Modeling Mr. Potato Head From Toy Story | Zerina 3D | Skillshare

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Modeling Mr. Potato Head From Toy Story

teacher avatar Zerina 3D, 3D Artist And Animator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Introduction


    • 2.

      Importing The Reference And Modeling The Body


    • 3.

      Modeling The Ears


    • 4.

      Modeling The Eyes And The Nose


    • 5.

      Modeling The Moustache


    • 6.

      Modeling The Mouth And The Teeth


    • 7.

      Modeling The Arms And The Hands


    • 8.

      Modeling The Shoes


    • 9.

      Modeling The Hat


    • 10.

      Applying Materials And Finishing The Modeling


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About This Class

Hey everybody and welcome to the new Blender course. In this course, we are going to model Mr. Potato from the Toy Story animated movie.

We will start by importing our reference, you can download it on: . Then once we imported our reference we can start our modeling, so first of all we will model out the body, then peace by peace we will model the rest of the character.

For this character creation, we used basic mashes and modifiers. Once we are done modeling our character we will start applying the materials. We will be applying basic materials to the character.

At the end of this course, you will have finished character you can show to your friends, post on your social media, add to your portfolio, etc.

This course is for beginners so if you are an advanced 3D artist you can use this course as an exercise.

What are we waiting for? Let's start modeling!

Meet Your Teacher

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Zerina 3D

3D Artist And Animator


Hello there, my name is Zerina. I am a graphic designer and a 3D artist. 

Creativity has been a part of my life since I can remember; even as a child, I was interested in art and computers, so I followed my passion and now do what I love. ^_^

Also, I have a lot of teachers in my family, including my mother, so I've always tried to emulate their teaching methods. 

I joined Awesome Tuts to begin my teaching career. And I have more than 5 years of experience teaching computer software for design and computer graphics. 

I preferably work in Blender, and the type of work that I do is; animation, sculpting, and modeling low and high poly models. 

