1. Class Introduction: Hey, what's up, you guys? It didn't hear. Welcome back to another blender course. And this course we're going to create Joey, the cockroach from Augie and the cockroaches. We will start by importing our reference so you can download the reference on Gum Road. So I will link it down below for you guys. Then once we imported our reference, we can start modeling. So first of all, we will not allowed the body. Then piece by piece, we will model the rest of the body For this character creation. We used basic mashes and modifiers. Once we are done modeling the character, we will start applying the materials. We will be applying basic materials for the character. But before we add any material we will in toward 80 are right for our world. After we added hdr I we will continue with the material application At the end of this course, you will have really nice character that you can show to your friends post on instagram. Add to your portfolio, etcetera. This courses for beginners. So if you're advanced treaty artists, you can use this course as an extra sides. So what are we waiting for? Let's create these guys
2. Importing The References And Modeling The Body: Hey, what's up, You guys? Welcome back to the first video on how to make the cockroaches from again. The cockroaches. The cartoon says you can see here. Once I open my blender software, you can see that it is the blender version 2.8 to treat. So we're going to be working in blender version 2.8 a tree. So this is the latest version up to today. So now we want to go here on general. Well, so now here we have our seen our world Our default cube default light and default camera. We're going to be the leading the default flight default Cuban, the camera. And we want to import the We want to import the reference. So let me just turn all my screen Caskey. So here on the left inner corner, you can see them doing so. Yeah, that is for that. Now we want to import art reference Now, I made these references for you guys so you can download them, or I found these on Google and I downloaded them as well. So I really want to do it like this. So as I did it Now I want to import the front. Let's first of all do Joey. So this is the front. We're going to make it at the center. So as you can see here, I just moved it on the left a bit to the left, and let's bring him up. So this three D cursor is going to be in the middle off his belly. Now we will press three on our keyboard, shift a, and we will add a side image. So I think that we are not going to do the side image as we are going to do the front. So let me just bring this up a little bit like this. So you can see here. I will bring it to the point where my front is ending. Here. What's press three? And we will move it in y axes. So we will pull it like this and you can see front and the site. So it is right on. Right on. So as you can see here, we cannot see it in perspective mode. If you want, you can select the image Eagle here under Emmick, prefer optic data, properties or properties, as I say, and then turn on this display perspective. So now if I go like this, I can see it and I don't see the back because I didn't open my aside that I If, for example, if I select the back, you can see only the back and not this part here. So I want to see both. And now you can see the the the image on the boat side. So we want to pull it to front because we don't need it on the on the other side and also display perspectives so we can see perspective how he looks like. So now let's help on and do the body. So the first thing that I want to do is I want to go here under filter select this election . So this is the selectable. That means if I disabled the selection, I cannot be I will be not able to select these these images as I had before I did before. So now if I, for example, again select them and now they are selectable so I can select both of them. So I am going to turn them off. And if, for example, this is too bright for you, you can go always here under transparency. Turn it on and then lower down the capacity so you can see if this works for you, you can you can do it. Or if, for example, you want the half 0.500 you can also do it like this as well. So I will be not using the transparency. Not for now. Okay, So what we want to do now is what we d selected the empathy. So we d selected these two planes. Now I want to add a cube. So shift A, We will add a cube scale the cube down and under the modifier properties, we want to add a subdivision surface modifier. Once we added subdivision surface modifier, I will increase the subdivisions in view port to to, so we will increase that number. And now let's start modeling. So I will go into extra mode. You can turn it on here, or you can just press out said, and then go out and in the extreme haute. Now we want to scale these and bring them down, and we want to add a couple of loop cuts. So I've added to Now I want to select the top part. Grab it up so g and grab it up now. So, like thes bring them up as well and also D's. So I want to bring them up. Now let's Onley. So these skilled them And because I don't want this to be a little too big because I want to add one more here. So control are. And we added one more loop could here. So why did I do that? I will show you in a couple of seconds. So I will bring these up and bring these down, as you can see here. So I will bring these up. So g. Zed and I bring them. Now I want this shape to be a little bit a little bit rounded on the bottom, so I don't want it to be like this. So I like this ship now. I am going to select these Vergis is on the left side. Press X then Verdecia. So I deleted, diverted sees, and I only have the half of my body here, as you can see it. So now what I want to do is I want to go here under add modifier. Add a mirror modifier. This um, and Ademir modify irony. As you can see here, I mirrored this part here to decide. And as you can see, here we have this this orange lines so we don't want them to be shown. So how can we change that? We can simply pull this mirror, modify your up. So here on these two arrows, you can pull it down and you can put it up. And as you can see here now, it is a little bit strange. So what we want to do is we want to allow clipping. And when we allow clipping and go into edit mode, I will simply move these in X taxes. And you can see now that they are clipped together and we don't have any distortion here. Now I want to go to decide, go here and scale these in why axes and moved them. So we want to make sure that it follows the body. So if this happens to you, you press age so we don't want h alter age to unharmed. So we hot We had we hide the this part with clicking age. Now I will bring these in. Why axis like this also D's we want to bring in. Why access as well as East. It's okay. So here we have the body off our cockroach and it is good. It is nice looking. So now what we want to do we want you make Okay, we are done with the body. Now let's help on and make the likes And then we are going to do the arms. So I will see you in the next video for the legs cm.
