Music Theory for Guitar Playes - Beginners and Intermediates | Gabriel Felix | Skillshare

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Teoría musical para tocar guitarra: principiantes e intermedios

teacher avatar Gabriel Felix, Music Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introducción Harmony y Theory Watch


    • 2.

      Notas básicas


    • 3.

      Cómo leer tablatura


    • 4.

      Acordes mayores y menores


    • 5.

      Cómo jugar a armas y rosas - la solía amarla


    • 6.

      Básculas importantes y menores


    • 7.

      Cómo jugar a la versión acústica lisa


    • 8.

      Paso entero y medio paso


    • 9.

      Cómo tocar la adicción de Jane, dice Jane


    • 10.

      ¿Por qué hay afilados y pisos


    • 11.

      Cómo jugar a Dominic Fike


    • 12.

      Tríadas qué importantes son


    • 13.

      Cómo memorizar acordes fácilmente sin aprender armonía y teoría


    • 14.

      Intervalos de música


    • 15.

      Práctica de intervalos de música


    • 16.

      Cómo identificar progresiones de acordes


    • 17.

      Acordes suspendidos (Sus4 y Sus9)


    • 18.

      Cómo jugar a calabazas - 1979


    • 19.

      Trucos de intervalos de música


    • 20.

      Cómo jugar a Maroon 5 niñas como tú


    • 21.

      Acordes dominantes


    • 22.

      Cómo jugar a Camila Cabello


    • 23.

      Acordes dominantes


    • 24.

      Cómo jugar a Elvis Presley (eres el) diablo


    • 25.

      Cómo memorizar casi 45 acordes en 5 minutos


    • 26.

      Cómo jugar a la versión acústica de Nickelback


    • 27.

      Cómo encontrar la clave de una canción


    • 28.

      Cómo jugar a la versión acústica Beck


    • 29.

      Acordes alterados


    • 30.

      Cómo jugar a Bruno Mars


    • 31.

      Cómo crear progresiones de acordes


    • 32.

      Cómo jugar a Blink 182


    • 33.

      El concepto relativo a escala menor


    • 34.

      Tecla cambiante: ejemplos en música


    • 35.

      Cómo jugar a calabazas de golpe: esta noche


    • 36.

      Ejemplos de básculas relacionadas


    • 37.

      Cómo jugar al día verde


    • 38.

      La progresión más importante de acordes (2 5 1)


    • 39.

      Cómo tocar velocidad de sonido en frío


    • 40.

      Cómo escribir progresiones fuertes de acordes para tus canciones de guitarra (arreglo1)


    • 41.

      Cómo jugar a KT Tunstall


    • 42.

      Cómo convertir una progresión de acordes en un arreglo


    • 43.

      Cómo jugar a Lenny Kravitz donde estamos una versión acústica


    • 44.

      Cómo hacer canciones bonitas y pegadizas como el Gorillaz


    • 45.

      Cómo jugar a la descendencia


    • 46.

      Cómo jugar a Silverchair te extraño


    • 47.

      Notas finales


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About This Class

¿Eres nuevo en música?

¿Tienes algunas brechas en teoría musical que necesitas llenar?

Siempre quería tocar la guitarra, pero no sabía por dónde empezar?

Mi enfoque en la teoría musical es minimizar la memorización. La mayoría de estos conceptos puedes aprender simplemente comprendiendo por qué los acordes se comportan de ciertas maneras. Una vez que entiendas esos conceptos, puedes encontrar cualquier escala, clave o acordes que existen. Incluso inventar tu propio.

Esto te dará una base sólida para estudiar más avanzado.

Clases sobre:

    • Intervalos de música

    • Grados de escala

    • Qué significa ser "en clave"

    • Análisis de canciones populares

    • Tríadas de construcción (acordes)

    • Progresiones de acordes

    • Análisis de números romanos

    • Acordes en la guitarra

    y muchas más lecciones..

Si has tratado de aprender teoría musical antes o si estás empezando: esta serie de clases es el ajuste perfecto.