In my courses, you can expect a practical approach to teaching, which means that I will expla... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Class Introduction: Hey, what's up, you guys? Is it into here? Welcome back to another blender course. In this course, we're going to be modeling Mr Potato from Toy Story, the animated movie. We will be modeling it in Blender version 2.83 lap long term support. First, we will import our reference, I willing, down below the gum rolling for you guys to download the reference. Then we will start modeling our character using basic shapes and modifiers. We will start by modeling the body, and from that on, we will model piece by piece. At the end of discourse. We will be applying the materials, and then we will have the finish character that you can use for your portfolio shared for your with your friends. Hore posted on social media This courses for beginners. But if you're in Advanced Treaty artist, you can use this. Of course, as in exercise. What are we waiting for? Let's create and learn how to make this funny character was begin. See there by 2. Importing The Reference And Modeling The Body: guys. Welcome to the first video on how to make Mr Potato from Disney animated movie Toy Story. So as you can see here, we're going to be using blender software version 2.83 long term support. So make sure that you have this version installed on your computer before you start modeling. Because some of the commands are different. Uh, in this version. So what are we waiting for? We are going to click on general. And here, as you can see, we have our default liked the fold camera and a fold cube. So we're going to box select. So left click box Select and the lead All of these. Now here we have a clean space. So now we can start modeling. First of all, let me just turn on the's screen. Caskey. So here on the left, in their corner, you can see the command that I'm using. Once we are done with all of these, we will start importing our reference. So shift a and we're going to be adding that So let's go here, Mr Potato, and we'll So you will. You will have this reference on gum road and you can just download it. So don't worry. I, um I will link down below for you guys in the description that where you can download this image. So we're going to make a Mr Potato. I will grab him, grab the image and moving in the X axes. So the treaty cursor is right in the middle off my my sir potato. So the first thing we need to add him the body. But the first thing that we're going to add is a cube. We will make a body off our potato here, and we will add a subdivision surface modifier to to the Cube. Now, once we're done, let's going to edit mode by pressing tab. And here we have it. So I will grab it a little bit and scale it in x axis just a little bit. Let's scale it up a little bit as well, and we'll So now I will add a loop cut by pressing control. Are And here we cannot see the reference behind our mash here. So we will go into extra a month so you can go here or the shortcut is Ault. Is it so? It is very easy for you if you know the shortcuts, they are really helpful. So now once we're done with the boat with application off this X ray mode, we will simply select now and let's model it out. So I will be extruding these points and scaling them so I will not do anything else. So let's press. Let's elect this at this salute here. You can see and then I will simply press two times J. So if I press two times J, it will follow these lines. So let's kill this up, puts thieves around and let's add one more loop could here. So now we can simply make the shape off the potato. Let's bring this down. Bring this up, Bring this down a little bit more and we laughed. So now here you can see the part where it isn't good, So let's change that a little bit. So let's kill this point. So I'm just selecting it. This is caving it and bring these. Okay, Once we're done, let's the fortune from decide. Let's yeah, so what we want now Let's let this loop here. So by President old and left, click on this edge here, we'll select the whole rage and scale it. And why axis? So because our but data is a little bit fatter. So now I am satisfied on how? On the shape. Okay, so we are done with the body. Now let's continue on and let's give him some years. So, guys, I will see you in the next video by 3. Modeling The Ears: you guys will come back to the second video on how to make Mr Potato from the Toy Story animated movie. Now we're going to make his ears. So the first thing that we need to add is the cube. So I will add a cube. I will scale it down and I will drag it to here. So I just grabbed it and aligning with disappoint here. Okay, One thing done. I will go here, add modifier, and I will add a subdivision surface modifier. Now, once I'm done, I will grab these. So make sure that you are in extreme owed, But if you weren't in extra mode and if I select these, you can see the these four are not going to be selected Onley these two. Because if we're in extreme mode, we can select the opposite side. Thea Pa's it Verdecia. So now what we want to do, we want to x shoed and scale this foot so you can see here what I got and I will add one look good here, and we'll look good here. So I have this shape. Okay, Once we're done, let's like this range. So these for Vergis ease and extrude And okay, so this is what I have right now. So what we want to do now is let's go in extreme mood. So, like these Vergis e and extrude. So we are going to go old away to here. So let's extruded one more time grab this one and aligning perfectly. Grab this point as well. For, like, these extrude them, rotate them, extrude them. Okay, I'm going to extrude a couple of times and then I'm going to make sure that it is good. It's rotated one more time and we're done. So as you can see, guys here they are not touching these. So we're going to change that in a second. Okay, a lie it perfectly. And once we're done, we have something like this. Let's bring D's inside a little bit. Okay, let's extrude this 0.1 more time and rotated. Not only those too old for that, OK? Once we're done, let's extrude it. Grab it rotated em a lot. So right now we want to merge these for together. So how can we do that? We are going to be selecting old of these and by pressing acts were going to delete d the faces. Now I'm going to merge these together we could have just deleted thes thes vergis ease and then re bridge these loops together. If you can see right, click Lou Tools Bridge and we will have something that looks like this. This is also correct. But I went and added emergencies together. So I will show you how to do that in a second. Was still, like, thes to press m shortcut m and at centre. So now we have only one bird isi, here. You will do that with all of these. The shortcut Ford version 2.82 is also M just in case that if you're working on on the verge of a previous version and also how can you add this loop tools? Adults is by going in edit preferences. And here, under Adam's just type down loop and activate this loop tools. Mind is already activated, so you can see what it does. Now. I will press right click and bridge. Okay. Once you're done, we will have something like this so you can see that it is Hey, hello. And I will make sure that this aligns perfectly with the with the ear here with the reference. Okay, let's let all of these bring them outside. And bring this these four or five. OK, so once we're done here, we will add one look good in the middle. Here, you can see it and what we want to do. Now let's going to face select, Select these faces. So I will a press on all and left click on this edge. So the edge of that is separate the edge that is separating two faces. So here and I select the whole range. Now I will press X and I will delete faces. Once I'm done, I will going to Vertex Select Select these four Vergis ease here, press f And that's how I create faces. And also here are will press f and well here I have faces. Now I will select these four and these for press as well as down. So these two these two as well. So here you can see that I have a threat triangle and we don't want to have the triangle. So I will simply add a loop cut here and we can play around with shape as well. So Don't worry. You don't need to follow this shape as well so you can do the different different way. So now I will select those press f. And so, as you can see here, once I go our top edit morninto object mode, I will have it looks like this. And also I will do the same thing on the back. So when you have the old faces filled and this point so you have to and all of these you can just press f a couple of times and it's going, it's going to fill itself. So that is about that. I will shade smoothie and let's see, let's make this point. So what I want to do now is let's go to face select. I will select this face and I will extrude it out here. You can see it. And once I'm done with that, I will select the X select, select this edge and grab it in X axis. Olympic and also these edges are will grab So they go down, this'll one as well and let's kill these ones that we created. OK, once we're done, we will have something that looks like this. So let's select the Vertex Select so like the stewardesses and grab them in X axis. So we create this shape of a year and also let's like these two and grabbed him a little bit in XX Is is well, okay, so once we're