3. Modeling The Legs: Oh, guys, Welcome back to the second video on how to make the cockroaches from Augie and the cockroaches. The cartoon. So we did the body, as you can see here. And I imported these references, so I didn't I didn't tell you how you can download these references. So you just go. You and I will laying down the loaded gun road and you can download them for free so you can just press zero and then downloading. So now we are going back to the Flex. I will select these two in transparent mode. And as you can see here, the 44 Burgess ease are selected. Then I will press. Then I will press shift s anchor, sir, to select it. So I wanted to be a little bit on the left side. But never mind. We will do it. So now, as you can see here, my cursor, my three d cursor is right here. So if for example, I add another mash, you can see that it, uh, it arrived here. So it's not here in the middle in the center, but it is here because we moved a three d cursor. Now I want to bring this this cube here. And then I will add a subdivision surface modifier. Once I added a subdivision service modifier, I will go in edit mode so you can go in a digital by going here from object mode to edit more or the simplest way. The shortcut is tab on your keyboard. So tap, as you can see here. So I see a little bit of distortion here. But never mind. This is just a reference. So now what we want to do is we want to extrude the this a couple of times. So it's extruded two times. And here we have three off these segments. Now I want to go to the side and I want to add one more look good here. What's bringing this down? And now what we want to do, We want to scale it in. Why axes? So s why. Now we want to select these four Vergis ease in transparent mobile. Because when we are in transparent mode, I can select the whole part off the leg. The vergis is formed from the left side and right side. Okay. Now I want to bring it in. Why axis like this rotated a little bit, okay? And let's just simply add this these legs to be as they aren't on reference. So you can see here they are a little bit bended. So that's what we want. And now what we want to do is we want to press two time, Jay. So, Jay Jay, double time. So it allows us to move these Vergis ease on these lines here. So I cannot go from the side. I can only go like this, so I will bring it to here. And then I will get these here. Now, once we're done with that, I will simply select these and aligned them with the leg here. Okay, You can see what I'm doing here. Okay? Once I'm done with this, I will select these two and extrude them and bring them off a little bit. Now, I will add a loop cut. So I have this part here. You can see that how I move it, I will bring this out. And also I will add one more loop cut here. So I have more defined, more defined. Lex, you can see the foot. Okay. Once we're done with that, it looks really, really flat here. So we will select only the top and scale it in XX. Okay, now, once we're done, we will grab it in X axis so g x and move it. As you can see here, it looks a little bit strange, so we will flatten those off it. Now, I will select these of our deceased sewing transparent moment. I would so, like thes that aren't on the side Also here. So the whole row, these very dis ease here is well, and these so the for example, the whole like and I will rotate it in x axis. Is that access this And you can see how the weight looks now like these emergencies, and grab them a little bit to the axe axis and Brandies a little bit. So I have, right. Nice looking, like. Okay. Once I'm done with that, I will press command, Eddie. So we want to apply old transforms because once I go here and I go into item, you can see the location and the scale are not the same. So we want here the scale to be one all the way to down, so x y and Z to be one and x y and Z to be zero under location because this happened if we don't apply. So if, for example, I want to add a mirror modifier to dislike. If I go here, add modifier and add a mere modifier. You can see here that it is not working, so it's not working fine. It looks like Twittys Tweedy's Lex, but we don't want it. And, for example, if I press command A we want to old transforms and well off so automatically, the pivot point goes to here. So goes to the center off these off these axes. Okay, so we are done with the legs. We can pull them a little bit up in addict mode, so let's bring them up. And let's add one model good here. OK, so we are done guys with the legs and you can see here that they are a little bit square is so we don't have enough detail. So I want to select them in object mode and then press right click shape suit. So we want to smooth them up. As you can see, I like the way they look. But I don't like this part. So I will select these. Bring them into X axis and now you can see the day are a little bit more and they are better looking because I don't like this part to be so much out. So yeah, we can leave it as it is right now because it is it is going to be on the front. So on the side, the legs are bended. So what we want to do now Let's like the body, right? Click shades, mood A lot. So we are done with the legs and with the body. Now let's make some hands. See you in the next video by
4. Modeling The Arms: Hey, what's up, You guys welcome back to the third video on Hard to made the cockroaches from Augie and the cockroaches. The cartoon. So here you can see that we added the reference. We we modeled out the body and the legs. So the next step are his hens. So how can we do that? Because this is the mirror. Because it here we have a mirror modifier. We want we have what we did on what we do on this side. It will be done on the side is low. So now I want to select this face here. So if you go here on face a lot, you can select like that for an Vertex elect you can select like even you. You can go here on on ex elect and select these edges. Okay, for now, we want to inside the faces. So we will press I right Click Lou tools and circle. So as you can see here, how it looks like you can add this dis add on by going here under edit preferences and then just type down under add ons. Just press down a loop. So then you can select this mash loop tools. And then you have you'll have this Adam that I have here. So right, click loop tools. And here I have bridge, circle, curve, flatten and all of these don. So now, while we want to do we want to add some hands, I want to extrude this