Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Design - Create Outstanding Slides | Andrew Pach ⭐ | Skillshare

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Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Design - Create Outstanding Slides

teacher avatar Andrew Pach ⭐, PowerPoint, Animation & Video Expert

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Start a project!


    • 4.

      02-01. How to Design With Me


    • 5.

      02-02. Slide 1. Picture Layout


    • 6.

      02-03. Slide 1. Welcome


    • 7.

      02-04. Slide 2. Key Products


    • 8.

      02-05. Slide 2. Key Products (Design)


    • 9.

      02-06. Slide 3. Infographic


    • 10.

      02-07. Slide 3. Infographic (Shortcut Magic)


    • 11.

      02-08. Slide 4. Chart Design


    • 12.

      02-09. Slide 4. Chart Design (Part 2)


    • 13.

      02-10. Slide 5. Chart Design 2


    • 14.

      02-11. Slide 6. Contact Us


    • 15.

      03-01. Grouping


    • 16.

      03-02. Slide 1. Welcome


    • 17.

      Leave a Review, Please


    • 18.

      03-03. Animation Pane


    • 19.

      03-04. Slide 2. Key Products


    • 20.

      03-05. Slide 3. Infographic


    • 21.

      03-06. Slide 4. Chart 1


    • 22.

      03-07. Bonus - Morph feature


    • 23.

      03-08. Slide 6. Contact Us


    • 24.

      04-01. Print-out vs Live Presenting


    • 25.

      04-02. Adding relevant elements


    • 26.

      04-03. Example presenting


    • 27.

      Thank You!


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About This Class

Welcome to my PowerPoint class! Learn Microsoft PowerPoint 2019, 2021, 365, or any version you use to an expert level. We will learn both Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint design and Powerpoint animation here.

What is it about? 

  • If you struggle to design a nice presentation, animate it afterward so everything makes sense and present the content you've just created in an organized manner I would like to go over an example project with you to solve this issue
  • This class is unique because it is based on a hands-on, real-life project. The knowledge gained here can be applied to your own projects and presentations right away
  • We will work on infographics, charts, photos, and many more!

The class is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Slide creation where I'll teach you step-by-step how to create the presentation
  2. Animation where we animate all slides accordingly to the client's expectation
  3. Presentations where I want to show example ways of presenting and a few presenting hints

What will you learn?

  • Shortcuts to increase your workflow and efficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint
  • How to animate slides and change individual animation properties
  • What action titles are and how to use them
  • How to present a presentation
  • ...and many more!

Take my PowerPoint tutorial and learn how to Animate in PowerPoint. PowerPoint Design is something worth learning no matter the software you plan to use in the future!

Let's start!

If you would like to learn all those skills in a short yet informative class I invite you to join in and start watching right now!

Meet Your Teacher

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Andrew Pach ⭐

PowerPoint, Animation & Video Expert


Hi! My name is Andrew Pach and if you want to learn PowerPoint you are definately in the right spot! To my friends I'm known as 'Nigel'! I am an After Effects / PowerPoint / video / graphic design junkie eager to teach people how to utilize their yet uncovered raw design talent! I run a YouTube channel called "andrew pach" which I do with absolute joy and passion. Here on Skillshare, I would like to share interesting, project-based classes that will make your design workflow a greater experience. If you look below you can select any of my PowerPoint classes to learn from them! 