down, we will have something that looks like this. But now we want to add a loop cut, so this happens. So this is for the look cuts, but we want them to move. So let's prestigious J. J on your keyboard. So J. And also here let's add one more so it looks more like plastic. I will skill this one a little bit down. So let's not add there. Just killed this one a little bit. Okay, So, like this one and killed those OK, once we're not. Always grab this one a little bit down like this. So now what we want to do let's add one more look good here, and let's see how this looks. OK, so what we want to do now, let's dissolve this face and let's grab this one a little bit inside. Okay, so we are done with this party. Let just select the stew and grab them in y axes as well we can do with these, okay? And here we want to select thes Vergis ease press two times J and moved them a little bit. So let's get rid of this this loop and see if we need it. Okay? We don't need that looping the inside, so we will only leave it as it is right now. And also, what we can do is now we are going to married on the other side. So once we're done by with the modeling, let's just change it a little bit more. So I will select these Vergis, ease here and grab him a little bit, Teoh and wear them inside. Okay, let's let the stew grab them here. And we have a different shape. Now, what we want to do in object mode, I'm going to press command a and apply old transform. So everything that I did to this here is going to be a set. And if I go here on go on item, as you can see here, these are the location. Must be zero. Rotation must be zero, and skill must be one for it to mirror on the other side. So, for example, if I didn't have the applied location, rotation and scale, you can see here the location is messed up. Rotation is also and skill is also and let me show you what it does. If it's not the same, it is going to be mirrored here. So if I press command a in object mode, old transforms. You can see that year here and once I'm done, I'm going to apply the Nearer Modifier subdivision. But the mirror modifier. Okay, Once I'm done, I will have two years. And right now what I want to do, I will hover above this year. Press l grab it down, grab it in X axis and I will align with this. Now what I want to do is I want to go here, a movie in y axis, and we want to rotate it. So I'm going to wrote a bring it in. Ax ax is a little bit so this is going to be shown as well and let's rotated in, said X Okay, like this grab it in X and rotated a little bit more, so we aren't done with ears. Let's bring these a little bit inside. Okay? These and grab them in y axis. So they are a little bit ladder. Okay, So once we're done, guys, we're finished with the ears. And now let's go ahead and make eyes and nose. See you in the next video by 4. Modeling The Eyes And The Nose: eyes. Welcome back to the third video on how to make Mr Potato from Toy Story animated movie. So what we wanted you now is we want to add the eyes and the nose. So let's let's hop on. So we want to go into extreme old here and let's add a UV sphere here under add Unisphere. These are the properties off the Unisphere. Now I'm going to change this the segments to 16. So I will divide these two numbers by two. So Turkey two, divided by two and 16 divided by two. So here is going to be eight, and here is going to be 60. So right now I will have a sphere like this. I will scale it down and rotated in X axes by 90 degrees. So this is the sphere. I will grab it in, acts, axes and bring it up. So now I will scale it down and scale it in setbacks like this. So I haven't I and what I will do next is I will grab it in wax like this, and also we can rotate it a little bit with this, or we can simply just move it back and leave it as it is right now. Here So But I think that I will rotated a little bit because it looks better. But before Dad full, let's make him some islands. So I want to select the half off the sphere. Shifty duplicated press p for separating by selection. Now let's going to object mode, select the lit and go into edit mode. I want I'm going to scale it up and I'm going to rotate it. But before that I will rotate it and set access by 90 degrees. So I don't have at this point right here in the middle Not what I going to do. Let's go to decide and rotate this elit. I will grab it up here and well up. So we have the first I done on. Let's see OK, we don't have to. We don't have to rotate it because, as you can see here, the islet is is making it look better. So right now we want to sell out to the island going to edit mode, select this range So it is old and left, click and extruded and scale it so e s and scale it down way can also scale it up a little bit and extruded in sad axes and skill. That okay, we don't see it. Very good. So I will shade smooth days to and also Avago here add modifier and our will add a subdivision surface modified to the both so to the eye and to the island. Now, once I'm done, I will select the I and islet before Dad. Let's go here and add a selection filter and disabled selected selecting off this place. Now I will select the eyes here, Command J. You conjoined them together and shifty duplicated and move them into XX likeness. Now I'm going to bring them back in the y axis. Why? Let's bring it down. And this is what we will have something like this. And also we can bring it in. Ax ax is a little bit more, but I think that we will leave it here. Okay, so if you're not sure about how the way it looks my advice to you is to always have a spare window. So here as well we can add a another window. Let me just move this aside. Move this down. Acela's this. So here under Plus, I will simply left click and drag it to Dio to the right side. And here I will change this to view port. And here I will add this place Unable, Empty, select, empty, shifty in X axis like this and I will zoom in. Or we can simply delete this plane here I will go into image editor and I will open this image that aren't using this'll one and we'll up. So here I have the the second reference. Basically. So this is going to help me a lot of with my modeling. So right now we want to select the eyes, select these pupils Here, go here The change the pivot point to individual origins and we want to extrude these a little bit. Okay, so we will have something like this. So we have now the eyes and let's make the nose first thing that we need to add is a cube show. Let's added scaling down Go to decide and grab it in y axe way. Want to pull it in? Grab it right in the middle off our of our eyes here and let me do just one second. So let's kill this in y arcs is a little bit far. So we have that potato shape. Okay, where it's okay now. So on Arc, you were going to be adding a subdivision surface modifier. Now let's increase the number off subdivisions to to que and now let's start modeling it. So what we want to do, Let's kill it up, grab it in a wire in X axis. We can rotate it as well in X axis like this, only a little bit right now. So what we want to do next A's. Let's extrude this point up so it shoot it up and scale it down. Let's grab this and pull it down as well. So now let's select only the top here and grab it in y axis. So let's just aligned here. Now let's elect this thing this part of the nose extruded out and we will have something that looks like this. And also, let's add one more Luca there. So what we want to do now is lots going toe. Extremo scaled is down. Also, let's kill this in axe axis. But before we do that, let's just select these. Vergis is here on the side and scale them in y axis by zero degrees and move them a little bit. Okay, so now we have this part here, and what we want to do is we want to select all of these and extruded don't you can see let's ko fees here. Let's move these a little bit. So it's a let the whole range here as well as the bottom and press G. Why and moving in. Why access like this? Well, that's also selectees and move them in y axis as well. Okay, so the first part is done. Now let's make sure that the second is done as well. So let's extrude it out, see if it's good. Okay, so we want to select East to grab them in. Why axes? Now let's elect these four and grab them in. Y axis is love, so to hear. Now let's elect these three. Vergis is here and scale them in AC Saxes like this, and also we can add one more look good here and simply move these. Okay, let's add one more look good here. Let's play around with the shape. So let's thes inside as well as thes so Double J. moved them inside. And also now we want to grab them in. Why? Axes like this? Let's kill them in X axis. Okay, let's look thes emergencies as well, please. On the right side. Scale them in y axis a little bit and grabbed him in y axes as well. Okay, so now what we want to do Let's simply move the's word disease in y axis here and these, like this. Let's bring this up. So it's like this whole range and scaling down as well as this one just clearly done. Bring these inside a little bit, too Here. And also let's elect a lot of these and grab them in X axis, so lined them with the nose. And we want to bring these points inside. So G zed and damp inside. So inside like this. If I shaved smoothie, I will have something. Looks like this. So I don't like the shape of this nostril here, So grab it two time. So JJ, as well as this part here and now it's much better. And also, let's