1. Introduction: Hello, thanks for choosing my course discourse aim is quite simple. We want to make you an expert in Microsoft Planner. In just one hour, we're gonna be exploring all the different views in Microsoft Planner that come from creating a board. Then we're going to have a look at the chart view, at the schedule view, how you use them. We're going to also explore the different buckets that you create in order to properly organized your work, how to manage the members. We also going to be looking at all the different task options that you can use. And you also can spend some time in order to understand how we can integrate this with Outlook. How we can export this to Excel, how you can view it on your mobile. And also the different options here such as sides, notebook, and et cetera. We pretty much going to cover absolutely everything that you need to know in terms of Microsoft Planner. Lets get going with the first lesson.
2. Sign In to Microsoft Planner: The first thing that we'll need to do is to sign into Microsoft Planner. There are a few ways to do that. So first of all, you can simply log into your 365 account or you can just type Microsoft Planner and click on the first one. That's gonna take you straight into Microsoft Planner when you sign in. One thing to keep in mind is that in order to use Microsoft Planner, you need to have an active three sixty three sixty-five account or please be on the free trial. So if you're trying to sign in using your email and you'll get an error. This is probably the reason why you simply don't have an active 365 account and you should create 1 first. The way I prefer to lock into Microsoft Planner is by going to And then from here I will get this login page. I'm going to click on sign in and going to type my password. And what's going to happen now is is going to ask me first whether I want to stay sign in at o time. I usually say no. Especially if you are not only using your laptop at home. You better say No, right? If if you're using this in public places, just just to be on the safe side. Now I'm locked into my 365 account. And here you see all the apps that I have available to use. What we are interested in is the planner I can hear. So I simply going to click on planner. This loaded Microsoft Planner from me. In the next lesson, we're going to explore the Microsoft Planner interface and get familiar with it.
3. Microsoft Planner Interface: Microsoft planners got really simple interface. As you can see, there's a few things to remember. If you want to switch from Microsoft Planner to some other app in Office 365, you do this from here, and you just click here and then you can select OneNote, Excel, Outlook, OneDrive, whatever you need. This is the top bar. So the only thing that you have here is this. Then you have the notification. And notifications are not going to always be relevant to Microsoft Planner. For example, you see the notification that they have at the moment is that Microsoft released a new app that's available in My Apps list at the moment. And that's about it. I can dismiss it. Settings. We're gonna go over settings in more detail in one of the next session. So let's not worry about this for now. Then we have just the help button. Then here my account where you can change some of my settings and my profile again, we're going to cover this in a lot more detail later. Then here on the left hand side, you see, you see just a few things. So first of all, I can use this button to create a new Pam. We're gonna do that in the next lesson. We will create our first plan in Microsoft Planner. Then you have the Planner hub. Town hub is a place where you'll be able to see all the plans in which you're involved in some way, whether you would own, narrow them or whether you or the team that participates in this class, then you have my tasks to which you've been assigned to have nothing for the moment, then you have favorites. You can tack certain plans AS favorite. I should know how to do later. And then here's the recent plan. This is just one example plant that if credits here, just to show how it works, I just want to click on it really, really quickly. Show you. Don't think that I wanted to mention and upgrade this plan is here. This section is the working space, so we're gonna do ninety-five percent of our work here. Yeah, and that's about it. The only other button dots you pretty much have on, on the page is the good planner app, which we're gonna do in one of the next lessons. If you prefer to work in Microsoft Planner using the app.