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Welcome to this unusual PowerPoint course. By unusual, I mean a different approach which will allow you to learn a lot more about PowerPoint, because we will base on a real brief, a real example from a fake client. We will have a clothing company. We will need to create a pitch deck for knowing all that and having all the information. We will prepare the presentation in the following order. At first, I will prepare all the slides with you teaching you a lot of PowerPoint along the way. Then we follow this up with animation, which will be part 2 of the course, where I'll animate the slide, the charts, the infographics. So you will learn a lot of valuable tricks how to animate those elements. Once we finish that, I'll give you a couple of tricks and examples when presenting a presentation. So the third part of this course will be about presenting the actual presentation. I will show you what action titles are. I'll show you how to possibly present and how to improve the viewer's experience to make everything look more understandable and simply retain the focus of your audience. On the screen. You're looking at some of the slides which will be created. I can't wait to start working with you if you'd like to learn PowerPoint, how to animate and how to present. This is the material for you. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. Let's see each other inside. 2. Brief: Hello, Let me give a very quick introduction into the course and read the actual brief. The company we are working for is super close. The exact brief is like that. We need a short five to ten slide information pitch deck for our clothing company superglue. All data information and brand colors will be provided. It will be a showcase of our tricky product and a couple of charts showing our increase T-Shirt sales. This presentation will be presented life to potential new resellers. So we need a contact page for potential clients and of course, some animations because this will be presented life, it should look clean and professional. Knowing all that and having all the information we will prepare the presentation in the upcoming lectures, we will start the creation process of the actual slides right away to not waste any time. 3. Start a project!: Hi, it would be amazing. And you can help me on Skillshare by starting a product for this class. Nice. At first, it doesn't have to be the ready product is go to the Project and Resources tab. Hit on Create Project. And right, You're welcome message. Later on when you create slides from the lectures, you can share a screenshot of that slide. You can do this by going to File Save As Selecting Browse. And you can select to save as a JPEG there. By saving JPEG, you can select all slides are just this one. Then you can come back to the project, select Image and to just add a slide that you created. I will be really happy to see it and it will also be very helpful. Please start the product right now. It will take only a few clicks and helps me a lot here on Skillshare. 4. 02-01. How to Design With Me: Hello and welcome to this class. I'm really happy to start working with you at first. I want to show you how you can possibly work alongside with me. You can simply open the resource because I will share this resource. You can open PowerPoint like that. You can select new slide and you can try to recreate each slide after each slide. If you run into trouble, you can always revert back to the original slide. You can even copy over existing elements. For example, pressing Shift Control C and copying those objects for here. So you do not have to worry that you make a mistake because you can simply copy over element from one slide to another to really work on a element per element basis. Method number three is simple because you can open PowerPoint twice. What I can recommend. There is on the bottom of the screen, the slide sorter. This lights are sorted that way. You can simply take PowerPoint, put it to the very side of your screen, to the edge. If you have a big monitor, then you can open PowerPoint a second time by using the middle mouse-click. The middle mouse-click opens another instance of PowerPoint. I was like a new presentation. And I can simply create the slides here on the left side, while always having the original presentation opened and checking what is happening on this slide and you can recreate it that way. The last method number four, which I can recommend would be to export those presentation slides to screenshots. Simply File, Save As Browse. I will hit the folder presentation and I will change the extension to J Beck. Okay, by pressing Save, PowerPoint will ask me if I want to save all slides or just this one. Of course I went to all slides. Okay, It informs me that everything has been saved. I can now go over to the presentation folder. Another folder is created, and I have oldest light a screenshot. Those screenshots can be simply imported into your existing presentation. Now do not worry, you can make those screenshots smaller. You can put those credentials on the side. You can even right-click. If you have a newer version of PowerPoint, which is 2019, you can go to picture, picture transparency and you can even make this one a bit more transparent. I could put it here, and I could simply start to recreate this slide. Having this in the background, knowing, for example, what I have to do, okay, I have to do this shape. I simply press to create a new shape. And I've tried to recreate it, Something similar. Having that in the background. Those would be a couple of methods. How you actually can take this, this class and how you can save your time by not wondering, How do I recreate this? Do I need to re-watch the video? I hope those methods will help you select the one that is suitable for you. And we'll see other internet lecture where we will start to create this light itself. 5. 02-02. Slide 1. Picture Layout: Let us open PowerPoint and start working. Before we do, I want to mention the font, the font I will use for this presentation because I will use very little text, so I can use a white font, will be Montserrat. If you want to use the same font, you can simply go to Font or Google Montserrat download. Go to this website, download this entire font. Once you have it on your PC, you can extract it to a folder. And from this folder, Double-click on it, select all the font files. Besides this license file, right-click and select install to install that on your PC. If you don't know that the resources for this class, you should also have access to the pictures, to the example pictures we will use here. And I will for the title slide and my company picture in the background. So I have a couple of ways to do this. I can simply drag and drop this picture right here in the PowerPoint. Or I can try to be a bit more professional and use the Slide Master and teach you something from the very first lecture. Go to View and open Slide Master. This opens the PowerPoint slide master, which contains all the layouts or the default layouts, Would you can create slides on, I want to create a new layer. So I'll click here in the empty space and I will simply insert a layout. This will be an empty layout just with the picture in the background. For that, I want to deselect the title, the selected photos because I want a clean flight. Then I will select insert placeholder. And I will insert the picture placeholder. Just drag it across the slide and extended to be to the full size of this slide. At this point, do not worry you thinking about what the Slide Master is. I'll explain you just in a second. This is what we've created. What we created is a new layout with a picture in the background. This will make it easier to design slides. Later on, I'll show you why. I will make one little adjustment. Right-click. Rename this layout, and let's call it full picture. Alright, so we will remember that this layout called full picture is simply a vector in the background. Now I will close the master view and in this position, I can explain a little bit more about the Slide Master. You've normally probably use layout, but you maybe didn't know what they are. Layout. As you right-click and select layout are those basic slight template which allow you to drag and drop elements quickly into PowerPoint. But the basic ones, I, I personally do not like them because they restrict our slice creation process to those layouts. We can of course, resize and reposition them, but they're kinda limiting in what they can do. So I usually need to create a couple of layers for myself as well. This is why I've created this picture layout, Right-click layout. I've called it full picture. Each time I want a slide with a full picture in the frame, I can use this one for the first lecture. I want you to greet the same, create a new layout with the picture placeholder in it. Once you have that created, you can simply take the company picture and drag and drop it into the slide. It automatically positions itself to fill out the entire slide. If you would do this without the Slide Master, you'd have a new slide. You would simply take this picture and drag, drop it here. You can see it. It is cropped on the left and right side. We could select crop. We could extend this picture. We could extend this picture that way. You would need to select Crop, fill, again crop. And this would have the same result. Whichever way you want to take. Both ways are fine. But I think that the Slide Master way might be a bit more advanced and professional. And if you want to learn PowerPoint, not just drag and drop pictures following me, then this is the way to go. Use the Slide Master. It will expand your PowerPoint knowledge from the very first lecture. I don't want to make this lecture too long. Let's stop at that and let's continue the creation process in the next lecture, where we will populate this slide with content in the middle. 6. 