do the same thing here. So Double J here is well, so so like thes three double J in these three. Okay, Now, let's elect a lot of these that we proved and grab them in X axis on Lee a little bit. Well, let's move them and why? Okay, so here we can move this thistle vergis e here. And also, let's go up and dragged these in. Why direction? Peace. Why? Okay. And what else? We can change here. So let's bring these down. Okay? Also, we can add one more loop could here, just in case that we want to have a little bit more. A little bit more emergencies toe work with we can also turn on are proportional editing. Well, it's like he's killed them. Okay, so now let's simply move this point inside. Yes, moving inside. Here we have the knows, our character. It is along with wonky. So let's elect thes points here. Right. Click Luke tools and add a circle. Now it will be much better. We can add one more loop could. Here's scaling down and you can see that we automatically have this shape that we want to achieve as well. I will do the same thing here as I did Teoh through the left nostril. So right click Luke Tools Circle. Scale it down if you need to. Let's add one more look good here and skill that. Okay, now I want to select these Vergis is here and grab them a little bit. So let's change this If this happens to you this so just go here and select the select box . Okay, let's select these two. Press two times J bring it here a little bit. And also these we want to bring in Ax ax is like this. We have here a little bit of distortion. So let's bring these up as well as this one and luck guys. So here we have the nose of our character. We can also the's a little bit more in axe axis and elects changed this part a little bit as well. So with Double J. Okay, what select the's word is he's here and let's create the perfect circle. He's let's bring this one a little bit. So a lot of guys here we have the nose off our character. It turned out to be pretty nice, a zai hoped, so we can scale it down as well, and we can make sure that it's is rotated a little bit to the side, and here this part needs to be up. So let's change debt. So let's move these Vergis ease up and grab them in y axes. And now it's much better. So let's move these as well. Grab them in, said axes on Willa, so we can move these. But we are going to hide these imperfections with the mustache is. But yet you can also do that as well. So let's elect this part of the nose. As you can see here, the nose is the It has a lot of details. So the nostrils in all of these and it will take your time a little bit, but at the end, you can see the results that we got. So I'm just playing around with the Burgess ease and I'm moving them. So I create a good shape. Okay, so I really liked how this nose turned out to be. You can also play around with these, and also, if I turn on this subdivision, you can see the topology of this nose looks really good. So yeah, this is the nose of our character. We can always go here and play around with the shape. So if you don't like the shape of this nostril, you can always rotated. You can grab it two times. You can see the way we got this shave. Okay, so it is fine. Now let's hop on and do the mustache is See you in the next video by 5. Modeling The Moustache: guys, welcome back to the fourth video in this video we're going to make his mustache is so the first thing that I want to do is let's goingto transparent mood and let's bring thes the this nostril down and rotated a little bit so it looks something like this. We can also grab it in X axis and moved here. So here we have his nose. I think it is good. Let's disabled the empty the selection and let's make his mustache is so. What I want to do is let's elect these two points so east to and press shift as cursor to selected. So right now, once I add some mash, it is going to be projected out of here. So because the Treaty car series right here so I will add a plane, I will scale it a little bit down. And now I will go into edit mode, right click sub delight. So I will subdivided two times. Once I'm done, I will go into extreme out and play around with shape, so I will select these. Bring them down. Okay, let's go here and now let's play around with so because you can see here that the nose is a little bit too small. So I'm going to simply scale it up and align it with the nose with his nose. Here. Let's go out of Extremo. Bring his nose a little bit. Here, bring it up. And Willa. So I think that we're not going to change anything else, OK? It is not So now, while we want to do let's add that plane that we talked to vote so right click plain, scale it down, bring it down. And now we want to subdivided three times. So here we have all of these small cubes and what we want to do Let's unlined align these lines with a mustache is. And if we need one more, we can simply extrude this point. Okay, Once we're done, we will have something like this. Well, it's Caylee. Don't bring it up. So what we want to do now let's again extrude this point here and extrude this point here. Once we're done, let's go to decide. Now I'm going to grab these here and align them with the so I can add them where the mustache are going to be here to see and right now, I'm going to select thes three in these tree and scale them in. Why axe what's on base three thestreet and scale them in ry ACS. Now let's press as zero. So we have this shape here, and let's add one more loop cut in the middle of these. OK? Once we're done with this, we will select these three vergis, ease these six murder sees and grab them in wax. Let's grab it. This holding in a y axis. So now we can rotate this a little bit and let's grab. He's here. Grab it. Grab This point is low. Well, so right now we want to align these lines with the flow of his mustache. So let's bring this up as well as this and this. Okay, so I'm going to delete thes, so I'm going to delete the vergis ease, and I will be left with only these here so I can go here and select these three and scale them in y axes as well. But I think that isn't necessary. Ok, wait. This looks okay. Now, what we want to do is let's go hear from, decide. Let's pull these. These vergis is down, So grab them in, said axes. Here we will align it with the mustache is that we have. So let's go to solid mode and a wine These. So I'm just pressing Zet on my keyboard because I want to grab them in that access. So don't worry. Nothing is happening. That is hard. So right now I've aligned these with the with the mustache is that I have here and I will grab them in. Why ax? Okay, so right here you can see that I have the mustache is that are going right from beneath his nose and let's pull them a little bit inside. So what I want to do now let's add one more look good here and grab it here and grab it. And Zach axes X. Okay, so right now, while we want to do is we want to go hop on and add a subdivision surface modifier at a solidifying modifier and pull it up. Eso it is going to be on top of your subdivision modifier and change the thickness of your moustache is let's do 0.25 or let's do a little bit less so 0.13 So these are going to be your moustache is. But so let's ease scaled inset access and grab them in. Why access? Let's scale these in x axis and grab them in. Why axis? Here we have his mustache is enough. What we want to do is we want to select every second. So we can also made it from here every second and go and Bev Elita. But before that, we need to rotate these. So we need to rotate these mine's Let's add one more loop could here and grab it in said access. Okay, so now what we want to do let's rotate all of these so they go inside, except this one, because it's going in the middle of this. Rotated this rotated. Bring it here. Let's bring these off. Okay, so that's roti thes. Grab them. Rotate thes grabbed in two times. And here we have this. Okay, now, once we're done with this way, are going to select every second like this and devil it up a little bit. Okay, So 0.0. If so, this number command. See, we want to duplicate way. Want to copy that? Select every first. Let's add one more So it's like a love. These with old shift Keep beveled. Them changed this to here. And so now here we have the middle point. We will add one loop cut here and we will select this this point and grab it inside so we will have it like this. Now let's go and add one more loop could here and grab it inside so we will create his mustache is Let's go here, grab It's two times. Add loop cut. Here, select Onley This part press two times J here is well to 10 g. Here's well two times so we could have selected these vergis ease and rotate them a little bit more. Okay, lets like thes three. Grab them up so that these three grabbed them up. Thes three grabbed him. Okay, so this is how they should look like here. And if I will grab them simply in packs a little bit, Okay. So once we're done with that, let's do this Side is low. What's add loop? Put. Let's bring it inside. So, two times J here is Well, bring it inside. The last one is here. Okay, so here we have something that doesn't look like his like is mustache is and I'm going to select this range here, press two times J and bring it up a little so you can see that I'm trying to find the way his mustache is our right now. Okay, So once I'm done with that, I will select these ranges and grab them in y axis and pulled them a little bit back. This one is