Master Your Time: 5 Day Productivity Challenge! | Aram Atkinson | Skillshare

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Master Your Time: 5 Day Productivity Challenge!

teacher avatar Aram Atkinson, Storyteller. Filmmaker.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Challenge!


    • 2.

      Day 1 - Distraction Analysis


    • 3.

      Day 2 - Breadcrumb Morning Routine


    • 4.

      Day 3 - Accountability Tricks


    • 5.

      Day 4 - Defeating Disappointment Dips


    • 6.

      Day 5 - Big Picture Motivation


    • 7.



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About This Class

Productivity tips, productivity apps, and productivity methods - that's what you'll get in this class!

The Problem: You feel like no matter what you do, days slip by without any progress being made. The to-do list goes unchecked, you feel further than ever from your goals, and you go to bed frustrated each night.

The Solution: A productivity system that helps get you out of that rut and stay focused, which can be tailored to you and your unique situation. A set of easy tools that help keep you on track and get to bed feeling content and productive every night! 

In this fun 5 day challenge to boost your productivity, you'll go from frustrated to hyper-focused and create a system that you can rely on any time you feel yourself slipping back into bad habits. By doing this one day at a time over a week, you will strengthen your discipline as we build on each lesson day after day. 

What you'll learn:

  • How to recognise, control, and remove distractions in your digital and physical worlds.
  • Design and follow a morning routine that gets you working earlier than ever and enjoying it!
  • Ways of holding yourself accountable, so you don't have to awkwardly ask someone else to do it.
  • Simple techniques to overcome bad days and go to bed in a positive mindset.
  • How to stay motivated when you have an existential crisis about what you are trying to achieve!

Who is the teacher?

If you don't know me already, hey! 

When I'm not directing commercials or meeting with clients, I'm sat at home working through the not-so-glamorous tasks that take all of my self-discipline to get through. Over the years I have experimented with as many different productivity techniques and apps as you can imagine and created some of my own until I found what works for me. I believe they can work for you too!

The proof?

I don't want to brag, but if you want some proof that this works, then here aresome of the highlights of what I achieved in a single year using the productivity techniques I teach in this class:

  • Wrote an award-winning 70-page TV pilot screenplay
  • Gained an 'access to HE' diploma in physics, biology, and chemistry with 11 distinctions
  • Learned British Sign Language up to level 2 (and continued learning beyond)
  • Produced multiple and complex commercials for the Royal Navy
  • Designed, shot, and published 3 Skillshare courses
  • Shot a proof-of-concept film and pitched it to executive producers around the world
  • Started a YouTube channel

So what are you waiting for?!

Jump in today, and be your own master of productivity by the end of the week! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Aram Atkinson

Storyteller. Filmmaker.

Top Teacher

So you're probably wondering what can you learn from me?

I wear a few different hats, but my day-to-day is filmmaking, specialising as a writer, director, and cinematographer.

I love teaching (in fact, teaching on Skillshare led to me teaching at a university part-time)! Nothing makes me happier than seeing that moment a student understands something that's been alluding them forever. The 'oooohhhhh' moment!

Here are a few things I love to talk about

- Screenwriting & Storytelling

- Freelancing & Brand Storytelling

- Cinematography

- Notion

- Productivity

- Teaching & Leadership

Take a look through the trailers of my classes below, and when you find one you like just get stuck in!

