, first of all, you may not want what you achieve and our plans will be inadequate. These are the big problems with traditional goal setting and of course, we are now going to be transitioning our focus into setting your goals in your subconscious using the MoMA methods so that you overcome these traditional fails. 9. Choosing a Winning Goal: I must confess. I get pretty excited as we move into this part of the training, and I get to actually teach you the MOMA method for setting hot goals. I have been doing this long enough that I know that the will you choose to develop right now, will have a lot to do with the success you're going to experience for the rest of your life, and I'm going to explain why that is, right after we quickly review this MOMA goal-setting method. Again, setting hackles, this MOMA goal-setting system's going to help you do it. It's going to help you actually have a conversation between your conscious and your subconscious. This method is basically a translation method of moving ideas from your conscious to your subconscious mind. They're motivating outcomes that are measurable with a 0.1 or more appointments. We're going to get to that in a second. But first, it really matters what goal you pick right now, how well you learn the system. I want you to think about whatever you are good at now. What are your current skills? I know you have some. What are they? How did you become a master at them? Were you like just fully developed, you're just always amazing or are you really good at things that you've spent a bunch of time on. I think it's pretty clear that most of us get masterful at things that we spend time on. Now here's the thing that a lot of people don't realize about performance skills is that they are skills. They're actually skills like cooking is a skill, karate is a skill, tennis is a skill, piano is a skill. Setting goals. Learning how to have your conscious speak to your subconscious, that's a skill. When you think about absolutely any skill, we know you're never ever ever going to start at the master level it's not possible. I guarantee you there based on cognitive science. There's pretty much no skill beyond goal-setting that can set you up to have more success for the rest of your life than learning how to set hot goals, which MOMA we'll help you do, and to do that, I want you to think about the types of goals that a learner or use a beginner goals so that you really position yourself to go the distance. Because whatever you're going to now, you're doing it automatically. That's going to happen with the goal. If you put the time into the MOMA goal-setting method, use it over and over and over. You're just naturally your conscious will learn how to speak to your subconscious and incredible things will start to happen to you. This is how to be successful. When you're picking, you're learning a new skill, and then you're applying it to something else on top of that that you want to do. Pick short-term goals, so you have an opportunity to use the MOMA goal-setting method multiple times. The more you use it, the more you revisit these last couple of training in the program, just the last few, the more you'll start to understand how to do it well. By short-term goal, pick something that you want this week, pick something that you want this month. If you start picking two month, three month goals, they're so distant that you might actually not get the chance to really learn this skill that could change your life. What are you doing in the next month, are you going on a holiday? Then write a goal for how to have the best holiday. Are you working on hobbies and just taking pictures or whatever your hobbies are? Write a goal for what you want from that hobby. Is there something for work or school? Is there a party that you need to plan in the next 30 days? Is there some health and well-being goal that you have within the next like two weeks, 30 days, not some ginormous ones, some near one. Maybe it's a project at home. Now here's the kicker. For even greater success. I want you to pick something that you can put yourself in the driver's seat on, and by that I mean, pick a goal you're in control of. Don't pick a goal like I want so-and-so to be nicer to me, it's okay, and you can say, yeah, I want to behave in such a way that would make so-and-so nicer to me. When we're asking for goals for other people to do things, we make it that much harder to become successful. When you want to really be successful, like really be successful, pick goals that you're in control of, and you're really going to start to see how much more you can achieve. In the next session, we will jump into your MOMA goal training, in-between these sessions, go ahead and get your worksheet. It's in the project area and we'll proceed with creating your hot MOMA goal. 10. MO YOUR MOMA : Let's get to it and get setting your first hot Moma goal. With Part 1, Mo your Moma. Again, the setting hot Moma goals, it's motivating outcomes that are measurable with one or more appointments, and the best way to set a goal is to really focus on these as two separate things. We're going to Mo before we Ma, and that is focusing on that motivating outcome. If you remember back to what you learned about the subconscious. The subconscious only tunes in when you've got something motivating. When the emotions, and the visuals, and the senses are activated. When you set a Moma goal, we really focus on getting all of those emotions going. But of course we can't get all of those emotions going, if we don't have an outcome. We saw how when we, wanted to go to the gym, I was like, it wasn't the real outcome, so we need to know that we've got the right outcome in mind. Go ahead and get that worksheet. You're going to have it on the screen here but you might want another copy of it if that's possible. If not, just follow along. We're going to start with these two steps. Now, I'm going to take the example, I want a job because that's