part a little bit like this. Now I want I'm going to select these to these forever Dis ease. And I want to extrude them as well, so I will extrude them downwards. And as you can see here, how it looks like And also I want to select this range here and also these so the whole hand and scale it in y axes. So I wanted to be a little bit slimmer in why Axis? Okay, Once I'm down with that, I will select this part here. So we didn't select it right now, so let's undo it. And so it now we will scale with a little bit down. OK, so now what we want to do is we want to select only the bottom half off the hands and we want to extrude it one more time. So let's bring a doctor here. Let's add a loop. Cut. Here. Go to decide and see the side. Okay. I will select these two over to see these four. Vergis is grab them in. Why axes as well? Aziz grabbed him. And why? Axes? And we will have something that looks like this. So I don't like the flatness of them. So I will select Onley these parts off hand, and I will kill them in x axis. Not the top without the top so as X and scale it up a little bit. Okay. Now, once we have this shape, I will selectees and bring it up a little bit on Lee. Let's see, they are a little a little bit too big on the Y axis. Horrible flattened. These grabbed him in y axes. So let these two and grabbed him in. Why axes as well? So we have been did the hats. Now, what I want to do now is I want to press one at a look at here. Select these loop cuts on the sides, as you can see here and grabbed and so double J and bring them off that we don't, uh we cannot do it because we didn't add one Luke cut here, but we don't need it right now, so let's get rid of these. So get let's get rid of this one. And we're not going to change anything for now. So we can select only these two words. He's here. But let's do 11 by one. Grab two times and flatten his body a little bit. Okay, so you can also do that. You can see here and also here on the shoulder. I want to pull it down if I want to pull these two word to seize down like this. And also, let's bring this in X axis. So let's go. And in X ray mode as well as these two. Let's bring down just like this. So we have the hand here. Let's see here. I think that we have double Vergis is so OK, we don't have Okay, we are done with the arms. You can always go and play with these. So I will select these Vergis is on the sides and you can grab them in X axis so you can pull them inside or you can pull them outside. I want to select all of them and skilled them a little bit. Okay, so I have more defined arms there. Okay, So once we're done, let's elect these and make some shape to it. Okay, So here are I. I see some indentation, and we don't want it. So this is basically how he is going to look like, Okay. And now, once we're done, I will simply press one at a look cut here and ok, and scale this down. So I will press us. Was going to X ray mode as, and I want to scale this up or let's killed is down as it is here. Okay, Okay. Let's see. We will select it and scale it in x axis. So we wanted to be a little bit, um, a little bit wider on the x axis, as you can see here. And also you can check due to the topology off this disc, jacked here under modifier subdivision resurface modifier. Turn on this thesis cage and you can see the topology on how it looks like. So as you can see here, our model is looking fine. So we are done with the arms. And now let's hop on and do the head. And at the end. We're going to make some hands. So I will see you in the next video and we will make the head see in the next one.
5. Modeling The Head: He was a big guys. Welcome back to the fourth video on Hot to make the cockroaches from Augie and the cockroaches. The cartoon. So now we, as you can see here we are, don modeling our hands, our arms, our body and the legs. So now we want to make his head. How can we do that? First of all, we want to select the body. So let the top part off the body shift as anchors air to selected. So here, as you can see here, the cursor is going to be here because this is the mirror mirror modifier. And that is happening once you select all of these. So I'm going to select only these two were deceased in transparent mode. Shift as an cursor to selected. So the cursor is going to be right here in the center, off the on the head. Now what I want to do is I want to add a cube, as I did with the body. I will do the scene on the head. I will go here, add modifier and I will add a subdivision surface modifier. And then I will increase the number of subdivisions to two now I want to bring it here. So once I'm done with that, I will simply select this part and extruded once. So it's on height for selected once scaling down. So let's bring deeds down. Okay, let's add a look at here. Delete this part and let's add a mirror modified to this one. Okay, so now we can start modeling. Let's pull it up and allow clipping as we did with the body. So now I want to pull this up, or you don't have to do it now because we're going to do decide as well. So what I want to do it was bringing doctor here and then extruded one more time. So here you can see that we have the three three parts off his mouth here. So we added three parts. You can scale this if you want to. I think it should be better. Okay. Once I don't With the front, I will go to the side. And as you can see here, I'm going to select these Vergis ease and grab them in. Why axes and pull them off to here like this? So I have his face like this and this is the out Oper point off his hat. So I will select these and grab them in. Why axes as well? Well, uh so here you see it. And also I will add one more look cut there. So because this is not going to look really good, So I'm going to grab these and why. Axis? Okay, so we have something that looks like this. I will select thes two word disease and these two from the other side and scale them in. Why? Axes? So I will make it a little bit smoother, so it's not too rough. Okay, so we have the top part. Now, let's add two bottom part. So I'm going to select thes points here, and I am going to be extruding them so e down as you can see here. Now, what I want to do is I want to bring it to them to decide. So grab them in. Why? Axes and pulled them here as well as these. So we want to pull them in. Why axes? Why exes? And we have something that looks like a like mouth. So that is quite good. So I want to grab these points and bring them in acts axis as well as