4. Create our first Plan: Now let's go ahead and create our first plan. You see a lot of people creating the first plant from here by clicking on the new plan. And that's okay, and you can do that, but I believe there's a better way and something of a best practice that you may fall because this is how usually bigger organizations use Planner. And this is by starting from the teams teams application. So what we're gonna do is we're going to click here, and then we're going to select teams. And here's the use case that we're going to use in this lessons. So we have a website, and this website at the moment doesn't have a feedback form. And we want to create a feedback form from our website. And in order to do that, we want to engage a few people, assign them some tasks and make sure that these tasks are done in the next month or so. So how we gonna do that is by creating a plan. But before we create a plan, we're going to create a new team does not deliver on this plan. So we're going to click here at the bottom on join or create a team. And we're going to click on create a team. You can, you can use an existing Microsoft's roughly 65 group or team or, or in this case, we're going to build one from scratch. Then you have a few options. I gonna keep this private. And the name of the plan is going to be website feedback form. And then we're going to type a description. This is a plan to deliver a feedback form for our 99 productivity website. Okay, we're gonna create this. Then the next thing that we will need to do is at team members. If you are in an organization, you can straightaway start typing names and people that are in your organization are going to pop up here, or other, other plants or groups that you've been involved with. You, you'll be able to see them not at them here. Because we are at the moment not part of an organization. What we can do. And because we're going to work with some external resources, what we're gonna do is we're going to add guests. In order to add guests, we can type an email. For example, I don't type Rebecca at baker, 12 at just as an example. And I'm going to Arabic as, as a, as a guest. Then they're also going to add, for example, Stephen, have him here. And then I'm going to add, for example, Muhammad at And let's add one more. So for example, ratio at This is just example an epsilon. Delete them later just for these lectures. And that's it. I'm going to add this people. Now keep in mind that if you had guests, they wouldn't have all the permissions that a person in your organization will have. So they wouldn't be able to edit everything in teams. But in terms of Microsoft plan, they'll have all the necessary access needs that we need. And if we cannot add guests, jump into my many members lesson. And this is going to show you how to adjust microbes free 65 in order to be able to add guests to your Microsoft plan. And that's it, we're done. I'll close this. And now we have our spades for the website feedback form in order to create a plan now is as simple as clicking Add tab button. And then we're going to select planner. And then from here we're gonna create a new plan. So let's name it website feedback form. And then we're gonna save that you can use an existing one, but obviously that's not going to work for us in this case. And this is just saying that it's going to post announcements that we've created this new tab. And we're going to click on save. And now Microsoft is going to create our plan. At this point, we have our plan created for us. It took only a few seconds. And there are two options here. You can continue working on the plan from your Microsoft Teams straight away here from here, and actually switched to pose. You're gonna see that it made announcements from my name that this Microsoft plan was credit. So if I just click on it, it's gonna take me to the plan, but this again in Microsoft Teams. But because we want to explore more of the Microsoft plan functionality for, for these lessons, are going to go back to Microsoft 365. And you're going to find the actual planner app instead of working on it directly from Microsoft Teams. And this is gonna take me to my, to my Planner hub. And this is where you get to understand how this works. So imagine that you are part of 20 different teams, right? In order to see all the plants that have been created around these teams, the base place will be to come here to the Planner hub, where you'll be able to see the progress of suffering instead of going through the dozens of different teams. But anyway, so legis click on website feedback form from here. And this is now launched the website feedback form. And in the next lesson we're going to explore more on how to proceed with this plan.
5. Create Buckets for our tasks: We've created our plan. The next thing that you need to do is to add the tasks to the plan. And this is actually what most people do. But I'll suggest another approach as a best practice. Because even the smallest plan is kind of really simple project. For example, here, we are trying to build a website feedback form. So the first thing that we need to think about is the different sections that we have in this plan. And Microsoft Planner caused these buckets. So here's how it works. So usually the first bucket that you have is to do which you can rename. Lets think about our use case. We're trying to build a website feedback form. Usually the sections May be something like business case. Alright, so this is going to cost money. So some, someone in the business needs to approve a business case. Then we're probably going to have analysis. Then we're going to have a new bucket, which is going to be development. Then we're going to have testing. And then release and main tennis. We've added five buckets now. So that's going to be more than the screen that you have on the laptop. So you can just use, use the scroll bar to see the different buckets. Or we can also minimize the screen if you want to see more space. Let me do that. So my advice would be to always first start by thinking about the plan and coming up with a different sections. Obviously, if you already have a list of tasks, see how they can logically fit into a few sections. Because the point of Microsoft Planner is that it is visual. It's easy to work with. So having section is gonna make it so much easier. Instead of having one huge list of 20 items in one column here, you can always move the sections or the buckets around. So I can simply drag and drop a bucket to the left or to the right. If I want to delete a bucket, I just click here on the more options. And then I can delete it from here, rename it, or move it and discovers buckets. In the next lesson, we're going to explore how we add actual tasks to these buckets.
6. Managing Team Members: Before we proceed with creating our tasks, let's talk about team management in our case, because we started from the team's application here. And you've actually created a team first, which we then used in order to create the plan. We already have some team members here. So we have myself, Muhammad, Rachel, Rebecca, and Stephan, right? If you've created the plan from here or if you want to add some extra people at a later stage, you can do a trick here. You can also remove team members from here directly. So I can remove, for example, rachel straight away and she is not going to be here anymore. You've probably noticed that I felt that some guests that are not part of our organization with some random Hotmail accounts, you'll only be able to do that if you allow this in the admin panel of Microsoft 365. So if using a microstrip 65 account that's set up by someone else, there's a really big chance that you wouldn't be able to do that and don't people will be able to adhere, are people in your organization. But just in case that you want to add guests, let me show you what you need to do. You need to go to admin Then from here. Now, if you logged in, this is going to pop up. Then you need to go to users, then you need to go to guest users. And then from here, you see that guests have access to teams. If I want to turn this off, or in your case, if I want to turn this on, you need to click on that and then either allow or disable their access here and save it. Remember that once you do that is gonna take around our, say, three to four hours for the change to take place. Sometimes it happens faster, but usually you wouldn't be able to add them straight away. So in this way, if you now go back once you enable them, and if you go back to teams, for example, where you manage your team, you'll be able to add more team members to display them. In this really important because we're going to each task, we're going to assign it to a team member. Let us now proceed with creating our first tasks.
