1. What Are Mind Maps?: um, exactly what our mind maps great questions. So glad you asked in this lecture. We're going to get into the nitty gritty off what a my map is and exactly how you can use one. What are my maps? Simply put, a mind map is a visual diagram used to organize information. They're often created around a single concept or image, and it's usually the images drawn in the center of the page to which associated ideas, words and images can branch outward. My maps can either be drawn by aunt or created using a computer. They could also be used with a mobile device and really any variation of software or associated APS. Now that you understand exactly what on my map is, let's talk about the many different ways in which they can be used. My maps can be used as a form of note taking during a lecture, a meeting or even while reading a book. My maps are also excellent at expanding memory and allow for you to recall information more quickly, while at the same time learning new information with greater ease. An additional way my maps can be used are in increasing your levels of creativity, hoping you visualize thoughts, ideas and concepts more clearly brainstorm ideas and encourage you to think outside of the box. My mapping is also really valuable resource for gaining greater productivity at work. This is because my maps allow you to structure ideas more easily, plan a meeting conference or upcoming vacation, make more useful to do less in action items and even create an outline for that book. You've always wanted to write feeling frustrated and need to solve a problem. Great. My mapping is an excellent way to find innovative solutions for both personal and professional problems. They allow you to better organize your thinking so that you can see the problem from a completely new perspective. You can also generate better ideas with mind mapping, and they also hope you get unstuck. Furthermore, my mapping is a great way to communicate with others. You can easily share information, effectively communicate ideas and insights and present reports in complex data with a lot greater clarity. My maps even have the ability to help you take better sell fees. Okay, well, maybe not. Take better selfies, but you get the point learning how to master the ins and outs of mind. Mapping is an extremely valuable tool because my maps help you gain clarity and bring insight into so many different areas of your life. That right, there is something to get excited about. All right, so time for a quick review. As we discussed at the beginning of this lecture, my maps are visual diagrams used to organize all kinds of information. They help with taking better notes, increasing memory and recall boosting creativity, helping you be way more productive, soft problems quicker and see solutions faster and clearly communicate your thoughts and ideas with others.
2. What You'll Need to Get Started (Part 1):
3. What You'll Need to Get Started (Part 2): getting started on your my map doesn't require much. However, you will need a few things in place before you can actually begin creating one. The first item you need is paper. As a rule of thumb, I always start my mind maps with a clean white piece of blank paper. Any standard 8.5 by 11 or a four paper will do. If available. A larger sheet of paper is always welcome, as it will allow you more room to work with. I prefer to use a nine by 12 Bristol vellum finish whenever I can. What's really nice about it is that it's got great feel to it. It feels like a card stock paper has an excellent sound. Also is that if I'm using Sharpie markers or a thick type of marker or so forth, it's not gonna bleed through, which is really nice when I don't have my personal paper with me. What I often use is 8.5 by 11 sheets of paper or even this handy journal that I happen to have on me and my purse. So it's pretty much when it comes to paper. It's just whatever is available. Whatever is convenient and whatever best suits the project. The second thing you'll want to have on hand are a set of markers. It's fine if you don't have a full set of markers readily available, but you will want to start with a minimum off four different colors. We'll drill down into the science of my mapping and why the use of color is so important in a later lecture. But for now, know that a minimum of four different colors will immediately add visual interest and allow you to quickly distinguish each section of your mind map when working on a mind map at home or in the office. I like having access to a wide variety of markers, and so often times I'll pick three different markers of the same color. Just so I have lots of different tepes toe work with and so forth, like right here I have one tip 234 different tips of the same marker, - the third and final item you'll need to get started. Mind mapping is a subject matter. This subject will need to be centered around one topic, one idea a particular thought. One main project or one central theme, huh? What to do? What to do If you don't already have a good set of markers and paper options available, Choosing what to buy can be really overwhelming because there's so many different options. My advice, when choosing which markers and paper to use, is mostly based on convenience, availability, personal preference and overall budget. The good news is that you do not have to go all out off course you can if you really want Teoh, but picking up a cheap pack of Korea will markers and some standard size copy paper from the store will take you a long way. Glass Lee. There's really no writer wrong when it comes to choosing which markers and paper to use as long as you're starting off with a clean piece of white paper minimum off four different color markers and one main topic. Her mind map thing. You're good to go the only colors. I suggest staying away from our neon colors as they could be really hard to read.