02-03. Slide 1. Welcome: So we have created our picture slide. I will delete the remaining ones, and I want to populate the left side of the slide because this looks very like a very busy, very crowded picture of, let's say, our office. I will start by inserting shapes and inserting a rectangle shape. I'll click here and I will populate, maybe something. I'll go beyond half of the slide. How do I determine that this will be perfectly in the middle. I can go to Shape Format, airline. It's aligning to slide and I will simply align middle. This way, I will know the shape as perfectly in the middle. For the color. I want to use a white color for the outline. Of course, I want no outline. To save time for later. I'll show you another PowerPoint trick. Right-click. And you can set as default shape for this PowerPoint file. Now, each time I will enter the shape into the slide, it'll always be a white shape without any outlines. This will make the accretion process and the development of this, of this presentation quicker. All right, Now I want to learn more element so we have something distinctive here with a strong color. I need to copy over the company colors, which is this fire orange and, and dark blue color. Insert Shapes Another time, a rectangle. Okay? Keep in mind that this rectangle is white. So what do you need to do? Shape Fill eyedropper. You want to click with the eyedropper and select the appropriate color. I will create this orange color and position it somewhere here. Beautiful. Now I need a couple of textboxes. I can start typing right away. Learn more or whatever you want to have typed here. Select the shape, go to Home, and select our Montserrat font, whereas it okay, This one is the original Montserrat. We will also use the bolded version. Once we select this font, we will have it here in the recently used fonts, which will be much more convenient. I will reduce the size so it's a bit smaller and perfect. I'll press Control B, so it's bolded. Now for the main text, welcome to super close. You want to insert another textbox. I'll insert a text box here and I will simply call it out. Welcome to super workloads. And a dot. Okay, I will select this one. Go again to the fonts and select again Montserrat, but this time a boulder one I will select for my secondary font. Maybe the Montserrat extra bold is perfect. You're like We selected there. Okay. Increase, increase, increase, increase, increase. That should be fine. And I'll put it on the bottom. Now you can decide visually for yourself, if this looks okay to you. For me, this box is too wide. We made this box too big because I have only those two informations here. So I will select this box. I will start resizing from the bottom. But another PowerPoint tip, if you press your left Control key, it will reduce its size from the top and bottom. This will make sure that this remains in the middle, but it gets a bit smaller. Alright, smaller like that. Beautiful. I'll reposition this. I'll reposition this. This already looks a tiny bit better. If we take a look at our original presentation, we added a little element on top of it because this count how we'll round up this entire design. Okay, So how do I do this? Insert shapes, and I'll insert another little rectangle. It can be a tiny element like that, make it orange, and this would be perfect. The last thing I did to make this shape a bit more distinct from the background. And the quick way to add a drop shadow, shape effect shadow, and add the simple outer shadow. Now, this would be my finalized welcome slide. If you want more detail on the shadow, right-click Format Shape. In the effect options. You can open up the shadow options in here, you can adjust, for example, increasing the distance a little bit, increasing the blur so the shallow gets bigger. And if you want this shadow to be more visible, you will reduce the transparency. As you can see, it gets darker, it gets more black. This way, you can really intensify the design of the shadow. All right, I think this is completely enough. This shadow makes this box much more distinctive from, from the background. I think we overdid it. So I'll increase the transparency back again a tiny bit. And this is our first welcome slide. It took awhile to create this light. Even though this is such a simple slide, a picture, Just a couple of boxes, but it sets the tone and the design for the entire presentation. So take your time and try to recreate something like this on your own. 7. 02-04. Slide 2. Key Products: Okay, Slide number 2 will be again divided into two lectures. Select new slide to create this new empty slide, I want to create another layout for tricky product we will display. If you remember, to display a couple of pictures, which we can automatically drag-and-drop though to view and open again Slide Master. I want to insert another layout. Insert layout. Right away. I will right-click Rename layout to three pictures. Okay? Again, you can decide if you want the title and folders. I will remove the footers because I want to have the bottom of the slide empty. Now go to View. And enable guide. Guide will make it easier for us to make everything perfectly equal. Original guides divide this light into four equal pieces in the middle, which is perfect. So we can be really precise. Now, I want to right-click on one of the guides and add another vertical guide. I want to make this vertical guide and pay attention to the values in the screen. I want to give it this much space, so I will just remember this value, 50, 88. I'll right-click, select another vertical guide, and I will go from the right side as well, 588. Okay, perfect. Now I have equal spaces on the left and right side. I can create the pictures like Mr. into place holder. And again, a picture a placeholder because I know I want 123 pictures here. How do I do this? I make, sorry, a picture, a placeholder like that. I will make it fairly big. Something like this closer to the middle. And this would be my template. I want it to be just a bit off from the middle. I press Control D and I place it on the same height. I do not bother about the sizes that much right now. Control the powerpoint, automatically puts it in place. Now, I know since I'm touching the left side and the right side, that they are perfectly distributed, distributed between each other. But what if you want them a bit, a bit bigger? You do not want this big gaps between them. Select all three of them. Press Shift, Shift to, to shift and click, Shift and click to select them and make them just a bit bigger. Okay, you can see this now goes over the line. I'll put it back. This one is perfect, but how do I make sure that between this and this, we have equal spaces? Again, shift, select, select. Because I know all three of them are equal. You will have the width and height here. We can even, yeah, you can do it by hand. And you go to Align. Align selected objects must be selected and simply distribute horizontally. This will distribute the elements equally between all selected elements. Since we have those three pictures selected, boom, we've prepared this template for the slight Close Master View right-click layout. And I will select three pictures. Now I have a beautiful slide away layout to work with, and this will be your quest for this lecture. I want to go to View and remove the guides. This is perfectly prepared to create a slide with three example pictures in it. You can simply take two pictures of what we have. We will display T-shirts, socks, and hoodies. Dishes is our main products. So make t-shirts first. Hoodies. Second. And sucks. Number 3, Boom, perfectly. They snap equally and perfectly into place and are already cropped. We see each other once your slide looks like this. 8. 02-05. Slide 2. Key Products (Design): This slide looks very incomplete, so I'll revert back to my previous slide. And this is very convenient because once you design something, a couple of elements, you can copy them over to our slides. I'll take this box and of course, the text Control C, go here, control V. Now since this is already my title, I'll remove the existing title template and I'll put it here. Now. You can decide upon the design. I came up with something like that here that we have a key information on the right side. Just to fill out the slide and make everything more understandable, you can decide if you want some taglines or some action titles, which would explain the majority of the information in the slide. I would also like a text place holder, just so we have something to work with just in case I'll Control D the existing one. And as you remember, we already have Mont selected. I'll of course, reduce the size. And he here you could put example text. Of course, you can reduce the size even more. It depends on what you need and how much texture you want here, I'll leave this as an example. Now, I want to add information about our key products. How do I do this? I again, can work with our existing elements and press Control D. I put it on the bottom here, and I reduce it to be smaller. I do not want this to be. So the color so strong, I want this to be transparent. So I right-click Format Shape and I can increase the transparency. Now is the moment to decide if you want this to be orange or black or blue. Since I wanted this text to be navy. Let's copy over this existing color. This I'll open eyedropper. I will click down my eyedropper and other PowerPoint trick. And you can simply grab colors from other presentations. Now this is a little bit more navy and then the black. And I already have this color pre-selected here from the previous colors. I will select the text and the box to have this dark navy color. Okay. Let's say that they did everything. That transparency is about at 40 percent. You can decide. Do you want low transparency or high transparency? I'll keep it as 27 should be. Okay. Control D, I'll put it in place. Control D, it snaps already in place. Perfect. Hello text, additional texts. Control D. You can see I'm just duplicating existing elements, which is really amazing. I can make the text white so it's visible. And I will call simply called T-Shirts. I will select this text box, press Control B to be bold and a little bit bigger. Okay, t-shirts on the left side, this looks really OK. Control D. Hoodies or sweatshirts, sweatshirts, socks. This will be the first line. I think this is too big. Control and my left bracket key to make everything smaller. Now additional text. With this additional texts, you need to decide what will be put here. I will just I'll just copy what I wrote previously. The bottom of the slide would be populated. There's too much space between here. So I'll extend this and I'll increase the size of the texts for I'll put this lower. You all need to eyeball if this looks visually okay to you. I added some information here and I can again work with existing elements I have, I just press Control D. I change the text to white. And I will, I had a number of European countries, 18 smaller like this. And or new markets I had, I probably had new markets. New markets reached in 2026, let's say this year. There are so many websites with icons. For example, icon finder. I will type in world and I want a completely free Eigen. As you can see, there are plenty of world icons. For example, this globe, this should be perfectly fine. This one, this one, this one, which do I want them? This looks like super interesting. I will simply download the PNG. I can download PNG icon and I will put it in the presentation. I cannot include it, but as you can see, you can download icons like dead, straight into your PowerPoint. You should be able to change the color to white, and it depends what PowerPoint allows. Not all colors are available, available here in PowerPoint, put white is usually something that we can create and beautiful. We created this right little elements on the slide. I'm adding one text here, uppercase. Much, much smaller. We will decide if we will use this in the actual presentation. You are now sitting down to create this and I'm getting a glass of water. 9. 