thes. So we have more defined part there. Now, once we're done with that, I will go into transparent mode and select these Vergis ease that are inside, as you can see. Grab them in. Why axis? And now I will press the so only Dia's. I'm going to only select these two. Word is he's here on the front and press V, and it is automatically going to divide these two here. I will kill them a little bit down or not. Let's only sell like these and grab them toe to times here. Okay, so we have something that looks like this. OK, so now what we want to do is we want to select only the inside part that we created right now. Press E. And then we want to go into S e s. Okay, a little. Now, once we don't With that, we want to grab it in. Why access O g y, as you can see here. And we want to scale it down only a little bit. Okay, so we have something that looks like this, and I want to select thes Vergis is here. So these two vergis ease and grab them a little bit in y axis on the side. You can see how it looks like. So we're going to bring these Vergis is and why axe so g y and bring those inside like that . And also, we can select these two vergis ease and grab them in y axis as well. Okay, let's bring them a little bit up. And this is how he will look like. Okay, so we made. He's, uh he's smile his mouth. Let's shade smooth him. Okay, as you can see, how lifts. And now we want to make this top part. So we make that top part the same way we did the the lit the mouth here. So I want to select this from these points and extrude them out like this. So now we want to go in transparent mode, select These were deceased, so you can select always D's grab them two times. So JJ pulled them up. So, like these and simply modeled them. You can see what I'm doing here. We can lower this part down. Let's bring these up, press one, wrap this up and if I go to decide. You can see that it is a little bit pointed backward, so we want to pull it on the front side. Okay. So, G why? And pull it a little bit. Let's model this so g. Why pull it? Pull it inside. Okay, so now I want to select the top part here and grab it. And why axis like this? And now let's elect only the top part and grab it in, um, instead Axes. So we pull it up. You can see here we have something that looks like this. So I'm really satisfied how this turns out to be. Let's press one. Now let's floor down this part here. Okay? So let's move these a little bit down as well and pull these. Okay? So we have the shape of the head. Now we can do the on teens. Think that weekend them. OK, so we're going to make sure that the okay, the face is the same to decide as well. So let's bring Bring me at this point a little bit or up. Let's see what? What can we do so you can see the inside part of the head and we want to bring it now it's much better. Okay, so we're done with the head now. We want to make some of the nose and the ice, so I will see you in the next video. My
6. Modeling The Eyes And The Nose: Hey, what's up, You guys welcome back to the fifth video on how to make the cockroaches from again. The cockroaches, the cartoon. So now, as you can see here we did the head. We did the body and we did the Alexe. So, as you can see here, Limoges selected and go too transparent. So you can see here that we have the head are right on the spot. And also we can change it if we want it so I can pull these down a little bit and will. So now let's make the knows. We want to select the head, going to edit mode and select only this part here. Shift as cursor to select it. Now, once the cursor is here, I'm going to be adding the cube skill that cute down finger here under add modified, we want to add the subdivision surface modifier, increased the number off subdivisions in view port to two and then go to edit mode. Now, once I'm in edit mode, I'm going to scale this a little bit Rotated. So the whole cube, not only the half so rotated Put it right here where the noses grab this point and extruded down. So this is the base here. I will extrude it once Here, Scalea done extruded one more time. Bring it down, down and skill that So here we will flatten these a little bit so we will rotate them and make sure it is It has that flow like this and also what we want to do. We want to select these two and bring them down. So here we have the nose. We will smooth it out. The nose is done now. 40 eyes, 40 eyes. We want to select this point here. So the inside part shift s and cursor do selected We want to add a cursor to their so right now what we want to do is we want to add a sphere. So we want to go here under mush You these fear and I did it wrong. So she asked us fear Here under you the sphere Here on the left inner corner you can see these settings. So here you have segments, rings, radius and all of days. So you're going to play around with the segments and the rings. We don't need the high. We don't mood the 32 segments for the eyes. So we're going to lower that number by half. So it's going to be 16 by two. And we're going to divide this 16 rings by two. So it will be eight. So here we have a low polly low. PolyU These feared that we can use right now. So now, once we're don't let's Caylee down. Bring it up. Aligning with the d. I hear. So let's going to edit mode into object Mount Grab it in y axis. So let's see. Where is it? So grab it in Y Axis Walla. So now once is here. We want to rotate it in said access by nine in X axis by 90 degrees. So we have this point here faced to us. Okay, so now I will press are Zet and I will move it so it aligns with the pupil here that we have on the that we have here. Okay, so you can always rotate it in X axis. If you wanted to be really precise, so is going to be right here into center off the off this pupil. Okay, so that's rotated a little bit more. Okay, Right here. So Once we're done, let's shade smooth. This this fear so shades mood. You can see it here. And I want to go and add a mirror modifier. So mesh, add modifier, Mirror model for And what? What happened? So we didn't apply our location, rotation and scale. And as you can see here, all the location is not zeroed Irritations, not zero and scale is not one. So while we want to do, do you want to press command A or control? If you're working on Windows or Lennox and now old transforms and as you can see here, these these parts are exactly not the same. So if I go into edit mode, you can see it here. So it is. Um it is right here. So it neared these eyes, so I will scare lead