4. 5 Steps to Create a Mind Map: in this lecture will dive deep into the five main principles of creating a pretty awesome mind map. Before we begin, let's make sure we have all of our materials ready and in hand. As we discussed in the previous lecture, The first thing you'll need to start creating your mind map is a cream white piece of paper that's either standard size a four or eight math by 11 or larger. Of course, the larger the paper you have, the more room you have to work with. The second thing, you'll need our minimum of four color markers for this video lecture. I'll be using a total of six. The third thing you'll need, and probably the most important item is your subject matter. As a reminder, The subject matter for your mind map will consist of a central topic, an idea thought, project or theme. Now that we have our materials readily available, let's dive into the basic structure and techniques of mind mapping. Starting with that piece of clean white paper, position it horizontally or in landscape mode to where the widest part of the paper is running left to right. Turning your paper horizontally will allow you more space to work within benefits in a vertical position. Next, choose the first color marker you like to work with in the center of your paper. Draw an image that represents the topic of your mind. Map it right the topic directly below that image. It's important drawn image in the center of your mind map that clearly represents the theme . Since the theme of this, my map is how to create a mind map. Having an image of a brain with two circular arrows around it seems appropriate. The image that we just drew in the center of the paper is known as a central image because it acts as an anchor for the main subject, in which all connecting thoughts, images and ideas radiate from. Now that we have our central image drawn in the center of our mind map, we're now ready to begin drawing our first main branch, each main branch. You using your mind map will connect with the central image and spread outward from there, choosing a different color marker. Let's draw our first main branch radiating away from the central image. Make sure this branch is defined, curved and uses color Why is color key technique of mind mapping? One reason is that by having different color branches within your mind map, you'll be able to quickly distinguish the different information branches in aspects within your map, therefore, making it easier to understand. Additionally, the use of multiple colors within our mind maps not only adds visual interest but also adds color, boosts our levels of creative thinking, increases our brains engagement and naturally uses mawr of the cerebral cortex, the cerebral cortex being the area of the brain that plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, awareness, thought, language and consciousness. Wow. The third aspect of mind mapping involves the use of keywords connected to the central image. A keyword is one or two simple words that sums up in idea. This keyword should be short and associated with your topic. For every new branch added, you want to add a keyword above it. Feel free to add additional main branches with associated keywords. To help fill out your mind map. Keep in mind that each main branch represents a different category based on the central topic. You want to explore the four step of creating a mind map involves adding sub branches that connect with associative main branches. Sub branches allow you to make additional associated connections with your mind map and allow for further exploration in expansion of each new topic or idea. Of course, just like main bridges, you can add as many or as few sub branches as needed, as well as jump around your mind map adding more and more sub branches as you go. The number of sub branches that you end up having will again be mostly determined by you, the subject matter and how deeply you like to explore each keyword. An important thing to know is that if you're working in one area of your mind, map and shift to a different area, you can easily do so without losing. Focus in our last step is to continue branching outward for every new ideas section or thought you have at a new branch. In fact, the possibilities are endless. You'll know your mind map is complete when you can't think of anything else to add. You can make your mind map even more awesome by adding pictures and symbols at any time, using a combination of color images, keywords and arrows will help make your mind map be more unique, distinctive and personal. In addition, having a mind map that is rich with color ideas Sprinkle with images will help you engage more of your brain, reinforce connections and increase memory and recall of the subject matter your mapping. All my maps could be made even more appealing by using more color mawr images or drawings and even doodles. All right, time for a quick review before beginning any mind map. Make sure you have your materials readily available. Start with the central image. Add main branches that are related to your topic. Use keywords whenever possible. Dive into the details of your map by exploring sub branches and additional branches as well . Intercourse. Don't be afraid to use color and add images as you go, and most of all, be creative.