02-06. Slide 3. Infographic: By the way, if you need to sample text to fill out blank spaces, go to and just copy over some texts. I'll take all these wood, which I have here to make the base of the slide. I'll select a new slide. And you can see by default the previous layout is selected. I wanted this time blank layout. I want a blank layout and I want the text in the middle of the screen. I will select middle. Now you take each individual element, shape, format, align, align center, align center, and align center, beautiful. On the bottom, I want an infographic which we'll show our development process in the upcoming year. I wouldn't align with boxes and each box will display like one information. I want four of those informations. I'll start by Insert Shapes, and I'll insert a rounded rectangle. This rounded rectangle will be the base and our color for this entire element. And you remember, we've selected white for the default color. We may be better off if we selected this orange. It will be a bit simpler to see the elements. But that's not a big hurdle because we can always simply change to it. I'll increase the roundness on it and I will make it smaller. Again, I want to make sure it's in the middle align center. So you can of course, eyeball this and do this by just eyeballing the red line, which indicates the center of the slide. But I want to always keep nothing at the chance. And I'm using Align Center and I'm pretty often I have it also as a shortcut, old one in my case, but I know that on the Mac version, the shortcuts do not work like that. So I don't want to force you into making a quick access toolbar, just like mine. Okay. I will move it a little bit to the bottom and I have my two brand colors, the fire red and a fire orange and dark issue, darkish, bluish color. I won't make a gradient, seamless gradient between those colors. I'll right-click Format Shape. To open the formatting options. I'll go to gradient. By default I have for gradients here, so I remove two of those colors. The first color should be the orange from our recent colors, and the second color should be this dark color. Of course, I want this color to go from left to right in the direction. I want to select the right direction. As you can see, beautiful, this looks pretty okay, even though those are very contrasting colors. And don't worry, we'll make everything look seamless. We contrast and go from the orange to the blue. This is a company. They have those two cool colors, so they know that they will work together in the end. And this is what I want to do for the infographic as well. I will divide this lecture once again into two sections. I would like you to finish this part of the lecture. So we'll make this entire preparation to the infographic. And in the next lecture, I'll show you how to finalize a product like that. 10. 02-07. Slide 3. Infographic (Shortcut Magic): The information which we got from the company is to make a four-part infographic. I'll go to Insert Shapes. Powerpoint doesn't have the perfect shapes, but a couple of them are pretty usable. For example, from the block arrows, I'll select this arrow because this would be exactly what we need. Again, color. Let's start with the orange. Let's move it around. You can press Shift key. If you press Shift key, you will move it equally. So it's much, much easier to get it done that way. All right, I want those kind of triangles to be a bit lower. This maybe to be a tiny bit bigger, and to point towards one of the points on this shape, I'll move it to the very left side. So we start from the left and progress to the right side. I want to duplicate this four times or three times. Control D, put it somewhere where you think it should be. Control D, Control D, I want equal spaces between them and to move it to the center of the screen, how to achieve that. And this is pretty simple because I can extend this. How much I want. I can press Shift to select all three remaining elements. And if you remember, I can go to align. And this time we'll distribute horizontally. You can see it will distribute horizontally perfectly between all those objects. But I want this to be in the middle of the screen. All four of them. What you need to do before beforehand. Press Control G to group. Now, move this entire group to the middle of the screen, align center, and simply Control Shift G to ungroup them back again. You can see this way. I've moved into the middle of the screen and the spaces between them are perfectly equal. So this design isn't as boring. You want to select on each of the elements, Shape, Fill, eyedropper, and you want to, I drop the color below it. This will make a seamless transition from orange to this darker color with help of those objects. Again, eyedropper click, move here, release here. Eyedropper click and release it a bit further away because I want this to be darker than the previous ones. As you can see, maybe this line is a bit too long, but that's no problem. That's no issue. You can select this line. You can come closer. So another dot appears and you can start to make it smaller. If you remember, when you press your control key, it will get smaller from both sides at once. And something like that. Just a tiny bit above them. Beautiful. We have the bottom of the infographic prepared. I will select all four of those objects. I'll press Control D, and I'll put them a bit below. Now, you may think, what kind of weird thing am I doing? I just wanted to use the colors. Now once I have all the shapes selected, go to Shape Format, edit, shape, change shape, and I want those to be circles. And in my case, this is called oval. Alright? Those are so close, but as you can see, they are imperfect in their sizes. No problem. Height, one with one. Now they are perfectly equal circles. I can put them below and I want to make them smaller, but how to make them smaller all at once. And this is impossible, right? No, it isn't because again, we utilize the elements and the shortcuts we have. Resizing with the Shift key. We'll resize all at once. But additionally, pressing the Control key will resize them from their middle points. As you can see, this way, I have created 44 circles with a mother of a couple of clicks, duplicating, changing the shape and resizing them with Control and Shift. And I didn't have to create four circles and recolor them all over again because I could use my shortcuts to make them a bit more distinctive, not just random dots. I'll give it this time. A white outline. Shape, outline weight, increased the weight a little bit to 4.5 points. And this would be the finished design. If you look at the original presentation, I did. We have texts on the bottom and text within the element, but that's not really teaching you anything new because you already know how to add text and how to maybe add an icon if we decide to use icons in instead of text. The main thing here is to create those elements and those circles with help of the shortcuts, I want you to recreate the bottom side right now this is why I placed it in a separate lecture because we had a lot of information here. Thank you very much for listening. Try to recreate it on your own, and we'll see each other in the next lecture, where we will slowly progress forward with, with other interesting lectures. I hope I'll be able to show you a couple more PowerPoint tricks like that. 11. 02-08. Slide 4. Chart Design: Okay, now the real knowledge will come in because charts or something that plenty of people I think do wrong in PowerPoint. And what I mean by wrong is using only the chart options, we can add additional elements ourselves. Let's create a new slide. Insert. We will do this right away. Insert Chart. And I'll insert a simple line chart like I have here. If we want. If you want to, you can go to Chart Design, edit data, and you can take a look at the data here. We could even take everything control C from the resource files. You've got. Go to your existing presentation. Remember to close this. Go to your existing presentation. Chart Design, edit data and I'll paste the existing data here. So we have something similar. All right, Now, what did I adjust to? Create a design which will be more consistent with what we already have here. A tours. I want the colors to be in the new slide. So I'll just press Control C and Control V to just include elements with the colors, okay? At first, I adjusted the range from the data displayed. How can you do this? Nearly anything you see on this chart. And we right-clicked and formatted just like you have the normal, regular formatting. And this is something that plenty of people do not do at all. And in my opinion, like, why do we need this empty space on the bottom? We don't really need it. It would be okay if we start with 2000 or 3000. So I decided to start with 2000 units as the minimum. This extended the existing data in the chart to make it more visible. The euros are okay, but you can adjust that as well. You can make the chart smaller. Now, what I also do not like, charts have unnecessary information. Yes, we have the legend here, but why don't you design the legend yourself? Because here it's barely visible. Barely understand what is, what is here. Even if I make this bigger, I simply do not like it. So you can click on the plus sign and you can decide for yourself if you, for example, wants to remove the legend, removed the title because the title, it doesn't have always to be perfectly above this chart. It can be the main information on the slide or it can be an action title. Summarizing this entire slide. This way. It looks already a little bit more clean to me. What's also important, you can click on the existing chart elements and you can change your core and the width. As you can see, we have the series options. We can change the fill, we can go back to the fill options. We have the line and the marker options and markers are those little elements and fill is the entire line, the line. So the line, we can increase the width, so it becomes a bit visible. We can increase the size of the markers. So those dots would be bigger. In which cases, this will look really much better. Now to our colors. You definitely do want to change the colors to your existing branding colors. And for example, I had only two colors. But you can see, since I'm transitioning with a couple of colors between my original color 1 and original color too. I can utilize those existing colors to the other lines as well. Okay, So this one should be, for example, this dark one. I had this, this dark one. Alright, so we have two colors selected. If you are lacking colors, just go within the scope of your existing colors or within the gradient between your colors and you surely will not go wrong. I'm using this brown here, and this brown works perfectly well with dose. Now, since we do not have any legend, we need some information of what is going on here. And I also do not like that. We have no information about the units. Next adjustments I would do on this clean, very clean chart right now. I would take one of the existing elements or have I would Control D to duplicate them. And I will call them units or units sold. Make this smaller and smaller. This will start to become like domain information. And the legend of this, of this chart Control D. I'll put it here. And here I'll simply type in year. This already gives you more information. And I wouldn't want here to be 8000 units, 77 units, 600 units. I just put it on top and this is the result I get. I would like to continue in the next lecture and we'll see what we can come up with later on. 12. 