Music Theory For Beat Makers: The Formula to Play ANY Major or Minor Triad or Scale on the Piano | Joseph Evans | Skillshare

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Music Theory For Beat Makers: The Formula to Play ANY Major or Minor Triad or Scale on the Piano

teacher avatar Joseph Evans, Make Better Music Now: Follow Me

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction To Music Theory For Beat Makers Course


    • 2.

      Piano Basics Understanding the Keyboard


    • 3.

      Piano Basics Understanding the Keyboard Part 2


    • 4.

      Piano Basics Understanding Half Steps and Whole Steps


    • 5.

      Piano Basics The Formula To Play Any Major Triad


    • 6.

      Piano Basics The Formula To Play Any Minor Scale


    • 7.

      Piano Basics The Formula To Play Any Minor Triad


    • 8.



    • 9.



    • 10.

      Progressions 145


    • 11.

      Using Minor Scales In Your Production


    • 12.

      Using Chords And Progressions In Your Music Production


    • 13.

      Building The Beat (Bonus Lecture)


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About This Class

In this class you will gain a solid introduction to the piano and learn the fundamentals of how to play ANY major or minor scale and ANY major or minor triad (3-note chord) on the piano instantly! In addition, we will cover several other key principles of music theory like inversions, progressions, and most importantly how to use everything to take your beats, songs, and music to the next level!!!

Are you excited yet?? You should be because music theory for beat makers / music producers will take your sound to the next level!

The benefit of this class is that you can skip the long hours, days, and months of piano lessons and get the key to immediately "begin" playing the piano NOW!

After completing this class all you will need to do is practice. Enroll, watch all the videos, and complete the "Class Project" and I guarantee you will unlock abilities you never knew existed. Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!

**Special Note** 

This class was designed to help music producers and beat makers learn music theory so that they could quick make better music, but ALL learners are welcome. You don't have to be a music producer or beat maker to learn from this class! 

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Joseph Evans

Make Better Music Now: Follow Me



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All of my courses are designed to help BEGINNERS quickly and effectively learn music production.