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Gabriel Felix

Music Teacher

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction Harmony and Theory Watch before begin: Hey, guys, My name's Gaber Felix and welcome to my new lesson on skew share. I teach music in Brazil and line around the wars since 2030. In today I want to introduce my new lessons about fury in on this Glass was developed for beginners and intermediate musicians. If you bought your acoustic, you are electric guitar a few months ago in Today. New House to play a few songs, major and minor courts. And look for a new class treat. Prove your excusing the Armani Fury. Compose your own songs murdered by year and play with your friends. This class three, I'm going to teach you how to play seventh chords, major and minor. Excuse me asking terrible stripling malady, entire fretboard, famous core progression and for sure how it works. Music analysis and a few songs as well. Order. Step by step. You need you have fun and play guitar much better. Then, off this class, you'll be able to play a few songs on allies, amused several styles and compose your own songs. So do your dark in lats. Brunt's 2. Basic notes on the guitar: C, D, E, F, G, a, and B. Everybody knows our seven notes, right? However, now we are going to add a few sharps. Gabriel wanted to house a sharp, sharp edges like this. Sharp is like a hashtag, okay? Now we have 12 notes. Pay attention because between E and F, and B and C, We don't have sharps. So you have like a cycle circle. You start with C, C sharp, D, D sharp, E, F, F sharp, G, G sharp, a, a sharp, and me and start over again. 3. How to read tablature: The first thing that you need to know is how to read cores box. This show you where to put your fingers on the fingerboard. Who play chords? This six vertical lines represents this Sikh strings. This tree on the furnace left is the thickest string II did chew. Lines at the top of the box represent the net, the flask bond or a metal piece that the strings go through on a headstock. Then the rest of the horizontal lines represents the frets. The dots represent the place where you put your left hand fingers. And the R number to show which finger to use. Number of war is the index finger, Chu is the middle finger, tree is the ring finger, and four is your pinky finger. If you have played the piano, make sure you don't get confused. Piano finger numbering. These completely different guitar plays generally don't use the left-hand terms. Guitar that, or dark tablature is a way of writing music specifically for a guitar. It's perfect. Those that do not read music, and in many cases, offers more information. The, the writing natatio Houdini way tab has six horizontal lines that represent the six strings on the guitar. The top line is the dinos stirring in the lowest line represent the dicussed string, the numbers that are placed it on the lines. Tell you what frack you play a note, you only ever played this Turing's with numbers on. If a string has no number, downplay it does 0 means that is through the splayed open with no finger pressing down this tree on a frets. 4. Major and Minor Chords: First of all, I'm going to be true college Warner. Stan, all this corn parts in fury and experts going to be practicing. Okay, so first of all, we have a e major scale. Okay, a f sharp. G sharp. Sorry, E f sharp C sharp. Eight B c sharp in the sharp. However, if I want to do a e major court, I gonna take notes. Number 13 and five. Just want tree and five, OK, one in five. And now you have the tree notes off off. Eat major court. Next example. Let's think about on the scale. Let me see a major. So a major A B c sharp d e f sharp and G sharps the same fee. Take notes number one tree and five n. You're gonna have your major corn. Simple like that, Mr. Since my face. Simple like that. Okay, My how to do how to do a mine or a minor court. It's the same thing. Let's see if we do being a minor fire escape to have a minor corn warn tree and five. However, now you're gonna have a C and e. Okay. Just major. Hey, Major Sharpe in minor A c can't be alright. People like that 5. How to play Guns and Roses - I used to love her: Now it's time to play Guns and Roses. I used to lever. And as song, we just have two parts in. We're going to tune our acoustic guitar with a different tuning. So first string is E flat. String number to be flat. String number, G flat. String number four, D Flat, String Number 5A flat, industry number six, E-flat. The first chord is D major. So wore on a frac number two on the stream number tree, figure number tree, fret number tree on a string number Chu, and finger number chief fret number two, or a stream number one. And you just need to pick strings. I'm at Fortune treats you in 1. Second card is a. So if you're going to want you and treat ever seen in the frack number to string number four? Jury into, okay, scarred is pretty simple. And in Egypt, big dress 5-4 treats you in one. The last chord is G, So finger number four and tree in the fret number tree on a string number 12. Finger number one, fret number chew on a string number five, and fema number two in a fret number tree on a string number six, and come back to eight. Okay, so let's talk about rate m. This is the intro. The verse. You need to peak just six times. So let's count 123456123456123456123456. Okay. Very simple. Don't worry, sharp peaking down our app, okay, the most important thing is count until six. So this is the verse, dangerous. It's almost everything in this song. However, you have a different bar. When his sayings, I had to put her Six Feet Under and I can't see you hear her complain. Okay. So it's g. Eight. You're going to pay this three times in the last part is d, Okay? So we're going to play this part for you. Just bet, ancient This last D, you're going to play tracks, the songs very easy. In my advice for you guys is listen to a song, okay, first, learn this through parts, okay, listen as long and recognize the chords change. It's going to be very nice for your use. And of course, play, which then, OK, let me know if you have any kind of doubts. Thank you so much. 6. Major and Minor Scales: to learn a major minus case. You need church. Fall a few steps. Step number one right. Number one, shoot seven. What? Three for looks. Uh, the second part is the formula, so Oh, that. Oh, look, those that one more holes that now you have formula off Mayer's ko. So start with war. No. Let's see if I want to do a C major scale. I'm going to start with C in north number one. OK, but give her I want to do a asked Majors K. Okay, so you start number one. Whatever I want to do. Like a d major scale. So start with these. Simple like that. Let's start with Visa is a good note. Do is the number one. Now we need to discover their order notes. Right. You are indeed. Right now you need to check one poll stacked. So don't play. The shark goes to next one is a whole step as well, so don't play f amply f sharp. All right, Next one is 1/2 staff. You We are in your shop, so next stop is much more easy, G. Okay, now we have one more home stat. So Jeep goes to eight more and the last one is sharp. This is D major scale. Okay, When you think about majors K, you first thing you need to do is move to seven numbers and fall always right down right on this. You need to follow D. Former. Okay, It's really simple. Just do this true steps. If I wanna miners ko, I need to change my formula. Right. So it's gonna be like this. All right, hold step. Have stopped. Holds that holds ever again. Have step and those that Okay, no, let's try to do, uh I didn't mind no one. Let's see. Uh, let's go with e minor scale. 1st 1 is he all right? And I have a whole staff. So have shot. Uh, now we have a whole step and 1/2 step rain out. Right, So f sharp goes to Jean One more hole Stop G troop A Hold stuff again. HV beat now tohave step soap wearing be have stepped You just played the next note, see? And the last one is whole statue D Now you have a minor scale E minor scale. Uh uh Uh huh. 7. How to Play Santana Smooth Acoustic Version: It's moved by some song is very nice in is not so difficult. So let's take a closer look to the first bar, the first session that is danger and diverse. You have just three chords. A minor, Kinga number one, breath number one on his stream. Number two, being a number tree frappe number two, owners string number Curie. And finger number truth for at number chew on a string number four. You can pick 54321, F-major. So bingo number one in the frat number one, artist trainings. Figure number three, fret number tree on a String Number Five, Finger number for one string down. So frack number three on his trip to number four. In finger number Chu frat number Chuan is string number tree can be average as well. And the last chord is E major. You have two options. You can play like this. Is the same cork shape as f, r i, so one whole step up. Or you can play like this, figure number one, frac number one on a string number tree. Being a number tree in the frack number two on a string number or in figure number two, frat number chew on a string number five. And you can pick atrophy as well. Okay, so let's talk about radon. The rhythm is very different in manifest for you guys is dragged to sing the re-done or clap. Okay, so for example, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. So first quarries, bam, bam, bam, bam. Second, third car are at. So after you seemed arena, you tragic play with Dan. Okay. So does read them have a lot off swimming in him place like a laughing music. After you've played it a few times, you have D minor. Finger number one, frat number one, when it is string number one. Finger number three, Froude number tree on a stream number two and figure number Chu Froude number June is stream number three. And you can peek. Strings number four, treat jus in one. You play. Fred number tree on a string and number five has a base in B. Half diminished chord is a turd intermediated courts, so bent patient, IT does not so easy, right? So number one, rat number two on a string, number five, or number three, fret number tree on a string enum for engine number two, rat number two, owners string number three. And number four, your pinky breath number tree on a string number two. And you can pick 5-4 tree and chew. So it's going to sound like this. Alright, one more time. And after Discord you have E Major and E7. E7 is E major chord from minor Santa, alright? And you just need to remove your fee number tree. But we're gonna play this entire part. As you can see, I played a first part, true times. The second new part with B half diminished and come back to the first part, wartime. Alright. It's a very nice exercise, is you put the, the regional song and listen to change between chords is a very nice ostracize should develop your ears. This first part, E minor. And isn't Barca, he's saying, man, it's a hot one, like 70 inches and a part. And he goes to D, is seeing the word melt everyone. And he come back to the APR when he sings. But you stay so Qu, So my advice for you as a total before is good original song and listen did change between chords or the intro diverse. The pre-chorus. It's obviously the same F0 k can play this chord progression hand is going to solo as well, right? During the course, we are going to play just the first part, so a minor, F, E, OK, you're going to play this three times in when he kind of have a kind of stopped in the music. And he sings, give me your heart, make it real. You play D minor and E major. Okay, so dadda, and come back to the beginning. So we have just three parts, E and unfortunately cannot do the original sum in this glass. Because about cooperation issues. However, if think you, You can learn this step-by-step without any problem, okay? Learn the part number 123, and of course, play with the song. 8. Whole Step and Half Step: Now we are going to learn half-steps and whole-steps. It's very important when you are going to study scales, are going to give you a few examples. Ok, so if you are playing C and I have a half-step ongoing 2k, C-sharp. Alright? Another example, if E and I want to have step ongoing to F, simple like that, just play the next note. Okay. Gave her nine plaintive F sharp. If you want to have staff, you're going to play G, K, Simple IDAT. However, we have a whole stack. Okay, so whole step. Let's do some examples. If G-sharp K one, a whole stack, I'm going to play a nice right? Other example, if I'm in discharge, I going to play you, you, you cannot play this type of Notre here. You need to jump one note and play the other note. Host that is this half-steps, just the falling notes. Really simple. Yeah. 9. How To Play Jane's Addiction Jane Says: Jane's addiction. Jane says I love this song and very simple song for beginners. So just have chew courts g Any check this out. You can play g an entire song. Okay, however, gonna add a little Malad, if you are playing with another musician, will be nice to play. Okay, So first thing is she Major is finger number. Foreign tree soon as number one and chew. Okay, Frank number tree finger number one, Frat number. Jews through me. Number five and finger number choo for at number Tree string number six. This is a first court, Jimmy. Sure. Second quarter easing measures sell finger number 12 and tree Who have on your frat? Number two in the stream. Number four, tree and true. Okay, you are going to peak strings number 54 tree. All right, so we have just record to disarm. Read. Um, let's talk about radium. Check this out. Right. So it's seven. So it's want you entry. Gee, major. And 456456 and 7 to 8. Major, if you have problems with freedom, it is very difficult for you. I would like to give a few for advice. The first thing is try true collapse. You're seeing the read, um, like this. Bam, bam! Papa Bob Bum. Um, Bom from damp. Um, um, bamboo dampened or clap. And after understand this concept tracks play an instrument. Okay, if you don't want to follow my my my 77 read ums. Okay, for 77 you can try to provide your own radium like this. So I had a, uh, kind of mellowed right here. Check this out sharply with another musician. He complained this this melon and during the entire song. So it's tree drink. 35555 Okay, so I begin a string number of one. Okay. Right. Nonetheless, notice finding a string number shoe. So it's OK. You can provide a little bit. I just put it Is melon uh, church improve? L arrangement. So we're gonna sing the melody and plated courts. All right, so check this out way sound. Very nice. Especially if you're a play with another musician, guitar or guitar, both unnatural guitars. This a part of this song? He's just going to play just jean measure. This part is seeing something, something blah, blah blah, tomorrow. Okay, You can check on this cream on and he just played G major on. Come back to Jeannie. So let me know if you have any kind of doubts. Okay? I'm here to help. Thanks so much. 10. Why are there both sharps and flats: So now it's time true to understand the difference between Sharps and flats. Okay, Sometimes we we write a music, an accord on a note for flat. Then sometimes we ride with a sharp, but, uh, how can we on a sand when we are going to use a flat or a sharp first thing here is Think about ah, your scale, for example, we sure playing music. Your tone right is in g major escape. We don't have. We have all the different notes. Okay, but Gabriel What do you mean with different notes? I don't want to stand. Check this out. If you grind out a C A gene, minor cuts k u. And I need you following the D formula. Right. The friendliest 1st 1 shoot this 2nd 1 is a bold step. Okay, The first warrant should the second warranted the number. Tree is 1/2 staff, so it's gonna be at a sharp. Okay, The next one is gonna be a whole step. We're going to to have a seat. Major chord, the next one. Deep hole. Step again. The next one whole step. I have step sorry. Have stepped so deep sharp in the last warns the whole step f Okay, As you can see, I have Ah, my my note repeated two times right here according to did the rules in our money and fury, we cannot have the same note right here. Okay, so the idea he is like, change this last note CIMB note That is the same thing. However we flats According to our 12 notes, the note A is right here. And if you wanna a sharp, they're going to a sharp. However, if you want a slat, they're going to come back to the to the last note so g sharp. Okay, in this case, I wanna e sharp right here. So it's gonna be what b flats gonna be the same. Same can. So be flat. Okay, so now my mice case is right. A, b and C. I don't repeat notes. Um, however we have another problem is about deep in the shark. If Warren D let me see. Oh, sorry. I forgot to put one right here. Okay. You are indeed You want a sharp. They're going to be sharp. However, if you want a flat, you are going to fee sharp or the flat That's the same thing. However, we need a D sharp in. So let's in here any, You know, if we had a sharp right here, they're going to F. But if you had a flat here, we're going to come