something that a lot of people have wanted. I want you to look at this first instruction. Write down your starting point goal. Some people have asked me, "Jill, what do you mean by my starting point goal?" Well, what I mean is simply that. Just the first thing that's on your mind. In this case, it would be I want a new job. The idea here is, you're not trying to get all fancy and clever and figure out, what's my outcome and all of this stuff. No. The Moma process helps you figure it out. Just think the way you always think. When you have a goal, just write down, this is what I want, and put it there. Then we worry about taking it through the Moma process, if you will. To do that, the next step is you start asking yourself the question, and why do you want that? Of course you see those two other why else's on the sheet, ignore those for now. Always just ask one question at a time. You'd say, so I can pay my bills. Now you say, well why else do I want that? So I can care for my family. Now you say why else? The idea is you ask yourself a question over and over. In this case, we've also got, so I can buy a home. Why else do I want a new job? So I don't have to keep looking for new jobs. It's really time-consuming and wasting my life. We've got these reasons. I'm going to encourage you to ask a question five or six times when you're creating a goal. Now it's time that you can start to think about what your true outcome is, by focusing on this next step. Writing down your revised true outcome goal. Now this step is actually going to require some interpretation from you, because it's not always just a matter of adding up boxes one and two. I've done this so many times now and it's really just about you asking yourself, the same question. What do I really want here? But usually after you ask these questions, why do you want that? You can come up with something better. In the case of the student that I was working with on this goal, it came out that what she really wanted was, I want a permanent well-paying job with a boss I like. So we've got this enhanced goal. Now, that just happened to be hers. Do you notice how the well-paying job was, I was, yeah, we see that. Pay my bills, buy a home. The money part was there, and even permanent, so I don't have to keep looking for new jobs. She wanted a permanent job. But the boss she want, that she liked, that came out of the blue. This might happen for you too. The main thing is that when you look at this, you're like yeah, that is something I want. I really want that. If you think, aha, that's the outcome you want, then you're ready to start talking to your subconscious. You're ready to take it from the conscious brain, and move it into the subconscious brain by tapping into those senses and not emotion. Now what I want you to do is really think about those senses and that emotion. As you ask yourself these next questions, I want you to envision these things happening. I want you to really tap into your feelings as much as you can, because your subconscious mind does not have words. It has pictures and it has feelings. You're going to ask yourself, what will happen if you don't achieve this? Look, I know this is a bummer, but you remember the subconscious wants to protect you, and when it understands the importance of this, it will be, all right. It will be on the job of whatever your goal is. In this case what will happen if I don't achieve it? My student said, "I'll keep struggling to pay my bills, I'll waste more time looking for jobs." What else? "I'll be unhappy at home." What else? "My family will be unhappy if I'm unhappy." I really got her to picture these things happening. I really got her to tap into what that would be like emotionally. That's where the magic is. Then of course, I had to cheer her up, and so I said, "All right, what will happen if you do achieve this?" ''Okay. I can pay the bills, I can maybe even save some money.'' What else? ''I can spend my time learning new things.'' What else? ''Well, I'll be happier at home.'' What else will happen? ''Well, my family will be happier.'' A pro tip here, something to make a note of, is that when you can connect a goal not only to the happiness that it will create for you, but how that will be positive for people around you, you can really add some extra excitement to your goal, and your subconscious will pay more attention. Here we've got your M-O, motivating outcome. That is how you do the first set of activities. 11. MA YOUR MOMA: This is Part 2 of developing your Hot MOMA Goal. We're now going to go ahead, and finish with the M and A steps, making your goal measurable, and giving it an appointment or appointments. I'll talk about what that means in a minute. First, we're going to go back to this outcome, this goal statement that you ended up with after the first three activities. In this case, we've got I want to permanent well-paying job with a boss I like. Then, I haven't rewritten to motivate your subconscious things here, because they might be on your sheet, and they should be, but recall, this isn't part of your goal. This was the part where you are transferring the information. I want a permanent, well paying job with the boss I like to your subconscious by creating those pains and those risks of not doing it, and what good could happen if you do. That was a translation step. Now, we're going to get into how you will measure success. What is success going to look like for you? Let's do a zoom in here, and take the goal that we're working on this sample goal. We've got here as measurements. First, there was the question. How will you know when you've achieved your goal? How else? Of course, we'll wait to ask those. Now, to get a successful result from using this question. What I want you to do is first, before you do anything else, I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to picture in your mind's eye what will be happening in your life when you've succeeded? Picture yourself