7. Creating Tasks: Welcome back. So far we've added members dog plan. We've also divide the plant into logical buckets. So we have business case, we have analysis, development, testing, and release maintenance. Now it's time to actually assign the different tasks that are related to this plan. We are creating a website feedback form. And usually the first thing when you're in a business, you need to create a business case. And you need to present it to management in order for this to get approved and get the budget. Right. Then the next task that we're going to add here is going to be approve approval of business case. And then we want the pro business case to be after the crate business case. So we're just going to move it is is a simple drag and drop. After we get the approval of the business case, will need to do some further requirements gathering. Then we will need to get approval of requirements. Then we need to create actual mockup based on which the website feedback from the ohmic rated. And you need to get a sign off. Now based on how we want to arrange this, you can actually keep the tasks in disorder, but I usually tend to move them getaway around. The next thing that we want to do is to assign a developer that's now in the development stage and develop the feedback form. This is gonna do for the development one, we can scroll to the right. If we have more buckets, then the screen can allow us to see. Then we need to assign testers, know tester, then provide feedback. Then the final stage is going to be to actually release and maintain final amendment, release of feedback form and someone who need to maintain it. Let me move him around. And this is as simple as it is to add tasks to a plan. In the next lesson, we're going to explain some further features of the tasks that we just created.
8. Task Options 1: Okay, so we now have the tasks created for our plan. Let's further explore how to assign tasks and water the different options available. Let's create on the first ask crate business case. Just click on it. This is going to open the menu of the tasks. And you see that it's in the bucket business case. You can actually switch it from here. Let me just quickly show you so that it just disappeared in 2009 x's bucket, let's move it back. Then. You can actually assign what's the progress. So let's say this dusk is in progress, was the priority. This is important one because Islam, it cannot start without it. So when's the start date? Let's say that we've started working on this last week, eight of August, and that we want to finalize it by the 20th, for example. We can put some notes. If you want. I tend to only do that for tasks that are not clear. But let's do that. Trade. Could create a business case for the fee, for the project. A checklist we're going to explore a bit later also Attachment and comments. So let's just go ahead and close this. Here it is. We can see that there's this flaccid which marks it as important, was the due date and add in an icon saying that it's in progress. But you say, hmm, we forgot to do one thing. We forgot to assign an owner. And you're going to be correct. So there you can again click on create business case and assigned owner from here. Or you can simply click on More Options and then assign owner. And they say that I'm responsible for creating the business case. Let's now quickly go through a few more tasks. But we're not gonna assign all the different options. So let's click on approval business case. Then let's say this is not started. It's important and the due date is gonna be one week after we create the business case. And we just gonna also assign an owner. And let's say that the stakeholder that needs to prove this is gonna be muhammad. So we're going to assign Muhammad as an owner here. And we're gonna close this. Let's quickly assign the tasks also. So let us say Rebecca, for example. Then assign Stephen, create more coppice con MP, Rebecca again. And the sign-off or the feedback forum is going to be Mohammed and going to quickly do the rest as well. Just so we have a more complete plan. I'll be back in 1 second. I will just assign everything and then we're going to continue. Okay, I've just, I've just taken two mins to assign every NEO. So you notice that now each task gotten owner and also due date. Another thing that I want to show you that you can actually color codes the different tasks. If you have, if you have a system in place, for example, Here's just click on label and I can mark it as read and just as a tip, right? This way, you can put some buckets or a different logical order for your tasks. For example, what I tend to do is anything that's in red is more offer Jose business-related thing that needs to happen. And then anything in blue, for example, is going to be a technical thing, right? So then I just know what kind of, what kind of task I'm talking about, but this can be anything, right? So for example, this if, if you're using, so for example, if you're using Microsoft Planner, for example, to plan your personal holiday, then you can, for example, assign anything read on tickets that you need to book, anything in blue and some kinds of communications that you needs to happen with your friends or, or whatever, right? So I'm just gonna make it much more easier to understand in a, in a more visual way of what each task is about. In the next lesson, we're going to explore some further options of the tasks in Microsoft Planner.