See full profile

Related Skills

Productivity Time Management
Level: All Levels

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1. Welcome to the Challenge!: How many times have you gotten to the end of the day and thought, I really wish I had started that one thing I was meant to finish today. If there's one thing I've learned over the last few years, working from home, it is how hard it can be to be productive and feel like we're using our time to the best of our ability. But what I've learned is that being productive isn't about reaching maximum amount per 100% of the time. It is about knowing how to get yourself back into productivity when you've hit a bit of a dip. So I wanted to create a class that helped you do exactly that because I've been in that place where you fall into a rock and you can't get out of it and you just want to start being productive again. These are all techniques that I've used to get their split into five different key areas. We can do this one day at a time and build up brick by brick as we become more productive together. Some of the things I want to share with you in this class is how to identify and block out distractions. How to create a unique bespoke morning routine that works for you. How to make sure he's saying accountable to the past year. Who said that you're going to do this thing tomorrow and making sure that you actually do it. And how to pick yourself up on those days that you do find yourself at two in the afternoon having not started. If something isn't in this class is because it's not worked and that something is in this class is because I found it absolutely fundamental to getting back into some sort of rhythm. So if you want to reignite your productivity and do it in five easy steps, then join me in class and we'll do that together. 2. Day 1 - Distraction Analysis: Alright, welcome to the class. We're going to get straight in that because we don't want to waste time. That's what we've been doing far too much of. One of the reasons I think that we all struggled to be productive is that we lie to ourselves. We are easily distracted by a number of things. So the very first thing that we have to do to become productive is quite simply just become aware of what is actually distracting us. We're going to spend the day assessing what is holding us back. The more honest you are at this stage, the more productive you will be down the line. You need to pay attention all day and really note down anything that is distracting you. Now the first part of that is digital, so that could be Instagram or YouTube, or searching for jobs on For me, I am fully aware that I get distracted way to easily with YouTube. I'll go on there to look at something specific. It will be a piece of equipment just to walk through of how it works. And before I know it, I'm not even watched that video, but I spent 2 h just looking up really random stuff. If you go into your phone, you can actually look at the amount of time you're spending on these and also the physical side. So anything that is there in your line of sight that distracts you, it doesn't matter what I'm doing on my phone. If I have my phone in my hand, I will be distracted by it for hours at a time. It might be books, in your case, it could be the TV, whatever that physical object is, that it's distracting you. So becoming aware is really important, but it's by no means the final answer. It's not. Okay. With that done, we need to now keep going and actually block access to these distractions. It's really easy to get distracted when the environment is already set up for that. When the TV remote is right next to where you're sad, we need to make it. So anytime that you engage with this distraction, you are actively making that choice to basically let yourself down. We are choosing to not be productive. We are no longer the victim. We are actually the villain in this case. I'm going to show you how I remove the distractions in my life, both digital and physical. One of my biggest distractions is sleeping. I really struggled in the morning getting myself out of bed. And the problem is that by having the phone as the alarm right next to you by the bed. Distraction is there to be had by hitting the snooze button is so easy to rollover, hits news and VOI Noah and now has gone by equally. It's easy just to stay in bed and scrolling Instagram or some other form of social media. So I needed a way of adding an obstacle that stops me being able to hit the snooze button or stay in bed, that basically gets me out of the room. And the way I found to do that was to install an app called am droid. So what this app does is it creates a set of challenges that you can pick. And that is the only way you can turn the alarm off. So you can't just hit snooze or slides across to hit off. There are certain obstacles that you have to overcome. And there are two that I found really helpful. So the first one is a challenge about luminance, where basically you have to put your phone in an environment bright enough that it will turn off the alarm. And that genuinely means you either need to open your curtains or turn on the light. Now if you love your snooze function and that is a great one to have because it's gonna get you creeping into that start to the day. But for me the best one when it comes to actually having an alarm that forces me not only out of bed but out of the room is the barcode scanner. So essentially what I do is you can either have it work on any barcode or choose a specific one. And that barcode is the only way I can