02-09. Slide 4. Chart Design (Part 2): Sometimes problem when designing is that it gets boring and too long. So let's make this simple, let's make this very clean. I want a simple legend here. And if you have PowerPoint 365 subscription, you'll have access to icons, right within PowerPoint. Ultimately go to Insert Icons. And what do we need here? We have some kind of short, this would be perfect. Then for the hoodie or a sweater, do we have something here? We have a sweater icon and I can number three, what do we have? Socks? Like those icons aren't super advanced or perfect, but it will get the job done for this kind of presentation. Perfect. I've inserted three icons into this presentation. Okay, T-shirts will be first. You can decide how big they should be. And the sweater over here, and the socks over here. This will make this design much, much easier to understand. Okay, of course, we can Graphics Fill and we can recall are the elements to the color we have used within this slide. I don't like the shirt icon. I could, I could select the second one or I could maybe just the fill no Graphics Outline. So at least I'll increase the width. So this icon is more visible. Graphics Fill orange graphics, old line as well, orange, okay, this icon looks now better. For the information. I will maybe not need text. I will need a title or action title, which will summarize this entire slide. Remember, I had this, I can always make this smaller, but since I haven't grouped those icons, select this, russia, shift, select, Select, select, Control G. Now this is one group. Now they will grow, shrink, and move around together, together like that. Okay, I will extend this because I have plenty of space here to not make it too difficult. I have just put three key informations which will later on be animated. We can use what we have already created, Control-C, Control-V. Here. Learn more. I will maybe add text by hand. And what is great here. You can even take texts from other slides, for example, from here, I'll call this info one because I don't want to spend too much time on the information's right now. I can use the existing icons. Control D. I'll duplicate them. Are you will. Okay. I need to control Shift G to ungroup this. I need to group it back again. So I have those icons separated from this design. Graphics fill, white color, graphic outline as well wide. And the last adjustment I need to do, graphics format bring forward because they are hidden behind this element. And for one, the first art t-shirts, and there'll be some information about t-shirts. So this will be box number one. Make it bigger, Shift-click for the t-shirt and just duplicate it. One time, duplicated a second time. Maybe this is too big. This is not for me to decide yet. I'll put the sweater, it's again behind, right-click. Sends it back so the sweater gets visible, beautiful, and the SOC arrange Bring to Front. So make sure that the socks are on the front and beautiful. This is exactly what I needed. Usual charts only utilize the PowerPoint options which is here. And people think that they are limited to that, like this chart doesn't display much. People do not remember that they can delete individual like data, and this would already look a bit cleaner. But what people do, people just leave both data and hope for the best that everyone will understand everything prescribed, something like that on your own. Create a chart to read some information on the site and we will see each other in the next slide when we will work with charts again, I know a lot of charts, but this is what you should learn the PowerPoint to get better both as a designer and as a PowerPoint user. 13. 02-10. Slide 5. Chart Design 2: We can take existing data by going to adequate are just copying that over and creating something completely different. New slide, Insert Chart. And this time, let's go for a column chart, which has a different kind of information on and usage. We have something very similar here, and I'll put the design on the right side. I want to repeat the steps. I want to delete the legend. I want to delete the chart itself, but the values are perfectly fine this time, what I want to replicate is the way we designed elements here, and we put them on our slide. This time I'll select the left side, make this a bit smaller, and we need to again change the colors. Changing colors is super simple. You can go to Format, Shape, Fill. And again, I dropped the existing column. I have a shortcut, which is old tree, which makes this even easier. If you want to set up a shortcut, at least on the Windows version, for the shape form over the shape form an eyedropper, you can open the Shape, Fill, right-click on the eyedropper and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. It is added as the third item here because this is the text fill, this is the shape fill. And each time I press old and three, my eyedropper is already selected. So I can select the gray bar three and just copy over this color, which is relevant for the socks. Okay, I make this a bit smaller, and here we have the perfect display of our unit sales. What I want here, I want an information about t-shirts mainly. So I will make those two smaller. And the t-shirts, I'll make much bigger. This will be the main information on the slide. I can put, put the Eigen lower and egg and make something very similar in 227 t-shirts made up 45% of total units sold. Here, I made only two shirts, but for this light, I can, for example, and give a supplementary texts that sweatshirts where our second bestselling product, I think this doesn't require any bigger legend, maybe a title above your end. I would like you to be consistent. So I would request that if you do those charts, you click on the Chart Elements itself and you also change the font because by default, it will revert back to Calibri or the basic PowerPoint fund. If I select Montserrat, everything will look more in line with each other. Montserrat, we should do this also on the previous slide, here and here. So again, picking Montserrat and hear Montserrat as well, and everything like works better with each other. This chart is very easy to understand. We have unit sales and of course, I, as the presenter, will explain that later. So if someone is explaining the presentation, it doesn't require any more values. Maybe if this is for print out for someone, then you could consider putting more information here because the viewer needs to immediately see what you want to present and what are the key information here. 14. 02-11. Slide 6. Contact Us: I'm really happy because I think we made those slides pretty interesting. Do we have another picture? Yes, we have a company picture, and now this picture is lower quality, but you will barely see it since we already created so many colorful elements. Let's go back to the first slide. Let's copy this. Shift-click this and maybe shift click the text as well, Control C and Control V, this into the slide. Now, it's a matter of playing around with this. I will make this cover up the picture a little bit because I think the picture doesn't need to be displayed. I'll make simply a big box which will contain all their contact information. Beautiful. I want the text right-click to be brought to front. The text of course should say, Contact Us. Page like that will be useful for potential business clients which would like to resell our products. I was asked to add a slight like that, so I'll agreed on exactly liked it. I want to include the address to make everything professional. Of course, the e-mail and the phone. For that, it would be best if you use icons. We could use only text, but since icons are so big and readable and even that we have those in PowerPoint. If you don't have those in PowerPoint, simply go download from the Internet. What which e-mail do you want? Maybe this this one looks okay or the simpler one? I want to go for a very clean and simple address. What do we have for the address and address book. Okay. And what was the third phone? Phone. I want do I want an old school phone? Why not? Or maybe this one or this consulting one. Let's go for this consulting one. Since we are those kinds of professionals for the Graphics Fill, I will of course change the filling. Remember that if you don't know PNGs from the internet, you will not be able to recolor them because they won't be vector icons. You need to download the SVG vector icons if you want to be able to recover them within PowerPoint, I'll simply place white and I'll add a couple of textboxes and maybe the phone second address should be first. Now, I do not want to waste it time on this. I will just populate this with a couple of textboxes. Of course, we can use existing textboxes we have within this presentation because we also, why did this change? I want this to be a Montserrat, so we are consistent within the entire presentation. Montserrat text number one, text number 2, liked. Address. White text, bigger, bold. And this is it. This is how I populate the address. And there we have it, the data. I could decide to delete those because everyone knows that this is the address, this is the phone, this will be the email, but in my opinion, this looks a bit better. This is how we rounded up this presentation with an opening and closing slide. Everything which is in-between can be expanded or can be adjusted. I want to show you within the next couple of lectures how to animate a presentation like that. How to prepare the animation to go in line with what we want to present. And once we animated, it will be much quicker than the design process. Then I want to show you how to present it, or just an example presentation. And my way of presenting it might be just an example and you may learn from it. I think this would be beneficial for the to make this class from start to finish, from creating a presentation to finalizing a presentation. Stay tuned for the animation part, and I hope we see each other very soon. 15. 03-01. Grouping: We finally come to my favorite part, which is animation. We will animate this presentation. But what I really want, I want you to learn a lot about PowerPoint animation, not just animating those specific slides. Before we start, we need to group certain elements which we know we will animate. And how do you know what to group whatnot? It comes with experience, but in general, you want to group similar art objects into one piece. Like, for example, on the first slide, I can imagine we do not need to group this middle element because I can separately animate the white box and the text. So I will leave slide number 1. Going to slide number 2. We have, for example, a picture, text number one, number two, and overlay. And we can decide here, do we want to animate it this at once? Or for example, animate the picture and the bottom part. I will opt for the latter. So I will just group the bottom elements. You can press Control G to group editing. Remember, if you quickly need to ungroup something, Control Shift G will do the trick. Okay, so our group, the bottom part, bottom part, bottom part. Okay. So we have the picture separately and this one separately. It wouldn't really make sense to animate separately the text, text number 2, this box, this would be too much. I want only two animations on those elements. Texts can be left as is, this is okay. But what about the right side? Again, we can decide if you want to animate this at once, or each element separately, since this is a really cool-looking design, I want to animate this separately. So I'll elevated this, this, and this. I will show you later on how, Alright, moving forward to slide number 3. And this will be pretty simple because we are again not touching the text. What about the elements here? The quickest way to see how many elements there are is to take a big selection. You can see this is a separate element. This, this, this, and the big line. Since I will have four instances I want for animations, I will just group those. Control G, control G, control G, control G. Okay? So I have now for animations and maybe the last animation will be this line or in reverse order. Moving forward. Here, it is very simple and I'll show you, of course, how there are a couple of tricks how to animate charts, because normally you cannot estimate separate elements of charts. And entire charts appear when you use animations. But of course, I'll show you a couple of workarounds. This is why you are in this course. Okay, here I only want to group those. They are already grouped. Okay, perfect. This slide is basically prepared to work. This as well. This seems to be ready to work. I have grouped that one, that one, that one, and the chart is a separate element. All right, perfect. And the conduct of slight, do we really need animations on the last slide? Well, this will be presented life, okay. We should have some animations, but I don't want to overdo it. I see I have grouped this. I maybe we'll press Control Shift G to ungroup everything. And I will just group the individual elements 123. So you can press, you can either make a selection like that, and that's not always possible because I cannot click here because I would select this object. I have to click away from this slide and I would need to make a selection like that. This is a bit awkward. And other way is pressing on an element, pressing down your shift key and selecting other element which should be selected as well. Control G, 0, 0 I selected one to watch Hunter Shift G, so it's ungrouped. Control G, control G, control G, perfect. Everything is grouped and prepare it for animation. And in the next lecture, we will go slide by slide and animate one slide per lecture. So you really can follow along and think along with me, How could this be animated? I'll show you a couple of cool animation tricks. So stay tuned because I'm really happy about this section. 