9. Task Options 2: In this lesson, we're going to further explore the task options that we have in Microsoft Planner. So for example, we have this task here which is developed the feedback form. However, when you think about it, this is kind of a big task and it actually consists of multiple smaller tasks. So I, we should go about this one. We don't want to have a completely new bucket for the development of the feedback form on its own without assigning developer. May, I mean you can, but there's a better option. If you click on the task. You see here that we have a feature called checklist where you can add MOOC posts, subtasks in a task over-sample, develop the backend. Then I click on enter, develop the front end. Then I can all show this on the card. So if a closest, you see that I have two sub-tasks. Now, if I click it, I can also decide to not show it here if I don't want to showed that many details here. And then, for example, one, Stephen craze, the backend. You can simply click on develop a backend. This is gonna cross it from the checklist and you only now see the 1.So outstanding. Like you say one of the two is, is completed. Another thing that can be done is once, once you created a checklist and you actually decide that this actually should be a different task on itself, then you can just click on this button. And this is going to promote it to independent task bygone, delete it for now. Going back. Going back to the task options, you see that you can add attachments. So I cannot file. So let's say for example, that once he was developing form, he experienced and issue and he took a screen shot and he wanted to show it to teams in, in case someone can help him with this. You can simply added here is you can simply add the screenshot here and he can also show it on the cart. If I close this, you see you see the actual picture, but that's a bit too much in most cases. So let's not show this. Another thing that can be done is you cannot comment. So for example, let's say I'm not the owner of this task, but they come here and I spot something or see how this issue can be fixed. I can say i Steven. You can try a dating your windows drivers and Ascend it. This is going to be now in the history, but Steven also is going to receive a notification that I've commented on his task. If you've enabled notifications, which we're going to cover in our separate lesson, which is, which is a great feature. Another thing that they want to show is that you can actually assign more than one person to the same tasks for, let's say for example, Steven's not gonna be the only one responsible for developing this feedback form. I can then click here and also assign Rebecca. And now they're both going to be owners of this task. Another thing that we can do is once we've actually completed the task flow, let say for example, to create business case, we've actually completed this one. I can just click on this one here, which is going to match this complete. And now this is going to disappear and is going to be in the completed tasks. So if I want to see all the completed tasks in a bucket, you just expand this section here below. Just make it more clean so we can only focus on the tasks that are outstanding. Let's proceed to the next lesson.
10. Task Options 3: In this lesson, we're going to explore the rest of the options that you have for your tasks in Microsoft Planner. So let's go to the approval of business case and let's click on more options. What do you see here that we have this copy Task button. So let's click on it. What I can do here, I can actually make a copy of this task. This is gonna save you a lot of time if you are creating, for example, a new plan and a lot of the tasks are gonna be the same, or you need to copy over some of the tasks to a new plan. So I can, let's bullets in this example key between the same plan. Then I can create a copy in a different bucket if, if I want to. So let's make a copy here to the analysis bucket instead. The great thing about this option is that it allows you to only copy over what you meet. Some other project management and task management tools don't let you do that. They only let you make a copy of the task with all the details. But here you can actually select, for example, maybe I want to know the owner and I don't want to have the progress there cause this is gonna be different task. I don't want the dates. I wanted description, I don't want the checklist, I don't want the attachment, and I want the label, for example. And I am going to make a copy of this. And here it is, and as you see, I have the label, I heard the name. I have the owner. I have the priority, but but I don't have the due date because he didn't want to have it there. Which is great. This is a great feature. Is delete this for now. Another thing that I noticed is that I have copying to task. This is great when you start following up on tasks. For example, let's say I have a team of ten people. And I noticed that a team member's tasks are overdue and I want them to update, update the task. I shoot them an email and in order to save them time, I can include the link to the task in there. And when they open the link, boom, they, they're gonna be straight into the task and they again, they can extend the due date, for example, or put some comments and etcetera. And another thing that they have here, move task. So I can move the task to a different bucket. So I can move the task to a different bucket. But to be honest, I tend to do that by simple drag-and-drop. So I don't tend to use this feature that often. And the last thing that they can do is delete the task. And I believe discovers 99% of the options that you have in Microsoft Planner for tasks. I will see you in the next lesson.