a little bit. And now I will apply the mirror modifier in object mode. So left this half off the this this left eye so press l hover above the eye with the mouth and hover of it. Press l and move this point so I will select to the two eyes and bring them up. So we have something like this. OK, so I will select this nose and I will bring it. So it goes from the from my eyes here from the middle of my eyes. So something like this Not exactly the way old away, but yeah, today. Now let's see how it looks like. Okay, we are done with the eyes. So once we want to apply our material, it is going to be easier for us to do it like this. So we are done with the eyes and the nose. Let's see what else we can do with the head here. So we can always selectees to impress two times J and pulled them a little bit inside as well as thes and create a little bit more geometry as well as here. So it's like these two press two times shape and move it now. Okay, so from side, it's look something like this quite on the spot. Well, not so guys. We are down with the head. Now let's go and add some on teens. So I will see you in the next video by
7. Modeling The Anthena And The Small Details On The Body: guys, welcome back to the sixth video on how to make the cockroaches from arguing the cockroaches a cartoon. So here you can see that we turned on this snapping tool, so we want to get rid of that. So right now we want to add the UN teens. First of all, what we need to do is we need to go into edit mode into object mode, go into edit mode and select these points here. Grab them down. Okay, Once they are now, we want to select this part. Press two times J and pulled it up to here. Now let's elect this air part and move it up. Okay, so let's school. These are down and also days up. So let's play around with shape. Little okay, months, we are done. Let's pull these down. Okay. So once we are Donald here, I want to select these four faces. So as you can see it here, I want to go and press I and up to here. Okay. Now what I want to do is I want to press s Why scale it to here? When is you? You can see how it looks like. Okay. Once I'm down, I will right click Luke tools and add a circle. Once I'm done with that, I will extrude this point up. I will scale it down. So I'm just going to be extruding it as killing extruding it, scaling it. So let's go into transferring mobile Let's zero take thes a little bit Extreme Grabbed a skilled. Okay, so I want to skill these. Bring them to hear, keep deeds. Bring it to here. Ok, so here we have the young teens so we can add one more here and we can make this edge that look sharp. Okay, one sundown. With that, I want to scale these a little bit more. So only Violet. So now we have the n teens. So on. Decide. You can see there go like this. So let's make that So now among I'm going to select these emergencies. Grab them in. Why? Axes so, like thes and grabbed him in y axes as well. So I have something that looks like this. So let's go to solid. Okay, let's elect these vergis ease in X in transparent milk. Aligned them a little bit better. Let's add one or Luke could hear grab it and x axes. Grab this one, and we'll, uh, So we made them a little bit. So they follow this line here, as you can see. And also, if you want them to be a little bit more sharper, you can always bring them inside. Or if you want them to be old way here, you can also do it just by rotating this part. So, for example, like grab it in X axis. And there I have the aunties going like this. So let's undo that park. So I love the weight. They slow right now. Okay, so let's the next step. The next steps are the hand. But first of all, let's make some wings. So I want to select these these faces here, shift the duplicate that and press p separate them by selection. So, as you can see here, I have mirror modifier on. So I'm going to get turn it off. But on the weeks so I'm going to dissolve it. And now I will select the Vertex Elect. So legs Eastover, dis ease and skill them, doctor. Once I scaled them, I want to add one more loop could here and grab them in X axis like this. Let's grab visas well in x axis and scale these a little bit. Okay, so here I have the first during the first wing, and now I'm going to select this point here, grab it down. We have a little bit of distortion, so I'm going to select this rink. Grab it in. Why axis and grab it down. Okay, so because it's going here, So I will select this one and pull it in. Why X Okay. Now, once I'm them here, I will go on and add a mirror modifier. So command a control A and add a mirror modified. But we were going to pull it up, and we are going to make sure that they are not merging together. So here emerged you had. And also, what I want to do now is I want to select this part and grab it in XX so they are going to be divided. Okay, so now what we want to do is let's add the solidify modifier. So let's make them a little bit Oh, thicker. So we want to go into edit mode to object month, add modifier and add a solidifying. Once I add some solidify modifier, I'm going to pull it up. So it's going to be on top of my subdivision, Sheriff. It's modifier and increase its thickness. Do let's see, grab them in y axes and see if it works so we can leave it as it they are right now. Just we want to bring them in. Why axis? What? Select this part here and extruded inwards. So it follows this shape. Let's see. Okay, I like the thickness off the wings. So we are not going to change anything else. And also, let's do the these lines as we're right here. So these lines. So I'm going to select the body here. I have the first Let's do the 2nd 1 Okay, I was do this one. So rotate in that axis by zero degrees. We can always, uh, rotate this part, so scale it in that axes in zero decreases. Okay, who pulled this up? What's like these? To grab those two like this. Grab these and make some geometry. So, without the use of these, press one, grab them in X axis. Okay. So as you can see here, this is how it looks like Let's make him a little belly. So let's play around with these as well. Okay, He has a little belly. So now what we want to do, we want to select this point. So let's see if we have. Okay, So we want to select this point off our of our character here, this point and this point. Okay, without that. So now we want to bring this point a little bit down here and also this one a little bit down here. Okay, Once they're done, I'm going to select these points. So, teas, I