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1. Introduction To Music Theory For Beat Makers Course: what's up high are doing. Just wanted to introduce myself. Joseph Evans going to be your instructor in his course. Been producing music for about 10 years. And I just wanted to help, you know, producers who might have been struggling with getting their their full potential music potential out and taking their beats to the next level. I wanted to create a course that will help you do that. All right, So what I'm gonna cover in the course and when I'm not gonna cover. Okay, I'm not gonna tell you how to make beats. I'm not gonna, you know, go over technical aspects of like, say, a program like GarageBand or logic Pro or FL Studios are able to live is not technically what I'm doing here. I'm teaching you the musical part. Okay, So the theory part, um, a lot of times, like I said, you know, producers the one thing that they struggle with a lot of times I found is getting what's in here out into the world world. Okay, Like, music is spirit. Okay, is spiritual, you know, saying and so if you don't know how to harness that, that sound all right. Do music theory, Understanding scales keep cores different things like that. Then your beats are gonna be hindered. And that's what this program this course is to do for you is gonna help you keep you from being hindered your creativity and everything like that. So we're gonna cover, um, you know, the basis of piano we're gonna cover formula to play any major minor scale on a keyboard. Any major minor triad on the keyboard or three. No court progression. What those are, you know, inversions. And then you're going to see how to apply it, actually to your beats. And that is the key to part of this, you know, saying it is not like a piano lesson. Alright, Recover music theory. But then is more so a piano lesson that's gonna teach you how to apply to your beats to take your beast to the next level. So, without further ado, let's get into it. Remember, if you have any questions, hit me up, you can direct message me or send it in the discussions area of the course, and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding to the course material. All right, so let's get into it 2. Piano Basics Understanding the Keyboard : Hey, how you doing? Joseph Evans Jr. Here. This first lecture. I just wanted to basically give you a tour of the keyboard now. And when I said Toro keyboard, I'm talking about this section right here. This section right here is gonna be on any piano that you come across any keyboard you come across. So let's talk about that. They have all these white keys right here. And then we have all these black keys. They have number names. OK, so we'll started. C on it is goes up the alphabet, See G A B CNN repeats itself. Now, a reason why you have a B right here is technically, if you would started off right here, if you're gonna count from the alphabet or scale it up from the alphabet, But see is them is the main note here on the keyboard. Okay, that's the main note. You can you? Pretty much if you confined. See you condone do anything else from there. Okay, that's like that's like the golden egg. Or go the nugget of piano. Okay, see? All right, now, a quick way to find. See? Now, you see, everything is labeled here on this particular virtual keyboard. But if it's not gonna be like that on a regular piano and the quickest way to find C is to look for the set of two black keys. Okay, C is going to be the first white key next to the first to set of two black. He's so there's going to be anywhere on the keyboard. As you can see, you have to set of two black. He's right here. You have a set of two black. He's right here. See? Is that first white key anywhere on a keyboard? You can find that now on a real keyboard. Basically, it is complete. This continues to repeat the cycle here, and it goes up from, like, a lower sound all the way to a higher sound as we keeping you to go up. And it will continue to go up if I had a, you know, larger keyboard. Okay. But that's just that in a nutshell, you you want to go ahead and study this okay? And get your keyboard out and begin to familiarize yourself. Okay, this is C. Listen to how it sounds in your ear. This is D o E. Yes, you know, saying and I notice my sounds simple, but I'm telling you, when it comes to playing a keyboard, all it is or door the piano, all it is is a bunch of simple, fundamental things that you learn well and practice well. And after you practicing and build upon it is like building a house brick upon brick. So this is the first fundamental thing here. Is learning the notes on the keyboard. Now you might say, OK, I got the white notes. What about these black notes? All right, these black notes are going to be different knows, based on if you're coming up or you're going down. Okay, so But as you can see, though, you see C sharp d sharp f sharp, G sharp, B flat and in these air second set right here. Because, like I said, everything repeats itself. Okay, so just familiarize yourself with this, okay? If you have questions asked but this familiarize yourself with the keyboard. That's the first assignment that I have for you. Please do this. Please, please, please, please. I mean, spend some time in really just listening to it, finding it going up and down the keyboard is seeing. Okay, this is a A be able to really recognize. Okay, I know that a is right in between these three black keys, and it's like at the top, right? You do go over that stuff in your mind because, like I said in his next lecture is going to start getting a little bit more complicated. It's still a simple fundamental. But if you don't get this down, these kind of you gonna start getting lost as we go, you got me. So get this down and then let's go to the next lecture after That's right, peace. 