11. Group and Filter options: Welcome back. So far we've explored all the options available for tasks in Microsoft Planner. And now we have the plan rating. We have all the tasks assigned, we have due dates, we have Irving. What happens if you have a really big plan? And you want to be able to look good on specific information within the plan. For example, something assigned to a specific person or experiment in specific date and etcetera. Then you can use filters. You find the filter options here. And there are a lot of options here. So I can, for example, only filter on the tasks assigned to Rebecca. Now, only gonna display to me that our central banker, you can also do multiple filters. For example, I'm looking at all the tasks are assigned to Becker. And then also want to look at the ones that are with priority important, then I'm left with two. Write. Another thing. If, if I want to now clear this filter, click on clear. And by the way, you always know whether you have filter supplied because you're going to have in brackets here the number of filters that you have applied on the plan. So let's clear this up. Let's now put the filter, for example, anything that's within the bucket analysis. We want to filter only the task on analysis. And now we only have the four tasks that are within an artist. And this is pretty much how filters work is quite simple. Let's clear to the filters and look at the grouping. We've created our plan based on groups. So when we first started creating, the plan was created of five different buckets. And everything's displayed based on buckets. But what happens if you want to change this EU? You simply click on groupBy. And then I can assign, I can group it by assigned to for example. And now we're gonna get, get this view that looks at the TAS per team member. I can also switch it to progress. So I see the tasks that are not started, that hazard data in progress and the completed ones. I can also switch it on two due date. This is going to be more useful if you have a lot of tasks finishing this week, next week. Because usually these are the kind of buckets which introduce dates. And if you remember, we've assigned labels. So I can also switch the group BY to labels. And I can also switch it to priority, which is gonna show me urgent, important medium and operating in disorder. And yet this is how it works. These two features, filters and group by a really useful way when you have a bigger plan. So imagine that you have this big project with 100 or 150 different tasks. Then this way you will be able to really easily filter and grouped tasks in a way that's going to be meaningful and useful fear. I will see you in the next lesson.
12. Charts View: In this lesson, we're going to explore the charts, tap in Microsoft Planner. So let's go ahead and click on Charts. So this page is a visual representation on where you are with your plan. There are a few sections here. So let's go through them one by 1. First, you have the status. This is where your tasks a divided by status. You can see that you have 12 tasks left to complete. You see the number that are not started, the number of tasks that are in progress, the number of ones that are laid. This is going to be really important as you progress with the plan and you have the number of complete ones. Then you have a visual of how the tasks grouped, which in the different buckets N was her status. So you can see that the effect that we have for the moment is either not started or in progress. So we have three that are in progress in the knowledge bucket, and the rest are just simply start it yet. Then we have a graph on priority. So how many tasks we have in the different priority groups and what was their status? The, at the bottom, we have the members section, which is showing us how many tasks are assigned to the different team members. This is really important if you're about to use Microsoft Planner as a project management two, because this is going to allow it to see if you're not putting too much touchstone, one specific team member. And here on the right we have the actual tasks. And here on the right we have the actual tasks. So we can quickly see what dots are we talking about here. And when you, you've actually viewing the charts, this is quite useful. And some people actually use this in order to make presentations because you can use the snipping tool, for example. And just, you know, take a print screen of it and put it in your presentation. This is going to provide you a quick visual overview of where you are with your plan. And this is how the charts tap is used. See you in the next lesson.
13. Schedule View: One of the features of Microsoft Planner does really underused, in my opinion, is the schedule. Let's click on schedule. And we now opinion this is one of the most useful features of Microsoft Planner. And for some reason, I'm not seeing that almost no one's using it properly. So what does it exactly. So it's a kind of a calendar view of your tasks. So let's say, for example, now we are in August and this, this allows us to straight away see what tasks do on which day. So for example, here, on the 27th to focus the approval of Business Case is due. Another thing that they usually use it for is actually to assign my tasks due dates. So instead of going to the actual cars here and assigning today, so let me take this offer just for 1 second. I am taking this off, so there's no due date here and I'm gonna go back to schedule. I have here the unscheduled tasks on the right now because I've taken the business approved business case off, what they can do is actually assigning today by simple drag and drop or so, I will take the card and I'm going to drop it to the 20, 27th. And this is the usually the way I assign tasks date in my planner. So I just, I just have the list here of 20 tasks and I look at where they're going to fit on the calendar or it's gonna make sense. Another great thing is that you can move them around. So let's say, for example, you see that this is for some reason assigned to be down on Sunday. And I want to move it to Monday just going to simply drag and drop it. Also the current reviews dynamic so I can click on a task and this is going to display the details for me. And I can change whatever I want here. I can switch the mouse. I can go to the next model to see was assigned. Similar to what we've done with the other one. I can use the snipping tool in order to take a screenshot of four, do over the next month, for example. So I can put it in presentation is just a really great tool that you should explore. Also have the filters to available to you. So for example, if I want to see a calendar review of only the things that are due for Muhammad. I just gonna click up Muhammad. And this current is now is only going to display his tasks. Schedule is a great tool to use 3D maps of planner. And I would advise you to spend a few minutes in order to explore it further. I believe it's really useful. You can switch two weeks mouse. So yeah, go ahead and have a look and I'm sure you come up with ideas on how to use it.