5. The Process of Mind Mapping: Normally, I'd be excited to work with the Bristol favor. However, today I'm gonna go with the extra large mixed media 18 by 24 inch paper. This is gonna be fun. - Way , way. And that, my friends, is how you create a mind map.
6. Deconstruction of a Mind Map: hello and welcome to this particular lecture in the my map mastery Course. What I'm doing right here is something a little bit different than what I've done as faras lectures are concerned from your previous lectures and so forth. So we're doing more of a screenshot me talking you through exactly what I did in my get fit mind map. One of the reasons why I'm doing this is that I think it will really help you. So really, I'm gonna be bridging that gap between okay? You saw me do it. Now you can do it. What we're gonna be doing is taking a deconstructed insider behind the scenes, dulling below the surface kind of view into why I made the choices I made when it came to the creation of this particular get fit mind map. So hopefully it helps you to bridge that gap between where you are, where you want to be in regards to mind mapping. So let's talk about paper since paper is up right here. Normally I use the Strathmore Bristol paper just because it's nine by 12 size. It's a nice feel paper, and it's something that I can usually carry around with me. I can stuff into one of my temple two bags. Take with me to work. I could put it wherever it goes where I go. So the only thing is is that sometimes it's nice when I'm at home to be able Thio use something else other than a nine by 12 piece of paper. But really to use something such as this can send mixed media paper. As you can see over here in the corner is that this is a 18 by 24 inch piece of mixed media paper. So I like it because it really lets me dive into the details. I don't feel like I'm getting stuck in one corner and don't have enough room to expand and so forth. So that's why I like it. It's something that I basically only use when I am at home, And as you can see, this paper is pretty large, which is really nice. Like I said, it allows me really dive into the details and everything. Okay, so right here let's talk about the five basic steps of mind mapping. As you learned. The first step is to create a central image so That's what I'm doing right here. Um, in regards to color and so forth might go to Cran or go to Marker is usually blue for the center. I don't know why. There's no particular reason. It's basically just because I like Blue Blue is one of my favorite colors. So I like to start off with something, you know. Blue is really readable. Also, a light blue is nice, you know, with this particular my map, there's no reason why other than just a personal preference, why I'm choosing the colors I'm choosing. So when I'm on a journey of getting active, getting fit and getting in shape, and everything is a scale has universal meaning and value. For me, it's something is a tool that I regularly used. I love to be able to measure myself, which sounds kind of strange, but I love being able to get on the scale in the morning. First thing after I use the bathroom before I get in the shower, it's something that I use. It tells me my b m I my body mass index. It lets me know exactly where I'm at. It connects to my smartphone, so it's really, really nice. And as far as a key word in the center of this scale, since I already know that I am going to be creating a my map about my goals and one of those goals is about how to get fit. And for me, get fit is a great keyword because it just really represents exactly what I'm doing. I mean, I could put get fit into a hashtag, you know, if I'm posting something on Facebook and I'm wanting to track my progress, I can just be like, you know, went to the gym, worked out hashtag get fit. What does 1 30 to represent? Because that's number I write in the scale for me. I live in America, so we go by pounds. So 1 32 represents £132 which is really my goal weight like it's a It's a number that holds significance for me. I don't put a lot of attention on it in the mind map. It just really represents a specific time in my life where in my mid twenties I was feeling great. I'm almost in my forties now, just in case you're wondering Oh, my God, I'm turning 40 on Sunday, so I'm turning 40 in just a couple days. So this 132 really represents that specific time frame in my life. When I was about 25 ish and I felt great, I felt happy, energetic. Good. I think little had to do with actually being in my twenties, uh, or before having kids. Yeah, menacing