Well, okay, let's try to make them a little bit more symmetric. So I will grab these in X axes. Let's elect Pisa's well and grabbed him Axe, axis up. And I think that should be fine. Now, once we are done, that's going to solid move. And no, let's play around with these. So I'm going to select thes thes three vergis ease and grab them in. Grab them two times. So I will create this illusion here this illusion. So let's grab them. Let's go back This one. Grab it. And I was Kilby's in X axis. So I have the space between these two. Now, I will select the top off the except this one. So select each one of these. So here I also don't need this Vergis e please. This'll edge. So let's elect all of these edges. And later on we can. We can get rid of no one from all of them. Let's make sure that these are not selected. Okay, Once we're done, we will grab them and zed axis and pulled him down. So this is how they are going to look like I can see them. And also, if you don't want this point to be like that, you can always go. You can always return. And don't select these points as well as these only the front part. I will do that in a second. So I compress, see, and I can Using my middle middle click. I will simply click on it and disabled thes the selection of these. Grab them in that axis and you can see the results. I get so satisfied how they look, I will simply move them to decide. I'll grab them here and let's see how they look pretty. So we are done with the mustache is now Let's come on and make the mouth. But before that, we want to go here under file external data, pop pack, all into blend. So now we can save its state ass. I will save it as Mr Potato, Mr Potato, and save it like this. So let's make sure that it is saved and well, so let's hop on to the next video. See their my. 6. Modeling The Mouth And The Teeth: Hey, what's up, you guys? Welcome back to the fifth video on Hot to make Mr Potato from Toy Story, the animated movie. Now what we want to do is we want to make his mouth. But before that, let's select the mustache is and let's apply the solidify modifier. Once we apply to solidify modifier, we will add one loop could here and we will define this These edges here, as he had has here. So you can see the way now the way it looks. And also you can add one more loop cut in the middle of these as well. And you can select those. Let me just show you how can you do them? So I will select these parts or only these here there we added gay and what's just bring them a little bit out like this. So I think that it looks much better and you can always do do things that makes your model looks look better. So be free to do this exactly the same way if you're doing this model, so let's bring this one as well. Down would bring these in X axis a little bit flood sprint. This Okay, let's see how it looks like. I think it looks better. And also let's do the last one here and grab it down. Okay, so I think that it is looking better. The mustache is so now. Let's make his month before we start. Let's go into X ray mode and let's see where we can add those. So I will select. The mustache is I will select thes points here and press shift s cursor do select. So is going to be right in the middle of the mustache is I will add a curb. So let's add a path or busier. It depends on what you like. So now let's add a busier so we can play around with the shape of his lips. So here I'm be easier. You can rotate these wherever you like, and on the path you are going to move and extrude all of the areas. So I will grab this point, grab this point and let's play around so I will x shoot here. Let's bring this up. Let's extrude this point here. Rotated rotated this We can subdivide these to his well, so right click subdivide and we will have one small one here. Let's kill this down. Let's bring it up to here. Scaled this down as well. We can skip a swell. Okay, Now rotated, extrude it extruded up a rotated and you're basically doing the same exact thing. So extruding and rotating, extruding and rotate. That's here. No. Okay, that's doing this one down. Let's try to make his lips as they are here, So I will skill this. Grab it in acts Saxons. We can play a bit more with the shape. So let me bring this down. I bring this up. Okay? I think that it is fine. So let me just bring it inside so I will select everything. Grab it in. Why axis? And it will be right here in the center. Now let's go here under path properties and let's play around with the geometry. So I will bevel these lips like this, and now we can see it better. So let's grab this point. Make sure that his lips are similar to the one that we want to create. So let's bring this up. Let's bevel it a little bit more. So 0.5. I think that 0.5 is nice looking. So yeah, we will leave it at 0.95 And here we have His lips are done right now we want to just aligned. So let's elect Onley these lines these two and grab them in. Why Axis way? Can old always rotate this point? Let's elect it these grab them and why axes take them a little bit. And the notes I think that we can full thes a little bit, too. So when you're doing the model that you already have, uh, that is already created, it is a little bit hard to make it as it is originally. So don't worry about how your model looks like yeah, it if you're working it on it And if you want to make it similar, you can always make some effort and do it. But it's not going to look exactly the same as it is. Theory. Regional one. So we are done with the lips. No was do the teeth went to make the seats out off a plane, so it's Caylee down. Rotate in X axis, find 90 degrees, scale it in X axis a little bit more. Let's subdivided a couple of three times. I think that it is quite nice. Let's kill it in Axe axis. Okay, now, once it is done, we will grab it in. Why axes and align it with the mouth? Now let's going toe extremo so like these two and grab them in. What access? Let's elect these two and grab them in y axes as well. And the last one in Why access? So that we have something that looks like this. So let's rotated a little bit and bring it down. Okay, Now let's shape smooth. And here we have the teeth. Let's bring them in. Why axes a little bit more and grab these in? Why Axis? Okay, I would have them a little bit. Mark. Why? Axes like this and we can go here under modifier and add. Solidify, Modify. Let's increase the thickness to 0.2. Okay, so we're down with the top. Now let's do the bottom. So I will just duplicated Scale it down, rabbit here and grab it. And why axe? Okay, once I'm done, let's pull it up and let's align it now. So we will go here, grab this point in y axis. Que grab everything and grab it in y axes. So let's make sure that this one the middle one is right on this point here. So now it is easier is going to be easier for us to just move these a little bit. Moving down. Move this here. Okay. And let's elect thes emergencies and extrude in one more time. Okay? So let's see. Let's move these down. Down these as well. Grab them down. Okay, here we have double, double vergis ease. Sound going to select the double Vergis. Ease here. X ray odysseys here. You can see it. So here in here I have, I think, double match. So, yes. Now I don't have anything, and we are done with this, right? So let's bring it down. We can always play with the curve here. Let's try to make it. Okay, rotate. Let's bring this up. It is a little bit too big. So let's bring these lips a little bit cool, sir, to each other. So grab. I'm grabbing them. Only grabbing them. So I grabbed him. Let's grab them. XX. Okay, so one sweet, grab them. Let's kill them down. Are you? So let's make sure that this point is not okay. Let's kill this point and rotated, and now it's better. It's much better. So here we have the mouth and deep and the next step are his hands. So let's go here, file safe your Savior project and let's hop on and make some arms seem in the next video by 7. Modeling The Arms And The Hands: you guys will come back to the sixth video on how to make Mr Potato from Toy Story the animated movie. So right now we're going to make his arms. But before Dad, what select his mustache is just for a second, and let's make them a little bit different. So what I want to do is I want to select this mustache and grab it a little bit up here. So I have that a smooth curve here as well as he's. So I will select these. These lines at thes Vergis is here. Okay? And I would grab them in. XX is Then I will grab them down, rotate them like this. So I didn't make a big difference. But I think that it is not much better. And also you can go here so, like thes vergis ease. But what's see the topology so you can see the house move. That apology is here, so we can always go toe war from mode and you see the way this looks OK, So now what I want to do, let's go to a solid and let's make his arms. So the first thing that we want to do is a Let's go here. So, like thes two burgesses, first of all. So like the body then go into edit home. So, like these two Vergis ease shift us cursor to select it. No, we want to go here at a cube, scaling down and align it with this point here, as we did with with the ears, we will do with the arms. So we will add subdivision surface modifier here. Let's going to X ray mode. Add one look good Here. One look good here. Once we added loop goods, we will select these two burgesses shift right Quick Luke. Tools and circle. Now