1. Introduction!: Hi, everybody. I'm doing some Welcome back to the sculpture class today. We're gonna talk about who ports. I talked about mood boards in my first class. Here is culture that waas build your first photography portfolio. And then I realized it's very interesting topic that should be looked way more in that. So what are we gonna do during this class? We're gonna talk about how to build your own would board and how to research to build your own report. But also, we're going to discover why it's so important. Have mood boards for your work, especially as a creative and photographer hope you enjoy by
2. What's a moodboad? Why should you need one?: So what's the mood board? Well, a mood board is basically a visual kalash that's gonna provide you your team. And also, maybe you're planning some information about the work you want to do. Why is it important to have it? Because mood boards are going to show what your idea is. For example, if you're doing a photography work, they're gonna show and weight which way you will like to set up the lights or which kind of subjects you would like to have in your photos. Or maybe which kind of environment which kind of style, maybe, if one some texture. If you want some particular characters in your pictures, so your mood boards are fundamental to give others an idea. If your work and for you as a reminder off the line of work you want to follow, it will be. It's important because when you will look up at your boon board, you will have a clear guidance off your direction off the direction you want to take in during your work. So when you're working, you could always go back to your mood board and look at it and say, Am I following one with board. Yeah, no. And then take decisions off the work you're doing at that moment. It's extremely important to build them in a way that they're really eye catching you. An easy to follow. So for some of us will be easier to have them when your computer for some of us will be easier to have them on walls. Now, we're gonna look at how to build your own in the best way you prefer, and it's more effective for you, so you will go on with your work and a great job.
3. Types of moodboard and collecting materials: So we said that a mood board is a visual kalash, but the visual collage made of what? So depending on how you want to structure your mood board, so a physical one or more online one or just a screen one. There's different ways off collecting your materials. Let's talk first about physical reports. So, for example, would boy, you can have on a huge piece of paper or on your wall so you could also touch it and feel it. There. You can collect anything that catches your attention, like in all autumn with boards, but especially things like, for example, pieces of fabric that catch your texture, interest or maybe some photos. You should maybe some Polaroids you have taken so you can have something and you can not just look at, but also you can touch. That depends a lot on the kind of work you're doing. Or, for example, you can. You like to add some post its in your mood board, or you wanna build it going on, taking pictures and Polaroids every single day, and they like to have them in physical foreman at them. Or if you're reading books and you like describe pages out of your book, our magazines that is great for a physical material. And that's a good boy you're always gonna have with your so you can have it in your in your sketchbook or you could have it on your wall. So every time you're working, you can look at it, touch and maybe move some things. And that is great. If you're less of a physical mood board person and you like something more online, I couldn't suggest you two different ways. So you probably very familiar with a platform cold Pinterest. So Pinterest is the biggest move board online ever existing. How this Pinterest works Pinterest based on your interests and your lives will suggest using different images are recipes or whatever you're interested in. And then it will build a wall where you can see all these different things that you like and select quick once you to create your own boards who are basically small wood boards for things you like. So you couldn't either link all the things you find catchy in the Internet or also your scans of your photos kinds of articles. Pictures have taken everywhere. You could record someone talking on. Also put it in your Pinterest. That's a great idea. And you can always have your Pinterest with you because even if you're outside, you have your laptop, but you have your phone. Maybe you have the Pinterest. You could always crawl for your Pinterest happen, showing to friends short, maybe to your customers, to give them a very quick idea off. The work you want to do are also for you to relate to the things you already liked and maybe take new pictures or talk with other people or for new magazine or new book. Another online idea will be using a program like photo shop or illustrator or in design, like the one you are feeling more comfortable when I personally really like to use in design or illustrator for mood boards. Because they're just easier for me to display all my images. And then you can just click all your images on the create an easy collage, dragging all the images you're liking all the things they're interested in, and then create your own move or you can printed. You can just look at your file. You can share it. You can easily email it to anyone else, so that's also a great way to build your mood board.