laughs there, but basically what it represents mostly to me is not necessarily youth, really a workout based on getting stronger, focusing on improvement, working with setbacks and her motivation fund relationships, just getting together, finding common cause and encouragement and so forth. For me, this thesis central image has a ton of meaning. Now, when drawing my first main branch, you'll see me use the color green here again with color color. Really, it has no significance for this particular mind map. The colors I use in this video it are red, orange, green, sky blue, blue, purple, brown and black. So I am all about just not using, like yellow and my my maps, mainly because it's hard to read also because it's just hard to read. But I think it's a great accident color in it. The only thing is it tends to get lost, and I don't know if you just noticed that little jump right there, but I usually start off with something to the upper right hand corner and as far as the main branch. And then I normally move on to say right below that. But then I'll just suddenly jump up and over to the left. But I normally don't move in a clockwise position when I'm creating my mind map, mainly because you know, if there's not a reason, then I just don't do it. So sometimes I'll just put things in random places, like with this and everything. A lot times. I just won't use a clockwise direction unless it's something that I'm really thinking of being more analytical with. I want to use more of the left side of my brain, and the left side of the brain is all about analytics and lists and so forth. So that's really the only time I use clockwise direction is when it's something that is going to be professionally shared, you know, gonna be showing in a professional environment. It's gonna be show it shared with others. I may or may not have the opportunity to fully explain myself, overtake someone through it, so I will create something that would make sense to another person. Okay, so I think that I have said everything I need to say as far as this deconstruction of on my map, you definitely don't. Below the surface, we talked about all the five basic steps of mind mapping and even thes six step. Which is it really a step. And that's images adding images to your mind map why you shouldn't add them and why you really should. So it's going to depend on you. Try experimenting with both. Also, color is not one of the five basic techniques, even though I really drilling in so color will be the seventh technique of my mapping, because sometimes I feel like I said, I don't create colorful mind maps sometimes, and I'll show you a little bit later. Actually, go ahead and pop it up right now, but with this my map, This wasn't my map that I created prior to the my map that you see here the get fit mine up and it's just a pencil drawing like literally. This is just a pencil black and white, drawing something that I did. I was like, OK, I want to create a mind map forgetting yet, but I also want to go to bed. So it's like, OK, what's the fastest that I can create this mind map in? And it basically came down to using my Bristol board nine by 12 inch paper and getting out a pencil, literally a pencil. And, um, because I just couldn't be bothered with finding a marker in those right next to the pencils. And so, you know, and I just wrote down as quickly as I could. Okay. What? What can I put in this? My map? Be so I can hold and capture that thought that I had captured all the different ideas instead that was swirling around in my head but not be distracted by everything else. So I really hope this lecture helped you to be able to see my thought process for creating the my maps. Why? I use certain images. Why used a scale? Why? I use certain colors. Why I do things a certain way and so forth. So hopefully that helped you see in the next video
7. Mind Mapping Media: Uh oh. With the growing popularity of mind mapping, it seems like there's no shortage for different kinds of ways to actually create one. Of course, the easiest way to create a mind map is with a simple pen and paper. However, sometimes that's not always the best tool for the job, especially considering exactly what kind of project you're working on. What tools you have availability if you're crunched for time or collaborating with several other people like you might be with a brainstorming project. Thankfully, in today's day and age, you're not limited to only be able to create mind maps by hand. In fact, there's no shortage of excellent APS, various kinds of my