think that I have double Verdecia some years. Okay, I don't. So let's elect Onley these parts he's command be We want to travel them a little bit. Okay? So I will select this offset command. See? So control C and I will duplicate this number now. Once I'm done with that, I will press e s extrude them inwards. So they're going to be zero point 8940.894 You can see here. I don't like the way it looks here on the top. So I will select this point here and scary to a little bit and breaking down. Okay, Once I'm done with that, you can see the way this looks. And I was select these command. Be so control. Be for Bevel. Let's select and add this part here. And once it selected, we want to extrude it in words. So it's going to be 0.984 And let's select these. Duplicate them and I copied them to hear So e s down. Command V Command be command re. Okay. They're a little bit too a little. So let's extrude him inside a little bit more. And, well, uh, we have that shape. So let's select this part here. What? Select these inside parts. So these two, if you can see, we've leveled them to two times, so we don't want that. So it's like these two x dissolve or dis ease and you can see the way it goes right now. Okay, lets see on up here. We also have that same problem. So here we have inside. I've selected it. Press X dissolve just okay. Much better. And on the top. Let's see if we have it. Okay? We don't. So we only have this part here. I want to bring it up a little bit. Okay, so we have thes parts here, so let's change them a little bit. So grab them in acts, axes. You can grabbed him here in X axes and make his body a little bit thicker. Okay. Okay. Good. And now let's elect the hand here, select the these points and make sure that they are not going inside. So grab them in XX. Okay, guys. So this one is a little bit too much inside, so let's change that. So let's kill. Let's elect these two and scale them out. You can see where the problem is. So let's bring this down. So, like these two and let's dissolve the Vergis is for no. So then, well, it's killed this up. Okay, Much better. So I really like the way it looks. OK, so we are done with the body and with the head guys. So now the last step. Art his hence. So let's more onto the next video, and let's model the hands. Okay. See you there. By
8. Modeling The Hands: Hey, what's up, you guys? Welcome back to the seventh video on Hardening the cockroaches from Organ the cockroaches, the cartoon. So we're modeling Joey now. He needs some hands. So what we want to do now is let's select the Joey here and let's shift see, select these cars her to be here or let's model his hands here. So I'm going to press shift and right click here. So I'm going to move the cursor right here. Shift A and I will add a cube. I will skill that cube down and then I will kill it in XX. Once I'm done with that, I will go to number Pet seven. So I'm watching it from the top Now I will go into transparent mode and then I will select this point here. I will extrude it two times so two times I have it here. So then I will go here, press seven. I will add a little put right here and then. So, like these two and extrude that point as well. Once I've extruded this point, I'm going to pull these down and pull these down as well. Okay, so you can see how it looks like. So now I'm going to go here and pull this to here. So I have the shape let the shape of the head. And so here we have the three fingers and here we have the thumb title pull D's in what, In X axis? A little bit more. Okay, so right now it looks like this, but in a couple of seconds, it will look really good. So what? I did this part here once I got this shape, I will select these forward disease, and I will extrude him in X axis up to here now I will bring them in. Why axis a little bit sensor like these four Vergis ease and extruded again in X axis like this. And I'm not going to change anything. There I was selected. Then these forever disease extrude him in axe axes and pulled them a little bit to decide like this. Here I have the three fingers, and now I will select these forever dis ease and extrude them out. But I will skill this. Okay, so here you can see what I did right now. So I will grab these in y axes as well and we can skill these in. Why? Accident a little bit and extrude, Um, one more time. Okay. So here we have fingers, our fingers, and yeah. So now once we're done with this, let's go into object mode. Add modifier and add subdivision surface modifier. And you will see that how the hand looks right now. So if you want, you can go here on cage and see how it looks right now. So I will add a little cut here. I will add here, Here, here. So I have I modified it. How to my liking. So right now I will select Onley. These four ver titties killed them down and skill these. So I have a little bit more. Puff your hands. Fingers. Okay. I also like these. Skill them up. Skill these down skill these up. You can always add more more Luke cuts. But I think that I killed these this'll one a little bit too much. So skilled like this. Let's bring this finger here way. Can't skill these down and killed these little bit up. So we have something that looks like this. Let's shade smooth it. And this is what it will look like bloodletting, please. The number of subdivisions, if you pour to to Okay, the thumb is a little bit too big. So let's scale it a little bit like this skill this point as well. And let's bring these two down. And in y x like this. So we have the shape, dear. Okay, So now let's elect these Vergis ease here on the bottom and grabbed them in that axis. Now, let's select only the top parts that we skilled previously. These and bring them down a little bit. Okay, so here we have the hand. Now let's elect thes two burgesses and grab them a little bit in. Why axes? So we have more shape to the hand. Now we want to grab these that I pulled in. Why? Axes pulled them a little bit. Take you so we want this shape of a hand. Okay. Now we will select these two were deceased and grab them. Is that access? So the hand is going to be fluff your on the outside as it should be. And now let's leg inside and create a palm. Okay. This So this is how it will look like what skill these a little bit down and grabbed him in . Except in y axis. A little bit more road takes them. Okay, We can scale thes bring them a little bit. Okay, so here we have the hen. And also you can go one more time here and scale these. So if I was