16. 03-02. Slide 1. Welcome: Slide number 1. Normally, we would animate along when we design because we could copy some animations over. But here, I wanted to design the presentation first. Okay, We have everything prepared. Now, what do we want to animate here? Let's start with something simple. The most used animations will fade, fly in, or floating to sort of genius animations, which always work. Okay, Let's start with the floating. You can see this object floats in and we can select the direction. Sadly, we cannot float it from left or right. We can only float up or down. Float up is perfectly fine here. After these objects floats in the screen, I would like everything to appear from top to bottom. So I will pick this orange object. I'll select what do we want? I want a wipe. I want a wipe like that. Maybe from top. Again, Effect Options from top. This is animation number two. At any given point, you can open the animation pane. Do not mind the numbers right now because I will show you what's going on with that. You can always preview this animation. Okay, maybe the wipe from bottom would look better. Effect options from bottom. Perfect. Now for the text, I will show you the coolest trick in the book when it comes to text. We will select fade, which is basically the simplest animation if you look at it that way. But you can double-click on the animation itself. You can go to effect options. And instead of animate text all at once, you can change this value to byword or what even looked better by letter, this will slowly fade in the entire text and almost nobody uses this animation or this, this little change, which I did reduce the percentage because it takes too long when the percentage is set to 10 percent. Press Okay. Yeah. And the text and nicely flows into the screen. I can double-click again and increases. If I think that this is too quick, beautiful. Now, everything starts to make sense. You can look at those animations and I'll explain this animation pane in a second. In the next lecture, I'll explain the animation pane in much detail. Okay, Play from perfect, We have almost everything ready. And the only problem that I did here is that I am using three different animations. Let's use for the last button. One of the animations we've already used, we have fade, wipe and floating. I would select wipe. If you're lazy, you can click on this existing object which already has an animation. You can press on animation painter and simply paint the existing animation over. Here. I prefer this button to go from top or from left. So we can change the WIP two from left. Beautiful. If I would play those animations right now, they would look like that. In the next lecture, I will explain you exactly what is going on here. And then we will follow through with all other slides, exactly like we did with this one, showing you many cool tips. 17. Leave a Review, Please: Hey, it would be extremely helpful for this class if you go to the Review tab and click on leave a review and write something there. If you don't see this button yet, you need to watch a few more lectures and it will become available. Sculpture now requires that classes have recent reviews on them. So it would help me greatly. You just click here, you tell if you'd like to class or not, and you write a simpler view and click Submit. I would be very obliged if you can do this right now. Thank you so much and see you soon. 18. 03-03. Animation Pane: If a presentation is printed out, you don't have to bother with animation as much. But if this is a live presentation, I think animations can give the little extra touch. If you hover over to the animation pane, you can see the name of the object which is animated. You can see the type of the animation on this icon and you have this little mouse with a click. This means that would click number one. Animation number one will appear. Which click number two? Animation number two will appear, and so on. We have three types of animation. On-click. We'd previous after previous, after a previous is interesting because we can right-click select after a previous, after, previous, after previous. If you preview the slide. Oh no, I'm sorry. I need to remove the transition. And with previous for the first one. If we have after previous, each animation will wait until the next start. This has an advantage that this happens automatically. But sometimes I would like this animation to start in the mid point of the previous animation. That way, I have to use the third option. If you want the animation to start in the middle of the first animation, you need to select right-click who had previously, with previous means, boat will start simultaneously. What you can do within the animation, we have two options, the duration of the animation itself and the delay. If I increase the delay, you can see this little animation is moving forward. I don't quite like the timeline because the seconds of the timeline are on the very bottom here of PowerPoints. I think this could be done better, but I'm negotiating with Microsoft to do something about this, but this will take probably a lot of time. Alright, so what is my recommended way to go with those animations? Since we have only four simple animations, we can go either after a previous or with previous, because I assume you don't want to 4 times click, so everything appears. So select the first animation, press Shift and select the last animation. Right-click on them and select, start with previous in order. So everything doesn't appear at once. Which is a bit weird. We need to click on each animation separately and increase the delay. You may think, why am I doing this? You are supposed to be learning PowerPoints, so using the delays by hand and clicking around with them, we'll teach you something new. I increase the delay. I just want a harmonious animation. One of the another, increase the delay and you can always click on the first one and select Play from. I see this appears to quick. This should be delayed. Delayed. So it happens after the first one. Okay. The texts could be delayed as well. And this is basically it. I've just used the delay. It's almost the same as you would use after previous, but using with previous gives you a bit more control because you are the one deciding how much delay you give the animations. And this is usually the way to go. Everything looks interesting and harmonious to me now, I'll preview it one last time with Shift F5, I'm playing. This is the first slide, so I can just press F5. Okay, perfect. This would be a great introduction into the slide. Only this element animate one after another. Beautiful. In the next lecture, it should get quicker because we will already know and understand a little more about animations. I hope you understood what I was talking about. If not, simply click around a little bit with those animations. And later on, you will surely understand onto attenuate the full presentation. Let's go to slide number 2 and we will continue our animation journey. 19. 03-04. Slide 2. Key Products: Hopefully a couple of new tricks with each slide here. If this will be a slide with texts, we can animate a several items at once. Let's press on the first text press shift. On the second text press shift on the next textbox. Okay, we have three text boxes and we will animate all of them with the fly in animation. Of course. So it looks unnatural. We go Friday and fly in from left, right now we have three consecutive animations. You can see them right here, because I've selected all three boxes at once. They would animate with one click, but I do not need that. I can right-click start with previous. So the animate automatically. What change do I want in the animations? I want to click on the animation itself. I want to go into its effect options. And once you are here, the fly in animation, not every animation, but the flying animation have a smooth start and end bound. We can give it a slight bounds. So it will move a little bit around, wants it arrives in its position. You can see this was far, far, far too quick. So what you need to do, please increase the duration of the animation. Make this animation 1.5 seconds. This will look much better. As you can see, it progresses nicely into the screen. Maybe 125 would be the optimal length. When it comes to the animations itself, we can give it a quarter of a second of delay and the next animation, 2.5th of a delay. Now, if we preview that three animations, this is how they look like. 123 come into the screen. Now let's work with the pictures. What do we want for the pictures? I would suggest that we do something simple like fade because this looks really good for four pictures. What we could also do, we can open this tab, go more entrance effects, and decide if you want something. Maybe different, maybe zoom. Zoom. Also look very cool on pictures. All right, I like the animation. Now, what is happening? Again? Right-click. Maybe this time after previous, because I want this after the textbook. The second box. What about the second box? The second box, Let's make as well as Zoom. And to not waste any time, I'll click on the previous image. I go to animation painter, and I click on the bottom object. You can see both items have the same animation. We have a click here. So what we can do is maybe I want this with previous, this as well with previous. And of course, I want this much delayed. They can appear together or maybe with a slight delay to each other. Let's preview what we have here now. Okay? I will explain this slide and I want this, this, this and the top element arrive separately. With my mouse-click, I will animate it. This, this t-shirt and the bottom part can be animated together rooted, start with previous and delayed a little bit. All right, and those two animations, I think we can copy those animations over to the other object. Press on the first object. Animation painter, boom. Again, animation painter, boom. On the picture. You can see picture click number two, picture clip number three. The bottom parts as well can be copied over from the first one. Animation painter, boom, animation painter, boom, perfect. What I want, I want the group to move it behind picture number two, Let's preview what we currently have. This is a lot of animations. I will explain them a bit slower to you. Now. We have the textboxes with my first link, the first image appears with my second click, the second one, and with my third click, the third one. We don't have delays here. We should give a little delay behind group 2, group 3. And this one. I wanted to animate everything separately, but since we have so much animations already, I'll just press Control G to group this into an object. And to be lazy. I'll click on the socks or on any of those pictures. Animation painter and I will paint the animation over. This would be the animations I have. I think we could even make the button text first, second, third, but that's not as important right now. It's important that you understand how we did those animations, not the individual changes we can make later on, okay, everything slowly animates. I will explain why tricky products and then I will give this information beautiful. We've animated slide number 2, and we can move into slide number three with the next lecture. 