3. Piano Basics Understanding the Keyboard Part 2: actives and finding middle C. Now, as you can look and see here, the piano is a little bit different than the piano in the previous lecture. Okay, It doesn't have all the names of the notes on it. So it's taking a step, You know, we're going up in a notch here, okay? And so your assignment and your pre in the previous lecture was to learn the notes. Okay, So you should know that this is thistles. G be Hey, don't go anywhere anywhere on this keyboard and push on one of those white keys and know what it is. That is the goal keys or eight notes make a, um active. Okay. And so there's There's several different doctors on the keyboard. All you have to do is start from C and keep on going up to the next seat. That's one active. It's a second active bone. Boom. All right, Got it. All right. So you got you got these different doctors you want to learn? All right. Basically, the concept I'm trying to get you to understand is that when you are, do you understand that you come that everything is basically duplicated, and it moved up. Some duplicated. Move up some. Do you understand? Hey, really? Is not that complicated is broken up into different pieces. So if we were somehow able to highlight this area right here, right, you will say that. See, that is the same as this area is just at a higher pitch. Saying with down here is the same is a higher pitch. So we start getting this is scales and chords and different days like that. You already understand that. Now let's talk about middle C. Middle C is system. See, that's in the middle of the keyboard. Is that simple? Uh, that will be middle C. All right, you find Middle C again. Look for the set of two black he's and go to the middle of the keyboard. Bam, that's middle C. 4. Piano Basics Understanding Half Steps and Whole Steps: I are doing Joseph Evans again here. We're going to talk about half steps and whole steps in this lecture. Honestly, this might just be one of the, you know, most important lectures in this whole section here. This whole part of this course here and the reason why is because understanding half steps the whole steps is going to help you to be able to play any major or minor scale or any a major minor three. No cord on the keyboard. Guarantee it. I'm gonna show you. I'm a prove it to you in the next lectures to come. OK, so let's go over half steps and host steps Now, basically, whenever you're playing the piano, technically, you would go up all the notes. All right, So what 1/2 step is is the note that is directly next to okay, directly next to the note. All right, now I'm gonna show you. So 1/2 step up from C would be because you see, is directly next to that note s So let's just look. Look right here. If you look at E, what will be 1/2 step up from me now? Cool trick. You know, to find half steps easily is to play that No, up here. Okay, Because if you play it up here, you can't get mistaken for what? The next notice. All right. Same thing would be, if you're like, Okay, what's the next? No. All right, that's 1/2 step. Because I know this. No, there's nothing right here in the middle saying it doesn't matter where you are in a keep on on the keyboard. You can play right here. Ah, 1/2 step up from the sharp is going to be e o. Same thing with D a lot. Right? And you could also make half stuff up or half steps down so I can call to see right here. And I can go down 1/2 step, which would be all right. I'll be be, say, if I was on G sharp, half step down would be g got me. So now we got half stuffs down. How you find a hat. A whole step is to go to half steps up. OK, so going from sea to sea sharp is 1/2 step. So a second half step would make a whole step eso from C to D is a whole step. All right, so let's let's let's go over that one more time. So 1/2 step is the first step up to the next note. Okay? And a whole step is two steps up or two. Half steps on that note will be the whole step. All right, police, please. Please pay attention. On is I'm telling you, this is like I'm telling this is this divine information right here? Because I'm telling once we get to the to the formalist, you're gonna get lost if you don't understand this. So let's look at e What would be a whole step from me? Well, let's look at that E go up 1/2 step. There's nothing right here. So the house that would be f you go to high half steps, remember from your route what this is This would be called a root note or notes you start with. Okay, so you go up 12 Eso from e to F sharp is a whole step from me. It doesn't matter where you are on a keyboard. All you have to understand is that 1/2 step is one. Have you know, one step up to the next note, and a whole step is to half steps. All right, So if I'm on B flat here, what's going to be a whole step? Got me. So check this out. Be was a whole step from the It's still in me to half steps. One to ah, it's a whole step. It was a whole step from B. It's going to be too half steps. Nothing right here. That's I asked that right here. And that's the second half eyes. A whole step got me so same thing right here. See? Sharp or we could do it right here. See, sharp. 