successful. Where are you? What is going on? What's around you? What are you wearing? Where are you sitting? What are you doing? Wherever it is, maybe it's news that you're going to get, see yourself reacting to it. It's that framing that will help you create great measurements for your goal. That's where you can start to ask, and answer this question: How will you know when you've achieved it? In the case of this example, answers that I got from my student were, my boss is supportive. The job is permanent. How else will you know? She'd make enough money to pay her bills and save 10 percent of each paycheck, and she said she'd enjoy going to work. I encouraged her to add most days to make something pretty realistic. Now, having done this activity with a number of people, I know there are some of you out there who are questioning how measurable some of these things are. You might be looking at I make enough money to pay bills, and save 10 percent of paycheck, and go, yeah, that's measurable, and okay it's a permanent job. That's measurable. But my boss is supportive, I enjoy going to work most days. How measurable is that? Well, my answer is, those are actually measurable to the person who wrote them, and it's actually a really good idea to have some measurements in your goals that are about your emotional state. The real question here is, can she answer it? Can she say do I or don't I feel my boss is supportive or do I or don't I enjoy going into work most days? If she's able to answer those questions yes or no, then they are good measurements. In fact, they're great measurements because I don't want you just creating goals that are about like numerical achievements in your life. That is not a life worth living. You always want things like joy or how you will feel or something to be easy or something at the end of your goal. Have a goal for how you want to feel, and you will feel even more successful as you achieve your MOMA goals. Zooming back out, and looking at your goal sheet now, we've got I want a permanent, well-paying job with a boss I like, and we've got this bullet points of how you're going to measure it, and that's exactly how I create goals. I don't create beautiful flowery statements. I do a main statement, and then I do these bullets beneath, and then the final step is deciding on appointments for review and completion. The very final step: appointments for review and completion. What are you talking about? Well, it's a really good idea with goals, not just to have a deadline, but to have some check in dates. That's what I call appointments for review. It really helps us achieve a goal when we check in regularly and say, okay, what else could I do? What else could I do? What else could I do? How am I doing? To actually point out all the good things that are happening, it fuels our engine, so to speak. I actually asked these questions backwards. I start with the outcome. When would I like to achieve this by the actually the second question. In this case, I'll put by May 31st. Notice how I didn't just say by May. That's not really an appointment, is it? May. You can have an appointment for a whole month. Make sure you put your goals in your calendar on your wall so you're like by this date. Look, it's not about whether or not you achieve it by May 31st. It's about creating that pressure that comes from having a deadline. Then I look at that and say, when will I review progress on my outcome? When will I check in with myself? In the case of this goal reviews every Friday at the end of my workday. Notice how that's really specific. Every Friday at the end of my work day. Not just when or the day, but actually when in the day. This is an added success tab that if you can start creating reviews for your goals once a week, at least, you're going to see velocity, your going to see that you can achieve your goals faster just by checking in with them on a regular basis. Here's what a final moment goal would look like. The first couple of questions, I left them blank because that's not what we were after. We wanted that goal statement. That motivating your subconscious. Then when you figured out your measurements of success, you didn't do that just sitting there, you envision success, and you look around your world and the future, and then you wrote these things down. When you did that, you are speaking to your subconscious. Finally, you gave yourself deadline pressure by making it a specific date, and you gave yourself the gift of a higher performance because you created check in dates along the way. You have now created a MOMA goal, and I will take you to the next step of verifying that it was actually a good one. 12. VERIFY YOUR MOMA: This one final step is quick, and it's so powerful, you're just going to verify your MOMA goal. You've put all this effort into developing a new goal. What you really want to make sure at the end of it all is, did I get it into my subconscious? Is it hot? Don't forget that conscious has to communicate with the subconscious. So here's how you verify if your MOMA goal is hot. Did it work? What I want you to do is I want you to start by assuming you can achieve this goal. It is really important, and I know how many of you are going, I don't know if I can achieve it. Well, if you followed the advice about picking a goal that you could accomplish within a month that you were in charge of your success. I need for you to say, yes, I can achieve this goal. Even when you later use the tool and you choose bigger goals, you still have to say, yes, I can achieve this goal. Assuming you can't and then imagining yourself achieving it, I want you to go ahead and imagine that you can and have achieved your goal. Going into your mind's eye, once again, the one that your subconscious pays attention to, I want you to once again look around and notice what has changed in your life and how you feel after, in your mind's eye, you have achieved this goal. Take your time and really let yourself