20. 03-05. Slide 3. Infographic: Let me show you how you can utilize existing animations to make everything much faster. We've animated already a couple of textboxes, so I will just take all three of them, Control C and Control V them into this slide. Maybe I could copy on only one, but since I have them so nicely prepared with the delays, I reverse the delay so the bottom one appears first. I will just duplicate existing animations onto it. I've copied it into the slide. Please do the same. Copy, existing animated element onto this slide. Press on them. Animation bender, Boom. The second one, animation painter, boom. And the big text, animation bender, Boom. Okay. We can now delete everything. And let's preview what we have. Beautiful that texts appears. And if you'd like to fly in the animation, the fly in animation would be perfect as well for those objects. Let's now think about the hierarchy. At first, text appears, then I suppose this line should appear as the base for our infographic. So we will create maybe a wipe and wipe animation looks always very clean and good. I'll select the WIP animation. But of course, it has to be wiped from left. I think it's going to pure just after the text. So like that, everything appears, text appears, and then with my mouse-click, this line appears. Those four could be simply for mouse clicks. So what do we do? We animate once and we duplicate the animation over to other elements. What animation do we want? I would suggest again WIP, because it could wipe from bottom and a nicely flow into the screen. Or simply flying, flying, or even float in would look really nice. I think flying looks a bit better because it's like more seamless. So I'll stick with that. Since I have clicked on the Animation, Group number 2 is over the animated with a mouse-click. The duration could be extended a little bit. I'll double-click on this animation. Go to effect options and smooth the end a little bit. So the animation comes into the screen, and at the end, it slows a little bit down. This is a preview. As you can see, it nicely flows into place. We've animated everything, everything is prepared. So you are one step ahead. So you should use shortcuts now to copy over the animation, since you are more advanced now, you can use shortcut for the animation painter. It's a bit inconvenient because it's old. Shift C are always have to iterate, difficult to press on. But you can see once you press it, once it is active and you can simply click, click, click on different objects. I will just click away to remove it. And I have four animations put onto those elements. Let me read you what I did. I have the text coming into the screen. With my next clicked, I indicate that the, the infographic will start to appear and I will click, click, click, click as I go along with x ln, beautiful animation. And this is exactly what we wanted to achieve. In the next lecture, we will work with charts. This would be super interesting. I'm really looking forward to it because this is something I would call a tiny bit more advanced, but we simply have to work around with what we have. 21. 03-06. Slide 4. Chart 1: Now the big boss animating charge. What's the problem with PowerPoint? I will not show you how to animate text. You already know that and how to animate those boxes. This wouldn't be any problem for you. You can click on the box, press F8. All should see, I've animated this slide. Yeah, you can preview the chart 1, 2, 3. You'd explain the information on the right side, but how to make something better out of it? Well, there are a couple of simple tricks. Remember that you can take an existing slide which looks exactly alike and just press Control D in the presentation. In the transitions. Remember that you can make a simple fade between the previous slide and the current slide. And that's amazing. Why am I doing this? Let me click away. I'm doing this because if I would explain this chart now, let me go to Shape Format on, I want to click on the chart actually Chart Design, edit the data. Let me remove the data and leave only the t-shirt. So I will simply make this smaller. So only the T-Shirts remained on the screen. And this would be trick number 1 because instead of using animations, because charts can be animated, I'm using something completely different. I'm using a transition, a transition between the previous and the current slide. This is why I have duplicated this slide. We can use reveal, we can use split WIP. But I think fate would be really okay. So let's pretend that I am explaining this slide to you right now. And I want to switch your focus to the tissue slide. I will simply on the second slide, delete the remaining information. I'll delete the remaining graphs or maybe leave their graphs, but made that make them gray, give them another color. And this is how it would look like. You are watching this slide and I'd like you to switch focus only to the T-Shirts. See, beautiful. I press next. It doesn't matter if I delete those items are not. The main focus here is the chart. This is also something that people simply do not do. You can duplicate existing charts and you can just manipulate the existing data here. Then I duplicate this again. I click on the chart. I go to Chart Design edit data. You can simply switch data to release or for example, two socks like that. Of course the units now get a bit weird. So that's a problem because here we have a 1000 and then we would have to manually change it to a 1000 again. But that's just a minor detail. I wanted to show you the general information I'm using here. Here, this is great. Now let's make this gray again. What have you want to make this gray? Just right-click Format Data Series. And hearing the format, I want to go to the filling options and change the color to gray. Just imagine I'm explaining this slide. I am going forward. Let's look at T-Shirts, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah in compression and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They are gray, but they are still in the screen. And I can simply navigate between the exiting chart, just duplicating it. This is how you can change an, animate charts. In the next lecture, I want to show you a super advanced trick for chart animation n and chart explanations. 22. 03-07. Bonus - Morph feature: I'll try to make this brief because not everyone will have access to this function, which is the Morph transition edit since PowerPoint 2019 and above, the Morph transition would allow for an interesting effect. Let's say that you have a chart and you would like to focus on just as 226 and to 27 part on this small part. It could be really interesting because you take this at distance light, you duplicate this slide. Again, a duplication. You may delete something out of it, or maybe not delete. It will look better if we just move it outside of the screen because it will fly outside the screen and you can make it the existing chart bigger. Let's take the text and put it again as well outside the screen. And let's do something like that. Something like that. Now, you may think, what the hell am I doing? The t-shirts here? And this would be fine. I want you to focus only on the T-shirt chart within those years because I've positioned them in the middle of the screen in comparison to that one. Now, what happens if I take this slide and a person morph? You can see an interesting animation appears. It's almost like a fight with the elements on the site, will get thrown to the side. And everything comes closer to me. Yes, this is a chart, so it it doesn't animate seamless because I have some changes here, but you can see what happens. I'm enlarging just a part of the slide. What's really cool, since we have those elements outside of the screen here, we can take the previous slide duplicated and put it back again. So what would happen here? We would have this original slide. We would have the animation to this slide, and then everything would revert back to normal. This is a great trick if we use the more function because we have the text coming in from outside the screen, back into the screen. I know this sounds complicated and it is complicated. I just want to show you that you can duplicate a slide, enlarge something on it, and press morph. This is it. Now, what's the result? I will explain this slide, discharge, and I would like you to focus on this t-shirt part. I will come closer so it's easier to explain. Then with my next mouse-click, my next more, I'll revert back to the original slide. Everything comes back from outside the screen to its position. And we have a really nice seamless animation. And then you can normally continue with the presentation as we did as you do usual. Let us proceed to the next animation, where we will basically round up the animation process of this presentation. 23. 03-08. Slide 6. Contact Us: Welcome In this lecture here I will not repeat again, like how to work with charts and how to animate those boxes, because this is pretty self-explanatory. You can animate those boxes one by one with normal animations. When it comes to the contact page, I would suggest that we use the same animation like on the first slide. I don't remember which animation exactly we use. So I'll just take this existing element. And this is a great technique. You take certain existing elements which Remember that are similar in design and they are the first unless light is very similar. I just oh, I haven't copied it over. Shift, Shift Control C. I go to the last slide, Control V. I put it on the site, and again, I use my cheating technique to click on this element. All Shift C. This knuckle breaking animation, okay, we had a flowing and when it comes to the text, I select the text control shift C. And for the contact, I wanted to same animation. All right, I'll click away. I delete those because I don't need them anymore. And I go to my animation pane to preview what we actually have. Okay, this from left. And I suggest that we do the same for 123. We take the first one, we make a wipe from left. Beautiful. We've animated the first one. Maybe the duration zeros 75, so it's a bit longer. Do we want the mouse-click? I think we don't want them. Owsley, I want everything to appear consecutively. You can go with previous EGN, add a delay, or simply go after previous. It's your choice. Click on this object. Animation painter, boom, animation painter, boom. This is it. This is how we animated the Contact Us page. Of course, if you wanted, you can even animate the picture and let's maybe do it to make this a bit more interesting, where I wanted to show you one last trick. In the animations we have something like emphasis. I will select, Grow, Shrink. Well, the picture now grows towards me, but this is too strong. I'll right-click select with previous. And I will put it as the first animation. And now the after previous mix some problems here, but let's try work around it. Double-click on the animation effect and select out or reverse. So the animation will go for back and forth, back and forth. A little bit of smooth end, so it isn't so abrupt, so, so static. And for the size, absolutely, 150% is too much. I'll go 110% for now. Nice, very clean animation. I'll go back to timing and I will set, rewind when done playing or maybe repeat. Yeah, I want it to be repeat until end of slide. Okay? And this is it. Now, we can preview what happens. And as you can see, unless the first animation ends after previous will not start, this is the problem when you use after previous. What I should have done here is I plan to do this animation. I should right-click select with previous, and now everything will go together. Just give it a slight delay, delay, delay, delay, delay, delay. Okay, we are ready to preview what happens here. The image in the background will flow nicely to walk back and forth. Maybe it should be a bit longer because in my opinion it like flows too quick, but that's just an example. We can extend this animation at any given point. The main thing is that I want to give some emphasis on the contact us page, and this is what we did here. I can't watch this. Click on this and increase the duration two maybe and a 2.5th. This should now look much better because the image in the background will go slower. We can reduce the percentage amount of the growth. And this is it, this is exactly how you possibly wants to animate a presentation like that. I hope you've learned a ton of valuable element animation tips. Let me know if you'd like to learn something else. And I will maybe try to add some, some electrodes here, which will fill in the gaps in our knowledge. Thank you very much for listening. And in the next section, I will discuss little bit about presenting. And I also tried to show you the differences between a printout presentation and life presented presentation. Like this one. 24. 