14. Best Practices: Before we move to the next section, I want to give you a few best practices to keep in mind when using Microsoft Planner. The first thing is to keep things simple. Now, when you are using a project management, task management to, it may be really easy to get into the nitty-gritty and have hundreds of tasks. But in most cases does not need it. And this is just going to over-complicate things. For example, if you have a task such as developed a web form, don't go on and create 20 tasks for it. If you want to break it down, always use checklist. This is going to make the experience of everyone using your plan so much better. Also keep in mind that different screens will be able to see a different amount of buckets. This is what you usually see on normal laptop EEOC, around four to five bucket it. So it's a good idea to keep the bucket number low. If we're talking about a simple plan, I usually try to keep them up to four so we don't end in a situation where someone doesn't see the whole planning. They don't notice something that's assigned to them. For example, the second tip or best practice is to always utilize comments in order to communicate with your team. This is important because when you are running a small project, you really don't need to have a lot of meetings. So if for example, I have a problem with one of the tasks and I want to let the project owner know. The best way for me to do that. We will be to simply comment on it or go to conversations here, which is going to open the outlook for this plan, for this private group. And I can communicate with my team directly from here, send him an email and saying, what's up. This is, this is a group. This is important in order to decrease the amount of meetings we have. Because as we know, meetings what takes a lot of our time and there in most cases, not productive anyway, the next best practice is to utilize the attachments. So if I get the approval for the requirements, the best practice would be for me to actually attach the pro VMO here. So we have it. Things happen, people leave organizations. Something may go wrong with your with your laptop. It's a greater year to keep all the documents related to the plan within the actual plan. In the last thing, which is probably the most important one, is to update your plan record. I've seen it so many times people have the good intentions to have a plan for a small project. They create a plan and then they updated for a few days. And then they just continue on working without updating the plan, which makes the whole thing simply useless riots, you just waste a lot of time planning this thing, getting people on board. And for some reason, you simply stopped updating the plan. So if you can enforce that, this is the way tasks are going to be managed. This can be true to plan. And if someone wants to give updates, it should be within the plan and they should own their own tasks. And that said, I believe this discovers this section. Keep these tips in mind in order to have a better experience with Microsoft Planner.
15. Settings: Let's now look at plants settings. Actually the first thing that I will do is mark this plan as a favorite because I don't think we have done so in the past lessons. Which means that this is always now gonna be tacked to My Favorites and two-way take it out. This is how for you, if you have a lot of plants from the different groups that you're involved in. Now, let's click on more NGO to plant settings. From here you can manage the group email settings so we can mark this. So anytime now a task is assigned or completed, the group owners will receive a notification about it. This is in some cases a bit too much, so I tend to not tick this. Otherwise he's going to spam the people. Especially in the initial phases of the plan because you're just about to assign, for example, 23rd status. You don't want to group receives 2013 different emotion because once they load the plan though, see who's assigned to each task anyway, then you also have settings here. There are a few things here to keep in mind. License deciduous, the Marshall Plan and license agreements, so we don't need to worry about this. The next thing is the notifications, and this is my personal notifications. Someone assigns a task to me, a task assigned tummies late, due today or doing the next seven days emo only. This means that when someone assigns a task to me, our Chief and email, and then teams and then a mobile push. If, if I have the app, then if one of my tasks is later on or about to be do, then I will receive an email about it, which is great. This is one of the cool features about much of planner that he does. It does lead to know that something's coming up and you should take care of it. Then send planet feedback. This is just to send feedback or what features you want to the planning team. You don't have to worry about it. Then games. So this is, you can change the way the planet looks in some, okay? Some, not the whole thing, but in some, for example, top bar here. Let me show you. So the coloring of the, some of the links change and then you have this header here set. That's going to be a personal view. Then you have notification settings, but do so more generic tooth office 365. So you don't have to worry about if you were to take one thing out of this quick lesson is to keep in mind that you can adjust the notifications and when you receive an emails and reminders and that you can adjust dose.