back to the steep sharp. So this is idea. Ensure raises and write down e flat. So I don't have repeated notes, so g a B c D e enough. Okay. This idea if you see a music in the key off Jean Minor, we've, uh um the sharp four on the sharp. It's completely wrong. Okay, be careful. That's true. Is another example in this case is a major key example. So if you write down after major scale, we are going to use the same formula we learned before. So s one whole step G One more hole. Stop A have stopped a sharp Ah, hold step in again. That is gonna be see old step it again. D and more, more hollow step. Okay, We have another problem right here. Let me see. Ah, here is ok, but we have the same nodes again. The same they in a again. We need to find another notes that That sounds like a sharp and put here with Aflac. Okay, so let's think be you've had a sharp in B. I'm going to play. See? Okay. However, if I'm beat again and I had a flat, so it's going to sound like a sharp. Okay, So you're going to raise here, be flecked, Okay. If you see a music, you are playing music in the dawn's f major. Yeah, Somebody tells you Daddy za e sharp court. It's wrong. Completely wrong exercise for you guys is take a piece of paper and start to write every single scale major air Minor. Okay. And if you see any kind off off situation like these, you need to raise the last note working this case this warm and try to find ah, flat note that it sounds the same 11. How to play Dominic Fike - 3 Nights: Now it's time to learn dominate 5K. Three nights before I began the song, We need your tuning, our guitar. It's a different tuning. So the first string is E-flat. String number to be flat. String number three, G flat, string number four, and the Flat. String Number 58 flat. And strain over a six E-flat. Songs is very nice and only can play with courts are Melody. This is the first bar. So we have string number six, open string three times. String numbers seeks fret numbers seven, onetime. Yen string numbers seeks fret number four trip times as well. Okay, so now we're going to string number five. So Fred number 61 time. And Fred number 23 times. You come back to string number six, Fred number for one time. And fret number four on the string number 53 types. As you can see, almost every single notice three times. Okay? List the most important. So I'm going to play atrophy once and again, GO harnessing their freedom. Ok. Once it again, very slowly. One more time. Okay. Does this last note you can provide a little bit, you can play marred entry is going to sound very nice as well. So this is the malady in Now I'm going to teach you to courts. It's going to sound very nice. You, you play with for not a friend. The first chord is a major figure number worn in a frac number one on a string number tree. Figure number tree. The frack number, chew on a stream number four in figure number two, in the threat number two and assuming over five and you can be clever thing. Second chord is G sharp minor, so frightened number four, it's buried card. So number three, fret number six on a string number five, and figure number four, fret number six on a stream number four, and you can peek atrophy as well. Be careful with discard. Ok. It needs to sound exactly like this. Core number trees. B major. Can't play like this, like days before, pinky or if a tree fingers except to you. Okay? So number one, fret number Chu, string number five, your finger number Chu, fret number for string number four, finger number tree fret number florists during the number three. And number four fret number four is string number two. Blade like this, like this, or the Sharpies to safe guard. And the last chord is C sharp minor. So we have a number one fret number four on a String, Number Five, Finger number tree, fret number six on a string and on before your pinky one string down. And your finger number to frack number five on a string number to music in discord, you need play 5-4, tree and shoe. Ok. So for courts and array item is like this. It's very easy to play. You just need to count until six. Okay? So tragic, competent 6123456. Okay. And play together. Let's play very slowly. Very far. Here we are going to play this chord or the melody during the entire song. Yes, it's gonna isn't very nice and easy. Som. So my advice for you guys is try to find a friend. Plays guitar, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, or even base, okay? And teach him the melody. Okay? And you can plate, he can play the melody and you can play a chord or vice versa. Okay, it's going to sound very nice. Another advice he is, listen to a song and recognize that the courts change is going to be very nice for your ears and your music at development thinkers so much. See you later. 12. Triads how important are they: the most common cords are tried. Each are built by adding the third and 50 notes in the scale. A Bova starring Note Our roads, for example, in C major Detroit Buttes on C contents the their road note e it Their notes above sea often call it just the third Jeep, the fifth note above sea. Often colleges the fifth try to remember. This concept, I think, is the most important information discourse. Why, uh, with this knowledge, you will learn How should we provides a few chord progressions, Dar solos and and sever techniques about arrangements. Already looking for ways to make musical life, he's, er, tribes is the answer. 13. How to memorize chords easily without learn harmony and theory: Now I'd like to give you a very nice shortcut to a latchkey and acoustic guitar. And if you have some issues with chords, there is, you know, kind of blend this type of technique to find, memorize any kind of courts very quickly. For example, let's take our court that everybody knows, probably, you know, as well, right? Let's take major chord as example. If a play D, This sounds like a D major, right? Should play 1.5. Step ahead. It's going to sound like B-sharp. If you play one more step ahead, you're going to sound like e. K is just found the 12 basic notes. You can, you can keep doing things like that. So we have F, F sharp, G, G sharp, a, a sharp and so on. However it, you can find any kind of cords if you apply this type of ID. Okay, Let's take another example. A core support that everybody knows a core. If player 1.5, step ahead, you have a sharpie to play one more half-step ahead, B, C, and so on. So it's very easy to find a course that you need to your son, Ray, Minor Crohn's and the same thing, for example, a minor, a minor, B minor, C minor, and so on. However, you need to be careful with just one thing, open strings. So if you are playing a minor here, if a plane, a half-step, a half, okay? You're going to have a sharp minor. However, when you play this type of chord, usually we pick strengths number 5, 4, 3, 2 array. So string number 5, it's open string. If you play this note, stream number five with a sharp minor is going to sound very weird. Okay? That's why we need to put your finger number one in the frat number one okay, on a string and now the sound correctly. All right, so careful we feel strings because if you are playing a minor chord like this, we need to think if you have a kind of goes, Fred ran here. K, On the other hand, is going to sound very odd. You need to transpose all the nodes step-by-step. That's why we need to put our finger number one, the fret number 1. And you further go into play the other chords. For example, this is a sharp minor, minor, C minor. Keep the batter, okay? You can play the idea with D, E major and minor F type of chord. You already learn, okay, That's wives techniques. So easy because we are going to take the course that we already learned and transpose to another keys. Okay? But sometimes you have a few courts with, with no obvious string. So fizz makes everything easier for us, right? For example, this F major k. So you have F and C. Don't have a piston rings. So you choose transpose, denote f, F sharp, G, G sharp, a sharp, okay, and so on. Most of my students use this type of shortcut when they are going to learn a new song. For example, we say, we're going to learn in maybe read hostilely papers under the bridging C-sharp. And maybe they did not know how to play C sharp. Okay? They apply this type of technique and find the correctly see chart. Okay? So this type of technique is great. You play music by Yuan and you can apply in every single card. 14. Music Intervals: music intervals are very important for music. Even more important, he's understanding and being able to apply. First, I need to explain this table tube note that we have several numbers. His numbers are de formalist. Let's take an example Major. Second, it's from Number one two. Number true Measure turn, bro number one to number Tree there VOA four from number one to number four. And so one varies, right? No. The minor intervals with this, You flying flats. Minor second from warn to True, but falling to formula. Let's set a flat so we have from one should a second flat. Let's check another example Monitored brought warn you Number tree flat diminished. Fifth brought number 12 flat five and so one Always following this logic. 15. Music intervals Practice: Now we're going to apply the music intervals. What a fretboard. Okay, we already learned the the formula. Okay? And they're going to reply his music intervals in the fretboard. So we're gonna choose string number five E stream. Okay, so they stream a major scale, right? So let's start with the major. Interprets First is the number one. And if I want to go to the second major interval, I'm going to play beat. All right, so he is right. Here s O a number one be number Jude. Okay, this is the sound off a major second interval. If you play Happy birthday, you're going to use disease. Careful. This is this trust in late This kind off intervals on the fretboard is very important because in the future, we are going to start to learn a few solos improvised, and does this really Bortin, Judas Bar. Okay, so a major turn, they you see sharp Check this out. A scene shark, You can't play Harry for a song is a major 30. Terrible. So I play a and C short is the same Interval is here. Get it. Sounds the same thing, but here is a kind of flow Fourth interval A true deep. Okay, third for number five A m e and Senator from a stop wars. Theo here playing C theory journal. Don off Star Wars using seat. OK, but you complain age you like this. Sounds very nice. So, Major six after sharm. All right, so and have sharp major seven g shar okay is very simple. I'm just playing one string, but you can apply the stack and a group of strings as well. Okay, So minor it ever. Right now it's you need to add a flat in the former. Okay, so being flan Okay, so and there's a movie in the eighties Very famous movie A college Aw, they did a song with Today's interval is like this with shark cues Digger her The second music interval is mine or TERT Name and see and ok, day interval number four We don't have a mind Fourth Okay, but we have a trying it on days that one too sharp for so for is deepening so d sharp. Okay. However, we have a diminish 1/5 diminish its like one being in this case all right to mean flat. That is the same as a traitor. Okay, if you listen to music Black Sabbath from the pen Black cell you can listen this interval so deeply Another a corn and the G sharp. The sharps Are you okay? Flats are or you can think as a d sharp Israel E But I think the original taunt Easy, G. So it's like this. Ah, very nice on minor. Six is one A My F uh, major six. Is that sharp? But if you put a flat sharp, it's becoming f. Okay, so a and F the last one is one that is a shoe seeing the same thing Major, seventh sharp and a flat. It's gonna be like she Okay, So tragic practice this kind of intervals in every string off your guitar. So ST E and we all right, It's a very nice exercise. 16. Identifying chord progressions by ear: Now it's time to teach a very nice exercise for your ears, to develop your ears. So the idea here is, I'm going to play a few bars, okay, a few chords. And you need to close your eyes and listen. When I change the courts and say in loud voice, right? The idea here is to brags and train our ears to recognize change between courts. This is very important when you're going to learn a new song. You put a regional song. Listen, okay, this is the first core. Now he changed to the second, the third card, things like that. Okay, it's a very nice exercise for beginners. So close your eyes and you're going to say, when I change chords 34, and as you can see, I play most of the course during one bar. So it's 123412, 4123412. The last true courts. I played just chew time. So a and B. Goodyear's recognized that let's play a different chord progression and do the same things to practice our years 34. As you can see, I play on other region, the each refer under the bridge. Another intro, the verse re, the measure B, C-sharp minor in the knee and abridging from red Hasidic peppers. The very famous song in my advice is Brasidas typeof ocean size. We famous sounds because you're rarely listened. Then several times with the original song on the radio or your phone, or your PC notebook and thing like that. K. And listen, just the guitar or the acoustic guitar. Recognize the chains between courts, right? Severe, nicer exercise. When you play, when you do this exercise with me right here in this class, it's easy because you don't have the orderings true maps, but when you put the original song, it's much more difficult. Let's try one more time with a different chord progression. So close your eyes and tell me when I changed the courts. So as you can see, I play one bar each chord, OK? Usually you play one bar each chord or shoe. Courts want bar array as, as I played in the first example, a NB, seventy-five percent of the case. You play music like this. So it's a very nice shortcut for you. And now it's time to Brexit practice and practice. This type of exercise is going to help you choose to learn music by year. 17. Suspended Chords (Sus4 and Sus9): Says means suspended, watch, we are suspending. Here is the third of the chord, so assist you wore a sus4 chord is essentially a quarter with something else, turn off the third, which she leads to it being less stable or not defined as major or minor, does something else can be the second or the fourth. Check a few chord shapes. Okay? 18. How to play Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 : Now it's time to learn these Smashing Pumpkins, 1979. Before I begin, we need to tune our instrument in. These is a different tuning, so it's a half-step down. Okay, so the first string is E-flat. Second string, B Flat. String Number three, G flat. String number four, D Flat. String Number five, flat, string number six, E-flat. This arrangement, I just going to use one type of chord, Baba core. So the guitar shapes like this. You can do these never single frat array. It's always the same. That's why it's important. We'll learn this guitar shaped first. So figure number one, fret number six on a String Number Five, Finger number tree fret number eight on a string number four in figure number four, fret number eight on a string number of tree, okay? And you can pick five for entry. Alright? You can repeat this type of chord, okay, does typeof guitar shape in every single frat or I? So when I say E, you are going to play right here, kay? If a play B, you're going to play right here. You can play this type of core on a string number six or 5. First guitar fishes for sampling, isn't it? Have E-flat on a frat number six. Now you're going to play just once. And the frack number seven, K ever Fiona, string number five. In the next node is B, which is string number six, and the last is eight on a string number six, fret number five. Okay, let's talk about freedom. As you can see, their freedom part is pretty simple and you're going to peak just down, OK. Now I want you to give a personal device about freedom when you're going to play. Any kind of freedom, tried to sing before you play, for example, none. And then, and then bam, bam, bam, bam, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum than bam, bam, bam. Okay. So it's going to make everything is for you. You can count as well. Once you tree 45678, already 345612345678, the first chord, E-flat. You're going to play seven times, okay? If you're going to play just once, and the less true courts, you're going to play eight times as well in be, in 16 times in a, alright, so, alright, this is diverse. And you're going to play this tree times before, goes to F sharp. Okay? So F-sharp a times NBA times ever fee on a string number six, abstract number two, and number seven. So this is the first part I'm going to play ever she wants. And again, for Spark, second bar, third time. And now F sharp. Okay? And you come back over and over again. So you are going to play this as the intro and verse. And it goes to this F sharp, nB to curl is almost the same, right? So you're going to play YFP. Fret number seven on a string number five in a, in a fret number five on a string number six. And