4. How does collecting work?: so we talked about collecting material. But how does the collection of your materials actually work? So let's go back to the basics where where it's easy, you can look everywhere, literally everywhere. So at the magazine's you're looking at the moment or all books you're reading books you're reading at the moment are if you go outside, you see someone with a really cool dress to stake a picture of this person. And then you can clip in your mood board. You can print it, could put it anywhere else. Take Polaroids, take videos, take illustration of people. Take notes. Always have your sketchbook with you or a piece of paper, even scrap paper. And just if you look, look at something that you like, just take a note, and then when you're building your move, or you could put that piece of paper in it and say, Oh, yeah, I really like the idea should keep in consideration. Also, your instagram feed is a great, great way to build up your were Woodburn. How you know you can say the pictures air interested now on instagram. So sometimes just go run the pictures you have saved and maybe you could find something that's really relatable to work you want to do at the moment or just thinks that might be really interesting for your work, that then you can just take a screenshot and put it in your mood board, and that's gonna make the job way easier.
5. Let's build your moodboard! : So after you decided which ones are in the material that you find interesting for your mood board, it's time to build your own wood boards. I will show you how to build a non physical would board an illustrator. So it's a month where we can share it will be also very useful for your final project. So let's open, illustrator and start on. We will have, yeah, some articles. There's also some pictures on my instagram feed on You can see they don't look like they're all relating to each other, but that's because I think that Mubarak's are working progress. So how should it work? First of all, you put all the things that are catching your ideas, imagination. Feelings altogether in a huge would board make it us biggest possible with everything that you're liking at the then start looking at what all these things have in common. Are there? Is there like a scholar scheme? Is there a pellet? Is there a nagged him that's repeating constantly or a concept? Or maybe Asyl? Then take all these things that have something in common and put them copy them and put them in another mood board this is gonna be your final, but it's gonna be more work done because it's not random. Not so random was the 1st 1 but it's more focused on the work you will be doing. If, for example, a client's asked you to create a new concept for, let's say, their campaign, then make a huge move bar with all the images of their existing campaigns and also the pictures that are catching your imagination. Then do a final board where you put all the collect the connected things together and you will see it makes it so much easier for you to come up with a new concept to come up with new creative ideas. Based on this pictures you have in front of you having a visual, it's always helping you to go through and also looking all the time for new ideas, being always aware of the reality that's around you on the people you're working with, the people, you're friends with, the books you're reading, the other leaders that is great, and that is gonna help you so much.
6. Present your moodboard: then Now you have humor board. How could you present it to others? Well, if you decided to have a physical aboard, it's great to have, like, a huge book where you couldn't just cliff all your mood boards and then show it to your client so they will see that you like to collecting. And they could touch it and scroll for it and maybe ask questions may be moving around the room board. It all depends and what you like to do with your Wilbur. And if you actually like to make changes on it or not, what I suggest is never stay stuck with your mood board in any way you made it. There's always room for changes. Changes are great, and maybe you get a new idea that's completely different from the one you thought before. But you can introduce it inside your mood boards. So yep, why not try it if you have a non physical one. So, to be honest, a physic Apia find, for example, we can always email it to anyone on what I highly highly suggest is when you present to work online, for example, platforms like be hands or maybe You can also put it on your instagram or wherever you put your before you always put the footboard off your work. And because when people see that you made a research that you made effort, then you were looking at things to get inspiration for work. They will weigh more, appreciate the work you've done. They won't understand what's behind your work, what Europe, psychology and also, what's your taste? So they might not call you for this kind of job you were thinking, but they might call you for other jobs. Or they might be interested in doing more projects of you than you were expecting. They might discover you on, and you never know what's gonna happen. So always try and always put your board and your works.
7. Your project!: Now, let's talk about your project. What is your project gonna be? Off course is gonna be in wood board, but I'm gonna follow you for the entire process of humor part. So what I would like you to do is start putting your ideas Britain down in Project section so you can tell me. Hi. I really like to do this project on this space. And I have this in this following idea. Then you will put your initial with board. You couldn't put it in whatever form you could put an image. You can put some pictures of your physical aboard. You could just put random images that are intentionally going into your mood board. Then we're gonna all discuss together, and then we're gonna go from and build the second part of the movie. So your final board, this is very important to share with the others because the others can give you some more idea suggestion. They can give you some links to some places where you could look up ideas. And that is great. You can discover new words you never thought about When you're gonna have your Rupert on done and clearly posted. We might talk about how you're gonna work later on your approach. I really, really love to see pictures off your project going on. Maybe. What's the result based on your move or so? Yeah. I'm really looking forward this year. Work, Andi. Hope to see you very soon. Bye.