we will extrude and scale So eat as and now just X shoot so you can see what we made. We can move these Vergis ease a bit, and we're going to create his arms like this. Let's like thes four x true them make his elbow here like this rotated so like these to rotate them. Grab stem And his arm is a little bit so a to the beginning. It is sicker than it goes 10 year and here it goes again. Secret Kenya. So we're just following that. The shape on our reference here. Let's add one more Lucas and rotate. Now let's model his hand. As you can see here it is a little bit too wide on the Y axis so we can select everything. So only these points? I think so. Well, not so thes. Okay, so I will skill them in. Why? Access and his hand looks much better. Way will select it and shades smooth. Now you can see how it looks like. Okay, so let's model his hand here. So what we want to do? A Let's add a cube. Scalea don and skillet in zed X Not we want to go in a Gitmo, add to loop cuts here and one here. Okay, So once we're done with that, I will select Thies to grab them inside as well as these two and grabbed him inside. Now I will select thes thes forever. Dis ease and I will. Okay, lets go into edge. Select. Select these edges, extrude them out, scaled them in. Why axis? Okay, let's not skill them, but just move them several. Select this part here, Grab it in. Why accent access as well as this one. So I have room for the last finger here. And also, let's add a finger here is well, so let's bring it off. Let's grab these fingers so they are going to be a little bit a little bit longer. Okay, so here we have the arm. So let's see. Are his hands oldest the fingers old, Same okayed They are. So let's select these and skill them in X axis by zero. Here we have it, so I will move this some a little bit. So let's go to from the top. So let's add select select this edge and grab two times. So let's make hiss some a little bit skinnier. Now, on this, we will add subdivision surface modifier. And now let's start modeling his head. So the first thing that we need to do is let's grab this in y axis. Pull it off here. Now let's select all of these faces all of these skilled and down, but changed the favorite point to individual origins. Scale it down. Now let's add to loop cuts for each finger. So to here to here. Okay, so now here we have the only with the loops. Now I will go here where? Tech Select Select these two Vergis ease and grab them up. Also, I will add one more love for to see here, grab it down. So you have something that looks like this. You can see that his hand is flat, so I'm going to leave it as it is here. But Onley thes points are a little bit up, so they are creating this curve off his fingers. Now I think that the front, uh, the top off his are his hands is a little bit up as well. So let's move it a little bit on Lee and move these points a little bit off so they they will be a little bit Kinnear. How can I say that? So let's bring this as well. Okay, so his hand is pretty, um, pretty flat. Now what we want to do is let's move this Tom a little bit. Two different. So in x axis, gravity X axis and mood a little bit. Here is what So now here we want to right click and add a circle rotated scale it down. And also we can go here and add a circle as well. So then once it is there, we can rotate and you can see the shape off his his Some changed here, so that is basically what we want to do. Let's kill these in X axis by zero degrees as well. So let's flat these Vergis. He's a little bit 60 so we can skill these down and we can. We have this type off hand now. Let's going to extreme away Abdi's in. Oh, I access Grab this one in a Y axis as well. Here, let's try to follow this shape of his arm, so this point is going to be here. So this is going to be flat, and I think that we could have just made his stump from here. So let's go and make that. So let's dissolve these Vergis. He's here. Grab this one a little bit. Here, add one more loop cut and let's elect these four verses by socks. Undies for Vergis is I'm going to go from the top and I'm going to extrude that point. Teoh here add to love cuts to additional Luke cuts killed them up as well as this point. These points here and let's kill them in X axis so it isn't going to be that sick s Zedd. Rabbit down. Let's go into extreme old. So, like, thes happened down, Captain. Okay, I think that now it's much better looking. Okay? And let's bring these live with. Okay, so we are done with the hands. Let's make sure that the time is a little bit up as well. And also the bottom. Let's make the right shape. Okay, so we are down with a hand. Let's shade smooth it. And Well, so this is what we made. Now we need this glove here, the glove part. I'm going to select this point, and I'm going to delete the faces. Now, once the faces are deleted, I'm going to x shoot and scale outwards, extrude and skill extrude and grab them in X axis like this. Grab them a little bit more, E s. I'm going to steal it down. He s one more time. And once we're here, I'm going to wreck click circle and scale it in. Why axis? Okay, so we created this glove. So now I'm going to rotate in our in X axis by 180 degrees. So it's going to be the sums going toe point this way. Rotate and Zet axes by 90 degrees and now rotate in X axis by night. So is going to be like this. Now, let's scale it a little bit in axe axis and make sure these thes fingers point like the one on the reference. So I'm going to just rotate these a little bit. Grab these sex is these is Well, okay, let's bring these XX is bringing these down in Why? Okay, let's bring these as well and make sure that the sum is right here. So let's rotate it and you can see how the thumb looks like. So I'm going to move. These Vergis is in X axis a little bit more so that we have the same shape as we have here on the glove. We will bring this up and we can add one more. Who could hear for the part here to be for this point. So we have harder edge and also let's bring these inside. So grab them in. Why axis like this? Grab it now up here, grab it here and rotate scaling down. Grab it in X axis, skillet up. Rotate rabbit and aligned with this, Not what we want to do is, well, it's going to X ray mode. Grab it like this, scale it down and let's kill these points. So I'm going to scale each one off these fingers here, and I'm going to skill them inside on the top and grab them a little bit down. Now let's kill these as well. So now there better looking. Okay, so once we're done, pull it. Select thes and grab them in. Why axe? So the top is different from the bottom. Okay, so we are down with the first with the first hand, so it's not going to be exactly the same. Is going to be a little bit different, but it never it doesn't matter as long as it is similar. Okay, let's do the second hand so you can always duplicate this. This arm here rotated and grab it in X axis, so align it with this point here that's rotated a little bit more. Grab it here and let's pull it a little bit in y axis, so it's going to be right behind the ear because it is a little bit bended, so let's rotate it in, said Axis. Here, Let's go into edit mode into X ray mode and let's align it. I'm going to rotates, Kale. It's a line. It dissolves some of the edges that you don't need. But if you might need it, just leave it as it is. Here we Here we go. And on this point here, we want simply to extrude rotate ex shoud rotate extrude down roti. Okay, so here we have the arm. Now, let's see if this point is okay. Select all of these, rotate them and grab them in x axis. Okay, once it is inside. Now we want to duplicate this hand, but we want to make sure that it is mirrored on the other side. So if I now duplicate this, it is going to be right hand, so it's not going to work with this part here. So should we want to apply older transformation? So command a old transforms and add a mirror modified. Once we added mirror modifier and let's pull it up and applied. Now we want to select the glove would hover above it with the mouse press l Now we want to press p and separated by selection. Now we have two arms here. Two hands here. Now I want to bring this down. I'm going to rotate it. But first of all, I need to make the pivot point. So this orange spot to be in the center off this arm, so right, click set origin to the center of the mass. Rotated like this. Rotated it X axes by 90 degrees, but minus 90. So rotate X minus 90 degrees. And here I have it here. So I'm going to grab it here and now. Let's align. So I'm going to rotate it in in that axis. Grab it in. Why Axis? So it's going to be right here. Selected. Rotate in set axes. Let's move. It rotates that axis. Okay, So once we are here, I'm going to select the half off hand. Grab it down as well as this part. So I'm going to rotate this point. And now let's rotate this point here, so rotate. Grab it here, make sure that it doesn't change your your geometry. So now I will select everything. Rotate, grab it acts, axes and this half off the this have off the hand. We want to rotate a little bit more has tracked us without this one. Okay, nice. Let's bring you down. And now let's just rotate it and grab it And why axe and make sure that this goes into the Army into the hand. Okay, let's go here, grab this a little bit up. Grab the finishing point here and extruded inwards into the head. Okay, so we are done with the hands guys. Now