you're going to play eight times an a times. Afterward to play these two cars three times, you are going to belay F sharp in a fret number two on a string number six in beep eight times as well. And the fret number seven on a string number six. Okay, so I'm going to play the entire Carlos. Just to remind you, eat in a it's going to be 16 times. Okay. Not eight, GIS, 60. Okay, so you need to play this first part and a second part to times, alright? After you played Chu times, you have a different approach to the bridge of the song. So you're going to play Carlos. And after play Course three times, U goes to B, C sharp in a. Ok, so this is a new part of the song. B, c, sharpening, be ever Fiona stream number six, okay, B is the Froude number seven, C sharps. Fret number nine, NA, fret number five. So b is going to be 16 times in c-sharp. Ernie just eight times, okay, after disbarred, you're gonna play F sharp in this thread number two, C-sharp in a. So 16816. And you're going to play this three times. They end up the third time. You're going to play jazz F-sharp and be so frack number 27 and come back to the beginning of the song. No, fortunately, I cannot put a regional song in his class just because about copywriting issues. But don't worry, you have enough information to you played his son perfectly. And it's a very nice and simple songs just have one type of chord, Baba courts. They read and Bart is bridged CIMP as well. So it's a very nice song for beginners. Let me know if you have any kind of doubts. Thank you so much. 19. Music intervals tricks on the fretboard: you already learning how to play music Intervals Your guitar. Right. So, uh, idea used to give a few shortcuts to memorize dispositions. So the first short cut is you can find out 1/5 interval. Your body record, you're ready to learn Public court also. Right. So fair to come in court rocket. You can play like war and five So he's interval right here. Disposition is my my fifth interval. So it's gonna playing eggs and you won and fly. Your complaint is in ever single taunts, for example. Gonna be sharp. One fine seat, one finding and so you can do something The artist rings also. So I want you can get doing these any every single street. Okay. Ah, the second shortcut used to aid eighth Interval. So it's the same note, however, is a little bit tired, right? The sound sounds really so the same position. You also completely finger number tree. Okay. However, you need to remember to don't play this string in the middle. All right? So, ST fine and tree, if you play everything in string number six like six. And don't place from number five and it goes to four. Okay, So interval my short cut for you and Mitchell, dirt is a very important terrible. For example, one and in the street Number of six fret five and made Richter is a string number five. Fret for the director. Something waning year isn't being here. Isn't the e? I don't need to think. Oh, man, learning all the notes on the fretboard. You just need to remember this kind of shortcut. OK, if you remember dues, you can play every single interval like this. All right, so one entry major so minor dirt. It's one in almost the same thing. You want me? Here's 1/2 step. Uh, have four soon change your finger. It's gonna be easy, right? So it's fitting their number. Dream one dizzying advert sing go key again. You can also go to our other streaks. So stirring number five one Flattery, flattery. So remember disease, whatever is very important. One major dirt one My under again, one metric measuring Derval born in minder mine Richter. That's why when you play a seeming more, you have this major interview right here. All right, support your editor and easier to understand. And she used as example and a minor second interval. Minor second. Darvis. Really easy. It's 1/2 step. I had your note. So e flat or sharp? Uh, for example, use this every single key, an adverse into strength, right? It's gonna be much more. However, major second is gonna be one Hold step ahead. So, sure. Let's change our so extreme. I mean, all right. So you don't play this factory here and play the next once a whole step A hat from my last short, good for you guys is the fourth interval. So it's in for this is the same. Fret, however, in different strengths. So frank number five, string number six Fred number five, Street number five. Want? For one thing, you can do this same thing you artist rings true. So being one and four same thing here and one for intervals are very important. Which then you can play courts very quickly and improve your improvisation. So you need to practice this. Okay, So choose a few intervals and drive to find on your fretboard. I have all the notes on the fretboard in the compliment, Terry. Material off discourse. So shut the first class and the load. This image 20. How To Play Maroon 5 Girls Like You: Maren. Five gears like you. Check this out. Uh, uh huh. This is the first part and 50% off the song. We just have to parts. That first thing is frack number Tree string number five. Oh, Big one. Time on Frank. Number five, String number four Your big five times. 12345 OK, so it's born. 12345 OK, frack number treat String number four and frank number two. Okay, so I want you. 3451 Come back. All right. Once and again. Oh, for five. Come back and play exactly the same thing, right? So, tree 55 times on now. Frank. Number seven, string number four. Uh uh oh. Into OK and come back to the same notes in this example. Seat half red number tree string number five. Okay, so we have just two points right now for a spark. This? Oh, ah, uh, second floor. Uh, bar number tree. Same five times. Fred. Number five. Uh uh uh. Now you play tree to zero. Right? String number four, uh, true. 000 entry to come back to the same beginning. All right, So be careful. This this guitar riff is a kind of trick. All right, so try to stir the guitar tap that you can see in the video. We're gonna play everything very slowly Tried to play with me. Oh, ah! Uh oh. Ah! Uh uh Oh ah! Uh uh uh uh uh. You can play the song with palm mooting you some much better, right? So it's like this You play with this part of your hand on the string rights of its okay. My advice for you is tragic. Keep it simple. And when you develop it, all this technique you play with for Muti we have a cord as well. If you are playing with fire, not a musician. A natural acoustic guitar. You can play discords as well, so a minor and f slash c So sees finger number one fret number one String number chewed on your finger. Number two. Frat number Choose string number four infinite number Tree for at number Tree string number five. Second quarter Tinga number four and tree frog number. Tree string number one. Finger number one finger number Chu os frat number to stream number five and finger number to frack. number. Tree string number six A minor number one frat number once during the number to you. Number tree for at number trees during a number tree and figure number two. Frat number two. String number four. You can pick five and shoes on. The last court is F slash c. So it's finger number of one. Frat number one OK, during number two, Uh, finger number two, Frat number. Choose string number. Treat your binky. Finger number four, Frat number tree string number four and figure number Tree for at number. Tree string number 554 About read. Um, you can play 34343 or dream for during being tired song. Okay. And you can play like these as well. Okay. I hope you enjoy the song Track Brax a lot and develop all these Excuse. Let me know if you have any kind of doubt. I'm here to help 21. Dominant Chords: dominant court is accord that you're going to use when you want to prepare to somewhat. Of course I have. My target is Ah, E major seven Chord on. Now I'm going to use a dome known core preparing to finish in this card. Okay, So what do you need to do? Just count. 55 notes, for example. He tough. She hey, can be Is it so be seven card. It's a dominant court to my imagers. Haven't always gonna be a measure court with minor seven. Let's do another example. No, my dominant chord is, uh, let me see a my target. It's eight hours. Cave is a major, right? So it's a, uh, major measure. Have a major seven court. Okay, so that's counted into five a B c d e. All right, So you I haven't dominant chord to a You could have just a major court or a minor chords. Not the problem. OK, but you need you, Kip. Major court minor. Seven 22. How To Play Camila Cabello Havana: No, some triply. Virna, check this out. I think this is the first board this song. Just have two parts, three courts plus a guitar lick in the end of the music. Okay, uh, first thing this song does not have a coup skin are even electric dar we want That's a little bitch. This new arrangement. Okay, but you can play with the song. That problem for deferred. I begin, you need to to play with a capable in the frat number tree. OK, so it's a different doing. It's a normal toning. However, we should take a po in the Fred number tree. You have a different court. All right, And first court is eat minor court. So finger number one, frat number five, String number five and fret number five. String number four, Your finger number two. OK, beak. Everything all right? This is the first course. Second card, Seaney jher. So finger number one Fratton number for string number two. Finger number to frack number five. String number four and finger number Tree for at number six, String number five. All right. Can be 54 treats you want is well, one is Samos finger number Chiuso. It's an option. Okay, in the last court is beaten. Seven. It's a dominant court. It's very common clarity. Music. So, uh, finger number one, it's a buried core. Okay, Don't forget about that. Barrett court. We need to put it off in the number one in a frat number five. Right. Ah, figure number. Tree in the fret number seven. String number four and your pinky finger number for Strat. Frat number seven. Ah, string number two. Okay, so we need your big 54 and all right, don't forget, this is a parent Chorzow. Read them. Read. Um, it's very important in my device. For you guys is Try to listen to music and try to find DiRita by yourself. Yes. I'm not going to church. You step by step. This freedom scores. It's a little bit about rhythm and technique as well. So it's important to you to work if your years in developed disability, OK, However, I would give a feel a device. Choo choo. Play your own Read. Um, you nodding just this song butting average Sing a song. Okay, First thing is try to sing the mallard em play together. Okay? Don't worry if you are, pick your playing downward up, okay? About your peaking part up. Just try to sing it and play together. For example. As you can see, I improvised 100% of freedom. Yeah, sometimes I play down. Were sometimes that play you have a different rhythm. According to the port, I'm try pissing. Okay. Treasures of the same thing, not advices. Listen to read, um, and try to collapse. They read him. All right. So, for example, the bomb Bambara, Bambara, Rambam better out of the gate like this. Um, And after you clap, you can exactly the same. Finish your right hand, right? Just another device. This read, um, you play one chew dream for one Jew tree for this parts about the temple between the courts . This is very important to keep. Okay, so when you have provides your freedom, uh, try to keep this temple. Want to want to want to dream and floor? However, if you are a very beginner musician, my advice is tragically this one. So down, down, see down que trip peaks as well in B seven. Want 23456 Okay, so down, down, down. Right. Wasn't again. Down, down, down, Down On 2356 Okay, you can play the this song very well. With all of this reading the malady, You have a melody right here and Isand and off the song. However you complained his Malad short plane for not a musician. You can play the court and he can play the melody in the entire song. Okay, so Fracked number 12 String number Treat Dan 12 wants in again or I have a few ministering number tree Ana Fred Number dance from number one on Dirty and 11 fret string number two. Okay, so you're going to play 13 once and again. And Dan All right. Gonna play exactly everything. Check this out. Uh, once and again tried to believe me because the birds simple board. Alright. So tragically is in the music and have fun for sure 23. Dominant Chords in music: now I would like to give a few examples off dominant chords. As you can see we can find in your song by Elton John This song is any e major so nand off the progression you have be major chord. This is a dominant core to come back to the key core days Example Ive made sure e major shock minor and come back Not a great example. Iss Rocket Men by Altan John So, Dan, off the music, his things and I think is gonna be a long, long time The king's just meals like you see So see, if you warm playing in a band or you need to provide something and you don't know what play choose one and five in any kind off key really works very well can save your life several times in the last song is time of her life by Green Day as in Consume dand off the divers These things it's something unpredictable Butting Dan is right. I hope you had a time off your life. This song is in June, Major. However he begins this part in e minor or his relative minor. Okay, so in the end off the section he placed D and come back to Jean Major. So in this example is a dominant core. Should it key corn in different scored So e minor major My normal She made your mind and come back Teoh. 24. How to Play Elvis Presley (You're The) Devil In Disguise: Now Sam should play Elvis. And I choose a very fun and nice song for you. Let's take a closer look to the first part. This is the interrupt. So we have a tree cards, B-flat major. You have a tree options to Dischord. You can play like this. So finger number one, fret number one on a String Number Five, Finger number Chu fret number tree on a stream number four. And number three, fret number four on a string. Number four. Oh sorry, on the stream number tree. In figure number four, fret number three on his string, number two. This is the first option. Second option, instead of play with your three fingers, you can play like this. Just me, figure number three in the last option is figure number four. Remember Judas score, you need two pictures. 5-4 tree into, okay. Second chord is C major. Sophia Number one, fret number one on a string number Chu, finger number two, frat number churn is string number four. Then finger number three, fret number three on the stream number five, you pick 54321. And the last chord is F major. So, so in intrapreneurial finger number one, the frack number one on a string, number six in your finger number three, frat number three, and number five. Thing a number for fret number tree on a string, number four in figure number two, fret number tunas string number tree. Then you can pick every array. So be careful because your finger Number one needs to brass all the strings. All right, so let's talk about freedom. The first freedom is, so we have 12345123451. Okay? Let's play very slowly. Once and again. So practice this and to you, you get, you played this very fast. Now it's time to play the verse in diverse Is the same course that replaying the beginning of the some danger. Okay? However, we have a different sequence. The first one's going to be f. Second chord, B flat in core number three, C major. So we need to pick just five times. Check this out. During the chorus, you have F major in D minor, so we have a new car. Finger number one, frac number one on a string number one, finger number tree, Fred number tree on a string number to figure number Chu, frat number, chew on a string number tree. And you peek just 4321. So the carlos, you're going to play like this. So I play these cars very fast. In my advice for you guys is to put your finger. You are dumped finger right here. When you play D minor is going to be easier when you play D minor with this, okay. If you don't put your finger, your finger, probably. You're going to pick this Sikhs and five, okay? And it's not going to sound very well. So F major and the minor is going to be two times this tempo, okay, so five, five, and once and again, 55. Alright, so during the verse you need to play this F and this d during four tempos, Okay, so come back to f. But this time you play just chew tempos. Indeed, true temples as well. And this time you played B flat major, three major a naff. So one read and should be flat major. More read them to see in F js wants single time, and you come back and play this same feet over and over again. Array this songs. You just have those parts and you're going to repeat this several times. However, be careful because you need to play this very fast. So my advice for you guys is practice a lot or I, Now it's time to listen to a song and recognize the parse ternary, learn. 