turn my alarm off. I can't even turn the alarm down in volume. The only option is to delete the app. And I think there's even a feature to disable that or scan the barcode. So I'll place this book anywhere else. And normally I place it on a cabinet just outside the bedroom. Because once I'm outside of the bedroom, it then becomes a big obstacle mentally to actually get back into bed. At that point, I have to actively choose not only hit the snooze or turn off the alarm, I'm going to walk back into the bedroom, get back into bed, and go back to sleep. What before would be the easiest option. Now it's actually the harder option and there's no more excuses. There'll be a whole bunch of apps on Android and Apple that will do this. A android is the one that I use, but there's a whole variety out there. But the other problem I have personally is that the physical phone itself is a distraction. If I see this phone anywhere, I'm going to end up on it. And even if I have the app's hidden within a whole bunch of different places on the phone. I'm going to find my way there. The only way I don't get distracted by my phone. Is to physically place my phone somewhere else. And the two ways I do this is if I'm feeling good and I'm not worried about it, I'll just place a phone in my bedroom cabinet and then I'm not going to really see it. I'm not going to notice it. And again, it's an active choice if I want to look at it, but more often than not, I'll have a quick look and then put it back in like once an hour. The other thing I do, which I also have to do with chocolate sometimes is asking my partner to hide it from me to just take it out of the equation. I'll just be like, here's my phone, put it somewhere and I just need to not think about it. That's my phone. That's how my phone distracts me and how I deal with that. But it's not just the phone that distracts me. The other thing that gets me is my laptop's specifically my laptop. So if I'm on my desktop, no problem, I will just work. I will be in that headspace. But when I'm on my laptop, especially if I'm not in my office environment, if I'm just sat on the sofa. So easy for me to just get lost on YouTube or Instagram or something of that nature. And in those moments, I need something extra to block me from gaining access to those instagram, social channels and YouTube channels that I really enjoy watching. The main tool I found for this is something called Cold Turkey. So what cold turkey does is it allows you to enter as many websites as you want into a category. And you can then choose to block those websites on every internet browser that you use. So even if you're addicted to websites like eBay where you just want to find the new tool or the new outfit. You can block that and you can either block it just on and off. So you choose to block it. Then for the rest of the day until you turn it off, it's going to be blocked or you can lock it. So if you lock a block, what that means is that as soon as you turn it on, you then can't turn it off until that Locke has ended. So you could choose to create a lot between 09:00 A.M. and 05:00 P.M. and then as soon as you turn that block on, you can't untick that until 05:00 P.M. so no matter how tempted you are, you can't access those websites in that time-frame. You can do that on the free version. There is a paid version which allows you to schedule so you don't even have to turn the block on or off just between certain times a day is through the week, that block will come on automatically. And then there's other features to explore like timers. So that is how I physically and digitally lock access from my laptop, or at least help train me to the place I need to be, which is on my desktop, not looking at social media. So by the end of day one, you should have become aware of all your distractions made or less made a note of everything that is taking your attention. And then also going beyond that to actually block access to those things. That's what we need to do for day one. We don't need to stretch ourselves. Start there, make sure you get that done. And then tomorrow we'll pick up with creating the perfect routine and actually making sure that we stick to this on a daily basis. 3. Day 2 - Breadcrumb Morning Routine: Hey, welcome to day two. And today we're going to build on what we did yesterday. And we are going to breadcrumb our best morning routine. So we're going to build the easy steps to get you working in a productive manner. Now I'm sure I'm not the only one who has got to one o'clock in the afternoon and realized I haven't actually started the thing. I was hoping to get it done by the morning. That more often than not is the distractions of what's around us. But that distraction tends to start right at the top of the day. The first thing in the morning when we wake up and we take our phone of the bedside cabinet and we just scroll through, we forget what it is that we actually want to do that day and we kinda go into autopilot of our just do this, I'll just do that. And then eventually we check our schedule at one and realize, oh yeah, that was a really important thing as meant to do 4 h ago. So the whole purpose of laying down breadcrumbs for a better morning routine. It's making it easy for you to not forget and easy for you to start getting winds straightaway. The way I like to think of this is we're going to pre-load success. The more successes that I have, the more confident and the more I want to keep succeeding is compound growth essentially. So we're not trying to add to what we need to