04-01. Print-out vs Live Presenting: Welcome to the section about life presenting. I feel obliged to talk about this. Our first topic is life presenting versus print out. Obviously, the presentation itself depends on the situation, but sometimes you have a conference room, all a room full of people which only have a print of the other presentation as a summary. So they are looking at the slides and they need to make sense of the slides. For example. If you are printing out a presentation, it would be very beneficial to use action titles. What would be action titles? Action titles are sentences which can summarize this entire slide. Every information this is here with one sentence. I can even do this action title without the actual big title. I could delete this. The key information I want to include here is newly launched T-shirts models allowed increased sales in 2026, 2027, the person having the printout could read this type of title. And we knew immediately what is going on with within this light and what do I want to showcase here? On the contrary, if you are presenting as light the other way around, I would suggest to leave as little text as possible. Let's, for example, look at this slide. If I would be the person explaining this slide, I would possibly delete parts of the texts or even the entire text. What we could change here, we could, for example, deleted the text, maybe living, maybe even delete this one. But you might want to leave some title as I would simply make this bigger. I should of course, ungroup it to make this box bigger. Of course, this information would be in the middle and this information could be hero. Why, why am I doing this? And why am I even going to animations animating this? Because once I will present this slide to you and I will be the one explaining, of course, the animations like showcase the bottom part first. Since I'm explaining everything, I don't need plenty of texts. I would explain to you within this and this year, because of newly launched t-shirts, sweatshirts and socks, we were able to send out products to 18 new countries, which we didn't send in 2024 and 2025. That's just an example. Since I'm explaining everything, there is no need for extensive amounts of texts which no one will read. Anyway. Since you are watching the presentation, I can clearly communicate to you with animations and would give an information. Remember, if you are sitting at the BC, on the left was on site. You have also some presenting tools like a pen, which can really help to highlight something. Of course, on the orange color, depend greatly visible, but I can change the color to yellow. I would explain this right now to you. Keep in mind that action titles are something to consider if you are printing out your presentation and using as little text as possible if you present life is also something very important. 25. 04-02. Adding relevant elements: Topic number 2 is adding relevant elements into the presentation because you know what you will be presenting. Since I have the luxury of preparing the presentation beforehand before presenting and this will be presented life. I can add additional elements which will make the presentation process easier for me. What I mean by that, for example, this is a normal chart, but I have added a rectangle because somewhere along explaining this chart, I would like you to focus on 2026, 2027. I know that you might stop listening or you might get distracted by literally anything. So I want to keep you focused by adding this little element. The next thing, I added an arrow, it will give me the ability to explain you something I want and keep you focused. The red arrow also indicates a clear color. Red means decrease, green means increase. And in presentations where you have a set color scheme, you can still use those universal colors if I would explain this slide. So this is the normal chart, and in this moment, I'd like you to focus on the brown bars, especially on the 2025 bar. Remember that I also have the PowerPoint pen. Please take a look at the Brown elements. And as you've noticed, in 2025, sadly, there was a decrease in sales because of great t-shirt sales in the upcoming years, 2026, 2027, T-Shirt sales are indicated by the orange bar. Even sweatshirt picked slowly up. So blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because I want you to focus on to those in 2006 and 2007. I've given it this orange box. Now. We could even duplicate this chart, enlarge discharged, remove other information, and only show 2026, 2027. There are many ways to do this, but here I decided to add a relevant element, in my opinion, a box arrow, some animations on the elements. So not everything is presented at once. So we have a couple of animations, the arrow, the box, than the individual elements on the left side appear, and everything has its hierarchy and everything flows nicely into the slide. Since I have the luxury of preparing this, I can slowly introduce information for you. I hope this is understandable and it makes sense to you because presenting is an art and I can't give you a strict guidelines what to do, but I can give you a couple of hints and information which might improve the way you present yourself, your material, your presentation, not only in PowerPoint, but in general, make everything more accessible, more understandable, and communicate visually with colors and with additional elements. 26. 04-03. Example presenting: I'll try to present a little and comment on my presenting. So it will be a bit weird to comment on myself, but welcome to super close. I'm glad to be speaking to you today with our potential partners which would be interested in reselling our clothes, had been introduced you to a couple of our key products which allowed a fast grow in recent years. Superclass is bla bla, bla bla, bla bla bla bla, great company. Our key products, as we've probably already mentioned in the brochures to you, our t-shirts. Apart from T-Shirts, we also sell sweatshirts and socks. Socks are completely not promoted socks or just a supplementary product. The most important information for you and key takeaway would be if you are a market where super workloads isn't there yet, it's a great opportunity for you. In the last year, we've reached 18 new markets. What do you mean by reached new markets? By reached, I mean, we started shipping out products to 18 new countries. Since our t-shirts cater more to a younger audience, they have really no problem ordering for from the internet. So this is a great opportunity for you if you would like to be one of the new market. That's cool. If not, if super clouds are already being sold in your country, that's also good because there's over the, some feedback on it. Following hour development process for the upcoming year. We are focusing on T-shirts, T-shirts, or our stable product. Our development throughout the year will be a couple of new collections and hoodies for spring 2020. Seven want to release that. We don't plan to release more because we want to keep the sale throughout the entire year. So even for quarter 3, you can market the existing products and they will be still relevant for the entire year. For Christmas, for quarter 4, for December, November. Of course, we will we will have some kind of Christmas collection, but still, the core of our sales should be coming from the regular T-shirts. I would like to not bore you too much with graphs with, I would like you to pay attention to the orange part of this graph. Let me grab a pen real quick. The orange part, which indicates how the t-shirt sales went in the recent years, T-Shirt sales allowed for other products to be sold as well. Remember, socks, the third and black one here. They are completely and promoted. They are just a supplementary product. And even the socks cell very, very well each year. So it'll be a great opportunity for you to have a sales funnel for the t-shirts and additionally, potentially another market for the socks. The second chart is only here to confirm the sales which we had in recent years. If you focus yourself on, for example, sweatshirts, in 2025, the sales decreased a little bit since we've launched new collections of T-Shirts, which you can see in years 2026, 2027. It even allows other products to sell better as well. So T-shirts are our main focus and stable product which we want to focus on. And this is also what we want to promote and what we like you to promote. If you decide to pick up with us and get in contact with us to sell t-shirts. T-shirts made up almost half of all our sales. As mentioned, our second best selling product would be the sweatshirt and sucks. No promotion. We'd be happy to get in contact with you if you are a potential reseller or need any information from us, please. You can reach us at the Contact Us page and we will gladly be answering any of your questions. I'm Andrew, I'm working in the marketing department. So this email will go directly to me. If you'd like to ask me anything, just shoot an e-mail on to this address and I'll be sure to answer as quick as possible. Thank you very much for listening. That's basically everything I have for you. I hope all of your information so we're satisfied. I'm open now for questions. 27. Thank You!: Thank you very much for listening to this entire class and presentation. I hope that you've learned both a little about PowerPoint, about creating slides, about animating this light, and about presenting slides yourself. I'm already opened for critique. If you'd like to contact me, please do shoot me a message. I'd like to know, what do you think about this class? And if you simply enjoyed the experience, leaves me a positive review. There can be nothing better for my course then leaving a positive review because this helps the algorithms and, or let me know that the content that I produce is useful and valuable. Thank you very much. Once again, highly appreciate. I'm glad you are here and let's each other in other tutorials like this.