mapping software and electric brainstorming tools readily available. All of these created specifically for your computer tablet or mobile phone. Whichever combination of devices you have, thes tools allow you to easily create mind maps on the go. All you have to do is Google mind mapping software to see that there's a large array of tools available for assembling computer generated mind maps. A few the questions you want to ask yourself when choosing which software to use our is a software free, Or do you have to pay a premium to use it? And if you do have to pay to use it, do they offer a free trial version that's available to test out first? Another question I ask is, Will you be using a Mac or PC computer? Do they offer both desktop and mobile options of their software? And is everything bundled into one package? Or are there options to download on Lee? What you need a couple things to keep in mind when deciding upon which software to use is that some applications like I Mind Map and Ex Mind offer downloadable desktop versions for both the Mac and PC. While other companies such as my note on Lee, support the Mac platform, it's also important to know that many of the companies that make mind mapping software for desktop platforms also offer compatible mobile APS available for both Apple and Android devices. Sophie, Ari own and Apple were android based tablet or smartphone. Having access to the mobile platform can be incredibly useful. Also, consider when shopping for software ease of use, such as How easy is it to use the application? And do you enjoy using it along with that is the overall look and feel, as well as the ability to export and share your mind map in the form of a PdF word, Power, Point, Excel or any other type of document having the ability to export your mind map to a format like a Pdf is a critical feature. If you don't want your mind maps stuck inside the software, let's discuss the pros and kinds of working with traditional tools such as pen and paper when creating hand drawn my maps when taking a closer look at the pros and cons, One of the many benefits of pen and paper is that it's simple, inexpensive and doesn't require learning new software. One of the biggest advantages of traditional mind maps is that they're completely hands on , so you don't need a computer screen to create them. Instead of fidgeting with a laptop, tablet or smartphone, even just quickly grab a couple markers and some paper, and away you go. This form of mind mapping allows you to create something that's uniquely you. However, with us many advantages, ours there are creating your own hand drawn mind maps. There are also several disadvantages as well, one of the disadvantages being the size of your mind map. Unfortunately, you'll be restricted, but its size of paper he have available. Another thing to keep in mind is that you got to carry around all your mind mapping materials with you from place to place. And lastly, if you mess up, want to change branches around or, God forbid, need more space. More than likely, you're gonna have to start your mind map all over again with software. Another forms a traditional electronic media. The pros and cons could be quite different. First off, one of the main advantages and using digital media to create your mind map is that you don't have to care around all your materials with you materials being pan paper markers, pens whatever else you may need. Instead, everything you need to make your my map is located directly within the software itself. Another advantage is mobility as well as infinite page sizes. This is one of my favorite features, considering that I like to be able to drill down into any number of sub branches without the worry of running out of space. This feature allows me the flexibility I need without the worry of becoming overwhelmed by the level of detail I've added. On top of all this, there doesn't seem to be a shortage of free mind mapping software waiting to be downloaded . However, as convenient as it may be to create good looking mind maps with your computer, mobile phone or tablet, it's not all bubble gum, popsicles and unicorns. More often than not, the free software options suck because you're limited in how you can create, save, export and distribute or your mind maps. Which means if you want to create high quality cross platform Microsoft Word and PdF exportable my maps, you're going to need to pay a monthly or yearly premium to do so. In addition to paying high dollar premiums, you'll also need to learn the ins and outs of their software.