do. We are trying to make it easier to just get there. So we're basically going to build a timeline of a to-do list with very small steps we're going to do. When we wake up. This is what we do, then this, then this, then this, and then we'll have to lead on. But they all have to be really easy. They have to be the start, not necessarily the finished. So let's say you're self-employed, fashion industry person. And on your to-do list is you have to do a big order and you don't really want to do it. The key is to break down those steps into the smallest, easiest ones with actually that big main objective right at the bottom. In a way that doesn't actually feel like it's even on there. So we're not going to do the big order. We're going to just do turn on the computer, open up the platform, whatever it is, you use the credit card on the table. So it's nice and easy to just fill in those details. The smaller the easier the step, the more likely you are to get going. So like any breadcrumb, the key is to make sure that the breadcrumbs are small. They're going in the right direction and not to spread apart. So here's an example of mine. Right next to my phone or my alarm. I'll have my breakfast pot already laid down. So all I have to do is take that into the kitchen where my to-do list is ready and waiting to go. I've already ticked off two things. Great. I'm wanting to win. Now I hate editing, editing so much because I've had to do it for so long. And I much prefer being behind the camera or in front of the camera, just not sat at the desk. So when I pull my to-do list, I must do this edit. I don't wanna do it becomes this thing. I put off. And I put off. But when I put on my to-do list, tunnel and computer, open up edit and I don't make myself sit down and actually start the edit. All I have to do is open up the project while I can do that because there's no commitment and my end, I can turn on the computer and I can open up the edit. And then I can carry on making breakfast, which let's be honest, that's the fun bit. But when I come back to the computer, that edit is sat there waiting. It's easier for me to sit down and do it than it is to justify not doing it. Now at the time we're making this, I'm actually training for a very long run. And as part of that, I have to make sure I'm going to the gym, I'm working out, I am hitting the road and doing those miles. Writing down, go and run 18 mi is not something I want to see. What I will do though is get changed britain, you're running gear. I have to get dressed anyway. So might as well make life easy and just get dressed into the sports stuff that's already there, ready to go. I'm not necessarily going to go to the gym right then. But I've removed an obstacle later on. And because I'm wearing that stuff, I'm not going to forget to do it. It's there in my head, is there visually for me to see. So it's not just about designing your environment as much as it is about Laying the path through the environment to where you want to get you to create your own breadcrumb morning routine. Here's what you need to do. You need to think about whatever your objective is for the next day and really break down all those components until you get to the easy parts. And that's what's gonna go on that list. We're not laying down the big goal. We're simply putting down the breadcrumbs that will lead us then naturally. Now, so very well and good saying these things, but you actually have to go do them. So before you go to bed tonight, you need to lay down all those breadcrumbs, physically put the things where they need to be. So tomorrow morning you can just follow those breadcrumbs. The one thing to add to this is that it's actually really good to put in a reward for yourself. Not everything has to be an objective or a breadcrumb of something you have to do. Pepper that list with things that you are going to enjoy doing and make sure you're taking them off because of that, again, that's going to make us feel positive and we only write down things that we don't want to do that is going to grind to a halt. So if it is making coffee, if you love your coffee in the morning, then yet put that on there, make sure that you are having that coffee. Sandwiching in a task that maybe is the start or something you don't really wanna do. But making sure that you are doing it and rewarding yourself once you've done that. So day one, we've blocked those instructions and we have blocked the access date to today. We have figured out the breadcrumbs to win tomorrow morning and to get to where we want to get. And D3 tomorrow, I'm going to show you how to make sure you're staying on task, how you are holding yourself accountable to be productive. Alright? See you tomorrow. 