25. How to memorize almost 45 chords in 5 minutes Shapes: It's time to teach you one of the biggest shortcut for learning and memorize several courts really fast. So that the tree diagrams below how you can move this C major chord up the fretboard. In the first diagram, you play a C chord. And the second diagram, you borrow the strings on the first fret with your index finger. So there are no open strings left. You don't have to bar honest drinks on the strings. They're all laugh at Open and then play the C corps next to the bar with your middle ring finger and Pinky, you have just raise it your core, a half-step, one fret. That means you are now playing a C-sharp corn play. It has C-shape. In the third diagram, you move up the entire shape, another half step, and it becomes a D chord. C-shape, again, rapid desert move the shape or the way of the neck each time you move up a half step, the coordinate change. But that shape namely reminds the same because it's still the same shaped array. You can do this with several different measure guitar shapes. Check this out. Image or a shape. Half step ahead. Apps from each part. Step ahead. F-sharp major core, step ahead. G major chord. So on. Same thing with eight meter shake. A major half-step ahead, a sharp major at step ahead. Major chord. And you can keep doing the same thing. If you want to send this concept then applied this technique, you can easily learn and memorize almost four or five major courts very quickly. 26. How to Play Nickelback Rockstar Acoustic Version: Now it's time to learn Nico back rockstar and assumes pretty simple. And we begins in G major. So number four, entry on a string, number 12 in the frat number tree. Okay? Finger number one in a frat number two on a string numbered five. And finger number two in a frat number tree on a string number six. You can pick Cavafy. Second clarity is C major. Figure number one, fret number one string number to being a number to fret number chew on a string number four. And number three, fret number three, honest String, Number five. You can pick 5-4 tree chew, N1, harass. Next, glorious. F-major. You can play like this. Very courts. So finger number one, ranked number one on a string and number of six. K being a number tree on a string, number five in the frat number tree, you are pink, wants shrink down, okay? In your field number two, frat number two, owners train. Number tree. Can pick average income back to Geneva. Right? I have just three chords in this bar. Let's talk about radar. So as you can see, you are going to pick segues time and don't worry if you are a beacon down or to just count until six. Okay. 123456123456123456123456. This is the first and most important part. So we're going to repeat this during the intro in the entire universe. So we will repeat this bark and chew his seeings. I'm going to trade his life for fortune and fame. So you're going to play B-flat. E-flat is ranked number one, rat number one on a string, R five. And you can play with your use number to treat in far, in the fret number three on a string number or tree and chew. Or a company like this, or like this, have three options to discard. And you have seen one more time. And this part are going to play six times atrophy, okay? The only goes to the cars, soviets, G-Major, B flat, E major. And you have one year chord that is e flat is same thing as D major. However, you play 1.5 step up. Okay? So and the frat number tree. All right, that's why we need to put your finger number one and the Froude number three on a string number three. Number four, which are finger number three on the string number two. And your finger number two, frat number tree on a string number one, discourse right here, it is not necessary to pique your string or, or k. If you pick our string four is going to sound weird, okay? So avoid that, just 321. And you have F wartime. Alright, so this is the course. As you can see, I played just chew times E flat and F, Okay, income back to the beginning of the cars rank. So select this. Bad about that, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. So we are going to play this corresponds to times in the end of the second time, you're going to play B flat, C, N, G when he sings a, and one to be a rock star. So it's going to sound like this. So b flat three times, c3 times in g. Alright? The last time you can play just one single gene. After you played a chorus, you're going to play the first part one more time, right, with a different singing part. This bent ancient after the second chorus, you have a kind of bridge. You're going to play it Caro's, okay? And when you play the E-flat, C and G, you go to E-flat, B-flat, E-flat one more time. The Nath. And that bar he sings, I'm going to sing those songs that often the sensors going to put my views from the past dispenser. And we have this kind of bridge. Alright, so it's like this. I'm going to play since the car lucky the last bar of the course that he plays. And Fannie Plays, Hey, hey, I want to be a rockstar. Alright, so it's, hey, Mona, be aroused. And come back to the first part. As you can see, cnf is just one single time. Alright? Now remember, this song is acoustic aversion to rock star by Nico back. You can provide the radon little bit. It's not necessarily play jazz. The Sikhs times that I show in a video. And fourth near cannot be the original song in his class. Because about copywriting issues. Wherever. Thank you for watching this class one more time and learn those parts very carefully. You can play this without any problem. Alright, let me know if you have any kind of dots. Thank you so much. 27. How to find the key of a song on the guitar: Now it's time. Join us. And how to find a key in music. Ever seen a song has a key? Don't you follow this Makes everything easier to understand if we analyze music. Okay, so the first step is she remember some stuff relearning Armenian fury on the 1st 1 is the 12 notes. So see C sharp d d sharp e f f sharp g sharp, A a sharp and B. It is a kind of thing you need to memorize. The next one is the concepts About half step and hold step. Okay. So half step he is. Ah. Ah, a note A had. Let me give you example. If you are playing gene half step ahead, it's gonna be g sharp. A sharp, simply a sharp half step ahead. It's gonna be be. And so one. Okay, uh, the next is hold stat from playing e sharp. You are not to say be as a whole. Step your job and shoot the next note. Okay, So see, you simply see a whole step ahead. You don't play c sharp, You're gonna see D and so one. All right, so now you'll remember how she How did this concepts about bold step and have stepped. Let's finally understand how we can understand a music e. Uh, let's take an example. Bless KIIS, but burgeon great song, less cues. You shouldn't know this song. Look on the Internet. Very nice. It's a very simple song as well. So I'm gonna write down the courts right here. Ah, see, Andy? Okay, so G e minor seat, Andy. The next step is to trying to find all discords in one single keep. So have a few keys. Right here. I write thou g major, keep a dream. Minor key. An f major key. If you have a major key you need to put and not a formula to courts. Okay, so in a major key difference courts a major, the second court and the court number trees minor the core number four and five. His measure, the Sikhs, is minor. The last one is a diminish core. So I told you that the formula. So you're going to repeating ever major scale. So the 1st 1 here in this example is 1/2 meter escape. First ones major second once minor, minor, major, major, minor and diminish Court. Ah, Now the minor chord has a different formula. So minor the 1st 1 diminish. Major, Major, Minor, minor and last one, major. Oh, sorry. Major minor minor ended the core number six and seven. It's going to be a major. Okay, so this is a formula you teach. Memorize. It is as well. Um, now we're going to find finally pray to find this chords. In this case, let me see. Let's start with F major scale. She major corn we don't have here. We have a g minor court from the next one is e minor chord we don't have here. It's a a at the Munish court. So this scale is not gonna work with Lasky is right. So But let's keep doing this. See, Major core, we have a C major chord. Finally, one card in common in the last one d chord. Here is a de Meyer so does not fit in half major scale. All right, so let's jacket. You didn't mind Ritz K you if we can find all the forecourt in the G minor scale M j Major J minor. No, it's not gonna work again. E minor. He is an e flat major. The next one is a C major. He's a C minor and the last one is a the measure. It's a D minor right here. So it's not gonna work. We don't have a one single chord. And finally g major scale. So G major two major e minor E minor C Major C major. The major D measure. Finally, we can find every seeing a core off our song right here. Kick. So let him play this for you guys. So he's g e minor. See, it's a very nice core progression cells going to sound like this. But now we're trying to put a not accord that we cannot finding this k off Jean Major. So let's think instead of play e minor chord, no set of play a C chord. Let's play seek war here, right? So let's play a seem minor chord. Yeah, we're going to take this court from the G minor ski and see if it works well or not for us to cooperate in the right way. Okay, so, like this and the second way and gonna plate like Dia's with a cord, we're on a different scale in this case, seem minor chord frahn Gene Meyer Escape less, Jackie, She was gonna sound nice or not. So you're right the wrong way. It's very weird when and start to play a seem minor chord, right, Our the sounds does not look right. So our years, like, say, dude, what? How are you doing? So that's why it's important you follow one scale. Let's try this exercise once and again. So e c right one is right here. Let's stretch. Uses a cord thrown our f made risky and check your feet Swell or not. So that's races here, but, um huh uh, e diminish corn start off the minor. Okay, they're gonna play the right core progression, and the next one is gonna play the wrong one, right? One the They're wrong. Core progression and check. It sounds OK or not. Oh, my God. Went and played this quarter right here. It diminished chord sounds completely wrong. All right, so that's why it's important we're following scaled follow tone when you are composing music or create a core progression or if you want to saw a composer guitar solo improvisation. Okay. When you choose a scale, everything wards well, right? Take a piece of paper and write down several type of scales and trying to find the cords off your favorite songs, all right. 28. How to Play Beck Loser Acoustic Version Standard Tuning: Now it's time to learn a back IN. Gotta go into play this with a regular tuning. Because the original song, he plays indifferent Tony. But the idea here is, is to make everything is up for you. So I'm going to read and play with histone dark tuning. B, G, D, any, okay, this tundra tuning tele Google Play. And the first thing you need to do is D-Major. However, discord going to be a little bit different. And also Sartre play with few number two. So he's just being a number one, number two, number three, and a figure number tree fret number three on a string number tune. You can pick 43212 times. Ok, so after the, as you play, this is apolar corn D, C power chord. However he played, Yes, Fred, number 75. Alright, so being a number four for entry bar into fret number seven is string number tree in figure number three on string up. So wrath number seven on a string number four. And you need to peak just strings number four, entry. Be careful in this bar, okay? After this being number one and chew with Fred number five, okay, on a string number four and tree. Rat, you can play like this or like this. It's up to you, okay, is the same thing. Alright. Are then x bar is you can have as lied in the fret number five on a string number five. Oh, I'm gonna play biography, various loading. This ladder is until Fred number two. Ok. So I have a personal advice for you guys. When you play this bar right here. The first core, that is d, I play with my fingers, number 34, and their core number two, Teddy C, I play like this. Okay, so simple like that. All right. The good news is that this sum has just want single port. However you fair playing with another person, another musician. During the chorus. He can place like this. Going to sound very nice for Sparty's fret. Number seven is string number three, true Times rat number 90. And come back to seven. Atrophy on a three. Number three. Okay. Next bar is 77 industry number two. Come back to seven mystery number tree and play nine Thevenin, okay, on a string number tree. But I'm going to play the entire forest Part One more time. And the second part is almost the same. Ok, so we have 779771 string Dao, income back to nine and a String Number 38, owners string numbered 2700 US through number two. Ok, so I'm gonna play atrophy. So as you can see, this is very easy and we just have two parts, the intro, Caro's and inverse, or K, that is this and this malady right here in the cars. Alright. So now it's time to blacks, blacks and cracks. That's Minow. If you have any kind of dots. And remember that you can always change the speed off this video and make everything for you. Alright. See you later. Bye-bye. 29. Altered Chords: cords of this type are calling alteration based courts by adding a known core note. In this base, you create a different court with a different harmonic structure, slash courts. I use it a lot of jazz and other contemporary music and also seem sub skated. Popular music. It's you. I don't think that you pronounce this court. Is these Lesh F Sharp or D we fear at sharpen the base? The letter to the last off the slash is the name off the court, so this is a D chord. The latter you see to the right off this lash is the bass note or lowest sound load off the court. Normally, in a D chord, the lowest sound noticed deep. But in D slash f sharp court. The lowest sound note is that sharp, the two most alteration based courts are first inversion and second conversion. For example, in the A C major chord, the first inversions return C slash eat okay, you think notes number, tree off your tried and act as a base. Note your card. Another example. A C major court in second inversion is written c slash g. You'll take notes. Number five off your try it and add as a bass notes in your court, - throw 30. How To Play Bruno Mars The Lazy Song: Now it's time to learn. Bruno Mars DeLay Song Check this out. E way. Have a few music intervals in the beginning. So the 1st 1 user measure fifth. So it's gone and five b in F sharp. Frank number seven in the string on a string number one and chew. Okay, you can play with your fingers on the tree. And four. The second risk interview is a major dirt, so it's f sharp and G sharp. Fret number six, String number one and frank, number seven, string number, Jew and means controller number. Tree is not a measure turd. So eat meat. Stringing over warn for at number four And string number two Fred number five you can play with ever finish our finger number tree and chew our tree in four and use your finger number born to mute everything. Check this out. Sounds very nice. Have a little garlic as well is the leak of the Malad. So you're gonna play everything on a string number one and it's gonna be Fred Number 79 11 9 and seven. Okay, so 79 11 11 97 Probably averaging. Check this out. But but be careful because during the part number tree is not necessary to play the little terrorists. You're going to stay E measure. All right. And the last part instead of play seven and six in the second MISC interval, you play Fret number four, String number chew and frat number six on a string number one. I za major, uh, is a perfect fifth off D sharp. Okay, now let's learn about a radio. 