1/2 step will be the next note. The whole step will be to half steps. Boom, boom. Ah, All right, so is that simple? But it's so easy to forget if you don't practice. So your your next assignment is to practice doing half steps and whole steps on all places on the keyboard 5. Piano Basics The Formula To Play Any Major Triad: All right, So now we're gonna cover how to play any major triad on the keyboard. Now, what does it try it? A triad is a three note chord is a court that you are used to. All right. All right. So let me show you how I did that. And then I'm gonna show you basically what you could do to do it on any particular No, on a keyboard. All right, so check this out. The formerly is this to get your first note? Of course. You start off with your route, but then, from there you're going to go up four half steps. All right, so let's go up. 1234 And at four. Foreign is your second note of your three note chord or you try it. Bam. Now, from the second notice of your three, no quarter try at you're going to go up 3/2 steps. So I was gonna get 12 and three on your 3rd 1 as toe last Know of your triad. Alright, between no court is that simple. All right, so check this out. We go anywhere. So if you want to play a f major three note. Quarter Triad. Okay, What you could do is a star here, F That's your route. That's your first note. Go up. 4/2 steps, you know. Does trace Quattro or 1234 Bam! That's your second note. Go up. 3/2 steps to get your there a note. 123 Uh, Okay. It works on every key on a keyboard, so check this out. C sharp major as your root note. Do you go for half steps? 123 in the fourth? No. Is your second note? Boehm, go up three. After this 3/2 steps. 123 That third no. Is your There are 33rd half step is your third note the sharp one, 234 123 As long as you follow the formula you're not gonna mess up is not gonna sound off. 1234123 You see, I'm playing those weird. The ones that seem like Okay, those are the ones you don't wanna mess Where everybody knows the c one to c court. But I didn't notice. It was It was a formula. Okay, So 1234 123 It's that simple 6. Piano Basics The Formula To Play Any Minor Scale: Okay, so now we're going to cover the formula to play any minor scale on a keyboard. All right, so now let's take a look at this When I started to see again and we're going to go up and this is the formal, Okay? We're started the route, and we go up one whole step, 1/2 step. We could do to more whole steps, 1/2 step and one more hole step, and then we're gonna end it off of the route. So check it out. Route go up a whole step. I didn't go up 1/2 step. Go up to more whole steps. You go up 1/2 step whole, step on and finish it off at the root. So you got starting off the route. Whole step after step. Two more whole steps, half step, whole step route. All right, Now, that's that. Might seem a little bit more complicated. Begin. But again, all you have to do is this. Follow this formula and you'll be good to go. Let's look at it on other keep. All right. So let's check out again this time, you don't have the names of the notes to go with focus in on one area here is not gonna seems difficult. This focuses on this one part. Alright. Star starting at sea wishes the route. We're gonna go up 1/2 step whole step in 1/2 step two whole steps have step. One more hole. Step finish off at the root, my man. All right. So, again, again, again. It's kind of like, OK, test me. All right? So check this out. We're gonna hit up g sharp. Let's see. Or how about a C sharp? Uh, let's do it. Start of the route to go up. Host up. Ah, half step, two whole steps, half step. Whole step finish off route. Now it's gonna take a lot more practice to really get those. But the main thing is, if you want to just understand where you are on the keyboard, say All right, look, I want to play. Say right here. I want to play a minor. Alright? Minor scale. I want to know all the notes in the mind scaled and all you have to do is this Hit it. Hit this up. Hit this formal up. Started the room boom to a whole step passed up. Two whole steps passed up host in, uh, finish off the route. That simple or worse, on every particular key on this keyboard, right? 7. Piano Basics The Formula To Play Any Minor Triad: Now we're gonna cover how to play any minor Try at on the keyboard. All right. Check this out. All we got to do to play the minor try it is reverse the formula. All right, So basically, you're gonna start off at your first note, you go up 3/2 steps instead of four. So 123 There's your second note and and go up four half steps to get you there. No. 123 Boom. Okay, so just like the my the major formula, this minor formula works with any key. All right, so let's goto f 123 1234 I'm gonna g 123 1234 All right. You see, we're making started making music. Now you got me. So is real simple. You just once you know the formerly you could go to any key. You're not scared of the Black Keys anymore. First note. Go up 3123 3/2 steps as your second note. 1234 Boom. 8. Inversions: now, inversions are very key to making your music sound a little bit more advance. All right, So all you're gonna do is you're taking accord, right? A basic or rather, his major minor. And you're basically playing that same chord in a different way to make it sound a little bit better. And that's, you know, So let's get into whether the version is so let's just say we were playing a C minor chord . Okay, That sounds pretty good alone as it is. But if we were to invert, it is going to sound even better. Okay, So what? All I did is I took that same chord, and I moved it up and moved it up again. Okay, They're two different type of the virgins. They have first inversion, and you have second inversion. All right, So how do you get to a first inversion as you play the first chord? Right. I think the basic way to do it right. But you're gonna take this bottom note on and throw it up here, So basically, play a bottom note an octave higher. So you gonna move it from here? Teoh? So your thumb is going to be playing this note your