killed them like this, they're going to go like distort. So I'm going to hear and change the individual, to pivot, to injured individual origins. And then when I skilled them, you can see what is happening. Okay, so I can kill them. I will skill these to live with them and these alone. Okay, so here we have the puffy, puffy fingers that we wanted to have. Ok, And now let's create that glove here. That top part. So I'm going to go out of here and select thes. These vergis is right. Click and add a circle. We want to wrote day that in X axis. So let's flatten that up. And also, let's create the circle here as well. So we want to rotate in x axis so that the lines are following these lines correctly. Now we want to go here, select this part press X and the lead faces Once they are deleted, we want to grab them a little bit down extrude, um extrude and steals. So e s extrude and x. Okay, eat s one more time down scale. We don't and e x inside. So we made that glove right Now let's select it. So we want to bring this point to be a little bit more down. Let's create this part here. So we want to pull these dull. Um Well, um, so I want to have this part of the palm. So let's add to allude cut and grab these a little bit so you can see the way it goes right now I can move these and I can make the palm there also lets alike these two and pull them a little bit. And why access? So there don't look so much crude. OK, once we're done with this, let's elect this point here and let's kill this a little bit stuff and grab it here. Okay? I don't like the weeks. Okay? This is just fine. And one thing that I will do as well as I will select the Tom here and pull it up. I will pulled it. Come up. And I think now it looks much better. Let's pull these points a bit higher as well as this one. Okay, Now it's much better. And you can see here that we have really nice looking hand. So let's kill these a little bit inside Camilla. So we have the some done. Now what we want to do is let's scale this, rotate here and grab it and pull it right here where our hand is. I'm going to select it. Rotated s e. Let's bring it in. Why axis scaling down? Bring it up here and we can skillet inset access if you want a swell. So now what we want to do is what Select this this talk off the thumb and pull it down once they eat is down what's rotated and bring it in y axes. So we want to bring it like this. Now months is here. We want to grab it in x axis and also this point here we want to grab in x axis because we wanted to be down like this. And also let's select these points here on the top of our fingers all of our fingers like this. Press one and grab them in XX only a little bit. Okay, so here we have our heads. Now, let's like this part of the glove inside part, okay? Just here and scale it down. And then we are not going to have any space between the head and the hen and body there. So right now, I will add one more look up to define this edge here. And Willa, we're done. I don't like the wait, This looks so I will bring it down. His Vela's. Okay, so we did a hand. Now let's do it on the other side. So basically what we're going to do. So you are going to use Subdivision, the mayor modifier. But first of all, let me just play around with these a little bit more. I want so let thes grabbed him in x axis. So look, he's grabbed them in x axis. Pull them out. We can add one more Look good here, But we don't want to change the topology. Grab it, X axis. And what? I like them more like this. So they are correctly done. Thetis. So these are the gloves and let's sell at thes and bring them a little bit out. Okay. And this one as well. Okay, guys. So we did the hand. Now let's select the hand command eight. Control a old transforms and add a mirror Modified. Okay, we are done with this little guy, and now they'll next step are the materials. So let's hop on to the next video and let's finish our Joey See you in the next video by
9. Applying Materials And Final Render Settings: Hey, what's up, you guys? Welcome back to the eight video on how to make the Joey cock crowed from again The cockroaches, the cartoon. So what is left a r r materials? So what we want to do now is let's pull this up and because we're not going to do the animation, we don't need this tire. This, um, timeline. So we will go here and add a shader editor once we're here because it is easier for me to do it like this. We will add a new, and then we will go here on object and set it toe world. But before that, we want to save this file. So go under file, Save as and save it as Joey Joey. Okay, save us. But also file here external late, APAC old into blend. Here, you can see that I packed two files, so that is basically my object here and the plane here. So what I want to do now is here I have these two notes, so I'm going to click here, select this background control T and this will pop out. So I have here texture, gardening, mapping, environment, texture. So we want to open here an environment. So I have this age they are right. Once I opened Asia er, I I'm going to go here on render view and this will take a couple of minutes. So a J R I is based acquittal for your for your scene. So you are going to change the world and you can see the life. What is the light off your scene? You have a lot of different. 80 our eyes so you can import them. Download them on a dare I haven or you can go here. I will show it to you. Once it is imported, we will wait a couple of seconds. Okay. Here you can see we have the world and you can see the shades. We have the shadows and everything. So right now I am going to play around with this one. So let me try and add one more loop. Good. Here's to define this edge here. Okay, This That is basically what I did So here under the world. So here Once I go to look death and I go here, I have old kinds of 80 our eyes here But I've already imported remind so they don't work. So I will select thes two planes. I will get rid of the side one, So delete it and grab this to decide. So we want to make the the colors to be like this. So let's go. We want to change this to object. And now let's elect the body, press new or go here under materials. So we're going to play around with these materials is love. So now I want to add a color. So it's going to be this one. I will select here based color Use this. I drop tool and select this color here. So it's going to be a little bit, uh well, bits too much good pink. So I'm going to you the eyedropper