4. Day 3 - Accountability Tricks: Alright, here we are, day three. So this is a good one. For this lesson, I'm going to employ two things that I've learned from two books that I've read. And the last one is one of my own, I think hopefully anyway. So we're gonna start with one of the most helpful things I have ever found for staying accountable. Now if you read David Goggins book, can't hurt me, then you probably know what's coming, but I am putting its like tweak to it. And if you haven't, an amazing book, definitely worth a read. So when David Goggins wanted to change his life, he was overweight in a job he hated, wasn't managing very well in his academics. He lifts himself in the mirror and hold themselves accountable. He just laid out the truth using post-it notes. And that way every day he would see that truth and have to confront it. Now for some risks that might be a bit much. You might not want your notes on a mirror when you have people around and they're saying what the **** is wrong with you. What I like to do isn't accountability letter. So let me walk you through how I do this. Now I find the best time to write this letter is at the end of the day. So you're lying in bed and make sure we're leaving breadcrumbs. We have that notebook that we're writing in, sat ready-to-go by our bed. And the obvious note on what we need to do, we don't just want some notebook that we forget about has to be obvious. It always has to be really clear. Basically be completely honest and open about who we are and what we're doing, and where those choices have goddess. And tomorrow we're gonna be able to look at those things and say, well, if that's what that led to them, what do I need to do different today to lead to somewhere different? So write it at the end of the day and look at it first thing in the morning and it will help you remind yourself of what you are, where you are, and what you're trying to become. Now, I did read someone who had done this and actually found it a little bit too difficult to say, I am failing here. I am letting myself down here. Because by saying I am, it feels like that is not transformable. So what they said instead is I am being this, I am doing this. And you can change that. You can change what you're doing. You can change what you're being. It's up to you. I don't feel the need to do that by thought it worth including. Now the next technique from James Clear is actually something he says not to do, but I find it really helpful. So I'm going to show you how to do that right now. Now, I'm sure many of you may have read Atomic Habits, which is a great book by James Clear. And in it he talks about this idea of voting for your identity. What he's getting at is if you want to form a new habit, is rather than focusing on what you want to be doing, is focusing on the person you want to become, who you want to be. An example he gives him the book is rather than wanting to read more, is to become a reader. Now I'm pretty sure in the book he goes on to say you don't need to physically vote for who you want to be. I personally have actually found it really helpful and some of you may think this is stupid. But what I've done is I have this little box. I actually made this out of paper that you can just have any box that you may have. And then on small bits of paper, I write down who wants to be and what that entails. So two examples I have here. One is, I'm an athlete, which are then underneath put, exercise, food, discipline. Well, it means is sometimes you don't really want to go to the gym. But as soon as I cast this into this box, That's it. I now have to go because I'm saying that's who I am and to be that person, I have to follow through on my actions. I also have one that says I'm an entrepreneur. Courses, YouTube consistency. Want that there is doing is, again, if I cast that, it's going to make sure that I am recording these videos. I am writing that article or whatever it is I need to do the whole reason I do this as a physical exercise where I have an actual box. I am physically voting is because I know that for me in myself. If I cast that vote, but then don't go on to do whatever it is I'm saying that I need to go do. I'm going to feel terrible in myself. This box keeps me accountable to who I wanna be. Because again, if I'm not really wanting to go to the gym, I'll hover over that and I'll think, Do I really want to cast this, this whole idea of identity leading the changes you're making to become more productive on James Claire's case, just to have better habits. It's there to help you become the person you want to be, which is really the crux of this. Why do you want to be more productive? What are you hoping to achieve at the end? I'd really recommend not just reading the book if you get the chance, but also doing this as a physical exercise, writing down the sort of person that you want to say that you are and what some of those actions look like. Do you want to be a CEO? And what does that mean? Does that mean writing an article? Does that mean turning up at 09:00 A.M. at your desk every day. As a simple thing, It's a silly thing, but it really works. So up until this point, we've basically laid down everything we need to do to get to where we want to be, to be doing that thing to starting that objective, whether that is writing a blog post or shipping off some eBay supplies. We are at the point now we actually need to do the work. I mean, that's the whole point of a productivity class is to actually be productive. And everything to this point is changing our methodology. So we can get to that point without feeling burnt out or frustrated or annoyed. But we need to actually start. And when we start, there's something that I do that I find infinitely helpful to keep me on task. And I also do this when I stop and change task. And that is keeping a visual timer right in front of my eyes. I have an old phone and I just use that and I set it up on the timer and leave it running right in front of the computer. As soon as I start, whether that is a blog post or editing, I have that there. Because by visually seeing how long something is taking, it makes me work faster. Because I want it to be done quicker. You see those numbers ticking over and you're thinking, How is this taking so long? And you work harder and you don't get distracted because suddenly a day has value to it, rather