middle fingers playing this No, any. Your pinky is going to be playing. See? So that's too complicated. You can play dumb your index finger on them, Pinky. It's called first inversion, and then he gets a second inversion from first inversion. All right, so you go up, go up. One what one? What? One more and throwing it up there and octave higher. All right, so basically, play you would do like this, uh, g would be if you play g with your thumb, See what you're You know, you could play a lot of different ways, but your proposal play with your middle finger and you could play the last note, which would be d ah sharp or e minor. I mean, even if Lasky me which your pinky, Um, something like for me. I have, like, smaller hands. So I played a little bit different. I put I play like the cords like Accord and second version. I played like the first note with my thumb second note with my index and in the third note with my, um, ring finger. Not necessarily the proper way to do it, but it works for me, and I can play it better that way. Just have my hands or shaped. So anyway, those are virgins and pretty much just like the former. It works in any chord progression any any chord, Um, on a keyboard. So let's say if you're doing G minor, you're saying just go up on with anything. It just takes some practice. I mean, you know, saying it might seem like it is complicated, but if you just remember to take that first note, do it up active higher. And then once you get played at that first inversion, you take that same the other first note. I'm sorry. Take that note and then play it up a knocked of higher that second version. I mean, it really becomes easy. So let's go over one more time. Basically, you have the base, the base court, we're playing the C minor. You play first inversion. You're gonna take this, see on, throw it up in octave higher first version. You would take this this note e flat or d sharp, and throw it up on active higher too. All right, that's a that's a virgins 9. Progressions: All right, So the next thing we're gonna talk about is progressions. All right, pay attention. It is. This is this is this is killer right here, because progressions is really gonna help you take your music to the next level as well. Now, basically, what a progression is is a series of different courts that you play together that sound musically appetizing to the ear. Okay, there several different types of progressions, but I'm going to talk about a basic progression. Now, before I get improved two progressions. I want to show you something on the keyboard, As you can see. There, eight noses, look at see the key of C. Our soldiers eight notes in that in that scale, right? Seven. And in finishing off would be eight. Well, in music and music theory, they have different names for those different notes. Okay, Um, of course. You know, like the names of the actual key or the sound right. But they also have different names within it is faras like going up the scale. So this to keep it simple. This doesn't understand that you're counting. Okay, So you have one which would be dominant on he cut calls all way up this disc. Look at it is 12345678 Okay. And there's different cores that associated which each one and I'm on purpose. Not going to thorough because it goes gets deeper than that. It gets deeper than that. They have different names, like, dominant, this sub dominant. But I feel like that confuses you, especially if you're new to it. So this look at this as 1345678 These are all different chords. Okay, Pause if you need to to kind of take it all in. Okay. Again. A progression is a series of chords played in a particular key. And when they put their played together, it sounds soothing or great. Good to the ear. Okay, so there's several different cores. We can play in the key of C. All right? And they're based on the different notes. All right, that are in that key and is based on 12345 You know, saying so. This will be a one core, whatever that basically, whatever that route no, is. That would be the one chord. So if you're playing a major all right. And in a major, playing major scare core. Excuse me. Major courts will be like this. All right, So and then say, if we could play a five chord right within this okay? Or if you play the three core ah, be the forecourt. And so on, So on, so on. 10. Progressions 145 : So the progression that I want to teach you is is something called 145 Or they might say 541 Or you can play it in different ways. 1541 Okay, um, I'll show you what I'm talking about. So safer playing major would be like this. And if I start playing certain things in different variations of that progression, you're going to start noticing, like there's popular music that you hear. Um, that's played in that progression. So let's just say it is one or five. Okay, so let's look at it like this, All right? So young music hairs out there, and if you don't know a whole lot of old school music and everything like that, you might not get it. But I know that that that progression is clicking for you, right? You heard that before. Now is the same thing with, um, the minor, the miners, the minor chords. Okay, So what? We're playing with one chord, the four chord in the five chord some people might be like, Okay. How did you do that? All I'm doing this is playing those three notes that are in each of those courts, those triads and this plan, I pretty much do anything I want. You know, once I know that, the different course. So that's why it's so important to pay attention all these different lectures. Because, like I said, they're building blocks. All right, now, check this out. You got the 1514 and five chord that played Play great together