to one more time and go here on these points where are dark. Okay, now, once I'm done with that, I will select these inner parts. But I will select this part here. These points as well. So let's go in transparency. Let's elect these. Okay, so let's breast plus here and see if it's working. So I'm going to change the color to black and then price a sign so as you can see here We're not going to select thes points on Lee the inside points. So only these sewed inside off all of these. We want to select like this, and then we're going to press a sign. OK, here we have these lines, these black lines lines and what we want to do. Let's select the pink material, OK, and play around with the roughness. So here we have the roughness. If I increase increase the roughness, you can see that it is a metallic. It is not. And if I decrease it, you can see that it looks like a plastic. So we want to increase the roughness so it looks like this was decrease it a little bit. Okay, so we have the roughness up to here. And only one thing is this This material that the black one is lovely, shiny, so we want to increase the roughness as well. Okay, we are done with the body. And now to the legs were going to apply the same the same material that we applied to these lines. So basically render blender remembers all of these materials here. Once I click here material. And as I assigned the legs, So I want them to be a little bit shiny. Er so I will go here duplicated, And then I will change the ruffins so I will lower down the roughness and you can see here how they look like Okay, so I will select the hands for a bit, and I can see the problem here. So now they look much, much better. Okay, so for the hands here, I will simply assigned this material. So the plane one. And also I will increase the roughness so they look rough and they are not a shining or we can We can make them shiny because they are gloves, so they should be like a gloves. Okay, so we are done with the with this part point here. And now let's create the wings. So we will use this shiny, shiny material. Okay, let's duplicate it and go here because they their wings are black. That is why we add this black material. So let's increase the decrease. The roughness said they look a little bit shiny. Er, you can see How do you look like? So they're a little bit shiny. Er Okay, now let's go. Move on to the head. So what we want to select is these points. So all of these points that are done, except this part here, So we want to go here. Plus, we want to add a new material here and here under base color used the eyedropper tool and select this color here. Okay, so this is a little bit too dark, so let's sell idea point here. Let's try to find the right color. Okay, Let's see how this looks like. Let's make it a little bit dark, okay? I like the way it is right now. So once we're down here, I will select this point here that we haven't selected before. An old the part here. Okay, Once I'm done with that, I will go here. Plus at this material here. So the one that is not shining and assigned it okay. And then I have this part here. So for this material here, I will also play with the roughness. So it is not going to be, uh, shiny. And it will look something like this now for journos. I will use that same material. So Denon shiny material. That and now let's hop onto the ice. So what I want to do now is I want to select the eyes, select only this isil hover above it. Press l press p by selection. So I divided these two to be, but, uh, different material. The different objects you can see here. Sphere and spirit. Zero point. There. There one. Now I'm going to select this, right? Right. I eyeball press new change the color too yellow. Let's make it a little bit darker, not dark. Let's use the eyedropper tool and try to find the the color. Okay, well, it's elected one more time, so I will go here simply and add this color. So it's going to be, um, yellow. The hacks number is going to be e one d for e so this you can always type down the hex of your liking. So now what I want to do Let's elect the other. I add new and add this pink one. Let's use the eyedropper tool angle here under the point where it's a little bit to where it has a shadow. Okay, this doesn't work for the yellow one. So go here simply and add a yellow material. OK, Now, once we are done here, I will select these two and joined them. So Control J, they are joined. And now once I go into edit mode, you can see them here. So we want to make these pupils a little bit smaller. So let's go out of transparent mode. Select the face, select. So, like, these faces shift so like thes faces and scaled them down or inset. So press I and inset. Now we want toe add a material here, so plus new and we want to add a black material and assign. And here we have the pupils and we want them to be a little bit smaller. Killed them a little bit. Okay are like the way they look. And also what we want to do is let's make them a little bit shy near. So here we have transmission, and that is what I use for the eyes. The transmission is for glass objects, and we don't want to use it right now, So we are just going to decrease the roughness. Here are black material, okay. And also let's play around with the roughness for our pink material and for our yellow material. So let's decrease the roughness. Little bits. So 0.290. Okay, let's leave it like that. So let's go here on yellow material changed a roughness to 0.290. Okay. And also let's go here under modifiers Add modifier and abs subdivision surface modifier to the eyes. So they are going to be smoother And you can see the topology is the same because we haven't changed anything. And we didn't applied this subdivision surface modifier. So guys, we are done with modeling are Joey from that Augie and the cockroaches. And this is the final Look, let me just move these, OK? So as you can see, here we have our character. We did it and let's change this part a little bit more. So let's select the air. Select. So, like, this arose. So this edge and press two times J and movie down so that we don't have that rough line on the edge here. Okay? And we're done. So, guys, this is all for this course and for your project. I would like to see the two cockroaches, the DeeDee and the market cockroach. So the other two characters from the this cartoon and I can't wait to see her project. So guys stay tuned for more courses that are coming, and I will seem in the next one by.