than just saying, I spent the day doing this, you're saying, Okay, I spent 4 h doing that. One thing that doesn't need to take 4 h. I know that there are time trackers online. There are Pomodoro apps, which is something similar. But for me, I think of physical counting clock right in front of your eyes is the only way that this works. If you set a timer on a website and then you forget about it. Well, what good is it? You'll come back and you realize you spent 48 h on the website. What we wanna do is have a very clear visual indication that doesn't go dark, it doesn't fade out, it doesn't get minimized into the background of different apps. We want to see it nice and clear. Now, if you want to do the Pomodoro technique, you can, it's great. But personally, once I'm into something, I can build a rhythm and I'll get it done. For me. The problem isn't midway through the project is at the start of the project. It's getting that first grind through. I assume you all the same and this is what I do to help that. But there's also needs to be done when you stop to take a break. You need to know how long you are wasting on YouTube or whatever. I guarantee you, you'll be amazed at how helpful that is. Go and find an old timer from your kitchen or order on Amazon, or have a phone that isn't your phone. If you can manage that, maybe borrow your partners if they have let you have something in front of you, that does not let you stop remembering how long something is taking. So that's it. That is the end of day three. So right now, we have actually managed to get to the most important part. We've set ourselves up for success every day through the breadcrumbs that we've laid down. We're making sure in the evening we are accountable for what we're gonna do tomorrow. When we get to that point tomorrow, we are voting for who we want to be. And we know the only way to get to that identity is to start the task. And once we start, we're putting on that time and we are keeping tabs on how long it's taking. So really they are the three biggest, most important lessons that I think you can possibly have when it comes to being productive. But what happens in a week's time or two weeks time where you forget or you fall off the positive vibes or you feel like you've not actually made that much progress. Tomorrow, I'm going to walk you through how to get over that depression dip. Because no one, absolutely no one can be productive like that. Just a constant level of production. There's always a crest in the fall. It's always about a wave. And to expect it to be flat is only going to disappoint yourself. There'll be times when you are riding that high and times where you are dipping low. So tomorrow I want to show you how to get back out of those dips whenever they come. See you tomorrow. 5. Day 4 - Defeating Disappointment Dips: So day four and today we're gonna be discussing what happens when you reach a disappointment dip. When you are just reaching those moments where things aren't really working out, maybe it's two o'clock in the afternoon, you realize that you've not actually started the task that you hope to finish by now. And you're just feeling a bit frustrated, I think is really crucial to bear in mind with any productivity video or YouTube or that you watch. No-one one is productive all the time, even though it may look it, there will be times where they fall down that dip. But what separates those people as they get back up and start riding that wave back up towards the top again. So how do we do that? How do we make sure that we don't just stay down there? There is a technique that I have no idea where I saw it, how I came across it. I'm sure that someone else out there came up with this. But for whatever reason, this has stuck with me. And whenever I'm in a disappointment dip, this is what gets me through with a positive frame of mind. So tomorrow I can get back on track. I can lay down those breadcrumbs and I can start being productive again. When I am in a disappointment. Did and I don't do this. Every day is only when I'm feeling frustrated or annoyed. I will remind myself to think about my day as a full period day. I do my days like this. 6am to 9AM, 09:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. to 03:00 P.M. at 3PM to 06:00 P.M. if I can be productive in some way in two out of those four segments of time. I will consider that day success. If I only managed one out for them, perhaps I need to reassess and re-evaluate we motivate. But if I can hit two out of four, then I remember to just be happy and content with that. The great thing is that when you reach that disappointment dip is often within that third chunk of time. It normally is sometime around the early afternoon period where you still have a CT of the day left. And that's great because that means you can at least hit one out of four and possibly two. And when I get to that point and I can re-frame my mind and go, okay, I may have lost two out of four segments here. I may have got one in the afternoon and not started, but I'm still within that third period of time. I can still win this round. And then I've got another one to claw back. So much of productivity is about being able to re-frame your mind when you are feeling down, about yourself, when you are beating yourself up. But if you can hit two out of four chunks, then you can forgive yourself. You can go to bed, happy and content. And that is so important because productivity is a word that just sits right next to frustration. We are frustrated because we're not productive. But