121212121212121 modifies for you guys. This strike accounts one into OK and play. Ah, the number two. Okay, for example. One, 21 21 To learn you and you can Completing this. So you're gonna play tries in the first quarter strikes? The second chord strikes as well. The core number tree you've played too wise in goes to okay. If you don't play the part number tree, you're not going to play like this. So you played the court four times. Okay, second part of the song, we have but data about better and come back. Should a chorused in this park we're going to play C sharp minor. So finger number tree and four frat number six. String number for entry. String number two. You know, string number Teoh. Finger number two for at number five, String number choo. And for you, number one for at number four, streaming over five. I think this is a C minor C sharp minor. We're gonna play exactly the same thing to the second court. So deep, sharp. Minor, however, on on frat number six. OK, so friendly four. Front number six. Just counting to four and six. Okay, The core number tree is e measure. And we can play like there's or like this, or even like this. Right. So, uh, gonna teach you all the types off, major the first. The first thing you need to do is put off in the number 23 and four on a fret number nine. So stringing them before tree and true, your finger number one on Fred number seven. String number five. Okay, you can play like this things a little bit difficult to play like this electively, this gorkss shape. So I prefer to play like a berry more Okay, instead, off Use your drift fingers right here. You can just figure number tree or thinking before. Okay, This'll e major and very in this Fred number seven. And you're going to play exactly the same Fincher F Sharp Major. However, honest the fret number nine. Okay, so we have four, 67 and Fred night. So let's talk about the reader on June 34 on Judiciary for on Judiciary, for one. So you're going to play you one to treat form. Okay, so down, down, down gate. You ever single court? However, the last quarter, just one time in the last part. Is there Internet? Dude Park. You can check the lyric on a scram about. Sir, we have C sharp minor. You already know how to play this court. So I'm not going to talk over again. We have a new card f sharp. Me f sharp. Major. Yes. So you're gonna play frat number, chew on a string number one inches? Okay. You complete a short finger. Number one. Right. And your finger number. True frat number. Tree on a string number tree and free number. Treat Fratton number four on a string. Another four eso just for one thing, this is that Sharlee Major in the last court is sharp miners of bear court. You can't put your finger number one when a friend number four simply all the strings and her finger number tree for at number six. String over five. Infinia number four Fred number six, String number four Okay, no, let's talk about the read. Um, and this part, my advice for you guys is try just seeing the read. Um OK, so let's try to do this. Exercise first three for um But Papa, Papa! Papa! Papa! Badda boom kick second parties try to clap the rhythm. This will be a very nice exercise for develop your years. OK, so now let's try to play by year The right reader, they're gonna provides my reader. And after I'm provides my devices stretching provides your own radium discourses about music and it's important to develop. It is type of skews. All right, so I e given to very nice shortcuts. But if you two cannot played his radium tragic conflict is born Chu tree for porn Shoot tree for corn 567 Okay, let's play and listen again. 1234 On June 3456 So just song Just have tree parts and most off the song you're going to play the first part. So now it's time to listen to music, learn your disease, step by step and have fun. 31. How to compose chord progressions with seventh chords: Now it's time to learn how cheaply chord progression with seventh courts first even introduce to choose a key to your music. Gonna choose a meat. The second thought, the second thing you need to do is create a very simple Armani. We've try it. So major and minor courts. Okay, so I'm gonna choose a major Gordon's 14 again. One more number five. So, ah, shortcut for you guys is the end off our progression trying to put 1/5 chord, right? Court number five. And that is a dominant chord. And you can use a major court or unusual seven more. It's gonna work really well in major keys. All right, so it's a very nice short and warned if I always work very well. That's why Jews it is. And most off my record progressions and Armani's, The next step is to add a leisure. Seven scored a minor seventh corps and things like that. Okay, so, uh, sometimes gonna working a few chords and sometimes don't you need to use your corrective tea and everything. You you learning armory in fury. Uh, so let's get the 1st 1 second one e can at a time when it works very well. It's nice, right? It's like a little spice. Okay, in the next one way, you can dominant core. So it's a e major with a minor seven in this part off our last. And I think 50% is creativity. And 50% is the things that you're learning are in a fury, right? So let's set up a Sysco order, I think says Scored works really well. So a thesis is nine. It's strange. Second story. You're learning to play open again. Yeah, Come back to something. Finished guitar, Everything. Once again. So your homework here is choose a key in brax discord progression with this little tip studied give you. 32. How to play Blink 182 I miss you: Now it's time to learn. Blink morning Chu, I nice you. First bars per sample. Check this out. So you have polar coordinates, is just like this. K number one, Froude number, chew on a string number five. Fret number four with your finger number, tree. On a string number or in your pinky wants trimmed down. Does this bar quark, first parkour b bar, bar, okay? However blink one is CEU plays a little bit different, so you need to remove your finger number tree. Okay? And peak juice 54 entry. Okay, so it's very important to sound like this. Alright? Potential does not write here, string is done before Slack at that node. All right, this is the idea in this guitar f. So you have to first quarter. Second quarter is C-sharp. Same guitar shaved one whole step ahead. And a number tree is D-sharp, singing star-shaped. One holds that bad. So the random is like this. The very difficult freedom for beginners. But don't worry, I'm here to help you. So we need to play with his lied and you're going to count like this, 1234567. Okay, once again, here r is largely is between rats number for insects, OK. now our option is trash learned is redone by year. This is the verse so you can play it is freedom during the entire day, inter and averse. And a Carlos is almost the same. So in Egypt played Pratt number to be fret number four, C sharp, D sharp, or six. Same guitar shaped, that will the same thing. In a fret number nine after this Froude number 7, first number 11, and finally 14. Ok. So gonna play very slowly. The rate of change a little bit, right? So play 12 tree four, k, Once again, 1234. Okay, so that's flayed that freedom was the first chord. Okay? So it's down, down, down, right? And you need to play, is read him doing these entire bart. During be glass corn. So to frack 14, you can improvise a little bit, right? I'm gonna play it once and again. For me, I was lonely, tried to play with me. And just imagine you be the last quarter is trust, okay? Once and again. And finally, the last part in each breaches the melody. Okay? So as ever fee on a string and you breath number 745 times. Okay, don't forget about that. And once again, in the last part is fret number 45 was roughly the number of wanting to prep number seven, we forefinger number four, comeback to fret number 54. And open string. Ok, so all our time very slowly, tracks play it for me. You're going to play this a few times. Alright? So guys, my advice for you is listen to songs and track recognized all his tree boards is will be very important to your ears and a future is stopped off. Exercise is gonna make everything for you and you're going to play a graphene by year. All right. Let me know if you have any doubts. You later, Bye bye. 33. The relative majorminor scale concept: ever single Ski has a relative minor beauty on its 60 note. The relative minor off See measure is a a minor. Starring on a different note means the gaps between scale tones and the roots knows are shuffled, giving the truce caves different moods. The Natural miners case sounds mood here. Then it's relative major scale, but then use the same notes so you can switch between then at same time, to change the mood in the music you play front is I can apply 1/2 malady in a major keep or apply your relative key triply a sad melody. 34. Changing key - Examples in Music: Now it's time to give you a few examples about relative scales. I choose ordinary man by Ozzy Osbourne. The first part is E major, in the second part is C-sharp minor. Let's think about imager first, according to our rules in music, you need to play the note number 6 of your major scale. From this E-major, my relative minor is C sharp minor. You can fix the opposite too. So in a minor key, you need to play denote number 3 of your minor scale, C sharp minor. Mike dirt node is the major. This is a great song and I'm going to use a lot my glass. This song has several types of Armani techniques there. My second example is California kitchen Bio-Rad hostile peppers. The first part is a minor. In the second part is C major. In this example, he begins with a minor key, and the chorus part is in a major, so a minor. You need to look for node number 3, C major. We can think in the opposite. You see major. Look for node number six, a minor. Let's play both parts. A minor, F major seven. Once I got a minor, F major seven chord, C major, D minor, E minor, C, G, and D minor. And come back to the beginning. This guitar solos in a minor as well. 35. How to play Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight tonight: Now Sam, AAA, Smashing Pumpkins tonight, tonight. And this is one of my favorite songs ever. And this is not a easy some kava, don't worry, I'm here to help you. Before we begin, we need you to knowing instrument 1.5 step down. So for a string, E-flat, second string, B flat, string number tree, G flat, string number for the flat string number five, a flat string number six, E-flat. First thing you need to play is G-major and E minor. The first chord is G major thing going on before and tree in a frat number tree on a string number won and chew. Thing number one, fret number, chew on a string number five, and thing number two, frat number three on its string. Number six. Does is you measure, you can pick atrophy. The second chord is E minor. Sophia Number one at you. In a frat number chew on a string and number 54. And you can pick every fans. Well. However, during this intro, you are going to pick judges. This is number 654. Yea, it's, it's the, the, the idea here is just sound very low cave, very dark. So and my device has put this bar of your, of your hand on. The strings are key is going to sound very low and very dark. So you are going to pick 32 times each chord. However, don't worry about that. Pick down key. So it's averaging like this. Okay, so let's play together for a score. That second card here, okay? So we are going to play this four times. And after these you're going to play C9. So it's the same thing as G-Major. However, you need to put your Fenon number one and number two, it wants to shrink down. So I'm going to Big Five, 4321. Next chord is G slash B. So you need to keep your finger number foreign tree and put your finger number one in the fret number, chew on a string number five. And a big phi far treat your mental. Unless chord is D major. Sophia Number one, fret number, chew on a string number tree, figure number tree, Fred number tree on a string numbered Zhou. Enriching a number to fret number chew on a string number one. In this chord, you need to take just 4321. Ok, so, OK, this is a kind of chorus. However, it dealt the singing part. Each Korea going to peak just three times. However, D major chord, you need to pick six, okay, so, and come back to G. After this part, you have a melody and the melody plays like this. Sorry nature play frat number tree on a string number five and string numbered Chu and treat open strings. So. And come back to finger number one. However, you need to play this, this notes two times. So and the last node is going to be open string number two. Okay? You're going to play the same thing in the fret number five. So after play this tree and 53 times, you are going to play seven Dan. Okay? This bark is very difficult to play fast, so treachery practice fairs doubly. Okay. However you are going to play this part when he begins the scene part where he's started to sing the verse, you play this href before he begins, you play jazz tree. And five. Unfortunately, I cannot put original song in this class just because about copywriting. However, I'm going to teach you step-by-step. Remember everything you have, they interrupt. You have the cars without deceiving part. And have gee, wasn't again. And you begin with this melody. You're going to play this few times. And he begins this seeking part. So during the scene parts, you're going to play this malady and goes to seven and Dan as well. Okay. And you're going to play averaging trice, okay? After D is, you're going to play jazz. Three times. Kani, he goes to the car's, however, this is a different cars. Disbarred his sings belief anyplace G. We already learnt hotplate key, right? So I'm not going to talk once and again. The next chord is D, F sharp. So you number one fret number, chew on a string number six, finger number Chu, fret number, chew on a string number tree in figure number tree, frat number tree on a string number Chu. In the last chord is E minor. We already learned how to play this card as well. Okay? So the radium is Okay, so it's trait times each chord, however, the last chord is six times. Dizzy minor. You have the option to put your finger number three in the frat number tree. Okay, on a string numbered shoot, it's going to sound very nice as well. It's up to you. Okay? Next chord is a minor. So finger number one, fact number one on a string number two, finger number tree, fret number two on a string number tree. And figure number Chu frack number chew on a string in order for you can pick 5-4 treats human life. And C-Major. Finger number one, frat number won, honest train number to string number treats an opus drinks on, don't worry about that. Finger number Chu, fret number, chew on a string number four. And finger number tree, Fred number tree on a string number five. Right here I mentioned blade is barges, Chu times. You're going to play this just true times. And the last part, you keep playing C, Okay, a few bars. And finally, their Caro's, wherein he seeings to nine to 19. So we already learned this part. This chorus is c9 slash B in deep. You're going to play this three times. So after these, U goes to E minor and come back to the cars, are going to play it one more time. So and the last part, as you can see, I played just through times and goes to G major, the beginning of the some danger. Okay? So you'll play the intro warmer time in all the other parts once and again. So it's exactly the same thing. One more time. Okay. However, now the second time today you've played a corals, you're going to play exactly the same. So and you play just one more time after E minor and goes to G. C slash F sharp and E minor and a minor in c, of course, the free corals issue, we can say that this is a pre-chorus, Okay, so I'm gonna play, everything seems cars number two. So I'm going to try to sing the melody, but I'm not a good singer. Yeah, I mean, going to profess that arena a little bit to Varanasi device for US, learn by reading any provides Yaro on grade M, Okay? And you can keep playing like this. Okay. See lists and 2d apart his seeings, believe and me is that he plays the melody one more time. So three times don't go is just 710 yen. The last chord is E minor. Chord. Sufism, bizarre is very nice. I loved Assange, however, is not easy. Psi, as you can see, we have several different parts. So might've ICs learn each Bart and Lisa song, recognize them, and play with Dan. Thank you so much and let me know if you have any kind of touts. Bye bye. 36. Relative Scales Examples in Music: Now it's time to give you a few examples about relatives. Keough's a Choose Ordinary Man by Ozzy Osbourne and his music is in the key. Off a major. He changed the king apart. His things don't forget me as the callers faith this part. He plays ing C sharp minor, so E Major and C Sharp minor is a relative key. All right, let's play together. So C sharp Minor major, a c sharp minor. The major any is a completely different key and works really well. Usually you play verse you want key, and a great cars are corals. You know that. My second example is Red Hostage Pepper's Californication. The entire music is in a minor, however. In the cars He changed the key. So see Major, Let's play together the beginning Off the songs. A minor on F Major. Seven cars See G de Miner and a minor. This song is a great example because he changed the key once and again in the Sala Park. Some parts completely different. This party place F sharp minor, so F sharp. Minor D meter seven F sharp, minor again. D major seven B minor D major. A major. Any is number five means power cord. You can play with power cords or measure court as well 37. How to play Green Day When I Come Around: Now Sam should only greened, AIG went up, come around. I'm gonna delete it first and most important, bark. Why is the most important part? Because we play this first session several times during the intro and diverse, OK. You just have one type of corn in his song that has a bomber chord. So this chord right here, right? So it's kinda number one, fret number two on a string number six, figure number tree frack number four on the string number 50 and your pinky wants tearing down. So string number for our enough fret number four. And you're going to pick 654. This is the power cord in. You're going to repeat this court shape in several other positions. So F sharps deforest one. The second one is C sharp, so it's the same guitar shaped, the