16. Export to Excel: Everyone loves Excel. So let's talk about how we can export the information from Microsoft Planner into Excel and use it. What we need to do is click on More and then export plan to Excel. This is going to download a copy of our plan for us. And here it is, let me enable editing. You'll notice that at the top we have the plan name. Then you have the Microsoft plan ID, and we have the date of export. The best thing to do at this point in order to be able to work with this extract is to delete the first four column, the first four rows. Otherwise, if you're trying to do a pivot or table with the BDS page, it's not gonna work. So as soon as you deleted, we can now explore it. So we have, how many? We have 17 different columns. The first one is the technical name of the Microsoft task ID that it was assigned to this task for their database, then you have the task name. We have the bucket, the progress priority, who this task is assigned to, co-create it. When it was created, the start date, due date of the task, whether it's late or not. The completed date completed by the description. Completed checklist items, checklist checklist items, and the labels. We have absolutely everything that we have in the plan. We have it now in Excel. And so we can now do a pivot with it. We can plug it into another report that we produce. But the important thing to keep in mind here is that you definitely need to delete the top items for this to work for you. And this isn't as simple as that to use the plant data in Excel. See you in the next lesson.
17. The Planner Mobile App: Now explore how we can use Microsoft Planner using your mobile phone. I'm using an Android phone, so I would need to go to Play Store. And then I'm going to type panel. And it's the third one, Microsoft Planner. And you will need to install it 13 megabytes, so it's pretty small and it's quick to install on your device. And that's it. They now it's installed, they can open it. I will need to now sign into my 365 account. So let me do that. Now I need to enter my password. Sign-in. Then I'm gonna scroll a few times. And we'll just click on get started. And you see that now I have my plants here, SEO plans, I have plan one, and I have the website feedback form. And because I've tagged the websites feedback form to favours, I have it here, favorites so I can open it from here. And I am now in the business case bucket. I can rename the bucket if I want to. Then I can scroll to the right using my finger. To see the next one, analysis with a Walkman. You just scroll to the right to see all the bugs. As you can see that I can add a new bucket for more mobile Arkin open at dusk and see all the details about task. If I go back, you see that they have a button on my tasks. So anything that's assigned Camille c here, but at the moment I only have one that I've marked as complete, so we don't see it. Oh, GF closed it by mistake. So let me reopen this. I also have settings here from where I can sign out if I want to. If I go back to the website vapor form and if I click here on search, I can, actually, I can put the filter here or it can group it. Same way as we do on the web interface. I can go to the plants setting. So you notice that I have pretty much everything that they have. The web interface. I clicked on chars. So again, I can see the charge on the status buckets members, everything that they have in the web interface. It's really useful to have the mobile app on your phone, especially if you're constantly on the move. So yeah, if you need to have it, just go ahead and install it. And it's only going to take a few minutes to get inside your planner from here.
18. Planner and Microsoft Teams: Another important feature of Microsoft Planner that we should talk about is its integration with Microsoft teams. A lot of organizations out there use Microsoft teams to collaborate. This is a big advantage for Microsoft Planner because you can easily integrated within your Microsoft teams that you use in your organization. We've actually created our plan starting from Microsoft Teams, right? We've created our team and then we use that to create the actual plan. How do we now leverage Microsoft's Teams? What we can do is click on More Options and click Open in Microsoft Teams, a new window is gonna pop up, so we need to click on open max of teams. And here it is. This is the page. I'm going to click on website feedback form. And then if you click on one more, dependent on your screen size, you'll see the website feedback form. And you see that this is actually my plan. Now, why would you use Microsoft teams instead of just using Microsoft Planner? I believe the biggest advantage here is the ability to set meetings. I can see straight away that, for example, something is due this week and we need to have a team catch up. In some cases, maybe, maybe for your project, you meet once every two weeks. It, it makes it so much simpler to use it directly from the plan that you've just created. So what you do is we just create on schedule a meeting and for example, weekly website forum meeting. And then you invite everyone that she wanted to invite him for. Just for the example, I just gonna invite Stephen. And then I will say this for Monday, starting at 1130. And I can even do this weekly. I can create a weekly meeting agenda for the meeting and et cetera. You can add the agenda and then you simply send it out. And now if I go to posts, you created this. We can meet here. If someone cannot join off he, if he if they want to share something, they can actually reply, right? It can attach a document here and et cetera. And when you click on the meeting details, you can just join it from here. Join. And that's it. Let's now go back to the website feedback for you. Also notice that you can actually do everything that you can in Microsoft Planner here. So you can use the filters, you can group, you can add new tasks. You can view the charge format, the schedule format, the board format. You can, you can update the tasks. This is why a lot of teams who actually prefer to use Microsoft Planner directly from the team's structure. Because they, oh, we already used to using teams. They probably walking on a lot of different projects and each project go too different group. So it's easier to switch between the different groups directed from access teams and updater tasks and go on with your work. Otherwise, you need to log into Microsoft Planner. So there are some use cases when using Microsoft Teams to Mantua plan makes sense. So keep that in mind. If that's your case.