because we are frustrated, we often don't become productive. Even today. For me, for instance, I woke up at halfway. That first chunk of time is basically gone. I can't remember what I did 9-12. So that second one was gone as well. But from the afternoon on, I set up all of this and I've been filming. And that way I know that I have hit two out of four and I feel happy now I feel like I have been productive. So this method has helped hugely for that. Whoever did come up with this, I pay my utmost respect to u because this helps me a lot. The second part to it is what many people would just call journaling. But I find that word a bit intimidating. When I hear the words journaling, I think about writing pages and pages of my thoughts and feelings and really analyzing my day. I don't really want to do that. When I get to the end of the day though, it does help sometimes to just make a note of something I've achieved that day to make me feel good. It's all too easy to get to the end of the day and look back and think, What have I actually done? But if you can think about something that you have done and write that down, then you're not gonna beat yourself up quite as much. Yesterday, I actually wrote down in this notebook which I've just been using for my notes today. Today has been productive. Four mile run on an incline and BBC application. So I applied for a writers scheme and BBC, it's things like that which are really key to write down because when you look back, it doesn't feel like you've been productive. You think you haven't hit all the milestones. But actually, that application took several hours and that was a good use of my time. And therefore, why should I feel like I've been unproductive when I have been productive. It's about knowing when to forgive yourself and how to forgive yourself. Once you've been doing this long enough, these things will come back to you when you need them. They would just appear from the back of your brain, but that won't happen to me. So for now, write it down somewhere, leave it on your desk, makes sure that it is obvious, even if you have it on little stickers on your laptop frame. Tomorrow, on our final day, we're going to streamline what we've done. And we're also going to look at a little technique I like to use to remind myself why I'm trying to be productive is that big picture concepts. So I'll see you tomorrow. 6. Day 5 - Big Picture Motivation: Okay, So hopefully by now you feel like you have a lot of tools and techniques at your disposal to help you get back to that place of productivity. Remember this whole class isn't about being productive all the time. It's about finding your way back to productivity when you feel a little bit lost. First off, let's just recap what we've done so far. So the first thing we have to do is look at our distractions, do a deep dive analysis, and just understand why we're not being productive waters, taking our attention and then find ways to block that off. Find ways to put obstacles in between you and those distractions, both digital and physical. On day two, we looked at how to create breadcrumbs for your ideal morning routine, which is all about just leading you to the starting block, just going through those easy wins to get you to the task at hand. Or as I like to say it, we're gonna preload success for the day. On day three, we take a look at accountability, looking at how we can write an accountability letter to ourselves to make sure we stay on track the next day. But also looking at how our identity shapes our choices. So actually voting for the person we want to become a nice, easy win. And that lesson was just putting a timer, physical timer, that isn't some website, something right in front of your eyes. So you're always aware of how much time you're spending both on your work. So we're trying to speed up our efficiency and also keeping an eye on how much time we are wasting on other distractions. So it's fine to have those things. It's fine to treat ourselves to break some rewards. If you want to use the Pomodoro Technique and have a five-minute break, very 25 min of work, you do. Absolutely fine. Just make sure it is only five-minutes. Make sure that our breaks, our gaps on outweighing our productivity, our work. And then yesterday, we looked at how to get over a disappointment dip, looking at how to get ourselves back up, back on our feet. And we did that through segmentation. So making sure that we're hitting at least two out of our four chunks from the day. You can make those time periods whatever you want. The timeframes I gave you, they're just bought suits me. You may want to work on a different schedule. And on top of that, looking at journalling, which again, I use that word with some reluctance but making a note of things that have gone well in the day. Things that have either made you happy or feel like an achievement and actually not feeling like you've had an unproductive day just because you're forgetting some of the things that you've done and how long those tasks took. That's what we've been doing so far. Now, with all these techniques, you should be able to get to a really good place of making some progress and actually getting to that starting point, getting into the work. But no matter what there are times when we are head comes out of the small picture, we start looking at the big picture of why am I actually doing this. And that can be the times where we find ourselves stuck in a rut for a long time because it's not just I've had a bad day, but is that true mental block of why