feel what is different in your life. Are you wearing different clothes? Are you having more fun? Did you improve your relationship? Did you do a great job at work or at school? Do you have a fun new hobby? Did you take an amazing holiday? What happened? How did you feel because of it? How did you feel because of this new goal skill and it's like things are happening at a higher level? Once you've given yourself that time to see yourself as the incredible success on the school that you will be, I want you to come back to this activity and rate how you feel. You've pictured achieving this goal, you've seen it all happen, you've seen the goal statement, you've seen your measurements come true, you've imagined who else it will help, and now, how does that feel to kind of like, oh yeah, that's good? Maybe meh for a one. Maybe 10 being a woohoo, and somewhere in between there is, how do you feel? When you're figuring this out, it's really important that you get to an eight, nine, or 10. In my experience, it's highly unlikely if you say seven, six good six good seven, you may have a good goal on your hands, but it might not be in your subconscious. Because if it was hot and in your subconscious, you'd be giving an eight, nine, or 10 upon achievement of that goal. So could be that your goal is just fine and you maybe just need to go back to the activity where you say, well, what will happen if I don't achieve this goal? What else? And really start to think about the future benefits of achieving the goal. But at some level, you might wonder, is it really your goal, is someone else goal, is it something you really want? It is important to get yourself to this eight, nine, or 10 because so many goals are failing before you even start when we don't verify that we actually really want it. But this process, no matter how many times it takes you to do it, when you do get to this point where you really want something and you can get yourself through these visualizations to that [inaudible] wall , then you can be sure it's in your subconscious and that you're well on your way to success just by having done this. 13. Challenges & Overcomes: Congratulations, you have now learned the MOMA method for setting hot goals in your subconscious. You have learned that not all goals are set equally. That traditional goal setting methods are not forcing us to think about that outcome or they are not really necessarily motivating enough for our subconscious to get excited about it. We now understand that our conscious and our subconscious can have two different goals, they are on opposition and when you want to start turning your life around, you've got to make sure that things you really want are known to your subconscious. You want to do that thing called setting those hot goals in your subconscious, except you got to start speaking the language of your subconscious to set those hot goals. We know our goals need to be converted from ideas and concepts like success into concrete images and feelings and emotions. The types of things that our subconscious can understand as its language. The MOMA method will help you do all of that. Just like going through all the steps to develop a motivating outcome, and just think of what you want and then you just keep thinking, well, why do I want that? Then you have to play with them, you have to really create a statement that makes you go, yeah, I want that, and then you're thinking about those measurements. Those measurements are so important, you just simply say, and how will I know I've achieved that and how else, and how else and how else. That's so powerful because there's actually a little thing that you do with those measurements. When you move on to planning, a goal without a plan is just a wish. But when you move on to that planning stage, you go back to those measurements and you say, well, how could I achieve that? You really need to get those measurements and, of course, you just want to make sure that you're creating a little timeliness around your goal so that you're creating that pressure to get it done. If there's one thing that I've seen hold people back even once they have the MOMA method, it's this, it's over committing to how many goals you're going to work on at once. You see when it comes to setting a hot goal, it actually takes quite a bit of energy. You really want to take that time to get your subconscious to know what your goal is because once you do you're going to work toward it automatically. But what I see people do is, just try to do like maybe a personal fitness goal, and a work goal, and a relationship goal and just take on so many goals at the same time and that it's just too much. In trying to do everything, we can really limit our ability overall. If you really want to be a performer like a power performer, and start shooting ahead in fitness and life, slow down and take it one big goal at a time. When you focus on one goal at a time and keep working on it, there comes this point where it becomes obvious that you're going to achieve it because you've given it so much focus and so much attention. When that happens, then you can add another goal. But I really encourage you to just bring it in and work on one goal at a time and you will see how much more you can start to accomplish. I also want to give you a gift, I want to say thank you so much for taking my course, I'm really glad you did, and give you a copy of my book, It's Go Time. It's Go Time, I teach a step by step system for how you can go from stuck to unstoppable. I also teach a very detailed planning system that will help you take your plans to a whole new level and make success inevitable to you. You can grab a PDF copy of my book on my website the address is here on the screen, and I'm also polishing it on my bio page. If you just want the clickable link, you can grab it there. Once again, I want to thank you for taking my class. I'm Jill McAbe, I am rooting for your success in business and life.