let's continue on and let's make his little little feet. But first of all, let's make sure that this aligns perfectly with hand on the reference, because we don't want it to be a too much wobbly. So let's make sure that this looks nice. A king. We have some arm, the hand movement. Let's pull this down. So let's hop on and do his feet. See in the next video by 8. Modeling The Shoes: guys, Welcome back to the seventh video on how to make this awesome looking Mr Potato from Toy Story animated movie. So the next step are his. So first of all, we will select this half off the body shift as cursor to select. So this is where his his feet are going to be made. Now I'm going to add a cube, scale it down, bring it down, and add a subdivision surface modifier. Now we want to go to the side. So, like the bottom using the X ray mode extrude the bottom, move this up and extrude this point here. Okay? So once we're Don, let's grab it and pull it here. So let's elect everything and rotated a little bit to the side. Now let's kill it to decide. Let's kill it in XX just like this, OK, Once we're here, we will add one loop cut here, select the whole range hearing hero and extrude and skill. So we will have something that looks like this now By going to into edit mode, I will add two additional loop cuts here and here. Add loop hut in the middle and now we can start model So these thes site I want to pull two times so G two times like this. Bring them down, Bring this up out and we will have this'll shape. Now I will do the same thing with the sides on the back, so two times. And also I'm going to add one look good here and grabbed his down like this. You can see the way his his people looked like here. So I'm going to select all of these and grab them as well. Down Grab these down and we'll. So now let's hop on and make some details on it. So the first thing we need to add one more loop it here and let's grab these two points. Teoh here, let's add one more loop could grab it in y axis. We can also grab this point this point and grab it in a Y axis as well. Here you go. So once we're done with that, I will press to Time J and pulled this disappoint a little bit in y axes and we will have this'll these four faces. Now I want to insert that those faces and extrude them out like this. So because They don't look nice here. I'm going to add to additional loop cuts and I'm going to scale those in X axis. But let's change the pivot point to media point. So these two and skilled them and socks is I just killed them like this. And let's bring these points here a little bit inside. Disappointed. So grab it. You know why? Attacks. Okay, so here we have the top. Let's bring this. So let's make it a little bit, um this'll shape sewed around its shape. We will bring these as well up. So let's pull these down. Okay, so this is how it looks for now. Now what I want to do that I want to go into extremo scale. These in set axes by zero degrees. So they are flat as well as this point and display. So we want to have flat surface here. I'm going to add one more loop put So these thes lines here are going to be smooth as well . Now what we want to do is we want to go here and make it a little bit food here. So what I want to do is let's elect thes thes from the sides. So these two were to seize here. These three Vergis is and scale those in axe axes like this. Let's get needs to Israel. Skill them in x axis and we will have something like this. Now what we want. We want thes to bring back swings and back here and also here here we have more defined shoe. We'll tell it these six Vergis is skilled in imax axes as well as the front. So only disappointed going to be in why is going to be like a triangle, So once we're done way will have, um, we need to make these thes two lines here. So before that, let's select thes discovered ISI and bevel it. Now, once it's I'm going to be selecting these Vergis ease here by pricing shift. Okay, so he's skilled Immunex axes. Okay, let's rotated. Okay, so now once we're done, let's extruded in that axis scale it extruded in said axes and skilled. Let's see how it's turned out to be okay. It's not looking nice, so let's change it a little bit. So let's move this point and this point further from each other. Now let's select these two faces. Let's insert the face and extrude the rest like this. Okay? And then we have that point there. And we could have dressed. Made this point to be down as it is on the on the shoes here. So let's pull this apart up here. Grab two times and pulled them down. SZ this point and grab it down. Scale it inside access. So we have the shoe like this. OK, once we're done, let's go. Here, select the face. Select. Select these three faces here, insert the face and extra to talk. Okay, Once is done, we will make sure that we have these to, uh, like Squyres. So let's bevel these two shift be bevel like this. Select these two faces. So this one in this one extrude them up. I had to look good. So one down, one down and one. Okay, so these two there they are a little bit, um, further from a charter, but it doesn't. Okay, was bring them down a little bit. Okay, Now, let's do decides and not. Then let's hop on and do his het. So we want to also bevel these murder Seize control. Be level these are working simply bubbled this part here, and let's make sure so let's grab it two times. Or let's add a loop cut in the middle of these two. Okay, now, let's like this fun and skill in Y axes by zero degrees. Grab two times. Make sure that it is straight Weiqing ed rid of this one. So let the strange here skillet in y axis by zero degrees, gravity two times. Okay, now we want to rotate in that axis. Rotate in that axis like this and let's grab. It's two times not F, but okay, so I will make this part just once once trend. So let's elect only these Vergis ease here, press I and then extrude. But we want to extrude them in individual origins. I'm going to press e and extrude so it's killed, okay? And this is his his shoe. So let's select he's points here. Okay, grab them in y axis a little bit more way, can extrude them one more time, okay? And we can also add one Look at here to define this we love. So now we want to bring these points down, but before that, let's kill them in that axis. Zero degrees. Okay, so we want to rotate them a little bit and pulled them off. Now I'm going toe shifty, duplicated. Rotate in. Said axes by 45 degrees by minus 45 degrees. License. Grab it up. Teach a little bit. Grab it down and rabbit in y axis is going to be right here. Okay, let's bring it a little bit in y axis and rotated from this side. Let's rotated down. And also this one. It needs to be rotated this way and grab it up. Okay, so we are done with the feet. Let's just bring the's a little bit in. Why Axis? As well as these two. Grab them in y axis and we love. So now let's hop on and do his head. And then the last part, our materials. So this is how his shoe looks like. And let's up on and do his hat soon in the next video by 9. Modeling The Hat: Hey, what's up, You guys? Welcome back. The eight video and hot to make Mr Potato from two story and let's continue on with the skull with the modeling. So on the back of his shoe, I see this point here. So let's move these a little bit in y axis and make his shoe a little bit more. Let's add more geometry to it. So let's move these in A Y axes like this. OK, so now let's make his hat. We will go here, select his body, go into edit mode, select the top of his had shift s cursor to selected. So now this is where his hat should be. So shift A, we will add a circle. So the default default of urgencies are going to be 36. But we want to decrease it to 16 and once we decrease it, we want to scale it down, going to edit mode and select the half off the circle, delete it, delete the burgesses, and on this side we want to add a mirror modifier and allowed flipping. So you need to do that now. What we want to do is we want to extrude this point. Instead, axes and skate. We are going to make this top of his head. So e zed scale e said Okay, this one going to be here, He's at scale. Ease that skill. So I'm repeating old thes steps, but we had to add this mirror modifier to the to the circle. So that is what we want to do. Now he's at Skip Easer. Skin is It's because when we skill inside, it is going to create a perfect circle and it's not going to be like, um, like, Square is looking, but is going to be exactly the right circle. So you want to scale it shoots kill. He s said scale and we're making the top off his head. So because here, if I go on face orientation, I mean, just so like face orientation. Okay, here you cannot see it because we're in. In extremo here, you can see the blue. The blue material is on the normals that are correct, but the flip normals are going to be read. So here we have some flip normal. How can we flip the normals? We can go here, press and press shift, end and flip does normals. So that is the shortcut for flipping the normals. Now, what we want to do now is let's elect these two points. Killed them a little bit up skill used to and on the top, we want to greet feel. So here we have under face grid, Phil, and we can play around with the offset. So it goes like this. So the right point is going to be Let's like these this circle press two times J and move it like this. Now let's elect this cube here. Right click circle, skill it up and