19. Microsoft Planner and Outlook: Another very useful feature of Microsoft Planner is that it's possible to integrate it with Outlook very easily. I lot of people out the work with our outlook in order to manage email. Email. So integrating it there makes it so much easier to follow up on due dates, then update the plan and et cetera. So let me show you how to do that. If we click on More Options here, you see that the last button is called at planned to Outlook calendar. Let's click on it. And then let's click on publish. This is going to generate a link for us which we can copy and paste in our outlook. Let's click on our two outlook. Now because I'm already logged into my martial 365, it automatically opens the Outlook application for me where it can just import it. I can add it to my calendars. Then click on Import. This is going to import everything in there. Successful. And here it is. So this is August and they could see all the due dates that we've created in Microsoft Planner. So let me switch to September. I can now also see you due date in September. On the Monday's I have the weekly meeting that we've set up for my teams. So this is now oh, integrated from me. Also because I'm already looked into Microsoft 365. This sinking only took press of a button where it just imported the due dates. However, if you using a standalone Outlook application and you want to import the due date, for example, in your other account does not link to the Microsoft Planner. You can simply go to add calendar in your application. And then you need to click on subscribe from web or the internet depending on what version of Outlook you have, you need to look for ATG calendar from web or internet or something similar. And then you copy and paste the link that we created in Microsoft Planner and then you import it. And this is when you click on import, this is going to sing the mesh of planner into your Outlook. If you want to take out the plan due dates from your Outlook calendar than later on. You can simply choose what to display from here. So I just want to take out the planner website feedback form, due dates, and that's it. They don't display it for me any any longer so you can customize what you want to see. And this is how you integrate Microsoft Planner to your outlook.
20. Notebook: Another feature of Microsoft Planner does very useful for collaboration is that it's integrated with one node. So again, click on More Options. You'll see notebook. And if we click on notebook, this is going to open one node that's linked to our plan. These notebooks at the moment, empty. So let's create a section. For example, the first section can be minutes of meetings. And then I can use that when my team meets in order to take the means of meeting. So the way the notebook is divided, it you have sections here and then you have pages. And pages are the different items within the section. So for example, this one can be caught August meeting. Your page. For example, September meeting. Then you can have a different section also. Brains, events, storming, feedback form features. And this makes it so much easier to take notes related to your plan and to keep them safely stored within the actual plan. Instead of writing it down in EMOs are a textbook or somewhere else. This is a much more productive way of storing nodes. And then if I switch back to the plan, I can simply close this because it is going to save everything automatically. And now any team member can go to the notebook section. And there'll be able to see every single node that we've taken related to the plan. And this is how you use the notebook within the Microsoft Planner.
21. Sites: Let's now look at the Microsoft Planner site features. If you click on More Options, you see a button called sides. And if we click on it, it's going to open a SharePoint site that Microsoft Planner have for each gland that you've, you create. Not many people use that feature, but I will say that it's really useful, especially if you're using Microsoft Planner in order to make up a bigger project. This is because from here, the whole plan is divided into logical sections. So you have the new section. So imagine if you're running a bigger project, you can put some news here around this project by creating a new post on what's going on with this project, right? You see that you can actually do visuals. So this is our say, useful for projects where you have a bigger audience and a lot of people are interested in how the project is going on. What's also useful here is that you can see the latest activities we, you see, see straightway that we've just created meeting here. You see the latest comments or documents uploaded. So it's really easy to stay on top on how the plants progressing by simply looking at the activity here. Where do you see the latest around each plan? You also have this document section here where all the documents attached are stored. You can also upload documents straight from dislocation. From here you can also access the notebook. You have the conversation space on the outlook related to this website feedback forum plan. Let's close this and go as go to home, our advisor to explore sites. If you're using Microsoft Planner in order to run bigger projects where you have a bigger audience which is interested in this project. And that's it.
22. Bye: Hey, I just want to say goodbye and really thank you for taking my course. I really believed that you now know everything needed in order to run successful plants. In Microsoft Planner, we've covered all the main features and we also discussed the best practices. We covered some more advanced topics. Please leave a review as really appreciate your thoughts on the course and whether you found it useful. Also, if you have any issues or problems or want to know more about Microsoft Planner, please let me know and I'll be happy to cover this as well. Thank you and good luck.