right now. The only problem with that is, when you're playing it, you have to jump your hand hand all the way over here to the forecourt on 54 for corn and one. And to me, that is a little bit difficult. And so what they did is let's take it back to the previous lecture and versions. They didn't to this cord, right? And they invoked verdict. So you play the one core, right? And instead of playing the forecourt like this, we're gonna invert it. You get you get it so that if someone trying to ask is what in Virginia. That a second version? How do I know that? Because if I was to start here as first inversion and go up now, the first inversion now be, um, second version. All right, I hope I'm not confusing you, but if I am, I'm sorry. But you always ask me questions, but it checks out. So instead of playing the fourth of the four court like this, play like this. So the same thing with the five chord is inverted. Having to jump from 1 to 5. Jump from 1 to 5, an inversion. So All right, so we got our one core way. Got our forecourt way, got our 5/4 and all we did was invert those those cores to get to play it like that. Play easily like that. So I'm gonna show you. Yeah, it's just like that. 11. Using Minor Scales In Your Production: So what we're gonna do in this particular lecture is I'm gonna show you how to apply playing any, you know, any scale into your beat. Okay, I'm particularly gonna use the minor scale, because in most, you know, hip hop e g m pop R and B music the majority of that music has is using the minor scale or minor key, all right. And so, you know, you could do it in a major, too. But for these examples, I'm just going to do it in the minor. All right, So we're gonna do is find the c minor scale. All right, if you remember from the other lecture, you know, saying you understand the formula, so but we're gonna play it real quick. Alright. So that's the first thing you need to do. So Say, if you hear a melody your head or you hear, like, a certain note if you say if you don't know what you're hearing. Mm hmm. Uh, all right. You could find notes like that. So, um, you go for go off there. That's how you find it. So you sounded out and then you can once you know the formula, you can find any minor scale. But for this example, we're gonna do see alright C minor. Let's get into it. Basically, just keep that, make sure you're playing the notes that in that court or that scale. So let me this let me go ahead and just go ahead and ah, players beat mess around with some. I think it's pretty is a pretty It's a pretty basic melody or whatever. It's something that you heard a lot of a lot of songs, but I'm just showing you that you can pretty much play any note on that scale and is going to sound dope. So I'm gonna go ahead and record this, You see, cuz I'm saying like, I kind of messed up at the end, but it still worked perfect because it was in that scale. And that's the main thing I want you to understand. Here, um, I'm gonna play one more time anyway, I'm gonna clean that up for you, and then the next lecture, we're going to see how to, you know, ads some different elements to this using these distance. That's that same scale. All right, 12. Using Chords And Progressions In Your Music Production: all right, we We played a minor scale in this in this beat was check it out, all right? I mean, it sounds dope is cool. So check this out. Let's build on the knowledge that we already learned. And let's add some more elements to this beat. All right? So look at this. Since we're in the minor key, we're gonna need to play minor courts. Okay, so we're playing. See? Do we need to play a c'mon accord? All right. Now, you also remember inversions right on. You also remember the dominant or it's going to the 15145 progression. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a base basic. Um, lower part of the keyboard. All right. All right. And I was gonna play 145 Let's just hear how it sounds. This is using the progressions part of it. All right, let's just check it out. I just lower one on here. All right, So we have that part to the beat that was using. We did that using really like progressions. Like the 145 I just took the just the one for five note. But what if we were now to go to a distant, different instrument. That's when it really starts to get interesting, right? All right. So check this out. I'm gonna play the 1541 cords with this. All right, so this let's check it out. Now, remember, it is we're still a C minor. Is this support a different instrument? Check it out. 13. Building The Beat (Bonus Lecture): Now, what I'm gonna do is build the beat. Based on what we have here, we're gonna make it this more fuller. Okay? And so let's go ahead and get into that. First thing I need to do is I need to quantity eyes, make sure it's the stuff that added. Here was quantity ized. All right, I see. Here, go here to this. This the piano to make sure that that's on point. Mm. Hey, Boom. All right, so we're good to go. So the easiest way here to do something is basically I'm going to copy and paste. A lot of this is called This is A This is a technique called Larry. Let me show you what I'm talking about. Him is a mute this out and play this. That sounds crazy. So I'm gonna have to change this off a little bit. Yeah, that sounds pretty dope. So we've got that going, Um, let me see about get rid of somebody's other tracks. I'm going to duplicate this. There you go. - Do you? All right. So you have this is basically adding to the beat. I'm gonna add a couple more things that we're gonna be done. Ah, Recorded joint way . - All right. So I mean, pretty much the beats built is ready to go in, and, um, that's it.