same chord. However, you need to begin in e, in fret number floor on a string or number five. In this case right here, is not necessary to big string number six, dress 543, quarter Numbered Treaties, D-sharp. The same thing, one whole step. Okay, so you start off play in froude number for your plane, a frat number six. And the last chord is B frack number chew on a stream number five. So there are items a little bit difficult. And I'm going to simplify a little bit for you. So it's four times. Okay? But I rank. So however you're going to pay this four times into core anime want into core number tree just U times. So in the last card, you can pick down, down, up. Wow, okay, so you're going to play very slowly. This is the simplified version. So let's practice a little bit. Play with me. Ok. However, the original song blamed for different reading. That's a little bit recovered Route. Check this out. My advice for you guys is try to clap their redone, their regional one, okay, so, alright, and play with your right hand. This type of freedom you need to learn by ear, okay? Second br of the song is. Just drew cars, Potter carts. So G-sharp in the frack number four on the string number six and B be parkour, you can bleed into different positions. The first one is in a fret number, chew on a string nor five. Or the second want that is in the fret. Number seven is string number six right here. And I'm going to just eight times. In doing the second time beat, you're going to play dress five times. Okay? So we have just two parts of CT in this song. And it's very easy to find those Bart's. So listen to a song and tried to recognize Dan. Just a little shortcut for you. He's going to play the first part during the entire song. And when he's seeing spotter, bump, bump, bump, OK. That's depart. And he played a second, the second chord progression. Alright, the lyric, it's on a screen. However, you have kind of guitar solid shoes, so you're going to play like this. So the first note is a mature industry number 1. Second, notice, the same note, frack number two, however, industry number two, number three. Number four and string number one. Number one is string number two. This is the first bar. The second part. We're going to play for four. Okay? Number one or number tree. Chew on a string number to string minimum won. Four. Inch you on a string number one. Ok, so we're going to play the entire solemn. Why'd you play this note right here? That is fret number, chew on a string number, Jew. You're going to play a little bit faster. So okay. As you can see on a tablet tour, this guitar solo, it's not very complicated. After this bark, you play 4-4. Planing car sold more time. In the last part is how does light on a string number cute between fret number chew four and it might advise splay tree, okay. Fret number to string not a one. And last notice, number four on a string number three. So we're going to play the entire solid wartime guys. This is greening went and come around a great song and we just have three parts. So my advice for you is brackets. Brackets. Brackets. Okay. Mason, a song and tracked plaintiff Dan. Thank you so much. Bye bye. 38. The most important chord progression (2 5 1): So now it's time to give you a few examples off to five. Want first example flying to the moon? A great song. Your 51 is 251 off your keep. In this example, we can find a to 51 off C major C Major chord Chiu d Minor and G Major The fifth Corn So 251 in this example he play with seventh Court. So Meyer seven she done in corn do seven and C major seventh. Another example is exactly like you. You probably are. Releasing this song is a very familes standard. Uh, in this example you can find here, choose 51 This music The key is C major So chew D minor seven g seven and one seat. Okay, so it's like this, but gave her the one jazz standards anymore. Give me another example off to 51 Okay, you can Finding Ordinary Man by Ossie Osborne Very nice song You can Finding the beginning off this song So no more lonely night It's all for you This music is in e Major is going to play the Armani in Dan off The song is to five. It's f sharp minor and be major and come back to a major. So that's play. Major Major's Last D Sherm See mine or sharp C Sharp Minor, Be major. A major, a major again. Ju five. So F sharp minor and you can't buy 25 Every single style works really well. It's kind of shortcut if you don't know how to plate. It's a very nice short. Good. If you are a song right knee and don't know what to play, what kind of court do you play? 39. How to Play Coldplay Speed Of Sound: Now Sam should play Coldplay, speed of sound. Let's take a closer look to the first bar. This is the integer part, and then we begin right here. Ranked number five in tree on a string, number two, ok, so after Ji Xu play two times, Froude number seven is number four. So in comeback, play the same thing. However, instead of play Fred number seven, you play fret number five. Repeat this session one more time. And the last bodies start off. Delay fret number five, you play fret number four. All right, as you can see, is a very user session. So let's play everything together very slowly. Rip bits in the last bark. And he begins to singing part that is a number 12 entry. And the fret number two on a stream number 43 in tube though your venture play like this. As you can see, I pick just 54321. Alright? Have chew open strings, strings number five, N1. After this you have E minor, Sophia Number one into fret number two on a string number five, and Fred number two on a string number four, you can pick everything. And the major thing, a number of WAN, Fred, number chew on a string and number three. Number three, Fred number three on a string of virtue. And a finger. Number two, we're at number churners stream number one. In this case, you play jazz or treats you in one. Alright? So it's going to sound like this. This region is exact like this geodesics types. Okay? So I played six times in a dwell times in E minor k, you're going to play this two times. So seeks. 612 and D major six times. And after you play this court session four times, you come back and play the intro one more time. And after you play the intro, he's going to sing, look at, I look up at night, limits are moving at the speed of light. So this is the second birth and you play exactly the same courts. However, when he's seeing all that noise out that sound, all those plays that I have found. He's going to play a different court sessions. So G-Major, figure number four and tree in a frat number, tree on a strings number 12. And your number one. Number two on a string number five and finger number to fret number three on a string number six. A measure. Be mine or there'll be minor thing number one, fret number, chew on a string number five. Or number three. Brad Number, or on a string number for your pinky wants to shrink down. Okay, so fret number format, string number tree and figure number to Fred number tree on a string number two. In this case, you pledges 5-4 treats you in one. So your venture played his court session two times. So as you can see, I play I pick Jess down. Okay. And it's eight times eight times in 60 times. So 123456781234 flats except a and B. Myra, I played 16 times. Alright. So after I played these two times, a fleet of cars, and he sings and the birds go fly at the speed of sound is show you how it all began. And this is a different court sessions, so we have G-Major, B minor injury. After this. You will more time. Dean Minor, and now we have a new car. Okay. I'm not going to repeat the courts that we already learned in this class, though. The unique NeoChord in this section is F sharp minor. Okay? And discord is finger number one and number two, okay, I can press artist strings and yet a number tree, Fred number four on the string number five in your pinky one string Dao Fred, number four on the stream number four. You can pick AMREF. Nonetheless, CT is a GDP that is the core of the beginning. Ok, I'm going to play. This part very slowly. And 234. As you can see, the rhythms the same reader as we're playing during their first verse, six times. Now wherever the last chord, that is G Major, K, The last G-Major, you play more than six time, you play tries, so 12 times and after disbar, you come back to the each are in play exactly the same thing on warmer time. And after you play review over time, you are going to play a bridge. And this bridge before he played his bridge, is seeing, if you could see Dan due to warn us, stand this bark. A place F sharp. F sharp. Engine. So hit place, chew times F sharp and G. Okay, isn't the end of the second chorus. And we have the last session, that is the bridge. And he's seeing all those signs. You want them met. And as section we have G major, a major, B minor on the course that we already learn, right? And we haven't just one-year card, that is E Major is almost the same as E minor. However, I play with my finger number one, fret number, wanting on a string number tree, tree, fret number, chew on a string number four, and a figure number Chu fret number, truly honest. String number five and a P Cavafy. Whoops. And come back and play the same thing. I'm going to play the entire bridge for you on 234. And back to the chorus. And F sharp in CI. And again, as we play a few bars before, 12 times, 12 times as well. Okay? And this is the end of speed of sound by Coldplay. So my advice for you guys is learned this step-by-step. It's simple, but it's not very, very easy. We need to recognize several sessions of the song and memorize them, okay, put the original music and play with Dan R. I is going to be a very nice exercise. So now it's time to practice and practice. If you have any kind of doubt, please just send me a message. Alright. Thank you so much. Bye bye. 40. How to write strong chord progressions for your guitar songs (arrangement1): so the first step to songwriting nor arrangement is chooses. K. You choose a don't a key to your music. Okay, let's use the key off. E major. Very Konkey, right? The first thing is, if the key is e, let's begin with court. So my first court is gonna be a major. My first shark. Good for you guys. The second court. Usually if you play the core, number four or five gonna work very well. Okay. So forward a and five beats be all right. So for our first example, let's play a According to our composition, we have E major and a major their court. We can choose one off the court off our escape. But another shortcut here is avoid the last chord the half diminish court. Why? Discord is very stable. It's not coming, Hawk Poppy, and have Mato and gospel as well. All right, So avoid the last court from this less shoes. Let me see. F sharp minor. The second court would be nice. And the last one is the fifth corps. So be major. I gonna play this This court part, an effort is I'm gonna explain some little tricks that I did. Okay, so looks like music, right? It's pretty pretty, Pretty good. Sounds really good. But then off my my progression, I did a technique called to 51 What is true? 51 when you use a joke or a second corps off your scale. So if we are an e major, I choose f sharp minor five number five years Be right and come back true. Number one. Right? So Ju 51 But Gaber of these arrangement discords Too simple. Let's make let's put some spice on that. Okay, No problem. So the first thing we are going to do is at a dominant core. Dominant court works really Well, okay, so let's think. Don't We already learned about dominant courts was previous class. All right, so the idea here is Teoh, take everything we learning Fury. Yeah, Mutiara music. Okay, so dominant chords Accord to prepare to another court. We are going to prepare to a cord. Came the second court. So dominant chord you need to copter to five. So a b c d e e chord is the same as the principal. However, dominant court, uh, is a major court. My north savin so it's much better, right? So let's play the whole the whole song. All right, so first core e the dominant is the major flat seven eight And the next the next phone court. What's really? Well, okay. So we can put another dominant core in the end off our progression. Right. So you have me. We can't put it a beat. Major Flat seven. My her seven. Red dominance. Corn Right here. Why? Discord. Repairs difference one. Okay, so let's check this out. Really good, right? So think with me. Win guard, composing music or trying to greater rancher Man, I don't know if you are some right or not, that there are two things. The first thing you need to use is you're creating. I think 50% is our creative and the other 50% is that the article parts In the technical part, we learn in the scores, right? So both parts are very important. Gay, bro. I rain enjoyed his core progression. But I want something, something new, something that a part. Okay. How can we way had something this score greater? We can thinking several options. Music intervals, dominant quarter. We already have. Right? So Minsk intervals, guitar legs and the tonics. Major scales. Let's set another core. ASU's court, right. A suspended chord. So says for words. Very well. So check this out really well, right? Sounds really nice. OK, so pay attention. We had the first progression. Really simple way. Add a few techniques and turns. Formed is progression. You're very muse. Go and advanced progression through your composition to your badge. You are some writing bards and things like that. All right, so try choose this example and create another one. 41. How to Play KT Tunstall Suddenly I See: Steadily assay. We have several type of courts, but don't worry, I'm here to help you. As you can see, I played a first bar and we have D Major chord. So Sophia number one, fret number two on its string number tree. Figure number treat fret number tree on a stream number two. And figure number two. We're at number two on the stream number one. And I play string number four. Then no pin string. After this I played a CT. So next bar is status play deep. I remove my two fingers. I put my fingers number one, our Chu In the Froude number three, owners trained number 5 first I played a stream number five. And afterwards is I play the new court that is seen nineties, a type of seam line. Ok, so a half. Next part is I plenary fret number tree on a string number 53 times in brad Number three, honest string number six. And this is the main, or if you are going to play this during the winter and diverse, let's play together resolutely. Cages for Brexit is very simple. Then x bar is the, it's a kind of pre-chorus. And she's going to seeing in everything around her is a silver poof lie. In this part, we have G-Major, finger number 43, frat number tree on a string number 12. And the number one, frac number two on a string number five. And figure number two, frack number tree on a string number 06:00. Am I a major? And a single number 12 entry, graphene in the fret number two, however, we need to put few number one on a string number four and number two on a string number tree. And fitting a number tree on a string number two. To discard, we need to pick 54321 K. So next chord is F sharp minor. Onitsha put her finger number one and the Froude number at you. Okay. So oughta carts. And being a number, sorry, r, all the strings are gay. And figure number three in four. And the fret number four, however, being a number tree on a string number five, and flushing a number for your pinky on a string number four, right? So you play like this. Going to sound terrible. So play perfectly. And the last chord is B minor. So thing number one, froude number two on a string, number five, I think a number tree Fred number four on the string number for your pinky wants trained down. So Fred number four in the string number tree and your finger number to Fred number tree on a string number twos. So be careful, it's 5432 or i. So let's talk about a reader. You need to play this six times, so, okay, as you can see, just six times. My advice for you guys is count until six, okay? When you are playing. So you're going to play this two times and after the second time. Instead off. Come back to G. And may you come back to G, however, jammies, ok. But don't play a, you need to play G minor is D minor is the same thing as F sharp minor K, However, in the frat number three. Alright, so, yeah, the last chord is major. So gonna play everything for you. Just a second part. Okay? And you go, employee, the cars. Be careful because this last, this last three chords. You need to play two times the tempo, okay? Soviets bond 234561, 3456123456123456. And there's less court. It's open reader. You can play like this. Should it correspond? It's opening for improvisation. Let's talk about a chorus. We have a few new courts, so E minor. You already know how to play the score. F-sharp major. This time we're going to play major, so it's the same thing as B minor. Whoever wants to drink up. So okay. G-major. You already know how to play G-Major. After these D major. In. Come back IN bleep, B minor, F sharp major, and now we are going to play G