am I spending weeks, months, years working on this thing. To stay productive long-term, and to keep us going. I like to have a vision board. Now no doubt you know what? Vision board is really helpful. And my vision board, It's not like some of the things we talked about where it's the identity of who I want to be. It's actually some of the things I want to do with the people I want to do it with. So for me, my vision isn't just for me to become successful in some fail to become a director, to become a writer. Those things. Sure that the end goal, but what I want to achieve is a great career, but can get me the rewards that I want, which in my case is this. So normally these pictures would be filled with my actual family or friends. For the sake of this class that a bit more stock photos, but you understand the idea. So what I have is a list on the top left of the things that I want to do. The things that are going to make me happy. They're going to make me really feel like I'm living life. And on the right, just a little mantra to keep me going to help me understand why I'm doing it. And I have images that reflect those things on my list. I have take my mom to see the mountains in Iceland, enjoy the twilight of Spain with my dad. Learn to cook pasta in Italy with a friend. Ride a motorbike through Vietnam, led scuba dive. Hello, face my fear of horses. Don't ask me why, but horses terrify me and they always come after me. I swear to God, horses really haven't infamy. So they're the things that I want to do. And this is the vision of how I want it to look. And then on the bottom right, I have, this is why you are doing it. This is what weights at the end. These are the memories that will make you happy. That's really important to me because when you start something or when you are trying something new, there will always be people out there telling you not to do it. Or even in yourself, you have that imposter syndrome of not feeling like this is going to look very good from the outside, or what will people think? End of the day? If you know why you're doing it, if you have this vision of traveling the world with your family or getting over fear of something that you have. There's a good reason to doing it. Create a vision board and print it off and keep it somewhere that you can see it on a regular basis. If you keep it somewhere you see on a daily basis, you probably going to start to look past it because, you know what it's like when something's there the whole time, you kind of forget it's there at all. But having it accessible, something that's going to catch your eye once a week, once a month. That's the ideal situation for this. Now if you want to create your vision board, then if you've seen any of my other classes, you know that I love Canva. So that's how I've done mine. It's really easy bit of software. You can use it for free. There is a premium account, but you can use it for free. So have a look on Canva, create your vision board, print it off, and really just keep inside you that core reason why you want to do this. It's not just about who you want to become, is about what you want to do and the people you wanna do with when you finish. So create your vision board and you are good to go. They are your five core lessons that I wanted to teach and hopefully help you become productive. So once you've done that, go watch the outro video and that'll be it for the class. 7. Outro: Hopefully, if you are here, it is not because you are being unproductive, but it is because you have been putting these steps in place and you feel good about where you're at. If you have just watched this all in one chunk, that's absolutely fine. Just make sure you go back and do them one at a time and really make sure they stick in because you can't be productive if you just try and hear it once and then let it filter way out the back of your mind. The more you do something, the more it will become ingrained within you. Now, I just wanted to wrap up this class by really trying to make sure it lands within you that being productive is not about the flatline productivity of all the time. It is about knowing how to get up to that top of the wave and how to get out of that dip when you're in there. This class is evidence in itself because I've been meaning to do this class for a long time and I've been putting it off. I actually went through and followed all the steps to get to the point of making that first lesson and here we are at the end of it and I'm hopeful and confident that it will work for you, at least the majority. Maybe you have to tweak certain things or add your own elements but hey, that is brilliant. If you can make this more unique, more bespoke if you can make it more productive, I'm more game for that. Now if you haven't already seen it, then you might enjoy my very first class from Skillshare, which was all about brand storytelling. I imagine if you're watching this, you might be self-employed entrepreneurial spirit. Hopefully, that class will help you in another way, helped define your business, but save it for another day because right now the key is about being productive. Going and doing whatever that task is that you've been meaning to do for so long. Obviously, there was no class project for this, so I don't expect any projects, but by all means, leave me a comment in the discussion. Always happy to have a chat. I always like to leave comments if I can. Any questions or any of your own tips would be more than welcome. Thank you so much for watching, and until next time, see you soon.