bring this. Now, this point is a little bit too much up. So what we want to do now is you want to add a subdivision surface modifier so you can see how this looks right now so I can dissolved some of these vergis ease that I don't need. So I only need this shape now. We want to extrude and scale this point here. So e s and well, I now he said we want to extrude it downwards. N e s. So now like this, we want to ex shoot inset axis. So let's make sure that we have this point here now. Way wanted these to be curved. So we want to rotate them. We can rotate them by individual origins like this. Or we can simply go and rotate one like this. Let's rotate this one as well. Bring it up. Bring this off. And also these three points we want to bring up, rotate in acts axes. Well, so now we have his hat done. And what I want to do is I want to bring it down and I want to rotate it in x axis a little bit. Grab it now. Here, rotated. Grab it in X axis and bring it down. So this is how his head should look like. And this is how our So these points, as you can see here on the reference they are down so we can pull them down and thes two points are So let's just do that. So grab them up like this. So here we need one more loop. Good. And we will grab that Luke cut and pull it down. So it creates this effect on the on our hat. So let's add one more here and scale it up and bring it down way we're done with this. Now let's elect these two burgesses. Let's add one more look good here. So it defines this edge. Select thes two word to seize e s and extruded outwards. Now we want to add a Luke cut here. Okay, Let me just add a loop it here and add a look. Good Here. Okay, so now you can see this This part off the of the hat. Now these points are a little with two too puffed so I can scale goes down Well, here I have the head and we are done with a head. Now let's bring these points a little bit down as well. Late. This bring this point down. And these two points. Okay. Oh, awesome. And guys were done. Now all we are left with are the materials. So let's hop on And let's finish this character. Seem in the next video by 10. Applying Materials And Finishing The Modeling: guys will come back to the ninth and final video on how to make Mr Potato from Toy Story the animated movie. So let's put on some materials. But I see here that I forgot his eyebrow. So let's model them away just in a second. So let's add a cube. Bring it down at a subdivision surface modifier to it, bring it and why axis right here And what we want to do now is let's align with the ref. The reference here. So I'm going to scale it down now let's extruded three times. Once we extruded it, let's rotate these points like peace. Let's add one more loop could hear Grab these points like this and grab them here. Okay, so here we have the eye, bro shape. Now what we want to do is let's select Thies to bevel thes. I copied this. This'll offset level This one command be passed this off said that we re selected previously and let's going to into ab select select these edges and extrude and scale inside. So we have something that looks like this, and it is it is not the same, but is pretty much it is the is similar to the original, so we will bring these like this and let's just shifty rotate and in that access by 90 degrees by 180 degrees. Pro Date Index. About 180 please. Here we have 01 more way. Want to rotate it? Grab it down, You know, just align it on. Why access? So let's rotate it in. Sad axis. Let's rotate it a little bit more. Okay, lets see. If it's good, let's grab it a little bit in a Y axis is okay, So bring it up a little bit. Bring it in X axis. Bring it down. Let's see way are officially done guys with the modeling part. So let's just grab these a little bit up on Well, so, guys, we are done with the modeling part. Now let's move on to the materials. So I'm going to pull this up and also going to hide this the one window now here under materials I'm going to go here on look, death change the a D. A right to your liking here. So what we want to do is we want to add basic materials, so I'm not going to add the's material that we have on here on Lee. The basic materials. So here, under this sun line, I will go here and select shade editor. Now, let's select the body, select the new material here under new. I'm going to use this eye dropper to and I won't just select this car, so let's change it a little bit. So his color is orange, but foreign is a little bit dark. Let's change the okay. I like this Asia, right, Because it is brighter. Okay, this material needs to be a little bit more darker. Okay, fine. Now here we will add different. So let's let this pink Let's make it a little bit darker. So let's okay, this this one. Or we can simply select this'll color here. Okay, fine. Now for the eyes, we will add to materials. So we have here to materials new go into edit mode, select these lines. So, Vergis, ease the one here one here and here. So I will add a black material, and I'm going to assign it as well as for this one. I'm going to select the inside at a at this material, but before Dad, let's add two materials here had new and this material is going to beat the black. But let's elect this part as well. Well, so now for the eyelids. We want to select the islets. So I'm just going in addict mode, hover above the island press l press l and add this material here, but we need to go on at the Okay, this is the wide material, but let's add one more and let's add the material. So a sign for the 2nd 1 is the same. So let's elect this one press. Plus, at this material and a sign for the first material that is going to be the color off. This white area is going to be white, as you've expected. So for our knows, we're going to add him a little bit. Orangey knows a little bit dark. Okay, this one for his mustache is we're going to be adding the brown color so you can see that it depends on what, uh, where you on what pick? So you move your your mouse, your eyedropper tool, it can see. Okay, I'm going to make them a little bit more brownish like this So the hex number is two F 1611 for this colors for his lips were going to use basic red. We can go here, change it to the red for his for his teeth. They're going to be white. So the white material as well as this one. So let's see the material here we can rename it to. And for this one, I'm going to add a date material for the hands. The hands are going to be basic material, but they're going to be a little bit. I'm going to increase the roughness. So these are going to be the hands, the arms, and also the hands are going to be this. So I'm going to assign this collar here year arms for the eyebrows. We want to add simple black color. As for the other eyebrow, we can increase a little bit, decrease the roughness so they look shiny er and also here I will decrease so they as well look shiny er for the hat. We will use the same materials. Okay, it is a little bit brownish. So let's use the eyedropper tool and make sure that it is this color. So Let's go a little bit to the red, Did the reddish and so you can see it is practically not the same, but similar. So I will select these two ranges these stupid and scale them in. Okay, let's go here and move these. Okay? Latest for the feet. We will do this. The other color so lets you the eyedropper tool. Okay. I like this blue. We can always change the color off the color off every any material here and for the inside of his mouth, we can add one more way can add, uh, I feel I mean jobs decreased. This we can add a plane. So what's it like these two thieves and shift as cursor to selected. So it's going to be in the center. We can shift a at a plane rotated in X axis by 90 degrees, scaling down skillet set axes in x axis. Bring it here. Skills. Is that axis enough? What we want to do is we want to go in extremo select these vergis ease, aligned them with with the mouth area and selected and subdivided two times once they are subdivided. Let's pull these back as well. Was teas. So they're going to be right. You're not going to go inside off the teeth. They going to be outside of the teeth. Pull these back like this. What? Bring these as well in y Axis G. Okay, lets go and align this one. So we need one more look good here. As you can see that I'm adding looped cuts if I needed them. So I pulled this inside. I will have one more look good here, and I will grab it. My access is what was this one? Let's pull it back. Let's had warmer look cut here at two additional loop cuts here. So at this one, grab it in y axis. Grab This one is Well, why axis the last one? So I x grab these. And now let's elect these four Vergis ease and grab them in y axis and pulled them a little bit out. So dese two as well? Thes So it depends on the It depends on the Verdecia is here, so we're just going to So what? The's mlr. So for this one, I will add a simple material with the eyedropper tool. Let's shake smoothie. So we made this character. Now the only left thing is let's change this to Allah. Planner, select the empty Move it a little bit to the side. And guys, This is the final look off our potato men. So let me just bring this town. And I hope you enjoyed it. And for your project, you will need to model his wife. Good luck. And I can't wait to see your project. So that is all for for now, guys. See you in the next course and the courses that are coming. So by and see you then, bye.