Minor. Do you remember how to pledge minor? It is same thing as F sharp minor. Wherever in the fret number three. In after this, you have C major measures. Finger number one, froude number one on a string number Chu, Chu Froude number chew on a string and reform in figure number two, 35w fat number three on a string, number five. And you pick 54321. And we have the cars. Okay? So let's talk about freedom. You just keep playing this other random seeks to other courts x times, okay? So it's like this. It comes back to the first part. Ok? So as you can see at play the chorus two times and come back to the interim KR tours last verse. That's the same thing. After this, you're going to play exactly the same thing, Krusbar several time as Zenger inverse, the brief scholars in the chorus wants, and again, after you played a chorus for the second time, you have a kind of rage. But it's a very simple reason because she plays jazz, the same thing that should planes the beginning. So however, we felt different dynamic or act. So my advice for you at listeners Boreas, listen the song in jurors to realize what type of dynamic she plays. Her eye is very softly. Okay. Ending this part, she sings in. She's taller than most and she's looking at me. I can see her eyes looking for on a page in a magazine. Unfortunately, I cannot be the original song in his class. Yes, on copper acting. I think if you watched this step-by-step warmer time, you can understand this class in the Sun perfectly. Okay. If you have any kind of dots, just send me a message. Thank you so much. Bye bye. 42. How to turn a chord progression into an arrangement: Do you know a song called Flying Through is a standard one right is a very famous song. Uh, from this I choose dis music shoe our glass about arrangement and some direct. Okay, so if it playing this song, I have the the cords e right e minor. If you look on the Internet, you can find a mine or the mine or minor. But in this example, we're going play We're going to play in All right, So if we play like, a simple way, it's gonna be like this. - So sorry about my seedy bar to my was not good. Uh, so did you hear is true. Correct arrangement through discourse. So the first thing we need to think is 50% is your creativity direct sort of things. He came from your brain. So that's why the important Eunice and other MISC styles like rock funk, are Obree blues. He pop have meto tragedies ever seen opening your mind to music? All right, so the second part he is about the Armani fury. The technical parts excuse you developing during discourse. Okay, Now we are going. You are going to put these in your music, so frustrating way can do is let for a score. Okay, let's do this. I'm gonna play the whole arrangement that I prepare and I will explain. Step by step. Right. So 234 So ready? Nice. Right at the first port I e minor seven court. The same is 1st 1 Right? So the second cord I transform in a minor core like a try it a minor. Tried. We had the first short good. My first device for you guys. Sometimes in music you can play the malady and works radio. Well, so, malady, you can see again. Can you see? Works ready. Well, so I was in a minor chord. Alright. Second court. I didn't play dominant court, okay? And I played the malady to gee, major core. All right, so works really well. The second sheet, that is very importantes. Please. I enjoy a lot to use walking bass. Okay, so I was in g g major seven, and I need you go to see Major seven. I didn't play the dominant chord on G. I did like a walking bass, so I played a B and okay to my C major seventh corps. So it's going to sound like this, right? So works really well, so we used true techniques, Right? 1st 1 is blade a malady. All right. Play the melody of the song And the 2nd 1 Walking bass. Okay, uh, export is and sorry. And I need I should play E Meyer So and e seven, you don't in court, but it didnt another huge walking bass into my next scored. That is what a minor seven. So I did like this. Welcome. Based walking again now. All right, where it's really well okay. At this port I had done northport d seven. I play decent flat nine like this decorates this cool sounding the melody And with my Genis record this part I did a little lick. I used a pentatonic scale with and blues notes, right? So g pentatonic scale. I had a blues notice the c sharp He stared off bleed B Mayer seven and you don't net. So it's going to something like this Starting nod er walking, walking Basil. Right. So my after my daughter, like I I was a my or seven. All right. So dominant court. So indeed, the walking bass. Cease my name. I seven to my dominant court, but it But it didn't stop in my d seven court. I keep my walking bass do unto G chord again, right? Hanifin, Chinna stew, Last courts. It's a minor Jew. Fuck off the first court. So, as you can see, it's really complex is really difficult. You creates a very nice arrangement. There are so many details. That's why you need to stood in Brexit a lot. All right, if you have any doubt, just send me a message, all right? 43. How to Play Lenny Kravitz Where Are We Runnin Acoustic Version: Now it's time to learn the Lenny Kravitz where our we'd returning is a kind of acoustic version of the original Sama because he's a laboratory guitar. But I am going to teach you oughta courts, and you'll be able to play with the Sun. In the first tree court is going to be D. And this D chord is finger number one, frat number two on a string number tree in figure number tree Fred number three on his drink number. And you're going to pick Jess Or tree and chew. You're going to play the same thing one whole step ahead. So in e, power cord, however, in this part my advice for you guys is don't play string number for K, big Judas, tree and chew. So okay, 12345. All right, this is the Rita. As you can see, I put my finger number one right here just to help me don't play during a number. Number four. Okay. So in after this, you have b power cord. Finger number one, rat, number two on a string N5. Number three, frat number format string number four. And your pinky finger number four, fret number four on a string number tree. And you peek GS five for entry, okay? Sorted array num is 12345234567, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. This is the first bar they injure and diverse. And after this part we play B Corps two times. Okay? And deep. And we already learning in a game, you can play a major. I play with my finger number of Warner is easy, at least for me, it's easy. So the idea here is placed Fred number, chew on a string number or three into, so you can play through our fingers. Number 123 are with your finger never won. And after you play this bar, do play. So as ever fee on a stream number four, fret number 24. Alright, chou 4242. Okay, so I'm going to play one more time very slowly. And the next bodies, G in a power corps. Oh, it's the same thing as we play in B. The same guitar shape. However, on a string number six. So fret number tree and frac number five. And you play 1234567812345. Okay. And you have the cars like this. So as you can see, the cartels is almost the same thing. As we play. The beginning of the song. Are going to play this guitar riff a few times. And after the, as you play this blues, sash Andrei, I play my b power guard. I have adopt my pinky, okay? And I put my banking the Froude number six, only string number four. So it's, so it's 123 with my pinky and come back. Okay, so it's a very nice surface size for your fingers. As you can see, it is Sung just have three parts and he's going to repeat this a few times. Ok? So my advice for you guys is listen to some recognized those bars that relearned and play with them. It's a very nice song for beginners. Let me know if you have any kind of doubts. Fingers so much. 44. How to make nice and catchy songs like the Gorillaz: Now it's time to understand how gorillas compose Cleanthes. Two, it does some just have once you apart. That is this guitar rash. And he plays this kind of melody slash ref during the entire song. In 99% of the artists began a song thinking in just one scale. They usually choose the scale that they want to compose a song. In create the core progressions, the leaks to guitar licks the melody. Just think in the scale. In this example, gorillas choose E minor scale. So he plays, opens Triton. E power cord, tries. One more time. If you check this k, you're going to find every single note. And the last part it plays, that is node number six. B, there is no number five of E minor scale. That's why I said gorillas choose E minor scale to songs very easy to analyze because he just plays the note E minor scale. Most of the case, they are just, just choose one senior scale and could pose the melody and the chords and averaging else thinking in this scale, my shortcut for you guys is analyze the first in a last note. Usually he plays the first node as the keynote. So if the first note is eat, probably he choose E Major are E-Minor. It's very important to think about the last note as well to this song. Is usually the artists play note number five should come back, should node number one to the beginning of the reef is going to help you find the key that the artists choose. 45. How to Play The Offspring Why Don't You Get a Job: Now stamp cheaply, why don't you get a job by Offspring? And some we just have one type of court, power courts. All right, so let's remember how to play power chords. Is exactly like this, okay? So few, number one, breath number five on a stream. Number five or number three, fret number three. Oh sorry, finger number treaty fret number seven on a string in order for any r pink one string down. So Fred number seven on the string number three. And you're going to pick Jess strings number five for entry. The idea here is to remember this guitar shape because you are going to repeat this guitar shipping several parts of your fret war. Ok, so it's always the same thing, same guitar shape. And you can play this guitar shaped on a string number five. String number six. The first chord is F. F bar chord is right here. So we're at number one. And as you can see, I keep the same guitar shape. However, I change the frets, okay, in his case right here, I play fret number one on a string number six, which my finger number one. And fred number three on a string, number five with my finger number three. And if my pinky fret number five on a string, number four. In this case, when a play on a string number six, I played just strings number 654. Okay. Don't forget about that. After this, I played the same thing. However, one string down, so on a string number five. Come back to my F-Score. In police C. C is on a string, number five. However, in the frat number tree, this is the first part and we need to talk about their freedom. There is varies. So plate like this. Just four times. Okay? So as you can see during the last two cohorts, I chain rate the read em a little bit instead of pages four times, I play F two times c2 times income back to F Soviets. However, during the chorus you can change the reading a little bit. That sparked his sayings, I want bait, I1, pay, no way. Why don't you get a job? You can play like ragged. So but it's up to you. Car is going to sound very nicely to play like this. After the second time you play the chorus store, you need to play the intro, the Caro's atrophy and a part that he's seeing where I guess, ET EEZ, doing nothing at all. You are going to play a different chord progression, that is B flat. We already learned how to play B-flat, E-flat One more time. Gee, that isn't a frat number three on a string number six in C. So its plan. And come back to the first bar. As you can see, we just have true chord progressions and juice Chu read him. So a very nice song for beginners. Alright, so watch this video one more time. Learning all these step-by-step and play with the sun are okay. Thank you so much. Bye bye. 46. How to Play Silverchair I Miss You Love : Now Sam should learn it's silver Chan in the display. The first bar of this song, We have just treat guards are key. Seep nine. Sin i is very easy. Is the same thing as G-Major. One, I think was one of the first courts. There we learned when we buy a guitar, right? So the symphony S, G-Major, however, two strings, sorry, wants tearing down. Okay. So finger number four, entry fret number tree on a string number one and chew. Finger number one fret number to own as String Number four. Benefiting a number Chu fret number tree on a string number 5s. Okay? Next chord is G major, so you need to keep all your fingers. However, we need to change fingers one and choo. Okay, so want stirring up. And the major. So finger number one, fret numbers shown a string number tree, thing, a number of tree Fred number three on a string number two. And finger number Chu fret number q and a string number one. So the rhythm, you need to peak just six times 123456123456123456123456. Okay. And you need to pick this this six times, two times during the first and the second corps in the card, you need to be just four times. These reader, exactly like me are improvise a little bit like this, is going to sound very nice as well. Next part is their cars. So you have C9 in G-Major. You're going to pay this during chewed two times tries, right? And after this, we have shown you chords. That is a minor finger number one, fret number June is string number two, figure number tree Fred, number two on a string number tree. And figure number Chu frat number churn is three number four. And you are going to pick Jess 54321. And the next chord is E minor. Fee you number one, fret numbers shown is string number five and finger number Chu, threat number, sureness, string number four. And you can pick Cavafy. Their radar is a kind of funny. So here nature pages four times, however, we've different approach. You check those out. As you can see, C19 in G major, I play just one single bar, so do true times, okay? And a minor I play during four bars in E minor, four bars as well. So 1234123412341234. I want you to refer, I want you to follow. I want you to be far want huge reform. Alright? In the last part is a minor G and D. Okay? So we already learned how to play those courts in a kind of open read them so you can play like this or like this. Okay. It's a punch you and after this barrier going to play, everything wants to began with the ban and drams and averaging. If you listen to a song, you're going to recognize this very easily. However, we have a different approach in, during the second chorus, we have a connection to a kind of rage in the song. So instead of play just the last three chords, that is a minor, G and D, you play a minor, B flat major and C9. So B-flat major. You can play like this or here, or here. You have three options, okay? And I think at least for me, the easiest option is like this. See you number one, fret number one on a string number five, single number Chu fret number three on a string number four. Thing a number tree, fret number tree on a string number tree. And figure number four, fret number three on a stream number two. And after this bar you have F sharp minor, that is the Bridge session, finger number one, all the strings are K and the frat number two, seeing a number tree, Fred number, foreigners, string number five, your pinky, one string down. So fret number four on a string number four. After these you have D major. So, so finger number one, fret number one, a string number tree. Seeing a number of tree fret number tunas, string number four, and finger number two, Froude number tuna String Number five. You can pick everything. You are going to repeat this two times. So, so initial pages Chu times and after these d, a and leisure when he sings and I miss you live. And after this you come back and play atrophy wants and again, All right, so my advice for you guys is watch this class one more time and learning all list step-by-step at bars that I teach you, try to memorize them. But the original sound and recognize when he plays each bar, okay, the song's not difficult, but the read them can be a kind of treat. Alright, so be careful with that. Now fourthly, I cannot put original song in this class just because about copywriting. However, I think you, you have enough information to play this perfectly. Thank you so much. Bye bye. 47. Final notes: The last lesson of our course, and I have three things to talk. The first one is, please evaluate my course. This is very important to my work. This type of feedback is going to help me to improve my lessons. And of course, the visibility here in this platform. So this reveal pour this feedback part is very important guys. Second thing, you can watch the course over again, kings, Not a problem at all. We have any kind of doubt. Just come back and see the lesson over again. This is important, very important. Because with this you are going to absorb a 100% of the knowledge Hanover tree is visit my profile have several types of courses in this Florida form froms going to help in the future, right? So think is so much and see you later. Bye-bye.