8. How to Be More Productive (TASKS): All right, let's go ahead and go to the Google Home page. Now one of the main mind mapping tools available is called I My Map. Let's go ahead and type that in here. I mind. Map is a mind mapping and brainstorming software originally created by the inventor of mind mapping, Tony Bazan. One of the nice things about online mind mapping is that it allows you to download a free trial copy onto your computer before investing in the full price of the software. So let's go ahead and click Free Trial, which mind mapping software you choose will depend a lot on if they have a version available on the desktop platform you're using. Since I'm on a Macintosh computer, I'll choose the Mac version and go ahead and click to download the free version. Since I've already downloaded the app and installed it onto my computer, I'll go ahead and click here to open up the application. Let's go ahead and click mind map that immediately takes us to a new screen. Looks like we can choose the style of the mind map that we want to create between Bazan professional or use my default style I'll go ahead and stick with Bazan and up here. Figure out which central image I would like to use, kind of like this blue one right here. So I'll click that and click. OK, One of the nice things about using my mind map are these helpful prompts at the bottom of the canvas. Since I already know that my central idea is basically a task list, I'll go ahead and at that here. Looks like these little nodes are here for me to be able to create different branches. Let's create our first branch and I'll add another node or a sub branch. Let's see, I need to buy some shoes. Like to get some bagel chips. - It's getting a little bit crowded in this area, so I'm going to click this right here and move up my grocery list just a little bit. I'm gonna click the gymnastics branch and move it down so it looks like I have a pretty good to do list right here, and I'll go ahead and shrink this down so I can see it for just by zooming out a little bit over here. Later on. When I get everything done I can always add new tasks. That's how we create a mind map in. That's how we do it in this mind mapping software. Of course, there's a lot more that I could do with this task list, such as adding images, doodles and icons. But I really don't find all that necessary, mainly because when I'm treating any kind of tassel is my main objective is to create it as quickly as possible so I can actually move on to completing each task listed in my mind map .
9. Lecture From Outline to Mind Map: note ability has quickly become one of my favorite APS for creating basic hands are on my maps on my iPad. It's easy to download from the iTunes store for around 9 99 and can be used on any IOS device. There's also a Mac desktop version available to purchase an additional cost. One of the things I enjoy using about the SAP is that it allows me to take awesome notes by giving me several ways in which I can capture my thoughts through the use of handwriting, photos, sketches, type text and zooming capabilities. Although it's not marketed as a my mapping tool and lacks a few key features such as paid rotation and custom page sizing, it's more than capable of allowing me to create semi detailed my maps and visual notes. Here's what I mean. On the left hand side of the screen, I have an outline set of lecture notes for talk that I gave on the power of positive thinking while on the right hand side, I'm using these notes to create a mind map, take a look way, way, - way , - way , way, way, - way
10. Note Taking Take More Effective Notes: no taking isn't just relegated to the classroom anymore. For many of us accurately recording lectures, meetings, conversations, books and jotting down ideas is quickly becoming an increasing part of our everyday life Thing. Is, was so many different ways to capture record our world. It's easy for ordinary notes to get for gotten or just simply lost in the mix. Thankfully, there's a solution. If you want to remember the information you put in your notes thing, you have to make your notes memorable. You do so by integrating mind mapping techniques into your everyday note, taking mind, mapping techniques, being color doodles, branches in sub branches. What all the elements forced me to do is to listen more closely and actually engage with the material in front of me. More importantly, doing still creates a mental connection. Things connection is what makes it possible for me to later recall exactly what it is. Our road down. So at the end of the day, if I'm taking notes on, say, one of the books that I'm reading, then this is exactly what my notes are gonna look like. Way
11. Writing Plan Your Next Project: As you know, by now, my maps are an excellent way to organize your thoughts while unlocking your creative potential. Whether you're writing for business or pleasure, a simple mind map can make sure that you don't forget to include anything. The process of creating a my map for your book works the same way as if you're creating any other kind of mind map. You'll start with the book title in the center of your mind map while using main branches toe, add chapter titles and sub branches for keeping track of chapter details and anything else you like to add. For example, using a mind mapping software called My Node, I've created a mind map for my book title. 21 Quotes That will Change Your Life theme . One of the features I really enjoy while using my note is that the offer both desktop and mobile options of their software. So if I start a mind map at home while using my desktop computer and then later on, say, standing in line to check out at the grocery store, I think of something else I'd like to add to my mind map. I can easily do so using the app on my iPhone. Any changes or additions I make are then updated in the cloud and reflected on all devices that I have my note installed on.
12. Now It's Your Turn to Create a Mind Map: now that you've learned the five basic steps of mind mapping and he gave them, watched me create a few mind maps along with watching me deconstructive mind map that I've created. It's now your turn to create your very own mind map. So get out a set of markers, some paper, and start creating your mind map right now.